Which of the following should be disclosed in the footnotes to the financial statements

A business’s financial report is much more than just the financial statements; a financial report needs additional information, called disclosures. Footnotes are one form of disclosure included in a financial report. Virtually all financial statements need footnotes to provide additional information for several of the account balances.

Footnotes for financial reports come in two types:

  • One or more footnotes are included to identify the major accounting policies and methods that the business uses. The business must reveal which accounting methods it uses for booking its revenue and expenses. In particular, the business must identify its cost of goods sold expense (and inventory) method and its depreciation methods.

    Some businesses have unusual problems regarding the timing for recording sales revenue, and a footnote should clarify their revenue recognition method. Other accounting methods that have a material impact on the financial statements are disclosed in footnotes as well.

  • Other footnotes provide additional information and details for many assets and liabilities. For example, during the asbestos lawsuits that went on for many years, the businesses that manufactured and sold these products included long footnotes describing the lawsuits.

    Details about stock option plans for executives are the main type of footnote to the capital stock account in the owners’ equity section of the balance sheet.

Some footnotes are always required. Deciding whether a footnote is needed (after you get beyond the obvious ones disclosing the business’s accounting methods) and how to write the footnote is largely a matter of judgment and opinion, although certain standards apply:

  • The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has laid down many disclosure standards for businesses reporting under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

  • The SEC mandates disclosure of a broad range of information for publicly owned corporations.

  • International businesses abide by disclosure standards adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

One problem that most investors face when reading footnotes is that they often deal with complex issues (such as lawsuits) and rather technical accounting matters. For an example of the latter, following is a footnote from the 2003 annual 10-K report of Caterpillar, Inc. filed with the SEC.

D. Inventories: Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is principally determined using the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method. The value of inventories on the LIFO basis represented about 75% of total inventories at December 31, 2006, and about 80% of total inventories at December 2005, and 2004.
If the FIFO (first-in, first out) method had been in use, inventories would have been $2,403 million, $2,345 million and $2,124 million higher than reported at December 31, 2006, 2005, and 2004, respectively.

Yes, these dollar amounts are in millions of dollars. But what does this mean? Caterpillar’s inventory cost value for its inventories at the end of 2006 would have been $2.4 billion higher if the FIFO accounting method had been used.

In other words, this particular asset would have been reported at a 38 percent higher value than the $6.4 billion reported in its balance sheet at year-end 2006. Of course, you have to have some idea of the difference between the LIFO and FIFO accounting methods to make sense of this footnote.

You may wonder how different the company’s annual profits would have been if they had used a different accounting method. A business’s managers can ask its accountants to do this analysis. But, as an outside investor, you would have to compute these amounts yourself (assuming you had all the necessary information). Businesses disclose which accounting methods they use, but they do not disclose how different annual profits would have been if an alternative method had been used.

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Financial statements (e.g., the balance sheet, income/operation statement, equity statement and cash flow statement) are vital in retelling the results in operations for the period noted, but the footnote disclosures fill in the gaps and make the financial statements complete.

Think of financial statements as the storyline to your company’s results — a series of events occurring through time. Footnote disclosures are your company’s plot; they tell the story of your company’s events in a way that creates additional insights to readers. Storylines with strong plots are the cult classics and top performers at the box office because they communicate their story effectively, which is your overall goal in preparing your financial statements.

Stakeholders (equity investors, lenders, and others that rely on your financial statements) aren’t involved in your day-to-day operations, but they are literally invested in your business and thus want to understand its state — where it’s been, where it is, and especially where it’s headed. A hallmark for a trusted business advisor is the ability to answer questions before they are asked, and adequate information within the footnote disclosures can provide just this to the adept reader. The more information you provide to them, the more of their questions you answer and the more peace of mind you give them.

While many footnote disclosures are required by GAAP, your management may decide to include additional information to best describe events and “set the scene.” The plot twist to negative results in the income statement could be the reinvestment in new technology or a new service line, which could create exponential growth. Remove those noncash expenses, and those negative results suddenly look like a forerunner for an academy award.

Additionally, a very large portion of business litigation centers around lack of proper disclosure, so thorough, accurate footnotes can protect a company from unintended losses. This is one example where the “less is more” concept doesn’t apply.

Financial statements and footnote disclosures can also help companies measure themselves against competitors and identify why differences may exist and what they can do to close the gap or gain market share. Footnotes give you not only the “what” of a situation but also the “why.” Take for example the PPP loans in 2020. Two companies of identical size may have received PPP loans in the identical amount. One company may have elected an accounting policy to record the proceeds as a grant, where the other company may have elected to treat the proceeds as a loan. Without the footnotes, these two companies have very different financial results; however, the footnotes will tell the reader how those proceeds were accounted for and the reader will then be able to understand why the results between these two companies differed.

Top financial statement footnotes you may be missing

Since footnotes are so important to potential and current stakeholders, you want to make sure you’re including important disclosures. Here are seven extremely important financial statement footnote disclosures you don’t want to miss:

1. Related parties

Disclosing related parties provides transparency regarding whether the business producing the financial statements is engaging in related-party transactions and whether those transactions are within the normal course of business. We mentioned litigation above, and frankly this is one of the most common situations where litigation occurs – not properly disclosing related party relationships and transactions.

For example, if the owners of Company A also own Company B, and Company B leases office space to Company A, they are related parties. The rent paid by Company A to Company B should be in the normal course of business, meaning it can’t be substantially cheaper than the rent amount Company B would offer an unrelated party. Otherwise, additional information may be asked as to why the concession is granted. Is Company A paying higher market rent and could find a better deal elsewhere? Is Company A not doing so great and Company B is leasing space at a discount as a concession to help them survive or inflate financial results?

This disclosure provides clarity into operations for stakeholders not involved in the day-to-day operations, including reassurance that nothing untoward is going on.

2. Concentration of credit risk

How many times have you seen a company that depends solely on another entity to survive, whether it’s because they are the only customer or because they are a supplier of a key input necessary to produce a company’s most profitable product. Just like investing, things can go great if you put all of your eggs into one basket and that basket is turning the eggs to gold, but what happens if that basket breaks?

Disclosing major customers and suppliers is required by GAAP because it provides insight to stakeholders on other entities that compromise a certain percentage of revenue, accounts receivable or goods/materials to the business. Regardless of whether the stakeholder is risk-tolerant or risk-averse, providing appropriate disclosures (including any plans to increase, decrease, maintain and/or mitigate potential risk) should be enough to pacify stakeholders.

3. Significant Estimates

Not all financial accounting presentation items are cut and dry. Some items presented in the financial statements are subject to management’s best estimate. Wouldn’t you like to know as a reader what those estimates are and what assumptions management used to determine those amounts? That is exactly what GAAP requires; however, some companies fail to properly disclose these significant estimates. Without being able to identify and understand the uncertainty involved in some of these estimates, readers may not be as informed as they thought they were.

4. Debt maturity schedule

Think about two similar companies that each have five million dollars of debt. On the financial statements, they may be identically presented. But if one company has those debt payments spread over the next twenty years and the other company has a balloon payment due in an upcoming year, I would probably want to know that as a reader of the financial statements. This footnote requires management to disclose the terms of each significant debt agreement along with the interest rate, maturity date, payment terms, and collateral pledged against that debt. The required debt footnote provides insight into the liquidity management of the company, which is vital to assisting stakeholders in making informed decisions.

5. Commitments and contingencies

If anyone tells you that they love surprises, it’s probably because nothing bad has ever happened to them. When it is reasonably possible a loss event will occur, the likelihood of the event occurring and the potential amount of the loss should be disclosed as a loss contingency. This includes the results of legal proceedings, product warranties, guarantees and other potential contingent liabilities. Disclosing this information to users of the financial statements now will prevent unintended “surprises” down the road.

6. Going concern

Absent information to the contrary, it is anticipated the company will continue to operate indefinitely as a going concern. A going concern disclosure indicates management has significant doubt about the company’s ability to operate indefinitely. A going concern disclosure can indicate trouble for a business, but it doesn’t necessarily spell the end. The business could be experiencing trouble but has a plan to recover. That’s still important (and required by GAAP) to note in a disclosure, as stakeholders will likely be wary of a business becoming a going concern, what has happened and why, and how long it will continue as one.

7. Subsequent events

Just because something didn’t happen during the year doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be telling our readers about it. Significant events occurring after the period in the financial statements but before the statements are issued are required to be included as a subsequent event footnote.

For example, the known and unknown interruptions to operations as a result of COVID-19 was a common subsequent event footnote disclosure for financial statements published beginning in March 2020.

Final determination of litigation proceedings, fires or other disasters, merger and acquisition activity, significant changes to the business and other items deemed important to users of the financial statements could become subsequent events requiring disclosure. A statement as to whether these events are accrued and included in the financial results presented provides further information to readers.

Questions about these financial statement disclosures?

Reach out to an accountant at Wipfli. We can help you make your financial statements and footnote disclosures most robust to better tell the story of your company.

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What should be disclosed in footnotes to the financial statements?

Footnotes to the financial statements refer to additional information that helps explain how a company arrived at its financial statement figures. They also help to explain any irregularities or perceived inconsistencies in year to year account methodologies.

Which of the following is disclosed as a footnote to balance sheet?

Hence, the contingent liabilities are shown as a footnote or explanatory notes in the balance sheet of a firm as per Convention of full disclosure.

What should be included in notes to financial statements?

Notes to financial statements Notes to the financial statements disclose the detailed assumptions made by accountants when preparing a company's: income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes of financial position or statement of retained earnings.

Which of the following shown under the footnotes?

Information Contained Within Footnotes Clarification of the figures contained in the financial statements. Explanation of inconsistencies or irregularities that might be found in the financial statement. Disclosure of values of figures and adjustments made to them in the process of filing the financial statement.


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