Wir haben nicht die absicht eine mauer zu bauen

In West-Berlin wird das erste deutsch-amerikanische Volksfest gefeiert. Doch Gerüchte machen die Runde, wonach Ost-Berlin die Grenze schließen wolle. Das Schicksal der Stadt wird in der westlichen Welt mit Bangen beobachtet. Zu Tausenden haben die Menschen die DDR schon verlassen und tun es weiterhin. Sogenannte Grenzgänger, also Menschen, die im Westen Berlins arbeiten und im Osten leben, werden immer schärfer kontrolliert. Zur gleichen Zeit stellt sich der Staatsratsvorsitzende der DDR, Walter Ulbricht, auf einer internationalen Pressekonferenz den Fragen von Journalisten aus aller Welt. Es geht um den Status von West-Berlin. Annemarie Doherr von der „Frankfurter Rundschau“ fragt Ulbricht, ob die Bildung einer freien Stadt bedeute, dass die Staatsgrenze am Brandenburger Tor errichtet werde. Darauf erwidert Ulbricht: „Ich verstehe Ihre Frage so: Dass es Menschen in Westdeutschland gibt, die wünschen, dass wir die Bauarbeiter der Hauptstadt der DDR mobilisieren, um eine Mauer aufzurichten, ja? Eh, mir ist nicht bekannt, dass eine solche Absicht besteht, da sich die Bauarbeiter in der Hauptstadt hauptsächlich mit Wohnungsbau beschäftigen und ihre Arbeitskraft voll eingesetzt wird. Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten.“ Wenige Wochen später straft ihn die Realität in Berlin Lügen: Am 13. August 1961 wird damit begonnen, eine Mauer zu bauen und West und Ost für die folgenden 28 Jahre zu trennen.

Waving over the Berlin Wall, photo: Dan Budnik (1933-2020), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

You might wonder, why we have a German headline today. But, this is an original quote, and also a very famous one about the Berlin Wall… On June 15, 1961, first Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party and German Democratic Republic State Council chairman Walter Ulbricht stated in an international press conference,

“Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!” (No one has the intention of erecting a wall!)

Of course you know that they did erect a wall in the middle of Berlin, which divided the German capital for almost 30 years.

Post WW2

After the end of World War II in Europe, what remained of pre-war Germany west of the Oder-Neisse line was divided into four occupation zones, each one controlled by one of the four occupying Allied powers. In the same way the capital of Berlin was subdivided into four sectors despite the city’s location fully within the Soviet zone. Within two years, political divisions increased between the Soviets and the other occupying powers. These included the Soviets‘ refusal to agree to reconstruction plans making post-war Germany self-sufficient and to a detailed accounting of the industrial plants, goods and infrastructure already removed by the Soviets. Britain, France, the United States and the Benelux countries later met to combine the non-Soviet zones of the country into one zone for reconstruction and to approve the extension of the Marshall Plan.

Berlin Blockade

In 1948, following disagreements regarding reconstruction and a new German currency, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instituted the Berlin Blockade, preventing food, materials and supplies from arriving in West Berlin. The former Western allies began a massive “airlift“, supplying West Berlin with food and other supplies until in May 1949, Stalin lifted the blockade, permitting the resumption of Western shipments to Berlin. On 7 October 1949, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) was declared. East Germany differed from the Western counterpart, the Federal Republic of Germany, which developed into a Western capitalist country with a social market economy and a democratic parliamentary government. Continual economic growth starting in the 1950s fuelled a 20-year “economic miracle” (“Wirtschaftswunder“) and as West Germany’s economy grew, and its standard of living steadily improved, many East Germans wanted to move to West Germany. In the first 6 months of 1953 alone, more than 226,000 had already fled.

Consequently, the inner German border between the two German states was closed, and a barbed-wire fence erected. The border between the Western and Eastern sectors of Berlin, however, remained open, although traffic between the Soviet and the Western sectors was somewhat restricted. This resulted in Berlin becoming a magnet for East Germans desperate to escape, and also a flashpoint for tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1957, East Germany introduced a new passport law that reduced the overall number of refugees leaving Eastern Germany with the result of drastically increasing the percentage of those leaving through West Berlin from 60% to well over 90% by the end of 1958. Despite heavy penalties, but with no physical barrier and subway train access still available to West Berlin, such measures were ineffective. The emigrants tended to be young and well-educated, leading to the “brain drain” feared by officials in East Germany. An important reason that the West Berlin border was not closed earlier was that doing so would cut off much of the railway traffic in East Germany. With the construction of a new railway bypassing West Berlin, the Berlin outer ring, completed in 1961, closing the border became a more practical position. In particular the brain drain of professionals had become so damaging to the political credibility and economic viability of East Germany that the re-securing of the German communist frontier was imperative.

Building a Wall

Thus, on 15 June 1961, First Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party and GDR State Council chairman Walter Ulbricht stated in an international press conference, “Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!“. It was the first time the colloquial term Mauer (wall) had been used in this context. The record of a telephone call between Nikita Khrushchev and Ulbricht on 1 August in the same year, suggests that it was from Khrushchev that the initiative for the construction of the wall came. What is beyond dispute, though, is that Ulbricht had pushed for a border closure for quite some time, arguing that East Germany’s very existence was at stake. Khrushchev had been emboldened by US President John F. Kennedy’s tacit indication that the US would not actively oppose this action in the Soviet sector of Berlin.

On Saturday, 12 August 1961, while attending a garden party, Ulbricht signed the order to close the border and erect a wall. At midnight, the police and units of the East German army began to close the border and, by Sunday morning, 13 August, the border with West Berlin was closed. East German troops and workers had begun to tear up streets running alongside the border to make them impassable to most vehicles and to install barbed wire entanglements and fences along the 156km around the three western sectors, as well as the 43km that divided West and East Berlin.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall | Axel Martens | Talks at Google, [5]

References and Further Reading:

  • [1] The Berlin Wall Memorial
  • [2] The Berlin Wall at berlin.de
  • [3] The Bridge of Spies and the biggest Agent Swap in History, SciHi Blog
  • [4] The Berlin Wall at Wikidata
  • [5] The Fall of the Berlin Wall | Axel Martens | Talks at Google, 2014, Talks at Google
  • [6] Image Grid from pictures related to the Berlin Wall, via DBpedia and Wikidata

Wer hat veranlasst die Mauer zu bauen?

Wer hat die Berliner Mauer bauen lassen? Die DDR-Regierung ließ im August 1961 die Berliner Mauer errichten. Den Befehl gab der Ministerrat am 12. August unter Führung des SED-Parteichef und Staatsratsvorsitzenden Walter Ulbricht.

Wie nannte Honecker die Mauer?

Da wurde mein langsam tatterig werdendes Staats- und Parteioberhaupt Erich Honecker mit einem Satz zitiert, den er auf dieser Konferenz holterdiepolter über die Staatsgrenze fallen ließ – jene weiße Linie, die eigentlich eine rote Linie war, über die man gar nicht sprach. Und er nannte sie auch noch Mauer.

Wie nannte man die Mauer in der DDR?

Die "Berliner Mauer" stand zwischen 1961 und 1989 in Berlin. Sie hat Ost-Berlin von West-Berlin abgetrennt. Die Regierung der DDR hat die Mauer errichtet, um die Einwohner der DDR daran zu hindern, ihr Land zu verlassen.

Wie begründet Walter Ulbricht den Bau der Mauer?

Ulbricht hatte sehr wohl die Absicht, die Grenze nach West-Berlin zu schließen. Er ging auch davon aus, dass er die Kontrolle über die Verbindungswege zwischen der BRD und West-Berlin erlangen würde.


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