Who defined power as the ability to bring about an intended outcome even when opposed by others quizlet?

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Terms in this set (34)

- Participants in any conflict, whether minor or serious, have these same three basic options:
----To persuade is to get people's compliance by convincing them of the correctness of your position and goals.
----To reward is to encourage people's compliance by offering a positive incentive.
----To coerce is to force compliance by threatening, intimidating, pressuring, or harming someone.
- Reward and coercion are sometimes two sides of the same coin.
- In many cases, coercion is much more sinister, involving threats to people's livelihood, freedom, or physical well-being.
- Ultimately, people in power cannot rely for long on coercion alone. It is more efficient if people control their own behavior.

- French and Raven's six bases of power in small groups and organizations:
- reward power, the control one party has over valued resources that can be used to provide positive incentives;
- coercive power, the ability to punish;
- legitimate power, which is exercised by those who invoke a feeling of obligation;
- referent power, based on feelings of identification, affection, and respect for another person;
- expert power, which arises from the perception that a person has superior knowledge in a particular area;
- informational power, which is based on a person's use of facts, data, or other evidence to argue rationally or persuade.

- Valued resources include
-- economic resources, such as money, property, and land;
-- human resources, such as education, training, and skills;
-- cultural resources, such as knowledge and socialization;
-- social resources, such as important networks of people;
-- honorific resources, such as prestige and status;
-- civil resources, such as legal rights;
-- political resources, such as authority in the home, workplace, political arena, or social life.

Sets with similar terms

Who defined power as the ability to bring about an intended outcome?

Many scholars adopt the definition developed by German sociologist Max Weber, who said that power is the ability to exercise one's will over others (Weber 1922).

Who defined power as the ability to bring about an intended outcome even when opposed by others?

Power (Max Weber) The ability to bring about an intended outcome when opposed by others. Empowerment. Increases peoples capacity to to bring about an intended outcome.

Which term refers to the legitimate use of power?

state. the term that refers to the legitimate use of power is. authority.

Which of the following statements describe the relationship between power and compliance?

Which of the following statements describe the relationship between power and compliance? When authorities achieve compliance through coercion, conflict can often lurk beneath the orderly surface of society. Those with power depend upon compliance to maintain their position.


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