Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a persons?

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Over the past three decades, five general theoretical approaches to understanding the dynamics of human emotions have emerged in sociology: dramaturgical theories, symbolic interactionist theories, interaction ritual theories, power and status theories, and exchange theories. We review each of these approaches. Despite the progress made by these theories, several issues remain unresolved: the nature of emotions, feeling, and affect; the degree to which emotions are biologically based or socially constructed; the gap between social psychological theories on emotions and macrostructural theorizing; and the relatively narrow range of emotions theorized, coupled with an equally narrow focus on the structural and cultural conditions producing these emotions.

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The Annual Review of Sociology®, in publication since 1975, covers the significant developments in the field of Sociology. Topics covered in the journal include major theoretical and methodological developments as well as current research in the major subfields. Review chapters typically cover social processes, institutions and culture, organizations, political and economic sociology, stratification, demography, urban sociology, social policy, historical sociology, and major developments in sociology in other regions of the world. This journal is intended for sociologists and other social scientists, as well as those in the fields of urban and regional planning, social policy and social work. It is also useful for those in government.

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Sociology chapter 6

Social Capital The collective benefit of social networks, which are built on reciprocal trust.
Narcotizing Dysfunction The phenomenon in which the media provide such massive amount coverage that the audience becomes numb and fails to act on the information, regardless of how compelling the issue.
Gatekeeping The process by which a relatively small number of people in the median industry control what material reaches an audience.
Cultural convergence The follow of content across multiple media, and the accompanying migration of media audiences.
Hyperconsumerism The practice of buying more than we need or want, and often more than we can afford.
Visual Sociology The use of photography, films, and video to study society.
Which of the following terms is used by sociologists to refer to print and electronic means of communication that carry messages to widespread audiences? Mass media
Which sociological perspective would likely contend that the role of the mass media is to provide socialization, enforce social norms through public events, and create social stability and cohesion through collective experiences? Funtionalist perspective
Which of the following would be an example of cyberbullying? All of these answers are correct
Which of the following would the functionalist perspective most likely view as creating the greatest collective experience? The terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001
The function of media advertising is to support the economy, provide information about products, and underwrite media costs associated with Promotion of consumption
Which sociological perspective(s) would be most likely to emphasize that the mass media exacerbate many divisions in our society, including those based on gender, race, ethnicity, and social class? conflict and feminist perspectives
Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on gatekeeping as a process that reflects a desire to maximize profits by those with power and authority? Interactionalist perspective
The term media monitoring is used most often to refer to interest groups' monitoring of content.

Which sociological perspective would most likely emphasize that the mass media exacerbate many divisions in our society?

Sociology chapter 6.

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a persons health and educational opportunities?

Functionalist Pers. Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a persons health and education opportunities are affected by his or her class position in important ways? Conflict Pers.

Which sociological perspectives would be most likely to emphasize that the mass media?

Among the major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, interactionism, and the feminist perspective, conflict theorists would be most likely to suggest that the mass media serve a useful function in society by bringing members together in a collective experience.

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the stigmatizing nature of formal social controls that require?

sociology Test 2.


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