What document directly influenced the Framers in the development of the Constitution?

Agreement that, in Congress, States be represented equally in the Senate and by population in the House Connecticut Compromise
Those for whom the Constitution reprsented a too powerful central government Anti-Federalists
Called for representation in Congress by population or by the amount of money given to the central governmnet Virginia Plan
Statement that Parliament forced the king to sign, declaring that even a monarch must obey the law of the land Petition of Right
Idea that government should serve the will of the people Representative Government
Organized by people to whoom the king had made a grant of land available and cojld be settled and goverened in whatever manner thney saw fit proprietary colonies
First English charter of liberties which included such fundamental rights as trial by jury and due process of law Magna Carta
Organized action to change opponents' behavior by refusing to buyor sell their goods Boycott
The colonists organized a boycott of all trade with England, hoping to force the _________ of restrictive laws. Repeal
Some the 14 colonies were established by _____________. under a grant of authority from the English crown. Charter
From its one chamber, the ____________ legislature of the Second Continental Congress exercised both legislature and excutive powers. Unicameral
No one opposed _______ of the Constitution more vehemently than Patrick Henry. Ratification
The government set up by the Articles of Confederation had________ only a legislative branch, consisting of a unicameral Congress.
The idea that the people have the right to abolish an abusive and unresponsive government was FIRST formally expressed by Americans in the _______ Declaration of Independence
What influenced the Framers in the development of the Constitution? the Articles of Confederation
Much of the Declaration of Independence consists of __________ complaints of the wrongs done to the colonists
After the Revolutionary War, the National Government Proved too weak to deal with growing economic and political problems.
Which is included in the Declaration of Independence? People have certain natural rights, Government can exist only with the people's permisssion, and the people may change or abolish the government.
What did the delegates agree on at the Philadelphia Convention? to draft a new consitution
The Federalist Papers were written to win support for the Constitution in New York
A major objective of both Annapolis Convention and the Philidelphia Convention was to ________ Recommend a federal plan for regulating interstate trade
In Benjamin Franklin's opinion, the final Constitution created by the delegates can be best summarized as as near perfect as possible
Much of the work the framers centered around the proposals that had been set out in the Virginia Plan
What influenced the Framers in developing the Constitution British tradition, State Constitutions, and John Locke's Tow Treatises of Government
What issue did the Great Compromise resolve? reprsentation in the legislature
The objections of the Anti-Federalists can be Best summed up as a fear that the government would have too much power and the people, too little power
What characteristics of a state did the English colonies possess? Government, population, and territory
The founders used the ideas of Charles de Montesquieu because they believed that seperation of powers was important in order to _____ prevent the misuse of power
Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that people would give up some of their freedoms to benefit the majority
What is a basic concept of the Magna Carta? Ordered Government
The Three-Fifths Compromise resolved the issue of whether larger states could have more respresenatives in Congress
Why is it ironic that Virginia was one of the last States to ratify the Consitution? Virginia delegate James Madison contributed more to the document than any other delegate.
When crafting the new Consitution, the Framers drew from their experiences with which of the following? Their own State governments, the writings of Rousseau and Locke, and the governments of ancient Greece and Rome
Both the Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise) and the Three-Fifths Compromise were crucial to the states with small populations becasue_______? without them, the small states wold have carried little weight in the new government
What contributed the most toward the realization that the nation needed a stronger central government? Economic Issues

What directly influenced the Framers in the development of the Constitution?

*The Articles of Confederation directly influenced the Framers in the development of the Constitution. *The first State constitutions, adopted after independence, placed most authority with the State legislatures.

Who influenced the framers of the Constitution?

The single most important influence that shaped the founding of the United States comes from John Locke, a 17th century Englishman who redefined the nature of government.

What people and documents influenced the framers in developing the Constitution?

They are the Magna Carta, the Charters of the Virginia Company of London, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence, This is a graphic organizer of 2 of the earlier historical documents that influenced the creation of the Constitution of the United States.

What were the framers influenced by?

The founders of the United States were deeply influenced by republicanism, by Locke, and by the optimism of the European Enlightenment.


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