Ek ong kar sat gur prasad bedeutung

A guest article by Sunita Singh, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher at Asanaguru

ੴ ਸਤਿ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ [EK ONG KAR SAT GUR PRASAD]

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad (Punjabi: ੴ ਸਤਿ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ) is a sacred mantra, most commonly chanted in Sikhism and Kundalini yoga. It is believed to transform negativity (including thought patterns, circumstances, habits and surroundings) into positivity. It can be used to remove obstacles and clears a path for those feeling a bit “stuck”.

This meditation is reputed to be the most powerful Sikh mantra. This mantra is said to contain the essence of Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism. Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad is also known as the Siri (great) mantra or the magic mantra. In Sikhism, it is known as the mool mantra.

In Kundalini yoga, chanting Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad is believed to stimulate the opening of all seven chakras, as a means of awakening kundalini energy.

When we chant this mantra, all negativity, including hatred, vanishes. Some call it the “Magic Mantra”. The healing sounds of the mantra create positive thoughts, actions and feelings…

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Heute nehme ich dich mit in meine eigene spirituelle Praxis und teile mit dir meine 5 Lieblingsmantras. Ich erzähle dir in der Podcastfolge, welche Mantras ich am häufigsten benutze, wie ich sie einsetze und welche kraftvolle Wirkung Mantras auf uns haben können, wenn wir sie regelmäßig wiederholen.

Mantra bedeutet übersetzt so viel wie: Man- (Geist) und tra (befreien). Ein Mantra hilft dir dabei, deinen Geist zu befreien und dich mit deiner Intuition zu verbinden.Du kannst ein Mantra in deiner Meditation nutzen oder es im Alltag für dich im Herzen wiederholen.

  1. Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung

Mantra für Selbstheilung


RA –  die Sonne

MA – den Mond

DA – die Erde

SA – die Unendlichkeit

SAY – das Du

SO HUNG – die persönliche Identität

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9OCEfi4Lv0 von Snatam Knaur

  1. Sat Nam

Mantra für die Verbindung zu deinem Höchsten Selbst

Übersetzung: "Die Wahrheit ist mein Name"

  1. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo

Mantra für Schutz

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1XCS0g6J4A von Snatam Kaur

Übersetzung: „Ich verbinde mich mit der kosmischen Energie und dem erhabenen Weg, der mich vom Dunkel zum Licht führt.“

  1. Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar

Mantra um die Intuition zu stärken und um zu Manifestieren

Übersetzung: „Es gibt einen Schöpfer aller Kreation. Alles ist das Geschenk dieses einen Schöpfers. Diese Erkenntnis erhält man durch die Gnade der unendlichen Weisheit, des Gurus.“

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mLwTSbc97w von Jai-Jagdeesh

  1. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Mantra für Mitgefühl

Übersetzung: "Mögen alle Menschen und Lebewesen glücklich und frei sein. Mögen alle meine Worte, Taten und Gedanken zu diesem Glück und dieser Freiheit beitragen.“


Mantras: Was sie bedeuten, wie man sie einsetzt, warum sie helfen

Mantra - Mit Mantra-CD: Unsere Botschaft der Liebe

Welches ist dein Lieblingsmantra? Teile es gerne mit mir und der Community auf Instagram @lauramalinaseiler.

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Rock on & Namasté

Deine Laura  

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra translation and meaning:


This Sikh mantra is the essence of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib (the Sikh sacred scripture).

Also, this is the mool mantra in Sikhism and is the most important recitation.

It is named the ”mool mantra” because it sums up the existence of God.

Moreover, it is better to practice this powerful Kundalini sacred mantra only when you really are free of negative thoughts towards anyone or anything, as it is about reversing the negative to positive.

Guru Nanak (the founder of Sikhism) taught this mantra to his son, Baba Siri Chand.

The Siri mantra brings its energy to reside in the heart chakra.

Yogi Bhajan referred to the mantra as the “Eyes of Indra,” saying that the body is a temple through which one experiences the Eternal, the Infinite, like all knowledge, wisdom, and bliss flow through you.

Mantra to reverse negative to positive complete lyrics:

”Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar.”

Mantra translation and meaning:

”There is one Creator of all Creation. All is a blessing of the One Creator. This realization comes through Guru’s Grace.”

Chanting Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad mantra benefits:

This Kundalini mantra makes the mind so powerful that it removes all hindrances.

If this magical mantra is chanted just five times, it will stop the mind and put it into reverse gear.

One of the main benefits is that it helps to connect us with our higher selves. This connection can help to promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

This mantra, as used in Kundalini yoga, is a specific quantum technology that uses sound vibration to affect and elevate consciousness, as well as to heal us on all levels.

Through the power of the vibrations of these specific healing sounds and their meanings, we can create positive thoughts, actions, feelings, and manifestations.

Furthermore, the mantra aligns us, our thoughts with that of the ”One Creator.” Hence, it removes all the negative energy inside us, in our hearts.

We are part of everything inside us and outside. And everything, every living being has some part of us, as we all are interconnected. We all came from that one source. Then that hatred, that negativity inside us vanishes.

Tip – recite the mantra in a steady rhythm, meditating through the Ajna chakra and concentrating on the movements of the tongue. On “Ek,” pull in the Navel Point. On syllable “Kar,” release it.

When reciting “Sat Gur,” pull in the entire abdominal region, particularly the diaphragm, lifting everything up toward the ribs and back toward the spine.

On the syllable “Prasad,” release it. Continue this contraction and release with each chanting of this mantra.

Because of the Siri mantra’s great power, Yogi Bhajan recommended first reciting (aloud or mentally) either the Ad Guray Namay or Mul Mantra, Ajai Alai, Jugad Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay, Sat Guray Namay, to put you into a higher state of consciousness.


This mantra is the only Kundalini mantra that comes with a warning.

Usually, when you recite mantras correctly, you benefit, and when you recite them incorrectly, they don’t have any side effects. However, if you recite this mantra incorrectly, it has a backlash.

This is such a potent and creative mantra that you must watch your actions and thoughts after you recite it.

It needs to be recited with respect, in a place of reverence.

Image credit – Efirso/Shutterstock

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