Wer ist curvy supermodel 2022

KostenpflichtigGoldene Lena bei GNTM: „Kleidung spielt keine Rolle, Körpergefühl dafür umso mehr“

Wer ist curvy supermodel 2022

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18 Uhr: Lena und ihre Kolleginnen stellen in der elften Runde des Modelwettstreits Uhrzeiten dar.

© Quelle: Pro Sieben/Sven Doornkaat

In der elften Runde von Heidi Klums Germany’s Next Top Model erhalten die zwölf verbliebenden Kandidatinnen eine ganz besondere Körperhülle. Starmodel Musk gibt Tipps.

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Teltow. Die Kandidaten von Heidi Klums Modelschau funkeln in der elften Folge mit goldener Körperfarbe als Uhrzeiger. Heidi Klum, Chefjurorin von Germany’s Next Top Model, erklärt: „Im inneren der Uhr gibt es kleinere und größere Ringe, an denen sich die Models je nach Körpergröße festhalten können.“ Lena (21) aus Teltow hält sich mit beiden Armen am obersten Ring der Uhr fest und zieht ihre Beine waagerecht nach oben. Es ist 12.15 Uhr. „Ich möchte den Leuten zeigen, dass es für ein gutes Posing nicht darauf ankommt, ob ein Model dick oder dünn ist“, erklärt die Teltowerin.


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At GNTM, Sarina Nowak came sixth in 2009. A lot has happened for the model since then, today she is back on Heidi Klum’s show as a guest judge. GALA provides an overview.

At just 16 years old, Sarina Nowak, now 28, took part in the casting show “Germany’s Next Top Model”. She can convince Heidi Klum, 48, for a long time and finally finishes sixth. In the end she has to leave because Heidi thought she was too sexy. Now Sarina is allowed to appear again in the TV show. In season 17, however, she is not seen on the catwalk, but as a guest judge and is allowed to sit in the chair next to Heidi today (March 10). The young candidate has grown into an adult and successful woman. What is Sarina’s key to success?

Sarina Nowak stuck to her dream from the start

Her participation in GNTM does not bring her the title, but Sarina is still signed to Heidi’s father Günther Klum, 76, by the agency. Large orders and success in the fashion industry are not available under the management of “ONEeins fab”. So Sarina takes her dream into her own hands – and emigrates to the USA to start as a model. But here, too, nobody seems to have been waiting for her at first. The big success is missing. She was repeatedly told that she was “too fat” to work as a model, the blonde explains.

At some point, the 28-year-old will put an end to years of dieting and hard workout programs. In an interview with GALA, she tells of the high pressure that the industry put on her: “The way I am now, it’s my natural physique. Before that, I always lost weight and tortured myself. At that time, I was also afraid of going to castings or going into the agency. I’ve always tried to hide my body.”

She begins to eat a balanced diet – and a little later proudly posts photos of her new curves on Instagram. From there it goes steeply uphill: She is signed to one of the most renowned agencies for curvy models and walks the catwalk for “Sports Illustrated” in Miami in summer 2018.

Wer ist curvy supermodel 2022

No more seriousness: Sarina is allowed to walk the runway for “Sports Illustrated” – and is beaming from ear to ear.

© Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

That’s why Sarina now lives in the USA (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

An important reason for her move to the USA: the market for plus-size models is much larger here than in Germany, as the native of Bohlsen knows. She’s right – and how! With his campaign for Forever21, the model made it onto the screens in Times Square.

Another milestone in her career: Khloé Kardashian, 37, notices her and books her for her brand Good American. Sarina is allowed to model alongside the entrepreneur, who campaigns for the acceptance of all body shapes and clothing sizes with her brand. A great sign – and a crazy success for Sarina.

She can already look back on a successful career

From size zero model to curvy woman: Sarina Nowak has made an impressive transformation. With her work she shows that curvy women can also be successful in the job. While she didn’t have any big jobs as a slim model at the time, customers and brands are now vying for the 28-year-old. Sarina is not only making a name for herself in the fashion industry: in 2018 her first book “Curvy” ranked 40th on the Spiegel bestseller list.

She took third place as a contestant on Dancing on Ice, designs her own fashion line with About You, is the cover girl for The Curvy Magazine, and is trying to make a name for herself as an actress in the theater. In 2021 she will graduate from the Tom Todoroff Conservatory acting school in New York. And it’s also going well as a model: Khloé’s sister Kim Kardashian also seems to have taken a liking to Sarina. She books her as a model for her brand Skims. Respect, because who can claim to be so well received by the Kardashians?

This is what the ex-GNTM girls look like today Sarina Nowak is more successful than ever as a curvy model

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This is how it goes for her

Sarina currently lives in Los Angeles and New York. It is unclear whether the beautiful blonde is still with her boyfriend Dynamo Lewis. In the spring of 2021, there will be initial speculation about a possible wedding – Sarina has not yet revealed what is really behind it. So it remains exciting about the power woman!

