Which of the following statements regarding effective organizational cultures is true?

In the context of international marketing, culture affects the way consumer prioritize the things they desire and the things they need. C. Moral reasoning is more culture-specific than Kohlberg envisioned. Communicating across cultures should only be done using language. Which of the following statements regarding Kohlberg's theory of moral development and culture is TRUE? Such a cyclical relationship can be difficult to understand, but many of the examples . High power distance often results in a centralised structure and autocratic leadership. There is no one "best way" for project organization. 2. B) Most U.S. managers do not view profit maximization as a moral obligation. A) Shifts in cultural values are not observable. Culture is a complicated word to define, as there are at least six common ways that culture is used in the United States. B. Answer (B) is correct. A code of ethics communicates the principles and expected behavior of a profession‟s members. 3. (False) 17. a. culture shock. This toolkit aids in assessing and enhancing cultural competence in your organization or community effort. B. A. Humane orientation measures the extent to which a society takes part in self-enhancement. Values never change. Person perception is: A. the process of how we manage, experience, and adjust our emotions. For instance, a culture that is characterized by hard work (e.g., the Korean culture discussed above) would exhibit a value or ethic of hard work. Culture is a set of values that is often taken for granted. C) Changes in values tend to occur evenly across individuals and groups. Social ecology argues that environmental problems are caused by _______. Multiple Choice Questions. Add an answer or comment Log in or sign up first. D. 20) Which of the following statements is true regarding effects of national culture on organizational culture and ethical behavior within organization? Unpacking the definition, we can see that culture shouldn't be conceptualized as . There are profound cultural differences between Maun and Serowe. B:The methods used to enact foreign policy may change depending on the president, but the goals remain mostly constant. (iii) According to wave mechanics, the ground state angular momentum is equal to h/21. The following are true about language: language is bound by culture, use of language varies in culture, the values of a society are selected in its use of language. Which of the following statements concerning cross-cultural differences is true? Male-female friendships are more difficult to develop today than they were in earlier generations. a. D. All of the above statements are correct. Existing statistics in official government documents can be presumed to be highly valid. Select one: a. Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding culture? What is culture specific vs culture universal? C. Most people look for males and females who have interests and goals similar to their own. Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? Employees assume no risk when they conduct themselves ethically. Or the statement. (ii) For a given value of the principal quantum number, the size of the orbit is inversely proportional to the azimuthal quantum number. 2. Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. (iv) The plot of y vs r for various azimuthal quantum numbers, shows peak shifting towards higher r value. 9. Added 10/15/2020 5:09:09 PM. It promotes a culture that highly values the talents, ideas and creative potential of the majority members. c. Sherman used photography to produce these works, and photography is always postmodernist. C. Many animals communicate with each other Values trigger positive or negative judgment of social behaviours. Select one: a. B. intelligence that helps you make connections between learned material. 1. D. Cultures are fluid. 49. Some cultures have values, some not. O Culture is best described as all things refined or intellectuN in a particular society, including fine art, opera or the ballet. What is the estimate at completion value for this project? A. Which of the following statements about values is true? Answer: Page: 82 Difficulty: moderate . Countercultures are never tolerated in an organization once they are identified. Gender roles are basically the same across all cultures. B) Since World War II, Americans have increasingly valued diversity. It's the "soul" of your team. A code of ethics makes sure that all members of a profession act ethically at all times. c. Which of the following statements is/are true about analyzing existing statistics? normalization of violence; the power of football (soccer) in many countries, starting in Europe and South America, symbolizing a core value of pride in the nation; the royal weddings, reinforcing the belonging to a national culture B. Patrick is a happily married man. A. e. That the value is not transient. Governance practices reflect the organization's unique a) All animals are solitary and do not live in groups. Which of the following IS NOT true about cultural psychology? E) Cultural values are constant. c) We must reject the cultural relativity approach in order to understand people in other ethnic groups. Value neutrality means allowing personal feeling to influence the interpretation of data. A manager behaves differently in different cultural settings. B. (False) 15. The correct answer is A. culture is static 2. Business. b.A strong, unique culture is recognized as a source of competitive advantage. (False) 16. (b; Moderate; p. 120-121) 46. 36. Collaboration is a different creature entirely. Breathe. National values sit on a continuum between two contrasting approaches to a . A. inequality among humans. culture in its simple term is the way of life of people in a particular place. Culture is static. A) It hinders the generation of commitment to something larger than individual self- interest among employees. Mcq Added by: admin. Which of the following is feature of business ethics ? Not every organization has a culture. His earned value analysis shows that variance at completion is $75,000. Answer: Option B. A. What is a larger culture? d. Sherman critiques media representations of women. E) Moods are cognitive in nature. c. acculturation. Self-Quiz. Which of the following is a true statement regarding materiality as it relates to corporate governance? B. a. d. adaptation. (1) Business ethics has a universal application. e. a and b, only, are true. Values never change. e. enculturation. Ans. Organizational structure is the most important factor in the creation of an organization's culture. d. Values reflect the relationship between human and language. 6. A:The goals of foreign policy may change depending on the president, but the methods used are always the same. Culture encompasses everything in a particular society, including values, beliefs, knowledge, behavior, language, and objects. For the purposes of exploring the communicative aspects of culture, we will define culture as the ongoing negotiation of learned and patterned beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors. B. Which of the following statements is true regarding the seven characteristics of organizational culture? False. 1. Culture is static . Acquiring culture through a learning process as individuals grow up as members of their own cultural group is called. A) Implementation B) Intelligence C) Analysis D) Choice E) Design. Ethnocentric management does not account for cultural differences in the work force. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding values? true All Chinese citizens are fluent in the official Mandarin dialect False False Mexican immigrants living in the united states comprise a subculture. A. B. Kohlberg's scoring system is appropriate for all cultures. C. Cultures do not change. Best answer wins. D. the process by which we learn cultural norms and standards of behavior. (c) Because of the scarcity of the thing for which people are competing. c. Variations in values and behaviors across cultures affect organizations as well as individuals. C. In the United States, there is a close working relationship between businesses and government. Cross-cultural misunderstandings between providers and patients can lead to mistrust and frustration but are unlikely to have an impact on objectively measured clinical outcomes. Cultures and national boundaries always coincide. Which of the following IS TRUE regarding the meaning of the word angst? C. Culture is a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people. They have become vital copy to attract the best talent. Values are flexible. D. They are concerned with the business (es) that the organization is in and the businesses they want to be in. Answer (B) is correct. A) A strong emphasis on collectivism is one of the defining characteristics of American society. They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. A. the word carries the same meaning in both the English and German languages B. to English speakers, angst means an extreme state of anxiety experienced because of social isolation and loneliness C. to German speakers, angst is equivalent to the term dread land ethic. Discuss cultural bias in relation to specific cultural identities. Both emerge fully formed in a culture, shaping society to your taste. B. a.) 1. Mcq Added by: admin. History. universal: Common to all society; worldwide. Here are some examples of company mission statements: CultureIQ: To partner with organizations and their leaders to make culture a competitive advantage. Governance practices reflect the organization's unique Which of the following statements is true regarding Americans' other-oriented values? D. In an ascription-oriented society, the source of status and influence is based on how well one performs the job and what level of . 1. 2. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding moods? B. the character of a company's internal work climate and personality—as shaped by the company's core values, business principles, traditions, ingrained behaviors of "how we do things around here," and style of operating. Elevate others. A) The concept of organizational or corporate culture was popularized in the early 1930s. C. A code of ethics always includes standards of conduct. (True) 14. B. cultural psychologists are interested in the connection between cultural activity and psychological differences. b. (2) It is a relative norm. A) Organizations can safely ignore local culture while establishing its operation in another country. This statement is true of Tim, and it's false of Patrick. Inclusion Statements appear on web pages, in job postings and, sometimes, in bigger reports (see PepsiCo below). Which of the following statements regarding culture as described in the text is not true? 1. 2. A. the role of culture is equal to that of heredity in shaping our actions, thoughts, and feelings. a. Sherman is both the artist and the subject of her photographs. Act with integrity. C. the process by which we adjust to different cultural situations. Take the quiz and learn interesting facts. E. It promotes a culture that highly values the talents, ideas . C. Moral reasoning is more culture-specific than Kohlberg envisioned. How members of an organization perceive the value placed on each of the characteristics . a. 1. When the patient and provider come from different cultural backgrounds, the medical history obtained may not be accurate. Culture varies across and within nations. C. Values are constantly changing sociologists view them as being very unstable. Women are delaying marriage, especially in Asia c. In the US, fewer women are having children outside of marriage d. Real culture and ideal culture do clash with each other at times. It makes it possible for us to explain how culture makes its people behave. c. Culture is the inclusion of all groups at all levels of an organization. Which of the following statements Innovative organizations reward Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about D) Women tend to hold onto emotions longer than men. A) TRUE . Here is an interesting legal, ethical, and cultural considerations quiz that will help you learn more about legal, ethical, and cultural considerations. Cultural synergy takes place when a larger culture breaks apart to form two or more separate cultures. d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. Question: 19 Which of the following statements about organizational culture is false? Which of the following is not one of the Simon's four stages of decision making? Term. Explain the role that accommodation and code-switching play in communication. The Agile Manifesto values documentation, but it values working software more. (p. 391) The character of a company's corporate culture is a product of. c. It requires people to consider many factors before they draw conclusions on other people's cultural practices. (Points : 2) Acting ethically is always easier than any other form of action. B) Changes in values tend to occur quickly. An effective system of internal control is a prerequisite for corporate ethical behavior. Culture is defined as all of a group's guiding values and outward signs and symbols taken together as one big whole. Questions asked by the same visitor Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding values? Which of the following is NOT true regarding culture? Definition. They are a national society's preferences for managing external adaptation and internal integration challenges that threaten its survival. Which of the following statements regarding Kohlberg's theory of moral development and culture is TRUE? As shown in , cultural variations influence our values, which in turn affect attitudes and, ultimately, behaviors. Values are the last and deepest level of culture. A stock's intrinsic value is based on the fundamental cash flows and the company's risk. Nature should be left alone as much as possible. B. A. C. They are concerned with the direction the organization is headed. preservation. A comprehensive framework of corporate ethical behavior is a prerequisite for an effective system of internal control. Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one person,s lifetime. culture affect each of our daily life, our decision, our social life, beliefs and everything that concerns us. Which of the following statements about flowcharts is true? Answer: A A. d. It unites us as one and make us even more proud of our own culture, 14. They are reflected in our strategic direction as a part of our commitment to leadership and innovation—"NAEYC serves as a catalyst and consensus . New answers Rating There are no new answers. Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one person,s lifetime. Stages 5 and 6 have been found in all cultures. e. When we rank an individual's values in order of their _____, we obtain the person's value system. Which one of the following is a true statement regarding organizational ethics? Culture is inherited. Which of the following statements is true regarding stock prices and intrinsic values? aspects of structure and culture so an organization can control the activities necessary . Which of the following statements are TURE regarding cultural values? C. B) Cultural values; C) Precepts; D) Prescriptions; E) Orientations . It differs from business to business. a. intensity b. content c. context d. social acceptance e. social needs (a; Moderate; p. 120) 47. Batswana and U.S. workers are likely to have different attitudes toward work. Society and culture influence the words that we speak, and the words that we speak influence society and culture. A. Below are 10 examples of Inclusion Statements I hope you draw inspiration from. Choose one answer. Indicate what cultural competence would look like and the related goals for your organization or community. A. the role of culture is equal to that of heredity in shaping our actions, thoughts, and feelings. Values are written words, and your culture is how you actually live […] (3) Business ethics is based on well accepted moral and social values. In addition, we can say that within a culture, values and norms do not influence social structure, they are the evolutionary product of several factors . E) The culture of a homogeneous organization requires more adaptation to participants' values than that of a multicultural organization. A. b) In animal societies, there are no clear social networks and hierarchies. b. b. Analyzing existing statistics removes the need to worry about units of analysis or the ecological fallacy. 1. c) Many animals communicate with each other. Sternberg and his colleagues explored how cultural context and educational experiences shape our cognitive . Values reflect a person's underlying beliefs. "Culture is living values. Questions 1 - 41 are True/False. Which of the following statements regarding a profession‟s code of ethics is most accurate? C) It reduces the stability of the organizational system. Question: 19 Which of the following statements about organizational culture is false? b.) 35) Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true? B. Governance does not largely depend on organizational culture for effectiveness. Which of the following statements is true of animals? They are concerned with how the organization is going to compete in a specific business or industry. This thinking is an example of moral extensionism. B) It conveys a sense of identity for organization members. IKEA: To create a better everyday life for the many people. culture has it capabilities of defining a man. Here's an example: I'm a Kiwi. 725,000 b. ***. Which of the following is true regarding changes in American cultural values? Which of the following statements about ethics is true? B. D. The population of Japan is increasing dramatically as young adults marry early and have numerous children b. was false before Patrick got married, it is true now (while I'm typing this), and it may become false in the future. C. A particularist culture applies rules and systems objectively without consideration for individual circumstances. Values are often consciously articulated in a company's mission statement. D. intelligence that connects to emotional development. Finance questions and answers. Standout Core Values. True. B. Describe the vision for cultural competence - What qualities your organization or community would . Rather than define parameters or tell you . C. Values are constantly changing sociologists view them as being very unstable. (a) Because there is a feeling of antagonism among the members. Competition generally occurs-. Which of the following statements regarding culture is true? Which of the following statements is true regarding the functions of culture in an organization? b. Sherman appropriates imagery from popular culture in her art. A. knowledge acquired through direct instruction. b. A. a. Employee perceptions of subcultures have little impact on employee performance or commitment to the organization. B. There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. To help get you started in creating your own company core values based on your unique company culture, we've taken value-sets from the best places to work in each of the markets we serve. 4. (b) Because the members do not want that anyone form any other group. Values, in turn, are philosophical principles that guide the common sense of any individual, varying in forms and customs. Culture affects the workplace because it affects what we do and how we behave. C. cultural participation can transform most elements of the mind Which of the following statements is true? B. cultural psychologists are interested in the connection between cultural activity and psychological differences. A. Cultures are fixed. National values are shared ideas of what is good, right, and desirable in a society. Which of the following statements best reflects the power of the cultural rituals and customs that people observe? The organizational culture sets the values, objectives, and strategies of the organization. False Subcultures seldom exist in democratic countries with large populations. If an act is legal, it must by definition be ethical. 3. a. Warby Parker: To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses. d. All of the above are true. It requires us to abandon the values of our own culture. After all, the best talent values inclusivity. b. ethnocentrism. 2. International business is increasing in the United States. Position Statements. Which of the following is true concerning ideal culture and real culture? b) Biological races exist but ethnic groups are a fantasy. Like other laws, ethics can be defined. Enjoy the journey. c. d. e. 2 2. a b. All of the following are true statements regarding environmental uncertainty EXCEPT A. most organisations encounter relatively little uncertainty in their environments. a) Ethnic and racial groups are largely cultural and historical constructs rather than biological facts. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation Negotiation is the period when the customer and the product manager work out the details of a delivery, with points along the way where the details may be renegotiated. In our example of Mexican culture, the cultural value is believing that loved . Governance does not largely depend on organizational culture for effectiveness. culture: The beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that constitute a people's way of life. Note: If you like this article, you might … Stages 5 and 6 have been found in all cultures. (d) Because it is in the spirit of the human society. . S e l e c t t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r f r o m t h e o p t i o n s g i v e n b e l o w − B. Kohlberg's scoring system is appropriate for all cultures. Which of the following IS NOT true about cultural psychology? land ethic. D. Culture involves the knowledge and beliefs of people. B. the process by which we form impressions and process information about people. D. All of the above statements are correct. C. Improving the quality of high-value decision making by an executive will save an organization far more money than improving the quality of lesser-value decisions made at a lower level. The intrinsic value of a stock is based only on the perceived risk in the company. Log in for more information. A value statement isn't some kind of jargon speak for "what we think matters". A. A. Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group. -725,000 c. -$875,000 d. $875,000 e. $800,000 Ans - d. $875,000. . 2. The organizational culture sets the values, objectives, and strategies of the organization. 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Which key strategic leadership action plays a key role in influencing how the firm conducts its business and regulates and controls employees Behaviour?

Which key strategic leadership action plays a key role in influencing how the firm conducts its business and regulates and controls employees' behavior? Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture.

Which of the following is not one of the four perspectives in the Balanced Scorecard framework?

The correct answer is b) External control perspective. The four perspective of a balanced scorecard are: Financial Perspective—adding value for shareholders. Customer Perspective—providing customer satisfaction.

Which of the following factors must encourages stability in a firm's strategy?

Organizational culture can be a source of competitive advantage because it influencesemployee behavior and how the firm's conducts its business.

What is strategic leadership who has primary responsibility for strategic leadership and what are the five key strategic leadership actions?

Strategic leadership is the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change. The CEO has primary responsibility for strategic leadership, which is shared with the Board of Directors, the top management team and divisional general managers.


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