Which of the following statements would not be an application of the marketing concept?

Marketing is the process of...

creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing products to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships with customers and to develop and maintain favorable relationships with stakeholders in a dynamic environment.

The focal point of all marketing activities is...

Organizations should define themselves not according to the products they produce but according to...

how they satisfy customers.

The definition of marketing implies that ______ should receive benefits from exchange relationships.

both customers and businesses

The primary value that a marketer expects to receive from a customer in an exchange relationship is...

the price charged for the product.

is a specific group of customers on whom a company focuses its marketing efforts.

Kashi Heart to HeartTM cereal is aimed at people concerned about their heart health. These people represent the Kashi...

SunnyD is aimed at mothers with children under age twelve. These mothers represent SunnyD's

Distribution, price, promotion, and product are all elements of...

A marketing manager decides what combination of variables is needed to satisfy customers' needs for a general type of product. What are the essential variables that the marketing manager combines?

1. Product

2. price

3. distribution

4. promotion variables

The marketing mix is built around the...

Marketing managers strive to develop a marketing mix that...

matches the needs of the target market.

The product variable of the marketing mix can include all of the following except...

a) creation of brand names.

b) consumer perception of the product price.

c) development of product packaging.

d) warranty issues.

e) repair services.

a) creation of brand names.

b) consumer perception of the product price.

c) development of product packaging.

d) warranty issues.

e) repair services.

The three basic forms that a product can take are...

1. services

2. ideas

3. goods.

A physical product you can touch is a(n)

The application of mechanical and human efforts to either people or objects to provide intangible benefits to customers is known as a(n)

Which of the following companies is the best  example of a service marketer?

a) FedEx

b) Sony

c) Abercrombie & Fitch

d) The Democratic Party

a) FedEx

b) Sony

c) Abercrombie & Fitch

d) The Democratic Party

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a group that works to change attitudes and laws about driving under the influence of alcohol. MADD primarily markets...

a) goods.

b) ideas.

c) services.

d) political figures.

e) applications.

The Church of the Latter Day Saints has used advertising for many years to market its....

a) goods.

b) services.

c) experiences.

d) production.

e) ideas.

Which of the following is most likely  to be an idea marketer?

a) Car salesperson

b) Airline pilot

c) Attorney

d) Abuse counselor

e) Orthodontist

a) Car salesperson

b) Airline pilot

c) Attorney

d) Abuse counselor

e) Orthodontist

Deciding to add gel insoles to its running shoes would be a change in the _____ element of the marketing mix for Nike.

Making modifications to packaging or brand names involves the _____ component of the marketing mix.

Issues of inventory levels and storage costs are both concerns relating to the _____ variable of the

marketing mix.

Rob Donaldson runs a successful wholesale business that sells equipment to restaurants throughout the Midwest. He is considering purchasing his own fleet of trucks to deliver the equipment instead of relying on a shipper as he is currently doing. This most closely represents a decision about...

a) which market he should target.

b) the best way to distribute his products.

c) how to effectively promote his business.

d) the product he provides to his customer.

e) which supplier he should use.

Consumers buying products online have dramatically affected the ___________ variable of the marketing mix.

Changing the hours of operation for a service business involves the _____ component of the marketing mix.

Which of the following scenarios involves the distribution element of the marketing mix?

a) Deciding whether or not a certain product should continue to be sold

b) Determining whether an advertising message would be more effective on television or in magazines

c) Choosing between a company jet or the airlines for executive travel

d) Deciding whether or not to have retail outlets in addition to a website

a) Deciding whether or not a certain product should continue to be sold

b) Determining whether an advertising message would be more effective on television or in magazines

c) Choosing between a company jet or the airlines for executive travel

d) Deciding whether or not to have retail outlets in addition to a website

e) Developing a new warranty policy for an existing product

The element of the marketing mix used to increase awareness of a product or company is...

When DuPont develops new carpet fibers that are highly stain-resistant and durable, it must educate consumers about the product's benefits. This calls for activity in which of the following marketing mix variables?

Boca Burger's website features information about products, recipes, and nutritional values, but customers cannot actually purchase products from the website. This website is most likely used primarily as a ______ marketing tool.

When Burger King offers 99-cent Whoppers to increase store traffic, it is altering which aspect of the

marketing mix?

When DataComp Corp., a producer of computer software, delayed the introduction of its new spreadsheet program to modify the package, its scheduled magazine advertisements announcing the new product needed to be revised. In this case, a change in the ___________ variable caused changes in the ___________ variable of the marketing mix.

Marketers often speak of the “controllable” variables in the practice of marketing. Which of the following is not  considered one of the controlled variables?

The concept of “exchange” is fundamental to the definition of marketing. What is the best  description of exchange ?

Provision or transfer of goods, services, or ideas in return for something of value

For an exchange to occur, four conditions must exist: first, two or more individuals, groups, or

organizations must participate, and each must possess “something of value” that the other desires; second, the exchange must provide a benefit or satisfaction to both parties; third, each must have confidence in the promise of the “something of value” held by the other; and fourth,

to build trust, parties to the exchange must meet expectations.

Mark goes to a vending machine, deposits $1.00, and receives a Sprite. Which one of the following aspects of the definition of marketing is illustrated here?

Marketing facilitates exchange relationships between buyers and sellers. What is marketing's intended outcome for this relationship?

Satisfaction for both the buyer and seller

Which of the following statements about marketing environment forces is correct?

a) They influence customers by affecting their lifestyles, standards of living, and preferences and needs for products.

b) They do not influence customers' reactions to a firm's marketing mix.

c) They fluctuate slowly and thereby create threats to a firm's marketing mix.

d) They never fluctuate quickly.

a) They influence customers by affecting their lifestyles, standards of living, and preferences and needs for products.

b) They do not influence customers' reactions to a firm's marketing mix.

c) They fluctuate slowly and thereby create threats to a firm's marketing mix.

d) They never fluctuate quickly.

e) They do not influence the way a marketing manager performs certain marketing activities.

The forces of the marketing environment include...

1. political

2. legal and regulatory

3. sociocultural

4. technological

5. economic

6. competitive.

A marketing manager for a small computer manufacturer is analyzing the potential effects of political, legal, sociocultural, and economic forces on the firm's operations. The marketing manager is examining the ___________ that influence(s) the firm's strategy.

Which of the following best  characterizes the forces of the marketing environment?

c) The various forces ensure that the marketing environment will remain fairly certain in the future.

d) These forces change dramatically over time, but a change in one force is unlikely to impact another force.

e) The forces change dramatically and quickly, and a change in one force is likely to affect the other forces.

c) The various forces ensure that the marketing environment will remain fairly certain in the future.

d) These forces change dramatically over time, but a change in one force is unlikely to impact another force.

e) The forces change dramatically and quickly, and a change in one force is likely to affect the other forces.

A change in the minimum drinking age in any given state illustrates a change in the ___________ for Miller Brewing.

StarKist Tuna announced a dolphin-safe policy and stopped buying tuna from fishing vessels that net dolphins. This decision indicates a response to concerns about...

the marketing environment.

Which of the following is essentially an uncontrollable factor in developing a marketing mix?

a) Product adaptations

b) Pricing strategies

c) Government regulations

d) Advertising campaigns

e) Retail locations

a) Product adaptations

b) Pricing strategies

c) Government regulations

d) Advertising campaigns

e) Retail locations

The forces of the marketing environment primarily affect marketers in three ways: They influence customers by affecting their lifestyles and preferences for products; they determine whether or how a marketing manager can perform certain marketing activities; and they...

affect a marketing manager's decisions and actions by influencing buyers' reactions to the firm's marketing mix.

The marketing environment is best  described as being...

The marketing concept is best  defined as...

a philosophy stating that an organization should try to satisfy customers' needs through a coordinated set of activities that allows the organization to achieve its goals.

According to the marketing concept, an organization should try to...

provide products that satisfy customers' needs and allow the organization to achieve its goals.

The marketing concept is a management philosophy that affects...

all efforts of the organization

The marketing concept focuses on

a) achieving the goals of top executives.

b) creating maximum visibility for the firm.

c) maximizing sales.

d) maximizing market share.

e) satisfying customers' needs in a way that helps to achieve organizational objectives.

a) achieving the goals of top executives.

b) creating maximum visibility for the firm.

c) maximizing sales.

d) maximizing market share.

e) satisfying customers' needs in a way that helps to achieve organizational objectives.

The marketing concept is a philosophy that states that an organization should try to satisfy customers' needs and also

a) increase market share.

b) increase sales.

c) achieve the organization's goals.

d) produce high-quality products.

e) coordinate its activities to increase production.

a) increase market share.

b) increase sales.

c) achieve the organization's goals.

d) produce high-quality products.

e) coordinate its activities to increase production.

Which one of the following statements by a company president best  reflects the marketing concept?

a) We have organized our business to make certain that customers get what they want.

b) We believe that the marketing department must organize to sell what we produce.

c) We have organized an aggressive sales force in our company to promote our products.

d) We try to produce only high-quality, technically efficient products.

a) We have organized our business to make certain that customers get what they want.

b) We believe that the marketing department must organize to sell what we produce.

c) We have organized an aggressive sales force in our company to promote our products.

d) We try to produce only high-quality, technically efficient products.

The marketing concept affects

a) just the marketing department.

b) all organizational activities.

c) only marketing and finance.

d) only production and marketing.

e) few decisions in an organization.

a) just the marketing department.

b) all organizational activities.

c) only marketing and finance.

d) only production and marketing.

e) few decisions in an organization.

When Campbell's introduced a line of low-sodium soups in response to customer demand, it was following which one of the following philosophies?

a) Selling concept

b) Production concept

c) Customer concept

d) Marketing concept

e) Retailing concept

a) Selling concept

b) Production concept

c) Customer concept

d) Marketing concept

e) Retailing concept

The Jackson Hewitt company wants to adopt the marketing concept as a business philosophy. To be

consistent with this decision, it should adopt which of the following philosophies?

a) The customer is always right.

b) Making money is our business.

c) Sell, sell, sell.

d) Keep prices low.

e) Focus on today.

a) The customer is always right.

b) Making money is our business.

c) Sell, sell, sell.

d) Keep prices low.

e) Focus on today.

The marketing concept is

a) a management philosophy.

b) synonymous with exchange.

c) a component of the marketing mix.

d) a function of the marketing environment.

e) focused solely on satisfying customer objectives.

a) a management philosophy.

b) synonymous with exchange.

c) a component of the marketing mix.

d) a function of the marketing environment.

e) focused solely on satisfying customer objectives.

As the Industrial Revolution came to the United States, most firms operated in a(n) ___________


a) market

b) societal

c) sales

d) evolutionary

e) production

a) market

b) societal

c) sales

d) evolutionary

e) production

During the Industrial Revolution demand for manufactured goods was...

From the 1920s to the 1950s, demand for manufactured goods decreased, leading to the ______ orientation.

a) production

b) market

c) revolutionary

d) sales

e) reduction

a) production

b) market

c) revolutionary

d) sales

e) reduction

U.S. Electric, the maker of a highly innovative xenon light bulb, finds that it has excess inventory. The firm increases its advertising budget by 50 percent and doubles its sales staff. This company is operating as if it were in which of the following orientations?

Production, Sales, Market, Social, Development

American Express implements a program of calling its current cardholders to find out what changes they would like to see in the services provided. The firm is exhibiting characteristics associated with which of the following orientations?

Production, Sales, Market, Social, Development

A market orientation is an organization-wide effort that includes all of the following activities except

a) researching customers' needs.

b) focusing on the marketing department only.

c) generating marketing intelligence for use in the organization.

d) being responsive to customers' ever-changing wants and needs.

e) disseminating marketing intelligence across departments within the organization.

a) researching customers' needs.

b) focusing on the marketing department only.

c) generating marketing intelligence for use in the organization.

d) being responsive to customers' ever-changing wants and needs.

e) disseminating marketing intelligence across departments within the organization.

Which of the following best  describes the acceptance of the marketing concept by American organizations?

a) The marketing concept has yet to be fully accepted by all organizations.

b) All organizations fully utilize the marketing concept to run their businesses.

c) Nearly half of all organizations are still in the sales orientation and have not implemented the

marketing concept.

a) The marketing concept has yet to be fully accepted by all organizations.

b) All organizations fully utilize the marketing concept to run their businesses.

c) Nearly half of all organizations are still in the sales orientation and have not implemented the

marketing concept.

Which of the following is not  an example of the implementation of the marketing concept?

a) Jimmy Dean's Sausage introduces turkey sausage patties for a healthier alternative to pork.

b) Mar's Candy asks customers to vote online for a new color for its M&M's candy.

c) Burger King reduces the labor costs to produce its sausage-egg biscuits.

d) Microsoft offers rewards for users who can find flaws in its new software.

a) Jimmy Dean's Sausage introduces turkey sausage patties for a healthier alternative to pork.

b) Mar's Candy asks customers to vote online for a new color for its M&M's candy.

c) Burger King reduces the labor costs to produce its sausage-egg biscuits.

d) Microsoft offers rewards for users who can find flaws in its new software.

Health Care Systems, Inc. rolls out an innovative nurse-on-call information system available online. The product is not widely accepted because patients don't see the need for such a service. This situation represents a failure in which aspect of implementing the marketing concept?

An information system to determine customer needs

When Wonder introduced a new bread made with white whole wheat in response to customer demand, it was following which of the following philosophies?

a) selling concept

b) production concept

c) marketing concept

d) customer concept

e) retailing concept

a) selling concept

b) production concept

c) marketing concept

d) customer concept

e) retailing concept

Today, establishing long-term, mutually beneficial arrangements in which both the buyer and seller focus on value enhancement through the creation of more satisfying exchanges is known as...

A junior marketing executive at MegaGrain Cereals suggests increasing the package size and price of its best-selling brand without increasing the amount of cereal inside the box. Her superior warns that this might be a bad idea because MegaGrain's long-term survival, like most companies, depends on

creating and maintaining satisfying exchange relationships.

In managing customer relationships, the three primary ways profits can be obtained are by...

enhancing the profitability of existing customers, extending the duration of relationships with

customers, and obtaining new customers.

Customer relationship management (CRM) begins its focus on customers with

a) communication.

b) product.

c) distribution.

d) information.

e) promotion.

a) communication.

b) product.

c) distribution.

d) information.

e) promotion.

Long-term relationships with profitable customers is the key objective of

customer-relationship management

Managing customer relationships requires identifying patterns of ___________ and then using that

information to focus on the most promising and profitable customers.

________ is a customer's subjective assessment of benefits relative to costs in determining the worth of a


The equation a buyer applies to assess a product's value is

value = customer benefits – customer costs.

Customer costs include anything the buyer must give up in order to obtain the benefits the product provides. The most obvious customer cost is

Which of the following would not  be a customer cost considered in determination of product value?

a) Product's purchase price

b) Time spent purchasing the product

c) Effort spent purchasing the product

d) Benefits received in the exchange for the products

e) Risk of purchasing the product

a) Product's purchase price

b) Time spent purchasing the product

c) Effort spent purchasing the product

d) Benefits received in the exchange for the products

e) Risk of purchasing the product

Scott, a buyer for a medium-sized company, is assessing the value of competing software products for use in his firm. Which of the following would not  be a customer benefit considered in his determination of this product's value?

a) Speed of delivery

b) Ease of installation

c) Availability of technical support

d) Availability of training assistance

e) Monetary price

a) Speed of delivery

b) Ease of installation

c) Availability of technical support

d) Availability of training assistance

e) Monetary price

Taco Bell is introducing some of its products into supermarkets, vending machines, college campuses, and other locations to increase its product availability and convenience. One reason Taco Bell is doing so is to...

Marketing management is defined as a process of

planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling marketing activities.

______ is the degree to which an exchange helps achieve an organization's objectives.

a) Controlling

b) Effectiveness

c) Success rate

d) Efficiency

e) Objectivity

a) Controlling

b) Effectiveness

c) Success rate

d) Efficiency

e) Objectivity

______ refers to minimizing the resources an organization must spend to achieve a specific level of desired exchanges.

a) Effectiveness

b) Productivity

c) Efficiency

d) Objectivity

e) Cost cutting

a) Effectiveness

b) Productivity

c) Efficiency

d) Objectivity

e) Cost cutting

A systematic process of assessing opportunities and resources, determining marketing objectives, and developing a marketing strategy and plans for implementation and control describes which of the following marketing management activities?

The marketing unit can be organized by ________.

functions, products, regions, types of customers, or a combination of all four.

_________ of marketing plans hinges on coordination of marketing activities, motivation of marketing personnel, and effective communication within the marketing unit.

  • Implementation

If McDonald's runs a promotion advertising Big Macs for $1.50, it must ensure that each of the company's restaurants has sufficient staff and product on hand to handle expected demand. This relates to which of the following marketing management activities?

  • Implementation

_________ is the process of establishing performance standards, comparing actual performance with established standards, and reducing the difference between desired and actual performance.

Which of the following statements describes the best use of the Internet by a marketer?

a) Gain information.

b) Relay product information.

c) Facilitate the marketing process.

d) Accumulate as many friends as possible.

e) Facilitate the marketing exchange, obtain customer feedback, and providing product information.

a) Gain information.

b) Relay product information.

c) Facilitate the marketing process.

d) Accumulate as many friends as possible.

e) Facilitate the marketing exchange, obtain customer feedback, and providing product information.

Initiatives intended to improve an organization's positive impact on society and the natural environment are called

If a family spends $2,000 a month on goods and services, how much of that $2,000 goes for marketing


a) $2,000

b) $1,500

c) $1,000

d) $500

e) $0

a) $2,000

b) $1,500

c) $1,000

d) $500

e) $0

For most firms, the costs of marketing activities consume approximately what portion of the consumer's dollar?

In today's market environment, you might pay $15 for a CD by your favorite musical artist. Approximately how much of that price goes to activities related to marketing (promotion, distribution, profit margins)?

Marketing activities are...

used by all sizes of organizations including for-profit, nonprofit, and government agencies.

help sell an organization's products and generate financial resources for the firm.

Marketing knowledge and skills...

enhance consumer awareness and help provide people with satisfying goods and services.

The public is becoming more aware of how marketers' activities affect the welfare of consumers and society. As a result, more firms are working to...

create a responsible approach to developing long-term relationships with customers and society.

Approximately what percentage of civilian workers in the United States performs marketing activities?

a) 25 to 33 percent

b) 81 to 92 percent

c) 42 to 50 percent

d) 64 to 76 percent

e) 10 to 20 percent

a) 25 to 33 percent

b) 81 to 92 percent

c) 42 to 50 percent

d) 64 to 76 percent

e) 10 to 20 percent

What is the ultimate goal of the marketing concept?

The goal of the marketing concept is to satisfy customer wants and needs.

What is the difference between selling concept and marketing concept quizlet?

what is the difference between selling and the marketing concept? the selling concept focuses on the needs of the seller while the marketing concept focuses on the needs of the buyer.

Is defined as a series of creative improvements in the sales process that enhance the customer experience?

Value-added selling can be defined as a series of creative improvements within the sales process that enhance the customer experience. Salespeople can create value by developing a quality relationship, carefully identifying the customer needs, and then configuring and presenting the best possible product solution.

What are the four broad strategic areas of the strategic consultative style selling model?

The four broad strategic areas in the strategic/consultative selling model are developing a relationship, developing a product strategy, developing a customer strategy, and developing a presentation strategy.


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