What document is used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide a projects execution and control?

on May 15, 2018, 4:46 AM PDT

6 essential documents for project management success

Here are six key documents that project managers and their teams rely on to successfully guide and execute projects.

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Careful project planning and execution rest on having talented project managers and the right techniques and tools. There are also several key documents that enable sponsors, project managers, teams, and stakeholders the ability to carefully and precisely manage required project activities. Below is a list of those documents, the role they play, and why each one is necessary for managing project activities and providing necessary deliverables.

1. Project charter

Within initiating a project, the project initiator or sponsor develops a document called a project charter. This is a document that identifies the need for the project, formally provides authorization for a project, and grants authority to the project manager to request resources and conduct project activities. The project charter contains:

  • A project statement of work that references the business need, product/service scope, and strategic plan
  • The business case for the project that details the demand, customer requests, technologies, legal and social requirements
  • Any necessary agreements that define the goals or intent of the project
  • Enterprise environmental factors
  • Organizational process assets

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2. Project management plan

Within the planning phase, a project management plan is developed by the project manager in collaboration with the project sponsor or initiator, based on the information provided by the project charter. This essential document guides the entire project and details the management plans that cover the following:

  • communications
  • costs
  • human resources
  • procurement
  • process improvements
  • quality of deliverables
  • business requirements
  • risks
  • schedules
  • project scope
  • stakeholders
  • project updates

3. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

This essential document is a decomposition of the entire project that identifies all the work to be carried out by the project team to meet the project goals and successfully deliver the customer product or service. In the WBS, all deliverables (product or service) are broken down to the smallest unit. The information that goes into the WBS comes from the scope management plan, the project scope statement, any requirements documentation, as well as enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets that are identified.

SEE: How to keep your staff motivated and engaged (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

4. Risk management plan

How to effectively deal with potential risks is always of significant concern to any project manager and their team. The risk management plan identifies any potential risks to the success of the project and documents how those risks will be addressed. Inputs for this plan will come from the project management plan and project charter, the stakeholder register, enterprise environmental factors, and organizational c assets.

5. Change request log

This essential document can save organizations, project managers and their teams, sponsors, and stakeholders significant grief. It identifies any and all changes requested, including who made the request and who authorized it to be enacted. This document is crucial since the entire project scope can be adversely impacted by what can seem like a slight change.

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6. Progress reports

Progress reports are also vital in keeping all stakeholders up-to-date with how the project is progressing, and whether it is on time, on budget, meeting the quality specifications necessary, and, above all, meeting the intended goals and expected deliverables.

In addition to these six vital project management documents, there are of course other necessary documents for successful project execution. These six documents will help you define, plan, monitor, control, execute and guide your projects more accurately and effectively.

Also see:

  • Why planning is the most critical step in project management (TechRepublic)
  • How to write a more effective project charter (TechRepublic)
  • How to manage file versions in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides (TechRepublic)
  • 5 ways to keep people interested and engaged during meetings (TechRepublic)
  • Project management tips: Five ways to keep your project and your team on target (ZDNet)

  • CXO
  • Project Management

What are the different types of project planning documents?

This list certainly might vary depending on the project setup, project size, complexity and organizational planning guidelines. 1. Project management plan -- This is used as a reference index, encompassing all planning and project documents. 2. High-level project schedule plan -- This document captures high-level project phases and key milestones.

What are the different levels of project planning?

2. High-level project schedule plan -- This document captures high-level project phases and key milestones. It is the document most project stakeholders will see or want to see. 3. Project team planning -- This document provides a "who-is-doing-what" view of the project.

What are the components of Project Work Plan?

Detailed project work plan -- This keeps track of the activities, work packages, resources, durations, costs, milestones, project's critical path, etc. It will be an essential document and work guideline for your core project team. 6.

What is a project a (N) document?

A (n) ____ is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on the project's objectives and management. A (n) ____ is a document that describes the products or services to be created by the project team.

What document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide a projects execution and control?

A Project management plan is a formal, approved document that defines how the project is executed, monitored, and controlled.

Which of the following is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide project execution and control quizlet?

A project management plan is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help guide a project's execution and control.

What are the documents required for project planning?

Summary of a schedule for the project including deadlines and a timeline for each process. Potential risks that may need resolutions or may cause delays. The budget and funding sources as well as the resources required. A feasibility study and project product requirements such as files, training manuals, or lectures.

Which of the following is a document that provides guidance on how a project is executed?

The project plan provides all the information necessary for the execution phase such as the project's goals, objectives, scope of work, milestones, risks and resources. Then, this information helps project managers monitor and control the progress of the project.


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