Why did Europeans travel across the Mediterranean Sea to reach the Silk Road quizlet?

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Set up school of navigation in sagres portugal

Wanted to educate sailors and use an scientific approach

All of the best sailors, cartographers (mapmakers), mathematicians, navigators, ship-makers, astronomers etc. came to the school to exchange their ideas

Wanted to reach spice islands by travelling east from Portugal and going around the tip of africa
This would avoid using the great Silk Road

He sponsored voyages of exploration along the west coast of Africa

Although the Portuguese did not reach the Spice a Islands by travelling around the tip of Africa in Henry's lifetime, they got further along the west coast of Africa than any other European nation

Henry helped Portugal to become leaders in the field of exploration

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Which statement best describes the effect of Triangular Trade on Africa?

Communities were devastated, the population declined, families were torn apart, and slave trading wars claimed even more African lives.
Societal fabric was destroyed, between 10-15 million Africans were sent to the New World, and the rise of African state banks occurred.
Young, healthy Africans were sent to the New World, a smallpox epidemic further decreased the population, and Africa began growing coffee.
Ten to twenty percent of Africans on the Middle Passage died due to inhumane conditions, West Africa became a trading post for corn and wheat, and wars for colonial control began.

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Why did Europeans travel across the Mediterranean Sea to reach the silk?

Europeans traveled across the Mediterranean Sea to reach the Silk Road because travel by ship was much faster and much cheaper than traveling over land. It was only the perceived lack of a navigable sea route to India and China that led Europeans to use the Silk Road in the first place.

Why did Europeans begin to look for a sea route to Asia?

European rulers from the countries of Portugal, Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands wanted to increase their power by trading silks and spices found in Asia. To achieve their goal, they needed to find a sea route to Asia !!

What was the main reason for European sea exploration?

Overview. Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory.

Why did Europeans sail across the Atlantic Ocean during the Age of Discovery?

Columbus wanted to sail ships west across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a new trade route to Asia. This would help Spain expand its trade in spices and other goods from China and the islands of the East. Columbus also hoped to find and bring back gold and silver.


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