Which word is an example of a verb to use in developing quantitative research questions?

Depending on how subjective/objective and how easy/hard/impossible the quantity is to quantify, you could use: measured, quantified, characterized, described, analyzed, studied, performed a [quantitative] study of, investigated, examined...

Also possibly codified, formalized, systematized, canonicalized, defined/devised a quantitative scale/units for...

Like I commented, it depends on whether you're talking about e.g. measuring temperatures, or self-reported level of perceived pain in patients, or customer satisfaction, or brand sentiment on social media. There is no one single best term. Even for customer satisfaction, there are different ways to measure it and different behaviors or attitudes to quantify.

PSY7860 QUIZ 1Question 1True/False. Correct Survey research is helpful when we want to know if a treatment influences an outcome.Answer:FalseQuestion 2True/False. A qualitative case study design allows research to develop a theory from a bottom-up approach.Answer:FalseQuestion 3True/False. If a researcher wanted to answer a question about the relationship between learning outcomes andgrades, a correlational design would be used.Answer:TrueQuestion 4True/False. The experience of homelessness would be a great topic to study using a phenomenological researchdesign.Answer:TrueQuestion 5Which of the following represents a quantitative research design?Answer:b. Survey research.Answers:a. Narrative research.b. Survey research.c. Ethnography.d. Phenomenological research.

PSY7860 QUIZ 2QUESTION 1Conference papers and proceedings are not appropriate sources of literature for a literature review.TrueFalseQUESTION 2The literature review accomplishes several purposes. Which of the following describe(s) those purposes?a.It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the one beingundertaken.b.It relates a study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature, filling in gaps and extending priorstudies.c.It provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study as well as a benchmark forcomparing the results with other findings.d.All of the above.QUESTION 3True/False. Quantitative studies should incorporate a review of the literature at the beginning of the study toprovide direction for the research study; whereas qualitative studies should incorporate a review of the literature atthe end to compare and contrast with the themes and categories of the study.TrueFalseQUESTION 4Which suggestion is a useful tip when designing a visual literature map?a.Include citations to provide evidence of major concepts.b.Avoid using circles or flowcharts for clarity.c.Include at least 75 studies.d.Focus only on quantitative research articles.QUESTION 5Which type of literature varies the most in quality and should be lower in priority?a.Conference papers.b.Research monographs.c.Encyclopedias.d.Dissertations.

PSY7860 QUIZ 3QUESTION 1A priori theoretical perspectives are used in both qualitative and quantitative studies.

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Qualitative Research, researcher

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1.Which word is an example of an exploratory verb to use in developing qualitativeresearch questions?

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2.The null hypothesis predicts there is a relationship between the variable and a

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3.A strong mixed methods study should contain two research questions: a qualitativequestion and a quantitative question or hypothesis.

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4.Which word is an example of a verb to use in developing quantitative research

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5. Demographic variables are often used as

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6.When developing qualitative research questions, what is a limit for the number of

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7. Order matters when developing mixed methods research questions and hypotheses.

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8.Qualitative research questions should begin with the wordshoworwhatto illustratean emergent, inductive design.

Which is an example of a verb to use in developing quantitative research questions?

Suggested verbs to use in qualitative research questions are: discover, understand, describe, explore. Suggested verbs to use in quantitative research questions are those which convey the idea of cause and effect i.e. they indicate the link between variables: compare, relate, cause and influence.

What are examples of quantitative research questions?

Quantitative questions are close-ended which makes them easy to answer. You can ask a lot of these questions without tiring survey respondents..
How many?.
How often?.
How frequently?.
How much?.
What percentage?.
What proportion?.
To what extent?.
What is?.

What are some key words of quantitative research?

Selective keywords include quantitative, survey, validity, variance, correlation and statistical.

What kind of words can be used in qualitative research?

Qualitative research questions often contain words like lived experience, personal experience, understanding, meaning, and stories.


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