Wer stand beim Bachelor im Finale?

Zehn aufregende Wochen in Mexiko sind zu Ende: Am Mittwoch, 30.03.2022, lief das Finale von „Der Bachelor“ 2022 auf RTL. Darin hofften nur noch zwei Frauen auf die letzte Rose. Dominik Stuckmann musste sich entscheiden: Anna Rossow oder Jana-Maria Herz? Gefühle hatte er für beide entwickelt, verliebt ist er aber nur in eine: Seine alles entscheidende Rose ging an Anna. Direkt im Anschluss wurde dann beim Wiedersehen der Staffel geklärt, ob die beiden nach der Show wirklich ein Paar wurden.

Wie reagierte Jana-Maria auf den Korb? Sind Dominik und Anna noch zusammen? Alle Infos zum Finale und zum großen Wiedersehen findet ihr hier.

„Der Bachelor“ 2022: So lief das Finale

In Folge 10 standen für „Bachelor“ Dominik noch zwei letzte Dates mit seinen Finalistinnen an, bevor er sich ein letztes Mal entscheiden musste. Zuerst traf er Anna, die ihm gestand, dass sie sich in ihn verliebt habe. Dominik beschäftigten aber noch Fragen, was die mögliche gemeinsame Zukunft betrifft: Wo würden sie wohnen? Wie sieht es mit Annas Sabbatical-Jahr aus? Am Ende konnte sie ihm seine Bedenken nehmen. Im Anschluss überraschte Dominik Anna mit einem Film über ihre gemeinsame Zeit, bevor sie sich ein letztes Mal vor der finalen Entscheidung verabschiedeten.

Beim Date mit Jana-Maria schwärmte der „Bachelor“ von den Gemeinsamkeiten. „Wir können lachen, wir können Spaß haben, wir machen nur Witze die ganze Zeit. Aber wir können auch switchen und [...] und romantisch rumknutschen.“ Er gab sogar zu: „Ich habe mich schon verknallt.“ Nachdem er auch mit Jana-Maria die gemeinsamen Momente auf der großen Leinwand Revue passieren ließ, wurde es ernst.

Für die letzte große Entscheidung hatte sich Dominik eines vorgenommen: Er wollte dieses Mal nicht auf seinen Kopf oder seinen Bauch hören, sondern nur auf sein Herz. „Und das spricht ganz klar einen Namen aus“, verriet er kurz vor der letzten Rosenvergabe.

Für wen hat sich „Der Bachelor“ 2022 im Finale entschieden?

Für beide Frauen hatte Dominik schöne Worte parat. Das zeigte RTL im Wechselschnitt. Doch dann kam der alles entscheidende Moment. Zu Jana-Maria sagte er: „Alles, was ich dir gesagt habe, entspricht der Wahrheit. Meine Gefühle zu dir sind echt. Aber ich habe gemerkt, dass mein Herz sich für Anna entschieden hat und ich mich in Anna verliebt habe.“ Ein Schlag ins Gesicht für Jana-Maria, die erst gar nichts sagte. Dann fragte sie: „Wieso hast du dann beim letzten Date gesagt, dass du dich in mich verknallt hast?“ „Ich habe mich in dich verknallt, aber meine Gefühle für Anna sind noch stärker“, erklärte Dominik, bevor er die Zweitplatzierte zum Auto brachte.

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TV'Bachelor in Paradise' Finale: Here's Where All the Season 8 Couples Stand Today

By Paige Gawley‍ 8:30 PM PST, November 22, 2022

ABC/Craig Sjodin

Another season of Bachelor in Paradise has come to an end. After a super-sized season with an unprecedented amount of drama, the beach shut its doors with only one successful engagement and two continuing relationships to show for it all.

Keep reading to see where all the couples from season 8 of Bachelor in Paradise stand today.

Brittany and Tyler

ABC/Craig Sjodin

While Brittany and Tyler left Paradise with I love yous and hope for their future together, that's not how it worked out in the real world. The pair broke up shortly after leaving Paradise. 

"You think that you found something that could potentially be forever. I thought I had that. I didn't. It's tough," Tyler said during the reunion. "... I felt like this was the real thing. Everything was awesome. She came to Jersey right away. I went to Chicago not long after, met her family. It was perfect."

"But right after that she said, 'I just want to get away for a little bit'... She FaceTime'd me from Italy and said to me she just felt like we were two different people with two different lives and she just couldn't do it anymore," he added. "That was the day I got dumped by [Bachelorette] Rachel [Recchia] on national television."

That's not quite how Brittany viewed the situation, as she told Tyler during the reunion that she "slowly kind of didn't feel the same way" about him, but "just didn't really know how to articulate my thoughts and feelings in a way that wasn't going to hurt you."

"I just feel like there's so many different factors that play into a relationship and we never really had those conversations on the beach," she later told ET. "It was just very lovey dovey, no worries, all great, but things like careers goals, long distance... all of that comes into play. I just really didn't feel like our lives were aligning."

At the reunion, the former couple's conversation wasn't all that pleasant, with Tyler accusing Brittany of not being honest about her changing feelings and Brittany accusing Tyler of not respecting her wish to take a break from their relationship.

"I felt so strongly about him. Watching it back, it just kind of sucks to see all of that and just realize where we're at now, especially when your character gets put into question," Brittany told ET. "... He's such an amazing guy. We even met each other's family and friends, which just made everything so much harder to hear that. It's kind of hard for me to wrap my head around. I'm just still in shock."

Danielle and Michael

ABC/Stewart Cook

Danielle and Michael may not have left Paradise engaged, but they did leave it together. In the months since, Danielle has met Michael's son, James, and she soon plans to make the move from Nashville, Tennessee, to Akron, Ohio.

"It was so easy for me," Danielle told ET of making the decision to move. "It's the next step. A lot of people would be like, 'Oh, what are you sacrificing in your relationship?' It's not a sacrifice. If you want something to work, you do that. It doesn't feel painful or like you're giving anything up. You're gaining something."

She'll be moving into her own place in Akron, but she'll be doing it knowing that her boyfriend loves her, a sentiment he first expressed during the reunion episode.

"On this show, things get thrown around all the time. For me, I have fought with girlfriends for the longest time about not throwing this word out. This goes back to grade school. I've only said it once in my entire life to one person. I hold on to it," Michael told ET. "It has broken relationships up in my past, so yesterday was a big day. It was earned. It's a big commitment. She also never puts any pressure on me to say it. I didn't feel pressure because of the show. It's just 'cause I meant it."

Read more about Danielle and Michael's future plans.

Genevieve and Aaron

ABC/Craig Sjodin

Genevieve and Aaron had a volatile relationship throughout Paradise, one that the latter told ET was due largely to "miscommunications."

"Genevieve is really a great person," Aaron said. "... At the end of the day, we both still have a lot of love for each other."

When it came time for Aaron to end things for good, Genevieve told ET she was "just so shocked" and "didn't have words" to express that.

The words came later, and the pair was able to have an amicable conversation at the reunion.

"I was crying on the couch seeing the good times, but then I see the reason why it didn't work out and the way he spoke to me, and that's all the closure I need," Genevieve said, with Aaron adding that he's "happy with how it went."

Though things are no longer hostile between the pair, Aaron doubts that they'll reconcile in the future.

"As of right now, I changed the chapter. I think she did too," he said. "I still have a lot of love for the girl, but as of right now, definitely not."

Jill and Jacob

ABC/Stewart Cook

Fans were devastated when Jill returned from split week only to be broken up with by Jacob. After their split, Jacob told ET that his "one regret" from the show was that he didn't take "more time to see if there was something stronger with Jill."

Jacob added that he and Jill started to "talk a lot" after Paradise. Then, during the reunion, he made what Jill told ET was "a grand gesture" when he declared her interested in her, kissed her and literally carried her off the stage.

"He literally swept me off my feet and carried me off the stage," Jill gushed to ET, before revealing that she and Jacob are "gonna try" their romance once again.

"We both are just open and just know we have a connection, so we're just gonna explore it a little bit more," Jill said. "Am I making any promises? No. But we're definitely just gonna see what's there. I feel like it's a chapter we didn't really get to fully explore, so I just wanna see if there's more."

"We both live on different sides of the United States -- Rhode Island, Arizona -- but we have plans," Jacob added. "Hopefully I can get out there to the East Coast and see her."

Read more about Jill and Jacob's rekindled romance.

Kate and Logan

ABC/Craig Sjodin

Kate drew criticism online for how she treated Logan on the show, bashing his living situation, speaking negatively about his car and judging him for his finances, or lack thereof, according to her. During the reunion, Kate said those comments came when she was chatting privately with her friends and stated that she "never wanted" Logan to hear them, but Logan was quick to point out that Kate was well aware of the cameras on the beach.

Kate's financial comments -- which Logan said were "humiliating" -- didn't mark the only time she got controversial. She did so again when she rejected Logan's rose at a rose ceremony.

"In the moment it was really hard to comprehend," Logan told ET of Kate rejecting his rose. "... When I watched it back and saw some behind-the-scenes stuff that I wasn't there for, it made me realize that it would've never worked. That being said, I don't think Kate's a bad person... I want to move forward."

Even with the backlash she's already faced, Kate told ET that she "definitely... wasn't anticipating having" the negative conversation that she did with Logan at the reunion.

"We watched the show basically with everybody else, so I had no idea that that was kind of going to be spun in that way. It felt like I had to course correct a little bit," Kate said. "At the end of the day, Logan's a great guy. There’s nothing wrong with where he is in life. I think those comments were... not so much about the material facts, it’s just more so about where he is in live versus where I am. I hope that's what translates. That's what I meant."

Kira and Romeo

ABC/Stewart Cook

Despite accusations that Kira kidnapped Romeo thanks to his hilarious face when they exited Paradise as a couple, they looked happy and in love during the reunion. When ET spoke to the duo after the taping, Kira and Romeo gave an updated on their lives today.

"We're taking our time. We live on different coasts, but I'm a spending some time in L.A. for a few weeks," Romeo told ET, with Kira adding, "We're definitely taking it one day at a time, but I think that there's a lot of promise here."

Serene and Brandon

ABC/Stewart Cook

Paradise's undisputed king and queen are doing as well as fans could expect, and remain happy, engaged and in love to this day.

"I think for me it was like really gradual," Serene told ET of falling in love with Brandon. "... He was so intentional and that was something I said I needed from the jump... Every day I fell a little more in love."

"Just seeing that we align on so many different things, I realized he was my soul mate a little bit at a time," she continued. "It was just a very nice, calming feeling. There was no panic."

Read more about Serene and Brandon's future plans.

Victoria and Johnny

ABC/Craig Sjodin

At the end of Paradise, Johnny overcame his fears to pop the question, but his engagement to Victoria didn't last long after the show.

"We left Paradise on the wrong foot. My season was airing. It was super difficult to watch that and try to be engaged and happily engaged," Johnny said of watching Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia's season of The Bachelorette play out. "It kind of snowballed. We started fighting. I think it was very mutual when it really came down to it. We were having our issues and it was just hard."

"Ultimately, the reason why Johnny and I didn't work out is we were just on two separate pages of life," Victoria told ET. "I am somebody who's very self-sufficient and I want somebody who can match that. I think that Johnny will get there. I just, in my life right now, I want someone who can meet me at that same place. I absolutely adore him and I think he's great and an amazing human, we're just not at the same place in life."

During the reunion, Johnny said the situation "does break my heart," while Victoria blamed their split on how they were "fighting this much, this soon, this toxic."

"I think that fits your narrative," Johnny said, alluding to rumors that Victoria cheated on him with Bachelorette alum Greg Grippo.

"I know you know that to not be true. I know it's very easy to blame another situation and other people for us not working out," Victoria replied. "I totally empathize with you with maybe it is hard to see me moving on, but what is the appropriate amount of time to move on when you called me a f**king c**t?... You said, 'You don't cook. You don't clean. What do you provide to a relationship as a woman?'"

Johnny denied making those comments and told Victoria, "We both know that you said things that you don't want out there."

While speaking to ET, Victoria lamented the way things went down during the reunion with his ex.

"I hate the he-said, she-said moments last night. I hate that, because I truly love him as a person and I wish it could have just been amicable... I’m devastated by how it ended up," she said. "I never intended it for us to be back-and-forth like that. I want us to be amicable. I want him to be happy. I want him to move forward, and I want to be happy too."

While Victoria "absolutely" denied cheating on Johnny with Greg, she confirmed that she is currently in a relationship with the latter man. They even got matching tattoos together.

"Everyone can hate us if they f**king want," Victoria said during the reunion, after Greg joined her on stage. "I don't give two s**ts 'cause I got this f**king guy."

As for Johnny, he's decided not to date for the time being.

"I think I need to take a step back. I need to rebuild. I think, personally, I need to be comfortable where I'm at in life," he told ET. "I think I'm still on my journey. I think I'm still trying to find where I am. Before I get into any serious relationship again, I'm working on myself."

Read more about the Johnny/Victoria/Greg love triangle.

Bachelor in Paradise's beach is officially closed for the season. Return to Bachelor Nation with Zach Shallcross' season of The Bachelor, which will premiere Jan. 23 on ABC.

Wer steht beim Bachelor 2022 im Finale?

Im Finale von „Der Bachelor2022 hat sich Dominik Stuckmann für Anna Rossow entschieden.

Wer hat die letzte Rose beim Bachelor 2022 bekommen?

Er hat sich entschieden: Im grossen Finale gibt Bachelor Kenny Leemann (26) seine letzte Rose der zurückhaltenden Zürcherin Chiara Russo (24).

Wer stand im Bachelor Finale?

Soeben hat der diesjährige Bachelor Dominik Stuckmann die von Folge 1 an favorisierte Jana-Maria abserviert und sich im Finale, das seit dem 23. März 2022 bei RTL+ zu sehen ist und am 30. März im Fernsehen bei RTL, für die etwas ruhigere Anna entschieden.

Ist Bachelor Dominik noch mit Anna zusammen?

Eine deutliche Entscheidung! Hauptsache ist jedoch, dass Anna und Dominik weiterhin glücklich miteinander sind. Die komplette Kennenlerngeschichte von Dominik Stuckmann und Anna Rossow kannst du dir jederzeit noch einmal bei "Der Bachelor" auf RTL+ ansehen.


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