Follow up bedeutung


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Beispiele von follow something up

follow something up

Second, the high rate of follow-up participation reduces the risk of bias due to selective attrition.

Only nine subjects actively refused to participate in the study; the others were lost to follow-up or failed to return the consent form.

Recovery occurred not only during treatment or during the period of 1 or 2 years after treatment ; a considerable proportion recovered during later follow-up years.

Major depression in communitydwelling middle-aged and older adults : prevalence and 2and 4-year follow-up symptoms.

Long-term follow-up from larger studies into particle therapy is required to confirm and record the expected reduction in late sequelae.

At follow-up, all children were using verbal productions exclusively.

Characteristics of effective home-visiting programs include multidimensional assessment, many follow-up visits, and targeting people at lower risk of death.

Indirect costs were not included for the follow-up visits.

In the non-relapsed group, 42 % of patients (14 of 33) received some form of out-patient (typically group) follow-up treatment.

After treatment, patients were examined daily for 21 days, and follow-up examinations were performed at 3 and 6 months.

The duration of follow-up was a function of the time when treatment was performed.

Moreover, including a follow-up question increases the precision of the result.

In four of the eight sites less than one-third of subjects received any type of referral for follow-up evaluation or care.

The children received the follow-up test at different age levels.

Regarding the follow-up bid, it appeared that the distribution of (yes, yes) responses diminished with bid size.

Die Meinungen in den Beispielen repräsentieren nicht die Meinungen von den Redakteueren der Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press oder Ihren Lizenzgeber.

Kollokationen mit follow something up

follow something up

Diese Wörter werden oft im Zusammenhang mit follow something up benutzt.

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appropriate follow-up

The abnormal features of the child will lead to appropriate follow-up and rehabilitation.

length of follow-up

However, when data were adjusted for length of follow-up, this effect disappeared.

Diese Beispiele sind vom Cambridge English Corpus und anderen Internetquellen. Die Meinungen in den Beispielen repräsentieren nicht die Meinungen von den Redakteueren der Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press oder Ihren Lizenzgeber.


Fol­low-up, das

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Wortart: ⓘSubstantiv, NeutrumHäufigkeit: ⓘ


Aussprache: ⓘLautschrift



ⓘ WorttrennungFol|low-up


Veranstaltung zum Auffrischen und Vertiefen eines Seminarthemas, einer Weiterbildungsveranstaltung u. Ä.


das Follow-up; Genitiv: des Follow-ups, Plural: die Follow-ups

Follow up bedeutung

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follow up ​Definitions and Synonyms

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present tense
I/you/we/they follow up
he/she/it follows up
present participle following up
past tense followed up
past participle followed up

  1. 1

    intransitive/transitive to try to find out more about something, or to do something more to deal with it

    Synonyms and related words

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Follow up bedeutung







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Wann Follow up?

Ein Follow-up erfolgt immer dann, wenn ein Verkaufsprozess schneller vorangetrieben werden soll. Der Verkäufer oder Anbieter nimmt abermals Kontakt mit dem Interessierten auf um ihn gründlich zu informieren und somit als Kunden zu gewinnen.

Was ist ein Follow up Zeitraum?

Als "Follow-up Period" bezeichnet man die Beobachtungsdauer einer Studie, während der das Auftreten von Ereignissen bei den Teilnehmern registriert wird.