Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Facebook Business Manager und Facebook Business Suite?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Facebook Business Manager und Facebook Business Suite?
Small businesses haven’t had the easiest year. And for many, the introduction of a newly updated Facebook Business Suite couldn’t have come at a more inopportune time. While businesses may have to scramble to learn the new user interface, there are also new tools and streamlined processes for managing and measuring the performances of both their Facebook and Instagram pages. As the platform pushes people towards the new and old tools present in Facebook Business Suite and Creator Studio, it’s vital you understand what has changed and stayed the same to hit the ground running.

A General Overview of Facebook Business Suite’s Updates

Facebook’s recent update for Facebook Business Suite is geared around creating a more simplified, logical layout for its users. It’s evolved into a one-stop-shop to analyze your performance metrics, read and reply to inbox messages, and view the statistics from both your business’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. These latest changes make it easier to combine Instagram and Facebook under one umbrella and switch between your various company accounts, making way for more trouble-free social media marketing. The updates also include closer monitoring of Facebook Groups.

What are the Similarities Between Facebook Business Suite and Creator Studio?

These two tools act as the universal hub for both your Facebook and Instagram accounts and are accessible both by desktop and via app stores – though there are still some rough edges, especially on Business Suite. Both applications offer a medley of unique features, a few of which include:

  • Schedule Posts: Business Suite and Creator Studio allow you to schedule posts across both Instagram and Facebook.
  • Review Analytics: You can easily view how your posts or ad campaigns are performing, though Creator Studio’s analytics displays focus more on video post
  • Livestream: You can host live feeds to both Facebook Live and Instagram Live using either application.

Business Suite and Creator Studio have several other great features, such as the ability to boost posts and create ads, so to take a deeper dive into what each offer, I’ve made a video that compares the two:

How Do Facebook Business Suite and Creator Studio Differ?

If you viewed the full video, then you know there are some slight differences between the two regarding the features they offer on their respective desktop versions. Something that Creator Studio can lord over Business Suite is its ability to post your Instagram Story. However, two significant facets that Business Suite can execute that Creator Studio can’t is respond to customer reviews and create ads – although, both can boost posts. However, being a more established system, Creator Studio has been well-polished while Business Suite still has a few wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

Which of the Two is Right for Me?

The truth is that you’ll have to play around with each of the platforms until you discover which you prefer. For me, it’s a combination of the two. I find Creator Studio’s post-scheduling feature particularly more streamlined and easier to use than Business Suite, so that’s where I prefer to be when creating posts. However, Business Suite is where I turn to when responding to messages, answering reviews, and performing general engagement with our audience. You’ll find me using both of these products every day.

When you take the time to learn the ins and outs of Facebook Business Suite and Creator Studio, you’ll find they’re not as complicated as initial impressions suggest. As a Social Media Specialist with Vision Advertising, I find that I prefer to use both interfaces when performing different assignments. However, even with these tools, managing an entire business’s social media presence is no simple task. Fortunately, at Vision Advertising, we’re well-versed in social media marketing. We recognize the trivialities of running a business, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, contact us to see how we can help.

About the author : Catrina Gardner

Catrina Gardner is a Communications Manager at Vision Advertising. With a background in social media marketing, photography, and graphic design, she brings her marketing savviness and design skills to her clients. Outside of the office, Catrina is on the Board of Directors for the Young Professional Women's Association of Worcester.

Was ist FB Business Manager?

Der Business Manager hilft Werbetreibenden, Facebook-Marketingmaßnahmen in alle Unternehmensbereiche zu integrieren und mit externen Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten. Diese kostenlose Plattform bietet dir folgende Möglichkeiten: Werbeanzeigen schalten und tracken. Assets wie Seiten und Werbekonten verwalten.

Wie funktioniert Facebook Business Suite?

Die Facebook Business Suite vereint die wichtigsten Funktionen für Seitenbetreiber auf Facebook und Instagram an einem Ort. Das macht die Planung von Postings, Beantwortung der Nachrichten und die (vereinfachte) Analyse der Beiträge sichtlich zeitsparender.

Warum Facebook Business Manager?

Der Facebook Business Manager unterstützt dich dabei, Informationen vor unbefugtem Zugriff, Missbrauch und fehlerhaftem Umgang durch unerfahrene Mitarbeiter:innen zu schützen. Du hast die Möglichkeit, deinen Kolleg:innen in dem Tool verschiedene Rollen und damit verbundene Rechte zuzuweisen.

Wer kann Facebook Business Suite nutzen?

Business Suite nutzen Um auf Business Suite zuzugreifen, musst du dich mit dem Facebook-Konto anmelden, das mit deinem Unternehmen verknüpft ist. Sofern du alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst, wirst du zu Business Suite weitergeleitet, wenn du business.facebook.com auf einem Computer aufrufst.