wer ist das

Important: If you use Sign in with Google for non-Google sites or Chrome Remote Desktop to connect remotely, view this info before you change your email address.

Step 2: Change it

  1. Next to your email address, select Edit wer ist das
  2. Enter the new email address for your account. Choose one that isn't already used by another Google Account.
  • If you're having trouble, get help changing your email address.
  1. Follow the steps on the screen.

We'll send an email with a verification link to your new email address. You'll need to open the email and click the link. If you don't get the email, try fixing the problem.

Get help changing your email address

  • To switch from a Gmail address to a non-Gmail address, you need to delete your Gmail address. Learn more about deleting your Gmail address.
  • To switch from a non-Gmail address to a Gmail address, add Gmail to your account. Learn how to add Gmail to your account.
  • If the email address you want is already an alternate email, remove it there first.

Options if you can't change it

  • If you want to sign in with another email address, add it as an alternate email.
  • Learn how to check emails from other accounts in Gmail.
  • Create a Google Account with a different Gmail address.

Sign in with Google & Chrome Remote Desktop users

If you use Sign in with Google or Chrome Remote Desktop and you change your primary email address for your Google account, you may experience issues.

Some reasons you might change your primary email address are:

  • You previously used a non-Gmail email address and you sign up for a Gmail account.
  • You have a Gmail account but create a new Gmail account to be your main account.

Sign in with Google

If you created an account with a non-Google site with Sign in with Google and you change your primary email address, you may lose access to the account you created on that non-Google site.

Tip: If you can't access the account you created with a non-Google site, contact the non-Google site directly to recover your account.

Chrome Remote Desktop

If you use Chrome Remote Desktop and change your primary email address, follow these steps to fix your remote connections:

No power other than its own can change it.

Keine andere Macht als sie kann es ändern.

Let us know, we can change it.

Informieren Sie uns, wir können es ändern.

Please change it immediately after login in.

Bitte ändere es gleich nach der Anmeldung in deinem Kontobereich.

If it causes discomfort, then you need to change it.

Wenn es Beschwerden verursacht, müssen Sie es ändern.

However, developers decided to change it.

Jedoch haben sich die Hersteller entschieden, sie zu ändern.

We have decided to change it.

Wir haben uns entschieden, das zu ändern.

Select the visibility to change it.

Wählen Sie die Sichtbarkeit aus, um diese zu ändern.

You can change it to a friendlier address like.

Sie können dies in eine benutzerfreundlichere Adresse ändern, z. B. "".

To accomplish this change it is endowed with extensive powers.

Um diese Veränderung zu erreichen, ist er mit umfassenden Vollmachten ausgestattet.

Click the current setting to view or change it.

Klicken Sie auf die aktuelle -Einstellung, um diese anzuzeigen oder zu ändern.

Double-click a Value to change it.

Doppelklicken Sie auf einen Wert, um ihn zu ändern.

To change it, click Browse.

Um den Speicherort zu ändern, klicken Sie auf Durchsuchen.

Double-click the name to change it.

Klicken Sie doppelt auf den Namen, um ihn zu ändern.

Click the status to change it.

Klicken Sie auf den Status, um ihn zu ändern.

Double-click a policy to change it.

Doppelklicken Sie auf eine Richtlinie, um diese zu ändern.

Click an icon behavior to change it.

Klicken Sie auf ein Symbol, um dessen Verhalten zu ändern.

Changes in IT services are either proactive or reactive. Want to install a new printer? Add a new domain controller? These proactive changes focus mainly on offering new products or services. This adds value to your organization through cost-savings or more efficiency. Is your security breached and do you need to patch one of your servers in a hurry? Reactive changes mainly involve resolving errors like these.

Say you have a brand-new technology that you’d like to implement across the entire organization. With Change- and Release Management, this process becomes more smooth and efficient. Why this matters? Because every change you make to your infrastructure could lead to bugs or problems. And this in turn leads to your services being disrupted. It also leads to downtime of your systems, and reduced productivity of your service desk staff. In fact, poor change management could lead to lots of incidents, even major incidents.

Change Management safeguards your services against any of these unnecessary errors. And if an error does occur? Thanks to the software, you can easily trace all changes and pinpoint where things went wrong.