Who were the first psychologists to emphasize the perceptual processes of organizing into wholes?

Latest Gestaltism MCQ Objective Questions

Gestaltism MCQ Question 1:

Which of the following follows gestaltism?

  1. Kohler
  2. Koffka
  3. Wertheimer
  4. All the above.

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : All the above.

Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts. According to Gestalt theory, It is very easy to understand the whole problem than the parts of the problem.

Key Points Some essential points related to Gestalt Theory are given below.

  • Gestalt psychologists were the first to study problem-solving in humans and apes.
  • Wolfgang Kohler showed that chimpanzees could solve problems by thought alone.
  • Max Wertheimer studied how diagrams helped students solve geometry problems. Karl Duncker

studied general problem-solving.

  • Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts.
  • The word Gestalt is used in modern German to mean the way a thing has been “placed,” or “put together. ” 
  •  Koffka is known for the systematic application of Gestalt theory.

Hence we can say that Kohler, Kaffka, and Wertheimer follow gestaltism.

Additional Information

  • The 'Gestalt' word is from the German language.
  • The meaning of gestalt is the "pattern" or "configuration".
  •  Max Wertheimer founded Gestalt psychology.

Gestaltism MCQ Question 2:

Fill up the blank with suitable answers from the choices given below. 

A teacher of science subject shows a plant and teaches the parts of It. It can be inferred that the teacher adopts the ________ psychological theory.

  1. Hull's systematic behaviour theory
  2. Hebb's neurophysiological theory
  3. Gestalt theory of insightful learning
  4. Jung's psychotherapy

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Gestalt theory of insightful learning

The insightful learning:-This theory is also called the Gestalt Theory of Learning. Learning by insight means sudden grasping of the solution, a flash of understanding, without any process of trial and error. All discoveries and inventions have taken place through insight. Of course, the discoverer possessed a complete knowledge of the whole situation in peace-meal. 

Key Points There are some important points related to the insight learning given below.

  • Learning is the process in which we active our hidden qualities.
  • Learning means bringing changes in behavior.
  • The group of gestalt psychologists completed the study in a systematic manner.
  • A teacher of a science subject shows a plant and the teachers the part of it. It can be inferred that the teacher adopts the gestalt theory of insight learning psychological theory.
  • Gestalt is a sensual theory.
  • Gestalt theory emphasizes the perception of the mind.
  • The word Gestalt had no direct translation in English.

Thus we can say that A teacher of a science subject shows a plant and the teachers the part of it. It can be inferred that the teacher adopts the gestalt theory of insight learning psychological theory.

Additional Information

  • Gestalt learning is also called Insightful Learning.
  • Insight operates when someone wants to get a solution to any question.
  • Development and improvement of insight learning is the central idea of this theory.

Gestaltism MCQ Question 3:

Insightful learning does not depend upon the factor, ________.

  1. Aspiration
  2. Experience
  3. Intelligence
  4. Learning Situation

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Aspiration

Insight learning is Given by one of the founders of Gestalt psychology, Wolfgang Kohler, insight learning refers to the sudden realization of a problem’s solution. Kohler proposed that not all kinds of learning depend on trial-error or conditioning, we use our cognitive processes also to learn. Using cognitive processes we visualize the problem and solution for it internally only. Even though this learning takes place implicitly but the change in the behavior is long-lasting.

Key Points According to Kohler's experience with chimpanzees:

  • He kept chimpanzees in a closed room where food was kept out of their reach, and items like boxes, stick was there. The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food. he would ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to them. It should be noted that it was not the result of trial and error instead, the chimpanzee suddenly came up with the idea to use boxes and stick.
  • Thus by this experiment, it is clear that chimpanzee uses their intelligence and previous experiences according to the situation inside the room. Hence we can conclude that Aspiration is not a factor on which insightful learning is depend..


  • Aspiration: This refers to the extent to which an individual wshies to strive to achieve. It emanates from the targets, goals, and ambitions that individuals construct for themselves. If we set our level of aspiration fairly high, then correspondingly, the degree of effort we put in and how effectively we are likely to learn, will be influenced by it. An individual who wants to excel in a particular field would have a high level of aspiration in it and would thus try to learn effectively to fulfill his aspiration. You must have come across many students wanting to excel in studies, games, etc.

Gestaltism MCQ Question 4:

Through his experiment Kohler wanted to prove that learning is

  1. The perception of whole situation
  2. Human Learning is purposeful
  3. Better in animals than human beings
  4. An independent activity

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : The perception of whole situation

Most of the learning in human beings takes place not only through observation or imitation but also by solving problems that they come across in their day-to-day life. While solving a problem if an individual reaches the solution all of a sudden, we say that he has learned by insight. 

  • In fact, the person reaches the solution by understanding the relationship between different aspects of the problematic situation. In our daily life, we describe the mode of learning by using phrases like seeing the point or getting the idea.

Important Points 

  • Wolfgang Kohler, insight learning refers to the sudden realization of a problem’s solution. Kohler proposed that not all kinds of learning depend on trial-error or conditioning, we use our cognitive processes also to learn.
  • Gestalt Psychology used the term ‘insight’ to describe the perception of the whole situation by the learner and of his intelligence in responding to the proper relationships.
  • Even though this learning takes place implicitly, the change in the behavior is long-lasting. To prove his point, he conducted a series of an experiment on chimpanzees, with which we humans share 99 percent of DNA.

Key PointsOn the basis of his experiments, he described the process of learning in insight as follows:

  • The learning perceives the situation in its totality.
  • The child analyses the various aspects of the situation and tries to establish a meaningful relationship among them. On the basis of this new perception, the child redefines the situation.
  • The process goes on till the child solves the problematic situation all of a sudden. That is what we mean when we say that the child suddenly gets an insight into the solution.

Thus, it is concluded that through his experiment Kohler wanted to prove that learning is the perception of a whole situation.

Gestaltism MCQ Question 5:

A student was solving the mathematical problems and got puzzled with one. After devoting sometime in thinking about the solution he suddenly got a clue and solved the problem. It is learning through- 

  1. Operant conditioning
  2. Classical conditioning
  3. Insight
  4. Hierarchical Approach

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Insight

There are many learning theories in psychology that are related to different schools of psychology such as cognitivehumanisticbehavioristic, etc.

  • These theories are propounded by eminent psychologists to provide a framework to understand different aspects of human behavior.

Key Points

The above-mentioned phenomenon is attributed to learning through insight.

  • Wolfgang Kohler, a German psychologist, is associated with the ‘Theory of Insightful learning’.
  • In his theory, he has proposed the term ‘Insight’ that doesn't take place with trial & error, rather than it is a sudden reorganization of experience.

As per ‘Theory of Insightful learning’:

  • The solution to a problem arrives ‘all of a sudden’ flash of insight when a person is struggling. 
  • Insight enhances an individual's ability to perceive and understand something or someone instinctively.
  • Insight doesn't rely on behavior or observation, it is the sudden realization of a problem's solution using intuition.

Important Points 

Kohler demonstrated the following experiment based on insight:

  • He kept chimpanzees in a closed room where food was kept out of their reach, and items like boxes, stick was there.
  • The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food.
  • They would ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to them.
  • It should be noted that it was not the result of trial and error instead, the chimpanzee suddenly came up with the idea to use boxes and stick.

Hence, it could be concluded that the above-mentioned phenomenon is attributed to learning through insight.

Additional Information 



Main Idea

Theory of operant conditioning

B. F. Skinner

Learning takes place through rewarding a certain behavior or withholding reward for undesirable behavior.

Theory of classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov

Theory emphasizes that behavior is learned by a repetitive association between the response and the stimulus

Top Gestaltism MCQ Objective Questions

Which of the following school emphasised on learning by insight?

  1. Psycho analytical theory
  2. Behaviourism
  3. Connectionism
  4. Gestalt theory

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Gestalt theory

There are many learning theories in psychology that are related to different schools of psychology such as cognitive, humanistic, behavioristic, etc.

  • These theories are propounded by eminent psychologists to provide a framework to understand different aspects of human behavior.

Key Points

  • German psychologists Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and Lewin have studied the nature of perception and are the leaders of gestalt psychology. Wertheimer is considered the father of gestalt psychology.
  • "Gestalt" is a German noun for which there is no English word equivalent. The nearest English translation of "Gestalt" is "configuration" or more simply "an organized whole". Gestalt psychologists consider the process of learning as a gestalt - an organized whole.
  • The ‘Insight Theory of Learning’ or ‘Learning by insight is promoted by Wolfgang Kohler, a Gestalt theorist.
  • In his theory, he has proposed the term ‘Insight’ that doesn't take place with trial & error, rather than it is a sudden reorganization of experience.

Important Points 

As per ‘Theory of Insightful Learning’: 

  • The solution to a problem arrives ‘all of a sudden’ flash of insight when a person is struggling. 
  • Insight enhances an individual's ability to perceive and understand something or someone instinctively.
  • Insight doesn't rely on behavior or observation, it is the sudden realization of a problem's solution using intuition.

Kohler demonstrated the following experiment based on insight:

  • He kept chimpanzees in a closed room where food was kept out of their reach, and items like boxes, stick was there.
  • The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food.
  • They would ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to them.
  • It should be noted that it was not the result of trial and error instead, the chimpanzee suddenly came up with the idea to use boxes and stick.

Hence, it could be concluded that Gestalt school emphasized learning by insight.

Additional Information 

Schools of Psychology Supporters Main Idea
Behaviourism Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner Focus is on observable behavior only. Behaviour is simply a response to environmental stimuli.
Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud Highlights on the role of unconscious thoughts, feelings, memories, and early childhood experiences in determining behavior.
Connectionism E.L.Thorndike Learning is the result of associations forming between stimulus and responses.

Who has propounded the theory of insight?

  1. Thorndike
  2. Gestalt Psychologist
  3. Hegarty
  4. Skinner

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Gestalt Psychologist

Gestalt Theory of Learning by Insight

The Gestalt theory of learning also named Learning by Insight is the contribution of German psychologists who were studying the nature of perception.

  • Gestalt Theory of Learning (Learning by Wholes) or Learning by Insight states that perceptual phenomena are only experienced as wholes or Gestalts.
  • Translation of Gestalt is „configuration‟ or more simply „an organized whole in contrast to a collection of parts‟. 
  • Gestalt psychologists consider the process of learning as a Gestalt – an organized whole.
  • A thing cannot be understood by the study of its constituent parts but only by the study of it as a totality, is a basic idea behind this theory.
  • Learning, according to Gestalt Theory, is not by random steps, not by trial and error, not by conditioning but by insight, introspection, and understanding.
  • The Gestaltians tend to place far more emphasis on the intrinsic organizing capacity in the brain of the individual and emphasis the dynamic interaction of the elements in the entire perceptual field.
  • Gestalt theory of learning essentially consists of problem-solving by understanding the relative position of the elements in theentire perspective or situation.

Additional Information

Psychologist Theory
E.L.Thorndike Trial and Error Theory
B.F. Skinner  Operant Conditioning Theory 

Hence, we conclude that the theory of insight is propounded by Gestalt Psychologist.

Who is the founder of Gestalt Psychology?

  1. Franz Brentano
  2. Max Wertheimer
  3. Edgar Rubin
  4. Kurt Lewin

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Max Wertheimer

Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior and it includes the application of this science to different problems of human beings.

  • The psychologists, in the beginning, had an empirical approach to understand the thinking, attention, imagery, etc. The experiments were done to study the mind and mental experiences.
  • Gradually, different schools of psychology came up with different viewpoints about the nature of the study of psychology. They emphasized that the focus should be on the study of behavior rather than the mind.

Key Points

  • German psychologists  Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and Lewin have studied the nature of perception and are the leaders of gestalt psychology. Wertheimer is considered the father of gestalt psychology.
  • "Gestalt" is a German noun for which there is no English word equivalent. The nearest English translation of "Gestalt" is "configuration" or more simply "an organized whole". Gestalt psychologists consider the process of learning as a gestalt - an organized whole.

Important Points 

Gestalt theory of learning:

  • It is primarily concerned with the nature of perception. According to it, an individual perceives the thing as a whole.
  • A thing is perceived as a relationship within a field that includes the thing and its complex background incorporating their previous experiences and purposes.
  • While learning, a learner always perceives the situation as a whole and after seeing and evaluating the different relationships intelligently takes a proper decision.
  • The child first perceives the situation as a whole and then evaluates its parts that imply that they first learn anything as a whole and then learn their part.
  • For example, children in their initial stage of learning, recognize all types of birds saying simply "birds" and afterward they start to distinguish between different types of birds i.e., sparrow, parrot, eagle, etc.

Hence, it could be concluded that Max Wertheimer is the founder of Gestalt Psychology.

Additional Information

  • Franz Clemens Brentano is mainly known for his work in the philosophy of psychology, especially for having introduced the notion of intentionality to contemporary philosophy.
  • Edgar Rubin was a Danish psychologist/phenomenologist, remembered for his work on figure-ground perception as seen in such optical illusions like the Rubin vase.

Learning by insight theory was propounded by

  1. Thorndike
  2. Kohler
  3. Pavlov
  4. Woodworth

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Kohler

There are many learning theories in psychology that are related to different schools of psychology such as cognitivehumanisticbehavioristic, etc.

  • These theories are propounded by eminent psychologists to provide a framework to understand different aspects of human behavior.

Key Points

  • Wolfgang Kohler, a German psychologist, is associated with ‘Theory of Insightful learning’.
  • In his theory, he has proposed the term ‘Insight’ that doesn't take place with trial & error, rather than it is a sudden reorganization of experience.

As per ‘Theory of Insightful learning’:

  • The solution to a problem arrives ‘all of a sudden’ flash of insight when a person is struggling. 
  • Insight enhances an individual's ability to perceive and understand something or someone instinctively.
  • Insight doesn't rely on behavior or observation, it is the sudden realization of a problem's solution using intuition.

Important Points

Kohler demonstrated the following experiment based on insight:

  • He kept chimpanzees in a closed room where food was kept out of their reach, and items like boxes, stick was there.
  • The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food.
  • They would ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to them.
  • It should be noted that it was not the result of trial and error instead, the chimpanzee suddenly came up with the idea to use boxes and stick.

Hence, it could be concluded that the learning by insight theory was propounded by Wolfgang Kohler.

Additional Information



Main Idea

Theory of Connectionism


Learning is the result of associations forming between stimulus and responses.

Theory of classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov

Theory emphasizes that behavior is learned by a repetitive association between the response and the stimulus

Gestalt theory postulates that elements are grouped as per patterns. This is the principle of

  1. Proximity
  2. Similarity
  3. Simplicity
  4. Closure

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Proximity

According to Gestaltists, the process of perception does not involve perceiving an array of stimuli as an object but it involves our tendency to seek a form or pattern in it. The literal meaning of the word Gestalt is form or configuration. The basic premise of Gestalt psychology is that ‘the whole is different from the sum of its part’. This implies that an organization (or structured whole, known as Gestalten) gives a different meaning to the perception. 

Key Points

Law of Organisation: Gestalt principles 

German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, and Kurt Koffka proposed new principles for explaining perception called as Gestalt principle:

  • Law of Figure-ground Relationship: This principle states that we have a tendency to segregate our world in the form of figure and ground. We always see a figure (image) against the background. The figure is that part of the stimuli which has our focus of the visual field, whereas the ground is the background. The figure has a definite shape and is better remembered whereas, the background is shapeless and has no limits.
  • Law of Proximity: This refers to the grouping of elements or objects that occur close together as per patterns. In order to perceive stimuli meaningfully, stimuli that are closer to each other are perceived by us belonging to one group.
  • Law of Good Figure/ Law of Pragnanz/Law of Symmetry: According to this principle, we have a tendency to organize stimuli to make the figure balanced or symmetrical. Thus, out of all possible ways of grouping stimuli, we tend to group stimuli in the simplest and stable shape. Thus, we can say that simpler forms are more perceived by us.
  • Law of Continuation: This law involves movement. It states that things are organized according to their movement together in a group i.e., stimuli moving in similar directions are perceived as belonging to the same group.
  • Law of Closure: We sense so many things but it is the law of closure that completes our perception. The perceptual processes organize our perceptions of the stimulus by filling in the gaps in our sensations.
  • Law of Similarity: This principle suggests that things are grouped together according to their similarity. For example, during a cricket match, we tend to group players based on the color of their jerseys.

Hence, we conclude that the above principle is about proximity.

Through his experiment Kohler wanted to prove that learning is

  1. The perception of whole situation
  2. Human Learning is purposeful
  3. Better in animals than human beings
  4. An independent activity

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : The perception of whole situation

Most of the learning in human beings takes place not only through observation or imitation but also by solving problems that they come across in their day-to-day life. While solving a problem if an individual reaches the solution all of a sudden, we say that he has learned by insight. 

  • In fact, the person reaches the solution by understanding the relationship between different aspects of the problematic situation. In our daily life, we describe the mode of learning by using phrases like seeing the point or getting the idea.

Important Points 

  • Wolfgang Kohler, insight learning refers to the sudden realization of a problem’s solution. Kohler proposed that not all kinds of learning depend on trial-error or conditioning, we use our cognitive processes also to learn.
  • Gestalt Psychology used the term ‘insight’ to describe the perception of the whole situation by the learner and of his intelligence in responding to the proper relationships.
  • Even though this learning takes place implicitly, the change in the behavior is long-lasting. To prove his point, he conducted a series of an experiment on chimpanzees, with which we humans share 99 percent of DNA.

Key PointsOn the basis of his experiments, he described the process of learning in insight as follows:

  • The learning perceives the situation in its totality.
  • The child analyses the various aspects of the situation and tries to establish a meaningful relationship among them. On the basis of this new perception, the child redefines the situation.
  • The process goes on till the child solves the problematic situation all of a sudden. That is what we mean when we say that the child suddenly gets an insight into the solution.

Thus, it is concluded that through his experiment Kohler wanted to prove that learning is the perception of a whole situation.

Who among the following does not belong to 'Gestalt Psychology'?

  1. Kurt Lewin
  2. I. P. Pavlov
  3. Wolfgang Kohler
  4. All of these

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : I. P. Pavlov

Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior and it includes the application of this science to different problems of human beings.

  • The psychologists, in the beginning, had an empirical approach to understand the thinking, attention, imagery, etc. The experiments were done to study the mind and mental experiences.
  • Gradually, different schools of psychology came up with different viewpoints about the nature of the study of psychology. They emphasized that the focus should be on the study of behavior rather than the mind.

Key Points

  • German psychologists Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and Lewin have studied the nature of perception and are the leaders of gestalt psychology. Wertheimer is considered the father of gestalt psychology.
  • "Gestalt" is a German noun for which there is no English word equivalent. The nearest English translation of "Gestalt" is "configuration" or more simply "an organized whole". Gestalt psychologists consider the process of learning as a gestalt - an organized whole.

Important Points 

Gestalt theory of learning:

  • It is primarily concerned with the nature of perception. According to it, an individual perceives the thing as a whole.
  • A thing is perceived as a relationship within a field that includes the thing and its complex background incorporating their previous experiences and purposes.
  • While learning, a learner always perceives the situation as a whole and after seeing and evaluating the different relationships intelligently takes a proper decision.
  • The child first perceives the situation as a whole and then evaluates its parts that imply that they first learn anything as a whole and then learn their part.
  • For example, children in their initial stage of learning, recognize all types of birds saying simply "birds" and afterward they start to distinguish between different types of birds i.e., sparrow, parrot, eagle, etc.

Hence, it could be concluded that I. P. Pavlov does not belong to 'Gestalt Psychology'.


  •  Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist has propounded the 'Theory of Classical  Conditioning' which emphasizes that learning as a habit formation is based on the principle of association and substitution.

Who is not associated with Gestalt's Theory?

  1. Skinner
  2. Koffka
  3. Lewin
  4. Kohler

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Skinner

German psychologists Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and Lewin have studied the nature of perception and are the leaders of gestalt psychology. Wertheimer is considered the father of gestalt psychology.

  • "Gestalt" is a German noun for which there is no English word equivalent. The nearest English translation of "Gestalt" is "configuration" or more simply "an organized whole". Gestalt psychologists consider the process of learning as a gestalt - an organized whole.

Key Points

Gestalt theory of learning:

  • It is primarily concerned with the nature of perception. According to it, an individual perceives the thing as a whole.
  • A thing is perceived as a relationship within a field that includes the thing and its complex background incorporating their previous experiences and purposes.
  • While learning, a learner always perceives the situation as a whole and after seeing and evaluating the different relationships intelligently takes a proper decision.
  • The child first perceives the situation as a whole and then evaluates its parts that imply that they first learn anything as a whole and then learn their part.
  • For example, children in their initial stage of learning, recognize all types of birds saying simply "birds" and afterward they start to distinguish between different types of birds i.e., sparrow, parrot, eagle, etc.


  • The first behaviouristB. F. Skinner has propounded the "Theory of Operant Conditioning", also known as "Theory of Reinforcement" and "Instrumental Conditioning  Theory".
  • This theory refers to the learning process where learning takes place through rewarding a certain behaviour or withholding reward for undesirable behaviour.
  • Skinner emphasizes that a person or animal tends to ‘repeat’ behaviour which has been ‘rewarded’ (positively reinforced), or tends to ‘stop’ which has been ‘punished’ (negatively reinforced). 

Hence, it could be concluded that Skinner is not associated with Gestalt's Theory. 

Field Theory is the contribution of

  1. Behaviourists
  2. Structuralists
  3. Psychoanalysts
  4. Gestaltists

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Gestaltists

A learning theory is a general concept of learning. It means that it simply applies to everyone, to all learning tasks, and to all conditions and situations in which learning takes place. Besides, it explains, predicts, and controls how various environmental influences affect learning

Key Points

Field Theory of Learning:  

Kurt Lewin, a Gestaltist, is known as a "practical theorist" and the father of the modern discipline of social psychology. 

  • Gestalt views of learning: The literal meaning of the word Gestalt is form or configuration. The basic premise of Gestalt psychology is that ‘the whole is different from the sum of its part’.
  • Based on this basic premise, Gestalt psychologists proposed several principles or laws to explain the process of perceptual organization i.e., how we perceive smaller units of stimuli as a whole, having a particular pattern. 

Important Points

Lewin did his pioneering work in the development of field theory, a framework for understanding human behavior that focuses on how an individual conceptualizes and responds to physical and social environments.

  • Field theory provides a paradigm for understanding and conducting studies of group processes and intergroup relations. 
  • Unlike Pavlov, Skinner, and Gestltian, he conducted experiments on the study of the behavior of children.
  • He conducted a detailed experiment by controlling the child’s overall environment during the course of the investigation to obtain elaborate information.
  • He used the comprehensive concept of Life space.
  • Life space includes everything one needs to 'know about a person's psychological environment at a given time. 
  • He describes individual behavior based on life-space.
  • Life-space depends on an individual's psychological force.
  • It encompasses the person; his drives, tensions, thoughts, and his environment, which consists of perceived objects and events.

Hence, we can conclude that Field Theory is the contribution of Gestaltists.

Additional Information 

Schools of Psychology Supporters Main Idea
Behaviourism Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner Focus is on observable behavior only. Behaviour is simply a response to environmental stimuli.
Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud Highlights on the role of unconscious thoughts, feelings, memories, and early childhood experiences in determining behavior.
Structuralists Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener The main focus is on analyzing the basic structures of the human mind. 

ewin is Kurt Lk

A student was solving the mathematical problems and got puzzled with one. After devoting sometime in thinking about the solution he suddenly got a clue and solved the problem. It is learning through- 

  1. Operant conditioning
  2. Classical conditioning
  3. Insight
  4. Hierarchical Approach

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Insight

There are many learning theories in psychology that are related to different schools of psychology such as cognitivehumanisticbehavioristic, etc.

  • These theories are propounded by eminent psychologists to provide a framework to understand different aspects of human behavior.

Key Points

The above-mentioned phenomenon is attributed to learning through insight.

  • Wolfgang Kohler, a German psychologist, is associated with the ‘Theory of Insightful learning’.
  • In his theory, he has proposed the term ‘Insight’ that doesn't take place with trial & error, rather than it is a sudden reorganization of experience.

As per ‘Theory of Insightful learning’:

  • The solution to a problem arrives ‘all of a sudden’ flash of insight when a person is struggling. 
  • Insight enhances an individual's ability to perceive and understand something or someone instinctively.
  • Insight doesn't rely on behavior or observation, it is the sudden realization of a problem's solution using intuition.

Important Points 

Kohler demonstrated the following experiment based on insight:

  • He kept chimpanzees in a closed room where food was kept out of their reach, and items like boxes, stick was there.
  • The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food.
  • They would ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to them.
  • It should be noted that it was not the result of trial and error instead, the chimpanzee suddenly came up with the idea to use boxes and stick.

Hence, it could be concluded that the above-mentioned phenomenon is attributed to learning through insight.

Additional Information 



Main Idea

Theory of operant conditioning

B. F. Skinner

Learning takes place through rewarding a certain behavior or withholding reward for undesirable behavior.

Theory of classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov

Theory emphasizes that behavior is learned by a repetitive association between the response and the stimulus

Which of the following is not a Law of Gestalt:

  1. Law of Closure
  2. Law of proximity
  3. Law of good figure
  4. Law of opponent processes

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Law of opponent processes

Gestalt principles or laws are rules that describe how the human eye perceives visual elements. These principles aim to show how complex scenes can be reduced to more simple shapes. They also aim to explain how the eyes perceive the shapes as a single, united form rather than the separate simpler elements involved. 

There are six individual principles commonly associated with gestalt theory: 

1) Law of Figure-ground Relationship: 

  • This principle states that we have a tendency to segregate our world in the form of figure and ground. 
  • We always see a figure (image) against the background. The figure is that part of the stimuli which has our focus of the visual field, whereas the ground is the background.
  • The figure has a definite shape and is better remembered whereas, the background is shapeless and has no limits.

2) Law of Proximity: 

  • This refers to the grouping of elements or objects that occur close together as per patterns. 
  • In order to perceive stimuli meaningfully, stimuli that are closer to each other are perceived by us belonging to one group.

3) Law of Good Figure/ Law of Pragnanz/Law of Symmetry: 

  • According to this principle, we have a tendency to organize stimuli to make the figure balanced or symmetrical. Thus, out of all possible ways of grouping stimuli, we tend to group stimuli in the simplest and stable shape.
  • Thus, we can say that simpler forms are more perceived by us.

4) Law of Continuation:

  • This law involves movement.
  • It states that things are organized according to their movement together in a group i.e., stimuli moving in similar directions are perceived as belonging to the same group.

5) Law of Closure: 

  • We sense so many things but it is the law of closure that completes our perception. 
  • The perceptual processes organize our perceptions of the stimulus by filling in the gaps in our sensations.

6) Law of Similarity: 

  • This principle suggests that things are grouped together according to their similarity.
  • For example, during a cricket match, we tend to group players based on the color of their jersey.

Hence, the Law of opponent processes is not a Law of Gestalt.

Insight Theory is also called:

  1. Geisinger Theory of Learning
  2. Maslow’s Theory of Insights 
  3. Gestalt Theory of Learning
  4. None of the above

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Gestalt Theory of Learning

According to the theory of learning by insight, the totality is more important than the parts. So learning also takes place as a whole than in parts. Learning by insight involves the sudden grasping of the solution, a sudden flash of understanding without providing any scope for trial and error. Most of the important discoveries and inventions have happened by insight.

In any type of learning Gestalt laid greater emphasis on role of:

  1. Reward and Punishment
  2. past experiences
  3. Positive behaviour
  4. Motivation and definite goals and purpose.

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Motivation and definite goals and purpose.

There are many learning theories in psychology that are related to different schools of psychology such as cognitivehumanisticbehavioristic, etc.

  • These theories are propounded by eminent psychologists to provide a framework to understand different aspects of human behavior.
  • Wolfgang Kohler, a German psychologist, is associated with ‘Theory of Insightful learning’.
  • In his theory, he has proposed the term ‘Insight’ that doesn't take place with trial & error, rather than it is a sudden reorganization of experience.

Important Points

As per ‘Theory of Insightful learning’: 

  • The solution to a problem arrives ‘all of a sudden’ flash of insight when a person is struggling. 
  • Insight enhances an individual's ability to perceive and understand something or someone instinctively.
  • Insight doesn't rely on behavior or observation, it is the sudden realization of a problem's solution using intuition.

 Key Points

  • Gestalt theory of learning essentially consists of problem-solving by understanding the relative position of the elements in the entire perspective or situation. 
  • Kohler conducted an experiment on chimpanzee in his lab. He put the chimpanzee, sultan, inside a cage, and a banana was suspended from a wall and three boxes and a stick were also placed.
  • The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food. He ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to him.
  • Evidently, it was a sudden moment of realization that struck the chimpanzee and he was able to solve the problem.
  • Hence, it was the motivation to fulfill his hunger and attitude of never giving up to fulfill his goal showcased by the chimpanzee that eventually led him to the idea of piling the boxes and using the stick to get the bananas, which basically was driven by hunger which in this case was the definite purpose and motivation.

Thus, it is concluded that in any type of learning Gestalt laid greater emphasis on the role of motivation and definite goal and purpose.

Fill up the blank with suitable answers from the choices given below. 

A teacher of science subject shows a plant and teaches the parts of It. It can be inferred that the teacher adopts the ________ psychological theory.

  1. Hull's systematic behaviour theory
  2. Hebb's neurophysiological theory
  3. Gestalt theory of insightful learning
  4. Jung's psychotherapy

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Gestalt theory of insightful learning

The insightful learning:-This theory is also called the Gestalt Theory of Learning. Learning by insight means sudden grasping of the solution, a flash of understanding, without any process of trial and error. All discoveries and inventions have taken place through insight. Of course, the discoverer possessed a complete knowledge of the whole situation in peace-meal. 

Key Points There are some important points related to the insight learning given below.

  • Learning is the process in which we active our hidden qualities.
  • Learning means bringing changes in behavior.
  • The group of gestalt psychologists completed the study in a systematic manner.
  • A teacher of a science subject shows a plant and the teachers the part of it. It can be inferred that the teacher adopts the gestalt theory of insight learning psychological theory.
  • Gestalt is a sensual theory.
  • Gestalt theory emphasizes the perception of the mind.
  • The word Gestalt had no direct translation in English.

Thus we can say that A teacher of a science subject shows a plant and the teachers the part of it. It can be inferred that the teacher adopts the gestalt theory of insight learning psychological theory.

Additional Information

  • Gestalt learning is also called Insightful Learning.
  • Insight operates when someone wants to get a solution to any question.
  • Development and improvement of insight learning is the central idea of this theory.

Insightful learning does not depend upon the factor, ________.

  1. Aspiration
  2. Experience
  3. Intelligence
  4. Learning Situation

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Aspiration

Insight learning is Given by one of the founders of Gestalt psychology, Wolfgang Kohler, insight learning refers to the sudden realization of a problem’s solution. Kohler proposed that not all kinds of learning depend on trial-error or conditioning, we use our cognitive processes also to learn. Using cognitive processes we visualize the problem and solution for it internally only. Even though this learning takes place implicitly but the change in the behavior is long-lasting.

Key Points According to Kohler's experience with chimpanzees:

  • He kept chimpanzees in a closed room where food was kept out of their reach, and items like boxes, stick was there. The chimpanzee would roam inside the room to reach the food. he would ‘suddenly’ stand on a box and use the stick to bring food close to them. It should be noted that it was not the result of trial and error instead, the chimpanzee suddenly came up with the idea to use boxes and stick.
  • Thus by this experiment, it is clear that chimpanzee uses their intelligence and previous experiences according to the situation inside the room. Hence we can conclude that Aspiration is not a factor on which insightful learning is depend..


  • Aspiration: This refers to the extent to which an individual wshies to strive to achieve. It emanates from the targets, goals, and ambitions that individuals construct for themselves. If we set our level of aspiration fairly high, then correspondingly, the degree of effort we put in and how effectively we are likely to learn, will be influenced by it. An individual who wants to excel in a particular field would have a high level of aspiration in it and would thus try to learn effectively to fulfill his aspiration. You must have come across many students wanting to excel in studies, games, etc.

Most prominent member of Gestalt Psychology

  1. Kurt Koffka
  2. Max Wertheimer
  3. Wolfgang Kohler
  4. All of these

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : All of these

Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior and it includes the application of this science to different problems of human beings.

  • The psychologists, in the beginning, had an empirical approach to understand the thinking, attention, imagery, etc. The experiments were done to study the mind and mental experiences.
  • Gradually, different schools of psychology came up with different viewpoints about the nature of the study of psychology. They emphasized that the focus should be on the study of behavior rather than the mind.

Key Points

  • German psychologists Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and Lewin have studied the nature of perception and are the leaders of gestalt psychology. Wertheimer is considered the father of gestalt psychology.
  • "Gestalt" is a German noun for which there is no English word equivalent. The nearest English translation of "Gestalt" is "configuration" or more simply "an organized whole". Gestalt psychologists consider the process of learning as a gestalt - an organized whole.

Important Points 

Gestalt theory of learning:

  • It is primarily concerned with the nature of perception. According to it, an individual perceives the thing as a whole.
  • A thing is perceived as a relationship within a field that includes the thing and its complex background incorporating their previous experiences and purposes.
  • While learning, a learner always perceives the situation as a whole and after seeing and evaluating the different relationships intelligently takes a proper decision.
  • The child first perceives the situation as a whole and then evaluates its parts that imply that they first learn anything as a whole and then learn their part.
  • For example, children in their initial stage of learning, recognize all types of birds saying simply "birds" and afterward they start to distinguish between different types of birds i.e., sparrow, parrot, eagle, etc.

Hence, it could be concluded that all of these are the most prominent members of Gestalt Psychology.

Which of the following is not a principle of perception? 

  1. Figure- ground
  2. Closure
  3. Symmetry
  4. Uniformity

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Uniformity

The concept of perception is given by Max Wertheimer. In the early 20th century, three German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler and Kurt Koffka proposed new principles for explaining perception called as Gestalt principle.

  • According to these psychologists, the process of perception does not involve perceiving an array of stimuli as an object but it involves our tendency to seek a form or pattern in it. 
  • ​Perception may be defined as the way a person sees the universe, he feels about certain elements in a situation.
  • Perception is the stage in which an internal representation of an object is formed. This representation provides a working description of perceiver’s external environment.
  • Perception involves synthesis of simple sensory features into percept of an object that can be recognized

Key Points

Main principles of perceptual are:

  • Law of Proximity: In order to perceive stimuli meaningful, stimuli which are closer to each other are perceived by us belonging to one group. Due to this reason, people tend to see following circles as cluster or group rather than individual circles. Our brain tends to group large elements as one to make us interpret more easily.
  • Law of Continuity or Good Continuation: It refers to our tendency to perceive figures in continuation rather than in parts. This principle is exhibited more in the perception of the line. 
  • Law of Closure: Following its name, this law should not be confused with the law of proximity. This law states that we tend to perceive stimuli as closed shapes even with some missing parts.
  • Law of Common Region/Common Fate: This principle states that stimuli moving in similar directions are perceived as belonging to the same group.
  • Law of Good Form/Pragnaz: The word Prgnaz is a German in origin, meaning “good figure”. This principle is also called as “law of good figure”. According to this principle, out of all possible ways of grouping stimuli, we tend to group stimuli in the simplest and stable shape.

Hence, the correct answer is Uniformity.

On what principles can understanding the Great Bear constellation can be based?

  1. Thorndike
  2. Gestalt
  3. Piaget
  4. Pavlov

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : Gestalt

Gastalt psychology is based upon positivism. They emphasize the significance system's structure or the 'organismic and believe in the study of a whole in psychology.


Gestalt principles help understand the Great Bear constellation. On this Kohlar, a gestalt psychologist said that', Ona clear night: we can see constellations that appear to aggregate into groups detached from the rest; one example is Cassiopeia, the other is the Great Bear constellation. In the olden days, people saw constellations. Today, children see the same units without being taught. Kohler concludes that the field of organisation is natural facts of sensation and on which we can understand the concept like Great bear constellation.

Key Points

Law of Organisation: Gestalt principles 

German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, and Kurt Koffka proposed new principles for explaining perception called as Gestalt principle

  • Law of Proximity: In order to perceive stimuli meaningful, stimuli which are closer to each other are perceived by us belonging to one group. Due to this reason, people tend to see following circles as cluster or group rather than individual circles. Our brain tends to group large elements as one to make us interpret more easily.
  • Law of Continuity or Good Continuation: It refers to our tendency to perceive figures in continuation rather than in parts. This principle is exhibited more in the perception of the line. 
  • Law of Closure: Following its name, this law should not be confused with the law of proximity. This law states that we tend to perceive stimuli as closed shapes even with some missing parts.
  • Law of Common Region/Common Fate: This principle states that stimuli moving in similar directions are perceived as belonging to the same group.
  • Law of Good Form/Pragnaz: The word Prgnaz is a German in origin, meaning “good figure”. This principle is also called as “law of good figure”. According to this principle, out of all possible ways of grouping stimuli, we tend to group stimuli in the simplest and stable shape.

Hence, we can conclude that on Gestalt principles can understanding the Great Bear constellation to be based.

Which group of psychologists suggested that the whole exceeds the sum of its parts?

However, as the Gestalt psychologists discovered, our perceptions have a powerful tendency to form meaningful patterns. Because of this tendency, you will probably see a triangle in this design, even though it is only an illusion. Your whole perceptual experience exceeds the sum of its parts.

What does Gestalt psychology emphasize?

Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts. That is, the attributes of the whole are not deducible from analysis of the parts in isolation. The word Gestalt is used in modern German to mean the way a thing has been “placed,” or “put together.” There is no exact equivalent in English.

How did the Gestalt psychologists understand perceptual organization?

How did the Gestalt psychologists understand perceptual organization, and how do figure-ground and grouping principles contribute to our perceptions? Gestalt psychologists searched for rules by which the brain organizes fragments of sensory data into gestalts (from the German word for "whole"), or meaningful forms.

Which of the following psychologists is associated with Gestalt psychology?

Who founded Gestalt psychology? Gestalt psychology was founded by Max Wertheimer, a Czechoslovakian psychologist who interestingly also developed a lie detection device to objectively study courtroom testimony. 12 ]Wolfgang Köhler and Kurt Koffka are also considered to be co-founders of the Gestalt theory.


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