Which sociological perspective would most likely focus on gatekeeping as a process that reflects a desire to maximize profits by those with power and authority?

A set of people related by blood, marriage,or some other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society.

A form of marriage in which an individual may have several husbands or wives simultaneously.

In a legal sense, a process that allows for the transfer of the legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood to anew legal parent or parents

A family in which only one parent is present to care for the children.

Difference between a family and a kin group?

a family is a household unit while a kin group doesn't always live together

In which type of society do women hold greater authority than men?

Which sociological perspective would suggest that social change has influenced the family in that many traditional family activities such as education have been assumed by other social institutions?

Which sociological perspective would most likely focus attention on the personal relationships between stepparents and their stepchildren and the family dynamics involved in such relationships?

interactionist perspective

in 2009, what was the median age for a woman in the U.S. at the time of her first marriage?

Cohabitation is the least common among which racial or ethnic group in the U.S.?

Which sociological perspective views marriage as a social institution closely tied to human reproduction?

An example of a domestic partnership would be?

two unrelated adults who share a mutually caring relationship, reside together, and agree to be jointly responsible for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common necessities.

refers to the way in which people respond to one another, whether, face to face or on the computer.

to the ways in which a society is organized into predictable relationships.

What does the text say regarding marriage in Japan?

Marriage is considered more a social status that a relationship. Although many or most Japanese couples undoubtedly do love each other saying "I love you" does not come easily to them, especially no to the husbands. They also don't call their wives by name or look them in the eyes.

In what ways did boxer Muhammad Ali rebel against racist thinking and terminology that restricted him?

He broke the old stereo-types of the self-eccating black athlete, insisting on his political views(including refusing to serve in the Vietnam war) his religion (Black muslim), and his name Muhammad Ali.

to refer to any of the full range of socially defined positions within a large group of society, from the lowest to the highest.

A social position assigned to a person by society without regard for the person's unique talents or characteristics. Generally the assignment takes place at birth, thus a person's racial back-ground, gender and age are all considered ascribed statuses.

A social position that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts.

A status that dominates others and thereby determines persons general position in society.

Occurs when incompatible expectations arise from two or more social positions held by the same person.

The difficulty that arises when the same social position imposes conflicting demands and expectations.

Which sociological  perspective emphasizes that social rules contribute to a society's stability by enabling members to anticipate the behavior of others and to pattern their own actions accordingly?

Primary group vs. secondary group

Primary group- A small group characterized by intimate, face to face association and cooperation.

Secondary group- A formal, impersonal group in which there is little social intimacy or mutual understanding.

A series of social relationships that links a person directly to others, and through them indirectly to still more people.

Have an understanding of how a formal organization would work

A group designed for a special purposed and structured for maximum efficiency. The US postal service McDonalds and the Boston pops orchestra are examples of formal organizations. Though organizations vary in their size, specificity of goals, and degree of efficiency, they are all structured to facilitate the management of large-scale operations. They also have a bureaucratic form of organization. Formal organizations fulfill and enormous variety of person and societal needs, shaping the lives of every one of us.

What were the primary media vehicles by which people bonded in the U.S. during, and in the aftermath of, the terrorist attacks of September, 11 2001?

Television, radio, and the telephone were the primary means by which people in the U.S. bonded. But the internet also played a prominent role. About half of all internet users more than 5 million people received some kind of news about the attacks online.

According to the text, which of the following musicians has received the most amount of status, from rolling stone magazine due to the number of times they've appeared on its cover?

Which of the following politicians has appeared on the cover of TIME magazine most often, resulting in a degree of status being conferred upon him?

Which nation has made the largest number of the top 100 worldwide brands?

Is the process by which a relatively small number of people in the media industry control which material eventually reaches the audience

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on gatekeeping as a process that reflects a desire to maximize profits by those with power and authority?

In the Us one out of every four women is considered obese. How many characters are portrayed as obese on television?

Only 3 out of 100 TV characters are portrayed as obese

The popular ESPN sports center program denotes what percentage of air time to women's sports?

Only about 6% of network sports coverage is devoted to women

Describes a condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power. Some degree of social inequality characterizes every society.

The term income refers to salaries and wages.
Wealth is an inclusive term encompassing all a persons material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property.

The most extreme form of legalized social inequality for both individuals and groups. Enslaved individuals are owned by other people.

Hereditary ranks that are usually religiously dictated and that tend to be fixed and immobile. Caste membership is and ascribed status, each caste is quite sharply defined and members are expected to marry within the caste.

Karl Marx used the term "proletariat" to refer to:

The ability to exercise ones will over others.

is the reputation that a specific person has earned within an occupation

A minimal level of subsitence that no family should be expected to live below.

Nearly 60 percent of adults who remain on welfare are not in school or enrolled in welfare to work programs due to their usually facing?

ill, disabled, or are occupied in maintaining a home

implies that the position of each individual is influenced by his or her achieved status, such a system encourages competition among members of a society.

Open stratification system

A social system in which there is little or no possibility of individual social mobility. The slavery and caste systems of stratification are examples of closed systems.

Karl Marx would identify coal miners as members of which social class?

Stratification is universal in that all societies maintain some form of social inequality among members. T OR F?

Reality is shaped by our definitions, but not our perceptions and evaluations. T OR F

An analysis of the 2008 presidential campaign showed that nearly 24 percent of U.S. citizens turned regularly to the internet to research the candidates. T or F

Most viewers who watch the Super Bowl do so only for the commercials?

Herbert Gans saw class as being closely related to people's life chances. T OR F?

A producer who declines adding a gay character to a story line because she feels it would "upset certain audience members" is performing a gate keeping role. T OR F

The scientific study of social behavior and human groups.

an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society, both today and in the past.

The body of knowledge obtained by methods based on systematic observation.

A set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behavior.

A construct or model for evaluating specific cases.

An explanation of an abstract concept that is specific enough to allow a researcher to assess the concept.

A relationship between two variables in which a change in one coincides wit a change in the other.

A sample for which every member of and entire population has the same chance of being selected.

The extent to which a measure produces consistent results.

A penalty or reward for conduct concerning a soical norm.

The lifelong process in which people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture.

A gesture, object, or word that forms the basis of human communication.

Who coined the term generalized other?

Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior. It includes the ideas, values, and artifacts of other groups of people.
Subculture is a segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of customs, rules, & traditions that differs from the pattern of the larger society. In a sense a subculture can be thought of as a culture existing within a larger dominant culture.

Culture shock vs. culture universal

Culture universal is a common practice or belief found in every culture.
Culture shock is the feeling of surprise and disorientation that people experience when they encounter cultural practices that are different from their own.

Steps in Scientific Method:

-Define the problem
-Review the literature
-Formulate a testable hypothesis
-Select a research design
collect & analyze data
survey-observation-experiment-existing resources
-Develop the conclusion
-Ideas for further research

What can be a variable in a study?

A measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions?

Social science vs. natural science

Social science is the study of social features of humans and the ways they interact and change.

Natural science is the study of nature and the ways they interact and change.

The different groups that can be used in  an experiment

The experimental group is exposed to an independent variable, the control group is not.

to refer to the unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their subjects.

is the worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas.

Non material culture vs material culture

Material culture refers to the physical or technological aspects of our daily lives including food, houses, factories, and raw materials. Nonmaterial culture refers to ways of using material objects, as well as to customs, beliefs, philosophies, government, and patterns of communication.

Formal norms-generally have been written down and specify strict punishments for violators.
Informal norms-are generally understood but not precisely recorded.

Mores- are norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society; often because they embody the most cherished principles of people.

George Herbert Meads Stages of the self:

preparatory stage-children merely imitate the people around them, especially family members with whom they continually interact.
Playstage- role-playing
The game stage- children grasp not only their own social positions but also those of other others around them.

Three phases to cooleys looking glass self:

-We imagine how we present ourselves to others, to relatives, even strangers on the street.
-We imagine how others evaluate us.
-We develop some sort of feeling about ourselves such as respect or shame, as a result of those impressions.

Stages of Jean Piaget's cognitive theory of development

sensorimotor stage- young children begin to use words and symbols to distinguish objects and ideas.
preoperational stage- children begin to use words and symbols to distinguish objects and ideas.
concrete operational-children engage in more logical thinking.
formal operational- adolescents become capable of sophisticated abstract thought and can deal with ideas and values in a logical manner.

Emily Durkheim is known for his classical sociological study of?

Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that sports help to maintain people's physical well being?

inequality, capitalism, and stratification are key concepts of which theoretical perspective?

Individuals who have divorced parents are most likely to divorce that individuals who have parents who did not divorce. This statement is an example of?

In the study of language, which sociological perspective suggest that gender-related language reflects the traditional acceptance of men and women into certain occupations?

which sociological perspective would argue that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education and the media?

The analysis of Isabelle and Genie is important because it emphasizes the relevance of?

socialization concerning not only masculinity and femininity but also marriage and parenthood begins in childhood as a part of family life. Children observe their parents as they express affection, deal with finances, quarrel, complain about in-laws, and so forth. which sociological perspective would be most interested in studying this?

about what percent of youths age 8-18 use the internet every day?

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on the functions of the mass media in conferring status?

A structural functionalist would probably focus on what social purposes technology and media serve.

Which of the sociological perspective would express concern about those with power?

Conflict approach One of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology: emphasizes the importance of unequal power and conflict in society.

Which sociological perspective is most likely to be concerned with television distorting?

gatekeeper. Which sociological perspective is most likely to be concerned with television distorting gender roles and stereotyping, often rooted in the media's willingness to promote more traditional views? gatekeeping.

Which medium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping?

sociology Test 2.


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