Which of the following statements about juvenile delinquency is accurate Quizlet

: Yes, the Smiths should be concerned about Wesley because he is exhibiting some of the warning signs of suicide. The warning signs include:
Efforts to put personal affairs in order—smoothing over troubled relationships, giving away treasured possessions
Verbal cues—saying goodbye to family members and friends, making direct or indirect references to suicide ("I won't have to worry about these problems much longer"; "I wish I were dead")
Feelings of sadness, despondency, "not caring" anymore
Extreme fatigue, lack of energy, boredom
No desire to socialize; withdrawal from friends
Easily frustrated
Emotional outbursts—spells of crying or laughing, bursts of energy
Inability to concentrate, distractible
Decline in grades, absence from school, discipline problems
Neglect of personal appearance
Sleep change—loss of sleep or excessive sleepiness
Appetite change—eating more or less than usual
Physical complaints—stomachaches, backaches, headaches

2) Biological aging
A) is underway in adolescence.
B) begins in middle adulthood.
C) is similar across various parts of the body.
D) can be modified substantially through interventions.

: Several societal factors have encouraged widespread rapid weight gain:
Availability of cheap commercial fat and sugar. The 1970s saw two massive changes in the U.S. food economy: the discovery and mass production of high-fructose corn syrup and the importation of palm oil. Use of corn syrup, which is six times as sweet as ordinary sugar, and palm oil, which is high in saturated fat, lowered the production costs of soft drinks and calorie-dense convenience foods.
Portion supersizing. When fast-food chains increased portion sizes substantially at minimal price hikes, customers thronged to buy "value meals." Research reveals that when presented with larger portions, individuals 2 years and older increase their intake, on average, by 25 to 30 percent.
Increasingly busy lives. With more working women in the workforce and both genders working more hours, meal preparation time shrank and eating out increased.
Declining rates of physical activity. During the 1980s, physical activity started to fall as Americans spent more time in sedentary transportation and jobs. At home, a rise in TV viewing has been linked to weight gain.
Page Ref: 440 Box: SOCIAL ISSUES: HEALTH: The Obesity Epidemic: How Americans Became the Heaviest People in the World
128) Discuss the prevalence of alcoholism in the United States. What are the risk factors for alcoholism?

: Psychological stress is measured in terms of adverse social conditions, traumatic experiences, negative life events, or daily hassles. It is related to a wide variety of unfavorable health outcomes—both unhealthy behaviors and clear physical consequences. Chronic stress is linked to overweight and obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. And in susceptible individuals, acute stress can trigger cardiac events, including heart-beat rhythm abnormalities and heart attacks. Stress interferes with immune system functioning, a link that may underlie its relationship to several forms of cancer. And by reducing digestive activity as blood flows to the brain, heart, and extremities, stress can cause gastrointestinal difficulties, including constipation, diarrhea, colitis, and ulcers. The many challenging tasks of early adulthood make it a particularly stressful time of life. Young adults more often report depressive feelings than middle-aged people, many of whom have attained vocational success and financial security and are enjoying more free time as parenting responsibilities decline. Also, middle-aged and older adults are better than young adults at coping with stress. Because of their longer life experience and greater sense of personal control over their lives, they are more likely to engage in problem-centered coping when stressful conditions can be changed and emotion-centered coping when nothing can be done.

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