What is a type of experiment where neither the subject or observer knows what is being tested?

What is a type of experiment where neither the subject or observer knows what is being tested?

What is a type of experiment where neither the subject or observer knows what is being tested?

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natural experiment, observational study in which an event or a situation that allows for the random or seemingly random assignment of study subjects to different groups is exploited to answer a particular question. Natural experiments are often used to study situations in which controlled experimentation is not possible, such as when an exposure of interest cannot be practically or ethically assigned to research subjects. Situations that may create appropriate circumstances for a natural experiment include policy changes, weather events, and natural disasters. Natural experiments are used most commonly in the fields of epidemiology, political science, psychology, and social science.

Comparison with controlled study design

Key features of experimental study design include manipulation and control. Manipulation, in this context, means that the experimenter can control which research subjects receive which exposures. For instance, subjects randomized to the treatment arm of an experiment typically receive treatment with the drug or therapy that is the focus of the experiment, while those in the control group receive no treatment or a different treatment. Control is most readily accomplished through random assignment, which means that the procedures by which participants are assigned to a treatment and control condition ensure that each has equal probability of assignment to either group. Random assignment ensures that individual characteristics or experiences that might confound the treatment results are, on average, evenly distributed between the two groups. In this way, at least one variable can be manipulated, and units are randomly assigned to the different levels or categories of the manipulated variables.

In epidemiology, the gold standard in research design generally is considered to be the randomized control trial (RCT). RCTs, however, can answer only certain types of epidemiologic questions, and they are not useful in the investigation of questions for which random assignment is either impracticable or unethical. The bulk of epidemiologic research relies on observational data, which raises issues in drawing causal inferences from the results. A core assumption for drawing causal inference is that the average outcome of the group exposed to one treatment regimen represents the average outcome the other group would have had if they had been exposed to the same treatment regimen. If treatment is not randomly assigned, as in the case of observational studies, the assumption that the two groups are exchangeable (on both known and unknown confounders) cannot be assumed to be true.

As an example, suppose that an investigator is interested in the effect of poor housing on health. Because it is neither practical nor ethical to randomize people to variable housing conditions, this subject is difficult to study using an experimental approach. However, if a housing policy change, such as a lottery for subsidized mortgages, was enacted that enabled some people to move to more desirable housing while leaving other similar people in their previous substandard housing, it might be possible to use that policy change to study the effect of housing change on health outcomes. In another example, a well-known natural experiment in Helena, Montana, smoking was banned from all public places for a six-month period. Investigators later reported a 60-percent drop in heart attacks for the study area during the time the ban was in effect.

Natural experiments as quasi experiments

Because natural experiments do not randomize participants into exposure groups, the assumptions and analytical techniques customarily applied to experimental designs are not valid for them. Rather, natural experiments are quasi experiments and must be thought about and analyzed as such. The lack of random assignment means multiple threats to causal inference, including attrition, history, testing, regression, instrumentation, and maturation, may influence observed study outcomes. For this reason, natural experiments will never unequivocally determine causation in a given situation. Nevertheless, they are a useful method for researchers, and if used with care they can provide additional data that may help with a research question and that may not be obtainable in any other way.

Instrumental variables

The major limitation in inferring causation from natural experiments is the presence of unmeasured confounding. One class of methods designed to control confounding and measurement error is based on instrumental variables (IV). While useful in a variety of applications, the validity and interpretation of IV estimates depend on strong assumptions, the plausibility of which must be considered with regard to the causal relation in question.

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In particular, IV analyses depend on the assumption that subjects were effectively randomized, even if the randomization was accidental (in the case of an administrative policy change or exposure to a natural disaster) and adherence to random assignment was low. IV methods can be used to control for confounding in observational studies, to control for confounding due to noncompliance, and to correct for misclassification.

IV analysis, however, can produce serious biases in effect estimates. It can also be difficult to identify the particular subpopulation to which the causal effect IV estimate applies. Moreover, IV analysis can add considerable imprecision to causal effect estimates. Small sample size poses an additional challenge in applying IV methods.

Lynne C. Messer

What is single blind experiment?

(SING-gul-blind STUH-dee) A type of clinical trial in which only the researcher doing the study knows which treatment or intervention the participant is receiving until the trial is over. A single-blind study makes results of the study less likely to be biased.

What type of experiment is it when only the subject does not know if they are receiving the real treatment or the placebo?

In a single blind study, the participants in the clinical trial do not know if they are receiving the placebo or the real treatment. This is done to reduce the risk of errors, since some participants might produce spurious results if they know that they are taking the placebo or medication.

What is the difference between a blind and double

Blinding or masking In a single-blind study, patients do not know which study group they are in (for example whether they are taking the experimental drug or a placebo). In a double-blind study, neither the patients nor the researchers/doctors know which study group the patients are in.

What is a blind study in research?

Listen to pronunciation. (BLINE-ded STUH-dee) A type of study in which the patients (single-blinded) or the patients and their doctors (double-blinded) do not know which drug or treatment is being given. The opposite of a blinded study is an open label study.