Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the American South?

Rousseau believed that the source of all social ills was

Which kind of inequality did Rousseau believe would always exist?

Ferguson and Millar saw social developments resulting from the establishment of private property representing a huge improvement in societ because private property leads to higher degrees of social organization and

Thomas Malthus had a positive view of inequality. He defended disease, slavery and child murder. Why?

he felt this would allow the population to thin itself out naturally. 

Hegel felt that the relationship between slave and master was dialectic. This means

each is dependent on the other

what term refers to the notion that everyone is created equal in the eyes of God

The game of Monopoly follow the rules of what standard of equality?

A system in which advancement is based on individual achievement or ability is referred to as

An example of ideology of equality of condition put into practice is 

Each society has a type of social stratification. How does the US justify its type of stratification system?

a person is in complete control over the class he or she is in. Hard work determine class

Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the antebellum american south

W type of straticication that is based on hereditary notions of religious and theological purit and in which there is little to no individual mobility within the strata is the:

Although indian castes have historically been ____, increasing rates of _____ have made classifying children more difficult

Under what system is you societal position related to your position the the economic market?

Sometimes individuals seek to assert or increase their status not just through occupation but also through

driving fancy cars, living in gated communities, and wearing stylish clothes

According to the Relative Social prestige of selected US occupations table which white-collar occupation has the highest prestige score

According to the relative social prestige of sleected US occupations table which white collar occupation has the highest prestige score?

Mills argues that there are three major institutional forces in modern american society in which power of decision making has become centralized. which of the following is not one of these forces

mills had a negative view of elite-mass dichotomy. His viewpoint fits into what paradigm?

a stratification system with a governing elite, that is, few leaders who broadly hold the power in society, is called:

an elite-mass dichotomy system

What term refers to everything you own minus debts such as a mortgage on your home and credit card debt

Sociologists often describe an individual's position in a stratified social arder that attempts to classify groups, individuals families or households in terms of indicators such as occupation income wealth education. Sociologist call this

What is the primary source of income for the upper class

the upper class is composed primarily of ceos, government officials celebrities and very successful professionals. What percentage fo the population does this represent

What American job sector has greatly increased since the oil crisis of 1973

what is the fastest-growing job market for people with only a high school education

What is one of the main reasons cited for rising income and waltz inequality in the united states

the effect of globalization has been to bifurcate labor into

high-skilled and low-skilled

What term refers to a group or individual transitioning from one social status to another situated more or less on the same rung of the ladder

horizontal social mobility

the rise and fall of an individual from one social stratum to another is called 

mobility that is inevitable from changes in the economy is called

proponents of the estate tax assert that the tax

hits hardest at the people who have the most money, bolsters nonprofit organizations, provides an important source of government revenue

opponents of the estate tax have consistently portrayed ____ as its undeserving victims, although it only affects a small number of such individuals

soros has suggested that repealing the estate tax would result in a shift of the tax burden onto earnings, which would shift it onto people

typically one moves up or down vertically the social ladder. If factories are moving from the US ot mexico and jobs are drying up here in the US one would say downward mobility is due to 

Which theorist argues that members of a class are grouped by their value in the commercial marketplace

Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the?

Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the antebellum American South? A type of stratification that is based on hereditary notions of religious and theological purity and in which there is little to no individual mobility within the strata is the: caste system.

How does the US ideologically justify its type of stratification system?

How does the United States ideologically justify its type of stratification system? A person is in complete control over the class he or she is in. Hard work (or lack of it) determines class.

What caused social stratification in the Caribbean?

The Caribbean stratification has been influence by its history of colonialism plantation slavery. Based on the plantation system the society was rapidly divided into the labour system and ownership, race and…show more content…

Which of the following is a type of social stratification?

Sociologists have created four main categories of social stratification systems: class systems, caste systems, slavery, and meritocracy.