Which of the following statements is true of two all male military colleges in the 1990s quizlet?

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Terms in this set (110)

There is still little scientific consensus on how the term "sexual orientation" is best defined and measured.


Which one of the following statements is not associated with the term "compulsory heterosexuality"?

A. Traditional pressure on young women and men to marry and provide their parents with biologically related grandchildren.

B. Females must date males, and males must date females.

C. At birth, one's sexual orientation is bisexual.

D. Society exerts a variety of socioeconomic and political forces that ensure the coupling of women with men.

At birth, one's sexual orientation is bisexual.

Heterosexism is viewed as prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination based on not being heterosexual.


Which one of the following statements best describe the term "lesbian continuum"?

It embodies lesbian resistance against homophobia.

It signifies the importance of lesbian history in America.

It symbolizes maternal bonding between lesbian mothers and their daughters.

It represents a range through each woman's life and throughout history of woman-identified experience.

It represents a range through each woman's life and throughout history of woman-identified experience.

Select the answer that does NOT describe one of the kinds of individual homophobia?






Select the assertion NOT put forth by filmmaker Taj Paxton and her perspective on the film/media industry and representation

To realize the power of a story to break silence about anxiety and/or depression.

To stop focusing only upon what women in media look like

There can't be only one representation [in media] of what being gay, lesbian or trans looks like.

That as an artist/filmmaker you need to learn to fit in

That as an artist/filmmaker you need to learn to fit in

The U.S. military spends five times more on Viagra (medication used to treat erectile dysfunction) than on transgender military medical services.


The framework for the legal victory of marriage equality in 2016 was profoundly shaped by the eradication of which type of laws feminists worked to overturn in the 1970's and 1980's that oppressed women who were married to men?

laws against servitude

law of coverture

law of miscegenation

property law

law of coverture

The Stonewall Uprising of 1969 (that sparked the LGBT civil rights movement) was predominantly led by the resistance of which group who were among those being persecuted daily by the police of New York City?

trans women of color

gay men who were dancing together

lesbians wearing less than 3 items of clothing

the LGBT patrons being served alcohol

trans women of color

Which one of the following groups was regarded as a different "racial" group than Anglo-Saxons in nineteenth-century America?

The Irish

the Irish

The term "racialization" recognizes that becoming marked by race is an action - something that happens to people rather than something they are.


Which one of the following characteristics best defines an ethnic group?

a community or population who share a common cultural experience or ancestry

a group of people defined by common genetic traits
a group of people who regard themselves as anti-social
a group of people who share the same childrearing customs

a community or population who share a common cultural experience or ancestry

In the United States today, the top 5 percent of the population controls 72 percent of the wealth.


Which one of the following television shows depicts white working-class women as more competent than their husbands?

Orphan Black
The Simpsons
Sex and the City
Modern Family

the simpsons

Most states tax tampons, sanitary pads and feminine hygiene products as "non essential luxury items" making them unaffordable for homeless girls and women.


What percentage of nail salon workers are women - some of whom were found to have been abused by salon/employers who were stealing their wages, verbally and physically abusing them, racially discriminating against them and exposing them to highly toxic chemicals?



The #BlackLivesMatter platform focuses upon more than the issue of law enforcement violence against people of color.


Select the two parts of the framework plan of #BlackLivesMatter in their year of Resistance and Resilience.

focus upon social media as the form of activist change

create government resolutions that declare the value of Black life

focus only upon public protests and marches

push for legislation that grades police departments upon how they police communities of color with a penalty of loss of funding if they fail

push for legislation that grades police departments upon how they police communities of color with a penalty of loss of funding if they fail

create government resolutions that declare the value of Black life

The association of Asians as the "model minority" is a racist one as it generalizes a diverse group of people while ignoring past and present-day discrimination and wide disparities among different Asian groups.


Which one of the following statements accurately describes the phrase "walking while Black"?

Black people are being unruly merely walking in public
Black people are being conscientious citizens when walking.
Black people who walk through diverse neighborhoods are welcome.
Black people like to talk while walking.

Black people are being unruly merely walking in public

In 2012, nearly two-thirds of Hispanics living in the U.S. were born in the U.S..


Which one of the following characteristics remains a persistent problem for most Native American communities in the United States?

investment in education
diversity in economic projects
low population growth


Which one of the following statements is not associated with the concept of white privilege?

Whites benefits from a historical foundation of racial discrimination.
White privilege is static and undifferentiated.
Whites live their daily lives with a general prospect of acceptance.
Whites are not required to explain their entire race.

White privilege is static and undifferentiated.

Select the factors that influence most of why women with their children from Central America (El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala) are fleeing to the United States.

high murder rates in their country
domestic violence
to take American jobs
to conduct terrorist activity
gang violence

gang violence, domestic violence, high murder rates

One reason why access to reproductive health clinics is so important is because black women are twice as likely to die from cervical cancer and are more likely to die from breast cancer.


Research has found what percentage of black women agree that women should be trusted to make their own reproductive choices?



What was Cherokee Chief Wilma Mankiller's first experience with community activism for her nation?

to open a health clinic in each town on the reservation

get local schools to stop using racist and offensive mascots depicting Native Americans

get the community to lay their own water lines so they will have running water to their homes

to get electricity to the homes in her community

get the community to lay their own water lines so they will have running water to their homes

In women's gender and sexuality studies, the word "embodiment" refers to how our bodies are and interact with the fashion world to look glamourous.


Which one of the following accurately describes the term "controlling images"?

comical photos of actors selected by their Hollywood film and television agents for public viewing

vintage Hollywood publicity still photos taken during the silent film era

realistic images of working-class white people with their families

stereotypical or idealized images that allow an elite group power over those portrayed in these representations

stereotypical or idealized images that allow an elite group power over those portrayed in these representations

Historically, during periods when women seek power and control, global fashion promotes a thin, constricting beauty ideal that reduces women to a childish look.


Colorism is a prejudice that validates differential treatment for light-skinned people and continues to exist only among African Americans.


The "male gaze" is a perspective that men can only adopt - where they objectify, fragmentize and commodify women's bodies.


Which answer best defines the term "feminine apologetic" in discussions about gender, fashion and politics?

professional requirements of women to wear make-up and skirts
the high cost of women's professional attire versus men's professional attire
wearing high heels to communicate vulnerability and sexual availability
how feminine items like pearls or ruffles on women's professional attire are done as to not to be considered "too masculine/powerful" or a "lesbian"

how feminine items like pearls or ruffles on women's professional attire are done as to not to be considered "too masculine/powerful" or a "lesbian"

Which aspect of the history and modern reality of feminism and fashion was NOT discussed in the article?

Women of color consciously and unconsciously fashioning themselves in ways that diminish racial difference
the popularity of military uniform details and camouflage in women's fashion to communicate power and toughness
Suffragists wearing green, white and violet jewelry standing for "Give Women the Vote"
the damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don't criticisms of women in politics who wear pantsuits

the popularity of military uniform details and camouflage in women's fashion to communicate power and toughness

Which example was NOT mentioned by the article analyzing the racist and sexist ways that some media talk about the bodies and appearance of tennis champions Serena and Venus Williams?

their dedication to training and developing bodies and skills that excel in their chosen sport
body shaming girl and women athletes for their muscular bodies
calling the sisters "brothers" as a racist and transphobic slur
body shaming the sisters for not having the Eurocentric and hyper-thin beauty ideal of Western culture

their dedication to training and developing bodies and skills that excel in their chosen sport

Which statistic and/or fact was NOT mentioned in the article on sexist ads?

only 3% of women in ads are featured in managerial positions
Often when women are represented in ads they are in a kitchen setting in revealing attire
Adults and children are exposed to almost 5,000 ads a day
Research evidence finds no link between gender representations in the media and notions of gender equality and personal self-esteem

Research evidence finds no link between gender representations in the media and notions of gender equality and personal self-esteem

Read the article "Stomp the Runway" and watch the video included at the bottom of the 2013 Rick Owens fashion show in Paris. Select ALL of the powerful ways that this fashion show broke barriers in the industry.

The women wore powerful faces and shouted loud/strong calls
It featured apparel that embodies movement, power and strength
It featured the non-Euro centric dance of Stepping
It featured primarily women of color
It featured real-bodied women, not waif-like women
It showed women as a united powerful force
The fashion designer and choreographer were both women

It featured apparel that embodies movement, power and strength

It featured primarily women of color

It showed women as a united powerful force

It featured real-bodied women, not waif-like women

It featured the non-Euro centric dance of Stepping

The women wore powerful faces and shouted loud/strong calls

kinsey scale

individuals were assigned ratings from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual

5 points between allowed for what we today call varying degrees of bisexuality

issue: doesnt allow for both overt sexual experiences or psychosexual reactions

klein grid

7 dimensions: sexual attraction, sexual behavior, sexual fantasies, emotional preference, social preference, heterosexual/homosexual lifestyle, self identification

allows you to change over time: past present ideal


social preference or the sex of those with whom you socialize

storms's scale

the idea that sexual orientation should be based on the type, extend and frequency of a persons erotic fantasies

whats the umbrella terms for all LGBTQQIAA


queer theory

an approach to social and cultural study which seeks to challenge or deconstruct traditional ideas of sexuality and gender esp. dichotomy of male and female traits
















Asexual - no sexual attraction


Ally -


the belief that heterosexuality should be central and normal in contrast to other sexual orientations that are marginal, abnormal, and inferior

compulsory heterosexuality

a rule that all men be attracted to women and all women to men


A type of prejudice that claims that being heterosexual is the only normal option for an individual's sexual orientation.


negative attitudes about gay people

sexual stigma

The negative regard, inferior status, and relative powerlessness that society collectively accords to any nonheterosexual behavior, identity, relationship, or community

internalized homophobia

homonegative attitudes directed toward oneself


fear of and prejudice against homosexuality

institutional homophobia

a cultural ideology that is embodied in institutional practices that work to the disadvantage of sexual minority groups even in the absence of individual prejudice or discrimination

defensive-expressive homophobia

a type of homophobia in which individuals (men) express homophobia as a way to cope with anxiety over their own heterosexual masculinity

Social-expressive homophobia

Individuals try to gain the approval of others and enhance their own self-esteem by expressing homophobia

value-expressive homophobia

A type of homophobia in which individuals express homophobia as part of a broader value system of right and wrong, such as a conservative religious ideology.

gender inversion

where a person of one sex displays traits usually considered appropriate for a different sex

Old definition of race informs concept of essentialism

The idea that a race has a fixed and unchanging property unique to it and shared by all members

E.g. a feature of appearance (skin color or nose shape) or certain genes

Biology and racial classification

Biology and racial classification
Coherent notions of race cannot be based upon observable racial differences

No racial group is known to universally and exclusively possess a gene or set of genes in common

Abandoning the race concept

Given the lack of a biological basis, some argue the term race should be abandoned
Use reinforces the idea that race is a real thing

Prefer racialization = recognizes that becoming marked by race is an action that happens to people rather than something that they are

Keeping race to aid activism -
Strategic essentialism

use of inaccurate, essentialist labels to help to achieve important short-term political objectives


Cultural elements (religion, language, customs, etc.) that set a group apart from others

For example = asian-american and Hmong - ethnicity originating from a region that includes china, laos, vietnam, thailand and myanmar

Can overlap with race, for example is hispanic race or ethnicity?

Not the same as nationality or origin group = hispanic race/ethnicity from mexico or colombia or cuba etc


perception or representation of a person or group as fundamentally alien from another, frequently positioning them as other than the more powerful group

For every $100 in accumulated wealth the average white american family how much does the average black american family have?


Connecting race and gender with socioeconomic status in america

Growing income inequality has concentrated wealth among the richest americans

Socio-economic status is connected to a variety of stereotypes particularly when combined with gender and/or race

Cultural perceptions of economic equality are dramatically inaccurate


dividing a group into fifths, a method often used to look at distribution of income

Measure of 5 groups used to study economic data, income data, stock data

Asian americans and pacific islanders in america

Often feel ignored: fall outside the common black/white dichotomy in the US

Model minority: hard working, academically superior, loyal to family, obedient to authority, soft spoken, professionally successful

Ignores significant variation across subgroups and overlooks past discrimination

History of discrimination - asian americans

Widespread discrimination from arrival in the 1880s:

-Chinese exclusion act of 1882
-Denied property rights and ability to naturalize
-Seen as unassimilable - contributed to japanese internment during WWII
-Asian women first brought to the US as prostitutes - contributed to highly sexualized stereotypes
-Asian women confront sexist racist modern stereotypes of being meek shy or childlike

Representations of black men

Black men suffer several

Sexualized black male
Cool man
Black athlete
Criminal or dangerous

implicit bias

attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner

ex. Disproportionate hyper representation of black men as criminal and or violent in the media movies TV music and culture leads people to have a dangerous and unfair implicit bias against all black men

Latino threat narrative

idea that illegal aliens from latin america were flooding the United States

Dispelling the myth:
-Unauthorized immigrants represent 3.4% of US population
-Unauthorized immigrants make up 5% of labor force in US
-Immigrants are less crime prone and have no effect on crime rates
-For over three decades, native born americans had an incarceration rate of 5 times more than an immigrant

Myth leads to racism against hispanic americans and unauthorized immigrants
Consider the impact DREAMERS (deferred action for childhood arrivals)

Indigenous americans/native americans

Thought of as a single group but composed of hundreds of tribes

Viewed as dying out, but birth rate higher than US average

Representations of american indians largely build on pseudo history

-Women are princesses or squaws
-Men are noble savages, brutal warriors, or new age mystics
-Modern stereotypes include alcoholism and casino wealth

Multiracial america

In the 2010 census, 9 million people identify as multiracial


Unequal treatment of a class of people
- Behavior not a mental attitude

Differential treatment;unequal treatment of a class of people
- E.g. marriage equality, bathroom laws, reproductive laws

Disparate impact: equal treatment that nonetheless disadvantages one class of people versus another
- E.g. voter ID laws

Total discrimination

Effects of past discrimination can be cumulative and lasting

Even when a group is being treated fairly today, they will be at a disadvantage relative to others:

-History of slavery, colonization or immigration
-History of laws governing ownership, legal protection
-Access to education and healthcare
-Ability to accumulate property and wealth
-Job and employment discrimination
-Availability of safe and health housing

White privilege

An invisible package of unearned assets that benefits white people

Advantages of whiteness often invisible to them; think of it as neutral normal and universally available

Also connected to class

Privilege may be misleading -- rights more helpful

other forms of privilege

gender privilege, class privilege, cis-gender privilege, able-bodied privilege, heterosexual privilege, christian privilege, global north privilege


the way our bodies are and interact with the world to create social meaning

cultural artifacts

anything created by humans which give info about the culture of its creator and users

critical (social) media literacy

ability to access, analyze, evaluate media in its context; with ability to critically analyze relationship between media and audience, information and power

1890s - women

Late nineteenth century: voluptuous

1900s-1920s - women

Flapper in vogue

Boyish, flat-chested, small hips, short hair
No more corsets, bras are invented

Coincides with women's suffrage movement - right to vote
Symbols of growing independence for women

New fad of slimming begins to try to fit this ideal. Later to become dieting

controlling images (who?)

Stereotypical or idealized images allow an elite group power over those depicted ; they disguise or mystify social relations (Patricia Hill Collins)

1940-1950s - women

More glamorous style, more makeup

New look in 1947; tighter corsets, longer skirts

Anti-ethnic view led to invisibility for latin actors

Hyper feminine fashion and curves reflect conservative, traditional values

Rise of new media = magazines

backlash theory (who?)

political and cultural conservative reactions to progressive social or political change (Susan Faludi)

1960-1970 - women

Return to thin ideal, similar to 1920s

Rise in feminist activism results in hyper thin (like flapper) but now also childlike

But views of beauty less standardized than ever

A variety of racial and ethnic looks seen as attractive

Ideals of beauty within african american communities:

-From 19th century to 50s, middle class blacks were pressured by racism and segregation to value light skinned beauty ideal and to play respectability politics

-Black power movement = black is beautiful movement
Still find white hegemonic beauty standards today

1980s - women

Return to the hourglass

Resurgent conservatism brought a backlash against women's rights movement and accompanying beauty ideals

But real muscle on models embodies some gender equality

1990s - women

Glamazons and waifs

Progressive era of gay rights third wave feminism - where feminism meets pop culture

Return to hyper think ideal similar to 1920s , 1970s

Typified by models like kate moss or tv show ally mcbeal
Latin women again seen as beauty icons

2000-2010 - women

Marked by an opening of beauty standards

Introduction of internet and reality tv increased avenues to fame = new media

More people can produce variety of controlling images
But standards still far from unlimited and often preferred based on class and racialized identification

Fuller more hourglass figure preferred in more conservative eras

1930-1950s, 1980s

Smaller less curvy ideal common in eras when women assert political power

1920s 1960-70s 1990s

1666-1800s - men

England's king charles II moved to simplify court dress

beginning of the great masculine renunciation of elaborate clothing

Conspicuous consumption see nas effeminate

1800s : as middle class overtook the aristocracy as major political force plain clothing represented thrift self control modest

Fancy dress of aristocracy seen as sign of unmanliness

1890s - men

Ideal of athletic muscular man

A way for men to demonstrate their manliness in an increasingly urban. Corporate world

Threats to gender race and class privileges

1907-1950s - men

Broad shoulders, strong jaw, chiseled features

The new american man

Masculinity as powerful, wealthy, strong in times of war and later prosperity

Informs respectability politics as civil rights movement begins

1960s - men

Peacock revolution bold colors and patterns

Reflects cultural political change with civil rights movement

Rise of the afro out of the black power movement

anti -establishment culture hippie embraces unisex fashion and love in response to violence of assassinations


More bold colors, plus the rugged masculinity of the marlboro man

End of progressive era sees struggle over notions of masculinity and race

But also the complicated masculinity of Bruce Lee defined by domination of other men

Symbolic of race/class struggle

1980s - men

The hypermuscular ideal

Sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzenegger = introduces the retributive man narrative/image

Conservative political era = hyper masculine traditional

May be an attempt by men to distinguish themselves from women in face of increasing equality

Men now also shown as sex objects ,not breadwinners or authority figures

1990s - men

The metrosexual

Coexisting with the muscular ideal

High income well groomed spends money on clothes and accessories

New eroticism and overt sexuality. Does not communicate sexual orientation

Progressive era = more androgynous effeminate sexuality

2000-2010 - men

The slim ideal

Again coexisted with muscular ideal

Black and hispanic celebrities among those considered most attractive

Two almost-opposing masculinities communicates class, race and political binary

beauty myth (who?)

the pressure of unrealistic beauty standards to be thin, young, perfect is a political reaction to feminist progress (Naomi Wolf)

ideal viewer

an ideal, imagined viewer (of images) who is a white male and expected to take heterosexual pleasure from the image

male gaze (who?)

when women survey themselves as the ideal viewer to determine how men would view them (Laura Mulvey)

Objectification and self-objectification

happens when men are judged by what they accomplish and women judged by how they look - seeing a person or yourself as an object

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Verified questions


Many people appear to be less interested in religion during their teenage years. This might be seen in failing church attendance for the age group. Using your sociological imagination suggest some reasons for this apparent lack of interest. Consider developmental (age) and social factors. Depending on your answer what suggestion might you make to religious organisations looking for ideas on how to keep teenagers involved and active?

Verified answer


Indicate whether these statements best reflect a folkway (F), a more (M), a law (L), or a value (V). a. norm against cursing aloud in church b. norm encouraging eating three meals daily c. idea of progress d. norm against burning a national flag e. norm encouraging sleeping in a bed f. norm prohibiting murder g. norm against overtime parking h. idea of freedom

Verified answer


Can secret observation of people ever be considered ethical? Why or why not?

Verified answer


Complete the sentence using each term once. a. monogamy b. polyandry c. polygyny d. exogamy e. endogamy f. homogamy g. patrilineal h. blended family i. dual-employed marriage j. boomerang kids. _________ is the marriage within one’s own group as required by social norms.

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