Which of the following would be most appropriate method to observe the movements of condensed chromosomes?

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What technique would be most appropriate to use to observe the movements of condensed chromosomes?

What technique would be most appropriate to use to observe the movements of condensed chromosomes during cell division? an endoplasmic reticulum.

What microscope is used to see condensed chromosomes?

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to evaluate potential chromosome preparations and staining methods for application in high-resolution three-dimensional X-ray imaging.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate method to observe and measure the size of ribosomes?

Which of the following would be most appropriate method to observe and measure the size of ribosomes in a eukaryotic cell? A) a hand lens (magnifying glass) B) standard light microscopy C) scanning electron microscopy D) transmission electron microscopy Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis/Evaluation Section: 6.

Which of the following would be most appropriate method to observe the three

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) directly produces an image of the three-dimensional structure of the surface of a specimen.


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