Which of the following statements regarding changes in memory during adolescence is true?

The basic units of the nervous system are

Which of the following is NOT a basic part of a neuron?

What is the main difference between a myelinated cell process and a cell process without myelin?

Myelinated cell processes are more efficient at information processing than non myelinated cell processes.

Increases in levels of dopamine can do which of the following?

increase risk of onset of schizophrenia/increase risk-taking behavior/increase risk of use of addictive drugs

Which of the following statements regarding the corpus callosum is NOT true?

It becomes smaller in adolescence.

The prefrontal cortex is primarily involved with

reasoning./processing emotions, such as love./emotional regulation.

Which of the following statements regarding the amygdala is TRUE?

It is the seat of emotions./It is part of the limbic system./It matures much earlier than the prefrontal cortex.

Piaget proposed that children and adolescents use and adopt their schemas through the processes of _____ and accommodation.

Which of the following statements regarding formal operational thought is TRUE?

Formal operational thought is more abstract than concrete operational thought.

What would happen if children in grades three and four were introduced to algebraic equations?

They would lack the hypothetical-deductive reasoning skills needed to solve algebraic equations.

A graduate student gives a lecture on the research concerning individual differences that characterize the cognitive development of adolescents. Which of the following information that she gives to her audience is NOT true?

"Most eighth graders are formal operational thinkers."

Which of the following concepts has been attributed to Jean Piaget?

children as active knowers/adaptation/use of schemes to organize our experiences


Tom always calls his grandfather when he wants some help figuring out a difficult problem in his life. Paul Baltes would say that Tom is seeking his grandfather's

Vygotsky stressed the role of _____ on cognitive development.

interaction with others/cooperative activities/social influences

A parent's ability to pick out his son's voice on a crowded playground is an example of

Dr. Wagner can focus on his client and her issues for their 50-minute therapy session without being distracted by other thoughts. This is an example of

Working memory is more _____ than short-term memory.

Which of the following findings on long-term memory has NOT been documented by researchers?

Long-term memory continues to increase in adolescence.

Higher-order, complex processes are often called

Which of the following statements about adolescent decision making is TRUE?

Older adolescents are better at making decisions than are younger adolescents./Adolescents who are impulsive are often not effective decision makers./Emotional regulation plays a role in decision making.

Good decision making is related to being

Critical thinking is thinking reflectively, thinking productively, and

The ability to solve problems and to adapt to and learn from experience is

Who developed the triarchic theory of intelligence?

Michael is a successful business owner who can develop his ideas into productive enterprises. Although he was an average student in school, his great social skills and common sense indicate that Michael might score highly in what Sternberg calls _____ intelligence.

The theorist who proposed that there are eight types of intelligence, or "frames of mind," is

Dorian is a skilled psychiatric nurse who has the ability to engage and relate to clients with severe and chronic mental illness. Gardner would say that Dorian is high in

interpersonal intelligence.

David Elkind argues that adolescent egocentrism can be dissected into two types of social thinking, the _____ and the personal fable.

Martha states that "everyone is staring at my beetle brows" after her mother refuses to drive her to get her eyebrows waxed. Martha's belief is an example of what David Elkind calls the ______ of adolescence.

Emily tells her friend Sarah, "Absolutely nobody in my family understands me. They are totally clueless!" Emily's feelings are an example of what David Elkind calls the


Which of the following statements regarding cognitive development in middle childhood is true?

  1. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, a disorder characterized by excessive inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity, has been determined to be nearly-perfectly heritable.
  2. Like ADHD, learning disabilities have been determined to be solely caused by genetic and brain differences.
  3. Children in the concrete operational period of cognitive development can focus on more than one dimension of a problem at a time and are less egocentric than younger children.
  4. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, attainment of the postconventional level of moral development is universal, given that attainment of formal operational thinking is universal.


Which of the following statements is true of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?

  1. It is caused by the overexposure to food preservatives.
  2. It occurs by age seven and is many times more common in boys than girls.
  3. It is characterized by letter reversal, mirror reading, and reduced comprehension.
  4. It is most widely treated by using suppressants.


Learning disabilities are disorders characterized by

  1. inadequate development of specific academic, language, and speech skills.
  2. social deficits and stereotyped behavior.
  3. abnormal functioning and loss of previously acquired skills.
  4. excessive inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity.


Which of the following statements is true of concrete-operational children?

  1. They are more egocentric than preoperational children.
  2. They have the decentration capacity to allow them to seriate in two dimensions.
  3. They fail to understand the principles of conservation and class inclusion.
  4. They focus on intangible ideas instead of tangible objects.


Children in the concrete operational period of development can focus on more than one dimension of a problem at a time.

  1.  True
  2.  False


According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, who among the following children is in the preconventional stage?

  1. Caleb believes that school rules are instituted for the students' wellbeing.
  2. Fred believes that good sons will obey their parents.
  3. Dean believes that right and wrong are subjective and change with situation.
  4. Britney believes that she should always speak the truth so that she does not get punished.


According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which of the following statements is true of the postconventional level?

  1. It is a period during which reasoning is based on the person's own moral standards.
  2. It is characterized by a respect for authority and duty.
  3. It is the period during which rules are perceived as the ultimate reality.
  4. It is characterized by an orientation toward obedience and punishment.


During middle childhood,

  1. children's ability to focus one's attention and screen out distractions improves.
  2. the function of both short-term and long-term memory function improves, in part because children in middle childhood are more likely to use memory strategies such as repetition and elaboration than they did in early childhood.
  3. greater knowledge increases the efficiency of both memory storage and retrieval.
  4. All of the above occur during middle childhood.


Which of the following statements is true of the information processing capabilities of children in middle years?

  1. Memory function in middle childhood is undeveloped and shows qualitative improvement only during early adolescence.
  2. As children's knowledge of concepts advances, the storehouse of their long-term memory becomes less organized according to categories.
  3. Concrete-operational children use rote learning only when someone forces them to do so.
  4. Concrete-operational children can attend to multiple aspects of the problem at once, permitting them to conserve number and volume.


The ability to focus one's attention and screen out distractions advances steadily through middle childhood.

  1.  True
  2.  False


Which of the following statements is true of the long-term memory?

  1. It is the first structure of memory encountered by sensory input.
  2. It has unlimited capacity to store information.
  3. It retains stimuli up to 30 seconds after the trace decays.
  4. It retains auditory stimuli but cannot retain visual stimuli.


Which of the following statements is true of the elaborative strategy?

  1. It is a more effective method than rote rehearsal to remember information.
  2. It operates on a limited level and is ineffective for younger children.
  3. It is useful for retaining stimuli in sensory memory.
  4. It focuses on arriving at a single solution to a problem.


Which of the following statements describes metacognition?

  1. It is the faculty which is attained by one's efforts and presumed to be made possible by one's abilities.
  2. It is the ability to react to a stimuli in a short amount of time.
  3. It is the awareness of and control of one's intellectual abilities.
  4. It is the perception of morality as existing outside the cognitive functioning of people.


Which of the following statements is true of children in middle years regarding their metacognitive abilities?

  1. They show more knowledge of strategies that can be used to facilitate memory than younger children do.
  2. They are less likely than younger children to accurately assess their knowledge.
  3. They use rote-learning only when someone compels them to do so.
  4. They are less likely than younger children to use selective rehearsal to remember important information.


Which of the following is false regarding intellectual development in middle childhood?

  1. Intellectual disability, formerly known as mental retardation, is influenced by both biological and environmental factors and is defined upon the basis of IQ scores.
  2. Average differences in IQ scores across ethnic groups reflect average differences in SES.
  3. Differences in IQ scores in children and adults is mostly attributable to environmental differences, as demonstrated by heritability estimates that typically are far below 50%.
  4. Research typically shows a moderate correlation between tests of general intelligence and creativity.


Down's syndrome is caused due to

  1. racial and ethnic differences.
  2. impoverished home environments.
  3. brain damage.
  4. chromosomal abnormalities.


Which of the following refers to the substandard intellectual performance stemming from the lack of opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills?

  1. learning disability
  2. cognitive disability
  3. cultural-familial disability
  4. physical disability


Which of the following statements is true of creative children?

  1. They solve problems to which there are no preexisting solutions.
  2. They adhere to social norms and accept ideas at their face value.
  3. They employ convergent thinking rather than divergent thinking.
  4. They refuse to take chances and accept their limitations.


Which of the following is a crucial determinant of a person's intellectual development?

  1. giftedness
  2. creativity
  3. heredity
  4. plasticity


According to Piaget, middle childhood is partly characterized by

  1. a decline in egocentrism.
  2. failure to acknowledge others' perspectives.
  3. suppression of sexual feelings.
  4. anxiety about separating from parents.


According to studies by Abrams et al. in 2014 and Smith & Rose in 2011, children with better perspective-taking skills tend to

  1. have improved peer relationships.
  2. be intelligent and emotionally stable.
  3. concentrate on external traits.
  4. become more egocentric over time.


Theories of multiple intelligences are strongly supported by research, and are better predictors of educational and occupational success than traditional tests of general intelligence.

  1.  True
  2.  False


Bilingualism is related to greater cognitive complexity and flexibility.

  1.  True
  2.  False


In middle childhood, children depend more on external rewards and punishments and struggle to regulate their own behavior.

  1.  True
  2.  False


According to social cognitive theory, in middle childhood, children

  1. concentrate on external traits, such as appearance and living situations.
  2. are exposed to an increasing variety of models.
  3. fail to regulate their own behavior.
  4. depend more on external rewards and punishments.


According to Piaget, middle childhood is partly characterized by

  1. a decline in egocentrism.
  2. failure to acknowledge others' perspectives.
  3. suppression of sexual feelings.
  4. anxiety about separating from parents.


According to studies by Abrams et al. in 2014 and Smith & Rose in 2011, children with better perspective-taking skills tend to

  1. have improved peer relationships.
  2. be intelligent and emotionally stable.
  3. concentrate on external traits.
  4. become more egocentric over time.

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