Regarding DHCP service What is an advantage of configuring a Cisco router as a relay agent

Cisco DHCP Relay and IP Helper are the terms related to the Cisco routers. Their configuration differs as to which one we can enable and disable.

They are the two most vital elements in the system. DHCP is the abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

IP is the abbreviation for Internet protocol.

They both are very important and interesting in their ways. Let us get into some detailed information to know more about them.

The main difference between Cisco DHCP Relay and IP Helper is that they are kind of the same thing but different vendors. DHCP Relay is the concept where the server and the medium are not on the same LAN yet the host or medium might get a server from another LAN. In IP helper, the address of a server is located in a different LAN from which requests are answered.

Regarding DHCP service What is an advantage of configuring a Cisco router as a relay agent

DHCP Relay is a medium or host that is used to forward requests as well as replies among the server and clients. It is done when the server is on a different network.

Their function is to first receive a DHCP message and then introduce another new DHCP message and then finally send it to the interface.

The IP helper is present as a pre-installed program in windows 10. It works on its own by default and we need not configure it unless necessary.

However, disabling it does not cause any harm to the system unless there is any connectivity issue.

Comparison Table Between Cisco DHCP Relay and IP Helper

Parameters DHCP relay IP Helper
Function DSCP relay forward between server and client when a server is present.   IP helper does not forward a broadcast request to the server by default.  
Settings It is not our choice to enable DHCP Relay.   We can disable and again reenable the IP helper according to our will.  
Server DSCP relay forward between server and client when a server is present.   IP helper does not forward a broadcast request to the server by default.  
Advantage DHCP Relay, with the help of commands, can also configure the router.     IP helper has no such advantage or facility.  
Ability DSCP relay refers to the ability of the host to forward DHCP packets.   The IP address refers to the cisco syntax.  

What is Cisco DHCP Relay?

A Cisco DHCP Relay refers to any medium that forwards DHCP packets between a given server and a client. This is when the server and the client are not on the same physical subnet.

It is software included under Cisco routers. They are enabled by default.

However, we can check the configuration file to see if they are disabled. To reenable it, the service DHCP command is used.

After receiving a DHCP message, the relay agent generates a new DHCP message and sends it to another interface.

A great advantage of Cisco DHCP is that it supports the usage of an unnumbered interface. It hosts a static host route automatically to connect the clients through unnumbered interfaces.

It is possible specifically when the client obtains the address and also the unnumbered interface as an outbound interface.

A Cisco DHCP can also receive a message from another DHCP that contains any kind of DHCP information. In such cases, the relay information from the previous relay is replaced.

This process takes place by default. However, it might not be suitable for our network every time.

We can use the ‘IP DHCP relay information policy‘ to configure it.

What is IP Helper?

IP helper helps in the network administration of computers by a process of retrieving network configuration information. It helps to modify the configuration of local computers.

In other words, we can say it is a router function that enables broadcast traffic to mass between several networks in a systematic way.

It consists of IP Helper addresses. It refers to the IP addresses that are configured on a routed interface.

By routed interface, it means that a specific device that acts as a medium.

It is suggested to not change the default configuration unless required. It is safe to leave it running in the background without any obstacle.

However, if there is a reason to disable it, it is safe to do so. Stopping the IP helper does not affect the system in an adverse manner.

There is an IP forward-protocol system. In this system, the router is set to forward ND packets for a workstation that does not possess disks.

The HTTP server has an IP HTTP router. It denotes that nothing else is connected to the router.

Main Differences Between Cisco DHCP Relay and IP Helper

  1.  Cisco DHCP Relay is used to forward the requests from broadcast to the central server. On the other hand, the IP helper is the command required to process the DHCP relay in routers.
  2. DHCP Relay, with the help of commands, can also configure the router. Whereas, IP helper has no such advantage or facility.
  3. It is not our choice to enable DHCP Relay. However, we can disable and again reenable the IP helper according to our will.
  4. DSCP relay forward between server and client when a server is present. IP helper does not forward a broadcast request to the server by default.
  5. DSCP relay refers to the ability of the host to forward DHCP packets. The IP address refers to the cisco syntax.


Without the invention of DHCP Relay, the requirement had to be huge. DHCP servers were needed for every network or subnet.

It has several benefits. DHCP Relay simplifies the network for the client site.

It also helps in the easy replacement of router services by replacing it. With the help of commands, it can also configure the router.

Moreover, the DHCP server can manage as well as assign parameters including domain name and IP address.



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Table of Contents

  • Cisco DHCP Relay vs IP Helper
  • Comparison Table Between Cisco DHCP Relay and IP Helper
  • What is Cisco DHCP Relay?
  • What is IP Helper?
  • Main Differences Between Cisco DHCP Relay and IP Helper
  • Conclusion
  • References

Regarding DHCP service What is an advantage of configuring a Cisco router as a relay agent

What is the purpose of DHCP relay agent?

The DHCP relay agent operates as the interface between DHCP clients and the server. The DHCP Relay Agent relays DHCP messages between DHCP clients and DHCP servers on different IP networks.

What is a DHCP relay agent Cisco?

DHCP is often used for hosts to automatically assign IP addresses and uses 4 different packets to do so. Since a host doesn't have an IP address to start with, we use broadcast messages on the network that hopefully end up at a DHCP server.

What is the command to enable the DHCP relay on a Cisco router?


Which of the following command is the correct command to assign a relay agent for DHCP?

To configure a router's interface as a DHCP relay agent, use the following command in interface configuration mode. The 'ip helper-address' command tells the interface to forward the incoming DHCP message to the configured DHCP server.

What is DHCP relay ip Helper )? When does it come into play?

DHCP Relay essentially is the ability of a host to forward DHCP packets between clients and servers, when they reside on different subnet. ip helper-address is the cisco syntax for enabling DHCP relaying.