In welcher Folge küssen sich Lorelai und Luke?

One of the most epic TV romances has to be the relationship between Gilmore Girls' Lorelai and Luke. The pair had an on-again off-again flirtation-turned-relationship throughout the show's seven seasons, and during the Gilmore Girls series finale, viewers watched Luke and Lorelai reunite with a passionate kiss. This was the moment many had been waiting for, ever since the two broke off their engagement and Lorelai married (and later separated from) Rory's father, Christopher. 

The 2016 release of the Netflix revival, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life on Netflix, fans got to find out where Luke and Lorelai's relationship went after their season seven finale kiss. Looking for clues before you dive into the revival? The first trailer does offer some hints that there's at least something still going on between the two.

In welcher Folge küssen sich Lorelai und Luke?

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

But, as with all of Lorelai's relationships, this one wasn't complete without moments of self-doubt. "I thought I knew exactly what I wanted," she said in the trailer. "But lately, I don't know, things seem hazier." While talking to her therapist, she added almost hesitating, "We're happy. Luke and I are happy." 

With this in mind, we decided to look back at the original series episode when Luke and Lorelei first get together — hey, maybe it will offer more clues about this iconic couple's end game.

Season four, episode 22, "Raincoats and Recipes"

In the Gilmore Girls season four finale, Luke and Lorelai share their first ever kiss complete with the adorable "What are you doing?" and "Would you just stand still?" banter. 

Luke was staying as a guest at the Dragonfly Inn as part of the test run. Their kiss almost didn't happen because Lorelai's ex-boyfriend Jason showed up and told Luke that the two were, in fact, still a couple. Nevertheless, Luke and Lorelai did get together and start their romantic relationship after this episode and continued throughout season five. 

However, true Gilmore Girls fans would know that, although this was technically when they started dating, the two had been flirting with each other ever since the series premiere. Below are a few throwback moments to when Lorelai and Luke's chemistry was evident for all to witness. 

Season one, episode one, "Pilot" 

Though the flirting was definitely kept to a minimum, Luke and Lorelai share a moment toward the end of the episode when she tells him he looks nice and he returns the compliment. 

Season one, episode 12, "Double Date"

In this episode, Lorelai goes on a double date with Sookie, Jackson, and his cousin Rune. The date ends at Luke's Diner, where Lorelai and Luke play cards. He almost asks her out, saying, "You know, maybe sometime we could ..." before Mrs. Kim barges in yelling. Later in the episode, he does ask Lorelai about hanging out, saying, "Maybe we could do it again sometime." 

Season one, episode 14, "That Damn Donna Reed" 

After Lorelai offers to help Luke paint his diner, the two end up under the diner's counter looking at something Luke's dad had written many years prior on the wall. Not only are the two physically together at this point, but they stare into one another's eyes and seem to be about to kiss before Taylor knocks on Luke's door.

Season one, episode 21, "Love, Daises, and Troubadours"

Throughout the beginning of the series, Luke can often be seen visibly shaken whenever he's listening to Lorelai talk about the current man she's dating. But it isn't until he meets Lorelai's boyfriend Max Medina face-to-face that his jealously becomes overtly apparent. In this episode, Luke makes sure to let Max know just how much he does for Lorelai.

"I just left my toolbox from when I was here earlier fixing things," he says. "I do a lot of little things around here for Lorelai." He then adds, "I'll always be around." 

Season two, episode four, "The Road Trip to Harvard"


Luke is visibly overjoyed when he learns that Lorelai and Max have decided not to get married. Need more proof? He gives Kirk coffee on the house, which is something he definitely would not have done otherwise. (Remember when Kirk threw a fit when Luke upped the price of toast?) 

Season two, episode seven, "Like Mother, Like Daughter"

After Lorelai believes she saw Luke flirting with one of the members of the booster club that she belongs to, she asks Luke not to go on a date with this woman. 

Season three, episode one, "Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days" 


Lorelai has a dream that she is not only in a relationship with Luke, but she's also pregnant with Luke's twins.

Season four, episode 20, "Luke Can See Her Face" 

After a self-help tape makes Luke realize how strong his feelings are for Lorelai, he asks her to be his date for his sister Liz's wedding.

Season four, episode 21, Last Week Fights, This Week Tights


Luke can waltz! During Liz's wedding, Luke and Lorelai share a slow dance. After he walks her home, he says to her, "We should do it again," and asks if she wants to go see a movie.

This leads to flowers, which leads to the eventual kiss in the season four finale that started their rollercoaster of a relationship. 

Wann küssen Luke und Lorelai sich das erste Mal?

Am Ende der vierten Staffel ist es dann endlich soweit: Lorelai und Luke beginnen miteinander auszugehen und küssen sich leidenschaftlich.

Wann kommen Luke und Lorelei zusammen?

Luke entschuldigt sich bei ihr und sie sagt ihm, dass sie mit Christopher Hayden geschlafen hat. Daraufhin geht er und sie bleiben Freunde. Die beiden lieben sich immer noch und kommen am Ende der siebten Staffel wieder zusammen. In der achten Staffel heiraten sie dann.

Wann verliebt sich Lorelai und Luke?

Luke hegt schon von Beginn der Serie an Gefühle für Lorelai. Ob er schon vor der ersten Staffel in sie verliebt war, wird nie ganz bestätigt, ist aber wahrscheinlich, da er zum Beispiel auch über acht Jahrs lang das Horoskop aufhob, das sie ihm bei ihrem ersten Treffen gab.

Wen wird Lorelai heiraten?

Lorelai und Chris verleben dort einige romantische Tage und in einem Restaurant, das Chris eigens für Lorelai gemietet hat, macht er ihr schließlich einen Heiratsantrag, den sie nach kurzem Zögern annimmt. Lorelai und Chris heiraten noch in Paris und kehren als Ehepaar nach Stars Hollow zurück.