What is the appropriate number of repetitions when performing balance strength exercises?

All of the following items are potential response in the system when a stressor is too much to handle EXCEPT which of the following?

Emotional fatigue
Muscle strain
Stress fracture
Muscle spasm

Which of the following exercise positions should be avoided in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy?

What two factors contribute to children having less of a tolerance for temperature extremes, especially when exercising?

Higher submaximal oxygen demand, lower sweating rate

According to research, hypertrophy is achieved by training with what percentage of 1RM?

When designing a core training program for a new client, they should be progressed by:

starting with a slow steady tempo and gradually increase.

The preferred resistance training system for using the Optimum Performance Training Model is:

Which of the following exercises would be considered a Chest Stabilization resistance training exercise according to the OPT Model?

Good levels of neuromuscular control, tissue extensibility, core stability, and balance are recommended before using what type of stretching?

What is the main goal as seen in balance training?

Challenge limits of stability

An example of a Zone three cardiorespiratory exercise is:

In the Strength Level of the Optimum Performance Training Model, progressing exercise is accomplished in terms of:

An annual plan (macrocycle) for a client with the goal of increasing lean body mass would cycle through which of the following Phases of the OPT Model?

Which if the following exercises is considered a Core-Stabilization exercise?

A Floor Prone Cobra is considered what type of exercise?

According to research, endurance is best achieved by performing what number of repetitions at 50 - 70% of the 1RM?

Which if the following exercises best reflects a Reactive-Strength exercise according to the text?

Which of the following energy source(s) are used while training in the first Phase of the OPT Model, Stabilization and Endurance Training?

Oxidative and Glycolyisis

Maximum heart rate is determined by which of the following formulas?

Metabolic specificity is best defined as:

the energy demand placed on the body.

Which of the following is equal to the total volume of repetitions per exercise that is performed within a specified time?

Sets multiplied by repetitions

Which of the following exercises and be considered a core exercise in the Strength Level of the Optimum Performance Training Model?

A client that exhibits musculoskeletal imbalances should do which of the following prior to performing cardiorespiratory portion of the workout?

What is the appropriate tempo for a client training in the Stabilization Endurance Training Phase of the OPT Model (Phase 1)?

The following items are all points of focus for clients training in Phase 1 of the Optimum Performance Training Model (Stabilization Endurance Training) EXCEPT:

increasing lean body mass.
establishing proper neuromuscular control.
improving stabilization of the core musculature.
correcting muscle imbalances.

Which of the following flexibility techniques are used in all parts of the integrated flexibility continuum?

Exercises that emphasize an agonist immediately followed by an exercise that emphasizes the antagonist are known as:

Which of the following best represents a proper warm-up for a Power-Level client?

Self-myofascial release, followed by dynamic stretching

According to the OPT Model, the adaptation of power, as seen in the third building block, aims to improve which of the following?

Regressions for a Prone Iso-Ab include:

perform with forearms on bench.

The proper progression for a client in a balance training program would include:

two leg stable to one leg stable.

In a balance training program, which of the following most accurately describes proper proprioceptive challenge progressions?

Half foam roll, Airex pad, DynaDisc

What is the recommended repetition range for individuals with arthritis?

The Reverse Crunch is considered what type of exercise?

A Squat-Jump with Stabilization is considered what type of exercise?

Utilizing multiple set systems of training versus single set systems of training have been shown to be:

What type of exercise would a Single-Leg Balance Reach be considered?

What is the name of the plane of motion that divides the body into two halves of front and back, thereby allowing for side to side movement?

What is the main goal as seen in balance training?

Challenge limits of stability

A regression for the exercise Multiplanar Step-Up Balance to Overhead Press in the Stabilization Endurance Training Phase of the Optimum Performance Training Model would include:

In recent studies, circuit weight training has been shown to demonstrate which of the following?

Is equally beneficial to traditional cardiorespiratory 

What is the recommended rest interval between pairs when training in the Power Level of the Optimum Performance Training Model?

What is the recommended tempo for core exercises when performed in the Maximal Strength Training Phase of the Strength Level of the OPT Model?

Which shoulder exercise is appropriate for a client training in Phase 3 of the OPT Model?

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Static stretching requires holding the muscle at a point of tension for a minimum of how many seconds?

Research has demonstrated that higher volume training (3 - 4 sets at 9 - 20 repetitions) produces what type of training adaptation?

Clients who have progressed in the Strength Level of the Optimum Performance Training Model would be ready to begin training in which new heart rate zone?

The periodization cycle term for an annual training plan is termed:

Which phase of training in the Optimum Performance Training Model enhances prime mover strength and improves rate of force production concurrently?

A lunge to Two-Arm Dumbbell Press is considered what type of exercise?

An annual plan for a client with a goal of basic body fat reduction would include which of the following phases of the Optimum Performance Training Model?

Hypertrophy can best be described as:

enlargement of skeletal muscle fibers in response to overcoming force from high volumes of tension.

A Single-Leg Squat Touchdown is considered what type of exercise in the Optimum Performance Training Model?

Approximately what percentage of annual ACL injuries is noncontact related?

Which of the following training systems would be most appropriate for a client with limited time available and a goal to alter body composition?

Repetition range for resistance training exercises during a Phase 3 workout of Hypertrophy training in the Strength Level program is:

A Single-Leg Squat is an example of what type of exercise?

When training a client in Phase 2 of the Optimum Performance Training Model, which of the following exercise ranges match best for core training?

What would be the appropriate regression of a Box Jump Down with Stabilization?

Box Jump-Up with Stabilization

Which of the following MOST accurately describes a typical client with Type II diabetes?

Female, age 56, BMI 35, sedentary lifestyle, regulates with nutrition

The process of using agonists and synergists to dynamically move the joint into a range of motion is known as:

active-isolated stretching.

What form of flexibility applies gentle force to an adhesion "knot", altering the elastic muscle fibers from a bundled position into a straighter alignment with the direction of the muscle and/or fascia?

Which of the following can be used as implements when performing reactive training exercises?

A Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift is an example of what type of exercise?

The rationale for integrated training suggests that in developing training programs for clients, three things must be taken into consideration, these are:

the person, their environment, and tasks performed on the environment.

Reactive training helps improve which of the following?

According to the Optimum Performance Training Model, an Ice Skater is considered what type of exercise?

What repetition range is appropriate in order to achieve the adaptation of strength?

All of the following items are physiologic benefits obtained from following the Optimum Performance Training Model EXCEPT:

decreased body fat.
increased tissue tensile strength.
increased bone density.
improve cardiorespiratory efficiency.

The following items are all adaptations seen in the Strength Level of the Optimum Performance Training Model EXCEPT:

Maximal Strength.
Stabilization Endurance.
Strength Endurance.

Reactive training aims to generate what type of force out put in what type of time?

Which of the following exercises best represents a Back-Stabilization exercise?

A medicine ball Rotation Chest Pass is an example of what type of exercise in the Optimum Performance Training Model?

Exercises in Core-Stabilization should focus on which of the following?

Increase neuralmuscular control

A Squat Jump with Stabilization is considered what type of exercise?

How would you make a Single-Arm Row more proprioceptively challenging, as seen in progressions of Phase 1, Stabilization Endurance Training?

Volume is inversely related to what?

A Floor Prone Cobra is considered what type of exercise?

How many repetitions should be performed during stabilization level exercise?

Phase 1: Stabilization & Endurance During this first phase, clients will perform 12-20 repetitions per set, their movement speeds will slow down, and the intensity/weight used for exercises reduced to promote muscular endurance and ensure correct form and technique.

How many repetitions should be done of each muscular strength and endurance exercise?

For experienced lifters who want to improve their muscular strength, aim for 8–12 reps per set for 2–4 sets, with a 2- to 3-minute rest between sets. To improve your muscular endurance, do 15–20 repetitions at no more than 50% of your 1RM, with a 2- to 3-minute rest between every one or two sets.

What are the repetition guidelines for muscular strength?

Aim to lift each weight for 8 to 15 repetitions (or “reps”), which equals one set. In general, more reps (about 10 to 15), and therefore lighter weights, are needed for general fitness and endurance. To build strength and muscle mass, aim for fewer reps (about 8 to 10) and use heavier weights.

What are the repetitions sets tempo and frequency for Phase 5 resistance training?

NASM CPT4 - Program Design.


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