What is an English like representation of the logical steps it takes to solve a problem?

The idea of following a set of steps that indicates what has to be done and when it should be done

The process of showing what happens when and how it should occur. It is the logic behind what should be done.

Programming and flowcharts

About documenting been implementing processes that will make something happen

The whole section of code can be used directly without changes

Collection of components needed to process and store data using a computer

Physical equipment that is part of a computer

Computer commands and instructions, give the hardware direction and tell it what to do

A set of instructions written by a programmer

Writing software instructions

Computer hardware and software accomplish three major operations:

1. Input – data into the computer
2. Processing – central processing unit (CPU) follows instructions and completes tasks
3. Output – data out of the computer to monitor, printer, network, etc.

Different styles and syntax to wright computer instructions
Four example:
-Visual Basic
-or Java

The rules defining how a programming language is formatted i.e. word usage, punctuation, layout

-Temporary storage internal to the computer
-Volatile-meaning not permanent

Permanent storage devices

-nonvolatile – permanent
-hard drive, tape, memory stick

Compiler or an interpreter

-used to translate program language code into machine language (binary)
-check for errors in program syntax

-input will be excepted, some processing will occur, and results will be output

A program with syntax errors...

-design errors or errors in program logic
-May not run or produce incorrect output

Logic of the computer program

Sequence of specific instructions and specific order

Named memory location is value can vary

Program development cycle

1. Understand the problem
2. Plan the logic
3. Code the program
4. You software, a compiler or interpreter, to translate the program into machine language
5. Test the program
6. Put the program into production
7. Maintain the program

Program development cycle figure 1

Understanding the problem

-The first step and most difficult aspect of programming

People the program is written for

Written support of the program. Describes use, function etc.

Heart of the programming process

Most common planning tools (2)

1. Flowcharts
2. Pseudocode

Walking through our programs latch it on paper before you actually write the program

-hundreds of programming languages are available
Choose based on features a like in their basic capabilities
-easier than planning step

Using software to translate the program into machine language

-misuse of a language is grammar rules
-programmer corrects listed syntax errors
-might need to recompile the cold several times

Using somewhere to translate their program into machine language
Figure 2

Use a syntactically correct statement but use the wrong one for the current context

Execute the program with some sample data to see whether the results are logically correct

Program should be tested with many sets of data

Putting the program into production

Entire set of actions and organization must take to switch over to using a new program or set of programs

Making changes after program is put into production

Common first programming job

Maintaining previously written programs

Make changes to existing programs

Repeat the development cycle

English – like representation of the logic steps it takes to solve a problem

Victorio representation of the logical steps it takes to solve a problem

Writing pseudocode, continued

-program is pretty face their pseudocode with a beginning statement like "start" and end it with a terminating statement like "stop"
-flexible because it is a planning to

1. Create a flowchart
2. Input symbol
3. Processing symbol

Drawing geometric shapes that contain individual statements

Connect shapes with arrows

-Indicates input operation


-processing statements such as arithmetic

Drawing flowchart, continued

– Output symbol
– flowlines
-terminal symbols

-represents output statements

-arrows that connect steps

-start/stop symbols
-shaped like a racetrack
-also called lozenge

Drying flow charts
Figure 6

Repeating instructions, continued
– Loop
– Infinite Loop

– Loop – repetition of a series of steps

-infinite loop – repeating flow of logic with no end

Repeating instructions,
Figure 8

Ending a program with a centennial value

1.making a decision
2. Dummy value
3. EOF – End of File

-testing a value
-decision symbol:
diamond shape

-Data – entry value that the user will never need
-Sentinel value

-end of file
-Marker at the end of a file that automatically ask as a sentinel

Ending a program with the Sentinel value
Figure 9

Ending a program with a sentinel value
Figure 10

Programming environments
figure 12

Understanding user environment

-Command line
-Graphical user interface (GUI)

Location on your computer screen at what you typed text entries to communicate with the computers operating system

Graphical user interface

Allows users to interact with a program in a graphical environment

Understanding use their environments figure 13

Understanding use their environments figure 14

Evolution of programming models

Evolution of programming models

Major models of paradigm used by programmers (2)

1.Procedural programming
2.object – oriented programming

-major difference, focus the program or text during the early planning stages of a project

Focuses on the procedures that programmers create

Object – oriented programming

Focuses on objects or "things" and describes their features (or attributes) and their behaviors

Programming a computer requires…

-to use a specific language syntax
-The application of the correct logic

-understand the problem, develop the logic, right the program code, use the appropriate tool to translate the program into machine language, testing, getting the program working where it is to be used, and keeping it maintained

Two different ways to approach a programming problem are…

1. Procedural
2. Object-oriented

– All the text, numbers, and other information that are processed by a computer
Dash store in variables in memory

Different forms of variables and constants

– Variables
– Literals, or unnamed constants
– Named constants

– Named memory locations
– Contents can vary or differ overtime

That statement that provides a datatype and an identifier for a variable

Flowchart and Sudol cold for the number doubling program figure a

Classification that describes:
-what value can be held by the item
-how the item is stored in computer memory
-what operations can be performed on the data item

Declare a starting value for any variable

-variables unknown value before initialization

Hello chart and pseudocode of number – doubling program including variable declarations figure B

Variable name such as "hourlyWage" have a hump in the middle

Variable names used throughout book must be and should have…

-Must be one word
-should have some appropriate meaning

Unnamed, literal constants

Numeric constant (or literal numeric constant)

– A specific numeric value example: 43
– Does not change

String constant (or literal string constant)

– Strength of character is enclosed within quotation marks example: "Amanda "

– Do not have identifiers like variables do

– Numeric variable
-String variable
Note:assigned data to a variable only if it is the correct type

– Holds digits
-can perform mathematical operations on it

– Can hold text
– Letters of the alphabet
– Special characters such as punctuation marks

– Similar to a variable
– Can be assigned a value only once
– A signed a useful name to a value that will never be changed during a program's execution

– Unnamed constant
– Purpose is not immediately apparent
– Avoid this

Assigning values two variables

Set myAnswer = myNumber * 2

– Equal sign
– Always operates from right to left

Set someNumber = 2

Set someNumber =

Standard arithmetic operators:

Rules of precedents for arithmetic operations

Left to right associativity

Operations with the saying precedents take place from left to right

Precedents and associativity a five common operators
Table A

– Written explanations
-Not part of the program logic
– Serve as documentation for readers of the program

(Note: syntax used differs among programming languages)

Used and annotation symbol to hold information that expands on what is stored within another flowchart some

(Note: syntax used differs among programming languages)

Pseudocode that declares some variables and includes comments
Figure D

Flowchart and include some annotation symbols Figure E

Choosing identifiers general guidelines

– Give a variable or a constant a name that is a noun
-give a module and identifier that is a verb
-use meaningful names
-Use pronounceable names
-be judicious in your use of abbreviations
-avoid digits and I name

Choosing identifiers continued

General guidelines
– Use the system in language allows a separate words and, Multi world variable names
– Consider including a form of the verb to be
– Name constant that using all uppercase letters supported by upper underscores ( _ )
– Organization sometimes enforced different rules for programmers to follow when naming variables
– Hungarian Notion

Designing clear statement

Avoid confusing line brakes

Use temporary variables to clarify long statement

Temporary variables to clarify long statement

Temporary variable
-work variable
-working variable that you use during our programs execution
Consider using a series of temporary variables to hold intermediate results

Temporary variables to clarify long statements example
Frigure F

Clear prompts and echoing input

-message displayed on a monitor to have to user for your response
-use both in command-line and GUI interactive programs

Echoing input
-repeating input back to you as a user either in a subsequent prompt or in output

Writing clear prompts and excellent input continued figure G

Beginning of the program that excepts the name and balance as input and uses a separate price for each item
figure H

Every program you right will be better if you:
-plan before you code
-maintain the habit of first drawing flowcharts or writing pseudocode
– Desk – check your program logic on paper
– Think carefully about the variable and module names you use
– Design your program statements to be easy to be read and use

Is a pictorial representation of the logical steps it takes to solve a problem?

Essentially, a flowchart is a pictorial representation of a step-by-step solution to a problem. It consists of arrows representing the direction the program takes and boxes and other symbols representing actions.

Is a set of English

Pseudocode is an English-like representation of the logical steps it takes to solve a problem.

What involves writing down all the steps you will use in a program?

The process of writing computer instructions in a programming language is known as Coding..
A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language. ... .
That line of code is written in the Python programming language..

What is the repetition of a series of steps called?

The repetition of a series of steps is called a(n) ____. loop. Once a program is completely coded, it is ready for a company or organization to use.