What is the difference between business ethics and corporate social responsibility?

Most people use the terms “business ethics” and “social responsibility” interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two concepts. Business ethics refers to the moral principles that guide a company’s decisions and actions, while social responsibility encompasses not only a company’s ethical obligations, but also its environmental and economic impacts on society. In order to ensure that they are operating in an ethical manner, businesses should thoroughly understand the distinctions between these two concepts.

What are Business Ethics?

Business ethics is the study of proper business practices and how they relate to moral principles. It covers a wide range of topics, from the ethical implications of marketing to the responsibilities of top executives. Business ethics also includes questions about the environment, social responsibility, and animal rights. The goal of business ethics is to create a framework for businesses to operate in a way that is both morally sound and profitable. Businesses that adhere to high ethical standards often find that their customers are more loyal and their employees are more productive. In addition, businesses that act ethically often enjoy a competitive advantage over those that do not. As a result, business ethics is an important part of any successful organization.

What is Social Responsibility?

Social responsibility is an important concept in business. It refers to the idea that businesses have a responsibility to society beyond simply making a profit. This means that businesses should act in ways that are ethical and sustainable, and that contribute to the common good. Social responsibility can take many forms, from protecting the environment to supporting local communities. By acting responsibly, businesses can help create a positive future for both themselves and society as a whole.

Difference between Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Business ethics and social responsibility are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction between the two terms. Business ethics refer to the ethical principles that guide businesses in their decision making. These principles can be internal, such as a company’s code of conduct, or external, such as laws and regulation. Social responsibility, on the other hand, refers to the voluntary actions that a business takes to address social issues. This can include initiatives like environmental sustainability programs or community outreach programs. While business ethics are about following the rules, social responsibility is about going above and beyond what is required.


The main difference between business ethics and social responsibility is that social responsibility takes into account the impact of a company’s actions on society, while business ethics are more about how companies interact with their employees and customers. Both concepts are important for organizations, but it’s important to understand the distinctions so that you can create an ethical framework for your own business.

(I don’t actually know who reads my blog, so it’s hard to target an audience. So I try to make sure some of the postings are “educational”, for the benefit of readers who don’t know much about academic business ethics, and other postings merely informative in a here’s-something-neat kind of way. Today’s posting is of the former variety. I hope.)

This posting is actually in response to an e-mailed enquiry I received from a student doing an Executive MBA, in Austria no less. She wanted to know the difference between “business ethics” and “CSR” (Corporate Social Responsibility). Here’s roughly what I told her:

Unfortunately, there are no clear, widely-accepted definitions available for these terms. “CSR,” in particular, is used MANY different ways by different groups.

The way I explain the difference to my own students is this: Business Ethics is the VERY broad field of study concerning good ethical decision-making in commercial contexts. CSR is more narrowly about a company’s SOCIAL obligations…that is, a company’s obligations to society in general. So, business ethics is concerned with not just social obligations, but also obligations to employees, customers, suppliers and competitors. CSR is about the extent to which companies owe something to “society at large” (i.e., those who do not have a direct involvement with the business).

Jeff Bartel is chairman and managing director of Hamptons Group, a private investment and strategic advisory firm headquartered in Miami.


The pyramid of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is evolving, and organizations must evolve with it. Popular theories of business ethics that once maintained profitability as the sole foundational base are giving way to new constructs that place social and environmental concerns on the same level, creating a triple bottom line proposition for corporate entities. Understanding that foundation and how business ethics plays a role in support is critical to developing processes, messaging and company cultures that support growth.

The Triple Bottom Line Has Upended The Pyramid Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Defined by Archie B. Carroll in the latter part of the 20th century, the pyramid of corporate social responsibility contended that companies had obligations in four key areas: profitability, legality, ethics and philanthropy. In Carroll’s model, these obligations were not all equal. Economic drivers were first and foremost, making profitability the pyramid’s base.

Built upon it (in decreasing importance) was the need to obey the law, engage in good business ethics and become a moral member of the community making local contributions.

That model does not work for businesses today. Consumers, governments and cultures are looking for more from corporate entities. It is still essential to maintain a profit. Profitable companies can be better contributors to the community than those that don’t earn a profit. It is equally necessary for businesses to shepherd social and environmental resources.

Thus, the triple bottom line is upending the pyramid, replacing it with a triune obligation toward profits, people and the planet.

The Difference Between Business Ethics And CSR

Doing the right thing, which means engaging in good business ethics, is not the same as corporate social responsibility. CSR is the onus on a business to act in the interest and for the benefit of the community whenever possible—sometimes even at the detriment of a profitable opportunity that may have adverse outcomes for the environment or people.

Business ethics is a broader concept that should govern everything a business and its people do. A company that operates ethically often makes decisions that support strong corporate social responsibility.

In short, if you were trying to re-create a pyramid of CSR with the understanding that profitability cannot be the base, business ethics might be a suitable replacement. When ethics inform everything else up the pyramid, businesses create more consistent approaches to modern CSR, from profits to corporate environmentalism.

Prioritizing Corporate Responsibility And Driving Strong Profits

It is clear to anyone involved in the corporate world that doing the right thing and making the most significant profit do not always align. However, that does not mean you cannot focus on corporate responsibility and ethical business practices while driving and delivering excellent financial profits.

First, modern customers and business partners care about corporate responsibility and ethics and increasingly choose to deal with companies that demonstrate them. While price remains a driver for purchasing decisions, customers also want to work with or buy from brands that align with their personal values. The advent of ethical consumerism is becoming a permanent and important factor in how and where people decide to buy, sell, consume and transact.

A firm’s focus solely on financial profitability may not support business responsibility and ethics. Doing what is suitable for the financial bottom line can sometimes take you off the path of doing what is right for people or the planet. Eventually, customers, clients and other stakeholders may take note of this and stop supporting your business, creating a slippery slope that drives profits down, even if you are focused on them exclusively.

Responsible, ethical businesses can also engage in cost savings when focused on sustainability. While these approaches may require short-term investments that impact profitability, they safeguard profits for the future.

Finally, value-based leaders are more likely to be dedicated to their workforce’s needs, investing in health and wellness initiatives, flexible scheduling and other programs that support work-life balance. That servant leadership approach creates more productive workers and more engaged employees, increasing cost savings and maximizing production. This leads to more significant returns.

Businesses Cannot Afford To Ignore Ethics And CSR

Ethics, values and corporate social responsibility are no longer elements of the pyramid built upon a base that solely prioritizes financial profitability. They are as important as economic stability for the future of businesses, particularly in light of ethical consumerism and corporate accountability in the public square. Corporations and other organizations cannot afford to ignore them.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?

What are the difference between business ethics and corporate social responsibility?

Ethics can either be individual, societal, organizational, or occupational morals and values. On the other hand, social responsibility is concerned with the application of ethical concerns for the benefit of a community. Business ethics and social responsibility are similar and can be used interchangeably.

What is difference between ethics and social responsibility?

Ethics can be defined as individual, occupational, organizational, or societal morals and values, while social responsibility is the practical application of ethical concerns for the benefit of society as a whole.

What is the relationship between business ethics and social responsibility?

Social Responsibility is a crucial part of business ethics. A responsible organisation considers and recognises the impact that its decisions and activities impact on society and the environment; and behaves in a manner that positively contributes to the sustainable development, health and welfare of society.

What are the similarities between business ethics and CSR?

Both business ethics and CSR deal with the human conduct, practices, decisions, way of doing things, including both external observable behaviors and internal unobservable intentions. Ethics and CSR deal with universal moral values.


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