Which of the following scenarios best illustrates delegated discretionary authority

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United States Government Accountability Office: GAO: 

Office of the General Counsel: 

September 2008: 

Principles of Federal Appropriations Law: 
Third Edition: 
Volume III: 

This volume supersedes the Volume IV, Second Edition of the Principles 
of Federal Appropriations Law, 2001. 

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This is Volume DT of Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, third 
edition. Publication of this volume completes our process of revising 
and updating the second edition of the "Red Book" and reissuing it in 
a 3-volume looseleaf set with cumulative annual updates. This volume 
and all other updated volumes of Principles, including the annual 
updates, are available on GAO's Web site (www.gao.gov) under "Key 
References." The annual updates are only available online. The online 
updated versions contain hyperlinks to the GAO material cited. Check 
the GAO Web site for other interesting information, for example, 
materials from our annual Appropriations Law Forum. 

This volume updates chapters found in Volume IV of the second edition. 
We did not update Volume III of the second edition, which deals with 
functions that were transferred to the executive branch, including 
claims against the United States, debt collection, and payment of 
judgments against the United States. However, since the exercise of 
these responsibilities has appropriations law consequences, we include 
in this volume a new Chapter 14 that discusses these responsibilities 
in that context. Because Volume DT of the second edition provides a 
useful history of case law in these areas, it will remain available on 
GAO's Web site. However, inasmuch as it has not been updated and was 
last revised in 1994, it should not be viewed as a statement of 
current law. Also, it should not be confused with this Volume DT of 
the third edition, which updates Volume IV of the second edition. 

Our objective in Principles is to present a basic reference work 
covering those areas of law in which the Comptroller General issues 
decisions, using text discussion with specific legal authorities to 
illustrate the principles discussed, their application, and 
exceptions. As we noted in our first volume, Principles should be used 
as a general guide and starting point, not as a substitute for 
original legal research. We measure our success in this endeavor by 
Principles' day-to-day utility to its federal and nonfederal audience. 
In this regard, we appreciate the many comments and suggestions we 
have received to date, and hope that our publication will continue to 
serve as a useful reference. 

Signed by: 

Gary L. Kepplinger: 
General Counsel: 

September 2008: 

[End of section] 

Detailed Table of Contents: 
Volume III, Chapters 12-15: 

Chapter 12 Acquisition of Goods and Services: 

A. Acquisition and Disposal of Property for Government Use: 
1. General Services Administration Schedule Programs: 
2. Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts: 
3. Stationery and Supplies: 
4. Exchange/Sale Authority in Acquiring Personal Property: 
5. Disposal of Personal Property: 

B. Interagency Transactions: 
1. The Economy Act: 
a. Origin, Legislative History, General Requirements: 
(1) Funds available: (2) Interest of the government: 
(3) Performing agency's "position": 
(4) Lower cost: 
(5) Written agreement: 
b. Who Is Covered: 
c. Fiscal Matters: 
(1) Payment: types and accounting: 
(2) "Actual cost": meaning and application: 
(3) Obligation and deobligation: 
(4) Applicability of limitations and restrictions: (5) Accountability 
d. What Work or Services May Be Performed: 
(1) Details of personnel: 
(2) Loans of personal property: 
(3) Common services: 
(4) Other examples: 
e. What Work or Services May Not Be Performed: 
f. Contracting Out and "Off-Loading:" 
2. Account Adjustment Statute: 
3. Other Authorities: 

C. Revolving Funds: 
1. Introduction: 
a. Concept and Definition: 
b. Creation/Establishment: 
2. Receipts and Reimbursements: 
3. Types: 
a. Public Enterprise Revolving Fund: 
b. Trust Revolving Fund: 
c. Intragovernmental Revolving Fund: 
(1) Working capital funds: 
(2) Franchise and other revolving funds: 
(3) Contracting services and revolving funds: 
4. Expenditures/Availability: 
a. Status as Appropriation: 
b. Purpose: 
c. Time: 
(1) Earned receipts and collection: 
(2) Appropriations of revolving funds' customer agencies: 
d. Amount: 
e. Obligation Requirement: 
5. Augmentation and Impairment: 
6. Property Management and Utilization: 
7. Revolving Funds in the Department of Defense: 

D. User Charges: 
1. Providing Goods or Services to Private Parties: 
2. The Concept of User Charges: 
3. The Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
a. Origin and Overview: 
b. Fees versus Taxes: 
c. Establishing the Fee: 
(1) Need for regulations: 
(2) Benefit under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
(3) Public versus private benefit: 
(4) Calculation: 
d. Refunds: 
4. Other Authorities: 
a. Subsection (c) of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
b. Independent Offices Appropriation Act Incorporated by Reference: 
c. Statutes In Pari Materia: 
d. Statutes Entirely Independent of the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act: 
5. Disposition of Fees: 
a. Fees under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
b. Fees under Other Authorities: 
(1) Miscellaneous receipts: 
(2) Credit to agency's appropriation: 
(3) Special account or fund: 
6. U.S. Customs and Border Protection: A Case Study: 
7. User Fee as Grant Condition: 

E. Motor Vehicles: 
1. Acquisition: 
a. Need for Statutory Authority: 
b. Price Limitations: 
2. Use: 
a. The "Official Purpose" Limitation: 
b. General Services Administration Motor Pools: 
c. Expenditure Control Requirements: 3. Chauffeurs: 

Chapter 13: REal Property: 

A. Introduction and Terminology: 

B. Acquisition of Real Property for Government Use: 
1. The Fifth Amendment: 
2. Federal Land Acquisition Policy: 
3. Need for Statutory Authority: 
a. Applicability: 
(1) Debt security: 
(2) Donated property/funds: 
(3) Options: 
(4) Indian tribal funds: 
b. Types of Statutory Authority: 
(1) Express versus implied authority: 
(2) Forms of express authority: 
c. Effect of Noncompliance: 
4. Title Considerations: 
a. Title Approval: 
b. Title Evidence: 
c. Title Evidence Expenses: 
(1) Purchase: 
(2) Donation: 
(3) Condemnation: 
5. Methods of Acquisition: 
a. Purchase: 
b. Involuntary Acquisition: 
(1) Overview: 
(2) Legislative taking: 
(3) Sources of authority: 
(4) "Complaint only" condemnation: 
(5) Declaration of Taking Act: 
(6) Inverse condemnation: 
6. Obligation of Appropriations for Land Acquisition: 
a. Voluntary Purchase: 
b. Condemnation: 
7. Expenses Incident to Real Property Acquisition: 
a: Expenses Incident to Title Transfer: 
b. Expenses Incident to Litigation: 
(1) Attorney's fees: 
(2) Litigation expenses: 

C. Relocation Assistance: 
1. Uniform Relocation Act: Introduction and Overview: 
2. The Threshold Determination: Meaning of "Displaced Person:" 
3. Types and Payment of Benefits: 
a. Moving and Related Expenses: 
(1) Residential displacements: 
(2) Commercial displacements: 
b. Replacement Housing Benefits: 
(1) Homeowners: 
(2) Tenants and "90-day homeowners:" 
c. Advisory Services: 
d. "Last Resort" Replacement Housing: 
e. Federally Assisted Programs and Projects: 
f. Procedures and Payment: 
4. Public Utilities: 
a The Common Law: 
b. Statutory Exceptions: 
(1) Uniform Relocation Act: 
(2) 23 U.S.C. � 123: 
(3) Other statutory provisions: 

D. Jurisdiction over Federal Land: The Federal Enclave: 
1. Acquisition of Federal Jurisdiction: 
2. Specific Areas of Concern: 
a. Taxation: 
b. Criminal Law: 
c. State Regulation: 
3. Proprietorial Jurisdiction: 

E. Leasing: 
1. Some General Principles: 
a. Acquisition: 
b. Application of Fiscal Law Principles: 
c. Rights and Obligations: 
d. Payment of Rent: 
(1) Advance payment: 
(2) Payment to legal representative: 
(3) Assignment of Claims Act: 
2. Statutory Authorities and Limitations: 
a Federal Property and Administrative Services Act: 
b. Prospectus Requirement: 
c. Site Selection: 
d. Parking: 
e. Repairs and Alterations: 
f. Rental in District of Columbia: 
g. Economy Act: 
h. Some Agency-Specific Authorities: 
3. Foreign Leases: 
4. Lease-Purchase Transactions: 

F. Public Buildings and Improvements: 
1. Construction: 
a. General Funding Provisions: 
(1) 41 U.S.C. � 12: 
(2) Contract authority under partial appropriations: 
(3) Duration of construction appropriations: 
(4) Design fees: 
b. Some Agency-Specific Authorities: 
(1) Military construction: 
(2) Continuing contracts: two variations: 
(3) 7 U.S.C. � 2250: 
(4) 15 U.S.C. � 278d: 
c. Public Buildings Act and the General Services Administration: 
d. Scope of Construction Appropriations: 
2. Operation and Control: 
a. Who's in Charge? 
b. Allocation of Space: 
c. Alterations and Repairs: 
d. Maintenance and Protective Services: 
e. Utilities: 
f. Use Restrictions: 
g. Payment of Rent by Federal Agencies: 

G. Improvements to Property Not Owned by the Government: 
1. The Rules: 
2. Some Specific Applications: 
a. Leased Premises/Property: 
b. Research: 
c. Public Improvements: 
d. Federal Aviation Administration: 
e. Private Residences: 

H. Disposal: 
1. The Property Clause: 
2. Disposal under Title 40 of the United States Code: 
a. Excess Property: 
b. Surplus Property: 
c. Disposition of Proceeds: 
d. Deduction of Expenses: 
e. Disposal under Other Authorities: 
3. Use by Nongovernment Parties: 
a. Leasing and Concessions: 
(1) Outleasing in general: 
(2) 40 U.S.C. � 1302: 
(3) Concessions: 
b. Granting of Revocable License: 
4. Adverse Possession: 

Chapter 14: Claims against and by the Government: 

A. Introduction: 

B. History of Claims Settlement: 
C. Claims against the Government: 
1. Overview and Sources of Claims Settlement Authority: 
a. Legislative Claims Settlement: 
(1) Congressionally sponsored bills: 
(2) Congressional reference cases: 
(3) Meritorious Claims Act: 
b. Judicial Claims Settlement: 
c. Administrative Claims Settlement: 
2. Source of Payment of Claims against the Government: 
a. Legislatively Settled Claims: 
b. Judicially Settled Claims: the Judgment Fund: 
(1) Origins and overview: 
(2) Availability and limitations: 
c. Administratively Settled Claims: 
3. Whom and What to Pay: 
a. To Whom Agencies Should Make Payment: 
b. Amounts Payable in Addition to the Principal Amount: 
(1) Interest: 
(2) Costs and attorneys fees: 
(3) Deductions: 

D. Claims by the Government: Debt Collection: 
1. Introduction: 
2. The Government's Duty and Authority to Collect Debts Owed to It: 3. 
Debt Collection in a Nutshell: 
4.Common Appropriations Law Issues Associated with Debt Collection 
a. Diminishing Returns and Cost/Benefit Considerations: 
b. Disposition of Proceeds: 
(1) The general rule: 
(2) Statutory exceptions: 
(3) Refund exception: 
c. Accountable Officer Issues: 

Chapter 15: Miscellaneous Topics: 

A. Boards, Committees, and Commissions: 
1. Introduction: 
2. Title 31 Funding Provisions: 
a. 1842: The First Attempt: 
b. 1909: The Tawney Amendment: 
c. 1944: The Russell Amendment: 
3. Interagency Funding: 
a. Joint Funding of Common-Interest Project: 
b. 1945: The First Interagency Funding Statute: 
c. Appropriation Act Provisions: 
4. The Federal Advisory Committee Act: 
a. Overview and Applicability: 
(1) Definition and specific exemptions: 
(2) Advisory versus operational: 
(3) Who is being advised? 
(4) "Established or utilized:" 
(5) Other factors: 
b. Creation and Funding: 
(1) Statutory committees: creation: 
(2) Statutory committees: funding: 
(3) Committees established by the executive branch: 
(4) Donations: 

B. Government Use of Corporate Entities: 
1. Introduction: 
2. The Problem of Definition: 
a. Government Corporations: 
b. Government-Sponsored Enterprises: 
c. Title 36 Patriotic, Fraternal, or Charitable Corporate Entities: 
d. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers: 
e. Summing Up: 
3. Creation: 
a. Historical Background and Purpose: 
b. Need for Statutory Authority: 
4. Management: 
a Government Corporation Control Act: 
(1) Origin: 
(2) Definitions: 
(3) Budget provisions: 
(4) Other financial controls: 
(5) Audit: 
b. Appointment and Control of Directors: 
5. Sources of Funds and Financing: 
a. Types of Financing: Government: 
(1) Direct appropriations: 
(2) Federal borrowing: 
(3) Federal ownership of stock: 
b. Types of Financing: Private: 
(1) Sources of private financing: 
(2) Market perception of implied backing by United States: 
(3) Statutory controls: 
6. Fiscal Autonomy: 
a Account Settlement: 
b. Status of Funds Received by Corporate Entities: 
c. Application of Fiscal Laws: 
(1) "Character and necessity" provision: 
(2) "Without regard" clause: 
(3) Laws expressly applicable: 
(4) Appropriation act provisions: 
(5) Other provisions of title 31, United States Code: 
d. Program Implementation: 
(1) Commodity Credit Corporation: 
(2) Bonneville Power Administration: 
(3) Amtrak: 
7. Application of Other Laws: 
a. Civil Service Laws: 
b. Procurement Laws and Regulations: 
(1) 41 U.S.C. � 5: 
(2) Federal Property and Administrative Services Act: 
(3) Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act: 
(4) Federal Acquisition Regulation: 
(5) Competition in Contracting Act: 
(6) Other statutes: 
c. General Management Laws: 
(1) Inspector General Act: 
(2) Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982: 
(3) Chief Financial Officers Act: 
(4) Government Performance and Results Act: 
(5) Government Management Reform Act of 1994: 
(6) Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996: 
(7) Improper Payments Information Act of 2002: 
d. Property Management: 
e. Freedom of Information, Privacy Acts: 
f. Printing and Binding: 
g. Criminal Code: 
8. Claims and Lawsuits: 
a. Administrative Claims: 
(1) Claims settlement authority: 
(2) Federal Tort Claims Act: 
(3) Contract Disputes Act: 
(4) Assignment of Claims Act: 
(5) Estoppel: 
(6) Prompt Payment Act: 
(7) False Claims Act: 
(8) Interagency claims: 
b. Debt Collection: 
c. Litigation in the Courts: 
(1) Sovereign immunity: 
(2) "Sue-and-be-sued" clauses: 
(3) The Tucker Act: 
(4) Liability for costs and remedies of litigation: 
(5) Sovereign immunity from state and local taxes: 
(6) Litigation authority: 
9. Termination of Government Corporations: 

C. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
1. Introduction: 
a. History of Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Organizations: 
b. Defining the Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality: 
2. Legal Status: 
a. Authority for Creation: 
b. Relationship to the United States Government: 
3. Sources of Funding: The Use of Appropriated Funds for 
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
a. Self-Supporting or Subsidized? 
b. General Rule: Appropriations Not Available for Morale, Welfare, and 
Recreation unless Authorized by Congress: 
c. The Current Trend: Use of Appropriated Funds: 
d. Other Issues in Appropriated Fund Support: 
e. Borrowing by Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 
4. Transactions with Federal Agencies: 
a. Economy Act and Intra-Agency Orders: 
b. Contracting to Sell Goods and Services to Agencies: 
c. Statutory Authority to Enter into Contracts with Federal Agencies: 
5. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Procurement: 
6. Debts Due Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
7. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Property: 
8. Management of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
a. Regulation and Oversight: 
b. Authority to Audit Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 
(1) GAO jurisdiction: 
(2) Other auditors: 
(3) Settlement of accounts: 
(4) Bid protests: 
9. Sovereign Immunity: 
a. Immunity from State and Local Taxation: 
b. Immunity from Suit: 
c. Payment of Judgments: 
10. Status of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Employees: 
a. Applicability of Civil Service Laws: 
(1) Civil Service Reform Act of 1978: 
(2) Other employment related laws: 

D. Trust Funds: 
1. Federal Funds and Trust Funds: 
a. Federal Funds: 
b. Trust Funds: 
c. Congressional Prerogatives: 
2. The Government as Trustee: Creation of a Trust: 
a. Property of Others Controlled by the United States: 
b. Trust Funds Designated by Statute: 
c. Accepting Donated Funds: 
3. Application of Fiscal Laws: 
a. Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 1934: 
b. Available Uses of Trust Funds: 
(1) Using donated funds: 
(2) Property of others: 
(3) Statutory trust funds: 
c. Intergovernmental Claims: 
4. Concepts of Amount and Time: 
5. Duty to Invest: 
6. Liability for Loss of Trust Funds: 
7. Claims: 
a. Setoff and Levy against Trust Funds: 
b. Unclaimed Moneys: 
8. Federal Trust Funds and the Budget: 

[End of section] 

Chapter 12 Acquisition of Goods and Services: 

A. Acquisition and Disposal of Property for Government Use: 
1. General Services Administration Schedule Programs: 
2. Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts: 
3. Stationery and Supplies: 
4. Exchange/Sale Authority in Acquiring Personal Property: 
5. Disposal of Personal Property: 

B. Interagency Transactions: 
1. The Economy Act: 
a. Origin, Legislative History, General Requirements: 
(1) Funds available: 
(2) Interest of the government: 
(3) Performing agency's "position:" 
(4) Lower cost: 
(5) Written agreement: 
b. Who Is Covered: 
c. Fiscal Matters: 
(1) Payment: types and accounting: 
(2) "Actual cost": meaning and application: 
(3) Obligation and deobligation: 
(4) Applicability of limitations and restrictions: 
(5) Accountability issues: 
d. What Work or Services May Be Performed: 
(1) Details of personnel: 
(2) Loans of personal property: 
(3) Common services: 
(4) Other examples: 
e. What Work or Services May Not Be Performed: 
f. Contracting Out and "Off-Loading:" 
2. Account Adjustment Statute: 
3. Other Authorities: 

C. Revolving Funds: 
1. Introduction: 
a. Concept and Definition: 
b. Creation/Establishment: 
2. Receipts and Reimbursements: 
3. Types: 
a. Public Enterprise Revolving Fund: 
b. Trust Revolving Fund: 
c. Intragovernmental Revolving Fund: 
(1) Working capital funds: 
(2) Franchise and other revolving funds: 
(3) Contracting services and revolving funds: 
4. Expenditures/Availability: 
a. Status as Appropriation: 
b. Purpose: 
c. Time: 
(1) Earned receipts and collection: 
(2) Appropriations of revolving funds' customer agencies: 
d. Amount: 
e. Obligation Requirement: 
5. Augmentation and Impairment: 
6. Property Management and Utilization: 
7. Revolving Funds in the Department of Defense: 

D. User Charges: 
1. Providing Goods or Services to Private Parties: 
2. The Concept of User Charges: 
3. The Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
a. Origin and Overview: 
b. Fees versus Taxes: 
c. Establishing the Fee: 
(1) Need for regulations: 
(2) Benefit under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
(3) Public versus private benefit: 
(4) Calculation: 
d. Refunds: 
4. Other Authorities: 
a. Subsection (c) of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
b. Independent Offices Appropriation Act Incorporated by Reference: 
c. Statutes In Pari Materia: 
d. Statutes Entirely Independent of the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act: 
5. Disposition of Fees: 
a. Fees under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 
b. Fees under Other Authorities: 
(1) Miscellaneous receipts: 
(2) Credit to agency's appropriation: 
(3) Special account or fund: 
6. U.S. Customs and Border Protection: A Case Study: 
7. User Fee as Grant Condition: 

E. Motor Vehicles: 
1. Acquisition: 
a. Need for Statutory Authority: 
b. Price Limitations: 
2. Use 12-205: 
a. The "Official Purpose" Limitation: 
b. General Services Administration Motor Pools: 
c. Expenditure Control Requirements: 
3. Chauffeurs: 

Chapter 12 Acquisition of Goods and Services: 

In the course of performing its lawful duties, a government agency 
routinely needs to acquire various goods and services from outside 
sources. These outside sources may include federal entities as well as 
private parties. The agency may also have to dispose of property or 
equipment which it no longer needs, or it may be authorized to provide 
certain goods or services to others as part of its mission. Fiscal 
aspects of government contracting are dealt with in virtually every 
chapter of this publication. This chapter addresses several topics not 
covered elsewhere whose only common thread is that they relate loosely 
to the general theme of how the government "does business." 

A. Acquisition and Disposal of Property for Government Use: 

1. General Services Administration Schedule Programs: 

The General Services Administration (GSA) has broad authority over the 
acquisition of personal property and nonpersonal services for other 
government agencies. Section 501(b)(1)(A) of title 40, United States 
Code,[Footnote 1] provides that GSA� 

"shall procure and supply personal property and nonpersonal services 
for executive agencies to use in the proper discharge of their 
responsibilities, and perform functions related to procurement and 
supply including contracting, inspection, storage, issue, property 
identification and classification, transportation and traffic 
management, management of public utility services, and repairing and 

Section 501(b)(2)(A) requires GSA to "prescribe policies and methods 
for executive agencies regarding the procurement and supply of 
personal property and nonpersonal services and related functions." 
These GSA policies and methods are subject to regulations prescribed 
by the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy. 40 U.S.C. � 

Section 501(d) requires GSA to "operate, for executive agencies, 
warehouses, supply centers, repair shops, fuel yards, and other 
similar facilities" and, after consultation with the affected 
agencies, to "consolidate, take over, or arrange for executive 
agencies to operate the facilities." 

Section 502(a) of title 40, United States Code, authorizes GSA to 
provide the same services, upon request, to a federal agency, mixed-
ownership government corporation as defined in 31 U.S.C. � 9101, or 
the District of Columbia. The term "federal agency" brings in the 
legislative and judicial branches except for the Senate, House of 
Representatives, and Architect of the Capitol. See 40 U.S.C. � 102(5). 
GSA published a detailed explanation and listing of who is eligible to 
use its programs in GSA Order No. ADM 4800.2E, Eligibility to Use GSA 
Sources of Supply and Services (Jan. 3, 2000).[Footnote 2] 

GSA administers the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) program, also known 
as the GSA Schedules Program or the Multiple Award Schedule Program 
(MAS), which is a simplified process for federal agencies to obtain 
commercial supplies and services at prices associated with volume 
buying. See generally Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 C.F.R. 
pt. 8.4. Indefinite delivery contracts are awarded to provide supplies 
and services at stated prices for given periods of time. 48 C.F.R. � 
8.402(a). Ordering agencies are authorized to place orders, or to 
establish blanket purchase agreements, against a vendor's FSS 
contract. Id. � 8.401. Orders and blanket purchasing agreements are 
considered to be issued using full and open competition; therefore, 
when placing orders under FSS contracts or when establishing a blanket 
purchasing agreement, ordering agencies do not need to seek 
competition outside the FSS. Id. � 8.404(a). 

GSA schedule contracts require all FSS contractors to publish an 
"Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Pricelist," which contains all 
supplies and services offered by an FSS vendor, as well as the pricing 
and terms and conditions pertaining to each Special Item Number that 
is on the schedule (that is, a group of generically similar, but not 
identical, supplies or services that are intended to serve the same 
general purpose or function). 48 C.F.R. �� 8.401, 8.402(b). GSA for 
many years included ordering instructions in the Federal Property 
Management Regulations, but dropped them in 1995. 60 Fed. Reg. 19674 
(Apr. 20, 1995). GSA's Web site contains extensive information on the 
schedules at [hyperlink, http://www.gsa.gov/schedules] (last visited 
Mar. 20, 2008). 

In the early 1980s, GSA developed a system, which GAO approved in 63 
Comp. Gen. 129 (1983), for entering into MAS contracts on a multiyear 
basis.[Footnote 3] This is in accord with the bona fide needs rule 
(see Chapter 5) and does not violate the Antideficiency Act (see 
Chapter 6) since there is no obligation of appropriations until a 
using agency determines that it has a requirement and issues a 
delivery or task order.[Footnote 4] Id. Of course, the agency must 
have available appropriations when it does that. 

For FSS contracts, GSA has already determined that the vendors' prices 
of supplies and fixed-price services and rates for services offered at 
hourly rates are fair and reasonable. Therefore, ordering agencies are 
not required to make a separate determination of fair and reasonable 
pricing, except for a price evaluation as required by section 8.405-
2(d) of the FAR. 48 C.F.R. � 8.404(d). By placing an order against an 
FSS contract using the procedures in section 8.405 of the FAR, the 
ordering agency has concluded that the order represents the best value 
(as defined in 48 C.F.R. � 2.101) and results in the lowest overall 
cost alternative (considering price, special features, administrative 
costs, etc.) to meet the government's needs. Although GSA has already 
negotiated fair and reasonable pricing, ordering agencies may seek 
additional discounts before placing an order. Id. �� 8.404(d), 8.405-4. 

Under the FSS program, agencies may place orders using a request for 
quotations (RFQ). Id. � 8.405-1. A quotation is not a submission for 
acceptance by the government to form a binding contract; rather, 
vendor quotations are purely informational. In the context of an RFQ, 
it is the government that makes the offer, albeit generally based on 
the information provided by the vendor in its quotation, and no 
binding agreement is created until the vendor accepts the offer. 48 
C.F.R. � 13.0004(a). Generally, a vendor submitting a price quotation, 
therefore, can reject an offer from the government at the vendor's 
quoted price. B-292708, Oct. 3, 2003. 

However, where an agency issues an RFQ under FAR subpart 8.4 and 
conducts a competition (see 48 C.F.R. � 8.405-2), GAO, in a bid 
protest, will review the record to ensure that the agency's evaluation 
was fair and reasonable and consistent with the terms of the 
solicitation. See B-297210, Nov. 28, 2005; B-278343, B-278343.2, Jan. 
20, 1998. In such a competition, it is the vendor's burden to submit a 
quotation that is adequately written and establishes the merits of the 
quotation, or else the vendor runs the risk of the agency rejecting 
the quotation as technically unacceptable. B-293527, Mar. 26, 2004; B-
290291, June 17, 2002. 

The FSS program applies to services (priced at either hourly rates or 
at a fixed price for performance of a specific task) as well as 
supplies (listed at fixed prices). For example, GSA is acting within 
its authority in establishing a mandatory supply schedule for debt 
collection services. The using agency's authority in 31 U.S.C. � 3718 
to contract for debt collection services does not override GSA 
authority to determine how the procurement is to be accomplished. B-
259975, Sept. 18, 1995. 

For administrative convenience, an ordering agency may add items not 
on the FSS (that is, open market items) to an FSS blanket purchase 
agreement or to an individual task or delivery order only if all 
applicable acquisition regulations with respect to non-FSS items have 
been followed (e.g., publication (48 C.F.R. part 5), competition 
requirements (48 C.F.R. part 6), acquisition of commercial items (48 
C.F.R. part 12), contracting methods (48 C.F.R. parts 13, 14, and 15), 
and small business programs (48 C.F.R. part 19)), and the ordering 
agency has determined that the price for the non-FSS is fair and 
reasonable, the items are clearly labeled on the order as non-FSS 
items, and all applicable clauses with respect to non-FSS items are 
included in the order. 48 C.F.R. � 8.402(f)(1)-(4). A nonschedule 
procurement in violation of the regulations is an unauthorized act, 
but again as with stock items, the agency may pay the vendor if the 
quantum meruit/quantum valebant standards are met. B-213489, Mar. 13, 
1984; B-195123, July 11, 1979. 

As with any other agency program, there are certain expenses GSA must 
bear incident to administering the Federal Supply Schedule program. 
One example is discussed in 42 Comp. Gen. 563 (1963), in which GSA 
directed a supply schedule gasoline contractor to litigate the 
constitutionality of a state gasoline tax. The cost was simply a cost 
of carrying out GSA's normal duties and there was no basis for passing 
it on to user agencies. 

2. Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts: 

In 1996, the Clinger-Cohen Act authorized the creation of 
Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWAC), which are contracts for 
information technology (IT) goods and services that are established by 
one agency for governmentwide use, with deliveries scheduled through 
orders with the contractor. Pub. L. No. 104-106, thy. E, 110 Stat. 
186, 679 (Feb. 10, 1996). See also GAO, Contract Management: 
Interagency Contract Program Fees Need More Oversight, GAO-02-734 
(Washington, D.C.: July 25, 2002); Interagency Contracting: Improved 
Guidance, Planning, and Oversight Would Enable the Department of 
Homeland Security to Address Risks, GAO-06-996 (Washington, D.C.: 
Sept. 27, 2006). GWACs are generally indefinite-delivery, indefinite-
quantity (IDIQ) contracts. Chapter 7, section B.Le discusses 
requirements for obligating IDIQs. Each GWAC is operated by an 
executive agency designated by the Office of Management and Budget 
pursuant to section 5112(e) of the Clinger-Cohen Act, Pub. L. No. 104-
106. An agency placing an order under a GWAC incurs an obligation 
directly against the contract; accordingly, as with MAS contracts, 
interagency agreements, discussed in section B of this chapter, are 
not required when placing orders against a GWAC. See GSA Schedules 
Frequently Asked Questions, available at www.gsa.govischedules (last 
visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

3. Stationery and Supplies: 

Originally enacted in 1868,[Footnote 5] 41 U.S.C. � 13 provides: 
"Except as otherwise provided, it shall not be lawful for any of the 
executive departments to make contracts for stationery or other 
supplies for a longer term than one year from the time the contract is 
made." Our research failed to disclose a definition of "supplies" for 
purposes of this statute, although the request for decision in one 
case assumed it meant "supplies which are consumed in the use thereof, 
such as food, gasoline," etc., and nothing in the decision 
contradicted that assumption. 19 Comp. Gen. 980, 981 (1940). The 
statute was often cited along with other fiscal control laws such as 
the Antideficiency Act, Adequacy of Appropriations Act, bona fide 
needs statute, etc., and its independent significance received little 
attention. E.g., 36 Comp. Gen. 683, 684 (1957). Apart from certain 
indefinite-quantity or requirements contracts (e.g., A-60589, July 12, 
1935), it added little to what was already prohibited by the other 

In any event, while the law is still on the books, statutory 
exemptions have whittled it down to virtually nothing. The Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, ch. 288, 63 Stat. 
377 (June 30, 1949) (Property Act), included an exemption for the 
General Services Administration (GSA) and agencies acting under a GSA 
delegation, later expanded to what is now the first sentence of 41 
U.S.C. � 260: "Sections 5, 8, and 13 of this title shall not apply to 
the procurement of property or services made by an executive agency 
pursuant to this subchapter." Since this provision originated in the 
Property Act, the definition of "executive agency" in the codified 
version of title 40 derived from that act, contained in 40 U.S.C. � 
102(4), would presumably apply: 

"The term 'executive agency' means� 

"(A) an executive department or independent establishment in the 
executive branch of the Government; and, 

"(B) a wholly owned Government corporation." 

GSA published a detailed explanation and listing of who is eligible to 
use its supply services in GSA's Order No. ADM 4800.2E,[Footnote 6] 
which includes executive, legislative, and judicial branch agencies as 
well as other federal entities. Section 7.b of the GSA order states: 

"Subsection 201(b) of the Property Act authorizes the Administrator 
[of GSA] to provide GSA sources of supply to these organizations upon 

"(1) Other Federal Agencies. These are Federal agencies defined in 
subsection 3(b) of the Property Act that are not in the executive 
branch; i.e., any establishment in the legislative or judicial branch 
of the Government ...To the extent that GSA has made such 
determinations, the organizations qualifying under this authority are 
listed in app. B." 

Appendix B to the order contains a list of "Other Eligible Users," 
which includes legislative branch agencies (e.g., GAO and the Library 
of Congress); judicial branch agencies (e.g., the Administrative 
Office of the U.S. Courts); and a number of government boards, 
commissions, and corporate entities. 

In addition, 10 U.S.C. � 2314 provides: "Sections 3709 and 3735 of the 
Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. [��] 5 and 13) do not apply to the 
procurement or sale of property or services by the agencies named in 
section 2303 of this title [10 U.S.C. � 2303]." Section 2303 lists the 
Departments of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, the Coast Guard, and 
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 

GAO has pointed out that these exemptions are just that�exemptions 
from 41 U.S.C. � 13�and do not by themselves authorize anyone to 
obligate funds in advance of appropriations. 63 Comp. Gen. 129, 135 
(1983); 48 Comp. Gen. 497, 500 (1969). 

4. Exchange/Sale Authority in Acquiring Personal Property: 

Section 503(a) of title 40, United States Code, provides: "In 
acquiring personal property, an executive agency may exchange or sell 
similar items and may apply the exchange allowance or proceeds of sale 
in whole or in part payment for the property acquired." Section 503(b) 
provides that a transaction under 40 U.S.C. � 503(a) must be in 
writing and carried out in accordance with General Services 
Administration (GSA) regulations, which in turn are subject to 
regulations of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. 

The reason for section 503 is that, without it, the acquiring agency 
would have to charge the full purchase price to its appropriation 
while depositing the proceeds from the disposition of old material in 
the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, even though it may have 
budgeted on the basis of net cost. For an example of this problem, see 
21 Comp. Gen. 294 (1941). This was true regardless of whether the old 
material was sold for cash (15 Op. Att'y Gen. 322 (1877)) or traded in 
for an allowance against the purchase price (5 Comp. Dec. 716 (1899)). 
GAO had come to the conclusion that there was "no complete and 
satisfactory solution of the problem except by obtaining necessary 
legislation." 21 Comp. Gen. at 297. Section 503 was the culmination of 
legislative attempts that began decades earlier. The first statutes 
tended to be limited either to a particular agency or to particular 
types of personal property such as automobiles. See, e.g., 19 Comp. 
Gen. 906 (1940). The origins and history of section 503 (formerly 
section 201(c) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act 
of 1949, ch. 288, 63 Stat. 377 (June 30, 1949)) are outlined in B-
169903-0.M., Jan. 8, 1973. Although the statute uses the term 
"executive agency," GAO regards it as applicable to itself by virtue 
of 31 U.S.C. � 704(a) which makes laws "generally related to 
administering an agency" applicable to GAO. B-201082-0.M., Dec. 2, 

Implementation of the exchange/sale authority is the primary 
responsibility of GSA, whose regulations are found in 41 C.F.R. part 
102-39, part of the Federal Management Regulation. GAO has considered 
various aspects of the exchange/sale authority on many occasions, but 
relies heavily on the GSA regulations and will not interfere with any 
reasonable application by GSA. See B-189300, May 5, 1978 (nondecision 

The regulations authorize use of the exchange/sale authority only when 
the following conditions apply: 

* The property sold or exchanged must be "similar to the property 

* The property sold or exchanged must not be excess or surplus, and 
the agency must have a continuing need for the property acquired. 

* Subject to certain exceptions, "the number of items acquired must 
equal the number of items exchanged or sold." 

* The property exchanged or sold cannot have been acquired for the 
principal purpose of exchange or sale. 

* There must be documentation that the exchange allowance or sale 
proceeds will be applied to the acquisition of replacement property. 

41 C.F.R. � 102-39.50. If the exchange/sale authority applies, the 
agency is under no obligation to give precedence to other statutory 
disposal options, such as donation programs. B-153771, June 12, 1964. 

The first listed condition is simply a restatement of the requirement 
of the statute that the items be "similar." GAO has observed that 
"'similar items' is not a precise term" and that the law "affords 
[GSA] a flexible standard in the promulgation of regulations." 41 
Comp. Gen. 227, 228-29 (1961). GSA regards items as similar for 
purposes of the exchange/sale statute when: 

* the replaced item and the acquired item are identical; 

* the acquired and replaced item "are designed and constructed for the 
same purpose"; 

* both items constitute parts or containers for identical or similar 
end items; or; 

* the acquired item and the replaced item both fall within a single 
Federal Supply Classification group of property that is eligible for 
handling under the exchange/sale authority. 

41 C.F.R. � 102-39.20. 

Under the second standard, items need not be identical if they are 
designed and constructed for the same purpose. Thus, ambulances and 
station wagons adapted for use as ambulances are similar for purposes 
of the statute. 41 Comp. Gen. 227 (1961). Different types of trucks 
qualify because they are designed and intended to be used for the 
transportation of property. B-47592, Feb. 14, 1945. So do vessels 
designed for hydrographic surveying, notwithstanding differences in 
size and capacity which would preclude their operation under the same 
conditions. B-127659, June 5, 1956. 

The statute and regulations are designed to facilitate the legitimate 
replacement of property and should not be used for what amounts to a 
new acquisition in the guise of an exchange. In 55 Comp. Gen. 1268 
(1976), GSA had disapproved an exchange of gold for silver proposed by 
the Defense Department and the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration. Notwithstanding the assertion that the two were 
"virtually interchangeable," an examination of the proposal showed 
that they would not serve the same specific purpose, and that GSA was 
therefore correct. See also B-149858-0.M., Feb. 25, 1963 (diamonds not 
similar to rubies). The purpose to be served must be specific. 
Intermingling dissimilar items for use on a common project�unless they 
are within the same Federal Supply Classification group�is not enough. 
Thus, trucks and shovels, for example, are not similar simply because 
they will be used as "road building equipment." 27 Comp. Gen. 540 
(1948). In general, "in the purchase of a truck only a truck may be 
sold or exchanged, a tractor for a tractor, a boat for a boat, etc." 
23 Comp. Gen. 931, 934 (1944). 

The regulations also treat items as similar if they are parts for 
similar end items. See, e.g., 34 Comp. Gen. 452 (1955) (United States 
Mint at Philadelphia could sell high-frequency motor-generator set and 
use proceeds for parts for high-frequency melting units); B-126544, 
Feb. 17, 1956 (another case involving U.S. Mint equipment). The 1955 
decision cautioned that while the proceeds could be applied to the 
purchase of the new equipment, they could not be used for such things 
as removal, modification, installation, or assembly. 34 Comp. Gen. at 

Sales proceeds can be applied to a different program or activity in 
the same agency as long as they are applied to the purchase of similar 
items. This follows logically from the requirement under 40 U.S.C. � 
524(b)(1) that, as far as practicable, an agency reassign property 
within the agency before reporting it to GSA as excess. B-153771, June 
12, 1964. 

There are a number of important exclusions from the exchange/sale 
authority. One is mandated by the very premise of the statute�it 
applies only to personal property, not to real property. E.g., B-
128706, Aug. 14, 1956 (41 miles of telephone line are not "personal 
property"). Others are contained in the regulations. Items are not 
eligible for exchange/sale treatment if they are found in any of the 
Federal Supply Classification groups listed in 41 C.F.R. � 102-
39.45(a). The groups listed range from hand tools and clothing to 
weapons and nuclear ordnance. Other provisions specify that the 
exchange/sale authority may not be used if the acquisition is not 
otherwise authorized by law or is in contravention of an applicable 
restriction. 41 C.F.R. �� 102-39.45(j), (k), 102-39.30. For example, 
it could not be used to acquire a passenger motor vehicle by an agency 
which lacks the specific authority required by 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). 27 
Comp. Gen. 105 (1947). As noted above, the exchange/sale authority may 
not be used to dispose of excess or surplus property. 41 C.F.R. � 102-
39.50(b). See B-163084, Feb. 5, 1979; B-169903, July 27, 1970. Nor may 
it be used to dispose of scrap materials except scrap gold for fine 
gold. 41 C.F.R. � 102-39.45(e); see B-163084, Feb. 5, 1979. 

Long before the enactment of 40 U.S.C. � 503, GAO had taken the 
position that an agency disposing of personal property through 
competitive bids should solicit cash bids as well as trade-in offers, 
and should accept whichever was more favorable to the government. 
E.g., 5 Comp. Gen. 798 (1926). This position continued after enactment 
of section 503. 45 Comp. Gen. 671 (1966); B-150296, Mar. 14, 1963. 
[Footnote 7] In 64 Comp. Gen. 132 (1984), GAO sustained a bid protest 
where the solicitation failed to include the cash option. The decision 

"Where an agency contemplates considering offers for the government's 
old equipment in conjunction with an acquisition of new equipment, we 
question whether it is fair or even in the government's best interest 
to limit offers for the old equipment to firms also offering to supply 
the new equipment, if there exists a third-party market for the old 
equipment that might be willing to offer more on a cash basis than the 
government could have obtained from any exchange allowance." 

64 Comp. Gen. at 134. 

GAO has approved issuing a request for quotations for the sole purpose 
of comparing trade-in offers where the agency contemplated making the 
actual acquisition by purchase request from the Federal Supply 
Schedule. B-181146, Nov. 21, 1974. GAO has also concurred with a 
proposal by GSA to sell used cars, many of which are exchange/sale 
cars, on consignment through private auction houses. 64 Comp. Gen. 149 

Of course, the main reason for the enactment of 40 U.S.C. � 503 was to 
permit the proceeds of the exchange or sale to be applied towards 
acquisition of the new item. Applicable requirements are set forth in 
GAO's Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, 
title 7, � 5.5.D (Washington, D.C.: May 18, 1993), some of which have 
been incorporated into GSA regulations at 41 C.F.R. �� 102-39.15(a), 
10239.40(a)(3), and 102-39.70. If the proceeds are received after the 
obligation for the replacement property has been incurred, they may be 
credited directly to the appropriation account charged. If the 
proceeds are received before the obligation for the replacement 
property has been incurred, they remain available for the purchase 
during the fiscal year in which the property was sold and for one 
fiscal year thereafter. 41 C.F.R. � 102-39.70. If an administrative 
determination to use the proceeds has been made and documented, the 
money should be credited to the appropriate budget clearing account. 
When the obligation is incurred, the clearing account is charged and 
the appropriation account credited. This prevents expiration of the 
appropriation from thwarting the legitimate exercise of the 
exchange/sale authority. If the obligation does not occur within the 
prescribed time period, the money goes to the Treasury as 
miscellaneous receipts, the theory being that it would no longer be a 
bona fide replacement. Id. 

5. Disposal of Personal Property: 

The principles which govern the disposal of government property are, 
for the most part, the same for real and personal property although 
they differ in detail. We discuss the disposal of real property in 
Chapter 13. The principles are: 

* Under the Property Clause of the Constitution (art. W, � 3, cl. 2), 
disposal of government property requires statutory authority. 

* Congress has implemented the Property Clause mainly through 
provisions of title 40, United States Code. The General Services 
Administration (GSA) has primary responsibility for administering 
these provisions, and does so in turn through the Federal Management 
Regulation, 41 C.F.R. chapter 102. 

* Disposal is a three-stage process: reassignment within the agency; 
transfer to other federal agencies (excess property); sale or other 
authorized disposal outside of the government (surplus property). The 
definitions of excess and surplus property are the same for real and 
personal property. 

Upon determining that an item of personal property is no longer needed 
"for the purposes of the appropriation used to make the purchase," the 
agency's first task is to see if it can be reassigned for use 
elsewhere in the agency. 40 U.S.C. � 524(b)(1); 41 C.F.R. � 102-
36.35(a). The statutory language makes clear that this includes 
activities within the agency financed by different appropriations. B-
139655-0.M., July 20, 1959. If the property is not needed elsewhere in 
the agency, it is declared excess and reported to GSA. GSA can then 
direct transfer to another agency, a government corporation, or the 
District of Columbia, or can redistribute the property through its own 
supply centers. 40 U.S.C. �� 521-522. 

As with real property, the statute requires reimbursement by the 
receiving agency of the property's "fair value" if either the 
transferor or the transferee is the District of Columbia or a 
government corporation subject to the Government Corporation Control 
Act, 31 U.S.C. �� 9101-9110, or if the property was acquired by using 
a revolving or reimbursable fund and the transferor agency requests 
reimbursement of the net proceeds. In all other cases, the extent of 
reimbursement is left to the determination of GSA and the Office of 
Management and Budget. 40 U.S.C. �� 522(a), (b). The regulations 
provide that, except for the situations mandated by the statute and a 
few others, transfers of excess personal property are without 
reimbursement. 41 C.F.R. � 102-36.75. This "no reimbursement" policy 
is within GSA's discretion under the law. B-101646-0.M., Feb. 11, 1977. 

A little-known statute is 40 U.S.C. � 528, which prohibits any 
department or agency of the federal government from using appropriated 
funds "to purchase furniture if the Administrator of General Services 
determines that requirements can reasonably be met by transferring 
excess furniture, including rehabilitated furniture, from other 
departments or agencies" in accordance with the title 40 provisions. 

Excess property in a foreign country is subject to different 
provisions of the law. Each agency is responsible for disposing of its 
own foreign excess property. 40 U.S.C. � 701(b)(1). Methods of 
disposal include sale, exchange, lease, or transfer, or the property 
can be returned to the United States for handling as domestic excess 
property. Id. �� 702-704. This broad authority includes transfer to 
another federal agency without reimbursement. 42 Comp. Gen. 21 (1962). 

If the property is found to be excess to all federal agencies, GSA 
declares it to be surplus. GSA has general supervision and direction 
over the disposition of surplus property. 40 U.S.C. � 541. Another 
agency can sell surplus property only if it has specific authority 
which overrides the title 40 provisions or upon delegation from GSA. 
56 Comp. Gen. 754 (1977). GSA's regulations amount to a blanket 
delegation by authorizing agencies to either sell their own surplus 
property or to have GSA, a contractor, or another agency sell it for 
them. 41 C.F.R. � 102-38.40. 

Section 543 of title 40 provides that agencies authorized by GSA to 
dispose of surplus property: 

"may do so by sale, exchange, lease, permit, or transfer, for cash, 
credit, or other property, with or without warranty, on terms and 
conditions that the Administrator considers proper. The agency may 
execute documents to transfer title or other interest in the property 
and may take other action it considers necessary or proper to dispose 
of the property under this chapter [chapter 5 of title 40]." 

Note that section 543 authorizes sales for credit as well as cash. The 
regulations permit accepting payment by either credit or debit card. 
41 C.F.R. � 102-38.290. 

The procedures for disposal are contained in 40 U.S.C. � 545. Section 
545 generally requires advertising for bids for disposal and contracts 
for disposal, although, as discussed below, it includes a number of 
exceptions to this requirement. The statute further provides that: 

"an award shall be made with reasonable promptness by notice to the 
responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to the invitation for bids, 
is most advantageous to the Federal Government, price and other 
factors considered. However, all bids may be rejected if it is in the 
public interest to do so." 

40 U.S.C. � 545(a)(4). Generally speaking, this requires award to the 
highest bidder. 36 Comp. Gen. 94 (1956); B-192592, Nov. 16, 1978. The 
winning bidder must be responsive and responsible. These terms have 
the same meaning as in the procurement arena. Responsive means that 
the bid must conform to the advertised terms and conditions (49 Comp. 
Gen. 244, 246 (1969)); responsible refers to ability to perform (B-
160179, Dec. 12, 1966). 

Section 545(b) sets forth nine situations in which the sale may be 
negotiated rather than advertised. They include such things as 
national emergency; estimated fair market value does not exceed 
$15,000; and advertisement fails to produce reasonable bids. Another 
situation is where sale by competitive bidding "would impact an 
industry to an extent that would adversely affect the national 
economy," provided that negotiation will produce the estimated fair 
market value and other satisfactory terms. 40 U.S.C. � 545(b)(4). This 
does not authorize an agency to address economic impact by advertising 
a sale with the condition that the property must be scrapped by the 
purchaser. 43 Comp. Gen. 15 (1963). Another provision of the statute, 
40 U.S.C. � 545(d), authorizes GSA to sell surplus personal property 
by negotiation at fixed prices which reflect estimated fair market 
value, without regard to section 545(a). 

A provision that has generated some attention in judicial and GAO 
decisions is 40 U.S.C. � 544: 

"A deed, bill of sale, lease, or other instrument executed by or on 
behalf of an executive agency purporting to transfer title or other 
interest in surplus property under this chapter [chapter 5 of title 
40] is conclusive evidence of compliance with the provisions of this 
chapter concerning title or other interest of a bona fide grantee or 
transferee for value and without notice of lack of compliance." 

This language originated in a very similar provision in the Surplus 
Property Act of 1944,[Footnote 8] designed to protect the good-faith 
purchaser, in the absence of fraud, against attack based on mistake or 
lack of authority. United States v. Jones, 176 F.2d 278 (9th Cir. 
1949). See also East Tennessee Iron & Metal Co. v. United States, 218 
F. Supp. 377 (E.D. Tenn. 1963) (mutual mistake). It will protect an 
otherwise innocent party who acquires title from a fraudulent vendee. 
United States v. Mailet, 294 F. Supp. 761 (D. Mass. 1968). The 
provision has also been viewed as a protection for the title of a good-
faith purchaser where the property had never been declared surplus and 
was therefore disposed of in violation of law and regulations. 
International Air Response v. United States, 75 Fed. Cl. 604 (2007); 
Pacific Harbor Capital, Inc. v. United States Department of 
Agriculture, 845 F. Supp. 1 (D.D.C. 1993). GAO has held that, where 
the notice of award specifies that title does not pass until the 
property is removed, section 544 does not apply until the property is 
removed. 58 Comp. Gen. 240 (1979). GAO has also suggested that the 
statute should not be read as, in effect, permitting disregard of any 
statutory violation. B-150468, Dec. 23, 1963. 

One situation in which 40 U.S.C. � 544 will not prevail is illustrated 
in Dubin v. United States, 289 F.2d 651 (Ct. Cl. 1961). The government 
had erroneously sold certain defense articles as surplus. A provision 
of the Espionage Act, 18 U.S.C. � 793(d), gives the government the 
right to recover the articles in the interests of national security, a 
right which prevails over the purchaser's claim to title under 40 
U.S.C. � 544. In Dubin, the person surrendering the property was 
entitled to recover only his out-of-pocket expenses. See also B-
247981, July 24, 1992. 

Another major method of disposal of surplus personal property is 
donation to the states, set out in 40 U.S.C. � 549. For decades, 
federal law has authorized the donation of surplus personal property 
to states for educational, public health, or civil defense purposes. 
Congress significantly revised the law in 1976 to expand the range of 
authorized purposes.[Footnote 9] In brief, GSA transfers surplus 
property, without cost, to state agencies designated under state law 
to receive surplus federal property. GSA is supposed to try to 
allocate property among the states on a fair and equitable basis. The 
state agency may then distribute the property: 

"(A) to a public agency for use in carrying out or promoting, for 
residents of a given political area, a public purpose, including 
conservation, economic development, education, parks and recreation, 
public health, and public safety; or 
"(B) for purposes of education or public health (including research), 
to a nonprofit educational or public health institution or 
organization that is exempt from [federal] taxation ..." 

40 U.S.C. � 549(c)(3). GSA regulations governing the donation program 
are in 41 C.F.R. part 102-37. According to 41 C.F.R. � 102-37.120, all 
donations have to go through GSA except those listed in 41 C.F.R. � 

Title to property in the custody of the state receiving agency remains 
with the United States. 41 C.F.R. � 102-37.205(b). Upon executing the 
required certifications and taking possession from the state agency, 
the donee receives "conditional title." Id. According to 41 C.F.R. � 
102-37.450(d): "Full title to the property will vest in the donee only 
after the donee has met all of the requirements of this part." The 
donee must return the property if it is not used for the donated 
purpose within 1 year of donation, or if it ceases being used within 1 
year after being placed in use. 40 U.S.C. � 549(e)(3)(D); 41 C.F.R. � 
102-37.450(b). In addition, there are recapture provisions for 
noncompliance. 41 C.F.R. � 102-37.485. 

The statute provides no standards as to when property should be sold 
or when it should be donated. It does not require GSA to consider 
various policy factors in making the determination. Northrop 
University v. Harper, 580 E Supp. 959, 963 (C.D. Cal. 1983). It 
confers "unfettered discretion" on GSA. Id. at 964. 

In addition to the more general features noted above, provisions in 
title 40 of the United States Code address many highly specialized 
situations. For example, 40 U.S.C. � 548 authorizes the Maritime 
Administration to dispose of surplus vessels determined to be 
"merchant vessels or capable of conversion to merchant use," in 
accordance with the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, as amended, 46 U.S.C. 
app. �� 1101-1295g. The procedures of the Merchant Marine Act take 
precedence over those in title 40. 42 Comp. Gen. 69 (1962). Dredges 
are apparently not regarded as within the scope of 40 U.S.C. � 548 (B-
158429, Apr. 20, 1966), so there is separate authority in 40 U.S.C. � 
556 to dispose of dredges. 

A situation the statute does not address is the disposal of property 
held by a commission composed equally of federal and state members. 
Confronted with one such situation, GAO said there is a choice: divide 
the property in half with the federal portion of the commission 
disposing of its half in accordance with the title 40 provisions, or 
sell it with the United States receiving half the proceeds. Absent 
statutory guidance, the choice is up to the commission. B-185203, Apr. 
8, 1976 (Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska). 

Unless one of several statutory exceptions applies, the net proceeds 
from the sale of surplus personal property must be deposited in the 
Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. 40 U.S.C. � 571;[Footnote 10] 41 
C.F.R. � 102-38.300. See also B-200962, May 26, 1981. One exception 
(40 U.S.C. � 572) is personal property related to real property sold 
by GSA. Another (40 U.S.C. � 574(a)) is property originally acquired 
with amounts not appropriated from the general fund of the Treasury or 
with reimbursable appropriations from the general fund. E.g., B-162337-
0.M., Oct. 2, 1967 ("proceeds from the sale of surplus and excess 
property and from salvage and scrap shall be deposited into the 
industrial fund when such property is held in the industrial fund"). 
Another (40 U.S.C. � 574(b)) permits a portion of the proceeds to be 
deposited in a special account from which to pay refunds or payments 
for breach of warranty that may become necessary. When property is 
recovered under the Espionage Act noted earlier, for example, the 
expenses may be paid from one of these accounts. B-163028, Jan. 8, 
1968. Still another (40 U.S.C. � 574(c)) permits proceeds from the 
sale of property in the custody of a contractor or subcontractor to be 
applied against the contract price when so provided in the contract. 
E.g., B-140689-0.M., Feb. 1, 1980; B-139655-0.M., July 20, 1959. When 
GSA sells surplus personal property, it may deduct from the proceeds 
its costs of conducting the sale, and may deposit those amounts in the 
Acquisition Services Fund. 40 U.S.C. � 573. 

Finally, while the title 40, United States Code, provisions discussed 
above govern the vast majority of disposals, other authorities exist 
in specific contexts. For example: 

* With the approval of the President, the Secretary of the Treasury is 
authorized to sell gold and silver. 31 U.S.C. � 5116. GSA can conduct 
the sale as Treasury's agent. See B-87620, Jan. 27, 1976. 

* Various statutory provisions summarized in B-225008, Feb. 24, 1987, 
afford several options for the use and disposition of forfeited 
property. The provisions still in effect include: 18 U.S.C. � 1963; 19 
U.S.C. � 1616a; 21 U.S.C. �� 853 and 881; and 28 U.S.C. � 524(c). 

* Excess and surplus personal property can be donated to Indian tribes 
and tribal organizations under the Indian Self-Determination Act, 25 
U.S.C. � 450j(f). If someone obtains property under this authority to 
sell to third parties, the government may bring criminal charges. 
E.g., United States v. Hacker, 883 F. Supp. 444 (D. S.D. 1994). 

B. Interagency Transactions: 

1. The Economy Act: 

a. Origin, Legislative History, General Requirements: 

In 1932, as part of a package of measures designed to reduce 
government spending and help the nation fight its way out of the Great 
Depression, Congress enacted the first governmentwide statutory 
authorization for federal agencies to provide work, services, or 
materials to other federal agencies on a reimbursable basis. Act of 
June 30, 1932, ch. 314, 47 Stat. 382. The advantages of interagency 
dealings had long been apparent, but widespread use had been 
discouraged by the "well established rule that one Government activity 
may not be reimbursed for services performed for another except to the 
extent that it is shown that increased costs have been incurred." A-
31040, May 6, 1930.[Footnote 11] In addition, the early decisions held 
that statutory authority was necessary if doing work for another 
agency would require an increase in the plant or personnel of the 
performing agency.[Footnote 12]12 10 Comp. Gen. 131, 134 (1930); 7 
Comp. Gen. 709, 710 (1928). Furthermore, there was discomfort with the 
concept of the government contracting with itself. See, e.g., 26 Comp. 
Dec. 1022, 1023 (1920); 22 Comp. Dec. 684, 685 (1916). 

The 1932 legislation did not hatch fully grown. A general, albeit 
limited provision, had been enacted in 1920 authorizing ordering 
agencies to transfer appropriations to performing agencies "for direct 
expenditure." Act of May 21, 1920, ch. 194, � 7, 41 Stat. 607, 613. 
[Footnote 13] In addition, a number of agency-specific statutes were 
on the books. For example, a permanent provision in the Navy 
Department's 1927 appropriation act, Act of May 21, 1926, ch. 355, 44 
Stat. 591, 605, directed agencies ordering services or materials from 
the Navy to pay the actual cost to the Navy's working fund, either in 
advance or by reimbursement. This law, quoted in 10 Comp. Gen. 275, 
277 (1930), was the source of some of the language used a few years 
later in the Economy Act. 

Against this backdrop, Representative Burton French sponsored 
legislation in 1930 to provide general authority for reimbursable 
interagency transactions. The purpose of the legislation, 
Representative French testified, was "to permit the utilization of 
facilities and personnel belonging to one department by another 
department or establishment and to enact a simple and uniform 
procedure for effecting the appropriation adjustments involved." 
Interdepartmental Work: Hearings on H.R. 10199 Before the Committee on 
Expenditures in the Executive Departments, 71"t Cong. 3 (1930), quoted 
in 57 Comp. Gen. 674, 678 (1978). Representative French explained how 
the bill conformed with certain fundamental tenets of appropriations 

"It is also a requirement of law, in using appropriations for the 
support of any activity that the appropriation be expended only for 
the objects specified therein.... 

"This requires that when one department obtains work, materials or 
services from another department it should pay the full cost of such 
work, materials or services. 

"If full cost is not paid, then such part of the cost as is not 
reimbursed must fall upon the department doing the work, which is 
contrary to [31 U.S.C. � 1301(a)] and the appropriation of the 
department for which the work was done will be illegally augmented 
because it does not bear all of the cost of the work done for it." 

Id. at 4, 57 Comp. Gen. at 678.[Footnote 14] 

The report of the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive 
Departments mirrored the sponsor's testimony: 

"The purpose of this bill is to permit the utilization of the 
materials, supplies, facilities, and personnel belonging to one 
department by another department or independent establishment which is 
not equipped to furnish the materials, work, or services for itself, 
and to provide a uniform procedure so far as practicable for all 

"Your committee also believes that very substantial economies can be 
realized by one department availing itself of the equipment and 
services of another department in proper cases. A free interchange of 
work as contemplated by this bill will enable all bureaus and 
activities of the Government to be utilized to their fullest and in 
many cases make it unnecessary for departments to set up duplicating 
and overlapping activities of [their] own. 

"Heretofore the cost of such services as have been performed by one 
department for another has frequently been paid for out of the 
appropriations for the department furnishing the materials and 
services. This is unfair to the department doing the work. All 
materials furnished and work done should be paid for by the department 
requiring such materials and services. [The bill's funding provisions] 
will hold each department to strict accountability for its own 
expenditures and result in more satisfactory budgeting and accounting." 

H.R. Rep. No. 71-2201, at 2-3 (1931), quoted in 57 Comp. Gen. at 674. 
The bill was not enacted immediately, however. The following year, it 
was again reported favorably, in the same language as quoted above, by 
the House Committee on Economy. H.R. Rep. No. 72-1126, at 15-16 
(1932). This time it became law as section 601 of the Legislative 
Branch Appropriation Act for 1933, ch. 314, 47 Stat. 382, 417 (1932), 
which almost immediately upon enactment became popularly known as the 
"Economy Act."[Footnote 15] 

Section 601 has been amended several times, receiving its current 
structure and designation in the 1982 recodification of title 31, 
United States Code, and is now found at 31 U.S.C. �� 1535 and 1536. 
[Footnote 16] The basic authority is set out in 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a): 

"(a) The head of an agency or major organizational unit within an 
agency may place an order with a major organizational unit within the 
same agency or another agency for goods or services if: 

"(1) amounts are available; 

"(2) the head of the ordering agency or unit decides the order is in 
the best interest of the United States government; 

"(3) the agency or unit to fill the order is able to provide or get by 
contract the ordered goods or services; and; 

"(4) the head of the agency decides ordered goods or services cannot 
be provided by contract as conveniently or cheaply by a commercial 

The introductory portion of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a) tells you who can use 
the authority and what they can use it for. Both points will be 
explored later in more detail. The numbered subsections establish four 
basic conditions on use of the authority. 

(1) Funds available. 

The first condition is that "amounts are available" or, in the 
original language, "if funds are available therefor" (47 Stat. 417-
18). Since nothing in the Economy Act in any way abrogates or 
diminishes 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), the ordering agency must have funds 
which are available for the contemplated purpose, or, in other words, 
the purpose of the transaction must be something the ordering agency 
is authorized to do. 26 Comp. Gen. 545, 548 (1947); 16 Comp. Gen. 3, 4 
(1936); 15 Comp. Gen. 704 (1936); 15 Comp. Gen. 5 (1935); B-259499, 
Aug. 22, 1995. The ordering agency does not need specific authority in 
its appropriation language to use the Economy Act, but of course must 
adhere to any monetary limits Congress may choose to impose. 19 Comp. 
Gen. 585 (1939). 

In brief, the Economy Act does not authorize an agency to use another 
agency to do anything it could not lawfully do itself. This is merely 
a continuation of the rule in effect under the Economy Act's 1920 
predecessor. E.g., 5 Comp. Gen. 757 (1926). This point�that transfer 
of funds to another agency cannot be used to circumvent 31 U.S.C. � 
1301(a)�is not limited to Economy Act transactions but applies to all 
transfers, whether in advance or by reimbursement, to working funds or 
otherwise, unless authorized under a statute which expressly provides 
differently. See, e.g., Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Hurwitz, 
384 F. Supp. 2d 1039 (S.D. Tex. 2005) (reimbursable agreement under 
which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) transferred 
funds to the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) violated the Economy 
Act because FDIC had transferred resources to OTS to bring claims that 
FDIC could not); 7 Comp. Gen. 524, 526 (1928) (emphasizing that since 
the appropriation in question "is not available for direct expenditure 
for such purpose ...it can not be made available for such purpose by 
transfer" to another agency). See also 30 Comp. Gen. 453 (1951); 28 
Comp. Gen. 365 (1948); 22 Comp. Gen. 462 (1942), overruled on other 
grounds, 56 Comp. Gen. 928 (1977); 19 Comp. Gen. 774 (1940). 

(2) Interest of the government: 

The second condition is that the head of the ordering agency must 
determine that the order is in the best interests of the government. 
This appears to offer little impediment, and our research has 
disclosed no case law applying this provision.[Footnote 17] 

(3) Performing agency's "position:" 

The third condition-�agency is "able to provide" the goods or 
services�-is best understood by again referring to the original 
language: the performing agency must be "in a position to supply or 
equipped to render" the materials or services in question (Act of June 
30, 1932, ch. 314, 47 Stat. 382, 418). (The "get by contract" part was 
added by amendments starting in 1942, and will be addressed later in 
our discussion.) This requirement goes to the essence of the Economy 
Act. The objective of the statute is to permit an agency to take 
advantage of another agency's experience or expertise, not merely to 
"dump" either work or funds or to avoid legislative restrictions. A 
good example of one agency taking advantage of another agency's 
expertise is 13 Comp. Gen. 138 (1933), in which a government 
corporation issuing its own securities sought Economy Act assistance 
quite logically from the forerunner of the Bureau of the Public Debt. 

The "in a position" requirement does not mean that the performing 
agency must have all required equipment and personnel already on hand 
before it may validly accept an Economy Act order. If necessary, the 
agency may, as long as the work or service is within the scope of 
activities it normally performs, procure additional supplies or 
equipment or add additional temporary personnel. B-197686, Dec. 18, 
1980. For example, the agreement in 13 Comp. Gen. 138 was not 
objectionable merely because the Public Debt Service had to take on 
some additional personnel in order to handle the increased workload. 
Similarly, GAO found a proposed transfer of funds to enable the 
performing agency to hire additional personnel authorized in 14 Comp. 
Gen. 526 (1935). GAO noted in B-119846, Sept. 8, 1955, that this 
authority is not unlimited; however, no case thus far has defined 
precisely what those limits might be. 

Property purchased incident to an Economy Act transaction is, upon 
completion of the work, "an asset of the agency bearing the cost of 
its acquisition." 33 Comp. Gen. 565, 567 (1954). If the ordering 
agency has paid for the entire asset through an advance of funds to 
the performing agency, then whatever remains when performance is done 
should be returned to the ordering agency for use or disposal as 
appropriate. Id. If several agencies have advanced funds to cover the 
cost, the property is regarded as "owned" by all of the agencies on a 
pro rata basis. 38 Comp. Gen. 36 (1958). However, if the ordering 
agency does not pay in advance but pays upon completion of its order, 
and the performing agency acquires property with its own funds, the 
property remains under the control of the performing agency and only 
the amount of depreciation of the property during its work for the 
ordering agency should be charged to such agency. Id. 

It is one thing to acquire property incident to performing an Economy 
Act order. It is entirely different, and far more questionable, to 
acquire substantial equipment�or to solicit funds from potential 
customer agencies to do so�solely to put yourself "in a position" to 
perform Economy Act services. B-119846, July 23, 1954. And, of course, 
in order to be "in a position" to do anything under the Economy Act, 
the performing agency must be in existence. B-37273, Oct. 16, 1943. 

Whether an agency is in a position to do Economy Act work is primarily 
the agency's own determination, one which merits substantial weight. 
23 Comp. Gen. 935, 937 (1944). However, the agency's status includes 
legal as well as factual considerations. The legal part of the formula 
is the absence of any statutory prohibitions or restrictions which 
would obstruct performance. Id. at 937-38. The Economy Act does not 
give a performing agency any authority which it would not otherwise 
have. 18 Comp. Gen. 262, 266 (1938). 

(4) Lower cost: 

The Economy Act was never intended to foster an incestuous 
relationship in lieu of normal contracting with private business 
concerns. Hence the fourth condition of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a)�the 
ordering agency must determine that it cannot obtain the goods or 
services "as conveniently or cheaply" from a private contractor. 
[Footnote 18] It should be apparent that this refers to services which 
are "lawfully procurable" from private sources in the first place and 
not to "regular governmental functions." 19 Comp. Gen. 941 (1940). 

In making the lower cost determination, it is permissible to solicit 
bids and then reject all bids if they exceed the cost of dealing with 
another agency. 37 Comp. Gen. 16 (1957).[Footnote 19] Even if the 
determination is made, however, the authority to use the Economy Act 
is permissive rather than mandatory. Id. If the agency cannot make the 
determination, although the title 31 recodified language is less 
explicit in this regard (compare the original language, Act of June 
30, 1932, ch. 314, 47 Stat. 382, 418), use of the Economy Act is 

The Economy Act itself does not require that agencies document the two 
determinations called for by 31 U.S.C. �� 1535(a)(2) and (a)(4) 
(interest of the government and lower cost). However, GAO regards 
documenting the determinations as "sound practice" and a desirable 
internal control. GAO, Interagency Agreements: Fiscal Year 1988 
Agreements at Selected Agencies Were Proper, GAO/AFMD-88-72 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 28, 1988), at 8. The Federal Acquisition 
Regulation was amended in 1995 to require that the two determinations 
be documented in a Determination and Finding. 48 C.F.R. � 17.503(a) 
(60 Fed. Reg. 49721, Sept. 26, 1995). 

(5) Written agreement: 

Another important requirement which should be emphasized at the outset 
is not specified in the statute but finds its authority in common 
sense and in the recording statute.[Footnote 20] An Economy Act 
transaction should be evidenced by a "written order or agreement in 
advance, signed by the responsible administrative officer of each of 
the departments or offices concerned." 13 Comp. Gen. 234, 237 
(1934).[Footnote 21] A written agreement is important because, as in 
any contract situation, the terms to which the parties agree, as 
reflected in the writing, establish the scope of the undertaking and 
the rights and obligations of the parties. Also, the written agreement 
can establish a ceiling on the ordering agency's financial obligation. 
22 Comp. Gen. 74 (1942). 

While an advance agreement normally "should be regarded as essential 
... the lack of a specific agreement does not necessarily preclude 
reimbursement" in appropriate cases. B-39297, Jan. 20, 1944. An 
"appropriate case," although the decisions do not use this language, 
generally means one in which the facts are sufficient to establish an 
implied contract, or an express contract which was not finalized. In A-
85201, Apr. 15, 1937, for example, an agreement had been in effect for 
several prior years and the facts showed an intent to continue the 
agreement for the year in question. Another appropriate case is where 
there is a written agreement and the parties subsequently agree to an 
"adjustment" for some additional amount or item which is otherwise 
proper but was not included in the original agreement. 22 Comp. Gen. 
74; B-31862, Feb. 27, 1943. 

Apart from common sense, another reason for an advance agreement is 
that documentation is necessary in order to record an obligation under 
31 U.S.C. � 1501(a). See 34 Comp. Gen. 418, 421 (1955). 

GAO recommends that the agreement specify at least the following: 

* Legal authority for the agreement; 

* Terms and conditions of performance; 

* The cost of performance, including appropriate ceilings when cost is 
based on estimates; 

* Mode of payment (advance or reimbursement); 

* Any applicable special requirements or procedures for assuring 
compliance; and, 

* Approvals by authorized officials. 

GAO, Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, 
title 7, � 2.4-C.2(e) (hereafter GAO-PPM). The documentation 
requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation are found in 48 
C.F.R. � 17.504(b). In addition, it is extremely useful for the 
agreement to set forth a requirement and procedures for the performing 
agency to notify the ordering agency if it appears that performance 
will exceed estimated costs and to cease or curtail performance as may 
be necessary. This is an important safeguard to protect the performing 
agency against Antideficiency Act violations. See 7 GAO-PPM � 2.4-
C.2(g); B-234427, Aug. 10, 1989 (nondecision letter). 

b. Who Is Covered: 

The coverage of the Economy Act is broad, and there is no distinction 
between who can place an order and who can perform one. The statute 
says that "[t]he head of an agency or major organizational unit within 
an agency may place an order with a major organizational unit within 
the same agency or another agency." 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a). This embraces 
all three branches of the federal government. Within the legislative 
branch, for example, one of the earliest Economy Act decisions applied 
the statute to the Architect of the Capitol. 12 Comp. Gen. 442 (1932). 
Financial audits of legislative branch agencies include the Economy 
Act as one of the laws tested for compliance. E.g., GAO, Financial 
Audit: First Audit of the Library of Congress Discloses Significant 
Problems, GAO/AFMD-91-13 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 22, 1991), at 29. And 
GAO has always viewed the law as applicable to itself. B-156022-0.M., 
Jan. 6, 1972; B-130496-0.M., Mar. 13, 1957; B-13988, Jan. 7, 1941. See 
also A-31068, Mar. 25, 1930 (Economy Act's 1920 predecessor applicable 
to Botanic Garden). The court in United States v. Mitchell, 425 F. 
Supp. 917, 918 (D.D.C. 1976), regarded the law as applicable to the 
judicial branch.[Footnote 22] 

The Economy Act applies to government corporations. 13 Comp. Gen. 138 
(1933); B-116194, Oct. 5, 1953; B-39199, Jan. 19, 1944; B-27842, Aug. 
13, 1942; A-46332, Jan. 9, 1933. The cited decisions involve a variety 
of government corporations in the capacity of both ordering agency and 
performing agency. Although the specific corporations in those cases 
are now defunct, the point remains valid. 

The Act also applies to temporary boards and commissions. See B-
157312, Aug. 2, 1965 (Public Land Law Review Commission). However, GAO 
found it inapplicable to the land and timber appraisal committee 
established by 43 U.S.C. � 1181f-1 even though it was to be federally 
funded and permanent, because two of its three members could not be 
employees of the United States. 33 Comp. Gen. 115, 116-17 (1953). 

The common thread of applicability is that the entity in question must 
be an agency or instrumentality of the United States government. 
Accordingly, the Economy Act does not apply to the District of 
Columbia Government. 50 Comp. Gen. 553, 556 (1971); B-107612, Feb. 8, 
1952. (As we will see later, there is separate legislation applicable 
to the District of Columbia.) It also does not apply to the National 
Guard, except possibly when the Guard is called into federal service. 
B-152420, Oct. 3, 1963, affd on reconsideration, B-152420, Feb. 25, 
1964. Nor does it apply to Indian tribes (B-44174, Sept. 6, 1944), 
agencies of the United Nations (23 Comp. Gen. 564 (1944)), American 
Samoa (B-194321, Aug. 7, 1979), or a presidential inaugural committee 
(62 Comp. Gen. 323, 330 (1983)). 

There are also a few instances in which entities that clearly are 
agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, or which are 
treated as such for other purposes, are not covered. For example, the 
Postal Service, although clearly an instrumentality of the United 
States, is subject only to those statutes specifically designated in 
the Postal Reorganization Act; however, the Economy Act is not one of 
the statutes designated. 58 Comp. Gen. 451, 459 (1979). It also does 
not apply to nonappropriated fund instrumentalities. 64 Comp. Gen. 110 
(1984).[Footnote 23] 

Finally, it is important to note that the Economy Act authorizes 
intraagency, as well as interagency, transactions. E.g., 57 Comp. Gen. 
674 (1978); 25 Comp. Gen. 322 (1945); B-77791, July 23, 1948. While 
the decisions had consistently taken this position, this is one 
instance in which the recodified language of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a) 
("major organizational unit within the same agency") is more precise 
than the original language. While the two bureaus or offices may be 
part of the same department or agency, they must be funded under 
separate appropriations.[Footnote 24] 38 Comp. Gen. 734, 737-38 
(1959); B-60609, Sept. 26, 1946. GAO has stated in the past that the 
Economy Act does not apply with respect to separate appropriations of 
a single bureau or office. See, e.g., 38 Comp. Gen. at 737-38. GAO, 
however, has not addressed such circumstances since 1959. 

c. Fiscal Matters : 

(1) Payment: types and accounting The payment provision of the Economy 
Act is 31 U.S.C. � 1535(b): 

"Payment shall be made promptly by check on the written request of the 
agency or unit filling the order. Payment may be in advance or on 
providing the goods or services ordered and shall be for any part of 
the estimated or actual cost as determined by the agency or unit 
filling the order. A bill submitted or a request for payment is not 
subject to audit or certification in advance of payment. Proper 
adjustment of amounts paid in advance shall be made as agreed to by 
the heads of the agencies or units on the basis of the actual cost of 
goods or services provided." 

This provision authorizes two types of payment, advance and 
reimbursement. The decision is up to the performing agency.[Footnote 
25] Payment may be in a lump sum or in installments. Audit or 
certification in advance of payment is not required. The Federal 
Acquisition Regulation restates this. 48 C.F.R. � 17.505(c) (bills 
rendered or requests for advance payment shall not be subject to audit 
or certification in advance of payment). 

Payments made in advance will often necessarily be based on estimates, 
in which event the amounts should be adjusted, up or down as the case 
may be, when the actual cost is known. Any excess (the amount by which 
the advance exceeds actual cost) should be returned to the ordering 
agency. Retention of the excess amount by the performing agency is an 
improper augmentation of its funds. 72 Comp. Gen. 120 (1993). If the 
account to which the excess would otherwise be returned has been 
closed, the money should be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts. 31 U.S.C. � 1552(b). 

If the excess is determined while the appropriation charged with the 
advance is still available for obligation, the performing agency 
should pay special attention to returning the funds in time for the 
ordering agency to be able to use them. GAO, Policy and Procedures 
Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, title 7, � 2.4-C.2(d) 
(Washington, D.C.: May 18, 1993). 

The authority to pay by reimbursement amounts to an exception to 31 
U.S.C. � 1301(a) by implicitly authorizing the performing agency to 
temporarily use its own funds to do the ordering agency's work. See B-
6124-0.M., Oct. 11, 1939; B-234427, Aug. 10, 1989 (nondecision 
letter). The statute requires that payment be made "promptly." 

Accounting for payments is addressed in 31 U.S.C. � 1536. Section 
1536(a) sets forth general requirements; section 1536(b) deals with 
goods provided from stock. Section 1536(a) provides: 

"An advance payment made on an order under section 1535 of this title 
is credited to a special working fund that the Secretary of the 
Treasury considers necessary to be established. Except as provided in 
this section, any other payment is credited to the appropriation or 
fund against which charges were made to fill the order." 

This provision amounts to an exception�albeit a necessary one if the 
Economy Act is to succeed�to the "miscellaneous receipts" statute, 31 
U.S.C. � 3302(b). 56 Comp. Gen. 275, 278 (1977). 

Advance payments are to be credited to special working funds created 
for that purpose. 31 U.S.C. � 1536(a).[Footnote 26] The House report 
accompanying the original legislation stated that the Secretary of the 
Treasury was required to establish a working fund when requested by 
the performing agency. H.R. Rep. No. 72-1126, at 16 (1932). The 
language of the Act itself would appear to give Treasury the final 
decision on the need to create such a fund. When the work is 
completed, the amount of the advance is adjusted as noted above. 

Payments made as reimbursements are credited to the appropriation(s) 
of the performing agency "against which charges were made" in 
effecting performance. This means that the reimbursement must be 
credited to the fiscal year in which it was "earned," that is, the 
fiscal year actually charged by the performing agency, without regard 
to when the reimbursement is made. If the appropriation which earned 
the reimbursement is still available for obligation at the time of 
reimbursement, the money may be used for any authorized purposes of 
that appropriation. 31 U.S.C. � 1536(b). (This would be true as a 
matter of general appropriations law even if the statute were silent.) 
If the appropriation is no longer available for new obligations, the 
reimbursement must be credited to the appropriate expired account or, 
if the account has been closed, to miscellaneous receipts. 31 U.S.C. � 
1552(b); B-260993, June 26, 1996. See also B-211953, Dec. 7, 1984, 
n.8; B-194711-0.M., Jan. 15, 1980. 

If this causes problems for the performing agency, its choices are to 
(1) seek advance payment, (2) bill the ordering agency promptly as 
soon as the work is completed, or (3) bill periodically as portions of 
the work are done. See GAO, Program to Improve Federal Records 
Management Practices Should Be Funded by Direct Appropriations, LCD-80-
68 (Washington, D.C.: June 23, 1980), at 12. 

Although not expressly provided in the Economy Act, an agency, if it 
chooses, may deposit reimbursements in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts. 57 Comp. Gen. 674, 685 (1978) (direct costs); 56 Comp. Gen. 
275, 278-79 (1977) (applying same conclusion to indirect costs). The 
decision in 57 Comp. Gen. 674 pointed out that crediting a 
reimbursement to an appropriation against which no charges had been 
made would amount to an improper augmentation. Thus, there could be 
situations�the closed account being one example�where the performing 
agency has no choice but to deposit the reimbursement as miscellaneous 
receipts. 57 Comp. Gen. at 685-86. 

A significant exception to 31 U.S.C. � 1536(b) exists for the 
Department of Defense. By virtue of 10 U.S.C. �� 2205(a) and 2210(a), 
if an appropriation has expired, Defense, at its option, may credit 
Economy Act reimbursements to the expired appropriation which earned 
the reimbursement or to the appropriation current at the time of 
collection. See B-179708-0.M., Dec. 1, 1975, at 16. 

With respect to items provided from stock, 31 U.S.C. � 1536(b) 
provides in part: 

"Where goods are provided from stocks on hand, the amount received in 
payment is credited so as to be available to replace the goods unless: 

"(1) another law authorizes the amount to be credited to some other 
appropriation or fund; or; 

"(2) the head of the executive agency filling the order decides that 
replacement is not necessary, in which case the amount received is 
deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts."[Footnote 27] 

This provision, which limits the performing agency's authority to 
retain payment to cases where replacement is necessary, illustrates 
the Economy Act's approach of structuring the transaction so that the 
performing agency neither profits nor is penalized. It does not say 
merely that payments are available for replacement, but limits their 
availability to cases where replacement is necessary. B-36541, Sept. 
9, 1943. The apparent theory is that retaining payment when 
replacement is not necessary would amount to a form of profit. 41 
Comp. Gen. 671, 674 (1962) (purpose of provision is "to preclude 
augmentation of the appropriations involved"). 

While the replacement items need not be identical, the Economy Act 
does not authorize exchange of dissimilar items. 41 Comp. Gen. 671 
(1962). That case involved a proposal by the Public Health Service and 
the Defense Supply Agency to exchange lists of medical goods and 
equipment in long supply or available for rotation and, in effect, to 
swap supplies and equipment not presently needed, making necessary 
appropriation adjustments periodically. GAO recognized that the 
proposal had merit and suggested that the agencies seek legislative 
authority, but was forced to conclude that 31 U.S.C. � 1536(b) does 
not authorize what amounts to "program replacements," that is, 
replacements of excess materials with other materials within the 
general area covered by the appropriation. 

(2) "Actual cost": meaning and application: 

Payment under the Economy Act, whether by advance with subsequent 
adjustment or by reimbursement, must be based on "the actual cost of 
goods or services provided." 31 U.S.C. � 1535(b). This applies to both 
intra- and interagency transactions under the Act. 57 Comp. Gen. 674, 
684 (1978). Unfortunately, as the decisions have pointed out, neither 
the statute nor its legislative history address the meaning of the 
term "actual cost." Id. at 681. 

In setting out an analytical framework, it is useful to start by 
recalling that agencies using the Economy Act must avoid the 
unauthorized augmentation of their appropriations. B-250377, Jan. 28, 
1993. Charging too much augments the appropriations of the performing 
agency. B-45108, B-48124, Feb. 3, 1955; B-101911-0.M., Apr. 4, 1951. 
Charging too little augments the appropriations of the ordering 
agency. 57 Comp. Gen. at 682. In connection with this latter 
proposition, GAO quickly recognized that the Economy Act legislatively 
abolished the prior decisional rule that limited the performing 
agency's recovery to additional costs. 12 Comp. Gen. 442 (1932). 
[Footnote 28] Once this is accepted, the approach then becomes a 
matter of seeking to apply the concept of actual cost consistent with 
the statutory objectives and such guidance as the legislative history 
does provide. 

The following passage from 57 Comp. Gen. at 681, describes this 

"While the law and its legislative history are silent as to what was 
meant by the term 'actual cost' ...the legislative history does 
indicate that ...Congress intended to effect savings for the 
Government as a whole by: (1) generally authorizing the performance of 
work or services or the furnishing of materials pursuant to inter- and 
intra-agency orders by an agency of Government in a position to 
perform the work or service; (2) diminishing the reluctance of other 
Government agencies to accept such orders by removing the limitation 
upon reimbursements imposed by prior [GAO] decisions [footnote 
omitted]; and (3) authorizing inter- and intradepartmental orders only 
when the work could be as cheaply or more conveniently performed 
within the Government as by a private source. Thus in determining the 
elements of actual cost under the Economy Act, it would seem that the 
only elements of cost that the Act requires to be included in 
computing reimbursements are those which accomplish these identified 
congressional goals. Whether any additional elements of cost should be 
included would depend upon the circumstances surrounding the 

Thus, the universe of costs may be divided into required costs and 
what we may term "situational" costs. 

Required costs consist in large measure of direct costs�expenditures 
incurred by the performing agency which are specifically identifiable 
and attributable to performing the transaction in question. As stated 
in 57 Comp. Gen. at 682: "The Economy Act clearly requires the 
inclusion as actual cost of all direct costs attributable to the 
performance of a service or the furnishing of materials, regardless of 
whether expenditures by the performing agency were thereby increased." 

One element of direct cost is the salary of employees engaged in doing 
the work. 12 Comp. Gen. 442 (1932). This means gross compensation. 14 
Comp. Gen. 452 (1934). It includes, for example, the accrual of annual 
leave. 32 Comp. Gen. 521 (1953); 17 Comp. Gen. 571 (1938). 

Another common element is the cost of materials or equipment furnished 
to the ordering agency or consumed in the course of performance. 
Actual cost in this context means historical cost and not current 
replacement or production cost. B-130007, Dec. 7, 1956. See also 58 
Comp. Gen. 9, 14 (1978). This does not necessarily have to be the 
original acquisition cost, however, but may be the most recent 
acquisition cost of the specific kind of item provided to the 
requesting agency. B-250377, Jan. 28, 1993. Related transportation 
costs are another reimbursable direct cost item. Id. 

Not every identifiable direct cost is reimbursable under the actual 
cost formulation. An illustration is 39 Comp. Gen. 650 (1960). The 
Maritime Administration was activating several tankers for use by the 
Navy. In the course of performing this activity, an employee of the 
Maritime Administration's contractor was injured, sued the United 
States under the Suits in Admiralty Act, and recovered a judgment 
which the Maritime Administration paid from an available revolving 
fund. While certainly a very real cost actually incurred in the course 
of performance, the judgment was not "necessary or required in order 
to condition the tanker for use by the Navy" (id. at 653), and 
therefore was properly payable as a judgment and not as a reimbursable 
cost which could be billed to Navy.[Footnote 29] 

In addition to direct costs, it has long been recognized that actual 
cost for Economy Act purposes includes as well certain indirect costs 
(overhead) proportionately allocable to the transaction. E.g., B-
301714, Jan. 30, 2004; 22 Comp. Gen. 74 (1942). Indirect costs are 
"items which commonly are recognized as elements of cost 
notwithstanding such items may not have resulted in direct 
expenditures." 56 Comp. Gen. 275 (1977); 22 Comp. Gen. 74. Indirect 
costs which (1) are funded out of currently available appropriations, 
and (2) bear a significant relationship to the service or work 
performed or the materials furnished, are recoverable in an Economy 
Act transaction the same as direct costs. 56 Comp. Gen. 275 (1977), as 
modified by 57 Comp. Gen. 674 (1978), as modified in turn by B-211953, 
Dec. 7, 1984. Examples of indirect costs include administrative 
overhead applicable to supervision (56 Comp. Gen. 275); billable time 
not directly chargeable to any particular customer (B-257823, Jan. 22, 
1998); and rent paid to the General Services Administration 
attributable to space used in the course of performing Economy Act 
work (B-211953, Dec. 7, 1984). 

The costs discussed thus far are those which the Economy Act can 
fairly be said to require. In addition, there may be others, so-called 
situational costs. The discussion in 57 Comp. Gen. 674 goes on to say: 

"[The Economy Act] is not so rigid and inflexible as to require a 
blanket rule for costing throughout the Government ....Certainly 
neither the language of the Economy Act nor its legislative history 
requires uniform costing beyond what is practicable under the 
circumstances. This is not to say that costing is expected to be 
different in a substantial number of circumstances. We are merely 
recognizing that in some circumstances, other competing congressional 
goals, policies or interests might require recoveries beyond that 
necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Economy Act. 

"The term ['actual costs'] has a flexible meaning and recognizes 
distinctions or differences in the nature of the performing agency, 
and the purposes or goals intended to be accomplished." Id. at 683, 
685. For example, under the rules stated above, depreciation is 
normally not recoverable, however, because it is not funded out of 
currently available appropriations. 72 Comp. Gen. 159, 162 (1993); 57 
Comp. Gen. 674.[Footnote 30] However, in 57 Comp. Gen. 674, in view of 
the congressionally established goal that the performing agency (the 
government entity which operated Washington National and Dulles 
International Airports) be self-sustaining and recover its operating 
costs and a fair return on the government's investment, it was 
appropriate to include depreciation and interest as indirect costs. 
The performing agency chose to deposit the amounts so recovered in the 
general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Id. at 685-86. 

Another example of permissible situational costs is where the 
performing agency is funded by a statutorily authorized stock, 
industrial, or similar fund which provides for full cost recovery, 
that is, beyond what the Economy Act would otherwise require, and the 
fund's Economy Act work is an insignificant portion of its overall 
work. In such a situation, there might be sound reasons for charging 
all customers alike. B-250377, Jan. 28, 1993. 

While particular circumstances might authorize some indirect costs 
beyond what the Economy Act requires, their inclusion in the 
performing agency's charges is not required but is discretionary. 
Failure to recover them is not legally objectionable, except in the 
unlikely event it could be shown to be an abuse of discretion. B-
198531, Sept. 25, 1980. 

The Economy Act was intended to promote interagency cooperation, not 
interagency bickering over billings. Hence, the statutory scheme 
emphasizes the role of agreement. It contemplates that application of 
the actual cost standard in a given case should be "primarily for 
administrative consideration, to be determined by agreement between 
the agencies concerned." 22 Comp. Gen. 74, 78 (1942). In the interest 
of intragovernmental harmony, it has been held that the Economy Act 
does not require the ordering agency to conduct an audit or 
certification in advance of payment. 39 Comp. Gen. 548, 549-50 (1960); 
32 Comp. Gen. 479 (1953). Nor does it require the performing agency to 
provide a detailed breakdown unless the agreement provides otherwise. 
B-116194, Oct. 5, 1953. Payment is authorized "at rates established by 
the servicing agency so long as they are reported to be based upon the 
cost of rendition of the service and do not appear to be excessive." 
32 Comp. Gen. at 481. 

While at times actual cost can be computed with precision, the Economy 
Act does not require that the determination be an exact science. Cases 
on reimbursable work even before the Economy Act recognized the 
acceptability of a reasonable and appropriate methodology over 
"absolutely accurate ascertainment" which might entail considerable 
burden and expense. 3 Comp. Gen. 974 (1924). As stated in B-133913, 
Jan. 21, 1958, "[a]s long as the amount agreed upon results from a 
bona fide attempt to determine the actual cost and, in fact, 
reasonably approximates the actual cost," the Economy Act is 
satisfied. One methodology GAO has found to be reasonable and 
"consistent with the minimum legal requirements of the Economy Act" is 
billing on the basis of standard costs derived from documented costs 
of the last acquisition or production. B-250377, Jan. 28, 1993 
(containing a detailed discussion); GAO, Iran Arms Sales: DOD's 
Transfer of Arms to the Central Intelligence Agency, GAO/NSIAD-87-114 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 13, 1987), at 8. 

There are limits, however, and the "methodology" cannot be totally 
divorced from the determination or reasonable approximation of actual 
costs. Thus, a cost allocation in which some customers are paying 
excessive amounts and effectively subsidizing others is improper. 70 
Comp. Gen. 592 (1991). So is an allocation based on the availability 
of appropriations (B-114821-0.M., Nov. 12, 1958), or a per capita 
funding arrangement not related to the goods or services actually 
received (67 Comp. Gen. 254, 258 (1988)). 

Agencies may waive the recovery of small amounts where processing 
would be uneconomical. An agency wishing to do this should set a 
minimum billing figure based on a cost study. B-156022, Apr. 28, 1966. 
The case for waiver is even stronger when the account to be credited 
with the payment is no longer available for obligation. See B-120978-
0.M., Oct. 19, 1954. 

Finally, while the statute talks about the "actual cost of goods or 
services provided," there is one situation in which payment of actual 
costs will have no relationship to anything "provided." For various 
reasons, an agency may find it necessary to terminate an Economy Act 
contract before it is completed. It can terminate the contract "for 
convenience," the same as it could with a commercial contract, in 
which event the performing agency should not have to bear the loss for 
any expenses it has already incurred. 

The Comptroller General addressed the situation as follows in B-61814, 
Jan. 3, 1947, at 3: 

"Where an order issued pursuant to [the Economy Act] is terminated 
after the establishment receiving said order has incurred expenses 
incident thereto the amount of such expenses or costs is for 
determination and adjustment by agreement between such agencies .... 
There would appear to be ample authority for an agreement between the 
agencies ...to effect an adjustment of the appropriations and/or funds 
of said agencies on the basis of the actual amount of the costs or 
expenses incurred." 

(3) Obligation and deobligation: 

The obligational treatment of Economy Act transactions is addressed in 
31 U.S.C. � 1535(d) (emphasis added): 

"An order placed or agreement made under this section obligates an 
appropriation of the ordering agency or unit. The amount obligated is 
deobligated to the extent that the agency or unit filling the order 
has not incurred obligations, before the end of the period of 
availability of the appropriation, in: 

"(1) providing goods or services; or; 

"(2) making an authorized contract with another person to provide the 
requested goods or services." 

The first sentence of section 1535(d) establishes that an Economy Act 
agreement is sufficient to obligate the ordering agency's 
appropriations even though the agency's liability is not subject to 
enforcement the same as a contract with a private party. This sentence 
must be read in conjunction with 31 U.S.C. � 1501(a)(1), which 
recognizes interagency agreements and prescribes the requirements for 
a valid obligation. Under section 1501(a)(1) (emphasis added), an 
obligation is recordable when supported by documentary evidence of: 

"(1) a binding agreement between an agency and another person 
(including an agency) that is: 

"(A) in writing, in a way and form, and for a purpose authorized by 
law; and; 

"(B) executed before the end of the period of availability for 
obligation of the appropriation or fund used for specific goods to be 
delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service to 
be provided." 

Thus, an Economy Act agreement is recordable as an obligation under 31 
U.S.C. � 1501(a)(1) if it meets the requirements specified in that 
section. 39 Comp. Gen. 317, 318-19 (1959); 34 Comp. Gen. 418, 421 
(1955). It must, for example, involve a definite commitment for 
specific equipment, work, or services. See, e.g., 15 Comp. Gen. 863 
(1936). Also, the recording statute reinforces a point in the Economy 
Act itself which we noted earlier, that the order or agreement must be 
for a purpose the ordering agency is authorized to accomplish. 

In addition, a valid Economy Act obligation must satisfy the basic 
fiscal requirements applicable to obligations in general. 
Specifically, it must comply with the bona fide needs rule. E.g., 58 
Comp. Gen. 471 (1979); B-195432, July 19, 1979. And, of course, the 
ordering agency must have sufficient budget authority to satisfy the 
Antideficiency Act. 

The second sentence of section 1535(d) lays out the requirement that 
the performing agency must incur obligations to fill the order within 
the period of availability of the appropriation being used. Otherwise 
the funds must be deobligated. In the case of a contract with a 
private party, as discussed in Chapter 5, obligated funds remain 
available to fund work performed in a subsequent fiscal year as long 
as the obligation met bona fide need concerns when it was incurred. 
Some statutes authorizing interagency transactions specifically 
provide for obligations to be treated the same as obligations with 
private contractors. E.g., 41 U.S.C. � 23.[Footnote 31] The original 
Economy Act contained similar language (Act of June 30, 1932, ch. 314, 
47 Stat. 382, 418). However, a concern soon arose that the Economy Act 
was being used to effectively extend the obligational life of 
appropriations beyond that which Congress had provided. Legislative 
resolution came about in stages. A 1936 statute restricted the period 
of availability of advance payments under the Economy Act to that 
provided in the source appropriation.[Footnote 32] See 16 Comp. Gen. 
752, 754 (1937); 16 Comp. Gen. 575, 577 (1936); 15 Comp. Gen. 1125 

A more comprehensive provision was enacted as part of the General 
Appropriation Act for 1951, ch. 896, � 1210, 64 Stat. 595, 765 (Sept. 
6, 1950). This provision, the origin of what is now the second 
sentence of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(d), restricted the availability of any 
funds "withdrawn and credited" under the Economy Act to the period 
provided in the act which appropriated them. The obvious purpose, as 
reflected in pertinent committee reports, was to prevent use of the 
Economy Act as a subterfuge to continue the availability of 
appropriations beyond the period provided in the appropriating act. 
See 31 Comp. Gen. 83, 85 (1951); B-95760, June 27, 1950. Thus, funds 
obligated under the Economy Act must be deobligated at the end of 
their period of availability (fiscal year or multiple year period, as 
applicable) to the extent the performing agency has not performed or 
itself incurred valid obligations as part of its performance. 34 Comp. 
Gen. 418, 421-22 (1955). The 1982 recodification of title 31 of the 
United States Code restated the provision as a positive requirement to 

The deobligation requirement is not limited to advance payments but 
applies as well to payment by way of reimbursement. 31 Comp. Gen. 83 
(1951). Accordingly, as stated in 31 Comp. Gen. at 86, "where work is 
performed or services rendered on a reimbursable basis by one agency 
for another over a period covering more than one fiscal year, the 
respective annual appropriations of the serviced agency must be 
charged pro tanto with the work performed or services rendered in the 
particular fiscal year." See also B-301561, June 14, 2004. The 
deobligation requirement of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(d) does not apply where 
the appropriation originally obligated is a no-year appropriation. 39 
Comp. Gen. 317 (1959). 

If it is determined, after an Economy Act agreement is completed and 
the ordering agency's appropriation has closed pursuant to 31 U.S.C. � 
1552, that the ordering agency owes the performing agency additional 
amounts, current appropriations available for the same purpose should 
be used to reimburse the performing agency. 31 U.S.C. � 1553(b); B-
301561, June 14, 2004; B-260993, June 26, 1996. 

A concrete example will illustrate the difference between a commercial 
contract and an Economy Act agreement. Suppose that, towards the end 
of fiscal year 2006, an agency develops the need for some sort of 
statistical study. It enters into a contract with a private party a 
few days before the end of the fiscal year, obligating fiscal year 
2006 appropriations, knowing full well that most of the work will be 
done in the following year. Assuming the need was legitimate, the 
obligated funds remain available to pay for the work. Now take the 
same situation except the contract is with another government agency 
under the Economy Act and the work is to be done by personnel of the 
performing agency. The 2006 funds may be used only for work actually 
done in the remaining days of that fiscal year. The remainder must be 
deobligated and reobligated against fiscal year 2007 appropriations. 
See B-223833, Nov. 5, 1987; B-134099, Dec. 13, 1957. 

The deobligation requirement of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(d) applies only to 
obligations under the Economy Act and has no effect on obligations for 
interagency transactions under other statutory authorities.[Footnote 
33] E.g., B-302760, May 17, 2004; B-289380, July 31, 2002; B-286929, 
Apr. 25, 2001; 55 Comp. Gen. 1497 (1976). 

(4) Applicability of limitations and restrictions: 

Every agency is subject to a variety of authorities, limitations, 
restrictions, and exemptions. Some are governmentwide. Others are 
agency-specific. Still others may be bureau- or even program-specific. 
In analyzing the relationship of such provisions to an Economy Act 
transaction, it is important to start with an understanding of what 
the Economy Act is and is not supposed to do. As we have noted 
previously, the law is designed to permit an agency to accomplish some 
authorized task more simply and economically by using another agency's 
experience and/or expertise. It is not intended to permit an agency to 
avoid legislative restrictions on the use of its funds, nor is it 
intended to permit an agency running short of money to dip into the 
pocket of another vulnerable and more budgetarily secure agency. 

The rule, as stated in 18 Comp. Gen. 489, 490-91 (1938), is as follows: 

"Funds transferred from the appropriations under one department to 
another department for the performance of work or services under 
authority of [the Economy Act], or similar statutory authority, are 
available for the purposes for which the appropriation from which 
transferred are available, and also subject to the same limitations 
fixed in the appropriations from which the funds are transferred." 

Under the first part of this rule, the purpose availability of the 
funds is determined by reference to the purpose availability of the 
source appropriation. This is closely related to the rule discussed 
earlier in section B.1.a(1) of this chapter, that an Economy Act 
transfer cannot expand that purpose availability. 

The second part of the rule is easier to state than to apply. 
Transferred funds remain subject to limitations and restrictions 
applicable to the transferring agency, as a general rule. One example 
is expenditure limitations applicable to the source appropriation. 17 
Comp. Gen. 900 (1938); 17 Comp. Gen. 73 (1937); 16 Comp. Gen. 545 
(1936).[Footnote 34] A 1951 decision, 31 Comp. Gen. 109, held that an 
appropriation rider which limited the filling of vacancies arising 
during the fiscal year followed an advance of funds to a working fund. 
A decision just 2 months later found the result equally applicable to 
payment by reimbursement. B-106101, Nov. 15, 1951. 

The same rule applies to exemptions from general prohibitions. For 
example, a statute long since repealed prohibited what GAO's decisions 
referred to as "the employment of personal services" in the District 
of Columbia without express authority. The Navy had a statutory 
exemption. The Army had one too, but it was much more limited. In a 
case where the Army was doing Economy Act work for the Navy, GAO held 
that the exemption applicable to the Navy controlled. Therefore, the 
Army could proceed without regard to the restriction it would have had 
to follow when making direct expenditures for its own work. 18 Comp. 
Gen. 489. In a similar case, the Commerce Department needed to procure 
supplies for use in Economy Act work it was doing for the Army. Both 
agencies had exemptions from the advertising requirement of 41 U.S.C. 
� 5 for small dollar amounts�$500 for the Army but only $25 for 
Commerce. The Comptroller General advised that even though Commerce 
was doing the purchasing, it could do so under the Army's more liberal 
exemption because it would be using Army money to make the purchase. 
21 Comp. Gen. 254 (1941). See also B-54171, Dec. 6, 1945. 

There have been a number of exceptions to the rule that Economy Act 
transfers are subject to the limitations of the source appropriation. 
The substantive aspects of the exceptions are less important than 
their rationale. One case, B-106002, Oct. 30, 1951, concluded that 
funds advanced or reimbursed in Economy Act transactions were not 
subject to a monetary limit on personal services contained in the 
ordering agency's appropriation, because it could be clearly 
demonstrated that the ceiling was based on the cost of employees on 
the agency's payroll and did not include the estimated cost of Economy 
Act services either performed by the agency or reimbursed to it. 

A similar limitation for the Bureau of Reclamation was the subject of 
another exception in B-79709, Oct. 1, 1948. Legislative history 
revealed that the limitation stemmed from a congressional concern over 
an excessive number of administrative and supervisory personnel 
employed by the Bureau. The limitation was more on the Bureau than on 
the funds in the sense that it was apparently not intended to limit 
funds which could be transferred to some other agency, and spent by it 
to pay its own personnel used in performing Economy Act work requested 
by the Bureau. Thus, the Bureau could pay for Economy Act work without 
regard to the ceiling. However, work the Bureau did for other agencies 
had to be charged against the ceiling because, unlike the situation in 
B-106002 noted above, the figures upon which the ceiling in B-79709 
was based did include transfers from other agencies. 

Still another group of exceptions involved the authority to employ 
(and pay) personnel without regard to certain of the civil service 
laws. The issue first arose in 21 Comp. Gen. 749 (1942), in connection 
with Economy Act work being performed by the Bureau of the Census for 
various national defense agencies. The question was whether the Census 
Bureau was bound by limitations in the source appropriations. The 
decision noted the line of cases applying the general rule, such as 18 
Comp. Gen. 489 and 21 Comp. Gen. 254, summarizing them as follows: 

"Such decisions involved cases in which it was sought to employ 
transferred funds for purposes for which the funds would not have been 
available in the transferring agency; or where it was sought to use 
transferred funds to employ personal services when such services could 
not have been employed (regardless of the method of appointment or the 
rates of pay) by the transferring agency; or where the transferred 
funds were directly subject to restrictions regarding the amount 
expendable therefrom for passenger-carrying automobiles, or for 
procurements without advertising, etc." 

d. at 752. The decision then went on to distinguish the prior cases on 
the following grounds: 

"What is involved in the instant matter is essentially different, 
being the accomplishment of certain objects for which the funds of the 
transferring agency are available and which the agency to which the 
transfer is made is equipped to accomplish by the use of personnel and 
equipment it already has or is otherwise authorized to procure. Under 
such circumstances, the charge to be made by the performing agency 
against the funds of the agency desiring the services�whether under a 
reimbursement or advance-of-funds procedure�should be on the basis of 
the rates of compensation which the performing agency is otherwise 
authorized by law to pay to its personnel used in the performance of 
the services." 

Id. Later cases applying this holding are B-38515, Dec. 22, 1943, B-
43377, Aug. 14, 1944, and B-76808, July 29, 1948. A similar rationale 
is found in B-259499, Aug. 22, 1995, advising the Central Intelligence 
Agency (CIA) on the extent to which it could use its own personal 
services contractors in performing Economy Act orders where the 
ordering agency lacks authority to contract for personal services. 
Where the CIA is merely using the contractors along with its own 
employees to perform otherwise authorized work, there is no violation. 
This is merely "a means to an otherwise authorized end, and not an end 
in itself." Id. at 8. However, B-259459 noted, the Economy Act would 
be violated by placing the contractors under the direct supervision 
and control of the ordering agency, or by procuring the contractors 
solely in response to the ordering agency's needs. The latter two 
situations would amount to using the Economy Act to circumvent 
limitations on the ordering agency's authority. 

We have noted that one of the Economy Act's objectives is to avoid 
improper augmentations. An Economy Act transaction carried out in 
accordance with law serves this purpose. It has been stated that 
Economy Act agreements "do not increase or decrease the appropriation 
of the requisitioned agency." A-99125, Nov. 21, 1938. That case held 
that Economy Act transactions would not violate an appropriation 
proviso which limited the amounts available to a particular agency to 
the funds appropriated in that act. Similarly, absent some indication 
of a contrary intent, a monetary limit on general transfer authority 
is aimed at transfers which supplement the appropriation in question, 
and does not apply to credits to that appropriation incident to 
otherwise proper Economy Act transactions. B-120414, June 17, 1954. 
Variations in discernible intent may change the result. See B-30084, 
Nov. 18, 1942. 

In 31 Comp. Gen. 190 (1951), an agency whose appropriation contained a 
monetary ceiling on personal services asked whether the ceiling 
applied to services provided to others under the Economy Act or, more 
precisely, whether reimbursements received from ordering agencies 
counted against the ceiling. Viewing the limitation as applicable to 
expenses incurred for the agency itself, and noting the point from A-
99125, Nov. 21, 1938, that Economy Act transactions do not serve to 
increase or decrease the performing agency's appropriation, the 
decision said no. Absent evidence of a contrary intent, the rationale 
of 31 Comp. Gen. 190 would presumably apply as well to other types of 
limitations on the performing agency. 

(5) Accountability issues: 

A payment to another federal agency differs from a payment to a 
private party in that an overpayment or erroneous payment to another 
agency does not result in an actual loss of funds to the United 
States. 24 Comp. Gen. 851, 853 (1945); B-156022, Apr. 28, 1966; B-
116194, Oct. 5, 1953; B-44293, Sept. 15, 1944. As stated in 24 Comp. 
Gen. at 853: "The question here presented does not involve the 
discharge of a Government obligation to a non-Government agency or 
individual where an excess payment might result in a loss to the 
United States. In case of an overpayment by one department to another, 
the matter can be adjusted upon discovery." 

Consistent with this, the Economy Act includes in its payment 
provision the statement that a "bill submitted or a request for 
payment is not subject to audit or certification in advance of 
payment." 31 U.S.C. � 1535(b). The language had appeared in various 
places prior to the Economy Act, one example being the 1926 Navy 
working fund statute noted in our introductory comments. While 
research discloses no attempt to define "certification" for purposes 
of these statutes, the term does have a plain and well-known meaning 
in the payment context�the verification and endorsement of a payment 
voucher by a certifying officer or other authorized official�normally 
performed in advance of payment. See 31 U.S.C. � 3528. As the narrower 
and more specific provision, the no advance certification language in 
31 U.S.C. � 1535(b) would take precedence over the more general 
certification requirements of 31 U.S.C. � 3528. 

Thus, an ordering agency is not required to certify vouchers prior to 
payment when making payment to another federal entity, whether in 
advance or by reimbursement, in an Economy Act transaction.[Footnote 
35] However, keeping in mind that the ordering agency "remains 
accountable to the Congress for activities under appropriations made 
to it" (46 Comp. Gen. 73, 76 (1966)), an agency could presumably, on a 
voluntary basis, pass vouchers through some form of limited 
certification process as an internal control device, at least as long 
as it does not materially delay payment. Certainly the no audit or 
certification language does not permit the agency to disregard the 
preconditions set forth in 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a). 16 Comp. Gen. 3, 4-5 
(1936). Of course, the "no advance certification" language has no 
application to disbursements by a performing agency. 

The preceding paragraphs presuppose a two-step payment process-�
payment by the ordering agency to the performing agency either 
preceded or followed by obligation and payment by the performing 
agency. There is an approach, described and approved in 44 Comp. Gen. 
100 (1964), that consolidates these into a single step and effectively 
removes the no advance certification language from consideration. In 
that case, the former Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 
(HEW) was performing Economy Act services for the Agency for 
International Development (MD). Under the terms of the arrangement, MD 
would establish appropriate fund limitations and HEW certifying 
officers would certify vouchers directly against MD appropriations for 
direct payment of costs incurred in performing, with HEW being 
responsible for staying within the established fund limitations. Once 
it was established that the agencies were agreeable to operating this 
way, the primary legal obstacle was that certifying officers are 
normally supposed to be employees of the agency whose funds they are 
certifying. The solution was a slight bit of legerdemain that could be 
referred to as "cross-certification." The ordering agency appoints the 
performing agency's certifying officer as an officer or employee of 
it, the ordering agency, without compensation, and then designates him 
or her as one of its own certifying officers. Voila! 

The concept of cross-certification has a number of applications in 
situations where financial services are themselves the subject of an 
Economy Act agreement. For example, the General Services 
Administration (GSA) not infrequently enters into Economy Act "support 
agreements" with smaller agencies, boards, or commissions to provide 
administrative support services, including the processing of payment 
vouchers. In 55 Comp. Gen. 388 (1975), GSA inquired as to the 
potential liability of its certifying officers in such a situation. 
The answer is that it depends on exactly what has preceded the GSA 
certifying officer's actions. Certainly, GSA could provide full 
certification under the agreement, in which event the GSA certifying 
officer would be the equivalent of the HEW certifying officer in 44 
Comp. Gen. 100. However, if an official of the client agency certifies 
the voucher before it gets to GSA, GSA administrative processing is 
not certification for purposes of the accountable officer laws, and 
the GSA official will be liable only for errors made during his or her 
final processing. 

For temporary agencies, the support agreement may include the payment 
of obligations after the agency has gone out of existence. However, 
the "appointment without compensation" sleight-of-hand cannot possibly 
be stretched to apply where the agency no longer exists. In such a 
case, the GSA certifying officer can certify the voucher provided (1) 
the agencies must have entered into an Economy Act agreement while the 
client agency was still "alive," (2) the agreement must expressly 
authorize GSA to perform this function, and (3) the debt in question 
must have been incurred prior to the client agency's expiration. 59 
Comp. Gen. 471 (1980). 

The cross-certification concept has also found overseas applications. 
For example, State Department officials may perform certifying and 
disbursing functions for military departments overseas, charging 
payments directly to the applicable military appropriations. 44 Comp. 
Gen. 818 (1965); 22 Comp. Gen. 48 (1942). Similarly, when the 
Department of Education was created and took over responsibility for 
the Defense Department's Overseas Dependents' Schools, Education 
wanted to retain Defense's financial support services which had been 
in place for decades. It could accomplish this with an Economy Act 
agreement, applying guidance from decisions such as 44 Comp. Gen. 100 
and 55 Comp. Gen. 388. B-200309-0.M., Apr. 3, 1981. 

Anyone processing payments for the Defense Department will sooner or 
later run into a confidential "emergency or extraordinary expense" 
payment. In a 1993 case, a State Department certifying officer in 
Haiti asked whether he could properly certify a voucher for 
unspecified "emergency or extraordinary" expenses where nobody would 
furnish supporting documentation or tell him what the money was for. 
Under 10 U.S.C. � 127, all that is required is a certification of 
confidentiality by an authorized military official. The State 
Department official could not question that certification. Under these 
circumstances, the State Department certifying officer's 
"certification"�certifying merely that the payment was being charged 
to the emergency expense appropriation for that fiscal year�was little 
more than "subsequent administrative processing" as discussed in cases 
like 55 Comp. Gen. 388. 72 Comp. Gen. 279 (1993). 

Fiscal services provided under an Economy Act agreement, in 
appropriate circumstances, can include disbursing cash from an imprest 
fund. The fact that the cashier is disbursing another agency's money 
has no effect on accountability or liability. 65 Comp. Gen. 666, 675-
77 (1986). 

As discussed in section A.4 of this chapter, agencies are increasingly 
relying on the contracts and contracting services of other agencies. 
As a result, authority for contract oversight and administration is 
often delegated among multiple agencies. The ordering agency, however, 
ultimately remains accountable for the use of its funds. GAO, 
Department of Energy, Office of Worker Advocacy: Deficient Controls 
Led to Millions of Dollars in Improper and Questionable Payments to 
Contractors, GAO-06-547 (Washington, D.C.: May 31, 2006). The 
Department of Energy had entered into an interagency agreement with 
the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, New Orleans (SSC NOLA) to 
obtain a contractor, but had not established adequate controls over 
payments to the contractors, which led to millions of dollars in 
improper and questionable payments. GAO stated that while 
responsibility for review and approval of invoices rested with the 
performing agency, Energy, as the ordering agency, must ensure that 
the performing agency carried out proper oversight. Id. at 43. See 
also GAO, Federal Bureau of Investigation: Weak Controls over Trilogy 
Project Led to Payment of Questionable Contractor Costs and Missing 
Assets, GAO-06-306 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 28, 2006) (interagency 
agreement under authority other than the Economy Act). 

d. What Work or Services May Be Performed: 

(1) Details of personnel: 

A very common type of interagency service is the loan or detail of 
personnel. A detail is "the temporary assignment of an employee to a 
different position for a specified period, with the employee returning 
to regular duties at the end of the detail." 64 Comp. Gen. 370, 376 
(1985). Some of the earliest administrative decisions deal with 
details of personnel. 

In 14 Comp. Dec. 294 (1907), the Comptroller of the Treasury was asked 
to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on a proposal to loan an 
employee to another agency, with the "borrowing agency" to reimburse 
only the employee's travel and incidental expenses, but not basic 
salary. The Comptroller knew what the answer should be: "If these were 
questions of first impression I would be impelled to answer each of 
them in the negative, because of that provision of the statute [31 
U.S.C. � 1301(a)] which requires all appropriations to be used 
exclusively for the purposes for which made." 14 Comp. Dec. at 295. 
However, he continued, "they are not questions of first impression." 
Id. The practice had developed in the executive branch of loaning 
employees without reimbursement except for extra expenses incurred on 
account of the detail. This practice had been around for so long, 
according to the Comptroller, that it was virtually etched in stone. 
Id. at 295-96. As long as the agency could spare the employee for the 
requested time, it would be: 

"in the interest of good government and economy to so utilize his 
services. His regular salary would be earned in any event, and in all 
probability without rendering in his own Department adequate services 
therefor. Therefore reimbursement has never, to my knowledge, been 
made on such details for regular salaries. But where additional 
expenses have accrued because of such detail such expenses have always 
been reimbursed to the regular appropriation from which originally 
paid ...." Id. at 296. This rationale was quite remarkable. Subsequent 
comptrollers obviously struggled with the rationale's weakness and 
were careful not to expand the rule of the 1907 case. Thus, if the 
loaning agency had to employ someone else to do the detailed 
employee's job while he was gone, the salary was reimbursable. 22 
Comp. Dec. 145 (1915). A 1916 case, 23 Comp. Dec. 242, soundly 
attacked the rationale of 14 Comp. Dec. 294, specifically the 
assumption that the employee "would have remained idle if he had not 
been loaned," 23 Comp. Dec. at 245, and came close to throwing it out, 
but did not. Early GAO decisions failed to seize the opportunity but 
instead adhered to the "no reimbursement" rule. E.g., 6 Comp. Gen. 217 
(1926).[Footnote 36] 

The 1932 enactment of the Economy Act provided the vehicle for change, 
but it was slow to implement. It was quickly recognized that the 
Economy Act authorized fully reimbursable details of personnel. 13 
Comp. Gen. 234 (1934). However, as with the first round of Economy Act 
decisions in other contexts, the early decisions held that agencies 
had a choice. If they chose not to enter into a written Economy Act 
agreement expressly providing for full reimbursement, they could 
continue to operate under the old rules. Id. at 237. The question of 
how you could have nonreimbursable details in light of 31 U.S.C. � 
1301(a) never went away but, like a stubborn weed in the garden, the 
"informal accommodation" approach survived (e.g., B-182398, Mar. 29, 
1976; B-30084, Nov. 18, 1942), and was reaffirmed as late as 59 Comp. 
Gen. 366 (1980). 

If enactment of the Economy Act was the first shoe dropping, the 
second shoe did not drop until 64 Comp. Gen. 370 (1985). After 
reviewing the prior decisions and the legislative history of the 
Economy Act, the Comptroller General said in 1985 what the Economy Act 
probably thought it was saying in 1932, and certainly what the 
Comptroller of the Treasury really wanted to say in 1907: 

"Although Federal agencies may be part of a whole system of 
Government, appropriations to an agency are limited to the purposes 
for which appropriated, generally to the execution of particular 
agency functions. Absent statutory authority, those purposes would not 
include expenditures for programs of another agency. Since the 
receiving agency is gaining the benefit of work for programs for which 
funds have been appropriated to it, those appropriations should be 
used to pay for that work. Thus, a violation of the purpose law does 
occur when an agency spends money on salaries of employees detailed to 
another agency for work essentially unrelated to the loaning agency's 

64 Comp. Gen. at 379. Accordingly, absent specific statutory authority 
to the contrary, details of personnel between agencies or between 
separately funded components of the same agency may not be done on a 
nonreimbursable basis, but must be done in accordance with the Economy 
Act, which requires full reimbursement of actual costs, one of which 
is the employee's salary. The fact that the loaning agency pays the 
employee from a revolving fund changes nothing; a nonreimbursable 
detail still creates an unauthorized augmentation of the receiving 
agency's appropriation as well as violates the purpose limitations of 
31 U.S.C. � 1301(a). B-247348, June 22, 1992. 

Apart from details which may be nonreimbursable under some specific 
statutory authority, the decisions recognize two exceptions. First, 
nonreimbursable details are permissible "where they involve a matter 
similar or related to matters ordinarily handled by the loaning agency 
and will aid the loaning agency in accomplishing a purpose for which 
its appropriations are provided." 64 Comp. Gen. at 380. Second, 
details "for brief periods when ...the numbers of persons and cost 
involved are minimal" and "the fiscal impact on the appropriation is 
negligible" do not require reimbursement. Id. at 381. GAO has declined 
to attempt to specify the limits of the de minimis exception but it 
could not, for example, be stretched to cover a detail of 15-20 
people. 65 Comp. Gen. 635 (1986). 

The Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel has taken 
essentially the same position as 64 Comp. Gen. 370. 13 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 188 (1989) (United States Attorney's Office for the District 
of Columbia must reimburse Defense Department for year-long detail of 
10 lawyers); 12 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 233 (1988) (detail of Internal 
Revenue Service agents to investigate tax fraud for an Independent 
Counsel could be nonreimbursable under the commonality of functions 
exception). While the OLC's approach and analysis are otherwise the 
same, it has misgivings over the propriety of a de minimis exception. 
13 Op. Off. Legal Counsel at 190. 

While the agreement should normally precede the detail, an agreement 
entered into after the detail has started can include the services 
already performed. B-75052, May 14, 1948. Reimbursement should include 
accrued annual and sick leave. 17 Comp. Gen. 571 (1938). It should 
also include travel expenses incurred in connection with the detail 
work 15 Comp. Gen. 334 (1935); B-141349, Dec. 9, 1959. If the detail 
is to be for a substantial period of time, the loaning agency should 
change the employee's official duty station to the location of the 
detail and then restore it when the assignment is done. If applicable 
to the distances involved, the employee may then become entitled to 
allowances incident to a permanent change of station, such as shipment 
of household goods. 24 Comp. Gen. 420 (1944). A case where this was 
done is B-224055, May 21, 1987. 

If interagency details are authorized under statutory authority other 
than the Economy Act, whether or not they are reimbursable will 
naturally depend on the terms of the statute. A statute which is 
silent on the issue will generally be construed as not precluding 
reimbursement unless a contrary intent is manifested. For example, 5 
U.S.C. � 3341 authorizes intra-agency details within the executive 
branch for renewable periods of not more than 120 days. The statute 
says nothing about reimbursement. GAO regards this as merely providing 
authority to make the details and not as exhibiting an intent that 
they be nonreimbursable. 64 Comp. Gen. at 381-82. The same applies to 
5 U.S.C. � 3344 which authorizes detailing of administrative law 
judges but is similarly silent on the issue of reimbursement. 65 Comp. 
Gen. 635 (1986). The Justice Department has said the same thing with 
respect to "temporary reassignments" under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 
1988.[Footnote 37] 13 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 188 (1989). An example of 
a statute which addresses reimbursement is 3 U.S.C. � 112, which 
authorizes details of executive branch employees to various White 
House offices and requires reimbursement for details exceeding 180 
calendar days in any fiscal year. See 64 Comp. Gen. at 380; B-224033-
0.M., May 26, 1987. 

A different type of statute, discussed and applied in B-247348, June 
22, 1992, is 44 U.S.C. � 316, which prohibits details of Government 
Printing Office employees "to duties not pertaining to the work of 
public printing and binding ...unless expressly authorized by law." 

Finally, it is not uncommon for agencies to detail employees to 
congressional committees. Two 1942 decisions, 21 Comp. Gen. 954 and 21 
Comp. Gen. 1055, addressed this situation and held essentially that 
the details could be nonreimbursable if the committee's work for which 
the detail was sought could be said to help the agency accomplish some 
purpose of its own appropriations. These cases were the source of the 
"commonality of function" exception which 64 Comp. Gen. 370 applied 
across the board. See 64 Comp. Gen. at 379. The second 1942 decision 
emphasized that "mutuality of interest" is not enough: 

"It must appear that the work of the committee to which the detail or 
loan of the employee is made will actually aid the agency in the 
accomplishment of a purpose for which its appropriation was made such 
as by obviating the necessity for the performance by such agency of 
the same or similar work." 

21 Comp. Gen. at 1058. A 1988 decision applied these precedents to 
conclude that the Treasury Department could detail two employees to 
the House Committee on Government Operations on a nonreimbursable 
basis to work with the committee on the oversight and review of the 
FTS-2000 telecommunications project. B-230960, Apr. 11, 1988. 

As to reimbursable details, 2 U.S.C. � 72a(f) provides that "no 
committee [of the Congress] shall appoint to its staff any experts or 
other personnel detailed or assigned from any department or agency of 
the Government, except with the written permission of" specified 
committees. The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) 
regards this as implicit authority for reimbursable details of 
executive branch personnel to congressional committees, the theory 
being that a restriction like 2 U.S.C. � 72a(f) would be rather 
pointless if the authority did not already exist. 12 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 184, 185 (1988). See also 1 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 108 (1977). 
However, OLC cautions that agencies should have due regard for 
potential ethics and separation-of-powers concerns. 12 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel at 186-89. GAO has pointed out that 2 U.S.C. � 72a(f) is a 
limitation on the authority of congressional committees to appoint 
staff assigned or detailed to the committee, not a limitation on 
agencies to assign or detail employees to committees. B-129874, Jan. 
4, 1971. Accordingly, the responsibility for compliance with section 
72a(f) rests with the committee making the request for personnel 
rather than with the loaning agency. Id. 

GAO details its own personnel to congressional committees under 
various authorities. A provision in GAO's organic legislation, 31 
U.S.C. � 712(5), requires the agency to provide requested help, 
presumably including loans of personnel, to committees "having 
jurisdiction over revenue, appropriations, or expenditures." Details 
under this provision are not required to be reimbursed. B-129874, Jan. 
4, 1971; B-130496-0.M., Mar. 13, 1957. In addition, GAO has applied 
the two 1942 decisions, 21 Comp. Gen. 954 and 21 Comp. Gen. 1055, to 
itself. B-41849, May 9, 1944; B-130496- 0.M., Mar. 13, 1957. Another 
statute, 31 U.S.C. � 734, provides that the Comptroller General "may 
assign or detail [GAO employees] to full-time continuous duty with a 
committee of Congress for not more than one year." A part of this 
statute which required reimbursement by the Senate was deleted in the 
1985 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act[Footnote 38] "to put the 
Senate on the same basis as the House in this regard." S. Rep. No. 98-
515, at 15 (1984). 

(2) Loans of personal property: 

Another area where the Economy Act wrought considerable change was 
reimbursement for interagency loans of equipment and other personal 
property. Prior to 1932, there was no authority to charge another 
government agency for the use of borrowed property. E.g., 9 Comp. Gen. 
415 (1930). Also, the borrowing agency lacked authority to use its 
appropriations to repair the borrowed property unless for its own 
continued use, the theory being that the property belonged to the 
United States and not to any individual agency. To some extent at 
least, the Economy Act amounts to "tacit recognition of property 
ownership rights in the various departments and agencies possessing 
such property." 30 Comp. Gen. 295, 296 (1951). 

Thus, one early case held that the Economy Act provided sufficient 
authority for the old Civil Aeronautics Board to lease surplus 
aircraft from another government agency. 24 Comp. Gen. 184 (1944). It 
also authorized the Soil Conservation Service to borrow a shallow 
draft river boat from the Bureau of Land Management for certain work 
in Alaska. 30 Comp. Gen. 295 (1951). The logic of the 1951 decision is 
simple. If the Economy Act authorizes the permanent transfer of 
equipment, and it unquestionably does, then it must also authorize 
"lesser transactions between departments on a temporary loan basis." 
Id. at 296. Another boat was involved in 38 Comp. Gen. 558 (1959). The 
Maritime Administration wanted to loan a tug to the Coast Guard and 
asked if the transaction was within the scope of 24 Comp. Gen. 184. 
Sure it was, GAO replied. There was no "essential difference" between 
the lease in the 1944 case and the loan in this one (38 Comp. Gen. at 
559), and therefore no reason not to follow 24 Comp. Gen. 184 and 30 
Comp. Gen. 295. 

That the Economy Act authorizes interagency loans of personal property 
has been confirmed in several judicial decisions, a rare example of 
the Economy Act coming before the courts in any context. The cases 
arose out of the 1973 occupation of the village of Wounded Knee, South 
Dakota, by members of a group called the American Indian Movement. 
Various law enforcement agencies had been called in, including the 
United States marshals and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The 
Army provided substantial amounts of equipment, such as sniper rifles, 
protective vests, and armored personnel carriers. Defendants charged 
with obstructing law enforcement officers tried to argue that the 
Army's involvement violated 18 U.S.C. � 1385, the so-called Posse 
Comitatus Act, which prohibits use of the Army or Air Force for law 
enforcement unless specifically authorized. With one exception, the 
courts held that the Posse Comitatus Act applies to personnel, not to 
equipment, and in any event providing the equipment was authorized by 
the Economy Act. United States v. McArthur, 419 F. Supp. 186, 194 
(D.N.D. 1975), aff'd, 541 F.2d 1275 (8th Cir. 1976), cert. denied, 430 
U.S. 970 (1977); United States v. Red Feather, 392 F. Supp. 916, 923 
(D.S.D. 1975); United States v. Jaramillo, 380 F. Supp. 1375, 1379 (D. 
Neb. 1974), appeal dismissed, 510 F.2d 808 (8th Cir. 1975). As the 
McArthur court noted, borrowing "highly technical equipment ...for a 
specific, limited, temporary purpose is far preferable" to having to 
maintain the equipment permanently. McArthur, 419 F. Supp. at 194. One 
court disagreed, holding that the Economy Act applies "only to sales, 
and not to loans." United States v. Banks, 383 F. Supp. 368, 376 
(D.S.D. 1974). However, Banks goes against the clear weight of 
authority in this respect.[Footnote 39] 

The reimbursement of actual costs is somewhat different for loans of 
personal property than for other Economy Act transactions. If an 
agency loans a piece of equipment to another agency and the borrowing 
agency returns it in as good condition as when loaned, the loaning 
agency has not as incurred any direct costs. Thus, the decision at 24 
Comp. Gen. 184 (lease of surplus aircraft) said merely that the 
borrowing agency should agree "to reimburse the department for the 
cost, if any, necessarily incurred by it in connection with such 
transaction," plus repair costs. Id. at 186. Depreciation is an 
identifiable indirect cost, but recovery of depreciation is normally 
inappropriate under the standard of 57 Comp. Gen. 674 (1978), 
previously discussed in section B.1.c(2) of this chapter. Reimbursable 
costs (or costs the borrowing agency should pay directly in the first 
instance) include such things, to the extent applicable, as 
transportation, activation, operation, maintenance, and repair. See, 
e.g., 38 Comp. Gen. 558, 560 (1959). Another permissible item of cost 
is a refundable deposit on containers. B-125414, Sept. 30, 1955. An 
important expense which the borrowing agency should assume under the 
agreement is the cost of repairing and/or restoring the property so as 
to return it to the lending agency in the same condition as when 
borrowed. E.g., 30 Comp. Gen. 295 (1951). 

While there is no payment for the bare use of the property, that is, 
divorced from some cost actually incurred by one of the agencies, the 
Economy Act should not be used for loans for indefinite periods which 
amount to permanent transfers in disguise. The reason is that a 
permanent transfer, while authorized under the Economy Act, requires 
payment for the property. 59 Comp. Gen. 366, 368 (1980); 38 Comp. Gen. 
558, 560 (1959). In 16 Comp. Gen. 730 (1937), for example, an agency 
had loaned office equipment to another agency. When the borrowing 
agency's need for the property continued to the point where the 
lending agency had to replace it for its own use, the borrowing agency 
paid for the equipment. Agencies desiring a permanent transfer without 
reimbursement should seek statutory authority. 38 Comp. Gen. at 560. 

A permanent transfer raises the question of how to value the property. 
The same question arises when property loaned under the Economy Act is 
totally destroyed. The decision at 16 Comp. Gen. 730 does not specify 
how the amount of the payment was calculated. In a case where property 
was destroyed, the question was whether value should be set at 
acquisition value or the value of similar property being disposed of 
as surplus property. GAO declined to choose, advising that the amount 
to be billed "is primarily a matter for adjustment and settlement" 
between the agencies concerned. B-146588, Aug. 23, 1961, at 2. In 25 
Comp. Gen. 322 (1945), however, a case involving lost property, the 
answer was zero. The parties could have provided for the situation in 
an Economy Act agreement, except they did not enter into one. Once the 
property was lost, "there existed no proper subject of a purchase or 
sale," and, absent a prior agreement to that effect, the borrowing 
agency's appropriations were not available to purchase nonexistent 
property. Id. at 325. 

(3) Common services: 

It often makes sense, economically as well as operationally, to 
provide certain common services centrally, procurement for example. 
Centralization often occurs within larger agencies made up of 
component bureaus or offices funded under separate appropriations. It 
also occurs across government agencies, with one agency providing a 
common service to other agencies. 

How an agency that is made up of component bureaus or offices provides 
common services within the agency depends primarily on its 
appropriations structure. One approach is to appropriate specifically 
for common services from a single, centralized appropriation. For 
example, a department might receive an appropriation which is 
available for certain specified departmentwide services such as 
personnel, information resources management, and other necessary 
expenses for management support services. Under this type of 
structure, questions of reimbursement should not arise. Indeed, 
requiring reimbursement from the component bureaus when Congress has 
provided funding in the departmental appropriation would be improper. 
B-202979-0.M., Sept. 28, 1981. 

A different legislative approach is illustrated by 43 U.S.C. � 1467, 
which establishes a working capital fund for the Interior Department 
to be available for specified common services�reproduction (of 
documents, we think), communication, supply, library, and health�plus 
"such other similar service functions as the Secretary determines may 
be performed more advantageously on a reimbursable basis." The 
receiving components are required to reimburse the fund "at rates 
which will return in full all expenses of operation, including 
reserves for accrued annual leave and depreciation of equipment." Id. 
Under this structure, services within the scope of the working fund 
are provided centrally, but each component bureau must budget for its 
own needs, much as agencies budget for and pay rent to the General 
Services Administration. 

If each bureau receives its own appropriations for support services 
and there is no further statutory guidance, the agency may centralize 
the provision of common services on a reimbursable basis under 
authority of the Economy Act provided the reimbursements correspond to 
the value actually received. B-308762, Sept. 17, 2007 (human capital 
management, budget support, and systems maintenance); 70 Comp. Gen. 
592, 595 (1991) (executive computer network); B-77791, July 23, 1948 
(procurement of office supplies); B-202979-0.M., Sept. 28, 1981 (legal 

In 1962, the Bureau of the Census sought and received specific 
authority to charge common services to any available appropriation, 
provided the benefiting appropriation(s) reimbursed the financing 
appropriation no later than the end of the fiscal year. Pub. L. No. 87-
489, 76 Stat. 104 (June 19, 1962). Other agencies sought similar 
authority and GAO supported the enactment of governmentwide 
legislation. See B-136318, Dec. 20, 1963. This authority is now found 
at 31 U.S.C. � 1534, referred to as the "account adjustment statute," 
and is discussed in section B.2 of this chapter. 

Agencies are also increasingly using common services provided by 
another agency. In 2002, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
encouraged centralizing the provision of common goods and services 
across agencies by introducing 24 initiatives to use technology to 
eliminate redundant systems and improve the government's quality of 
customer service for citizens and business.[Footnote 40] These 
initiatives are referred to as Electronic Government or E-Gov 
initiatives.[Footnote 41] Congress subsequently enacted the E-
Government Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 107-347, 116 Stat. 2899 (Dec. 17, 
2002), which, among other things, required agencies to support the E-
Gov initiatives and established the Office of Management and Budget's 
(OMB) role in administrating the initiatives. 

In order to facilitate centralization, OMB designated a number of 
agencies as "centers of excellence.[Footnote 42] These centers 
function as governmentwide service providers and make their services 
available to other agencies on a fee-for-service basis.[Footnote 43] 
Whether an agency will use the Economy Act or some other specific 
statutory authority to enter into an agreement to purchase these 
common goods and services will depend on the statutory authority of 
the performing agency. 

Agencies also obtain common goods and services through franchise funds 
and other similar intragovernmental revolving funds that provide 
services governmentwide on a fee-for-service basis. These types of 
funds are discussed in section C.3.c of this chapter. 

(4) Other examples: 

As summarized earlier, the subject of an Economy Act transaction must 
be something the ordering agency is authorized to do and the 
performing agency is in a position to provide. Also, there must be 
direct benefit to the paying agency. B-16828, May 21, 1941; B-170587-
0.M., Oct. 21, 1970. Apart from these general prescriptions, the 
Economy Act makes no attempt to define the kinds of work, services, or 
materials that can be ordered. This is in apparent recognition of the 
great diversity of tasks and functions one encounters in the federal 
universe, and the fact that these tasks and functions are subject to 
change over time. The legislative history gives some illumination: 

"For illustration, the Navy maintains a highly specialized and trained 
inspection service. Why should not this personnel, when available, be 
used by other departments to inspect materials and supplies ordered to 
make certain that such materials comply strictly with specifications? 
Or if a department needs statistical work that can be more 
expeditiously done by another department it should have the right to 
call upon the agency especially equipped to perform the work. The 
Bureau of Standards is a highly specialized agency and its equipment 
and technical personnel should be made available to other services. 
Frequently the engineering staff of one department might be utilized 
by another department to great advantage. 

"The War and Navy Departments are especially well equipped to furnish 
materials, work, and services for other departments.... 

"The Treasury Department, Department of Justice, Interior Department, 
and Shipping Board have many vessels at sea. The Government navy yards 
should be available to these whenever repairs or other work can be 
done by the Navy Department as expeditiously and for less money than 
the materials and services will cost elsewhere. 

"Illustrations might be multiplied but the above are sufficient to 
give a general idea of what may reasonably be expected under the 

H.R. Rep. No. 72-1126, at 15-16 (1932). 

The examples we offer here are cases in which the cited decision or 
opinion either directly approved the proposed transaction (which does 
not necessarily mean that it actually took place), or at least noted 
it without further question in a context which can fairly be viewed as 
implicit approval. 

One situation we have already noted is the provision of administrative 
support services. The Economy Act is used to enable the General 
Services Administration (GSA) to provide certain support services to 
smaller agencies. E.g., B-130961, Apr. 21, 1976 (Federal Election 
Commission). In the case of a temporary agency or commission, the 
agreement may authorize GSA to perform various "posthumous" functions 
necessary for the liquidation of the agency's assets and liabilities. 
E.g., B-210226, May 28, 1985. However, there is no authority for 
anyone to do anything until the agency actually comes into existence. 
B-230727, Aug. 1, 1988 (legislative authority would be necessary to 
enable GSA or Treasury or anyone else to accept or act as custodian of 
private funds donated for use of commission prior to its statutory 
effective date). 

Another group of cases involves the use of federal facilities (real 
property) of one type or another. A long line of decisions predating 
the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, ch. 288, 
63 Stat. 377, 380 (June 30, 1949), established the proposition that an 
agency could, under authority of the Economy Act, make surplus space 
available to other agencies. For government-owned buildings, the 
amount charged could include special services such as utilities and 
janitor services, but not rent. 26 Comp. Gen. 677 (1947); B-70978, 
Dec. 5, 1947. For leased premises, the charge could include a 
proportionate share of the rent. 27 Comp. Gen. 317 (1947); 24 Comp. 
Gen. 851 (1945); B-74905, May 13, 1948; B-48853, Apr. 21, 1945. It 
could also include alterations made by the agency holding the lease to 
adapt the space for use by the new tenant. B-72269, Jan. 16, 1948. 
Agencies subject to the Federal Property Act now obtain their space 
requirements through GSA and no longer need to rely on the Economy 
Act. However, in situations not covered by the Federal Property Act, 
the old cases continue to apply. E.g., 43 Comp. Gen. 687 (1964). That 
case involved a proposal to make space in leased Postal Service 
facilities available to the Customs Service for it to perform its mail 
examining responsibilities. Since the Postal Service has its own space 
acquisition authorities, and since GSA regarded Customs' space as 
"special purpose space" and hence beyond GSA's responsibility, the 
solution was an Economy Act agreement based on the precedent of 24 
Comp. Gen. 851 and its progeny. 

Similarly, when the Coast Guard needed temporary residential 
facilities at an airport in Alaska pending construction of permanent 
quarters, it could obtain them from the Federal Aviation 
Administration under the Economy Act. B-150530, Jan. 28, 1963. See 
also B-14855, Feb. 8, 1941 (agency can store and service another 
agency's motor vehicles if it can do so at less cost than private 

Medical services and facilities are not treated any differently. Thus, 
the Department of Veterans Affairs can make its hospitals available to 
nonveteran beneficiaries of other agencies, such as the Public Health 
Service, on a space-available basis, but cannot "bump" its own veteran 
beneficiaries in order to put itself in a position to do so. B-156510, 
Feb. 23, 1971; B-156510, June 7, 1965. See also B-133044-0.M., Aug. 
11, 1976; B-183256-0.M., Dec. 22, 1975 (Economy Act authorizes VA to 
provide medical services to persons eligible for medical assistance 
from the Defense Department). A variation is B-171924, Apr. 7, 1971, 
holding that an Air Force hospital on Clark Air Force Base in the 
Philippines could provide services to a child struck by a Coast Guard 
vehicle, to be reimbursed by the Coast Guard under the Economy Act. 
[Footnote 44] Another medical case is B-62540, Feb. 12, 1947, holding 
that the Economy Act was the appropriate authority for using agencies 
to pay proportionate shares of the operating cost of an emergency room 
run by the Public Health Service in a federal office building. 

Another broad area in which the Economy Act is particularly useful is 
the occasional need by one agency of something another agency performs 
or produces on a regular basis. One example noted earlier is 13 Comp. 
Gen. 138 (1933), in which a government corporation authorized to issue 
securities sought help from what is now the Bureau of the Public Debt. 
Similarly, when Congress directed the Treasury Department to sell a 
portion of the nation's gold reserves, Treasury entered into an 
Economy Act agreement with the General Services Administration to 
conduct the sale. B-183192, July 17, 1975. Again, when the Defense 
Department wanted to conduct examinations of credit unions at U.S. 
military installations overseas, it logically turned to what is now 
the National Credit Union Administration, which routinely conducts 
similar examinations of credit unions stateside. B-158818, May 19, 
1966. Other examples in this family are 54 Comp. Gen. 624, 630 (1975) 
(Secret Service protection for government officials other than those 
statutorily entitled to receive it); B-192875, Jan. 15, 1980 (hearing 
examiners provided to other agencies by the Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission in discrimination complaints); B-98216, Oct. 2, 
1950 (purchase by Defense Department of surplus potatoes from 
Department of Agriculture); B-95094, June 2, 1950 (technical services 
by National Bureau of Standards for the Bureau of the Mint). 

Finally, we note a few miscellaneous cases, primarily to try to give 
some idea of the variety of transactions that can fit under the 
Economy Act's umbrella. The Economy Act has been used in, or at least 
was recognized as available for, the following situations: 

* Sale of arms by Defense Department to Central Intelligence Agency 
for use in covert operations. B-225832-0.M., Feb. 25, 1987. 

* Civic/humanitarian assistance activities by the Defense Department 
overseas. 63 Comp. Gen. 422, 443-46 (1984). 

* Agreement between Veterans Administration and Navy whereby Navy 
would execute and superintend a contract for the construction of the 
Corregidor-Bataan Memorial. 46 Comp. Gen. 73 (1966). 

* Purchase by Walter Reed Army Medical Center of motion picture 
supplies and services from Department of Agriculture. B-140652, Nov. 
9, 1959. 

* Agreement between Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife 
Service for "control of predatory animals and rodents" on public 
domain lands. A-82570, B-120739 Aug. 21, 1957. 

* Services of National Park Service in planning and supervising 
installation of equipment in Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. B-64762, 
Mar. 31, 1947. 

Also, a congressional subcommittee study concluded that agencies could 
and should share federal laboratories under the Economy Act if no more 
specific authority was available. Subcommittee on Science, Research, 
and Development, House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 
Utilization of Federal Laboratories, H.R. Print No. H1203 (1968). See 
also 48 C.F.R. � 35.017(a)(2) ("a Federally Funded Research and 
Development Center may perform work for other than the sponsoring 
agency under the Economy Act ... when the work is otherwise not 
available from the private sector"). 

e. What Work or Services May Not Be Performed: 

Apart from the restrictions specified in the Economy Act itself, 
limitations on what can be done under the Economy Act derive largely 
from common sense and axiomatic requirements of the appropriations 
process. One rule frequently encountered is that the Economy Act may 
not be used for services which the performing agency is required by 
law to provide and for which it receives appropriations. As the 
Department of Justice has noted, this rule "is required in order to 
prevent agencies from agreeing to reallocate funds between themselves 
in circumvention of the appropriations process." 9 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 81, 83 (1985). See also 61 Comp. Gen. 419, 421 (1982) 
(charging the receiving agency "would compromise the basic integrity 
of the appropriations process" and would amount to a "usurpation of 
the congressional prerogative"). 

For example, if a GAO audit enables an agency to recover overcharges, 
the amounts recovered may not be paid over to GAO to help defray the 
cost of conducting the audit. B-163758-0.M., Dec. 3, 1973. The reason 
is that conducting audits is GAO's job and it receives appropriations 
for that purpose. Similarly, the Social Security Administration is not 
authorized to charge the Railroad Retirement Board for information it 
is required to furnish under 45 U.S.C. � 231f(b)(7). 44 Comp. Gen. 56 
(1964).[Footnote 46] 

Nor may the Justice Department, which is required by law to conduct 
the government's litigation and which receives appropriations for its 
litigation functions, pass the costs on to the "client agency." 16 
Comp. Gen. 333 (1936). However, while Justice must conduct the 
litigation, the client agency typically provides a variety of support 
to the Justice Department, and to that extent Economy Act agreements 
are possible, even extending to the hiring of additional attorneys, 
provided that the work for which the client agency is paying is work 
it is authorized to do itself. 9 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 81 (1985); 2 
Op. Off. Legal Counsel 302 (1978). The types and extent of support 
depend in part on the breadth of the client agency's own statutory 
authority. 2 Op. Off. Legal Counsel at 305-06. 

If a service is required to be provided on a nonreimbursable basis, 
the inadequacy of the providing agency's appropriations is legally 
irrelevant and does not permit reimbursement by the receiving agency. 
18 Comp. Gen. 389, 391 (1938). If the service is authorized but not 
required, there may be circumstances under which reimbursement is 
permissible. An internal memorandum, B-194711-0.M., Jan. 15, 1980, 
discussed one such situation. Each agency is required by 44 U.S.C. � 
3102 to have a records management program. In addition, the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has oversight and 
assistance responsibilities, which include conducting surveys and 
inspections. When NARA is performing its oversight function, or 
conducts a study on its own initiative, the general rule applies and 
NAREs appropriations must bear the cost. However, if an agency wants 
to conduct a study of its own program and asks NARA to do it, and 
NARA's appropriations are insufficient, nothing precludes a 
reimbursable arrangement under the Economy Act. Also, as discussed in 
B-165117-0.M., Dec. 23, 1975, if Congress has provided appropriations 
for a particular activity for an initial start-up period, and later 
discontinues funding with the intent that the activity become self-
sufficient, reimbursement under the Economy Act is authorized. 

An agency providing services over and above what it is required by law 
to provide may invoke the Economy Act to recover the actual costs of 
the nonrequired services. For example, 44 U.S.C. � 1701 requires the 
Government Printing Office to provide addressing, wrapping, and mailing 
services for certain public documents. It cannot charge for these 
required services. 29 Comp. Gen. 327 (1950). However, section 1701 
specifically excludes certain documents from its mandate. Since GPO 
was also in a position to provide those services in an efficient and 
economical manner with respect to the excluded documents, it could do 
so on a reimbursable basis under the Economy Act. Id. Similarly, the 
Secret Service is statutorily required to provide protective services 
to specified officials. Officials other than those specified may 
obtain the services only by "purchasing" them under the Economy Act. 
54 Comp. Gen. 624 (1975), modified on other grounds, 55 Comp. Gen. 578 

A variation worthy of note occurred in 34 Comp. Gen. 340 (1955). A 
series of decisions in the early 1950s had held that the Patent and 
Trademark Office could not charge fees to other government agencies 
for services performed in administering the patent and trademark laws. 
33 Comp. Gen. 559 (1954), modified, 34 Comp. Gen. 340 (1955); 33 Comp. 
Gen. 27 (1953); 32 Comp. Gen. 392 (1953). In 34 Comp. Gen. 340, the 
Army had entered into an agreement with the United Kingdom for a 
royalty-free license to an invention, with the Army to bear all costs 
associated with filing and prosecuting a patent application in the 
United States. GAO agreed with the Patent Office that the rule need 
not apply because the services were not really being rendered to 
another government agency. The fees were essentially part of the 
consideration for the license. The law was changed in 1965[Footnote 
46] to authorize the Patent Office to charge fees to other government 
agencies, subject to discretionary waiver in the case of an 
"occasional or incidental request." 35 U.S.C. � 41(e). While the 
payment in 34 Comp. Gen. 340 would now be authorized under the 
statute, the approach of that decision could still be useful in 
analogous situations. 

Closely related in both concept and rationale is the principle that an 
agency may not transfer administrative functions to another agency 
under the aegis of the Economy Act. Even under the Economy Act's 1920 
predecessor, the Comptroller of the Treasury had held that "a 
particular duty placed on one branch of the Government by enactment of 
Congress or going to the essence of its existence" could not be 
transferred to another agency without statutory authority. 27 Comp. 
Dec. 892, 893 (1921). See also 8 Comp. Gen. 116 (1928). The rule 
continued under the Economy Act, its rationale being stated as follows 
in B-45488, Nov. 11, 1944, at 3: " Pub. L. No. 89-83, 79 Stat. 259 
(July 24, 1965). 

"The theory ...is that there is inherent in a grant of authority to a 
department or agency to perform a certain function, and to expend 
public funds in connection therewith, a responsibility which, having 
been reposed specifically in such department or agency by the 
Congress, may not be transferred except by specific action of the 
Congress. The soundness of this principle is without question ...." 

The difficulty in applying the rule is that no one has ever attempted 
to define the admittedly vague term "administrative function" in this 
particular context, although as the rule has evolved a definition is 
arguably unnecessary. Certainly it would prohibit transfer of an 
entire appropriation. Decision of July 7, 1923 (no file designation), 
23A MS 101, quoted in 8 Comp. Gen. 116, 118 (1928). That decision 
stated the following rather fundamental proposition: "The intent of 
the Congress in requiring estimates and the making of appropriations 
thereon is the imposition of a duty upon the department to which [the 
appropriations are] made to act and be responsible for the 
expenditures made under the appropriations." 

The rule has been held to embrace functions with respect to which an 
agency has authority to make "final and conclusive" determinations. 
Thus, the Veterans Administration could not transfer to the Federal 
Housing Administration management and disposal functions with respect 
to property acquired incident to its credit programs. B-156010-0.M., 
Mar. 16, 1965. Equally unauthorized is the transfer of debt collection 
responsibilities under the Federal Claims Collection Act, 31 U.S.C. �� 
3701, 3711. While debt collection services can be provided under the 
Economy Act, they may not include the taking of final compromise or 
termination action. B-117604(7)-0.M., June 30, 1970. Both of these 
cases involve functions subject to final and conclusive authority. See 
also 17 Comp. Gen. 1054 (1938) holding, in a case predating the 
Federal Claims Collection Act, that there was no authority for an 
agency to transfer its debt collection responsibilities. In any event, 
while final and conclusive authority will most likely bring a function 
under the rule, it is not an indispensable prerequisite. 

Earlier decisions addressing the transfer of administrative functions 
seemed to emphasize the permanency of the proposed transfer. E.g., 14 
Comp. Gen. 455 (1934). However, later decisions recognize the crucial 
factor as who ends up exercising ultimate control. The first case to 
adopt this approach appears to have been B-45488, Nov. 11, 1944. The 
Civil Service Commission proposed, at least for the duration of 
wartime conditions, to advance to the Army funds from the Civil 
Service Retirement and Disability Fund. The Army would hold the money 
in a trust account and treat it as a working fund from which to make 
refunds of retirement deductions to certain separating civilian 
employees. All concerned seemed to accept, as a starting premise, that 
the proposal amounted to performance by the Army of an administrative 
function of the Civil Service Commission. However, the proposal also 
contemplated that the Commission would audit all cases of refunds, and 
this, said the decision, "must be considered as a retention of a 
certain degree of supervision and control." Id. at 5. Thus, while the 
Army would be actually making the refunds, "responsibility for the 
performance of the function generally would remain" in the Commission. 
Id. Therefore, the proposal was authorized under the Economy Act. 

In sum, the lesson of B-45488 is that, for purposes of applying the 
administrative function rule, the allocation of ultimate 
responsibility is more important than becoming immersed in a semantic 
morass over what does or does not constitute an administrative 
function. An agency can acquire services under the Economy Act, but 
cannot turn over the ultimate responsibility for administering its 
programs or activities. 

f. Contracting Out and "Off-Loading:" 

As originally enacted, the Economy Act made no provision for the 
performing agency to contract out all or any part of its performance. 
Indeed, the law authorized only work or services the performing agency 
was "in a position" to provide, and GAO construed this as precluding 
performance by use of contracts with third parties. 20 Comp. Gen. 264 
(1940); 19 Comp. Gen. 544 (1939). Notwithstanding this limitation, it 
soon became clear that the use of commercial contracts in performing 
Economy Act orders could in certain circumstances be advantageous. 

In 1942, Congress considered legislation which would have amended the 
Economy Act to authorize all agencies to use private contracts in 
performing Economy Act orders. GAO found the proposal unobjectionable. 
See B-18980, Feb. 13, 1942. However, the legislation as enacted (Act 
of July 20, 1942, ch. 507, 56 Stat. 661) authorized contracting out 
only if the ordering agency was one of five specified agencies�Army, 
Navy, Treasury, Federal Aviation Administration, and Maritime 
Administration. The only explanation appearing in any printed 
legislative history materials was some concern over "trading going on 
among too many departments." See 52 Comp. Gen. 128, 133 (1972), citing 
88 Cong. Rec. 5622 (1942) (remarks of Mr. May). This remained the law 
for 40 years. 

In a 1972 decision, however, GAO advised the Environmental Protection 
Agency (EPA) that the Economy Act did not inhibit the joint funding of 
contracts to carry out mutually beneficial projects where EPA was 
statutorily authorized to cooperate with the other participating 
agencies. The decision further noted that the Economy Act would not 
preclude EPA from entering into mutually beneficial projects with 
other agencies, which might in turn use contracts as part of their 
performance. 52 Comp. Gen. 128, 134 (1972). 

In 1982, Congress again amended the Economy Act, this time authorizing 
all agencies to obtain goods and services by contract in fulfilling 
Economy Act orders. Pub. L. No. 97-332, 96 Stat. 1622 (Oct. 15, 1982). 
The legislative history described some of the potential advantages: 

"Since 1942, when the Economy Act was amended to allow agencies to 
contract out for goods and services on behalf of only 5 specified 
agencies, numerous areas of agency expertise have been developed. With 
the authority extended to allow agencies to contract out on behalf of 
any other Federal agency, an agency having only an occasional 
requirement in a specific area could turn to an agency with 
substantial experience in the area for assistance. This would 
eliminate the need to duplicate the requisite expertise. For instance, 
if the [then] Immigration and Naturalization Service has a requirement 
for night sensors for border protection, that agency could seek 
assistance from the Department of Defense which presumably has already 
developed expertise in that area. Or, if the Coast Guard had a 
requirement for navigational equipment, it could seek assistance from 
the Department of the Navy to acquire such, rather than duplicate 
research and development already under way or completed. Various 
statutes now permit such interagency requisitioning in specific areas; 
however, removal of the general restriction allows the maximum 
utilization by the Government of valuable expertise developed over the 
years in the various Government agencies. In addition, such generally-
available authority creates the potential for wider use by the 
Government of quantity discounts or other benefits which may not have 
been available in the past. It will also permit an agency to use 
another agency which has some, though not all, of the capability to do 
the requisitioned work by allowing the requisitioned agency to simply 
contract out the part of the work that it cannot do." 

H.R. Rep. No 97-456, at 4 (1982). 

The 1982 amendment changed the Economy Act in three ways. First, it 
amended 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a)(3) to generally authorize performing 
agencies to obtain ordered goods and services by contract, and deleted 
the limitation to the five named agencies. This eliminated the 
existing inhibition. Second, it amended 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a)(4)�the 
"lower cost" determination quoted at the beginning of our coverage�to 
replace the specific reference to competitive bids with a more general 
reference to providing the goods or services simply "by contract." The 
intent of this change was to permit the performing agency to use 
whatever methods of procurement are available to it. H.R. Rep. No. 97-
456 at 5. 

Finally, it added 31 U.S.C. � 1535(c): "A condition or limitation 
applicable to amounts for procurement of an agency or unit placing an 
order or making a contract under this section applies to the placing 
of the order or the making of the contract." This provision is 
designed to preclude use of the Economy Act to avoid legal 
restrictions on the availability of appropriated funds. Originally 
recommended by GAO,[Footnote 47] it "prevents the ordering agency from 
accomplishing under the guise of an Economy Act transaction, objects 
or purposes outside the scope of its authority." B-259499, Aug. 22, 
1995, at 8. 

The Competition in Contracting Act requires that procuring agencies 
obtain full and open competition "except in the case of procurement 
procedures otherwise expressly authorized by statute." 41 U.S.C. � 
253(a)(1) (civilian procurements); 10 U.S.C. � 2304(a)(1) (military 
procurements). For purposes of this provision, the Economy Act is one 
of the otherwise authorized procedures. National Gateway 
Telecommunications, Inc. v. Aldridge, 701 F. Supp. 1104, 1113 (D.N.J. 
1988), aff'd mem., 879 F.2d 858 (3rd Cir. 1989) (10 U.S.C. � 2304); 70 
Comp. Gen. 448, 453-54 (1991) (41 U.S.C. � 253). Thus, an agency can 
obtain its needs under another agency's requirements contract, as long 
as the transaction is in compliance with the Economy Act and the 
action is permissible under the performing agency's contract. National 
Gateway, 701 F. Supp. at 1114; 70 Comp. Gen. at 454; B-244691.2, Nov. 
25, 1992, reconsideration denied, B-244691.3, Jan. 5, 1993. Exceeding 
a maximum quantity specified in the contract, however, would be 
outside the scope of the contract and would violate CICA's competition 
requirements. 70 Comp. Gen. at 457. 

One of the Economy Act requirements the ordering agency must satisfy 
is the "lower cost" determination, 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a)(4). For 
example, in B-244691.2, Nov. 25, 1992, the ordering agency made the 
determination without testing the open market because the price under 
the performing agency's requirements contract was lower than the 
current Federal Supply Schedule price, and agencies are permitted to 
purchase from a Supply Schedule contract without seeking further 
competition. This, GAO found, was perfectly reasonable. 

As long as the various requirements of the Economy Act are satisfied, 
the ordering agency may also legitimately take into consideration such 
factors as administrative convenience or procurement risks, 70 Comp. 
Gen. at 454 n.5, or the need to obligate funds to avoid future funding 
cuts, National Gateway, 701 F. Supp. at 1111. 

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, congressional attention to reported 
abuses under the Economy Act resulted in a detailed report by the 
Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Senate Committee 
on Governmental Affairs, Off-Loading: The Abuse of Inter-Agency 
Contracting to Avoid Competition and Oversight Requirement, S. Prt. 
No. 103-61 (1994). The report's title reflects the birth of a new 
term, off-loading, defined (on page 1 of the Senate report) as "when 
one agency buys goods or services under a contract entered and 
administered by another agency." The report found that government 
agencies "off-load billions of dollars of contracts every year," and 
that "improper off-loads total at least in the hundreds of millions of 
dollars, and losses to the taxpayers are at least in the tens of 
millions of dollars." Id. at 5. Among the abuses the report cited were 
the use of off-loading to avoid competition, to direct contracts to 
favored contractors, to improperly obligate expiring year-end 
appropriations, and to make a variety of inappropriate purchases. Id. 
at 6. The report recommended that off-loading be limited and subject 
to stronger regulatory controls. Id. at 44-46. 

Congress responded with two pieces of legislation: for military 
procurements, section 844 of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547, 1720-21 
(Nov. 30, 1993), enacted into law as the Senate report was being 
written; and for civilian procurements, section 1074 of the Federal 
Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 103-355, 108 Stat. 
3243, 3271-72 (Oct. 13, 1994). The two provisions are virtually 
identical and require that the governing procurement regulations be 
amended to: 

* permit off-loading only if the performing agency (a) has an existing 
contract for the same or similar goods or services, (b) is better 
qualified to enter into or administer the contract by reason of 
capabilities or expertise the ordering agency does not have, or (c) is 
specifically authorized by law to act in that capacity; 

* require that off-loads be approved in advance by an authorized 
official of the ordering agency; and; 

* prohibit the payment of any fee in excess of the performing agency's 
actual costs or, if not known, estimated costs. Implementing 
regulations are found in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 C.F.R. 
subpart 17.5.[Footnote 48] In addition, the law directed the Secretary 
of Defense and the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy to 
develop systems to collect and evaluate data in order to monitor 
compliance. See Pub. L. No. 103-355, � 1074(c); Pub. L. No. 103-160, � 

2. Account Adjustment Statute: 

The "account adjustment statute," 31 U .S.C. � 1534, authorizes an 
agency to temporarily charge one appropriation for an expenditure 
benefiting other appropriations within the same agency, as long as (1) 
amounts are available in the appropriation to be charged and in the 
benefiting appropriation and (2) the accounts are adjusted to 
reimburse the appropriation initially charged during or as of the 
close of the same fiscal year.[Footnote 49] For example, an agency 
procuring equipment to be used jointly by several of the agency's 
bureaus or offices that are funded under separate appropriations may 
initially charge the entire cost of this equipment to a single 
appropriation and later allocate the cost among the appropriations of 
the benefiting components. B-308762, Sept. 17, 2007; 70 Comp. Gen. 601 
(1991); 70 Comp. Gen. 592 (1991). 

Agencies sought this authority to facilitate the acquisition of common 
services. The Bureau of the Census received this authority in 1962. 
Pub. L. No. 87-489, 76 Stat. 104 (June 19, 1962). Other agencies 
sought similar authority, and GAO supported the enactment of 
governmentwide legislation. See B-136318, Dec. 20, 1963. 
Governmentwide authority was provided in Public Law 89-473, � 1, 80 
Stat. 221, June 29, 1966. The Senate report accompanying the public 
law explained that the legislation is "primarily a bookkeeping 
convenience" that will facilitate the accounting and payment of common-
service types of activities, and "promote economies by making 
unnecessary the estimating and precharging of various accounts and 
appropriations." S. Rep. No. 89-1284 (1966), at 1-2. In a 1991 
decision, GAO found that, because the Army Civilian Appellate Review 
Agency charged another component's appropriation for the actual costs 
involved in investigating grievances filed by employees of the 
benefiting component, the agency did not augment its appropriation. 70 
Comp. Gen. 601. 

An agency using the authority of 31 U.S.C. � 1534 must be careful to 
charge the benefiting appropriations an amount that is commensurate 
with the value each benefiting appropriation receives, or the 
transaction may result in an augmentation to one or more 
appropriations.[Footnote 50] For example, in a 2007 decision, GAO 
found that the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Preparedness 
Directorate may have improperly augmented several appropriations when 
it failed to allocate costs of shared services to all benefiting 
appropriations. B-308762, Sept. 17, 2007. The Preparedness 
Directorate, which was dissolved in 2007, developed a complex system 
in order to provide cross-cutting services to multiple appropriations 
within the directorate. One appropriation entered into contracts for 
services that benefited most of the appropriations throughout the 
directorate. These services included human capital management, budget 
justification preparation, budget execution, program review and 
analysis, and facilities management. GAO found that the Preparedness 
Directorate had authority, pursuant either to the Economy Act or to 31 
U.S.C. � 1534, to draw on multiple appropriations to fund the shared 
services. The directorate, however, did not enter into valid written 
Economy Act agreements and thus could not rely on the Economy Act to 
justify the shared services transactions. And, while DHS had authority 
to carry out these transactions pursuant to section 1534, DHS could 
not provide GAO with documentation showing that the directorate 
properly recorded allocated charges against each of the benefiting 
appropriations. The directorate improperly augmented the benefiting 
appropriations to the extent it did not record an obligation against 
the appropriations for the estimated value of the services each 
appropriation received. To the extent DHS did not charge all of the 
benefiting appropriations, it was required to adjust its expired 
appropriations so that each benefiting appropriation was charged for 
the value received. If insufficient unobligated balances remained in 
any of the appropriations accounts, DHS was required to report a 
violation of the Antideficiency Act. 31 U.S.C. � 1351. 

In a 1991 decision, GAO examined the Department of Labor's (DOL) use 
of the appropriations of nine agencies within DOL to finance computer 
equipment for a communications network linking executive staff 
throughout DOL. 70 Comp. Gen. 592. GAO found that DOL could arguably 
have used either the Economy Act or the account adjustment statute to 
finance a network benefiting multiple agencies within DOL. GAO also 
found, however, that DOL's cost allocation methodology exceeded the 
authority granted by these statutes in that it required several of the 
appropriations to subsidize costs allocable to other appropriations, 
resulting in an improper augmentation of the subsidized 
appropriations. 70 Comp. Gen. at 596. As in the decision regarding the 
Preparedness Directorate's use of shared services, DOL was required to 
adjust its appropriation accounts, and to the extent it did not have 
available unobligated balances adequate to make the adjustments, it 
was required to report an Antideficiency Act violation. 

3. Other Authorities: 

Although the best known interagency authority is the Economy Act, 
there are many others. One such authority is the Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act,[Footnote 51] which is discussed in 
various sections in this chapter. Revolving funds, discussed in 
section C of this chapter, also provide agencies with authority to 
enter into interagency transactions independent of the Economy Act. 

The Economy Act will not apply in the face of a more specific statute. 
E.g., 44 Comp. Gen. 683 (1965); B-301561, June 14, 2004 (nondecision 
letter); 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 464 (1982); Integrated Systems 
Group, Inc. v. GSA, GSBCA No. 13108-P, 95-1 BCA � 27,484 (1995). 
Having said this, there are still situations in which it is legitimate 
to look to the Economy Act for guidance even though, strictly 
speaking, it does not apply, an example being where the statute 
prescribes reimbursement only in general terms. E.g., 72 Comp. Gen. 
159, 163-64 (1993) (term "reimbursable basis" in statute directing 
agencies to furnish certain services to Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
can include "added factor" for overhead). Be that as it may, the 
starting point is that each statute stands on its own with respect to 
what services can be provided, who the customers may be, and who bears 
the costs. 

It is important to understand what authority an agency is using to 
enter into its agreements because of the different statutory 
requirements. For example, for interagency transactions governed by 
authorities other than the Economy Act the ordering agency is not 
required to deobligate funds at the end of the fiscal year if the 
performing agency has not performed or incurred a valid obligation, as 
is required by the Economy Act. In B-302760, May 17, 2004, the Library 
of Congress entered into an interagency agreement with the Architect 
of the Capitol for the redesign and renovation of a loading dock at 
the Library. The Library entered into the agreement under its transfer 
authority, 2 U.S.C. � 141(c), which specifically authorizes the 
Architect and the Library to "enter into agreements with each other to 
perform work under this section" and to "transfer between themselves 
appropriations ...to pay the cost therefor." Accordingly, this 
transaction was not governed by the Economy Act. As explained in B-
302760, an interagency transaction, like that authorized by section 
141(c), is, in some ways, not unlike a contractual transaction. 
Similar to a contractual transaction for a nonseverable service, at 
the time the agencies involved in the transaction enter into an 
interagency agreement, the ordering agency incurs an obligation for 
the costs of the work to be performed. B-302760, May 17, 2004. See 
also B-286929, Apr. 25, 2001 (interagency obligations pursuant to 40 
U.S.C. � 757[Footnote 52] are treated like other agency obligations 
rather than like Economy Act obligations, and the existence of a 
defined requirement at the time the agreement is executed forms the 
basis for incurring and recording a financial obligation). 

An agency that enters into an interagency agreement governed by an 
authority other than the Economy Act also is not required to prepare a 
Determination and Finding (D&F) as required by the Federal Acquisition 
Regulation (FAR) for Economy Act transactions.[Footnote 53] See 48 
C.F.R. subpt. 17.5. In a 2000 decision, a contractor contended that a 
procurement conducted by the General Services Administration (GSA) on 
behalf of the Army violated the Economy Act and constituted an 
"illegal off-load" by the Army because the Army neglected to prepare a 
D&F. GAO concluded that because GSA had authority to conduct this 
procurement under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act 
(currently codified at 40 U.S.C. � 501(b)), the Economy Act was not 
applicable to this transaction. Accordingly, the Army was not required 
to prepare a D&F, and the procurement was not an illegal off-load. B-
285451, Oct. 25, 2000. 

A few other interagency authorities are described below. 

Government Employees Training Act. Under the Government Employees 
Training Act, an agency covered by the act (as defined in 5 U.S.C. � 
4101) can extend its training to employees of other government 
agencies. The key provision is 5 U.S.C. � 4104: 

"An agency program for the training of employees by, in, and through 
Government facilities under this chapter shall: 

"...(2) provide for the making by the agency, to the extent necessary 
and appropriate, of agreements with other agencies in any branch of 
the Government, on a reimbursable basis when requested by the other 
agencies, for: 

"(A) use of Government facilities under the jurisdiction or control of 
the other agencies in any branch of the Government; and; 

"(B) extension to employees of the agency of training programs of 
other agencies." 

The legislative history of this provision, discussed in B-193293, Nov. 
13, 1978, makes clear that training can be reimbursable or 
nonreimbursable, in the discretion of the agency providing it. Thus, 
the Defense Department may, in its discretion, make its procurement 
training courses available on a space-available and tuition-free basis 
to employees of civilian agencies. Id. An agency choosing to charge a 
fee for its training under this provision is equally free to do so, 
and may credit fees received from other federal agencies to the 
appropriation which financed the training.[Footnote 54] B-271894, July 
24, 1997; B-247966, June 16, 1993; B-241269, Feb. 28, 1991. An agency 
may provide training to private sector personnel on a space-available 
basis, provided that the fees received for the training are deposited 
in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. B-271894, July 24, 1997. 

Department of Defense. The Defense Department has the following 
provision: "If its head approves, a department or organization within 
the Department of Defense may, upon request, perform work and services 
for, or furnish supplies to, any other of those departments or 
organizations, without reimbursement or transfer of funds." 10 U.S.C. 
� 2571(b). Authority to furnish the supplies or perform the services 
already exists under the Economy Act, so this provision adds nothing 
in that respect. What it does is authorize the military department or 
organization, at its discretion, to provide the supplies or services 
to another military entity on a nonreimbursable basis, that is, free. 

Tennessee Valley Authority. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is 
authorized to "provide and operate facilities for the generation of 
electric energy ...for the use of the United States or any agency 
thereof." 16 U.S.C. � 831h-1. TVA is required to charge rates to 
produce revenue "sufficient to provide funds for operation, 
maintenance, and administration of its power system; payments to 
States and counties in lieu of taxes," required payments to the United 
States Treasury, and commitments to bondholders, among other things. 
Id. � 831n-4(f). This is an example of a statute which is sufficiently 
specific and detailed to wholly displace the Economy Act. 44 Comp. 
Gen. 683 (1965). Since electric power is a utility service, GSA, under 
40 U.S.C. � 501(b)(1)(B), can contract with TVA for periods of up to 
10 years,[Footnote 55] and can delegate this authority to other 
agencies. 40 U.S.C. � 121(d); 48 C.F.R. � 41.103. 

District of Columbia. Enacted as part of the 1973 District of Columbia 
home rule legislation, 31 U.S.C. � 1537 authorizes the United States 
government and the District of Columbia government to provide 
reimbursable services to each other. Services provided under this 
authority are to be documented in an agreement negotiated by the 
respective governments and approved by the Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget and the Mayor of the District of Columbia. 
Section 1537(c) provides that: 

"(1) costs incurred by the United States Government may be paid from 
appropriations available to the District of Columbia government 
officer or employee to whom the services were provided; and; 

"(2) costs incurred by the District of Columbia government may be paid 
from amounts available to the United States Government officer or 
employee to whom the services were provided." 

Charges are to be "based on the actual cost of providing the 
services." Id. � 1537(b)(2). Under this authority, for example, the 
Bureau of Prisons could provide personnel to the District of Columbia 
Department of Corrections in the event of a strike by District 
employees. 4B Op. Off. Legal Counsel 826 (1980). Another example is 
printing done for the District of Columbia by the Government Printing 
Office. 60 Comp. Gen. 710 (1981). That decision pointed out that, 
since the District is not a federal agency, the federal agency 
providing the services can charge interest on overdue accounts, and 
can collect a debt by administrative offset, but not against amounts 
withheld from the salaries of federal employees for D.C. income tax. 

National Academy of Sciences. A statute dating back to the Civil War 
era (1863, to be precise) provides that: 

"on request of the United States Government, [the National Academy of 
Sciences] shall investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any 
subject of science or art. The [National Academy] may not receive 
compensation for services to the Government, but the actual expense of 
the investigation, examination, experimentation, and report shall be 
paid by the Government from an appropriation for that purpose." 

36 U.S.C. � 150303. This statute authorizes the Academy to be 
reimbursed for its "actual expenses," but nothing beyond that. A 
formal contract is not required, although the documentation used 
should adequately describe the services to be provided and the payment 
terms. B-37018, Oct. 14, 1943. 

An agreement calling for a fixed price which is not confined to 
reimbursement of actual expenses has been said to violate the statute. 
B-4252, June 21, 1939. It is probably more accurate to say that it 
creates no obligation over and above the payment of actual expenses. 
The other side of the coin is that the Academy has been permitted to 
recover the excess where its actual expenses exceeded the fixed price. 
39 Comp. Gen. 71 (1959), as modified by 39 Comp. Gen. 391 (1959). 
GAO's suggestion is that the agreement should provide for the 
reimbursement of actual expenses up to a stipulated maximum, and 
should also provide that no costs be incurred above that amount unless 
authorized by some form of supplemental agreement. 39 Comp. Gen. at 
392. A flat surcharge for overhead also violates the statute, but if 
the interagency work causes the Academy to increase its normal 
overhead, the amount of the increase (or a reasonable approximation) 
constitutes part of the actual expenses. B-19556, Aug. 28, 1941. Cases 
like these do not stand for the proposition that the Academy's cost 
recovery cannot be subjected to contractual limits. Thus, a 1977 
decision held the Academy's recovery of Independent Research and 
Development costs limited by provisions in procurement regulations to 
which it had agreed to be bound. B-58911, Aug. 1, 1977. 

Inspection of Personal Property. Section 201(d) of the Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act, 40 U.S.C. � 504, provides 
the following, subject to GSA regulations: 

"(a) Receiving Assistance-�An executive agency may use the services, 
work, materials, and equipment of another executive agency, with the 
consent of the other executive agency, to inspect personal property 
incident to procuring the property. 

(b) Providing Assistance-�Notwithstanding section 1301(a) of title 31 
or any other law, an executive agency may provide services, work, 
materials, and equipment for purposes of this section without 
reimbursement or transfer of amounts." 

This provision is similar to the Defense Department statute noted 
above in that the service involved�property inspection in this case�
could have been furnished under the Economy Act. Like the Defense 
Department statute, the significance of 40 U.S.C. � 504 is that it 
authorizes the providing agency to waive reimbursement. 

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The Archivist of 
the United States has a range of duties and responsibilities with 
respect to the custody and preservation of government records. The 
Archivist is authorized by 44 U.S.C. � 2116(c) to charge a user fee 
for making or authenticating copies or reproductions of materials in 
his custody, calculated to recover costs including increments for the 
estimated cost of equipment replacement. The statute further provides: 
"The Archivist may not charge for making or authenticating copies or 
reproductions of materials for official use by the United States 
Government unless appropriations available to the Archivist for this 
purpose are insufficient to cover the cost of performing the work" Id. 

The problem with this is that NARA receives a lump-sum operating 
appropriation and has the normal range of discretion in using it. 
Therefore, unless the Office of Management and Budget were to 
apportion a specific amount for reproducing documents for other 
agencies, when could it fairly be said that appropriations were 
insufficient? To avoid this problem, NARA simply stopped requesting 
appropriations for that specific purpose and funded the entire program 
on a reimbursable basis, an approach GAO approved in 64 Comp. Gen. 724 
(1985). This, observed GAO, was "the most equitable way of allocating 
cost in performing this activity," since any other approach would 
inevitably favor early (in the fiscal year) users over later ones. Id. 
at 726. 

Consumer Product Safety Commission. Section 27(g) of the Consumer 
Product Safety Act, 15 U.S.C. � 2076(g), provides that: "The 
Commission is authorized to enter into contracts with governmental 
entities, private organizations, or individuals for the conduct of 
activities authorized by this chapter." GAO concluded that based on 
the plain meaning of the language in section 27(g), as confirmed by 
the legislative history of the Consumer Product Safety Act, the 
Commission had authority pursuant to section 27(g) to enter into 
agreements with other federal agencies for any purpose authorized by 
the Consumer Product Safety Act. B-289380, July 31, 2002. 
Consequently, the agreements were not subject to the Economy Act. Id. 

C.Revolving Funds: 


a.Concept and Definition: 

A recurrent theme throughout much of this publication is the attempt 
to balance the legitimate need for executive flexibility with the 
constitutional role of the legislature as controller of the purse. 
While this theme underlies much of federal fiscal law, it is perhaps 
nowhere as clear as in the area of revolving funds. A revolving fund 
authorizes an agency to retain receipts and deposit them into the fund 
to finance the fund's operations. The concept of a revolving fund is 
to permit the financing of some entity or activity on what is regarded 
as a more "business-like" basis. Laws that establish revolving funds 
may authorize agencies to perform reimbursable work for either the 
public or other federal agencies, or both. 

Most Treasury accounts are either receipt accounts or expenditure 
accounts. Under the typical or "traditional" funding arrangement, any 
money an agency receives from any source outside of its congressional 
appropriations must, unless Congress has provided otherwise, be 
deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriate general 
fund receipt account. 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b). Absent an appropriation, an 
agency may not withdraw money from a general fund receipt account. 
Congress provides the agency's operating funds by making direct 
appropriations from the general fund of the Treasury. These are 
carried on Treasury's books in the form of general fund expenditure 
accounts. It is possible to credit money to an appropriation 
(expenditure) account�if specifically authorized by statute or if the 
money qualifies as a "repayment," such as the recovery of an erroneous 
payment, but the money is subject to the same limitations as the 
appropriation to which credited. 65 Comp. Gen. 600, 602 (1986), citing 
Treasury Department-GAO Joint Regulation No. 1, reprinted in GAO, 
Policy and Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, title 
7, app. 11.[Footnote 56] Most importantly, its obligational 
availability expires along with the rest of the appropriation, and if 
the appropriation has already expired for obligational purposes at the 
time of the deposit, the funds deposited have only the limited 
availability of expired balances.[Footnote 57] It should be apparent 
that a key element of congressional control is the ability to control 
the disposition and use of receipts. For a further description of 
accounts relating to the government's financial operations, see the 
Treasury Financial Manual, 1 TFM 2-1500, and GAO, A Glossary of Terms 
Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: 
Sept. 2005), at 2-5 (Budget Glossary). 

A revolving fund, while classified as an expenditure account, combines 
elements of both receipt and expenditure accounts. The term "revolving 
fund" may be defined as "a fund established by Congress to finance a 
cycle of businesslike operations through amounts received by the 
fund." Budget Glossary, at 88. See I TFM 2-1520.45 (also defining 
revolving funds); OMB Cir. No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and 
Execution of the Budget, � 20.3 (July 2, 2007). See also 38 Comp. Gen. 
185, 186 (1958). A 1977 GAO report explained that: 

"In concept, expenditures from the revolving fund generate receipts 
which, in turn, are earmarked for new expenditures, thereby making the 
Government activity a self-sustaining enterprise. The concept is aimed 
at selected Government programs in which a buyer/seller relationship 
exists to foster an awareness of receipts versus outlays through 
business-like programming, planning, and budgeting. Such a market 
atmosphere is intended to create incentives for customers and managers 
of revolving funds to protect their self-interest through cost control 
and economic restraint, similar to those that exist in the private 
business sector." 

GAO, Revolving Funds: Full Disclosure Needed for Better Congressional 
Control, GAO/PAD-77-25 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 30, 1977), at 2. 
Because a revolving fund authorizes the agency to retain receipts and 
deposit them into the fund, the miscellaneous receipts requirement of 
31 U.S.C. � 3302(b) does not apply. The legislation authorizing a 
revolving fund is a permanent, indefinite appropriation. 

Revolving funds in the federal government appear to have developed in 
the latter part of the nineteenth century. Although we have not been 
able to identify the first revolving fund, the Navy is said to have 
had one as far back as 1878. GAO/PAD-77-25 at 11. Some years later, as 
part of the Navy's 1894 appropriation act, Congress created a 
permanent naval supply fund for the purchase of "ordinary commercial 
supplies..., to be reimbursed from the proper naval appropriations 
whenever the supplies purchased under said fund are issued for use." 
Act of March 3, 1893, 27 Stat. 715, 723-24. The term "revolving fund" 
does not appear in the early statutes, but seems to have come into use 
in the early 1900s. Thus, the Comptroller of the Treasury was able to 
observe in a 1919 decision: 

"The Congress has at times barred the application of [31 U.S.C. � 
3302(b)] by authorizing expenditures under appropriations to be 
reimbursed such appropriations, and in recent years has used the term 
revolving fund for such purpose and the further purpose generally of 
permitting the use of the moneys without the fiscal year limitations 
which usually attend appropriations." 

26 Comp. Dec. 295 (1919). Within just a few more years, the term could 
be said to have an established meaning as a fund which functioned as 
both a receipt account and an expenditure account, and which 
authorized receipts the fund earned through its operations to remain 
available without fiscal year limitation. 1 Comp. Gen. 704 (1922). 
These, then, are the two key features of a revolving fund: 

* A revolving fund is a single combined account to which receipts are 
credited and from which expenditures are made. Treasury does not 
assign separate "receipt" and "appropriation" accounts. 

* The generated or collected receipts are available for expenditure 
for the authorized purposes of the fund without the need for further 
congressional action and without fiscal year limitation. 

Thus, a revolving fund amounts to "a permanent authorization for a 
program to be financed, in whole or in part, through the use of its 
collections to carry out future operations." GAO/PAD-77-25 at 47. 
Therefore, as explained below, a revolving fund is a permanent 
appropriation. The fund's continuing availability is what 
distinguishes a revolving fund from a reimbursable appropriation. In 
the case of a reimbursable appropriation, the reimbursements are 
available only during the same period that the appropriation itself is 
available, whereas in a revolving fund, "monies are paid in and out 
over and over again for the same purpose." B-75345, May 20, 1948, at 
2. It is important to note, however, that only the receipts or 
collections that the fund has earned through its operations are 
available without fiscal year limitation. For example, advances made 
by a customer agency to a revolving fund to cover the costs of the 
order have not been earned by the fund and retain the fiscal year 
limitations of the customer agency. See, e.g., B-288142, Sept. 6, 2001 
(customer agency funds advanced to the Library of Congress Federal 
Library and Information Network revolving fund are not available 
without fiscal year limitation; amounts transferred do not take on the 
character of the revolving fund). The time availability of funds an 
agency transfers to a revolving funds is discussed in more detail in 
section C.4.c of this chapter. 

Proponents of revolving funds cite several advantages.[Footnote 58] 
Since it involves only one "pocket," a revolving fund provides a 
simpler funding structure. A revolving fund presents a clearer picture 
of an activity's profit or loss. Also, reflecting expenditures in 
budget totals on a net basis, as is done with revolving funds, helps 
reduce budget distortion. Revolving funds also provide increased 
flexibility since the agency does not have to ask Congress for the 
money. In addition, as discussed above, revolving funds provide 
agencies with authority to enter into interagency agreements 
independent of the Economy Act, and thus the customer agency is not 
subject to the deobligation requirements of 31 U.S.C. � 1535(d). See B-
288142, Sept. 6, 2001; B-286929, Apr. 25, 2001; B-301561, June 14, 
2004 (nondecision letter). For these reasons, most executive agencies, 
naturally and understandably, will take all the revolving funds they 
can get. 

b. Creation/Establishment: 

Perhaps the most fundamental rule relating to revolving funds is that 
a federal agency may not establish a revolving fund unless it has 
specific statutory authority to do so. 44 Comp. Gen. 87, 88 (1964); A-
68410, Jan. 20, 1936; A-65286, Oct. 1, 1935. The reason is that 31 
U.S.C. � 3302(b), the so-called "miscellaneous receipts statute," 
requires that any money a federal agency receives from any source 
outside of its congressional appropriations be deposited in the 
general fund of the Treasury unless otherwise provided. Since this 
requirement is statutory, exceptions must be statutory. Thus, agencies 
have no authority to administratively establish revolving funds. 

The legislative authority creating a revolving fund must be explicit. 
Authority to reimburse an appropriation does not authorize the 
creation of a revolving fund. See 38 Comp. Gen. 185 (1958); B-75345, 
May 20, 1948. The authority to establish a revolving fund, of course, 
may be contained in an appropriation act.[Footnote 59] The National 
Technical Information Service revolving fund, for example, was created 
in the 1993 appropriation act for the Departments of Commerce, 
Justice, and State. See Pub. L. No. 102-395, title II, 106 Stat. 1828, 
1853 (Oct. 6, 1992), 15 U.S.C. � 3704b note. See also B-127121, Apr. 
3, 1956 (appropriation act riders used over long period of time to 
modify restrictive provision in the Alaska Railroad's revolving fund). 

While the authority must be explicit, there is no prescribed formula. 
Certainly the words "revolving fund" will do the job. As noted 
earlier, there is a long-established congressional pattern of using 
the term "revolving fund" to mean the authority to retain specified 
receipts and to use them for authorized purposes without further 
congressional action and without fiscal year limitation. 1 Comp. Gen. 
704 (1922); 26 Comp. Dec. 295 (1919); B-209680, Feb. 24, 1983. 
However, as long as the statute contains the required elements, use of 
the words revolving fund is not necessary and failure to use them is 
not controlling. B-135037-0.M., June 19, 1958. 

In order to create a revolving fund, a statute, at a minimum, must do 
the following: 

* It must specify the receipts or collections which the agency is 
authorized to credit to the fund (user charges, for example). 

* It must define the fund's authorized uses, that is, the purpose or 
purposes for which the funds may be expended. 

* It must authorize the agency to use receipts for those purposes 
without fiscal year limitation. However, as explained above, only 
receipts and collections that the fund has earned through its 
operations are available without fiscal year limitation. 

A statute illustrating several of these points is 15 U.S.C. � 1527a, 
the Commerce Department's Economics and Statistics Administration 
Revolving Fund: 

"There is hereby established the Economics and Statistics 
Administration Revolving Fund which shall be available without fiscal 
year limitation. For initial capitalization, there is appropriated 
$1,677,000 to the Fund: Provided, That the Secretary of Commerce is 
authorized to disseminate economic and statistical data products as 
authorized by [15 U.S.C. �� 1525-1527] and charge fees necessary to 
recover the full costs incurred in their production. Notwithstanding 
[31 U.S.C. � 3302], receipts received from these data dissemination 
activities shall be credited to this account as offsetting 
collections, to be available for carrying out these purposes without 
further appropriation." 

First, it specifies the receipts for credit to the fund�the fees 
charged to recover the costs in production of the data products to be 
disseminated. Second, it defines the authorized uses of the fund�to 
carry out the purposes of 15 U.S.C. �� 1525-1527. Third, the statute 
uses the term "revolving fund" and states the fund "shall be available 
without fiscal year limitation." Statutes creating revolving funds 
often specify additional features. For example, such statutes may fix 
the amount of the fund's capital; authorize the fund to be maintained 
at the desired level by periodic appropriations as needed; direct that 
the fund be self-sustaining, or substantially so; require the return 
of excess amounts to the Treasury or, alternatively, authorize 
investment of these funds; or impose reporting requirements or other 
congressional control devices. 

A statute which does not use the words "revolving fund" is 12 U.S.C. � 
1755, the National Credit Union Administration's operating fund. 
However, it contains the attributes of a revolving fund. For example, 
it specifies that the National Credit Union Administration is 
authorized to collect annual operating fees. It defines the purpose 
for which these collections may be used. Also, the Administration is 
implicitly authorized to use the collections without fiscal year 
limitation. It says that the National Credit Union Administration 
Board may invest "such portions of the annual operating fees ...as the 
Board determines are not need for current operations." If the 
collections were not available without fiscal year limitation, any 
unused collections would have to be deposited in miscellaneous 
receipts at the end of the fiscal year. The Treasury Department's 
Federal Account Symbols and Titles in fact classifies this fund as a 
public enterprise revolving fund.[Footnote 60] See I TFM, FAST, at A-

Examples of statutes requiring the return of excess amounts to the 
Treasury are cited later in section C.5 of this chapter. Examples of 
the alternative approach�-authorizing investment of funds not needed 
for current operations�-are 12 U.S.C. � 1755(e), the revolving fund of 
the National Credit Union Administration, and 42 U.S.C. � 2000e-
4(k)(3), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Education, 
Technical Assistance, and Training Revolving Fund. Typically, as in 
these two instances, the statute authorizes investment only in 
obligations of, or whose principal is guaranteed by, the United 
States, and authorizes income from the investment to be retained by 
the fund. 

The requirement for specific statutory authority applies to federal 
agencies. It does not apply to the use of revolving funds by grantees 
and contractors unless prohibited by the relevant grant agreement or 
contract. The question in 44 Comp. Gen. 87 (1964) was whether an 
educational institution funded by a State Department grant could use a 
revolving fund to finance the printing and sale of publications. The 
answer was yes, because nothing in the grant documents prohibited it 
and the miscellaneous receipts statute does not apply to funds in the 
hands of a grantee. A 1974 case, B-164031(1)-0.M., Oct. 3, 1974, 
applied the same result to the publishing activities of a contractor. 
A requirement in the contract that unexpended funds be returned to the 
government upon completion did not stand in the way; the contractor's 
accountability upon completion of the contract did not alter its 
discretionary authority during the course of performance. 

If it takes a statute to create a revolving fund, it logically follows 
that it also takes a statute to terminate one, unless the law 
establishing the fund includes some sort of built-in termination 
mechanism. Legislation terminating a revolving fund should address the 
payment of existing debts if any remain, and the disposition of the 
fund's balance and future receipts.[Footnote 61] As discussed in 
section C.4.c of this chapter, GAO, in the past, has also regarded the 
account closing statute as applicable to revolving funds. Section 1555 
of title 31, United States Code, provides that a no-year account shall 
be closed if the agency head determines that the purposes of the 
appropriation have been carried out and no disbursement has been made 
against the appropriation for two consecutive fiscal years. 

2. Receipts and Reimbursements: 

Since a revolving fund is a creature of statute, the statute which 
established the fund (or subsequent amendments or appropriation acts) 
will determine what may go into the fund. Receipts may be lumped 
generally into two categories, initial and ongoing or operational. 

The typical revolving fund may receive an initial infusion of working 
capital (called the fund's "corpus") to enable it to finance 
operations until the "operational receipts" start coming in. This 
initial capitalization, which the fund may be required to repay, is 
normally furnished as part of the legislation establishing the fund. 
It may be in the form of an initial lump-sum appropriation, a transfer 
of balances from some existing appropriation or fund, a transfer of 
property and/or equipment, borrowing authority, or some combination of 

An example of a fund capitalized by a direct appropriation is the 
Economics and Statistics Administration Revolving Fund, 15 U.S.C. � 
1527a ("For initial capitalization, there is appropriated $1,677,000 
to the Fund"). 

Capitalization by transfer is illustrated by the Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission Education, Technical Assistance, and Training 
Revolving Fund, which received its initial working capital by a 
transfer of $1,000,000 from the Commission's Salaries and Expenses 
appropriation. 42 U.S.C. � 2000e-4(k)(4). The Corps of Engineers Civil 
Revolving Fund authorized the Secretary of the Army "to provide 
capital for the fund by capitalizing the present inventories, plant 
and equipment of the civil works functions of the Corps of Engineers." 
33 U.S.C. � 576. An example of one form of borrowing authority to 
capitalize a fund is 31 U.S.C. � 5136, the United States Mint Public 
Enterprise Fund, which authorized the Secretary of the Treasury, 
subject to reimbursement within 1 year, to "borrow such funds from the 
General Fund as may be necessary to meet existing liabilities and 
obligations incurred prior to the receipt of revenues into the Fund." 

After the initial capitalization, the defining feature of a revolving 
fund is, as we have seen, its ability to retain and use receipts. 
Normally, the receipts will be those generated by the fund's 
operations as this is the very concept of a revolving fund. See, e.g., 
B-124995, Sept. 27, 1955; B-112395, Oct. 20, 1952; B-105693, Oct. 22, 
1951.[Footnote 62] This is not a firm legal requirement, however, and 
a revolving fund can mean "a fund which when reduced is replenished by 
new funds from specific sources," whether or not generated by the 
fund's operations. 23 Comp. Gen. 986, 988 (1944). However the fund is 
capitalized, the authority to retain receipts is an exception to 31 
U.S.C. � 3302(b). E.g., 20 Comp. Gen. 280 (1940); 19 Comp. Gen. 791 
(1940). When describing 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b), we usually say that it 
requires that all receipts be deposited in the Treasury as 
miscellaneous receipts absent statutory authority for some other 
disposition. However, the portion of the statute requiring that all 
receipts be deposited in the Treasury promptly and without deduction 
also applies to receipts credited to an appropriation pursuant to a 
specific statutory authority. Accordingly, the requirement that all 
receipts be deposited in the Treasury promptly and without deduction 
applies fully to revolving funds deposits. B-305402, Jan. 3, 2006; B-
72105, Nov. 7, 1963. 

The statute will prescribe the types of receipts which may be credited 
to the fund and, where contextually appropriate, the method of 
payment. The prescription of sources is found in varying degrees of 
specificity, depending on the purpose of the fund. A fund intended to 
finance an entity rather than a particular activity tends to have 
broader language, an example being the Bonneville Power 
Administration's provision, 16 U.S.C. � 838i(a) ("all receipts, 
collections, and recoveries ...from all sources"). Some funds 
expressly authorize the crediting of receipts from the sale or 
exchange of, and payments for loss or damage to, fund property. E.g., 
5 U.S.C. � 1304(e)(3) (Office of Personnel Management 
investigation/training fund); 44 U.S.C. � 309(b)(2) (Government 
Printing Office revolving fund). Unlike an activity funded by direct 
appropriations, a revolving fund would, even without this explicit 
authority, be able to retain payments for loss or damage to fund 
property. B-302962, June 10, 2005; 50 Comp. Gen. 545 (1971). 

The specification of authorized receipts operates, as one might 
expect, as a limitation as well as an authorization, although this 
principle should not be applied to the exclusion of common sense. 
Thus, a provision of the Agricultural Marketing Act providing that 
payments of principal or interest on loans be deposited in a revolving 
fund (12 U.S.C. � 1141f(b)) includes sale proceeds obtained in a 
foreclosure proceeding as well as voluntary payments. 12 Comp. Gen. 
553 (1933). 

Revolving fund legislation may or may not authorize advance payments. 
If the statute specifies reimbursement and is silent as to advances, 
advances are not authorized. 32 Comp. Gen. 99 (1952). But see 32 Comp. 
Gen. 45 (1952), in which legislative history was used to conclude that 
while the statute did not specifically authorize advance payments, it 
did not preclude payment in advance. While the approach in 32 Comp. 
Gen. 45 appears questionable as a general proposition, the apparent 
congressional intent in that case was buttressed by a separate 
provision in the same appropriation act which made the appropriations 
of the client agencies available "for advances or reimbursements" to 
the fund.[Footnote 63] An interesting linguistic variation found in 
several of the working capital fund statutes is "reimbursed in 
advance." E.g., 20 U.S.C. � 3483(b) (Department of Education); 42 
U.S.C. � 3513 (Health and Human Services); 49 U.S.C. � 327(d) 
(Transportation). Cf. B-286929, Apr. 25, 2001 (Economy Act authorizes 
transactions on a "reimbursable advance payment basis"). 

Customer agencies receiving goods or services from the Government 
Printing Office's revolving fund are required to pay promptly upon the 
Public Printer's written request, "either in advance or upon 
completion of the work, all or part of the estimated or actual cost, 
as the case may be, and bills rendered by the Public Printer are not 
subject to audit or certification in advance of payment." 44 U.S.C. � 
310. Under this provision, regardless of the status of the work, 
"payment of an acceptable invoice may not be delayed in order to 
complete a prepayment audit." 56 Comp. Gen. 980, 981 (1977). 

Where receipts are based on the cost of work or services, such as the 
typical working capital fund, the statute will generally require the 
recovery of indirect costs (overhead) as well as direct costs. For 
example, the Corps of Engineers Civil Revolving Fund, 33 U.S.C. � 576, 
requires payment "at rates which shall include charges for overhead 
and related expenses, depreciation of plant and equipment, and accrued 
leave." In B-167790, Dec. 23, 1977, an agency whose regulations 
precluded reimbursement of administrative overhead nevertheless 
entered into an agreement with the Corps for revolving fund work. 
Since the requirement to charge for overhead was statutory, it had to 
prevail over the contrary provision in the customer agency's 
regulations. The burden properly fell upon the agency even if it did 
not fully understand that the Corps would be using its revolving fund. 
A 1995 decision involving the same revolving fund advised that the 
fund could recover its costs for "idle time" where fund property was 
forced to remain idle as the result of a congressional enactment, even 
though the effect may be that the reimbursing appropriations are 
paying for periods of nonuse. B-257064, Apr. 3, 1995. Precisely how to 
account for these costs (allotments, rate adjustments, etc.) is within 
the Corps' discretion. 

The statutory language may be less explicit, providing merely for 
recovery on an actual cost basis, an example being the Office of 
Personnel Management revolving fund, 5 U.S.C. � 1304(e)(1). GAO has 
construed this language to include indirect costs, consistent with 
similar language in the Economy Act. B-206231-0.M., Sept. 12, 1986. 
See also 72 Comp. Gen. 159 (1993) (similar interpretation of term 
"reimbursable basis"). In a more recent decision, GAO found an 
administrative fee that a Library of Congress revolving fund charged 
to each customer agency was consistent with GAO's long held view that, 
pursuant to the Economy Act, it is appropriate for agencies to assess 
administrative fees to other agencies in the course of providing goods 
and services, in order to recover overhead and other indirect costs. B-
301714, Jan. 30, 2004. 

As discussed above, it is not uncommon for revolving funds to enter 
into contracts with private parties as part of their performance. If a 
customer agency cancels an order and the revolving fund is forced to 
terminate the commercial contract for the convenience of the 
government and bear the resultant termination costs, the revolving 
fund may recover these costs from the customer agency. 60 Comp. Gen. 
520 (1981). However, the fund itself should bear the loss if it 
terminates a contract it entered into merely to build up its inventory 
in anticipation of customer orders. Id. at 523. In accord is 69 Comp. 
Gen. 112 (1989), holding that the General Services Administration 
(GSA) could assess termination charges, payable to its then 
Information Technology revolving fund, against an agency which had 
withdrawn from GSA's telecommunications system. The alternative in 
both cases would have been to pass those costs on to other customers. 

A more recent GAO decision involved a somewhat different situation in 
which the revolving fund was required to bear the loss. In B-301714, 
Jan. 30, 2004, the Library of Congress incurred losses as a result of 
advance payments that the Federal Library and Information Network 
(FEDLINK) revolving fund made for the acquisition of subscriptions to 
a contractor who subsequently defaulted and declared bankruptcy. The 
FEDLINK fund has two components: (1) advance payments made by agencies 
to cover their orders for goods and services, and (2) administrative 
fees to reimburse the Library for its administrative costs, both 
direct and indirect, of operating the program. The Library also uses 
the administrative fees to build a reserve in the revolving fund to 
finance future improvements and to replace outdated equipment. In an 
earlier FEDLINK decision, GAO agreed that it was prudent for the 
Library to reserve some of the administrative fees, not spending all 
of them in the same fiscal year in which they were collected, so that 
they might be used for "legitimate business costs" which arise in 
subsequent years. B-288142, Sept. 6, 2001. GAO considered the losses 
associated with the bankruptcy to be "legitimate business costs" of 
the FEDLINK fund. Accordingly, GAO concluded that the Library should 
use the administrative fees that it collects from all FEDLINK 
customers to cover this loss, rather than assign the loss to the 
specific agencies whose orders were placed with the contractor. B-
301714, Jan. 30, 2004. 

We should note one final potential source of capital for a revolving 
fund�the United States Treasury. If a fund is falling behind its goal 
of self-sufficiency, or if there has been a significant impairment of 
capital, or if Congress wishes to increase the fund's capital, 
Congress can enact additional appropriations. Some revolving fund 
statutes expressly recognize this possibility (for example, 31 U.S.C. 
� 5142, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Fund), although, subject 
to a possible point of order, absence of the language can not stop 
Congress from making the appropriation. Also, some revolving funds 
have borrowing authority, one example being the Rural Electrification 
and Telephone Revolving Fund, 7 U.S.C. � 931.[Footnote 64] 

3. Types: 

There are three broad categories of revolving funds�public enterprise, 
trust, and intragovernmental.[Footnote 65] Since they are all 
revolving funds, they share the common elements of revolving funds 
discussed below: they are created by act of Congress, they operate as 
combined receipt and expenditure accounts, and they authorize use of 
the receipts without further congressional action. 

a. Public Enterprise Revolving Fund: 

A public enterprise revolving fund is a revolving fund which derives 
most of its receipts from sources outside of the federal government. 
It usually involves a business-type operation, which generates 
receipts, that are in turn used to finance a continuing cycle of 
operations. Although not a legal requirement, like a self-sustaining 
business operation the fund should be self-sustaining or nearly so. B-
302962, June 10, 2005; 65 Comp. Gen. 910 (1986); GAO, Revolving Funds: 
Full Disclosure Needed for Better Congressional Control, GAO/PAD-77-25 
(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 30, 1977), at 7, 51. 

Many wholly owned government corporations are financed, at least in 
part, by public enterprise revolving funds. They are also commonly 
used for credit programs (direct loan, loan guarantee) of agencies 
such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Small 
Business Administration. Although not necessary, the governing 
legislation sometimes explicitly designates the fund as a "public 
enterprise" fund. An example is 31 U.S.C. � 5136, the United States 
Mint Public Enterprise Fund. Either way, if it meets the criteria, 
Treasury will assign it an account symbol from the 4000-4499 group 
reserved for public enterprise revolving funds.[Footnote 66] An 
example is the Senate Restaurant Revolving Fund, which is Account 
4022. See GAO, Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for 
Fiscal Years 2006 and 2005, GAO-07-462 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 13, 

b. Trust Revolving Fund: 

A trust revolving fund account (Treasury accounts 8400-8499) is 
similar to other types of revolving funds�a fund permanently 
established to finance a continuing cycle of business-type operations�
except that it is used for specific purposes or programs in accordance 
with a statute that designates the fund as a trust fund.[Footnote 67] 
Examples of trust revolving funds include the Employees' Life 
Insurance Fund, 5 U.S.C. � 8714, and the Veterans Special Life 
Insurance Fund, 38 U.S.C. � 1923. Chapter 15, section D, provides an 
in-depth discussion of federal trust funds. 

c. Intragovernmental Revolving Fund: 

An intragovernmental revolving fund (Treasury accounts 4500-4999) is, 
as the name implies, a revolving fund whose receipts come primarily 
from other government agencies, programs, or activities. It is 
designed to carry out a cycle of business-type operations with other 
federal agencies or separately funded components of the same agency. 
Some intragovernmental revolving funds perform the services or provide 
the requested goods primarily themselves, such as the Transportation 
Systems Center working capital fund (49 U.S.C. � 328). Others enter 
into contracts with private vendors to provide the customer agency 
with the agreed upon goods or services. Examples of such 
intragovernmental revolving funds include the Federal Library and 
Information Network (FEDLINK) revolving fund (2 U.S.C. � 182c), which 
the Library of Congress uses to provide other federal agencies online 
access to databases, periodical subscriptions, and other related 
reimbursable services, and the Acquisition Services Fund (40 U.S.C. � 
321),[Footnote 68] which provides federal agencies with supplies, 
services, personal property management, and telecommunications 
services and support. See General Services Administration 
Modernization Act, Pub. L. No. 109-313, � 3, 120 Stat. 1734, 1735-37 
(Oct. 6, 2006). For additional examples of intragovernmental revolving 
funds, see GAO, Budget Issues: Franchise Fund Pilot Review, GAO-03-
1069 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 22, 2003), at 50-51. 

Intragovernmental revolving funds have common elements: 

* As with all revolving funds, receipts that the fund has earned 
through its operations are available without fiscal year limitation. B-
288142, Sept. 6, 2001; 1 Comp. Gen. 704 (1922); 26 Comp. Dec. 295 
(1919); B-209680, Feb. 24, 1983. 

* The authorizing statute will address the services to be covered in 
one of three ways: it may list the services (e.g., 42 U.S.C. � 3513), 
leave it to the agency's discretion (e.g., 42 U.S.C. � 3535(f)), or 
provide some combination. Discretion is not unbridled, but must remain 
within the scope of the fund statute. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 384, 
386 n. 8 (1982). 

* The authorizing statute will require payment for goods or services 
the fund provides. Some authorize advance payments, while others do 
not. An advance payment provision may limit the advance's period of 
availability to that of the paying appropriation. E.g., 7 U.S.C. � 

* The authorizing statute may require some form of budgetary 
disclosure. Authorizing statutes usually include some direction on 
determining the amount of reimbursement, the inclusion of depreciation 
being the most common. 

* The authorizing statutes may also have a provision limiting the 
amount the fund may retain and requiring return of amounts exceeding 
the limitation to the general fund of the Treasury. E.g., 15 U.S.C. � 

Intragovernmental revolving funds include stock funds, industrial 
funds, supply funds, working capital funds, and franchise funds. We 
will discuss the latter two in more detail below. Stock funds finance 
inventories of consumable items and industrial funds generally finance 
industrial- and commercial-type activities. See Senate Committee on 
Government Operations, Financial Management in the Federal Government, 
S. Doc. No. 87-11, at 171 (1961). Both are found primarily within the 
Defense establishment. See section C.7 of this chapter for more 
information on stock and industrial funds. A supply fund is largely 
self-explanatory and is used to finance the operation and maintenance 
of an agency's supply system, plus whatever else the governing 
legislation may specify. Examples include a revolving supply fund 
within the Department of Veterans Affairs (38 U.S.C. � 8121) and the 
Coast Guard Supply Fund (14 U.S.C. � 650). 

(1) Working capital funds: 

A working capital fund is a form of intragovernmental revolving fund 
that generally finances the centralized provision of common services 
within an agency. A typical example[Footnote 69] of a working capital 
fund that is used to finance the centralized provision of common 
services within an agency is the Commerce Department's working capital 
fund, 15 U.S.C. � 1521: 

"There is established a working capital fund of $100,000, without 
fiscal year limitation, for the payment of salaries and other expenses 
necessary to the maintenance and operation of (1) central duplicating, 
photographic, drafting, and photostating services and (2) such other 
services as the Secretary, with the approval of the Director of the 
[Office of Management and Budget], determines may be performed more 
advantageously as central services; said fund to be reimbursed from 
applicable funds of bureaus, offices, and agencies for which services 
are performed on the basis of rates which shall include estimated or 
actual charges for personal services, materials, equipment (including 
maintenance, repairs, and depreciation) and other expenses: Provided, 
That such central services shall, to the fullest extent practicable, 
be used to make unnecessary the maintenance of separate like services 
in the bureaus, offices, and agencies of the Department ..." 

As the Justice Department has pointed out, a working capital fund 
statute like 15 U.S.C. � 1521 provides the necessary authority to tap 
the appropriations of the component bureaus to pay for the services, 
regardless of whether they were previously funded on a centralized or 
decentralized basis. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 384 (1982). 

A working capital fund may also provide goods or services to other 
agencies on a reimbursable basis. See, e.g., 43 U.S.C. � 50a, the 
United States Geological Survey Working Capital Fund ("the fund shall 
be credited with appropriations and other funds of the Survey, and 
other agencies of the Department of the Interior, other Federal 
agencies, and other sources, for providing materials, supplies, 
equipment, work and services"). These working capital funds may 
operate similarly to the franchise and other entrepreneurial revolving 
funds described below. 

In recent years, federal agencies have turned increasingly to 
contracting services provided through fee-for-service 
intragovernmental revolving funds, and to contracts one agency makes 
available governmentwide, such as Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts 
(GWACs), and Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contracts. Under GWACs and 
MAS contracts, the purchasing agency incurs an obligation directly 
against the contract; accordingly, interagency agreements are not 
required when placing orders against these contracts. Section A of 
this chapter discusses MAS contracts and GWACs. 

(2) Franchise and other revolving funds: 

In the 1990s, in an attempt to foster competition among agencies in 
the area of providing common services in order to increase efficiency 
at reduced cost, Congress introduced the concept of the "franchise 
fund" as a pilot. Government Management Reform Act of 1994, Pub. L. 
No. 103-356, � 403, 108 Stat. 3410, 3413 (Oct. 13, 1994), codified at 
31 U.S.C. � 501 note. Section 403(a) authorized the establishment of 
franchise fund pilots in six executive agencies to be selected by the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in consultation with specified 
congressional committees. Section 403(b) provides: 

"Each such fund may provide, consistent with guidelines established by 
the Director [of OMB], such common administrative support services to 
the agency and to other agencies as the head of such agency, with the 
concurrence of the Director, determines can be provided more 
efficiently through such a fund than by other means. To provide such 
services, each such fund is authorized to acquire the capital 
equipment, automated data processing systems, and financial management 
and management information systems needed. Services shall be provided 
by such funds on a competitive basis." 

Section 403(c) addresses funding by providing those elements commonly 
found in revolving fund legislation. It authorizes the necessary start-
up appropriations and the transfer of certain unexpended balances and 
inventories. It also addresses the charging and disposition of fees as 

"Fees for services shall be established by the head of the agency at a 
level to cover the total estimated costs of providing such services. 
Such fees shall be deposited in the agency's fund to remain available 
until expended, and may be used to carry out the purposes of the fund." 

Pub. L. No. 103-356, � 403(c)(2). Thus, a franchise fund is a type of 
intragovernmental revolving fund designed to compete with similar 
funds of other agencies to provide common administrative services. 
Examples of such services include accounting, financial management, 
information resources management, personnel, contracting, payroll, 
security, and training. 

The six executive agencies selected by OMB in consultation with 
specified congressional committees were the Department of Commerce, 
the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of the 
Interior, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Environmental 
Protection Agency, and the Department of the Treasury. See OMB and 
Chief Financial Officers Council, 2000 Federal Financial Management 
Report (Nov. 20, 2000), at 23, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/financia1/2000ffm.pdf] (last visited 
Mar. 20, 2008); Report to Congress: The Franchise Fund Program, An 
Interim Progress Report (Apr. 1998). The specific statutory authority 
for each fund is as follows: 

* Department of Commerce: Pub. L. No. 105-277, thy. A, title II, � 
209, 112 Stat. 2681, 2681-87 (Oct. 21, 1998), 31 U.S.C. � 501 note. 

* Department of Health and Human Services (ITHS): This franchise fund 
operates under the authority of the BHS Service and Supply Fund. 42 
U.S.C. � 231. 

* Department of the Interior: Pub. L. No. 104-208, div. A, title I, � 
113, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-200-201 (Sept. 30, 1996), 31 U.S.C. � 501 
note (Acquisition Services Directorate, formerly GovWorks). 

* Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): Pub. L. No. 104-204, title I, 
110 Stat. 2874, 2880 (Sept. 26, 1996), 31 U.S.C. � 501 note. 

* Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Pub. L. No. 104-204, 110 
Stat. at 2912-13. EPA's franchise fund was subsequently reclassified 
as a working capital fund and not a franchise fund pilot. See Pub. L. 
No. 105-65, title III, 111 Stat. 1344, 1374 (Oct. 27, 1997), codified 
at 42 U.S.C. � 4370e. 

* Department of the Treasury: Pub. L. No. 104-208, 110 Stat. at 3009-

The provisions for Commerce, Interior, VA, and Treasury are similar 
and track the enabling legislation. The Interior and Commerce statutes 
mandate payment in advance (as did the EPA statute). The BHS, 
Treasury, and VA statutes permit advance payment but do not require it. 

As explained in section C.6 of this chapter, a common feature of most 
revolving funds is that they are intended to operate on a break-even 
basis or reasonably close to it, over the long term. Most of the 
franchise fund pilots authorize the funds to charge a fee at rates 
which will return in full all expenses of operation, including an 
amount necessary to maintain a reasonable operating reserve, as well 
as to retain up to 4 percent of total annual income as a reserve for 
acquisition of capital equipment and enhancement of support systems, 
with any excess to be transferred to the Treasury. See, e.g., Pub. L. 
No. 104-208, � 113. Revolving fund statutes may also limit the amount 
the revolving fund may retain and require periodic payments of surplus 
amounts to the general fund of the Treasury. 

The Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations 
Act established a new franchise fund at the Federal Aviation 
Administration. See Pub. L. No. 104-205, 110 Stat. 2951, 2957 (Sept. 
30, 1996). It has authorities similar to those of the Commerce, 
Interior, Treasury, and VA franchise funds. Id. 

Other agencies also have revolving funds that operate on a fee-for-
service basis, but these funds generally do not have the authority to 
retain up to 4 percent of total annual income as a reserve for capital 
equipment. See, e.g., Federal Library and Information Network's 
(FEDLINK) revolving fund (2 U.S.C. � 182c); General Services 
Administration's Acquisition Services Fund (40 U.S.C. � 321); 
Department of Interior's Working Capital Fund (43 U.S.C. � 1467). 

(3) Contracting services and revolving funds: 

GAO and inspectors general of several agencies have identified 
numerous issues in contracting services provided by revolving funds, 
including possible Antideficiency Act violations. GAO added management 
of interagency contracting to the High Risk List in 2005. GAO, High-
Risk Series: An Update, GAO-05-207 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2005). The 
report discussed both interagency agreements through which one agency 
uses the contracting services of another agency, and contracts that 
one agency makes available to other agencies governmentwide. See also 
GAO, Interagency Contracting: Improved Guidance, Planning, and 
Oversight Would Enable the Department of Homeland Security to Address 
Risks, GAO-06-996 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 27, 2006). 

Inspectors General of DOD, GSA, and Interior have been critical of 
their agencies with respect to obtaining or providing goods and 
services through interagency agreements with revolving funds. For 
example, the DOD Inspector General reported that guidance on the use 
of GSA then Information Technology Fund was widely misunderstood and 
that DOD may have violated the Antideficiency Act. See DOD Office of 
Inspector General, Acquisition: DOD Purchases Made Through the General 
Services Administration, Report No. D-2005-096 (July 29, 2005), 
available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.dodig.mil/auditireports/05report.htm] (last visited Mar. 
20, 2008). 

A General Services Administration Inspector General report identified 
instances of inappropriate contracting practices, including misuse by 
GSA of contract vehicles, inadequate competition, nonexistent or 
ineffective contract administration, misleading descriptions of work, 
and awarding contracts outside of the scope of the then Information 
Technology Fund. See GSA, Office of the Inspector General, Compendium 
of Audits of Federal Technology Service Client Support Centers (Dec. 
14, 2004), at 5, available at www.gsa.gov, under About GSA, OIG 
Reports, Special Reports (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

A subsequent report by the DOD Inspector General in 2006 found that 
although GSA and DOD contracting and management officials improved the 
interagency acquisition process, they continued to purchase goods and 
services without fully complying with appropriations law and federal 
regulations. DOD Office of Inspector General, Acquisition: FY 2005 DoD 
Purchases Made Through the General Services Administration, Report No. 
D-2007-007 (Oct. 30, 2006), at i, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.dodig.mil/auditlreports/07report.htm] (last visited Mar. 
20, 2008). 

The Department of Defense Inspector General also reported numerous 
appropriations and procurement issues regarding the goods and services 
the Department of Interior revolving funds provided to DOD. Department 
of Interior Office of Inspector General, Audit of FY2005 Department of 
the Interior Purchases Made on Behalf of the Department of Defense, 
Report No. X-IN-MOA-0018-2005 (Jan. 9, 2007), available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.doioig.gov/upload/2007-G-0002.txt] (last visited Mar. 20, 

DOD, in an effort to improve its compliance with appropriations and 
procurement laws, entered into agreements with both GSA and Interior 
outlining more than 20 areas in which GSA and Interior agreed to work 
with DOD to achieve "acquisition excellence," and to ensure the 
acquisition practices comply with all statutory, regulatory, and 
policy requirements.[Footnote 70] One area was severable services and 
compliance with 41 U.S.C. � 2531 and 10 U.S.C. � 2410a[Footnote 71] In 
particular, GSA and Interior agreed that if DOD has transferred fiscal 
year appropriations to them, they will return those appropriations to 
DOD when they expire unless the agency has obligated those 
appropriations for a severable services contract for DOD during the 
appropriation's period of availability and the contract's performance 
period does not exceed 1 year. In establishing this practice, DOD, 
GSA, and Interior will prevent use of an expired appropriation to fund 
a new contract.[Footnote 72] 

Recent GAO decisions have examined interagency agreements and 
revolving funds and found that customer and performing agencies are 
violating the bona fide needs statute and trying to "park" or "bank" 
expiring appropriations. B-308944, July 17, 2007, and discussion in 
section C.4.c.2 of this chapter. For a discussion of "parking," see 
Chapter 5, section B.1.c. We also found that agencies cannot use a 
revolving fund to acquire office space when neither the customer nor 
performing agency has authority to enter into leases. B-309181, Aug. 
17, 2007, and the discussion in section C.4.b of this chapter. The 
next section examines interagency agreements in the context of 
purpose, time, and amount. 

4. Expenditures/Availability: 

a. Status as Appropriation: 

There are perhaps two "fundamental rules" pertaining to revolving 
funds from which all else flows. One, discussed earlier, is that 
specific statutory authority is necessary to create a revolving fund. 
The second is that a revolving fund is an appropriation. Hence, funds 
in a revolving fund are appropriated funds. The significance of this 
second rule is twofold. First, except as may be otherwise specified by 
statute, a revolving fund is available for expenditure without further 
appropriation action by Congress. It "is in no way dependent on the 
existence of [a separate] appropriation for the same purpose." B-
209680, Feb. 24, 1983, at 4. Second, unless specifically exempted, 
funds in a revolving fund are subject to the various purpose, time, 
and amount limitations and restrictions applicable to appropriated 

As discussed in Chapter 2, the reason for the rule that revolving 
funds are appropriated funds follows from the Miscellaneous Receipts 
Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b), and the Appropriations Clause, U.S. Const., 
art. I, � 9, cl. 7. Under 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b) all moneys received for 
the use of the United States must be deposited in the general fund of 
the Treasury absent statutory authority for some other disposition. B-
271894, July 24, 1997. Pursuant to the Appropriations Clause, once the 
money is in the Treasury, it can be withdrawn only if Congress 
appropriates it.[Footnote 73] Therefore, the authority for an agency 
to obligate or expend collections without further congressional action 
amounts to a continuing appropriation or permanent appropriation of 
the collections.[Footnote 74] E.g., United Biscuit Co. v. Wirtz, 359 
F.2d 206, 212 (D.C. Cir. 1965), cert. denied, 384 U.S. 971 (1966); 73 
Comp. Gen. 321 (1994); 69 Comp. Gen. 260, 262 (1990). 

In addition, 31 U.S.C. �� 701(2)(C) and 1101(2)(C) define 
"appropriation" as including "other authority making amounts available 
for obligation or expenditure." A revolving fund certainly fits this 
definition. Discussing a now-obsolete fund called the "Farm Labor 
Supply Revolving Fund," the Comptroller General set forth the 
principle in these terms: 

"The payments received from the growers who make use of the workers 
represent moneys collected for the use of the United States and in the 
absence of specific statutory authority would be required to be 
deposited into the general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts under [31 U.S.C. � 3302(b)]. In this case, the specific 
statutory authority to use the moneys is supplied by the referred-to 
legislation establishing the Fund. The result of such legislation is 
to continuously appropriate such collections for the authorized 
expenditures for which the Fund is available ....Thus, we conclude 
that the 'Farm Labor Supply Revolving Fund' does represent an 

35 Comp. Gen. 436, 438 (1956). 

GAO has expressed this principle on numerous occasions. E.g., B-
289219, Oct. 29, 2002 (revolving funds of the Pension Benefit Guarantee 
Corporation, a wholly owned government corporation, are appropriated 
funds and are subject to statutory restrictions governing appropriated 
monies); 63 Comp. Gen. 31 (1983), aff'd on reconsideration, B-210657, 
May 25, 1984 (operating fund of National Credit Union Administration 
is an appropriation and thus subject to certain employee compensation 
provisions in title 5 of the United States Code; the 1984 decision 
includes the more detailed discussion of the appropriation issue); 60 
Comp. Gen. 323 (1981) (Federal Prison Industries revolving fund is an 
appropriated fund for purposes of surplus personal property provisions 
of Federal Property and Administrative Services Act); 35 Comp. Gen. 
615 (1956) (statutory restriction on use of appropriated funds applies 
to operating fund of National Credit Union Administration's 
predecessor); B-204078.2, May 6, 1988 (Panama Canal Revolving Fund); B-
217281-0.M., Mar. 27, 1985 (revolving funds of Pension Benefit 
Guaranty Corporation subject to federal procurement laws and 
regulations); B-148229-0.M., May 15, 1962 (General Services 
Administration's General Supply Fund is an appropriated fund for 
purposes of administrative payment under Federal Tort Claims Act). The 
decisions have consistently rejected the suggestion that revolving 
funds should be regarded as nonappropriated funds. E.g., 60 Comp. Gen. 
at 327; B-210657, May 25, 1984. 

The fact that the initial capitalization has been paid back to the 
general fund of the Treasury and the revolving fund has thereafter 
become fully self-sustaining through collections from private parties 
does not change the fund's character as an appropriation. 60 Comp. 
Gen. at 326; 35 Comp. Gen. at 438. 

Most of the cases involve public enterprise revolving funds because it 
is there that the miscellaneous receipts statute comes into play. It 
is much harder to try to suggest that an intragovernmental revolving 
fund is not an appropriated fund, in effect, that moving money from 
one government pocket to another changes its status. E.g., 31 Comp. 
Gen. 7 (1951) (Navy Management Fund is an appropriation).[Footnote 75] 
See also Pulsar Data Systems, Inc. v. GSA, GSBCA No. 13223, 96-2 
B.C.A. � 28, 407 (1996) (involving a lease funded under GSA's working 
capital fund in which there is not the slightest suggestion that the 
monies are anything but appropriated funds). 

The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is in 
agreement. Holding a military stock fund subject to certain 
procurement laws, the court stated that the revolving fund legislation 
"eliminated the need for a new appropriation each fiscal year by 
creating what was, in effect, an ongoing appropriation." United 
Biscuit Co. v. Wirtz, 359 F.2d 206, 212 (D.C. Cir. 1965), cert. 
denied, 384 U.S. 971 (1966). Indeed, the court went on to note, in 
view of the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution, if a revolving 
fund is not an appropriation, its constitutionality is cast into 
doubt. Id. at 213 n.14. See also B-67175, July 16, 1947. 

b. Purpose: 

Since funds in a revolving fund are appropriated funds, they are fully 
subject to 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a) which restricts the use of appropriated 
funds to their intended purpose(s). 63 Comp. Gen. 110, 112 (1983); 37 
Comp. Gen. 564 (1958); B-203087, July 7, 1981. The purpose 
requirement, as discussed in detail in Chapter 4, applies to revolving 
funds in exactly the same manner that it applies to direct 

You look first and foremost to the statute creating the fund, that is, 
the appropriation, to identify the fund's authorized purposes. Since 
revolving funds are by definition creatures of statute, this step is 
of paramount importance. The governing legislation may be somewhat 
general, or it may be painstakingly specific. Either way, the rule is 
the same: the terms of the statute, in conjunction with other 
applicable statutory provisions, define the fund's availability. Thus, 
for example, revolving funds for the Senate Recording and Photographic 
Studios, without further statutory authority, may not be invested in 
short-term certificates of deposit since this is not a specified 
purpose under the enabling legislation (2 U.S.C. �� 123b(g) and (h)). 
B-203087, July 7, 1981. Similarly, the General Services 
Administration's Working Capital Fund, which is available for the 
expenses of operating "a central blueprinting, photostating, and 
duplicating service" (40 U.S.C. � 3173), may not be used to finance 
the agency's central library or travel office. B-208697, Sept. 28, 
1983. While reimbursing the Working Capital Fund from the 
appropriations which should have been charged in the first instance 
will avoid an Antideficiency Act violation, use of the Fund for 
unauthorized items was nevertheless improper. Id. 

While the statute is the first and most important source for 
determining purpose availability, it cannot be expected to spell out 
every detail. If the statute does not directly address the item in 
question one way or the other, the next step is to apply the 
"necessary expense" rule the same as with any other appropriation. 
E.g., 63 Comp. Gen. 110, 112 (1983); B-230304, Mar. 18, 1988; B-
216943, Mar. 21, 1985. This means that a revolving fund is available 
for expenditures which are directly related to, and which materially 
contribute to accomplishing an authorized purpose of, the fund and 
which are not otherwise specifically provided for or prohibited. 

One revolving fund whose purpose statement is quite general is 31 
U.S.C. � 5142, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Fund. The Fund is 
available "to operate the Bureau of Engraving and Printing" (id. � 
5142(a)(1)) or, in the original language, "for financing all costs and 
expenses of operating and maintaining the Bureau" (Act of August 4, 
1950, ch. 558, � 2, 64 Stat. 409). Under this language, the Fund has 
been held available for various alterations and improvements to the 
Bureau's real property (replacements and additions of elevators, air 
conditioning, electrical, plumbing and heating equipment, partitions, 
flooring, etc.), as these are clearly necessary costs of operating and 
maintaining the Bureau. B-104492, Oct. 4, 1951. It may be used to send 
representatives to meetings of societies of coin collectors as this is 
sufficiently related to the Bureau's activities for purposes of 5 
U.S.C. � 4110. B-152624, Feb. 18, 1965. And, in view of legislative 
history strongly indicating an intent that the language be broadly 
construed, it satisfies the requirement of 5 U.S.C. � 3109(b) that the 
procurement of experts and consultants be "authorized by an 
appropriation or other statute." B-122562, May 26, 1955. 

Another illustration is the Rural Housing Insurance Fund, which, under 
42 U.S.C. � 1487(j)(3), is available, for "servicing of loans, and 
other related program services and expenses." One "related expense" 
chargeable to the fund is the purchase of surety bonds needed to 
obtain the release of deeds of trust for borrowers where the Farmers 
Home Administration could not find, and therefore could not deliver, 
the original canceled promissory note. B-114860, Dec. 19, 1979. GAO 
also regards the fund as available to pay the pro rata share of 
developing and installing a new computerized program accounting 
system, intended in part to permit prompter and more accurate loan 
servicing. B-226249-0.M., Mar. 2, 1988. 

A somewhat more specific purpose statement was contained in the now-
defunct Farm Labor Supply Revolving Fund. The Agricultural Act of 
1949, as amended by Pub. L. No. 82-78, 65 Stat. 119 (July 12, 1951), 
authorized the Department of Labor to incur, on a reimbursable basis, 
certain expenses incident to the transportation and subsistence of 
farm workers. Under the legislation establishing the revolving fund, 
the fund was available "for payment of transportation, subsistence, 
and all other expenses" which were reimbursable under the Agricultural 
Act. See Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1952, 65 Stat. 741 (Nov. 1, 
1951). One decision concluded that the fund was available for the cost 
of physical examinations because they could be regarded as directly 
connected with the transportation of the workers into the country. Of 
course this also meant that the costs were reimbursable and would 
ultimately be borne by the employers of the imported workers and not 
the taxpayers. 33 Comp. Gen. 425 (1954). GAO determined, however, that 
the necessary expense rationale could not be stretched far enough to 
justify charging the revolving fund for the cost of a management 
survey of the program. B-119354, Mar. 30, 1959. It is not clear 
whether GAO would reach this same conclusion today. 

An example of an expenditure which is otherwise provided for is B-
230304, Mar. 18, 1988, concluding that the Federal Prison Industries' 
revolving fund was not available to construct a prison camp because 
Congress had provided statutory procedures and specific appropriations 
for prison construction. An expenditure which is otherwise prohibited 
is illustrated in B-67175, July 16, 1947, finding a revolving fund 
unavailable for the purchase of motor vehicles without the specific 
authority required by 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). By way of contrast, in B-
122562, May 26, 1955, one of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing 
cases noted above, explicit legislative history combined with 
sufficiently broad statutory language was found to supply the 
necessary authority. 

In analyzing the purpose availability of a revolving fund, as with any 
other appropriation, the agency has reasonable discretion in selecting 
means of implementation, as long as its exercise is consistent with 
the statutory objectives. Since the 1970s, the Department of Housing 
and Urban Development (HUD) had a revolving fund to finance something 
called the New Community Development Program. The fund was available 
for specified forms of credit and other financial assistance, and for 
"any other program expenditures." When the program failed and the 
incipient new communities raced toward insolvency, HUD was faced with 
a variety of options. In one decision, GAO advised that, under the 
statute, HUD could acquire the property by foreclosing on its security 
and undertake a variety of expenditures incident to engaging a new 
builder. Actions specifically authorized by the statute had to be 
regarded as "program expenditures," and nothing in the law required 
HUD to choose the option which would minimize the government's loss. B-
170971, July 9, 1976. The discretion was not open-ended, however. 
Another decision, cautioning that "program expenditures" means 
"expenses of the program established by other sections" of the 
statute, found no basis for using the revolving fund to, in effect, 
step into the developer's shoes and maintain and operate a 
development, except pursuant to a bona fide determination to acquire a 
given security. B-170971, Jan. 22, 1976. 

The desirability of a proposed expenditure is not enough to supply 
legal authority which is otherwise lacking. In 40 Comp. Gen. 356 
(1960), for example, the Veterans Administration (VA) proposed using 
its revolving supply fund to finance a program to recover silver from 
x-ray developing solutions. There was no question that the proposal 
was a good idea. The problem was that recovering silver was more of an 
industrial-type operation than the furnishing of supplies and the 
reclaimed silver was apparently of no benefit to any of the 
appropriations which supported the supply fund. Therefore, GAO was 
forced to conclude that the proposal was not an authorized revolving 
fund activity, but urged the VA to seek an amendment to its statute. 
This was done, and the statute now specifically includes the 
"reclamation of used, spent, or excess personal property." 38 U.S.C. � 

Chapter 4 uses over a dozen broad subject areas to illustrate 
different aspects of purpose availability. The same authorities and 
limitations apply to revolving funds. For example: 

* Statutes dealing with the use of appropriated funds to pay the 
expenses of attendance at meetings apply to revolving funds. 34 Comp. 
Gen. 573 (1955) (37 U.S.C. � 412 (Department of Defense)); B-152624, 
Feb. 18, 1965 (5 U.S.C. � 4110). 

* Employees paid from revolving funds are subject to the statutory 
restriction on payment of compensation to noncitizens. 50 Comp. Gen. 
323 (1970);[Footnote 76] B-161976, Aug. 10, 1967. 

* Like other appropriations, revolving funds are not available for 
entertainment without statutory authority. B-170938, Oct. 30, 1972. 

* Revolving fund may be used to subsidize employee cafeteria if 
properly justified under the necessary expense rule. B-216943, Mar. 
21, 1985. 

* Revolving funds are subject to the prohibition in 31 U.S.C. � 
1348(a)(1) on providing telephone service to private residences. 35 
Comp. Gen. 615 (1956), affd on reconsideration, B-126760, Aug. 21, 

A revolving fund cannot be used to permit the customer agency to evade 
restrictions on its funds or to accomplish some purpose it is not 
authorized to do directly. E.g., 30 Comp. Gen. 453 (1951) (working 
capital fund not available for construction where customer agency 
lacks the authority required by 41 U.S.C. � 12). See also 34 Comp. 
Gen. 573 (1955); B-161976, Aug. 10, 1967. 

A similar situation was presented in a transaction involving the DOD's 
Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA) and GovWorks[Footnote 77] 
for acquisition of space to consolidate CIFA's activities. B-309181, 
Aug. 17, 2007. GovWorks is a revolving fund. CIFA entered into an 
interagency agreement with GovWorks for GovWorks to consolidate CIFA 
programs and provide space for multiple activities. CIFA directed 
GovWorks to enter into a contract with a vendor for services, 
including supplying office space and facilities management services. 
The vendor then signed a lease with a property owner for office space 
for use by CIFA. GAO concluded that without a delegation from GSA or 
independent statutory authority to enter into a lease, neither 
GovWorks nor CIFA had authority to obtain office space through a third-
party lease. Unless ratified by an appropriate government official, 
the agreement for office space was unenforceable against the 
government. The decision stressed that GovWorks and CIFA could not 
circumvent federal statutory and regulatory requirements on leasing by 
bundling the lease agreement in a contract for services, and that 
without ratification, all payments under this third-party lease were 
improper payments. 

The purpose for which a revolving fund may be used, of course, is 
governed by the statute which created the fund. See, for example, 40 
Comp. Gen. 356 (1960), holding that a revolving supply fund is 
available to finance a supply operation and not an industrial-type 
program. In addition, it is necessary to consider the purpose 
availability of the supporting appropriations, that is, the 
appropriations from which the revolving fund is advanced or 
reimbursed. A decision addressing the Navy Industrial Fund stated the 
rule that the Fund is "available only for the purposes permissible 
under [the] source appropriation, and subject to the source 
restrictions." 63 Comp. Gen. 145, 150 (1984). See also, e.g., 18 Comp. 
Gen. 489, 490-91 (1938); B-106101, Nov. 15, 1951. For related 
material, see section B.1.c(4) of this chapter. 

c. Time: 

(1) Earned receipts and collection: 

As pointed out earlier in this discussion, one of the key features of 
a revolving fund is that receipts and collections earned through the 
fund's operations and credited to the fund are available without 
further congressional action and without fiscal year limitation. 
[Footnote 78] This continuing availability of receipts and collections 
that a revolving fund has earned through its operations has long been 
recognized as an inherent characteristic of a revolving fund, at least 
as that term is used in statutes enacted by Congress. While the more 
modern statutes tend to include explicit language such as "without 
fiscal year limitation" without more, the term "revolving fund" alone 
would be construed to mean the same thing. 1 Comp. Gen. 704 (1922); 26 
Comp. Dec. 296 (1919). 

Thus, the various rules discussed in Chapter 5 governing the 
obligation and expenditure of fixed-year appropriations with respect 
to time generally do not apply to receipts and collections that a 
revolving fund has earned through its operations. For purposes of 
comparison, the time availability of receipts and collections that a 
revolving fund earns through its operations, unless otherwise 
restricted by statute, is similar to that of a no-year appropriation�
the money is "available until expended." This being the case, the 
rules for no-year appropriations provide a useful analogy. Under a no-
year appropriation�and therefore a revolving fund as well�"all 
statutory time limits as to when the funds may be obligated and 
expended are removed." 40 Comp. Gen. 694, 696 (1961). Amounts earned 
and credited to the fund are treated as unobligated balances and are 
available for obligation the same as any other unobligated money in 
the fund. Id. at 697. Deobligated funds are treated the same way. B-
200519, Nov. 28, 1980. 

A question that appears to have drawn little attention is whether 31 
U.S.C. � 1555 applies to revolving funds. That statute permits an 
agency to close a no-year account if the agency head determines that 
the purposes of the appropriation have been carried out and if there 
have been no disbursements from the account for two consecutive fiscal 
years. In 72 Comp. Gen. 295 (1993), the Treasury Department had 
invoked 31 U.S.C. � 1555 to terminate the Check Forgery Insurance 
Fund, a revolving fund. GAO found closure improper because the reasons 
the fund had been created continued to exist. While the issue was not 
directly raised in the decision, apparently both Treasury and GAO 
regarded 31 U.S.C. � 1555 as applicable to the revolving fund without 

(2) Appropriations of revolving funds' customer agencies: 

When entering into a transaction with a revolving fund, the customer 
agency still must satisfy the various time rules to its own 
appropriation. Specifically, the customer agency must obligate its 
appropriation for a bona fide need within the specified period of 

In order for the customer agency to incur an obligation when it enters 
into an interagency agreement with the revolving fund, the customer 
agency must have documentary evidence of a binding agreement between 
the two agencies for specific goods or services. 31 U.S.C. � 1501(a). 
In addition, an appropriation is available for obligation only to 
fulfill a bona fide need of the period of availability for which it 
was made. 31 U.S.C. � 1502(a). In B-308944, July 17, 2007, GAO found 
that a Department of Interior revolving fund accepted Military 
Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRS), which DOD used to 
document interagency agreements with Interior, that did not identify 
the specific items or services that DOD wanted the revolving fund to 
acquire on its behalf. Lacking the necessary specificity as to the 
items or services ordered, these MIPRs did not obligate DOD's funds. 
DOD sent more specific information to the revolving fund at a later 
date, which served to perfect the orders and obligate DOD's 
appropriations; however, at this point, DOD's appropriations had 
expired, and they were not available for obligation in the fiscal year 
when the orders were perfected and the funds were used. Accordingly, 
when the revolving fund later used these funds for three contracts, 
the revolving fund improperly used prior year funds. 

Funds transferred to a revolving fund through an interagency agreement 
must comply with the bona fide needs rule. So when DOD ordered laser 
printers (a readily available commercial item) from a revolving fund 
at the Department of Interior, and the revolving fund did not execute 
a contract on DOD's behalf until 17 months later and 11 months after 
funds transferred expired, GAO found that the contract did not fulfill 
a bona fide need arising during the funds' period of availability. B-
308944, July 17, 2007. 

When an agency withdraws funds from its appropriation and makes them 
available for credit to another appropriation, like a revolving fund, 
the withdrawn amounts retain their time character and do not assume 
the time character of the appropriation to which they are credited 
until they are earned. See B-306975, Feb. 27, 2006; B-288142, Sept. 6, 
2001; 31 Comp. Gen. 109, 114-15 (1951). Consequently, unless otherwise 
specifically provided by law, unexpended expired balances must be 
returned to the customer agency. 

GAO addressed the time availability of funds a customer agency 
transfers to a revolving fund in a 2001 decision which involved the 
Library of Congress Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK) 
revolving fund. B-288142, Sept. 6, 2001. Section 103(e) of the Library 
of Congress Fiscal Operations Improvement Act of 2000, Pub. L. No. 106-
481, 114 Stat. 2187, 2189-90 (Nov. 9, 2000), specifies that amounts in 
the FEDLINK revolving fund are available to the Librarian "without 
fiscal year limitation" to carry out the FEDLINK program. GAO 
explained that this language did not permit the Library to retain 
unexpended fiscal year appropriations advanced by a customer agency 
that were not needed for costs the Library had incurred in filling the 
order. B-288142. The Library could not reserve the unexpended amounts 
to cover future year orders placed by the customer agency but was 
required to return excess funds to the customer agency. Id. If the 
period of availability of the customer's appropriation has not 
expired, the customer agency may deobligate the returned funds and use 
them to place a new order. However, remaining balances are not 
available to enter into a new obligation once the period of 
availability of the customer agency's appropriation has expired. Id.; 
51 Comp. Gen. 766 (1972). See also B-306975, Feb. 27, 2006 (if a 
customer agency advances fiscal year funds to the National Archives 
and Records Administration (NARA) Revolving Fund for September's 
estimated costs, NARA may not credit excess amount in adjusting 
October's bill). 

GAO addressed a bona fide need issue in a decision involving GSA's 
Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM), which was 
financed through GSA's Information Technology Fund.[Footnote 79] B-
286929, Apr. 25, 2001. The U.S. Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM) 
entered into an interagency agreement with the revolving fund using 
fiscal year 2007 funds and transferred funds to the revolving fund. 
While the agencies envisioned a three-phase project, PERSCOM actually 
entered into an agreement for only the first phase of the project. 
Because PERSCOM entered into an agreement for only the first phase of 
the project and incurred an obligation during the period of 
availability of the appropriation only for the first phase, PERSCOM 
could not apply the expired balance of the amount originally 
transferred to the revolving fund to complete the remaining project 
phases. Even if PERSCOM could have established phases II and DI as a 
bona fide need of fiscal year 2007, PERSCOM did not take appropriate 
action to satisfy that need during the fiscal year by contracting for 
additional phases during the period of availability of the 

It is also improper for a customer agency using a fiscal-year 
appropriation to place an order with an industrial fund at the end of 
the fiscal year without a legitimate need, thereby using the revolving 
fund to extend the life of the appropriation. GAO, Improper Use of 
Industrial Funds by Defense Extended the Life of Appropriations Which 
Otherwise Would Have Expired, GAO/AFMD-84-34 (Washington, D.C.: June 
5, 1984). Similarly, a customer agency, using fiscal year 
appropriations, may not amend a properly placed order in a subsequent 
fiscal year to widen the scope of work and charge the increased costs 
to expired funds of the prior year. Id. app. I at 9. 

While the funds a customer agency advances to a revolving fund to 
cover its order for goods or services are not available without fiscal 
year limitation, the "earned fee," that is, the component of the fee 
that reimburses the revolving fund for the cost of its operations is 
available until expended. In the FEDLINK example discussed above, fees 
for service under the FEDLINK revolving fund had two components: (1) 
advances the customer agency provides the Library of Congress to cover 
the customer's order for goods and services, and (2) reimbursements to 
the Library for the accounting services and its other administrative 
costs, both direct and indirect, of operating the program. Because the 
Library intended for these amounts to reimburse the Library for 
administrative costs of running the program rather than as an advance 
to cover the customer's order for goods and services, GAO agreed with 
the Library's conclusion that it could retain these amounts without 
fiscal year limitation. B-288142, Sept. 6, 2001. 

Revolving funds must also abide by time restrictions when entering 
into an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract (IDIQ) 
[Footnote 80] on behalf of a customer agency. In B-308969, May 31, 
2007, the Department of Interior's (DOI) National Business Center 
Acquisition Services Division, Southwest Branch (SWB), awarded a 1-
year indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract on behalf of 
DOD, having a period of performance from July 1, 2003, to June 30, 
2004. This transaction was funded through DOI's working capital fund. 
The contract required the government to purchase a minimum of $1 
million in services from the contractor. SWB, however, obligated only 
$45,000 of $1 million from DOD's fiscal year 2003 appropriation and 
incorrectly obligated the balance from DOD's fiscal year 2004 
appropriation, using fiscal year 2004 funds to satisfy an obligation 
established in fiscal year 2003. 

d. Amount: 

As with other appropriations, authorities and limitations relating to 
the amount that can be obligated or expended apply to revolving funds 
unless specifically exempted. Limitations fall into three categories. 
First are governmentwide limitations. An example is 35 Comp. Gen. 436 
(1956), finding a revolving fund bound by a governmentwide statute, 
since repealed, limiting obligations or expenditures for improvements 
to real property to 25 percent of the first year's rent. Because the 
Farm Labor supply revolving fund constituted an appropriation, the 
statute applied. 

Next are limitations or restrictions specific to the particular fund. 
An unusual situation occurred in 46 Comp. Gen. 198 (1966). Hurricane 
Betsy caused considerable damage in several southern states in 1965. 
Part of the congressional response was a law authorizing the Small 
Business Administration (SBA) to cancel portions of outstanding 
indebtedness. The indebtedness to be forgiven stemmed from loans 
financed by a revolving fund. The law authorized the appropriation of 
$70 million. Congress subsequently appropriated half that amount, $35 
million. The SBA asked if it could grant relief in excess of $35 
million, noting quite logically that forgiving an obligation does not 
require an appropriation. The decision concluded that SBA may not have 
needed an appropriation, but since it received one, it could not 
ignore it. The authorization and appropriation reflected the 
congressional determination to maintain the revolving fund for future 
program use. (The alternative would have been to let the fund dwindle 
and pump more money into it later.) Congress chose to enact the 
limitation, and the agency could not disregard it. 

The final category, applicable in the case of intragovernmental 
revolving funds, consists of limitations on the appropriation from 
which the fund will be reimbursed. For example, Defense Department 
industrial funds can finance authorized military construction, 
reimbursable from Operation and Maintenance appropriations. "Minor 
military construction" projects may be charged to O&M appropriations 
up to a monetary ceiling set by 10 U.S.C. � 2805. It is improper to 
use the industrial fund for a construction project whose cost has been 
split to evade the ceiling. B-234326.15, Dec. 24, 1991. Similarly 
improper is the use of revolving fund financing to exceed a ceiling on 
travel expenses applicable to the reimbursing appropriation. B-120480, 
Sept. 6, 1967. 

Of course, the most important law relating to amount is the 
Antideficiency Act, which by its terms applies to an "appropriation or 
fund." 31 U.S.C. � 1341(a)(1)(A). It is clear that the statutory 
prohibition against overobligating applies to revolving funds. E.g., 
72 Comp. Gen. 59 (1992). It also applies to annual obligation 
limitations on revolving funds. B-248967.2, Apr. 21, 1993, at 3 
(Antideficiency Act applies "to any fund administered by a federal 
employee"). See also OMB Cir. No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and 
Execution of the Budget, � 145.4 (July 2, 2007). 

The law is violated by creating an obligation in excess of available 
budgetary resources. 60 Comp. Gen. 520, 522 (1981). Depending on 
whether the revolving fund is an intragovernmental revolving fund or a 
public enterprise revolving fund, available budgetary resources may 
include (a) amounts received from other government accounts that 
represent valid obligations of the ordering account,[Footnote 81] and 
(b) amounts received from the public.[Footnote 82] However, the 
concept does not include inventory. 72 Comp. Gen. at 61; 60 Comp. Gen. 
520. Nor does it include anticipated receipts from transactions that 
have not yet occurred. GAO, The Air Force Has Incurred Numerous 
Overobligations in Its Industrial Fund, AFMD-81-53 (Washington, D.C.: 
Aug. 14, 1981); B-195316-0.M., Jan. 30, 1980; OMB Cir. No. A-11, � 
20.13. A statutory exception is 10 U.S.C. � 2210(b), which authorizes 
Defense Department stock funds (but not industrial funds) to obligate 
against anticipated reimbursements if necessary to maintain stock 
levels planned for the next fiscal year. The Coast Guard Supply Fund 
has similar authority. 14 U.S.C. � 650(b). The rules relating to 
indemnification discussed in detail in Chapter 6 apply fully to 
revolving funds. 63 Comp. Gen. 145 (1984). 

A revolving fund can also violate the Antideficiency Act by 
overspending a specific monetary limitation. B-120480, Sept. 6, 1967. 
However, if the overobligation or overexpenditure is authorized under 
some other appropriation or fund available at the time of the 
overobligation or overexpenditure, the revolving fund can make an 
accounting adjustment and charge the proper source�assuming it is 
still available. This would not constitute an Antideficiency Act 
violation. B-208697, Sept. 28, 1983. 

As discussed in Chapter 6, a violation may also occur when an agency 
charges an obligation or expenditure to an appropriation that is not 
legally available for that item, regardless of how much money is in 
the account. The same is true if the proper funding source does not 
contain adequate budgetary resources to cover the obligation or 
expenditure when the accounts are adjusted. A problem of this sort 
arose when the Defense Supply Agency charged the Defense Stock Fund 
with a renewal option on a multiyear fuel storage service contract. 
The contractor argued that exercise of the option violated the 
Antideficiency Act because a Defense Department Directive required 
that supply administration contracts be charged to Operation and 
Maintenance appropriations and not to stock funds. There was no 
question that charging the stock fund was unauthorized. The Armed 
Services Board of Contract Appeals, however, found that the Defense 
Directive was merely an "in-house accounting [measure] not relevant to 
determining the availability of appropriated funds." Therefore, and 
since there was no statutory limitation on using stock funds for 
otherwise authorized fuel storage contacts, there was no 
Antideficiency Act violation. The Board further noted that, even if the 
stock fund was considered to be legally unavailable, there would be no 
violation as long as a funding adjustment could be made. New England 
Tank Industries of New Hampshire, Inc., ASBCA No. 26474, 88-1 BCA � 
20,395, at 103,169 and n.23 (1987). While vacating and remanding the 
Board's decision on other grounds, the Court of Appeals for the 
Federal Circuit expressly agreed that using the stock fund, although 
unauthorized, did not violate the Antideficiency Act. New England Tank 
Industries of New Hampshire, Inc. v. United States, 861 F.2d 685, 692 
n.15 (Fed. Cir. 1988). 

Another part of the Antideficiency Act requires the apportionment of 
"appropriations and funds" by the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB). 31 U.S.C. �� 1511(a), 1512, 1513. While fixed-year 
appropriations are generally apportioned by time, appropriations for 
an indefinite period are apportioned "to achieve the most effective 
and economical use." Id. � 1512(a). Overobligating or overspending an 
apportionment is just as illegal as overobligating or overspending the 
appropriation itself. Id. � 1517(a). That the apportionment statutes 
apply to revolving funds is reinforced by 31 U.S.C. � 1516(2), which 
authorizes OMB to exempt from apportionment "a working capital fund or 
a revolving fund established for intragovernmental operations." 

The applicability of the apportionment laws to revolving funds is 
reflected in OMB Circular No. A-11. OMB's illustration of the Standard 
Form 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule (Exhibit 121G) 
includes both public enterprise and intragovernmental revolving funds, 
while section 120.7 restates OMB's authority to exempt particular 
intragovernmental funds. For purposes of assessing violations, the 
fact that the fund includes unapportioned budgetary resources greater 
than the amount of the deficiency is irrelevant. OMB Cir. No. A-11, � 
145.4. The authority of 10 U.S.C. � 2210(b), mentioned above, can be 
exercised only "with the approval of the President." This means OMB 
apportionment. B-179708-0.M., July 10, 1975. 

An important concept covered in Chapter 4 is the agency's spending 
discretion under a lump-sum appropriation, illustrated in decisions 
such as B-279338, Jan. 4, 1999; 55 Comp. Gen. 307 (1975); and 55 Comp. 
Gen. 812 (1976). The same discretion applies under a revolving fund. 
In one year, for example, committee reports expressed the view that 
the Economic Development Administration not make any direct loans in 
the upcoming fiscal year. Since this desire did not find its way into 
any statutory language, the agency's revolving fund was legally 
available to make the loans. Of course, the agency was also within its 
discretion to comply with the committee preference and not make any 
direct loans. B-209680, Feb. 24, 1983. 

e. Obligation Requirement: 

Nothing exempts revolving funds from the obligation recording 
provisions of 31 U.S.C. � 1501. When a revolving fund does something 
that meets one of the statutory recording criteria, it must, just like 
other appropriations, record an obligation. 72 Comp. Gen. 59 (1992) 
(entering into contract to procure equipment). See also 60 Comp. Gen. 
700, 703 (1981); 51 Comp. Gen. 631 (1972).[Footnote 83] 

Under a multiyear or base-year-plus-options contract, the amount to be 
recorded as an obligation depends on the nature and extent of the 
government's commitment. For example, if a multiyear contract does not 
restrict the government's obligation to less than the full contract 
amount, then the full contract amount is the amount of the obligation. 
B-104492-0.M., Apr. 23, 1976. If the contract consists of a base 
period plus renewal options, the obligation is the cost of the base 
period plus any amounts payable for failure to exercise the options 
(termination costs), this being the least amount of the government's 
potential liability.[Footnote 84] 62 Comp. Gen. 143 (1983); 48 Comp. 
Gen. 497, 502 (1969). 

Congress, of course, can vary the above treatment by statute. 
Statutory exceptions have tended to involve multiyear contracts under 
the rather large Defense Department revolving funds where the chances 
of premature termination are, from practical and political 
perspectives, remote. Under a Navy ship-leasing program financed by 
the Navy industrial fund, for example, Congress enacted a provision 
authorizing the Navy to obligate only 10 percent of the outstanding 
gross termination liability. See B-174839, Mar. 20, 1984. A case 
several years earlier considered a recurring Defense appropriation act 
provision which authorized Defense working capital funds to maintain 
cash balances only to the extent necessary to cover cash disbursements 
at any time, and further authorized transfers between such funds when 
and if necessary.[Footnote 85] This provision amounted to an exception 
to the requirement to obligate for termination liability. 51 Comp. 
Gen. 598 (1972). 

With an intragovernmental revolving fund, it is also necessary to 
consider the obligational treatment of the supporting appropriations. 
Section 1501(a)(1) of the recording statute (31 U.S.C. � 1501) applies 
to contracts "between an agency and another person (including other 
agencies)" and thus applies to interagency agreements with revolving 
funds. At the time the agencies involved in the transaction enter into 
a written, binding agreement, the customer agency incurs an obligation 
for the costs of the work to be performed. See, e.g., B-308944, July 
17, 2007; B-302760, May 17, 2004. In B-308944, July 17, 2007, GAO 
found that Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs ) used 
to document interagency agreements between DOD and a revolving fund in 
the Department of Interior (GovWorks, now called the Acquisition 
Services Directorate) lacked the specificity necessary to comply with 
the recording statute. Consequently, the DOD funds expired before 
being properly obligated. 

For some types of transactions, however, orders are required by law to 
be placed with another agency. With these types of transactions, 
section 1501(a)(3) applies, and the obligation occurs when the order 
is placed.[Footnote 86] The same holds true for interagency 
transactions with a revolving fund. For example, when an agency places 
an order with the General Services Administration (GSA) for work to be 
financed from one of GSA's revolving funds, placing the order 
obligates the customer agency's appropriations if the order is one 
which is required by law�including GSA's statutory regulations�to be 
placed with GSA. If the order is not required by law to be placed with 
GSA, the job order itself does not obligate the customer's funds. 34 
Comp. Gen. 705 (1955). 

Obligating for purchases from stock or supply funds (Defense 
Department stock funds or GSA's General Supply Fund, for example) has 
its own set of conventions. For common-use stock items which are on 
hand or on order and expected to be delivered promptly, placing the 
order obligates the customer agency's appropriation. 73 Comp. Gen. 259 
(1994); 34 Comp. Gen. at 707; 34 Comp. Gen. 418, 422 (1955); 32 Comp. 
Gen. 436 (1953). For other orders of items which are part of the stock 
fund system, there is a measure of discretion. The fund can develop a 
system�for example, a list of items which constitutes an offer to sell 
at the published prices�under which placing the order "accepts" the 
offer and creates the recordable obligation. See B-208863-0.M., Apr. 
11, 1983; GAO, Criteria for Recording Obligations for Defense Stock 
Fund Purchases Should Be Changed, GAO/AFMD-83-54 (Washington, D.C.: 
Aug. 19, 1983). Otherwise, if the customer's order is the offer, a 
recordable obligation requires acceptance by the revolving fund unless 
the order is required by law to be placed with the fund. 34 Comp. Gen. 
at 707-08; 34 Comp. Gen. at 422; 32 Comp. Gen. 436. For items which 
are not part of the stock fund system, the order must be accepted 
before an obligation can be recorded. GAO/AFMD-83-54, app. I at 5. 

If a revolving fund finds that it has undercharged the supporting 
(customer) appropriations, and those appropriations have expired for 
obligational purposes, the customer agency should use its expired 
appropriation to reimburse the revolving fund. See 31 U.S.C. � 
1553(a). The customer agency incurred an obligation for the order at 
the time it entered into the interagency agreement with the revolving 
fund. The undercharge relates back in time to when the customer agency 
and the revolving fund entered into the interagency agreement. Under 
31 U.S.C. � 1553(a), the customer agency's expired appropriation would 
remain available to make adjustments to obligations that were properly 
incurred during the period of availability of the appropriation. GAO 
has taken the position that any such restoration should be supported 
by adequate documentation of the underlying obligations. Use of 
statistical methods is not sufficient where the agency cannot identify 
the underlying transactions. B-236940, Oct. 17, 1989; GAO, Financial 
Management: Defense Accounting Adjustments for Stock Fund Obligations 
Are Illegal, GAO/AFMD-87-1 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 11, 1987).[Footnote 
87] Presumably, although we have found no published decision, if the 
customer account has been closed pursuant to 31 U.S.C. � 1552(a), a 
validly supported reimbursement could be charged to current 
appropriations in accordance with, and subject to the limitations of, 
31 U.S.C. � 1553(b). 

Any statement of obligations an agency furnishes either to the Office 
of Management and Budget in connection with an appropriation request, 
or to the Congress or a congressional committee, is required to be 
consistent with the obligational criteria of 31 U.S.C. � 1501(a). Id. 
�� 1108(c), 1501(b). 

5. Augmentation and Impairment: 

One of the cornerstones of congressional control of the purse is the 
rule, covered extensively in Chapter 6, that an agency may not augment 
its appropriations without authority of law, or, in other words, may 
not retain for credit to its own appropriations anything Congress has 
not expressly authorized. The primary statutory manifestation of this 
rule is the miscellaneous receipts requirement of 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b). 
We have previously noted that a revolving fund is an exception to the 
miscellaneous receipts requirement. While this is certainly true, it 
is not a blanket exemption but goes only so far as the governing 
legislation specifies. The improper augmentation of a revolving fund 
can occur in either of two ways: (1) putting something in the fund 
which Congress has not authorized to be put there, or (2) leaving 
something in the fund, regardless of the propriety of the original 
deposit, beyond the point Congress has said to take it out. The 
presence or absence of a fixed dollar ceiling on the fund's capital is 

GAO has frequently used the following formulation of the anti-
augmentation rule: "[W]hen Congress specifies the source of money and 
property that go to make up the permanent working capital of revolving 
funds there may not be added additional sources which serve to 
increase the working capital in the absence of specific statutory 
authority therefor." B-149858-0.M., Aug. 15, 1968, at 5. The 
legislation establishing a revolving fund will prescribe what may go 
into the fund. Depositing anything not expressly authorized by the 
statute is an improper augmentation. E.g., 23 Comp. Gen. 986 (1944); 
20 Comp. Gen. 280 (1940); 19 Comp. Gen. 791 (1940). In these cases, 
all related and dealing with the same fund, a statute authorized an 
agency to use, as a revolving fund, income derived from operations of 
a particularly special fund. It did not authorize the agency to retain 
and reuse income from any other source, including operations of the 
revolving fund itself (as opposed to the special fund from whose 
income the revolving fund was derived), and this income therefore had 
to be treated as miscellaneous receipts. The situation was admittedly 
unusual in that the typical revolving fund does depend on self-
generated receipts, but in this case Congress had chosen a different 
approach. "The statute thus having expressly specified the sources of 
the money that comprise the revolving fund, other sources may not be 
added by construction." 23 Comp. Gen. at 988. 

The lesson of the preceding paragraph is simple: the precise terms of 
the statute control. Another illustration, closely related to the 
cases cited above, is the treatment of interest income. Interest 
income earned on revolving fund operations can be added to the fund if 
and only if the statute says so. An example is the revolving fund 
created by the Agricultural Marketing Act, 12 U.S.C. � 1141d. Payments 
of "principal or interest" on authorized loans "shall be covered into 
the revolving fund." Id. � 1141f(b). Another example is interest on 
rural electrification loans. 7 U.S.C. � 931(3). Of course, general 
language which is sufficiently inclusive will also do the job, for 
example, the Bonneville Power Administration's authority in 16 U.S.C. 
� 838i(a) to retain "all receipts, collections, and recoveries... from 
all sources." Alternatively, Congress may authorize interest to be 
deposited to a revolving fund and later paid over to the general fund 
in whole or under some statutory formula. See, e.g., 15 U.S.C. � 
633(c) (Small Business Administration Business Loan and Investment 
Fund). If the statute does not include authority of the types noted, 
interest income must be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts. 26 Comp. Dec. 295 (1919); A-96531, Oct. 24, 1940. See also 1 
Comp. Gen. 656 (1922) (same principle applies to reimbursable 
appropriation as opposed to revolving fund). Contrary to the 
impression a superficial look might give, this is not an example of 
logic versus the law. It is a matter of the choices Congress has made 
as to the scope and purposes of the revolving fund. 

Some further examples of unauthorized augmentations are: 

* Increasing a revolving fund's working capital by transferring funds 
to it from other revolving funds (or nonrevolving appropriation 
accounts, for that matter) either without statutory authority or in 
excess of applicable statutory authority. See GAO, Operations of 
General Services Administration's General Supply Fund, GAO/LCD-76-421 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 19, 1976). 

* Retention of funded reserve for accrued annual leave after the 
employees have transferred to another agency. B-149858-0.M., Aug. 15, 

* Retention of jury service fees remitted by an employee paid from a 
revolving fund. B-113214-0.M., Jan. 16, 1953. 

Our discussion thus far has emphasized the need to follow the precise 
statutory language. In addition, there are, as discussed in Chapter 6, 
section E.2, certain nonstatutory exceptions to the miscellaneous 
receipts requirement, and these apply to revolving funds just as to 
other appropriations. For example, receipts which qualify as 
"refunds," such as the recovery of overpayments or erroneous payments, 
may be credited to a revolving fund even though not specified in the 
governing legislation. 69 Comp. Gen. 260 (1990). That decision held 
that the Federal Emergency Management Agency could deposit in its 
revolving fund recoveries under the False Claims Act sufficient to 
reimburse the fund for losses suffered as a result of the false claim, 
including administrative expenses incurred in investigating and 
prosecuting the case, but must deposit any recoveries in excess of 
those amounts (treble damages, for example) in the Treasury as 
miscellaneous receipts. See also B-281064, Feb. 14, 2000 (Tennessee 
Valley Authority (TVA) may credit the TVA Fund (a public enterprise 
revolving fund) with that portion of a False Claims Act award or 
settlement that represents a refund of moneys erroneously disbursed 
from the fund). 

Similarly, although we do not have a case precisely on point, a 
revolving fund may retain excess reprocurement costs recovered from a 
defaulting contractor, at least to the extent necessary to fund the 
reprocurement or corrective work, regardless of whether the recovery 
occurs before or after the fund has incurred the additional costs. As 
discussed in Chapter 6, this is the case where the procurement is 
funded under a no-year appropriation. If it is true for a no-year 
appropriation, it is true for a revolving fund.[Footnote 88] 

A variation on this principle is illustrated in two cases involving 
the Corps of Engineers Civil Revolving Fund, 33 U.S.C. � 576. When 
supervising military construction under 10 U.S.C. � 2851, the Corps 
charges its "customer" a flat percentage (5.5 percent in the cases 
discussed here) of the contract price for "supervision and 
administration" (S&A). The charge is designed to enable the revolving 
fund to break even over the long term. In one case, faulty design 
caused the Air Force to incur additional construction costs, which in 
turn increased the Corps' S&A charge. GAO advised the Air Force that 
it could retain the money recovered from the architect to cover its 
increased construction costs and the S&A fees actually paid to the 
revolving fund. However, the portion of the recovery representing S&A 
expenses over and above the 5.5 percent, which the revolving fund had 
absorbed, had to go to the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Had the 
fund been charging its customers on an actual cost basis, it could 
have been reimbursed the entire amount of S&A expenses actually 
incurred. However, since the percentage fee was designed to recover 
actual costs over time, and the Corps had already received this from 
the Air Force, any additional reimbursement would amount to an 
unauthorized augmentation of the fund. 65 Comp. Gen. 838 (1986). On 
the other hand, the fund can be reimbursed for expenses actually 
incurred which are not covered by the flat rate. B-237421, Sept. 11, 
1991 (additional S&A costs resulting from contractor delay can be 
reimbursed from recovery of liquidated damages since delay costs are 
not factored into uniform rate). 

The cases cited in the preceding paragraph point to a common feature 
of most revolving funds�they are intended to operate on a break-even 
basis or reasonably close to it, over the long term. One thing this 
means is that the fund should not augment its working capital by 
retaining funds in excess of what it needs to cover its costs. To 
nudge this process along, revolving fund statutes frequently include 
the requirement for the periodic payment of surplus amounts to the 
general fund of the Treasury. We quote three variations: 

* General Services Administration's (GSA) Acquisition Services Fund, 
40 U.S.C. � 321(f):[Footnote 89] 

"Transfer of Uncommitted Balances.�Following the close of each fiscal 
year, after making provision for a sufficient level of inventory of 
personal property to meet the needs of Federal agencies, the 
replacement cost of motor vehicles, and other anticipated operating 
needs reflected in the cost and capital plan ..., the uncommitted 
balance of any funds remaining in the Fund shall be transferred to the 
general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." 

* Bureau of Engraving and Printing Fund, 31 U.S.C. � 5142(d): 

"The Secretary shall deposit each fiscal year, in the Treasury as 
miscellaneous receipts, amounts accruing to the Fund in the prior 
fiscal year that the Secretary decides are in excess of the needs of 
the Fund. However, the Secretary may use the excess amounts to restore 
capital of the Fund reduced by the difference between the charges for 
services of the Bureau and the cost of providing those services." 

* Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Revolving Fund, 5 U.S.C. � 

"Any unobligated and unexpended balances in the fund which the Office 
determines to be in excess of amounts needed for activities financed 
by the fund shall be deposited in the Treasury ... as miscellaneous 

The Acquisition Services Fund provision is the most restrictive, at 
least on its face. The other two examples confer more discretion. The 
OPM provision is the most discretionary and permits OPM to reduce 
retained earnings by freezing or reducing fees, purchasing equipment, 
or using the money essentially for any authorized purpose, or 
depositing surplus as miscellaneous receipts. B-206231-0.M., Sept. 12, 
1986. While this provision clearly does not require the OPM fund to 
operate on a break-even basis each year, GAO has voiced the opinion 
that operating with deficits or surpluses for periods of several years 
is not consistent with the statutory objective. GAO, OPM's Revolving 
Fund Policy Should Be Clarified and Management Controls Strengthened, 
GAO/GGD-84-23 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 13, 1983), at 9. 

The absence of a provision requiring periodic payments of surplus to 
the Treasury does not eliminate augmentation as a concern. For 
example, the Defense Department working capital fund authority, 10 
U.S.C. � 2208, contains no such provision. It nevertheless remains the 
case that the fund should try to minimize annual gains or losses. 
Absence of statutory limitation merely means that the fund has more 
discretion in adjusting its charges periodically to recover losses or 
offset profits of prior periods. B-181714-0.M., Jan. 3, 1975. 

The provision quoted above for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing 
Fund expressly authorizes reductions from surplus for certain capital 
restoration, with the net amount then to be paid over to the Treasury. 
This introduces a concept which does not exist in the case of other 
appropriations�the concept of capital impairment. If the objective is 
to maintain a revolving fund at a certain level, then impairment�
diminution of fund capital�is as important to guard against as 

This concern manifests itself in the statutes in various ways. The 
revolving fund of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 
for example, directs that earned net income be paid over to the 
general fund of the Treasury at the close of each fiscal year, but may 
first be applied "to restore any prior impairment of the fund." 15 
U.S.C. � 278b(f). GAO considered the meaning of this provision in 58 
Comp. Gen. 9 (1978). The decision first noted that "impairment" is not 
a term of art with an established meaning in the accounting world. Id. 
at 10. Then, after reviewing legislative history and similar 
provisions in other laws, GAO concluded that impairment in the context 
of a revolving fund statute means operating losses, specifically, 
losses sustained by providing services at prices which do not recover 
costs. Id. at 12. The term does not include losses caused by 
inflation. Under the language of the statute as it then existed, the 
fund could not retain profits to offset increased equipment 
replacement costs. (The statute was subsequently amended to permit 
this.) One of the statutes GAO reviewed in the course of reaching its 
conclusion was the Bureau of Engraving and Printing provision, a 
linguistic variation of the anti-impairment concept. Id. at 12-13. 

The original version of the OPM statute included anti-impairment 
language similar to 15 U.S.C. � 278b, but it was deleted in the 1969 
amendment[Footnote 90] which recast the provision in the form quoted 
above. In view of the discretionary language used, the amendment in no 
way diminished OPM's ability to restore capital impairment. Rather, it 
expanded OPM's authority to use surplus�from the limited purpose of 
the restoration of impairment, to any authorized fund purpose. See B-
110497, May 10, 1968 (GAO's comments on the proposed amendment); B-
206231-0.M., Sept. 12, 1986. 

6. Property Management and Utilization: 

Items of property and equipment that revolving funds use in their 
operations are typically treated as assets of the fund itself. This in 
turn raises issues which implicate augmentation and impairment 

One type of cost the fund will necessarily incur is the cost of 
equipment replacement. The fund anticipates this by including 
depreciation in its charges and fees, and establishing a reserve for 
this purpose. E.g., B-75212, June 16, 1955. The problem is that 
inflationary pressures drive prices up over time, and a piece of 
replacement equipment will almost certainly cost more than the 
original equipment did, sometimes a lot more. Simple enough, you say, 
just raise prices. The obstacle here is that statutory authority is 
needed in order to avoid an augmentation. The agency had no such 
authority in 58 Comp. Gen. 9 (1978), discussed in section C.5 above. 
The decision explained: 

"We believe that the term 'cost,' absent something in the law or its 
legislative history indicating otherwise, means historical cost, and 
not replacement cost. Thus, when capitalizing fixed assets in the 
fund, the value of the asset is determined by historical cost (e.g., 
acquisition cost) and it is this value that depreciation allocates 
over the useful life of the asset." 

Id. at 14. See also B-151204-0.M., Dec. 9, 1971. Since the agency 
could not base depreciation on replacement cost, its next thought was 
to treat the difference between the depreciation reserve and 
replacement cost as an impairment of capital and to take the 
difference from surplus before turning it over to the Treasury. As 
explained above, GAO concluded that impairment did not include losses 
caused by inflation and that the fund could not retain profits to 
offset increased equipment replacement costs. 58 Comp. Gen. 9. 

In some cases, the rule that depreciation refers to historical cost 
and not replacement cost is expressed in the statute. For example, the 
Bureau of Engraving and Printing is directed to provide for equipment 
replacement "by maintaining adequate depreciation reserves based on 
original cost or appraised values." 31 U.S.C. � 5141(b)(1)(C). In view 
of this language, and the rule that would have been applied even 
without it, the Bureau had no authority to augment its depreciation 
reserve through a surcharge. B-104492-0.M., Apr. 23, 1976. 

One solution is to amend the statute. The statute in 58 Comp. Gen. 9, 
15 U.S.C. � 278b(f), was later amended to authorize the application of 
net income "to ensure the availability of working capital necessary to 
replace equipment and inventories." The Bureau of Engraving and 
Printing statute also received a legislative solution with the 1977 
enactment of 31 U.S.C. � 5142(c)(3), which permits it to adjust its 
prices "to permit buying capital equipment and to provide future 
working capital." Pursuant to this authority, the Bureau can levy a 
surcharge, or it can simply raise its prices. B-114801-0.M., Nov. 19, 
1979. Similarly, at one time, the General Services Administration 
(GSA) could not charge using agencies the replacement cost of motor 
pool vehicles as it would have amounted to an unauthorized 
augmentation of the former General Supply Fund. B-158712-0.M., Oct. 4, 
1976. Legislation was enacted in 1978, 40 U.S.C. � 605(b)(2) (formerly 
cited as 40 U.S.C. � 491(d)(2)) to authorize GSA to charge for 
estimated replacement costs and to retain those increments in the 
fund, but only for replacement purposes. Still another statutory 
approach is to require payment to the Treasury at the end of a fiscal 
year of any balance "in excess of the estimated requirements for the 
ensuing fiscal year." See B-100831- 0.M., Mar. 1, 1951. Or, a statute 
may specify the actual amount an agency may retain. For example, many 
of the franchise fund pilot programs have authority to retain up to 4 
percent of total annual income as a reserve for acquisition of capital 
equipment and enhancement of support systems, with any excess to be 
transferred to the Treasury. See, e.g., Pub. L. No. 104-208, div. A, 
title I, � 113, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-200-01 (Sept. 30, 1996), 31 
U.S.C. � 501 note (Department of Interior franchise fund). In 
addition, the exchange/sale authority of 40 U.S.C. � 503 (formerly 
cited as 40 U.S.C. � 481(c)) is available to a revolving fund. See B-
149858-0.M., Feb. 25, 1963. If none of these approaches affords a 
solution, the fund has little choice but to seek additional 
appropriations from Congress. 58 Comp. Gen. at 14. 

It has also been stated as a general proposition that "the corpus of 
[a] revolving fund should not be impaired by the transfer of assets." 
B-121695, Feb. 3, 1955, at 2. Of course, transfers authorized by law 
to be made without reimbursement are an exception. Id.; B-149858-0.M., 
Feb. 25, 1963. Property can become excess to a revolving fund just as 
it can to any other entity. Unless the fund's own legislation provides 
specific authority, the disposal of excess property should be handled 
under authority of the Federal Property and Administrative Services 
Act and GSA's implementing regulations. 56 Comp. Gen. 754 (1977); B-
121695, Feb. 3, 1955. 

One section of the Federal Property Act, 40 U.S.C. � 574(a) (formerly 
cited as 40 U.S.C. � 485(c)), provides that transfers shall be 
reimbursable when the property transferred or disposed of was acquired 
by the use of funds either "not appropriated from the general fund of 
the Treasury" or appropriated therefrom "but by law reimbursable from 
assessment, tax, or other revenue or receipts." This language includes 
revolving funds. 56 Comp. Gen. at 757; B-116731, Nov. 4, 1953. Another 
section of the Federal Property Act, 40 U.S.C. � 522(b) (formerly 
cited as 40 U.S.C. � 483(a)(1)), states that reimbursement of the fair 
value of transferred excess property is required if "net proceeds are 
requested under section 574(a)." In view of these provisions, unless 
the revolving fund legislation itself requires reimbursement, the rule 
is that the transfer of excess property from a revolving fund is 
reimbursable if and when requested by the transferring agency. The 
agency has discretion in the matter. 35 Comp. Gen. 207 (1955); B-
233847, Apr. 14, 1989. The same rationale authorizes a military 
department to credit to its industrial fund the proceeds from the sale 
of scrap and salvage generated by fund operations, regardless of the 
potentially large amounts of money involved. B-162337-0.M., Oct. 2, 

Some revolving fund statutes require reimbursement. An example is the 
Veterans Affairs Supply Fund, which provides that the fund shall be 
"credited with ... all other receipts resulting from the operation of 
the funds, including ... the proceeds of disposal of scraps, excess or 
surplus personal property of the fund." 38 U.S.C. � 8121(a)(3). Under 
this type of legislation, the disposal would still be done under the 
authority and procedures of the Federal Property Act and GSA 
regulations, except that the agency no longer has the discretion to 
decline reimbursement. The mandatory language of the statute overcomes 
the discretionary language of 40 U.S.C. � 522(b) and the statement in 
41 C.F.R. � 102-36.285(a)(3) that "[i]t is the current executive 
branch policy that working capital fund property shall be transferred 
without reimbursement." 

If the authorized transfer of excess property from a revolving fund 
without reimbursement is not an impairment of the fund, it is equally 
true that the transfer of excess property to a revolving fund without 
reimbursement, when authorized by law, is not an improper 
augmentation. B-110497, Aug. 28, 1952. 

Thus far, we have been talking about fund property as opposed to 
property purchased by the fund on behalf of a customer. Property in 
the latter category no longer needed by the customer agency, apart 
from transactions which may be authorized under the Federal Property 
Act, does not revert to the revolving fund simply because it was 
initially purchased by the fund; converting the property to cash and 
then retaining and using those proceeds improperly augments the 
revolving fund because it would credit the revolving fund with amounts 
supplied by the customer. 40 Comp. Gen. 356 (1960). Somewhat 
similarly, if an agency using fund property has paid the full cost of 
the item and then no longer needs it, nothing prevents the fund from 
making the property available to a second user at rates based on fair 
market value. The income should not be used to augment the fund's 
capital, however, but should, to the extent it exceeds costs, be 
treated as net income subject to a "transfer to Treasury" provision if 
there is one. B-151204-0.M., Dec. 9, 1971. 

An unusual provision of law is found in 22 U.S.C. � 2358(a), which 
authorizes the Agency for International Development (MD) to receive 
excess property from other agencies for foreign assistance purposes, 
and to stockpile that property "in advance of known requirements 
therefor," up to a specified monetary ceiling. In determining 
compliance with the ceiling, MD may properly deduct the amount of 
unfilled orders received from overseas missions since the receipt of 
an order represents a known requirement. B-160485-0.M., Jan. 17, 1967. 

The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act does not apply to 
the Senate or House of Representatives. However, they may purchase 
services under the act from GSA if they choose. 40 U.S.C. � 113(d). 
Therefore, when a revolving fund of the Senate or House of 
Representatives has excess property, it may either request GSA's 
assistance or dispose of the property through the official or body 
with operational control of the particular fund. B-205013, Jan. 27, 
1982 (Senate); B-114842, Oct. 17, 1979 (House). 

Under the "interdepartmental waiver doctrine," the general rule is 
that if one agency damages the personal property of another agency, 
funds available to the agency causing the damage may not be used to 
pay claims for damages by the agency whose property suffered the 
damage.[Footnote 91] The general rule, however, does not apply to 
revolving fund activities. A 1986 decision, 65 Comp. Gen. 910, held 
that a revolving fund which had loaned vehicles to another agency for 
use on a project unrelated to the fund's purpose should be reimbursed 
for damage which occurred while the vehicles were in the borrower's 
custody.[Footnote 92] Acknowledging the general prohibition on 
interagency damage liability, the decision states: "It is our opinion, 
however, that even in the absence of an Economy Act or similar 
agreement, the prohibition should not apply where the fund that would 
be charged with the cost of repair if reimbursement were not permitted 
is a reimbursable or revolving fund." Id. at 911. The decision further 
pointed out that the fund in that case, the Air Force Industrial Fund, 
treated repair costs as an indirect cost factored into its charges, 
but it is assumed that this referred to damage which occurred while 
the property was being used by the Air Force on fund work, not damage 
caused by another agency. Id. 

The view that a revolving fund should be reimbursed for damage to fund 
property caused by another agency is supported by the approach taken 
in 59 Comp. Gen. 515 (1980). GSA regulations provide that GSA will 
charge the using agency for damage to motor pool vehicles which occurs 
while the vehicle is assigned or issued to that agency, unless the 
damage can be attributed to the fault of an identifiable party other 
than the using agency or its employee. 41 C.F.R. � 101-39.406(a). 
Motor pool vehicles are financed under GSA's Acquisition Services Fund 
(formerly its General Supply Fund). Reviewing an earlier (but not 
substantially different in principle) version of the regulations, GAO 
agreed that GSA was well within its discretion because repair cost is 
certainly a cost of maintaining the service. The decision further 
noted: "In addition, since the GSA revolving fund is intended to be 
operated on a businesslike basis, it is inequitable to impose upon the 
revolving fund a loss for which the managing agency is in no way 
responsible." 59 Comp. Gen. at 518. 

A 2005 GAO decision held that a federal agency should collect for 
damages to property financed by a revolving fund either from the 
customer agency, the customer agency's contractor, or the revolving 
fund agency's own contractor, as the case may be. B-302962, June 10, 
2005. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) asked 
GAO whether it could collect and retain in its Records Center 
revolving fund payments for damages to a Records Center storage 
facility caused by a customer agency or the agency's contractor. GAO 
concluded that NARA should collect amounts sufficient to repair 
damages to the facilities, whether the damage was caused by NAREs 
customer, the customer's contractor, or NARA's own contractor, 
depending on which entity was responsible for the damages, and deposit 
these amounts into the Records Center revolving fund. Id. 

Similarly, in 50 Comp. Gen. 545 (1971), GAO advised the National 
Credit Union Administration that it could credit to its revolving fund 
recoveries for property lost or damaged in transit. The fund consists 
of fees paid by member credit unions, and the decision emphasized 
legislative history expressing the intent that "the Administration 
will not cost the taxpayers a single penny." Id. at 546. Several 
revolving fund statutes-�mostly intragovernmental funds where the "not 
cost the taxpayers a penny" rationale has no meaning�expressly 
authorize the retention of payments for loss or damage to fund 
property. E.g., 5 U.S.C. � 1304(e)(3)(B) (Office of Personnel 
Management revolving fund); 38 U.S.C. � 8121(a)(3) (Veterans Affairs 
Supply Fund); 40 U.S.C. � 321(b)(2) (Acquisition Services Fund); 44 
U.S.C. � 309(b)(2) (Government Printing Office revolving fund). 

7. Revolving Funds in the Department of Defense: 

At the outset of our discussion, we noted that revolving funds in the 
federal government appear to have originated within the defense 
establishment. Their use in that establishment has grown over the 
course of the past century so that they now play a highly significant 
role in financing defense operations. For example, the Defense-wide 
Working Capital Fund is estimated to have financed about $49 billion 
in defense operations in fiscal year 2008. Budget of the United States 
Government, Fiscal Year 2009 Appendix (Feb. 4, 2008), at 317, 
available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2009/appendix.html] (last 
visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

The most important piece of legislation was section 405 of the 
National Security Act Amendments of 1949, which enacted what is now 10 
U.S.C. � 2208. Pleased with the success of the Navy's working capital 
funds through two World Wars, Congress decided to expand the concept 
and extend it to all of the military departments. The objectives 
Congress sought to achieve were "most effectively to control and 
account for the cost of the programs and work performed, to provide 
adequate, accurate, and current cost data which can be used as a 
measure of efficiency, and to facilitate the most economical 
administration and operation of the military departments." S. Rep. No. 
81-366, at 17 (1949). 

Section 2208(a) of title 10, United States Code authorizes the 
Secretary of Defense to create working capital funds to: "(1) finance 
inventories of such supplies as he may designate; and (2) provide 
working capital for such industrial-type activities, and such 
commercial-type activities that provide common services within or 
among departments and agencies of the Department of Defense, as he may 
designate." These are known as, respectively, stock funds and 
industrial funds. The stock fund concept was intended to standardize 
procurement, storage, and issue policies and thereby encourage 
interservice utilization; reduce over-all inventory requirements; 
facilitate procurement of seasonal items at times when the market is 
most favorable; facilitate cost control; and permit standard pricing. 
S. Rep. No. 81-366, at 19. The Senate report described the intended 
operation of industrial funds as follows: 

"All costs of the operation of [the] industrial-type or commercial-
type activity would be paid from the working capital fund, utilizing 
standard, accepted, and approved commercial practices for the 
distribution of direct and indirect costs to jobs in process.... The 
activity which places a work order with the industrial-type or 
commercial-type activity would establish proper commitments and 
obligations against moneys appropriated to it�generally in the same 
manner as would be followed if the order were placed for the work to 
be done by a private concern. The industrial plant would enter the 
order and distribute the work in the plant by its own job orders�a 
fundamentally sound procedure. When the work is completed and the cost 
of the job ascertained, the plant will invoice or bill the cost to the 
ordering military agency and its proper appropriation and budget 
program.... The invoice charges would include items of cost for labor, 
material, and current operating expense." 

Id. at 20-21. 

Section 2208(b) of title 10 directs the Secretary of the Treasury to 
establish the appropriate accounts on Treasury's books upon request of 
the Secretary of Defense. Section 2208(c) authorizes the revolving 
funds to be charged with the cost of supplies and services, including 
administrative expenses, and to be reimbursed from available 
appropriations. Section 2208(d) authorizes the capitalization of 
existing inventories and the appropriation of necessary amounts. 
Section 2208(e) authorizes internal reorganization of military 
departments in order to take maximum advantage of the revolving funds. 
Section 2208(f) prohibits a requisitioning agency from incurring costs 
for supplies or services from any of the revolving funds in excess of 
"the amount of appropriations or other funds available for those 
purposes." The Senate Committee described this subsection as the means 
by which Congress controls the amount of money that may be spent by 
the department and agencies for supplies or services. S. Rep. No. 81-
366, at 18. 

Under section 2208(g), supplies returned to inventory are charged to 
the applicable revolving fund and the proceeds credited to "current 
applicable appropriations" of the customer agency. Where the return 
takes place in a subsequent fiscal year, this amounts to an 
augmentation of the current appropriation (B-132900-0.M., Feb. 1, 
1974), but it is expressly authorized. This procedure is intended to 
encourage the return of materials found not to be immediately needed 
and to "reduce the temptation to overbuy." S. Rep. No. 81-366, at 18. 
Section 2208(h) authorizes implementing regulations. The remaining 
portions of the statute were added in later amendments. 

According to one commentator, performance of the military revolving 
funds "is not well documented." Although there is "some evidence" that 
they are achieving the desired benefits, the evidence is "mixed." 
Patricia E. Byrnes, Defense Business Operating [sic] Fund: Description 
and Implementation Issues, 13 Public Budgeting and Finance 29, 32 (No. 
4, 1993). According to Byrnes: 

"Revolving funds are intended to provide at least three important 
benefits. First, in contrast to the services budgeted and financed 
through the appropriations process, the contractual relationship 
between the fund activity (supplier) and the customer improves 
supplier incentives for efficient, demand-driven production. Second, 
because revolving funds are intended to operate across organization 
boundaries, economies of scale can be achieved in procurement and use 
of facilities. Finally, in addition to reduced rates from more 
efficient provision of services, the customers should also realize 
advantages of stabilized rates typical of contractual arrangements." 

Id. at 31-32. 

While, as Byrnes points out, the measure of success of an activity 
intended to be businesslike is how closely it resembles a commercial 
activity, the goal of a government revolving fund, in sharp contrast 
with a private business's goal of profit maximization, is "a zero fund 
balance." Id. at 32. 

In any event, after operating under the structure established by the 
1949 legislation for over four decades, the next major development 
took place in late 1991 with the introduction of the Defense Business 
Operations Fund (DBOF). The Defense Department had proposed the DBOF 
as a consolidation of the various stock and industrial funds already 
in existence, together with other activities, such as the Defense 
Commissary Agency and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, 
which would be converted to revolving fund status. Considering the 
proposal as part of Defense's 1992 appropriations package, the 
congressional reception was cautious. The Senate Appropriations 
Committee reported: 

"The DBOF proposal has been met with both antipathy and confusion. The 
antipathy arises, for the most part, from the perception of Congress 
losing influence on and oversight of programs to be subsumed in the 
fund. The confusion arises from several factors; probably the most 
important of these was the Department having not clearly defined the 
advantages of establishing DBOF when the proposal was first made to 

S. Rep. No. 102-154, at 354 (1991). The conference committee shared 
the concern over the potential loss of oversight H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 
102-328, at 176 (1991). These concerns notwithstanding, Congress gave 
the DBOF its initial statutory basis in section 8121 of the 1992 
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, Pub. L. No. 102-172, title 
VDT, � 8121, 105 Stat. 1150, 1204-05 (Nov. 26, 1991), as "a working 
capital fund under the provisions or 10 U.S.C. � 2208. 

To call the DBOF "big" would be somewhat of an understatement. 
Testifying before a congressional subcommittee only 6 months after the 
DBOF was established GAO noted that for fiscal year 1993, when 
compared with the "Fortune 500," the DBOF's sales "would make the Fund 
equivalent to the fifth largest corporation in the world.[Footnote 93] 
The Fund experienced a number of management problems, and GAO issued a 
steady stream of reports over the next few years.[Footnote 94] 

In 1996, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104-106, � 371, 110 Stat. 186, 277-80 (Feb. 10, 
1996)), Congress repealed the 1991 provision and codified the DBOF in 
more detailed legislation, 10 U.S.C. � 2216a, which restricted the 
DBOF to a list of specified funds and activities. Later that year 
Congress directed the Secretary of Defense to prepare and submit a 
comprehensive plan to improve the management and performance of the 
DBOF. Pub. L. No. 104-201, � 363, 110 Stat. 2422, 2493-94 (Sept. 23, 
1996). In December 1996, the Defense Department initiated a 
reorganization, and in effect a "de-consolidation," of the DBOF and 
created four new working capital funds�Army, Navy, Air Force, and 
Defense-wide.[Footnote 95] The authority to manage working capital 
funds and certain activities through the DBOF was terminated when 
section 2216a was repealed in 1998. Pub. L. No. 105-261, div. A, title 
X, � 1008, 112 Stat. 1920, 2115-17 (Oct. 17, 1998).[Footnote 96] The 
military working capital funds, however, continued to face management 
problems following the de-consolidation of DBOF, and GAO continued to 
issue reports examining the funds.[Footnote 97] 

The funds' various permutations notwithstanding, the legal issues they 
raise and the analytical approach used in resolving them are not 
fundamentally different from other revolving funds, and cases and 
reports dealing with the military funds have been included in the 
various topics throughout our discussion. While the funds are 
certainly here to stay in one form or another, their precise scope and 
direction will almost certainly continue to evolve. 

D. User Charges: 

This section, like our earlier coverage of the Economy Act in section 
B.1 of this chapter, deals with the authority of federal agencies to 
charge for goods and services they provide�to other federal entities 
in the case of the Economy Act; to mostly private parties under the 
authorities discussed in this section. 

1. Providing Goods or Services to Private Parties: 

We start with a principle regarded as so elementary that references to 
it invariably include the word "fundamental," as in the following 
statement from 28 Comp. Gen. 38, 40 (1948): "It is fundamental that 
Federal agencies cannot make use of appropriated funds to manufacture 
products or materials for, or otherwise supply services to, private 
parties, in the absence of specific authority therefor." Not 
surprisingly, GAO has reiterated this principle in many subsequent 
decisions. See, e.g., B-300218, Mar. 17, 2003; 62 Comp. Gen. 323, 335 
(1983); 31 Comp. Gen. 624, 626 (1952). 

This simple-sounding principle goes to the essence of the relationship 
between the federal government and the taxpayers. When Congress 
creates and funds a department or agency, it does so to serve one or 
more public purposes. If accomplishing these public purposes produces 
incidental benefit to some private interest, no harm is done. If the 
roles become reversed, however, and the public purpose becomes 
incidental to the private benefit, or the private benefit exists 
independent of any public purpose, closer scrutiny is warranted. The 
theory, abetted by the statutory bar on using appropriated funds for 
unauthorized purposes (31 U.S.C. � 1301(a)), is that the activity 
should be undertaken only if it has been explicitly authorized by the 
elected representatives of the taxpayers. The miscellaneous receipts 
statute, 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b), discourages violations by prohibiting 
agencies from keeping any proceeds they may receive from the private 

The earliest administrative decisions dealt with the sale of 
commodities. In 15 Comp. Dec. 178 (1908), the Army, which manufactured 
hydrogen for use in aviation balloons, asked if it could sell hydrogen 
to private individuals for the inflation of private balloons. The 
agency cannot sell it to private parties "at any price or for any 
purpose," the Comptroller of the Treasury responded. Since the 
miscellaneous receipts act would require the proceeds to go into the 
general fund of the Treasury, the practical effect would be to deplete 
the Army's appropriation for the manufacture of hydrogen on purposes 
not contemplated by Congress. Id. at 179. However, the manufacturing 
process produced oxygen as a by-product, for which the Army had no 
use. This could be sold to the private sector, the Comptroller 
continued, but the proceeds would have to be deposited as 
miscellaneous receipts. Id. at 181. 

Restated, 15 Comp. Dec. 178 said two things. First, a government 
agency has no authority, on its own initiative, to produce something 
in order to sell it to a private interest. Second, an agency, which in 
the ordinary course of its operations, necessarily produces a surplus 
of any commodity may sell that surplus, but must account for the 
proceeds as miscellaneous receipts unless it has statutory authority 
for some other disposition. The portion of the rule dealing with the 
sale of surplus commodities has been applied to surplus electric power 
produced by government-owned generating plants (28 Comp. Gen. 38 
(1948); 5 Comp. Gen. 389 (1925)); excess water produced by a then 
Veterans Administration hospital water filtration plant (55 Comp. Gen. 
688 (1976)); and surplus steam from a government power plant (A-34549, 
Dec. 19, 1930). As several of these cases point out (e.g., 5 Comp. 
Gen. at 391), the alternative would be to let the surplus commodity go 
to waste. 

Turning from goods to services, the concept of "surplus" of course has 
no relevance (notwithstanding the reference to "surplus services" in 
55 Comp. Gen. at 690), and we are left with the prohibitory rule as 
quoted above and as applied in the first portion of 15 Comp. Dec. 178. 
It makes no difference that the recipient is willing to reimburse the 
government. B-69238, July 13, 1948.[Footnote 98] Nor does it matter 
that the proposed reimbursement is in the form of credits rather than 
cash. 28 Comp. Gen. 38, 41 (1948) (pointing out that even where the 
service or sale is authorized, the agency would have to transfer the 
value of the credit from its appropriations to miscellaneous 
receipts). The rule is not limited to private interests but applies as 
well to governmental units. 31 Comp. Gen. 624 (1952). Applications of 
the rule include B-300218, Mar. 17, 2003 (provision of technical 
assistance services to a foreign government outside the scope of an 
agency's statutory grant-making authority); 34 Comp. Gen. 599 (1955) 
(construction of a sewerage system in excess of the government's needs 
so that it may be shared with a local government); and 62 Comp. Gen. 
323, 334-35 (1983) (use of military personnel as chauffeurs and 
personal escorts at presidential inaugural and pre-inaugural 

A judicial application of the rule may be found in the case of 
National Forest Preservation Group v. Volpe, 352 F. Supp. 123 (D. 
Mont. 1972), reconsideration denied, 359 F. Supp. 136 (D. Mont. 1973), 
in which the court, holding that the designation of an access road as 
a "federal-aid primary highway" exceeded the Department of 
Transportation's statutory authority, enjoined federal funding of the 
construction. The road would primarily have served the interests of 
private corporations who wanted to develop recreational property. The 
court stated: 

"There is no rationale for the expenditure of federal funds which 
serve to benefit directly this type of private business venture 
without explicit congressional authorization. To allow the primary 
highway designation to stand would have the effect of holding that the 
[Federal Highway Administration] may become a partner in private 
enterprise without explicit statutory authority." 

Volpe, 352 F. Supp. at 130. 

To sum up, regardless of who pays or what happens to the money, a 
government agency needs statutory authority in order to provide goods 
or services to nongovernment parties. Fiscal issues come into play 
only after this authority has been established. 

2. The Concept of User Charges: 

When Congress authorizes a program or activity that will benefit 
private interests, it must also decide how to finance that program or 
activity. Basically, the choices are subsidization, user financing, or 
some combination of the two. Subsidization means funding the activity 
from appropriated funds, thus spreading the cost among all taxpayers. 
The user financing option involves some form of user charge or fee, 
under which part or all of the cost is borne by the recipients of the 
benefit. A user fee may be defined as "a price charged by a 
governmental agency for a service or product whose distribution it 
controls,"[Footnote 99] or "any charge collected from recipients of 
Government goods, services, or other benefits not shared by the 
public."[Footnote 100] 

We all pay a variety of user fees. When you buy postage stamps at your 
local post office, buy a fishing license, or pay highway tolls, you 
are paying a user fee. These common examples show some of the 
different types of user fees. You pay the toll only when you use the 
highway; if you never use the highway, you never need to pay the toll. 
Similarly, if you have no intention of going fishing, you do not need 
to buy a fishing license. Once you buy the license, however, whether 
you ever use it or not is irrelevant to the issuing authority. You can 
use it as often as you like during the fishing season, but it becomes 
worthless once the season or specified time period is over, and even 
if you have never used it you cannot get your money back. You can use 
the postage stamp for its intended purpose, or you can save it. 
Although you cannot sell it back to the post office, it never loses 
its face value as long as it remains unused.[Footnote 101] 

The advantages and disadvantages of user financing are much discussed 
and debated in the public financing literature. Supporters of user 
fees regard them as equitable because they place the economic burden 
on those receiving the benefit. They are also politically and 
"budgetarily" attractive as an alternative to general tax increases. 
This was especially true during the budgetary shortfalls of the 1980s 
and early 1990s. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has noted that 
"most of the new and increased [user fee] charges of the 1980s 
followed the passage of the Balanced Budget Act of 1985. As the search 
for new sources of funds intensified, changes in law and budget 
processes helped assure the enactment of new user charges." CBO, The 
Growth of Federal User Charges xi (Aug. 1993). Moreover, the legal 
basis for setting user charges expanded from reimbursing an agency's 
costs of providing services, to financing all or specified portions of 
the agency's budget. Id. 

While user fees at the federal level are not new,[Footnote 102] they 
received relatively little attention prior to the final third of the 
twentieth century. In March 1980, GAO issued its report The Congress 
Should Consider Exploring Opportunities to Expand and Improve the 
Application of User Charges by Federal Agencies, PAD-80-25, the thrust 
of which is evident from its title. Page 1 of that report stated: 

"Both individuals and businesses are concerned with tax burdens. 
Businesses are also concerned with the fact that compliance with 
Federal regulations is often expensive. Both concerns can be addressed 
by the Government's promotion of economy and efficiency through 
actively employing user charges. [Footnote omitted.] 

"User charges can reduce Federal taxes, as well as the costs of 
certain types of regulation. They are a source of revenue that can 
partially replace general taxation of individuals and businesses. They 
also reduce the amount of taxes needed to finance the production of 
goods and the delivery of services to the extent that charging higher 
prices reduces recipient demand." 

In addition, GAO has issued a minor deluge of reports analyzing, and 
encouraging optimum use of, user fees in specific contexts.[Footnote 
103] The fever spread to Congress generally as well as the Office of 
Management and Budget and the rest of the executive branch, with the 
result that the growth of user fees mushroomed. Between 1980 and 1991, 
CBO found, user charges increased by 54 percent in constant dollars, 
and financed much larger shares of many agencies' budgets. CBO, The 
Growth of Federal User Charges. A later GAO report supports the notion 
that this trend continued during the 1990s, as many agencies became 
increasingly more reliant upon user fees, over general tax revenues, 
to fund their programs and operations. GAO, Federal User Fees: 
Budgetary Treatment, Status, and Emerging Management Issues, GAO/AIMD-
98-11 (Dec. 19, 1997). While user fees have not expanded as 
dramatically in more recent years, they are generally still on the 
increase. GAO's 1997 report indicated that user fees produced $196.4 
billion in fiscal year 1996 revenues. Id. at 1. The Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) estimates user fee receipts will increase 
to $243.2 billion for fiscal year 2007. See Analytical Perspectives, 
Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2007 (Feb. 6, 
2006), at 272, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2007] (last visited Mar. 20, 
2008). OMB projects that such fees will grow to over $258 billion in 
2011. Id. However, the latter figure assumes implementation of OMB's 
proposals for new user fees and for extension of expiring fees. 

Political attractions aside, levying user fees is not simply a 
question of raising revenue, but can implicate a variety of other 
economic and public policy issues as well. For example, increasing a 
user fee can result in capital losses in the form of decreased asset 
values. This in turn raises questions as to the desirability of some 
form of compensation for these losses. A GAO analysis of these issues 
can be found in Congressional Attention Is Warranted When User Charges 
or Other Policy Changes Cause Capital Losses, GAO/PAD-83-10 
(Washington, D.C.: Oct. 13, 1982). The case study presented in that 
report is the use of water in the Columbia Basin Project in the 
Pacific Northwest. The study showed that, if the price charged for 
water provided to farmers for irrigation purposes were raised to 
market levels, water would be diverted from farming to the production 
of electricity, and the value of farmland would drop significantly. 

3. The Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 

a. Origin and Overview: 

In 1950, the Senate Committee on Expenditures in the Executive 
Departments (a forerunner of the Committee on Homeland Security and 
Governmental Affairs) conducted a study of user fees in the federal 
government, and issued a report entitled Fees for Special Services, S. 
Rep. No. 81-2120 (1950). The committee's governing philosophy was that 
"those who receive the benefit of services rendered by the Government 
especially for them should pay the costs thereof." S. Rep. No. 81-
2120, at 3. The report concluded: "On the basis of the limited study 
reported upon herein, the committee has established conclusively that 
opportunity exists for the equitable transfer of many financial 
burdens from the shoulders of the taxpaying general public to the 
direct and special beneficiaries." Id. at 15. The report did not 
recommend any particular legislation, but left it to the 
jurisdictional committees to consider and develop legislative 
proposals within their respective areas of responsibility. 

Several committees then began their own studies. The following year, 
while many of these studies were in process, Congress enacted general 
user fee authority to fill in the gaps. Its intent, the House 
Appropriations Committee reported, was to: 

"provide authority for Government agencies to make charges for ... 
services in cases where no charge is made at present, and to revise 
charges where present charges are too low, except in cases where the 
charge is specifically fixed by law or the law specifically provides 
that no charge shall be made." 

H.R. Rep. No. 82-384, at 3 (1951). The new legislation was title V of 
the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1952, Pub. L. No. 82-137, 
65 Stat. 268, 290 (Aug. 31, 1951), known as the "IOAA" or the "User 
Charge Statute.[Footnote 104] Codified at 31 U.S.C. � 9701, the law 
provides in part as follows: 

"(a) It is the sense of Congress that each service or thing of value 
provided by an agency (except a mixed-ownership Government 
corporation) to a person (except a person on official business of the 
United States Government) is to be self-sustaining to the extent 

"(b) The head of each agency (except a mixed-ownership Government 
corporation) may prescribe regulations establishing the charge for a 
service or thing of value provided by the agency. Regulations 
prescribed by the heads of executive agencies are subject to policies 
prescribed by the President and shall be as uniform as practicable. 
Each charge shall be: 

"(1) fair; and; 
"(2) based on: 
"(A) the costs to the Government; 
"(B) the value of the service or thing to the recipient; 
"(C) public policy or interest served; and; 
"(D) other relevant facts." 

Although enacted as an appropriation act rider, the IOAA is permanent 
legislation and applies to all agencies, not just those funded by the 
act in which it originally appeared. B-178865, Apr. 19, 1974. The 
statute is permissive rather than mandatory. It authorizes fees; it 
does not require them. Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. United States, 335 
F.2d 304, 307 (7th Cir. 1964), cert. denied, 379 U.S. 966 (1965); 42 
Comp. Gen. 663, 665-66 (1963); B-128056, July 8, 1966. Thus, while the 
law encourages uniformity, an agency's authority to charge a fee under 
the IOAA is not diminished by the fact that other agencies may choose 
not to charge for similar services. Ayuda, Inc. v. Attorney General, 
661 E Supp. 33, 36 (D.D.C. 1987), aff'd, 848 F.2d 1297 (D.C. Cir. 
1988); B-167087, July 25, 1969. Nor is failing to charge a fee where 
one could have been charged a violation of law. B-130961-0.M., Sept. 
10, 1976; B-114829-0.M., June 11, 1975.[Footnote 105] Guidance for the 
executive branch is found in Office of Management and Budget Circular 
No. A-25, User Charges (July 8, 1993). 

It is also important to note that the IOAA merely provides authority 
to charge fees, not authority to provide the underlying services. The 
legal basis for the services�which, as noted at the outset of this 
section, must exist before you ever get to the question of fees�must 
be found elsewhere. 62 Comp. Gen. 262, 263 (1983). 

The IOAA is not free from difficulty or controversy. Gillette and 
Hopkins offer the following rather harsh assessment: 

"The IOAA does not constitute a model of clarity and precision. To the 
contrary, the statute uses vague terms and invokes ephemeral 
principles that demand substantial interpretation. The statute 
provides little guidance concerning the constituents of a 'service or 
thing of value' and leaves fairly open the appropriate mechanisms for 
computing a proper charge. Instead, the statute recites considerations 
that are, at best, inconclusive, and, at worst, inherently 

Clayton P. Gillette and Thomas D. Hopkins, Federal User Fees: A Legal 
and Economic Analysis, 67 B.U. L. Rev. 795, 826-27 (1987) (footnote 

b. Fees versus Taxes: 

The government has many ways to get money from your pocket. In 
National Cable Television Ass'n v. United States, 415 U.S. 336 (1974), 
the Supreme Court distinguished two of them, fees and taxes. A fee is 
something you pay incident to a voluntary act on your part, for some 
benefit the government has bestowed or will bestow on you which is not 
shared by other members of society, examples being "a request that a 
public agency permit an applicant to practice law or medicine or 
construct a house or run a broadcast station." National Cable 
Television, 415 U.S. at 340. Taxes, on the other hand, need not be 
related to any specific benefits: "Taxation is a legislative function, 
and Congress ... may act arbitrarily and disregard benefits bestowed 
by the Government on a taxpayer and go solely on ability to pay, based 
on property or income." Id. (footnote omitted). The distinction had 
lurked in the bushes since shortly after the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act (IOAA) was enacted. In B-108429, Mar. 24, 1952, for 
example, GAO advised a Member of Congress that "in the absence of 
clear and convincing evidence to the contrary," GAO would be unwilling 
"to assume that [any government agency] would attempt to levy a tax 
... under the guise of a fee" as authorized by the IOAA. 

The issue remained largely dormant until the National Cable Television 
decision, in which the Supreme Court held that the IOAA authorizes 
fees but not taxes. In that case, the cable TV industry challenged 
fees assessed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which 
had been under pressure from both Congress and the Office of 
Management and Budget to recoup its full costs from the industry it 
regulated "to fully support all its activities so the taxpayer will 
not be required to bear any part of the load in view of the profits 
regulated." National Cable Television, 415 U.S. at 339 (citations 
omitted). After drawing the distinction noted above, the Court added 
that the primary measure of a fee under the IOAA is the "value of the 
service or thing to the recipient" standard of 31 U.S.C. � 
9701(b)(2)(B). An attempt to recoup total cost would go beyond this by 
charging recipients for the public as well as private benefits of the 
FCC's regulatory activities,[Footnote 106] which would at least 
arguably amount to levying a tax. Holding that the FCC could not do 
so, the Court said: "It would be such a sharp break with our 
traditions to conclude that Congress had bestowed on a federal agency 
the taxing power that we read [the IOAA] narrowly as authorizing not a 
'tax' but a 'fee.'" National Cable Television, 415 U.S. at 341. By 
adopting this interpretation, the Court was able to avoid having to 
directly confront the constitutional issue of the extent to which 
Congress could delegate its power to tax. 

In determining the proper scope of the IOAM fee-setting authority, the 
Court suggested extreme caution in applying the criteria of 31 U.S.C. 
�� 9701(b)(2)(C) and (D)�"public policy or interest served" and "other 
relevant facts"�which "if read literally, carry an agency far from its 
customary orbit and put it in search of revenue" and thereby tend to 
indicate assessments more in the nature of taxes. National Cable 
Television, 415 U.S. at 341. Indeed, the Court concluded: "The phrase 
`value to the recipient' is, we believe, the measure of the authorized 
fee." Id. at 342-43. Thus, some lower courts have stated that National 
Cable Television "effectively read[s] out of the statute" the "public 
policy and interest served" and "other relevant facts" criteria. Bunge 
Corp. v. United States, 5 CL Ct. 511, 515 (1984), aff'd, 765 F.2d 162 
(Fed. Cir. 1985). See also Seafarers International Union v. United 
States Coast Guard, 81 F.3d 179, 183 (D.C. Cir. 1996). 

On the same day it decided National Cable Television, the Court also 
decided the companion case of Federal Power Commission v. New England 
Power Co., 415 U.S. 345 (1974), applying National Cable Television to 
invalidate annual assessments levied on pipeline companies by the then 
Federal Power Commission. The Court agreed with the lower court that 
the IOAA does not authorize assessments on whole industries, but 
applies only with respect to "specific charges for specific services to 
specific individuals or companies." New England Power, 415 U.S. at 
349. The Court noted with approval portions of OMB Circular A-25, User 
Charges, now found at sections 6 (agencies should assess user charges 
to "each identifiable recipient" of a special benefit),[Footnote 107] 
and 6a(4) (agencies should not assess fees "when the identification of 
the specific beneficiary is obscure"). This, said the Court, "is the 
proper construction of the ROAN" and helps to restrain it from 
crossing the line into the realm of taxes. New England Power, 415 U.S. 
at 351. 

Thereafter, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit 
issued a series of decisions elaborating on the standards laid down in 
National Cable Television and New England Power. See, e.g., National 
Association of Broadcasters v. Federal Communications Commission, 554 
F.2d 1118 (D.C. Cir. 1976); Electronic Industries Ass'n v. Federal 
Communications Commission, 554 F.2d 1109 (D.C. Cir. 1976). The court 
particularly focused on the importance of cost in the analysis: 

"When the cost of the benefit conferred is exceeded by any material 
amount, one immediately gets into the taxing area and the result is 
revenue and not a fee ... We do not mean to circumscribe the ingenuity 
of the agencies in dealing with this problem. But there still remains 
the overall requirement that the process be fairly related to costs 
and that a proper nexus exist between the service, the cost of the 
service and the fee charged for the service. The fee must bear some 
reasonable relation to the cost or it ceases to be a fee and [National 
Cable Television] does indicate that it cannot go beyond being a 

National Ass'n of Broadcasters, 554 F.2d at 1130 n. 28. 

Notwithstanding overbroad language occasionally encountered in some 
lower court decisions,[Footnote 108] National Cable Television and New 
England Power do not stand for the proposition that Congress may not 
delegate the authority to assess charges which are more appropriately 
categorized as taxes. Indeed, as we will see later in section D.4 of 
this chapter, it is now settled that Congress can do so as long as the 
statutory delegation is sufficiently explicit and provides 
intelligible guidelines. Rather, these cases hold merely that Congress 
did not do so in the IOAA. 

c. Establishing the Fee: 

(1) Need for regulations: 

Some courts have held that in order to assess fees under the 
Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA), an agency must first 
issue regulations. See, e.g., Sohio Transportation Co. v. United 
States, 766 F.2d 499, 502 (Fed. Cir. 1985); Alyeska Pipeline Service 
Co. v. United States, 624 F.2d 1005, 1009 (Ct. Cl. 1980); Alaskan 
Arctic Gas Pipeline Co. v. United States, 9 Cl. Ct. 723, 732-33 
(1986), aff'd, 831 F.2d 1043 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (issuance of regulations 
a "condition precedent"). A simple policy statement to the effect that 
fees will be charged for special services has been held too vague to 
support fee assessment. Diapulse Corp. of America v. FDA, 500 F.2d 75, 
79 (2nd Cir. 1974). Rather, since rulemaking under the Administrative 
Procedure Act generally must provide the opportunity for public 
comment, 5 U.S.C. � 553, the agency's notice must include, or make 
available on request, a reasonable explanation of the basis for the 
proposed fee. This, one court has held, must be one that "the 
concerned public could understand." Engine Manufacturers Association 
v. EPA, 20 F.3d 1177, 1181 (D.C. Cir. 1994). In that case, the court 
rejected as inadequate an agency cost analysis which, according to the 
court, "contains page after page of impressive looking but utterly 
useless tables" and some "complete gibberish." Id. It is probably 
impossible to predict what would be acceptable to any given court at 
any given time, but cases like this demonstrate the need for the 
agency to observe at least some minimal level of clarity and provide 
its explanation "in intelligible if not plain English." Id. at 1183. 
The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has also 
stressed the need for the agency to make a clear public statement of 
the basis for its fees so that a reviewing court can measure the 
agency's action against the Supreme Court's standards. National Cable 
Television Association v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1094, 1100, 1104-05 (D.C. Cir. 

(2) Benefit under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 

The first step in establishing a fee or fee schedule under the 
Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) is to "identify the 
activity which justifies each particular fee" the agency wishes to 
assess. National Cable Television Association v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1094, 
1100 (D.C. Cir. 1976). Thus, the threshold question is what kinds of 
government services or activities are regarded as conferring special 
benefits for purposes of the IOAA?[Footnote 109] The statute itself 
refers merely to "each service or thing of value provided by the 
agency." 31 U.S.C. � 9701(a). That this phrase should be construed 
broadly[Footnote 110] is made clear by the source language, 65 Stat. 
290, which authorized fees for "any work, service, publication, 
report, document, benefit, privilege, authority, use, franchise, 
license, permit, certificate, registration, or similar thing of value 
or utility performed, furnished, provided, granted, prepared, or 
issued by any Federal agency ... to or for any person (including 
groups, associations, organizations, partnerships corporations or 
businesses)." OMB Circular No. A-25, User Charges, � 6a (July 8, 
1993), provides further guidance, stating that, for example: 

"a special benefit will be considered to accrue and a user charge will 
be imposed when a Government service: 

"(a) enables the beneficiary to obtain more immediate or substantial 
gains or values ... than those that accrue to the general public ...; 

"(b) provides business stability or contributes to public confidence 
in the business activity of the beneficiary ...; or; 

"(c) is performed at the request of or for the convenience of the 
recipient, and is beyond the services regularly received by other 
members of the same industry or group or by the general public ...." 

One area in which the issue has arisen with some frequency is the 
government's regulatory activities. On the one hand, the mere fact of 
regulation is not enough to justify a fee. Engine Manufacturers Ass'n 
v. EPA, 20 F.3d 1177, 1180 (D.C. Cir. 1994); Central & Southern Motor 
Freight Tariff Ass'n v. United States, 777 F.2d 722, 729 (D.C. Cir. 
1985). On the other hand, however, the granting of a license or 
similar operating authority clearly is enough. Seafarers International 
Union v. United States Coast Guard, 81 F.3d 179 (D.C. Cir. 1996) 
(merchant marine licensing by Coast Guard); Engine Manufacturers 
Ass'n, 20 F.3d at 1180 (EPA certificate of approval for motor 
vehicles); Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. United States Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, 601 F.2d 223, 229 (5th Cir. 1979), cert. 
denied, 444 U.S. 1102 (1980) (license from the Commission to operate 
nuclear facility); National Cable Television, 554 F.2d at 1103 (grant 
of operating authority by the Federal Communication Commission); B-
217931-0.M., Apr. 2, 1985 (drug and antibiotic review and approval by 
the Food and Drug Administration). 

Where an application is voluntarily withdrawn before final agency 
action, the First Circuit has held that the agency can charge a fee 
for work done prior to withdrawal. New England Power Co. v. United 
States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 683 F.2d 12 (1st Cir. 1982). The 
agency's intent to do so must be specified in its regulations. Id. If 
failure to process is attributable to the government, for example, a 
change in program requirements, no fee should be charged and any 
amounts collected should be refunded to the applicants. 53 Comp. Gen. 
580 (1974). 

An agency may also charge a fee under the IOAA for services which 
assist regulated entities in complying with statutory duties. 
Electronic Industries Ass'n v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1109, 1115 (D.C. Cir. 
1976) (tariff filings, equipment testing and approval); Raton Gas 
Transmission Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 852 F.2d 
612, 617 (D.C. Cir. 1988) (rate reduction application); Phillips 
Petroleum Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 786 F.2d 370, 
376 (10th Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 823 (1986) (tariff 
filings, certifications, charges for transportation of natural gas); 
Mississippi Power & Light, 601 F.2d at 231 (routine safety inspections 
of nuclear facilities); B-216876-0.M., Jan. 30, 1985 (pipeline safety 
inspection). This is particularly true where the statute was enacted 
"in large measure for the benefit of the individuals, firms, or 
industry upon which the agency seeks to impose a fee." Central & 
Southern Tariff Ass'n, 777 F.2d at 734 (tariff filing requirement of 
Interstate Commerce Act and Motor Carrier Act). 

Use of government property is another activity for which fees may be 
charged under the IOAA. A common example is the granting of a right-of-
way over public lands. B-307319, Aug. 23, 2007; B-118678, May 11, 
1976. Rights-of-way are sought for such things as the construction of 
power transmission facilities and energy pipelines. E.g., Nevada Power 
Co. v. Watt, 711 F.2d 913 (10th Cir. 1983) (electricity transmission 
lines); Alaskan Arctic Gas Pipeline Co. v. United States, 9 CL Ct. 723 
(1986), aff'd, 831 F.2d 1043 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (gas pipeline); Sohio 
Transportation Co. v. United States, 5 CL Ct. 620 (1984); aff'd, 766 
F.2d 499 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (oil pipeline). Other examples are 
nonfederal use under a revocable license (B-180221, Aug. 20, 1976 
(nondecision letter)), and commercial leasing by the Alaska Railroad 
(B-124195-0.M., Apr. 12, 1977). This category also illustrates the 
point that those liable for fees under the IOAA can, in appropriate 
circumstances, include government employees. E.g., B-148736, Apr. 6, 
1976 (use of facilities at certain national parks as "guest houses" 
for federal officials); B-212397-0.M., July 13, 1984 (locker room 
facilities in government building). 

Information is certainly a "thing of value." Accordingly, the 
dissemination or distribution of information is another area subject 
to the IOAA to the extent not governed by some other statute such as 
the Freedom of Information Act. See 5 U.S.C. � 552. IOAA user fees 
have been held appropriate for such things as copying and delivery of 
materials requested in discovery by parties to an agency enforcement 
action (B-302825, Dec. 22, 2004), subscriptions to government 
publications (B-110418, July 8, 1952), subscription to a Department of 
Agriculture market news wire service (B-128056, July 8, 1966), and 
international flight documentation provided to aviation interests by 
the National Weather Service (B-133202-0.M., Sept. 17, 1976). Examples 
from the procurement arena are B-236822, Sept. 8, 1989 (fee for copies 
of specifications and drawings); B-209933, June 6, 1983 (fee for 
solicitation documents); and B-184007, Sept. 24, 1975 (fee for copy of 
bid abstract).[Footnote 111] The statute applies even to requests for 
information directly about the requester. Reinoehl v. Hershey, 426 
F.2d 815 (9th Cir. 1970) (pre-indictment request for documents from 
Selective Service file). 

Starting in the 1980s, emphasis began to shift to electronic 
dissemination. A 1986 congressional study found the IOAA not 
particularly suited to information services but still better than 
nothing, and told agencies to do the best they could under it until 
something better comes alone.[Footnote 112] Some of the complexities 
are illustrated in B-219338, June 2, 1987, discussing a Department of 
Agriculture system established under a statute (7 U.S.C. � 2242a) 
which mandates consistency with the IOAA. 

An agency may permit a contractor to provide information to the 
public, with the contractor assessing and retaining the fees, but the 
fees may not exceed what the agency could have charged had it provided 
the information directly. 61 Comp. Gen. 285 (1982); B-166506, Oct. 20, 
1975. See also chapter 3 of GAO's report ADP Acquisition: SEC Needs to 
Resolve Key Issues Before Proceeding With Its EDGAR System, GAO/IMTEC-
87-2 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 9, 1986). 

Another activity susceptible to IOAA fees is adjudicatory services by 
an administrative agency. The services may or may not be incident to a 
regulatory program. An example of the former is Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission review of administrative appeals of remedial 
orders. B-224596, Aug. 21, 1987. An example of the latter is the range 
of adjudicatory services rendered to aliens by the U.S. Citizenship 
and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security 
(previously provided by the then Immigration and Naturalization 
Service in the Department of Justice). Ayuda, Inc. v. Attorney 
General, 661 F. Supp. 33 (D.D.C. 1987), aff'd, 848 F.2d 1297 (D.C. 
Cir. 1988); B-125031-0.M., July 23, 1974. As the Ayuda appellate court 
stressed, the procedures "are triggered only at the instance of the 
individual who seeks, obviously, to benefit from them." Ayuda, 848 
F.2d at 1301. Another example is B-167062, June 13, 1969 (IOAA 
reimbursement to former Civil Service Commission for advisory opinions 
rendered at request of foreign military representatives in United 

Fees incident to litigation in the courts are also commonplace, but 
they implicate certain constitutional considerations and are 
prescribed under statutes other than the IOAA. See 28 U.S.C. �� 1911 
(Supreme Court), 1913 (courts of appeals), 1914 (district courts), 
1926 (Court of Federal Claims), 1930 (bankruptcy fees). The rule is 
that, with the exception of certain indigent situations, reasonable 
fees may be charged to those seeking access to the courts. E.g., 
Lumbert v. Illinois Department of Corrections, 827 F.2d 257 (7th Cir. 
1987).[Footnote 113] Fees may be charged even to involuntary litigants 
provided they do not unduly burden access to the judicial process, 
determined by balancing the litigant's interest against the 
government's interest in assessing the fee. In re South, 689 F.2d 162 
(10th Cir. 1982), cert. denied, 460 U.S. 1069 (1983); In re Red Barn, 
Inc., 23 B.R. 593 (Bankr. D. Me. 1982). 

Still another example is transportation services. Thus, if local 
services are not available, the National Park Service may provide 
transportation to injured or ill visitors in national parks, but 
should attempt to recover its costs under the IOAA. B-198032, June 3, 
1981. A case analogous to the "information contractor" cases noted 
above is 46 Comp. Gen. 616 (1967). Public transportation to a then 
Veterans Administration hospital in an isolated area had been 
discontinued due to a low level of usage. Aware that visits by family 
members often have significant therapeutic value to patients, GAO 
agreed that the VA could use its appropriated funds to remedy the 
situation. One approach would have been for the VA to furnish 
transportation directly, presumably charging the riders under 
authority of the IOAA. However, the VA found it would be substantially 
less expensive to enter into a "subsidy contract" with a private 
carrier under which the carrier would be paid a guaranteed annual 
amount less fares collected, the fares to be comparable to commercial 
common carrier fares. GAO concurred, advising that payment should be 
on a net balance basis and that the contract should include adequate 
controls to insure proper accounting of the fares collected. 

While it is possible to categorize a great many of the user fee 
situations as we have tried to do here�regulatory activities, use of 
government property, dissemination of information, adjudicatory 
services, transportation services�there are also many situations which 
defy further generalization, the test being simply whether an activity 
fits the terms of the statute as the courts have construed it. Thus, 
GAO has regarded the IOA:Vs authority as extending to the following: 

* Fees charged to nonfederal participants in government-sponsored 
conference. B-190244, Nov. 28, 1977. 

* Surcharge for expedited processing of passport applications. B-
118682, June 22, 1970.[Footnote 114] (The basic fee is authorized by 
22 U.S.C. � 214.) 

* Fees for certain allotments from the pay of civilian employees under 
5 U.S.C. � 5525. 42 Comp. Gen. 663 (1963) (state income tax where 
withholding is not required); B-152032, Aug. 1, 1963 (private 
disability income insurance).[Footnote 115] The Office of Personnel 
Management's regulations implementing 5 U.S.C. � 5525 are found at 5 
C.F.R. part 550, subpart C. 

(3) Public versus private benefit: 

The Supreme Court, in National Cable Television Ass'n v. United 
States, 415 U.S. 336 (1974), cautioned that an attempt by a regulatory 
agency to recover its full operating costs would amount to charging 
the regulated entities for those portions of the program that benefit 
the public as a whole. This would go beyond the concept of a "fee," 
which is all the Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) 
authorizes. Implicit in this is the recognition that a government 
activity which benefits a private party also to greater or lesser 
extent includes an element of public benefit, and it may not always be 
possible to draw a clear line of demarcation. 

Although the Supreme Court has not revisited the IOAA since 1974, two 
important principles have emerged from the body of lower court 
jurisprudence:[Footnote 116] 

* When establishing a fee for a specific benefit conferred on an 
identifiable beneficiary in a regulatory context, the agency must 
exclude expenses incurred in serving some independent public interest. 

* Once it is established that a given activity confers a specific 
benefit on an identifiable beneficiary, the agency may charge its full 
costs of providing the service, regardless of the fact that the 
service may incidentally benefit the general public as well. 

The D.C. Circuit has offered the following test: "If the asserted 
public benefits are the necessary consequence of the agency's 
provision of the relevant private benefits, then the public benefits 
are not independent, and the agency would therefore not need to 
allocate any costs to the public." Central & Southern Motor Freight 
Tariff Ass'n v. United States, 777 F.2d 722, 732 (D.C. Cir. 1985). 

More recently, the D.C. Circuit has come to view the term "private 
benefit" with disfavor because it can mislead parties into attempting 
to weigh the "public" versus "private" benefits of a given government 
activity. The correct principle, said the court, is simply that the 
IOAA authorizes an agency to charge the full cost of a service which 
confers a specific benefit on an identifiable beneficiary, 
notwithstanding any incidental benefit to the general public. There is 
no need to weigh the relative public and private interests. Seafarers 
International Union v. United States Coast Guard, 81 F.3d 179, 183-85 
(D.C. Cir. 1996). The Seafarers decision also contains an illustration 
of an "independent" public benefit although the court uses a slightly 
different characterization. If, as part of the process of issuing 
merchant marine licenses to qualified individuals, the Coast Guard 
chooses to conduct boat inspections, it cannot include the cost of the 
boat inspections in the fee charged to the applicants because those 
costs are not "materially related" to the statutory license 
requirements. Id. at 186. 

One issue which has provided a battleground for these concepts is 
whether a fee authorized by the IOAA can include the cost of preparing 
an environmental impact statement (EIS) required by the National 
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. � 4332(2)(C). In a 1976 opinion to 
a Member of Congress, GAO expressed what would later become the 
established rule: "[W]here an impact statement is required to be 
prepared in connection with the processing of a right-of-way, we 
believe that the agency may include its cost as a direct cost 
attributable to the special benefit represented by the right-of-way 
which is chargeable to the applicant under 31 U.S.C. � [9701]." B-
118678, May 11, 1976, at 2. 

In view of the substantial sums involved, however, it was inevitable 
that the issue would find its way to the courts�again and again. The 
first published court decision to consider the question was Public 
Service Co. v. Andrus, 433 F. Supp. 144 (D. Colo. 1977), in which the 
plaintiffs had sought rights-of-way over federal lands for electric 
power transmission lines. The plaintiffs argued�as they would in every 
case�that the National Environmental Policy Act was enacted for the 
primary benefit of the general public, not them. The court agreed, 
holding that EIS costs "are not of primary benefit to the right of way 
applicant, and thus cannot properly be charged as fees" under the 
IOAA. Public Service, 433 F. Supp. at 153. 

While Public Service has never been directly overruled,[Footnote 117] 
this portion of it has been effectively repudiated. The Fifth Circuit 
considered the issue in connection with Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
(NRC) licensing fees, holding that the NRC could include the EIS costs 
notwithstanding the "obvious public benefit" because they are a 
mandatory prerequisite to the issuance of a license and hence properly 
chargeable as part of the full cost of conferring the benefit. 
Mississippi Power & Light Co., 601 F.2d at 231. A few years later, the 
Tenth Circuit, the governing circuit of the Colorado court which 
decided the Public Service case, said the same thing. Nevada Power Co. 
v. Watt, 711 F.2d 913, 933 (10th Cir. 1983).[Footnote 118] Other cases 
reaching the same result are Alaskan Arctic Gas Pipeline Co. v. United 
States, 9 Cl. Ct. 723 (1986), affd, 831 F.2d 1043 (Fed. Cir. 1987), 
and Sohio Transportation Co. v. United States, 5 Cl. Ct. 620 (1984), 
aff'd, 766 F.2d 499 (Fed. Cir. 1985). 

(4) Calculation: 

Up to this point, we have established that the agency must identify 
its activities which provide specific services within the scope of the 
Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) and must be able to 
identify specific beneficiaries; having done this, it may charge those 
beneficiaries the full cost of providing the services, any incidental 
benefits to the general public notwithstanding, but excluding the cost 
of independent public benefits. OMB Circular No. A-25 sets out two 
methodologies for setting fees: 

* fees based on an agency's costs, such that the agency gets a "full 
cost" recovery, which should be used when the government is acting in 
it capacity as sovereign; and; 

* fees based on market price" (i.e., the market value of the goods or 
services provided), which should be used under business-type 
conditions, such as when leasing or selling goods or resources. 

OMB Cir. No. A-25, User Charges, � 6.a (July 8, 1993). It remains to 
translate this into dollars and cents. 

Fees based on costs in regulatory context: 

Courts have had many occasions to review fees of regulatory agencies. 
The agency must first separate its beneficiaries into "recipient 
classes" (applicants, grantees, carriers, etc.), among which costs 
will be allocated. Each recipient class should be "the smallest unit 
that is practical." Electronic Industries Ass'n v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1109, 
1116 (D.C. Cir. 1976). 

The agency then proceeds to calculate the cost basis for each fee 
assessed against each recipient class. 

Full cost for purposes of the IOAA includes both direct and indirect 
costs. Engine Manufacturers Ass'n v. EPA, 20 F.3d 1177, 1181 (D.C. 
Cir. 1994); Electronic Industries Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1117; Public 
Service Co. v. Andrus, 433 E Supp. 144, 155 (D. Colo. 1977); B-237546, 
Jan. 12, 1990; OMB Cir. No. A-25, User Charges, � 6d (July 8, 1993). 
As GAO pointed out, the original version of the IOAA specified that 
the fee take into consideration "direct and indirect" cost to the 
government (65 Stat. 290), but the 1982 recodification in 31 U.S.C. � 
9701 dropped these words as unnecessary. B-237546, Jan. 12, 1990. 
Indirect costs include administrative overhead. 55 Comp. Gen. 456 
(1975). They also include depreciation of plant and equipment. 38 
Comp. Gen. 734 (1959), aff'd, 56 Comp. Gen. 275, 277 (1977). The Fifth 
Circuit has offered the following explanation: 

"The cost of performing a service, such as granting a license to 
construct a nuclear reactor, involves a greater cost to the agency 
than merely the salary of the professional employee who reviews the 
application. The individual must be supplied working space, heating, 
lighting, telephone service and secretarial support. Arrangements must 
be made so that he is hired, paid on a regular basis and provided 
specialized training courses. These and other costs such as 
depreciation and interest on plant and capital equipment are all 
necessarily incurred in the process of reviewing an application. 
Without these supporting services, professional employees could not 
perform the services requested by applicants. 

"Such costs may be assessed against an applicant as part of the total 
cost of processing and approving a license; we emphasize again that 
the Commission may recover the full cost of providing a service to a 

Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. United States Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, 601 F.2d 223, 232 (5th Cir. 1979), cert denied, 444 U.S. 
1102 (1980) (emphasis in original). 

The agency is not required to calculate its costs with "scientific 
precision." Central & Southern Motor Freight Tariff Ass'n v. United 
States, 777 F.2d 722, 736 (D.C. Cir. 1985). Reasonable approximations 
will suffice. Id.; Mississippi Power & Light, 601 F.2d at 232; 
National Cable Television Ass'n v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1094, 1105 (D.C. Cir. 
1976); 36 Comp. Gen. 75 (1956). Thus, it was "entirely sensible and 
reasonable" for an agency to use the governmental fringe benefit cost 
percentage from an existing Office of Management and Budget source 
rather than conduct its own probably duplicative study. Central & 
Southern Tariff Ass'n, 777 F.2d at 736. 

The final step is for the agency to "divide that cost among the 
members of the recipient class ... in such a way as to assess each a 
fee which is roughly proportional to the 'value' which that member has 
thereby received." National Cable Television Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1105-

In the regulatory context, the fee cannot exceed the agency's cost of 
rendering the service. Central & Southern Motor Freight Tariff Ass'n, 
777 F.2d at 729; Mississippi Power & Light, 601 F.2d at 230; 
Electronic Industries Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1114. The fee must also be 
reasonably related to the value of the service to the recipient, and 
may not unreasonably exceed that value. Central & Southern Motor 
Freight Tariff Ass'n, 777 F.2d at 729; National Cable Television 
Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1106. This is because the IOAA requires that the 
fee be based on both factors and that it be "fair." 31 U.S.C. �� 
9701(b)(1), (b)(2)(A) and (B). While the courts have not suggested 
that the agency must engage in a separate calculation of "value to the 
recipient" in order to compare it to the government's costs, neither 
have they furnished instruction on how to measure that value. The D.C. 
Circuit, in a 1996 case, tried to simplify matters by stating that 
"the measure of fees is the cost to the government of providing the 
service, not the intrinsic value of the service to the recipient," but 
acknowledged that this would still be subject to the statutory 
fairness prescription. Seafarers International Union v. United States 
Coast Guard, 81 F.3d 179, 185 and n.4 (D.C. Cir. 1996). Thus, the 
agency must calculate its fee on the basis of its actual or estimated 

When an agency applies these principles, the agency might well not be 
able to recover its full costs in the case of a high-cost but low-
value service.[Footnote 119] Conversely, in a situation where the 
value to the recipient may substantially exceed the cost to the 
government, the agency will be able to recover its full costs but no 
more. It is improper, for example, to look to the value the recipient 
may derive from the service, such as anticipated profits. National 
Cable Television Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1107. In the cited case, the fee 
charged to cable operators was based on the number of subscribers. The 
court recognized the possibility that increased numbers of subscribers 
could produce increases in agency regulatory costs, but required 
evidence of that linkage to avoid concluding that the fee was based on 
revenues, which the IOAA does not authorize. Id. at 1108. Similarly, 
the IOAA does not authorize an agency to levy a surcharge over and 
above its costs, or to vary its fees among beneficiaries. Capital 
Cities Communications, Inc. v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1135, 1138 (D.C. Cir. 
1976); B-237546, Jan. 12, 1990. Of course there is no objection to use 
of a sliding scale if the graduated fees in fact reflect graduated 
costs. Electronic Industries Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1116; B-237546, Jan. 
12, 1990. 

Depending on the circumstances, a fee system which permits deviation 
from established schedules may be acceptable. The case of Phillips 
Petroleum Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 786 F.2d 370 
(10th Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 823 (1986), provides an 
illustration. The agency had a fee schedule for regulatory filings, 
but occasionally received filings which were much more extensive than 
average. Factoring the extraordinary cases into the regular schedule 
would have meant that the average filings would be subsidizing the 
extensive ones. To avoid this, the agency developed a system, 
published in its orders, whereby an extraordinary filing would be 
billed not under the schedules but on the basis of the direct and 
indirect costs associated with that specific filing The court found 
this system in accord with the IOAA and a reasonable exercise of the 
agency's discretion, not just a pretext to avoid work. Phillips 
Petroleum, 786 F.2d at 378-79. 

If any of this sounds easy, it is not. The D.C. Circuit conceded the 
"extreme difficulty" of the task, which it said, "resembles 
unscrambling eggs." Electronic Industries Ass'n, 554 F.2d at 1117. GAO 
in its many reports on the IOAA also acknowledges the difficulty of 
the task but regards the obstacles as not insurmountable. B-201667-
0.M., May 5, 1981. A more detailed discussion may be found in GAO, 
Establishing a Proper Fee Schedule Under the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act, 1952, CED-77-70 (Washington, D.C.: May 6, 1977). 

Fees based on market value: 

The foregoing discussion has all been in the regulatory context with 
the government acting in its capacity as sovereign. The same rules do 
not necessarily apply when the government is selling goods, property, 
or services. 

In 1982, the then Court of Claims examined a contract dispute between 
the National Park Service (NPS) and a concessioner in Yosemite 
National Park, the Yosemite Park and Curry Company. Yosemite Park & 
Curry Co. v. United States, 686 F.2d 925, 929 (Ct. Cl. 1982). As part 
of the concession, the concessioner purchased electricity from NPS. 
NPS is authorized by 16 U.S.C. � 1b(4) to provide electricity to 
concessioners on a reimbursable basis. The concessioner asserted that 
NPS was overcharging for the electricity it supplied because NPS 
charged rates based on local utility rates, which could exceed NPS 
costs. The Court of Claims referred to a variety of authorities, 
including the then Bureau of the Budget Circular A-25 and IOAA, in 
concluding that the NPS rate-setting methodology was "reasonable" 
within the meaning of the contract, although it, in fact, might result 
in NPS charging a rate in excess of cost. Id. at 930. Circular A-25 at 
the time provided that "where federally owned resources or property 
are leased or sold, a fair market value should be obtained," as 
determined by the application of "sound business management principles 
and comparable commercial practices."[Footnote 120] 

In referring to IOAA, the Court of Claims acknowledged the line of 
federal cases interpreting IOAA to "mandate a cost based fee schedule" 
and establish that "cost must be the ultimate basis of fees," but 
found that those cases were "not apposite" to NPS's authority under 16 
U.S.C. � 1b(4). Id. at 930-32. Instead, the court relied on the fact 
that the government was not acting, in that instance, as a sovereign: 
"In the present case ... the Government has not created the need for 
electricity, nor is the service provided a regulatory one." Id. at 
932. In selling electricity to the concessioner, the government was 
entering into a voluntary contract for the sale of electricity to a 
willing partner. Id. at 934. This is fundamentally different from the 
circumstances in National Cable Television Ass'n v. United States, 415 
U.S. 766 (1974), for instance, where "the Government's power to 
allocate the airwaves and to issue licenses came not from its 
ownership of the airwaves but from its sovereign power to regulate 
certain activities ..." Id. Thus, the Court of Claims found the 
comparative-rate system methodology used by NPS to set rates for 
electricity acceptable, despite the fact that those rates could exceed 
NPS costs. See also B-307319, Aug. 23, 2007. 

Subsequently, the Office of Management and Budget adopted the court's 
distinction between the government acting as a sovereign and the 
government acting commercially in setting user fees for goods and 
services in the 1993 revision to its Circular No. A-25 (which is the 
current version) as follows: 

"User charges will be based on market prices (as defined in Section 
6d) when the Government, not acting in its capacity as sovereign, is 
leasing or selling goods or resources, or is providing a service 
(e.g., leasing space in federally owned buildings). Under these 
business-type conditions, user charges need not be limited to the 
recovery of full cost and may yield net revenues." 

OMB Circular No. A-25, User Charges, � 6a(2)(b) (July 8, 1993). 

d. Refunds: 

It would seem an elementary proposition that money collected in excess 
of what is due should be refunded, and there is no reason this should 
not apply to fees under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act 
(IOAA). After the Supreme Court handed down its decision in National 
Cable Television Ass'n v. United States, 415 U.S. 336 (1974), holding 
that the IOAA authorized only fees, not taxes, the Federal 
Communications Commission (FCC) refunded the cable television fees it 
had collected under the schedule the Court struck down.[Footnote 121] 
Shortly thereafter, other regulated entities which had paid fees under 
the same schedule sued the FCC to have their fees refunded. In 
National Association of Broadcasters v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1118 (D.C. Cir. 
1976), the court held that the FCC's broadcast system fees were 
vulnerable under the Supreme Court's interpretation the same as its 
cable television fees. It did not follow, however, that the entire fee 
was invalid. Noting what it called the "mandate" of the IOAA that 
government services to identifiable beneficiaries should be self-
sustaining to the extent possible (31 U.S.C. � 9701(a)), the court 
said: "It is our interpretation of this mandate that the Commission 
should retain the maximum portion of the fees collected that would be 
permissible under the principles announced in [cited Supreme Court 
decisions] and the statute." National Association of Broadcasters, 554 
F.2d at 1133. Accordingly, the court remanded the case to the FCC to 
calculate a proper fee under the court's guidelines and to then 
"refund that portion of the money which was collected in excess 
thereof." Id. 

The court was careful to point out that it was not asking the agency 
to engage in "retroactive rulemaking." Id. at 1133 n.42. The D.C. 
Circuit revisited this concept several years later in Air Transport 
Ass'n of America v. Civil Aeronautics Board, 732 F.2d 219 (D.C. Cir. 
1984). The defendant agency had revised its fee schedules following 
the fee/tax refund litigation of the mid-1970s and announced a refund 
policy under which it would offset the total amount of fees a claimant 
had paid during a calendar year against the total amount of 
recalculated fees the agency could have charged, and actually pay a 
refund only if and to the extent the former exceeded the latter. 
Finding that this offset policy amounted to unlawful retroactive 
rulemaking, the court emphasized that the principle of National 
Association of Broadcasters must be applied on an individual fee 
basis. Air Transport, 732 F.2d at 226-28. The court also flatly 
rejected a claim for the refund of the full amount of the fees as 
"irreconcilable" with National Association of Broadcasters. Id. at 228 

If the principle of National Association of Broadcasters-�that the 
agency may retain what it could have charged under a properly 
established fee and must refund only the excess-�is circumscribed by 
considerations of retroactive rulemaking, one situation in which 
refund of the entire fee may appear appropriate is where the agency 
did not have regulations to begin with. The Court of Claims reached 
this result in Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. United States, 624 F.2d 
1005 (Ct. Cl. 1980). See also B-145252-0.M., Nov. 12, 1976. 

If an agency is refunding fees which were improperly assessed under 
IOAA guidelines, and if those fees were deposited in the Treasury as 
miscellaneous receipts as the IOAA requires, then the refund is 
chargeable to the permanent, indefinite appropriation entitled "Refund 
of Moneys Erroneously Received and Covered," established by 31 U.S.C. 
� 1322(b)(2). 

55 Comp. Gen. 243 (1975);[Footnote 122] B-181025, July 11, 1974. If 
the agency has been authorized to credit the fee to some other 
appropriation or fund, the refund is chargeable to the appropriation 
or fund to which the fee was credited. See, e.g., 55 Comp. Gen. 625 

Absent statutory direction to the contrary, the rules of the preceding 
paragraph apply equally to refunds of fees collected under statutes 
other than the IOAA. For example, fees under the Federal Land Policy 
and Management Act are deposited in a "special account" from which 
they are authorized to be appropriated. 43 U.S.C. � 1734(b). Erroneous 
or excessive fees may be refunded "from applicable funds." Id. � 
1734(c). Where an appropriation from the special account has actually 
been made, that appropriation is the "applicable fund." 61 Comp. Gen. 
224 (1982). If the statute is silent as to disposition, the fees are 
properly treated as miscellaneous receipts, in which event refunds of 
erroneous or excessive fees are chargeable to the "Erroneously 
Received and Covered" account. Id. 

OMB Circular No. A-25, User Charges, � 6a(2)(c) (July 8, 1993), tells 
agencies to collect user fees "in advance of, or simultaneously with, 
the rendering of services unless appropriations and authority are 
provided in advance to allow reimbursable services." An agency 
collecting a fee in advance should use common sense to avoid 
depositing the money in the general fund prematurely. In 53 Comp. Gen. 
580 (1974), for example, fees for certain permits had been deposited 
as miscellaneous receipts when a change in the law authorized transfer 
of permit issuance to the states but made no provision for transfer of 
funds. When the state also charged a fee, applicants naturally sought 
refund of the fees they had already paid to the federal government and 
for which they had received nothing. Although not discussed in the 
decision, the "Erroneously Received and Covered" appropriation was not 
available because the receipt of the fees had been entirely proper. 
The solution was a two-step procedure�make an adjustment from the 
receipt account to the agency's suspense account to correct the 
erroneous deposit, then make the refund from the suspense account. The 
proper accounting treatment should have been to retain the fees in the 
suspense account or a trust account until they were "earned" by 
performance, then transferred to the appropriate general fund receipt 
account. See, e.g., A-44005, Apr. 24, 1935. 

For refund purposes, whether or not the fees were paid under protest 
is immaterial. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., 624 F.2d at 1018; 55 
Comp. Gen. at 244. However, waiting too long to assert a claim could 
be fatal under the doctrine of laches if, for example, through no 
fault on the part of the agency, records are no longer available from 
which the fees could be recalculated. Air Transport, 732 F.2d at 225-
26. Laches will not help an agency which fails to retain adequate 
records if it is on notice of a challenge to its fee schedule. Id. at 
226 n.14. Whether a simple payment under protest will serve this 
purpose is not clear. 

4. Other Authorities: 

a. Subsection (c) of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 

For approximately 35 years, although there were other fee statutes on 
the books, the Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) was the 
predominant federal user fee statute; it remains the only 
governmentwide authority. In the mid-1980s, however, as the need to 
attack the growing budget deficit took center stage, and general tax 
increases were not forthcoming, congressional attention turned 
increasingly to user fees as a revenue source. Starting in 1986, 
Congress enacted dozens of fee provisions directed at particular 
agencies or activities.[Footnote 123] 

The relationship between the IOAA and these other statutes is 
addressed in the IOAA itself, specifically 31 U.S.C. � 9701(c): 

"(c) This section does not affect a law of the United States: 

"(1) prohibiting the determination and collection of charges [or 
directing] the disposition of those charges; and; 

"(2) prescribing bases for determining charges, but a charge may be 
redetermined under this section consistent with the prescribed 
bases."[Footnote 124] 

This is largely a codification of the canon of construction that a 
general statute must yield to the terms of a specific statute 
addressing the same subject matter. 

Perhaps the simplest application of section 9701(c) is the prohibitory 
statute, in which case the IOAA is knocked out of the picture. An 
example is 21 U.S.C. � 695 which provides that, except for certain 
overtime services, the "cost of inspection ... under the requirements 
of laws relating to Federal inspection of meat and meat food products 
shall be borne by the United States." Enacted in 1948, this statute 
replaced an unsuccessful 1-year experiment in financing federal meat 
inspections through user fees. See S. Rep. No. 81-2120, at 5 (1950); 
Combs v. United States, 98 E Supp. 749 (D. Vt. 1951). Unlike the broad 
proscription of the meat inspection statute, a prohibitory statute may 
simply have the effect of barring reliance on the IOAA, effectively 
requiring more explicit authority. The Food and Drug Administration's 
(FDA) appropriation, for example, regularly carries a proviso that 
prohibits use of the FDA's Salaries and Expenses money "to develop, 
establish, or operate any program of user fees authorized by 31 U.S.C. 
� 9701." For the fiscal year 2006 version, see Pub. L. No. 109-97, 
title VI, 119 Stat. 2120, 2148 (Nov. 10, 2005). The origin of this 
proviso is discussed in B-217931, July 31, 1985. The FDA does have a 
user fee system, but it is authorized under the FDA's own detailed and 
specific legislation (21 U.S.C. � 379h), not the IOAA. 

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is another agency with a 
specific, and exclusive, statutory user fee system. Section 634(b)(12) 
of title 15, United States Code, provides that SBA may "impose, 
retain, and use only those fees which are specifically authorized by 
law or which are in effect on September 30, 1994." It goes on to 
authorize certain specific fees to be imposed and used subject to 
approval in appropriation acts. Relying on section 634(b)(12), GAO 
held in B-300248, Jan. 15, 2004, that SBA could not impose certain 
fees on lenders in its Preferred Lender Program since such fees were 
not specifically authorized under SBA's statutes and the IOAA was not 
available to SBA as an independent source of authority.[Footnote 125] 

GAO stated its approach to 31 U.S.C. � 9701(c) vis-a-vis other fee 
statutes in 55 Comp. Gen. 456, 461 (1975): "It has consistently been 
our view that ... 31 U.S.C. � [9701(c)] preclude[s] the imposition of 
additional user charges under that section only to the extent that 
another statute expressly or by clear design constitutes the only 
source of assessments for a service." See also B-307319, Aug. 23, 2007. 

b. Independent Offices Appropriation Act Incorporated by Reference: 

One form of user fee statute is based directly on the Independent 
Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) and makes explicit reference to it. 
An example is 14 U.S.C. � 664(a): "A fee or charge for a service or 
thing of value provided by the Coast Guard shall be prescribed as 
provided in section 9701 of title 31." Another very similar Coast 
Guard statute is 46 U.S.C. � 2110(a)(1). 

The main thrust of statutes like these is to remove the discretionary 
aspect of the IOAA and to make the authority mandatory. See Boat 
Owners Ass'n of the United States v. United States, 834 F. Supp. 7, 12 
(D.D.C. 1993). A statute of this type may include its own limitations 
on use of the authority. For example, the Coast Guard legislation 
prohibits charging a fee for any search or rescue service. 46 U.S.C. � 

Another example is 42 U.S.C. � 2214(b), applicable to the Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, enacted as part of the 1990 Omnibus Budget 
Reconciliation Act: "Pursuant to section 9701 of Title 31, any person 
who receives a service or thing of value from the Commission shall pay 
fees to cover the Commission's costs in providing any such service or 
thing of value." Like the Coast Guard statutes, use of the word 
"shall" makes mandatory what would otherwise be discretionary under 
the IOAA. 

One step removed from these is a statute which authorizes or directs 
the charging of fees, with the link to the IOAA appearing in 
legislative history rather than the statute itself. An example is the 
original version of the Freedom of Information Act which specified 
merely "fees to the extent authorized by statute." Committee reports 
made it clear that the IOAA was the statute Congress had in mind. See 
Diapulse Corp. v. Food and Drug Administration, 500 F.2d 75, 78 (2nd 
Cir. 1974); B-161499-0.M., Aug. 13, 1971. The Freedom of Information 
Act now includes its own detailed fee provision in 5 U.S.C. � 

A variation is 7 U.S.C. � 2242a. Section 2242a(a) authorizes the 
Department of Agriculture to charge reasonable user fees for 
departmental publications or software. Section 2242a(b) then goes on 
to state that "the imposition of such charges shall be consistent with 
section 9701 of title 31." GAO analyzed Agriculture's authority under 
this provision in B-219338, June 2, 1987. Finding no legislative 
history to explain what Congress intended by the "consistent with" 
terminology, GAO concluded that the agency was not required to adopt 
every wrinkle of judicial interpretation under the IOAA. GAO advised: 

"At a minimum ... we take it to mean that the charges may be cost-
related under any of the various formulations sanctioned by the 
decisions of the courts, or, in the absence of a cost based fee 
schedule, reasonable. Also, the requirement that fees be 'consistent' 
with section 9701 fees clearly does not mean that they must be 
identical to those that would be imposed under section 9701 or that 
they must have been promulgated in accordance with all the procedural 
requirements [of the IOAA]." 

B-219338, June 2, 1987, enclosure at 16-17. 

c. Statutes In Pari Materia: 

Another type of user fee statute one encounters is a statute which 
authorizes or directs an agency to charge a fee or to recover costs in 
general terms, without making specific reference to the Independent 
Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA). The statute may apply to a specific 
type of activity or to a broader range. Unless there is something in 
the statute or its legislative history to compel a different result, 
the approach is to regard it as being in pari materia with the IOAA�
that is, statutes dealing with the same subject matter or having a 
common purpose (Black's Law Dictionary 807 (8th ed. 2004))�and to 
construe them together as part of an overall statutory scheme. Where 
this principle applies, it is legitimate to look to the body of law 
developed under the IOAA for guidance in construing the other statute. 

For example, the National Park Service is authorized to furnish 
utility services to concessioners "on a reimbursement of appropriation 
basis." 16 U.S.C. � 1b(4). In Yosemite Park & Curry Co. v. United 
States, 686 F.2d 925 (Ct. Cl. 1982), a concessioner at Yosemite 
National Park who had been purchasing electricity from the Park 
Service challenged the Park Service's rate structure, which was based 
on the average of rates charged by other area utilities rather than 
cost reimbursement. Viewing 16 U.S.C. � lb(4) and the IOAA as being in 
pari materia, the court analogized to the fee structure under the 
IOAA, as implemented by the then Bureau of the Budget Circular No. A-
25 (Sept. 23, 1959)), and found it reasonable under both statutes. 
Yosemite, 686 F.2d at 928. 

Another illustration is 30 U.S.C. � 185(1), part of the Mineral 
Leasing Act: 

"The applicant for a right-of-way or permit shall reimburse the United 
States for administrative and other costs incurred in processing the 
application, and the holder of the right-of-way or permit shall 
reimburse the United States for the costs incurred in monitoring the 
construction, operation, maintenance, and termination of any pipeline 
and related facilities on such right-of-way or permit area ...." 

The then Court of Claims held that this provision did not supersede or 
override the requirement of the IOAA that fees be assessed only 
pursuant to regulations. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. United 
States, 624 F.2d 1005 (Ct. CL 1980). See also Sohio Transportation Co. 
v. United States, 5 Cl. Ct. 620 (1984), aff d, 766 F.2d 499 (Fed. Cir. 
1985). The lower court in the Sohio litigation also looked to 
precedent under the IOAA to determine that the Bureau of Land 
Management's pipeline right-of-way fees were not taxes. 5 Cl. Ct. at 

Another illustration is the legislation governing the Comptroller of 
the Currency's assessments against national banks. At one time, the 
law directed the Comptroller to recover the expense of required 
examinations by assessments on the national banks in proportion to 
their assets or resources. 12 U.S.C. � 482 (1988). Applying the pari 
materia concept in effect if not in terms, one court sustained the 
Comptroller's assessment regulations, concluding that "the Comptroller 
is directed, to the fullest possible extent, to assess fees reflective 
of the actual cost of examination while adhering to the statutory 
guideline of asset and resource size." First National Bank of Milaca 
v. Smith,, 445 F. Supp. 1117, 1123 (D. Minn. 1977). See also First 
National Bank of Milaca v. Smith,, 572 F.2d 1244 (8th Cir. 1978). The 
district court rejected the bank's argument that 31 U.S.C. � 9701(c) 
rendered the IOAA inapplicable (see section D.4.a of this chapter); 12 
U.S.C. � 482 did not fix the amount of the fee but merely provided a 
basis for calculation, in which event section 9701(c) encourages fee 
recalculation to more fully achieve, or at least approach, self-
sufficiency. First National, 445 F. Supp. at 1123. A 1991 amendment 
[Footnote 126] to 12 U.S.C. � 482 deleted the asset/resource size 
requirement and the statute now merely provides a general assessment 
requirement with respect to fees. The amendment does not appear to 
affect the relationship of section 482 to the IOAA. 

d. Statutes Entirely Independent of the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act: 

Once you eliminate those user fee statutes that are tied in to the 
Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) either expressly or by a 
pari materia rationale, those that are left have little in common 
other than their independence of the IOAA by virtue of 31 U.S.C. � 
9701(c) (see section D.4.a of this chapter). The only safe 
generalization is that each statute stands alone and its own terms 
determine its coverage and limitations. Many of the laws stem from the 
post-1985 period and there is little interpretive case law. 
Accordingly, our objective here is essentially to present a typology 
to illustrate the different kinds of user fee laws and the different 
things Congress has tried to do with them. 

Perhaps the simplest type is a provision that directly fixes the 
amount of the fee. An example is 8 U.S.C. � 1356(d): 

"In addition to any other fee authorized by law, the Attorney General 
shall charge and collect $7 per individual for the immigration 
inspection of each passenger arriving at a port of entry in the United 
States, or for the preinspection of a passenger in a place outside of 
the United States prior to such arrival, aboard a commercial aircraft 
or commercial vessel." 

Section 1356(e) sets forth limitations. While this type of statute may 
generate other questions of interpretation,[Footnote 127] it 
eliminates the calculation nightmare. Of course, a fixed-fee approach 
is not always viable. Conceptually similar is a statute which fixes 
the amount of the fee and provides a mechanism for periodic adjustment 
by the administering agency. An example is 47 U.S.C. � 158 (Federal 
Communications Commission application fees). 

Another simple type, at least simple to administer, is a fee set as a 
percentage of some reference amount. Congress enacted legislation in 
1985 directing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to deduct 1-1/2 
percent of the first $5 million and 1 percent of any amount over $5 
million from every award by the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in 
favor of a United States claimant. The deduction was intended to 
reimburse the government for expenses of its participation in the 
claims program. Pub. L. No. 99-93, � 502, 99 Stat. 405, 438 (Aug. 16, 
1985), 50 U.S.C. � 1701 note. In United States v. Sperry Corp., 493 
U.S. 52 (1989), the Supreme Court upheld the deduction against a 
variety of challenges, one of which was that the government had failed 
to demonstrate the relationship of the amount of the deduction to the 
costs presumably being reimbursed. The Court responded: 

"This Court has never held that the amount of a user fee must be 
precisely calibrated to the use that a party makes of Government 
services. Nor does the Government need to record invoices and billable 
hours to justify the cost of its services. All that we have required 
is that the user fee be a `fair approximation of the cost of benefits 

Sperry, 493 U.S. at 60, citing Massachusetts v. United States, 435 
U.S. 444, 463, n.19 (1978). The statute declared the deduction to be a 
user fee, and it is the claimant's burden to demonstrate otherwise. 
Sperry, 493 U.S. at 60. Of course there are limits to this rationale. 
The Court continued: 

"The deductions authorized by � 502 are not so clearly excessive as to 
belie their purported character as user fees. This is not a situation 
where the Government has appropriated all, or most, of the award to 
itself and labeled the booty as a user fee.... We need not state what 
percentage of the award would be too great a take to qualify as a user 
fee, for we are convinced that on the facts of this case, 1-1/2% does 
not qualify as a 'taking' by any standard of excessiveness." 

Id. at 62 (citations and footnotes omitted). There is no apparent 
reason why the Court's approach in Sperry would not apply equally to a 
fee in the form of a fixed dollar amount. Also, as the statute in 
Sperry illustrates, a fixed-amount fee or a fixed-percentage fee can 
be in the form of a sliding scale. Indeed, a number of lower courts 
have applied, or suggested in dicta that they would apply, the Sperry 
approach to both fixed and variable fees. See, e.g., Slade v. Hampton 
Roads Regional Jail, 407 F.3d 243 (4th Cir. 2005) ($1 per day charge 
to pretrial detainee to partially defray the costs of incarceration); 
Vance v. Barrett, 345 F.3d 1083 (9th Cir. 2003) (charges to cover 
administrative costs of prisoner personal property and savings 
accounts); Owens v. Sebelius, 357 F. Supp. 2d 1281 (D. Kan. 2005) ($25 
monthly supervision fee for parolees); Dudley v. United States, 61 
Fed. Cl. 685 (2004) (filing fees pursuant to 28 U.S.C. � 1915(b), for 
civil actions and appeals brought by prisoners).[Footnote 128] 

Most user fee statutes are not this simple. Rather than fixing the 
amount of the fee, they tend to prescribe the basis for determining 
the fee and vary greatly in their level of detail. At one end of the 
spectrum are laws that prescribe a cost basis and include some 
additional detail. Section 304(a) of the Federal Land Policy and 
Management Act, for example, 43 U.S.C. � 1734(a), authorizes fees 
"with respect to applications and other documents relating to the 
public lands" and lists several factors to be considered in 
determining reasonableness. See Nevada Power Co. v. Watt, 711 F.2d 913 
(1st Cir. 1983). Additional examples are the fee provisions of the 
Grain Standards Act, 7 U.S.C. �� 79(j) (inspection) and 79a(1) 
(weighing). In holding the IOAA inapplicable to these statutes, the 
Claims Court noted that "accepted principles of statutory construction 
require that a specific legislative enactment be given effect to the 
exclusion of a more general one." Bunge Corp. v. United States, 5 CL 
Ct. 511, 516 (1984), aff'd mem., 765 F.2d 162 (Fed. Cir. 1985). 

At the other end of the spectrum are statutes containing a complex fee-
setting mechanism set forth in considerable detail, often including 
waiver authority. One example is 7 U.S.C. � 136a-1(i), prescribing 
fees for pesticide registration under the Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. The law combines fixed fees for 
certain pesticides, fees set administratively within limits for other 
pesticides, and formula fees for reregistration. The law also includes 
annual ceilings per registrant and an aggregate target revenue amount. 

Another example is 21 U.S.C. � 379h, fees for the Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA). The law authorizes three fees�human drug 
application and supplement fees, prescription drug establishment fees, 
and prescription drug product fees. 21 U.S.C. � 379h(a). The fees are 
fixed dollar amounts subject to an adjustment mechanism. The law also 
specifies aggregate fee revenue amounts which the fees are to 
generate. Id. � 379h(b). Section 379h(f)(1) requires FDA to refund 
fees unless its Salaries and Expenses appropriations meet or exceed 
certain levels for a given fiscal year. Section 379h(g) provides that 
the fees shall be collected and available only to the extent provided 
in advance in appropriation acts.[Footnote 129] 

A well-known user fee system is the one prescribed in the Freedom of 
Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(4), which illustrates still 
a different fee-setting approach. FOLVs fee provisions are quite 
complex. Fees are set at three levels varying with the purpose and 
identity of the requester. At the highest level are fees charged to 
commercial-use requesters, who pay for search, duplication, and 
review. 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(I). The lowest level fees are 
charged to educational or noncommercial scientific institutions and 
the news media, who pay only for duplication provided that they are 
not seeking information for commercial purposes. Id. � 
552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(10. All others are charged for search and 
duplication. Id. � 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(DI). Each agency is to issue its 
own fee regulations, but in the interest of uniformity they must 
conform to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines. Id. 
� 552(a)(4)(A)(i). OMB's guidelines are found in 52 Fed. Reg. 10012 
(Mar. 27, 1987). An agency's own regulations may simply adopt the OMB 
guidelines. Media Access Project v. FCC, 883 F.2d 1063 (D.C. Cir. 
1989). FOIA explicitly limits fees for all categories of requesters to 
"reasonable standard charges"; restricts fees to the direct costs of 
search, duplication, and review; and specifies what may be included in 
review costs. 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(4)(A)(iv). No fee may be charged any 
requester if the fee is likely to be less than the cost of collecting 
and processing it, and all noncommercial requesters are entitled to 
two free hours of search time and 100 pages of free duplication. Id. 

Section 552(a)(4)(A)(iii) of FOIA entitles educational, noncommercial 
scientific, and media requesters to a fee waiver or reduction "if 
disclosure of the information is in the public interest because it is 
likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the 
operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in the 
commercial interest of the requester." This provision has generated 
extensive litigation. The following cases illustrate the standards 
that courts have applied in adjudicating waiver requests: 
Environmental Protection Information Center v. Forest Service, 432 
F.3d 945 (9th Cir. 2005); Forest Guardians v. Department of the 
Interior, 416 F.3d 1173 (10th Cir. 2005); Judicial Watch, Inc. v. 
Department of Justice, 365 F.3d 1108 (D.C. Cir. 2004); Community Legal 
Services, Inc. v. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 405 E 
Supp. 2d 553 (E.D. Pa. 2005); Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance v. 
Bureau of Land Management, 402 E Supp. 2d 82 (D.D.C. 2005); Electronic 
Privacy Information Center v. Department of Defense, 241 E Supp. 2d 5 
(D.D.C. 2003). A number of these cases emphasize the admonition in the 
legislative history of FOIA that the act "is to be liberally construed 
in favor of waivers for noncommercial requesters." 132 Cong. Rec. 
514,298 (Sept. 30, 1986) (statement of Senator Leahy). See, e.g., 
Environmental Protection Information Center, 432 F.3d at 947; Forest 
Guardians, 416 F.3d at 1178. 

Finally, section 552(a)(4)(A)(vi) of FOIA provides: "Nothing in this 
subparagraph [covering all of the provisions described above] shall 
supersede fees chargeable under a statute specifically providing for 
setting the level of fees for particular types of records." This 
provision has been raised in some of the waiver litigation, including 
two decisions that represent a possible split in the circuits 
concerning its scope. In Environmental Protection Information Center, 
432 F.3d at 947-49, the Ninth Circuit held that the exception under 
section 552(a)(4)(A)(vi) extended only to another statute that 
mandated the imposition of fees. 

Thus, an otherwise qualified requester was entitled to a fee-waiver 
under FOIA even if the information requested was covered by another 
statute that permitted but did not require the charging of fees. 
Environmental Protection Information Center, 432 F.3d at 947-49. In 
reaching this conclusion, the court quoted from and relied on the OMB 
guidelines, which clearly state that the FOIA fee provisions are 
superseded only by another statute that specifically requires an 
agency to set fees. The court acknowledged that its "result may be at 
odds with" Oglesby v. Department of the Army, 79 F.3d 1172 (D.C. Cir. 
1996), which held that a discretionary fee-setting statute came within 
the section 552(a)(4)(A)(vi) exception. However, the court noted that 
the Oglesby decision did not consider the OMB guidelines. 
Environmental Protection Information Center, 432 F.3d at 949. 

In Oglesby, a FOIA requester sought records from the National Archives 
and Records Administration (NARA), among other sources. NARA denied 
the requester a FOIA fee waiver on the basis that its statute, which 
permits but does not require charges, constituted an exception to 
FOIA.[Footnote 130] The D.C. Circuit agreed with NARA. The court 
concluded that under the plain meaning of both statutes, the NARA 
provision "fits comfortably within the exception carved out in FOIA" 
section 552(a)(4)(A)(vi). Oglesby, 79 F.3d at 1177. However, the 
Oglesby opinion went on to limit its holding: 

"We wish ... to make it clear that we are in no way ruling on a 
separate argument which Oglesby failed to raise in a timely fashion. 
In a motion filed after oral argument, Oglesby pressed the claim that 
the FOIA subsection (vi) exception excuses a qualified agency only 
from FOINs fee-setting requirements, and not from the fee-waiver 
provision." Oglesby, 79 F.3d at 1178. The Ninth Circuit court took a 
more definitive approach, specifically giving deference to the OMB 
guidelines and concluding that only statutes setting mandatory fees, 
rather than statutes setting discretionary ones, could satisfy the 
exception in 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(4)(A)(vi). Environmental Protection 
Information Center v. Forest Service, 432 F.3d 945,948-49 (9th Cir. 

Several user fee provisions were included in the Consolidated Omnibus 
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Pub. L. No. 99-272, 100 
Stat. 82 (Apr. 7, 1986). The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has 
observed that if the IOAA was the first turning point in user fee 
legislation in the post-World War II era, COBRA was the second. CBO, 
The Growth of Federal User Charges 19 (1993). This is because several 
of the COBRA provisions departed from the traditional approach of 
basing fees on the cost of specific benefits, and instead linked fees 
to recovering part or all of an agency's operating budget. 

One provision of COBRA, the amended version of which is found at 42 
U.S.C. � 2213, directed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to 
assess annual charges on its licensees so that the annual charges, 
when added to the fees the NRC was already assessing under the IOAA, 
would approximate 33 percent of the NRC's operating budget. The annual 
charges "shall be reasonably related to the regulatory service 
provided by the Commission and shall fairly reflect the cost to the 
Commission of providing such service." 42 U.S.C. � 2213(1)(B). A group 
of licensees sued, arguing that the COBRA provision must be read as 
incorporating the limitations of the IOAA, otherwise it would amount 
to an unconstitutional delegation by Congress of its power to tax. The 
challenge was rejected in Florida Power & Light Co. v. United States, 
846 F.2d 765 (D.C. Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 490 U.S. 1045 (1989). The 
court first held that COBRA was intended to go beyond the IOAA by 
authorizing the NRC to recover "generic costs, that is, costs which do 
not have a specific, identifiable beneficiary." Florida Power & Light 
Co., 846 F.2d at 769. The court then went on to hold that, even if you 
wanted to call the annual charges a "tax," the COBRA provision 
satisfied the Supreme Court's test for a permissible delegation 
because it provided adequate standards for the implementing agency to 
apply. Id. at 772-76. 

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 added a provision, 
codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. � 2214, directing the NRC to collect 
additional fees and charges. Originally, the collections were to 
approximate 100 percent of NRC's budget authority. Section 2214 now 
provides a sliding scale that reduces the collections to 90 percent of 
the agency's budget. The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel 
has determined that this fee extends to and is payable by other 
federal agencies which hold NRC licenses. 15 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 91 

Another COBRA provision, now codified at 49 U.S.C. � 60301, directs 
the Secretary of Transportation to collect annual fees from operators 
of various pipeline facilities. The fees are to be calculated to cover 
the costs of activities under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 
1968 and the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, not to 
exceed 105 percent of the total appropriations made for those 
activities in a given year. As with the NRC provision noted above, 
there was no way this provision could pass muster under the rigid 
interpretations of the IOAA, and, again as with the NRC provision, the 
operators were in court before the ink on the statute was dry. This 
time, the litigation produced a Supreme Court decision which once and 
for all laid to rest the "taxing issue" (bad pun) which had hovered 
over all user fee statutes since the 1974 IOAA decisions. The case is 
Skinner v. Mid-America Pipeline Co., 490 U.S. 212 (1989). This time, 
the plaintiffs conceded that the statute satisfied the requirements of 
the nondelegation doctrine, but argued that the standards should be 
tighter when Congress is delegating authority under its taxing power. 
Not so, held the Court: "Even if the user fees are a form of taxation, 
we hold that the delegation of discretionary authority under Congress' 
taxing power is subject to no constitutional scrutiny greater than 
that we have applied to other nondelegation challenges." Skinner, 490 
U.S. at 223. As to the 1974 IOAA cases: 

"National Cable Television [415 U.S. 336] and New England Power [415 
U.S. 345] stand only for the proposition that Congress must indicate 
clearly its intention to delegate to the Executive the discretionary 
authority to recover administrative costs not inuring directly to the 
benefit of regulated parties by imposing additional financial burdens, 
whether characterized as 'fees' or 'taxes,' on those parties.... Of 
course, any such delegation must also meet the normal requirements of 
the nondelegation doctrine." 

Id. at 224. Thus, what is important is not whether you call something 
a fee or a tax, but whether Congress has legislated its intention with 
sufficient clarity. 

Another COBRA provision in this family is 42 U.S.C. � 7178, which 
directs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to "assess and 
collect fees and annual charges in any fiscal year in amounts equal to 
all of the costs incurred by the Commission in that fiscal year." Id. 
� 7178(a)(1). Like the NRC statute noted above, this provision does 
not replace fees charged under other laws but prescribes charges 
which, when added to those other fees, will reach the desired 
budgetary goal. In this case, the fees expressly preserved are those 
authorized under the Federal Power Act. Id. � 7178(a)(2). A case 
interpreting the Power Act fee provision is City of Vanceburg v. 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 571 F.2d 630 (D.C. Cir. 1977), 
cert. denied, 439 U.S. 818 (1978). Cases interpreting the COBRA 
provision, 42 U.S.C. � 7178, include Michigan Public Power Agency v. 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 405 F.3d 8 (D.C. Cir. 2005); 
Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. v. Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission, 388 F.3d 903 (D.C. Cir. 2004); and City 
of Tacoma v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 331 F.3d 106 (D.C. 
Cir. 2003). 

A final example is 21 U.S.C. � 886a, enacted as part of the Justice 
Department's 1993 appropriation act.[Footnote 131] It directs the Drug 
Enforcement Administration to set fees under its diversion control 
program "at a level that ensures the recovery of the full costs of 
operating the various aspects of that program." 21 U.S.C. � 
886a(1)(C). In American Medical Ass'n v. Reno, 857 F. Supp. 80 (D.D.C. 
1994), the court held the IOAA inapplicable, rejecting what has become 
almost a ritualistic challenge that the restrictive IOAA standards 
should continue to govern. The Reno decision was remanded on appeal. 
American Medical Ass'n v. Reno, 57 F.3d 1129 (D.C. Cir. 1995). The 
court of appeals did not challenge the underlying legality of the fee 
nor did it address the IOAA issue. Rather, it held only that the 
rulemaking on which the fees were based violated the Administrative 
Procedure Act, 5 U.S.0 �� 553(b)-(c), by providing inadequate 
information as to how the components of the fee were determined. 
Indeed, the appeals court declined to vacate the rule at the time of 
remand in view of the likelihood that the fees were not "grossly out 
of line" and that the agency could come up with the necessary 
explanation to justify them. Reno, 57 F.3d at 135. Presumably, the 
agency did so since there is no reported subsequent history for this 

5. Disposition of Fees: 

The rule governing the accounting and disposition of user fees is the 
same rule that governs the accounting and disposition of receipts in 
general�they must, as required by 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b), be deposited in 
the general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts unless the 
agency has statutory authority to do something else. 

a. Fees under the Independent Offices Appropriation Act: 

Normally, fees collected under the authority of the Independent 
Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) must be deposited as miscellaneous 
receipts. E.g., B-302825, Dec. 22, 2004; 49 Comp. Gen. 17 (1969). The 
original version of the IOAA specifically included the miscellaneous 
receipts requirement (65 Stat. 290). When the IOAA became 31 U.S.C. � 
9701 in 1982, the recodifiers dropped the miscellaneous receipts 
language because there was no need for the IOAA to repeat what was 
already clearly the case by virtue of the general requirement of 31 
U.S.C. � 3302(b). See the Revision Note following 31 U.S.C. � 9701. As 
the Claims Court has pointed out, there is no other significance to 
the deletion. Bunge Corp. v. United States, 5 Cl. Ct. 511, 516 n.2 
(1984), aff'd, 765 F.2d 162 (Fed. Cir. 1985). 

Of course, Congress is always free to legislate exceptions. Thus, it 
is possible to have a fee authorized and governed by the IOAA but with 
specific authority for a different disposition in whole or in part. 
See B-307319, Aug. 23, 2007; B-215127, Oct. 30, 1984. Several of the 
decisions cited in section D.6 of this chapter, in our case study of 
U.S. Customs and Border Protection fees, provide specific examples. 

b. Fees under Other Authorities: 

Again, the rule is the same�the fees are deposited as miscellaneous 
receipts unless Congress has provided otherwise. As noted earlier, the 
Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) itself reinforces this 
result by expressly preserving, in 31 U.S.C. � 9701(c)(1), any other 
statute which addresses the disposition of fees. This provision looks 
both forward and backward. For later enacted statutes, the result 
would at least arguably be the same under the specific versus general 
canon. For statutes predating the IOAA, section 9701(c)(1) eliminates 
any possibility of an implied repeal or "later enactment of Congress" 
argument. See, e.g., 36 Comp. Gen. 75 (1956). Thus, there is no need 
to determine when a given fee statute was enacted. If it is silent as 
to disposition, the miscellaneous receipts statute governs. If it 
specifically addresses disposition, its own terms control. 

It is not at all uncommon for fee statutes to address disposition. The 
precise approach varies depending on what Congress is trying to 
accomplish, or perhaps what the agency is able to persuade its 
oversight committees to permit, but it is nevertheless possible to 
identify broad categories. 

(1) Miscellaneous receipts: 

Although silence would produce the same result, a number of statutes 
expressly require that the fees be deposited as miscellaneous 
receipts. One example is the statute requiring a percentage deduction 
from awards of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. The statute 
specifies that amounts deducted "shall be deposited into the Treasury 
of the United States to the credit of miscellaneous receipts." Pub. L. 
No. 99-93, � 502(b), 99 Stat. 405, 438 (Aug. 16, 1985), 50 U.S.C. � 
1701 note. Another example is 44 U.S.C. � 1307(b) (fees received by 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from sale and/or 
licensing of nautical or aeronautical products). 

Congress sometimes uses the term "general fund" which, for deposit 
purposes, is synonymous with "miscellaneous receipts." See Chapter 6, 
section E.2. Thus, application fees paid to the Federal Communications 
Commission are to be "deposited in the general fund of the Treasury." 
47 U.S.C. � 158(e). The same language is used for permit fees paid to 
the Secretary of Commerce by owners or operators of foreign fishing 
vessels. 16 U.S.C. � 1824(b)(10)(B). 

Miscellaneous receipts is a particularly appropriate disposition when 
the fees are intended to recoup the operating budget of some agency or 
activity rather than augment the agency's operating funds. For 
example, we noted earlier 42 U.S.C. � 7178, which directs the Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission to assess fees to recover all of its 
costs. The statute goes on to provide that "all moneys received under 
this section shall be credited to the general fund of the Treasury." 
42 U.S.C. � 7178(f). 

(2) Credit to agency's appropriation: 

Another group of fee statutes authorizes the agency to retain the fees 
for credit to its own operating appropriations. This approach is used 
when Congress wants to let an agency augment its appropriation and 
finance a greater program level than would be possible under the 
amount Congress is willing to appropriate directly. Perhaps the 
clearest form of augmentation approach is the fee statute for the Food 
and Drug Administration (FDA), 21 U.S.C. � 379h. Section 379h(g)(1) 
provides in part: "Fees ... shall be collected and made available for 
obligation only to the extent and in the amount provided in advance in 
appropriations Acts. Such fees are authorized to remain available 
until expended." 

The augmentation feature is highlighted by 21 U.S.C. � 379h(f)(1), 
under which fees in any fiscal year must be triggered by a Salaries 
and Expenses appropriation at least equal to a specified base year. 
Lest anyone think these user fees are pocket change, the FDA's 2006 
appropriation act appropriated over $305 million in fees under section 
379h to the FDA's Salaries and Expenses account. Pub. L. No. 109-97, 
title VI, 119 Stat. 2120, 2147 (Nov. 10, 2005). 

Another situation in which Congress may authorize crediting to an 
appropriation account is where the fee amounts primarily to 
reimbursement of expenses borne by the receiving appropriation. Some 
examples are: 

* The Department of Agriculture may sell various products and services 
of the National Agricultural Library, at prices set to at least recoup 
costs. Sale proceeds "shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United 
States to the credit of the applicable appropriation and shall remain 
available until expended." 7 U.S.C. � 3125a(f). 

* Another Agriculture Department statute authorizes the furnishing of 
departmental paper or electronic publications at "reasonable" fees. 7 
U.S.C. � 2242a(a)(2). The fees may be used to pay related costs and 
"may be credited to appropriations or funds that incur such costs." 7 
U.S.C. � 2242a(c)(2). 

* The State Department is authorized to incur certain expenses 
incident to procuring information for private parties on a 
reimbursable basis. Reimbursements are to be "credited to the 
appropriation under which the expenditure was charged." 22 U.S.C. � 

* Military departments may furnish stevedoring and terminal services 
and facilities to certain vessels at "fair and reasonable rates." 10 
U.S.C. � 2633(b). Proceeds "shall be paid to the credit of the 
appropriation or fund out of which the services or facilities were 
supplied." 10 U.S.C. � 2633(c). 

To determine the availability of amounts collected, each statute must 
be examined in two important respects. First, statutes which authorize 
crediting of fees to operating appropriations may require further 
congressional action to make the fees available for obligation, like 
21 U.S.C. � 379h, or may, like 7 U.S.C. � 3125a, in effect permanently 
appropriate the receipts similar to a revolving fund. 

Second, the statute may direct which fiscal year receives the credit. 
For example, reimbursements to U.S. Immigration and Customs 
Enforcement (ICE) for detention, transportation, hospitalization, and 
other expenses of detained aliens "shall be credited to the 
appropriation for the enforcement of this chapter for the fiscal year 
in which the expenses were incurred." 8 U.S.C. � 1356(a). Although not 
a user fee statute, the very next subsection illustrates the 
contrasting approach. Moneys spent by ICE to purchase evidence and 
subsequently recovered are "reimbursed to the current appropriation" 
of ICE. Id. � 1356(b). More directly on point is 10 U.S.C. � 2686(b), 
under which proceeds from the sale of certain utilities and related 
services by military departments "shall be credited to the 
appropriation currently available for the supply of that utility or 

Collections credited to appropriation accounts are a form of 
offsetting collection (GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal 
Budget Process, GAO-05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 29), 
and some statutes use this terminology. Federal Communications 
Commission regulatory fees "shall be deposited as an offsetting 
collection in, and credited to, the account providing appropriations 
to carry out the functions of the Commission." 47 U.S.C. � 159(e). 
Similarly, the Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies 
Appropriations Act, 2006, contains several provisions authorizing 
agencies to retain certain fee proceeds as "offsetting collections" to 
help fund the activities that generate the fees. See, e.g., Pub. L. 
No. 109-108, 119 Stat. 2290, 2292 (Antitrust Division, Department of 
Justice), 2330 (Federal Trade Commission), 2331-32 (Securities and 
Exchange Commission) (Nov. 22, 2005). Use of the offsetting collection 
language is of significance primarily for budgetary purposes and by 
itself has no impact on the availability of the money to the agency. 

(3) Special account or fund: 

In addition to crediting fees to an agency appropriation, Congress can 
"dedicate" the fees to a particular purpose by authorizing deposit to 
a revolving fund, a trust account, or a "special account," which 
simply means a receipt account earmarked by statute for a particular 
purpose.[Footnote 132] The special account may be permanently 
appropriated, or it may require further congressional action to make 
the funds available for obligation. An example of the former is the 
treatment of Department of Agriculture grain inspection fees under 7 
U.S.C. � 79. Section 79(j) provides: 

"Such fees, and the proceeds from the sale of samples obtained for 
purposes of official inspection which become the property of the 
United States, shall be deposited into a fund which shall be available 
without fiscal year limitation for the expenses of the Secretary 
incident to providing services under this chapter." 

The statute may direct deposit into an already existing fund. The 
Agriculture Department also charges fees for grain weighing services; 
they are "deposited into the fund created in section 79(j) of this 
title." 7 U.S.C. � 79a(/)(1). Another example is 13 U.S.C. � 8(d) 
which governs the disposition of fees for certain documents and 
services furnished by the Census Bureau: 

"All moneys received in payment for work or services enumerated under 
this section shall be deposited in a separate account which may be 
used to pay directly the costs of such work or services, to repay 
appropriations which initially bore all or part of such costs, or to 
refund excess sums when necessary." 

An example requiring further congressional action is section 304(b) of 
the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 U.S.C. � 1734(b), which 
provides in part: "The moneys received for reasonable costs under this 
subsection shall be deposited with the Treasury in a special account 
and are hereby authorized to be appropriated and made available until 

Similar to many of the statutes authorizing credit to appropriations, 
statutes establishing special accounts may prescribe that the deposits 
be treated as offsetting receipts.[Footnote 133] An example is 21 
U.S.C. � 886a, which establishes "in the general fund of the Treasury 
a separate account which shall be known as the Diversion Control Fee 
Account." Certain fees charged by the Drug Enforcement Administration 
(DEA) are deposited in the account "as offsetting receipts," and are 
periodically refunded by Treasury to the DEA to reimburse expenses 
incurred in the DENs diversion control program, the target being the 
recovery of the program's full operating costs. The Department of 
Homeland Security has several similar accounts, including 8 U.S.C. �� 
1356(h) (Immigration User Fee Account), 1356(m) (Immigration 
Examinations Fee Account), and 1356(q) (Land Border Inspection Fee 
Account), all of which specify treatment of deposits as offsetting 

Finally, there are instances where offsetting receipts terminology is 
used solely for accounting purposes and not tied in to any form of 
dedicated or earmarked account. An example is the following Coast 
Guard statute, 14 U.S.C. � 664(b): "Amounts collected by the Secretary 
for a service or thing of value provided by the Coast Guard shall be 
deposited in the general fund of the Treasury as proprietary receipts 
of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating and ascribed 
to Coast Guard activities."[Footnote 134] 

6. U.S. Customs and Border Protection: A Case Study: 

Because of the nature of its mission, U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection (CBP) of the Department of Homeland Security, formerly the 
Customs Service,[Footnote 135] has considerable exposure to the 
private sector in its day-to-day operations. This exposure in turn 
enhances the agency's potential for various forms of user financing. A 
survey of cases and statutes dealing with user financing in CBP is 
instructive because it illustrates in practice virtually every concept 
and principle we have covered thus far in our discussion. 

In the decades before the Independent Offices Appropriation Act (IOAA) 
was enacted, the Customs Service was in the same boat as most other 
agencies, and various proposals for user financing had to be rejected. 
E.g., 11 Comp. Gen. 153 (1931); 10 Comp. Gen. 209 (1930); 3 Comp. Gen. 
128 (1923); 2 Comp. Gen. 775 (1923). It made no difference that the 
private parties were perfectly willing to pay, and in many cases had 
in fact initiated the offer, in order to get services over and above 
what Customs was able or willing to provide. In addition, the 
proposals often involved paying the salaries of customs officials 
which, without congressional authorization, would have amounted to an 
improper augmentation of the agency's appropriations. 2 Comp. Gen. at 
776. To make matters worse, a provision of the criminal code (now 
found at 18 U.S.C. � 209) makes it illegal for anyone to supplement or 
contribute to the salary of a government employee and for the employee 
to accept it. 

Once the IOAA was enacted, Customs began to explore its new options. A 
series of decisions approved proposals to assess user fees for a 
variety of services, including the following: 

* Preclearance of air passengers at major airports in Canada over and 
above what the operation would cost if performed entirely in the 
United States. 48 Comp. Gen. 24 (1968). Preclearance, it could be 
demonstrated, conferred a financial benefit on the airlines and, some 
felt, attracted passengers. Id. at 25. 

* Additional costs of extended hours at certain highway crossing 
points along the Canadian and Mexican borders. 48 Comp. Gen. 262 
(1968). This case, as did 48 Comp. Gen. 24, pointed out that the 
charges could include employee compensation. In effect, the authority 
of the IOAA removed both the augmentation concern and the potential 
bar of 18 U.S.C. � 209. 

* Reimbursement for the services of a customs officer upon the 
temporary designation of a community airport as an international 
airport. B-171027, Dec. 7, 1970. 

* Reimbursement (which could include free or reduced-rate 
transportation or accommodations) of the costs of providing employees 
to train private travel agents in Custom's regulations and procedures. 
62 Comp. Gen. 262 (1983). 

In addition, each of these decisions noted that Customs could, as 
specifically authorized by 19 U.S.C. � 1524, credit the fees to the 
appropriations from which the costs in question had been paid. That 
statute had been on the books long before the IOAA, and, as we have 
seen, 31 U.S.C. � 9701(c) expressly defers to any specific disposition 
authority. A similar provision is 19 U.S.C. � 1755(b), reflected in 
CBP's regulations at 19 C.F.R. � 147.33, which requires that fair 
operators reimburse the United States government for "actual and 
necessary" expenses of services provided in connection with trade 
fairs, the reimbursement to be credited to the appropriation from 
which the expenses were paid. 

In a 1980 decision, GAO was called upon to review its 1968 
preclearance decision, 48 Comp. Gen. 24, in light of the intervening 
judicial decisions which had restrictively interpreted the IOAA. Some 
airlines had argued that preclearance was really for the benefit of 
the general public. However, Customs pointed out that preclearance was 
provided only when an airline specifically requested it. Accordingly, 
based on the body of jurisprudence from the Supreme Court and the 
courts of appeals, GAO agreed with Customs that the fees were within 
the scope of the IOAA. 59 Comp. Gen. 389 (1980). Among the costs 
Customs could recover were those specified in its regulations (19 
C.F.R. � 24.18), including housing allowances, post of duty 
allowances, certain transportation costs, and equipment, supplies, and 
administrative costs. In addition, the agency could include that 
portion of the costs of its computerized data processing system 
attributable to the preclearance sites. 59 Comp. Gen. at 395. 

Of course, there are limits on how far you can take the IOAA; another 
1980 decision, 59 Comp. Gen. 294, illustrates one of them. The Miami 
International Airport is a busy place, and long delays incident to 
customs clearance were producing a lot of complaints. Local business 
and community leaders suggested that the airport or airlines might 
reimburse Customs to permit it to hire additional staff to expedite 
clearance during normal business hours. Congress had authorized 
Customs to charge for certain overtime services and for certain 
"special services" performed during normal duty hours. The Miami 
proposal involved neither situation, however. Accordingly, the 
decision concluded: 

"Since the Congress has appropriated monies to provide for the salary 
of Customs inspectors to perform clearance functions during regular 
business hours and has authorized the collection of fees only for 
certain special services, ... the collection of funds for clearance 
services performed during regular business hours on behalf of the 
general public would constitute an augmentation of the appropriations 
made by the Congress for performing such services." 

59 Comp. Gen. at 296. 

While all of this IOAA activity was going on, Customs had several 
other statutes which authorized it to do certain specific things on a 
reimbursable basis. Examples are 19 U.S.C. �� 1447 (supervise the 
unloading of cargo from vessels at locations other than ports of 
entry); 1456 (compensation of customs officer stationed on a vessel or 
vehicle proceeding from one port of entry to another); 1457 (customs 
officer directed to remain on vessel or vehicle to protect revenue); 
1458 (supervise unloading of bulk cargo under extension of time 
limit); and 1555(a) (supervise receipt and delivery of merchandise to 
and from bonded warehouses). These statutes direct that the 
compensation of the customs officers performing the services "shall be 
reimbursed" by the appropriate owner, proprietor, or "party in 
interest."[Footnote 136] These and other situations are set forth in 
CBP's regulations, 19 C.F.R. � 24.17. At one time, the reimbursement 
obligation was held to include statutorily retroactive salary 
increases. 31 Comp. Gen. 417 (1952). However, that is no longer the 
case. 55 Comp. Gen. 226 (1975). 

The relationship of these specific statutes to the IOAA was the 
subject of 55 Comp. Gen. 456 (1975). Under 31 U.S.C. � 9701(c), the 
IOAA yields to other statutes which prohibit the collection of a fee, 
or either fix the amount of a fee or prescribe the basis for 
determining it. The statutes in question do none of these things, nor 
was there any indication that any of them were intended to be 
exclusive. Accordingly, Customs could recover the kinds of costs 
authorized under the IOAA�specifically, administrative overhead�in 
addition to the reimbursements required by the other statutes. CBP 
regulations (19 C.F.R. � 24.21) now include administrative overhead. 

A highly unusual approach is found in 19 U.S.C. � 58a. In addition to 
the statutes noted above, Customs had several other user fee statutes, 
some of which were old and prescribed fees which had long ago become 
economically obsolete (for example, 20 cents for various documents). 
Legislation enacted in 1978[Footnote 137] repealed several of these 
old laws and replaced them with 19 U.S.C. � 58a, a simple 
authorization for the Secretary of the Treasury to charge fees to 
recover the costs of services "similar to or the same as services 
furnished by customs officers under the sections repealed by 
subsection (a)." Problem is, "subsection (a)" refers to the 1978 
legislation and is nothing more than the repealer provision. 
Therefore, in order to determine what services are covered by section 
58a, it is necessary to consult the 1976 edition of the United States 
Code. See, for example, 19 U.S.C. � 58 (1976) for the 20-cent items 
noted above. 

During the mid-1980s, Customs, like other parts of the federal 
government, received additional user fee authority. The process 
started innocuously enough with a provision of the Trade and Tariff 
Act of 1984,[Footnote 138] now codified at 19 U.S.C. � 58b, which 
authorized user fees to cover the cost of providing customs service at 
a number of small airports, defined as those whose volume or value of 
business is not sufficient to otherwise justify the availability of 
customs services. Fees were to be deposited in a special account 
dedicated to the particular airport which earned them, but required 
further appropriation action to make them available for obligation. 
Two years later, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
1985 (COBRA) amended the funding provision to permanently appropriate 
the fees, but retained the dedication aspect and emphasized that the 
fees could not be used for any other purpose.[Footnote 139] The law 
was expanded in 1989 to include seaports and other facilities. 
[Footnote 140] 

Then came 19 U.S.C. � 58c. Although its origin in COBRA 1985 was 
humble enough, it has evolved into a statute of nearly indescribable 
complexity.[Footnote 141] Given its level of detail, it clearly 
displaces the IOAA to the extent of its coverage. The law prescribes a 
schedule of fees, a mixture of fixed fees and ad valorem levies, 
applicable to a variety of passenger and merchandise processing 
services. It also includes a variety of qualifications and 
limitations.[Footnote 142] 

Disposition of the fees, which could be the subject of a board game, 
is addressed in 19 U.S.C. � 58c(f). Merchandise processing fees�those 
prescribed by sections 58c(a)(9) and (a)(10)�are deposited in the 
Customs User Fee Account, a separate account in the Treasury, where 
they are available, to the extent provided in appropriation acts, to 
pay the costs of CBP's commercial operations. The rest of the fees�
those prescribed by 19 U.S.C. � 58c(a) except for subsections (9) and 
(10)�are permanently appropriated to be used for a number of purposes 
that the statute spells out in great detail, including reimbursement 
for costs of premium pay and overtime compensation, agency retirement 
and disability contributions, and deficit reduction transfer to the 

The advent of statutes like 19 U.S.C. � 58c has an obvious impact on 
the kind of analysis needed to resolve problems. Questions of agency 
discretion under broad statutory language are necessarily replaced by 
an almost algebraic application of excruciatingly detailed provisions. 
An example is 71 Comp. Gen. 444 (1992), in which GAO concluded that 
Customs was not authorized to charge express air freight carriers for 
clearance services at centralized hub facilities during normal duty 
hours. Another decision advised that user fees reimbursed to 
appropriations under 19 U.S.C. � 58c(f) could be used to defray 
inspectional overtime costs in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico but not 
the U.S. Virgin Islands. B-253292, Dec. 30, 1994. 

7. User Fee as Grant Condition: 

In Chapter 10 on grants, we present the established proposition that 
Congress may, within constitutional bounds, attach conditions to the 
receipt of federal money. Congress is not required to establish grant 
programs, and if it chooses to do so, may use the "carrot and stick" 
approach to foster some policy objective. An example is section 204(b) 
of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean 
Water Act, 33 U.S.C. � 1284(b). 

As amended in 1972, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act authorizes 
the Environmental Protection Agency to make grants for the 
construction of publicly owned waste treatment facilities up to a 
specified percentage of construction costs. 33 U.S.C. �� 1281(g), 
1282. The law includes the following condition: 

"The Administrator shall not approve any grant for any treatment works 
under [33 U.S.C. � 1281(g)(1)] ... unless he shall first have 
determined that the applicant has adopted or will adopt a system of 
charges to assure that each recipient of waste treatment services 
within the applicant's jurisdiction ... will pay its proportionate 
share ... of the costs of operation and maintenance (including 
replacement) of any waste treatment services provided by the 

33 U.S.C. � 1284(b)(1). The requirement that grant applicants adopt 
user charge systems has two purposes: first, to assure adequate 
funding once the plant is constructed, and second, to encourage water 
conservation. City of New Brunswick v. Borough, of Milltown, 519 F. 
Supp. 878, 883 (D.N.J. 1981), affd, 686 F.2d 120 (3rd Cir. 1982), 
cert. denied, 459 U.S. 1201 (1983). 

A number of localities which employed ad valorem tax systems 
complained and argued that an ad valorem tax should be acceptable. An 
ad valorem tax is one which is based on the value of the property 
being taxed. The question reached the Comptroller General who 
concluded in 54 Comp. Gen. 1 (1974) that an ad valorem tax could not 
be used to satisfy the user charge requirement of 33 U.S.C. � 
1284(b)(1). The decision quoted extensively from legislative history. 
As explained in several subsequent letters (e.g., B-183788, Feb. 25, 
1976, and B-166506, Oct. 31, 1974), the decision rested on several 

* The statute, supported by more legislative history than one normally 
finds, clearly contemplated a user charge system, not a tax system. 

* An ad valorem tax would violate the statutory requirement that each 
recipient pay its proportionate share because (a) tax-exempt users 
would not contribute, and (b) certain taxable nonusers�industrial 
facilities with their own waste treatment systems and residences with 
their own septic systems�would pay more than their proportionate share. 

* An ad valorem tax system would not further the goal of promoting 
water conservation. 

GAO emphasized that it was not going to get into the business of 
evaluating one user charge system against another, but noted that a 
system which included a minimum usage charge did not appear legally 
objectionable. B-183788, Feb. 25, 1976; B-183788, Jan. 14, 1976. The 
important thing is that whatever system is adopted must "achieve a 
greater degree of proportionality among users than is obtainable 
through an ad valorem tax system." B-183788, June 13, 1975, at 2. 

The controversy continued and, as documented in B-166506, Aug. 26, 
1974, at least one major city turned down a grant rather than change 
its system. The concluding sentence of 54 Comp. Gen. 1 had advised EPA 
to seek a legislative solution if it felt ad valorem taxes would be 
appropriate in some circumstances. Id. at 5. This was done, and 33 
U.S.C. � 1284(b)(1) was amended in 1977[Footnote 143] to make an ad 
valorem tax acceptable if (1) it is a dedicated tax; (2) it was in use 
as of December 27, 1977, the date of the amendment; and (3) it 
"results in the distribution of operation and maintenance costs for 
treatment works within the applicant's jurisdiction, to each user 
class, in proportion to the contribution to the total cost of 
operation and maintenance of such works by each user class." Thus, the 
amended version of the law would continue to use the federal financial 
"carrot" to influence the choice in all future cases, but would not 
force an applicant who already had a qualifying ad valorem system in 
place to change. EPA's regulations, 40 C.F.R. � 35.929-1(b), set forth 
the requirements for a "dedicated" tax. GAO's 1974 decision recognized 
the difficulty of achieving true proportionality short of using 
meters, "which no one contends are required." 54 Comp. Gen. at 5. Some 
localities did go to a metering system, and this too produced its 
complaints. See, e.g., B-183788, June 13, 1975. The 1977 amendment to 
33 U.S.C. � 1284 added subsection (b)(4), which specifies that a 
system of charges "may be based on something other than metering," as 
long as the applicant has a system to assure that the necessary funds 
for operation and maintenance will be available, and residential users 
are notified as to what portion of their total payment is allocated to 
waste treatment services. Pub. L. No. 95-217, � 22. 

The user charge condition has been upheld as a legitimate exercise of 
the congressional power to fix the terms on which it disburses federal 
money. Middlesex County Utilities Authority v. Borough of Sayreville, 
690 F.2d 358 (3rd Cir. 1982), cert. denied, 460 U.S. 1023 (1983); City 
of New Brunswick v. Borough of Milltown, 686 F.2d 120 (3rd Cir. 1982), 
cert. denied, 459 U.S. 1201 (1983). In addition, both cases upheld 
EPA's right to withhold or suspend grant payments for noncompliance. 
See also Metropolitan Saint Louis Sewer District v. Ruckelshaus, 590 E 
Supp. 385, 388 (E.D. Mo. 1984) (EPA's right to withhold funds 
conceded). EPA's remedies are spelled out in its regulations. See 40 
C.F.R. �� 35.929, 35.965. 

E. Motor Vehicles: 

1. Acquisition: 

a. Need for Statutory Authority: 

Statutory controls over the acquisition and use of motor vehicles date 
back to 1914 with the enactment of what is now 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). 
The 1914 law required specific authority to use appropriated funds 
"for the purchase of any motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger-
carrying vehicle for the service of any of the executive departments 
or other Government establishments, or any branch of the Government 
service."[Footnote 145] The law was restated and amended as part of 
the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946[Footnote 146] to delete the 
quadruped reference and to exempt vehicles for the use of the 
President, "secretaries to the President," or the heads of the 
departments listed in 5 U.S.C. � 101 (the cabinet departments). Other 
exemptions are listed in 31 U.S.C. � 1343(e). The statute also 
requires specific authority to use appropriations, other than those of 
the armed forces, to buy, maintain, or operate aircraft. 31 U.S.C. � 

In what may be record time, the first decision under the original law, 
21 Comp. Dec. 14 (1914), was issued just seven days after enactment. 
In it, the Comptroller of the Treasury confirmed that the statute 
applies to the entire federal government regardless of geographical 
location, and to all appropriations, no-year as well as annual. It 
does not, however, apply to mixed-ownership government corporations. B-
94685-0.M., May 8, 1950 (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). 

The major issue of the early decades of the statute's life was the 
definition of "passenger vehicle," attributable in part perhaps to the 
fact that the "motor car" was still somewhat of a novelty. Short of 
Rosebud, virtually every contrivance in or on which a human could ride 
was the subject of a decision. Of course, this was more than academic. 
If a given vehicle did qualify as a passenger vehicle, it was�and is�
subject to the statutory requirement for specific authority. If it did 
not so qualify, then unless there was some other applicable 
restriction, its acquisition was simply a matter of applying the 
"necessary expense" doctrine. E.g., 18 Comp. Gen. 226 (1938). 

As one might expect, the key distinction was between a passenger 
vehicle and a truck. The statute "has no effect whatever" on the 
purchase of trucks. 21 Comp. Dec. 38 (1914). It does not apply to a 
pickup truck (16 Comp. Gen. 320 (1936)) or a panel truck (29 Comp. 
Gen. 213 (1949)). An agency's appropriations are available to buy a 
truck without regard to 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b) if, as noted above, the 
expenditure is "reasonably necessary to carry out the object for which 
the appropriation is made." 18 Comp. Gen. at 227. The fact that the 
truck may be used to transport personnel is not controlling. 2 Comp. 
Gen. 573 (1923); B-150028-0.M., Nov. 16, 1962. See also 3 Comp. Gen. 
900 (1924). 

From these and similar decisions, the following test developed: 

"The question whether a vehicle is 'passenger-carrying' must be 
determined from the character of the vehicle as shown by its 
construction and design, and not from its intended use, and where it 
appears that the automobile is in fact a passenger-carrying vehicle, 
the prohibition of [31 U.S.C. � 1343(b)] applies irrespective of the 
purpose of the Government department or agency involved to convert it 
to other usages.... That is to say, the provisions of the act may not 
be evaded upon the plea that a passenger-carrying automobile, once 
acquired, will be used otherwise than for the transportation of 

16 Comp. Gen. 260, 261 (1936). Similar statements appear in numerous 
decisions, for example, 8 Comp. Gen. 636, 637 (1929) and 23 Comp. Dec. 
19, 20 (1916). 

Thus, a station wagon clearly is a passenger vehicle. 26 Comp. Gen. 
542 (1947); 15 Comp. Gen. 451 (1935); 14 Comp. Gen. 367 (1934). So is 
an ordinary motorcycle. 22 Comp. Dec. 324 (1916). And a prison van. 26 
Comp. Dec. 879 (1920). However, "jeeps" have been held not to be 
passenger vehicles for purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). 23 Comp. Gen. 
955 (1944).[Footnote 146] Nor are motor boats or aircraft, "vehicle" 
being defined in terms of land transportation. 24 Comp. Gen. 184 
(1944); 26 Comp. Dec. 904 (1920); 22 Comp. Dec. 262 (1915). Initially, 
the Comptroller of the Treasury held the statute inapplicable to 
ambulances. 21 Comp. Dec. 830 (1915). However, the specific exemption 
for ambulances from the later-enacted price limitation provision of 31 
U.S.C. � 1343(c), discussed further below, showed that Congress "has 
classified ambulances as passenger vehicles and thus subject to the 
prohibition against purchase without specific authorization." 33 Comp. 
Gen. 539, 540 (1954). See also 41 Comp. Gen. 227, 229 (1961). 

Stating the test in terms of construction and design rather than 
intended use inevitably led to a number of cases dealing with a 
variety of structural and other alterations. In the most simple 
situation, painting "truck" on the door of a limousine does not make 
it a truck. See 23 Comp. Dec. 19, 20 (1916). Slight changes, such as 
adding a tool box or similar attachment to a passenger vehicle, do not 
change the vehicle's character. 21 Comp. Dec. 116 (1914); B-117843-
0.M., Jan. 27, 1954. However, structural alterations which are of 
sufficient magnitude to preclude use of a vehicle for carrying 
passengers will remove it from the statute's coverage. 24 Comp. Gen. 
123 (1944); B-115608, June 16, 1953; B-62865, Jan. 30, 1947. The 
converse is equally true. 33 Comp. Gen. 539 (1954) (panel truck 
converted to ambulance use thereby became a passenger vehicle). 
Similarly, although an ordinary motorcycle is regarded as a passenger 
vehicle, a motorcycle constructed and equipped for freight-carrying 
purposes loses its character as a passenger vehicle. 4 Comp. Gen. 141 
(1924); 27 Comp. Dec. 1016 (1921). 

While the statement of the test in many of the decisions suggests that 
the intended use of the vehicle is irrelevant, this is not entirely 
accurate. In one very early case, for example, GAO advised something 
called the Federal Board for Vocational Education that it could, 
without specific authority, purchase unserviceable vehicles to be used 
for instructional purposes in shops and classrooms. 1 Comp. Gen. 58 
(1921). Similarly, passenger automobiles to be used for research or 
testing purposes and not as a means of transportation have been viewed 
as exempt from 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). 49 Comp. Gen. 202 (1969) (air 
pollution control testing); 1 Comp. Gen. 360 (1922) (fuel consumption 
testing). See also 4 Comp. Gen. 270 (1924) (automobile chassis as part 
of defense mobile searchlight unit). In such cases, an appropriate 
certification should appear on or accompany the voucher. 49 Comp. Gen. 
at 204; 1 Comp. Gen. at 361. 

The original 1914 version of 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b) used only the word 
"purchase." However, it was soon held that purchase included "hire," 
at least hire by the month or year, and certainly an indefinite hire; 
otherwise, the prohibition would be a sham. 4 Comp. Gen. 836 (1925); 
21 Comp. Dec. 462 (1915). The statutory language was expanded to 
"purchase or hire" in the 1946 amendment, and hire became "lease" in 
the 1982 codification of title 31 of the United States Code. This does 
not apply to the rental of taxicabs or other vehicles on a "per trip" 
basis incident to the normal performance of day-to-day business. 33 
Comp. Gen. 563 (1954); 2 Comp. Gen. 693 (1923); 21 Comp. Dec. at 463. 
Nor does it apply to the rental of vehicles by employees on official 
travel. 24 Comp. Dec. 189 (1917). If purchase included hire under the 
early decisions for purposes of the prohibition, the authority to 
purchase logically should include the authority to hire. 4 Comp. Gen. 
453 (1924); 22 Comp. Dec. 187 (1915). The issue has not been revisited 
since hire was specifically added to the statute, but there appears to 
be no compelling reason for a different result. 

The statute specifies that the concept of purchase includes a transfer 
between agencies. 31 U.S.C. � 1343(a). Thus, the transfer of a vehicle 
declared excess under 40 U.S.C. �� 521-522, with or without 
reimbursement, is a purchase requiring specific authority under 31 
U.S.C. � 1343(b). 44 Comp. Gen. 117 (1964). However, this is true only 
where the transfer has the effect of augmenting the number of vehicles 
the receiving agency is authorized to have. The statute does not apply 
to transfers without reimbursement for replacement or upgrading 
purposes where the receiving agency reports an equal number of 
vehicles as excess. 45 Comp. Gen. 184 (1965). 

If the transfer of an excess vehicle to another agency is a purchase 
for purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b), so is a transfer to another 
agency's grantee. 55 Comp. Gen. 348 (1975). Custody and accountability 
for the transferred vehicle would pass to the grantor agency even 
though the grantee would have actual use during the life of the grant. 
Also, upon completion of the grant, the vehicle could well revert to 
the grantor. Id. at 351. This is distinguishable from a situation, 
such as that encountered in 43 Comp. Gen. 697 (1964), in which a 
grantee, incident to its performance and where not otherwise 
restricted, purchases a vehicle with grant funds. In a case where the 
government was authorized to purchase vehicles for use by a 
contractor, GAO cautioned that, upon completion of the contract, the 
agency could not retain the vehicles to augment its fleet in disregard 
of 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). B-146876-0.M., June 8, 1965. 

An acquisition not subject to the statute is illustrated in B-122552, 
Feb. 7, 1957. The government seized an automobile which had been 
purchased with the proceeds of a forged check. The Secret Service 
found that it would be cheaper to retain the car (which the government 
was authorized to do under a settlement agreement) and use it than to 
convert it to cash. GAO found that the government had acquired the car 
"not by purchase, but by operation of law as a partial recovery of the 
sum it lost through the forgery." Under the circumstances, 31 U.S.C. � 
1343(b) did not apply to the acquisition or to the transfer of the 
car's reasonable value from Secret Service appropriations to the 
account which had suffered the loss. 

The authority required by 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b) must be specific. It 
cannot be implied from broad grants of discretionary authority. 13 
Comp. Gen. 226 (1934). The authority to purchase necessary supplies 
and equipment is not enough. 26 Comp. Dec. 904, 905 (1920). The phrase 
"means of transportation" has also been found insufficient. 21 Comp. 
Dec. 671 (1915). The authority may be conferred in an appropriation 
act or elsewhere, and appears in a variety of forms. Appropriation 
language authorizing the purchase and/or hire of passenger motor 
vehicles is quite common. For instance, the Science, State, Justice, 
Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 
109-108, 119 Stat. 2290 (Nov. 22, 2005), contains over 20 such 
provisions. The Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban 
Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent 
Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-115, 119 Stat. 2396 
(Nov. 30, 2005), has almost 30. An agency may be authorized to use its 
operating appropriations for the purchase and/or hire of motor 
vehicles; a specific amount may be earmarked for this purpose from a 
lump-sum appropriation; the legislation may specify the number of 
vehicles authorized to be acquired. Following are a few random 
examples from these and other fiscal year 2006 appropriations acts to 
illustrate the variety: 

* The United States Marshals Service appropriation for Fees and 
Expenses of Witnesses provided that "not to exceed $1,000,000 may be 
made available for the purchase and maintenance of armored vehicles 
for transportation of protected witnesses." Pub. L. No. 109-108, 119 
Stat. at 2293. 

* The Federal Bureau of Investigations Salaries and Expense 
appropriation was available for "purchase for police-type use of not 
to exceed 3,868 passenger motor vehicles, of which 3,039 will be for 
replacement only." Id., 119 Stat. at 2294. Similar provisions applied 
to the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, 
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Id., 119 Stat. at 2295. 

* A general provision in the Commerce Department's appropriation act 
provided that, "during the current fiscal year, appropriations made 
available to the Department of Commerce by this Act for salaries and 
expenses shall be available for the hire of passenger motor vehicles 
as authorized by 31 U.S.C. [��] 1343 and 1344." Pub. L. No. 109-108, � 

* The Department of Transportation's "applicable appropriations" were 
available for "hire of passenger motor vehicles and aircraft." Pub. L. 
No. 109-115, � 160. 

* The Defense Department's Procurement, Defense-Wide appropriation was 
available for "the purchase of passenger motor vehicles for 
replacement only, and the purchase of 5 vehicles required for physical 
security of personnel, notwithstanding prior limitations applicable to 
passenger vehicles but not to exceed $255,000 per vehicle." Department 
of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address 
Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, Pub. L. 
No. 109-148, 119 Stat. 2680, 2692-93 (Dec. 30, 2005). 

* Funding for the Office of the Director, National Institutes of 
Health, was "available for the purchase of not to exceed 29 passenger 
motor vehicles for replacement only." Departments of Labor, Health and 
Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations 
Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-149, 119 Stat. 2833, 2849 (Dec. 30, 2005). 

For some agencies, authority exists in permanent legislation. An 
example is 50 U.S.C. � 403j(a)(1), under which appropriations made 
available to the Central Intelligence Agency may be used for 
"purchase, maintenance, operation, repair, and hire of passenger motor 
vehicles, and aircraft, and vessels of all kinds." An agency with no 
authority to purchase or hire motor vehicles can still obtain them 
from the General Services Administration's motor pool described 
separately below. 

b. Price Limitations: 

Statutory price limitations on the purchase of passenger motor 
vehicles first appeared in the 1934 Treasury and Post Office 
Departments Appropriations Act, Pub. L. No. 72-428, � 3, 47 Stat. 
1489, 1513 (Mar. 3, 1933). Out of apparent concern that the ceiling 
could be evaded by offering essentially a frame at a basic price with 
such frills as wheels and an engine priced separately as extras, 
section 3(a) prohibited the purchase of "any motor-propelled passenger-
carrying vehicle (exclusive of busses [sic], ambulances, and station 
wagons), at a cost, completely equipped for operation, and including 
the value of any vehicle exchanged, in excess of $750, unless 
otherwise specifically provided for in the appropriation." 

This price limitation gave rise to another lengthy series of decisions 
holding that such things as heaters (28 Comp. Gen. 720 (1949)) and air 
conditioners (40 Comp. Gen. 205 (1960)) had to be charged against the 
ceiling. The phrase "completely equipped for operation" came to 
include all equipment or accessories permanently attached to the 
vehicle which contributed to "the comfort and convenience of the 
passengers and the efficient operation of the vehicle." 36 Comp. Gen. 
725, 726 (1957). While the decisions doubtlessly reflected the intent 
of the legislation, they reached a level of detail such as whether a 
replacement gas cap and an extra length of heater hose were chargeable 
against the ceiling. See B-140843-0.M., Oct. 19, 1959 (they were). 

In 1970, Congress amended the law (Pub. L. No. 91-423, 84 Stat. 879 
(Sept. 26, 1970)), and it is now found at 31 U.S.C. � 1343(c) as 

"(1) Except as specifically provided by law, an agency may use an 
appropriation to buy a passenger motor vehicle (except a bus or 
ambulance) only at a total cost (except costs required only for 
transportation) that: 

"(A) includes the price of systems and equipment the Administrator of 
General Services decides is incorporated customarily in standard 
passenger motor vehicles completely equipped for ordinary operation; 

"(B) includes the value of a vehicle used in exchange; 

"(C) is not more than the maximum price established by the agency 
having authority under law to establish a maximum price; and; 

"(D) is not more than the amount specified in a law. 

"(2) Additional systems and equipment may be bought for a passenger 
motor vehicle if the Administrator decides the purchase is 
appropriate. The price of additional systems or equipment is not 
included in deciding whether the cost of the vehicle is within the 
maximum price specified in a law." 

The monetary ceiling is adjusted annually and set forth as a 
governmentwide general appropriation act provision. For fiscal year 
2006, the provision states: 

"Unless otherwise specifically provided, the maximum amount allowable 
during the current fiscal year in accordance with [31 U.S.C. � 
1343(c)], for the purchase of any passenger motor vehicle (exclusive 
of buses, ambulances, law enforcement, and undercover surveillance 
vehicles), is hereby fixed at $8,100 except station wagons for which 
the maximum shall be $9,100: Provided, That these limits may be 
exceeded by not to exceed $3,700 for police-type vehicles, and by not 
to exceed $4,000 for special heavy-duty vehicles ...."[Footnote 147] 

The first feature to note about 31 U.S.C. � 1343 is that the 
exemptions for section 1343(b) differ from those for section 1343(c). 
Section 1343(b) precludes the use of appropriated funds to acquire 
vehicles for the use of anyone other than certain specified officials. 
Section 1343(c), however, sets price ceilings on all vehicle 
purchases. Thus, the acquisition of a vehicle for the use of a cabinet 
secretary does not require specific authority, but it is subject to 
the price limitation. 32 Comp. Gen. 345 (1953). Conversely, buses and 
ambulances are exempt from the price limitation but require specific 
authority 33 Comp. Gen. 539 (1954). Apart from the exemptions 
specified in the statute, a passenger vehicle for one subsection is a 
passenger vehicle for the other. If, for example, a vehicle to be used 
solely for research or testing purposes is not considered a passenger 
vehicle for purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b), it is not subject to the 
price limitation of section 1343(c). B-81562, Dec. 1, 1948. The price 
limitation has been held inapplicable to purchases from a trust fund 
made up of testamentary gifts. B-78578, Aug. 4, 1948. 

Under 31 U.S.C. � 1343(c)(1)(A), GSA decides what is or is not 
included in a vehicle "completely equipped for ordinary operation," 
and the price ceiling applies to this package. Additional equipment, 
again within GSA discretion, is not charged against the ceiling. GSA's 
regulations provide that standard passenger vehicles as defined in 
Federal Standard No. 122[Footnote 148] will be regarded as "completely 
equipped for ordinary operation," with items other than those listed 
as standard to be considered additional equipment for purposes of 31 
U.S.C. � 1343(c). 41 C.F.R. � 101-26.501(b)(1). GSA has taken the 
position, and GAO agrees, that dealers should not be permitted to 
circumvent the statutory limitation "by transferring part of the basic 
vehicle cost to ... the portion of the bid price allocated to 
additional systems and equipment," and that contracting officers 
should examine bid prices to guard against this. B-182754, Feb. 18, 
1975, at 3. Similarly, GAO sustained GSA rejection of a bid which 
attempted to include required options not specified in the 
solicitation. B-188439, June 30, 1977. 

Section 1343(c)(1)(B) specifies that any trade-in value is part of the 
total cost chargeable against the ceiling. This means that the trade-
in value is part of the price and, when added to the balance paid in 
cash, may not exceed the limit. 17 Comp. Gen. 215 (1937). Determining 
trade-in value is not an exact science. The so-called "blue book" 
published by the National Automobile Dealers Association is a guide 
but is not conclusive and any reasonable method of valuation is 
acceptable. 28 Comp. Gen. 495, 497 (1949); B-74529, Oct. 20, 1948. 
However, the valuation must not be a sham to avoid the statutory 
limitation. 17 Comp. Gen. 911, 913 (1938) ("ridiculously low" trade-in 
allowance an obvious circumvention); 28 Comp. Gen. at 497 (allowance 
approximating scrap value questionable where vehicle had not been 
wrecked and was not unserviceable). In legitimate circumstances, there 
is no legal objection to trading in more than one used vehicle toward 
the purchase of a new one. 28 Comp. Gen. 495; 17 Comp. Gen. at 582. 
However, if one of the old vehicles is excess, it should be disposed 
of in accordance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services 
Act. See 27 Comp. Gen. 30 (1947). 

While trade-in value of an old vehicle actually traded in must be 
factored in, it is improper to consider the future trade-in value of 
the vehicle being purchased. This is because anticipated or 
prospective depreciation is regarded as too uncertain to be used as a 
bid evaluation factor. 33 Comp. Gen. 108 (1953). 

Section 1343(c)(1) further provides that transportation costs are to 
be excluded for purposes of determining compliance with the price 
ceiling. Decisions applying this principle in a variety of factual 
contexts and contract terms include 21 Comp. Gen. 474 (1941); 20 Comp. 
Gen. 677 (1941); 14 Comp. Gen. 82 (1934); and B-127291, Mar. 22, 1956. 

Under a rental agreement whereby title to the vehicle passes to the 
government when total rental payments reach a stated value, or sooner 
if, upon termination, the government pays the difference between total 
payments and the stated value, the total amount paid, rental payments 
included, may not exceed the price ceiling. 29 Comp. Gen. 21 (1949). 
The decision distinguished 21 Comp. Gen. 548 (1941), in which, for 
purposes of exercising a recapture provision in a cost reimbursement 
contract, the rentals paid by the contractor prior to recapture were 
not required to count against the ceiling. 

2. Use: 

a. The "Official Purpose" Limitation: 

Vehicles purchased or rented by the United States government are 
supposed to be used for government business; anything else is illegal. 
The first sentence of 31 U.S.C. � 1344(a)(1) makes the point: "Funds 
available to a Federal agency, by appropriation or otherwise, may be 
expended by the Federal agency for the maintenance, operation, or 
repair of any passenger carrier only to the extent that such carrier 
is used to provide transportation for official purposes." The 
"official purpose" limitation appears to have originated as a 
governmentwide general provision in appropriation acts in the 1930s 
and early 1940s. 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 329, 330 (1979). See A-
19101, July 25, 1942, for an example. It became permanent as part of 
section 16 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, Pub. L. No. 79-
600, � 16(a), 60 Stat. 806, 810 (Aug. 2, 1946), and was reenacted in 
1986 as part of the general revision of 31 U.S.C. � 1344. See Pub. L. 
No. 99-550, �1(a), 100 Stat. 3067 (Oct. 27, 1986). 

The coverage of the statute is quite broad. The phrase "appropriation 
or otherwise" covers all types of funding. Section 1344(h)(1) defines 
"passenger carrier" as any "passenger motor vehicle, aircraft, boat, 
ship, or other similar means of transportation that is owned or leased 
by the United States Government." Section 1344(h)(2) defines "federal 
agency" to include, in addition to the "regular" departments and 
agencies, government corporations, mixed-ownership government 
corporations, the Executive Office of the President, independent 
regulatory agencies, the Smithsonian Institution, and nonappropriated 
fund instrumentalities. Section 1344(i) adds in the Postal Service. 
The definition does not apply to the legislative and judicial branches 
and it excludes the District of Columbia government. However, the 
official purposes principle embodied in section 1344 extends to any 
entity using appropriated funds by virtue of the fundamental rule of 
31 U.S.C. � 1301(a)(1) that appropriations may be applied only to the 
objects for which they were made except as otherwise provided by law. 
Thus, the legislative history of section 1344 and the case law under 
it are relevant to the practices of entities not directly covered by 
that section. B-305864, Jan. 5, 2006. 

With one significant exception, one thing the law does not do is 
define official purposes. In fact, perhaps wisely, apart from the 
conventional wisdom that contrasts "official" with "personal," no one 
has attempted to do so. Lacking a definition, one is left with 
whatever one can glean from the cases. 

The overwhelming majority of cases under 31 U.S.C. � 1344 have 
involved home-to-work transportation, what one senator once called 
"the ultimate status symbol for a Federal bureaucrat."[Footnote 149] 
Power to Lenin may have come from the barrel of a gun, but to many in 
Washington it comes from being picked up at your front door in a 
chauffeured limousine, courtesy of the taxpayers. It is settled beyond 
any debate that ordinary home-to-work commuting is the personal 
responsibility�and personal expense�of the individual. E.g., B-305864, 
Jan. 5, 2006; 27 Comp. Gen. 1 (1947); 19 Comp. Gen. 836 (1940); B-
233591, Sept. 21, 1989. This principle applies to overtime work. Thus, 
there is no authority for the government to provide or pay for home-to-
work transportation in connection with the performance of overtime. 16 
Comp. Gen. 64 (1936); B-190071, May 1, 1978. It makes no difference 
that the additional work is performed on nonregular work days (B-
171969.42, Jan. 9, 1976), or is "call-back" overtime. B-307918, Dec. 
20, 2006; 36 Comp. Gen. 171 (1956); B-189061, Mar. 15, 1978. 

From the above general principle it is but a small and logical step to 
conclude that using a government vehicle for home-to-work 
transportation is not an official purpose, unless of course Congress 
has authorized it. The motor vehicle provision as amended by the 
Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 included a home-to-work 
prohibition with a few exceptions.[Footnote 150] While the very 
existence of the statute perhaps deterred abuse, some argued that home-
to-work transportation could be provided on the basis of little more 
than an "interest of the government" determination. The argument 
derived support, according to its proponents, from language in GAO 
decisions such as 25 Comp. Gen. 844, 847 (1946), in which GAO observed 
that the "primary purpose" of the prohibition against home-to-work 
transportation was to prevent the use of government-owned vehicles for 
"personal convenience" and, therefore, it should not be interpreted as 
precluding such transportation when determined as a matter of 
administrative discretion to be "in the interest of the government." 

Over time, GAO came to view the law's intent as unclear and advocated 
legislative clarification. E.g., B-178342, July 16, 1973; B-178342, 
May 8, 1973. However, uncertainty over the extent to which home-to-
work transportation could be authorized continued into the early 1980s 
as its widespread use persisted. As GAO observed in 62 Comp. Gen. 438, 
440 (1983): 

"The use of Government-owned or leased automobiles by high ranking 
officials for travel between home and work has been a common practice 
for many years in a large number of agencies.... The justification 
advanced for this practice is the apparent acquiescence by the 
Congress which regularly appropriates funds for limousines and other 
passenger automobiles knowing, in many instances, the uses to which 
they will be put but not imposing limits on the discretion of the 
agencies in determining what uses constitute 'official business.'" 

The 1983 decision sought to lay the confusion to rest. In essence, 62 
Comp. Gen. 438 held that, apart from those exceptions sanctioned in 
the statute plus a couple of fairly narrow nonstatutory exceptions, 
the use of government vehicles for home-to-work transportation was 
statutorily prohibited, period. Thus, agencies have no discretion to 
exercise in the matter. The decision (62 Comp. Gen. at 446) quoted a 
Justice Department opinion, 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 329 (1979), which 
a few years earlier had given very similar advice. If anything, 
Justice was even more direct. To those who argued that chauffeured 
limousine service enabled them to extend their work day by working 
while being transported, the answer was simple: come in earlier, stay 
later, or live closer to the office. 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel at 332. 
While the decision in 62 Comp. Gen. 438 lowered the boom on 
discretionary use of government vehicles for home-to-work 
transportation, it also recognized that GAO, itself, had contributed 
to the confusion on this issue. Thus, GAO both applied its decision 
prospectively, and suspended its application entirely until the end of 
the then-present Congress in order to allow Congress a chance to 
legislatively resolve the matter. 62 Comp. Gen. at 440. Meanwhile, GAO 
reports continued to document existing practice.[Footnote 151] 

In 1986, Congress enacted Pub. L. No. 99-550, 100 Stat. 3067 (Oct. 27, 
1986), which completely overhauled 31 U.S.C. � 1344. The objective was 
clear "Whatever the cause for the continued violation of 31 USC 1344, 
it is obvious that legislation is needed to end the confusion, by 
providing clear congressional guidance which will prevent future waste 
of government funds." H.R. Rep. No. 99-451, at 5 (1985). 

The revised 31 U.S.C. � 1344(a)(1) starts with the general official 
purposes requirement quoted above. It then adds: "Notwithstanding any 
other provision of law, transporting any individual other than the 
individuals listed in subsections (b) and (c) of this section between 
such individual's residence and such individual's place of employment 
is not transportation for an official purpose." The "notwithstanding 
any other provision of law" language was intended to mean that 31 
U.S.C. � 1344 prevails over any other inconsistent prior or subsequent 

"Any legislation authorizing home-to-work transportation for officers 
or employees of the Executive Branch enacted prior to the enactment of 
this measure is no longer valid unless specifically recognized by this 
section. Further, any legislation enacted after this measure 
authorizing such transportation ... must specifically indicate that it 
is being enacted as an amendment or exception to this law." 

H.R. Rep. No. 99-451 at 7. The legislative history makes clear that 
residence means "the primary place where an individual resides while 
commuting to a place of employment," and is not to be confused with 
the concept of legal domicile where the two differ. Id. It also makes 
clear that the prohibition does not affect temporary duty situations. 
Id. Travel between a temporary duty site and a temporary residence 
such as a motel is not regarded as home-to-work transportation for 
purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 1344. 41 C.F.R. � 102-5.20(a). This has always 
been the case. See, e.g., B-159210-0.M., Jan. 4, 1967. 

The statute also specifies the permissible exemptions. They fall into 
two categories�position and situation. Section 1344(b) lists the 
position exceptions. The list starts, of course, with the President 
and Vice-President. The President then is given 16 discretionary 
designations, 6 in the Executive Office of the President and 10 in 
other federal agencies. The remainder of the list includes: Justices 
of the Supreme Court; cabinet heads and a "single principal deputy" 
for each; the Ambassador to the United Nations and principal 
diplomatic and consular officials abroad; several high-level military 
officials; the heads of the Central Intelligence Agency and several 
law enforcement agencies; the Administrator of the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration; the Chairman of the Board of 
Governors of the Federal Reserve; the Comptroller General; and the 
Postmaster General. 

What we call the situational exceptions are found in sections 
1344(a)(2)(A), (a)(2)(B), (b)(9), and (g). Section 1344(a)(2)(A) 
preserves an exception from the 1946 law and provides that home-to-
work transportation "required for the performance of field work," in 
accordance with regulations prescribed by the General Services 
Administration (GSA), is permissible when approved in writing by the 
agency head. The GSA regulations define "field work" as follows: 

"Field work means official work requiring the employee's presence at 
various locations other than his/her regular place of work (Multiple 
stops (itinerant-type travel) within the accepted local commuting 
area, limited use beyond the local commuting area, or transportation 
to remote locations that are only accessible by Government-provided 
transportation are examples of field work.)" 

41 C.F.R. � 102-5.30. Section 1344(a)(2)(B) authorizes home-to-work 
transportation which is "essential for the safe and efficient 
performance of intelligence, counterintelligence, protective services, 
or criminal law enforcement duties," again when approved in writing by 
the agency head. See, e.g., B-195073, Nov. 21, 1979 (certain Federal 
Bureau of Investigation agents authorized to take government vehicles 
home in order to maintain emergency response capability).[Footnote 
152] The protective services part of this exemption is reinforced by 
section 1344(c), which authorizes home-to-work transportation for 
anyone entitled to Secret Service protection under 18 U.S.C. � 3056(a) 
or those entitled to protection under several other listed authorities. 

Section 1344(b)(9) gives a statutory basis to some nonstatutory 
exemptions recognized in the prior decisions. GAO had expressed the 
view that the law should allow an exception for emergencies. E.g., B-
181212, Aug. 15, 1974. Of course, this presumes a real emergency. B-
152006-0.M., July 26, 1965, quoting B-152006-0.M., Oct. 22, 1963 ("Mt 
is difficult to believe that emergencies arise at the Savannah River 
plant with such frequency as to warrant an average of 442 trips per 
month in connection with overtime work."). 

A "clear and present danger" of terrorist activities in foreign 
countries became another nonstatutory exception. 54 Comp. Gen. 855 
(1975). Now, under 31 U.S.C. � 1344(b)(9), the head of any federal 
agency can provide home-to-work transportation to any officer or 
employee by making a written determination, in accordance with General 
Services Administration (GSA) regulations, "that highly unusual 
circumstances present a clear and present danger, that an emergency 
exists, or that other compelling operational considerations make such 
transportation essential to the conduct of official business." 
Transportation under this subsection is for a maximum of 15 calendar 
days, but may be extended for additional 90-day periods. 31 U.S.C. � 
1344(d)(2). While there is obviously some discretion under these 
standards, the statute makes clear that "comfort and convenience" is 
not sufficient justification. Id. � 1344(e)(1). 

The GSA regulations provide in general that emergency circumstances 
"exist whenever there is an immediate, unforeseeable, temporary need 
to provide home-to-work transportation for those employees necessary 
to the uninterrupted performance of the agency's mission." 41 C.F.R. � 
102-5.30. The same regulation uses a public transportation strike as 
an example of a circumstance that may trigger the emergency exception: 
"An emergency may occur where there is a major disruption of available 
means of transportation to or from a work site, an essential 
Government service must be provided, and there is no other way to 
transport those employees." Id. 

Prior GAO decisions, which may be helpful in applying this regulation, 
had emphasized that the unavailability of public transportation alone 
does not shift to the government the employee's responsibility to get 
to work. In other words, a transit strike is not automatically an 
emergency justifying home-to-work transportation. 60 Comp. Gen. 420 
(1981); B-200022, Aug. 3, 1981. In two other cases, however, the 
circumstances were found to justify exceptions. In a 1975 case, the 
local Social Security Administration hired buses to transport 
employees to work from predetermined pick-up points during a San 
Francisco transit strike. Absent this or similar action, the 
processing of claims and payments at one of the nation's major Social 
Security centers would have come to an abrupt halt. GAO agreed that 
the action was within the agency's discretion as a "temporary 
emergency measure." 54 Comp. Gen. 1066 (1975). Some years earlier, 
during a New York City subway strike, an Internal Revenue Service 
supervisor "directed" one of his employees to use his own car to take 
five other employees to and from home during the strike. GAO agreed 
that the driver's increased commuting costs could be paid. A key 
factor here was that the then Civil Service Commission had authorized 
employees to stay home without a charge to leave. Thus, the 
supervisor's action enabled the work of the office to continue at 
minimum expense, as opposed to having to pay the employees anyway for 
doing no work. B-158931, May 26, 1966. 

The most recent situational exception is in 31 U.S.C. � 1344(g), added 
by Pub. L. No. 109-59, � 3049(b), 119 Stat. 1144, 1712 (Aug. 10, 
2005). Section 1344(g) authorizes agency heads, in their sole 
discretion and subject to certain conditions, to provide employees 
shuttle service between their places of employment and mass transit 
facilities. The same section of the 2005 law enacted statutory 
authority for the provision of subsidies to federal employees in the 
National Capital Region who commute by mass transit. The conference 
report on the 2005 legislation noted that "[b]y improving access to 
commuting alternatives, Federal agencies will be able to provide a 
benefit to their employees that will also help to reduce congestion 
and improve air quality across the nation." H.R. Rep. No. 109-203, at 
975 (2005). 

There is no authority to provide home-to-work transportation for 
handicapped employees. B-198323-0.M., Mar. 24, 1981. However, the 
situation in B-216602, Jan. 4, 1985, could possibly be considered 
under the "compelling operational considerations" exception. The 
Solicitor of Labor had received a serious injury and during his 
recovery period was forbidden to drive an automobile or ride public 
transportation. Government transportation was the only way he could 
get to work, and the Secretary said his availability was "essential." 
GAO agreed that he could receive transportation "during the period in 
which he is medically incapable of otherwise commuting to and from his 
office," but that he should reimburse the government to the extent of 
his normal commuting costs. B-216602, at 3. Alternatively, if GSA were 
to conclude that a situation like this is not covered by any of the 
statutory exceptions, it might be possible to take advantage of one of 
the President's discretionary designations under 31 U.S.C. � 
1344(b)(1)(C) if any were available at the time. 

The prohibition on home-to-work transportation applies to any portion 
of transportation between home and work. Thus, unless one of the 
exceptions can be invoked, there is no authority for an agency to 
provide shuttle service for its employees to and from various 
intermediate areas. 

B-162326, Sept. 14, 1967; B-183617-0.M., Aug. 2, 1976. One 
illustration of this point is B-261729, Apr. 1, 1996. An agency which 
had relocated one of its offices was concerned that many of its 
employees were not overly excited over commuting the extra distance. 
It proposed to equip a bus with phones and computers, call it a 
"mobile work site," and use it to transport employees from the old 
location to the new one. Noble motive, the decision concluded, but 
it's still commuting and would require statutory authority.[Footnote 

Another illustration involves the United States Capitol Police (USCP). 
B-305864, Jan. 5, 2006. The USCP provided parking for employees 
adjacent to its headquarters building on the Senate side of the 
Capitol grounds. Commuting employees would simply park their cars and 
walk into the headquarters building to report for work. However, the 
USCP needed to move some of its offices to the House of 
Representatives side where employee parking was not yet available. The 
USCP asked GAO whether it could provide a shuttle to transport 
employees from the Senate parking lot to their new work locations on 
the House side until regular parking was arranged there. The USPS 
reasoned that since appropriated funds are available to provide 
employee parking, they likewise should be available to transport 
employees from government-provided parking to their actual work 
locations. GAO disagreed. First, the fact that USCP provided employee 
parking was irrelevant to the issue, GAO said. Instead, the issue was 
governed by the longstanding rule regarding the nature of commuting 
costs. Citing B-261729, Apr. 1, 1996, GAO concluded: 

"In our view, an employee's arrival at a parking lot cannot be 
considered the end of the commute. Rather, a parking lot is simply an 
intermediate stop�like a subway or bus stop�within the totality of the 
commute from home to office. For purposes of section 1344(a)(1), 
legislative history suggests that the end of the commute, or 'place of 
employment,' is the 'primary place where an officer or employee 
performs his or her business.' ..." 

B-305864, at 3. Thus, providing a shuttle to enable employees to 
complete their commutes to their offices on the House side was not 
permissible. On the other hand, GAO observed, if the USCP maintained a 
shuttle between its Senate and House offices for operational purposes, 
there would be no objection to commuting employees using it on a space-
available basis and at no additional cost to the government. Id. at 3-

The law does not prohibit use of government transportation from an 
employee's home to an airport incident to official travel, subject to 
whatever guidance the Federal Travel Regulations include. 70 Comp. 
Gen. 196 (1991). 

Agencies are required to "maintain logs or other records necessary to 
establish the official purpose" of home-to-work transportation they 
provide. 31 U.S.C. � 1344(f). The information to be recorded is 
specified in 41 C.F.R. � 102-5.120. Public access to these records 
would be governed by the disclosure requirements and exemptions of the 
Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. � 552. B-233995, Feb. 10, 1989 
(nondecision letter). Of course the records must be made available for 
legitimate audit purposes. A 1991 GAO study found that the revised 31 
U.S.C. � 1344 seemed to be working and that agencies were generally 
complying with it. GAO, Government Vehicles: Officials Now Rarely 
Receive Unauthorized Home-to-Work Transportation, GAO/GGD-91-27 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 15, 1991). 

Although the home-to-work prohibition captures the lion's share of 
attention under 31 U.S.C. � 1344, it is only one form of unauthorized 
use. Personal use of a government vehicle on weekends and holidays is 
another. E.g., B-216016, Mar. 23, 1987. Still another controversial 
area is the use of government vehicles to transport family members. It 
does not violate the law for an agency to permit a family member to 
accompany an employee while the vehicle is being used for official 
business. 68 Comp. Gen. 186 (1989); 57 Comp. Gen. 226 (1978). The same 
principle applies to government aircraft. B-192053-0.M., Aug. 3, 1978. 
See also B-155950, July 10, 1975. It is illegal, however, to use a 
government vehicle to shuttle about family members on personal 
errands. B-211586-0.M., July 8, 1983. It is equally unauthorized to 
permit a family member to use the vehicle for personal business. E.g., 
Clark v. United States, 162 Ct. Cl. 477, 483-84 (1963). 

In B-275365, Dec. 17, 1996, an official used a government car to drive 
himself and several other employees to the funeral of another 
employee's child because "he wanted to send a message that he cared 
for his people." GAO was unwilling to say that there are no 
circumstances in which this sort of thing might qualify as an official 
purpose, but in this particular case use of the car violated the 
statute because, if for no other reason, the official made the 
decision himself and did not seek agency approval. 

Use of a government vehicle not so much for personal convenience as 
for the convenience of an agency was the subject of 63 Comp. Gen. 257 
(1984). In that decision, the then Veterans Administration (VA) had 
acquired a passenger bus to use in transporting students from a 
medical college to a VA hospital as part of a statutory training 
program. GAO agreed that the driver could keep the bus at home. The 
alternative would have been for the driver to make two round trips�one 
to pick up the bus and another to transport the students. Under the 
circumstances, any personal benefit to the driver was purely 
incidental to carrying out the program. The GSA regulations at 41 
C.F.R. � 102-5.90 provide somewhat of a variant on this theme: 
"situations may arise where, for cost or other reasons, it is in the 
Government's interest to base a Government passenger carrier at a 
Government facility located near the employee's home or work rather 
than authorize the employee home-to-work transportation." 

Providing transportation to individuals may constitute an official 
purpose in some circumstances. For example, GAO observed in B-216670, 
Dec. 13, 1984: 

"The transportation of representatives of foreign nations is a common 
practice in the day-to-day conduct of American foreign relations. The 
provision of such transportation has evidently been a long-standing 
practice of the Defense and State Departments.... Accordingly, in our 
view, it would be inappropriate for this office to challenge this long-
standing practice." 

In 71 Comp. Gen. 469 (1992), GAO held that use of a government vehicle 
to transport students incident to the agency's participation in a 
"partnership in education" program did not violate the statute. GAO, 
however, discouraged the practice because of the increased potential 
for government liability in the event of an accident. 71 Comp. Gen. at 
472. This is also the case where an employee is transporting a family 
member (68 Comp. Gen. 186 (1989)), or for that matter in any case of 
expanded use (B-254296, Nov. 23, 1993). Agencies should take 
precautions to limit potential tort liability in these situations. A 
device that has been used on occasion in the case of space-available 
transportation in government aircraft is the waiver of liability. Such 
waivers are generally valid although there is some state-to-state 
variation. See B-231930-0.M., Nov. 23, 1988. In any event, there is no 
authority to use appropriated funds to purchase, or to reimburse an 
employee-driver for, liability insurance. 45 Comp. Gen. 542 (1966). 

Another provision of law, 31 U.S.C. � 1349(b), gives 31 U.S.C. � 1344 
some teeth. It provides: 

"An officer or employee who willfully uses or authorizes the use of a 
passenger motor vehicle or aircraft owned or leased by the United 
States Government (except for an official purpose authorized by 
section 1344 of this title) or otherwise violates section 1344 shall 
be suspended without pay by the head of the agency. The officer or 
employee shall be suspended for at least one month, and when 
circumstances warrant, for a longer period or summarily removed from 

The penalty applies only to "willful" violations. For a violation 
found to be willful, the minimum penalty of a month's suspension 
without pay is mandatory. E.g., Clark v. United States, 162 Ct. CL 
477, 486-87 (1963). As such, it cannot be reduced by an arbitrator. 
Devine v. Nutt, 718 F.2d 1048, 1055 (Fed. Cir. 1983), rev'd on other 
grounds, 472 U.S. 648 (1985). 

GAO will not decide whether a violation is willful. B-275365, Dec. 17, 
1996. The Merit Systems Protection Board, which sees many of these 
cases in its review of adverse actions, has developed a test. The 
Board will consider a violation as willful if the employee "had actual 
knowledge that the use of the vehicle would be characterized as 
nonofficial or that he acted in reckless disregard as to whether the 
use was for nonofficial purposes." Fischer v. Department of the 
Treasury, 69 M.S.P.R. 614, 617 (1996). The Court of Appeals for the 
Federal Circuit endorses this approach. Kimm v. Department of the 
Treasury, 61 F.3d 888 (Fed. Cir. 1995); Felton v. Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission, 820 F.2d 391 (Fed. Cir. 1987). In addition, 
the Board will not regard a violation as willful if it involves "minor 
personal use" while the vehicle is being used primarily on official 
business. Fischer, 69 M.S.P.R. at 617; Madrid v. Department of the 
Interior, 37 M.S.P.R. 418, 423(1988). Acting with advice of counsel, 
however misguided or flat wrong that advice may be, would most likely 
preclude a finding that a violation was willful. 64 Comp. Gen. 782, 
786 (1985). 

Examples of situations in which the Board has sustained imposition of 
a penalty include the following: 

* Using a government vehicle to commute from duty station to law 
school classes. Aiu v. Department of Justice, 70 M.S.P.R. 509, aff'd, 
98 F.3d 1359 (Fed. Cir. 1996). 

* Driving a government vehicle to lunch. Cantu v. Department of the 
Treasury, 88 M.S.P.R. 253 (2001). (To make matters worse, the employee 
left about 250 pounds of cocaine�-in his possession for official 
purposes-�unguarded in the government vehicle while he was at lunch.) 
Similarly, in Utnage v. Department of the Army, 119 Fed. Appx. 269 
(2004), the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a Board 
decision upholding the suspension of an employee for driving a 
government vehicle home for meal breaks. The employee said he knew he 
was not supposed to drive the government car home for lunch. His 
defense was that he parked the car one block away from his residence 
and walked the final block home, so he had not actually driven to his 
home. Unfortunately for the employee, but hardly surprising, neither 
the Board nor the court bought this defense. Utnage, 119 Fed. Appx. at 

* Driving loan officer to lawyer's residence to sign papers on a 
personal loan. Madrid, 37 M.S.P.R. 418-23. 

* Transporting agency employees and equipment to supervisor's 
residence to help build a fish pond. Barrett v. Department of the 
Interior, 65 M.S.P.R. 186 (1994). 

* Transporting employee's son on personal business. Campbell v. 
Department of Health and Human Services, 40 M.S.P.R. 525 (1989). See 
also Davis v. Department of the Army, 56 M.S.P.R. 583 (1993). Under 
the particular circumstances involved in Kimm v. Department of the 
Treasury, 61 F.3d 888, however, driving a child to day care was found 
not to constitute a willful violation. 

* Being arrested drunk and asleep while parked on the side of the road 
with the motor running. Tenorio v. Department of Health and Human 
Services, 30 M.S.P.R. 136 (1986). This one got the employee fired. 

A car rented by an employee while on official travel is not "owned or 
leased by the United States Government" for purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 
1349. Chufo v. Department of the Interior, 45 F.3d 419 (Fed. Cir. 
1995). When an employee is renting a car while on travel or temporary 
duty, there is nothing wrong with using the car for personal business. 
The impropriety enters the picture when the employee tries to charge 
the government for the personal portion of the use. In contrast, a 
government-furnished vehicle may be used only for official purposes. 
Federal Travel Regulations, 41 C.F.R. � 301-10.201. The concept of 
official purpose is somewhat broader in the travel/temporary duty 
context than at the regular duty station. B-254296, Nov. 23, 1993 
(limited recreational use permissible at remote location where no 
other transportation available). 

One final statute that requires mention is section 503 of the Ethics 
Reform Act of 1989, Pub. L. No. 101-194, 103 Stat. 1716, 1755 (Nov. 
30, 1989), as amended by Pub. L. No. 101-280, � 6(b), 104 Stat. 149, 
160 (May 4, 1990), 31 U.S.C. � 1344 note, which provides: 
"Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the head of each 
department, agency, or other entity of each branch of the Government 
may prescribe by rule appropriate conditions for the incidental use, 
for other than official business, of vehicles owned or leased by the 
Government." The scope and intended effect of this provision are 
unclear. A GAO report issued not too long after the enactment of 
section 503 noted that the legislative history was silent as to its 
intent. GAO, Government Vehicles: Officials Now Rarely Receive 
Unauthorized Home-to-Work Transportation, GAO/GGD-91-27 (Washington, 
D.C.: Mar. 15, 1991), at 7. The report also observed that some agency 
officials thought that section 503 "opens a hole in the home-to-work 
law, ...rolls back the restrictions on home-to-work transportation, 
and... seems to contradict the home-to-work transportation law." Id. 
at 8. However, GAO expressed a "much more restrictive" interpretation: 

"Section 503, as we view it, is designed simply to provide reasonable 
agency latitude under prescribed rules for minor nonofficial vehicle 
use incidental to otherwise authorized official use. Section 503 does 
not provide the authority for any agency to ignore the provisions of 
the home-to-work transportation law, a specific statutory scheme 
designed to be comprehensive in terms of specifying the situations 
under which certain officials and employees may be provided home-to-
work transportation in a government vehicle." 

Id. As the 1991 GAO report anticipated, section 503 appears to have 
had little impact. We have found no judicial or administrative 
decision addressing section 503 and only one published substantive 
agency regulation explicitly issued pursuant to it. That regulation, 
adopted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 
C.F.R. � 1204.1600, permits employees to drive a government vehicle 
home at the close of the day preceding or concluding a temporary duty 
assignment if the authorizing official determines that this will 
result in significant time savings. 

b. General Services Administration Motor Pools: 

Under sections 601-611 of title 40, United States Code, the General 
Services Administration (GSA) has broad authority to establish, 
operate, and discontinue interagency vehicle motor pools.[Footnote 
154] Subject to regulations issued by the President under 40 U.S.C. � 
603(b) and if determined advantageous in terms of economy, efficiency, 
or service, section 602(a)(1) of title 40 provides that GSA shall: 

"(1) take over from executive agencies and consolidate, or otherwise 
acquire, motor vehicles and related equipment and supplies; 

"(2) provide for the establishment, maintenance, and operation 
(including servicing and storage) of motor vehicle pools or systems; 

"(3) furnish motor vehicles and related services to executive agencies 
for the transportation of property and passengers." 

The President's regulations, mandated by 40 U.S.C. � 603(b), are 
contained in Executive Order No. 10579, Nov. 30, 1954, 40 U.S.C. � 601 
note, section 11 of which authorizes GSA to issue supplementary 
regulations. GSA regulations are found at 41 C.F.R. part 101-39. 
"Executive agency" as used in 40 U.S.C. � 602(a)(1), includes the 
judicial branch. B-158712, Mar. 7, 1977. Also, nothing in the statute 
or executive order prohibits GSA from permitting the use of motor pool 
vehicles by cost-reimbursement contractors. B-157729, Feb. 10, 1966. 

The statute quoted above allows GSA, when forming a motor pool, to 
"take over" vehicles purchased by another agency with its own 
appropriations. See also 41 C.F.R. � 101-39.001. GSA must reimburse 
the fair market value only if the vehicle was originally acquired from 
a government corporation or through a revolving fund or trust fund and 
not previously reimbursed. 

40 U.S.C. � 604(a); see also 41 C.F.R. � 101-39.104-2. This does not 
include a reimbursable but nonrevolving appropriation. 38 Comp. Gen. 
185 (1958). 

GSA's activities under 40 U.S.C. �� 601-611 are financed through GSA 
revolving Acquisition Services Fund (40 U.S.C. � 321�formerly known as 
the General Supply Fund) and must be reimbursed by the customer 
agencies. Under 40 U.S.C. � 605(a), the Acquisition Services Fund is 
available to pay the costs of motor pools and related services under 
section 602, including the purchase and rental of motor vehicles and 
related equipment and supplies. Section 605(b) provides that GSA 
should fix reimbursements so as to recover, as far as practicable, all 
section 602 costs, including increments to cover estimated replacement 
costs. The law further provides that the purchase price of vehicles 
and equipment, plus the replacement increments, cannot be charged all 
at once but must be recovered through amortization. 40 U.S.C. � 
605(c). It also directs GSA to use accrual accounting. Id.; B-139506, 
Oct. 1, 1959. 

The Acquisition Services Fund is available for improvements to 
government-owned property incident to the establishment and operation 
of motor pools. This includes such things as fences, gasoline pumps 
and storage tanks, parking facilities, service stations, and storage 
facilities. B-134511, Mar. 10, 1958. It is also available for the 
initial financing, subject to reimbursement as with other costs, of 
temporary service facilities and equipment on leased property. 43 
Comp. Gen. 738 (1964). 

Questions have arisen concerning GSA's authority to charge the using 
agency for damage to the vehicle. For many years, GSA regulations 
provided that GSA would charge the using agency for damage caused by 
negligence or misuse attributable to the using agency, and GAO 
consistently upheld GSA authority to include such a provision. The 
first decision considering a challenge to the regulation was 37 Comp. 
Gen. 306 (1957), in which the Comptroller General stated: "There can 
be no question but that the costs of making repairs to vehicles 
damaged while being operated in a motor vehicle pool (or the amount of 
the loss where the vehicle is incapable of being repaired) are 
elements of cost incident to the operation of such motor vehicle 
pool." 37 Comp. Gen. at 307. The provision of the statute requiring 
amortization of the purchase price has no effect on GSA ability to 
charge for damage. Id. at 307-08. 

The very next decision, 37 Comp. Gen. 308 (1957), reached the same 
conclusion where the damage was caused by an employee of the using 
agency other than the vehicle operator, and pointed out that 40 U.S.C. 
� 602 and the implementing regulations override the nonstatutory rule 
[Footnote 155] under which an agency is normally not liable for damage 
to the property of another agency. The validity of GSA's regulation 
was upheld again in 41 Comp. Gen. 199 (1961), and still again in 59 
Comp. Gen. 515 (1980). 

The regulations have changed since those decisions and now provide 
that GSA will charge the using agency for all damage to the vehicle 
unless caused by mechanical failure, normal wear and tear, or the 
negligence or willful act of an identifiable party other than an 
employee of the using agency. 41 C.F.R. � 101-39.406. There is no 
apparent reason why the principle of the earlier decisions should not 
apply equally to this version of the regulation. The using agency is 
responsible for investigating accidents and filing the required 
accident and investigation reports with GSA. See id. �� 101-39.401, 
101-39.403. GSA makes the initial determination based on this 
material. The using agency can dispute GSA's finding but GSA has the 
final word. Id. � 101-39.406(d). 

GSA provides a range of services from short-term use to shuttle and 
driver services to indefinite assignment. Id. � 101-39.201. An agency 
which lacks the specific authority to purchase or hire passenger motor 
vehicles as required by 31 U.S.C. � 1343(b) can nevertheless use its 
appropriations to reimburse GSA for motor vehicle services provided 
under 40 U.S.C. � 602. B-158712, Mar. 7, 1977. In other words, lack of 
authority to acquire the vehicles directly is not an impediment to 
obtaining them through the GSA interagency fleet system. Similarly, if 
GSA delegates leasing authority to a requesting agency because GSA 
cannot satisfy the agency's requirements, the agency can use its 
appropriations to lease vehicles pursuant to the delegation 
notwithstanding any lack of specific authority otherwise required by 
31 U.S.C. � 1343(b). B-210657-0.M., July 15, 1983. A delegation from 
GSA can also be used to augment an agency's specific statutory 
authorization. B-158712-0.M., Jan. 11, 1977. 

c. Expenditure Control Requirements: 

In fiscal year 1985, the 20 federal agencies with the largest motor 
vehicle fleets controlled a total of more than 340,000 vehicles and 
spent $915 million on their acquisition, operation, and disposal. 
[Footnote 156] Concerned with these numbers, Congress, as part of the 
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985,[Footnote 157] 
enacted the provisions found at 40 U.S.C. �� 17501-17510. The 
legislation applies to executive agencies (excluding the Tennessee 
Valley Authority) which operate at least 300 motor vehicles. Twenty 
agencies then met this qualification. They are identified in GAO/GGD-
88-40, at 9 n.1. The legislation contained short-term cost-reduction 
goals (which GAO found in GAO/GGD-88-40 were generally met) and 
permanent requirements. 

Each covered agency is to designate an office or officer to establish 
a central monitoring system and to provide oversight of the agency's 
motor vehicle operations. 40 U.S.C. � 17502. The agency is also 
directed to develop a system to "identify, collect, and analyze" cost 
data with respect to its motor vehicle operations. Id. � 17503(a). 

The agency must include with each appropriation request a statement 
specifying total motor vehicle costs (acquisition, maintenance, 
leasing, operation, and disposal) for three fiscal years, and 
justifying why its requirements cannot be met more cheaply by some 
other means, such as increased use of GSA motor pool system. Id. � 
17504(a). The President's budget submission is to include a summary 
and analysis of these statements. Id. � 17505(a). 

GSA has several duties under this legislation. It is to develop 
requirements, in cooperation with GAO and the Office of Management and 
Budget, for agency data collection systems. Id. � 17503(b). It is also 
to reduce vehicle storage and disposal costs, and develop a program of 
vehicle reconditioning designed to improve the rate of return on 
vehicle sales. Id. � 17506. Very little has been written about the use 
of appropriated funds for what may be the most sacred perk of all, 
chauffeurs. There is no governmentwide statute or statutory regulation 
purporting to authorize, prohibit, or restrict the use of chauffeurs. 
Accordingly, most of the GAO reports which broach the subject�and they 
are few to begin with�are merely exercises in fact-finding. E.g., GAO, 
Use of Government Vehicles for Home-to-Work Transportation, GAO/NSIAD-
84-27 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 13, 1983) (presenting overtime data in 
tabular form). 

While there are no governmentwide provisions, there is the occasional 
restriction that appears in an appropriation act. For example, section 
412 of the 1997 Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Housing and 
Urban Development (HUD), and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act 
includes the following general provision: "Except as otherwise 
provided in section 406, none of the funds provided in this Act to any 
department or agency shall be obligated or expended to provide a 
personal cook, chauffeur, or other personal servants to any officer or 
employee of such department or agency." Pub. L. No. 104-204, � 412, 
110 Stat. 2874, 2922 (Sept. 26, 1996). Section 406 is another general 
provision that reiterates the home-to-work prohibition and exemptions 
of 31 U.S.C. � 1344. Section 412 would not prohibit chauffeured home-
to-work transportation for the Secretaries of HUD and VA, but the then 
Veterans Administration was not covered before it became a cabinet 
department and a former Administrator reimbursed the government for 
the costs of what was then improper. See GAO, Office Refurbishing, Use 
of a Government Vehicle and Driver, and Out-of-Town Travel by the 
Former Administrator of Veterans Affairs, GAO/HRD-83-10 (Washington, 
D.C.: Jan. 18, 1983). GAO suggested in that report that a definition 
of "chauffeur" for purposes of section 412 would be helpful. Id. at 
20. Is it, for example, intended to cover someone designated to drive 
for several officials or who has nondriving duties as well? 

The most controversial use of chauffeurs tends to be in the context of 
home-to-work transportation. GAO has summarized its position as 

"While the law does not specifically include the employment of 
chauffeurs as part of the prohibition in [31 U.S.C. � 1344(a)], GAO 
has interpreted this section, in conjunction with other provisions of 
law, as authorizing such employment only when the officials being 
driven are exempted by [31 U.S.C. � 1344(b)]... from the prohibition." 

62 Comp. Gen. 438, 441 (1983). As support for this passage, the 1983 
decision cited B-150989, Apr. 17, 1963, which contains the following 

"Chauffeurs for Cabinet officers are not expressly provided for by 
law; however, it is implicit in [31 U.S.C. �� 1343 and 1344] that the 
use of automobiles, by Cabinet officers, purchased or leased with 
appropriated funds is to be considered as a use for official purposes. 
Consequently, the general employment authority conferred upon heads of 
Departments by [5 U.S.C. � 3101] constitutes authority to employ 
chauffeurs when an appropriation is available for the payment of their 

B-150989, at 1. These decisions would seem to support the proposition 
that an official who is authorized to use a government vehicle for 
home-to-work transportation may also use a chauffeur unless restricted 
by some agency-specific legislation. 

In a 1975 decision, B-162111, Dec. 17, 1975, an official of the 
Selective Service System, without seeking agency approval, used an 
employee to chauffeur him to and from work in his (the official's) own 
car. The agency head, upon learning of the arrangement, disapproved, 
and the official resigned. As to what further action should be taken, 
GAO first noted that the home-to-work statutes were inapplicable 
because the official had used his own car. There might well have been 
a violation of 5 U.S.C. � 3103 which provides that an individual may 
be employed "only for services actually rendered in connection with 
and for the purposes of the appropriation from which he is paid," but 
the penalty for violating 5 U.S.C. � 3103 is removal and the violator 
was already gone. Accordingly, and since congressional intent in the 
area was "quite uncertain," GAO's advice was to consider the case 
closed. B-162111, at 2. 

A final decision involves a situation other than home-to-work 
transportation. The question was whether the Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission could use appropriated funds to hire a 
chauffeured limousine to transport a witness (who happened to be a 
senator) from the airport to a hearing site and back to the airport. 
Since the home-to-work statutes were not involved, and since the 
Commission had authority to hire passenger vehicles (assuming it was 
needed for this type of hire), the question boiled down to one of 
purpose availability. The Commission had statutory authority to 
reimburse the expenses of a witness, and could have done so even 
without the specific authority. The agency chose to provide 
transportation rather than reimburse expenses, and while GAO chided 
that it would have been cheaper to call a taxi, the choice could not 
be called illegal. B-194881, Dec. 27, 1979. 

Chapter 12 Footnotes: 

[1] 1n 2002, title 40 of the United States Code was revised and 
enacted into positive law. See Pub. L. No. 107-217, 116 Stat. 1062 
(Aug. 21, 2002). While the references to sections in title 40 
throughout this chapter are to the current provisions, many of the 
decisions and letters cited in this chapter refer to prior sections of 
title 40. However, the material is still relevant for purposes of the 
discussions herein. 

[2] This order is available on the GSA Web site at [hyperlink, 
d=8128&noc=T ](last visited Mar. 20, 2008). Our limited coverage here 
of the more common GSA supply programs authorized primarily in title 
40, United States Code, should not be taken to indicate that other 
authorities do not exist. See, for example, 62 Comp. Gen. 245 (1983), 
discussing GSA's barter authority under the Strategic and Critical 
Materials Stock Piling Act, 50 U.S.C. � 98e(c). 

[3] We use the term "multiyear" here to mean contracts which cross 
fiscal years. This is not to be confused with the much more specific 
and prescribed concept of multiyear contracting and ordering 
procedures as provided in the FAR, 48 C.F.R. subpart 17.1. See 
especially the definition of a multiyear contract in 48 C.F.R. � 

[4] But see B-308969, May 31, 2007 (the government incurred a legal 
liability in the amount of the guaranteed minimum in an indefinite-
delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract at the time in which the 
contract was awarded and the agencies involved should have obligated 
that amount at that time); B-302358, Dec. 27, 2004 (upon award of an 
IDIQ contract Customs should have obligated the contract minimum of 
$25 million in accordance with the recording statute to ensure the 
integrity of Customs's obligational accounts records). 

[5] Resolution No. 8, 15 Stat. 246 (Jan. 31, 1868). 

[6] Eligibility to Use GSA Sources of Supply and Services (Jan. 3, 
2000), available at [hyperlink, 
=8128&nor], (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[7] GSA regulations contain the following requirement: 
"How do I determine whether to do an exchange or a sale? 
"You must determine whether an exchange or sale will provide the 
greater return for the Government. When estimating the return under 
each method, consider all related administrative and overhead costs." 
41 C.F.R. � 102-39.35. 

[8] Pub. L. No. 78-457, � 25, 58 Stat. 765, 780 (Oct. 3, 1944). 

[9] Pub. L. No. 94-519, � 1, 90 Stat. 2451 (Oct. 17, 1976). 

[10] Section 571(b) permits the expenses of sale to be deducted, 
subject to GSA regulations, so that only the net proceeds must be 

[11] See also, e.g., 10 Comp. Gen. 193 (1930); 10 Comp. Gen. 131 
(1930); 8 Comp. Gen. 600 (1929); 6 Comp. Gen. 81 (1926). Under this 
rule, the performing agency could not recover costs it would have 
incurred in any event, a prime example being the salaries of personnel 
used in providing the service. 

[12] This rule was based on 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), which limits the use 
of appropriations to their intended purposes. 7 Comp. Gen. at 711; 3 
Comp. Gen. 974, 976 (1924). 

[13] A few of the numerous decisions discussing and applying this 
provision are 4 Comp. Gen. 674 (1925); 27 Comp. Dec. 684 (1921); 27 
Comp. Dec. 106 (1920); A-31068, Mar. 25, 1930. 

[14] As we will note in our discussion of interagency details of 
personnel, the reason the accounting officers had not previously 
espoused this eminently logical application of the purpose statute and 
augmentation concept was rooted more in history than in law. Certainly 
in non-Economy Act situations, the proposition that using agency A's 
appropriations to do agency B's work violates the purpose statute is 
stated largely as dogmatic. E.g., 59 Comp. Gen. 403, 404 (1980). 

[15] Exempts from H.R. Rep. No. 72-1126 are quoted in 52 Comp. Gen. 
128, 131-32 (1972), and the history of section 601 is discussed in 
more detail in 57 Comp. Gen. 674. Technically, section 601 was cast as 
an amendment to the 1920 statute noted earlier in the text. Certain 
documents in the legislative history, one of which is quoted in 57 
Comp. Gen. at 679, cite GAO decision A-2272, June 16, 1924. For the 
benefit of future researchers, there is no such decision. The correct 
reference is A-2272, June 18, 1924, published at 3 Comp. Gen. 974. 

[16] Regulations governing the Economy Act can be found in the Federal 
Acquisition Regulation at 48 C.F.R. subpart 17.5. 

[17] This of course does not mean that an issue has never arisen 
regarding a determination that the order is in the best interest of 
the government. The issue might involve an internal debate and might 
not surface outside of the agency. 

[18] As originally enacted, this requirement explicitly referred to 
"work or services performed" but not to "materials, supplies, or 
equipment furnished." See, e.g., 12 Comp. Gen. 597, 598 (1933). The 
substitution of the word "goods" came about as part of the 1982 
recodification of title 31, United States Code. See 31 U.S.C. � 1535 
(Rev. Notes). While a recodification is not supposed to make 
substantive changes, this is nevertheless what the statute now says. 
Perhaps it simply reflects the deduction that "work" implies a product. 

[19] This decision implies that an agency can enter into an Economy 
Act agreement with a nonappropriated fund instrumentality, and to that 
extent was modified by 64 Comp. Gen. 110 (1984). It remains valid for 
the points for which it is cited in the text. 

[20] The recording statute, 31 U.S.C. � 1501, is discussed in Chapter 
7, section B. 

[21] The decision in 64 Comp. Gen. 370 (1985) overruled other aspects 
of 13 Comp. Gen. 234. 

[22] The Economy Act originally said "executive department or 
independent establishment of the Government" (Act of June 30, 1932, 
ch. 314, 47 Stat. 382, 417). The indefatigable researcher will find 
one GAO opinion, B-25199, May 15, 1942, holding the Act inapplicable 
to the legislative branch. While B-25199 has never been overruled, it 
has never been followed either, and the Revision Note to 31 U.S.C. � 
1535 explicitly adopts the broader view of 12 Comp. Gen. 442 and the 
Mitchell case. 

[23] The 1984 decision concerned the United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA) Graduate School, which is a nonappropriated fund 
instrumentality. In 1990, Congress granted the school specific 
authority to enter into Economy Act agreements to provide training and 
services to federal agencies, 7 U.S.C. � 5922(a), but subsequently 
repealed this authority in 2002. Pub. L. No. 107-171, � 10705, 116 
Stat. 134, 519 (May 13, 2002). 

[24] The concept of the Economy Act simply does not "fit" where the 
two units are funded under the same appropriation. Presumably, 
although we have found no cases, an agency could administratively 
apply similar principles since it needs no statutory authority to 
shift funds within a lump-sum appropriation. See Chapter 2, section 
B.3.b, for a discussion of reprogramming. 

[25] The Federal Acquisition Regulation provides that "the 
[performing] agency may ask the [ordering] agency, in writing, for 
advance payment for all or part of the estimated cost or furnishing 
the supplies or services." 48 C.F.R. � 17.505(a). Also, as a practical 
matter, if the performing agency is not in a position to use its own 
funds initially, or simply does not wish to do so, it does not have to 
accept the order. 

[26] A working fund is simply an account established to receive 
advance payments from other agencies or accounts. 14 Comp. Gen. 25 
(1934). Working fund accounts are not used to finance the work 
directly but only to reimburse the appropriation or fund account that 
will finance the work to be performed. 

[27] Retention of the word "executive" in 31 U.S.C. � 1536(b)(2) in 
the 1982 recodification of title 31, United States Code, appears to 
have been inadvertent because resort to the source provision makes 
clear that "agency" as used in 31 U.S.C. � 1536(b) is the same as 
"agency" in 31 U.S.C. � 1535(a). 

[28] Loathe to summarily throw out the old rule, some early Economy 
Act decisions treated the actual cost prescription as discretionary, 
holding that agencies could agree to operate under the old rule. E.g., 
13 Comp. Gen. 150, 153 (1933). This "option approach" has long since 
been discarded. 

[29] Properly payable as a judgment" means payable from the permanent 
judgment appropriation (31 U.S.C. � 1304) unless, as was the case 
here, the agency has an available appropriation or fund. 

[30] Under prior decisions, actual cost could include depreciation. 
E.g., 38 Comp. Gen. 734 (1959). This is one of the aspects of the 
earlier cases superseded by the 57 Comp. Gen. 674 "family." 

[31] This statute applies to transactions between the military 
departments and establishments owned by the Department of Defense for 
work related to military projects. See Chapter 7, section B.1.i(5), 
for a further discussion of this statute. 

[32] Act making deficiency appropriations for 1936, June 22, 1936, ch. 
689, � 8, 49 Stat. 1597, 1648. The Act of June 26, 1943, ch. 150, 57 
Stat. 219, amended the Economy Act itself to reflect the 1936 

[33] See sections B.2 and C.4.e of this chapter for further 
elaboration and case summaries. 

[34] The rule quoted in the text from 18 Comp. Gen. 489 refers to the 
Economy Act "or similar statutory authority." Hence, the cases cited 
in the text commingle Economy Act and non-Economy Act applications 
without distinction. 

[35] To the extent it supports a contrary proposition, the editors 
view 39 Comp. Gen. 548 (1960) as incorrect. It inexplicably fails to 
consider the no certification language, and is inconsistent with the 
plain terms of the Economy Act itself (see 37 Op. Att'y Gen. 559 
(1934)), and with applications of similar language in other statutes, 
such as 44 U.S.C. � 310 (payments for printing and binding). See also 
56 Comp. Gen. 980 (1977); A-30304-O.M. Feb. 10, 1930. 

[36] Oddly, the early decisions were not so rigid when it came to 
intra-agency work. Where an employee did work for different bureaus 
within the same agency, the agency could prorate the salary among the 
appropriations involved, or could pay the entire salary from one 
appropriation and seek reimbursement from the others. 5 Comp. Gen. 
1036 (1926). 

[37] Pub. L. No. 100-690, title I, 102 Stat. 4181 (Nov. 18, 1988). 

[38] Pub. L. No. 98-367, � 8(2), 98 Stat. 472, 475 (July 17, 1984). 

[39] Subsequent to the Wounded Knee litigation, Congress enacted 10 
U.S.C. � 372, which expressly authorizes the Secretary of Defense to 
make equipment available to law enforcement organizations. At first, 
reimbursement was discretionary. See Pub. L. No. 97-86, � 905(a)(1), 
95 Stat. 1099, 1116 (Dec. 1, 1981); 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 464 
(1982). The reimbursement provision, 10 U.S.C. � 377, was amended in 
1988 to require reimbursement, with certain exceptions, "Rio the 
extent otherwise required" by the Economy Act or other applicable law. 
See Pub. L. No. 100-456, div. A, title XI, � 1104(a), 102 Stat. 1918, 
2045 (Sept. 29, 1988). 

[40] OMB Press Release No. 2002-11, New E-Government Strategy Is 
Roadmap to Better Service: 24 New Initiatives to Help Millions Who 
Access the Government Online (Feb. 27, 2002), available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/pubpress/2002-11.html] (last visited 
Mar. 20, 2008). 

[41] These initiatives are available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov] (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[42] OMB also refers to these centers as "Shared Service Centers," 
"Shared Service Providers," and "Cross-Agency Service Providers." See, 
e,g., Report to Congress on the Benefits of the President's E-
Government Initiatives: Fiscal Year 2007 (2007), available at 
[hyperlink, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/e-2-reports.html] (last 
visited Mar. 20, 2008); Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United 
States Government for Fiscal Year 2007 (Feb. 6, 2006), at 152-53, 
available at [hyperlink, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2007] 
(last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[43] Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government 
for Fiscal Year 2006 (Feb. 5, 2005), at 174, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budgetify2006] (last visited Mar. 20, 
2008). For additional information about the E-Government initiatives 
and cross-agency service providers, see the Report to Congress on the 
Benefits of the President's E-Government Initiatives: Fiscal Year 
2007, supra n.42. 

[44] This is another example where the Economy Act was used as 
authority even though there was no written agreement "up front." 

[45] Several additional examples are summarized in Chapter 6, section 

[46] Pub. L. No. 89-83, 79 Stat. 259 (July 24, 1965). 

[47] Reorganization Act of 1981; Amend Economy Act to Provide That AU 
Departments and Agencies Obtain Materials of Services from Other 
Agencies by Contract; and Amend the Federal Grant and Cooperative 
Agreement Act: Hearings on H.R. 2528 et al. Before a Subcommittee of 
the House Committee on Government Operations, 97th Cong. 78 (1981) 
(statement of Milton J. Socolar, Special Assistant to the Comptroller 
General of the United States). 

[48] GAO conducted a study in 1995 that indicated reasonable progress 
in implementing the controls mandated by the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994. See GAO, Interagency 
Contracting: Controls Over Economy Act Orders Being Strengthened, 
GAO/NSIAD-96-10 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 20, 1995). 

[49] For a discussion of 31 U.S.C. � 1534 in the context of transfers, 
see Chapter 2, section B.3.a. 

[50] See Chapter 6, section E, for a discussion of augmentation of 

[51] Ch. 288, 63 Stat. 377 (June 30, 1949). 

[52] This decision addresses the GSA Information Technology Fund, 
which in August 2002 was recodified at 40 U.S.C. � 322. In 2006, 
Congress merged the Information Technology Fund with the GSA General 
Supply Fund to form the Acquisition Services Fund. Pub. L. No. 109-
313, � 3, 120 Stat. 1732, 1735-37 (Oct. 6, 2006), codified at 40 
U.S.C. � 321. 

[53] The FAR requires executive branch agencies to support each 
Economy Act order with a D&E Pursuant to 48 C.F.R. � 17.503, a D&F 
must state that: "(1) Use of an interagency acquisition is in the best 
interest of the Government; and (2) The supplies or services cannot be 
obtained as conveniently or economically by contracting directly with 
a private source." 48 C.F.R. � 17.503(a). If the servicing agency is 
going to fill the Economy Act order through a contract, the D&F must 
also include a specific statement supporting the contract action. 48 
C.F.R. � 17.503(b). 

[54] A separate statute, 42 U.S.C. � 4742, provides authority to admit 
state and local government employees to federal agency training 
programs and credit fees to the appropriation or fund used for paying 
the training costs. 

[55] GSA has specific authority to contract for public utility 
services for a period of not more than 10 years. 40 U.S.C. � 

[56] Available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.gao.govispecial.pubs/ppm.html] (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[57] Congress, of course, can authorize reimbursements to be made to 
appropriations "currently available" or "then current and chargeable." 
See B-75345, May 20, 1948. While this affects the agency's ability to 
reuse the money, the reimbursement still cannot remain available 
beyond the appropriation to which credited. 

[58] See Senate Committee on Government Operations, Financial 
Management in the Federal Government, S. Doc. No. 87-11, at 267-68 

[59] As discussed in Chapter 2, section B.4, a provision contained in 
an annual appropriations act may not be construed as permanent 
legislation unless the language or nature of the provision makes it 
clear that Congress intended it to be permanent. 

[60] See section C.3.a of this chapter for a discussion of public 
enterprise revolving funds. 

[61] See GAO, Revolving Funds: Office of the Attending Physician 
Revolving Fund Can Be Terminated, GAO/AFMD-89-29 (Washington, D.C.: 
Dec. 21, 1988), at 2-3. 

[62] These three cases involved the Vessels Operations Revolving Fund, 
46 U.S.C. App. � 1241a. While the fund was terminated by Pub. L. No. 
109-304, � 19, 120 Stat. 1485, 1710-18 (Oct. 6, 2006), the cases are 
interesting illustrations of the relationship of receipts to fund 

[63] The statute in that case, the Office of Personnel Management 
revolving fund, was subsequently amended to specifically include 
advances. See 5 U.S.C. � 1304(e)(3)(A). 

[64] For a detailed analysis of revolving fund use of borrowing 
authority, see GAO, Spending Authority Recordings in Certain Revolving 
Funds Impair Congressional Budget Control, PAD-80-29 (Washington, 
D.C.: July 2, 1980). 

[65] Our definitions are culled from several sources: GAO, A Glossary 
of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-05-734SP (Washington, 
D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 3-5; I TFM � 2-1520; OMB Cir. No. A-11, 
Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget, � 20 (July 2, 

[66] In most cases, the type of fund should be apparent from the 
statutory language and context. If not, the account symbol will at 
least tell you how Treasury regards it. See 1 TFM 2-1530.10 for a list 
of fund types and their associated Treasury account symbols. See also 
OMB Cir. No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the 
Budget, � 20.12 (July 2, 2007). 

[67] For an overview of federal trust funds, see GAO, Federal Trust 
and Other Earmarked Funds: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, GAO-
01-199SP (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2001). 

[68] The Acquisition Services Fund replaced the General Services 
Administration's General Supply Fund and Information Technology Fund. 

[69] Other working capital funds include 7 U.S.C. � 2235 
(Agriculture); 15 U.S.C. � 278b (National Institute of Standards and 
Technology); 20 U.S.C. � 3483 (Education); 22 U.S.C. � 2684 (State); 
28 U.S.C. � 527 (Justice); 29 U.S.C. �� 563, 563a (Labor); 31 U.S.C. � 
322 (Treasury); 40 U.S.C. � 293 (General Services Administration); 42 
U.S.C. � 3513 (Health and Human Services); 42 U.S.C. � 3535(f) 
(Housing and Urban Development); 43 U.S.C. � 1467 (Interior); 43 
U.S.C. � 1472 (Bureau of Reclamation); and 49 U.S.C. � 327 
(Transportation). The Defense Department legislation (10 U.S.C. � 
2208) is covered separately. 

[70] Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Defense and the 
General Services Administration, Dec. 2006, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.gsa.gov/graphics/fas/DOD_GSA_MOA.doc] (last visited Mar. 
20, 2008); Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Defense 
and the Department of Interior, March 6, 2007, available at 
[hyperlink, http://www.govworks.gov/home/MOA_032007.asp] (last visited 
Mar. 20, 2008). 

[71] Most federal agencies have authority to enter into a 1-year 
severable services contract at any time during the fiscal year 
extending into the next fiscal year, and to obligate the total amount 
of the contract to the appropriation current at the time the agency 
entered into the contract. See, e.g., 41 U.S.C. � 2531 and 10 U.S.C. � 
2410a. Chapter 5, section B.9.a, provides additional information about 
this authority. 

[72] See Memorandum from the Under Secretary of Defense to Secretaries 
of the Military Departments, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
Under Secretaries of Defense, and other DOD officials, Subject: Non-
Economy Act Orders, Oct. 16, 2006, available at 
(last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[73] U.S. Const. art. I, � 9, cl. 7 (discussed in Chapter 1, section 

[74] Some have argued that a law making moneys available from some 
source other than the general fund of the Treasury is not an 
appropriation. See Chapter 2, section B.1. 

[75] A management fund may or may not be a revolving fund. See, e.g., 
10 U.S.C. � 2209. 

[76] Technically, 50 Comp. Gen. 323 involved a "special deposit 
account," but the decision points out that it was similar to a 
revolving fund in that it authorized the crediting of receipts and 
their use for specified purposes. 

[77] GovWorks is now the Acquisition Services Directorate. See 
[hyperlink, http://www.govworks.gov] (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[78] The key here is "earned." Earned receipts and collections are the 
component of the fee that reimburses the revolving fund for the cost 
of its operations. Advances a customer agency makes to a revolving 
fund have not yet been earned and retain their fiscal year character. 

[79] The Information Technology Fund has since been merged with the 
GSA General Supply Fund to become the Acquisition Services Fund. Pub. 
L. No. 109-313, � 3, 120 Stat. 1734, 1735-37 (Oct. 6, 2006), codified 
at 40 U.S.C. � 321. 

[80] An indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract is a 
form of indefinite-quantity contract, which provides for an indefinite 
quantity of supplies or services, within stated limits, during a fixed 
period. For a detailed discussion of IDIQ contracts, see Chapter 5, 
section B.8. 

[81] E.g., B-308944, July 17, 2007 (Department of Interior revolving 
fund); B-288142, Sept. 6, 2001 (FEDLINK revolving fund). 

[82] E.g., B-286661, Jan. 19, 2001 (United States Enrichment 
Corporation Fund). 

[83] Both cases discuss the recording of obligations under credit 
programs financed by revolving funds. While some of the specifics have 
been superseded by the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, 2 U.S.C. �� 
661-661f, in neither case was the applicability of the recording 
statute called into question. 

[84] See Chapter 5, section B.8, for a detailed discussion of 
multiyear contracts. 

[85] The fiscal year 2008 version of this provision is section 8008 of 
the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-
116, 121 Stat. 1295, 1314-15 (Nov. 13, 2007). 

[86] See Chapter 7, section B.3, for a more detailed discussion of 
orders required by law. 

[87] The report and legal opinion cited in the text both predated the 
current statutory account closing structure, but the principle should 
remain valid. 

[88] One older case seemingly to the contrary, 14 Comp. Gen. 106 
(1934), must be regarded as overruled by 62 Comp. Gen. 678 (1983). See 
65 Comp. Gen. 838, 841 (1986), and the detailed coverage in Chapter 6, 
section E.2.b(1). 

[89] The Acquisition Services Fund replaced the GSA General Supply 
Fund and the GSA Information Technology Fund. Pub. L. No. 109-313, � 
3, 120 Stat. 1734, 1735-37 (Oct. 6, 2006). 

[90] Pub. L. No. 91-189, � 1, 83 Stat. 851 (Dec. 30, 1969). 

[91] For further discussion of the interdepartmental waiver doctrine, 
see Chapter 6, section E.2.c. 

[92] Although the decision specifically notes that the vehicles were 
not being used for fund work at the time of the damage, this factor 
does not appear necessary to the decision. 

[93] GAO, Financial Management: Defense Business Operations Fund 
Implementation Status, GAO/T-AFMD-92-8 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 30, 
1992), at 2. 

[94] E.g., GAO, Defense Business Operations Fund: DOD Is Experiencing 
Difficulty in Managing the Fund's Cash, GAO/AIMD-96-54 (Washington, 
D.C.: Apr. 10, 1996); Defense Business Operations Fund: Management 
Issues Challenge Fund Implementation, GAO/ABM-95-79 (Washington, D.C.: 
Mar. 1, 1995); Financial Management: Status of the Defense Business 
Operations Fund, GAO/AIMD-94-80 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 9, 1994). 

[95] Memorandum from the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), 
Subject: Working Capital Funds for Defense Support Organizations, Dec. 
11, 1996. The reorganization is noted in GAO, Navy Ordnance: Analysis 
of Business Area Price Increases and Financial Losses, 
GAO/AILVID/NSIAD-97-74 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 14, 1997). 

[96] The authority for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense-wide 
working capital funds continues to be 10 U.S.C. � 2208. 

[97] See, e.g., GAO, Navy Working Capital Fund: Management Action 
Needed to Improve Reliability of the Naval Air Warfare Center's 
Reported Carryover Amounts, GAO-07-643 (Washington, D.C.: June 
26.2007); Army Depot Maintenance: Ineffective Oversight of Depot 
Maintenance Operations and System Implementation Efforts, GAO-05-441 
(Washington, D.C.: June 30, 2005); Air Force Depot Maintenance: 
Improved Pricing and Cost Reduction Practices Needed, GAO-04-498 
(Washington, D.C.: June 17, 2004); Defense Logistics: Better Fuel 
Pricing Practices Will Improve Budget Accuracy, GAO-02-582 
(Washington, D.C.: June 21, 2002). 

[98] The result in B-69238 was modified by B-69238, Sept. 23, 1948, 
upon a showing that the services in question were in fact authorized, 
although GAO continued to emphasize that receipts had to go to the 
Treasury's general fund. 

[99] Clayton P. Gillette and Thomas D. Hopkins, Federal User Fees: A 
Legal and Economic Analysis, 67 B.U. L. Rev. 795, 800 (1987). 

[100] GAO, The Congress Should Consider Exploring Opportunities to 
Expand and Improve the Application of User Charges by Federal 
Agencies, PAD-80-25 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 28, 1980), at 1. See also 
GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-05-
734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 100. 

[101] The further categorization of user fees is beyond our scope. 
Approaches may be found in studies by the Congressional Budget Office�
Charging for Federal Services, 10 (Dec. 1983), The Growth of Federal 
User Charges, 3-7 (Aug. 1993), and The Growth of Federal User Charges: 
An Update, 1-11 (Oct. 1995). 

[102] See, e.g., United States v. Grimaud, 220 U.S. 506,521-22 (1911), 
to the effect that a statute addressing the use or disposition of fees 
implicitly authorizes imposition of the fees. 

[103] Examples are GAO, National Park Service: Major Operations 
Funding Trends and How Selected Park Units Responded to Those Trends 
for Fiscal Years 2001 through 2005, GAO-06-431 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 
31, 2006); Recreation Fees: Comments on the Federal Lands Recreation 
Enhancement Act, H.R. 3283, GAO-04-745T (Washington, D.C.: May 6, 
2004) (a version of this legislation was enacted and is now codified 
at 16 U.S.C. �� 6801-6814); Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: 
Charges for Hydropower Projects' Use of Federal Lands Need to be 
Reassessed, GAO-03-383 (Washington, D.C.: May 20, 2003); User Fees: 
DOD Fees for Providing Information Not Current and Consistent, GAO-02-
34 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 12, 2001); Federal Lands: Fees for 
Communications Sites Are Below Fair Market Value, GAO/RCED-94-248 
(Washington, D.C.: July 12, 1994); INS User Fees: INS Working to 
Improve Management of User Fee Accounts, GAO/GGD-94-101 (Washington, 
D.C.: Apr. 12, 1994); and USDA Revenues: A Descriptive Compendium, 
GAO/RCED-93-19FS (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 27, 1992). In addition, PAD-
80-25 includes a 4-page appendix listing reports issued in the 1969-
1978 period. 

[104] For a judicial summary of the history outlined in the text, see 
Beaver, Bountiful, Enterprise v. Andrus, 637 F.2d 749, 754-55 (10th 
Cir. 1980). 

[105] One occasionally encounters a description in mandatory terms. 
E.g., Bunge Corp. v. United States, 5 Cl. Ct. 511, 515 (1984), affd, 
765 F.2d 162 (Fed. Cir. 1985) ("The IOAA directs all federal agencies 
to charge fees ..."). However, no one has ever actually applied it 
that way. 

[106] Certainly some of the costs inured to the benefit of the public, 
unless the entire regulatory scheme is a failure, which we refuse to 
assume." National Cable Television, 415 U.S. at 343. 

[107] The July 8, 1993, revision of OMB Circular No. A-25 changed 
"should" to "will" in the introductory sentence of section 6 stating 
its general policy. The 1993 revision is the current version of this 

[108] See Clayton P. Gillette and Thomas D. Hopkins, Federal User 
Fees: A Legal and Economic Analysis, 67 B.U. L. Rev. 795, 823 (1987). 

[109] Some of the examples in the text are now covered by specific 
statutory authority and thus reliance on the IOAA may no longer be 
necessary. Our examples are intended merely to illustrate the types of 
services or activities which have been regarded as within the IOAA's 

[110] Ayuda Inc. v. Attorney General, 848 F.2d 1297, 1300 (D.C. Cir. 

[111] Generally, solicitation documents, including specifications, 
technical data, and other pertinent information determined necessary 
by the contracting officer, are publicly available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.fedbizopps.gov] (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). In certain 
circumstances, however, when solicitation documents are not otherwise 
publicly available, the contracting officer will provide these 
documents and may require payment of a fee, not exceeding the actual 
cost of duplication of these documents. See 48 C.F.R. � 5.102. 

[112] House Committee on Government Operations, Electronic Collection 
and Dissemination of Information by Federal Agencies: A Policy 
Overview, H.R. Rep. No. 99-560, at 37-38 (1986). 

[113] Even indigents are sometimes liable for fees. In 1996, Congress 
amended 28 U.S.C. � 1915(b) to make prisoners financially responsible 
for eventually paying the full filing fees in civil actions and 
appeals that they bring in forma pauperis. Pub. L. No. 104-134, title 
I [title VIII, � 804(a)], 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-73-74 (Apr. 26, 1996). 
The statute generally requires that such prisoners pay the fees in 
installments, to the extent they have resources in their prison 
accounts. Prisoners are not entitled to a refund or to relief of their 
indebtedness with respect to the fees if they withdraw their appeals. 
Goins v. DeCaro, 241 F.3d 260 (2nd Cir. 2001). 

[114] The State Department's 1995 appropriation act provided permanent 
authority to credit these charges to the Administration of Foreign 
Affairs account as an offsetting collection. Pub. L. No. 103-317, 108 
Stat. 1724, 1760 (Aug. 26, 1994). 

[115] GAO had also held that a reasonable fee could be charged to 
unions for the payroll deduction of union dues (42 Comp. Gen. 342 
(1963)), but legislation now prohibits charging either the union or 
the employee. 5 U.S.C. � 7115(a). 

[116] Engine Manufacturers Ass'n v. EPA, 20 F.3d 1177, 1180 (D.C. Cir. 
1994); Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
786 F.2d 370 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 823 (1986); 
Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. United States Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, 601 F.2d 223, 229-30 (5th Cir. 1979), cert. denied, 444 
U.S. 1102 (1980); National Cable Television Ass'n v. FCC, 554 F.2d 
1094, 1104 (D.C. Cir. 1976); Electronic Industries Ass'n v. FCC, 554 
E2d 1109, 1114-15 (D.C. Cir. 1976). The guidance in OMB Circular No. A-
25, User Charges, � 6a(3) (July 8, 1993), also embodies these 
principles. See also B-307319, Aug. 23, 2007. 

[117] An article written by an Interior Department attorney explains 
that Public Service was not appealed because the Bureau of Land 
Management thought that the newly enacted Federal Land Policy and 
Management Act provided the necessary authority. Kristina Clark, 
Public Lands Rights-of-Way: Who Pays for the Environmental Studies?, 2 
Natural Resources & Environment 3, 4 (1986). 

[118] Nevada Power also held that EIS costs can be assessed under the 
Federal Land Policy and Management Act, but only to the extent 
warranted by a consideration of the reasonableness factors listed in 
43 U.S.C. � 1734(b). Nevada Power, 711 E2d at 933. See also Alumet v. 
Andrus, 607 E2d 911 (10th Cir. 1979). 

[119] Gillette and Hopkins conclude that "Pin effect courts limit fees 
to either cost to the government or value to the beneficiary, 
whichever is lower." Clayton P. Gillette and Thomas D. Hopkins, 
Federal User Fees: A Legal and Economic Analysis, 67 B.U. L. Rev. 795, 
839 (1987). 

[120] Bureau of the Budget, Circular No. A-25, TT 3(b), 4(e) (Sept. 
23, 1959). 

[121] See National Cable Television Ass'n v. FCC, 554 F.2d 1094, 1098 
n.9 (D.C. Cir. 1976). 

[122] The question of the amount to be refunded was not raised in the 
GAO decision. In any event, to the extent 55 Comp. Gen. 243 implies 
that the entire fee should be refunded, it is of course to that extent 
superseded by the subsequent D.C. Circuit precedent in National 
Association of Broadcasters. 

[123] Several important provisions appeared in the Consolidated 
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (Pub. L. No. 99-272, 100 
Stat. 82 (Apr. 7, 1986)), the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
1986 (Pub. L. No. 99-509, 100 Stat. 1874 (Oct. 21, 1986)), and the 
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Pub. L. No. 101-508, 104 
Stat. 1388 (Nov. 5, 1990)). For more detail, see Congressional Budget 
Office, The Growth of Federal User Charges (Aug. 1993), at 19-22, and 
The Growth of Federal User Charges: An Update (Oct. 1995). 

[124] In the recodified version carried in the United States Code, the 
word "and" appears in place of the words bracketed in the text, which 
is clearly erroneous. The meaning is clarified by resort to the source 
provision: the IOAA shall not "modify existing statutes prohibiting 
the collection, fixing the amount, or directing the disposition of any 
fee, charge, or price" (65 Stat. 290). The conjunctive "and" is 
meaningless because a statute which prohibits charging a fee would 
have no occasion to then address, much less prohibit, disposition. 

[125] SBA argued in B-300248 that the agency itself was not imposing a 
user fee because the fee was actually assessed and collected by an SBA 
contractor. However, GAO viewed this argument as elevating form over 

[126] Pub. L. No. 102-242, � 114(a)(1), 105 Stat. 2236, 2248 (Dec. 19, 

[127] One issue was whether the statute, which requires ticket-issuers 
and airlines to collect the fee on behalf of the government, provides 
a basis for holding them financially liable for fees they fail to 
collect. In American Airlines, Inc. v. United States, 68 Fed. Cl. 723 
(2005), the court said no. See also Continental Airlines, Inc. v. 
United States, 77 Fed. Cl. 482 (2007). 

[128] It seems from these cases that prisoners are particularly 
resistant to paying fees and likely to challenge them. 

[129] For additional background on the FDA's user fee system, see 
James L. Zelenay, Jr., The Prescription Drug User Fee Act: Is a Faster 
Food and Drug Administration Always a Better Food and Drug 
Administration?, 60 Food & Drug L. J. 261, 275-323 (2005). 

[130] The NARA statute at 44 U.S.C. � 2116(c) provides in part: "The 
Archivist may charge a fee set to recover the costs for making or 
authenticating copies or reproductions of materials transferred to his 

[131] Pub. L. No. 102-395, � 111(b), 106 Stat. 1828, 1843 (Oct. 6, 

[132] See GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, 
GAO-05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 4. 

[133] An offsetting receipt is a form of offsetting collection which 
is credited to a receipt account rather than an appropriation account. 
Glossary, at 30-31. Again, the terminology is significant primarily 
for budgetary purposes. 

[134] A "proprietary receipt" is simply a type of offsetting receipt 
representing collections from outside the government. Glossary, at 31. 

[135] The Homeland Security Act, Pub. L. No. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135 
(Nov. 25, 2002), established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 
and provided for the transfer of the U.S. Customs Service from the 
Department of the Treasury to DHS, with DHS generally to assume 
responsibility for administering the customs laws of the United 
States. See 6 U.S.C. �� 202(6), 203(1), 211. In accordance with 
section 1502 of the Act, the President provided a DHS reorganization 
plan modification renaming the Customs Service as U.S. Customs and 
Border Protection (CBP) and making it responsible for the resources 
and missions relating to borders and ports of entry of the Customs 
Service and the former Immigration and Naturalization Service of the 
Justice Department. See Reorganization Plan Modification for the 
Department of Homeland Security, H.R. Doc. No. 108-32, at 4 (2003), 
available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.gpoaccess.goviserialset/cdocuments/108catl.html] (last 
visited Mar. 20, 2008). The older cases discussed and cited in this 
section refer to the former Customs Service and we have left those 
references for illustrative purposes. Otherwise, we refer to CBP. The 
two terms should be considered interchangeable for purposes of this 

[136] "Party in interest" for purposes of 19 U.S.C. � 1447 can include 
another federal agency. See 48 Comp. Gen. 622 (1969) (services 
performed on air force base billed to Department of the Air Force). 

[137] Pub. L. No. 95-410, � 214, 92 Stat. 888, 904 (Oct. 3, 1978). 

[138] Pub. L. No. 98-573, � 236, 98 Stat. 2948, 2992-93 (Oct. 30, 

[139] Pub. L. No. 99-272, � 13032, 100 Stat. 82, 310-11 (Apr. 7, 1986). 

[140] Pub. L. No. 101-207, � 3(0, 103 Stat. 1833, 1835 (Dec. 7, 1989). 

[141] A good piece, although ending in 1988 because it was written in 
1988, is Frederick M. Kaiser, U.S. Customs Service User Fees: A 
Variety of Charges and Counter Charges, 8 Public Budgeting & Finance 
78 (1988). More recent information may be found in GAO, Customs 
Service: Information on User Fees, GAO/GGD-94-165FS (Washington, D.C.: 
June 17, 1994). 

[142] For a case interpreting 19 U.S.C. � 58c and rejecting a 
challenge to one of the fees imposed under it, see Princess Cruises, 
Inc. v. United States, 201 E3d 1352,1360-62 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 
530 U.S. 1274 (2000). 

[143] Pub. L. No. 95-217, � 22, 91 Stat. 1566, 1572-73 (Dec. 25, 1977). 

[144] Pub. L. No. 63-127, � 5, 38 Stat. 454, 508 (July 16, 1914). 

[145] Pub. L. No. 79-600, � 16(a), 60 Stat. 806, 810 (Aug. 2, 1946). 

[146] The courts have held that a jeep is a passenger vehicle for 
transportation rate classification purposes. E.g., Union Pacific 
Railroad Co. v. United States, 91 F. Supp. 762 (Ct. Cl. 1950) (the 
leading case on the point); United States v. Louisville & Nashville 
Railroad, 217 E2d 307 (6th Cir. 1954). Although GAO followed these 
cases in its former transportation rate decisions (e.g., B-145028, 
Aug. 8, 1961), the transportation rate cases have never been held to 
affect 23 Comp. Gen. 955. 

[147] Pub. L. No. 109-115, � 803, 119 Stat. 2396, 2495-96 (Nov. 30, 

[148] GSA issues Federal Vehicle Standards for passenger motor 
vehicles and various classes of trucks, updated for each new model 
year. Federal Standard No. 122 is the standard for passenger vehicles. 
The standards can be found at [hyperlink, 
http://appsiss.gsa.govIvehiclestandards] (last visited Mar. 20, 2008). 

[149] 132 Cong. Rec. 30249 (1986) (Sen. Proxmire). 

[150] The 1946 version retained the limit on use of passenger motor 
vehicles to official purposes and provided that such purposes did not 
include home-to-work transportation "except in cases of medical 
officers on out-patient medical service and ... officers and employees 
engaged in field work the character of whose duties makes such 
transportation necessary and then only ... when ... approved by the 
head of the department concerned." Willful violations were subject to 
suspension or removal. The statute also exempted from its limitations 
the President, heads of cabinet departments, and principal diplomatic 
and consular officials. Pub. L. No. 79-600, � 16. 

[151] E.g., GAO, Use of Government Motor Vehicles for the 
Transportation of Government Officials and the Relatives of Government 
Officials, GAO/GGD-85-76 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 16, 1985); Use of 
Government Vehicles for Home-to-Work Transportation, GAO/NSIAD-83-3 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 28, 1983). 

[152] Since section 1344(a)(2)(B) did not exist in 1979, the decision 
had to strain somewhat to try to apply the field work exception, which 
did exist. All pre-1986 decisions should be reexamined in light of the 
1986 law and General Services Administration regulations. Those we 
cite here illustrate points which appear unaffected by the subsequent 

[153] As noted above, the recently enacted section 1344(g) does 
provide specific statutory authority for one form of intermediate 
shuttle service. 

[154] GSA now calls them "interagency fleet management systems." See 
generally 41 C.F.R. pt. 101-39. 

[155] See B-302962, June 10, 2005, and cases cited for more on this 
general rule, known as the "interdepartmental waiver doctrine." 

[156] GAO, Federal Motor Vehicles: Agencies' Progress in Meeting 
Expenditure Control Requirements, GAO/GGD-88-40 (Washington, D.C.: 
Mar. 2, 1988), at 8. 

[157] Pub. L. No. 99-272, title XV, subtitle C, �� 15301-15313, 100 
Stat. 82, 335-38 (Apr. 7, 1986). 

[End of Chapter 12] 

Chapter 13: Real Property 

A. Introduction and Terminology: 

B. Acquisition of Real Property for Government Use: 
1. The Fifth Amendment: 
2. Federal Land Acquisition Policy: 
3. Need for Statutory Authority: 
a. Applicability: 
(1) Debt security: 
(2) Donated property/funds: 
(3) Options: 
(4) Indian tribal funds: 
b. Types of Statutory Authority: 
(1) Express versus implied authority: 
(2) Forms of express authority: 
c. Effect of Noncompliance: 
4. Title Considerations: 
a. Title Approval: 
b. Title Evidence: 
c. Title Evidence Expenses: 
(1) Purchase: 
(2) Donation: 
(3) Condemnation: 
5. Methods of Acquisition: 
a. Purchase: 
b. Involuntary Acquisition: 
(1) Overview: 
(2) Legislative taking: 
(3) Sources of authority: 
(4) "Complaint only" condemnation: 
(5) Declaration of Taking Act: 
(6) Inverse condemnation: 
6. Obligation of Appropriations for Land Acquisition: 
a. Voluntary Purchase: 
b. Condemnation: 
7. Expenses Incident to Real Property Acquisition: 
a. Expenses Incident to Title Transfer: 
b. Expenses Incident to Litigation: 
(1) Attorney's fees: 
(2) Litigation expenses: 

C. Relocation Assistance: 
1. Uniform Relocation Act: Introduction and Overview: 
2. The Threshold Determination: Meaning of 13-72 "Displaced Person"
3. Types and Payment of Benefits: 
a. Moving and Related Expenses: 
(1) Residential displacements: 
(2) Commercial displacements: 
b. Replacement Housing Benefits: 
(1) Homeowners: 
(2) Tenants and "90-day homeowners" 
c. Advisory Services: 
d. "Last Resort" Replacement Housing: 
e. Federally Assisted Programs and Projects: 
f. Procedures and Payment: 
4. Public Utilities: 
a The Common Law: 
b. Statutory Exceptions: 
(1) Uniform Relocation Act: 
(2) 23 U.S.C. � 123: 
(3) Other statutory provisions: 

D. Jurisdiction Over Federal Land: The Federal Enclave: 
1. Acquisition of Federal Jurisdiction 13-101: 
2. Specific Areas of Concern: 
a. Taxation: 
b. Criminal Law: 
c. State Regulation: 
3. Proprietorial Jurisdiction: 

E. Leasing: 
1. Some General Principles: 
a. Acquisition: 
b. Application of Fiscal Law Principles: 
c. Rights and Obligations: 
d. Payment of Rent: 
(1) Advance payment: 
(2) Payment to legal representative: 
(3) Assignment of Claims Act: 
2. Statutory Authorities and Limitations: 
a. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act: 
b. Prospectus Requirement: 
c. Site Selection: 
d. Parking: 
e. Repairs and Alterations: 
f. Rental in District of Columbia: 
g. Economy Act: 
h. Some Agency-Specific Authorities: 
3. Foreign Leases: 
4. Lease-Purchase Transactions: 

F. Public Buildings and Improvements: 
1. Construction: 
a. General Funding Provisions: 
(1) 41 U.S.C. � 12: 
(2) Contract authority under partial appropriations: 
(3) Duration of construction appropriations: 
(4) Design fees: 
b. Some Agency-Specific Authorities: 
(1) Military construction: 
(2) Continuing contracts: two variations: 
(3) 7 U.S.C. � 2250: 
(4) 15 U.S.C. � 278d: 
c. Public Buildings Act and the General Services Administration: 
d. Scope of Construction Appropriations: 
2. Operation and Control: 
a. Who's in Charge? 
b. Allocation of Space: 
c. Alterations and Repairs: 
d. Maintenance and Protective Services: 
e. Utilities: 
f. Use Restrictions: 
g. Payment of Rent by Federal Agencies: 

G. Improvements to Property Not Owned By the Government: 
1. The Rules: 
2. Some Specific Applications: 
a. Leased Premises/Property: 
b. Research: 
c. Public Improvements: 
d. Federal Aviation Administration: 
e. Private Residences: 

H. Disposal: 
1. The Property Clause: 
2. Disposal under Title 40 of the United States Code: 
a. Excess Property: 
b. Surplus Property: 
c. Disposition of Proceeds: 
d. Deduction of Expenses: 
e. Disposal under Other Authorities: 
3. Use by Nongovernment Parties: 
a. Leasing and Concessions: 
(1) Outleasing in general: 
(2) 40 U.S.C. � 1302: 
(3) Concessions: 
b. Granting of Revocable License: 
4. Adverse Possession: 

Chapter 13 Real Property: 

A. Introduction and Terminology: 

Question: Who is the Nation's biggest landowner? 

Answer: Uncle Sam. 

The federal government owns about one-fourth of all the land in the 
United States. The pattern of ownership is geographically imbalanced, 
with the United States owning large portions of land in several 
western states and very small amounts in many eastern states. It 
averages out, however, to roughly 25 percent.[Footnote 1] 

At one time or another, the federal government owned most of the land, 
apart from the original 13 colonies, that is now the United States. It 
acquired this land by purchase (the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, for 
example) and by conquest (the Native Americans). The legal basis of 
the federal government's title to its original lands (the theories of 
title by discovery and title by conquest) was explored in depth, and 
settled, by Chief Justice John Marshall in an early decision of the 
Supreme Court, Johnson and Graham's Lessee v. McIntosh, 21 U.S. (8 
Wheat.) 543 (1823). 

The history of America in the nineteenth century is largely the story 
of the acquisition and disposal by the United States of the "public 
domain." The land policy of the United States during the nineteenth 
century was, in a word, disposal. Land was granted to individuals for 
homesteads and farming, to states for various purposes, to railroads, 
etc. It is largely in this way that the Nation was built. 

Federal "management" over the public domain during this period was 
virtually nonexistent. As the public domain diminished, America began 
to develop a heightened awareness that its resources were not 
unlimited. Gradually toward the close of the nineteenth century, and 
more rapidly in the twentieth, federal policy shifted from disposal to 
retention.[Footnote 2] Along with retention came the need for 
management and conservation. 

The first stage of this new policy was "withdrawal." When land is 
"withdrawn" from the public domain, it is removed from the operation 
of some or all of the disposal laws. All federal land has now been 
withdrawn from the homestead laws. The concept of withdrawal is still 
used, but it now has a somewhat more limited meaning. When public land 
is withdrawn today, it usually means withdrawal from sale or some 
form(s) of resource exploitation. Section 103(j) of the Federal Land 
Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), 43 U.S.C. � 1702(j), 
provides a statutory definition: 

"The term 'withdrawal' means withholding an area of Federal land from 
settlement, sale, location, or entry, under some or all of the general 
land laws, for the purpose of limiting activities under those laws in 
order to maintain other public values in the area or reserving the 
area for a particular public purpose or program ...." 

Once public land has been withdrawn, the next step is "reservation." 
The reservation of withdrawn land means the dedication of that land to 
some specific use or uses. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes v. Reno, 56 F.3d 
1476, 1479 (D.C. Cir. 1995). Most federal land is now reserved. The 
Supreme Court has upheld the power of Congress to withdraw and reserve 
public lands. Light v. United States, 220 U.S. 523 (1911). Withdrawals 
and reservations may be temporary or permanent. The concepts would 
have no particular relevance to land that is newly acquired now or in 
the future for a specific purpose.[Footnote 3] 

Withdrawal is usually accomplished by an act of Congress, which may be 
specific or may delegate the power to the President or to an executive 
department. If Congress chooses to delegate, it may prescribe the 
method by which the authority is to be exercised. Lutzenhiser v. 
Udall, 432 F.2d 328 (9th Cir. 1970); Mountain States Legal Foundation 
v. Andrus, 499 E Supp. 383 (D. Wyo. 1980). 

The executive branch has long asserted the inherent authority of the 
President to make withdrawals, and some significant withdrawals have 
been accomplished by executive order. Prior to 1976, congressional 
acquiescence in the executive's assertions of an implied power of 
withdrawal was seen as confirming the power's existence. United States 
v. Midwest Oil Co., 236 U.S. 459 (1915); Portland General Electric Co. 
v. Kleppe, 441 E Supp. 859 (D. Wyo. 1977); 40 Op. Att'y Gen. 73 
(1941). In an uncodified section of the FLPMA, Pub. L. No. 94-579, � 
704(a), Congress expressly repealed "the implied authority of the 
President to make withdrawals and reservations resulting from 
acquiescence of the Congress." However, the FLPMA was prospective 
only, preserved all existing executive withdrawals (Pub. L. No. 94-
579, � 701(c)), and gave the Secretary of the Interior express new 
withdrawal authority to be exercised in accordance with statutory 
procedures (id. � 204, 43 U.S.C. � 1714).[Footnote 4] 

An exception to the FLPMA withdrawal authority is 43 U.S.C. � 156, 
under which a withdrawal or reservation of public land of more than 
5,000 acres "for any one defense project or facility of the Department 
of Defense" requires an act of Congress. The 1958 enactment of 43 
U.S.C. � 156, like FLPMA itself nearly 20 years later, was prospective 
only and did not invalidate prior withdrawals by executive action. 
Mollohan v. Gray, 413 F.2d 349 (9th Cir. 1969). 

Another statute that grants explicit reservation authority is the so-
called Antiquities Act, enacted in 1906, 16 U.S.C. � 431: 

"The President of the United States is authorized, in his discretion, 
to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and 
prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific 
interest that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by the 
Government of the United States to be national monuments, and may 
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all 
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the 
proper care and management of the objects to be protected. When such 
objects are situated upon a tract covered by a bona fide unperfected 
claim or held in private ownership, the tract, or so much thereof as 
may be necessary, for the proper care and management of the object, 
may be relinquished to the Government, and the Secretary of the 
Interior is authorized to accept the relinquishment of such tracts in 
behalf of the Government of the United States." 

The courts have consistently upheld the exercise of Presidential 
authority under the Antiquities Act in the face of a variety of 
challenges. Some recent examples include Tulare County v. Bush,, 306 
F.3d 1138 (D.C. Cir. 2002), cert. denied, 540 U.S. 813 (2003); 
Mountain States Legal Foundation v. Bush, 306 F.3d 1132 (D.C. Cir. 
2002), cert. denied, 540 U.S. 812 (2003); and Utah Ass'n of Counties 
v. Bush, 316 F. Supp. 2d 1172 (D. Utah 2004). For additional 
discussion of the President's authority under the Antiquities Act, see 
Memorandum Opinion for the Solicitor, Department of the Interior, the 
General Counsel, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and 
the General Counsel, Council on Environmental Quality, Administration 
of Coral Reef Resources in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, OLC 
Opinion, Sept. 15, 2000; Harold H. Bruff, Executive Power and the 
Public Lands, 76 U. Colo. L. Rev. 503 (2005). 

The last significant body of federal land subject to disposal is in 
Alaska. Under several statutes,[Footnote 5] much federal land in 
Alaska will ultimately be conveyed to the state of Alaska and to 
Alaska natives. While the federal government's conveyance of land to 
the state of Alaska and Alaskan natives continues, some serious 
conflicts have arisen with Alaska native allotments and preexisting 
rights-of-way. See GAO, Alaska Native Allotments: Conflicts with 
Utility Rights-of-way Have Not Been Resolved through Existing 
Remedies, GAO-04-923 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 7, 2004). For a more 
general discussion of Alaskan land disposal, see GAO, Alaska Land 
Conveyance Program: A Slow, Complex, and Costly Process, GAO/RCED84-14 
(Washington, D.C.: June 12, 1984). 

Today, all federally owned land, regardless of the specificity with 
which it has been withdrawn and reserved, is under the jurisdiction of 
some federal agency.[Footnote 6] Four agencies�the Departments of the 
Interior, Agriculture, Energy, and Defense�manage approximately 99 
percent of federally owned land. Interior has jurisdiction of by far 
the greatest portion, approximately two-thirds. Within Interior, the 
bureaus with the greatest land responsibilities are the National Park 
Service (national parks and monuments), the Fish and Wildlife Service 
(National Wildlife Refuge System), the Bureau of Reclamation 
(reclamation water projects), and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 

The lands managed by BLM, comprising nearly half of all federal land, 
are the most difficult of all to describe. As the policy of disposal 
galloped along during the nineteenth century, much of the public 
domain that was best suited for uses such as farming and timber was 
quickly put to these uses. What was left was used mostly for grazing 
Under the "benign neglect" of the time, use too often became overuse 
and abuse. The land was withdrawn from the public domain by a series 
of statutes and executive orders starting with the Taylor Grazing Act 
in 1934. When BLM was established in 1946, it received jurisdiction 
over this land. For lack of a better designation, the lands are best 
referred to by the simple if nondescriptive term "BLM lands." 

The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, has jurisdiction 
over the approximately 25 percent of federal land which comprises the 
National Forest System. The Department of Energy controls property 
acquired, mostly during the World War II and Cold War eras, in 
connection with the development, production, and testing of nuclear 

The Defense Department has jurisdiction over a small (approximately 3 
percent) but important segment consisting of defense installations and 
civil water projects managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. 

An agency with control over only a tiny percentage of federal land but 
with major responsibilities is the General Services Administration 
(GSA). GSA has a variety of functions under the Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act of 1949 and the Public Buildings Act of 
1959, some of which will be described later in this chapter. In terms 
of the work space in which federal agencies carry out the day-to-day 
functions of government, GSA is the "government's landlord." 

A term we have already encountered on several occasions is the "public 
domain." Although the term is still commonly used, in the traditional 
sense of "open land"�federal land you could obtain for homesteading or 
upon which you could graze your cattle (and, in the grand tradition of 
classic American westerns, chase off those pesky farmers and 
sheepherders) free from regulation�the "public domain" no longer 

A related term is "public lands." There is a common-law definition and 
a statutory definition. The common-law definition is lands which are 
subject to sale or other disposal under the general land laws of the 
United States. Newhall v. Sanger, 92 U.S. 761, 763 (1875); Columbia 
Basin Land Protection Ass'n v. Schlesinger, 643 F.2d 585, 602 (9th 
Cir. 1981); United States v. Kipp, 369 F. Supp. 774, 775 (D. Mont. 
1974); 19 Comp. Gen. 608, 611 (1939). The courts have tended to regard 
"public domain" as synonymous with "public lands" as defined by Sanger 
and its progeny. E.g., Barker v. Harvey, 181 U.S. 481, 490 (1901); 
United States v. Holliday, 24 F. Supp. 112, 114 (D. Mont. 1938). The 
statutory definition is found in section 103(e) of the FLPMA. For 
purposes of the FLPMA, "public lands" means, with certain exceptions, 
"any land and interest in land owned by the United States within the 
several States and administered by the Secretary of the Interior 
through the Bureau of Land Management, without regard to how the 
United States acquired ownership," in other words, what we earlier 
referred to as the "BLM lands." 43 U.S.C. � 1702(e). The relationship 
between the statutory and common-law definitions is not without 
controversy. Compare Columbia Basin, 643 F.2d at 601-02 (FLPMA 
essentially incorporated the traditional definition) with Sierra Club 
v. Watt, 608 F. Supp. 305, 336-38 (E.D. Cal. 1985) (strongly 
suggesting that its governing circuit's Columbia Basin decision was 
incompatible with prevailing Supreme Court precedents). 

Nothing in life is static. The federal government will continue to 
acquire land and it will continue to dispose of land. However, apart 
from the eventual transfer of the Alaska lands, the massive 
acquisitions and disposals of earlier times appear unlikely to recur. 
The emphasis is now, and will almost certainly remain, on the complex 
issues of classification, economic use, and conservation�in brief, on 
public land management.[Footnote 7] 

Up to this point, our discussion has focused on land per se. Of 
course, real property is much more than the land itself and generally 
includes "anything growing on, attached to, or erected on" land. 
Black's Law Dictionary, 1254 (8th ed., 2004). It will come as no 
surprise that the federal government has vast holdings of real 
property assets of various kinds in the United States and throughout 
the world. More than 30 federal agencies control about $328 billion in 
real property assets worldwide.[Footnote 8] This includes about 3.3 
billion square feet of building floor area that the government owns or 
leases in roughly a half-million buildings.[Footnote 9] Given the 
breadth of these holdings and reported difficulties in accounting for 
them, GAO included federal real property management on its 2003 "high-
risk list" of the most serious challenges facing the federal 
government. GAO-03-122. This report observed: 

"Long-standing problems in the federal real property area include 
excess and underutilized property, deteriorating facilities, 
unreliable real property data, and costly space. 

These factors have multibillion-dollar cost implications and can 
seriously jeopardize the ability of federal agencies to accomplish 
their missions. Federal agencies also face many challenges securing 
real property due to the threat of terrorism. Given the persistence of 
these problems and various obstacles that have impeded progress in 
resolving them, GAO is designating federal real property as a new high-
risk area." 

GAO-03-122, at 1. The designation was continued when the high-risk 
list was updated in 2007. GAO, High-Risk Series: An Update, GAO-07-310 
(Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2007), at 6. 

GAO also testified that the conditions underlying the high-risk 
designation persist: 

"Many of the assets in the government's vast and diverse portfolio of 
real property are not effectively aligned with, or responsive to, 
agencies' changing missions and are therefore no longer needed. 
Furthermore, many assets are in an alarming state of deterioration; 
agencies have estimated restoration and repair needs to be in the tens 
of billions of dollars. Additionally, a heavy reliance on costly 
leasing, instead of ownership, to meet new needs is a pervasive and 
ongoing problem. These problems have been exacerbated by underlying 
obstacles that include competing stakeholder interests in real 
property decisions, various legal and budget-related disincentives to 
businesslike outcomes, and the need for better planning by real 
property-holding agencies." 

GAO-06-248T, at 1. 

The executive branch has also recognized the seriousness of the 
federal government's challenges here. On February 4, 2004, the 
President issued Executive Order No. 13327 on this subject.[Footnote 
10] Among other things, it requires agencies to designate senior-level 
real property management officers who shall identify and categorize 
all real property that the agency owns, leases, or manages, and 
prioritize actions to improve the operational and financial management 
of the agency's real property inventory. Exec. Order No. 13327, �� 
3(a), 3(b)(i) & (ii). In addition, a federal real property asset 
management initiative has been added to the President's Management 
Agenda.[Footnote 11] 

B. Acquisition of Real Property for Government Use: 

If the federal government needs private property, it will normally try 
to acquire it in the same manner as a private citizen, through 
negotiation and purchase. Purchase negotiations, however, do not 
always succeed. The parties may be unable to agree on the price, or 
perhaps the owner wants to impose conditions that the acquiring agency 
thinks are unacceptable. In such a situation, the government always 
holds the ultimate trump card�the power of eminent domain. 

Eminent domain is one of the government's most far-reaching powers, 
and GAO has cautioned against its overzealous application. See GAO, 
The Federal Drive to Acquire Private Lands Should Be Reassessed, 
GAO/CED80-14 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 14, 1979). In reviews of 
particular programs, GAO has been critical of excessive and 
unnecessary land acquisition by the federal government and has 
recommended in such instances that the land be returned to private 
ownership. E.g., GAO, Lands in the Lake Chelan National Recreation 
Area Should Be Returned to Private Ownership, GAO/CED-81-10 
(Washington, D.C.: Jan. 22, 1981); The National Park Service Should 
Improve Its Land Acquisition and Management at the Fire Island 
National Seashore, GAO/CED-81-78 (Washington, D.C.: May 8, 1981). 
[Footnote 12] 

1. The Fifth Amendment: 

Any discussion of property acquisition by the United States must start 
with the eminent domain clause or so-called "takings clause" of the 
Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. As relevant here, 
the Fifth Amendment says that no person shall be deprived of life, 
liberty, or property without due process of law, "nor shall private 
property be taken for public use, without just compensation." U.S. 
Const. amend. V. 

The Fifth Amendment is not an affirmative grant of the power to take 
private property. The Supreme Court has noted on many occasions that 
the power of eminent domain is inherent in the sovereign. It is a 
necessary incident or attribute of sovereignty and needs no specific 
grant in the Constitution or elsewhere. E.g., Albert Hanson Lumber Co. 
v. United States, 261 U.S. 581, 587 (1923); United States v. 
Gettysburg Electric Railway Co., 160 U.S. 668, 681 (1896); United 
States v. Jones, 109 U.S. 513, 518 (1883). The Court noted in United 
States v. Carmack, 329 U.S. 230, 241-42 (1946), that the Fifth 
Amendment tacitly recognizes a preexisting power to take private 
property for public use. Thus, the Fifth Amendment is not the source 
of the government's power of eminent domain. Rather, it is a 
limitation on the use of that power.[Footnote `3] As the Supreme Court 
recently observed: 

"As its text makes plain, the Takings Clause does not prohibit the 
taking of private property, but instead places a condition on the 
exercise of that power. In other words, it is designed not to limit 
the governmental interference with property rights per se, but rather 
to secure compensation in the event of otherwise proper interference 
amounting to a taking." 

Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc., 544 U.S. 528, 536-37 (2005) (emphasis 
in original; citations and internal quotation marks omitted). 

While consent of the state in which the land is located may be 
relevant to the type of jurisdiction the federal government acquires 
(see discussion of the federal enclave in section D of this chapter), 
the acquisition of land requires no such consent unless Congress has 
expressly provided otherwise. North, Dakota v. United States, 460 U.S. 
300, 310 (1983); Kohl v. United States, 91 U.S. 367, 374 (1876). 
Examples of statutes requiring state consent are 16 U.S.C. �� 515 
(national forest system acquisitions under the Weeks Act) and 715f 
(Migratory Bird Conservation Act).[Footnote 14] 

Issues arising under the Eminent Domain Clause can be grouped under 
three major headings: 

* What is a "taking" for purposes of the Fifth Amendment? The concept 
of taking is not limited to condemnation actions initiated by the 
government that result in the transfer of title or possession, but has 
been construed to embrace a wide variety of government actions that 
adversely affect the rights of a property owner. Takings of the latter 
kind are often referred to as "inverse condemnations" because it is 
the property owner, rather than the government, who initiates a claim 
or lawsuit based on an alleged interference with property rights. 
Examples include so-called "regulatory takings," which involve 
government restrictions on the use of property, as well as physical 
encroachments on property such as flooding from government dams or 
overflights by government aircraft. The Supreme Court's opinion in 
Lingle describes the development of the inverse condemnation concept. 
[Footnote 15] Regardless of the type of taking involved, the purpose 
of the eminent domain clause of the Fifth Amendment is to "bar 
Government from forcing some people alone to bear public burdens 
which, in all fairness and justice, should be borne by the public as a 
whole." Lingle, 544 U.S. at 537, quoting Armstrong v. United States, 
364 U.S. 40, 49 (1960); see also Connolly v. Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation, 475 U.S. 211, 227 (1986). 

* What is a public use"? Contrary to what the words may seem to imply, 
public use does not mean for use by, or accessible to, members of the 
general public. According to the Supreme Court, virtually anything the 
Congress is empowered to do is a public use sufficient to invoke the 
power of eminent domain. E.g., Berman v. Parker, 348 U.S. 26, 33 
(1954) ("Once the object is within the authority of Congress, the 
right to realize it through the exercise of eminent domain is 
clear."). The Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. City of New London, 
545 U.S. 469 (2005), reinforces the breadth of the power of eminent 
domain. In Kelo, the Court upheld the City of New London's authority 
to take land from individual homeowners as part of an economic 
development plan to use the land for a variety of commercial and 
recreational purposes.[Footnote 16] The Court reaffirmed that "the 
sovereign may not take the property of A for the sole purpose of 
transferring it to another private party B"; nor may the government 
"be allowed to take property under the mere pretext of a public 
purpose, when its actual purpose was to bestow a private benefit." 
Kelo, 545 U.S. at 477-78. Beyond this, however, the opinion indicated 
that the Fifth Amendment permits government officials wide leeway in 
deciding what constitutes a "public use" and does not lend itself to 
bright-line rules. Specifically, the Court rejected the petitioners' 
proposal to adopt a rule that economic development does not qualify as 
a public use: 

"Putting aside the unpersuasive suggestion that the City's plan will 
provide only purely economic benefits, neither precedent nor logic 
supports petitioners' proposal. Promoting economic development is a 
traditional and long accepted function of government. There is, 
moreover, no principled way of distinguishing economic development 
from the other public purposes that we have recognized." 

Id. at 484. Kelo was a controversial decision. Indeed, Justice 
O'Connor, writing for the four dissenters, observed: 

"To reason, as the Court does, that the incidental public benefits 
resulting from the subsequent ordinary use of private property render 
economic development takings 'for public use' is to wash out any 
distinction between private and public use of property�and thereby 
effectively to delete the words 'for public use' from the Takings 
Clause of the Fifth Amendment." 

Id. at 494. Kelo has proven to be controversial outside the Court as 
well, prompting legislative proposals to restrict the exercise of 
eminent domain.[Footnote 17] One such proposal was enacted as section 
726 of the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, 
the Judiciary, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. 
L. No. 109-115, div. A, title VII, 119 Stat. 2396, 2494-95 (Nov. 30, 
2005). Section 726 prohibited the use of funds appropriated in that 
act to support federal, state, or local projects seeking to use 
eminent domain for other than a "public use" and provided that "public 
use" shall not be construed to include "economic development that 
primarily benefits private entities.[Footnote 18] 

* What constitutes "just compensation"? As a general proposition, just 
compensation in a straightforward condemnation action is the fair 
market value of the property at the time of the taking. It is the 
price a willing and knowledgeable buyer would pay to a willing and 
knowledgeable seller, both free from mistake or coercion, without 
regard to increases or decreases attributable to the project for which 
the property is being acquired. E.g., United States v. Reynolds, 397 
U.S. 14 (1970); United States v. Miller, 317 U.S. 369, 376-77 (1943). 
See also 18 Comp. Gen. 245 (1938); B-193234, Dec. 8, 1978. With 
respect to takings other than straightforward condemnations, it is 
sometimes difficult to define the property interests affected and to 
put a price on the interference with them. One general principle is 
that just compensation is measured by the property owner's loss rather 
than the government's gain. See, for example, Brown v. Legal 
Foundation of Washington, 538 U.S. 216, 235-36 (2003), and cases 
cited. Thus, it may be, as it was in Brown, that no compensation is 
due even where some sort of a taking has occurred. 

The federal power of eminent domain extends to Indian tribal lands. 
E.g., United States v. 21,250 Acres of Land, 161 F. Supp. 376 (WD. 
N.Y. 1957). It also extends to land owned by states. E.g., Oklahoma ex 
rel. Phillips v. Guy F Atkinson Co., 313 U.S. 508, 534 (1941). The 
Supreme Court has said that the term "private property" in the Fifth 
Amendment encompasses the property of state and local governments, and 
that the same principles of just compensation presumptively apply. 
United States v. 50 Acres of Land, 469 U.S. 24, 31 (1984). The rules 
may differ, however, in the case of properties, such as roads, which 
are normally not bought and sold in the open market. Id. at 30. 

Each of these issues has generated a raft of litigation, with the 
scope of the regulatory taking concept being particularly active. 
Further detail is beyond our present scope and our statements above 
are intended to do nothing more than suggest the applicable 
principles.[Footnote 19] 

2. Federal Land Acquisition Policy: 

The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition 
Policies Act of 1970 became law on January 2, 1971, and was amended in 
1987.[Footnote 20] The major portion of the law, Title II, deals with 
relocation assistance and is covered in section C of this chapter. 
Title III, 42 U.S.C. �� 4651-4655, is entitled "Uniform Real Property 
Acquisition Policy." The policy provisions of Title III are 
independent of the relocation provisions of Title II and apply 
regardless of whether anyone will be displaced by the acquisition. 
City of Columbia, South, Carolina v. Costle, 710 F.2d 1009 (4th Cir. 

The main section for our purposes is section 301, codified at 42 
U.S.C. � 4651. It begins by stating four congressional objectives: 

* to encourage and expedite acquisition by voluntary rather than 
involuntary means, 

* to avoid litigation, 

* to assure consistent treatment of property owners, and, 

* to promote public confidence in federal land acquisition practices. 

Section 301 then goes on to state 10 congressional "policies," 
designated as sections 301(1) through (10). They are: 

Subsection (1). Agencies should make "every reasonable effort" to 
acquire property by negotiated sale before resorting to involuntary 
acquisition. This of course does not mean that the negotiations must 
succeed. What it means is that the agency is expected to negotiate 
reasonably and in good faith. See B-179059, Oct. 11, 1973. 

A device the National Park Service has used to encourage voluntary 
sale when acquiring single-family residential property is to permit 
the owner to retain a "right of use and occupancy" for a specified 
term of years or for the life of the owner and spouse. The owner pays 
a fee for this retained interest, determined actuarially in the case 
of a life estate, which is deducted from the purchase price. The fee 
has traditionally been set below market as an additional inducement. 
The device, primarily from the valuation perspective, is discussed in 
B-125035-0.M., May 7, 1976. 

Subsection (2). Property should be appraised before the negotiations 
start, and the owner should be given the opportunity to accompany the 
appraiser during the inspection. The agency may waive the appraisal 
for property with a "low fair market value." The statute does not 
define this term. However, regulations generally governing any 
acquisition of real property for a direct federal program or project 
permit waiver if an agency determines that the valuation is 
uncomplicated and the anticipated value is estimated at $10,000 or 
less. 49 C.F.R. � 24.102(c)(2)(ii). 

To the extent appropriate, appraisals should follow the Uniform 
Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions promulgated by the 
Interagency Land Acquisition Conference (2000).[Footnote 21] 49 C.F.R. 
� 24.103(a). Subsection (3). This subsection, which deals with the 
amount of compensation, includes several distinct points: 

* The acquiring agency should establish the "just compensation" amount 
before the negotiations start. 

* This amount should not be less than the agency's approved appraisal. 
[Footnote 22] 

* The negotiations should start with an offer of this amount. 

* The acquiring agency should provide the owner with a written 
statement summarizing the basis for the amount offered. 

* Increases or decreases in fair market value attributable to the 
federal project or to the likelihood of acquisition are to be 
disregarded. This was a codification of existing case law. See the 
discussion of what constitutes "just compensation," above. For a 
further discussion of this principle, referred to by the courts as the 
"scope-of-the-project rule," see United States v. Land, 213 F.3d 830, 
834-36 (5th Cir. 2000), cert. denied, 532 U.S. 904 (2001). 

The legislative history emphasizes that genuine negotiations are 
expected rather than a "take it or leave it" (or perhaps more 
appropriately, "take it or we'll condemn it anyway") approach. H.R. 
Rep. No. 91-1656, at 22. 

Subsection (3) is designed to be fair both to the property owner and 
to the taxpayer. Thus, although the statute contemplates that the 
ultimate purchase price might end up higher than the agency's 
appraisal, the property owner should not receive a windfall. B-193234, 
Dec. 8, 1978. Also, as long as there is no pressure or coercion, there 
is nothing to prevent an owner from agreeing to accept less than the 
government's initial offer. 58 Comp. Gen. 559, 566 (1979); B-148044, 
Dec. 9, 1976. 

Where the wrong amount is paid through mutual mistake, the 
negotiations may be reopened to effect an appropriate adjustment. The 
decision B-197623, June 4, 1980, involved acquisitions by the National 
Park Service. After some land had been acquired, it was discovered 
that two states in which the acquired lands were located had passed 
certain zoning restrictions which resulted in lowering property 
values. Since the zoning restrictions were viewed as a consequence of 
the federal project, the reduction in value should have been 
disregarded. The Comptroller General agreed that the Park Service 
could reopen the transactions and reappraise the property using the 
proper criteria. 

If there is a substantial delay between the appraisal and the 
acquisition, the agency should consider updating the appraisal or 
getting a new one. H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 23; B-193234, Dec. 8, 

The Uniform Relocation Act applies to the acquisition of easements as 
well as the acquisition of fee simple title. If the taking of an 
easement benefits the remainder of the landowner's property, the 
accruing benefit may be set off against the value of the property 
interest actually taken. If these accruing benefits exceed the value 
of the easement taken, there is no requirement for additional monetary 
compensation. 58 Comp. Gen. 559. A case discussing application of 
several of the policy elements to the acquisition of scenic easements 
is B-179059, Oct. 11, 1973. 

Subsection (4). The owner should not be required to surrender 
possession until the agency has either (a) paid the agreed purchase 
price, in the case of a negotiated purchase, or (b) deposited the 
appropriate amount with the court, in the case of a condemnation. 

Subsection (5). Insofar as possible, no person lawfully occupying real 
property (residence, business, or farm) should be required to move 
without at least 90 days' written notice. 

Subsection (6). If the acquiring agency permits an owner or tenant to 
remain on the premises on a rental basis, rent should not exceed the 
property's fair rental value. 

Subsection (7). The acquiring agency should take no action (e.g., 
advance or defer the time of condemnation) to coerce or compel an 
agreement as to price. 

Subsection (8). If involuntary acquisition becomes necessary, the 
agency should institute formal condemnation proceedings. An agency 
should never intentionally make it necessary for the property owner to 
go to court to establish the taking under an inverse condemnation 
theory (see section B.5.b(6) of this chapter). 

Subsection (9). If the agency needs only part of the property but 
partial acquisition would leave the owner with an uneconomic remnant, 
the agency should offer to acquire the entire property. The statute 
defines "uneconomic remnant" as a remaining interest which the 
acquiring agency determines "has little or no value or utility to the 

Subsection (10). An owner who has been "fully informed of his right to 
receive just compensation" may choose to donate all or part of the 
property to the government. 

These, then, are the elements of federal land acquisition policy. 
Always on the lookout for catchy phrases, we would be tempted to refer 
to 42 U.S.C. � 4651 as the "property owner's bill of rights," except 
for one thing�section 4651 does not create any rights. Another 
provision of the Uniform Relocation Act, section 102, 42 U.S.C. � 
4602, provides: 

"(a) The provisions of section 4651 of this title create no rights or 
liabilities and shall not affect the validity of any property 
acquisitions by purchase or condemnation. 

"(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as creating in any 
condemnation proceedings brought under the power of eminent domain, 
any element of value or of damage not in existence immediately prior 
to January 2, 1971." 

By virtue of 42 U.S.C. � 4602, the 10 policy elements of 42 U.S.C. � 
4651 are guidelines only. There is a considerable body of case law to 
the effect that section 4651 does not create rights in favor of 
property owners which are enforceable in court. E.g., Rhodes v. City 
of Chicago, 516 F.2d 1373 (7th Cir. 1975); Zoeller v. United States, 
65 Fed. Cl. 449 (2005); Boston v. United States, 424 F. Supp. 259 
(E.D. Mo. 1976); Nall Motors, Inc. v. Iowa City, 410 F. Supp. 111 
(S.D. Iowa 1975), aff'd, 533 F.2d 381 (8th Cir. 1976); Barnhart v. 
Brinegar, 362 F. Supp. 464 (WD. Mo. 1973).[Footnote 23] If the statute 
did not create rights enforceable in court, it followed that GAO, when 
it had claims settlement authority, could not consider monetary claims 
for alleged violations of section 4651. B-215591, Sept. 5, 1984. 

The policy elements of 42 U.S.C. � 4651 are intended to apply to 
federally funded state acquisitions as well as to direct federal 
acquisitions. Federal agencies are directed by 42 U.S.C. � 4655(a)(1) 
not to approve any grant, contract, or agreement to or with a state 
agency under which federal money will be available for all or any part 
of any program or project which will result in the acquisition of real 
property, unless the state agency provides "satisfactory assurances" 
that it will "be guided, to the greatest extent practicable under 
State law," by the policies of section 4651.[Footnote 24] 

One court has found that, although the policy elements of 42 U.S.C. � 
4651 are not binding in and of themselves, they may become binding if 
included in a contract. The Department of Housing and Urban 
Development (HUD) entered into a "contract" with a county for a grant 
under the Housing Act. In the agreement, the county represented that 
it would follow the policies of 42 U.S.C. � 4651. Plaintiffs alleged 
that the county failed to follow several of the policy elements, for 
example, by not giving some owners the opportunity to accompany the 
appraisers during their inspection. The court found that the plaintiff-
landowners were "donee third party beneficiaries" of the contract 
between HUD and the county. The court therefore enjoined the county 
from prosecuting condemnation proceedings, and enjoined HUD from 
providing any federal money, until the county complied with the items 
found to be in violation. Bethune v. United States, 376 F. Supp. 1074 
(WD. Mo. 1972). 

We mention the Bethune case because it has never been overruled. It 
is, however, of doubtful precedential value. The same court (different 
judge) rejected the third-party beneficiary theory a year later, 
without mentioning Bethune, in Barnhart, 362 F. Supp. 464. The 
Barnhart case, because of its exhaustive analysis of legislative 
history, has become one of the leading cases in the area Courts which 
have considered both cases have rejected Bethune and followed 
Barnhart. E.g., Boston, 424 F. Supp. at 264-65; Nall Motors, 410 F. 
Supp. at 114-15. 

3. Need for Statutory Authority: 

Before any federal agency can purchase real property, it must have 
statutory authority. Congress originally enacted this requirement in 
1820,[Footnote 25] and it is found today, unchanged, in 41 U.S.C. � 
14: "No land shall be purchased on account of the United States, 
except under a law authorizing such purchase." This is one of the 
oldest principles of our government. The Attorney General said well 
over a century ago that "[t]here never was a time in the history of 
this Government when the purchase of land on account of the United 
States without authority of law was a legal act on the part of the 
Executive." 11 Op. Att'y Gen. 201, 203 (1865). A similar requirement 
is found in 10 U.S.C. � 2664(a), applicable to the military 
departments.[Footnote 26] 

As discussed below, not all acquisitions are subject to 41 U.S.C. � 
14. Where the statute does not apply, the authority for the 
expenditure is determined "in accordance with the usual rules of 
appropriation law construction," that is, by applying the necessary 
expense theory of purpose availability. 38 Comp. Gen. 782, 785 (1959); 
B-12021, Sept. 7, 1940. 

a. Applicability: 

The requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 14 applies to acquisition by 
condemnation as well as acquisition by voluntary purchase. 41 Comp. 
Gen. 796 (1962). Condemnation is essentially an enforced sale; the 
government is still a "buyer." This does not mean that the authorizing 
statute must specify "condemnation." As we will see later, a statute 
authorizing purchase is sufficient. To restate, although the statute 
need not specify condemnation, there must be a statute. 

Several decisions have established that 41 U.S.C. � 14 applies not 
only to the acquisition of fee simple title, but also to the 
acquisition of lesser estates or interests in land, such as permanent 
easements or rights-of-way. 17 Comp. Gen. 204 (1937); 21 Comp. Dec. 
326 (1914); B-55105, Feb. 26, 1946; A-88061, Aug. 3, 1937; A-31494, 
May 8, 1930; A-24745, Oct. 13, 1928. Looking at it from another angle, 
the purchase of a permanent easement or right-of-way over land 
constitutes the purchase of land for purposes of 41 U.S.C. � 14. 

The statute applies as well to the acquisition of a leasehold. 39 Op. 
Att'y Gen. 56 (1937); 28 Op. Att'y Gen. 463 (1910). This includes 
acquisition for consideration other than money as long as the 
consideration is more than nominal. 35 Op. Att'y Gen. 183 (1927). A 
lease will normally place the lessee under an obligation, upon 
termination of the lease, to restore the property to the condition it 
was in when the lease began. A federal agency in temporary occupancy 
of real property under such an obligation cannot purchase (or condemn) 
the property unless 41 U.S.C. � 14 has been satisfied, even though 
acquiring fee title would be cheaper than restoration. 24 Comp. Gen. 
339 (1944). See also 26 Comp. Dec. 242 (1919). 

The statute applies to the acquisition of new land, not to land 
already owned by the government. Thus, it does not apply to the 
transfer of excess property to another agency. 38 Comp. Gen. 782 
(1959). See also B-71849, Jan. 7, 1948. The statute has also been held 
inapplicable to transactions in the nature of "unvouchered 
expenditures," that is, transactions funded from appropriations that 
were specifically provided to be "expended at the discretion of the 
President." 9 Comp. Dec. 805, 806 (1903). 

(1) Debt security: 

The statute does not prevent acquisition of land where acquired as 
security for a debt, nor does it apply to collecting debts by 
enforcing such security interests. In this connection, the Supreme 
Court has said: 

"In our judgment [41 U.S.C. � 14] does not prohibit the acquisition by 
the United States of the legal title to land, without express 
legislative authority, when it is taken by way of security for a 
debt.... To deny [appropriate government officials] the power to take 
security for a debt on account of the United States, according to the 
usual methods provided by law for that end, would deprive the 
government of a means of obtaining payment, often useful, and 
sometimes indispensably necessary. That such power exists as an 
incident to the general right of sovereignty, and may be exercised by 
the proper department if not prohibited by legislation, we consider 
settled ...." 

Neilson v. Lagow, 53 U.S. (12 How.) 98, 107 (1851). See also Van 
Brocklin v. Tennessee, 117 U.S. 151, 154 (1886); 35 Op. Att'y Gen. 474 
(1928). Citing Neilson, the Comptroller General held in 34 Comp. Gen. 
47 (1954) that 41 U.S.C. � 14 did not preclude the Secretary of 
Agriculture from protecting the government's interests under a second 
mortgage, either by bidding at a prior lienholder's foreclosure sale, 
or, if the prior lienholder foreclosed, by redeeming the property 
under state law. Once it was determined that 41 U.S.C. � 14 did not 
stand in the way and that there was no other applicable prohibition, 
the question was simply one of applying the necessary expense theory 
of purpose availability�the Secretary could make the expenditure if it 
was administratively determined to be in reasonable furtherance of the 
relevant appropriation. See also 36 Comp. Gen. 697 (1957). 

(2) Donated property/funds: 

An early decision held that 41 U.S.C. � 14 does not apply to land 
donated to the United States, provided that the donation does not 
involve an expenditure of public funds. 19 Comp. Dec. 1 (1912). In 
reaching this conclusion, the Comptroller of the Treasury cited two 
1910 opinions of the Attorney General reaching the same result, 28 Op. 
Att'y Gen. 413 and 28 Op. Att'y Gen. 463. In the former opinion, the 
Attorney General expressed the view that the phrase "on account of the 
United States" as used in 41 U.S.C. � 14 means the same thing as "at 
the expense or "to be paid for by" the United States. 28 Op. Att'y 
Gen. at 416. 

If an agency has authority to accept donations of both land and money, 
it may use donated funds to purchase land, without regard to 41 U.S.C. 
� 14, if the funds were donated for the same general purpose for which 
the land is desired. 2 Comp. Gen. 198 (1922). In that case, the state 
of Colorado donated a sum of money to the Interior Department for 
"general park purposes" in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Interior 
has authority, now found at 16 U.S.C. � 6, to accept land or money 
donated for the purposes of the national park and monument system. GAO 
advised that Interior could use the donated funds to purchase a tract 
of land within the park boundaries which was needed as a site for park 
administration and maintenance buildings, without the need for further 
statutory authority. See also B-40087, Feb. 28, 1944. 

(3) Options: 

An option to purchase land is an agreement in which the owner of the 
land gives a prospective buyer the right to purchase the land at a 
fixed price within a stated time period. The party receiving the 
option is under no obligation to exercise it. If consideration is 
given, the option is binding. If there is no consideration, the owner 
may revoke the option at any time prior to its exercise. An option may 
be viewed as a "continuing offer" to sell. The offer is accepted by 
exercise of the option within the time period for which it was 
granted. Purchase options may be advantageous to the government as a 
means of inhibiting price escalation. 

A purchase option is not the purchase of land or an interest in land. 
Thus, 41 U.S.C. � 14 does not apply to the acquisition of an option, 
although it does apply to the exercise of the option. 38 Comp. Gen. 
227 (1958); 36 Comp. Gen. 48 (1956). 

Notwithstanding the nonapplicability of 41 U.S.C. � 14, other 
decisions have held that appropriated funds may not be used to acquire 
an option without statutory authority. A-17267, June 28, 1927; 9 Comp. 
Dec. 569 (1903).[Footnote 27] The prohibition has not been applied to 
options given without monetary consideration. See, e.g., B-103967, 
July 7, 1972; A-59458, Jan. 15, 1935. 

When you combine these two concepts�the need for statutory authority 
and the nonapplicability of 41 U.S.C. � 14�the result is that you need 
statutory authorization to use appropriated funds to acquire an option 
on land, but it does not have to be tied to the particular 
transaction. Several agencies have obtained statutory authority to 
acquire options. Examples are: 

* 7 U.S.C. � 428a(b): The Department of Agriculture may acquire 
purchase options on land. Specific authority is needed if the cost of 
the option is more than $1. 

* 10 U.S.C. � 2677: Military departments may acquire options on real 
property at a cost of not more than 12 percent of the property's 
appraised fair market value. 

* 16 U.S.C. � 4601-10b: The Interior Department may acquire options on 
land to be included in the national park system, up to a maximum 
aggregate cost of $500,000 per year. The option must be for a minimum 
of 2 years, and the option cost must be credited toward the purchase 

* The General Services Administration has received authority in annual 
appropriation acts by virtue of language malting the Federal Buildings 
Fund appropriation available for "acquisition of options to purchase 
buildings and sites." E.g., Pub. L. No. 110-161, 121 Stat. 1844, 2000 
(Dec. 26, 2007) (fiscal year 2008). 

A purchase option may be acquired by itself or it may be included in a 
lease. The decisions in this area do not appear to have applied the 
statutory authority requirement to options included in leases, 
although we could find no clear statement. Where inclusion of an 
option is authorized, it may provide for its exercise at the end of 
the basic term of the lease, at the end of any renewal term, or at 
staggered periods during the basic term or any renewal term. B-137279, 
Nov. 10, 1958, aff'g, 38 Comp. Gen. 227 (1958). Lease transactions 
present their own complications and are treated separately later in 
this chapter. 

(4) Indian tribal funds: 

Indian tribal funds are trust funds administered by the Bureau of 
Indian Affairs. The purchase of land using Indian tribal funds is not 
a purchase "on account of the United States." Thus, 41 U.S.C. � 14 
does not apply, even where title to the land is to vest in the United 
States to be held in trust for the particular tribe. 19 Comp. Gen. 175 
(1939); 5 Comp. Gen. 661 (1926). See also B-126095, Mar. 7, 1956; A-
51705, Nov. 12, 1942. 

b. Types of Statutory Authority: 

(1) Express versus implied authority For the most part, land 
acquisition authority tends to be unmistakably explicit�that is, it 
will contain language such as "purchase land" or "acquire land." This 
is of course preferable, but it is not absolutely required. It is 
clear from the decisions, both administrative and judicial, that 41 
U.S.C. � 14 may be satisfied by implication to a limited extent. The 
question seems to have arisen most often in connection with the 
construction of various facilities or public improvements. Given the 
existence of 41 U.S.C. � 14, deriving authority to purchase land by 
implication requires a somewhat more rigid test than the "reasonable 
relationship" standard used under the necessary expense theory. 
Responding to the question of whether congressional authorization for 
construction carries with it the implied authority to acquire land, 
the Comptroller General stated the test as follows: 

"While each individual case must of necessity be determined on the 
basis of the specific facts and circumstances pertaining thereto, an 
authorization for construction may be deemed to imply authority to 
acquire land therefor when such land is so necessary and essential for 
that construction that the acquisition thereof must have been 
contemplated by the Congress." 

B-115456, July 16, 1953, at 7. 

In determining whether authority to purchase land may be derived by 
implication, it is relevant to examine any pattern Congress may have 
developed in similar legislation. To illustrate, in 7 Comp. Dec. 524 
(1901), something called the "Fish Commission" had an appropriation 
for the "erection of buildings" in connection with the establishment 
of a fishery station. The Commission wanted to know if it could use 
the appropriation to purchase land for the station. The Comptroller of 
the Treasury noted that a pretty good case could be made based on that 
appropriation standing alone. However, the Comptroller also noted that 
"the country is dotted with stations established by virtue of acts of 
Congress" (7 Comp. Dec. at 525), and that these other statutes almost 
invariably included the specific authority to purchase land. Viewing 
this particular appropriation in light of the established pattern in 
similar statutes, the Comptroller concluded that the purchase of land 
was not authorized. See also 2 Comp. Gen. 558, 560 (1923); B-115456, 
July 16, 1953. 

Other authorities supporting the proposition that the authority 
required by 41 U.S.C. � 14 may be derived by implication in 
appropriate circumstances include United States v. Threlkeld, 72 F.2d 
464 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 293 U.S. 620 (1934); Burns v. United 
States, 160 E 631 (2nd Cir. 1908); State of Nevada v. United States, 
547 F. Supp. 776 (D. Nev. 1982), aff'd, 731 F.2d 633 (9th Cir. 1984); 
21 Comp. Dec. 326, 328 (1914); 11 Comp. Dec. 132 (1904); B-34805, June 
15, 1943; 40 Op. Att'y Gen. 69 (1941). 

(2) Forms of express authority: 

It was long ago recognized that no "specific formula of language" is 
required to authorize land acquisition. 11 Comp. Dec. 132, 139 (1904). 
To meet the varying needs of different agencies and programs, Congress 
has used a number of different statutory configurations to confer land 
acquisition authority. 

Some agencies have general land acquisition authority in the form of 
permanent provisions found in the United States Code which may be 
agencywide or limited to a particular bureau or program. Examples are: 

* 38 U.S.C. � 2406: authorizes Department of Veterans Affairs to 
acquire land for national cemeteries; 

* 38 U.S.C. � 8103(a)(1): authorizes Veterans Affairs to acquire land 
for medical facilities; 

* 40 U.S.C. �� 3304(b) and 3305(b)(1)(B): authorize General Services 
Administration (GSA) to acquire land for purposes of carrying out its 
responsibilities for the acquisition, construction, and alteration of 
public buildings; 

* 42 U.S.C. � 1502(b): authorizes acquisition of land for defense 
housing by Departments of Army, Navy, Air Force, and Housing and Urban 
Development; and; 

* 42 U.S.C. � 2473(c)(3): general land acquisition authority for the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 

These statutes make no mention of funding. Since they do not authorize 
the incurring of obligations in advance of appropriations, specific 
acquisitions under them must be funded through the normal budget and 
appropriations process. While acquisitions under these statutes are 
dependent upon the availability of appropriations, there is no general 
legal requirement that there also be a specific authorization of 
appropriations. B-173832, Aug. 1, 1975, aff'd, B-173832, July 16, 
1976. GAO stressed in both of these letters that it was venturing no 
opinion as to whether a point of order might lie, but was addressing 
only the legality of the appropriation if enacted. 

A variant includes a general reference to the availability of 
appropriations. An example is 7 U.S.C. � 428a(a), which authorizes the 
Department of Agriculture to acquire land "as may be necessary to 
carry out its authorized work," but only when provided for "in the 
applicable appropriation or other law." As with 41 U.S.C. � 14 itself, 
this statute has been construed as not applying to land already owned 
by the government. 38 Comp. Gen. 782, 784-85 (1959). 

Another example is 14 U.S.C. � 92(f), which provides general land 
acquisition authority for the Coast Guard "for which an appropriation 
has been made." This too requires an appropriation which is itself 
available for land acquisition. B-148989-0.M., June 18, 1962 (at the 
time of this opinion, section 92(f) read, "within the limits of 
appropriations made therefor"). A third example is 43 U.S.C. � 36b, 
which authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to purchase land for 
use by the Geological Survey in "gaging" streams "when funds have been 
appropriated by Congress." There is little substantive difference 
between this variant and the statutes previously noted because a 
general reference to the availability of appropriations merely serves 
to emphasize what the law requires anyway. 

Another variant includes an authorization of appropriations. These 
tend to be specific program statutes, and the authorization may 
include restrictions as well as monetary authorizations. Examples are: 

* 16 U.S.C. � 1246(e): authorizes land acquisition by the Departments 
of Agriculture and the Interior to implement the National Trails 
System Act. The authorization of appropriations is found in 16 U.S.C. 
� 1249. 

* 16 U.S.C. � 1277(a): authorizes land acquisition by the Departments 
of Agriculture and the Interior to implement the Wild and Scenic 
Rivers Act. The authorization of appropriations is found in 16 U.S.C. 
� 1287. The provision is discussed generally in B-125035-0.M., May 21, 

Once again, an actual acquisition requires an available appropriation, 
in this case one made pursuant to the authorization. 

Another form of legislative authority is a statute which authorizes 
land acquisition and identifies the appropriation to be charged. An 
example is 10 U.S.C. � 2663(d). The land acquisition needs of the 
military departments are usually addressed in the annual National 
Defense Authorization Acts. However, if land is needed in the interest 
of national defense and to maintain the "operational integrity" of a 
military installation, and the urgency of the situation does not 
permit inclusion in the next authorization act, 10 U.S.C. � 2663(d) 
authorizes military departments to use military construction 
appropriations to acquire the land. The secretary of the military 
department must notify the Senate and House Armed Services Committees 
within 10 days following a determination to acquire land under this 
section. 10 U.S.C. � 2263(d)(2). The military departments also have 
authority to use appropriations available for maintenance or 
construction to acquire any interest in land needed for national 
defense purposes and which does not cost more than $750,000 or to an 
interest in land costing not more than $1.5 million if necessary to 
correct a deficiency that threatens life, health, or safety. 10 U.S.C. 
� 2663(c). 

Another statute of this type is 16 U.S.C. � 555, which authorizes the 
Secretary of Agriculture to purchase land for national forest 
headquarters, ranger stations, and other sites required for authorized 
activities of the Forest Service, up to a maximum of $50,000 a year, 
chargeable not to a specifically named appropriation but to "the 
appropriation applicable to the purpose for which the land is to be 
used." Decisions applying this statute are 6 Comp. Gen. 437 (1927) (an 
earlier version of the statute) and B-125390, Oct. 6, 1955. 

If you have one of these statutes, the only other thing you need is a 
sufficient amount of available funds in the appropriation to be 

A final category we may note consists of statutes which are 
essentially procedural and which GAO has viewed as not constituting 
sufficient authority for the purchase of land. Under these, you still 
need separate acquisition authority as well as an available 
appropriation. Examples are: 

* 10 U.S.C. � 2663(a) & (b): gives the military departments what 
appears to be general condemnation and purchase authority. GAO's view 
is that "this provision is procedural in nature and merely provides 
the method whereby land may be acquired where there exists a separate 
authorization to acquire and pay for such land," as well as an 
available appropriation. B-115456, July 16, 1953, at 6. 

* 10 U.S.C. � 9773: GAO reached the same conclusion in the same 
decision with respect to this statute, which authorizes the Secretary 
of the Air Force to determine sites for establishment and enlargement 
of air bases, and to acquire fee simple title to any land deemed 
necessary for this purpose. 

* 40 U.S.C. � 581(c)(1): land acquisition by GSA. GAO's view of this 
provision as merely procedural was based on legislative history and an 
established congressional pattern of providing specifically for 
acquisitions by GSA. Even if the provision were regarded as general 
authority, acquisitions would still require available appropriations. 
B-137755-0.M., Dec. 30, 1958. 

It is apparent from our survey that Congress has used a variety of 
approaches to satisfy the basic requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 14. 
Typically, there is some form of authorization, general or specific, 
which is then implemented, with few exceptions, through the normal 
budget and appropriations process. The one constant is the need for an 
available appropriation. See, e.g., 41 Comp. Gen. 796, 798 (1962); 38 
Comp. Gen. 227, 229 (1958). Setting aside the question of whether such 
a provision would be subject to a point of order, authorization and 
appropriation could be combined in an appropriation act; that is, the 
appropriation itself could be the source of the acquisition authority. 
E.g., United States v. Mock, 476 F.2d 272, 274 (4th Cir. 1973); Poison 
Logging Co. v. United States, 160 F.2d 712, 714 (9th Cir. 1947). The 
appropriation does not have to specifically address the tract to be 
acquired. A lump-sum appropriation, one of whose purposes is land 
acquisition, will be sufficient if it can be demonstrated through 
legislative history, budget submission materials, etc., that the lump-
sum is available for the specific acquisition in question. The case 
most often cited for this proposition is United States v. Kennedy, 278 
F.2d 121 (9th Cir. 1960). See also United States v. Right to Use and 
Occupy 3.38 Acres of Land, 484 F.2d 1140 (4th Cir. 1973) (Army 
research and development appropriation); Perati v. United States, 352 
F.2d 788 (9th Cir. 1965), cert. denied, 383 U.S. 957 (1966) (National 
Park Service); Seneca Nation of Indians v. Brucker, 262 F.2d 27 (D.C. 
Cir. 1958), cert. denied, 360 U.S. 909 (1959) (Corps of Engineers 
general construction appropriation); United States v. 0.37 Acres of 
Land, 414 F. Supp. 470 (D. Mont. 1976) (Land and Water Conservation 

An appropriation which itself provides for "purchase of land as 
authorized by law" will generally be ineffective without separate 
statutory authorization. 19 Comp. Gen. 758 (1940). However, authority 
sufficient to satisfy the basic requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 14, such as 
a lump-sum appropriation demonstrably available for the specific 
acquisition, will also satisfy the "authorized by law" language in the 
appropriation act. 3.38 Acres, 484 F.2d at 1142-43; 0.37 Acres, 414 F. 
Supp. at 471-72. 

The terms of the legislation will define the extent of the agency's 
acquisition authority. Naturally, the authority will be circumscribed 
by any restrictions contained in the legislation. E.g., Maiatico v. 
United States, 302 F.2d 880 (D.C. Cir. 1962). 

Similarly, depending on those terms, the agency may or may not be 
authorized to acquire less than fee title or fee title subject to 
various reservations or covenants. It has been held that the simple 
authority to purchase land does not include the authority to purchase 
that land subject to reservations or covenants restricting the use of 
the land (such as timber or mineral reservations) and which might 
impede subsequent sale or disposition by the government. 10 Comp. Gen. 
320 (1931); A-34970, Feb. 20, 1931; A-25156, Dec. 15, 1928. In 
addition, the Attorney General will probably not approve the title. 
See 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 431, 435-36 (1982); 3 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 337, 339 (1979). Congress, of course, can authorize 
acquisition subject to reservations. See, e.g., 15 Comp. Gen. 910 
(1936). The authority to acquire "lands, easements and rights-of-way" 
has been construed as such authority. 40 Op. Att'y Gen. 431 (1945). 
There are also nonstatutory exceptions based largely on common sense. 
Thus, where acquisition of land for a parkway would end up cutting a 
farmer's land in half, there could be no objection to his reserving 
the right to cross the parkway to get from one part of his farm to the 
other. A-34970, May 15, 1931. In another case, where the land to be 
acquired contained buildings which the government neither needed nor 
wanted, there was no objection to reserving title to the buildings in 
the vendor along with a requirement to remove them within a specified 
time. 22 Comp. Gen. 165 (1942). 

In any event, care must be taken in this regard because acceptance of 
a deed subject to certain covenants may end up binding the government. 
E.g., Mississippi State Highway Commission v. Cohn, 217 So. 2d 528 
(Miss. 1969) (covenant to construct cattle underpass); B-210361, Aug. 
30, 1983 (covenant to pay homeowners' association assessment). 
[Footnote 28] 

What the agency can or cannot do also depends on the scope of its 
acquisition appropriations, which in turn depends on the rules of 
statutory and appropriations law construction (purpose, time, and 
amount). For example, construction of the Bonneville Dam by the Army 
Corps of Engineers resulted in the flooding of certain Forest Service 
facilities. While the Army had appropriations to acquire land 
necessary for the Bonneville project, it could not use those funds to 
purchase land on which to relocate the Forest Service facility since 
those lands were not required for that project. 17 Comp. Gen. 791 
(1938). The decision was based on two statutes: 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), 
which restricts appropriations to their intended purposes, and 41 
U.S.C. � 14 itself, since "such purchase"�purchase of land for use by 
another agency�had not been authorized. Similarly, the established 
rules regarding the exclusivity of specific appropriations apply 
equally to land acquisition appropriations. E.g., B-10122, July 28, 
1950; B-10122, May 20, 1940. 

c. Effect of Noncompliance: 

It will be apparent by now that our discussion of 41 U.S.C. � 14 has 
cited very few recent cases. The reason is that there are very few 
recent cases. Most issues under the statute are pretty well settled, 
and most agencies with significant land acquisition responsibilities 
have worked out the necessary legislative framework with their 
oversight committees. Perhaps at least in part because of this, there 
is very little authority on the question of what happens if an agency 
purchases or condemns land without having complied with 41 U.S.C. � 14. 

One early case said that a purchase in contravention of 41 U.S.C. � 14 
was void. United States v. Tichenor, 12 F. 415 (C.C.D. Ore. 1882). 
Tichenor cited an 1865 opinion of the Attorney General, 11 Op. Att'y 
Gen. 201 (which used the term "illegal," not "void"), and was in turn 
cited by the Comptroller of the Treasury in 6 Comp. Dec. 791, 793 

A 1908 case, Burns v. United States, 160 F. 631 (2nd Cir. 1908), 
concluded, without citing Tichenor, that 41 U.S.C. � 14 "should not be 
construed to apply to executed contracts, and so the United States be 
prevented from claiming that for which it has paid." Id. at 634. 

Our research has disclosed no indication that the issue has ever been 
addressed by the Comptroller General, by the Attorney General 
subsequent to the 1865 opinion, or by any court subsequent to Burns. 
[Footnote 29] 

4. Title Considerations: 

a. Title Approval: 

When you as a private citizen bought your house, a major 
consideration, and one which you probably took pretty much for 
granted, was the assurance that the people you bought it from actually 
owned it. Suppose they did not, or suppose there were "clouds" on the 
title you did not know about, such as outstanding tax liens or 
judgment liens. You could very well be stuck. You might have a 
wonderful cause of action against the sellers, assuming you could 
catch them and assuming they still had some money left. It should be 
obvious that this is an unacceptable risk. If you financed your house 
the way most of us do, with a mortgage, the bank did the worrying for 
you. Banks do not like to take unacceptable risks, and most of them 
are not about to lend you money unless they are reasonably sure their 
investment is safe. This is why one of the things you paid for at 
closing was title insurance. 

These same considerations are there when the government buys real 
estate. There is one important difference in that the government pays 
directly; it does not take out mortgages. Nevertheless, the government 
would indeed look stupid if it bought land from someone who did not 
own it. More realistic possibilities are the acquisition of land which 
could not be used for the desired purposes, or the incurring of 
additional expenses to clear a defective title. 

There is a statute designed to address this problem, 40 U.S.C. � 3111. 
Section 3111(a) provides: "Public money may not be expended to 
purchase land or any interest in land unless the Attorney General 
gives prior written approval of the sufficiency of the title to the 
land for the purpose for which the Federal Government is acquiring the 
property." Section 3111(b)(1) authorizes the Attorney General to 
delegate title approval responsibility to other departments and 
agencies, to be exercised subject to the Attorney General's 
supervision and in accordance with regulations prescribed by the 
Attorney General. Section 3111(b)(2) provides that departments and 
agencies with such delegated responsibility may request opinions and 
other assistance from the Attorney General on title issues. 

As with 41 U.S.C. � 14, the cases involving 40 U.S.C. � 3111 tend to 
be older ones.[Footnote 30] There are few relevant GAO decisions from 
recent decades, and the statute is hardly mentioned in the published 
opinions of the Attorney General since 1940. This would tend to 
suggest that the operation of the statute is reasonably well settled. 

The purpose of 40 U.S.C. � 3111 is, quite simply, "to protect the 
United States against the expenditure of money in the purchase or 
improvement of land to which it acquired a doubtful or invalid title." 
10 Op. Att'y Gen. 353, 354 (1862), quoted in 18 Comp. Gen. 727, 732 
(1939). The statute assigns the responsibility to the Attorney 
General.[Footnote 31] 40 U.S.C. � 3111(a). Thus, as far as the 
"accounting officers" are concerned, the Attorney General's opinion on 
the sufficiency of title under 40 U.S.C. � 3111 is conclusive. 3 Comp. 
Dec. 195 (1896); B-78097, June 26, 1950. This would also be true with 
respect to the validity of mortgage releases upon which the Attorney 
General had conditioned his approval. 1 Comp. Dec. 348 (1895). For 
this reason, GAO has relied heavily on the opinions of the Attorney 
General when considering questions involving 40 U.S.C. � 3111. 

Prior to 1970, the statute was worded in terms of the purchase of land 
for the purpose of erecting public buildings. See 40 U.S.C. � 255 
(1964). Thus, many early decisions centered around the use to which 
the land was to be put. E.g., 9 Comp. Gen. 75 (1929). However, the 
Attorney General, the Comptroller of the Treasury, and Comptroller 
General liberally construed the statute to apply to acquisitions for 
public works or public improvements of virtually any sort. Further, 
the fact that the acquiring agency did not intend to erect anything on 
the land was often viewed as irrelevant. See, e.g., 18 Comp. Gen. 727 
(1939); 18 Comp. Gen. 372 (1938); 3 Comp. Dec. 530 (1897); B-80025, 
Oct. 1, 1948; 39 Op. Att'y Gen. 73 (1937). 

So broad was this construction that early cases often stated the 
following general propositions: 

* 40 U.S.C. � 3111 applies "to all land purchased by the United States 
for whatever purpose." 9 Comp. Gen. 421, 422 (1930); 1 Comp. Gen. 625, 
626 (1922). Both decisions cite 28 Op. Att'y Gen. 413 (1910). See also 
28 Op. Att'y Gen. 463 (1910). 

* 40 U.S.C. � 3111 "enters into, and forms part of every contract for 
the purchase of land by the government. 9 Op. Att'y Gen. 100, 101 
(1857), cited in 9 Comp. Gen. at 422 and 1 Comp. Gen. at 626. 

A 1970 revision of the statute, Pub. L. No. 91-393, 84 Stat. 835 
(Sept. 1, 1970), removed any doubt over the validity of these broad 
statements. The statute now refers simply to the "purchase [of] land 
or any interest in land." The current view therefore remains that 40 
U.S.C. � 3111 applies in the absence of an express statutory 
exception. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 431 (1982); 3 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 337 (1979). 

As one might expect from the foregoing, 40 U.S.C. � 3111 has been 
applied to a wide variety of situations. Examples are: 

* Acquisitions under the Migratory Bird Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. �� 
715-715r. 40 Comp. Gen. 153 (1960); 16 Comp. Gen. 856 (1937); 39 Op. 
Att'y Gen. 73 (1937). 

* Land purchased for development into forest, grazing, and 
recreational areas and wildlife conservation refuges. 15 Comp. Gen. 
539 (1935). 

* Land acquired for public parks. See Cole v. United States, 28 Ct. 
Cl. 501, 511 (1893). 

* Flowage easements acquired by the Corps of Engineers. B-139566, June 
5, 1959. 

* Acquisition of land or an interest in land by the Department of 
Energy in order to develop, operate, or maintain the Strategic 
Petroleum Reserve under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 42 
U.S.C. � 6239. 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 337 (1979). 

The statute has been held applicable to purchases for nominal 
consideration,[Footnote 32] to acquisition by donation,[Footnote 33] 
and to acquisition by exercise of a purchase option.[Footnote 34] One 
situation in which 40 U.S.C. � 3111 has been found not applicable is 
monetary contributions by the Department of Defense for common-use 
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) facilities financed under 
multilateral cost-sharing agreements. B-114107, Apr. 27, 1953. 

A number of early decisions concluded that 40 U.S.C. � 3111 did not 
apply where an agency had specific authority to acquire land by 
purchase or condemnation. An example was the Reclamation Act of 1902, 
43 U.S.C. � 421. The theory was that such authority gave the acquiring 
agency discretion to either purchase or condemn, and incidentally to 
determine whether title was sufficiently clear to warrant purchase 
rather than condemnation. 10 Comp. Gen. 115 (1930); 5 Comp. Gen. 953 
(1926); 12 Comp. Dec. 691 (1906); A-39589, Dec. 30, 1931. The theory 
was discredited in 18 Comp. Gen. 727, 734-35 (1939) as not being "too 
strongly supported by reason." In case anybody missed the point, GAO, 
in agreement with the views of the Department of Justice, made it 
clear the following year that the old theory would no longer be 
applied. 19 Comp. Gen. 739 (1940). The reason, which we will cover 
later in section B.5 of this chapter, is that, since 1888, every 
agency with statutory authority to acquire land by purchase is also 
authorized to resort to condemnation.[Footnote 35] Id. at 744. 
Subsequently, the Attorney General determined specifically that 
acquisitions under the Reclamation Act were subject to 40 U.S.C. � 
3111. See B-80025, Oct. 1, 1948, for citations to and discussion of 
Attorney General's letters relating to this subject. 

Prior to the 1970 revision, 40 U.S.C. � 3111 included a provision 
authorizing the Attorney General to waive the approval requirement 
with regard to easements and rights-of-way upon determining that 
waiver would not jeopardize the interests of the United States. See, 
e.g., 21 Comp. Gen. 125 (1941). The 1970 revision dropped the waiver 
provision. However, the statute still provides flexibility in that it 
requires not that title be perfect in all instances, but that it be 
sufficient for the purpose for which the property is being acquired. 
[Footnote 36] 

The process of obtaining title approval naturally takes time, and 
until it is done, the statute prohibits payment of the purchase price. 
This does not necessarily mean that payment must await the Attorney 
General's final approval. For example, in 40 Comp. Gen. 153 (1960), 
GAO agreed that payment could be made for purchases under the 
Migratory Bird Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. � 715-715r, based on a 
"preliminary title opinion" in which the Attorney General stated that 
valid title would vest in the United States when specified 
requirements and objections had been met and a deed to the United 
States recorded, provided that the requirements and objections 
involved only routine questions of fact and not questions of law. Of 
course, should a question arise as to whether a particular condition 
had been properly satisfied, payment should await the Attorney 
General's final approval. Somewhat similarly, GAO agreed in an earlier 
case that payment could be made for purchases under the Reclamation 
Act, 43 U.S.C. � 421, prior to receipt of the Attorney General's 
formal opinion where the only objections disclosed by the title 
examination were those that would be satisfied out of the purchase 
price. B-80025, Oct. 1, 1948. It should go without saying that in both 
of these cases the Justice Department had also agreed that the 
proposals could be considered as being in compliance with 40 U.S.C. � 

Congress in a few instances has provided exceptions from 40 U.S.C. � 
3111. Section 3111(d) itself makes an exception for certain land 
acquisitions by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Another example is 42 
U.S.C. � 1502(b) relating to defense housing. Where 40 U.S.C. � 3111 
does not apply, the acquiring agency should nevertheless determine, in 
the exercise of sound discretion, that the title being acquired is 
adequate to protect the interests of the government. Cf. 21 Comp. Gen. 
125 (1941) (agency discretion under former waiver provision). To take 
the obvious illustration, payment would never be justified to "persons 
having no color of right, interest, or title in the land to convey." 
Id. at 131. 

Congress may also authorize the acquiring agency to commence its use 
of the land prior to receipt of the Attorney General's approval. Such 
a provision is not an exemption from the basic requirement of the 
statute but merely a deviation from the otherwise applicable time 
sequence. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 431 (1982). 

b. Title Evidence: 

The traditional form of evidence upon which title opinions are based 
is the "abstract of title." This is a rather cumbersome document which 
summarizes each transaction and occurrence over a given time period 
which may affect title to the property. At one time, real estate 
lawyers spent much of their lives squirreled away in the local 
registry of deeds, charged with the boring task of making title 
searches. In the early decades of the twentieth century, free 
enterprise came to the rescue of those poor, lost lawyers in the form 
of title companies. Title companies employ professional abstracters to 
prepare the abstract, on the basis of which the company issues a 
"certificate of title" certifying that title is free and clear except 
as shown on the certificate. Another development has been the growth 
of title insurance. This is exactly what it sounds like�a policy 
issued by an insurance company insuring against title defects. 

In 1930, Congress amended the statute that is now 40 U.S.C. � 3111 to 
authorize the Attorney General to accept certificates of title as 
satisfactory title evidence.[Footnote 37] The statute was amended 
again in 1940 to permit acceptance of any other evidence which the 
Attorney General deems satisfactory.[Footnote 38] When the statute was 
revised in 1970,[Footnote 39] the Justice Department reported that 
more than 93 percent of titles it approved were based on title 
certificates or title insurance. S. Rep. No. 91-1111, at 5 (1970). 
Thus, although the abstract of title is still the document from which 
other forms of title evidence spring, the typical government attorney 
these days seldom sees one.[Footnote 40] The point to note is that 
older cases, to the extent they mention only title abstracts, should 
now be read to include other forms of title evidence that the Attorney 
General deems acceptable. 

Appropriations are available for other forms of title evidence to the 
same extent as for title abstracts. A-39589, Jan. 29, 1932; A-39589, 
Dec. 30, 1931.[Footnote 41] See also 14 Comp. Gen. 318 (1934). 

c. Title Evidence Expenses: 

(1) Purchase: 

Section 3111(c) of title 40, United States Code, provides: 

"Except where otherwise authorized by law or provided by contract, the 
expenses of procuring certificates of title or other evidences of 
title as the Attorney General may require may be paid out of the 
appropriations for the acquisition of land or out of the 
appropriations made for the contingencies of the acquiring department 
or agency of the Government." 

Actually, this provision reflects what the decisions have held for 150 
years: expenses of procuring title evidence incident to the purchase 
of real property are chargeable to the appropriation from which the 
purchase price is to be paid. 

When the predecessor of 40 U.S.C. � 3111 was originally enacted in 
1841,[Footnote 42] it contained no mention of the use of land 
acquisition funds. It contained only the reference to "contingency 
appropriations," a type of appropriation common at the time. 
Nevertheless, the Comptroller of the Treasury held that the cost of 
procuring title evidence incident to purchase was chargeable to land 
acquisition appropriations, and commented that this had been "the 
established practice for many years�probably over fifty." 3 Comp. Dec. 
216, 217 (1896). 

The Comptroller went on to explain the statutory reference to 
contingency appropriations. The 1841 enactment, the first general 
requirement of its type, directed the Attorney General to examine the 
titles not only to land to be purchased in the future, but also to 
land which had already been purchased. With respect to previously 
purchased land, the purchase appropriations for the most part would 
have already lapsed. Thus, the reference to contingency appropriations 
was intended to provide a source of funds for title expenses relating 
to previously purchased land for which no other appropriations were 
currently available. 3 Comp. Dec. at 217. 

The reference in 40 U.S.C. � 3111 to land acquisition appropriations 
was added in 1940.[Footnote 43] By then, the rule of 3 Comp. Dec. 216 
had become established beyond dispute.[Footnote 44] Thus, the 1940 
amendment formalized the existing case law, and the reference to 
contingency appropriations should be viewed as obsolete. There has 
been little need to discuss the rule since 1940 because, in addition 
to the decisions, it now has a clear statutory basis. See 21 Comp. 
Gen. 744 (1942); B-142862, June 21, 1960. The rule applies equally in 
situations where 40 U.S.C. � 3111 does not apply. 25 Comp. Dec. 195 

Land acquisition appropriations are available exclusively. General 
operating appropriations may not be used. A-33604, Oct. 11, 1930, 
aff'd on reconsideration, A-33604, Nov. 14, 1930. 

Several of the early decisions mention a statute enacted in 1889 which 
required the seller to furnish title evidence, without expense to the 
government, if the land was to be used as the site for a public 
building. E.g., 8 Comp. Dec. 212 (1901). It was carried for many years 
as part of 40 U.S.C. � 256. It was repealed in 1961. Pub. L. No. 87-
277, 75 Stat. 577 (Sept. 22, 1961). 

(2) Donation: 

Persons who donate land to the United States are often unwilling to 
bear the expense of furnishing proof of their title. If the receiving 
agency has an appropriation available for the purchase of land for the 
same purpose as that for which the donation is being made, the cost of 
title evidence is chargeable to that appropriation. A-97769, Sept. 20, 
1938; A-47693, Mar. 31, 1933; A-26824, Apr. 25, 1929. If the agency 
has no such appropriation available, the cost of title evidence may be 
charged to the current Salaries and Expenses appropriation. A-47693, 
Mar. 31, 1933. 

We noted previously in our discussion of 41 U.S.C. � 14 that an agency 
with authority to accept donations of both land and money may use 
donated funds to purchase land if the funds were donated for the 
general purpose for which the land is desired. 2 Comp. Gen. 198 
(1922). As a logical extension of this principle, the funds are also 
available for the procurement of necessary title evidence with respect 
to donated land. A-26824, Apr. 25, 1929. 

(3) Condemnation: 

An early line of GAO decisions addressed the use of Justice Department 
appropriations to pay the costs of condemnation proceedings. Although 
the decisions have never been overruled or modified, legislative 
developments have rendered them largely obsolete. Those early GAO 
decisions held that the cost of obtaining title evidence for use in 
condemnation proceedings is chargeable to appropriations of the 
Department of Justice. E.g., 8 Comp. Gen. 308 (1928).[Footnote 45] In 
fact, almost every decision discussing title evidence incident to 
purchase points out that the rule for purchase does not apply in 
condemnation situations. When those decisions were rendered, the 
holding was viewed simply as an application of the general proposition 
that the Justice Department receives appropriations to conduct its 
litigation, and expenses necessarily incurred incident to that 
litigation are chargeable to those appropriations. 

There were exceptions even under the early decisions. Thus, land 
acquisition appropriations of the acquiring agency were held available 
for procuring title evidence incident to condemnation proceedings 
where the governing legislation authorized the handling of 
condemnation proceedings jointly by the Justice Department and the 
acquiring agency (21 Comp. Gen. 744 (1942)); where 40 U.S.C. � 3111 
was not applicable (25 Comp. Dec. 195 (1918)); where the title 
evidence was to be used "primarily or in the first instance" to 
attempt to negotiate a settlement without proceeding to judgment (22 
Comp. Gen. 20 (1942)); and where the land acquisition appropriation 
was expressly available for expenses incidental to the acquisition 
(see B-55181, Feb. 15, 1946). Justice Department appropriations were 
also held unavailable where the title evidence was needed for matters 
subsequent to the final judgment of condemnation. 23 Comp. Dec. 53 

The provision that is now 40 U.S.C. � 3111(c), quoted above in 
connection with purchase, was traditionally viewed as applicable to 
purchase and not to condemnation, both before and after the 1940 
amendment which added the reference to land acquisition funds, 
notwithstanding that its language is broad enough to encompass 
condemnation. 21 Comp. Gen. 744, 748 (1942); 23 Comp. Dec. 53, 56 
(1916). Thus, while there was an apparent willingness to find 
exceptions at the drop of a hat, the "general rule" remained that 
title evidence for use in condemnation proceedings was an expense of 
litigation chargeable to Justice Department funds. 

Our research has disclosed no mention of this issue after 1960. 
However, a subsequent legislative development appears to have changed 
things. Earlier in this chapter, in section B.2, we reviewed federal 
land acquisition policy under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and 
Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, 42 U.S.C. �� 4651-
4655. Under 42 U.S.C. � 4651(1), it is now the established federal 
policy that agencies are to make every reasonable effort to acquire 
real property by negotiation and purchase before resorting to 

When an agency is budgeting for its land acquisition needs, it must 
generally do so on the assumption that purchase negotiations will 
succeed. In other words, it must be prepared to meet the expenses it 
will have to bear incident to purchase. One of these, as we have seen, 
is the cost of obtaining title evidence. In the typical situation 
where an agency resorts to condemnation because purchase negotiations 
did not succeed, it may be said that Congress has provided for title 
evidence expenses to be borne by the agency's land acquisition funds. 
In this situation, shifting the expense to the Justice Department 
could be viewed as augmenting the acquiring agency's appropriation. 

With no decisions for guidance, it is impossible to define with any 
degree of certainty those situations in which the expenses might still 
be a proper charge to Justice Department appropriations. Nevertheless, 
the policy of the Uniform Relocation Act has largely eliminated any 
basis for distinguishing between purchase and condemnation on this 
particular issue, and it seems safe to conclude that, at least with 
respect to acquisitions subject to the policy guidance of 42 U.S.C. � 
4651, what was once the rule is now the exception. 

5. Methods of Acquisition: 

a. Purchase: 

As we have seen, voluntary negotiation and purchase is the preferred 
method of federal land acquisition.[Footnote 46] To do this, an agency 
needs statutory authority (41 U.S.C. � 14), an available 
appropriation, and title approval (40 U.S.C. � 3111). The transaction 
itself follows the same steps as one between private parties�a 
Purchase-and-Sale Agreement followed by a closing at which the deed is 

The Purchase-and-Sale Agreement, although certainly a contract, is not 
governed by the Contract Disputes Act because the Contract Disputes 
Act does not apply to "the procurement of ... real property in being." 
41 U.S.C. � 602(a)(1). This exemption does not extend to newly created 
lease agreements, which remain subject to the Contract Disputes Act. 
Forman v. United States, 767 F.2d 875 (Fed. Cir. 1985); Industry 
Associates, Inc. v. United States Postal Service, 133 F. Supp. 2d 194 
(E.D.N.Y. 2001). 

No law prohibits the government from purchasing property encumbered by 
liens. 12 Comp. Dec. 691, 697 (1906); 10 Op. Att'y Gen. 353 (1862). 
However, at or before closing, the liens must either be fully 
satisfied or "adequate provision should be made therefor." Department 
of Justice, Regulations of the Attorney General Promulgated in 
Accordance With the Provisions of Public Law 91-393, � 6(a) (1970). 
One way to "adequately provide" is to withhold an appropriate amount 
from the purchase price. 10 Op. Att'y Gen. at 354-55. 

A question applicable to government acquisitions as well as private 
transactions is who bears the risk of loss if the property is damaged 
or destroyed between the time the Purchase-and-Sale Agreement is 
signed and the deed delivered, where the loss or damage is not the 
fault of either party. This can result from such things as fire, soil 
erosion, or various forms of natural disaster. It is impossible to 
give a simple answer because the government's rights are determined by 
the law of the state in which the property is located. See, e.g., 
Preseault v. Interstate Commerce Commission, 494 U.S. 1, 20 (1990) 
(O'Connor, J., concurring); Foster v. United States, 607 F.2d 943, 948 
(Ct. Cl. 1979); United States v. Fallbrook Public Utility District, 
165 E Supp. 806, 822 (S.D. Cal. 1958). 

Several states have adopted the Uniform Vendor and Purchaser Risk Act, 
under which the party in possession bears the risk of loss, if title 
has not yet passed from the seller to the buyer. E.g., Acree v. 
Hanover Insurance Co., 561 F.2d 216, 219 (10th Cir. 1977) (Oklahoma); 
Long v. Keller, 163 Cal. Rptr. 532 (Cal. Ct. App. 1980) (California). 
In states which still apply the common law, the majority rule places 
the risk of loss on the purchaser on the theory that "equitable title" 
passes when the contract of sale is executed. E.g., Zitzelberger v. 
Salvatore, 458 A.2d 1021 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1983) (Pennsylvania); Utah, 
State Medical Ass'n v. Utah, State Employees Credit Union, 655 P.2d 
643 (Utah S.Ct. 1982) (Utah); Ridenour v. France, 442 N.E.2d 716 (Ind. 
App. 1982) (Indiana). Other states place the risk on the seller. E.g., 
Laurin v. DeCarolis Construction Co., 363 N.E.2d 675 (Mass. 1977) 
(Massachusetts). In one GAO decision, the government had entered into 
a contract to acquire an easement, in a state which followed the 
majority rule, when erosion caused some of the land to cave into a 
river. Since the risk of loss had passed to the government, the 
government was liable under the contract. B-148823, July 24, 1962. In 
any jurisdiction, the parties can control the issue by specifically 
addressing it in the contract of sale. 

Once the deed is recorded and legal title passes to the United States, 
the government owns the property and must bear any risk of loss even 
though it may not yet have taken possession or paid the purchase 
price. 23 Comp. Gen. 323 (1943). 

The same risk-of-loss rules apply where the government is the seller. 
37 Comp. Gen. 700 (1958); 36 Comp. Gen. 90 (1956); B-148823, July 24, 
1962; B-137673, Oct. 31, 1958. 

It is presumed that the consideration specified in the deed is the 
total agreed-upon purchase price. However, this presumption can be 
overcome by "clear and convincing" evidence to the contrary, which may 
entitle the seller to compensation greater than that specified in the 
deed alone. 7 Comp. Gen. 107 (1927). See also 4 Comp. Gen. 21 (1924). 

b. Involuntary Acquisition: 

(1) Overview: 

We saw earlier in this chapter that the power of eminent domain is 
inherent in the United States. It has been termed "essential to a 
sovereign government." United States v. Carmack, 329 U.S. 230, 236 
(1946). See also Albert Hanson Lumber Co. v. United States, 261 U.S. 
581, 587 (1923) (the power of eminent domain "is an attribute of 
sovereignty"). The reason should be obvious. If the power did not 
exist, private citizens could block urgent and necessary federal 
projects by simply refusing to sell. Kohl v. United States, 91 U.S. 
367, 371 (1875); Norwood v. Homey, 853 N.E.2d 1115, 1129-30 (Ohio 

The power of eminent domain is vested in the legislative branch. 
Congress may exercise it directly, or may delegate it to other federal 
entities to be exercised in any manner that does not violate the 
Constitution. E.g., Ferriera V. United States 2,953.15 Acres of Land 
v. United States, 350 F.2d 356 (5th Cir. 1965). 

A federal entity exercises the delegated power of eminent domain by 
what is called "condemnation." There are two types of condemnation, 
direct and inverse. In a direct condemnation the United States brings 
a lawsuit, resulting in transfer to the United States of title to the 
property and in payment of just compensation to the owner. United 
States v. Clarke, 445 U.S. 253, 255 (1980). Direct condemnation is 
accomplished either through a "complaint only" filing in a court or a 
"declaration of taking" in a court, both discussed below in more 
detail. In an inverse condemnation, the property owner brings a 
lawsuit, asserting that some action by the government has sufficiently 
infringed upon a private property right so as to create a right to 
"just compensation." See, e.g., First English Evangelical Lutheran 
Church of Glendale v. Los Angeles County, 482 U.S. 304 (1987); Pierce 
v. Northeast Lake Washington Sewer and Water District, 870 P.2d 305 
(Wash. 1994). It differs from direct condemnation in that the 
government did not intend to take the property. The concepts and case 
law for both types of condemnation are discussed below in greater 
detail. Whichever form is used, condemnation always involves a court 
proceeding. There is no such thing as administrative condemnation. 

In all condemnation actions, either direct or inverse, cost 
limitations in the authorizing legislation or appropriation do not 
affect either the authority to condemn or the judicial determination 
of just compensation. Hanson Lumber, 261 U.S. at 586-87; Shoemaker v. 
United States, 147 U.S. 282, 302 (1893); United States v. Certain Real 
Estate Lying on the South Side of Broad Street, 217 F.2d 920, 925 (6th 
Cir. 1954). 

If land taken by eminent domain is no longer needed, the former owner 
stands in the same position as any other member of the public. There 
is no automatic right of repurchase. B-165511, Mar. 21, 1978. Of 
course, Congress can always provide such a right in a particular 
context. Also, the deed conveying the property to the government may 
specify a right of repurchase. Id. 

(2) Legislative taking: 

When Congress exercises the power of eminent domain directly, it is 
called a "legislative taking." Congress can accomplish legislative 
taking simply by enacting a statute which declares that title to the 
property will vest in the United States as of a specified date, 
usually the date of enactment. Kirby Forest Industries v. United 
States, 467 U.S. 1, 5 (1984); Paulson v. City of San Diego, 475 F.3d 
1047, 1048 (9th Cir. 2007). An example is the legislation establishing 
the Redwood National Park, 16 U.S.C. �� 79c, 79c-1. Another example is 
the 1988 legislation which expanded the Manassas National Battlefield 
Park, 16 U.S.C. � 429b(b). See also Preservation of Mt. Soledad 
Veterans Memorial, Pub. L. No. 109-272, 120 Stat. 770 (Aug. 14, 2006) 
(transferred title of the Memorial from San Diego, California, to the 
United States). 

In a legislative taking, since the actual taking is accomplished by 
statute, the only thing for the court to do is determine the amount of 
compensation. Court action remains necessary even in a legislative 
taking because, in any Fifth Amendment taking situation, the 
determination of just compensation is a judicial function. Monongahela 
Navigation Co. v. United States, 148 U.S. 312, 327 (1893); 59 Comp. 
Gen. 380 (1980). 

The legislative taking device is infrequently used. With respect to 
national parks, the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs 
has stated a policy that "legislative taking is an extraordinary 
measure which should be invoked only in those instances in which the 
qualities which render an area suitable for national park status are 
imminently threatened with destruction." S. Rep. No. 93-875, at 5 
(1974), quoted in B-125035-0.M., Apr. 21, 1976, at 2. 

This classic use of the term "legislative taking" involves the actual 
acquisition of title by the United States. Courts have begun to use 
the term in a somewhat broader sense, to describe situations in which 
a statute, by its very enactment, deprives a private party of some 
lesser interest. An example is Whitney Benefits, Inc. v. United 
States, 926 F.2d 1169 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 952 (1991), 
holding that the enactment of the Surface Mining Control and 
Reclamation Act of 1977, by prohibiting certain surface mining, 
effectively "took" the plaintiff's coal mining rights. When the 
government activity does not constitute a physical taking of property 
but instead limits the use a property owner may make of the property, 
the basic analytical tool for determining whether a taking has 
occurred is a three-part test focusing on: 

* the character of the governmental action, 

* the economic impact on the claimant, and, 

* the extent to which the governmental action has interfered with 
distinct investment-based expectations. 

See Lingle v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc., 544 U.S. 528, 538-40 (2005); Tahoe-
Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 
535 U.S. 302 (2002); Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New 
York, 438 U.S. 104 (1978). 

(3) Sources of authority: 

Executive branch agencies may condemn property only if they have 
statutory authority to do so. 41 U.S.C. � 14. A question that was once 
open to some debate was whether an executive agency's statutory 
authority to acquire land by purchase also granted the agency power to 
condemn property, or whether the authorizing statute needed to 
specifically grant authority to condemn. See, e.g., Kohl v. United 
States, 91 U.S. 367, 374 (1875). To remove any doubt, Congress enacted 
a statute in 1888,[Footnote 47] sometimes called the General 
Condemnation Act of 1888 and now found at 40 U.S.C. � 3113,[Footnote 
48] which authorizes any federal agency with authority to purchase 
land to use condemnation also. It provides: 

"An officer of the Federal Government authorized to acquire real 
estate for the erection of a public building or for other public uses 
may acquire the real estate for the Government by condemnation, under 
judicial process, when the officer believes that it is necessary or 
advantageous to the Government to do so ...." 

Note that 40 U.S.C. � 3113 is not an independent grant of land 
acquisition authority. That must exist elsewhere. If an agency has 
statutory authority to purchase land, 40 U.S.C. � 3113 supplements it 
and permits the agency to use condemnation. United States v. Carmack, 
329 U.S. 230, 235 (1946); Albert Hanson Lumber Co. v. United States, 
261 U.S. 581, 587 (1923). The constitutionality of 40 U.S.C. � 3113 
has long been settled. Chappell v. United States, 160 U.S. 499 (1896). 

The significance of 40 U.S.C. � 3113 is that it makes no difference 
whether the legislation authorizing a particular acquisition says 
"purchase or condemnation" or merely "purchase" or "acquire." If the 
authorizing legislation does not specify condemnation, the authority 
exists anyway by virtue of 40 U.S.C. � 3113. Of course, Congress is 
always free to limit an acquisition statute to voluntary purchase, in 
which event 40 U.S.C. � 3113 would be subordinated. United States v. 
16.92 Acres of Land, 670 F.2d 1369, 1371-72 (7th Cir. 1982). 

Some agencies have their own condemnation authority. Examples are 10 
U.S.C. � 2663 (military departments), 33 U.S.C. �� 591-594 (Secretary 
of the Army for river and harbor improvements), and 43 U.S.C. � 421 
(Secretary of the Interior under the Reclamation Act of 1902). 
Although there is little case law, these statutes stand side-by-side 
with 40 U.S.C. � 3113. Hence, an agency with overlapping statutes can 
elect which one to proceed under in a given case. See Hanson Lumber, 
261 U.S. at 585-86; In re Military Training Camp in Prince George 
County, Virginia, 260 F. 986, 990-91 (E.D. Va. 1919); Chappell v. 
United States, 81 F. 764, 766 (4th Cir. 1897); B-98346, Oct. 9, 1950. 
(Hanson and B-98346 involve the river and harbor legislation; Chappell 
and Training Camp involve the predecessor of what is now 10 U.S.C. � 

In sum, every federal agency which is authorized to acquire real 
property is authorized to resort to condemnation. The authority may be 
in the form of an agency-specific or program-specific grant of 
condemnation authority, or it may be in the form of purchase 
authority, with the condemnation authority derived from 40 U.S.C. � 

(4) "Complaint only" condemnation: 

The first way a federal agency can condemn property directly is by 
filing a complaint initiating a court action. This is sometimes called 
a "complaint only" or "straight" condemnation. A complaint only 
condemnation is different from a Declaration of Taking Act proceeding, 
described in the next section, in several essential respects: there is 
no deposit of funds with the court to be used for compensation, no 
immediate vesting of title, and no irrevocable commitment on the part 
of the United States to pay the award. 

The agency initiates a complaint only condemnation by filing a 
complaint in the United States district court for the district where 
the land is located. 28 U.S.C. �� 1358, 1403. Procedures are contained 
in Rule 71A of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,[Footnote 49] and 
the United States is the plaintiff. The main purpose of the proceeding 
is to determine the amount the government will have to pay if it 
chooses to acquire the property. The government may abandon the 
proceeding, and is under no obligation to take the land or pay the 
award. The award amounts to an offer which the government may accept 
by tendering payment. Of course, title does not pass unless and until 
the compensation is paid. The proceeding also gives the landowner the 
opportunity to contest the taking. Once the award is made, the 
decision of whether or not to consummate the condemnation is solely in 
the government's hands.[Footnote 50] 

If the government abandons the proceeding or chooses not to consummate 
the condemnation, it must nevertheless compensate the landowner for 
any public use made of the property. E.g., United States v. 14,770.65 
Acres of Land, 616 E Supp. 1235, 1251 (D. S.C. 1985). 

It has been held that, in a complaint only proceeding under 40 U.S.C. 
� 3113, no officer of the United States has authority to consent to 
the entry of a money judgment against the United States, and a 
judgment purporting to obligate the government is "void and 
unenforceable." Moody v. Wickard, 136 F.2d 801, 803 (D.C. Cir.), cert. 
denied, 220 U.S. 775 (1943). This follows from principles of sovereign 
immunity and the requirements of the appropriations clause. Thus, 
under section 3113: 

"an award in condemnation is [merely] an offer subject to acceptance 
by the [United States]. The judgment entered is conditional only. The 
Government gets no title until payment, ...and if the award is for 
more than it is prepared to pay, the proceeding may be abandoned at 
any time before payment and transfer of title." 

Id. (citations omitted). 

(5) Declaration of Taking Act: 

The Declaration of Taking Act, enacted in 1931 and found at 40 U.S.C. 
�� 3114-3115,[Footnote 51] provides a procedure under which federal 
agencies may condemn and get immediate title to property. The 
proceeding begins in a manner identical to that for a "complaint only" 
taking described in the previous section�that is, with the 
government's filing of a complaint in the United States district court 
for the district in which the land is located. To initiate a 
Declaration of Taking Act condemnation, the government files with the 
court a "declaration of taking" in addition to the original complaint. 
The "declaration of taking" document may be filed simultaneously with 
the original complaint, or the government may file such a declaration 
at any time before judgment. The contents of the declaration are set 
out in 40 U.S.C. � 3114(a). Along with the declaration, the acquiring 
agency must deposit its estimated just compensation with the court. 
Under this statute, once the declaration is filed and the deposit 
made, two things happen: (1) title to the land, or lesser interest if 
specified in the declaration, vests in the United States, that is, the 
land is "taken"; and (2) the right to just compensation vests in the 
former owner and the United States becomes irrevocably committed to 
payment of the ultimate award. Id. � 3114(b). 

The court may order the money on deposit paid over immediately or 
during the course of the proceedings, on application of the parties in 
interest. If the ultimate award exceeds the amount of the deposit, the 
court enters a deficiency judgment against the United States. Id. � 
3114(c). If the ultimate award is less than the amount paid over from 
the deposit, the United States is entitled to recover the overpayment, 
and a judgment to this effect may be entered in the same proceeding. 
United States v. Miller, 317 U.S. 369, 380-82 (1943); Fed. R. Civ. P. 
71A(j).[Footnote 52] 

Once the declaration has been filed and the court deposit made, the 
agency may proceed to demolish existing structures or erect new ones, 
provided that the Attorney General is of the opinion that title has 
vested in the United States or that all interested parties will be 
bound by the final judgment. 40 U.S.C. � 3115(b). Also, once title 
passes to the government, any rentals accruing from the property are 
payable to the United States, not to the former owner. 15 Comp. Gen. 
740 (1936). 

The purposes of the Declaration of Taking Act are (1) to permit the 
government to take immediate possession while simultaneously reducing 
costs by avoiding liability for interest on the amount of the deposit, 
and (2) to give the former owner with clear title immediate cash 
compensation to the extent of the government's estimate. Miller, 317 
U.S. at 381. 

The Declaration of Taking Act is not an independent grant of 
acquisition authority or condemnation authority. It merely provides 
procedures which may be used where the acquiring agency already has 
the requisite authority to acquire the land in the first place. United 
States v. Dow, 357 U.S. 17, 23 (1958); Catlin v. United States, 324 
U.S. 229, 240 (1945). The constitutionality of the statute has been 
upheld. E.g., Travis v. United States, 287 F.2d 916 (Ct. Cl.), cert. 
denied, 368 U.S. 824 (1961). 

Apart from issues of just compensation, judicial review is limited to 
determining that the taking is for a statutorily authorized purpose 
and that it is for a public use. Catlin, 324 U.S. at 240-43; United 
States v. Acquisition of 0.3114 Cuerdas, 753 F. Supp. 50, 53 (D. P.R. 
1990). In performing this review, the courts will not "second-guess 
governmental agencies on issues of necessity and expediency" but will 
essentially look only at "the bare issue of whether the limits of 
authority were exceeded." United States v. 162.20 Acres of Land, 639 
F.2d 299, 303 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 454 U.S. 828 (1981). 

As a general proposition, when several tracts are being acquired in a 
single proceeding, the deposit with the court should be allocated by 
tract. United States v. 355.70 Acres of Land, 327 F.2d 630 (3rd Cir. 
1964). The ultimate award may exceed the allocation for some parcels 
but be below it for others. As long as the money came from the same 
appropriation, the excess amounts may be used to pay the deficiencies. 
19 Comp. Gen. 634 (1940). See also A-88947, Dec. 7, 1937. 

As the preceding paragraph suggests, the treatment of money deposited 
with the court but not needed for whatever reason for its original 
purpose is governed by the usual rules applicable to the obligation 
and availability of appropriated funds. Thus, for example, unused 
funds could not be reobligated after expiration of the original period 
of availability to acquire a tract not encompassed by the original 
obligation. A-88947, Oct. 2, 1937. 

An area which appears not to have been explored to any great extent is 
the relationship of the Declaration of Taking Act to the 
Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. � 1341, which prohibits making 
obligations or expenditures in excess or advance of appropriations. An 
important provision in this connection is 40 U.S.C. � 3115(a): 

"Action under section 3114 of this title irrevocably committing the 
Federal Government to the payment of the ultimate award shall not be 
taken unless the head of the executive department or agency or bureau 
of the Government empowered to acquire the land believes that the 
ultimate award probably will be within any limits Congress prescribes 
on the price to be paid." 

Just months after the Declaration of Taking Act was enacted, an agency 
needed to acquire a piece of property and was authorized to do so by 
purchase or condemnation, subject to a monetary cost ceiling. The 
agency had obtained three appraisals, all of which were within the 
cost ceiling. The property owner had demanded a price higher than the 
appraisals and in excess of the statutory ceiling. The agency thought 
the owner's asking price was excessive, and that a condemnation award 
would be more in line with the appraisals and within the appropriation 
limit. The agency asked GAO whether the Antideficiency Act would 
preclude it from filing a declaration of taking, since there was no 
guarantee that the ultimate court award would not exceed the 
appropriation limit. Since the Declaration of Taking Act does not 
require absolute certainty (indeed it could not since the judicial 
determination is beyond the control of the acquiring agency), but 
merely requires that the agency be of the opinion that the award will 
"probably" be within applicable limits, the Comptroller General 
advised that the agency could proceed with the condemnation. A-37316, 
July 11, 1931. Thus, the mere fact that a final award exceeds an 
applicable limit does not produce an Antideficiency Act violation, and 
to this extent the Declaration of Taking Act may be said to authorize 
the overobligation.[Footnote 53] 

This, however, should not be taken to mean that an agency can act 
indiscriminately. GAO and the Justice Department have both held that 
40 U.S.C. � 3115(a) prohibits the initiation of Declaration of Taking 
Act proceedings when the agency knows or believes that the award will 
exceed an applicable ceiling.[Footnote 54] 57 Comp. Gen. 591 (1978); 2 
Op. Off. Legal Counsel 96 (1978). While the specific limitation 
involved in these two cases no longer exists, the basic point remains 
valid. Accordingly, while we have found no cases precisely on point, 
it does not seem unreasonable to suggest that compliance with 40 
U.S.C. � 3115(a), as was clearly the case in the 1931 decision, A-
37316, discussed above, is an important factor in evaluating 
compliance with the Antideficiency Act. In other words, compliance 
with section 3115(a) should insulate an agency against Antideficiency 
Act violations, whereas an agency which violates section 3115(a) 
should not be so insulated. 

This in turn leads to the question of what constitutes compliance with 
40 U.S.C. � 3115(a), and this too is not always clear. Courts have 
generally been unwilling to impose a good faith test on the amount of 
the agency's deposit. United States v. Cobb, 328 F.2d 115 (9th Cir. 
1964); In re United States of America, 257 F.2d 844 (5th Cir.), cert. 
denied, 358 U.S. 908 (1958). One court has gone so far as to suggest 
that 40 U.S.C. � 3115(a) is satisfied by virtue of the acquiring 
agency's request to the Attorney General to initiate condemnation 
proceedings. United States v. 40.75 Acres of Land, 76 E Supp. 239, 245-
46 (N.D. Ill. 1948). However, the courts are not unanimous. The Second 
Circuit has assumed that it can act when the government's estimate is 
made in bad faith. United States v. 44.00 Acres of Land, 234 F.2d 410, 
415 (2nd Cir.), cert. denied, 352 U.S. 916 (1956). The Fourth Circuit 
was "puzzled" by the actions of an agency in depositing one dollar as 
its estimate of just compensation after offering $180,000 to purchase 
the land, but resolved the case without having to address the good 
faith issue. United States v. 45.33 Acres of Land, 266 F.2d 741 (4th 
Cir. 1959). 

Condemnation "extinguishes all interests in a piece of property and 
vests absolute title in the government." Schoellkopf v. United States, 
11 CL Ct. 447, 450 (1987) (emphasis omitted). The United States 
acquires title "free from all liens or claims whatsoever." United 
States v. 150.29 Acres of Land, 135 F.2d 878, 880 (7th Cir. 1943). 
Previous interests "are obliterated." United States v. 25.936 Acres of 
Land, 153 F.2d 277, 279 (3rd Cir. 1946). This applies alike to 
outstanding mortgages (Schoellkopf), tax liens (150.29 Acres, 25.936 
Acres), and judgment liens (10 Comp. Dec. 852 (1904)). While some 
jurisdictions may give the creditor a right of action against the 
former property owner (see Schoellkopf, 11 Cl. Ct. at 450), the 
general rule is that the funds deposited with the court take the place 
of the property itself and any liens attach to the funds and not to 
the property. E.g., 150.29 Acres, 135 F.2d at 880; United States v. 
17,380 Square Feet of Land, 678 E Supp. 443, 445 (S.D. N.Y. 1988); 
United States v. Certain Property, 225 E Supp. 498, 504 (S.D. N.Y. 
1963). Even where there is no declaration of taking, the recommended 
procedure if outstanding liens are known is to either make payment to 
the registry of the court or require the owner to satisfy the liens. 
11 Comp. Gen. 498 (A-42973, June 28, 1932). 

In view of the necessity for a judicial determination, there should be 
little, if any, occasion to consider administrative claims in 
connection with a Declaration of Taking Act condemnation. An exception 
occurred in B-79080, Oct. 12, 1948, allowing a claim for the value of 
structures which had been removed prior to, and were not included in, 
the judicial award of just compensation. As a general proposition, 
however, there is no basis to administratively consider a claim which 
could have been raised before the court but was not. E.g., B-107841, 
Apr. 18, 1952.[Footnote 55] 

It should be apparent that whether to use a declaration of taking or a 
complaint only procedure depends on two main factors: the urgency of 
the government's need for possession and the availability of funds. In 
view of the nature of the proceeding, the insufficiency of funds is 
not a bar to initiating a complaint only condemnation. A-5473, Nov. 
22, 1924. However, the status of funding is not wholly irrelevant. The 
United States does not have an infinite amount of time to respond to 
the award. In order not to erode the concept of just compensation, the 
United States must act within a reasonable time or risk dismissal of 
the proceeding. Miller v. United States, 57 F.2d 424 (D.C. Cir. 1932). 
In the case cited, the proceeding was dismissed where there was no 
available appropriation at the time of the award and, a year later, no 
appropriation had been made nor was a bill pending. 

(6) Inverse condemnation: 

The term "inverse condemnation" (sometimes called "reverse 
condemnation") encompasses a variety of situations with only one thing 
in common: they involve government acts, other than an affirmative act 
of eminent domain, which the courts view as takings of some interest 
in private property for which just compensation is payable under the 
Fifth Amendment. The Supreme Court has called it "a shorthand 
description of the manner in which a landowner recovers just 
compensation for a taking of his property when condemnation 
proceedings have not been instituted." United States v. Clarke, 445 
U.S. 253, 257 (1980). 

The Court of Federal Claims has used the following definition: 
"Inverse condemnation, therefore, 'is a legal label for effective 
expropriation of private property, the sovereign acting indirectly 
without benefit of formal eminent domain proceedings in condemnation; 
thus, sovereign acts incompatible with an owner's present enjoyment of 
his property rights.'" Schultz v. United States, 5 CL Ct. 412, 415 
(1984), quoting Wilfong v. United States, 480 F.2d 1326, 1327 n.2 (Ct. 
Cl. 1973). The concept is thus an umbrella which covers a wide variety 
of situations ranging from the actual physical seizure of property to 
various lesser forms of "invasion." 

Inverse condemnation claims are based on the Fifth Amendment. Thus, 
the jurisdiction of the courts derives from the Tucker Act, under 
which claims not exceeding $10,000 may be brought either in the 
district courts or in the Court of Federal Claims, while claims in 
excess of $10,000 must be brought in the Court of Federal Claims. 28 
U.S.C. �� 1346(a)(2), 1491. 

At one time, it was commonplace to say that the United States may 
exercise its power of eminent domain in either of two ways�by 
instituting formal condemnation proceedings or by simply taking 
physical possession with the owner having a remedy under the Tucker 
Act. E.g., United States v. Dow, 357 U.S. 17, 21 (1958). As the 
Supreme Court noted in Kirby Forest Industries v. United States, 467 
U.S. 1, 5 (1984), this is still true in the sense that land 
acquisition by inverse condemnation remains within the power of the 
United States, and the parties end up in the same place either way. 
However, it has been federal policy since enactment of the Uniform 
Relocation Act, 42 U.S.C. �� 4601-4655, that formal condemnation 
proceedings should be instituted if a voluntary purchase cannot be 
negotiated, and that an agency should never intentionally force a 
property owner to bring an inverse condemnation suit.' 42 U.S.C. � 
4651(8). If agencies pay due regard to this established policy, 
inverse condemnation cases involving the intentional acquisition of 
title should largely disappear, and situations like the one described 
in Althaus v. United States, 7 Cl. Ct. 688 (1985), should no longer 
happen.[Footnote 57] 

In view of this, while one still encounters the statement that private 
property can be taken by inverse condemnation, it is more likely to be 
found in the context of some form of regulatory taking. E.g., 
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island, 533 U.S. 606, 615 (2001). In this 
connection, Executive Order No. 12630, Governmental Actions and 
Interference With Constitutionally Protected Property Rights, Mar. 15, 
1988, instructs executive agencies to carefully evaluate their 
activities to prevent unnecessary takings. See generally GAO, 
Regulatory Takings: Implementation of Executive Order on Government 
Actions Affecting Private Property Use, GAO-03-1015 (Washington, D.C.: 
Sept. 19, 2003). 

6. Obligation of Appropriations for Land Acquisition: 

a. Voluntary Purchase: 

As we have noted, the typical transaction follows the same path as one 
between private parties. The government enters into a purchase 
contract with the seller, which is later followed by the execution of 
a deed. When a formal purchase contract is used, the obligation occurs 
when the contract is executed. 17 Comp. Gen. 664, 668 (1938); A-76119, 
July 3, 1936; A-59458, Jan. 15, 1935. GAO stated the principle as 
follows: "Ordinarily, a contract for the purchase of real property to 
supply an existing need executed in good faith prior to the expiration 
date of an appropriation is considered sufficient to obligate the 
appropriation ..." A-59458, at 2. Since we are dealing with a 
contract, the obligation is recorded under 31 U.S.C. � 1501(a)(1). 

If there is no formal purchase contract, the obligation occurs when 
the deed is executed. 17 Comp. Gen. at 668; 4 Comp. Gen. 371 (1924); A-
76119, July 3, 1936. 

Where a purchase option is involved, and the government accepts the 
option in accordance with its terms and within the option period, 
assuming it has not been sooner revoked, the obligation occurs upon 
acceptance of the option. 17 Comp. Gen. at 668. The reason is that 
acceptance of the option in these circumstances constitutes a 
contract. 56 Comp. Gen. 351, 352 (1977); A-76119, July 3, 1936; A-
59458, Jan. 15, 1935. 

Once the money is properly obligated, as with any other obligation, it 
remains available to liquidate the obligation until the account is 
closed. Thus, in 56 Comp. Gen. 351, GAO advised that there was nothing 
objectionable in a proposal to spread payment out over 4 years, as 
long as the full amount of the purchase price was obligated in the 
year the purchase agreement was executed.[Footnote 58] 

b. Condemnation: 

A long line of decisions has established that, in a condemnation case, 
the obligation occurs when the acquiring agency makes the request to 
the Attorney General to institute the condemnation proceedings. E.g., 
34 Comp. Gen. 418, 423 (1955); 34 Comp. Gen. 67, 68 (1954); 17 Comp. 
Gen. 664, 668 (1938); 17 Comp. Gen. 631, 632 (1938); 17 Comp. Gen. 
111, 113 (1937).[Footnote 59] The fact that the Attorney General may 
not actually initiate the proceedings until the following fiscal year 
is irrelevant. The reason is that an appropriation can be obligated 
only by the agency to which it was made. E.g., 4 Comp. Gen. 206, 207 

Where the land acquisition appropriation is available for "expenses 
incidental" to the acquisition, the obligation for the condemnation 
award may be viewed as also encompassing necessary expenses incident 
to the condemnation proceeding, even where the expense is not actually 
incurred until the following fiscal year. B-55181, Feb. 15, 1946 
(title evidence); A-88353, June 18, 1938 (technical studies, etc.). 

The exercise of a purchase option followed by condemnation complicates 
the picture. This can happen, for example, if the seller's title turns 
out to be defective and must be cleared through condemnation. In this 
situation, the agency may retain the original obligation, recorded 
when the purchase option was accepted, or it may deobligate and record 
a new obligation when the request for condemnation is made. If the 
agency retains the original obligation and the condemnation award 
exceeds the available appropriation, the excess may be charged to 
appropriations current when the condemnation proceedings were 
requested. 17 Comp. Gen. 664. This decision was "amplified" by 19 
Comp. Gen. 944 (1940), to emphasize that the administrative choice is 
not absolute. The agency has the election outlined in 17 Comp. Gen. 
664 only where "the condemnation proceedings reasonably may be viewed 
as a continuation of, and incident to, the land acquisition 
transaction initiated by the option acceptance." 19 Comp. Gen. at 947. 
In making this determination, the lapse of time between option 
acceptance and the condemnation request is relevant but not 
conclusive.[Footnote 60] Id. at 947-48. Although there are no 
decisions, it would seem rather obvious that the principle of these 
two decisions should apply equally where the original obligation is a 
formal purchase contract rather than an option acceptance. 

The preceding paragraph is best illustrated by a hypothetical example. 
Suppose an agency has $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2007 money to acquire 
a piece of property. Before the end of fiscal year 2007, the agency 
exercises an option or enters into a formal purchase contract for 
$1,000,000, and records the obligation against its fiscal year 2007 
appropriation. In fiscal year 2008, the agency discovers that the 
seller's title is defective and promptly asks the Attorney General to 
initiate condemnation. At this point, the agency has a choice. It may 
retain the original obligation, or it may deobligate the fiscal year 
2007 money and record a new obligation against its fiscal year 2008 
land acquisition appropriation (assuming it has one). If the agency 
retains the 2007 obligation and the condemnation award turns out to be 
$1,200,000, it may charge the $200,000 deficiency to its 2008 funds. 

The basic rule for obligating in condemnation cases-�that the 
obligation occurs when the Attorney General is asked to initiate the 
proceedings�-clearly applies when a declaration of taking is used. 34 
Comp. Gen. at 423; 34 Comp. Gen. 67. Indeed, the statutory basis for 
recording obligations in this context-31 U.S.C. � 1501(a)(6), 
liability resulting from pending litigation�-was intended to address 
precisely this situation. 35 Comp. Gen. 185, 187 (1955). The rule also 
clearly applies where an agency is operating under condemnation 
authority, such as 33 U.S.C. � 594 (Army Corps of Engineers), which 
authorizes the taking of immediate possession contingent upon the 
malting of adequate provision for the payment of just compensation. 
See 1 Comp. Gen. 735 (1922). 

In a "complaint only" condemnation, however, the obligational aspects 
are different. To be sure, an agency whose acquisitions are funded by 
fiscal year appropriations may well find itself in a bind. In many 
cases, the agency will already have received appropriations for the 
acquisition, and they may expire if they cannot be obligated until 
after the award is determined.[Footnote 61] E.g., United States v. 
Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., 16 E 524, 530 (C.C.D. Ore. 1883) 
(recognizing that funds previously appropriated for the acquisition in 
question may already have lapsed). Be that as it may, while we have 
found no decision which directly addresses the distinction between 
declaration of taking and complaint only condemnation for obligational 
purposes, it seems apparent, consistent with the theory underlying 31 
U.S.C. � 1501(a), that a recordable obligation in a complaint only 
condemnation does not arise until the government tenders payment 
because the United States is not obligated to pay the award. 

7. Expenses Incident to Real Property Acquisition: 

a. Expenses Incident to Title Transfer: 

Various expenses in addition to the purchase price arise in connection 
with the acquisition of real property. We have previously discussed 
one in section B.4.c of this chapter�the cost of procuring evidence of 
title. The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition 
Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. �� 4601-4655, provides for several others. 
Section 303 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. � 4653, directs acquiring agencies 
to reimburse property owners, "to the extent the head of such agency 
deems fair and reasonable," for certain expenses which are 
"necessarily incurred." 

Subsection (1) of 42 U.S.C. � 4653 provides that one category of 
expenses is "recording fees, transfer taxes, and similar expenses 
incidental to conveying such real property to the United States." 
Recording fees had long been recognized as an authorized expense, 
chargeable to the appropriation from which the purchase price is paid. 
A-33604, Oct. 11, 1930. A state tax on gain from the sale of property, 
in the nature of a capital gains tax, is not reimbursable, either as a 
"transfer tax" or as a "similar expense." Collins v. United States, 
946 F.2d 864 (Fed. Cir. 1991). 

Section 4653(2) authorizes "penalty costs for prepayment of any 
preexisting recorded mortgage entered into in good faith encumbering 
such real property." This assumes an actual prepayment of a mortgage 
which provides a prepayment penalty. It does not apply to expenses 
incident to a "renegotiation" entered into as an alternative to 
prepaying a low-interest loan. Schoellkopf v. United States, 11 Cl. 
Ct. 447 (1987). 

Section 4653(3) authorizes the payment of "the pro rata portion of 
real property taxes paid which are allocable to a period subsequent to 
the date of vesting title in the United States, or the effective date 
of possession of such real property by the United States, whichever is 
the earlier." 

As a general proposition, land owned by the United States is exempt 
from state and local property taxes. Van Brocklin v. Tennessee, 117 
U.S. 151 (1886). The inclusion of subsection (3) in 42 U.S.C. � 4653 
evolved from the way most jurisdictions assess property taxes. 
Commonly, the process begins on a specified date, with a lien 
attaching as of that date, even though the precise amount of the 
assessment has not yet been determined. Thus, when the United States 
purchases real property, there may already be a tax lien covering some 
period beyond the date of title transfer. 

In United States v. Alabama, 313 U.S. 274 (1941), the Supreme Court 
held that the lien could not be enforced against the United States, 
but that it nevertheless remained valid. The result was that the 
United States did not have clear title, a problem if the land was 
later to be sold. The Comptroller General held in a series of 
decisions, both before and after Alabama, that (1) the question of 
whether to discharge a prior lien in order to obtain a more marketable 
title was within the discretion of the acquiring agency, and (2) if 
the agency determined that discharge of the lien by payment of the 
taxes would further the purpose for which the land was acquired, the 
land acquisition appropriation was available. See 19 Comp. Gen. 768 
(1940); B-108401, Apr. 7, 1952; B-46548, Jan. 26, 1945; B-21817, Feb. 
12, 1942. 

The governmentwide regulations issued by the Department of 
Transportation instruct agencies, whenever feasible, to pay the items 
listed in 42 U.S.C. � 4653 directly rather than having the owner pay 
and then seek reimbursement. 49 C.F.R. � 24.106(b). 

Taxes attributable to time periods prior to title transfer are the 
responsibility of the former owner, not the government. GAO, however, 
has approved a consensual arrangement whereby, in order to qualify the 
deed for recording, the acquiring agency would pay the outstanding 
taxes directly, deduct the amount paid from the purchase price, and 
then pay the balance to the seller. 10 Comp. Gen. 92 (1930). GAO has 
also approved outright payment of the taxes in a few situations where 
payment by the former owner was not a realistic option. 15 Comp. Gen. 
179 (1935) (property, mortgaged to government to secure a loan, 
obtained by foreclosure); 6 Comp. Gen. 587 (1927) (property purchased 
at execution sale to satisfy judgment against former owner); B-65104, 
May 19, 1947 (donated property). 

b. Expenses Incident to Litigation: 

(1) Attorney's fees: 

Attorney's fees and expenses are not viewed as an element of just 
compensation. E.g., Dohany v. Rogers, 281 U.S. 362 (1930). Thus, 
attorney's fees and expenses are recoverable from the United States in 
condemnation cases only to the extent authorized by statute. 
Compensation is "a matter of legislative grace rather than 
constitutional command." United States v. Bodcaw Co., 440 U.S. 202, 
204 (1979). Currently, two statutes authorize fee recovery in 
condemnation cases in specified situations�section 304 of the Uniform 
Relocation Act, 42 U.S.C. � 4654, and the Equal Access to Justice Act, 
28 U.S.C. � 2412(d). 

Under 42 U.S.C. � 4654(a), a property owner can recover reasonable 
costs actually incurred in condemnation proceedings, including 
reasonable attorney, appraisal, and engineering fees, in two 
situations: (1) if the final judgment is that the federal agency 
cannot acquire the real property by condemnation (for example, if the 
court finds the condemnation unauthorized), or (2) if the United 
States abandons the proceedings. Awards made under 42 U.S.C. � 4654(a) 
are paid from the appropriations of the acquiring agency. 42 U.S.C. � 

Under 42 U.S.C. � 4654(c), the successful plaintiff in an inverse 
condemnation suit, whether by judgment or settlement, can recover the 
same types of fees and expenses as under section 4654(a). Awards under 
section 4654(c) are generally payable from the permanent judgment 
appropriation (31 U.S.C. � 1304). The standards the Court of Federal 
Claims applies in making awards under section 4654(c) are discussed in 
Foster v. United States, 3 CL Ct. 738 (1983), aff'd, 746 F.2d 1491 
(Fed. Cir. 1984), cert. denied, 471 U.S. 1053 (1985). The court has 
been critical of section 4654(c)'s potential for excessive and 
disproportionate awards, suggesting that another look by Congress 
might be in order. Cloverport Sand & Gravel Co. v. United States, 10 
Cl. Ct. 121, 127 (1986).[Footnote 62] 

Subsections (a) and (c) of 42 U.S.C. � 4654 are distinct attorney fee 
authorizations that do not overlap. Thus, property owners who 
prevailed on an inverse condemnation claim were entitled to attorney 
fees under subsection (c); however, this entitlement did not extend to 
attorney fees they incurred in an earlier unsuccessful attempt to 
challenge the validity of the taking. See Preseault v. United States, 
52 Fed. Cl. 667 (2002). Had they won their initial challenge, 
presumably the attorney fees for that action would have been 
recoverable under subsection (a). Another distinction between the two 
subsections is that subsection (a) applies only to real property while 
subsection (c) applies to personal property as well as real property. 
Pete v. United States, 569 F.2d 565 (Ct. Cl. 1978). 

Fees and expenses under 42 U.S.C. � 4654 are not available in the case 
of a legislative taking since the taking of the property must have 
been done by a federal agency which is defined in the Uniform 
Relocation Assistance Act as "any department, agency, or 
instrumentality in the executive branch of the Government." 42 U.S.C. 
� 4601. See Rocca v. United States, 500 F.2d 492 (Ct. Cl. 1974); 
Georgia-Pacific Corp. v. United States, 640 F.2d 328, 367 (Ct. Cl. 
1980); Miller v. United States, 620 F.2d 812, 840-41 (Ct. Cl. 1980); 
Hedstrom Lumber Co. v. United States, 7 Cl. Ct. 16, 34 (1984). 
[Footnote 63] 

In direct condemnation cases where the United States gets the land, 
section 4654 does not apply, but fees may be awarded in certain cases 
under the Equal Access to Justice Act, 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d). For a 
landowner to be entitled to fees and expenses under 28 U.S.C. � 
2412(d), the following tests must be met: 

* The landowner must meet the eligibility criteria of 28 U.S.C. � 
2412(d)(2)(B), one of which is that the individual's net worth did not 
exceed $2 million at the time the action was filed. See Broaddus v. 
United States Army Corps of Engineers, 380 F.3d 162 (4th Cir. 2004). 

* The landowner must be the prevailing party. The term "prevailing 
party" has a special definition for eminent domain cases�the party 
whose valuation testimony in court is closer to the amount of the 
ultimate award. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(2)(H). 

* The court must find that the position of the United States was not 
substantially justified. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(1)(A). 

* The case must proceed to final judgment. Settlements are expressly 
excluded. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(2)(H). 

Awards under 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d) are paid from the appropriations of 
the acquiring agency. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(4). 

(2) Litigation expenses: 

Litigation expenses are those expenses incurred by the United States 
(as opposed to expenses incurred by the opposing party which may be 
assessed against the United States) in preparing and conducting 
litigation, such as expenses of witnesses, court fees, process serving 
expenses, document printing and reproduction expenses, cost of 
transcripts, etc. The general rule is that litigation expenses are 
chargeable to the agency conducting the litigation, which is usually 
the Department of Justice. 

The rule applies equally to litigation relating to real property 
acquisition, such as condemnation proceedings[Footnote 64] and actions 
to quiet title.[Footnote 65] Where litigation expenses are chargeable 
to Justice Department appropriations under this rule, appropriations 
of the acquiring agency are not available. As noted earlier in this 
chapter, the rule no longer applies to the expenses of obtaining title 

The fees and expenses of expert witnesses in land condemnation cases 
appointed by the court under Rule 706 of the Federal Rules of 
Evidence,[Footnote 66] are regarded as litigation expenses payable by 
the Justice Department, or by the agency conducting the litigation 
where Justice is not involved. 58 Comp. Gen. 259 (1979). See also 59 
Comp. Gen. 313 (1980); 1 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 175 (1977); 1 Op. Off. 
Legal Counsel 168 (1977). 

Under Rule 71A(h) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,[Footnote 
67] the court in a condemnation case may direct that the issue of just 
compensation be determined by a panel of land commissioners. If the 
proceeding is recorded, attendance fees of the court reporter (see 28 
U.S.C. � 753) are not litigation expenses but are payable by the 
Administrative Office of the United States Courts from judiciary 
appropriations. 55 Comp. Gen. 1172 (1976). The cost of transcripts 
furnished to the court or to the land commissioners is considered 
covered by the reporter's salary or, for contract reporters, is 
determined under the provisions of the governing contract. Id. 

C. Relocation Assistance: 

1. Uniform Relocation Act: Introduction and Overview: 

In government usage, the term "relocation assistance" can mean two 
different things�(1) allowances payable to federal employees incident 
to change of duty station, or (2) assistance to persons forced to 
relocate as a result of federal or federally financed programs or 
projects. Our concern here is the second type. 

When private property is taken by eminent domain, hardship often 
follows. Neighborhoods may be disassembled; businesses may be forced 
to close. At an absolute minimum, individuals and businesses may be 
uprooted against their will. The "just compensation" mandated by the 
Fifth Amendment often does not and cannot provide adequate redress. 
For example, a tenant renting a house or apartment from month to month 
would most likely get nothing except an eviction notice. 

While relatively few government agencies conduct or finance programs 
which produce significant displacements, the consequences of these 
activities by those which do are widespread. In fiscal year 1972, for 
example, a GAO study found that programs administered by the Federal 
Highway Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, and the Army Corps of Engineers (which together accounted 
for 99 percent of federal and federally funded displacements for that 
year) resulted in the relocation of approximately 119,000 people. GAO, 
Differences in Administration of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and 
Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, B-148044 (Washington, 
D.C.: June 7, 1973), at 6. 

Congress has long recognized that the federal government has a major 
responsibility in the treatment of those displaced by federal programs 
or federal dollars. Prior to 1970, it approached the problem piecemeal 
by including relocation assistance provisions in a number of different 
program statutes. Although this was better than nothing, treatment 
under the various provisions was far from uniform. Uniformity is 
important because, from the perspective of the person or business 
being uprooted, it makes very little difference which federal agency 
or program is on the administering end of the boot. 

In early 1971, after a decade of study, Congress enacted an important 
piece of legislation with an awkward but descriptive title: the 
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies 
Act of 1970 (Uniform Relocation Act or URA), Pub. L. No. 91-646, 84 
Stat. 1894 (Jan. 2, 1971). The law was amended substantially by the 
Uniform Relocation Act Amendments of 1987, Pub. L. No. 100-17, title 
IV, 101 Stat. 132, 246 (Apr. 2, 1987), which went into effect in April 

The URA consists of three titles. Title I (42 U.S.C. �� 4601-4605) is 
entitled "General Provisions." Section 101, 42 U.S.C. � 4601, defines 
a number of terms used in the act. Several of the more important ones�
"displaced person," "comparable replacement dwelling," "federal 
financial assistance"�will be discussed in detail later. Title III (42 
U.S.C. �� 46514655), consisting primarily of federal real property 
acquisition policy and the authorization for the payment of various 
expenses, has been covered previously in section B.2 of this chapter. 

Title II (42 U.S.C. �� 4621-4638) is entitled "Uniform Relocation 
Assistance."[Footnote 68] It starts with section 201, 42 U.S.C. � 
4621, which sets forth congressional findings and establishes the 
underlying policy and purpose of the legislation. Section 4621(b) 

"This [title] establishes a uniform policy for the fair and equitable 
treatment of persons displaced as a direct result of programs or 
projects undertaken by a Federal agency or with Federal financial 
assistance. The primary purpose of this [title] is to ensure that such 
persons shall not suffer disproportionate injuries as a result of 
programs and projects designed for the benefit of the public as a 
whole and to minimize the hardship of displacement on such persons." 

The stated intent is to provide equal treatment for persons similarly 
situated, while also taking into account their "unique circumstances." 
42 U.S.C. � 4621(c)(2). 

The remainder of Title II consists of the operational provisions, 
which outline the types of assistance authorized. The key "benefit 
provisions" are: 

* section 202 (42 U.S.C. � 4622)�moving and related expenses, 

* sections 203 and 204 (42 U.S.C. �� 4623 and 4624)�replacement 
housing for homeowners and tenants, respectively, 

* section 205 (42 U.S.C. � 4625)�relocation planning, assistance 
coordination, and advisory services, and, 

* section 206 (42 U.S.C. � 4626)�housing replacement by federal agency 
as "last resort." 

Section 210, 42 U.S.C. � 4630, extends the provisions of 42 U.S.C. �� 
46224625 (but not 4626) to any nonfederal entity (state, local, 
private) operating with federal financial assistance. Section 216, 42 
U.S.C. � 4636, provides that Title II payments are not to be 
considered income for purposes of federal income taxation or for 
determining eligibility for assistance under the Social Security Act 
or any other federal law except low-income housing assistance. 

The original law focused on displacements resulting from eminent 
domain acquisitions Experience showed that, if the goal was to help 
displaced individuals, families, and businesses, this was too narrow. 
The 1987 amendments broadened the scope to embrace virtually all 
federal or federally assisted acquisitions, as well as certain 
nonacquisition displacements. 

A significant weakness of the 1970 law was its failure to provide for 
centralized administration. Initially, the President assigned the role 
of providing some centralized guidance and coordination to the Office 
of Management and Budget, transferring this role to the General 
Services Administration in 1973, subject to OMB's policy oversight 
Nevertheless, since no single agency had the legal authority to 
centrally direct and oversee governmentwide relocation procedures, 
each agency was free to develop its own regulations, and the 
uniformity which the 1970 legislation sought was not achieved. 
[Footnote 69] In 1985, the President assigned lead responsibility to 
the Department of Transportation. However, there was still no legal 
basis for Transportation to regulate the other agencies so, the 
following year, the executive branch turned to a "common rule" (set of 
regulations published verbatim by 17 different agencies in 17 
different places in the Code of Federal Regulations). 51 Fed. Reg. 
7000 (Feb. 27, 1986). Congress came to the rescue in the 1987 
amendments by statutorily designating Transportation as "lead agency" 
(42 U.S.C. � 4601(12)) and by enacting a new 42 U.S.C. � 4633 
directing Transportation to issue uniform implementing regulations. 
Those regulations are found at 49 C.F.R. part 24. Within 
Transportation, the responsibility is assigned to the Federal Highway 
Administration. 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(16). 

2. The Threshold Determination: Meaning of "Displaced Person": 

Section 101(6) of the Uniform Relocation Act (URA), 42 U.S.C. � 
4601(6), defines "displaced person." This is the threshold test that 
must be met before applying any of the operational provisions. In 
other words, before you can determine whether you are entitled to 
moving expenses or replacement housing benefits, you must first 
qualify as a displaced person under the statutory definition. Of 
course you must be a "person" before you can be a displaced person, so 
the statute first defines person to mean "any individual, partnership, 
corporation, or association." 42 U.S.C. � 4601(5). 

Section 4601(6) then defines displaced person as "any person who moves 
from real property, or moves his personal property from real property" 
in two types of situations. First is "as a direct result of a written 
notice of intent to acquire or the acquisition of such real property 
in whole or in part for a program or project undertaken by a Federal 
agency or with Federal financial assistance." The second type of 
situation is permanent displacement of a person who is a residential 
tenant, operates a small business or a farm, or erects and maintains 
outdoor advertising billboards, "as a direct result of rehabilitation, 
demolition, or such other displacing activity as the lead agency may 
prescribe, under a program or project undertaken by a Federal agency 
or with Federal financial assistance." The original 1970 definition 
was limited to acquisitions, essentially the first part of the current 
definition. The 1987 amendments added the nonacquisition activities. 

Note that there are several elements to the definition. First, you 
must either move from real property or move personal property from 
real property. Second, the move must result directly from a written 
notice of intent to acquire, or the actual acquisition of, the real 
property, or from an authorized nonacquisition activity. Third, the 
displacing activity must be in connection with a program or project 
undertaken, or financially assisted by, a federal agency. All of these 
elements must be present. See also 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(9). 

When the displacing activity is acquisition, this typically will mean 
the acquisition of fee simple title, that is, outright ownership. 
Routine leasing transactions are not included. Thus, where a building 
is leased to the government in an open market transaction without 
condemnation or the threat of condemnation, tenants whose leases are 
not renewed or whose tenancies are terminated by their landlord are 
not displaced persons for purposes of the URA. 54 Comp. Gen. 841 
(1975). Restated, an open-market lease is not an "acquisition" within 
the scope of 42 U.S.C. � 4601(6). 

Similarly, if acquisition generally contemplates transfer of title, 
then the acquisition of easements normally will not produce displaced 
persons. See, e.g., 58 Comp. Gen. 559 (1979). 

Although a lease is normally not an acquisition for purposes of the 
URA, a lease-construction transaction may be. The legislative history 
of the 1970 enactment makes it clear that persons displaced by 
government lease-construction projects are intended to be covered. 
H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 4-5 (1970).[Footnote 70] The concept is 
illustrated in 51 Comp. Gen. 660 (1972). The General Services 
Administration had signed an agreement to lease a building to be 
constructed on a tract of land in Alexandria, Virginia. The land had 
been used as a trailer park. Shortly after the agreement was signed, 
the owner of the land notified the tenants to vacate. It was held that 
the transaction amounted to a government lease-construction project 
for URA purposes, and that tenants who vacated after the agreement was 
signed qualified as displaced persons. The decision was discussed and 
explained further in B-173882, June 8, 1972. However, tenants who had 
moved from the trailer park before the agreement was signed could not 
qualify. 54 Comp. Gen. 819 (1975). They were not displaced by a 
written order to vacate,[Footnote 71] nor were they displaced "as a 
result of the acquisition" of the property. URA benefits are not 
available to "persons who vacate property in the mere anticipation or 
expectation that there may be an acquisition by the United States." 
Id. at 822. 

Section 4601(6) refers to acquisition "in whole or in part." The court 
in Beaird-Poulan v. Department of Highways, 441 E Supp. 866 (W.D. La. 
1977), affd per curiam, 616 F.2d 255 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 449 
U.S. 971 (1980), found that this referred to spatial divisions rather 
than components of ownership. The state highway department had taken a 
portion of a tract of land owned by Beaird-Poulan, a chain saw 
manufacturer. The taking severed the property into two roughly equal 
tracts. Although no part of the existing manufacturing facility was 
located on the lands actually taken, the company was able to establish 
that it had previously made management decisions to substantially 
expand its physical plant due to increased production needs, but that 
it was now forced to relocate in order to do so, as a result of the 
taking. In these circumstances, the court held that BeairdPoulan was a 
displaced person. 

Under the statutory definition, when acquisition is the displacing 
activity, displacement must result from either the actual acquisition 
of the property or a written notice of intent to acquire. If 
displacement occurs as a result of a written notice of intent to 
acquire, failure to ultimately acquire the real property will not 
defeat the entitlement to benefits, as long as the notice was 
generated by a proposed acquisition. See Alexander v. Department of 
Housing & Urban Development, 441 U.S. 39, 59 (1979); H.R. Rep. No. 
911656, at 4.[Footnote 72] 

The acquisition or notice must be for a federal or federally funded 
program or project. In Alexander, the Supreme Court held that, when 
the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) acquires 
property upon default on federally insured loans, tenants displaced by 
the acquisition are not displaced persons within the meaning of 42 
U.S.C. � 4601(6). Random default acquisitions are not intended to 
further a federal program or project. Alexander, 441 U.S. at 63 and 
65. Similar lower court decisions are Caramico v. Secretary of Housing 
and Urban Development, 509 F.2d 694 (2nd Cir. 1974), and Blount v. 
Harris, 593 F.2d 336 (8th Cir. 1979). As the Caramico court pointed 
out, default acquisitions represent the failure of the program rather 
than its desired result. Caramico, 509 F.2d at 699. The URA, noted the 
court, "contemplates normal government acquisitions, which are the 
result of conscious decisions to build a highway here or a housing 
project or hospital there." Id. at 698. 

As noted previously, persons who move without a written notice of 
intent to acquire and prior to actual acquisition, based on a mere 
expectation of acquisition, will not qualify as displaced persons. 54 
Comp. Gen. 819 (1975). A case malting essentially the same point is 
Messer v. Virgin Islands Urban Renewal Board, 623 F.2d 303 (3rd Cir. 
1980). However, there are situations in which a move without a written 
notice and prior to actual acquisition will qualify. In a 1975 
decision, for example, GAO concluded that a person who moves after the 
government has made a firm purchase offer may be said to have moved 
"as a result of the acquisition" of the property if the acquisition is 
subsequently completed by purchase or condemnation. 55 Comp. Gen. 595 
(1975). Once the offer is made, there is more of a commitment by the 
United States to acquire the property. The decision pointed out, 
however, that the mere authorization and appropriation of funds for 
the acquisition is not sufficient "commitment" by the United States to 
justify a move under section 4601(6). Id. at 596-97. See also Lowell 
v. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 446 E Supp. 859 (N.D. 
Cal. 1977) (agency regulation excluding from eligibility persons who 
moved prior to execution of federal contract or federal approval of 
project budget upheld). The Department of Transportation (DOT) 
regulations recognize the concept of 55 Comp. Gen. 595 by including in 
the definition of displaced person one who moves as a direct result of 
the initiation of negotiations for acquisition of the property. 49 
C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(9)(i)(A). The regulations generally define initiation 
of negotiations to mean delivery of the agency's initial written 
offer. 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(15)(i). 

The case of Lathan v. Volpe, 455 F.2d 1111 (9th Cir. 1971), 
illustrates a different type of acquisition. DOT had provided by 
regulation for "hardship acquisitions" in highway projects. Under this 
procedure, once the state had selected a corridor, a property owner 
could request immediate purchase of his property by the state upon a 
showing that undue hardship would result from following the standard 
procedure of deferring acquisition until after federal approval of the 
design Applying the agency's regulations, the court viewed the 
hardship sale as an acquisition for purposes of 42 U.S.C. � 4601(6), 
notwithstanding that the government had not yet committed itself to 
the project. 

Under the original 1970 legislation, a long line of cases established 
that the displacement must be by a governmental entity (federal, 
state, or local); a person displaced by a nongovernmental entity 
(private party) was not a displaced person and therefore not entitled 
to URA benefits, even though the program or project was federally 
funded. E.g., Conway v. Harris, 586 F.2d 1137 (7th Cir. 1978); Moorer 
v. Department of Housing & Urban Development, 561 F.2d 175 (8th Cir. 
1977), cert. denied, 436 U.S. 919 (1978). The 1987 amendments changed 
the focus of the inquiry by adding the nonacquisition activities and 
by expanding the definition of displacing agency (42 U.S.C. � 
4601(11)) to include anyone carrying out a program or project with 
federal financial assistance, regardless of the presence or absence of 
the power of eminent domain. Thus, for acquisition-based 
displacements, the key question is no longer the identity of the party 
acquiring the property, but whether it received federal financial 

In assessing the continued validity of cases decided under the pre-
1987 law, it is therefore necessary to apply the revised definitions 
and the appropriate version of the DOT regulations. Conway, for 
example, had found the URA inapplicable to residential tenants 
displaced from property acquired by a private party who intended to 
rehabilitate the property with Department of Housing & Urban 
Development (HUD) "section 8" financial assistance. Under the revised 
law, the acquisition itself still would not qualify as a displacing 
activity because it was privately funded. However, since 
rehabilitation is one of the authorized nonacquisition activities that 
can trigger entitlement to benefits, the Conway plaintiff would 
presumably now be covered. Other cases in this category include Isham 
v. Pierce, 694 F.2d 1196 (9th Cir. 1982) (tenant displaced by private 
owner for rehabilitation to be financed by loan from HUD), and Devines 
v. Maier, 665 F.2d 138 (7th Cir. 1981), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 836 
(1984) (tenants evicted from housing found to be unfit for human 
habitation under federally assisted housing code enforcement program). 

It is significant that the plaintiffs in the three cases cited in the 
preceding paragraph were tenants, not owners. The conference report on 
the 1987 amendments stressed that the expanded definitions are not 
intended to confer benefits on an owner who voluntarily sells in a 
noncoercive sale. In contrast, the tenant who is involuntarily evicted 
as a result of that sale is covered. H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 100-27, at 
246 (1987). 

Two cases which appear to remain valid under the revised analysis are 
Austin v. Andrus, 638 F.2d 113 (9th Cir. 1981), and Parlane Sportswear 
Company, Inc. v. Weinberger, 381 E Supp. 410 (D. Mass. 1974), aff'd, 
513 F.2d 835 (1St Cir.), cert. denied, 423 U.S. 925 (1975). Austin 
denied the claim of members of the Navajo Indian tribe who were forced 
to relocate when the tribe leased to a coal mining company mining 
rights on a portion of the reservation. In the Parlane case, Tufts 
University owned a building in Boston and had leased several floors to 
a clothing manufacturer. Upon expiration of the lease, Tufts evicted 
its tenant in order to establish a Cancer Research Center funded by 
grants from the then Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The 
clothing manufacturer was held not entitled to URA benefits. Even 
under the new analysis, there was neither an acquisition by anyone nor 
an authorized nonacquisition activity. As another court put it in a 
somewhat different context, there will always be some losses, and the 
URA is intended as a supplement, not a guarantee. 

Pietroniro v. Borough of Oceanport, 764 F.2d 976, 980 (3rd Cir.), 
cert. denied, 474 U.S. 1020 (1985). 

The Comptroller General considered an unusual variation in B-213033, 
Aug. 7, 1984. A private organization proposed to purchase some land 
and then donate it to the Veterans Administration to be used for the 
expansion of a VA cemetery. The organization would clear the land of 
all structures prior to transfer of title. The question was whether 
existing property owners and tenants would be entitled to claim 
relocation benefits from the VA. Based on the URA's legislative 
history and available precedents, GAO said yes, concluding that the 
transaction could be viewed as an acquisition of property for a 
federal program. 

Thus far, we have been talking about being displaced from the actual 
property that is being acquired, rehabilitated, etc. The statute 
recognizes situations in which the property from which you move and 
the property which is being acquired or rehabilitated do not have to 
be the same. Under the statutory definition of displaced person, a 
person can qualify for two of the URA benefits�moving expenses and 
advisory service�if that person moves from real property, or moves his 
personal property from real property, as a direct result of the 
federal or federally funded acquisition of, or authorized 
nonacquisition activity on, some other real property on which that 
person conducts a business or farm operation. 42 U.S.C. � 
4601(6)(A)(ii). An example from the 1970 legislative history is "the 
acquisition of right-of-way for a highway improvement in a remote 
locality [which] may include a general store and gas station, but 
exclude the operator's nearby dwelling or storage facility." H.R. Rep. 
No. 91-1656, at 5 (1970). Another example is Forman's Dairy Palm 
Nursery v. Florida Department of Transportation, 608 So. 2d 76 (Fla. 
Dist. Ct. App. 1992) (land used by tree nursery reclaimed by owner as 
result of taking for highway construction). 

Finally, what about absentee landlords? If the absentee landlord has 
personal property to be moved from the acquired or otherwise affected 
real property, then he would be covered under the plain terms of 42 
U.S.C. � 4601(6). However, the statute does not specify how much 
personal property there has to be. Thus, an absentee landlord who had 
left a garden rake on the acquired premises would presumably qualify. 
This being the case, GAO thought it inequitable to deny benefits to an 
absentee landlord who did not have some minimal amount of personal 
property to move, and found in B-148044, Mar. 5, 1975, that the 
nonresident owner of an apartment building could be considered a 
displaced person even with no personal property located on the 
acquired real property. A state court reached a seemingly opposite 
conclusion in City of Mishawaka v. Knights of Columbus Home 
Association, 396 N.E.2d 948 (Ind. Ct. App. 1979). DOT regulations also 
seem to contemplate that there be some personal property to move for a 
nonoccupant to qualify as a displaced person. The basic definition of 
displaced person in the regulations covers only those who move 
themselves or those who move personal property from the real property. 
49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(9)(i). 

3. Types and Payment of Benefits: 

a. Moving and Related Expenses: 

Section 202 of the Uniform Relocation Act (URA), 42 U.S.C. � 4622, 
authorizes the payment of moving and certain related expenses 
"whenever a program or project to be undertaken by a displacing agency 
will result in the displacement of any person." The types of benefits 
vary according to whether the displacement is residential or 

(1) Residential displacements: 

A person displaced from a dwelling is entitled to receive "actual 
reasonable expenses" incurred in moving self, family, and personal 
property. 42 U.S.C. � 4622(a)(1). The types of expenses allowable are 
further spelled out in 49 C.F.R. � 24.301. Alternatively, the person 
may elect to receive a fixed "expense and dislocation allowance." 42 
U.S.C. � 4622(b). The 1970 legislation prescribed the actual amounts 
payable. The 1987 amendment deleted the specific amounts, providing 
instead for the amount to be determined according to a schedule 
established by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Id. DOT 
regulations provide for the allowance to be determined "according to 
the Fixed Residential Moving Cost Schedule approved by the Federal 
Highway Administration and published in the Federal Register on a 
periodic basis." 49 C.F.R. � 24.302. The Federal Highway 
Administration derives its schedule from data submitted by the various 
state highway agencies and, as noted, publishes the schedule as a 
Notice in the Federal Register. The Federal Highway Administration 
also publishes the schedule on its Web site at [hyperlink, 
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/realestate/fixsch96.htm] (last visited Mar. 
25, 2008). The current online version is dated June 15, 2005. 

Neither the statute nor the DOT regulations specifically address 
persons who move themselves rather than hire commercial movers, but 
there is no reason they should be excluded. The self-mover presumably 
has the same election as anyone else. 

A person who moves onto the property after its acquisition for a 
project is not eligible for benefits. 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(9)(ii)(B); B-
148044, Jan. 7, 1974. The reason is that the person cannot be said to 
have been displaced as the result of the acquisition. An agency 
regulation to this effect was upheld in Lewis v. Brinegar, 372 E Supp. 
424 (WD. Mo. 1974). However, a regulation purporting to disqualify 
persons who began occupancy after the initiation of negotiations was 
invalidated as exceeding statutory authority in Tullock v. State 
Highway Commission, 507 F.2d 712 (8th Cir. 1974). 

(2) Commercial displacements: 

A person displaced from a place of business or farm also has a choice. 
Under 42 U.S.C. � 4622(a), the displaced person can receive moving 
expenses including (1) actual reasonable moving expenses, (2) actual 
direct losses of tangible personal property, (3) actual reasonable 
expenses in searching for a replacement business or farm,[Footnote 73] 
and (4) actual reasonable expenses, not to exceed $10,000, in 
reestablishing a farm, small business, or nonprofit organization. The 
specific items allowable are spelled out in 49 C.F.R. �� 24.301 
through 24.305. Payment for losses of personal property is authorized 
even where the property is not relocated or the business is 
discontinued, not to exceed the cost of actual relocation. 42 U.S.C. � 
4622(a)(2). As the legislative history points out, there may be 
situations where the property is not suitable at the new location, or 
where moving it would be impractical or uneconomical. H.R. Rep. No. 91-
1656, at 6-7 (1970). 

Alternatively, the person may elect to receive a fixed payment under 
42 U.S.C. � 4622(c), determined in accordance with the Department of 
Transportation regulations, of not less than $1,000 nor more than 
$20,000. In order for a business to receive a fixed payment under 
section 4622(c) of the statute, the agency must determine, among other 
things, that: 

* the business cannot be relocated without a substantial loss of its 
existing patronage; 

* the business is not part of a commercial enterprise having at least 
three other entities not being acquired which are under the same 
ownership and engaged in the same or similar business; and; 

* the business contributed materially to the displaced person's income 
during the two taxable years prior to displacement. 

49 C.F.R. � 24.305(a). The various administrative determinations are 
designed to keep the program from becoming a giveaway, and the courts 
will generally uphold an agency's decisions under them as long as they 
are not arbitrary or capricious. In Starke v. Secretary of Housing and 
Urban Development, 454 F. Supp. 477 (W.D. Okla. 1977), for example, 
the court upheld the denial of relocation benefits to a lawyer who had 
moved his office to a location only three blocks from his former 
office and in fact closer to the courthouses in which he practiced. 

The fixed payment will be equal to the average annual net earnings of 
the business or farm, calculated as prescribed in 49 C.F.R. � 
24.305(e), subject to the statutory maximum and minimum. For a 
nonprofit, the payment is based on "the average of 2 years annual 
gross revenues less administrative expenses." 49 C.F.R. � 24.305(d). 
(The net earnings formula, as with some of the administrative 
determinations, used to be specified in the statute; the detail was 
dropped from the statute in 1987 and is now carried in the 
regulations.) The rental of real property is included in the 
definition of "business" in 42 U.S.C. � 4601(7) and, prior to the 1987 
amendments, could qualify for a fixed payment under 42 U.S.C. � 
4622(c) as long as the required determinations could be made. B-
148044, Nov. 18, 1975. While the amendments did not affect this 
portion of 42 U.S.C. � 4601(7), they added language to 42 U.S.C. � 
4622(c) to expressly disqualify persons "whose sole business at the 
displacement dwelling is the rental of such property to others." The 
disqualification applies only to the fixed payment option and does not 
affect entitlement to actual expenses under 42 U.S.C. � 4622(a). 

A displaced owner-occupant of a multifamily dwelling who receives 
income from the dwelling is displaced both from his dwelling and from 
his place of business for purposes of section 4622, and can receive 
appropriate benefits in both capacities (H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 8), 
subject to the fixed payment disqualification described above if 

We have previously noted that an absentee landlord may be considered a 
displaced person. Naturally, if he does not move, he cannot claim 
actual moving expenses, but he could claim other authorized expenses 
as and to the extent applicable. See B-148044, Mar. 5, 1975. (The 
landlord in that case was the absentee owner of an apartment building 
and would no longer be eligible for the fixed payment option, but the 
general proposition remains valid.) 

b. Replacement Housing Benefits: 

In addition to the moving expenses authorized by 42 U.S.C. � 4622, the 
Uniform Relocation Act (URA) authorizes monetary payments to help 
displaced persons obtain adequate replacement housing. These 
replacement housing benefits are contained in 42 U.S.C. �� 4623 and 
4624, applicable to homeowners and tenants, respectively. As with the 
moving expense payments, replacement housing benefits are available 
only to those who qualify as displaced persons, and are in addition to 
any "fair market value" payments received under the eminent domain 

(1) Homeowners: 

Under 42 U.S.C. � 4623(a)(1), a person displaced from a dwelling which 
he owned and occupied for at least 180 days prior to the initiation of 
negotiations for acquisition of the property is eligible for a 
supplemental payment of up to $22,500. The payment consists of the 
following elements: 

* The difference, if any, between the acquisition cost (the eminent 
domain "fair market value" payment) and the reasonable cost of a 
comparable replacement dwelling. 42 U.S.C. � 4623(a)(1)(A). 

* An "interest differential" if the cost of new financing exceeds the 
interest rate on the homeowner's existing mortgage. To qualify for 
this payment, there must have been a valid mortgage on the acquired 
property for at least 180 days prior to the initiation of acquisition 
negotiations. 42 U.S.C. � 4623(a)(1)(B). The regulations provide 
guidance on computing the differential. See 49 C.F.R. � 24.401(d) and 
appendix A to 49 C.F.R. part 24, at � 24.401. 

* Reasonable expenses for evidence of title, recording fees, and other 
closing costs (but not including prepaid expenses) incident to 
purchase of the replacement dwelling. 42 U.S.C. � 4623(a)(1)(C). 

Where displacement is based on an authorized nonacquisition activity, 
"initiation of negotiations" means the notice to the person that he or 
she will be displaced or, if there is no such notice, the date the 
person actually moves from the property 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(15)(ii). 

In order to qualify for payment under section 4623(a)(1), the 
displaced person must purchase and occupy a replacement dwelling 
within 1 year from the date he received the final payment for 
acquisition, or the date the agency provided referrals to replacement 
housing, whichever is later. 42 U.S.C. � 4623(a)(2). The agency can 
extend the 1-year deadline for good cause. Id. Good cause generally 
means some event beyond the displaced person's control, such as acute 
or life threatening illness, bad weather preventing the completion of 
construction, or physical modifications required for reasonable 
accommodation of a replacement dwelling. See 49 C.F.R. � 24.401(a)(2), 
app. A. 

Section 4623 is based on the premise that "a displaced homeowner 
should not be left worse off economically than he was before 
displacement, and should be able to relocate in a comparable dwelling 
which is decent, safe and sanitary, and adequate to accommodate him." 
H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 8 (1970). An acquired dwelling is owned if 
the displaced person held fee title, a life estate, a land contract, a 
99-year lease, a lease including extension options with at least 50 
years to run from the date of acquisition, or an interest in a 
cooperative housing project which includes the right to occupy a 
dwelling. 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(20)(i). 

The cost of a comparable replacement dwelling establishes the upper 
limit of the benefit payment. 49 C.F.R. � 24.403(a). See also B-203827-
0.M., Oct. 8, 1981 (same point under prior version of regulations). To 
promote uniformity, the law defines "comparable replacement dwelling" 
as a dwelling that is: 

"(A) decent, safe, and sanitary; (B) adequate in size to accommodate 
the occupants; (C) within the financial means of the displaced person; 
(D) functionally equivalent; (E) in an area not subject to 
unreasonable adverse environmental conditions; and (F) in a location 
generally not less desirable than the location of the displaced 
person's dwelling with respect to public utilities, facilities, 
services, and the displaced person's place of employment." 

42 U.S.C. � 4601(10). 

The "decent, safe, and sanitary" standard is defined in 49 C.F.R. � 
24.2(a)(8). Guidance on applying the "functionally equivalent" 
standard may be found in the conference report to the 1987 amendments, 
which added the definition. H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 100-27, at 247-48 

In order to qualify for the "interest differential," it is not 
necessary that the displaced person be required to obtain a mortgage 
on the replacement house, only that he in fact do so. In a Louisiana 
case, a person displaced from his dwelling for highway construction 
received enough from the eminent domain payment so that he could have 
paid cash for his replacement house. Instead, he chose to obtain a 
mortgage on the replacement house at an interest rate higher than that 
on his old mortgage. The court found that 42 U.S.C. � 4623 does not 
restrict eligibility to cases where there is not enough cash left over 
after the taking with which to purchase a replacement dwelling. The 
homeowner in this case was therefore entitled to an interest 
differential payment, subject of course to the statutory ceiling. 
Louisiana Department of Highways v. Coleman, 444 E Supp. 151 (M.D. La. 

The regulations recognize a "constructive occupancy" concept (49 
C.F.R. � 24.403(d)), and the courts have strongly encouraged it. One 
court has gone so far as to suggest that the "fair and equitable 
treatment mandate" of the URA requires application of a constructive 
occupancy exception in appropriate cases. Nagi v. United States, 751 
F.2d 826, 830 (6th Cir. 1985). An illustrative case is Ledesma v. 
Urban Renewal Agency, 432 E Supp. 564 (S.D. Tex. 1977). The Ledesmas 
had built a house in their hometown of Edinburg, Texas, but Mr. 
Ledesma could not find sufficient work in Edinburg to enable them to 
pay for the house. They moved to a nearby town where Mr. Ledesma found 
work and rented a house. They always intended to return to the 
Edinburg house as soon as they could afford to do so. They retained 
sole control of the Edinburg house, left their furniture and household 
goods there, and permitted no one else to live or even stay briefly in 
that house. The court found that the Ledesmas owned the house for the 
requisite 180-day period but, due to circumstances beyond their 
control, did not physically occupy it during that period. Under these 
facts, the court found them entitled to a replacement housing payment. 
The constructive occupancy concept is an attempt to "mitigate what 
might possibly be harsh and unfair results if the 180-day requirement 
were blindly or mechanically imposed." Id. at 567. 

In Seeherman v. Lynn, 404 E Supp. 1318 (M.D. Pa. 1975), the Department 
of Housing and Urban Development had applied a constructive occupancy 
exception in order to authorize the payment of replacement housing 
benefits to homeowners who did not physically occupy their homes 
immediately prior to acquisition because they had been displaced by a 
flood. The court upheld the refusal to apply the same exception to a 
husband and wife who had been building a house at the time of the 
flood but were not "displaced" from it because they had never occupied 
it in the first place. Id. at 1322. 

(2) Tenants and "90-day homeowners:" 

In enacting the Uniform Relocation Act (URA), Congress recognized that 
the lack of adequate and affordable rental housing for displaced lower 
income individuals and families "presents the most difficult of all 
relocation problems." H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 12 (1970). These are 
the persons who would generally receive nothing from the eminent 
domain taking. Section 204 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. � 4624, attempts to 
address this problem. 

Under 42 U.S.C. � 4624, benefits are payable to a displaced person who 
(1) is not eligible to receive payments under 42 U.S.C. � 4623, and 
(2) lawfully occupied the dwelling from which displaced for at least 
90 days prior to the initiation of the acquisition negotiations. In 
the case of an authorized nonacquisition displacing activity, the 
initiation of negotiations has the same meaning as it does for 
purposes of 42 U.S.C. � 4623. 

The amount payable is the amount necessary to enable the displaced 
person to lease or rent a comparable replacement dwelling for up to 42 
months, not to exceed $5,250. 42 U.S.C. � 4624(a). Payment may be in a 
lump sum or in periodic installments, in the agency's discretion. Id. 
The regulations, 49 C.F.R. � 24.402(b), prescribe the method of 
calculating the amount of the benefit. The displaced person, at his or 
her election, may use the money as a down payment on the purchase of a 
"decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling," in which event the 
agency, in its discretion, may pay the maximum amount allowable 
without regard to any calculations. 42 U.S.C. � 4624(b); 49 C.F.R. � 
24.402(c). This latter option is designed to encourage home ownership. 
H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 12. 

If a displaced tenant wishes to purchase a replacement home and seeks 
down payment assistance under 42 U.S.C. � 4624(b), eligibility is not 
affected by the fact that the tenant plans to purchase the home as co-
owner with some other person who is not entitled to URA benefits. B-
148044, June 18, 1975. 

Benefits under 42 U.S.C. � 4624 are available not only to rental 
tenants but also to homeowners who cannot meet the 180-day test for 
benefits under 42 U.S.C. � 4623 but who have owned and occupied the 
displacement dwelling for at least 90 days prior to the initiation of 
negotiations. Ninety-day homeowners who elect to purchase a 
replacement home cannot receive more than they would have received 
under 42 U.S.C. � 4623 if they had met the 180-day test. 42 U.S.C. � 

Mobile homes present complications and are treated in 49 C.F.R. part 
24, subpart F. Mobile homes are considered real property in some 
states and personal property in others. Also, a person may own a 
mobile home and rent the land on which it sits, or vice-versa, and in 
choosing a replacement dwelling may buy one and rent the other. While 
there may thus be two different property interests involved, the 
displaced person should not receive greater benefits than the 
displaced owner of a stationary home in comparable circumstances. 57 
Comp. Gen. 613 (1978). 

c. Advisory Services: 

Section 205 of the Uniform Relocation Act (URA), 42 U.S.C. � 4625, 
requires agencies to provide a relocation assistance advisory program 
for displaced persons. The advisory services may extend to persons 
occupying property immediately adjacent to acquired property (42 
U.S.C. � 4625(b)), and to short-term tenants who would not otherwise 
qualify as displaced persons (42 U.S.C. � 4625(f)). The advisory 
assistance and related activities provided for in section 205 of the 
URA were viewed as "key elements" of a successful relocation program. 
H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 13 (1970). Thus, the responsibility of an 
agency is not limited to merely paying appropriate benefits when 
claimed. There is an affirmative requirement to help persons who have 
been or are going to be displaced, by developing and making available 
a variety of relocation information and assistance. 

The statute lists the types of services to be included in the advisory 
program, and directs agencies to cooperate with one another and to 
coordinate their relocation activities. For example, the program 
should "provide current and continuing information on the 
availability, sales prices, and rental charges of comparable 
replacement dwellings for displaced homeowners and tenants and 
suitable locations for businesses and farm operations." 42 U.S.C. � 

There is relatively little case law construing the advisory service 
requirements of 42 U.S.C. � 4625. One of the required services is to 
"assist a person displaced from a business or farm operation in 
obtaining and becoming established in a suitable replacement 
location." 42 U.S.C. � 4625(c)(4). This, said one court, "requires 
only assistance, not assistance guaranteeing a successful result." 
American Dry Cleaners and Laundry, Inc. v. United States Department of 
Transportation, 722 F.2d 70, 73 (4th Cir. 1983). Another court has 
noted that the existence of a file folder that contains lists of 
available housing and general information brochures on relocation 
assistance does not satisfy the statute. United Family Farmers, Inc. 
v. Kleppe, 418 E Supp. 591, 602 (D. S.D. 1976), aff'd, 552 F.2d 823 
(8th Cir. 1977). 

d. "Last Resort" Replacement Housing: 

The Uniform Relocation Act (URA) places considerable emphasis on 
adequate replacement housing. Under 42 U.S.C. � 4625(c)(3), one of the 
elements agencies are to address in their advisory programs is the 
assurance that people will not be forced to move without first being 
given a reasonable opportunity to relocate to comparable housing. 
However, as anyone who is less than wealthy well knows, providing 
adequate and affordable housing is easier said than done. 

Section 206 of the URA, 42 U.S.C. � 4626, has rightly been termed an 
"innovative" provision. Catherine R. Lazuran, Annotation, Uniform 
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 
1970 (42 U.S.C. � 4601-4655), 33 A.L.R. Fed. 9, 30 (1977). Under 42 
U.S.C. � 4626(a), if a federal or federally assisted project "cannot 
proceed on a timely basis because comparable replacement dwellings are 
not available," the agency head is authorized to "take such action as 
is necessary or appropriate to provide such dwellings by use of funds 
authorized for such project." This may include the direct construction 
of new housing, the acquisition and rehabilitation of existing 
housing, the relocation of existing housing, and the stimulation of 
housing development through the use of "seed money" loans. H.R. Rep. 
No. 91-1656, at 15 (1970); 49 C.F.R. � 24.404(c)(1). Section 4626(a) 
also expressly authorizes agencies to exceed the payment ceilings of 
42 U.S.C. �� 4623 and 4624, but only on a case-by-case basis and for 
good cause in accordance with the Department of Transportation (DOT) 
regulations. DOT has emphasized that "housing of last resort is not an 
independent program, but is merely an extension of the replacement 
housing function." DOT, Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real 
Property Acquisition Regulation for Federal and Federally Assisted 
Programs, 53 Fed. Reg. 27598, 27604 (July 21, 1988) (supplementary 
information statement on proposed uniform regulations). 

An agency cannot require a displaced person to accept agency-provided 
housing in lieu of applicable monetary payments (just compensation 
payment, if any, and supplemental payment under 42 U.S.C. �� 4623 or 
4624). This can be done only if the displaced person agrees. H.R. Rep. 
No. 91-1656, at 14-15; 49 C.F.R. � 24.404(b). 

Section 4626(b) states: "No person shall be required to move from his 
dwelling on account of any program or project undertaken by a Federal 
agency or with Federal financial assistance, unless the head of the 
displacing agency is satisfied that comparable replacement housing is 
available to such person." The statute itself is not an absolute 
guarantee of adequate replacement housing; it provides merely that the 
agency head must be satisfied that it is available, whatever that 
means. The regulations take it a step further, however. In a paragraph 
entitled "Basic rights of persons to be displaced," the regulations 
state flatly that "no person shall be required to move from a 
displacement dwelling unless comparable replacement housing is 
available to such person." For emphasis, the next sentence states that 
"[n]o person may be deprived of any rights the person may have under 
the Uniform Act or this part." 49 C.F.R. � 24.404(b). 

The URA does not require that comparable replacement housing be 
located in the immediate neighborhood of the displacement housing, 
Mejia v. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 518 F. Supp. 
935, 938 (N.D. Ill. 1981), aff'd, 688 F.2d 529 (7th Cir. 1982), or 
even in the same county, Katsev v. Coleman, 530 F.2d 176, 180-81 n.7 
(8th Cir. 1976). Thus, the lack of suitable replacement housing in the 
immediate neighborhood is not sufficient to trigger the "last resort" 
housing authority. Mejia, 518 F. Supp. at 938. 

Clearly, one effect of the replacement housing program can be to 
change the displaced person's status from tenant to homeowner. E.g., 
42 U.S.C. � 4624(b). The reverse possibility raises a very thorny 
problem. In B-148044, July 18, 1977, GAO considered this question: 
Does 42 U.S.C. � 4626 amount to a guarantee of continued home 
ownership, or may rental housing be considered appropriate replacement 
housing for displaced homeowners? GAO surveyed agencies with the most 
relocation experience, and found considerable disagreement. GAO also 
found both the statute and the legislative history ambiguous. On 
balance, the decision concluded that the use of rental housing under 
42 U.S.C. � 4626 when home ownership is not feasible is not legally 
precluded, although it is obviously an undesirable option and should 
not be encouraged.[Footnote 74] 

e. Federally Assisted Programs and Projects: 

The relocation benefits we have been discussing apply not only to 
federal programs but also to nonfederal programs carried out with 
federal financial assistance. With respect to nonfederal programs, the 
federal agency providing the assistance has a limited oversight role. 
Under section 210 of the Uniform Relocation Act (URA), 42 U.S.C. � 
4630, a nonfederal displacing agency must provide "satisfactory 
assurances" that it will comply with 42 U.S.C. �� 4622 (moving and 
related expenses), 4623 and 4624 (replacement housing benefits), and 
4625 (advisory services) as a condition of any grant, contract, or 
agreement under which federal dollars will be available to pay all or 
any part of the cost of any program or project which will displace 
anyone. 42 U.S.C. �� 4630(1) and (2). It must also provide 
satisfactory assurances that, except for certain emergency situations, 
comparable replacement housing will be available within a reasonable 
time prior to displacement. 42 U.S.C. � 4630(3). 

A satisfactory assurance for purposes of this provision requires some 
reasonable factual basis, but it does not mean a guarantee that the 
housing in fact exists. Katsev v. Coleman, 530 F.2d 176, 181 (8th Cir. 
1976); Battison v. City of Niles, 445 E Supp. 1082, 1090-91 (N.D. Ohio 

To trigger 42 U.S.C. � 4630, it is not necessary that federal dollars 
be used for the specific acquisition. It is sufficient that the 
displacing agency's program or project which will result in the 
acquisition (or authorized nonacquisition activity) is federally 
assisted. H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 4 (1970); Lake Park Home Owners 
Association v. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 443 E 
Supp. 6 (S.D. Ohio 1976). As the same court explained a few years 
later, however, the mere existence of federal assistance is not 
enough. There must be "some present nexus" between the federally 
assisted program or project and the displacing activity. Day v. City 
of Dayton, 604 E Supp. 191, 197 (S.D. Ohio 1984). 

A 1976 decision, B-180812, Mar. 25, 1976, discussed the application of 
42 U.S.C. � 4630 to waste treatment facility grants by the 
Environmental Protection Agency. The decision made two important 

* Section 4630 does not require that URA benefits be strictly limited 
to cases where displacement occurs after the commitment of federal 
financial assistance. Rather, the state or municipal grantee should be 
required to provide relocation benefits to those displaced from any 
site that, at the time of acquisition (or at any time thereafter prior 
to actual displacement), was planned as the site of a federally 
assisted facility. GAO recognized the risk to the grantee in that 
relocation costs will not be reimbursed if the assistance is 
ultimately not granted. However, this approach was viewed as most 
consistent with the intent of the URA. 

* If a grant application is received from a state or municipality that 
has already acquired property or displaced persons without providing 
relocation benefits, the applicant should be required to retroactively 
"cure" the noncompliance. If substantial compliance with the URA 
cannot be achieved in this manner, the application should be denied. 

The 1987 amendments to the URA added an alternative to the 
"satisfactory assurance" approach of 42 U.S.C. � 4630. A state agency 
may certify that it will operate in accordance with state laws that 
accomplish the purpose and effect of the URA. 42 U.S.C. � 4604(a). A 
federal agency fulfills its responsibility under the URA by accepting 
this certification. The Department of Transportation, in coordination 
with the program agency, periodically monitors state compliance. If 
the state agency violates its certification, the program agency may 
withhold its approval of financial assistance, or may rescind its 
approval of the certification. 42 U.S.C. � 4604(c); 49 C.F.R. �� 
24.4(b), 24.603. 

"Federal financial assistance" for URA purposes is defined as "a 
grant, loan, or contribution provided by the United States" but 
expressly excludes (1) any federal guarantee or insurance, and (2) any 
interest reduction payment to an individual in connection with the 
purchase and occupancy of a residence by that individual.[Footnote 75] 
42 U.S.C. � 4601(4); 49 C.F.R. � 24.2(a)(13). Thus, if the only 
federal financial involvement is in the form of a guarantee or 
insurance, the URA does not apply regardless of who displaces whom 
from what. E.g., Dawson v. Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, 428 F. Supp. 328, 332 (N.D. Ga. 1976), aff'd, 592 F.2d 
1292 (5th Cir. 1979) (assistance under section 236 of the National 
Housing Act is encompassed by the "federal guarantee or insurance" 

A question lurking in the bushes is the extent to which the term 
"federal financial assistance" does or does not include block grants. 
The genesis of the question is a series of cases holding the URA 
inapplicable where the only federal funds involved were funds provided 
under the now defunct general revenue sharing program. The reason was 
that revenue sharing funds were intended to be provided with no 
"federal strings"; they were not associated with any particular 
project, but could be used by the states as they saw fit. Goolsby v. 
Blumenthal, 590 F.2d 1369 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 970 
(1979); B-148044, Dec. 10, 1973; B-130515-G.94, Mar. 7, 1979. 

It is arguable that this analysis applies, at least to some extent, to 
block grant programs. For example, one court has found the URA 
inapplicable where the federal assistance consisted of Community 
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, stating that "the URA is only 
applicable when the federal financial assistance is provided ... for a 
specific program or project." Isham v. Pierce, 694 F.2d 1196, 1204 
(9th Cir. 1982). See also Young v. Harris, 599 F.2d 870, 878 (8th 
Cir.), cert. denied, 444 U.S. 993 (1979). Other cases have involved 
CDBG funds without addressing the issue. E.g., Gomez v. Chody, 867 
F.2d 395 (8th Cir. 1989). Relocation costs incurred directly by a 
federal agency are treated simply as part of the cost of the program 
or project. 

Relocation costs incurred by a nonfederal displacing agency are 
reimbursable from the federal agency which is providing the financial 
assistance "in the same manner and to the same extent" as other 
program or project costs. 42 U.S.C. � 4631(a). Thus, for example, if 
the relevant program legislation has a matching fund requirement, it 
will apply to allowable relocation costs. H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 17 
(1970). However, if state eminent domain law provides for payments 
which "have substantially the same purpose and effect" as URA 
benefits, those payments will not constitute allowable program or 
project costs. 42 U.S.C. � 4631(b). The 1987 amendments extended this 
anti-duplication provision to apply the "substantially the same 
purpose and effect" concept to other federal payments as well. 
Examples may be found in H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 100-27, at 255 (1987). 

Under 42 U.S.C. � 4631(c) grants and contracts with state agencies 
executed prior to the effective date of the URA must be amended to 
include URA benefits. In 51 Comp. Gen. 267 (1971), the Comptroller 
General advised the Department of Housing and Urban Development that 
contracts which provided for full federal funding of certain 
relocation costs authorized by the Housing Act still had to be amended 
to reflect the new URA benefits, but did not have to include the cost-
sharing requirements of 42 U.S.C. � 4631(a). However, where existing 
contracts did not include relocation payments, the amended contracts 
would have to reflect the section 4631(a) cost-sharing requirements. B-
173957, Sept. 7, 1972. 

f. Procedures and Payment: 

The payment of benefits under the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) is not 
automatic; the displaced person must apply to the proper agency. The 
regulations try to be user-friendly in this regard, placing the 
initial burden on the displacing agency. The agency is directed to 
give written notification to persons scheduled to be displaced, 
including a general description of the types of payments for which the 
person may be eligible and applicable procedures. 49 C.F.R. � 
24.203(a). Agencies are also directed to provide reasonable assistance 
to help persons file their claims. 49 C.F.R. � 24.207(a). Specific 
procedures are up to the individual agency. 

Subject to waiver for good cause, claims should be filed within 18 
months after the date of displacement in the case of tenants, or, in 
the case of owners, the date of displacement or the date of the final 
payment for acquisition, if applicable, whichever is later. 49 C.F.R. 
� 24.207(d). The regulations further instruct agencies to review 
claims "in an expeditious manner" and to make payment "as soon as 
feasible" after receipt of sufficient documentation to support 
allowance. 49 C.F.R. � 24.207(b). 

Any sound claims settlement system should include an administrative 
appeal process, the objective being to maximize administrative 
resolution and minimize the need to go to court. In the case of the 
URA, an appeal process is required. 42 U.S.C. � 4633(b)(3); 49 C.F.R. 
� 24.10. If a claim is denied in whole or in part for any reason, the 
agency must notify the claimant in writing, setting out the agency's 
appeal procedures. 49 C.F.R. � 24.207(e). If the appeal is denied in 
whole or in part, the agency must again provide written notification, 
this time advising the claimant of his or her right to seek judicial 
review. 49 C.F.R. � 24.10(g). 

The URA authorizes advance payments in two situations. First, a 
federal agency, upon determining that it is necessary for the 
expeditious completion of a program or project, may advance the 
federal share of authorized relocation costs to a state agency. 42 
U.S.C. � 4631(c). Second, a displaced person, in hardship cases and 
upon proper application, may receive advance payment of applicable 
relocation benefits. 42 U.S.C. � 4633(b)(2). Advance payment under 
section 4633(b)(2) should be "subject to such safeguards as are 
appropriate to ensure that the objective of the payment is 
accomplished." 49 C.F.R. � 24.207(c). 

4. Public Utilities: 

A public utility will typically have two different types of facilities 
which it may be required to relocate. First, like any other business 
entity, it will have business offices-�office space which it may own 
or lease, with desks, file cabinets, etc. With respect to these 
business offices, the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) applies to the 
utility the same as it applies to any other business entity. Norfolk 
Redevelopment and Housing Authority v. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone 
Co., 464 U.S. 30, 35 (1983). 

Unlike most other business entities, however, the utility has a second 
type of property�facilities for the transmission of telephone service, 
electric power, natural gas, etc., to the consumer. Perhaps the most 
familiar example is the ubiquitous telephone pole. With respect to 
these "utility facilities," the situation is more complicated. There 
is a common-law rule and several statutory exceptions, all of which 
exist side-by-side. 

a. The Common Law: 

When a utility wishes to place transmission facilities on public 
property, it must first obtain permission to do so in the form of a 
grant of an appropriate right-of-way. A right-of-way may be in various 
forms, such as a license, a franchise, or an easement. The traditional 
form of right-of-way for utility lines has been a franchise, a form of 
special privilege which is more than a mere license but less than an 
easement. E.g., Artesian Water Co. v. Delaware Department of Highways 
& Transportation, 330 A.2d 432, 440 (Del. Super. Ct. 1974), modified 
and aff'd, 330 A.2d 441 (Del. 1974). 

Under the common-law approach, the governmental entity which grants a 
special privilege can take it away when some paramount public need so 
requires. A utility receiving a franchise does so with this 
understanding. "When [the utility] located its pipes it was at the 
risk that they might be, at some future time, disturbed, when the 
state might require for a necessary public use that changes in 
location be made." New Orleans Gas Light Co. v. Drainage Commission, 
197 U.S. 453, 461 (1905). Permission to locate utility facilities on 
public property "does not create an irrevocable right to have such ... 
facilities remain forever in the same place." Tennessee v. United 
States, 256 F.2d 244, 258 (6th Cir. 1958). Within this framework 
developed the "long-established common law principle that a utility 
forced to relocate from a public right-of-way must do so at its own 
expense." Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority v. Chesapeake & 
Potomac Telephone Co., 464 U.S. 30, 34 (1983) (citing and following 
New Orleans Gas Light Co.). For more recent judicial decisions 
applying this rule, see Northern States Power Co. v. Federal Transit 
Administration, 358 F.3d 1050, 1053 (8th Cir. 2004); AT&T Corp. v. 
Lucas County, 381 F. Supp. 2d 714, 717 (N.D. Ohio 2005). 

The earliest GAO decision applying this rule appears to be 10 Comp. 
Gen. 331 (1931). Underground construction of various distribution 
lines from the Capitol power plant to congressional office buildings 
necessitated the relocation of utility lines in the District of 
Columbia. The Comptroller General advised the Architect of the Capitol 
that relocation costs could not be charged to the construction 
appropriation, stating: 

"Rights of way or franchises granted by municipalities or by State or 
Federal authorities to public utility corporations, in public streets, 
etc., to operate their business are usually coupled with reservations 
that the public utility company will, upon demand of the granting 
authority, vacate the streets, etc., or relocate or divert its 
conduits, lines, etc., to meet the needs of the granting authority as 
they arise." 

10 Comp. Gen. at 331. 

Another early decision, A-38299, Sept. 8, 1931, quoted in 44 Comp. 
Gen. 59, 60-61 (1964), stated the rule as follows: 

"The placing of [utility] lines on public lands must be understood as 
subject to the paramount needs of the United States, and when their 
removal becomes necessary because of interference therewith the 
expenses of such removal may not be charged to the United States in 
the absence of specific statutory authority to that effect." 

A-38299, at 2. 

A later decision advised the Architect of the Capitol that there was 
no authority to reimburse the local electric company for relocation 
costs incident to construction of a Library of Congress building. 51 
Comp. Gen. 167 (1971). The Comptroller General discussed the rule in 
some detail in 18 Comp. Gen. 806 (1939), a case involving the 
relocation of telephone lines incident to the construction of a 
highway on government-owned land. 

The relocation of utility lines is the exercise by the United States 
of its inherent regulatory authority over its property. The United 
States has the same "police power" over federal land that the states 
have over state land. The legitimate exercise of a police power, at 
least in this context, is not a taking of a property interest for 
purposes of the constitutional requirement of just compensation. Thus, 
as long as the relocation is required for a valid public purpose, the 
utility must bear the cost. The decision treated the distinction 
between a franchise and a license as essentially immaterial. 18 Comp. 
Gen. at 807. 

While reaffirming the general rule stated in the foregoing decisions, 
GAO more recently distinguished those decisions in holding that 
appropriated funds were available to pay certain relocation costs. B-
300538, Mar. 24, 2003. In this case, the Architect of the Capitol 
required the Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) to relocate some 
of its facilities from one part of the Capitol grounds to another in 
order to accommodate construction of the Capitol Visitor Center. PEPCO 
sought payment from the Architect for its relocation costs and a 
related fee. The utility facilities in question were not part of 
PEPCO's overall infrastructure for its customer base, but existed only 
to serve the needs of the federal government at the Capitol. GAO 
viewed this as a crucial difference from the cases applying the common-
law rule to preclude reimbursement where the relocated facilities are 
part of a utility's general operating network. In the PEPCO situation, 
GAO reasoned, the sole purpose of the relocation was to better serve 
the needs of the federal government: 

"We believe there is a distinction between the federal government's 
role as the sovereign granting access to the utility company to 
federal lands and the federal government's role as a consumer of 
utility services. We view utility relocation costs, when the utility 
facilities are present to serve the federal government alone and not 
as part of the utility company's general operating network, as a 
necessary expense of the project requiring the relocation of the 
utility facilities. Therefore, we do not object to the use of 
appropriations to pay the costs of utility relocations requested by 
the government for the benefit of the government in its role as 

Id. at 5. The PEPCO decision thus represents a limited exception to 
the common-law rule arising from the unique facts in that case. 
Keeping it in mind, we now return to the great majority of the 
decisions applying the common-law rule. 

If, under the common-law rule, the government can not pay for 
relocating utility lines, how about relocating or altering the 
government facility? As you may have guessed, there is a decision on 
that, too. If an agency's appropriations are not available to pay a 
utility's relocation costs in a particular situation, they are equally 
unavailable for relocating or altering the government facility as an 
alternative. B-33911, May 5, 1943. This point is little more than the 
application of common sense. The decision also points out that, for 
purposes of the rule, it makes no difference whether the government 
facility was in existence when the license or permit was originally 
granted, or was subsequently erected. 

The common-law rule has been applied with respect to all types of 
public lands: land in a national park, A-36464, July 22, 1931; land in 
a national forest, A-38299, Sept. 8, 1931; land acquired by a federal 
agency for a specific project, 18 Comp. Gen. 806; and unreserved 
public land, B-11161, Aug. 21, 1940. However, in 19 Comp. Gen. 608 
(1939), it was found inapplicable to certain Indian lands. The land in 
question was Pueblo land in New Mexico, title to which, unlike the 
more typical reservation, was held communally by the Indians. GAO 
found that the lands were not "public lands" as that term had been 
judicially defined. 19 Comp. Gen. at 611, citing, e.g., Lane v. Pueblo 
of Santa Rosa, 249 U.S. 110, 113 (1919). Therefore, the United States 
did not have a right paramount to that of the utility, and project 
appropriations were available to pay utility relocation costs. 

A few not very recent decisions considered licenses granted by the 
then Federal Power Commission (FPC) under the Federal Power Act of 
1920, as amended, 16 U.S.C. �� 791a-823d. Generally, the common-law 
rule regarding utility relocation expenses applies. The fact that the 
FPC charged the licensee a fee under the statute was not material. B-
33911, May 5, 1943; A-44362, Dec. 1, 1932. In a 1955 case, however, 
the FPC determined that, under the terms and conditions of the 
specific license involved, the licensee was not obligated to bear the 
relocation expenses, and reimbursement was permitted under a 
"necessary expense" rationale. B-122171, Apr. 5, 1955. 

For purposes of determining whether an agency can pay utility 
relocation costs, the difference between a franchise and a license is 
largely immaterial. This is not true with respect to an easement, 
however, which, unlike a license or a franchise, is generally viewed 
as creating a compensable interest in land.[Footnote 76] E.g., 
Artesian Water Co., 330 A.2d at 440. In 36 Comp. Gen. 23 (1956), GAO 
recognized the distinction and held that the United States could 
participate in utility relocation costs where the utility had been 
granted an easement under 43 U.S.C. � 961 over a specific location 
where there had been no preexisting government facility. Of course, 
the government can always condemn the easement. See B-13574, Dec. 2, 
1940. See also 42 Comp. Gen. 177 (1962) (relocation costs denied 
because the terms of a special use permit granted by the National Park 
Service were regarded as prevailing over an easement which had been 
granted to a utility by the party from whom the government acquired 
the property). 

The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), Pub. L. 
No. 94-579, 90 Stat. 2743 (Oct. 21, 1976), has its own right-of-way 
provisions, found at 43 U.S.C. �� 1761-1771. With certain exceptions, 
they apply generally to land and interests in land owned by the United 
States and administered by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land 
Management, and to land within the National Forest System under the 
jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture. 43 U.S.C. �� 1702(e), 
1761(a). Along with the enactment of these provisions, the FLPMA 
repealed a number of pre-existing right-of-way statutes, including 43 
U.S.C. � 961, insofar as they apply to lands covered by the FLPMA. 
Pub. L. No. 94-579, � 706(a). The FLPMA defines right-of-way as 
including "an easement, lease, permit, or license" (43 U.S.C. � 
1702(f)), a definition consistent with the consolidation of provisions 
addressing these various forms of right-of-way. Accordingly, cases 
like 36 Comp. Gen. 23, apart from the fact that they continue to apply 
to non-FLPMA lands, would appear to remain valid under FLPMA. In any 
event, the essence of 36 Comp. Gen. 23 is the nature of the utility's 
property interest and not the statute under which it was granted. 

A key factor in establishing the government's liability in 36 Comp. 
Gen. 23 was that the easement was for a specific location. The 
significance of this can be illustrated by a case involving the 
reverse situation�relocation of power lines owned by the government. 
The Bonneville Power Administration had acquired by condemnation an 
easement for power lines on land owned by a railway company. Expansion 
of the railway necessitated relocation of the power lines, and the 
question was whether Bonneville or the railway should pay for the 
relocation. The government's easement was a general easement to 
maintain the lines, not tied in to any specific location, and 
unconditional acquiescence by the railway could not be established. In 
these circumstances, the government�analogous to the public utility in 
the more typical case�had to bear the expense. United States v. Oregon 
Electric Railway Co., 195 E Supp. 182 (D. Or. 1961). 

b. Statutory Exceptions: 

(1) Uniform Relocation Act: 

The original enactment of the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) in 1970 did 
not address public utilities, and the Supreme Court held that, with 
respect to "utility facilities" as opposed to normal business offices, 
they were not covered. In Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority v. 
Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., 464 U.S. 30 (1983), the Court held 
that a public utility forced to relocate telephone transmission 
facilities as a result of a federally funded urban renewal project was 
not a "displaced person" under the URA. Applying the principle that a 
statute should not be construed to repeal or displace the common law 
unless the intent to do so is expressed in clear and explicit 
language, the Court said: 

"Our analysis of the statute and its legislative history convinces us 
that in passing the Relocation Act Congress addressed the needs of 
residential and business tenants and owners, and did not deal with the 
separate problem posed by the relocation of utility service lines. We 
hold, therefore, that the Relocation Act did not change the long-
established common law principle that a utility forced to relocate 
from a public right-of-way must do so at its own expense; it is not a 
`displaced person' as that term is defined in the Act." 

Norfolk Redevelopment, 464 U.S. at 34. See also Consumers Power Co. v. 
Costle, 615 F.2d 1147 (6th Cir. 1980). 

The 1987 amendments to the URA added a provision, 42 U.S.C. � 4622(d), 
to authorize limited relocation assistance to public utilities forced 
to relocate their facilities incident to a program or project 
undertaken by a displacing agency, as long as the program or project 
is not one whose purpose is to relocate or reconstruct the facility. 
The facility to be displaced may be publicly, privately, or 
cooperatively owned, but must be located on public property or 
property over which a state or local government has an easement or 
right-of-way, and must be operating under a franchise or similar 
agreement (or state statute which serves the same purpose). The 
authorized payment is limited to the amount of "extraordinary costs" 
incurred by the utility in connection with the relocation, "less any 
increase in the value of the new utility facility above the value of 
the old utility facility and less any salvage value derived from the 
old utility facility." 42 U.S.C. � 4622(d)(1). Extraordinary costs are 
nonroutine relocation expenses of the type that the owner "ordinarily 
does not include in its annual budget as an expense of operation." 42 
U.S.C. � 4622(d)(2)(A). 

There is an important difference between 42 U.S.C. � 4622(d) and the 
other benefit provisions of the URA: while the other provisions are 
cast in mandatory language, section 4622(d) is discretionary�the 
displacing agency "may" make the relocation payments. In preparing the 
uniform implementing regulations for this provision (now found at 49 
C.F.R. � 24.306), the Department of Transportation was urged�probably 
by the utilities�to make the benefits of section 4622(d) mandatory. It 
expressly refused to do so, stating that "[i]t would not be 
appropriate to make mandatory by regulation that which was left 
clearly permissive by statute." Department of Transportation, Uniform 
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Regulations for 
Federal and Federally Assisted Programs, 54 Fed. Reg. 8912, 8923 (Mar. 
2, 1989) (Supplementary Information). 

The regulations direct agencies that choose to make payment under 
section 4622(d) to reach a prior agreement with the utility owner on 
the nature of the relocation work to be done, the allocation of 
responsibilities, and the method of determining costs and making 
payment. 49 C.F.R. � 24.306(c). For guidance in reaching agreement, 
agencies should follow the utility relocation regulations of the 
Federal Highway Administration, 23 C.F.R. part 645, subpart A. See 49 
C.F.R. app. A to part 24 at � 24.306. 

The conference report on the 1987 amendments emphasized that the new 
section 4622(d) should "not be construed to supersede 23 U.S.C. 123 or 
any other Federal law." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 100-27, at 251 (1987). 

(2) 23 U.S.C. � 123: 

Highway construction is one of the most common causes of utility 
displacement. Under 23 U.S.C. � 123, originally enacted in 1958, 
states may be reimbursed for utility relocation expenses paid in 
connection with federally aided highway construction, if those 
payments are authorized under state law. Reimbursement is to be in the 
same proportion as other project costs. The availability of 23 U.S.C. 
� 123 to a given state depends on the extent to which that state 
follows or has departed from the common-law rule. 

The statute is not self-executing and does not itself create an 
obligation to reimburse. A state's right to reimbursement depends on 
project approval by the Federal Highway Administration in accordance 
with 23 U.S.C. � 106 and applicable regulations. Approval creates a 
contractual obligation. Arizona v. United States, 494 F.2d 1285 (Ct. 
Cl. 1974). 

In determining the cost of relocation for purposes of section 123, any 
increase in the value of the new facility and any salvage value 
derived from the old facility must be deducted. 23 U.S.C. � 123(c). 
(As noted above, the discretionary authority of 42 U.S.C. � 4622(d) 
incorporates this concept.) Cost determinations under section 123 must 
be made on the basis of a specific project. Statewide determinations 
do not satisfy the statute. B-149833, Jan. 2, 1964; B-149833-0.M., 
June 24, 1963; B-149833-0.M., Nov. 9, 1962. 

The purpose of reimbursement under 23 U.S.C. � 123 is to make the 
utility whole, not to confer a profit. Thus, where a parent 
corporation owned two subsidiaries, one of which earned a profit for 
the parent on purchases from it by the other, GAO concluded that the 
"intercompany profit" should not be a reimbursable item of cost under 
section 123. However, reimbursement would be permissible if it could 
adequately be shown that the sales for relocation purposes displaced a 
substantially equivalent amount of regular sales which would otherwise 
have been made. B-154937, Dec. 16, 1964, modified by B-154937, May 25, 
1965.[Footnote 77] 

(3) Other statutory provisions: 

Several other statutes scattered throughout the United States Code 
address utility relocation in various specific contexts, some of which 
are quite narrow in scope. Others may exist in addition to those noted 
below. These statutes, as with 23 U.S.C. � 123, were unaffected by the 
1987 enactment of 42 U.S.C. � 4622(d). 

One example is section 2 of the Flood Control Act of 1938, as amended, 
33 U.S.C. � 701c-1. This statute authorizes the Secretary of the Army 
to acquire, and to reimburse states and municipalities for the 
acquisition of, lands, easements, and rights-of-way, expressly 
including "utility relocation," deemed necessary in connection with 
authorized flood control projects. The statute has been construed as 
authorizing the Army to pay utility relocation expenses wholly 
independent of any right-of-way acquisition. B-134242, Dec. 24, 1957. 

Another example is section 14 of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939, 
43 U.S.C. � 389, which provides comparable authority to the Secretary 
of the Interior "in connection with the construction or operation and 
maintenance of any project." The measure of compensation for utility 
relocation is the replacement cost of the facility less an allowance 
for depreciation of the old facility. See B-125045-0.M., Sept. 21, 

Still another is 16 U.S.C. � 580b, enacted in 1949, under which the 
Forest Service may use its appropriations to correct inductive 
interference on Forest Service telephone lines caused by transmission 
lines constructed by organizations financed by Rural Electrification 
Administration loans. GAO had previously advised that statutory 
authority was generally necessary to overcome the common-law 
prohibition in this context. B-33911, May 5, 1943;[Footnote 78] B-
33911, B-62187, July 15, 1948. See also B-62187, Dec. 3, 1946 
(exception recognized where the work "was prompted by reasons of 
expediency wholly unconnected with the prevention or correction of 
inductive interference from electric power transmission lines"). 

Finally, whenever construction of a project administered through the 
International Boundary and Water Commission (United States and Mexico) 
necessitates the alteration or relocation of structures or other 
property "belonging to any municipal or private corporation, company, 
association, or individual," the Secretary of State may pick up the 
tab. 22 U.S.C. � 277e. This provision has been held sufficient to 
overcome the common-law prohibition. B-129757, Nov. 29, 1956; B-5441, 
Aug. 29, 1939. Conspicuously absent from the statutory listing of 
owners are "states." Therefore, the statute does not encompass 
agreements with the state of Texas comparable to the types of 
agreements authorized under statutes such as 33 U.S.C. � 701c-1 or 43 
U.S.C. � 389. B-76531, Sept. 13, 1948. 

In sum, when considering whether a federal agency may use its 
appropriated funds to pay all or part of the costs of utility 
relocation, the first question to ask is whether the situation is 
covered by some specific relocation statute such as 23 U.S.C. � 123 or 
one of those noted directly above. If so, then the authorities and 
limitations of that specific statute, and any regulations under it, 
will govern. If not, the next thing to consider is the availability of 
the discretionary authority of the Uniform Relocation Act, 42 U.S.C. � 
4622(d). If that authority is not available or if the displacing 
agency declines to exercise its discretion in favor of the utility, 
the matter is governed by the common-law principles discussed. 

D. Jurisdiction over Federal Land: The Federal Enclave: 

1. Acquisition of Federal Jurisdiction: 

Almost all federally owned land is within the boundaries of one of the 
50 states. This leads logically to the question: who controls what? 
When we talk about jurisdiction over federal land, we are talking 
about the federal-state relationship. The first point is that, whether 
the United States has acquired real property voluntarily (purchase, 
donation) or involuntarily (condemnation), the mere fact of federal 
ownership does not withdraw the land from the jurisdiction of the 
state in which it is located. E.g., Silas Mason Co. v. Tax Commission, 
302 U.S. 186, 197 (1937); Coso Energy Developers v. County of Inyo, 19 
Cal. Rptr. 3d 669 (2004), and cases cited. Acquisition of land and 
acquisition of federal jurisdiction over that land are two different 

Federal jurisdiction can range from "exclusive jurisdiction" at one 
extreme, in which the federal government displaces the state as the 
governing authority, to "proprietorial jurisdiction" at the other 
extreme, in which the United States has basically the same authority 
as it does with respect to other nonfederal land in that state and the 
property "is subject to the legislative authority and control of the 
States equally with the property of private individuals." Fort 
Leavenworth Railroad Co. v. Lowe, 114 U.S. 525, 531 (1885). Thus, 
"where the United States is the [proprietary] owner of land within a 
state and does not have exclusive jurisdiction over the land, the 
state may generally tax private possessory interests in, or private 
property situated on, such land." Coso, 19 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 674. In 
between exclusive and proprietorial interests, as one study has 
reported, federal control "can and does vary to an almost infinite 
number of degrees.[Footnote 79] During the last half of the nineteenth 
century and the first half of the twentieth, the United States 
obtained exclusive federal jurisdiction over most of the land it 
acquired.[Footnote 80] 

There are two ways in which the United States can acquire exclusive 
federal jurisdiction: consent and cession.[Footnote 81] The first 
method, consent, is provided for by article I, section 8, clause 17 of 
the Constitution, the so-called Jurisdiction Clause, which states that 
the Congress shall have power: 

"to exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over [the 
District of Columbia], ... and to exercise like Authority over all 
Places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the State in 
which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, 
Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings." 

The term "exclusive legislation" means "exclusive jurisdiction." James 
v. Dravo Contracting Co., 302 U.S. 134, 141 (1937); Surplus Trading 
Co. v. Cook, 281 U.S. 647, 652 (1930). Or, perhaps more clearly, 
"exclusive jurisdiction to legislate." The term "other needful 
buildings" includes "whatever structures are found to be necessary in 
the performance of the functions of the federal government." Silas 
Mason, 302 U.S. at 203; Dravo, 302 U.S. at 143. Legislative consent to 
the purchase may be given before, at the time of, or after the 
purchase. 13 Op. Att'y Gen. 411 (1871). Consent may be in the form of 
a general consent statute or consent to a particular acquisition. 
United States v. State Tax Commission of Mississippi, 412 U.S. 363, 
372 n.15 (1973). The Jurisdiction Clause has not been strictly 
construed, and Justice Frankfurter once commented that its "course of 
construction ... cannot be said to have run smooth." Offutt Housing 
Co. v. County of Sarpy, 351 U.S. 253, 256 (1956). 

The second method, cession, is also accomplished by an enactment of 
the state legislature and was recognized by the Supreme Court over a 
century ago in the leading case of Fort Leavenworth, 114 U.S. 525. 
Some years later, the Court emphasized that the Jurisdiction Clause 
"is not the sole authority for the acquisition of jurisdiction. There 
is no question about the power of the United States to exercise 
jurisdiction secured by cession, though this is not provided for by 
clause 17." Collins v. Yosemite Park & Curry Co., 304 U.S. 518, 529 
(1938). For similar statements, see Kleppe v. New Mexico, 426 U.S. 
529, 542 (1976); Paul v. United States, 371 U.S. 245, 264 (1963); and 
United States v. Gliatta, 580 F.2d 156, 158 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
439 U.S. 1048 (1978). 

Apart from procedural distinctions, the differences between consent 
and cession are slight, and there appears to be little practical 
difference resulting from which method is used. At one time, cession 
was viewed as useful primarily in cases where the Jurisdiction Clause 
was thought inapplicable, for example, acquisition by condemnation. 
See generally Fort Leavenworth, 114 U.S. 525. In more recent cases, 
however, the Supreme Court has said that "purchase" for purposes of 
the Jurisdiction Clause includes condemnation. State Tax Commission of 
Mississippi, 412 U.S. at 372 n.14. The Court has also held that 
donation is a purchase for purposes of the Jurisdiction Clause. Humble 
Pipe Line Co. v. Waggonner, 376 U.S. 369, 371-73 (1964). Thus, no 
practical distinction seems to flow from the method of acquisition of 
the land or the timing of the state's "consent." 

The applicability or nonapplicability of the Jurisdiction Clause is 
still relevant in determining which method must be used in some 
situations. For example, the clause comes into play only where the 
land is being acquired for one of the purposes specified in the 
Jurisdiction Clause. Thus, the Jurisdiction Clause would generally not 
apply to land acquired for a national park, and cession would 
therefore be the only method of acquiring federal jurisdiction. In 
another leading case, Collins, 304 U.S. 518, the Supreme Court 
established that jurisdiction by cession is not limited to the 
purposes specified in the Jurisdiction Clause. Thus, the United States 
can acquire the same jurisdiction over, say, a national park by 
cession that it could acquire over a military installation by a 
Jurisdiction Clause consent. 

Another area in which distinctions once thought important have become 
blurred is the extent to which a state may qualify its consent or 
cession. Even in the early days, "exclusive jurisdiction" was rarely 
absolute. For example, the states, with the express approval of the 
Supreme Court, typically reserved the power to serve civil and 
criminal process. This was necessary in order to avoid having federal 
land become a sanctuary for fugitives, and does not diminish the 
exclusiveness. Fort Leavenworth,, 114 U.S. at 533. See also Cornman v. 
Dawson, 295 F. Supp. 654, 657 n.5 (D. Md. 1969), aff'd, 398 U.S. 419 
(1970); 39 Op. Att'y Gen. 155, 156 (1938); 38 Op. Att'y Gen. 341, 347-
48 (1935).[Footnote 82] However, for several decades, it was thought 
that a state's power to qualify its consent was broader under a 
cession than under a Jurisdiction Clause consent. By the exercise of 
simple logic, the Supreme Court laid this thought to rest in still 
another leading case, Dravo, 302 U.S. 134. There was no question that 
a state could refuse consent at the time of acquisition, and then 
later cede jurisdiction subject to qualifications. Why then, reasoned 
the Court, couldn't the state consent to the acquisition with the same 
qualifications in the first place? Dravo, 302 U.S. at 147-49. 

It has become settled since Dravo that a state can qualify either a 
Jurisdiction Clause consent or a cession, as long as the 
qualifications are not inconsistent with federal law or federal use. 
The theory is clearly stated in Collins, 304 U.S. at 528 (footnotes 

"The States of the Union and the National Government may make mutually 
satisfactory arrangements as to jurisdiction of territory within their 
borders and thus in a most effective way, cooperatively adjust 
problems flowing from our dual system of government. Jurisdiction 
obtained by consent or cession may be qualified by agreement or 
through offer and acceptance or ratification. It is a matter of 
arrangement. These arrangements the courts will recognize and respect." 

Thus, acquisition of federal jurisdiction is not an "all or nothing" 
proposition. It has become commonplace to define federal jurisdiction 
in terms of four general kinds of federal jurisdiction over federal 
lands: "exclusive legislative jurisdiction, concurrent legislative 
jurisdiction, partial legislative jurisdiction and proprietorial 
legislative jurisdiction." State ex rel. Cox v. Hibbard, 570 P.2d 
1190, 1192 (Or. Ct. App. 1977). See also Cornman, 295 F. Supp. at 656 
n.4. The terms "concurrent" and "partial" in this context are self-
explanatory and mean exactly what they imply.[Footnote 83] 

To summarize what we have said so far: 

* The United States can acquire exclusive federal jurisdiction over 
land either by consent of the state legislature under the Jurisdiction 
Clause, or by cession from the state. Both methods get you essentially 
to the same place. 

* Whichever method is used, the state may retain partial or concurrent 
jurisdiction as long as the powers retained are not inconsistent with 
federal law or use. 

As noted earlier, the state consent we have been talking about relates 
to jurisdiction rather than the acquisition itself. For many years 
prior to 1940, there was also a statutory requirement for consent of 
the state legislature when land was acquired by the United States for 
certain purposes. This provision was eliminated in 1940 and replaced 
by 40 U.S.C. � 3112,[Footnote 84] which says several important things: 

* The obtaining of exclusive jurisdiction is not required. 

* If the United States obtains exclusive or partial jurisdiction by 
consent or cession, there must be a formal acceptance by the United 
States, either by filing a notice of acceptance with the state 
governor or as otherwise provided under state law. 

* If the United States has not formally accepted jurisdiction as 
prescribed, it is "conclusively presumed" that the jurisdiction does 
not exist. 

Although the statute mentions only exclusive and partial jurisdiction, 
it applies to concurrent jurisdiction as well. Adams v. United States, 
319 U.S. 312 (1943). As Adams also established, the statute means 
exactly what it says�formal acceptance of federal jurisdiction as 
prescribed in 40 U.S.C. � 3112 is a legal prerequisite to the exercise 
of that jurisdiction. See also Hankins v. Delo, 977 F.2d 396 (8th Cir. 
1992); DeKalb County v. Henry C. Beck Co., 382 F.2d 992 (5th Cir. 

A state may not unilaterally revoke its consent once it has been given 
and accepted. North Dakota v. United States, 460 U.S. 300, 313 n.16 
(1983), citing United States v. Unzeuta, 281 U.S. 138, 142-43 (1930). 

Based on the concepts discussed above, a working definition of 
"federal enclave" may be framed as follows: A federal enclave is an 
area of land owned by the United States, with respect to which the 
United States has obtained exclusive, partial, or concurrent 
jurisdiction from the state in which the land is located, either by 
consent under the Jurisdiction Clause or by cession.[Footnote 85] 

Regardless of the existence or type of federal jurisdiction, some 
state law may apply in a federal enclave even without either a 
specific reservation or a federal statute making it applicable. The 
Supreme Court has recognized that every area within the United States 
should have a developed legal system. Thus, state law protecting 
private rights which is in existence at the time of the consent or 
cession remains applicable in the enclave as long as it does not 
interfere with the federal use and is not inconsistent with federal 
law, unless and until Congress acts to make it inapplicable. This 
principle is called "assimilation." The opposite is true for state 
laws enacted after the consent or cession: they do not apply in the 
enclave unless Congress acts to make them applicable. James Stewart & 
Co. v. Sadrakula, 309 U.S. 94 (1940).[Footnote 86] 

One example involved the applicability of the Florida right-to-work 
law on two exclusive jurisdiction enclaves in Florida, Patrick Air 
Force Base (AFB) and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (AFS). Finding 
that the Florida law was enacted before the transfer of sovereignty 
for Cape Canaveral AFS but after the transfer of sovereignty for 
Patrick AFB, the district court held the Florida law applicable on the 
former but not the latter. On appeal, the Court of Appeals for the 
Fifth Circuit affirmed as to Patrick but reversed as to Canaveral, 
finding that the Florida law was in conflict with the National Labor 
Relations Act. Lord v. Local Union No. 2088, 481 E Supp. 419 (M.D. 
Fla. 1979), aff'd in part, rev'd in part, 646 F.2d 1057 (5th Cir. 
1981), cert. denied, 458 U.S. 1106 (1982). Another example is Snow v. 
Bechtel Construction Inc., 647 E Supp. 1514, 1521 (C.D. Cal. 1986), 
finding that an employee of a government contractor working on an 
exclusive jurisdiction enclave did not have a cause of action for 
wrongful termination because the state wrongful termination law "was 
enacted well after the land became a federal enclave." See also 
Pacific Coast Dairy, Inc. v. Department of Agriculture of California, 
318 U.S. 285, 294 (1943); Macomber v. Bose, 401 F.2d 545 (9th Cir. 
1968); Economic Development & Industrial Corp. of Boston v. United 
States, 546 E Supp. 1204 (D. Mass. 1982), rev'd on other grounds, 720 
F.2d 1 (1st Cir. 1983); Vincent v. General Dynamics Corp., 427 E Supp. 
786, 794-95 (N.D. Tex. 1977). 

Sometimes the United States does not acquire all land within the 
exterior boundaries of a project because it is not needed. When this 
happens, there may be privately owned tracts within and surrounded by 
federal land, in what may be termed a "checkerboard" pattern. By 
analogy from cases dealing with federal land, the courts have held 
that the United States can acquire by cession the same types of 
exclusive, partial, or concurrent jurisdiction over these privately 
owned tracts. E.g., Macomber, 401 F.2d 545; Petersen v. United States, 
191 F.2d 154 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 342 U.S. 885 (1951); United 
States v. 319.88 Acres of Land, 498 E Supp. 763 (D. Nev. 1980). 

As a general proposition, if the United States disposes of enclave 
property, legislative jurisdiction reverts to the state (also called 
"re-vesting" or "retrocession"), although the situation can become 
complicated by the nature of the particular transaction. See S.R.A., 
Inc. v. Minnesota, 327 U.S. 558 (1946) (retention by United States of 
legal title as security interest does not prevent reverter); Humble 
Pipe Line Co., 376 U.S. 369 (lease by United States to commercial 
interests not sufficient to produce reverter); United States v. 
Goings, 504 F.2d 809 (8th Cir. 1974) (retention by United States of 
right of emergency use does not prevent reverter). The military 
departments have specific statutory authority to "retrocede" federal 
legislative jurisdiction, in whole or in part, to the state, if 
considered desirable. 10 U.S.C. � 2683. 

One of the conditions a state may attach to its consent or cession is 
that legislative jurisdiction (title too, if the land was donated) 
revert to the state if the property ceases to be used for the purpose 
for which jurisdiction was ceded. Illustrative cases are United States 
v. Johnson, 994 F.2d 980 (2nd Cir.), cert denied, 510 U.S. 959 (1993); 
and Economic Development and Industrial Corp. of Boston v. United 
States, 13 CL Ct. 590 (1987). Absent such reservation or condition, 
federal jurisdiction is not diminished by the fact that a portion of 
the land is put to some use different from that for which it was 
acquired. Benson v. United States, 146 U.S. 325, 331 (1892); Baltimore 
Gas & Electric Co. v. United States, 133 F. Supp. 2d 721 (D. Md. 
2001); United States v. Falibrook Public Utility District, 108 F. 
Supp. 72, 85 (S.D. Cal. 1952). 

Totally apart from the question of reservation of state powers, it is 
fair to say that exclusive federal jurisdiction is not nearly as 
exclusive as it used to be. Congress has enacted a number of statutes, 
which may be characterized as "partial retrocessions," which have the 
effect of returning portions of jurisdiction to the states or 
incorporating state law in particular subject areas. Two of the more 
important ones, the Buck Act and the Assimilative Crimes Act, will be 
discussed in section D.2 of this chapter. Some others are: 

* In cases of wrongful death on federal enclaves, the right of action 
provided by state law exists as if the enclave were under state 
jurisdiction. 16 U.S.C. � 457. This includes changes in applicable 
state law as they may occur from time to time. E.g., Ferebee v. 
Chevron Chemical Co., 736 F.2d 1529 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 469 
U.S. 1062 (1984); Vasina v. Grumman Corp., 644 F.2d 112 (2nd Cir. 
1981); Adams v. Alliant Techsystems, Inc., 218 F. Supp. 2d 792 (WD. 
Va. 2002). Of course, this statute does not affect the operation of 
the Federal Tort Claims Act in cases where it is applicable. E.g., 
Morgan v. United States, 709 F.2d 580, 582 (9th Cir. 1983). 

* State unemployment compensation laws apply on federal enclaves. 26 
U.S.C. � 3305(d). 

* State workers' compensation laws apply on federal enclaves. 40 
U.S.C. � 3172.[Footnote 87] The statute merely makes state law 
applicable to private employers on federal land; it does not create 
any federal liability. Peak v. Small Business Administration, 660 F.2d 
375, 376 n.1 (8th Cir. 1981). The constitutionality of 40 U.S.C. � 
3172 was upheld in Wallach v. Lieberman, 366 F.2d 254 (2nd Cir. 
1966).[Footnote 88] Section 3172 applies equally to federal facilities 
that are not enclaves. Goodyear Atomic Corp. v. Miller, 486 U.S. 174, 
182 n.4 (1988). 

2. Specific Areas of Concern: 

a. Taxation: 

As a general proposition, a state cannot tax private property in a 
federal enclave unless it has reserved the power to do so at the time 
of consent or cession. Humble Pipe Line v. Wagoner, 376 U.S. 369 
(1964); Collins v. Yosemite Park & Curry Co., 304 U.S. 518 (1938); 
James v. Dravo Contracting Co., 302 U.S. 134 (1937); Surplus Trading 
Co. v. Cook, 281 U.S. 647 (1930); Fort Leavenworth Railroad Co. v. 
Lowe, 114 U.S. 525 (1885). 

Congress has modified this rule somewhat by statute. Under the Buck 
Act of 1940, currently codified at 4 U.S.C. �� 105-110, states may 
levy sales, use, and income taxes within federal enclaves. The Buck 
Act has generated its share of litigation. One type of question that 
has arisen is whether various forms of state and local taxation are 
sales, use, or income taxes for purposes of the Buck Act. E.g., United 
States v. State Tax Commission of Mississippi, 412 U.S. 363, 378-79 
(1973); Howard v. Commissioners of The Sinking Fund, 344 U.S. 624 
(1953). See also 30 Comp. Gen. 28 (1950) (permit fee charged by city 
for construction on exclusive jurisdiction enclave not a "tax" within 
scope of state's reservation of jurisdiction in deed of cession). One 
court has held a local occupation tax to be an "income tax" for Buck 
Act purposes. United States v. Lewisburg Area School District, 398 E 
Supp. 948 (M.D. Pa. 1975). 

The Buck Act permits sales, use, and income taxes, but not property 
taxes. Thus, in B-159835, Feb. 2, 1976, the Comptroller General 
advised that a county in Utah had no power to impose an ad valorem tax 
on private property within the United States Defense Depot, a federal 
enclave in Ogden, Utah, where there had been no reservation of taxing 
power at the time of cession. 

Another statute, 4 U.S.C. � 104, authorizes the imposition of state 
motor fuel taxes on fuel sold on "United States military or other 
reservations" if the fuel is not for the exclusive use of the United 
States. This includes national parks. 38 Op. Att'y Gen. 522 (1936). 
The purpose of this statute was to enhance highway improvement by 
increasing state revenues which could be used as matching funds under 
the federal-aid highway program. Minnesota v. Keeley, 126 F.2d 863, 
864 (8th Cir. 1942); Sanders v. Oklahoma Tax Commission, 169 P.2d 748, 
750-51 (Okla.), cert. denied, 329 U.S. 780 (1946). 

Still another statute, 10 U.S.C. � 2667(f), permits state and local 
taxation of the interests of lessees of property leased by a military 
department under the authority of 10 U.S.C. � 2667. 

The preceding paragraphs address the power of a state to reach into a 
federal enclave to tax private property, private instrumentalities, or 
the income of federal employees. Neither the concept of reservation of 
powers nor the Buck Act affects the immunity of the United States from 
state and local taxation, covered in Chapter 4, section C.15. In fact, 
the Buck Act expressly preserves the immunity of the United States. 4 
U.S.C. � 107. A case applying section 107 is United States v. Tax 
Commission, 421 U.S. 599 (1975). 

b. Criminal Law: 

The punishment of crimes committed on federal enclaves has been a 
subject of congressional attention since the First Congress.[Footnote 
89] At the present time, the criminal law structure for federal 
enclaves consists of several specific statutes and one general one. 

Congress has enacted a number of criminal statutes, found in title 18 
of the United States Code, dealing with criminal offenses on federal 
enclaves. See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. �� 81, 113, 114, 661, 662, 1111-1113. 
These are generally the "major" crimes such as murder, rape, arson, 
etc. About a dozen are listed in United States v. Sharpnack, 355 U.S. 
286, 289 n.5 (1958). The statutes use the phrase "special maritime and 
territorial jurisdiction of the United States," which, as defined in 
18 U.S.C. � 7, would include federal enclaves. These specific statutes 
naturally take precedence over state law. 

Offenses not covered by one of these specific statutes are covered by 
the Assimilative Crimes Act, 18 U.S.C. � 13, under which offenses 
committed on federal enclaves which are not otherwise provided for by 
Congress are punishable as federal crimes if and to the extent that 
they are punishable by the laws of the state in which the enclave is 
situated. See generally Lewis v. United States, 523 U.S. 155 (1998); 
United States v. Souza, 392 F.3d 1050 (9th Cir. 2004); United States 
v. Burruel, No. CR 05-605 TVC DCB (D. Ariz. May 12, 2006). 

The state law applicable under the Assimilative Crimes Act is the law 
in effect at the time of the offense, which includes laws enacted 
after consent or cession. The constitutionality of the Assimilative 
Crimes Act was upheld in the Sharpnack case, 355 U.S. 286. 

A defendant accused of a crime on a federal enclave may be tried 
before a magistrate. There is no requirement that trial be before an 
Article BT court. United States v. Jenkins, 734 F.2d 1322 (9th Cir. 
1983), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 1217 (1985). 

Indian reservations are not federal enclaves. However, under 18 U.S.C. 
� 1152, the federal enclave criminal statutes apply to "Indian 
country" unless otherwise provided by law, and except for offenses 
committed by one Indian against another Indian, offenses committed 
within Indian country by an Indian who has been punished by the local 
law of the tribe, and cases where exclusive jurisdiction is secured 
for the tribe by treaty stipulation. The historical development of 
this statute is discussed in United States v. Cowboy, 694 F.2d 1228 
(10th Cir. 1982). 

c. State Regulation: 

Another area of potential conflict is the extent to which a state can 
extend its regulatory arm into a federal enclave. Older cases tend to 
involve economic regulation such as licensing laws, permit 
requirements, price-fixing laws, etc. Many of the more recent cases 
involve environmental regulation. Depending on the interplay of 
certain key rules, the state regulatory action may be invalid on all 
federal property, nonenclave as well as enclave, valid on both, or 
valid on some but not all. 

State regulatory action will be invalid to the extent that it violates 
the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution (art. VI, clause 2), which 
provides that laws of the United States which are within the 
constitutional power of the federal government are the "supreme law of 
the land" and prevail over inconsistent state laws. State law can 
violate the Supremacy Clause by directly regulating the federal 
government or discriminating against it and those with whom it does 
business (thus violating principles of intergovernmental immunity) or 
by conflicting with valid enactments of Congress (thus invoking a 
congressional preemption analysis). North Dakota v. United States, 495 
U.S. 423, 434 (1990). If a given action is found to violate the 
Supremacy Clause, it is irrelevant whether the federal land or 
installation in question has enclave status. 

An illustration is Leslie Miller, Inc. v. Arkansas, 352 U.S. 187 
(1956). The Air Force entered into a contract for construction work on 
a base which was not a federal enclave. The contractor was charged and 
convicted in state court for failure to obtain a license under state 
law. The Supreme Court reversed the conviction, finding that the state 
licensing law conflicted with the procuring agency's duty under 
federal procurement law to determine the responsibility of bidders. 
Similarly, in Paul v. United States, 371 U.S. 245 (1963), the Court 
found that California price control regulations on milk conflicted 
with federal procurement policy in that "the federal procurement 
policy demands competition [while] the California policy ... 
effectively eliminates competition." Id. at 253. In neither case was 
the status of the particular federal installations a relevant factor. 

Two GAO decisions involved contracts for mortuary services at Dover 
Air Force Base, Delaware. In both cases, a disappointed bidder 
protested that the firm receiving the award, the low bidder, did not 
have a Delaware mortuary license. Based primarily on Leslie Miller, 
GAO upheld the contract awards in both cases. B-161723, Aug. 1, 1967; 
B-159723, Sept. 28, 1966. Both decisions note that Dover was an 
exclusive jurisdiction enclave, but this factor was not crucial to the 

The Supreme Court distinguishes between direct and indirect regulation 
for purposes of intergovernmental immunity analysis under the 
Supremacy Clause. As the plain meaning of the term suggests, "direct 
regulation" involves attempts to regulate federal entities themselves. 
States can directly regulate federal installations and activities only 
pursuant to "clear and unambiguous" congressional (statutory) 
authorization. Goodyear Atomic Corp. v. Miller, 486 U.S. 174, 180 
(1988); EPA v. California, 426 U.S. 200, 211 (1976); Hancock v. Train, 
426 U.S. 167, 179 (1976); B-286951, Jan. 10, 2002. "Indirect 
regulation" is the regulation of private parties (who may be 
government contractors or suppliers) which has an incidental effect on 
the government by, for example, causing it to pay higher prices. 
North, Dakota, 495 U.S. at 434-35.[Footnote 90] Like direct 
regulation, indirect regulation must be neutral (nondiscriminatory) in 
order to survive the Supremacy Clause.[Footnote 91] Id. at 435. 

The validity of state regulation is also a question of congressional 
preemption.[Footnote 92] North, Dakota, 495 U.S. at 435; Goodyear 
Atomic Corp., 486 U.S. at 180 n.1. The three major categories of 
preemption analyses are summarized in English, v. General Electric 
Co., 496 U.S. 72, 78-79 (1990). Preemption occurs when Congress 
explicitly defines the extent of preemption, when a state regulates 
conduct in a field that Congress intended the federal government to 
occupy exclusively, or when state law actually conflicts with federal 
law. Id. Federal agencies regulating within the scope of their 
delegated authority may also preempt state regulation. Louisiana 
Public Service Commission v. FCC, 476 U.S. 355 (1986). 

Once you get by the Supremacy Clause hurdles of intergovernmental 
immunity and preemption�that is, once it is established that the state 
law or regulation does not attempt to impermissibly tax or regulate 
the federal government and does not conflict with valid federal law 
and does not attempt to impermissibly tax or regulate the federal 
government�the jurisdictional status of the federal property becomes 
relevant.[Footnote 93] The state law or regulation will then apply to 
nonenclave property (there is no longer a reason why it should not), 
and may or may not apply to enclaves, depending on factors previously 
discussed such as the types of jurisdiction the state may have 
reserved at the time of consent or cession and whether the law was in 
existence when the property achieved enclave status. 

For example, in Pacific Coast Dairy, Inc. v. California Department of 
Agriculture, 318 U.S. 285 (1943), the Supreme Court held that a 
California statute requiring the licensing of milk distributors and 
establishing uniform prices for the sale of milk did not apply to 
sales on a federal enclave because the statute was enacted after the 
transfer of sovereignty. But the Court, on the same day, upheld a 
similar Pennsylvania statute regulating milk prices because it 
affected a military encampment on state land rather than a federal 
enclave. Penn Dairies, 318 U.S. at 270. By the time the Court again 
had occasion to consider the California milk laws in Paul, 371 U.S. 
245, the intervening enactment of the Armed Services Procurement Act 
of 1947 and the promulgation of implementing regulations brought the 
state law into direct conflict with federal procurement policy, with 
the result that Paul was primarily decided on the basis of the 
Supremacy Clause rather than the enclave status of the military 

The Supremacy Clause resolved purchases to be made from appropriated 
funds. However, some of the milk in Paul was to be purchased with 
nonappropriated funds (military clubs and post exchanges). Since the 
federal procurement statutes and regulations did not apply to 
nonappropriated funds, there was no conflict with respect to these 
purchases. Accordingly, the applicability of the state law to 
nonappropriated fund purchases on exclusive jurisdiction enclaves 
depended on whether the state law was in effect when the United States 
acquired jurisdiction, a result "on all fours" with Pacific Coast. 
Paul, 371 U.S. at 268-69. 

GAO has considered problems in this area on several occasions. The 
questions usually arise incident to the award of federal procurement 
contracts. In 42 Comp. Gen. 704 (1963), the question was whether a 
contract for furnishing dairy products on a federal enclave could be 
awarded to the low bidder who had not complied with certain aspects of 
the state "fair trade" law. GAO found that the state law had been 
enacted after the transfer of jurisdiction, and that it was in 
conflict with federal procurement policy. Therefore, based largely on 
the Supreme Court's decisions in Paul and Pacific Coast, GAO found the 
contract award to be proper. Similar cases are 27 Comp. Gen. 782 
(1948) and B-151686, July 2, 1965. More recently, GAO found a 
solicitation for a contract to privatize utilities on a federal 
enclave valid in the face of an effort by a state agency to exert 
regulatory restrictions, a decision upheld in district court on 
grounds including both immunity and preemption. B-285209, Aug. 2, 
2000; Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. v. United States, 133 E Supp. 2d 
721 (D. Md. 2001).[Footnote 94] 

If none of these approaches applies�that is, you are dealing with an 
exclusive jurisdiction enclave and state law enacted after the 
acquisition of federal jurisdiction�the state law can apply only 
pursuant to "specific congressional action." Paul, 371 U.S. at 263. 
See also Black Hills Power & Light Co. v. Weinberger, 808 F.2d 665, 
668 (8th Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 484 U.S. 8181. 

Precisely how specific the congressional authority must be is somewhat 
unsettled. To rephrase the question: Is a federal statute which is 
sufficiently specific to allow a state law to survive a Supremacy 
Clause challenge also sufficiently specific to permit the application 
of that law on an enclave or must it explicitly address enclaves? 
Offutt Housing Co. v. County of Sarpy, 351 U.S. 253, 260 (1956), is 
capable of being read to suggest that it does not have to explicitly 
mention enclaves. But again, compare West River Electric Ass'n v. 
Black Hills Power & Light, 918 F.2d 713, 717-20 (8th Cir. 1990) 
(Congress did not provide necessary clear authorization to cede its 
exclusive jurisdiction over an Air Force base; court distinguished 
Offutt because in that case the state tax at issue was directed 
against a private party who leased land on an Air Force base). See 
also Tacoma Dept of Public Utilities v. United States, 28 Fed. Cl. 
637, 646 (1993), aff'd, 31 F.3d 1130 (Fed. Cir. 1994). 

For an example of how this plays out in GAO case law, see 64 Comp. 
Gen. 813 (1985). This was a bid protest in which a statute required 
federal agencies to comply with local requirements on the control and 
abatement of solid waste "in the same manner, and to the same extent, 
as any person is subject to such requirements." Id. at 815, quoting 
the requirements in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, at 42 
U.S.C. � 6961(a). That language, the Comptroller General held, 
"expressly requires federal agencies to obtain waste disposal services 
from local governments" when such is required of others. Id. In this 
case, two military facilities were directed to cancel their 
competitive solicitations in favor of sole source contracts with local 
governments and their franchisees. A competitive procurement by 
another base was allowed to stand because the enclave was outside of 
the local government's jurisdiction and others so situated were not 
required to contract with the local authorities. Id. at 816. GAO's 
logic in this case was later tested in different cases in federal 
court and upheld. Parola v. Weinberger, 848 F.2d 956 (9th Cir. 1988). 
See also Solano Garbage v. Cheney, 779 F. Supp. 477 (E.D. Cal. 1991); 
72 Comp. Gen. 225, 228 (1993). 

A common battleground for these principles is the area of state liquor 
control. In United States v. South Carolina, 578 F. Supp. 549 (D. S.C. 
1983), based on an essentially straightforward application of Paul and 
Leslie Miller, the court enjoined the state from implementing a state 
law requiring federal military installations to purchase alcoholic 
beverages from wholesalers licensed by the state. The installations in 
question were exclusive jurisdiction enclaves. South Carolina, 578 F. 
Supp. at 550. On the other hand, in North Dakota, 495 U.S. 423, the 
Supreme Court upheld a state requirement that out-of-state liquor 
vendors affix labels to each item to be delivered to a federal enclave 
in the state where the state and federal government exercised 
concurrent jurisdiction. The Court distinguished this type of indirect 
regulation, which was permissible even though it incidentally raised 
costs to the military, from the types of direct regulation encountered 
in cases like Paul and Leslie Miller. 

3. Proprietorial Jurisdiction: 

A central theme of our discussion is that a federal enclave is 
essentially a consensual arrangement. Whether federal jurisdiction is 
obtained by Jurisdiction Clause[Footnote 95] consent or by cession, a 
federal enclave cannot come into being without the consent of the 
state and acceptance by the United States. Thus, enclave status can be 
neither coerced from the state nor forced upon the United States. For 
the land over which the United States has not obtained exclusive, 
partial, or concurrent jurisdiction by consent or cession, federal 
jurisdiction is said to be "proprietorial." This term originated from 
language in some of the cases to the effect that, absent consent or 
cession, the United States has "only the rights of an ordinary 
proprietor." E.g., Fort Leavenworth, v. Lowe, 114 U.S. 525, 527 (1885). 

While the term proprietorial implies that the United States is in the 
same position as any private owner, this is not the case. The United 
States may exercise authority over federal land, enclave or 
nonenclave, under language in article W, section 3, clause 2 of the 
Constitution, the Property Clause: "The Congress shall have Power to 
dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the 
Territory or other Property belonging to the United States." 

The full significance of the Property Clause as an alternative to the 
Jurisdiction Clause does not appear to have been realized until the 
landmark case of Kleppe v. New Mexico, 426 U.S. 529 (1976). A New 
Mexico rancher had obtained a permit from the Bureau of Land 
Management (BLM) under the Taylor Grazing Act to graze cattle on 
certain BLM land in New Mexico. The rancher complained to a state 
agency that wild burros on the BLM land were interfering with his 
cattle. The state agency rounded up 19 of the wild burros and sold 
them at auction. The BLM demanded that the state recover and return 
the burros, claiming that the state's action violated the Wild Free-
Roaming Horses and Burros Act, 16 U.S.C. �� 1331-1340. New Mexico 
brought suit, alleging that the statute was unconstitutional. 

The Supreme Court held that the wild burro statute was a valid 
exercise of congressional power under the Property Clause, and that it 
overrode any inconsistent state law. Congress, said the Court, has the 
power of a legislature as well as a proprietor over federal land. 
Kleppe, 426 U.S. at 540. That power is "without limitations" (id. at 
539) and "complete" (id. at 540). The Court then squarely addressed 
the relationship of federal enclaves to the Property Clause: 

"Congress may acquire derivative legislative power from a State 
pursuant to Art. I, � 8, cl. 17, of the Constitution by consensual 
acquisition of land, or by nonconsensual acquisition followed by the 
State's subsequent cession of legislative authority over the land.... 
In either case, the legislative jurisdiction acquired may range from 
exclusive federal jurisdiction with no residual state police power... 
to concurrent, or partial, federal legislative jurisdiction, which may 
allow the State to exercise certain authority... 

"But while Congress can acquire exclusive or partial jurisdiction over 
lands within a State by the State's consent or cession, the presence 
or absence of such jurisdiction has nothing to do with Congress' 
powers under the Property Clause. Absent consent or cession a State 
undoubtedly retains jurisdiction over federal lands within its 
territory, but Congress equally surely retains the power to enact 
legislation respecting those lands pursuant to the Property Clause.... 
And when Congress so acts, the federal legislation necessarily 
overrides conflicting state laws under the Supremacy Clause." 

Id. at 542-43 (citations omitted). 

The Supreme Court's opinion was unanimous. Concurrence of the burros 
may be presumed.[Footnote 96] 

Both the courts and the Comptroller General have recognized and 
reflected the significance of the Kleppe decision. One illustration is 
the selection of nuclear waste repository sites. GAO considered the 
issue in the late 1970s and concluded that a state could not block the 
establishment of a nuclear waste repository merely by withholding or 
qualifying consent under the Jurisdiction Clause. Exclusive federal 
jurisdiction is not a necessary prerequisite to establishing the 
repository, and Congress has adequate power under the Property Clause. 
Accordingly, an agreement by the Secretary of Energy purporting to 
give a state "veto power" over site selection would be unenforceable. 
B-192999, May 22, 1979. See also B-164105, June 19, 1978, reaching the 
same conclusion based on the Department of Energy's organic 
legislation. Several years later, Congress enacted amendments to the 
Nuclear Waste Policy Act designating a site in Nevada for possible 
development as a repository. The state went to court, and the Ninth 
Circuit held that the legislation was within congressional power under 
the Property Clause, and that there was no requirement that the site 
be located on a federal enclave. Nevada v. Watkins, 914 F.2d 1545 (9th 
Cir. 1990), cert. denied, 499 U.S. 906 (1991). See also Nuclear Energy 
Institute, Inc. v. EPA, 373 F.3d 1251 (D.C. Cir. 2004). 

Some other examples follow: 

* An individual was fined for hunting ducks in a national park in 
Minnesota, in violation of National Park Service regulations 
prohibiting hunting or the possession of loaded firearms in national 
parks. The regulations had been issued pursuant to a statutory 
delegation. Even if the state had not ceded jurisdiction to the United 
States, the regulation was nevertheless valid under the Property 
Clause and took precedence over conflicting state law. This was 
equally true with respect to nonfederal waters within the park. United 
States v. Brown, 552 F.2d 817 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 431 U.S. 949 

* The National Park Service, under a statutory delegation, could issue 
a regulation requiring use of seat belts in national parks. The 
Defense Department, although it does not have statutory authority to 
regulate federal land comparable to that of the Park Service, could 
also require seat belt use by regulation, at least on land under 
exclusive federal jurisdiction. B-216218, Nov. 30, 1984, aff'd, B-
216218, Sept. 6, 1988. 

* Regulations for traffic control on Postal Service property are valid 
under the Property Clause, regardless of presence or absence of 
enclave jurisdiction. United States v. Gliatta, 580 F.2d 156, 160 (5th 
Cir.), cert. denied, 439 U.S. 1048 (1978). 

* Federal legislation which authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to 
regulate grazing in the national forests overrides state open range 
law. Bilderback v. United States, 558 F. Supp. 903 (D. Ore. 1982). 

Notwithstanding the very broad language it used in the Kleppe 
decision, the Supreme Court also noted in that case that "the furthest 
reaches of the power granted by the Property Clause have not yet been 
definitively resolved." Kleppe, 426 U.S. at 539. It thus seems likely 
that litigation in this area will continue and that the law will 
continue to evolve.[Footnote 97] 

E. Leasing: 

If the government needs a building, there are several ways it can go 
about getting it. It can purchase an existing structure, making 
payment directly from appropriations available for that purpose; it 
can have the building constructed to order, again making payment 
directly from appropriations available for that purpose; it can lease 
an existing building; or it can use some form of lease-purchase or 
lease-construction arrangement. This section will address the leasing 

1. Some General Principles: 

a. Acquisition: 

A lease in the real property context may be defined as "[a] contract 
by which a rightful possessor of real property conveys the right to 
use and occupy the property in exchange for consideration, usually 
rent." Black's Law Dictionary 907 (8th ed. 2004). Thus, it includes 
any agreement that gives rise to a relationship of landlord and 
tenant. E.g., National Data Corp. v. United States, 50 Fed. Cl. 24, 28 
(2001); B-96826-0.M., Feb. 8, 1967. General Services Administration 
(GSA) regulations define the term to mean "a conveyance to the 
Government of the right of exclusive possession of real property for a 
definite period of time by a landlord." 48 C.F.R. � 570.102. 

It is generally recognized that, except for depressed real estate 
markets, leasing is less cost-effective than ownership. See generally 
GAO, General Services Administration's Comparison of Space Acquisition 
Alternatives: Leasing to Lease-Purchase and Leasing to Construction, 
GAO/GGD-99-49R (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 12, 1999); Federal Office 
Space: Increased Ownership Would Result in Significant Savings, 
GAO/GGD-90-11 (Dec. 22, 1989).[Footnote 98] Nevertheless, there are 
situations in which leasing is clearly the desirable option, such as 
where the government needs the space only for a short term or where it 
needs only a small amount of space. GAO/GGD-90-11, at 14-15. Too 
often, however, the decision whether to lease or buy is driven by 
budgetary considerations rather than the nature of the government's 
need. The problem is that budget authority for purchase or direct 
construction must be provided "up front," whereas budget authority for 
leasing is provided year by year. Not surprisingly, large chunks of 
money for purchase or construction have traditionally been prime 
targets for budget-cutting by a Congress under constant pressure to 
reduce spending. Eliminating tens of millions of dollars to construct 
or acquire a building produces an immediately visible result, albeit 
only a short-term one, without angering any program's constituents. 
Congress has struggled with this problem for many years. The then 
Public Works Committee's report accompanying the Public Buildings 
Amendments of 1972[Footnote 99] stated that direct construction was 
"the most efficient and economical means of meeting Government 
building needs," but essentially conceded "the futility of seeking a 
billion dollars for direct Federal construction ... in competition 
with the present spending priorities." H.R. Rep. No. 92-989, at 3 

Despite the preference for construction and ownership, the 
government's reliance on leased space has become progressively more 
pronounced. GAO reported that nearly half (48 percent) of the space 
controlled by the General Services Administration as of 1994 was 
leased, costing over $2 billion a year. GAO, Federal Office Space: 
More Businesslike Leasing Approach Could Reduce Costs and Improve 
Performance, GAO/GGD-95-48 (Feb. 10, 1995), at 10. More recently, GAO 
pointed to instances in which the use of operating leases to meet 
agency space needs instead of construction, purchase, or even lease-
purchase arrangements resulted in almost $1 billion in excess costs. 
One prime example was a long-term operating lease for the Patent and 
Trademark Office that was estimated to cost $48 million more than 
construction and $38 million more than lease-purchase. GAO, Federal 
Real Property: Reliance on Costly Leasing to Meet New Space Needs Is 
an Ongoing Problem, GAO-06-136T (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 6, 2005), at 5-
6. Indeed, the "pervasive" nature of this problem was one of the major 
reasons that GAO designated federal real property management a high-
risk area in 2003.[Footnote 100] Id. at 5. As with the acquisition of 
fee title, the government can acquire a lease voluntarily, or it can 
acquire it involuntarily. Voluntary acquisition is the preferred 
method. As we will discuss later in this section, most leasing for the 
federal government is done by, or under delegation from, GSA. Under a 
number of statutes and executive branch issuances, GSA plays a central 
role in the acquisition of space for federal agencies. It prescribes 
governmentwide policies on property and acquisition management through 
the Federal Management Regulation, formerly known as the Federal 
Property Management Regulations. See 41 C.F.R. �� 102-2.5. GSA's 
policies are contained primarily in 41 C.F.R. part 102-73. As set 
forth therein, GSA's stated policy is to lease privately owned space 
"only when needs cannot be met satisfactorily in Government-controlled 
space" and leasing is more advantageous than construction or 
alteration. 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.45. As noted above, however, this 
policy is seriously undercut by budgetary and other practical 
considerations; thus, GSA will lease when it cannot obtain sufficient 
budget authority to do anything else. 

A lease of real property is subject to the Competition in Contracting 
Act's (CICA) general requirement for full and open competition. 
[Footnote 101] 41 U.S.C. � 253; see B-225954, Mar. 30, 1987. The GSA 
regulations provide as follows: "Executive agencies must obtain full 
and open competition among suitable locations meeting minimum 
Government requirements, except as otherwise provided by CICA, 41 
U.S.C. 253." 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.100. 

The regulations further provide that acquisition by lease must be "on 
the most favorable basis to the Federal Government, with due 
consideration to maintenance and operational efficiency, and at 
charges consistent with prevailing market rates for comparable 
facilities in the community." 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.55. Specific 
contracting procedures for acquiring leasehold interests in real 
property are found in the GSA Acquisition Regulations, 48 C.F.R. part 

The evaluation factors in a lease invitation should be as clear and 
exact as possible, although a high level of precision is not required. 
"It is sufficient ... to prescribe general guidelines of acceptability 
which necessarily must be applied as equitably as possible to the 
locations of the office spaces tendered." 43 Comp. Gen. 663, 667 
(1964), aff'd on reconsideration, B-152768, June 23, 1964. 

An incumbent lessor does not have an exclusive right to negotiate 
extensions of the lease. See 48 Comp. Gen. 722, 724-25 (1969); B-
251337.2, Apr. 23, 1993. Indeed, there are situations in which the 
government is not even required to include the incumbent lessor in the 
solicitation for the new lease.[Footnote 102] B-251288, Mar. 18, 1993. 

While a lease is the conveyance of a possessory interest in real 
property, it is also a contract. E.g., Keydata Corp. v. United States, 
504 F.2d 1115, 1123 (Ct. Cl. 1974); Olympia Properties, L.L.C. v. 
United States, 54 Fed. Cl. 147, 152 (2002), aff'd, 68 Fed. Appx. 976 
(Fed. Cir. 2003). Therefore, it does not come into existence unless 
and until both parties execute the required formalities, that is, sign 
the lease contract. B-228279, B-228280, Jan. 15, 1988. 

Unless required by statute, it is not essential that the lease be 
recorded in the jurisdiction in which the property is located. A-
19681, Sept. 28, 1927. Many states, however, have statutes which 
require the recording of leases for more than a stated term. The 
precise effect of these laws is subject to variation from state to 
state, but they are generally regarded as protecting the rights of the 
tenant by providing legal notice of the tenancy to subsequent 
purchasers or lessees.[Footnote 103] Id.; 26 Comp. Gen. 331 (1946). In 
determining whether a lease exceeds the minimum term specified in a 
recording statute, the period covered by renewal options should be 
added to the basic lease term. 26 Comp. Gen. 335 (1946). While the 
government's policy has been that the cost of recording a lease should 
be borne by the lessor, recording fees may be charged to operating 
appropriations if there is a legitimate reason for the government to 
pay. 26 Comp. Gen. 331. 

If the government is unable to meet its leasing needs voluntarily, it 
can fall back on the power of eminent domain. It has long been settled 
that the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment applies to "temporary 
takings" as well as the taking of full title. E.g., Phelps v. United 
States, 274 U.S. 341 (1927). See also 22 Comp. Gen. 1112, 1114 (1943), 
regarding it as "settled law that the use of property can be taken as 
well as the title to property." 

Involuntary acquisition of a leasehold can take various forms. If 
there is already an existing lease, the government can simply condemn 
the entire leasehold. E.g., Almota Farmers Elevator & Warehouse Co. v. 
United States, 409 U.S. 470 (1973); United States v. Petty Motor Co., 
327 U.S. 372 (1946). If the government needs the property for a 
shorter term than that of an existing lease, it can condemn only part 
of the existing lease. E.g., United States v. General Motors Corp., 
323 U.S. 373 (1945). Or, if there is no existing lease, the government 
can employ condemnation to impose one on the property owner. E.g., 
Kimball Laundry Co. v. United States, 338 U.S. 1 (1949). The elements 
of just compensation vary somewhat depending on which of these 
scenarios applies. Some of the issues are discussed in the Supreme 
Court decisions cited in this paragraph. 

If the determination of just compensation can be resolved 
administratively, the government is not required to institute formal 
condemnation proceedings but should adhere as closely as possible to 
the just compensation principles laid down by the Supreme Court. 25 
Comp. Gen. 1 (1945). 

Private leases may include a clause, known as an "eminent domain" 
clause or a "termination on condemnation" clause, which provides that 
the lease shall terminate if the property is taken by governmental 
authority. If the government condemns an existing leasehold which is 
subject to such a provision, the lessee gets nothing. Petty Motor, 327 
U.S. at 376; United States v. Advertising Checking Bureau, 204 F.2d 
770, 772-73 (7thCir. 1953); Bajwa v. Sunoco, Inc., 320 E Supp. 2d 454 
(E.D. Va. 2004); Heir v. Delaware River Port Authority, 218 E Supp. 2d 
627 (D.N.J. 2002); 35 Comp. Gen. 85, 87 (1955); 22 Comp. Gen. at 1114. 
The theory is that tenants who enter into leases with such clauses 
contract away any rights they otherwise might have had. Petty Motor, 
327 U.S. at 376; Checking Bureau, 204 F.2d at 772. (These cases 
illustrate two variations of the clause.) 

As with any other acquisition of real property, condemnation of a 
leasehold requires statutory authority. The general condemnation 
statute, 40 U.S.C. � 3113, discussed earlier in section B.5.b of this 
chapter, operates in exactly the same manner with respect to 
leaseholds as it does for fee acquisitions. By virtue of this statute, 
the authority to condemn is coextensive with the authority to 
purchase. Thus, GSA's general authority (40 U.S.C. � 585), in 
conjunction with 40 U.S.C. � 3113, gives GSA the authority to acquire 
a leasehold by condemnation. Checking Bureau, 204 F.2d 770; United 
States v. Fisk Building, 99 E Supp. 592 (S.D. N.Y. 1951); United 
States v. Midland National Bank of Billings, 67 E Supp. 268 (D. Mont. 

In our discussion of 41 U.S.C. � 14 in section B of this chapter, we 
noted a line of cases establishing the proposition that the authority 
necessary to satisfy that statute can be found in an appropriation, if 
it can be shown that the appropriation was intended to be available 
for the acquisition in question. If that type of authority is 
sufficient, in conjunction with 40 U.S.C. � 3113, to authorize 
condemnation of the fee, it should also be sufficient to authorize 
condemnation of a leasehold, a lesser interest. One case, which 
appears to stand alone, went so far as to find the basic acquisition 
authority in a general operation (salaries and expenses) 
appropriation, with no apparent demonstration that Congress was aware 
of, much less had approved, the lease in question. United States v. 
Hibernia Bank Building, 76 F. Supp. 18 (E.D. La. 1948). While Hibernia 
does not appear to have been expressly repudiated, it is important to 
note that it, as well as Midland Bank and its progeny, was decided 
prior to the statutory requirement for prospectus approval which we 
will cover later in this discussion. Thus, Hibernia could not be 
followed today, at least with respect to a lease within the scope of 
the prospectus requirement. See Maiatico v. United States, 302 F.2d 
880 (D.C. Cir. 1962). 

Another principle which is the same as for fee acquisitions is the 
principle that statutory cost limitations on voluntary acquisition do 
not apply to condemnations. 22 Comp. Gen. 1112. The reason is that 
just compensation is a constitutional right and cannot be limited by 
statute. Id. at 1114. (The particular limitation in that case no 
longer exists, but the principle remains valid.) 

b. Application of Fiscal Law Principles: 

A lease, as a contract requiring the obligation and expenditure of 
appropriated funds, is subject to the various fiscal statutes and 
principles discussed throughout this publication the same as any other 
contract. One area meriting some note is the Antideficiency Act, 31 
U.S.C. � 1341.[Footnote 104] There are few areas of government 
contracting in which the desirability of multiyear commitments is 
stronger than in the case of real property leases. For the most part, 
Congress has provided multiyear leasing authority. This is fortunate 
because it has long been settled that, without either such authority 
or a no-year appropriation, a multiyear lease would violate the 
Antideficiency Act by purporting to obligate the government for future 
years, in advance of appropriations for those years. 

The story of one such lease will illustrate. A government agency 
leased space in an office building in 1921, purportedly for 5 years, 
without statutory authority. At the end of the second year, the 
government notified the lessor of its intention to terminate the lease 
and vacate the premises. However, the government's new space was not 
yet ready, so the agency remained in the leased building and told the 
lessor that it would continue to pay rent for the period of actual 
occupancy. The lessor argued that, under state law, it was entitled to 
rent for at least the full third year. The claim first came to GAO and 
the answer was no. Since the multiyear lease was unauthorized in the 
first place, terminating it at the end of the second year could not be 
a breach. 5 Comp. Gen. 172 (1925). 

The lessor did not like this answer and went to court, by now 
conceding that it could not establish the lease's validity for the 
full 5-year period, but still trying to recover for the entire third 
year. The Court of Claims threw the case out on the grounds that it 
failed to state a cause of action. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. 
United States, 62 Ct. Cl. 370 (1926), aff'd, 276 U.S. 287 (1928). The 
lessor, not overly excited with this result either, took it to the 
Supreme Court. Unfortunately for the lessor, the Supreme Court had 
just decided a similar case, Leiter v. United States, 271 U.S. 204 
(1926), clearly establishing that a multiyear lease without statutory 
authority could bind the government only to the end of the fiscal year 
in which it was made (or, of course, longer period under a multiple 
year appropriation). It could be binding in a subsequent year only if 
there was an available appropriation and if the government took 
affirmative action�as opposed to mere automatic renewal�to continue 
the lease. Leiter, 271 U.S. at 207.[Footnote 105] The disposal of 
Goodyear's appeal was a straightforward application of Leiter. 
Goodyear, 276 U.S. 287. "Not having affirmatively continued the lease 
beyond the actual period of occupancy, the Government cannot, under 
the doctrine of the Leiter case, be bound for a longer term." Id. at 

Later GAO decisions applying these principles include 24 Comp. Gen. 
195 (1944); 20 Comp. Gen. 30 (1940); 19 Comp. Gen. 758 (1940); and B-
7785, Mar. 28, 1940. The sheer number of cases both before and after 
Leiter suggests the strength of the need that ultimately generated the 
multiyear leasing statutes we will discuss later. Of course, the case 
law comes back into play in any situation not covered by one of the 
statutes, or if the government were to attempt to enter into a lease 
for a time period in excess of that authorized by statute. 

The objection, based on the Antideficiency Act, to indefinite or open-
ended indemnification agreements by the government applies fully to 
indemnity provisions included in a lease. 35 Comp. Gen. 85 (1955). 

The existence of multiyear leasing authority by itself does not 
necessarily tell you how to record obligations under a lease. Some 
agencies have specific statutory direction. For example, the General 
Services Administration is to obligate funds for its multiyear leases 
one year at a time. 40 U.S.C. � 585(a)(2). So are the military 
departments with respect to leases in foreign countries. 10 U.S.C. �� 
2675 (leases for military purposes other than family housing) and 
2828(d) (military family housing). Absent such authority, you fall 
back on the general rule that obligations are chargeable in full to 
appropriations current at the time they are incurred. Thus, in B-
195260, July 11, 1979, GAO advised the Federal Emergency Management 
Agency, which had no-year appropriations but no statutory direction 
comparable to 40 U.S.C. � 585(a)(2) or 10 U.S.C. � 2675, that it could 
enter into a multiyear lease under its no-year appropriation but that 
it had to obligate the full amount of its obligations under the lease 
at the time the lease was signed. Actual payments, of course, would be 
made periodically over the term of the lease. 

The constitutional immunity of the United States from state and local 
taxes imposed on property which the government owns does not extend to 
property which the government leases. Taxes imposed on the owner are 
simply part of the consideration or rent which the government, as 
tenant, agrees to pay. 24 Comp. Dec. 705 (1918). However, there is no 
authority for the government to increase its rent payments to 
compensate for tax increases unless there is also some other 
modification or amendment to constitute legal consideration. B-169004, 
Mar. 6, 1970. Indeed, the current regulations require inclusion of a 
clause explicitly stating that no adjustment will be made to cover 
increased taxes. 48 C.F.R. � 552.229-70. 

c. Rights and Obligations: 

While the Contract Disputes Act does not apply to contracts for "the 
procurement of ... real property in being" (41 U.S.C. � 602(a)(1)), 
this exemption has not been construed as applying to leases. 
Therefore, claims and disputes arising under a lease are governed by 
the requirements and procedures of the Contract Disputes Act. Forman 
v. United States, 767 F.2d 875 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (the leading case); 
Jackson v. United States Postal Service, 799 F.2d 1018 (5th Cir.), 
reh'g denied, 803 F.2d 717 (5th Cir. 1986); The Federal Group, Inc. v. 
United States, 67 Fed. Cl. 87, 96-97 (2005); United States v. Black 
Hawk Masonic Temple Ass'n, 798 E Supp. 646 (D. Colo. 1992); Goodfellow 
Bros., Inc., AGBCA No. 80-189-3, 81-1 B.C.A. � 14,917 (1981); Robert 
J. DiDomenico, GSBCA No. 5539, 80-1 B.C.A. � 14,412 (1980).[Footnote 
106] However, as with other types of government contracts, the 
Contract Disputes Act does not extend to protests against the award 
of, or failure to award, a lease. Arthur S. Curtis, GSBCA No. 8867-P-
R, 88-1 B.C.A. � 20,517 (1988) (government in that case was lessor). 

The traditional view among the courts, boards of contract appeals, and 
GAO has been that rights and obligations under a lease to which the 
federal government is a party are questions of federal, rather than 
state, law. E.g., Forman, 767 F.2d 875; Girard Trust Co. v. United 
States, 161 F.2d 159 (3rd Cir. 1947); Keydata Corp. v. United States, 
504 F.2d 1115 (Ct. Cl. 1974); Brooklyn Waterfront Terminal Corp. v. 
United States, 90 E Supp. 943 (Ct. Cl. 1950), cert. denied, 340 U.S. 
931 (1951); Goodfellow Bros., Inc., 81-1 B.C.A. � 14,917; 49 Comp. 
Gen. 532, 533 (1970); B-174588, May 17, 1972, aff'd on 
reconsideration, B-174588, Sept. 6, 1972. The same is true with 
respect to lease formation. E.g., United States v. Bedford Associates, 
657 F.2d 1300, 1309-10 (2nd Cir. 1981), cert. denied, 456 U.S. 914 
(1982). Under this approach, the decision maker is free to choose what 
it regards as the better view when state laws are not uniform. E.g., 
Keydata, 504 F.2d at 1122-24. 

There is also a line of cases involving United States Postal Service 
leases which, while recognizing their power to apply federal law, 
decline to do so and instead apply state landlord-tenant law. Powers 
v. United States Postal Service, 671 F.2d 1041 (7th Cir. 1982); Reed 
v. United States Postal Service, 660 E Supp. 178 (D. Mass. 1987); 
Jackson v. United States Postal Service, 611 E Supp. 456 (N.D. Tex. 
1985).[Footnote 107] The advantage of using state law is that every 
state has an established body of landlord-tenant law whereas federal 
courts deal with these issues infrequently. It is no coincidence that 
these cases, from the district courts and numbered circuits, all 
involve Postal Service leases because federal lease cases involving 
agencies other than the Postal Service would mostly go on appeal to 
the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Forman, 767 F.2d at 880 
n.6; Reed, 660 E Supp. at 181. Indeed, since appeals under the 
Contract Disputes Act go to the Federal Circuit, the Postal Service 
Board of Contract Appeals follows its governing circuit (the Forman 
case) and applies federal law. N.J. Hastetter, Trustee, PSBCA No. 
3064, 92-3 B.C.A. � 25,189 (1992). 

As with contracts in general, rights and obligations under a lease are 
determined primarily by reference to the terms the parties agreed 
upon, as embodied in the lease agreement. E.g., Girard Trust Co., 161 
F.2d at 161. A number of contract clauses used in General Services 
Administration leases are described in 48 C.F.R. subpart 570.6. In 
addition, there are certain "implied covenants" that the courts will 
read in unless the lease expressly provides otherwise. 

For example, the landlord is frequently obligated to keep the premises 
in good repair. See 48 C.F.R. �� 570.603 and 552.270-6 (clause). If 
the landlord violates this provision, the government can make the 
repairs and deduct their cost from rent payments. 48 C.F.R. � 552.270-
10. In addition, every lease includes an "implied covenant of quiet 
enjoyment." United States v. Bedford Associates, 548 E Supp. 732, 740 
(S.D.N.Y. 1982), modified on other grounds and aff'd, 713 F.2d 895 
(2nd Cir. 1983). Significant breach of the repair clause or the 
implied covenant can trigger the government's right to terminate the 
lease under a default clause if the lease contains one or, if the 
lease does not contain a default clause, under the common-law concept 
of "constructive eviction." 

A constructive eviction is wrongful conduct by the lessor which (1) 
renders the premises unfit for the purpose leased or (2) deprives the 
tenant of the beneficial use and enjoyment of the premises. David 
Kwok, GSBCA No. 7933, 90-1 B.C.A. � 22,292 (1989), affd mem., 918 F.2d 
187 (Fed. Cir. 1990); Hugh, L. Nathurst III, GSBCA No. 9284, 89-3 
B.C.A. � 22,164 (1989); J.H. Millstein and Fanny Millstein, GSBCA Nos. 
7665 and 7904, 86-3 B.C.A. � 19,025 (1986). A constructive eviction 
requires more than some minor deviation. For a vivid example of facts 
supporting a constructive eviction, see Kwok, 90-1 B.C.A. at � 
111,959. Under a constructive eviction, the government's obligation to 
pay rent ceases, but the government, as tenant, must vacate the 
premises within a reasonable time. Bedford Associates, 548 E Supp. at 
741; Richardson v. United States, 17 Cl. Ct. 355, 357 (1989). 
Disruption incident to the making of repairs is not a constructive 
eviction. Millstein, 86-3 B.C.A. at � 96,084. Conversely, continued 
occupancy in reliance on the lessor's promise of repair does not waive 
the government's right to assert a constructive eviction. Nathurst, 89-
3 B.C.A. at � 111,541. 

A lease may require the lessee to restore the premises to the 
condition they were in at the beginning of the lease, reasonable wear 
and tear excepted. As with the "good repair" clause, even in the 
absence of an express provision in the lease, there is an implied 
covenant which may produce much the same result. Unless the lease 
expressly provides otherwise, every lease includes an implied covenant 
against voluntary waste, under which the government can be held liable 
for negligent damage to the premises. United States v. Bostwick, 94 
U.S. 53 (1876); New Rawson Corp. v. United States, 55 E Supp. 291 (D. 
Mass. 1943); Mount Manresa v. United States, 70 Ct. Cl. 144 (1930); 
Italian National Rifle Shooting Society v. United States, 66 Ct. CL 
418 (1928). This covenant "also requires restoration of the premises 
to the lessor in the same condition as received, reasonable wear and 
tear excepted" when "construed with reference to the intended use of 
the property by the lessee." Brooklyn Waterfront Terminal Corp. v. 
United States, 90 E Supp. 943, 949 (Ct. Cl. 1950), cert. denied, 340 
U.S. 931 (1951). See also United States v. Jordan, 186 F.2d 803, 806 
(6th Cir. 1951), affd per curiam, 342 U.S. 911 (1952). By virtue of 
the covenant against voluntary waste, appropriate restoration costs 
are a proper charge to appropriated funds. 26 Comp. Gen. 585 (1947); 
25 Comp. Gen. 349 (1945). 

A provision whose status is somewhat clouded is the Termination for 
Convenience ("T for C") clause required in government procurement 
contracts generally. The government has regarded the "T for C" clause 
as inappropriate in leases of real property, and General Services 
Administration (GSA) leases do not include a "T for C" clause. The 
reason, the GSA Board of Contract Appeals has suggested, is that the 
clause "would enable the Government to cancel the lease at any time 
without liability for future rent, and would therefore so vitiate the 
agreement on a fixed lease term that it might render the apparent 
lease agreement nugatory." Yucca, A Joint Venture, GSBCA Nos. 6768, 
7319, 85-3 B.C.A. � 18,511 (1985) at � 92,969. 

One practical consequence of this is the inability to recommend 
termination where a lease is found to have been improperly awarded. 
E.g., 72 Comp. Gen. 335, 339 (1993); B-214648, Dec. 26, 1984. However, 
one court has stated that a termination for convenience clause is 
incorporated in a lease of real property by operation of law. 
Aerolease Long Beach v. United States, 31 Fed. Cl. 342, aff'd, 39 F.3d 
1198 (Fed. Cir. 1994). Whether a lease could expressly disclaim the "T 
for C" authority does not yet appear to have been addressed. 

Wholly apart from the presence or absence of a termination for 
convenience clause, paragraph 4 of the U.S. Government Lease for Real 
Property, Standard Form 2 (June 2, 2003),[Footnote 108] provides as 
follows: "The Government may terminate this lease at any time by 
giving at least _____ days' notice in writing to the Lessor and no 
rental shall accrue after the effective date of termination." The 
parties then insert the desired notification period. This provision 
has occasionally been stricken from the lease, essentially for the 
same reason there is no "T for C" clause�the apparent inconsistency 
with the fixed term of the lease. E.g., David Kwok, GSBCA No. 7933, 90-
1 B.C.A. � 22,292 (1989) at � 111,960. However, where the provision is 
used, it becomes part of the contract and is enforced as such. Darrel 
Stebbins, AGBCA No. 91-164-1, 93-1 B.C.A. � 25,236 (1992); Capricorn 
Enterprises, Inc., AGBCA No. 89-125-1, 90-1 B.C.A. � 22,587 (1990). 

d. Payment of Rent: 

"The primary obligation of a tenant is to pay rent." Jackson v. United 
States Postal Service, 611 F. Supp. 456, 460 (N.D. Tex. 1985). Rent 
has been defined as "compensation for the use, enjoyment and 
occupation of real estate." B-106578, Aug. 29, 1952, at 3. The lease 
(paragraph 3 of the U.S. Government Lease for Real Property, Standard 
Form 2[Footnote 109]) will state the amount of rent and the intervals 
at which it is to be paid. Where rent is paid monthly, the monthly 
amount, unless the lease specifies differently, is one-twelfth of the 
annual rental regardless of variations in the number of days from 
month to month. 24 Comp. Gen. 838 (1945). The government pays by 
electronic funds transfer. See 48 C.F.R. �� 532.908(b)(2) and 552.232-
76. The Prompt Payment Act applies to leases. 31 U.S.C. � 3901(a)(6). 
GSA's regulations incorporating this requirement are 48 C.F.R. �� 
532.908(b)(1) and 552.232-75. Under the terms of the lease provision, 
however, Prompt Payment Act interest penalties do not apply where the 
delay in payment is due to a dispute concerning the government's 
liability. Modeer v. United States, 68 Fed. CL 131, 144 (2005), aff'd, 
183 Fed. Appx. 975 (Fed. Cir. 2006). 

(1) Advance payment: 

By virtue of the general prohibition against advance payments found in 
31 U.S.C. � 3324(b), the United States cannot make rental payments in 
advance but must pay in arrears. The prohibition applies to the lease 
of "naked lands" as well as buildings. 23 Comp. Dec. 653 (1917). The 
General Services Administration's regulations provide that rent will 
be paid monthly "in arrears" and is due on the first workday of each 
month. 48 C.F.R. � 552.232-75(a)(1). Thus, the payment covers the 
month that has just ended rather than the month that is beginning. GPA-
I, LP v. United States, 46 Fed. CL 762, 769-71 (2000). 

The same nonstatutory exceptions apply in the case of leases as apply 
to advance payments in general. Thus, where the lessor is a state, 
rent may be paid in advance because the possibility of loss is 
regarded as sufficiently remote. 57 Comp. Gen. 399 (1978). See also B-
207215, Mar. 1, 1983, applying the exception to a National Park 
Service lease from a statutorily created nonprofit foundation whose 
governing board included the Secretary of the Interior and the 
Director of the Park Service. That decision also emphasized that, in 
view of the bona fide needs rule, payment in advance means advance for 
the fiscal year (or other fixed term of the paying appropriation). 
Rent being paid pursuant to a condemnation award may be paid in 
advance to the extent necessary to satisfy the award. 22 Comp. Gen. 
1112 (1943). 

In addition, Congress may legislate exceptions to the advance payment 
prohibition and has done so in a number of instances. Examples are 22 
U.S.C. � 2670(h) (State Department leases for the use of the Foreign 
Service abroad) and 10 U.S.C. � 2661(b)(1) (certain military leases). 

(2) Payment to legal representative: 

The common-law rule is that rent which has accrued prior to the 
lessor's death is payable to the executor or administrator; rent which 
accrues after the lessor's death vests in the heir (intestate 
succession) or devisee (person named in will), unless otherwise 
provided by statute or will or unless the property has been formally 
brought into administration proceedings prior to accrual of the rent. 
B-116413, Aug. 19, 1953. For an example of a state statute which 
modifies the common-law rule by requiring payment of posthumous rent 
to the legal representative, see B-36636, Sept. 14, 1943. Of course, 
the common-law rule does not apply in the case of property held 
jointly with right of survivorship, such as property owned by a 
husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, in which case rent is 
payable to the surviving co-owner. B-140816, Oct. 27, 1959. 

Where rent is being paid to an executor or administrator, the voucher 
should include a statement to the effect that the payee is continuing 
to serve in that capacity. 9 Comp. Gen. 154 (1929); B-127362, Apr. 13, 
1956. The purpose is to safeguard against making payment to someone 
who has been discharged as legal representative, an improper payment 
which could put a certifying officer at risk. This does not mean that 
the certifying officer has to run to the courthouse every month before 
certifying the payment voucher. While this would not eliminate the 
potential for personal liability, the lessor can be required to submit 
a statement to be attached to the voucher. B-57612, June 18, 1946. 

Before entering into a new lease with an executor or administrator, 
the agency must be careful to determine that the executor or 
administrator is authorized to lease the decedent's property. This 
usually requires the permission of the probate court. In 16 Comp. Gen. 
820 (1937), an executor leased property to the government at a rent 
lower than that authorized by the court. Since the executor had 
exceeded his authority, no binding lease resulted and the government 
was liable for the fair rental value of the property. 

(3) Assignment of Claims Act: 

The Assignment of Claims Act-31 U.S.C. � 3727 and 41 U.S.C. � 15�
prohibits the assignment of claims against the United States except 
under fairly restrictive conditions, prohibits the transfer of 
government contracts, and authorizes the assignment of contract 
proceeds to financing institutions. This legislation impacts the 
payment of rent under leases in several ways. Starting with 31 U.S.C. 
� 3727, the prohibition on assignments applies to a lessor's right to 
receive rent. The government is not bound to recognize an assignment 
not in compliance with the statute. E.g., Webster Factors, Inc. v. 
United States, 436 F.2d 425 (Ct. CL 1971); B-204237, Oct. 13, 1981. 

To avoid problems under the anti-assignment legislation, early 
decisions[Footnote 110] developed the following guidelines for payment: 

* If an agent executes the lease on behalf of the principal under a 
proper power of attorney, rent may be paid to the agent. 

* Rent may be paid to an agent if the lease itself so specifies. 

* If neither of the above applies, the check for rent must be drawn 
payable to the principal, although it may be delivered to an agent. 

* If payment to an agent is authorized to begin with, it may be made 
to a successor agent. 6 Comp. Gen. 737 (1927); B-36636, Sept. 14, 1943. 

Application of the Assignment of Claims Act to leases is essentially 
the same as in other contexts. Thus, the prohibition applies to 
voluntary assignments and not to assignments by operation of law. 
E.g., Keydata Corp. v. United States, 504 F.2d 1115 (Ct. CL 1974) 
(assignment under court order). Also, since the prohibition is for the 
government's protection, the government can choose to waive the 
statute and recognize an assignment. Freedman's Saving & Trust Co. v. 
Shepherd, 127 U.S. 494 (1888). See also 11 Comp. Gen. 278 (1932). As 
with government contracts in general, the government can include a 
provision authorizing the assignment of rent payments to a financing 
institution, and will then be bound by a proper assignment. See 
Webster Factors, 436 F.2d 425. 

The prohibition in 41 U.S.C. � 15 on the transfer of contracts comes 
into play when the lessor of property leased to the government sells 
the property. An early Supreme Court case, Shepherd, 127 U.S. at 505, 
held that the prohibition: 

"does not embrace a lease of real estate to be used for public 
purposes, under which the lessor is not required to perform any 
service for the government, and has nothing to do, in respect to the 
lease, except to receive from time to time the rent agreed to be paid. 
The assignment of such a lease is not within the mischief which 
Congress intended to prevent." 

There is no reason this holding would not remain valid under the 
stated conditions. Especially with respect to buildings, however, many 
modern leases are different. The General Services Administration (GSA) 
Board of Contract Appeals has held that the principle of the Shepherd 
case does not apply to: 

"a contemporary GSA lease, involving a host of services and supplies 
to be provided by the lessor. The transfer of this lease without the 
consent of the Government might not only subject the Government to 
multiple litigation with unknown parties, but might, at each turn, 
subject the Government to detrimental alteration in the performance of 
contractual services." 

Broadlake Partners, GSBCA No. 10713, 92-1 B.C.A. � 24,699 (1991), at � 
123,270. Of course, as with assignments under 31 U.S.C. � 3727, the 
government can consent to the transfer. See Albert Ginsberg, GSBCA No. 
9911, 91-2 B.C.A. � 23,784 (1991). 

In 1992, subsequent to the Broadlake Partners decision, GSA amended 
its "successors bound" clause to read as follows: "This lease shall 
bind, and inure to the benefit of, the parties and their respective 
heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns." 48 C.F.R. � 
552.270-11 (emphasis added). This clause is required in larger leases 
and optional in smaller ones. 48 C.F.R. � 570.603. The 1992 amendment 
added the italicized language.[Footnote 111] While there appear to be 
no published decisions interpreting the amendment, it is at least 
arguable that the clause amounts to a blanket consent. See United 
States v. Jordan, 186 F.2d 803, 808 (6th Cir. 1951), aff'd per curiam, 
342 U.S. 911 (1952). 

2. Statutory Authorities and Limitations: 

a. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act: 

The major portion of the federal government's leasing is done by the 
General Services Administration (GSA), which serves as the government's 
chief "leasing agent.[Footnote 112] As a general proposition, an 
agency which needs space must get it through GSA. The agency may do 
its own leasing only if it has specific statutory authority to do so, 
or upon a delegation from GSA. B-309181, Aug. 17, 2007 ("Without a 
delegation from the General Services Administration or independent 
statutory authority to enter into a lease, neither GovWorks (a 
Department of the Interior franchise fund) nor the Counterintelligence 
Field Activity ... of the Department of Defense ... had authority to 
obtain office space through a third-party lease."); B-202206, June 16, 
1981 (the Northern Mariana Islands Commission on Federal Laws, an 
independent entity in the legislative branch, may not rent office 
space on its own unless it receives a delegation from GSA). 

We begin our discussion of GSA's authorities with a brief note on 
citations. GSA leasing authority is the combined product of several 
provisions of law. The primary original source of these provisions was 
the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, Pub. L. 
No. 81-152, 63 Stat. 377 (June 30, 1949) (Property Act), which also 
created GSA. These provisions, with their amendments over the years, 
were located in title 40 of the United States Code. They are still in 
title 40; however, Congress recently codified title 40 into positive 
law. Pub. L. No. 107-217, 116 Stat. 1062 (Aug. 21, 2002). The 
codification repealed most of the Property Act and reassigned its 
provisions to new sections of title 40, usually retaining the same 
substance but making minor wording changes. While the following 
discussion cites the current provisions, we will also include the pre-
codification citations since virtually all the cases we will discuss 
reference the former sections. 

Section 585 of title 40[Footnote 113] authorizes the Administrator of 
GSA to enter into leases for terms of up to 20 years. Specifically, 
section 585(a) provides: 

"(1) Authority.�The Administrator of General Services may enter into a 
lease agreement with a person, copartnership, corporation, or other 
public or private entity for the accommodation of a federal agency in 
a building (or improvement) which is in existence or being erected by 
the lessor to accommodate the federal agency. The Administrator may 
assign and reassign the leased space to a federal agency. 

"(2) Terms.�A lease agreement under this subsection shall be on terms 
the Administrator considers to be in the interest of the Federal 
Government and necessary for the accommodation of the federal agency. 
However, the lease agreement may not bind the Government for more than 
20 years and the obligation of amounts for a lease under this 
subsection is limited to the current fiscal year for which payments 
are due without regard to section 1341(a)(1)(B) of title 31 [of the 
United States Code]." 

Shortly after enactment of the Property Act, section 1 of 
Reorganization Plan No. 18 of 1950, 40 U.S.C. � 301 note, promulgated 
pursuant to the Reorganization Act of 1949 (5 U.S.C. �� 901-912), 
transferred "[all functions with respect to acquiring space in 
buildings by lease ... from the respective agencies in which such 
functions are now vested" to GSA, except for (1) buildings in foreign 
countries, (2) buildings on military facilities, (3) post office 
buildings, and (4) "special purpose" space not generally suitable for 
the use of other agencies, such as hospitals, jails, and laboratories. 
Another provision, 40 U.S.C. � 582(b),[Footnote 114] gives the Office 
of Management and Budget permanent authority to transfer to GSA 
functions "vested in a federal agency with respect to the operation, 
maintenance, and custody of an office building" owned or leased by the 
government, with exceptions similar to those found in the 1950 
reorganization plan. 

GSA leasing authority under 40 U.S.C. � 585 is not limited to the 
executive branch. This is because the authority applies with respect 
to "federal agencies," which term is defined in 40 U.S.C. � 102(5) 
[Footnote 115] to mean "an executive agency or an establishment in the 
legislative or judicial branch of the Government (except the Senate, 
the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol, and 
any activities under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol." 

Thus, legislative branch entities except those specified must lease 
office space through GSA absent authority to do otherwise by statute 
or delegation. B-202206, June 16, 1981. So must the Administrative 
Office of the United States Courts. 54 Comp. Gen. 944 (1975). The 
Supreme Court building is exempt from GSA authority, however, because 
40 U.S.C. � 6111(a)[Footnote 116] places it under the control of the 
Architect of the Capitol. 54 Comp. Gen. at 947. 

The statute further defines "executive agency" as including wholly 
owned government corporations. 40 U.S.C. � 102(4). Therefore, by its 
terms, it does not apply to mixed-ownership government corporations. 
See Chapter 15, section B. Similarly, Reorganization Plan No. 18 is 
regarded as applicable to wholly owned, but not mixed ownership, 
government corporations. 38 Comp. Gen. 565 (1959). 

The 20-year term authorized by 40 U.S.C. � 585(a)(2) refers to the 
length of time that the government is obligated to pay rent. Thus, a 
lease-construction agreement which provides for a 2 to 3 year lead 
time for construction of the building, with the 20-year term of 
occupancy and the government's obligation to pay rent to begin upon 
completion of construction, does not violate the statute. B-191888, 
May 26, 1978. 

GSA finances its leasing operations from the Federal Buildings Fund, a 
revolving fund established by 40 U.S.C. � 592.[Footnote 117] Money in 
the Fund is available for expenditure as specified in annual 
appropriation acts. 40 U.S.C. � 592(c)(1). A recurring general 
provision authorizes any department or agency to use its operating 
appropriations to pay GSA's charges for space and services furnished 
by law. E.g., Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-
161, � 706, 121 Stat. 1844, 2020 (Dec. 26, 2007). Funds for multiyear 
leases are obligated one fiscal year at a time. 40 U.S.C. � 585(a)(2). 

This funding scheme does not give the tenant agency the same rights 
against GSA that a commercial tenant would have against a commercial 
landlord. Thus, GSA is not liable to the tenant agency for damage to 
the agency's property caused by building defects, although GSA should 
of course try to recover from the lessor. 57 Comp. Gen. 130 (1977). 
See also B-308822, May 2, 2007 (operating reserves in the National 
Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) records center revolving 
fund are available to cover the costs of repairing water damage to 
records that NARA stores for its federal agency customers caused by a 
GSA building failure; GSA is not required to reimburse NARA for the 
property damage). 

There is still another funding provision on the books, 40 U.S.C. � 
1303(e)(1),[Footnote 118] which predates the Property Act. It provides: 

"To the extent that the appropriations of the General Services 
Administration not otherwise allocated are inadequate for repairs, 
alterations, maintenance, or operation, the Administrator [of GSA] may 
require each federal agency to which leased space has been assigned to 
pay promptly by check to the Administrator out of its appropriation 
for rent any part of the estimated or actual cost of the repairs, 
alterations, maintenance, and operation. Payments may be either in 
advance of, or on or during, occupancy of the space. The Administrator 
shall determine and equitably apportion the total amount to be paid 
among the agencies to whom space has been assigned." 

While the creation of the Federal Buildings Fund has diminished the 
significance of 40 U.S.C. � 1303(e)(1), it remains as a backup. It 
does not, however, alter or expand the availability of the tenant 
agency's appropriations. B-62051, Jan. 17, 1947. 

If GSA enters into a lease under its statutory authorities, GSA, not 
the tenant agency, must make any necessary amendments or 
modifications. A lease executed by GSA may not be amended or modified 
by an agreement between the tenant agency and the lessor. 38 Comp. 
Gen. 803 (1959); 32 Comp. Gen. 342 (1953). 

It is possible that the tenant agency's needs might change such that 
it no longer needs the leased premises for the full term of the lease. 
Should this happen, the unexpired term of the lease can be declared 
"excess," in which event other government agencies should be 
canvassed, the same as with other forms of excess property, to see if 
any other agency needs the premises. If not, GSA can declare the 
unexpired term "surplus" and sublet the premises, depositing rental 
receipts to the Federal Buildings Fund to be used to provide services 
to the new tenant or to pay rent to the original lessor. 40 U.S.C. � 
585(b)(2). Alternatively, depending on a variety of circumstances, it 
may be in the government's interest to invoke whatever cancellation 
terms the lease provides. See B-119782, July 9, 1954, in which 
cancellation was the cheapest alternative. 

GSA implements its leasing authority in the Federal Management 
Regulation, specifically 41 C.F.R. part 102-73, subpart B. Subject to 
certain exceptions, GSA is authorized to delegate, and to authorize 
successive redelegation of, functions transferred to or vested in it. 
40 U.S.C. � 121(d).[Footnote 119] This includes leasing, and the GSA 
regulations provide for a wide variety of delegations. In this regard, 
the regulations state in general: "Federal agencies, upon approval 
from GSA, must perform all functions of leasing building space, and 
land incidental thereto, for their use except as provided in this 
subpart." 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.75. The regulations spell out, at 41 
C.F.R. � 102-73.140, terms and conditions that apply to agencies 
leasing space pursuant to GSA delegations of authority: 

* Agencies may do their own leasing, for terms of not more than 1 
year, when space is leased for no rental or a nominal rental of $1 a 
year. 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.140(b). � GSA may grant specific delegations 
upon request. 41 C.F.R. � 10273.140(c). 

* GSA may grant categorical delegations, under which any agency may do 
its own leasing for specified purposes.[Footnote 120] 41 C.F.R. � 102-

* GSA may grant "special purpose" delegations for space not generally 
suitable for use by other agencies. 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.140(e). Special 
purposes delegations are described in 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.160 and are 
listed in 41 C.F.R. �� 102-73.170-73.225 

Since what is being delegated is the authority GSA possesses under 40 
U.S.C. � 585, the delegation includes the authority to enter into 
multiyear leases for terms of up to 20 years, "except as otherwise 
noted." 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.165. 

b. Prospectus Requirement: 

The acquisition of real property, including leaseholds, requires 
legislative authorization. For major leases, a component of this 
authorization is the prospectus approval requirement of 40 U.S.C. � 
3307.[Footnote 121] As relevant to leases, it provides that no 
appropriation shall be made to lease space for a public purpose at an 
average annual rental exceeding $1.5 million unless the Senate 
Committee on Environment and Public Work and the House Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure adopt resolutions approving the 
purpose for which the appropriation is made. 40 U.S.C. � 3307(a). 

Section 3307(b) states that GSA shall seek committee consideration and 
approval under section 3307(a) by transmitting a prospectus of the 
proposed facility to the Congress. The section goes on to specify that 
the prospectus shall include, among other things: a brief description 
of the space to be leased, the location of the space, an estimate of 
the maximum cost to the United States, a comprehensive plan addressing 
the space needs of all government employees in the locality, and a 
statement of how much the government is already spending to 
accommodate the employees who will occupy the space to be leased. 
[Footnote 122] 

The application of section 3307 to leases originated in the Public 
Buildings Amendments of 1972, Pub. L. No. 92-313, � 2, 86 Stat. 216, 
217 (June 16, 1972). It was the outgrowth of appropriation act 
provisions used throughout most of the 1960s to control lease-
construction arrangements. See Merriam v. Kunzig, 476 F.2d 1233, 1237-
39 (3rd Cir.), cert. denied, 414 U.S. 911 (1973). As enacted, however, 
the requirement applies "to all leases, and not merely to leases for 
buildings to be erected by the lessor." Id. at 1239. The threshold, 
originally $500,000, was raised to $1,500,000 by the Public Buildings 
Amendments of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-678, � 2, 102 Stat. 4049 (Nov. 17, 
1988). GSA can adjust the threshold amount annually in the manner and 
to the extent authorized in 40 U.S.C. � 3307(g).[Footnote 123] 

The monetary threshold applies to the "average annual rental." GSA and 
GAO agree that "rental" in this context means the amount of 
consideration for use of the land and buildings, or portions of 
buildings, during the firm term of the lease, excluding the cost of 
any services such as heat, light, water, and janitorial services. 41 
C.F.R. � 102-73.230 (threshold applies to "net" annual rental, 
excluding services and utilities). See also 52 Comp. Gen. 230 (1972). 
Apart from 40 U.S.C. � 3307(d), which authorizes the rescission of 
approval if an appropriation has not been enacted within one year, the 
statute does not impose time limits on the approval process. However, 
delay may have adverse consequences. One court has held that delay by 
GSA in obtaining prospectus approval, during a time when construction 
costs were increasing rapidly, excused the lessor from any duty to 
renovate the premises. United States v. Bedford Associates, 548 F. 
Supp. 732, 737 (S.D. N.Y. 1982), modified on other grounds and aff'd, 
713 F.2d 895 (2nd Cir. 1983). 

Since the statute requires GSA to submit the prospectus, an agency 
which is doing its own leasing under a delegation from GSA must submit 
its prospectus to GSA who will in turn submit it to the Congress. 41 
C.F.R. � 102-73.230. 

c. Site Selection: 

It is, as it should be, up to the leasing agency to determine where 
those premises should be located, and that determination should not be 
second-guessed as long as it has a rational basis. 59 Comp. Gen. 474, 
480 (1980); B-190730, Sept. 26, 1978. For example, GAO regards 
geographical restrictions, such as "city limits" restrictions, based 
on considerations of employee travel time, as reasonable. B-230660, 
May 26, 1988; B-227849, Sept. 28, 1987. The GSA regulations likewise 
give leasing agencies discretion within the overall statutory and 
regulatory framework: 

"Each Federal agency is responsible for identifying the delineated 
area within which it wishes to locate specific activities, consistent 
with its mission and program requirements, and in accordance with all 
applicable laws, regulations, and Executive Orders." 

41 C.F.R. � 102-83.25. Of course, the leasing of real property, like 
virtually every other form of federal contract, is designed to serve 
various social and economic purposes in addition to meeting the 
government's needs. 

One such purpose is the preservation of historic properties. The 
National Historic Preservation Act directs agencies to seek out and 
use, to the maximum extent feasible, "historic properties available to 
the agency" before leasing other buildings. 16 U.S.C. � 470h-2(a)(1). 
Another provision of law directs the General Services Administration 
(GSA) to "acquire and utilize space in suitable buildings of 
historical, architectural, or cultural significance, unless use of the 
space would not prove feasible and prudent compared with available 
alternatives." 40 U.S.C. � 3306(b)(1).[Footnote 124] "Historical, 
architectural, or cultural significance" for the most part means 
buildings listed or eligible to be listed on the National Register 
established under the Historic Preservation Act. Id. � 3306(a)(4). 
While one court has held that 40 U.S.C. � 3306 does not apply to 
properties which GSA is leasing for other agencies, the same court 
noted that the policy has been incorporated into an executive order 
which does apply to leased properties. Birmingham Realty Co. v. GSA, 
497 F. Supp. 1377, 1384-86 (N.D. Ala. 1980), citing to Exec. Order No. 
12072, Federal Space Management, 43 Fed. Reg. 36,869 (Aug. 16, 1978), 
reprinted at 40 U.S.C. � 121 note. The GSA regulations explicitly 
affirm that the preference for historic properties applies when 
leasing space. 41 C.F.R. �� 102-73.30, 10283.125. The GSA regulations 
provide for preferences to be given to historic buildings. Under a 
clause prescribed for major leases, the historic building will get the 
award if it meets the terms and conditions of the solicitation, and if 
the rental is no more than 10 percent higher than the lowest otherwise 
acceptable offer. 48 C.F.R. �� 570.602, 552.270-2. See also Exec. 
Order No. 13006, Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in 
Our Nation's Central Cities, 61 Fed. Reg. 26,071 (May 21, 1996); 41 
C.F.R. pt. 102-78. A solicitation of offers for a lease should state 
how the historic building preference will be applied. 62 Comp. Gen. 50 

None of the authorities thus far noted purport to address the 
consequences of disregarding the historic building preference. In the 
Birmingham Realty case cited above, the court found that GSA had 
failed to comply with the executive order, but that the unsuitability 
of the historic building for the purposes for which the space was 
needed outweighed the noncompliance. Birmingham Realty, 497 F. Supp. 
at 1386-87. 

The choice between urban and rural locations introduces additional 
requirements. A provision enacted as part of the Rural Development Act 
of 1972, now found at 7 U.S.C. � 2204b-1(b), designed to improve rural 
economic and living conditions, requires federal agencies to give 
"first priority to the location of new offices and other facilities in 
rural areas." Section 1-103 of Executive Order No. 12072, designed to 
strengthen cities, requires federal agencies to "give first 
consideration to a centralized community business area and adjacent 
areas of similar character" when meeting space needs in urban areas. 
"First consideration" means preference. City of Reacting v. Austin, 
816 F. Supp. 351, 362 (E.D. Pa. 1993). 

While these preferences may seem incompatible, they are not. Because 
it is statutory, the rural preference must be considered first. The 
central business area preference comes into play only after it is 
determined that the need must be met in an urban area. 59 Comp. Gen. 
474, 480 (1980); 59 Comp. Gen. 409, 414 (1980). Also, the applicable 
definitions of urban area and rural area produce an overlap such that 
a community with a population between 10,000 and 50,000 is both. 59 
Comp. Gen. at 414; B-95136, Mar. 10, 1980. 

The City of Reading court held that the city's complaint of 
noncompliance with Executive Order No. 12072 was subject to judicial 
review. However, the court noted that Executive Order No. 12072 
"provides no meaningful benchmarks for a court to effectively evaluate 
GSA's ultimate decision," and that the decision involves "managerial 
and economic choices dependent on GSA's special expertise ... not 
readily subject to judicial review." City of Reading, 816 F. Supp. at 
360. Therefore, the review should not be a review of the merits of the 
decision, but should seek "to ensure a fully informed and well-
considered decision." Id. Citing City of Reacting, the court in City 
of Albuquerque v. Department of the Interior, 379 F.3d 901 (10th Cir. 
2004), also concluded that a challenge based on noncompliance with 
Executive Order No. 12072 and the GSA regulations in terms of locating 
in central business areas was subject to judicial review. 

In HG Properties A, L.P., B-284170, Mar. 3, 2000, 2000 CPD � 36, GAO 
considered but denied a protest alleging, among other things, that a 
federal agency's city-wide solicitation for a lease for office space 
violated the central business area preferences in Executive Order No. 
12072 and the GSA regulations. The decision concluded that the agency 
met its consultation obligations under the executive order and 
regulations and that its solicitation complied with the applicable 
substantive standards. Specifically, the agency appropriately 
concluded that restricting the solicitation to the central business 
area would unduly limit competition and impinge upon its mission 
requirements. Considering the effects on competition is consistent 
with the GSA regulations. See 41 C.F.R. � 10283.35. 

A final area which may affect the location decision, at least for 
major leases, is environmental impact. The National Environmental 
Policy Act does not, by express terms, either include or exclude 
leasing actions. The case of S. W. Neighborhood Assembly v. Eckard, 
445 F. Supp. 1195 (D.D.C. 1978), held that a congressionally approved 
5-year $11 million lease of a 9-story office building to be built in 
an industrial/residential neighborhood and which would involve the 
relocation of over 2,000 federal employees was a "major Federal 
action" for purposes of 42 U.S.C. � 4332, and that the government 
therefore was required to prepare an environmental impact statement. 
In Birmingham Realty, 497 F. Supp. at 1383-84, on the other hand, the 
court found reasonable a GSA policy to categorically exclude leases of 
less than 20,000 square feet from environmental impact statement 

d. Parking: 

As discussed in section C.13.j(1) of Chapter 4, a government employee 
does not have a right to a parking space, with or without charge, and 
an agency is under no obligation to furnish one. See American 
Federation of Government Employees v. Freeman, 498 F. Supp. 651, 654-
55 (D.D.C. 1980) (government employee does not have a "property 
interest in free parking"); B-168096, Dec. 6, 1975 (furnishing of 
parking is not a right but a privilege). Nevertheless, the government 
may choose to provide parking facilities as an aid to operating 
efficiency and the hiring and retention of personnel. E.g., 63 Comp. 
Gen. 270, 271 (1984); B-168096, Jan. 5, 1973 (nondecision letter). 
From the availability of appropriations perspective, it makes no 
difference whether the employees work in government-owned space or in 
leased space. B-152020, July 28, 1970. 

When GSA is leasing office space pursuant to its statutory authority 
in 40 U.S.C. � 585, it may include parking facilities, and the tenant 
agency's appropriations are available to reimburse GSA for the parking 
space to the same extent as for the office space itself. 72 Comp. Gen. 
139 (1993); 55 Comp. Gen. 897 (1976). See also 49 Comp. Gen. 476 
(1970); B-168946, Feb. 26, 1970 (same point prior to establishment of 
Federal Buildings Fund). 

GSA will not require an agency to accept and pay for parking space it 
does not need. 55 Comp. Gen. at 901. If an agency has parking space 
which is excess to its needs, it may relinquish that space in 
accordance with procedures in GSA Federal Management Regulation, 
specifically 41 C.F.R. part 102-75. Id. 

In some cases, the office space lease may not include parking, or the 
agency's needs may change over time. As with leasing in general, an 
agency may not lease its own parking facilities unless it has specific 
statutory authority (an example relating to NASA is discussed in B-
155372-0.M., Nov. 6, 1964) or a delegation of authority from GSA. B-
162021, July 6, 1977. At one time, an agency that needed parking 
accommodations not included in the basic office space lease would 
simply make the request to GSA and GSA would lease the space on behalf 
of the agency subject to reimbursement. See 55 Comp. Gen. 1197, 1200 
(1976); B-162021, July 6, 1977. Under current procedures, the agency 
must first make a request to GSA to determine if any government-
controlled space (owned or leased) is available. If such space is not 
available, the agency may then, without any further authorization from 
GSA, "use its own procurement authority to acquire parking by service 
contract." 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.240. This operates as a blanket 

The agency is no longer required to certify to GSA that the parking is 
needed for purposes of employee retention or operating efficiency, 
although it is still expected to use the same standard. 72 Comp. Gen. 
139, 141 (1993); 63 Comp. Gen. at 271. 

The government has the discretionary authority under the Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act to charge employees for 
parking space furnished for their use. American Federation of 
Government Employees v. Carmen, 669 F.2d 815 (D.C. Cir. 1981). See 
also 55 Comp. Gen. 897 (1976); 52 Comp. Gen. 957, 960-61 (1973); B-
155817, Mar. 11, 1966. The Carmen case involved a plan, subsequently 
withdrawn, to phase out free parking as an energy conservation measure. 

An airport parking permit, renewable annually, procured for use by 
staff on official travel as a cost savings measure, which does not 
reserve any particular space or in fact guarantee any space at all if 
the parking lot is full, is not a lease for purposes of the Federal 
Property Act and regulations. B-259718, Aug. 25, 1995. The purchase is 
permissible under the "necessary expense" doctrine. Id. 

e. Repairs and Alterations: 

The following definitions are taken from 20 Comp. Gen. 105, 109 (1940) 
and the specific examples from 20 Comp. Dec. 73, 74 (1913): 

* Repair means "to mend, to restore to a sound state whatever has been 
partially destroyed, to make good an existing thing, restoration after 
decay, injury, or partial destruction," in plain English, to fix 
something that needs to be fixed. Examples are replacing a broken pane 
of glass in a window or fixing broken stairs. 

* Alteration means "a change or substitution in a substantial 
particular of one part of a building for another part of a building 
different in that particular" or "an installation that becomes an 
integral part of the building and changes its structural quality." 
Examples are erecting a partition dividing one room from another, 
closing up a door or window, or cutting a new door or window. 

In addition, the cited decisions define a third term, improvement, to 
mean "a valuable and useful addition, something more than a mere 
repair or restoration to the original condition," for example, 
strengthening the foundation or walls or putting on a new roof. It 
should be apparent that these are merely working definitions, not 
rigid demarcations. Many "alterations," for example, are also 
"improvements."[Footnote 125] 

Before funding comes into play, the first question to ask is whether 
the given item of work is the responsibility of the lessor or the 
lessee. The guiding principle is the rather obvious one that the 
government should not be paying for something which is the landlord's 
obligation under the lease. E.g., 17 Comp. Gen. 739, 740 (1938). See 
also B-198629, July 28, 1980. 

The terms of the lease should allocate responsibilities, at least in 
general terms. For example, under one clause commonly found in 
government leases, the lessor agrees, except for damage resulting from 
the government's negligence, to maintain the premises in good repair 
and condition suitable for the government's use and capable of 
supplying heat, air conditioning, light, and ventilation. 48 C.F.R. � 
552.270-6. A provision of this type imposes a continuing obligation on 
the lessor to make needed repairs or provide the specified services 
throughout the life of the lease in connection with the purpose for 
which the space was rented. United Post Offices Corp. v. United 
States, 80 Ct. Cl. 785 (1935); United Post Offices Corp. v. United 
States, 79 Ct. Cl. 173 (1934); 38 Comp. Gen. 803 (1959); 20 Comp. Gen. 
327 (1940); 15 Comp. Gen. 483 (1935); 6 Comp. Gen. 250 (1926). If the 
lessor fails or refuses to meet this obligation, the government can 
have the necessary work done and deduct the cost from future rent. 
E.g., 80 Ct. Cl. at 792; 6 Comp. Gen. at 251-52. 

Alterations are of two general types: those necessary at the outset of 
the lease to make the space suitable for the government's needs (such 
as converting space from one use to another) and those which may 
become necessary from time to time over the course of the lease to 
meet changing needs. As with repairs, appropriated funds are not 
available to make alterations if and to the extent the lessor has 
assumed the obligation under the lease. 17 Comp. Gen. 739 (1938). More 
often, however, the cost of alterations will be the government's 
responsibility. A clause the General Services Administration (GSA) 
uses to give the government the right to make alterations during the 
course of the lease is found at 48 C.F.R. � 552.270-12. The clause 
addresses alterations and should not be used to assume the cost of 
items which are more properly classed as repairs which are the 
lessor's responsibility. 1 Comp. Gen. 723 (1922). Conversely, 
alterations are not an obligation of the lessor under the "good 
repair" clause. 39 Comp. Gen. 304, 307 (1959). 

Alterations that are the responsibility of GSA are financed from the 
Federal Buildings Fund, a revolving fund established by 40 U.S.C. � 
592.[Footnote 126] Money in the Fund is available as and to the extent 
specified in annual appropriation acts. 40 U.S.C. � 592(c)(1). The 
Federal Buildings Fund appropriation typically includes several 
distinct line items, two of which are "repairs and alterations" and 
"rental of space." See, e.g., Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, 
Pub. L. No. 110-161, 121 Stat. 1844, 2001-03 (Dec. 26, 2007). 

Lump-sum payments for initial space alterations, whether done by the 
landlord or some other contractor, are payable from the repairs and 
alterations appropriation; alterations made by the landlord and 
amortized over the life of the lease are payable from the rental of 
space appropriation. B-95136, Aug. 8, 1979. In addition, as with GSA 
leasing operations in general, 40 U.S.C. � 1303(e)(2)[Footnote 127] 
exists as backup authority for GSA to charge the cost of alterations 
to the tenant agency. See B-141560, Jan. 15, 1960. 

Major alteration projects require congressional approval under 40 
U.S.C. � 3307. When this provision was originally enacted as part of 
the Public Buildings Act of 1959,[Footnote 128] it applied to 
alterations to government-owned buildings but not to leased buildings. 
65 Comp. Gen. 722 (1986). Congress amended the provision in the Public 
Buildings Amendments of 1988[Footnote 129] to extend the approval 
requirement to lease alterations costing more than $750,000. The 
requirement that the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works 
and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure adopt 
resolutions approving the appropriation for such alterations appears 
at 40 U.S.C. � 3307(a)(3). Approval is secured by submitting a 
prospectus to the appropriate committees. 40 U.S.C. � 
3307(b).[Footnote 130] 

Alterations within the general scope of the lease will normally be 
acquired through a modification to the lease. 48 C.F.R. � 570.501(a). 
Beyond-scope alterations may be acquired through a separate contract, 
a supplemental lease agreement, or by having the work performed by 
government employees. Id. � 570.501(b). If the lease is within GSA 
responsibility, the tenant agency has no authority to modify the lease 
without prior authorization from GSA. 38 Comp. Gen. 803, 805 (1959). 
Where the tenant agency violates this principle, it may nevertheless 
be possible to pay for the alterations on a quantum meruit basis. See 
B-155200-0.M., Nov. 24, 1964. GSA current procedures for obtaining 
reimbursable space alterations, described under the rubric of "asset 
services," are contained in 41 C.F.R. �� 102-74.105-102-74.150. 

f. Rental in District of Columbia: 

Originally enacted in 1877 (19 Stat. 370), 40 U.S.C. � 8141[Footnote 
131] provides: 

"A contract shall not be made for the rent of a building, or part of a 
building, to be used for the purposes of the Federal Government in the 
District of Columbia until Congress enacts an appropriation for the 
rent. This section is deemed to be notice to all contractors or 
lessors of the building or a part of the building." 

Early decisions viewed this provision as "too plain to need 
interpretation." 4 Comp. Dec. 139, 141 (1897). See also 9 Comp. Dec. 
551, 552 (1903). The accounting officers and the Attorney General 
uniformly held in holding that space rentals in the District of 
Columbia without explicit statutory authority were illega1.[Footnote 

The enactment of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act 
in 1949, which provided the General Services Administration (GSA) the 
broad leasing authority now contained in 40 U.S.C. � 585 and discussed 
in section E.2 of this chapter, considerably diminished the impact of 
40 U.S.C. � 8141. GAO commented as follows in B-159633, May 20, 1974, 
at 2: 

"The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 ... 
authorizes GSA to enter into leasing agreements for the benefit and 
accommodation of Federal agencies.... We consider the language of [40 
U.S.C. � 585] together with its legislative history as authorizing the 
Administrator of GSA to lease buildings and parts of buildings in the 
District of Columbia ... If the Administrator of GSA had authorized 
the formation of this rental agreement, the statutory requirement of 
40 U.S.C. [� 8141] ... would have been satisfied."[Footnote 133] 

Thus, the rule has developed that 40 U.S.C. � 8141 is satisfied where 
GSA arranges for the space under authority of 40 U.S.C. � 585 or 
delegates the authority to the renting agency. B-159633, May 20, 1974. 
See also 56 Comp. Gen. 572 (1977); B-114827, Oct. 2, 1974; B-159633, 
Sept. 10, 1974; B-157512- 0.M., Sept. 1, 1972. 

A 1975 GAO decision provided another significant clarification. 
Earlier decisions had construed 40 U.S.C. � 8141 as a comprehensive 
ban applicable to all space rentals for government use, no matter how 
temporary, and therefore fully applicable to the rental of short-term 
meeting or conference facilities. E.g., 46 Comp. Gen. 379 (1966); 35 
Comp. Gen. 314 (1955);[Footnote 134] 11 Comp. Dec. 678 (1905). GSA 
subsequently issued a regulation treating the procurement of short-
term conference facilities as a service contract rather than a rental 
contract. GAO considered this regulation in 54 Comp. Gen. 1055 (1975) 
and, based on it, modified the prior decisions. "Federal agencies may 
now procure the short-term use of conference and meeting facilities 
[without regard to 40 U.S.C. � 8141] providing they comply with the 
requirement of [the GSA regulations]." Id. at 1058. 

For situations where an agency subject to the Act attempts to contract 
directly rather than through or under delegation from GSA, 40 U.S.C. � 
8141 remains in force. Payment in violation of the statute can put a 
certifying officer at risk. See 46 Comp. Gen. 135 (1966). Many of the 
earlier interpretations, therefore, are still valid although they now 
apply to a smaller universe. 

The first point to note is that the statute is expressly limited to 
rentals in the District of Columbia. It has no effect on, nor is there 
any similar restriction to, rentals elsewhere, even a few minutes away 
in the suburbs of Maryland or Virginia. B-140744, Oct. 1, 1959; B-
204730-0.M., July 26, 1982. It applies to all space rentals for 
governmental purposes. This includes space for storage. 6 Comp. Gen. 
685 (1927); 27 Op. Att'y Gen. 270 (1909). Although, as noted above, it 
is no longer regarded as applicable to short-term conference 
facilities, the "service contract" concept cannot be extended to 
include lodging accommodations, which remain subject to 40 U.S.C. � 
8141. 56 Comp. Gen. 572 (1977); see also 41 C.F.R. � 301-74.17(a). 

When the statute applies, it requires an "express provision for the 
rent of a building, or language equivalent thereto." 10 Comp. Dec. 
178, 180 (1903). Obviously, express language in an appropriation act 
authorizing renting or leasing in the District of Columbia will do the 
job. E.g., 13 Comp. Dec. 644 (1907). Just as clearly, burying the item 
in budget justification materials is not sufficient. 46 Comp. Gen. 
379, 381 (1966). In 9 Comp. Dec. 831 (1903), an appropriation for 
"every other necessary expense" in connection with the storage of 
certain records was, given the context of the appropriation, viewed as 
sufficiently specific. However, 11 Comp. Dec. 678 (1905) reached the 
opposite result where similar language was used in a context which did 
not clearly imply the need for space acquisition. The requisite 
authority need not be in an appropriation act. It may be contained in 
the agency's enabling or program legislation. 23 Comp. Gen. 859 
(1944). For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's 
authority to lease property "wherever situated" is sufficient. B-
195260, July 11, 1979. 

An interesting "common sense" exception occurred in 6 Comp. Dec. 75 
(1899). The building which housed the Department of Justice had become 
"unsafe, overcrowded, and dangerously overloaded." 6 Comp. Dec. at 77. 
Congress made an appropriation to construct a new building on the site 
of the old building, but there was no mention of interim facilities. 
Reasoning that rental of temporary quarters was "absolutely necessary" 
to fulfilling the purpose of the appropriation, and that Congress 
could not possibly have intended for the Department to cease 
operations during the construction period, the Comptroller of the 
Treasury held that the construction appropriation was available for 
the rental of temporary quarters while the new building was being 
erected. "This statute [40 U.S.C. � 8141] will well be fulfilled by 
any appropriation for a purpose which necessarily implies renting a 
building." Id. at 78-79. However, as the Comptroller explained a few 
years later, the necessary implication theory requires more than mere 
inconvenience. A rigid interpretation in 6 Comp. Dec. 75 "would have 
put the Department of Justice, with its records, in the street." 9 
Comp. Dec. 551, 552 (1903). A similar holding is Rives v. United 
States, 28 Ct. CL 249 (1893), finding 40 U.S.C. � 8141 inapplicable 
where the Public Printer purchased certain material under statutory 
direction but, having insufficient storage space available, simply 
left it where it was until more space could be obtained. 

The statute similarly does not apply in situations which amount to 
inverse condemnations. Semmes & Barbour v. United States, 26 Ct. Cl. 
119 (1891) (government continued to occupy property after expiration 
of lease). 

An agency may not avoid 40 U.S.C. � 8141 by entering into a cost 
reimbursement contract with someone else to procure space that it 
could not do by a direct leasing arrangement. 49 Comp. Gen. 305, 308 
(1969). This is nothing more than an application of the fundamental 
tenet that an agency may not do indirectly that which it is prohibited 
from doing directly. However, GAO advised the National Science 
Foundation in 46 Comp. Gen. 379 (1966) that it could use donated 
funds, without regard to 40 U.S.C. � 8141, as long as the rental was 
in furtherance of an authorized agency purpose. 

A related statute is 40 U.S.C. � 8142:[Footnote 135] 

"An executive department of the Federal Government renting a building 
for public use in the District of Columbia may rent a different 
building instead if it is in the public interest to do so. This 
section does not authorize an increase in the number of buildings in 
use or in the amount paid for rent." 

Our research has disclosed no cases interpreting or applying this 

g. Economy Act: 

It is necessary to make brief mention of a statute which no longer 
exists because it is found in virtually every case involving a 
government lease for a period of over 50 years. Section 322 of the 
Economy Act of 1932, codified prior to 1988 at 40 U.S.C. � 278a 
(1982), prohibited the obligation or expenditure of appropriated funds 
(1) for rent in excess of 15 percent of the fair market value of the 
rented premises as of the date of the lease,[Footnote 136] and (2) for 
repairs, alterations, or improvements to the rented premises in excess 
of 25 percent of the first year's rent.[Footnote 137] 

This statute generated literally dozens of decisions. In a 1984 case, 
the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals 
described the 15 percent limitation as "a blunt instrument at best," 
adding that it "is totally out of harmony with the economic situation" 
of the times, and had become "a fruitful source of litigation in its 
own right." Northwestern Development Co., GSBCA Nos. 6821, 7433, 84-3 
B.C.A. � 17,613 (1984), at � 87,749. The 25 percent limitation for 
alterations and repairs, GAO reported in 1978, was ineffective and 
should be repealed. GAO, General Services Administration's Practices 
for Altering Leased Buildings Should Be Improved, GAO/LCD-78-338 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 14, 1978), at 19-22. 

The demise of section 322 came about in somewhat byzantine fashion. In 
a series of continuing resolutions, Congress suspended the 15 percent 
limitation for fiscal year 1982, renewed the suspension for the 
following year, made the suspension permanent in 1984, and confirmed 
the permanency of the suspension in 1987. See Ralden Partnership v. 
United States, 891 F.2d 1575, 1576-77 and 1579 n.5 (Fed. Cir. 1989); 
65 Comp. Gen. 302 (1986). Then, in 1988, section 322 was repealed 
outright. Public Buildings Amendments of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-678, � 
7, 102 Stat. 4049, 4052 (Nov. 17, 1988). Virtually every pre-1988 
leasing case cited throughout this discussion includes at least some 
mention of the Economy Act, and while those cases remain valid for the 
propositions for which they are cited, the portions dealing with 
Economy Act issues are now largely obsolete.[Footnote 138] 

h. Some Agency-Specific Authorities: 

The General Services Administration (GSA) does the major portion of 
the government's space leasing, but it does not do all of it. A number 
of other agencies have their own statutory leasing authority, either 
agencywide or in specific contexts. We present here a sampling of 
those authorities. 

The defense establishment has several provisions. The Secretary of 
Defense and the Secretary of each military department may provide for 
"the leasing of buildings and facilities." 10 U.S.C. � 2661(b)(1). 
Before entering into a lease of real property in the United States 
whose estimated annual rental is more than $750,000, military 
departments must report the transaction to the Senate and House Armed 
Services Committees and allow a 30-day waiting period. 10 U.S.C. �� 
2662(a)(1)(B) & (a)(3). 

Other provisions address military leases overseas. The military 
departments are authorized by 10 U.S.C. � 2675 to lease real property 
in foreign countries that is "needed for military purposes other than 
for military family housing," and by 10 U.S.C. � 2828(c) to lease 
housing facilities in foreign countries in specified circumstances. 
Both sections generally authorize multiyear leases�up to 10 years�and 
permit the leases to be obligated year-by-year against annual 
appropriations. 10 U.S.C. �� 2675, 2828(d). Both sections permit 
leases of up to 15 years in Korea. 

Some examples from the civilian side of the government are: 

* 15 U.S.C. � 78d(b)(3): Securities and Exchange Commission "is 
authorized to enter directly into leases for real property" and is 
exempt from GSA space management regulations. 

* 15 U.S.C. � 2218(b)(3): Federal Emergency Management Agency may 
lease any property or interest in property "wherever situated" needed 
for activities under the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act. 

* 22 U.S.C. � 2514(d)(9): Funds available to the Peace Corps may be 
used for leases abroad not to exceed 5 years. 

* 22 U.S.C. � 2670(h): State Department may lease, for terms of up to 
10 years, real property in foreign countries for the use of the 
Foreign Service. 

* 38 U.S.C. � 8122(b): Department of Veterans Affairs may lease 
"necessary space for administrative purposes" in connection with 
"extending benefits to veterans and dependents." 

* 39 U.S.C. � 401(6): general leasing authority for United States 
Postal Service. 

* 42 U.S.C. � 7256(a): general leasing authority for the Department of 

3. Foreign Leases: 

Because of differences in law and custom, leases of real property in 
foreign countries often present problems not found in domestic leases. 
The first point to emphasize is that the fiscal laws of the United 
States apply in full force just as they apply to domestic leases. An 
agency may not disregard the fiscal laws just because the money is 
being spent in a foreign country. 

One example is the Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. � 1341. As just noted 
in the preceding section, agencies with significant presence in 
foreign countries (military departments, State Department, Peace 
Corps) have been given specific authority to enter into multiyear 
leases of real property. Absent such authority, leasing activities are 
subject to the rule that leases are construed as binding only to the 
end of the fiscal year in which made or to the end of the period of 
any available no-year or multiyear authority, and require affirmative 
renewal by the government to extend beyond that point. 5 Comp. Gen. 
355 (1925); A-91697, Mar. 3, 1938. 

Rental escalation clauses purporting to obligate the United States to 
indeterminate or indefinite liability, or which may cause the rent to 
exceed a statutory ceiling (see, e.g., 10 U.S.C. � 2828(e)), have also 
been found to violate the Antideficiency Act. GAO, Leased Military 
Housing Costs in Europe Can Be Reduced by Improving Acquisition 
Practices and Using Purchase Contracts, GAO/NSIAD-85-113 (July 24, 
1985), at 7-8. In one such case involving a lease in Italy which did 
not contain a termination clause, the Navy unilaterally modified the 
lease so as to keep the rent within the statutory ceiling. GAO advised 
that if the landlord were able to recover by lawsuit, the amount of 
any judgment or settlement would not be added to the rent payments for 
purposes of assessing Antideficiency Act violations. B-227527, B-
227325, Oct. 21, 1987. 

In a 1986 case, the Air Force was having difficulty inserting in a 
German lease a provision limiting expenditures to the statutory 
ceiling. In that case, however, since bona fide cost estimates were 
well within the ceiling, the rent itself was fixed, the only exposure 
to escalation being maintenance and utility charges, and the lease 
included a termination for convenience clause, Antideficiency Act 
considerations did not impede entering into the lease. 66 Comp. Gen. 
176 (1986). 

Another fiscal statute which rears its head in the foreign lease 
context is 31 U.S.C. � 3324(b), which prohibits advance payments 
unless specifically authorized. The same agencies with multiyear 
leasing authority generally also have authority to pay rent in 
advance. 10 U.S.C. � 2396(a)(2) (military departments); 22 U.S.C. � 
2514(d)(9) (Peace Corps); 22 U.S.C. � 2670(h) (State Department). 
Absent such authority, rent could not be paid in advance. 19 Comp. 
Gen. 758 (1940); 3 Comp. Gen. 542 (1924). The authority for the 
military departments applies only in accordance with local custom. See 
B-194353, June 14, 1979. The rental of a grave site in perpetuity, in 
apparent accord with local custom, is not regarded as an advance 
payment. 11 Comp. Gen. 498 (1932). 

The standards for recording obligations, as prescribed by 31 U.S.C. � 
1501(a), are the same for foreign leases. See B-192282, Apr. 18, 1979, 
described more fully in Chapter 7, section B.1.h, for an unusual 
application based on custom in South Korea. The same is true for the 
Assignment of Claims Act, 41 U.S.C. � 15. E.g., 11 Comp. Gen. 278 
(1932) (illustrating the point that the United States can choose to 
recognize an assignment); 10 Comp. Gen. 31 (1930) (rent can be paid to 
agent bank in United States if specified in lease). 

To restate the point, a government agency entering into a lease of 
real property in a foreign country must adhere to the statutes 
governing the obligation and expenditure of public funds; deviations 
require legislative authorization. When it comes to determining rights 
and liabilities under the lease, however, the situation is somewhat 
different. Rights and liabilities are governed by the laws of the 
place where the premises are located and the lease was executed. B-
120286, July 12, 1954. As that decision pointed out, the 
considerations which subordinate state law to federal law in the case 
of a domestic lease do not apply to a foreign lease. 

In B-120286, to illustrate, the government of the Netherlands passed a 
law permitting all landlords to raise rents by a maximum of 17 
percent. The question was whether it was appropriate for a federal 
agency, as tenant under a lease in the Netherlands, to pay the 
lessor's demand for the increased rent. If the landlord sued, he would 
sue in a Dutch court which would apply Dutch law and award the rent 
increase. Therefore, GAO advised that the voucher should be paid. 
Applying the same rule in a 1957 case, GAO allowed the claim of a 
Greek landlord for half the fire insurance premium on property leased 
in Athens. B-132152-0.M., June 13, 1957. 

In 3 Comp. Gen. 864 (1924), GAO applied the law of the Province of 
Quebec to construe the repair clause in a lease of space in Montreal. 
Under provincial law, repairing an interior wall was a "tenant's 
repair" unless otherwise specified in the lease. A similar case is 16 
Comp. Gen. 639 (1937), using Dutch law to allocate repair 
responsibilities under a lease of property in The Hague. 

Currency fluctuations are another source of problems. The lease will 
specify whether payment is to be made in U.S. dollars or in foreign 
currency. In a 1946 case, a lease in China stipulated payment in yuan. 
Extreme inflation in China following World War 11 so devaluated the 
yuan that the monthly rental was worth approximately $2, under which 
the landlord could not meet his repair and maintenance 
responsibilities. The State Department wanted to amend the lease to 
provide for payment in U.S. dollars equivalent to the amount 
originally bargained for. Concluding that Chinese law would almost 
certainly grant the landlord equitable relief, GAO concurred with the 
proposal, as long as sufficient appropriations were available for the 
increased rent. B-55649, Feb. 19, 1946. 

The extreme case occurred in B-189121, Nov. 30, 1977, reconsideration 
denied, B-189121, Apr. 15, 1983. A lease in Cambodia provided for 
payment in Cambodian riels. For reasons not apparent, the landlord 
failed or refused to collect the rent checks when they were tendered. 
By the time the landlord filed a claim, the riel had been abolished 
and was worthless and there was no basis to direct payment in U.S. 

Providing for payment in U.S. dollars does not guarantee a claim-free 
existence. In B-185960, Aug. 19, 1976, an Italian landlord claimed 
additional rent, alleging financial loss resulting from devaluation of 
the dollar. Devaluation per se, as a sovereign act, could not form the 
basis of relief. However, the claimant also cited a provision of the 
Italian Civil Code, the application of which to leases was not clear. 
GAO advised the agency (the Navy in that case) that it could pay the 
claim if it determined that the provision of Italian law could be 
applied. The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals denied a similar 
claim in Alka, S.A., ASBCA No. 38005, 91-3 B.C.A. � 24,107 (1991), 
involving a lease in Athens, Greece, which specified that it would be 
governed by the laws of the United States, under which the lessor had 
to bear the risk. 

If foreign law is to be considered and applied, the claimant has the 
burden of "proving" what that law is. It is not the responsibility of 
the adjudicating tribunal to chase it down. B-189121, Apr. 15, 1983. 

4. Lease-Purchase Transactions: 

In the context of government real property, the term "lease-purchase" 
refers to a transaction in which a building is constructed to 
government specifications and then leased to the government under a 
long-term lease during which construction costs are amortized, at the 
end of which time title passes to the United States. Lease-purchases 
are also known as "purchase contracts." Putting things in budgetary 
perspective, a Senate committee made the following observation in 
connection with 1954 lease-purchase legislation: 

"It should be made clear that there are generally three methods 
available for providing space for the permanent activities of the 
Federal Government. These are (1) by direct construction with 
appropriated funds, (2) by lease-purchase contracts with annual 
payments applied to the amortization of the initial cost over a period 
of years at the end of which title to the property would pass to the 
United States, and (3) by straight annual or term leasing under which 
no capital equity would accrue to the Government. Of these three 
methods, the overall cost of the first would be the lowest, the second 
would be the next lowest in cost, and the third would be the most 
costly method."[Footnote 139] 

A variation is "lease-construction," which is similar to lease-
purchase except that, at the end of the lease, title does not pass to 
the government. Lease-construction is the most expensive method of 
all.[Footnote 140] 

The reason the government resorts to lease-purchase or lease-
construction arrangements is the same reason we noted earlier that the 
government often leases space when ownership would be more cost-
effective�budgetary constraints. As far back as the 1954 Public 
Buildings Purchase Contract Act, discussed below, the Senate Public 
Works Committee, after making the observation quoted above, was forced 
to say that "no reliable forecast can be made of the time when 
budgetary considerations would permit the appropriation of the huge 
sums required to meet these space needs by direct construction. 
[Footnote 141] Thus, while Congress has repeatedly resorted to lease-
purchase over the second half of the twentieth century, it has done so 
with ambivalence. 

The first major lease-purchase program was the Public Buildings 
Purchase Contract Act of 1954, Pub. L. No. 83-519, 68 Stat. 518 (July 
22, 1954), 40 U.S.C. � 356 (2000), seemingly temporary, stopgap 
legislation designed to meet the needs of an expanding government in 
the post-World War II era.[Footnote 142] The legislation authorized 
the General Services Administration (GSA) to enter into lease-purchase 
contracts with terms of at least 10 but not more than 25 years, with 
title to the property to vest in the United States not later than the 
expiration of the contract term. 40 U.S.C. � 356(a). The "temporary" 
nature of this legislation was revealed by a limitation that "no 
appropriations shall be made" for lease-purchase contracts not 
congressionally approved within 3 years of the legislation's 
enactment. Section 411(e) of the Public Buildings Act of 1949, as 
added by section 101 of Public Law 83-519. (We will return to section 
411(e) below.) The contracts were to provide for equal annual payments 
to amortize principal and interest, not to exceed limitations 
specified in appropriation acts. 40 U.S.C. � 356(a). GSA's practice 
under this legislation was to first enter into contracts for site 
acquisition and preparation of plans and specifications, and then 
enter into either a single three-party contract (government, builder, 
investor) or separate construction and financing contracts. See B-
144680, Nov. 7, 1961; B-130934, June 26, 1957. 

Several aspects of the 1954 legislation became prototypes for future 
lease-purchase programs, and many of the decisions therefore remain 
valid. One provision of the law directed reimbursement to the 
contractor of certain expenses, including "costs of carrying 
appropriate insurance." 40 U.S.C. � 356(d)(3). This did not authorize 
the government to insure the property in its own right, or to require 
the contractor to carry insurance for the government's protection. 35 
Comp. Gen. 391 (1956). An important element of the program was 40 
U.S.C. � 356(h), providing for the property to remain on state and 
local tax rolls until title passes to the government. The statute did 
not expressly authorize the government to recover improperly assessed 
state or local taxes, but the government has this right without the 
need for statutory authority. United States v. Dekalb County, 729 F.2d 
738 (11th Cir. 1984). 

As noted above, section 411(e) of Public Law 83-519 required 
prospectus approval by congressional oversight committees as a 
prerequisite to the appropriation of funds. If actual costs exceeded 
the approved estimate, GAO had advised that there was no need to go 
back to the committees as long as the variation was "reasonable." 37 
Comp. Gen. 613 (1958); B-129326, Oct. 5, 1956. Of course, what is 
reasonable required a case-by-case evaluation. In 37 Comp. Gen. 613, 
for example, GAO did not regard a 15 percent increase in construction 
costs as a "reasonable variation." As also noted above, section 411(e) 
limited the time for prospectus approval to 3 years after the date of 
enactment (July 22, 1954). Congressional discomfort with the program 
was also evident in another provision of the 1954 law, formerly 40 
U.S.C. � 357, stating the congressional intent that the program not 
"constitute a substitute for or a replacement of any program for the 
construction by the United States of such structures as may be 
required from time to time by the Federal Government." 

When the 3-year period elapsed, Congress declined to renew the 
program. In considering what was to become the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act of 1959, the House Appropriations Committee cited a 
GAO study which found that "it costs at least $1.64 under lease-
purchase to buy the same amount of building as $1.00 does by direct 
appropriation." H.R. Rep. No. 85-1543, at 3 (1958). Consequently, that 
act included a permanent prohibition on the use of funds "in this or 
any other Act ... for payment for sites, planning or construction of 
any buildings by lease-purchase contracts." Pub. L. No. 85-844, 72 
Stat. 1063, 1067 (Aug. 28, 1958). Public Law 85-844 exempted 29 
projects started or planned under the 1954 law and authorized one new 
project. See B-160929, Apr. 20, 1967. 

The prohibition did not, and of course could not, prevent legislating 
the occasional exception. E.g., B-139524, June 1, 1959. It also did 
not prevent GSA from soliciting bids on alternate bases, one of which 
was lease with option to purchase. 38 Comp. Gen. 703 (1959). GSA had 
found in that case that, without the purchase option, bidders were 
amortizing construction costs over the first few years of the proposed 
lease term, so that the government would be paying those costs in any 
event. In addition, the military departments asserted the authority to 
use lease-purchase under what is now 10 U.S.C. � 2663(b), which 
authorizes them to "contract for or buy any interest in land" needed 
for specified purposes. GAO agreed, especially for projects which had 
been reported to Congress under 10 U.S.C. � 2662. B-154420-0.M., July 
7, 1964. 

The prohibition of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act of 1959 
applied by its terms to lease-purchase. It therefore did not touch 
lease-construction which, as we have noted, is even more costly to the 

Congress filled this gap by enacting an appropriation rider for nine 
consecutive years starting with 1963, which prohibited the use of 
funds for lease-construction projects whose estimated cost exceeded 
$200,000 without prospectus approval by the appropriate congressional 
committees. The provision is quoted in full in several decisions, for 
example, 45 Comp. Gen. 27, 29 (1965) and 44 Comp. Gen. 491, 492 
(1965). Even though it was one of GSA general provisions, it applied 
to all agencies funded under the act in which it appeared. 44 Comp. 
Gen. 491 (1965). It was not governmentwide, however. 

The prohibition was not limited to "total or substantially total 
occupancy" by the government but applied as well to shared occupancy 
situations. 45 Comp. Gen. 27 (1965). However, the fact that an offered 
building was not actually in existence was not, in and of itself, 
sufficient to invoke the prohibition. The prohibition was regarded as 
inapplicable if there was a "bona fide intention on the part of the 
offeror to construct the building offered for lease irrespective of 
its securing a lease with GSA," 51 Comp. Gen. 573, 576 (1972), or if 
it was clear that the offeror was acting at its own risk with no 
promise or commitment by the government to lease the space, 45 Comp. 
Gen. 506 (1966). 

The last such prohibition appeared in the Independent Offices 
Appropriation Act for 1971, Pub. L. No. 91-556, 84 Stat. 1442, 1449 
(Dec. 17, 1970). Two years later, Congress amended 40 U.S.C. � 3307 to 
add the prospectus approval requirement for leases discussed 
previously in this section. This evolution is described in Merriam v. 
Kunzig, 476 F.2d 1233, 1237-39 Ord Cir.), cert. denied, 414 U.S. 911 

In considering the 1972 public buildings legislation, Congress faced 
the same problem it had faced in 1954�a backlog of needed federal 
construction with no foreseeable prospects of being able to 
appropriate the necessary amounts. Therefore, it again turned to the 
"stop-gap expedient[Footnote 143[ of lease-purchase and enacted 
section 5 of the Public Buildings Amendments of 1972, 40 U.S.C. � 602a 
(2000).[Footnote 144] The 1972 law authorized GSA to enter into lease-
purchase contracts with up to 30-year terms, with title to the 
property to vest in the United States at or before the expiration of 
the contract term. 40 U.S.C. � 602a(a). Similar to the 1954 law, the 
1972 act gave GSA a 3-year time limit on entering into the contracts. 
40 U.S.C. � 602a(g). 

Many of the 1972 provisions were patterned after the 1954 Purchase 
Contract Act. Payments to the contractor include reimbursement for 
"costs of carrying appropriate insurance," and the property is to 
remain on state and local tax rolls until title passes to the United 
States. 40 U.S.C. �� 602a(b)(3), 602a(d). Projects were subject to the 
prospectus approval requirements of 40 U.S.C. � 606(a). 40 U.S.C. � 

GSA devised what it called a "dual system" of contracting to implement 
40 U.S.C. � 602a. GSA would enter into either a single contract or a 
series of phased contracts for construction of each project. GSA would 
then enter into a financing contract for a group of projects with a 
"trustee," who would obtain the necessary funds by selling 
"Participation Certificates" to private investors. GAO concurred that 
this scheme was within GSA's authority under section 602a. 52 Comp. 
Gen. 517 (1973); 52 Comp. Gen. 226 (1972). GAO also agreed that the 
statutory 3-year cutoff (June 30, 1975) did not apply to revisions of 
projects whose basic purchase contract had been entered into prior to 
the cutoff, as long as the modification did not result in so 
substantial a change in the project from the one originally approved 
as to amount to a "new" project. B-177610, Apr. 26, 1976. 

GSA considered refinancing purchase contracts entered into under 40 
U.S.C. � 602a by paying off the existing debt with funds obtained from 
the Federal Financing Bank. Since the refinancing would not involve 
any other project modifications, GAO found the proposal legally 
unobjectionable. B-250236, Sept. 9, 1992. 

Although the authority of 40 U.S.C. � 602a, like its 1954 predecessor, 
is no longer operative, lease-purchase activity goes on under a 
variety of other authorities. Congress can always legislate new 
projects, and has done so in a number of instances. Some examples are: 

* Section 103 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act, 
1984, Pub. L. No. 98-50, 97 Stat. 247, 249 (July 14, 1983), authorized 
the Army Corps of Engineers to use lease-purchase to acquire an office 
building in New Orleans, Louisiana. GAO summarized some of the 
financial aspects in Lease-Purchase: Corps of Engineers Acquisition of 
Building in New Orleans District, GAO/AFMD-88-56FS (Washington, D.C.: 
June 7, 1988). 

* The 1988 continuing resolution, Pub. L. No. 100-202, 101 Stat. 1329, 
1329-405-07 (Dec. 22, 1987), authorized GSA to engage in several lease-
purchase projects. 

* Another 1987 statute, the Federal Triangle Development Act, 40 
U.S.C. �� 1101-1109 (2000), authorized development of a federal 
building complex in Washington, D.C., using lease-purchase, with 
planning and construction under the supervision of the then 
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation. This was the Ronald 
Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Financing, discussed 
in B-248647.2, Apr. 24, 1995, and B-248647, Dec. 28, 1992, was 
provided by the Federal Financing Bank. 

* Legislation enacted in 1989 authorizes the Department of Veterans 
Affairs to use lease-purchase to provide for the collocation of 
certain regional offices with medical centers (38 U.S.C. � 316) and to 
acquire up to three medical facilities (38 U.S.C. � 8103(d)). Both 
provisions require that obligations be "subject to the availability of 
appropriations for that purpose," and therefore do not constitute 
contract authority. B-239435, Aug. 24, 1990. 

GSA authority is now found in 40 U.S.C. � 585, in conjunction with the 
prospectus approval requirement of 40 U.S.C. � 3307. Section 
585(a)(1), GSA general leasing authority in the Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act, authorizes leases of up to 20 years "in a 
building (or improvement) which is in existence or being erected by 
the lessor" to accommodate a federal agency. This provision has been 
regarded as sufficient authority for lease-purchase or lease-
construction arrangements, and was in fact used during the time period 
between the 1954 and 1972 programs. E.g., 38 Comp. Gen. 703 (1959); B-
166868, July 15, 1969; B-157423-0.M., Sept. 14, 1965; B-156917-0.M., 
June 24, 1965. 

Section 585(c), which first made its appearance in the 1987 continuing 
resolution, Pub. L. No. 99-500, 100 Stat. 1783, 1783-321 (Oct. 18, 
1986), provides: "Amounts made available to the General Services 
Administration for the payment of rent may be used to lease space, for 
a period of not more than 30 years in buildings erected on land owned 
by the Government." This reflects a continuation of the long-standing 
policy of the Congress that "no public building shall be erected on 
land not owned by the United States." 6 Comp. Dec. 877, 878 (1900). 

An aspect of lease-purchase financing that produced controversy in the 
1990s is scorekeeping. "Scorekeeping" may be defined as the "process 
of estimating the budgetary effects of pending legislation" including, 
of course, appropriation bills, "and comparing them to a baseline, 
such as a budget resolution, or to any limits that may be set in law." 
GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-05-
734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 88. See also the closely 
related definition of "Scorekeeping Rules" (id. at 88-89) and B-
239435, Aug. 24, 1990, discussing scorekeeping in the context of lease-
purchases. For a number of years, GAO has pointed out the problems 
scorekeeping rules pose for real property acquisition. See, e.g., GAO, 
Budget Issues: Budget Scorekeeping for Acquisition of Federal 
Buildings, GAO/T-AIMD-94-189 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 20, 1994); The 
Budget for Fiscal Year 1991: Scoring of GSA Lease-Purchases, GAO/AFMD-
91-44 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 15, 1991). 

Prior to 1991, lease-purchase was scored the same as a straight lease�
spread over the period of the lease, one year's budget authority at a 
time. This produced a budgetary bias in favor of the more expensive 
lease-purchase option. Scoring rules were changed in 1990 to require 
scoring the full costs of a lease-purchase up front. While this had 
the benefit of "eliminating the artificial advantage previously given 
to lease-purchases," it introduced a new bias in favor of operating 
leases, still scored one year at a time. GAO/T-AIMD-94-189, at 3. 
Concern over the scorekeeping issue is one of the factors in GAO's 
designation of real property as a high-risk area since 2003. See 
section A of this chapter. These rules make operating leases "look 
cheaper" even though they are more costly than construction or lease-
purchases. GAO, Federal Real Property: Reliance on Costly Leasing to 
Meet New Space Needs Is an Ongoing Problem, GAO-06-136T (Washington, 
D.C.: Oct. 6, 2005), at 7-8. For example: 

"for lease-purchase arrangements, the net present value of the 
government's legal obligations over the life of the contract is to be 
scored in the budget in the first year. For construction or purchase, 
the budget authority for the full construction costs or purchase price 
is to be scored in the first year. However, for many of the 
government's operating leases�including GSA leases, which, according 
to GSA, account for over 70 percent of the government's leasing 
expenditures and are self-insured in the event of cancellation�only 
the budget authority to cover the government's commitment for an 
annual lease payment is required to be scored in the budget. Given 
this, while operating leases are generally more costly over time 
compared with other options, they add much less to a single year's 
appropriation total than these other arrangements, making operating 
leases a more attractive option from the agency's budget perspective." 


The Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-11, Preparation, 
Submission, and Execution of the Budget (July 2, 2007), addresses the 
scoring of lease-purchases in some detail in Appendix B. It provides 
that, for scorekeeping purposes, when an agency is authorized to enter 
into a lease-purchase, budget authority to cover the total costs 
expected over the life of the lease is to be scored in the first year 
of the lease. OMB Cir. No. A-11, app. B, � 1(a). Outlays for a lease-
purchase in which the federal government assumes substantial risk are 
spread across the period during which the contractor constructs, 
manufactures, or purchases the asset; where the private sector retains 
substantial risk, outlays are spread across the lease term. Id. Where 
the contract includes a cancellation clause, an amount sufficient to 
cover the costs associated with cancellation of the contract would be 
scored. Id. It adds in this regard: 

"The up-front budget authority required for both lease-purchases and 
capital leases ... equals the present value of the minimum lease 
payments excluding payments for identifiable annual operating expenses 
... discounted... using the appropriate interest rate.... Additional 
budget authority equal to Treasury's cost of financing (i.e., the 
imputed interest cost) plus any annual operating expenses will be 
recorded on an annual basis over the lease term." Id. � 2(b). However, 
as noted previously, 40 U.S.C. � 585(a)(2) provides that the 
obligation of amounts for leases under that section is limited to the 
current fiscal year for which payments are due notwithstanding the 
Antideficiency Act. The relationship of these items has yet to be 
definitively resolved, and the budgetary treatment of lease-purchases 
is likely to remain a concern. 

F. Public Buildings and Improvements: 

1. Construction: 

a. General Funding Provisions: 

(1) 41 U.S.C. � 12: 

Originally enacted in 1868,[Footnote 145] 41 U.S.C. � 12 provides: "No 
contract shall be entered into for the erection, repair, or furnishing 
of any public building, or for any public improvement which shall bind 
the Government to pay a larger sum of money than the amount in the 
Treasury appropriated for the specific purpose." 

This is one of the permanent funding statutes through which Congress 
implements its control of the public purse, and has often been cited 
in tandem with other funding statutes such as the purpose statute (31 
U.S.C. � 1301(a)) or the Antideficiency Act (31 U.S.C. � 1341). E.g., 
42 Comp. Gen. 226, 227 (1962); 41 Comp. Gen. 255, 257-58 (1961); 21 
Op. Att'y Gen. 244, 247-48 (1895). Its purpose, as with the other 
funding statutes, is to prevent the executive from creating 
obligations beyond those contemplated and authorized by Congress. 38 
Comp. Gen. 758, 761 (1959), citing 21 Op. Att'y Gen. at 248. A 
contractor who does work in excess of the amount appropriated can 
recover only up to the limit of the appropriation, even though the 
overobligation may have been induced by government error. Sutton v. 
United States, 256 U.S. 575 (1921). 

In addition, a government officer or employee who knowingly acts in a 
way that would violate 41 U.S.C. � 12 "shall be fined under this title 
or imprisoned not more than one year," or both. 18 U.S.C. � 435 
(enacted as part of the same 1868 legislation as 41 U.S.C. � 12). 
[Footnote 146] 

For construction within the District of Columbia, 41 U.S.C. � 12 is 
reinforced by another statute, 40 U.S.C. � 8106,[Footnote 147] which 
provides that "[a] building or structure shall not be erected on any 
reservation, park, or public grounds of the Federal Government in the 
District of Columbia without express authority of Congress." While 41 
U.S.C. � 12 has spawned numerous decisions, one finds little mention 
of 40 U.S.C. � 8106 apart from the occasional passing reference such 
as in 20 Comp. Gen. 272, 275 (1940). 

Much ink has been spilled trying to decide just what is or is not a 
"public building" for purposes of 41 U.S.C. � 12. GAO has never 
attempted a precise definition, but has used more of what one might 
call a "we know one when we see one" approach. Not that difficult, one 
decision suggested�"the term 'building' ... instantly calls to mind a 
structure of some kind having walls and a roof." 45 Comp. Gen. 525, 
526 (1966). See also B-119846, July 23, 1954 ("structure of brick 
enclosing a space within its walls and covered with a roof," which 
"any average person" would recognize as a building); B-165289-0.M., 
Aug. 26, 1969 (structure with a foundation, walls, separate rooms, and 
a roof fits the ordinary meaning of the term).[Footnote 148] Clearly, 
the statute applies to public buildings which are more or less 
permanent, the term "permanent" referring not so much to the mode of 
construction as to contemplated use. Thus, the following have been 
treated as public buildings for purposes of 41 U.S.C. � 12: 

* Industrial type building with railroad siding for hydrostatic 
testing, painting, and maintaining specially designed tank cars used 
for transporting helium. 38 Comp. Gen. 392 (1958). 

* Quonset hut attached to a poured concrete base to be used for 
storage purposes. 30 Comp. Gen. 487 (1951). 

* Frame buildings with cement foundations, cement floors, and shingled 
roofs, to be used for storage and repair of tools and equipment. 5 
Comp. Gen. 575 (1926). 

* Hangars, shops, and storehouses on landing fields. 2 Comp. Gen. 14 
(1922), modified, 2 Comp. Gen. 133 (1922). 

* Pontoon storage shed. 16 Comp. Dec. 685 (1910). 

An extension or addition to a public building is also covered. A-
59252, Dec. 28, 1934; A-40231, Jan. 11, 1932. Some examples of 
structures which have been held not to be "buildings" within the scope 
of 41 U.S.C. � 12, regardless of permanency, are: 

* Automated self-service unit covered by canopy and containing various 
postal vending machines, weight scales, and a parcel depository unit, 
to be placed in shopping center. 45 Comp. Gen. 525 (1966). 

* Large testing chamber with 50-inch concrete walls for use in a 
research project. 39 Comp. Gen. 822 (1960). See also B-50958, Aug. 9, 
1945 (heavy concrete chamber partly above and partly below ground 
intended for temporary use in testing explosives). 

* Greenhouses. B-141793-0.M., Feb. 17, 1960. Earlier decisions had 
exempted temporary greenhouses. E.g., 7 Comp. Gen. 629 (1928). The 
1960 case extended the proposition to greenhouses that were more or 
less permanent. 

With respect to temporary structures, the demarcation between the 
permissible and the impermissible is not as bright as one might wish. 
The statement found in numerous decisions over the decades is that 41 
U.S.C. � 12 applies to "any structure in the form of a building not 
clearly of a temporary character." E.g., 42 Comp. Gen. 212, 214 
(1962); 9 Comp. Gen. 75, 76 (1929); 2 Comp. Gen. 14 (1922), modified, 
2 Comp. Gen. 133 (1922). See also B-303145, Dec. 7, 2005;[Footnote 
149] 26 Comp. Dec. 829 (1920). The decisions thus attempt to strike a 
balance between the language of the statute, which does not 
distinguish between permanent and temporary structures (e.g., 10 Comp. 
Gen. 140, 142 (1930)), and a result which could in some cases border 
on the ridiculous. 

As one example, the statute has been found applicable to a temporary 
shed or storehouse of frame construction with sheet metal siding, to 
be used to house motor vehicles. 6 Comp. Gen. 619 (1927). Other 
examples include "temporary sheds for the shelter of farm animals; 
portable houses for temporary use of employees; temporary portable 
buildings for use in the detention and treatment of aliens; barns, 
sheds, cottages, etc., of frame construction of a temporary nature 
with dirt floors and contemplated to be destroyed." 42 Comp. Gen. 212, 
214 (1962).[Footnote 150] The fact that a structure is prefabricated 
and movable is not dispositive. Id. at 215. 

On the other hand, 41 U.S.C. � 12 has been found inapplicable in the 
following cases, summarized in 7 Comp. Gen. 629, 630 (1928): 

* Wood frame shed to house a fumigation tank used in fumigating cotton 
against the pink Mexican bollworm. A-17265, Mar. 16, 1927. 

* A cabinet 30 feet square with glass sides, for use in studying light 
in relation to certain diseases. A-18335, May 16, 1927. 

While these examples do not lend themselves to the formulation of a 
black-letter rule, it will be easier to find an exception in the case 
of a structure to be used for a clearly temporary experiment or 
research project, and correspondingly more difficult to find one where 
the structure is to be used for either residential or office space for 
employees. See 10 Comp. Gen. 140 (1930); B-50958, Aug. 9, 1945. Also, 
a structure is not temporary merely because the agency calls it 
temporary. 63 Comp. Gen. 422, 436 (1984) (airfields and other military 
facilities in Honduras); 21 Comp. Dec. 420 (1914) (various residential 

The "specific purpose" requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 12 applies not only 
to public buildings but to "public improvements" as well. The term in 
this context refers to improvements to real property. 45 Comp. Gen. 
525, 526 (1966). Thus, major alterations or renovations to a public 
building are public improvements for purposes of 41 U.S.C. � 12. E.g., 
39 Comp. Gen. 723 (1960). Several cases in this category have involved 
the conversion of a building to a different use: 38 Comp. Gen. 758 
(1959) and 38 Comp. Gen. 588 (1959) (conversion of hospital building 
for occupancy by federal agency); 37 Comp. Gen. 767 (1958) and B-
135411, Mar. 24, 1958 (conversion of buildings into schools); B-76841, 
Aug. 23, 1948 (conversion of school building to clinic); B-170587-
0.M., Oct. 21, 1970 (conversion of office space into laboratories); 
and B-151369-0.M., Nov. 15, 1963, and B-151369-0.M., Sept. 10, 1964 
(conversion of former bull barn to research laboratory). The work in 
all of these cases was held subject to 41 U.S.C. � 12. 

Similarly, the term "public improvement" as used in 41 U.S.C. � 12 has 
been held to include the installation of an elevator in a government 
building (8 Comp. Gen. 335 (1929)); the enlargement and modernization 
of a cafeteria (27 Comp. Gen. 634 (1948)); and the installation of 
central air conditioning in a library building (B-118779, Nov. 14, 

Another line of cases holds that minor structural alterations 
necessary to accommodate specialized equipment needed in the 
performance of an authorized function may be funded from general 
operating appropriations. 16 Comp. Gen. 816 (1937); 16 Comp. Gen. 160 
(1936); 5 Comp. Gen. 1014 (1926); 3 Comp. Gen. 812 (1924). While these 
cases do not mention 41 U.S.C. � 12, the clear implication is that the 
minor alterations do not rise to the level of public improvements for 
purposes of the statute. See B-170587-0.M., Oct. 21, 1970. The 
"exception" of 3 Comp. Gen. 812 and its progeny is limited to 
specialized work or equipment, and does not extend to alterations 
designed to improve a building for office purposes generally. 17 Comp. 
Gen. 1050 (1938). 

The temporary versus permanent distinction discussed above in the 
context of public buildings can also be relevant in the case of 
improvements. If an agency would be authorized to construct a 
temporary facility without having to comply with 41 U.S.C. � 12, the 
statute would be equally inapplicable to the repair of an existing 
government-owned facility for the same temporary use. B-117124, Oct. 
1, 1953. 

The requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 12 also applies to public improvements 
which do not involve buildings, such as roads and airfields. 63 Comp. 
Gen. 422, 435-36 (1984); 41 Comp. Gen. 255 (1961); 29 Comp. Gen. 235 

Once it is determined that a given building or improvement is within 
the scope of 41 U.S.C. � 12, the clearest way to satisfy the statute 
is, naturally, for the item to be explicitly addressed in the relevant 
appropriation act. However, this degree of explicitness is not 
absolutely required. E.g., B-8816, Mar. 9, 1940 (appropriation for 
construction of public works project is available to construct 
buildings necessary to the project even though not specified in the 
appropriation). The essence of 41 U.S.C. � 12 is not that public 
buildings and improvements are in any way bad or undesirable, but 
merely that they are sufficiently important�and sufficiently costly�
that agencies should not undertake them without congressional 
sanction. Thus, for example, where (1) the Federal Civil Defense Act 
authorized an agency to renovate facilities, (2) the relevant 
appropriation provided a lump sum to "[carry out] the provisions of 
the Federal Civil Defense Act," and (3) the agency had included the 
desired renovations in its budget submission, this was enough to 
satisfy 41 U.S.C. � 12. 39 Comp. Gen. 723 (1960). In a case which 
included elements (1) and (2) of this formula but not (3), GAO 
concluded that 41 U.S.C. � 12 was not satisfied and the appropriation 
was not available, because "it is clear that the [improvement] is an 
entirely different project or purpose from any made known to the 
Congress and for which the Congress appropriated funds." 37 Comp. Gen. 
767, 771 (1958). Merely burying an item in a budget submission without 
the required nexus in the appropriation act (item (3) without item 
(2)) is equally insufficient. B-76841, Aug. 23, 1948. 

Short of the "formula" of 39 Comp. Gen. 723, or some comparable set of 
circumstances from which congressional approval can be necessarily 
implied, general operating appropriations are not available for items 
within the scope of 41 U.S.C. � 12. The term "necessary expenses" in 
an appropriation is not enough. 38 Comp. Gen. 758 (1959); 4 Comp. Gen. 
1063 (1925). Similarly, a necessary expense justification as described 
in Chapter 4, however legitimate, is not enough to overcome the 
statutory hurdle of 41 U.S.C. � 12. 42 Comp. Gen. 212, 215 (1962); 5 
Comp. Gen. 575, 577 (1926). Cf., B-303145, Dec. 7, 2005 (making 
essentially the same point in relation to title 10 United States Code 
provisions, discussed in section F.1.b(1) of this chapter, that 
restrict the use of operations and maintenance appropriations for 
military construction). Exceptions have occurred in a very few cases 
in which failure to construct the building or improvement would 
literally "render it impossible to accomplish the purpose for which 
the appropriation was made." 10 Comp. Gen. 140, 141 (1930). One 
example is 2 Comp. Gen. 133 (1922) (since "it will be impossible to 
maintain and operate the airplane mail service via Chicago during the 
year for which the appropriation was made without the erection of 
hangars, shops, and storehouses on the landing field at Chicago, the 
erection of such facilities is authorized notwithstanding the general 
restriction on the erection of public buildings and public 
improvements not specifically appropriated for"). Use of a general 
operating appropriation in disregard of 41 U.S.C. � 12 can result in 
violation of the Antideficiency Act. E.g., B-118779, Nov. 14, 1969. 

The requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 12 attaches not only to a direct 
payment to a contractor, but as well to an advance or reimbursement to 
a working capital (or other revolving) fund. 30 Comp. Gen. 453 (1951); 
B-119846, May 27, 1954. In other words, the device of a revolving fund 
cannot be used to circumvent the statute. However, the statute does 
not apply to the expenditure of grant funds by a grantee unless so 
provided in the applicable program legislation, regulations, or terms 
of the grant agreement. B-173589, Sept. 30, 1971. 

A common sense exception is found in 7 Comp. Gen. 472 (1928). 
Legislation authorized the appropriation of $150,000 toward the 
erection of a memorial building to be built with a mix of appropriated 
funds and private donations. The legislation further provided that the 
appropriation could constitute no more than half of the total cost. 
The Comptroller General advised that once the appropriation was made 
and the donations in hand, a contract for the total cost of the 
building would not violate 41 U.S.C. � 12, even though it would 
obviously involve "a larger sum [of money] than that appropriated for 
the specific purpose." Id. at 474. 

(2) Contract authority under partial appropriations: 

A statute originally enacted in 1908, 40 U.S.C. � 3171,[Footnote 151] 
recognizes that, for any number of reasons, Congress may not wish to 
fully fund the construction of a public building up front. It provides: 

"Unless specifically directed otherwise, the Administrator of General 
Services may make a contract within the full limit of the cost fixed 
by Congress for the acquisition of land for sites, or for the 
enlargement of sites, for public buildings, or for the erection, 
remodeling, extension, alteration, and repairs of public buildings, 
even though an appropriation is made for only part of the amount 
necessary to carry out legislation authorizing that purpose." 

Thus, if Congress has established the total cost of the construction 
or renovation of a public building, or of related site acquisition, 
and subsequently appropriates only part of the money, the General 
Services Administration (GSA) may enter into a legally binding 
contract for the full project, not to exceed the total authorized cost. 

There is surprisingly little discussion of this statute in the 
decisions. Our research has disclosed only 20 Comp. Gen. 272, 274 
(1940), noting almost in passing that 40 U.S.C. � 3171 effectively 
modifies 41 U.S.C. � 12 to the extent of its terms. What is clear is 
that, to that extent, 40 U.S.C. � 3171 authorizes GSA to enter into 
contracts in excess or advance of appropriations, and therefore is an 
exception to the Antideficiency Act. A contract authorized by 40 
U.S.C. � 3171 is "authorized by law" for purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 
1341(a). See 28 Comp. Gen. 163 (1948) (construing similar authority 
appearing in an appropriation act). Without such authority, the 
contract would have to be made subject to future appropriations and 
could confer no rights beyond the amount of the partial appropriation. 
14 Comp. Dec. 755 (1908); 13 Comp. Dec. 478 (1907). 

(3) Duration of construction appropriations: 

Two provisions of law authorize appropriations for the construction of 
public buildings to remain available beyond the end of the fiscal year 
in which they are appropriated. First, 31 U.S.C. � 1307 provides as 
follows: "Amounts appropriated to construct public buildings remain 
available until completion of the work. When a building is completed 
and outstanding liabilities for the construction are paid, balances 
remaining shall revert immediately to the Treasury." 

The second statute is 31 U.S.C. � 1301(c), which prohibits an 
appropriation contained in a regular, annual appropriation act from 
being construed to be permanent or available beyond the fiscal year 
unless it expressly so states or unless it is for one of four 
specifically named categories�rivers and harbors, lighthouses, public 
buildings, or the pay of the Navy and Marine Corps.[Footnote 152] 

Since approximately 1970, most if not all appropriation acts have 
included a general provision which states that "no part of any 
appropriation contained in this Act shall remain available for 
obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided 
herein."[Footnote 153] The key phrase is "unless expressly so provided 
herein." The effect of this general provision is to override statutes 
like 31 U.S.C. � 1307 and to render them little more than 
authorizations which require specific language in the appropriation if 
they are to be implemented. 58 Comp. Gen. 321 (1979); 50 Comp. Gen. 
857 (1971). Consequently, in an appropriation act which contains this 
general provision, a construction appropriation is no different from 
any other appropriation with respect to duration; it is a 1-year 
appropriation unless it expressly specifies otherwise. 

Prior to the advent of the general provision quoted above, 31 U.S.C. � 
1307 had been construed�and given a fairly narrow application�in 
somewhat over a dozen decisions. If an appropriation act were to be 
enacted which did not contain the "current fiscal year" general 
provision or something comparable, 31 U.S.C. �� 1301(c) and 1307, and 
the related case law, would come into more direct play. 

Essentially, the early decisions found 31 U.S.C. �� 1301(c) and 1307 
applicable only to appropriations which provide for the original 
construction of public buildings, rejecting attempts to apply the 
authority broadly to any appropriation somehow related to a 
construction project. 36 Comp. Gen. 790, 793 (1957); 8 Comp. Gen. 519, 
520 (1929). Thus, the authority does not apply to appropriations for 
the following because they are not appropriations for the construction 
of a public building: 

* Purchase of land. 17 Comp. Gen. 631 (1938). 

* Clearance of a site upon which a building would later be 
constructed. 8 Comp. Gen. 519 (1929). 

* Preparation of plans or designs 36 Comp. Gen. 790 (1957); 19 Comp. 
Gen. 702 (1940). 

* Repairs or improvements. 1 Comp. Gen. 435 (1922), aff'd upon 
reconsideration, 1 Comp. Gen. 532 (1922). 

* Remodeling and/or enlarging. 10 Comp. Gen. 454 (1931); 7 Comp. Gen. 
619 (1928). 

The no-year authorization of 31 U.S.C. � 1307 also does not apply, 
regardless of whether the appropriation is one for public building 
construction, if the appropriation contains other language restricting 
it to some definite time period. 24 Comp. Gen. 942 (1945); 23 Comp. 
Gen. 150 (1943); 18 Comp. Gen. 969 (1939); 6 Comp. Gen. 783 (1927). 
Nor does it apply to an amount earmarked for construction in a lump-
sum Salaries and Expenses appropriation. 37 Comp. Gen. 246 (1957). The 
earmark has the same obligational availability as the parent 
appropriation unless expressly provided otherwise. Id. at 248; A-
25480, Dec. 18, 1928. 

In sum, an appropriation (1) for the original construction of a public 
building, (2) which does not specify any other period of availability, 
and (3) which is contained in an appropriation act which does not 
include the "current fiscal year" general provision or some comparable 
limitation, may be regarded as a no-year appropriation without the 
need for the traditional "to be available until expended" language. 36 
Comp. Gen. at 793-94; B-154459, Dec. 9, 1964.[Footnote 154] 

(4) Design fees: 

Before a shovel ever touches the ground, somebody has to design the 
building. Just about every construction project includes the services 
of professional architects and engineers (A&E). Those services range 
from the preparation of plans and specifications to inspection and 
supervisory services during actual construction. At one time, there 
was no authority to hire a private architect to prepare plans for a 
public building. 21 Comp. Dec. 336 (1914). Today, the United States 
Code is dotted with statutes authorizing the government to contract 
for A&E services. Among the more important provisions are 40 U.S.C. � 
3308 (General Services Administration), 10 U.S.C. �� 4540(a), 7212(a), 
and 9540(a) (Army, Navy, and Air Force, respectively); and 38 U.S.C. � 
8106(b) (Veterans Affairs medical facilities). 

Contracting for A&E services is governed by 40 U.S.C. �� 1101-1104, 
[Footnote 155] which prescribes a negotiation procedure based on 
competence as well as price. In this regard, section 1101 provides: 
"The policy of the Federal Government is to publicly announce all 
requirements for architectural and engineering services, and to 
negotiate contracts for architectural and engineering services on the 
basis of demonstrated competence and qualification for the type of 
professional services required and at fair and reasonable prices." 

These provisions do not apply merely because part of the contract work 
will be done by architects or engineers; rather, they apply to a 
procurement which "uniquely or to a substantial or dominant extent 
logically requires performance by a professionally licensed and 
qualified A-E firm." 61 Comp. Gen. 377, 378 (1982). They also apply to 
small business set-asides, including those under section 8(a) of the 
Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. � 637(a). 59 Comp. Gen. 20 (1979); B-
129709, Oct. 14, 1976. GAO will not question an agency's decision to 
compete an A&E contract rather than negotiate unless the agency's 
actions demonstrate a clear intent to circumvent the Act. 62 Comp. 
Gen. 297 (1983). For projects within the definition of "public 
building" in the Public Buildings Act of 1959, 40 U.S.C. � 3301(a)(5), 
[Footnote 156] the A&E procurement is done by the General Services 
Administration unless delegated to another agency. 40 U.S.C. �� 3308, 
3313.[Footnote 157] 

The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-106, div. D, � 4105, 
110 Stat. 186, 645-49 (Feb. 10, 1996) (often referred to as the 
"Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1996"), authorized "two-phase" 
selection procedures for "design-build" acquisitions. These 
procedures, codified at 10 U.S.C. � 2305a and 41 U.S.C. � 253m, 
authorize the use of two-phase selection procedures for entering into 
a contract for the design and construction a public building, 
facility, or work. The conference report on the Act indicates that 
this provision was "not intended to modify the Brooks Architect-
Engineers Act [40 U.S.C. �� 1101-1104]." H.R. Rep. No. 104-450, at 966 
(1996). Consequently, the two-phase approach represents an alternative 
to the "design-bid-build" procedures in 40 U.S.C. �� 1101-1104. See 
Fluor Enterprises, Inc. v. United States, 64 Fed. Cl. 461 (2005), 
which discusses at length the interplay between "design-build" 
acquisitions and the "design-bid-build" procedures. Fluor describes 
the two approaches as follows: 

"'Design-Bid-Build' and 'Design-Build' are industry terms referring to 
the method by which infrastructure projects are procured. [In] design-
bid-build ... the services of a design professional are procured 
first, and the building contractor is selected later, after the design 
work is completed. Conversely, in the design-build model, both design 
and construction services are procured from a single entity (which 
might be a single construction firm with in-house design professionals 
or a team of construction and design professionals assembled for a 
project) in a single procurement process." 

Id. at 482. 

Architects and engineers, like the rest of us, expect to be paid for 
their services. They should be paid, says the provision in 40 U.S.C. � 
1101 quoted above, "at fair and reasonable prices." In order to keep 
"fair and reasonable" from becoming excessive, a series of statutes 
imposes a percentage ceiling on A&E fees. Civilian procurements are 
governed by 41 U.S.C. � 254(b), enacted as part of the Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, which provides in 
relevant part that: 

"a fee inclusive of the contractor's costs and not in excess of 6 
percent of the estimated cost, exclusive of fees, as determined by the 
agency head at the time of entering into the contract, of the project 
to which such fee is applicable is authorized in contracts for 
architectural or engineering services relating to any public works or 
utility project." 

A very similar provision, governing procurements by the armed forces, 
is found in 10 U.S.C. � 2306(d). The fee limitation of 41 U.S.C. � 
254(b) applies to all civilian A&E procurements unless expressly 
exempted. E.g., 46 Comp. Gen. 183, 189-90 (1966) (ceiling applies to 
A&E services procured under authority of what is now 38 U.S.C. � 513); 
B-152306, Jan. 5, 1967 (limited exemption under 22 U.S.C. � 296). By 
its plain terms, 41 U.S.C. � 254(b) applies where A&E services are 
used even if they are only a minor part of the overall contract. 
Fluor, 64 Fed. Cl. at 479-82.[Footnote 158] The limitation in 10 
U.S.C. � 2306(d) applies to the Coast Guard and the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration as well as the military 
departments. 10 U.S.C. � 2303. 

In addition, the Department of the Army is authorized to procure A&E 
services "for producing and delivering designs, plans, drawings, and 
specifications needed for any public works or utilities project of the 
Department." 10 U.S.C. � 4540(a). Section 4540(b) then provides: "The 
fee for any service under this section may not be more than 6 percent 
of the estimated cost, as determined by the Secretary, of the project 
to which it applies." Nearly identical limitations exist for the Navy 
(10 U.S.C. � 7212(b)) and the Air Force (10 U.S.C. � 9540(b)). See 46 
Comp. Gen. 556, 559 (1966). 

Certain terminology is common to all of the statutes. Thus, the fee is 
to be based on the estimated cost of a project relating to public 
works or utilities. GAO has offered the following guidance with 
respect to "estimated costs": 

"In the absence of definite legislative expression otherwise, the term 
'estimated cost' of a project may be said to comprehend the reasonable 
cost of a project erected in accordance with the plans and 
specifications, and that the inclusion of cost elements generally not 
covered by the plans and specifications such as furniture and 
equipment installed for the occupancy and use of a project would 
appear to be questionable." 

B-146312-0.M., Nov. 28, 1961, at 8. "Project" means the structure or 
public work "for which the architect-engineer undertakes in his 
contract to prepare the plans, etc., and not any larger budgetary or 
other project of which it may form a part." 40 Comp. Gen. 188, 191 
(1960). Thus, if the overall project is to erect a complex of three 
buildings, the "project" for purposes of an A&E contract covering one 
of the buildings is that one building, not all three. A broader 
definition "would allow the architect-engineer's fee to be based on 
the cost of work for which he rendered no service." Id. See also 47 
Comp. Gen. 61, 67 (1967); B-152306, Jan. 24, 1967; B-115013-0.M., Apr. 
28, 1953. 

The term "public works" has been addressed under a variety of 
statutes. The term generally relates to construction work 17 Comp. 
Gen. 545 (1938), modified, A-90922, Feb. 23, 1938. It has been broadly 
defined as fixed works or movable property the title to which is 
vested in the United States. 35 Comp. Gen. 454, 455 (1956); 19 Comp. 
Gen. 467, 470 (1939). A similarly broad definition is "all fixed works 
contracted for public use." 35 Comp. Gen. at 455; 19 Comp. Gen. at 
469; 38 Op. Att'y Gen. 418, 422 (1936). The term "utilities" in the 
construction context "is commonly understood to have reference to such 
items as sewer and water facilities, heating devices, electric wires 
and fixtures, etc." 21 Comp. Gen. 167, 170 (1941). While these cases 
did not involve the A&E fee limitation, the same definitions should 
nevertheless be applied. B-146312-0.M., Nov. 28, 1961. The Navy 
statute also includes construction of vessels or aircraft. 10 U.S.C. � 

The A&E fee limitation statutes-41 U.S.C. � 254(b), 10 U.S.C. � 
2306(b), and the three armed forces statutes, 10 U.S.C. �� 4540, 7212, 
and 9540�apply to all contracts regardless of type, cost-plus as well 
as fixed-price. 46 Comp. Gen. 556 (1966); 46 Comp. Gen. 183 (1966); B-
115013-0.M., Apr. 28, 1953. 

Differences in the statutory language have produced some controversy 
over precisely what to include when assessing compliance with the fee 
limitation, that is, what amounts are included in the total subject to 
the 6 percent limit. The 1939 statutes authorize the procurement of 
A&E services for the production and delivery of plans and designs, and 
the fee limitation in each of the 1939 statutes applies to services 
"under this section." Thus, it is clearly the case that, under 10 
U.S.C. �� 4540, 7212, and 9540, the 6 percent limitation relates only 
to the production and delivery of plans and designs. 46 Comp. Gen. 
556, 564 (1966); 22 Comp. Gen. 464 (1942). If the A&E contract 
includes supervisory services as well as production and delivery, the 
6 percent does not apply to those amounts paid to the contractor for 
the supervisory services. 22 Comp. Gen. at 466. To take a simplified 
illustration, the 6 percent ceiling on a $100 construction contract is 
$6. If the A&E contract includes $5 for production and delivery and 
another $5 for supervisory services, there is no violation. 

The remaining A&E statutes-10 U.S.C. � 2306(d) and 41 U.S.C. � 254(b)�
do not include the specific "production and delivery" language. At one 
time, GAO was inclined to view the limitation under these statutes as 
applicable to the total contract price under the A&E contract for 
whatever services it may have included, not just production and 
delivery. 46 Comp. Gen. 573 (1966) (41 U.S.C. � 254(b)); 46 Comp. Gen. 
556, 564-65 (1966) (10 U.S.C. � 2306(d)). However, the conclusions 
were not free from doubt and GAO was in the process of conducting a 
governmentwide review of A&E contracting, so both decisions said, in 
effect, to disregard the conclusions pending further developments. In 
1982, GAO reviewed those developments and concluded that Congress had 
effectively affirmed "that the fee limitation relates only to the 
production of plans, drawings, and specifications." B-205793, Jan. 18, 
1982, at 3. Accordingly, all of the A&E fee limitation statutes now 
have a uniform interpretation�the 6 percent ceiling applies only to 
costs relating to the production and delivery of plans and designs. 
This of course would include the proportionate share of administrative 
costs attributable to support of production and delivery services. B-
258058, May 8, 1995. 

The view expressed in B-205793, Jan. 18, 1982, is consistent with the 
Federal Acquisition Regulation, which provides: "For architect-
engineer services for public works or utilities, the contract price or 
the estimated cost and fee for production and delivery of designs, 
plans, drawings, and specifications shall not exceed 6 percent of the 
estimated cost of construction of the public work or utility, 
excluding fees." 48 C.F.R. � 15.404-4(c)(4)(B). 

Once it is determined which services under the A&E contract "count" 
against the fee limitation, the total payment to the A&E contractor 
for those covered services may not exceed 6 percent of the estimated 
cost of the construction contract, regardless of the type of contract 
used for the A&E procurement. Thus, if the A&E contract is a cost-plus-
fixed-fee contract, the 6 percent relates to the total payment for 
covered services, not just the fixed fee portion. 21 Comp. Gen. 580 
(1941), aff'd, B-18126, Mar. 19, 1942. It follows that an A&E contract 
in the form of a cost-plus-fixed-fee, with the total payment including 
the fixed fee not to exceed a specified dollar amount calculated to 
remain within the statutory limitation, is legally unobjectionable. B-
106325, Nov. 15, 1951. 

Unless the contract provides otherwise, a mere increase in the cost of 
the construction contract�for example, if the lowest bid received 
exceeds the estimated cost on which the A&E fee was based�does not 
entitle the A&E contractor to an increase in fee. Hengel Associates, 
P.C., VABCA No. 3921, 94-3 BCA � 27,080 (1994); R.M. Otto Co., Inc. & 
Associates, VABCA No. 1526, 82-2 BCA � 15,889 (1982); Shaw Metz & 
Associates, VABCA No. 774, 71-1 BCA � 8679 (1971); William Cramp 
Scheetz, Jr., ASBCA No. 9501, 1964 BCA � 4340 (1964). As the Hengel 
board in particular emphasized, the 6 percent is a ceiling, not an 
entitlement, and does not prohibit the parties from contracting for a 
lower amount. Hengel, 94-3 BCA at � 134,965. 

Of course, there are situations in which the fee may be increased. If 
the A&E contract is modified under the "Changes" clause to increase 
the scope of the work, a fee increase is proper, still subject to the 
6 percent ceiling. B-152306, Jan. 24, 1967. See also Skidmore, Owings 
& Merrill, ASBCA No. 6062, 1962 BCA � 3332 (1962). It is also possible 
to increase the fee without regard to the 6 percent limit, as 
discussed in the following passage from 47 Comp. Gen. 61, 67 (1967): 

"The project to which an architect-engineer fee is applicable is the 
project for which the architect-engineer undertakes in his contract to 
prepare plans, etc. [Citation omitted.] Where the site and nature of a 
project are so changed as to render virtually useless any [A&E] work 
done prior to administrative determination to effect such change, it 
would be unreasonable, in light of the statutory purpose, to carry 
forward against the new project any charges against the fee limitation 
incurred under the original project. Although the purpose to be served 
by a building project may remain unchanged, that is not to say that 
the conceptual design of the building and its location may be 
substantially altered without at some point giving rise to a new 
project for the purpose of applying the fee limitations in question." 

b. Some Agency-Specific Authorities: 

If construction were governed solely by the appropriated funding 
requirement in 41 U.S.C. � 12, the funding process would be cumbersome 
and would afford little flexibility. While 41 U.S.C. � 12 remains the 
cornerstone of congressional control of major construction projects, 
Congress has enacted various supplemental provisions for agencies with 
ongoing construction responsibilities,[Footnote 159] all of which can 
be viewed as exceptions to 41 U.S.C. � 12. 

(1) Military construction: 

Not surprisingly,[Footnote 150] the most detailed and comprehensive 
scheme is that applicable to the Defense Department and the military 
departments. Typically, construction funds are appropriated to each 
department in a lump sum to be used "as authorized by law," which 
means in accordance with authorization acts required by 10 U.S.C. � 
114(a)(6).[Footnote 161] Most of the funds are authorized by 
installation, in line-item format. In addition, each department 
receives a lump-sum authorization for "unspecified minor military 
construction projects." 

Substantive provisions are found in the Military Construction 
Codification Act,[Footnote 162] codified chiefly in 10 U.S.C. �� 2801-
2853. "Military construction" is defined broadly as "any construction, 
development, conversion, or extension of any kind carried out with 
respect to a military installation, whether to satisfy temporary or 
permanent requirements." 10 U.S.C. � 2801(a). A "military construction 
project" includes all military construction "necessary to produce a 
complete and usable facility or a complete and usable improvement to 
an existing facility" or authorized portion thereof. 10 U.S.C. � 

Under 10 U.S.C. � 2805(a)(1), "within an amount equal to 125 percent 
of the amount authorized by law for such purpose"�that is, the lump-
sum minor military construction authorization�each department may 
carry out "unspecified minor military construction projects" that are 
"not otherwise authorized by law." An "unspecified minor military 
construction project" is one "that has an approved cost equal to or 
less than "1,500,000" or equal or less than $3,000,000 if the project 
"is intended solely to correct a deficiency that is life-threatening, 
health-threatening, or safety-threatening." Id. Projects costing more 
than $750,000 must first be reported to Congress. 

10 U.S.C. � 2805(b)(2). Section 2805(c)(1) further enhances 
flexibility by generally permitting unspecified minor military 
construction projects costing not more than $750,000 (or $1,500,000 in 
the case of life-threatening, etc., projects) to be charged to 
Operation and Maintenance (O&M), rather than military construction, 
appropriations. In addition, cost variations are authorized in unusual 
and unanticipated situations, up to limits specified in 10 U.S.C. � 

The "minor milcon" provisions are simultaneously authorizations and 
limitations. See B-159451, Mar. 20, 1967. Subject to authorized 
variations, GAO regards the cost of a minor milcon project as the cost 
at the time it is approved by the appropriate departmental official, 
regardless of subsequent increases in the statutory ceiling. B-175215, 
Apr. 20, 1972. 

As noted above, a construction project is defined in terms of a 
"complete and usable facility" unless something less is specifically 
authorized. It is not permissible to split a single project into 
smaller projects (sometimes given the fancy name "incremental 
construction") in order to stay below the ceiling for using O&M funds. 
B-234326.15, Dec. 24, 1991; B-213137, Jan. 30, 1986; B-159451, Sept. 
3, 1969; B-133316-0.M., Aug. 27, 1962. As most of these references 
point out, directives of the military departments also prohibit 

In B-303145, Dec. 7, 2005, GAO raised the issue of whether the Defense 
Department may have violated the forgoing statutory limitations in 
connection with projects approved as part of the global war on 
terrorism near the end of fiscal year 2002. The Defense Department 
provided GAO a memorandum asserting its "longstanding view that O&M 
funds may be used for construction of a temporary nature in support of 
certain military operations." B-303145, at 16-17. While the record was 
insufficient to permit a specific determination, GAO offered the 
following general observations: 

"We have recognized that construction work of a temporary nature may 
be funded with DOD's O&M funds in 'extremely limited' circumstances. 
In particular, in applying the principles derived from our earlier 
cases interpreting a longstanding prohibition [41 U.S.C. � 12] on 
using appropriations to fund contracts for construction of 'public 
improvements,' we have held that the military construction statutes do 
not cover the types of work that are 'clearly of a temporary nature' 
as addressed in those cases. In reviewing the limited documentation 
provided by DOD, we were unable to determine whether the construction 
components of any of the projects were of such a temporary nature that 
the military construction statutes would not apply." 

Id. at 17-18 (footnotes omitted). 

The military departments have traditionally distinguished between 
"funded costs" and "unfunded costs," including only the former in 
calculating costs for purposes of 10 U.S.C. � 2805. Funded costs 
consist primarily of the costs of labor (other than troop labor), 
materials, and equipment. Unfunded costs include such things as troop 
labor and equipment depreciation. GAO has accepted the legitimacy of 
the distinction. B-213137, Jan. 30, 1986; B-133316, Oct. 12, 1962. 

Charging a construction project to O&M funds in excess of the 
statutory ceiling violates 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a) which prohibits using 
appropriated funds for other than their intended purpose. It also 
violates the Antideficiency Act unless unobligated construction funds 
are available to make an appropriate account adjustment. 63 Comp. Gen. 
422, 423-24, 43738 (1984). 

(2) Continuing contracts: two variations: 

Construction projects often must extend beyond a single fiscal year. A 
device Congress has provided some agencies is the "continuing 
contract." For example, the Army Corps of Engineers engages in 
extensive public works construction activity. A significant authority 
available to the Corps is 33 U.S.C. � 621: "Any public work on canals, 
rivers, and harbors adopted by Congress may be prosecuted by direct 
appropriations, by continuing contracts, or by both direct 
appropriations and continuing contracts." 

Under a continuing contract, as the term is used in this context, the 
Corps enters into a multiyear contract for the completion of a 
construction project, although funds are sought and appropriated only 
in annual increments to cover work planned for the particular year. 
See C.H. Leave11 & Co. v. United States, 530 F.2d 878, 886 (Ct. CL 
1976). This statute is an exception to both 41 U.S.C. � 12 and the 
Antideficiency Act. It authorizes the Corps to record the full 
contract price as an obligation at the time the contract is entered 
into, even though appropriations to liquidate the obligation have not 
yet been made. 56 Comp. Gen. 437 (1977). The authority of 33 U.S.C. � 
621 applies equally to contracts financed by the Civil Works Revolving 
Fund (33 U.S.C. � 576). B-242974.6-0.M., Nov. 26, 1991. 

To the extent applicable, the laws relating to river and harbor 
improvements�including the "continuing contract" authority of 33 
U.S.C. � 621�apply also to the Corps' shore protection and flood 
control projects.[Footnote 163] 33 U.S.C. �� 426b, 701. 

A different type of continuing contract is authorized by a provision 
found in the Reclamation Act, 43 U.S.C. � 388: 

"When appropriations have been made for the commencement or 
continuation of construction or operation and maintenance of any 
project, the Secretary may ... enter into contracts ... for 
construction, which may cover such periods of time as the Secretary 
may consider necessary but in which the liability of the United States 
shall be contingent upon appropriations being made therefor." 

To an extent 43 U.S.C. � 388 can also be viewed as an exception to the 
Antideficiency Act. PCL Construction Services, Inc. v. United States, 
41 Fed. CL 242, 251-57 (1998), aff'd, 96 Fed. Appx. 672 (Fed. Cir. 
2004); B-72020, Jan. 9, 1948. However, it is a much more limited one 
than 33 U.S.C. � 621. Under 33 U.S.C. � 621, actual payment must await 
an appropriation, but the legal obligation arises, and is recordable, 
when the contract is entered into. Under 43 U.S.C. � 388, legal 
liability does not come into existence until the appropriation is made 
and, therefore, the full contract price cannot be recorded as an 
obligation at the time the contract is entered into. 

The distinction is highlighted in 28 Comp. Gen. 163 (1948), which 
compared 43 U.S.C. � 388 with a provision appearing in an 
appropriation act which appropriated $1 million for a construction 
project and, in addition, authorized the Bureau of Reclamation to 
enter into contracts up to $1.6 million. The appropriation act 
provision, analogous to 33 U.S.C. � 621 as construed in 56 Comp. Gen. 
437, authorized: 

"the entering into of a firm contract which fully will obligate the 
faith and credit of the United States to its payment. The liability of 
the United States, on proper contracts entered into under its 
authority, is fixed and clear. It is not contingent in any way on the 
appropriation necessary to its fulfillment and the Government is fully 
obligated to satisfy its conditions." 

28 Comp. Gen. at 165. This is the classic concept of contract 
authority. A contract under 43 U.S.C. � 388 is different, however. The 
decision continued: "The liability of the United States on contracts 
entered into pursuant to [43 U.S.C. � 388], on the other hand, 'shall 
be contingent upon appropriations being made therefor.' Under such 
contracts, no legal obligation exists to pay their amounts unless and 
until appropriation is made therefor." 28 Comp. Gen. at 165-66. See 
also B-72020, Jan. 9, 1948. 

The rights and obligations of the parties in the event of a funding 
shortfall will also vary depending on which type of continuing 
contract is in effect. Under the type of contract which amounts to 
contract authority such as 33 U.S.C. � 621, the contractor has a legal 
right to recover and can sue to enforce it. 56 Comp. Gen. at 442. 
While a court can never order Congress to appropriate money, a failure 
or refusal to appropriate funds to satisfy an obligation authorized by 
statute will not preclude a court from rendering a judgment. E.g., New 
York Airways, Inc. v. United States, 369 F.2d 743 (Ct. Cl. 1966). 

Under the type of contingent contract authorized by 43 U.S.C. � 388, 
the situation is different. In a case where the contracting agency had 
requested sufficient funds to finance the contract but Congress 
appropriated a much smaller amount, the Court of Claims held that as 
long as the agency allocates the funds on a rational and 
nondiscriminatory basis, the contractor has no right to recover 
damages incurred as a result of the funding shortage. Winston Brothers 
Co. v. United States, 130 E Supp. 374 (Ct. CL 1955). A similar holding 
is Granite Construction Co., IBCA No. 947-1-72, 72-2 BCA � 9762 
(1972), denying recovery where the exhaustion of funds was due to a 
presidential impoundment. 

In S.A. Healy Co. v. United States, 576 F.2d 299 (Ct. Cl. 1978), 
however, the court granted an equitable adjustment where the 
contracting agency's budget request was "grossly inadequate" to 
support the funding level it had previously approved under the 
contract. The difference between Healy on the one hand and Winston and 
Granite on the other is that the funding shortfall in Healy was at 
least partly the agency's fault. Healy, 576 F.2d at 305. 

While there are few cases, it seems fair to say that the extent of the 
agency's duty to at least ask for the money is still being formed and 
defined. The Healy court was careful to point out that it was not 
holding that the agency has an absolute contractual obligation to seek 
adequate funding. More precisely, said the court, if the agency 
chooses not to seek adequate funding, it can escape liability only if 
the contract unambiguously places the entire risk on the contractor, 
and if the agency provides "timely and candid" notification to help 
the contractor mitigate its loss. Id. at 307. See also San Carlos 
Irrigation and Drainage District v. United States, 23 Cl. Ct. 276, 283 
(1991). Of course, the question will be foreclosed if the contract 
explicitly creates the duty. E.g., Municipal Leasing Corp. v. United 
States, 1 Cl. Ct. 771, 774 (1983) (contract clause obligating agency 
"to use its best efforts to obtain appropriations of the necessary 
funds to meet its obligations and to continue this contract in 
force"). Precisely what constitutes "best efforts" has yet to be 

(3) 7 U.S.C. � 2250: 

A Department of Agriculture provision, 7 U.S.C. � 2250, illustrates a 
different approach: 

"The Department of Agriculture is authorized to erect, alter, and 
repair such buildings and other public improvements as may be 
necessary to carry out its authorized work: Provided, That no building 
or improvement shall be erected or altered under this authority unless 
provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the 
cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein." 

The purpose of this permanent authorization is to avoid the need for 
specific authorizations which 41 U.S.C. � 12 would otherwise require. 
Provision can thus be made in annual appropriation acts without being 
susceptible to a point of order. The origin and intent of 7 U.S.C. � 
2250 are discussed in B-79640, Oct. 18, 1948, and B-151369-0.M., Nov. 
15, 1963. 

To implement 7 U.S.C. � 2250, the relevant appropriation will 
typically specify monetary limits on construction activities, plus 
whatever exemptions from those limits Congress may desire. See, for 
example, the appropriation under the heading Agricultural Research 
Service, Salaries and Expenses in the Agriculture Department's 2006 
appropriation act, Pub. L. No. 109-97, 119 Stat. 2120, 2124 (Nov. 10, 
2005). Exceeding an applicable limitation violates 41 U.S.C. � 12. B-
151369-0.M., Nov. 15, 1963. 

(4) 15 U.S.C. � 278d: 

Another permanent authorization is 15 U.S.C. � 278d, applicable to the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology: 

"Within the limits of funds which are appropriated for the Institute, 
the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to undertake such construction 
of buildings and other facilities, and to make such improvements to 
existing buildings, grounds, and other facilities occupied or used by 
the Institute as are necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of 
the activities authorized herein." 

This statute at one time included language, dropped in 1992, requiring 
specific provision in the relevant appropriation in order to construct 
a building costing over a specified amount. As the statute now stands, 
it is similar to 7 U.S.C. � 2250 in that it will insulate an 
appropriation from a point of order under congressional rules 
requiring prior authorization. It is also similar in that it, standing 
alone, does not satisfy 41 U.S.C. � 12. There would need to be at 
least the elements described in 39 Comp. Gen. 723 (1960), previously 
discussed in our coverage of 41 U.S.C. � 12. 

The Institute finances its construction from a reimbursable Working 
Capital Fund pursuant to 15 U.S.C. � 278b. In order to use the Working 
Capital Fund, however, the appropriation to be charged with the 
reimbursement must itself be available for construction, that is, it 
must satisfy 41 U.S.C. � 12. 30 Comp. Gen. 453 (1951); 15 U.S.C. � 
278b(b). Reimbursement should include indirect as well as direct 
costs. See B-117622, July 13, 1955; 15 U.S.C. � 278b(e). 

Section 278d has been construed as applicable only to construction on 
government-owned land and not to leased property. B-130564, Mar. 18, 
1957; B-124596-0.M., Aug. 26, 1955. A separate provision of law now 
authorizes, in the performance of Institute functions, "the erection 
on leased property of specialized facilities and working and living 
quarters when the Secretary of Commerce determines that this will best 
serve the interests of the Government." 15 U.S.C. � 278e(g). 

c. Public Buildings Act and the General Services Administration: 

As noted previously in section E of this chapter, the Federal Property 
and the General Services Administrative Services Act of 1949 created 
the General Services Administration (GSA) and centralized a number of 
the government's housekeeping functions in that agency. Ten years 
later, Congress enacted the Public Buildings Act of 1959, Pub. L. No. 
86-249, 73 Stat. 479 (Sept. 9, 1959), to do essentially the same thing 
for public buildings acquisition and construction. The act was amended 
significantly in 1972, 1976, and again in 1988.[Footnote 164] Most of 
the act's provisions, along with their amendments, were�and still are�
contained in title 40 of the United States Code. As also noted 
previously, Congress codified title 40 by enacting its provisions into 
positive law. As a result of the codification, the Public Buildings 
Act technically no longer exists and most of its provisions have found 
new homes in different sections of title 40, primarily at 40 U.S.C. �� 
3301-3315. We will refer to the current Code sections in the following 
discussion. However, we will also identify the prior section numbers 
since most of the cited cases refer to them. 

The statute gives a fairly complicated definition of "public 
building." The term means "a building, whether for single or 
multitenant occupancy, and its grounds, approaches, and appurtenances, 
which is generally suitable for use as office or storage space or both 
by one or more federal agencies or mixed ownership Government 
corporations." 40 U.S.C. � 3301(a)(5)(A).[Footnote 165] The definition 
then goes on to list a number of specific types of buildings and 
facilities that are included in the general definition. Id. � 
3301(a)(5)(B). It then lists a number of specific exemptions from the 
definition, including buildings on the public domain; on military 
installations; on United States property in foreign countries; on 
Indian and Eskimo properties held in trust by the United States; on 
lands used in federal agricultural, recreational, and conservation 
programs, including related research; on or used in connection with 
river, harbor, flood control, reclamation, or power projects; used for 
nuclear production, research, or development projects; on or used in 
connection with housing or residential projects; on Department of 
Veterans Affairs installations used for hospital or domiciliary 
purposes. Id. � 3301(a)(5)(C). See also the definition in GSA Federal 
Management Regulation at 41 C.F.R. � 102-71-20. Thus, wholly apart 
from specific exemptions Congress may from time to time legislate, the 
basic statute itself carves out several large exemptions from the 
definition. What's left is a public building governed by 40 U.S.C. �� 

Section 3302 of title 40[Footnote 166] sets the policy by declaring 
that "Only the Administrator of General Services may construct a 
public building." Section 3304 of title 40 of the United States Code 
deals with site acquisition. GSA is authorized to acquire sites needed 
for public buildings "by purchase, condemnation, donation, exchange, 
or otherwise." 40 U.S.C. � 3304(a).[Footnote 167] GSA may solicit 
proposals but is not required to follow the competition requirements 
of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act or the Federal 
Acquisition Regulation. 40 U.S.C. � 3304(d)(2); 71 Comp. Gen. 333 
(1992). The site selected should be the one "most advantageous to the 
Government, all factors considered." 40 U.S.C. � 3304(d)(1). Meeting 
this standard requires "intelligent competition" which includes 
informing offerors of the evaluation factors to be applied and their 
relative importance. B-256017.4, B-256017.5, June 27, 1994. There is 
nothing improper under section 3304 in soliciting expressions of 
interest and then, if the parties cannot agree to acceptable terms, 
instituting condemnation proceedings. 71 Comp. Gen. 511 (1992). It is 
similarly within GSA's discretion to reach agreement with the owner 
after requesting the Attorney General to initiate the condemnation. B-
249131.4, June 24, 1993. Condemnation of a site for a public building 
is "obviously for a public use" for Fifth Amendment purposes. Certain 
Land in the City of Washington, D.C. v. United States, 355 F.2d 825, 
826 (D.C. Cir. 1965). 

The requirement in Executive Order No. 12072 to give preference to 
central business areas, discussed previously in section E of this 
chapter in connection with leasing, applies to site selection under 40 
U.S.C. � 3304. Exec. Order No. 12072, Federal Space Management, � 1-
103, 43 Fed. Reg. 36,869 (Aug. 16, 1978). Therefore, it is within 
GSA's discretion when soliciting sites for public building 
construction to limit consideration to a central business area. B-
251581.2, July 13, 1993. 

As noted earlier, any construction project requires architectural and 
engineering services, and 40 U.S.C. � 3308(a)[Footnote 168] authorizes 
GSA to procure those services. However, GSA must retain responsibility 
for all construction, including interpreting construction contracts, 
approving contract changes, certifying payment vouchers, and making 
final contract settlement. 40 U.S.C. � 3308(c). To the maximum extent 
feasible, construction should comply with one of the nationally 
recognized model building codes, and should take into consideration 
state and local zoning laws and laws imposing landscaping, open space, 
minimum distance, and maximum height requirements. 40 U.S.C. �� 
3312(b), (c).[Footnote 169] 

Artistic concerns are also relevant. GSA regulations provide: 

"Federal agencies must incorporate fine arts as an integral part of 
the total building concept when designing new Federal buildings, and 
when making substantial repairs and alterations to existing Federal 
buildings, as appropriate. The selected fine arts, including painting, 
sculpture, and artistic work in other media, must reflect the national 
cultural heritage and emphasize the work of living American artists." 

41 C.F.R. � 102-77.10. This provision does not have an explicit 
statutory basis, but has long been in the regulations. See B-95136, 
Mar. 26, 1976. 

Section 3305(b) of title 40[Footnote 170] authorizes GSA to alter 
public buildings. "Alter" includes "repairing, remodeling, improving, 
or extending or other changes in a public building." 40 U.S.C. � 
3301(a)(1)(B). As with construction, the term includes related 
planning, engineering, architectural work, and similar actions. 41 
C.F.R. � 102-71.20. GSA may do the work itself or may carry out any 
authorized construction or alteration by contract if deemed to be 
"most advantageous to the Government." 40 U.S.C. � 3305(c).[Footnote 
171] It may also contract with other agencies, such as the Army Corps 
of Engineers, under the Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. � 1535. See B-172186, 
Apr. 5, 1971. 

GSA may delegate most of its construction functions. 40 U.S.C. � 
3313.[Footnote 172] For projects whose estimated cost does not exceed 
$100,000, delegation is mandatory upon request. Id. 

An important statutory provision is the prospectus approval 
requirement of 40 U.S.C. � 3307,[Footnote 173] which provides in part: 

"(a) Resolutions required before appropriations may be made.�The 
following appropriations may be made only if the Committee on 
Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives 
adopt resolutions approving the purpose for which the appropriation is 

"(1) An appropriation to construct, alter, or acquire any building to 
be used as a public building which involves a total expenditure in 
excess of $1,500,000, so that the equitable distribution of public 
buildings throughout the United States with due regard for the 
comparative urgency of need for the buildings, except as provided in 
section 3305(b) of this title, is ensured."[Footnote 174] 

The "except as provided in section 3305(b)" refers to 40 U.S.C. � 
3305(b), which authorizes GSA to alter public buildings and to acquire 
land necessary to carry out the alterations, and then provides: 
"Approval under section 3307 of this title is not required for any 
alteration and acquisition authorized by this section for which the 
estimated maximum cost does not exceed $1,500,000." 

Approval is obtained by submitting a prospectus to the specified 
committees. The contents of the prospectus, set forth in 40 U.S.C. � 
3307(b), include: 

* a brief description of the building to be constructed, altered, 
purchased, or acquired; 

* the location of the building and an estimate of the maximum cost to 
the government; 

* a comprehensive plan addressing the space needs of all government 
employees in the locality; 

* if construction is involved, a statement that other suitable space 
is not available either in government-owned buildings or at comparable 

* justification for not using buildings identified pursuant to the 
National Historic Preservation Act (see 40 U.S.C. � 3303(c)); and; 

* a statement of how much the government is already spending to 
accommodate the employees who will occupy the building to be 
constructed, altered, purchased, or acquired. 

The project cost may be increased by up to 10 percent of the 
prospectus estimate without having to submit a revised prospectus. 40 
U.S.C. � 3307(c). Either committee may rescind its approval in the 
case of a project for construction, alteration, or acquisition if an 
appropriation has not been made within 1 year after the date of 
approval. 40 U.S.C. � 3307(d). GSA may adjust any dollar amount 
specified in section 3307 annually "to reflect a percentage increase 
or decrease in construction costs during the prior calendar year, as 
determined by the composite index of construction costs of the 
Department of Commerce," promptly reporting any such adjustments to 
the committees. 40 U.S.C. � 3307(g). 

Nothing in the statute precludes a situation in which GSA secures the 
required approval with the appropriation to be made to some other 
agency. 46 Comp. Gen. 427 (1966). Since the approval requirement is a 
restriction on the appropriation of funds, it does not apply to the 
construction of a building where appropriated funds will not be 
involved, even where the building is clearly a "public building" and 
will be constructed by GSA. B-143167-0.M., Sept. 27, 1960 (office 
building for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). It also does not 
apply to projects involving the United States Capitol. B-148004, Oct. 
20, 1969. 

Prospectus approval may precede or follow enactment of the relevant 
appropriation. B-95136, Oct. 11, 1979. Limiting language in the 
approval is not legally binding unless incorporated in the 
appropriation providing funds for the project. B-95136, Feb. 7, 1977. 
If GSA does not comply with the prospectus approval requirement and 
Congress chooses to appropriate the money anyway, the appropriation 
might be subject to a point of order, but it would be a perfectly 
valid appropriation if enacted. Id.; B-95136, Sept. 27, 1978; B-95136-
0.M., Dec. 23, 1975. Funds will be available for the project, with or 
without compliance with 40 U.S.C. � 3307, if Congress specifically 
appropriates funds for the project, or if it can be clearly 
established that Congress knowingly included those funds in a lump-sum 
appropriation. Merely burying the project in budget justification 
material, however, is not enough. B-95136, Oct. 11, 1979; B-95136-
0.M., Dec. 23, 1975. 

In accord with these principles is Maiatico v. United States, 302 F.2d 
880 (D.C. Cir. 1962), in which the court held that GSA had no 
authority to condemn an office building where GSA (1) had not obtained 
prospectus approval as required by 40 U.S.C. � 3307, and (2) purported 
to act under authority of a lump-sum appropriation which could not be 
demonstrated to include the building in question. 

d. Scope of Construction Appropriations: 

Apart from obvious differences in factual context, determining the 
scope of a construction appropriation is not fundamentally different 
than for other types of appropriations. The process requires analyzing 
the language of the appropriation, the statutes and principles 
governing the use of appropriations in general, and the relationship 
of the construction appropriation to other appropriations available to 
the agency or for the project. 

The first and most important determinant is the precise application of 
the language of the appropriation. For example, where language which 
would have appropriated funds for "beginning construction" was changed 
to "preparing for construction," the appropriation was not available 
for any of the costs of actual construction. B-122221, Jan. 14, 1955. 
If there is any inconsistency between the language of the enacted 
appropriation and legislative history or prior bills, the enacted 
language must prevail. Id. The statutory language alone will not 
always provide the answer, however. Words like "facilities" and 
"appurtenances," for example, do not have obvious meanings and, absent 
clear instructions in legislative history, it is necessary to resort 
to other principles and precedents for guidance. See B-133148-0.M., B-
132109-0.M., Jan. 20, 1959. 

The next element in our approach is the application of the statutes 
and principles governing the availability of appropriations generally 
with respect to purpose, time, and amount. Purpose availability is 
governed by the "necessary expense" doctrine discussed in Chapter 4. 
One illustration is the treatment of expenses of preparation of plans 
and specifications, or what we have previously referred to as "design 
fees." Congress may choose to provide separately for these expenses. 
E.g., 36 Comp. Gen. 790 (1957). If there is no separate appropriation, 
design fees are chargeable to the construction appropriation. As 
stated in B-71067, Dec. 9, 1947, at 3: 

"When Congress appropriates funds for the construction of a building 
and does not otherwise appropriate funds for plans or supervision of 
its construction, it is not to be presumed that its intention was that 
the building be erected without either plans or supervision, but that 
the expenses of planning and superintendence being reasonably 
necessary and incident to the construction they are for payment out of 
the funds made available for such construction." 

This being the case, design fees should not be charged to general 
operating appropriations. 18 Comp. Gen. 122 (1938), affg, 18 Comp. 
Gen. 71 (1938); 15 Comp. Gen. 389 (1935). The same principle applies 
to work which is preliminary to the design work. Unless specifically 
provided for, it is chargeable to appropriations available for 
construction and not general operating appropriations. 11 Comp. Gen. 
313 (1932) (site tests). Of course, the existence of a specific 
appropriation will preclude use of construction funds. B-9240, May 2, 
1940 (specific appropriation for preliminary surveys). Where 
inspection or supervision of construction is performed by regular 
government employees, their salaries and related expenses are 
chargeable not to the construction appropriation but to the general 
Salaries & Expenses appropriation, or its equivalent, for the fiscal 
year in which the services are performed. 38 Comp. Gen. 316 (1958); 16 
Comp. Gen. 1055 (1937), modified, A-86612, Aug. 16, 1937. 

The amount charged by a municipality for the "privilege" of connecting 
the sewer line of a government building to the municipal sewer system 
is a necessary cost of construction and therefore chargeable to 
construction appropriations. 19 Comp. Gen. 778 (1940); 9 Comp. Gen. 41 
(1929); B-22714, Mar. 19, 1942. This is true whether the connection is 
part of the original construction or subsequent remodeling or 
improvement. 39 Comp. Gen. 363 (1959). 

We noted in Chapter 4 that reasonable expenses incident to dedication 
or cornerstone ceremonies for public buildings are regarded as a 
proper charge to appropriated funds. 53 Comp. Gen. 119 (1973) 
(engraving a ceremonial shovel); B-158831, June 8, 1966 (flowers for 
use as centerpieces); B-11884, Aug. 26, 1940 (printing of programs and 
invitations); A-88307, Aug. 21, 1937 (group photograph and recording 
of presidential speech). In each case, the proper appropriation to 
charge was the construction appropriation, not a general operating 
appropriation, the principle being stated in A-88307, at 2, and quoted 
in 53 Comp. Gen. at 120, as follows: "The laying of cornerstones has 
been connected with the construction of public buildings from time 
immemorial and any expenses necessarily incident thereto are generally 
chargeable to the appropriation for construction of the building." 

Availability as to time is discussed in section F.1.a of this chapter. 
With respect to amount, again, a construction appropriation is no 
different from any other appropriation. The appropriation of a 
specific amount for a construction project is a ceiling on the amount 
that can be obligated; it is the exclusive source of funds for the 
project and may not be augmented with funds from some other 
appropriation without congressional sanction. 20 Comp. Gen. 272 
(1940); 19 Comp. Gen. 892 (1940), modified by B-9460, June 11, 1940; B-
122221, Jan. 14, 1955. If you cannot build what you want with the 
money Congress has provided, you must either go back to Congress and 
ask for more or reduce the scope of your project. 

The third basic determinant is the relationship of the construction 
appropriation to other appropriations. What Congress has or has not 
provided for elsewhere often helps determine what it has or has not 
provided as part of the construction appropriation. One line of cases 
involves construction appropriations and appropriations available for 
repairs and maintenance. For expenses connected with original 
construction, the test is stated as follows: "Costs necessary to the 
completion of a construction project are, essentially, construction 
costs, and not costs of maintenance, operation, repair, alteration, or 
improvements, which costs ordinarily arise only after completion of 
the project." 19 Comp. Gen. 778, 781 (1940). That case found sewer 
connection charges a proper cost of construction. In contrast, items 
such as acoustical ceilings, venetian blinds, partitioning, shrubbery, 
and other plants, not acquired until after GSA had designated the 
building as substantially complete and occupancy had begun, could not 
be said to be "necessary for completion of the project," and were 
therefore properly chargeable to a repairs and improvements 
appropriation rather than construction. B-165152-0.M., Oct. 15, 1968. 

For expenses arising after completion of the original construction, 
the question is whether they can be legitimately regarded as within 
the scope of an appropriation for repairs and maintenance or 
improvements, or whether they must be treated as construction items. 
The Comptroller General has offered the following broad definitions: 

"It has been held that the term 'repair' includes anything that is 
reasonably necessary to keep up the premises.... 

"To 'maintain' means to preserve or keep in an existing state or 
condition, and embraces acts of repair and other acts to prevent a 
decline, lapse, or cessation from that state or condition, and has 
been taken to be synonymous with repair." 

21 Comp. Gen. 90, 91-92 (1941). 

Thus, an extension or addition to a public building cannot be charged 
to an appropriation for repairs. 4 Comp. Gen. 1063 (1925); 20 Comp. 
Dec. 73 (1913); 7 Comp. Dec. 684 (1901); 1 Comp. Dec. 33 (1894); 
[Footnote 175] A-40231, Jan. 11, 1932; A-1876, July 10, 1924. It is 
construction and, as the two unpublished decisions point out, must be 
handled as such, which means in compliance with 41 U.S.C. � 12. 
Similarly, appropriations for repairs and improvements are not 
available for extensive structural changes and replacement of worn-out 
equipment in a cafeteria (27 Comp. Gen. 634 (1948)), and certainly not 
for replacing a building entirely destroyed by fire (39 Comp. Gen. 784 
(1960)). Treatment of walls and ceilings for soundproofing would 
qualify as an improvement, but it is not a "repair." 2 Comp. Gen. 301 
(1922). If an item cannot be charged to a repair appropriation because 
it is more properly regarded as construction, it follows that charging 
a general operating appropriation is equally improper. E.g., 10 Comp. 
Dec. 633 (1904); B-132109, July 18, 1958. 

Another line of cases addresses the relationship between construction 
appropriations and appropriations for equipment and furnishings. The 
well-settled rule is that "an appropriation for the construction of a 
building is available only for the cost of construction proper and for 
equipment and/or fixtures permanently attached to the building and so 
essentially a part thereof that the removal of the same might cause 
substantial damage to the building." 12 Comp. Gen. 488, 489 (1933). 

An item of equipment qualifies as a "fixture" for purposes of this 
rule if (1) it is permanently attached to the realty, or (2) if not 
permanently attached, (a) it is necessary and indispensable to the 
completion and operation of the building, or (b) the structure was 
designed and built for the purpose of housing the equipment. B-133148-
0.M., B-132109-0.M., Aug. 18, 1959. 

Use of construction funds rather than an appropriation for equipment 
and furnishings was proper in 9 Comp. Gen. 217 (1929) (installation of 
cafeteria and associated equipment), and B-118779, Nov. 14, 1969 (duct 
work, acoustical work, sprinklers, electrical fixtures, heating and 
cooling equipment). Cases holding construction appropriations to be 
the improper source of funds include 12 Comp. Gen. 488 (portable fire 
extinguishers); 7 Comp. Gen. 474 (1928) (window shades); and 26 Comp. 
Dec. 111 (1919) (linoleum which could be removed or replaced without 
material damage to the floor). All of these cases assume the existence 
of a separate appropriation for equipment and furnishings. Absent a 
separate appropriation, use of the construction appropriation would be 
proper if necessary to make the building usable for its intended 
purpose (A-43075- 0.M., Aug. 27, 1932), but would not be proper for 
furniture or equipment not required for the construction (B-123240, 
June 9, 1955). Also, there is of course no problem if the construction 
appropriation is expressly made available for the purchase and 
installation of furniture. 7 Comp. Gen. 619 (1928). 

2. Operation and Control: 

a. Who's in Charge? 

As with construction and leasing, the operation and control of public 
buildings is centralized in the General Services Administration (GSA), 
which derives its authority from several sources: 

* Various provisions of title 40, United States Code, derived from the 
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 and the 
Public Buildings Act of 1958, noted later in this discussion, which 
assign specific responsibilities to GSA. 

* Miscellaneous provisions of title 40 which were not part of the 
Federal Property or Public Buildings Acts. Examples are 40 U.S.C. �� 
8101[Footnote 176] (GSA "shall have charge of the public buildings and 
grounds in the District of Columbia"); 3104[Footnote 177] (furniture 
for new public buildings must be procured in accordance with plans and 
specifications approved by GSA); 3101[Footnote 178] (GSA has exclusive 
control over public buildings outside of the District of Columbia 
purchased or constructed from appropriations under GSA's control); and 
3102[Footnote 179] (GSA authorized to name or rename buildings under 
its control, even if previously named by statute). 

* Section 303(b) of title 40,[Footnote 180] which transferred to GSA 
all functions of its predecessor, the Federal Works Agency. 

* Reorganization Plan No. 18 of 1950, sections 1 and 2, 40 U.S.C. � 
301 note, which transferred to GSA, respectively, "all functions with 
respect to assigning and reassigning space" in buildings owned or 
leased by the government and "all functions with respect to the 
operation, maintenance, and custody of office buildings" owned or 
leased by the government. 

While GSA's authority is thus broad and comprehensive, there are 
significant exceptions.[Footnote 181] However, unless an agency falls 
within one of these exceptions, has its own specific statutory 
authority,[Footnote 182] or has a delegation from GSA, GSA's authority 
is exclusive and the agency has no authority to procure building 
services directly. B-309181, Aug. 17, 2007; 61 Comp. Gen. 658 (1982). 

b. Allocation of Space: 

One of the General Services Administration's (GSA) functions is to 
assign and reassign space of executive agencies in government-owned 
and leased buildings. 40 U.S.C. � 585(a).[Footnote 183] Space 
assignments should be advantageous in terms of economy, efficiency, or 
national security. Id. � 581(c)(4).[Footnote 184] 

Space assignment is one of the functions GSA inherited from its 
predecessor, the Public Buildings Administration of the Federal Works 
Agency. Determinations under this authority, the Attorney General has 
noted, as with all discretionary authority, "should not be made 
abstractly, or in an arbitrary manner, or without ascertainment and 
due consideration of the true needs of an affected department or 
agency." 40 Op. Att'y Gen. 140, 143 (1941). 

Incident to the assignment of space is the determination�within some 
bounds of reason�of how much space to assign. A bankruptcy judge sued 
to force GSA to provide more space for the performance of his duties. 
He lost. Votolato v. Freeman, 8 B.R. 766 (D.N.H. 1981). 

An agency's space needs are subject to change over time as the agency 
grows or shrinks or acquires or sheds functions. A recurring question 
has been who must bear the expense when substantial growth by one 
agency requires the relocation of another agency which shares the 
building. GAO originally took the position that the moving agency must 
bear its own expenses. E.g., 35 Comp. Gen. 701 (1956); 34 Comp. Gen. 
454 (1955). Subsequently, however, after GSA adopted a regulation, 41 
C.F.R. � 10121.601(b) (1976), which made agencies that required the 
relocation of other agencies responsible for funding the latter's 
moving costs, GAO revisited the issue in 56 Comp. Gen. 928 (1977), 
agreed with GSA, and overruled the prior line of cases. 

The 1977 decision was based on two primary considerations. First, in 
issuing the regulation, GSA was exercising its authority under the 
Federal Property Act, an exercise which merited deference unless it 
exceeded the bounds of GSA statutory authority. Second, the prior 
decisions had employed a somewhat strained application of 31 U.S.C. � 
1301(a), which restricts appropriations to their intended purposes. 
While it is true that agency A does not receive appropriations to pay 
for agency B's move, it is equally true that agency B is not moving 
for its own benefit. Thus, GAO concluded: 

"We are now of the view that when one agency requires the relocation 
of another to meet its own space requirements, the relocation is done 
for the benefit of the requesting agency.... The costs of the move 
must be considered necessary or incident to meeting the space needs of 
the requesting agency. Use of the requesting agency's appropriations 
would not, therefore, augment the appropriations of the displaced 
agency. In fact, to the extent the move and related renovations to 
accommodate the displaced agency are made due to the request of 
another agency, the costs thereof cannot be considered necessary to 
further the purposes of the displaced agency's appropriations." 

56 Comp. Gen. at 933. GSA's current regulations, 41 C.F.R. � 102-
85.215, retain the rule that when one GSA customer agency "forces" the 
relocation of another, the "forcing" agency is financially responsible 
to the relocated agency for all of its reasonable relocation costs as 
well as the "undepreciated amount" of any payments by the relocated 
agency for alterations. The regulation also holds the forcing agency 
financially responsible to GSA for any unpaid tenant improvements 
provided to the relocated agency. 

c. Alterations and Repairs: 

As noted previously, 40 U.S.C. � 3305(b),[Footnote 185] gives the 
General Services Administration (GSA) the authority to alter public 
buildings. If the total estimated expenditure exceeds $1,500,000, the 
alteration is subject to the prospectus approval requirement of 40 
U.S.C. � 3307. See 40 U.S.C. �� 3307(a)(1), 3305(b)(2)(A). This 
threshold applies by its terms to the "total expenditure" (40 U.S.C. � 
3307(a)(1)) for the "alteration and acquisition" (40 U.S.C. � 
3305(b)(2)(A)). Thus, if the alteration requires the acquisition of 
land, the $1,500,000 includes the combined cost of the alteration and 
acquisition. Of course, an agency which is exempt from GSA authority 
or which receives its own specific statutory authority may proceed 
accordingly. E.g., B-131887, Aug. 27, 1957 (specific authority for 
Army to remodel military warehouse for an office building). The 
application of the prospectus requirement, or the existence of a 
comparable requirement, depends on the terms of the exempting 
legislation. For example, GAO's headquarters building, although exempt 
from GSA's custody and control, remains subject to 40 U.S.C. � 3307, 
although GAO rather than GSA would submit the prospectus. 31 U.S.C. � 

As a general proposition, the normal services that GSA provides 
include construction, alteration, and finishing space for customer 
agency occupancy. These services are covered by what GSA calls a 
"tenant improvement (T1) allowance." See 41 C.F.R. � 102-85.35. The 
amount of the allowance will vary depending on the agency's mission 
needs and other factors. Id. In addition, GSA is authorized to provide 
"special services, not included in the standard level user charge, on 
a reimbursable basis." 40 U.S.C. � 592(b)(2).[Footnote 186] See also 
41 C.F.R. � 102-85.195. Both types of alterations, normal space needs 
and special services, are financed from the Federal Buildings Fund 
established by 40 U.S.C. � 592.[Footnote 187] GAO has been critical of 
"augmenting" the Fund by seeking reimbursement for items which should 
have been treated as normal space needs. GAO, The General Services 
Administration Should Improve the Management of Its Alterations and 
Major Repairs Program, LCD-79-310 (Washington, D.C.: July 17, 1979), 
at 26-29. Examples cited include such things as resurfacing a driveway 
entrance, installing sprinklers, and conducting a survey to confirm 
complaints of inadequate ventilation. 

The distinction between normal space needs and special services is 
recognized in several decisions. E.g., 38 Comp. Gen. 758 (1959); 38 
Comp. Gen. 588 (1959); 38 Comp. Gen. 193 (1958); B-122723, Mar. 10, 
1955. With respect to special services, as these cases point out, it 
is not enough that GSA is authorized to do the work on a reimbursable 
basis. The tenant agency's appropriations must be legally available to 
make the reimbursement. See also 39 Comp. Gen. 723 (1960). In 
addition, as these cases also address, if the work amounts to a 
"public improvement," it is also necessary to satisfy the specific 
authorization requirement of 41 U.S.C. � 12. 

Since the 1970s, Congress has made the reimbursement question easier 
by enacting a general provision annually along these lines: 

"Appropriations available to any department or agency during the 
current fiscal year for necessary expenses, including maintenance or 
operating expenses, shall also be available for payment to the General 
Services Administration for charges for space and services and those 
expenses of renovation and alteration of buildings and facilities 
which constitute public improvements performed in accordance with the 
Public Buildings Act of 1959 (73 Stat. 749), the Public Buildings 
Amendments of 1972 (87 Stat. 216), or other applicable law." 

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Pub. L. No. 110-161, � 706, 121 
Stat. 1844, 2020 (Dec. 26, 2007). 

d. Maintenance and Protective Services: 

Every government building requires custodial services and, in varying 
degrees, protective services. The Federal Buildings Fund is available 
"for real property management and related activities." 40 U.S.C. � 
592(c)(1). The General Services Administration's (GSA) annual 
appropriations language under the Federal Buildings Fund heading is 
more descriptive, providing funds, quoting from GSA's 2008 
appropriation, "for necessary expenses of real property management and 
related activities not otherwise provided for, including operation, 
maintenance, and protection of federally owned and leased buildings; 
... [and] contractual services incident to cleaning or servicing 
buildings." Consolidated Appropriations Act, Pub. L. No. 110-161, 121 
Stat. 1844, 2000 (Dec. 26, 2007). 

GSA provides a standard level of cleaning services as part of the 
package for which the tenant agency pays rent. 41 C.F.R. � 102-85.175. 

Section 102-85.165 of the regulations details the cleaning and 
maintenance services included in the standard level. The general 
objective of the GSA package of services is to provide services 
"comparable to those furnished in commercial practice." 41 C.F.R. � 

Prior to establishment of the Federal Buildings Fund, agencies could 
not reimburse GSA for security services because the funds were 
appropriated to GSA. 34 Comp. Gen. 42 (1954); B-139678, Aug. 31, 1959. 
Now, the standard level package also includes protective and security 
services. See, e.g., 41 C.F.R. �� 102-85.35, 102-85.55, 102-85.140. 
See also 41 C.F.R. pt. 10281. Other aspects of GSA authority to 
protect federal property are found in 40 U.S.C. � 1315.1 See generally 
B-105291-0.M., Nov. 30, 1976. 

Additional restrictions on the procurement of guard and custodial 
services have appeared in annual appropriations acts, and varied from 
year to year. For example, a provision in the 1995 Treasury, Postal 
Service, and General Government appropriations act prohibited the 
obligation or expenditure of funds from the Federal Buildings Fund 
"for the procurement by contract of any guard, elevator operator, 
messenger or custodial services" if the procurement would result in 
the displacement of any GSA veterans preference employee, except for 
contracts with sheltered workshops employing the severely handicapped. 
Pub. L. No. 103-329, � 505, 108 Stat. 2382, 2409 (Sept. 30, 1994). 
Similar restrictive language has been codified at 40 U.S.C. � 593. 
[Footnote 189] 

e. Utilities: 

Another indispensable element of building management is the provision 
of utility services such as electricity, natural gas, water, and 
telecommunications. The General Services Administration (GSA) is 
authorized to prescribe policies for the management of public utility 
services, subject to Office of Federal Procurement Policy regulations 
(40 U.S.C. � 501(b)(2)); procure and supply nonpersonal services for 
executive agencies (40 U.S.C. � 501(b)(1)); and represent its client 
agencies in negotiations with public utilities and in utility 
regulatory proceedings (40 U.S.C. � 501(c)).[Footnote 190] Section 
501(a)(2) permits exemptions for the Defense Department when 
determined by the Secretary of Defense to be "in the best interests of 
national security." See also 40 U.S.C. � 591 with respect to the 
purchase of electricity. 

Another provision, 40 U.S.C. � 3174,[Footnote 191] authorizes GSA to 
"provide and operate public utility communications services serving 
any governmental activity when the services are economical and in the 
interest of the Federal Government." This has been interpreted to 
include telecommunication services. See 66 Comp. Gen. 58 (1986); B-
190142, Feb. 22, 1978, aff'd, B-190142, Dec. 7, 1978. In addition, 
utility services would certainly seem to be included in "real property 
management and related activities" for purposes of 40 U.S.C. � 

Absent specific statutory authority[Footnote 192] or a delegation from 
GSA, an agency is not authorized to procure utility services directly, 
especially in an area covered by a GSA contract. B-152142-0.M., Sept. 
17, 1963. 

Multiyear utility contracts are authorized by 40 U.S.C. � 
501(b)(1)(B),[Footnote 193] which provides that a "contract for public 
utility services may be made for a period of not more than 10 years." 
This provision was designed to save the government money by enabling 
it to take advantage of discounts available under long-term contracts. 
62 Comp. Gen. 569, 572 (1983); 35 Comp. Gen. 220, 222-23 (1955). 

Although the statute uses the term "public utility services," it is 
not limited to the "traditional" regulated public utility. 62 Comp. 
Gen. 569 (statute applies to installment purchase contract with a 
nontariffed supplier of telephone equipment); 45 Comp. Gen. 59 (1965) 
(a contract to furnish public utility gas service by a firm that is 
not within the strict legal definition of a public utility is not 
prohibited under the statute). The governing factor is the "nature of 
the product or service provided and not the nature of the provider of 
the product or services." 62 Comp. Gen. at 575. "The Congress in its 
judgment determined to categorize the service rather than the 
contractor;" the statute applies to "services having public utility 
aspects." 45 Comp. Gen. at 64. In any event, the statute clearly 
applies to the commonly understood types of "utility services": 
telecommunications (62 Comp. Gen. 569), natural gas (45 Comp. Gen. 
59),[Footnote 194] and electric power (44 Comp. Gen. 683 (1965)). 

While the multiyear authority of 40 U.S.C. � 501(b)(1)(B) has been 
liberally applied, it is not unlimited. The statute is intended to 
address "incidental utility services needed in connection with 
authorized Government business," not any project that happens to 
involve utility services. 35 Comp. Gen. at 223. Thus, GAO has found it 
inapplicable to an Air Force early warning system (35 Comp. Gen. 220), 
and to a proposal to finance construction of power facilities on the 
Ryukyu Islands (B-159559, July 29, 1966). 

GAO subsequently approved a proposal in the Ryukyu case for privately 
financed construction, with the government entering into a 10-year 
requirements contract with a renewal option and a guarantee provision. 
B-159559, June 19, 1967. The obvious purpose of the guarantee feature 
was to enable the utility to recover its capital cost. See also 37 
Comp. Gen. 155, 159-60 (1957); 17 Comp. Gen. 126 (1937); 16 Comp. Gen. 
136 (1936); 8 Comp. Gen. 654 (1929). While this type of arrangement is 
acceptable, a scheme which obligates the government to pay the 
contractor's entire capital cost at the outset violates the advance 
payment prohibition in 31 U.S.C. � 3324(b). 57 Comp. Gen. 89 (1977); 
58 Comp. Gen. 29 (1978). 

Contracts under 40 U.S.C. � 501(b)(1)(B) are incrementally funded. The 
contracting agency is not required to obligate the total estimated 
contract cost in the first year. It needs only sufficient budget 
authority at the time the contract is made to obligate the first 
year's costs, with subsequent years obligated annually thereafter. 62 
Comp. Gen. at 572. See also 44 Comp. Gen. at 688; 35 Comp. Gen. at 
223. GSA pays utility invoices by using a combination of statistical 
sampling and fast pay procedures. See 67 Comp. Gen. 194 (1988) and 68 
Comp. Gen. 618 (1989) for a detailed discussion. See also 31 U.S.C. � 
3521(b); GAO, Policy and Procedures Manual for the Guidance of Federal 
Agencies, title 7, �� 7.4.D-7.4.F (Washington, D.C.: May 18, 1993). A 
contract for a term of 10 years with an option to renew for an 
additional 5 years is within the authority of 40 U.S.C. � 501(b)(1)(B) 
because the government is not obligated beyond the initial 10-year 
period. B-227850, Oct. 21, 1987, aff'd on reconsideration, B-227850.2, 
Mar. 22, 1988. 

Except for telecommunication services, utilities are financed from the 
Federal Buildings Fund and are part of the "space and services" 
package for which federal agencies pay rent. 40 U.S.C. � 592. 
Telecommunication services are financed from a separate fund. 
Originally designated the Federal Telecommunications Fund, it was 
merged in 1987 with an automatic data processing fund and redesignated 
as the Information Technology Fund and codified in former 40 U.S.C. � 
757.[Footnote 195] See 69 Comp. Gen. 112, 113 (1989). In 2006, the 
Information Technology Fund was merged with the General Supply Fund to 
form the Acquisition Services Fund, a revolving fund.196 Pub. L. No. 
109-313, � 3, 120 Stat. 1734, 1735 (Oct. 6, 2006), codified at 40 
U.S.C. � 321. The Acquisition Services Fund is available for, among 
other things, personal property, nonpersonal property, and personal 
services related to the provision of information technology. 40 U.S.C. 
� 321(c). 

Prior to enactment of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996,[Footnote 197] 
Pub. L. No. 104-106, div. E, 110 Stat. 186, 679 (Feb. 10, 1996), GSA 
had comprehensive authority to provide "Automatic Data Processing" 
(ADP) equipment and services (including telecommunications services) 
to federal agencies under the Brooks Automatic Data Processing Act 
(ADP Act). 40 U.S.C. � 759 (1994). Pursuant to this authority, GSA 
promulgated the Federal Information Resources Management Regulation 
(FIRMR), which governed "the umbrella of local and long distance 
telecommunications services ... provided, operated, managed, or 
maintained by GSA for the common use of all Federal agencies and other 
authorized users." 41 C.F.R. � 201-4.001 (1995). The Comptroller 
General had several occasions to interpret GSA authority under the 
Brooks ADP Act. See, e.g., 70 Comp. Gen. 238 (1991) (termination 
charges); 69 Comp. Gen. 112 (1989) (statistical sampling cost 
recovery); 65 Comp. Gen. 380 (1986) (FIRMR applicability). 

The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 repealed the Brooks ADP Act. Pub. L. No. 
104-106, � 5101. GSA abolished the FIRMR in August 1996. The 
regulatory scheme of the FIRMR was replaced with directives and 
guidance governing "Information Technology," which includes 
telecommunications services. See, e.g., OMB Cir. No. A-130, Management 
of Federal Information Resources (Nov. 28, 2000); Exec. Order No. 
13011, Federal Information Technology, 61 Fed. Reg. 37,657 (July 16, 
1996), as amended, 40 U.S.C. � 11101 note; Federal Acquisition 
Regulation, Acquisition of Information Technology, 48 C.F.R. pt. 39. 
GSA, however, continues to provide governmentwide telecommunications 
services through contracts which federal agencies, on a nonmandatory 
basis, may use to satisfy their telecommunications needs. Examples 
include GSA's FTS-2001 contracts and the Metropolitan Area 
Acquisitions (MAA) program. 

f. Use Restrictions: 

The Property Clause of the Constitution (art. W, � 3) empowers 
Congress to "make all needful Rules and regulations" with respect to 
government-owned property, which includes the authority to control 
what use is made of government property. In addition to the general 
purpose restrictions which permeate appropriations law (see Chapter 
4), a few restrictions on the use of government property appear in 
various parts of title 40 and are not reflected elsewhere. One example 
is 40 U.S.C. � 8108,[Footnote 198] which prohibits the use of any 
public building in the District of Columbia, except the Capitol 
Building and the White House, for "public functions" unless expressly 
authorized by law. Another is 40 U.S.C. � 3105,[Footnote 199] which 
provides that "no building owned, or used for public purposes, by the 
Federal Government shall be draped in mourning nor may public fund 
money be used for that purpose." This prohibition applies to buildings 
abroad as well as to buildings in the United States, and applies 
regardless of who owns the building. 8 Comp. Dec. 317 (1901). 

Many of the General Services Administration's (GSA) regulations, 
issued under its authority in 40 U.S.C. � 121(c), address issues of 
access to, and personal conduct on government property. For example, 
they specify when government property will be open and closed to the 
public (41 C.F.R. � 102-74.375), and generally ban certain activities 
while on federal property, such as gambling (41 C.F.R. � 102-74.395) 
and consumption of alcoholic beverages (41 C.F.R. � 102-74.405), etc. 

g. Payment of Rent by Federal Agencies: 

In 1972, Congress made fundamental changes in the way the government 
budgets for and finances its space needs. Prior to that time, the 
system was fairly simple: Congress, for the most part, appropriated 
the money to the General Services Administration (GSA) and GSA paid 
the bills. Under this system, there was little incentive for agencies 
to be conservative in their space needs. Also, as we have seen, coming 
up with appropriations to fund needed construction work proved to be 
extremely difficult. 

The Public Buildings Amendments of 1972 made several important 
revisions to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act. 
First, the 1972 law created a new revolving fund, later named the 
Federal Buildings Fund, to be available to the extent provided in 
annual appropriation acts, for GSA to use to finance its real property 
management functions. Next, it required agencies to pay rent to GSA, 
to be deposited in the revolving fund. Finally, it authorized any 
executive agency other than GSA which provides space and services to 
charge for the space and services.[Footnote 200] While the concept of 
charging rent was not wholly unknown prior to 1972 (see, e.g., 28 
Comp. Gen. 221 (1948)), this was the first governmentwide requirement. 

Section 586(b) of title 40, providing for rent charges by GSA, states 
in part: 

"(1) In general.�The Administrator of General Services shall impose a 
charge for furnishing space and services. 

"(2) Rates.�The Administrator shall, from time to time, determine the 
rates to be charged for furnishing space and services and shall 
prescribe regulations providing for the rates. The rates shall 
approximate commercial charges for comparable pace and services... 

"(3) Exemptions.�The Administrator may exempt anyone from the charges 
required by this subsection when the Administrator determines that 
charges would be infeasible or impractical...." 

Section 586(c)(1) of title 40, providing for rent charges by other 
agencies, states: "An executive agency, other than the [General 
Services] Administration, may impose a charge for furnishing space and 
services at rates approved by the Administrator." 

Section 592(b)(1)(A) of title 40 directs that user charges under 40 
U.S.C. � 586(b) be deposited in the Federal Buildings Fund. Section 
586(c)(2) of title 40 authorizes the agency to credit the receipts to 
its own appropriations to the extent of recovering the cost of 
providing the services. Agency operating appropriations are available 
to pay the rent by virtue of the recurring general appropriations act 
provision discussed previously. 

At first, the space-and-service charges were known as the "standard 
level user charge" or "SLUG." They are now simply called "rent." The 
rent requirement is intended to reduce cost and encourage more 
efficient space utilization by making agencies accountable for the 
space they use. H.R. Rep. No. 92-989 (1972). As noted above, rent 
charged by GSA is to approximate commercial charges for comparable 
space and services. This method was chosen over a cost-recovery basis 
in order to produce more income so that the revolving fund could 
finance construction and major repairs. See B-95136, May 18, 1971 
(GAO's comments on the legislation). This hope has been largely 
unfulfilled.[Footnote 201] Under the commercial charge formulation, it 
is not inconceivable that an agency occupying space in a leased 
building could pay more rent to GSA than GSA is paying to the lessor. 
This does not entitle the lessor to a rent increase. See B-95136-0.M., 
Mar. 29, 1976. 

GSA defines "rent" in simple terms as meaning "the amounts charged by 
GSA for space and related services to the customer agencies with 
tenancy in GSA-controlled space." 41 C.F.R. � 102-85.35. Section 102-
85.115 of the regulation describes how rent is determined. According 
to an early GSA statement in a December 1972 letter to GAO, rent is 
designed to cover: 

"the value of the space itself plus cleaning, utilities, operation and 
maintenance of elevators and electric heating, air-conditioning, 
ventilating, refrigeration, plumbing and sewage systems, repairs and 
maintenance, including approaches, sidewalks and roads; the furnishing 
and maintenance of building equipment such as directory and bulletin 
boards, electrical outlets, door keys, and window shades or venetian 
blinds; and overhead (i.e., the total cost of GSA's Public Buildings 
Service ... except costs covered by reimbursements)." 

52 Comp. Gen. 957, 958-59 (1973). 

The services GSA provides as part of the rent do not mean any and all 
services the tenant agency may need or want. GSA provides what it 
determines to be a "standard level" of service. 41 C.F.R. � 102-
85.165. Over and above that standard level, services are provided on a 
reimbursable basis to the extent that GSA is authorized to do the work 
or provide the service and the tenant agency's appropriations are 
available to pay. 

GSA is not limited to charging only federal agencies for space and 
services it furnishes. Thus, for example, GSA was authorized to charge 
rent to the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, 
to which GSA was then required to furnish space under 49 U.S.C. � 
305(f) (1970). B-95136, Nov. 17, 1978. As the result of some 
apparently skillful lobbying, the law was changed in 1980 to require 
the then Interstate Commerce Commission (i.e., the taxpayers) to pick 
up the tab. Pub. L. No. 96-296, � 36, 94 Stat. 793, 826 (July 1, 1980). 

A federal office building may house a variety of support concessions 
such as blind vending stands operated under the Randolph-Sheppard Act, 
Federal Credit Unions, cafeterias, dry cleaning and laundry 
facilities, etc. GSA could presumably charge rent directly to the 
concessioners. Instead, however, GSA assigns the space for these 
support concessions to the tenant agency for purposes of rent 
assessment, on the theory that the agency's presence in the building 
generated the need for the space. GAO has agreed that this method is 
authorized. 52 Comp. Gen. 957 (1973); B-114820-0.M., Dec. 14, 1977. 
GSA has "wide discretionary powers consistent with the purposes of the 
statute, in the manner of defining and charging for space occupied by 
Federal agencies and others." 52 Comp. Gen. at 961. If the building 
houses more than one government agency, GSA allocates the joint-use 
space (and the rent for it) on a pro rata basis. 41 C.F.R. � 102-

GSA rental charge also covers assigned parking spaces. Once again, 
since GSA is not limited to charging only federal agencies, it could 
assign spaces directly to individuals and charge rent to those 
individuals. In the exercise of its discretion, however, GSA simply 
includes the parking space in the total space charged to the tenant 
agency or agencies. See 52 Comp. Gen. at 960-61; 55 Comp. Gen. 897 
(1976). See also American Federation of Government Employees v. 
Freeman, 498 F. Supp. 651, 656-57 (D.D.C. 1980) (the statute 
authorizes, but does not require, GSA to charge parking fees). The 
authority of agencies to charge rent under 40 U.S.C. � 586(c) likewise 
is not restricted to charging other federal agencies.[Footnote 202] 
Therefore, the tenant agency could charge its employees for parking 
space. 55 Comp. Gen. at 899-900. However, section 586(c) does not 
authorize an agency to collect (and retain) fees from nonagency 
participants in an agency-sponsored conference held in procured space. 
B-190244, Nov. 28, 1977. (This does not necessarily mean that the 
agency cannot charge a fee, merely that it cannot rely on 40 U.S.C. � 
586(c) as authority to credit the money to its own appropriation.) 

The purpose of 40 U.S.C. � 586(b) is to raise revenue for GSA, not to 
create the full equivalent of a commercial landlord-tenant 
relationship. Accordingly, a tenant agency may not reduce its rental 
payments to recover the cost of property damaged by building failures. 
59 Comp. Gen. 515 (1980); 57 Comp. Gen. 130 (1977). 

Congress often uses appropriation act provisions to address either 
GSA's authority under 40 U.S.C. � 586(b) or the extent of an agency's 
liability to pay GSA's charges. Thus, to understand the operation of 
the statute for any given year, it is necessary to examine annual 
appropriations acts both for any provisions directed at GSA and for 
any provisions covering the tenant agency in question. For example, a 
provision in GSA's 1995 appropriation directed GSA to reflect in its 
rent rates the reductions contained in a particular budget amendment. 
Pub. L. No. 103-329, title W, � 5, 108 Stat. 2382, 2404 (Sept. 30, 

Restrictions directed at tenant agencies may take various forms. A 
provision imposing a specific dollar limit is discussed in B-204270, 
Oct. 13, 1981. A provision imposing a percentage limitation is noted 
in 55 Comp. 

Gen. 897 (1976). Two additional types appeared in the 1995 
appropriations act for the Departments of Labor and of Health and 
Human Services (BHS), Pub. L. No. 103-333, 108 Stat. 2539 (Sept. 30, 
1994). Section 207 of the BHS general provisions permanently canceled 
a specific dollar amount of "budgetary resources available ... for 
space rental charges" in 1995, and directed BHS to allocate the 
reduction among its various accounts with certain exceptions. The 
operating appropriation for the Railroad Retirement Board, Pub. L. No. 
103-333, 108 Stat. at 2571, specified that none of the funds shall be 
available to pay GSA rental charges. The precise language of the 
limitation will determine whether it applies only to rent or to other 
reimbursements as well. B-186818, Sept. 22, 1976. Regardless of the 
type of limitation, it must appear in the statute, and not merely in 
committee reports, in order to be legally binding. Id; B-177610, Sept. 
3, 1976. 

G. Improvements to Property Not Owned by the Government: 

1. The Rules: 

The topic of this section is the rule that, unless authorized by 
statute, appropriated funds may not be used to make permanent 
improvements to property not owned by the federal government. As 
numerous decisions have pointed out, the rule is based on the 
fundamental tenet, noted in various places throughout the chapters in 
these volumes, that no government official is authorized to give away 
government property�tangible property, money, legal rights�without 
specific statutory authority. E.g., B-286457, Jan. 29, 2001; 53 Comp. 
Gen. 351, 352 (1973); 42 Comp. Gen. 480, 481 (1963); 35 Comp. Gen. 
715, 716 (1956). 

Although derived from the constitutional principle that disposal of 
government property is a function of Congress, the rule itself is 
decisional rather than statutory, or, to quote a phrase used regularly 
in the decisions, the rule "is one of policy and not of positive law." 
53 Comp. Gen. at 352; 42 Comp. Gen. at 483. Stated somewhat more 
accurately, the rule is "one of public policy, not statutory 
prohibition." B-286457, Jan. 29, 2001, at 3; 65 Comp. Gen. 722, 724 
(1986). The public policy which the rule reflects�that it is 
ordinarily not a particularly good idea for government officials to 
give away the taxpayers' money�can be traced back at least to the 
early decisions of the Comptroller of the Treasury. E.g., 6 Comp. Dec. 
295 (1899). 

Due at least in part to the lack of an explicit statutory foundation, 
the rule is not and never has been particularly rigid. A considerable 
body of exceptions has evolved, in recognition of the fact that there 
are situations in which making improvements to nongovernment property 
is appropriate to the circumstances and can be justified. Viewing the 
body of case law as a whole, it seems fair to say that there is a set 
of standards to determine when the expenditure may be authorized, with 
the prohibitory rule remaining for those cases in which the 
expenditure would amount to giving away government property. 

Each of these standards is discussed below. However, there are several 
threshold matters to consider in determining whether the rule is even 
potentially applicable. To start with, the rule applies only to 
improvements. If something does not add to the value of the property 
in question, it is not an "improvement" for purposes of the rule. 
Thus, in B-301367, Oct. 23, 2003, GAO held that affixing to a utility 
company water tower decals of the military units stationed at a nearby 
base did not enhance the tower's value and thus did not raise an issue 
under the rule. Next, the rule applies only to permanent improvements. 
It does not prohibit temporary improvements as long as they remain the 
property of the government and the government reserves the right to 
remove them at the expiration of the lease or other government use. 43 
Comp. Gen. 738 (1964); 20 Comp. Gen. 927 (1941); 15 Comp. Gen. 761 
(1936). For example, the 1964 decision concerned nonpermanent 
servicing facilities which the General Services Administration (GSA) 
needed to install in commercial space leased for motor pool 
activities. The propriety of temporary improvements is determined by 
applying the standard rules of purpose availability�you look first to 
see if the expenditure is expressly authorized by law; if it is 
neither expressly authorized nor expressly prohibited, you then apply 
the "necessary expense" doctrine discussed in Chapter 4. Of course, 
the rule does not apply if an agency has specific statutory authority 
to make the permanent improvements in question. Thus, in B-286457, 
Jan. 29, 2001, GAO concluded that the rule had no application to the 
Federal Aviation Administration's use of funds to demolish the air 
traffic control tower at La Guardia Airport since the agency had 
specific statutory authority to replace the existing tower with a new 

If none of the foregoing threshold considerations makes the rule 
facially inapplicable, the expenditure may nevertheless be authorized 
if the following standards are met: 

* The improvement must be incident to and essential for the effective 
accomplishment of an authorized purpose of the appropriation sought to 
be charged. 

* The amount of the expenditure must be reasonable. 

* The improvement must be for the principal benefit of the government. 

* The interests of the government in the improvement must be protected. 

These standards appear to have been first enunciated in 42 Comp. Gen. 
480, 484 (1963), and they have been reiterated in many cases since. 
E.g., B-286457, Jan. 29, 2001; 71 Comp. Gen. 4, 5 (1991); 69 Comp. 
Gen. 673, 675 (1990); 53 Comp. Gen. 351, 352 (1973); 46 Comp. Gen. 25, 
27 (1966). 

The first standard�-incident and essential to an authorized purpose of 
the appropriation-�is a relative concept, like the "necessary expense" 
doctrine from which it is derived. It is applied by evaluating the 
proposed expenditure against the authorized purposes of the 
appropriation. Thus, incidental improvements to private property, 
chargeable to project funds, are unobjectionable if necessary to the 
completion of an authorized federal project. B-37747, Nov. 19, 1943; A-
65186, Oct. 19, 1935. 

As with the necessary expense doctrine itself, an item may relate 
clearly to one appropriation but be totally foreign to another. A good 
illustration is the improvement involved in 42 Comp. Gen. 480�-monkey 
cages in the San Diego Zoo. It is hard to see how the construction of 
monkey cages in a private zoo would further the purposes of a federal 
agency's appropriation.[Footnote 203] However, where the appropriation 
is for Public Health research and the expenditure stems from a cost-
reimbursable contract for the experimental breeding of primates, the 
relationship of the monkey cages to the appropriation takes on a new 
perspective. This element shares the common-sense logic of the 
necessary expense doctrine. However wonderful an item may appear, if 
it does not bear a sufficient relationship to carrying out one of the 
agency's authorized programs or functions or to fulfilling the 
purposes for which Congress appropriated money to the agency, the 
agency has no business doing it. 

The second standard-�reasonableness of cost�-is also relative. It is 
not enough to just look at the dollar amount in a vacuum. You must 
evaluate the cost against such factors as the type of improvement 
involved, the uses to which it is to be put, and the length of the 
government's contemplated use measured against the residual value, if 
any, to the owner. This element has been stated in various ways. The 
cost of the improvements must not be "extravagant or disproportionate 
to the needs to which the facilities are intended to be put." 35 Comp. 
Gen. at 716. If a lease or contract is involved, the cost of the 
improvements must be "in reasonable proportion to the overall cost of 
the lease or contract price." 53 Comp. Gen. at 352. The monkey cages 
in 42 Comp. Gen. 480, for example, cost approximately 10 percent of 
the total price of the research contract. Of course, this formulation 
is useless where land is being leased to the government for a nominal 
rent, in which case other factors must be used to assess 
reasonableness. Thus, spending approximately $1,000 to improve an 
access road was "relatively small and not disproportionate to the 
needs of the Government," and therefore acceptable, in 38 Comp. Gen. 
143, 146 (1958), whereas in 47 Comp. Gen. 61, 65 (1967), constructing 
a $25 million building on land leased to the government was a 
different story, hardly qualifying as "some minor item incidental to a 
larger purpose." 

For at least the last half century, the amount formula included a 
statutory element. As noted previously in section E.2.g of this 
chapter, section 322 of the Economy Act of 1932 prohibited the 
obligation or expenditure of appropriated funds for "alterations, 
improvements, and repairs" of rented premises in excess of 25 percent 
of the first year's rent. See 40 U.S.C. � 278a (1982). Section 322 of 
the Economy Act was repealed in 1988,[Footnote 204] and the cases must 
therefore be regarded as modified to the extent they either impose a 
percentage limitation on the amount of otherwise authorized 
expenditures or treat section 322 as an independent source of 

The third standard�-principal benefit to the government-�is largely 
self-explanatory and is necessary to prevent giveaways. Of course, 
words like "principal" or "primary" do not mean "exclusive," and in 
many cases there will be some residual, if not contemporaneous, 
benefit to the owner. Thus, an otherwise authorized expenditure does 
not become objectionable merely because the facility will have an 
estimated life of 15 years and the government plans to use it for only 
10 years. See B-130515(3), May 8, 1969. Or, turning again to the 
monkey cages in 42 Comp. Gen. 480, nothing would prevent the zoo from 
cleaning them out and using them to house other monkeys upon 
completion of the government research contract. Nevertheless, the 
United States must be the primary beneficiary of the improvements. 
E.g., B-213379, Oct. 29, 1984 (no authority to pay railroad in Germany 
for track improvements where benefit to United States was merely "the 
unavoidable result of improvements made to the German rail system as a 

The fourth and final standard-�protection of the government's 
interests�-will again vary with the facts and circumstances of the 
particular case. For example, in a case where the then Immigration and 
Naturalization Service (INS) wanted to erect or repair fences on 
private land to help deter the entry of illegal aliens, it would be 
necessary for the agency to gain "substantial control" over the land 
by some device such as an easement or lease covering the useful life 
of the fence. 55 Comp. Gen. 872, 874 (1976). See also A-65186, Oct. 
19, 1935, specifying the same condition. Similarly, where the 
Department of Agriculture wanted to construct a dam, part of which 
would have to be located on Canadian soil, GAO advised that a right in 
perpetuity for the construction and maintenance of the dam should 
first be obtained from the property owner, as well as, of course, the 
consent of the Canadian government. 18 Comp. Gen. 463 (1938). In some 
cases, the appropriate device for protecting the government's 
interests may be the insertion of appropriate provisions in a 
contract. E.g., B-187482, Feb. 17, 1977. In other cases, it may be 
necessary to work out an ad hoc agreement with the owner tailored to 
the circumstances. See 71 Comp. Gen. at 6. 

If these foregoing standards cannot be satisfied, then the expenditure 
is unauthorized unless the agency obtains statutory authority. For 
example, in B-194031, May 1, 1979, GAO agreed with the then Veterans 
Administration (VA) that it could not use its funds for the repair and 
maintenance of the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C., a 30-
acre cemetery of which the government owned only half an acre. The 
expenditure would primarily benefit the private owners and would be 
disproportionately large in relation to the government-owned portion. 

Significantly, on a few occasions in the past when Congress had 
authorized repairs, it did so explicitly. The VA could, of course, 
repair and maintain the government-owned plots. 

2. Some Specific Applications: 

a. Leased Premises/Property: 

The rule prohibiting permanent improvements to nonfederal property 
without statutory authority applies to leased property, both 
unimproved property (i.e., land)[Footnote 205] and buildings. 
[Footnote 206] However, the rule has evolved somewhat differently in 
the case of leases because of the contractual nature of the 
transaction. It has long been held that appropriated funds are 
available for improvements to property being leased by the government 
if provided for as part of the consideration under the lease. 65 Comp. 
Gen. 722, 723-24 (1986); 18 Comp. Dec. 70 (1911); 6 Comp. Dec. 943 
(1900); A-33513, Oct. 10, 1930. Any other rule would make little sense 
because alterations are often necessary to make premises suitable for 
the government's proposed use, and if the government could not pay 
directly, the landlord could make the alterations and factor the cost 
into the rent, and the government would end up paying anyway. Of 
course, there is a common-sense point beyond which this concept cannot 
be stretched. It would not, for example, permit the construction of a 
$25 million building on land being leased for a dollar a year. See 47 
Comp. Gen. 61 (1967). 

As noted in our general discussion, the prohibition does not apply 
with respect to alterations or improvements to the leased premises 
which are not permanent and which are removable. 43 Comp. Gen. 738 
(1964); 5 Comp. Gen. 696 (1926); B-127807, May 14, 1956; A-55493, June 
21, 1934; A-54725, Apr. 13, 1934. In the case of a lease, however, 
before applying the purpose analysis, it is first necessary to ask 
whether the repair or improvement is one which the landlord is 
obligated to supply under the terms of the lease. 5 Comp. Gen. at 697. 
If it is, then the government is not authorized to, in effect, pay 
twice to get what it is entitled to get under the lease. 2 Comp. Gen. 
606, 607 (1923); A-50554, Aug. 28, 1933.[Footnote 207] 

The General Services Administration (GSA) has its own statutory 
authority, discussed generally in 65 Comp. Gen. 722. Under 40 U.S.C. � 
581(c)(4),[Footnote 208] GSA is authorized to "repair, alter, and 
improve rented premises" if it determines that the work "is 
advantageous to the Government in terms of economy, efficiency, or 
national security." GSA's determination must show that "the total cost 
(rental, repair, alteration, and improvement) for the expected life of 
the lease is less than the cost of alternative space not needing 
repair, alteration, or improvement." Id. � 581(c)(4)(B). Work under 40 
U.S.C. � 581(c)(4) is financed from the Federal Buildings Fund, 40 
U.S.C. � 592. 

If an agency other than GSA is doing the leasing under its own 
authority, what it can or cannot do will depend on the precise terms 
of its leasing authority, supplemented or restricted, as the case may 
be, by the decisions. 

What happens to the improvements at the end of the lease, and related 
questions of liability, will depend on the terms of the lease. In one 
case, for example, the government had leased unimproved land for 10 
years and constructed buildings on it. When the lease was over, the 
government removed the buildings and left the concrete foundations. 
Unfortunately for the landowner, the lease expressly relieved the 
government of any responsibility to restore the land to its prior 
condition, and the court refused to construe this in "all or nothing" 
terms. M.H. Sherman Co. v. United States, 258 F.2d 881 (9th Cir. 
1958). In a similar case where the lease did include the "restore to 
prior condition" clause, the government was liable. Atlantic Coast 
Line Railroad Co. v. United States, 129 Ct. Cl. 137 (1954). 

The restoration clause is not a rigid requirement that the government 
remove improvements in any event and at all costs. Thus, in a case 
where removal would not have been cost-effective, the Attorney General 
approved a settlement whereby the government agreed to leave the 
improvements for the use of the lessor in full settlement of all 
claims against the government. 39 Op. Att'y Gen. 338 (1939). There can 
be no requirement "that improvements attached to leased premises must 
be removed when removal would involve the expenditure of public funds 
greatly in excess of any salvage value." Id. at 340. See also 20 Comp. 
Gen. 105, 111 (1940). 

The restoration clause serves more as a method of measuring damages 
where the government does not remove the improvements. Whatever the 
government does or does not do, liability requires provable damages. 
The point is illustrated in Realty Associates v. United States, 138 E 
Supp. 875 (Ct. CL 1956), in which the government leased land and 
buildings which had been idle for several years and made substantial 
improvements to the property. When the lease was over and the property 
returned to the lessor, it had so increased in value as a result of 
the improvements that it was capable of producing, and did produce, 
substantial income. Nevertheless, the lessor sued for the cost of 
restoration on a breach of contract theory. Noting that if the 
government had restored the property to its former unusable condition, 
"no one would have been more unhappy than plaintiff" (Realty 
Associates, 138 E Supp. at 877), and invoking Mark Twain's aphorism 
that "the difference between a dog and a man is that if you pick up a 
starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you" (id. at 
878), the court held that the lessor could recover only if he could 
show that he actually suffered damage as a result of the government's 
actions. If the property is worth more in its unrestored condition 
than it would be worth if restored, there is no damage. See also Dodge 
Street Building Corp. v. United States, 341 F.2d 641 (Ct. Cl. 1965). 
This principle has also been applied where the leasehold was acquired 
by condemnation. Flood v. United States, 274 F.2d 483 (9th Cir.), 
cert. denied, 363 U.S. 805 (1960). 

The fact that removal may not be feasible or cost-effective does not 
mean that the government has no alternative to simply giving away the 
improvements. GAO has recommended that the leasing agency consider, in 
appropriate cases: 

"the advisability of incorporating in such leases a provision for 
reimbursement by the lessor of the residual value of such changes at 
the termination of the lease together with the basis for determining 
such value.... In determining the residual value there necessarily 
would be for consideration such factors as (1) the rental rate, (2) 
the lease term, and (3) the type of the alteration, improvement, or 
repair with particular consideration as to whether or not such 
building changes at the termination of the lease will operate to 
enhance the value of the building or be advantageous to the lessor." 

39 Comp. Gen. 304, 307 (1959). The lease in that case was subject to 
termination by the lessor at the end of each annual renewal term, a 
situation in which a provision along the lines suggested is 
particularly desirable. Id. 

b. Research: 

A number of government agencies have research responsibilities not 
infrequently involving atypical situations with atypical needs. Thus, 
it probably should not be too surprising that some years ago GAO noted 
that a common source of exceptions was "improvements (to a 
contractor's property) incidental to but necessary to give full force 
and effect to research contracts made by the Government with private 
parties." 53 Comp. Gen. 351, 352 (1973). 

One case is 42 Comp. Gen. 480 (1963). The Public Health Service's 
National Cancer Institute had entered into a research contract with 
the San Diego Zoo. Part of the contract involved the installation of 
cages and related work for the "experimental breeding of primates." 
GAO evaluated the administrative justification in light of the rule 
and its exceptions, and found the expenditure authorized. This holding 
was applied a few years later in another case involving a Public 
Health Service cancer research contract, 46 Comp. Gen. 25 (1966), 
allowing the costs incurred by the contractor in converting an 
unfinished basement into laboratory space for use in performing the 
contract. Part of the justification was a response to the logical 
question of why the agency had chosen this contractor rather than one 
who might have had more suitable facilities. 

To avoid the difficult questions cases like these presented, GAO 
suggested that the Public Health Service might be better off with more 
explicit statutory authority, noting as a model 10 U.S.C. � 2353. 42 
Comp. Gen. at 486. Under 10 U.S.C. � 2353(a), the military departments 
may fund the acquisition or construction of facilities and equipment 
deemed necessary for the performance of research contracts, but this 
may not include "new construction or improvements having general 
utility." In addition, the statute prohibits the installation or 
construction of facilities "that would not be readily removable or 
separable without unreasonable expense or unreasonable loss of value" 
unless the contract includes specified safeguards. 10 U.S.C. � 
2353(b). This statute clearly overcomes the "permanent improvement" 
prohibition. B-138868-0.M., June 10, 1959. The Public Health Service 
took the hint, and now has the explicit authority to enter into 
research contracts in accordance with 10 U.S.C. � 2353. See 42 U.S.C. 
� 241(a)(7). 

Another case involving an exception made for a research project 
improvement is B-96826-0.M., Feb. 8, 1967. It involved an irrigation 
system constructed on unimproved land by the Soil Conservation Service 
in connection with statutorily authorized soil erosion research. As 
with the Public Health Service cases, this too would now be authorized 
by statute. Under 7 U.S.C. � 2250a, Department of Agriculture 
appropriations may be used to erect buildings or other structures on 
land owned by someone other than the United States, as long as the 
government obtains the right to use the land for the estimated life of 
or need for the structure, including the right to remove the structure 
upon termination of government use. 

Another agency with research responsibilities is the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology. GAO considered a number of 
proposals in the 1950s, concluding in several cases that the Institute 
could make improvements to leased property where those improvements 
were essential to carrying out the particular projects and could be 
removed without material damage to the premises. E.g., B-122439, Feb. 
23, 1955 (unimproved land); B-114240, May 8, 1953 (laboratory 
alteration). Nevertheless, statutory authority is preferable to case-
by-case determinations, and legislation was enacted in 1958, now found 
at 15 U.S.C. � 278e(g), which authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to 
erect on leased property facilities needed by the Institute. 

As this survey of cases suggests, a number of agencies with 
significant research responsibilities now have adequate statutory 
authority, with appropriate safeguards (except for 15 U.S.C. � 
278e(g), which includes no apparent safeguards), to do what they need 
to do. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presented a somewhat 
different situation in B-187482, Feb. 17, 1977. In connection with 
authorized research under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, EPA 
wanted to purchase a cooling tower from a private power company, 
knowing that it would abandon the facility in a few years upon 
completion of the research. EPA thought the situation was analogous to 
spending money for permanent improvements to private property. GAO 
agreed and applied the tests of 42 Comp. Gen. 480, finding, among 
other things, that the purchase price would amount to approximately 25 
percent of the total cost of the research project, that constructing a 
new tower would have been considerably more expensive, and that the 
agreement included appropriate safeguards to protect the government's 
interest in the tower. Accordingly, the purchase was authorized. 

c. Public Improvements: 

By "public improvements" we mean such things as roads and sidewalks. 
By their nature, when not located on federal property, they tend to be 
located on land owned by state or local governments rather than 
private parties. This introduces different factors into the analysis. 

Most of the cases involve proposals to construct, repair, or maintain 
roads leading or adjacent to some government facility. The earlier 
cases just said no, the fact that there would be some resulting 
benefit to the government being irrelevant. E.g., 6 Comp. Gen. 353 
(1926); 2 Comp. Gen. 308 (1922). Later cases found a basis to say no 
in a statute we discussed earlier in section F of this chapter, 41 
U.S.C. � 12, which prohibits any contract "for the erection, repair, 
or furnishing of any ... public improvement" in excess of the amount 
"appropriated for the specific purpose." 39 Comp. Gen. 388 (1959) 
(access road); 32 Comp. Gen. 296 (1952) (deceleration lane on state 
highway); B-143536, Aug. 15, 1960 (access road). The statement found 
almost verbatim in each case is, quoting from B-143536 at 3, that "if 
specific action is required by the Congress with respect to public 
improvements on Federal property, a fortiori, specific authority would 
be required for the financing from Federal funds of public 
improvements on State or county property." 

Other cases applying this concept include B-211044, June 15, 1984 
(crosswalk across the median strip of a public highway), and B-194135, 
Nov. 19, 1979 (locally owned wastewater treatment plant). In 38 Comp. 
Gen. 143 (1958), however, improvements to an access road on state land 
were found authorized under the decisional rules where most of the 
contemplated improvements were not of a permanent nature and there 
would be no resulting benefit to the state since the road was no more 
than a car path leading to the government facility across grazing 
land. See also B-126950, Mar. 12, 1956 (similar facts, same result). 
[Footnote 209] 

The prohibition has also been applied in a case where the government 
technically held fee title extending to the center of a public street, 
but had no jurisdiction or control over the portion occupied by the 
street because it was subject to a permanent easement held by the city 
in trust for the public. B-120012, Oct. 15, 1954. 

In the case of sidewalks, there is statutory authority for any 
executive agency to "install, repair, and replace sidewalks around 
buildings, installations, property, or grounds" that are under the 
control of the agency, owned by the federal government, and located in 
a state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or a United States 
territory or possession. 40 U.S.C. � 589(a). The agency may do the 
work directly or by reimbursement to the state or local government, in 
accordance with the General Services Administration regulations. Id. 
�� 589(b), (c). Prior to the enactment of this general authority, some 
agencies had-�and still have-�their own comparable agency-specific 
authority. An example is 16 U.S.C. � 555b for the Forest Service. GAO 
has construed "owned" for purposes of the Forest Service provision as 
including a 99-year lease. 43 Comp. Gen. 705 (1964). There is no 
reason why this holding should not apply as well to 40 U.S.C. � 589. 

Section 589(e) of title 40 provides that the statute "does not 
increase or enlarge the tort liability of the Government for injuries 
to individuals or damages to property." Thus, reimbursement by the 
federal government under section 589 does not operate to relieve the 
state or local government from any underlying obligation it might 
otherwise have to make the repairs, or from liability for failure to 
do so. Connor v. United States, 461 F.2d 1259 (D.C. Cir. 1972) (slip-
and-fall on a sidewalk adjacent to a federal building in the District 
of Columbia). By the same token, contracting out maintenance of a 
sidewalk on federal property will not necessarily absolve the federal 
government of any liability as a property owner. See Simpkins v. 
United States, 253 E Supp. 2d 4 (D.D.C. 2003) (another slip-and-fall 
on a sidewalk located on a parkland owned by the United States but 
maintained by a nonfederal entity). 

d. Federal Aviation Administration: 

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) performs its functions at 
airports throughout the country and therefore has considerable 
presence on property which is not owned by the United States. 
Consequently, the FAA has had frequent occasion to consider the use of 
its appropriations for various alterations or improvements to 
nongovernment property. 

The FAA has general authority to "acquire, establish, improve, 
operate, and maintain air navigation facilities." 49 U.S.C. � 
44502(a)(1)(A). Under this authority, it could, for example, make 
repairs and improvements to flight service stations located on 
premises leased from airport owners or operators. 53 Comp. Gen. 317 
(1973).[Footnote 210] See also B-143536, Aug. 15, 1960 (similar 
language in an appropriation act provision applicable to leased as 
well as acquired lands). 

Under another statute, the FAA may approve an airport development 
grant application only upon receipt of written assurances that: 

"the airport owner or operator will provide, without charge to the 
Government, property interests of the sponsor in land or water areas 
or buildings that the Secretary decides are desirable for, and that 
will be used for, constructing at Government expense, facilities for 
carrying out activities related to air traffic control or navigation." 

49 U.S.C. � 47107(a)(12). This is also specific authority sufficient 
to overcome the prohibition on improving nongovernment property. 46 
Comp. Gen. 60 (1966). That case found FAA appropriations available for 
the reinforcement of building foundations and other structural 
improvements necessitated by the construction of air traffic control 
tower cabs on the roofs of those buildings. Another example involving 
FAA's statutory authority is B-286457, Jan. 29, 2001, discussed in 
section G.1 of this chapter. 

A 1990 case found an exception in a situation not covered by any of 
FAA's statutory authorities. The decision, 69 Comp. Gen. 673 (1990), 
held that the inclusion in a lump-sum appropriation of funds for 
environmental cleanup at a facility being leased by the FAA on a long-
term basis was sufficient to authorize the FAA to make permanent 
improvements to the facility deemed necessary for the cleanup. The 
expenditure had been specified in committee reports but not the 
appropriation act itself. The lesson of this case is that, since the 
permanent improvement prohibition is nonstatutory, it can be overcome 
by congressional action that would not be sufficient if it were a 
statutory requirement.[Footnote 211] 

e. Private Residences: 

As one might suspect, there should normally be very little occasion to 
consider the propriety of using appropriated funds to make permanent 
improvements to someone's private residence. However, as if to prove 
that one should never say never, the expenditure has been authorized 
in two cases. 

In 53 Comp. Gen. 351 (1973), the then Veterans Administration (VA) 
sought to install central air conditioning in the home of a disabled 
veteran. The VA received appropriations for necessary inpatient and 
outpatient care, and the applicable program legislation defined 
authorized medical care as including home health services. The 
legislative history indicated an intent to emphasize nonhospital 
treatment. The air conditioning was not just a matter of comfort. 
According to the VA, certain disabled veterans "suffer from a severe 
impairment of the heat regulatory mechanisms of their bodies to such 
an extent that their body temperatures can only be safely maintained 
in an artificially controlled physical environment." 53 Comp. Gen. at 
351-52. The expenditure could not be justified as an exception under 
the tests of 42 Comp. Gen. 480 (1963) and its progeny because the 
primary beneficiary would be the disabled veteran, not the government. 
Nevertheless, upon an administrative determination that the expense 
was necessary for the effective and economical treatment of the 
veteran, and that the only alternative would be admission to a 
hospital, the expenditure was authorized. 

As noted in Chapter 4, decisions have held that an agency may use its 
operating appropriations to protect an agency official whose life has 
been threatened if the danger may impair the functioning of the 
agency. A 1991 case, 71 Comp. Gen. 4, took this one step further and 
held that the Drug Enforcement Administration could use its 
appropriations to enclose and secure a carport at the leased residence 
of its Administrator. Although the decision viewed the improvement as 
primarily benefiting the government, it is perhaps more appropriate to 
say that, under the circumstances presented�danger to the 
Administrator's life�the fact of shared benefit, or of some residual 
benefit to the landlord, should not be enough to invalidate an 
expenditure which otherwise meets the tests. Of course, the agency 
would also have to take appropriate measures, possibly in the form of 
a provisional agreement with the landlord, to protect the government's 
interest in the improvement. 71 Comp. Gen. at 6. 

H. Disposal: 

1. The Property Clause: 

A fundamental point to understanding the body of law governing the 
operation of federal agencies is that no government official may 
dispose of government-owned property unless authorized by Congress. 
The source of this rule is article IV, section 3, clause 2 of the 
United States Constitution, the so-called Property Clause: "The 
Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and 
Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to 
the United States ...." By virtue of the Property Clause, no agency or 
official of the government is authorized to sell, lease, give away, or 
otherwise dispose of government property without statutory authority, 
either explicit or by necessary implication. As the Supreme Court put 
it in one case: 

"Power to release or otherwise dispose of the rights and property of 
the United States is lodged in the Congress by the Constitution. Art. 
W, � 3, Cl. 2. Subordinate officers of the United States are without 
that power, save only as it has been conferred upon them by Act of 
Congress or is to be implied from other powers so granted." 

Royal Indemnity Co. v. United States, 313 U.S. 289, 294 (1941). 

This principle has been consistently recognized and applied by the 
courts, the Attorney General, and the Comptroller General. E.g., 
Spirit Lake Tribe v. North Dakota, 262 F.3d 732, 740-41 (8th Cir. 
2001), cert. denied, 535 U.S. 988 (2002); 34 Op. Att'y Gen. 320 
(1924); 65 Comp. Gen. 339 (1986); 50 Comp. Gen. 63 (1970); B-157578, 
Sept. 7, 1965. "Like any other owner [Congress] may provide when, how, 
and to whom its land can be sold." United States v. Midwest Oil Co., 
236 U.S. 459, 474 (1915). 

The Property Clause is not limited to real property but applies to 
personal property as well. As the Supreme Court explained in Ashwander 
v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 297 U.S. 288, 331 (1936): 

"The occasion for the grant [in the Property Clause] was the obvious 
necessity of making provision for the government of the vast territory 
acquired by the United States. The power to govern and to dispose of 
that territory was deemed to be indispensable to the purposes of the 
cessions made by the States.... The grant was made in broad terms, and 
the power of regulation and disposition was not confined to territory, 
but extended to 'other property belonging to the United States,' so 
that the power may be applied, as Story says, 'to the due regulation 
of all other personal and real property rightfully belonging to the 
United States.' And so, he adds, 'it has been constantly understood 
and acted upon.'" 

The Property Clause applies to all forms of property, intangible as 
well as tangible, and this includes legal rights. One manifestation of 
this is the rule that, unless authorized by statute, government 
officers have no right to modify existing contracts, or to waive or 
surrender contract rights which have vested in the government, without 
some compensating benefit to the government. E.g., 47 Comp. Gen. 732, 
736 (1968); 40 Comp. Gen. 684, 688 (1961); B-174058, Oct. 18, 1972. 
Another is the rule that no government official may, absent statutory 
authority, waive a debt owing to the United States. E.g., B-171934, 
Apr. 2, 1971. Similarly, an agency may not, unless authorized by 
statute, waive the enforcement of a forfeiture accruing to the 
government's benefit without consideration. 53 Comp. Gen. 574 (1974); 
40 Comp. Gen. 309 (1960). This includes the retention of liquidated 
damages. 26 Comp. Gen. 775, 777 (1947). 

The interagency transfer of excess real or personal property is not a 
disposal for purposes of the Property Clause. 32 Op. Att'y Gen. 511 

The right to dispose of government property which is no longer needed 
has been termed "an essential governmental function in the economic 
management of governmental affairs." City of Springfield v. United 
States, 99 F.2d 860, 863 (1st Cir. 1938), cert. denied, 306 U.S. 650 
(1939). Congress has delegated this authority to executive agencies in 
several statutes, the most important of which is the Federal Property 
and Administrative Services Act. 

2. Disposal under Title 40 of the United States Code: 

The provisions of title 40, United States Code, derived from the 
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act,[Footnote 212] as 
amended, present a fairly complex scheme for the disposal of 
government property. The starting point is the definition of two key 
terms, "excess property" and "surplus property": 

"The term 'excess property' means any property under the control of a 
federal agency that the head of the agency determines is not required 
to meet the agency's needs and responsibilities." 

"The term 'surplus property' means excess property that the 
Administrator [of the General Services Administration (GSA)] 
determines is not required to meet the needs or responsibilities of 
all federal agencies." 

40 U.S.C. �� 102(3) and (10).[Footnote 213] 

Note that the using agency declares property to be excess, but GSA 
must declare it to be surplus. Property must be excess before it can 
be surplus.[Footnote 214] Obviously, the arbitrary classification of 
property as excess or surplus in order to provide statutory authority 
for disposal which otherwise does not exist, is improper. B-61717, 
Apr. 10, 1947. 

a. Excess Property: 

Agencies have a continuing responsibility to survey property under 
their control in order to identify property which has become excess. 
40 U.S.C. � 524(a)(2).[Footnote 215] The General Services 
Administration (GSA) tells agencies to do this at least annually. 41 
C.F.R. � 102-75.60(a). If an agency identifies property which appears 
to be excess, it should first see if some other component of the 
agency can use it. 40 U.S.C. � 524(a)(3). If the property is not 
needed within the agency, it should be promptly reported to GSA as 
excess. Id.; 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.60(c). Conversely, if the agency needs 
property and cannot fill its need by transfer or improved utilization 
of property already under its control, it should report its need to 
GSA. 41 C.F.R. � 102.75.65.[Footnote 216] 

GSA then has the responsibility of determining if there is a need for 
the property by another federal agency, government corporation, or the 
District of Columbia, and directing transfer of the property 
accordingly. See generally 40 U.S.C. � 521.[Footnote 217] According to 
the legislative history of section 521, detailed in B-101646-0.M., 
Nov. 2, 1976, GSA is to do this by conducting a "survey" of the needs 
of other agencies. GAO regards the term survey in this context as 
flexible. It does not require GSA to follow specifically detailed 
procedures. "Rather, [the Administrator of GSA] may execute his survey 
on the basis of a broad analysis from an overall viewpoint making use 
of his general and specific knowledge of the situation in his role as 
the manager of the Government's property." B-165868, June 30, 1971, at 

GSA calls its procedure "screening." 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.1220. If GSA 
finds a "match" and determines that transfer is in the government's 
best interest, the property is transferred. See 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.175. 

The statute requires reimbursement by the receiving agency if either 
the transferor or the transferee is the District of Columbia or a 
government corporation subject to the Government Corporation Control 
Act, or if the property was acquired by using a revolving or 
reimbursable fund and the transferor agency requests reimbursement of 
the net proceeds. In all other cases, the extent of reimbursement, if 
any, is left to the determination of GSA and the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB). 40 U.S.C. �� 522(a), (b).[Footnote 218] GSA's 
Federal Management Regulation generally requires reimbursement of 100 
percent of estimated fair market value, with qualifications specified 
in certain circumstances. See 41 C.F.R. �� 10275.190-102-75.200. The 
transfer is made without reimbursement if it is specifically 
nonreimbursable by statute, or if GSA, with OMB's approval, grants an 
exception. See 41 C.F.R. �� 102-75.205-102-75.225. 

Since the receiving agency has already demonstrated a need for the 
property in order to qualify for the transfer, the amount of the 
reimbursement is a necessary expense of, and therefore chargeable to, 
operating appropriations for the program for which the property is to 
be used. 38 Comp. Gen. 782 (1959). If the property being transferred 
is a leasehold, the fair market value should not include any 
restoration obligation incurred by the transferring agency. 28 Comp. 
Gen. 251 (1948). 

Congress occasionally waives the federal government's immunity from 
state and local taxation with respect to real property owned by a 
government corporation. E.g., 12 U.S.C. � 1825(a) (Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation). If property subject to such a waiver is 
declared excess and transferred to an agency or entity that does not 
have such a waiver, the waiver dies with the transfer and the 
transferee agency is not authorized to continue paying the taxes. 36 
Comp. Gen. 713 (1957); 34 Comp. Gen. 319 (1955); 32 Comp. Gen. 164 
(1952). See also Rohr Aircraft Corp. v. County of San Diego, 362 U.S. 
628 (1960); Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County v. United 
States, 105 F. Supp. 995 (Ct. CL 1952) (both cases address the issue 
under the Surplus Property Act of 1944, a predecessor of the current 
provisions). The immunity attaches on the date the property is 
declared excess. 32 Comp. Gen. 574 (1953). 

As noted above, a government corporation can receive excess property 
but must pay for it. In the case of a mixed-ownership government 
corporation, the property loses its federal identity upon being 
transferred. Therefore, if the property should later become excess to 
the mixed-ownership corporation, the corporation may dispose of it 
without having to follow the Federal Property Act. See B-101646, B-
175155-0.M., Sept. 6, 1979 (discussing transfer to Amtrak). 

b. Surplus Property: 

If no other agency needs the property, the General Services 
Administration (GSA) then declares it to be surplus. If some other 
agency has requested transfer as excess property, it cannot be 
declared surplus until the request has been withdrawn. Skokomish 
Indian Tribe v. GSA, 587 F.2d 428 (9th Cir. 1978). GSA is required to 
"supervise and direct the disposition of surplus property." 40 U.S.C. 
� 541.[Footnote 219] GSA, or any executive agency so authorized by 
GSA, may dispose of surplus property "by sale, exchange, lease, 
permit, or transfer, for cash, credit, or other property," and may 
"take other action it considers necessary or proper to dispose of the 
property." 40 U.S.C. � 543.[Footnote 220] GSA acts as the disposal 
agency except "in rare instances" where it delegates disposal 
authority to another agency. 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.5. Instances in which 
a landholding agency may act as the disposal agency are described in 
41 C.F.R. � 102-75.296. Absent some applicable statutory exception, 40 
U.S.C. � 541 and its related provisions are the exclusive means for 
the government to divest itself of a property interest. United States 
v. 434.00 Acres of Land, 792 F.2d 1006 (11th Cir. 1986) (common-law 
rule that easement terminates when purpose for which it was created 
ceases to exist not applicable to easement held by government). 

The "necessary or proper" clause in 40 U.S.C. � 543 "suggests broad 
power." United States v. 1.33 Acres of Land, 9 F.3d 70, 73 (9th Cir. 
1993). That case held that GSA was authorized to condemn an easement 
several years after the sale of adjacent property in order to complete 
the sale. (The easement was necessary for access to a highway and the 
parties could not come to voluntary terms.) GSA may also, under its 
broad statutory authority, authorize the interim nonfederal use of 
surplus property by lease or permit. See B-101646-0.M., Oct. 11, 1977. 
The statute does not, however, authorize the use of options to 
purchase, either standing alone or included in a lease. 41 Op. Att'y 
Gen. 294 (1957). 

Unless otherwise provided by statute or in the deed by which the 
government acquired the property, the person from whom the government 
acquired the property does not have an automatic or inherent right to 
repurchase it if it is declared surplus. This is true regardless of 
how the property was acquired. Harrison v. Phillips, 185 E Supp. 204 
(S.D. Tex. 1960), affd, 289 F.2d 927 (5th Cir. 1961), cert. denied, 
368 U.S. 835 (1961) (property acquired by voluntary purchase); 34 
Comp. Gen. 374 (1955) (donation); B-165511, Mar. 21, 1978 (eminent 

With certain exceptions, the disposal agency should have the property 
appraised. 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.300. GSA treats the appraisal results as 
confidential so as not to influence the government's ability to sell 
at a favorable price. See 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.320. The courts and GAO 
agree with this nondisclosure policy. Government Land Bank v. GSA, 671 
F.2d 663 (1st Cir. 1982); Martin Marietta Aluminum, Inc. v. GSA, 444 
F. Supp. 945 (C.D. Cal. 1977); B-101646, Aug. 16, 1979. The court 
directed disclosure in GSA v. Benson, 415 F.2d 878 (9th Cir. 1969), 
but the sale had already taken place and the purchaser needed the 
information for tax purposes. 

Subject to several exceptions, the law provides that disposals of 
surplus property may be made "only after publicly advertising for 
bids" under regulations prescribed by GSA. 40 U.S.C. � 545(a)(1)(A). 
[Footnote 221] While the solicitation is not required to specify a 
minimum acceptable bid, the government is also not required to give 
the property away and may reject all bids. 40 U.S.C. � 545(b)(6); B-
212285, Nov. 15, 1983. As noted above, the law authorizes sale for 
cash or credit. If the solicitation specifies that either is equally 
acceptable, the agency cannot give a preference to cash terms after 
bids have been opened. B-189500, Mar. 21, 1978. The implied obligation 
to treat all bids fairly and honestly applies to sales of property as 
well as to procurement contracts. Prineville Sawmill Co. v. United 
States, 859 F.2d 905, 909 (Fed. Cir. 1988). 

As a general proposition, a wide disparity between appraised values 
and bid prices is not enough to put the contracting officer on 
constructive notice of a mistake in bid because of the "myriad of 
uses" to which the land might be put. B-177695, Jan. 22, 1973. 
However, in a case where the appraiser had indicated that the property 
would have little value to anyone other than the immediate adjacent 
landowner, and there was a large disparity between the appraisal and a 
bid by someone other than the adjacent landowner, the contracting 
officer should have been put on notice of the possibility of mistake 
and should have sought confirmation of the bid. B-160113, Nov. 25, 

If an appraisal is based on a mistake, the resulting contract of sale 
may be reformed to permit partial refund of the purchase price. B-
71334, Feb. 3, 1948 (appraisal included irrigation rights which in 
fact did not exist). Although not discussed in that decision, this is 
not viewed as a surrender of contract rights for purposes of the 
Property Clause. Also, depending on the circumstances, it may be 
possible to rescind the contract. See Morris v. United States, 33 Fed. 
Cl. 733, 744-48 (1995) (discussing the theories of misrepresentation, 
mutual mistake, and unilateral mistake in the context of government 
real property sales).[Footnote 222] 

The solicitation may require bid deposits or "earnest money," 
apparently at the agency's discretion, with the winning bidder's 
deposit to be applied to the purchase price. Any time after acceptance 
of the offer but prior to the time specified for performance, that is, 
while the contract is still executory, the agency may agree to rescind 
the contract and refund the earnest money. 26 Comp. Gen. 775 (1947). 
Once there has been a breach or default by the purchaser, however, the 
deposit belongs to the government and may not be refunded unless 
expressly provided by statute or in the contract. Id.; 8 Comp. Gen. 
592 (1929); B-160256, Jan. 5, 1967, aff'd on reconsideration, B-
160256, Oct. 18, 1968. 

While advertising for bids is the preferred method of disposal, the 
statute prescribes a number of situations in which surplus property 
can be disposed of by negotiated sale, as long as the government 
obtains "competition that is feasible under the circumstances." 40 
U.S.C. � 545(b). One is when "the character or condition of the 
property or unusual circumstances make it impractical" to advertise 
for bids and fair market value can be obtained by negotiation. Id. � 
545(b)(7). For an example of a negotiated exchange under this 
authority, see B-165868, Nov. 19, 1971; B-165868, June 30, 1971; and B-
165868, Sept. 29, 1970 (all involve the same exchange). Another 
situation in which disposal may be negotiated is when "the disposal 
will be to a State, territory, or possession of the United States, or 
to a political subdivision of, or a tax-supported agency in, a State, 
territory, or possession, and the estimated fair market value of the 
property and other satisfactory terms of disposal are obtained by 
negotiation." 40 U.S.C. � 545(b)(8). 

The determination of what constitutes "feasible competition" is within 
GSA discretion. Dover Sand & Gravel, Inc. v. Jones, 227 F. Supp. 88 
(D.N.H. 1963). When negotiating a disposal under 40 U.S.C. � 
545(b)(8), GSA is not required to consider offers from nonpublic 
sources. 57 Comp. Gen. 823 (1978). While section 545(b)(8) does not 
authorize disposal for less than fair market value, nothing prevents 
the government from getting more if it can. Port of Seattle v. United 
States, 450 F.2d 1363 (Ct. CL 1971); B-217356-0.M., Apr. 22, 1985. 
Since the use of section 545(b)(8) is itself discretionary, there is 
also nothing to prevent the government from rejecting an offer of fair 
market value. Government Land Bank v. GSA, 671 F.2d 663, 667 (Pt Cir. 

If the government chooses to dispose of surplus property by negotiated 
sale, the responsible agency must prepare, with some exceptions 
specified in the statute, "an explanatory statement of the 
circumstances" and transmit the statement "to the appropriate 
committees of the Congress in advance of the disposal." 40 U.S.C. �� 
545(e)(1)(A), 545(e)(2). This is nothing more than a "report and wait" 
provision and is not subject to attack on constitutional grounds. City 
of Alexandria v. United States, 737 F.2d 1022 (Fed. Cir. 1984). If an 
agency other than GSA prepares the statement, the agency should submit 
it to GSA, which will in turn submit it to the committees. 41 C.F.R. � 
102-75.920. Nothing in the statute purports to make the validity of a 
disposal in any way contingent upon compliance with the reporting 
requirement. See B-116344, July 21, 1955. 

In general, it is improper to classify property as excess or surplus 
if the holding agency still needs it. This follows from the very 
definitions quoted earlier. GAO has looked at several cases where an 
agency wanted to sell property and then lease it back, or sell some 
facility and then contract with the new owner to provide the same 
service the facility was providing when it was in government hands. 
These cases are always questionable, and the agency has the burden of 
showing that there is some rational basis for its determination. 
However, an axiom of life is "never say never," and the legitimacy of 
the transaction cannot be categorically foreclosed. For example: 

"There may be instances where certain property, such as communication 
facilities, could be sold and the purpose for which it was being used 
accomplished through private contracts at a cost less than the 
Government's costs of operation and maintenance of the property. In 
such cases, it could be argued that the Government's need was for the 
availability of communication services rather than for a property 
right in the facilities." 

B-132099, July 22, 1957, at 4. 

While the discussion in B-132099 was hypothetical, an actual situation 
occurred in B-146494, Dec. 4, 1961, concerning the sale of an ammonium 
perchlorate facility. GAO was satisfied that "the only need of the 
Government is that sufficient productive capacity be in existence, 
without reference to whether such productive capacity is Government-
owned or privately-owned." B-146494, at 2. 

Situations like those described in B-132099 and B-146494 are the clear 
exception, and in most cases the proper basis for disposal as surplus 
property will not exist. B-132099, June 25, 1958. Thus, whatever 
justifications might work in the case of industrial facilities do not 
work when the need is for office space at a particular location. B-
152223, Nov. 6, 1963. Similarly, there is no authority for a "sale 
with lease-back" simply because the agency does not have enough money 
for needed renovations. 65 Comp. Gen. 339 (1986). See 45 Comp. Gen. 
265 (1965), however, for a case approving the sale of excess property 
to the successful bidder on a contract to construct a building on that 
property to be leased to a different agency.[Footnote 223] 

Section 550 of title 40[Footnote 224] provides for a number of 
discretionary types of disposal. GSA can assign surplus property to 
the Departments of Education or Health and Human Services for 
conveyance to state and local bodies to be used for education or 
public health purposes. 40 U.S.C. �� 550(c) and (d), respectively; see 
also 41 C.F.R. �� 102-75.350-102-75.360. These are called "public 
benefit conveyances" or "public benefit discount conveyances." See 
Northrop University v. Harper, 580 E Supp. 959, 961 (C.D. Cal. 1983). 
In cases where GSA had already contracted to sell the property to the 
state or local educational body but title had not yet passed and the 
purchase price had not yet been paid, GAO has approved rescission of 
the contract to permit transfer under the section 550 procedures. 40 
Comp. Gen. 455 (1961); B-157885, Nov. 8, 1965. However, this is not 
available where the sale has been consummated and the purchase price 
paid. B-162194, Aug. 18, 1967. 

In B-109403, June 3, 1952, the government wanted to reserve mineral 
rights because a survey suggested the presence of oil. However, a 
provision purporting to obligate the United States to pay any damages 
resulting from exercise of the mineral rights amounted to an open-
ended indemnification agreement and was therefore unauthorized. (For 
more on indemnification agreements, see Chapter 6, section C.2.c.) 

Section 550(e) of title 40 authorizes GSA to assign surplus property 
to the Interior Department for reconveyance for public park or 
recreation purposes. GSA administration of this authority is highly 
discretionary. New England Power Co. v. Goulding, 486 F. Supp. 18 
(D.D.C. 1979) (entirely proper for GSA to give priority to disposal 
under this subsection). See also Northrop University, 580 F. Supp. 959. 

Still another subsection of section 550 authorizes GSA to convey to 
states or municipalities, without monetary consideration, surplus real 
property which is suitable and desirable for use as a historic 
monument. 40 U.S.C. � 550(h); 41 C.F.R. �� 102-75.440-102-75.485. GSA 
may authorize use of the property for revenue-producing activities. 40 
U.S.C. � 550(h)(2)(A); 60 Comp. Gen. 158 (1981). As with the other 
subsections, section 550(h) is limited to surplus property and does 
not authorize conveyance of nonsurplus property. B-126823, July 21, 

c. Disposition of Proceeds: 

The disposition of the proceeds from the disposal of excess and 
surplus property is governed by 40 U.S.C. �� 571-574,225 as 
effectively modified by 16 U.S.C. � 4601-5(a). Section 571(a) of title 
40 provides that all proceeds from any transfer of excess property or 
sale or other disposition of surplus property, except as otherwise 
provided in sections 571 through 574, must be deposited in the 
Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. One of the exceptions, already 
noted, is property acquired by use of a revolving or reimbursable 
fund. 40 U.S.C. � 574(a). Another, 40 U.S.C. � 574(b), permits 
agencies to deposit part of the proceeds in a special account in the 
Treasury so that they will be available for refunds if necessary. 
Section 574(c) recognizes contract provisions which permit the 
proceeds of any sale of government property in the contractor's 
custody to be credited to the cost or price of work under the contract. 

In 1964, Congress enacted the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 
1965, Pub. L. No. 88-578, 78 Stat. 897 (Sept. 3, 1964). Section 2(b) 
of Public Law 88-578, as codified at 16 U.S.C. � 4601-5(a), requires 
deposit in the Land and Water Conservation Fund of: 

"All proceeds ... hereafter received from any disposal of surplus real 
property and related personal property under the Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended ... notwithstanding 
any provision of law that such proceeds shall be credited to 
miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury. Nothing in this part shall 
affect existing laws or regulations concerning disposal of real or 
personal surplus property to schools, hospitals, and States and their 
political subdivisions." 

The portion of the above provision not quoted gives two categories of 
exceptions. First, the requirement does not apply to the various 
subsections of 40 U.S.C. � 574 which themselves provide exceptions to 
the miscellaneous receipts requirement of 40 U.S.C. � 571(a). Second, 
it does not apply to the following provision which appeared in the 
Independent Offices Appropriation Act of 1963, Pub. L. No. 87-741, 76 
Stat. 716, 725 (Oct. 3, 1962), under the heading "Operating Expenses, 
Utilization and Disposal Service [GSA]" or later appropriations act 
language of this nature: "For necessary expenses, not otherwise 
provided for, incident to the utilization and disposal of excess and 
surplus property, as authorized by law, $8,500,000, to be derived from 
proceeds from the transfer of excess property and the disposal of 
surplus property." The Land and Water Conservation Fund is a fund in 
the Treasury used to finance acquisitions mostly by the Departments of 
Interior and Agriculture (national parks, national forests, national 
wildlife refuges). 16 U.S.C. � 4601-9. Money in the fund is available 
for expenditure "only when appropriated therefor." 16 U.S.C. � 4601-6. 

Thus, the 1964 legislation preserved the exceptions of the former 
Federal Property Act, and recognized what would be true in any event�
that Congress can legislate exceptions in the future. Subject to these 
exceptions, proceeds from the sale of surplus real property go to the 
Land and Water Conservation Fund and not the general fund. Nothing in 
the 1964 legislation purported to affect the treatment of proceeds 
from the transfer of excess property. 

Since the disposition of sale proceeds is governed by statute, a 1946 
decision found no authority for a proposal to transfer title to a 
warehouse (built by the government on leased land) to the landowner 
with its value to be amortized against rental payments. The proposal 
would have the effect of using the sale proceeds as rent. B-61717, 
Dec. 10, 1946. 

A 1966 decision, 46 Comp. Gen. 356, considered the operation of 16 
U.S.C. � 4601-5(a) in the context of a government corporation which 
was in the process of going out of business. The Virgin Islands 
Corporation had terminated its operations and wanted to close its 
books, but there were some assets remaining to be sold. If the books 
remained open, it was clear that the proceeds would be credited to the 
corporation's revolving fund, in accordance with 40 U.S.C. � 574(a), 
and used to offset the government's equity. It was suggested, however, 
that since the revolving fund was no longer needed, the corporation's 
accounts could be closed and the proceeds deposited in the Land and 
Water Conservation Fund. The decision concluded that closing the 
accounts as a matter of administrative convenience should not have the 
effect of diverting the proceeds from being used to repay the 
government's investment. Since any balances on hand at the time of 
closing would be deposited as miscellaneous receipts, that was also 
the proper disposition of the sale proceeds. 

d. Deduction of Expenses: 

Section 571(b) of title 40, United States Code,[Footnote 226] provides: 

"Subject to [General Services Administration] regulations ..., the 
expenses of the sale of ... public property may be paid from the 
proceeds of the sale so that only the net proceeds are deposited in 
the Treasury. This subsection applies whether proceeds are deposited 
as miscellaneous receipts or to the credit of an appropriation as 
authorized by law." 

This statute originated in 1896.[Footnote 227] Decisions of the 
Comptroller General and Comptroller of the Treasury over the decades 
established the rule that this provision allowed the deduction only of 
expenses directly connected with the sale and did not authorize 
deduction of expenses incurred in connection with preparation of the 
property for sale. E.g., 42 Comp. Gen. 212, 213 (1962). Thus, such 
things as appraisers' fees, brokerage commissions, auctioneers' fees, 
and advertising costs could be deducted from the proceeds prior to 
deposit in the Treasury. 37 Comp. Gen. 59 (1957); 33 Comp. Gen. 31 
(1953); 16 Comp. Gen. 876 (1937). 

e. Disposal under Other Authorities: 

While the title 40 provisions described above constitute the primary 
regime for disposing of federal property, they are not the only 
disposal authority. Exceptions to the title 40 authority tend to be of 
three types: (1) those set forth in title 40 itself; (2) those stated 
explicitly or arising by necessary implication from general property-
disposition authorities applicable to an agency or program, which 
contain their own standards and procedures; and (3) statutes that 
provide for the disposition of a specific piece of property in a 
specific way. 

As to the first type, 40 U.S.C. � 113(a) provides as follows: "Except 
as otherwise provided in this section, the authority conferred by this 
subtitle is in addition to any other authority conferred by law and is 
not subject to any inconsistent provision of law." Section 113(a) 
refers to the general range of the General Services Administration's 
(GSA) authorities under title 40, including but not limited to 
property disposal. The remainder of section 113 recites various 
limitations and exceptions, some of which deal with the disposal of 
property. For example, sections 113(e)(9) and (10) provide that 
"nothing in this subtitle impairs or affects" the property-disposal 
authority, respectively, of an official or entity under the Farm 
Credit Act (12 U.S.C. ch. 23), or the Secretary of Housing and Urban 
Development or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with respect 
to certain properties. 

As to the second type, a 1992 GAO study identified 17 agencies with 
authority to dispose of real property. GAO, Real Property 
Dispositions: Flexibility Afforded Agencies to Meet Disposition 
Objectives Varies, GAO/GGD-92-144FS (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 18, 
1992). As the title implies, GAO found considerable variation in the 
programs and their objectives. 

In some cases, the statutes deal with property that is explicitly 
exempted from the title 40 provisions, such as public domain lands. 
See 40 U.S.C. � 102(9)(A)(i) (excluding public domain lands from the 
definition of "property"). An example is 43 U.S.C. � 1713, authorizing 
the Interior Department to sell tracts of public land meeting 
specified disposal criteria. In a case involving the predecessor of 
this statute, the Bureau of Land Management vacated a sale when, after 
several years of appeals, re-appeals, and cross appeals by the 
bidders, it learned that the appraised value of the property had 
increased much beyond the amount of the bids. Noting that the courts 
had upheld the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior to refuse 
to sell for whatever reason he found adequate, GAO concluded that the 
Bureau did nothing wrong. B-168879, May 7, 1970. 

For property which would otherwise be within the scope of the title 40 
provisions, language such as "notwithstanding any other provision of 
law" may be sufficient in itself to provide the necessary exemption. 
See B-178205.80, Mar. 16, 1976. Other statutes use more specific 
exempting language. One example is 7 U.S.C. � 1985(c), authorizing 
sales of property in connection with certain Department of Agriculture 
activities. Section 1985(c)(4) provides: "The Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act of 1949 shall not apply to any exercise of 
authority under this chapter." Another example, from the housing laws, 
is 12 U.S.0 � 1750c(f), which authorizes the Secretary of Housing and 
Urban Development to sell certain properties "notwithstanding any 
other provision of law relating to the acquisition, handling, or 
disposal of real property by the United States." 

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is authorized to sell property 
seized under a tax levy. 26 U.S.C. � 6335. While these sales are not 
specifically exempted from title 40, they are governed by their own 
specific standards and procedures as spelled out in the Tax Code. If 
there are no bids from the public at or higher than the minimum price 
set by the IRS, the United States may purchase the property at that 
minimum price. 26 U.S.C. � 6335(e)(1)(C). The former owner has the 
right to redeem the property within 180 days after the sale by paying 
the purchase price plus interest. 26 U.S.C. � 6337(b). A sale under 26 
U.S.C. � 6335 is a sale only of the taxpayer's interest in the 
property�any equity over and above outstanding mortgages and liens. 
Belgard v. United States, 232 E Supp. 265, 269 (W.D. La. 1964) 
(seizure and sale under section 6335 had no effect on taxpayer's 
indebtedness to Small Business Administration). 

The third type of exception consists of statutes authorizing or 
directing the disposal of a particular piece of property in accordance 
with specified standards or procedures set forth in those statutes. 
GSA calls these "special statutes," and recognizes that they are not 
governed by title 40. 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.110. GAO considered one 
example in B-194482, June 15, 1979. The U.S. Fire Administration, 
Department of Commerce, had been authorized to purchase, and did 
purchase, a site for a National Academy for Fire Prevention and 
Control. When problems developed over the use of that site, Congress 
enacted legislation authorizing the Fire Administration to sell it, 
deposit the proceeds in a special account, and apply those funds to 
the acquisition of a new site. Pub. L. No. 95-422, � 4, 92 Stat. 932, 
933 (Oct. 5, 1978). Applying two principles of statutory construction�
(1) the specific governs over the general, and (2) if there is any 
inconsistency, the later enactment controls�and noting GSA's treatment 
of "special statutes," GAO concluded that the Fire Administration 
could dispose of the site without regard to the requirements of title 

Potentially eligible recipients of federal property can differ 
depending on which disposal authority applies. This occasionally leads 
to litigation focusing on the interplay between the basic title 40 
provisions and other statutory authorities. Two recent decisions 
provide examples. 

In National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty v. Veterans 
Administration, 98 F. Supp. 2d 25 (D.D.C. 2000), the plaintiffs sought 
to acquire a former federal courthouse under a section of the McKinney 
Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. � 11411, that, in essence, gives a 
priority to homeless assistance for excess and surplus property going 
through the title 40 disposition process. GSA maintained, however, 
that the property at issue was not "excess" or "surplus" for purposes 
of title 40. According to GSA, the property was subject to disposal 
under an entirely distinct statutory provision, 40 U.S.C. � 
1304(a),[Footnote 229] which authorizes GSA to sell to state or local 
governments "obsolete" buildings that are being replaced with new 
structures. Thus, the title 40 excess and surplus property disposition 
authorities, along with the McKinney Act priority attached to them, 
were inapplicable. The court agreed with the plaintiffs on the basis 
of what it described as the Property Act's "preemption provision." Now 
40 U.S.C. � 113(a), this provision was at the time of the National Law 
Center decision 40 U.S.C. � 474(c) (2000) and it stated in relevant 
part: "The authority conferred by this Act shall be in addition to and 
paramount to any authority conferred by any other law and shall not be 
subject to the provisions of any law inconsistent herewith." The court 
held that there was a clear conflict between section 1304(a) and the 
title 40 excess and surplus property disposition provisions read in 
conjunction with the McKinney Act. Therefore, by virtue of then 40 
U.S.C. � 474(c), the latter provisions took precedence.[Footnote 229] 

Shawnee Tribe v. United States, 423 F.3d 1204 (10th Cir. 2005), 
concerned a potential conflict between 40 U.S.C. � 523 and a "special 
statute" of the type described previously. Section 523 requires that 
excess property located within the reservation of a federally 
recognized Indian tribe be transferred without compensation to the 
Secretary of the Interior to be held in trust for that tribe. The 
Shawnee Tribe sought to enforce this provision in the case of an 
excess military installation known as the Sunflower Army Ammunition 
Plant. GSA determined, however, that section 523 did not apply because 
the installation was not within the current boundaries of the 
reservation. The tribe appealed to the courts. While the appeal was 
pending Congress enacted section 2841 of the Ronald W. Reagan National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005, Pub. L. No. 108-375, 
118 Stat. 1811, 2135 (Oct. 28, 2004), which provided in part: 

"The Secretary of the Army, in consultation with the Administrator of 
General Services, may convey to an entity selected by the Board of 
Commissioners of Johnson County, Kansas ... a parcel of real property 
... containing the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant. The purpose of the 
conveyance is to facilitate the re-use of the property for economic 
development and revitalization." 

GSA argued that the enactment of section 1841 and the Army's 
determination to proceed with the authorized conveyance superseded 40 
U.S.C. � 523 and nullified any claim to the property that the tribe 
may have had under section 523. The tribe countered that section 523 
took precedence over the authorization act provision, relying on the 
same provision as the plaintiffs in National Law Center, 40 U.S.C.� 
113(a), formerly 40 U.S.C. � 474(c). 

Unlike the outcome in National Law Center, however, the court sided 
with GSA in this case: 

"The Shawnee Tribe reads ... � 113(a) to mean that the Property Act 
trumps any other inconsistent grant of authority, including � 2841, 
and therefore that � 523 still governs this case. 

"However, the language of � 113 does not compel this reading. Instead, 
the phrase 'in addition to any other authority' suggests the opposite�
that � 523 does not preempt other laws." 

Shawnee Tribe, 423 F.3d at 1214 (emphasis in original). The court held 
that section 113: 

"stand[s] for the relatively unremarkable proposition that the 
Property Act trumps any pre-existing laws not specifically excluded by 
� 113 when it was re-enacted in 2002, but that the Congress is, of 
course, free to change the Property Act's coverage in the future by 
any act enacted after March 31, 2002. Thus, � 2841 of the 2005 
National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed in October of 
2004, suspends the Property Act's applicability in this case as it 
gives discretion to dispose of this particular property to the 
Secretary of the Army." 

Id. at 1216. 

3. Use by Nongovernment Parties: 

a. Leasing and Concessions: 

(1) Outleasing in general: 

The government acquires property in order to perform its own 
functions, not for use by nongovernment parties. Nevertheless, there 
are situations in which it is clearly desirable to permit use by 
nongovernment parties, either in support of the primary government 
purpose or as an alternative to letting the property sit idle. 

Leasing is a form of disposal for purposes of the Property Clause, and 
is therefore a function of Congress. Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley 
Authority, 297 U.S. 288, 331 ("This power of disposal was early 
construed to embrace leases"). See also United States v. Gratiot, 39 
U.S. (14 Pet.) 526 (1840); 50 Comp. Gen. 63 (1970); 14 Comp. Gen. 169 
(1934); B-191943, Oct. 16, 1978; 34 Op. Att'y Gen. 320, 322 (1924). 
Accordingly, a federal agency needs statutory authority in order to 
"outlease" (lease government-owned property to nongovernment parties) 
property under its control. Naturally, when and if Congress grants 
such authority, it may also impose conditions on it. E.g., Light v. 
United States, 220 U.S. 523, 536 (1911) (United States "can prohibit 
absolutely or fix the terms on which its property may be used"). 

One question is how specific the authority needs to be. A 1978 GAO 
study found instances where agencies treated the authority to lease as 
incident to more general statutory authority giving them custody and 
control over certain space. See GAO, Government Space Leased to 
Commercial Activities by Agencies Other Than the General Services 
Administration, LCD-78-337 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 13, 1978). GAO drew 
no legal conclusions in the cited report because the issue had been 
raised in a pending lawsuit. That lawsuit produced Globe, Inc. v. 
Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 471 E Supp. 1103 (D.D.C. 1979), in which 
the court held that the General Services Administration (GSA) 
possessed long-term commercial outleasing authority, but not the 
former Federal Home Loan Bank Board. While Globe certainly supports 
the proposition that specific authority is required, it was based in 
part on provisions of the Board's enabling legislation and the extent 
to which it applies to all agencies has not been addressed. 

In any event, those agencies most likely to have the need to engage in 
outleasing have the necessary statutory authority. GSA's authority is 
found in several provisions of title 40, United States Code. Under 40 
U.S.C. � 581(d)(1),[Footnote 230] GSA may lease federal building 
sites, including improvements, at a "fair rental value," until they 
are needed for construction purposes. While this at first blush may 
seem like fairly short-term authority, a site may not be needed for 
construction for decades. E.g., B-168096, Aug. 5, 1974 (site had been 
leased to commercial parking operators since 1930s). GSA is also 
authorized to lease space to "a person, firm, or organization engaged 
in commercial, cultural, educational, or recreational activities," as 
defined in 40 U.S.C. � 3306(a), at rates equivalent to the prevailing 
commercial rate for comparable space. 40 U.S.C. � 581(h). Also, 40 
U.S.C. � 1303(b)[Footnote 231] authorizes GSA to lease certain excess 
property outside the District of Columbia for periods of up to 5 years. 

The military departments are authorized to outlease nonexcess property 
under their control that is not needed for public use at the time, for 
terms of up to 5 years. 10 U.S.C. � 2667. The purpose of this 
provision is "to enable property not immediately needed to be leased 
in such a manner that it will be utilized with as few changes as 
possible in order that the property could immediately be put back into 
operation in the event of an emergency." City of San Francisco v. 
United States, 443 F. Supp. 1116, 1122 (N.D. Cal. 1977), affd, 615 
F.2d 498 (9th Cir. 1980), citing S. Rep. No. 80-626 (1947). The 
military departments have had some form of outleasing authority since 
1892. See 8 Comp. Gen. 632 (1929). Under this authority, military 
departments have leased real property for grazing purposes (56 Comp. 
Gen. 655 (1977)) and agricultural purposes (B-174833, Mar. 10, 1972). 
They have leased water treatment and transmission facilities to local 
water districts which could, after supplying the needs of the military 
reservation, sell the remaining capacity. B-162141, Oct. 18, 1967. 
They have used the authority of 10 U.S.C. � 2667 to permit former 
owners of property acquired by the government to remain as lessees 
until the property is needed for project requirements. 52 Comp. Gen. 
300 (1972).[Footnote 232] And they have used it to grant rent-free 
use, except for maintenance and service charges, to other government 
agencies. B-119724-0.M., Apr. 25, 1955. 

Leasing authority under 10 U.S.C. � 2667 continues to exist until 
there has been a final determination that the property is excess. B-
188246, May 17, 1978 (preliminary or conditional determination does 
not terminate the authority). However, it does not apply to property 
which usage inescapably shows to be excess notwithstanding the absence 
of a formal determination. B-118030, July 23, 1954. 

The Small Business Administration is authorized to rent (or sell) any 
real property acquired in connection with its loan programs. 15 U.S.C. 
� 634(b)(3); United States v. Schwartz, 278 F. Supp. 328, 330 
(S.D.N.Y. 1968). Other agencies with specific outleasing authority 
include the Coast Guard (14 U.S.C. � 93(a)(13)), the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration (42 U.S.C. � 2473(c)(3)) the 
National Science Foundation (42 U.S.C. � 1870(e)), the Bureau of Land 
Management (43 U.S.C. � 1732(b)), the Postal Service (39 U.S.C. � 
401(5)), the Internal Revenue Service (26 U.S.C. � 7506(c)), and GAO 
(31 U.S.C. � 782). 

We saw earlier in this chapter that the rights and obligations of the 
parties are determined mostly under federal law when the government is 
the lessee. The court in United States v. Morgan, 196 F. Supp. 345 (D. 
Md. 1961), affil, 298 F.2d 255 (4th Cir. 1962), applied the same 
principle where the government was the lessor. In another case, 
however, the United States successfully brought an unlawful detainer 
action under a state law which provided for the recovery of double 
rent. United States v. Hall, 463 F. Supp. 787 (W.D. Mo. 1978), aff'd, 
588 F.2d 1214 (8th Cir. 1978). 

The disposition of income received from outleasing varies 
considerably. The only safe generalization is the one that applies to 
all government receipts under 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b): the money must be 
deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts unless the agency 
has statutory authority for some other disposition. In the area of 
property leases, this rule is reinforced by 40 U.S.C. � 1302,[Footnote 
233] (money derived from the rental of buildings shall be deposited in 
the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts). There are, however, a number 
of statutory exceptions. Rent received by GSA under the subsections of 
40 U.S.C. � 581 cited above is deposited in the Federal Buildings 
Fund. 40 U.S.C. �� 581(d)(3) and (h)(3). Rent received by military 
departments under 10 U.S.C. � 2667 is deposited in a special account 
in the Treasury to be available, as specified in appropriation acts, 
for purposes specified in the statute. 10 U.S.C. � 2667(d). A special 
account is also authorized for income received by GAO from renting 
space in the GAO headquarters building, the receipts to be available 
as specified in appropriation acts, for maintenance, operation, and 
repair of the building. 31 U.S.C. � 782. 

Many other situations are governed by specific statutory provisions. 
For example, rent received by the Corps of Engineers "for rental of 
plant owned by the Government in connection with the prosecution of 
river and harbor works" shall be credited to "the appropriation to 
which the plant belongs." 33 U.S.C. � 559. This includes the revolving 
fund established by 33 U.S.C. � 576. B-129718-0.M., Jan. 3, 1957. 
Several types of lease income are subject to distribution formulas 
which allocate the receipts, with varying degrees of complexity, among 
a combination of state and federal purposes. Examples are: 

* The Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 and the Mineral Leasing Act for 
Acquired Lands, 30 U.S.C. �� 191 and 355. 

* Income received by the Forest Service from activities in the 
national forests. 16 U.S.C. �� 499 and 500. 

* Grazing statutes such as the Taylor Grazing Act, 43 U.S.C. � 315i, 
and 43 U.S.C. � 1181d relating to certain lands in California and 
Oregon. See B-203771, Jan. 13, 1982. 

(2) 40 U.S.C. � 1302: 

A question that once generated considerable controversy is whether the 
"rent" for a lease of government property could include things other 
than money, such as making repairs or alterations to the property. 
Opinions split among predictable lines. GAO took the position that 
rent should be in the form of money only, on the grounds that anything 
else would amount to a circumvention of the miscellaneous receipts 
requirement. 8 Comp. Gen. 632 (1929); A-38658, July 15, 1932. The 
executive branch countered that the authority to lease necessarily 
implied the authority to agree to forms of consideration other than 
money. 36 Op. Att'y Gen. 282 (1930). Congress entered the fray by 
enacting section 321 of the Economy Act of 1932, Pub. L. No. 72-212, 
47 Stat. 382, 412 (June 30, 1932), now codified at 40 U.S.C. � 1302, 
as follows: 

"Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, the leasing of 
buildings and property of the Federal Government shall be for a money 
consideration only. The lease may not include any provision for the 
alteration, repair, or improvement of the buildings or property as a 
part of the consideration for the rent to be paid for the use and 
occupation of the buildings or property. Money derived from the rent 
shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." 

The Senate Appropriations Committee explained the provision as follows: 

"The enactment of this section will put a stop to the more or less 
general practice which has been adopted of including as a part of the 
rental consideration provisions in the lease that the tenant shall 
make certain repairs, alterations, or improvements to public property. 
By this method improvements are made on public property which may or 
may not be authorized by law, and indirectly there is an expenditure 
of funds which should be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous 

S. Rep. No. 72-556, at 14-15 (1932), quoted in 41 Comp. Gen. 493, 495 
(1962). This did not mean that Congress would be unwilling to consider 
exceptions, merely that it wanted to reserve to itself the power to 
decide what those exceptions should be. 

GAO has held that the statute should apply to any arrangement that 
creates essentially the same legal relationship as a lease regardless 
of what it is called. 42 Comp. Gen. 650 (1963); 41 Comp. Gen. 493 
(1962). In 49 Comp. Gen. 476 (1970), an agency had employees working 
in two nearby buildings, one government-owned and one leased. A 
private parking operator was charging commercial rates to park in the 
leased building. The agency wanted to equalize parking costs for its 
employees, and proposed to have the private concern operate parking 
facilities in both buildings "as a single facility" at a uniform rate. 
The decision concluded that "the contemplated agreement ... while 
couched in terms of management services, [amounted to] conferring an 
interest in Federal property, a leasehold interest from which revenues 
are derived, in contravention of 40 U.S.C. [� 1302]." Id. at 478. 

In B-162986, May 1, 1968, GAO considered a Forest Service proposal for 
a graduated rate fee system, based on a percentage of sales, to be 
used for national forest special use permits for commercial 
enterprises (e.g., ski area operators). Recognizing the relationship 
of returns to investment, the decision nevertheless concluded that "it 
would be an unwarranted extension of section 321 to view it as 
inhibiting any consideration of the permittee's investment for the 
purpose of determining the fair amount of fees to be charged." B-
162986, at 4. GAO applied the same approach more than 20 years later 
in 70 Comp. Gen. 597 (1991), finding that user fees charged by the 
Interstate Commerce Commission to carriers for computer equipment 
installed by the carriers at ICC headquarters were unobjectionable 
under 40 U.S.C. � 1302. 

As noted, Congress has been willing to grant exceptions from 40 U.S.C. 
� 1302 when considered desirable. For example, under 10 U.S.C. � 
2667(b)(5), outleases by military departments: 

"may provide, notwithstanding section 1302 of title 40, or any other 
provision of law, for the alteration, repair, or improvement, by the 
lessee, of the property leased as the payment of part or all of the 
consideration for the lease." 

Within this framework, the exception permits "extraordinary as well as 
ordinary items of maintenance." B-145738-0.M., Jan. 18, 1962, at 4. It 
is a good idea for the government to reserve the right to approve 
repairs and restoration since the leased property still belongs to the 
government. B-163784, May 2, 1968. 

The statute talks about alteration or repair "of the property leased." 
Therefore, it does not authorize a lease of one parcel with the lessee 
agreeing to construct a facility for the government's use on a 
separate and unleased parcel. B-205685, Dec. 22, 1981. Since the 
proposal was not within the exception of 10 U.S.C. � 2667(b)(5), it 
was prohibited by 40 U.S.C. � 1302. Also prohibited by section 1302 
was a proposal to lease a civilian housing area on Guam to a private 
concern for an annual rental of one dollar plus operation and 
maintenance of the housing. 27 Comp. Gen. 543 (1948). 

As the language of 40 U.S.C. � 1302 requires, exceptions must be 
specific. The authority to enter into leases "on such terms and 
conditions as the [agency head] deems appropriate" is not enough. B-
117919, Feb. 5, 1954; B-140397-0.M., Aug. 20, 1959. The structure of 
10 U.S.C. � 2667, for example, bears this out. Section 2667(a) 
authorizes the Secretary of a military department to lease property 
"upon such terms as he considers will promote the national defense or 
be in the public interest"; section 2667(b)(5) then provides the 
specific exemption from 40 U.S.C. � 1302. General authority was enough 
in B-159719, Mar. 30, 1972, because it was clear that Congress was 
aware of, and had sanctioned, the activity. That case involved 
concession agreements with the Federal Aviation Administration for 
various support facilities at Washington National Airport. 

Some other specific exceptions are 16 U.S.C. � 3b (National Park 
Service), 38 U.S.C. �� 8122(a)(1) and 8201(e) (Department of Veterans 
Affairs), 42 U.S.C. � 1544 (Department of Housing and Urban 
Development with respect to housing acquired or constructed under the 
National Housing Act), and 42 U.S.C. � 2473(c)(11) (National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration). 

(3) Concessions: 

The government uses concession agreements in a wide variety of 
situations to support, directly and indirectly, its use of government 
facilities. Some, such as cafeterias or dry cleaning facilities, are 
found in public buildings. 

The major portion in terms of numbers occur on recreational lands 
managed by the Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife 
Service, and Bureau of Land Management. GAO studies in the early 1990s 
found that there were approximately 9,000 concession agreements. See 
GAO, Federal Lands: Improvements Needed in Managing Short-Term 
Concessioners, GAO/RCED-93-177 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 14, 1993); 
Federal Lands: Improvements Needed in Managing Concessioners, GAO/RCED-
91-163 (Washington, D.C.: June 11, 1991). The same studies noted that 
there is no single statute authorizing or regulating concessions, and 
therefore no uniformity as to their use. 

GAO has long espoused the view that "the operation of a concession 
utilizing Government-owned facilities constitutes a valuable privilege 
for which the Government should be compensated and that contractual 
and other arrangements relating to the establishment and operation of 
such activities should be subject to existing statutory provisions 
governing public contracts." 41 Comp. Gen. 493, 495 (1962). See also B-
129352, Jan. 23, 1957. The most common manifestation of this principle 
has been the finding that income an agency receives from a concession 
should be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts unless 
the agency has statutory authority to do something else. E.g., 7 Comp. 
Gen. 806 (1928); A-51624, Mar. 25, 1944; A-95642, Nov. 18, 1943; A-
95642, Mar. 19, 1943. 

A related issue is the extent to which 40 U.S.C. � 1302 applies to 
concession agreements. The following passage from 41 Comp. Gen. 493, 
495 (1962) illustrates GAO's general approach: 

"For all practical purposes if a concession gives a concessioner the 
exclusive right to the use of real property his rights are identical 
with [those] of a lessee and the relation of landlord and tenant is 
created. If the right is not exclusive the occupant is a mere 
licensee. The relationship of persons under such circumstances is 
primarily a question of fact .... If exclusive possession or control 
of the premises or a portion thereof is granted, even though the use 
is restricted by reservations, the instrument or agreement will be 
considered to be a lease and not a license." 

That case involved National Park Service concessions. The Park Service 
uses concessioners to "provide innumerable goods and services 
including food, lodging, gasoline and souvenirs. Concession activity 
in the national parks is a thriving business which is becoming 
increasingly dominated by large corporate concessioners." National 
Parks & Conservation Association v. Kleppe, 547 F.2d 673, 675-76 (D.C. 
Cir. 1976) (footnotes omitted). Originally, the Justice Department had 
concluded that the Park Service was not authorized to permit 
concessioners to withhold part of their annual fees for deposit to a 
special fund to finance construction work. 41 Op. Att'y Gen. 127 
(1953). The 1962 decision quoted above, 41 Comp. Gen. 493, also found 
40 U.S.C. � 1302 applicable to certain Park Service concession 
contracts. A few years later, in 1965, Congress enacted the National 
Park System Concessions Policy Act, Pub. L. No. 89-249, 79 Stat. 969 
(Oct. 9, 1965). Section 7 of that Act provides a specific exemption 
from 40 U.S.C. � 1302 for the National Park Service. That exemption is 
now codified at 16 U.S.C. � 5962. 

Section 6 of Public Law 89-249 gave a concessioner who acquired or 
constructed improvements a "possessory interest" in those 
improvements, consisting of "all incidents of ownership except legal 
title" which, of course, remained in the United States. This provision 
recognized the government's reliance on concessioners within the 
national parks, and was designed to give them a property interest 
which they could encumber in order to obtain construction financing. 
It also permitted encumbrance to enable a new concessioner to finance 
the purchase of an existing concession. 57 Comp. Gen. 607 (1978). The 
current law, 16 U.S.C. � 5954, provides a "leasehold surrender 
interest" for concessioners who construct capital improvements and 
retains special rules for concessioners who acquired possessory 
interests under the earlier provision. 

In 64 Comp. Gen. 217 (1985), GAO reviewed the concession contract 
between GSA and Guest Services, Inc. (GSI), which operated cafeterias 
in government buildings in Washington. While GSA charged rent to the 
tenant agency for the space the cafeteria occupied, it did not charge 
rent to GSI. The contract required GSI to establish a reserve in its 
accounting system for the purchase and replacement of equipment. 
Thirty years earlier, in 35 Comp. Gen. 113 (1955), GAO had found a 
somewhat similar arrangement to be in violation of 40 U.S.C. � 1302. 
That contract, however, had required the concessioner to actually 
transfer funds into a bank account, whereas the new reserve was "a 
mere bookkeeping entry in the internal accounts of GSI." 64 Comp. Gen. 
at 219. Also, the agreement was more of a license than a lease. Id. at 
220-21. Accordingly, and in view of the "historically unique nature" 
of the GSA-GSI agreement, GAO concluded that there was no violation of 
40 U.S.C. � 1302. Id. at 221. 

b. Granting of Revocable License: 

A question that arose with great frequency during the early decades of 
the twentieth century was the extent to which the government could 
grant a license, as opposed to a lease, to use government-owned 
property. Through a large number of cases before both the Attorney 
General and the Comptroller General, the following rule developed: 

"The head of a Government department or agency has authority to grant 
to a private individual or business a revocable license to use 
Government property, subject to termination at any time at the will of 
the Government, provided that such use does not injure the property in 
question and serves some purpose useful or beneficial to the 
Government itself." 

B-164769, July 16, 1968, at 1-2. The rationale is that a revocable 
license is not a property interest, and the granting of such a license 
is not a "disposal" for purposes of the Property Clause. Therefore, 
specific statutory authority is not required. The most comprehensive 
discussion occurs in what is probably the leading case on the subject, 
34 Op. Att'y Gen. 320 (1924). Said the Attorney General: 

"It is plain that the intent of the Constitutional provision was to 
prevent alienation of the title, ownership, or control of Government 
property, whether real or personal, without Congressional sanction. 
That is the evil which was intended to be avoided, and no construction 
beyond that intent should be imposed on the prohibition unless clearly 
implied, especially when it would lead to unreasonable and unforeseen 

34 Op. Att'y Gen. at 323. 

A GAO decision discussing many of the early Attorney General opinions 
is 22 Comp. Gen. 563 (1942). If a revocable license or permit is not a 
property interest for purposes of the Property Clause, it is equally 
not a property interest for purposes of the Fifth Amendment. 
Therefore, termination does not trigger a constitutional right to 
compensation. E.g., Acton v. United States, 401 F.2d 896 (9th Cir. 
1968), cert. denied, 393 U.S. 1121 (1969); Osborne v. United States, 
145 F.2d 892 (9th Cir. 1944). 

Based on application of the rule, the following activities were found 

* Cultivation of crops on land on which Federal Communications 
Commission radio monitoring stations were located. 22 Comp. Gen. 563 
(1942). Permitting the cultivation would not only produce money for 
the Treasury but would also help reduce fire hazards by controlling 
the growth of grass and weeds. 

* Use of government research space and facilities by university 
faculty and graduate students. 36 Comp. Gen. 561 (1957). 

* Seminar at the United States Merchant Marine Academy. B-168627, May 
26, 1970. 

* Rock concert on the grounds of the National Institutes of Health. B-
168527, Nov. 19, 1970.[Footnote 234] 

* Use of government-owned land by railroads. 30 Op. Att'y Gen. 470 
(1915); 22 Op. Att'y Gen. 240 (1898). The Attorney General cautioned 
the agency in the 1915 opinion to make sure what it was granting was 
really revocable "practically speaking, whatever it might be in form." 
30 Op. Att'y Gen. at 483. 

A more recent case is B-191943, Oct. 16, 1978. The question was the 
extent to which the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) could make BLM 
space available to a commercial firm to microfilm public documents. 
The firm planned to use the documents to provide a filing service for 
mining claim holders, and also intended to sell copies of the 
microfilmed documents to the public. If the first purpose were the 
only use to be made of the property, the proposal would have been 
permissible under the revocable license rule. The second purpose was 
more problematic, however, because BLM had a duty under the law to 
provide copies of the documents to the public for a reasonable fee and 
should either perform the task itself or contract out for it under the 
procurement laws. Because it was not realistic to distinguish between 
the governmental and the private or commercial purposes, GAO concluded 
BLM should not grant the license. 

The rule applies to personal property as well as real property. 47 
Comp. Gen. 387 (1968); 44 Comp. Gen. 824 (1965). GAO found a proposal 
unacceptable in 25 Comp. Gen. 909 (1946) because the arrangement would 
have the effect of permanently vesting beneficial ownership of the 
government property in a private contractor and would have resulted in 
a diminution of government control beyond that contemplated in the 
typical revocable license. The proposal was subsequently amended and, 
as amended, approved in B-57383, Feb. 25, 1947. While 25 Comp. Gen. 
909 involved personal property, the principle would, of course, be 
fully applicable to real property. In a similar vein is 38 Comp. Gen. 
36 (1958), disapproving a proposal to permit a private utility company 
to install connections in a government-owned natural gas line because, 
under the proposed arrangement, the company would relinquish its 
rights only if it failed to acquire a right to purchase natural gas 
from the government. 

A statute in this area is 40 U.S.C. � 581(h)(2),[Footnote 235] added 
by the Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act of 1976, Pub. L. No. 94-
541, � 104(a), 90 Stat. 2505, 2506 (Oct. 18, 1976). It authorizes the 
General Services Administration to: 

"make available, on occasion, or to lease at a rate and on terms and 
conditions that the Administrator considers to be in the public 
interest, an auditorium, meeting room, courtyard, rooftop, or lobby of 
a public building to a person, firm, or organization engaged in 
cultural, educational, or recreational activity ... that will not 
disrupt the operation of the building." 

The terms "cultural," "educational," and "recreational" are defined in 
40 U.S.C. � 3306. GSA's implementing regulations are found at 41 
C.F.R. �� 102-74.460-102-74.560. Permits may not be issued for more 
than 30 calendar days, but they are renewable upon submission of a new 
application. Id. � 102-74.485. Permits are generally free of charge, 
and this includes the normal level of services that would be provided 
to the building during the times of permit use. Services over and 
above this level must be reimbursed, but GSA may waive reimbursement 
if the cost is "insignificant." Id. �� 102-74.535-102.74-540. 

4. Adverse Possession: 

The term "adverse possession" refers to a process whereby one can 
obtain title to someone else's property by "exclusive, hostile, open, 
and notorious" possession for a period of time. See Black's Law 
Dictionary 59 (8th ed. 2004). With respect to property owned by the 
United States, the situation is different. The quiet title statute, 28 
U.S.C. � 2409a, provides that "nothing in this section shall be 
construed to permit suits against the United States based upon adverse 
possession." 28 U.S.C. � 2409a(n). In addition, 28 U.S.C. � 2415(c) 
provides that "nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the time for 
bringing an action to establish the title to, or right of possession 
of, real or personal property." The "herein" refers to the various 
statutes of limitations on suits brought by the government. Thus, the 
government cannot be sued on an adverse possession theory, and there 
is no time limit on a suit by the government to eject a trespasser or 
"adverse possessor." Therefore, as many courts have noted, no one can 
acquire title to government property by adverse possession. E.g., Sea 
Hunt, Inc. v. Unidentified Shipwrecked Vessel or Vessels, 221 F.3d 
634, 642 (4th Cir. 2000), cert. denied, 531 U.S. 1144 (2001); United 
States v. Pappas, 814 F.2d 1342, 1343 n.3 (9th Cir. 1987); Sweeten v. 
Department of Agriculture, 684 F.2d 679, 682 (10th Cir. 1982); United 
States v. Santos, 878 F. Supp. 1359, 1362 (D. Guam 1993). As the 
Supreme Court stated in United States v. California, 332 U.S. 19, 40 
(1947) (footnote omitted): 

"The Government, which holds its interests here as elsewhere in trust 
for all the people, is not to be deprived of those interests by the 
ordinary court rules designed particularly for private disputes over 
individually owned pieces of property; and officers who have no 
authority at all to dispose of Government property cannot by their 
conduct cause the Government to lose its valuable rights by their 
acquiescence, laches, or failure to act." 

There is a limited statutory exception, the Color of Title Act, 43 
U.S.C. ��1068-1068b.[Footnote 236] The law was enacted in 1928 to 
enable persons, mostly in the western states, to acquire title to 
property upon which they resided and which turned out, upon being 
surveyed, to be government land.[Footnote 237] There are two classes 
of claimants. The first is a person who has possessed the land in good 
faith and under claim or color of title for more than 20 years, and 
who has either made valuable improvements to the land or placed part 
of it under cultivation. 43 U.S.C. � 1068(a). The second is a person 
who possesses the land in good faith and who can trace a "chain of 
possession" back to at least January 1, 1901, and who has paid state 
or local property taxes on that land. Id. � 1068(b). A claimant, by 
applying in accordance with Interior Department regulations (43 C.F.R. 
part 2540), can purchase up to 160 acres, with mineral rights reserved 
to the United States. 43 C.F.R. � 2540.0-3(a). 

The statute sets a price of "not less than $1.25 per acre." Under the 
regulations, the price is fair market value at the time of appraisal, 
reduced to reflect value resulting from improvements or development by 
claimants or their predecessors, and giving consideration to "the 
equities of the applicant." 43 C.F.R. � 2541.4(a). 

A statutory condition for both classes of claimants is that the land 
be held in good faith. Under the regulations, knowledge that the land 
is owned by the United States precludes a finding of good faith. This 
has been upheld as a reasonable interpretation. Day v. Hickel, 481 
F.2d 473, 476 (9th Cir. 1973). Until Interior determines that an 
application meets the statutory requirements, the applicant does not 
have a vested property interest, merely a priority to purchase. Gavin 
v. United States, 956 F.2d 1131 (Fed. Cir. 1992) (applicant cannot 
maintain inverse condemnation suit). 

It has been stated that land which has been withdrawn from the public 
domain "is not subject to the Color of Title Act because it is already 
appropriated for other purposes." Beaver v. United States, 350 F.2d 4, 
10 (9th Cir. 1965), cert. denied, 383 U.S. 937 (1966). Since all 
public domain lands have been "withdrawn" at least to some extent, 
perhaps it is more accurate today to say that the statute does not 
apply to land which has been withdrawn from the public domain and 
reserved to some use or uses. E.g., United States v. Vasarajs, 908 
F.2d 443, 446 n.4 (9th Cir. 1990) (Color of Title Act not applicable 
to land on military reservation). 

Chapter 13 Footnotes: 

[1] The federal government owns approximately 636 million acres 
nationwide. This includes 3.5 percent of all land in the northeastern 
and north central United States, 5.1 percent in the south Atlantic and 
south central regions, and 56.6 percent of the western United States. 
GAO, High-Risk Series: Federal Real Property, GAO-03-122 (Washington, 
D.C.: Jan. 2003), at 5-6. The proportion of federal land ownership is 
actually decreasing. A 1996 report put the figure at about 650 million 
acres or about 30 percent, down from slightly over 700 million acres 
in 1964. GAO, Land Ownership: Information on the Acreage, Management, 
and Use of Federal and Other Lands, GAO/RCED-96-40 (Washington, D.C.: 
Mar. 13, 1996), at 2-4. One major caveat with respect to these figures 
is that Uncle Sam does not really know how much property he owns since 
available data are unreliable. See generally GAO, Federal Real 
Property: Better Governmentwide Data Needed for Strategic 
Decisionmaking, GAO-02-342 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 16, 2002). GAO 
recently reported that the federal government has made progress in 
revamping its governmentwide real property inventory since GAO's 2003 
high-risk designation in GAO-03-122, but data reliability is still a 
problem at the agency level. GAO, Federal Real Property: An Update on 
High-Risk Issues, GAO-07895T (Washington, D.C.: May 24, 2007), at 14. 
See also GAO, Federal Real Property: Progress Made Toward Addressing 
Problems, but Underlying Obstacles Continue to Hamper Reform, GAO-07-
349 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 13, 2007). The material that follows in 
this Introduction has been distilled from many sources. They include: 
Marla E. Mansfield, A Primer of Public Land Law, 68 Wash. L. Rev. 801, 
802 n.1 (1993); George C. Coggins and Charles F. Wilkinson, Federal 
Public Land and Resources Law (1981); and Paul W. Gates, Public Land 
Law Review Commission, History of Public Land Law Development (1968). 

[2] This policy is reflected in the Federal Land Policy and Management 
Act of 1976, Pub. L. No. 94-579, 90 Stat. 2743 (Oct. 21, 1976), 43 
U.S.C. �� 1701-1782. Section 102(a)(1) of the act declares it to be 
the policy of the United States that "the public lands be retained in 
Federal ownership, unless ... it is determined that disposal of a 
particular parcel will serve the national interest." 43 U.S.C. � 

[3] "Acquired lands" are sometimes distinguished from public domain 
lands. See, e.g., 30 U.S.C. � 351. The former are lands granted or 
sold to the United States by a state or private party whereas public 
domain lands "were usually never in state or private ownership." Watt 
v. Alaska, 451 U.S. 259, 264 n.7 (1981), citing Wallis v. Pan American 
Petroleum Corp., 384 U.S. 63, 65 n.2 (1966); B-203504, July 22, 1981. 
For purposes of our discussion, it is sufficient to note that the 
distinction exists. 

[4] A brief summary of these developments may be found in Lujan v. 
National Wildlife Federation, 497 U.S. 871, 875-79 (1990). For a more 
detailed discussion, see David H. Getches, Managing the Public Lands: 
The Authority of the Executive to Withdraw Lands, 22 Nat. Resources J. 
279 (1982). 

[5] Alaska Statehood Act, Pub. L. No. 85-508, 72 Stat. 339 (July 7, 
1958), 48 U.S.C. note prec. � 21; Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 
Pub. L. No. 92-203, 85 Stat. 688 (Dec. 18, 1971), codified at 43 
U.S.C. �� 1601-1629h; Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, 
Pub. L. No. 96-487, 94 Stat. 2371 (Dec. 2, 1980), codified at 16 
U.S.C. �� 3101-3233. 

[6] Real property management in the executive branch operates under 
the policies set forth in Executive Order No. 13327, Federal Real 
Property Asset Management, 69 Fed. Reg. 5897 (Feb. 4, 2004), 40 U.S.C. 
� 121 note, discussed hereafter. 

[7] Although GAO remains active in these areas from the audit 
perspective, they are beyond the scope of this publication. 

[8] GAO, Federal Real Property: Further Actions Needed to Address Long-
standing and Complex Problems, GAO-05-848T (Washington, D.C.: June 22, 
2005), at 1. 

[9] GAO, Federal Real Property: Excess and Underutilized Property Is 
an Ongoing Problem, GAO-06-248T (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 6, 2006), at 2. 

[10] Exec. Order No. 13327, Federal Real Property Asset Management, 69 
Fed. Reg. 5897 (Feb. 6, 2004), 40 U.S.C. � 121 note. 

[11] See [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.goviresults/agentia/real_property.html] (last 
visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[12] In 2005, Congress mandated that GAO conduct a nationwide study of 
the use of eminent domain by state and local governments. Pub. L. No. 
109-115, div. A, title VII, � 726, 119 Stat. 2396, 2494-95 (Nov. 30, 
2005). GAO reported that the lack of centralized or aggregate national 
or state data on the use of eminent domain precluded GAO from any 
national or statewide assessments of, among other things, how 
frequently eminent domain is used for private-to-public or private-to-
private transfers of property and the purposes of these transfers. 
GAO, Eminent Domain: Information about Its Uses and Effect on Property 
Owners and Communities Is Limited, GAO-07-28 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 
30, 2006). 

[13] However, the fact that the United States has the inherent power 
of eminent domain does not mean that any federal agency can exercise 
it without further authority. The need for statutory authority is 
discussed in section B.3 of this chapter. 

[14] Cases discussing and applying the requirement of the Migratory 
Bird Conservation Act include United States v. 1,216.83 Acres of Land, 
573 E2d 1054 (9th Cir. 1976); Swan Lake Hunting Club v. United States, 
381 E2d 238 (5th Cir. 1967). 

[15] For additional background, see GAO, Regulatory Takings: Agency 
Compliance with Executive Order on Government Actions Affecting 
Private Property Use, GAO-04-120T (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 16, 2003); 
Regulatory Takings: Implementation of Executive Order on Government 
Actions Affecting Private Property Use, GAO-03-1015 (Washington, D.C.: 
Sept. 19, 2003); Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service 
(CRS), The Constitutional Law of Property Rights "Takings": An 
Introduction, No. RS20741 (Dec. 19, 2006); CRS, Takings Decisions of 
the U.S. Supreme Court: A Chronology, No. 97-122 (Oct. 19, 2005). 

[16] While Kelo did not involve a taking by the federal government, 
the decision applied the "federal baseline" standards under the Fifth 
Amendment. The opinion noted that state constitutions can and have 
imposed stricter "public use" restrictions than the federal baseline. 
Kelo, 545 U.S. at 489. 

[17] See CRS, Condemnation of Private Property for Economic 
Development: Kelo v. City of New London, No. RS22189 (July 11, 2005). 

[18] See CRS, Condemnation of Private Property for Economic 
Development: Legal Comments on the House-Passed Bill (H.R. 4128) and 
Bond Amendment, No. RL33208 (Jan. 20, 2006). 

[19] The publications cited in footnote 15 provide a useful starting 
point for further exploration. 

[20] Pub. L. No. 91-646, 84 Stat. 1894 (Jan. 2, 1971), amended by 
Uniform Relocation Act Amendments of 1987, Pub. L. No. 100-17, title 
IV, 101 Stat. 132, 246 (Apr. 2, 1987). 

[21] The Uniform Appraisal Standards, a compendium of federal eminent 
domain appraisal laws, regulations, and practices, can be found online 
at [hyperlink, http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/land-ack/] (last visited Mar. 
25, 2008). 

[22] What if the agency thinks the appraisal is excessive? The House 
Public Works Committee cautioned: "If the amount of just compensation 
as determined by the head of the Federal agency is less than the 
agency's approved appraisal, it would appear that an in-depth review 
of the methods employed in determining the amount of just compensation 
or in making the appraisal is called for." H.R. Rep. No. 91-1656, at 
23 (1970). 

[23] See also Paramount Farms, Inc. v. Morton, 527 F.2d 1301 (7th Cir. 
1975); United States v. 416.81 Acres of Land, 525 E2d 450 (7th Cir. 
1975); Bunker Properties, Inc. v. Kemp, 524 F. Supp. 109 (D. Kan. 
1981); Nelson v. Brinegar, 420 F. Supp. 975 (E.D. Wis. 1976); Rubin v. 
Department of Housing & Urban Development, 347 F. Supp. 555 (E.D. Pa. 
1972); Will-Tex Plastics Manufacturing, Inc. v. Department of Housing 
& Urban Development, 346 F. Supp. 654 (E.D. Pa. 1972), affd mem., 478 
E2d 1399 (3rd Cir. 1973). 

[24] Title II of the Uniform Relocation Act contains a similar 
provision with the "satisfactory assurance" language. 42 U.S.C. � 
4630. That provision is noted later in section C.3.e of this chapter 
with case citations to the effect that a satisfactory assurance does 
not mean a guarantee. 

[25] Act of May 1, 1820, ch. 52, � 7, 3 Stat. 567, 568. 

[26] Section 2664(a) excludes from its application the acceptance of 
property acquired through certain exchanges of government property. 

[27] The two decisions used different rationales. The 1927 GAO 
decision was based on the purpose restriction of 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a). 
The 1903 decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury used as its 
rationale an interpretation of the advance payment statute, 31 U.S.C. 
� 3324. 

[28] This of course would not apply to illegal covenants like the 
infamous "white people only" covenant, an example of which is stated 
in 10 Comp. Gen. 320 (1931). The Justice Department advises that 
racial and religious covenants should simply be ignored because they 
are unenforceable. U.S. Department of Justice, Regulations of the 
Attorney General Promulgated in Accordance With the Provisions of 
Public Law 91-393, Order No. 440-70, � 5(d) (Oct. 2, 1970). 

[29] Burns was quoted for purposes of analogy in Nevada v. United 
States, 547 F. Supp. 776, 780 (D. Nev. 1982). While the decision was 
affirmed on appeal, 731 E2d 633 (9th Cir. 1984), the court of appeals 
criticized that portion of the district court's opinion as unnecessary 
dicta, and indicated that, had the district court gone much further, 
it would have vacated that portion of the opinion. Thus, the 1982 
district court opinion cannot be viewed as especially helpful. 

[30] The current provision 40 U.S.C. � 3111 was 40 U.S.C. � 255 prior 
to the codification of title 40 of the United States Code in 2002. 
Pub. L. No. 107-217, � 1, 116 Stat. 1062, 1144 (Aug. 21, 2002). Thus, 
the cases described here use that citation. 

[31] Within the Department of Justice, the implementation of 40 U.S.C. 
� 3111 is the responsibility of the Environment and Natural Resources 
Division (formerly Land and Natural Resources Division). 28 C.F.R. � 
0.66. That division has developed regulations (unpublished) outlining 
its standards for title approval, entitled Regulations of the Attorney 
General Promulgated in Accordance With the Provisions of Public Law 91-
393, Order No. 440-70 (Oct. 2, 1970). See 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 431 
(1982); 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 337 (1979). The 1970 regulations also 
are referenced in the Justice Department's Title Standards 2001 guide, 
cited in note 40, infra. 

[32] 15 Comp. Gen. 539; 39 Op. Att'y Gen. 99 (1937). 

[33] 36 Comp. Gen. 616 (1957); 5 Comp. Dec. 682, 684 (1899). 

[34] 1 Comp. Gen. 752 (1922); 1 Comp. Gen. 625 (1922). 

[35] A further reason to reject the old theory, which did not exist at 
the time of these decisions, is the strong federal policy in favor of 
purchase embodied in 42 U.S.C. � 4651, discussed previously in section 
B.2. The decision whether to purchase or condemn is no longer supposed 
to be purely discretionary. 

[36] There are two other obsolete provisions which should be 
disregarded when reading the older cases. First, a provision requiring 
consent of the state legislature was deleted in 1940. The successor to 
this provision is noted later in our discussion of federal enclaves in 
section D of this chapter. Second, a provision, formerly found at 40 
U.S.C. � 256 (1964), requiring that legal services in connection with 
procuring title to public building sites be rendered by United States 
Attorneys, was repealed as part of the 1970 legislation. 

[37] Act of June 28, 1930, ch. 710, 46 Stat. 828. 

[38] Act of Oct. 9, 1940, ch. 793, 54 Stat. 1083, 1084. 

[39] Pub. L. No. 91-393, � 1, 84 Stat. 835 (Sept. 1, 1970). 

[40] The Justice Department has published a booklet entitled Title 
Standards 2001: A Guide for the Preparation of Title Evidence in Land 
Acquisitions by the United States (Dec. 29, 2000), which is intended 
to apply both to the Justice Department and to agencies which have 
been delegated title approval responsibility. Section 5 of this guide 
presents and discusses the title insurance policy adopted in 1991 by 
the Justice Department and the American Land Title Association. A copy 
of this guide can be found online at [hyperlink, 
 (last visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[41] As noted earlier in section B.4.a of this chapter, this decision 
has been repudiated to the extent it found 40 U.S.C. � 3111 not 
applicable. However, it remains valid for the point cited in the text. 

[42] Joint Resolution No. 6, 5 Stat. 468 (Sept. 11, 1841). 

[43] Act of Oct. 9, 1940, ch. 793, 54 Stat. 1083, 1084. 

[44] Some of the cases are 8 Comp. Gen. 308 (1928); 3 Comp. Gen. 569 
(1924); 9 Comp. Dec. 569 (1903); A-97769, Sept. 20, 1938; A-47693, 
Mar. 31, 1933; A-39589, Dec. 30, 1931; A-26824, Apr. 25, 1929. 

[45] See also 9 Comp. Dec. 569 (1903); 3 Comp. Dec. 216 (1896); B-
142862, June 21, 1960; B-98346, Oct. 9, 1950; A-47693, Mar. 31, 1933; 
A-39589, Dec. 30, 1931. 

[46] For step-by-step procedural guidance and an appendix of forms, 
see Land [now Environment] and Natural Resources Division, U.S. 
Department of Justice, A Procedural Guide for the Acquisition of Real 
Property by Government Agencies (1972). 

[47] Act of August 1, 1888, ch. 728, � 1, 25 Stat. 357. 

[48] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 257. 

[49] The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are available at [hyperlink, 
(last visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[50] The summary in the text has been distilled from a number of 
cases: Kirby Forest Industries, Inc. v. United States, 467 U.S. 1, 3-5 
(1984); Danforth v. United States, 308 U.S. 271 (1939); Barnidge v. 
United States, 101 F.2d 295 (8th Cir. 1939); United States v. 6,667 
Acres of Land, 142 E Supp. 198 (E.D. S.C. 1956); United States v. One 
Parcel of Land, 131 F. Supp. 443 (D.D.C. 1955); United States v. 
Certain Parcel of Land, 51 F. Supp. 726 (E.D. N.Y. 1943); United 
States v. Certain Lands, 46 E Supp. 386 (S.D. N.Y. 1942). 

[51] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 258a-258e. The legislation was proposed by 
the Attorney General in a December 1930 letter, quoted in full in 
United States v. Parcel of Land, 100 E Supp. 498, 502 n.5 (D.D.C. 

[52] The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are available at [hyperlink, 
(last visited Mar. 25, 2007). 

[53] There are statements in two later decisions, one flatly stating 
and the other strongly implying, that the Antideficiency Act is 
violated by an overobligation resulting from a Declaration of Taking 
Act proceeding. 

[54] Comp. Gen. 799, 801 (1975); 17 Comp. Gen. 664, 669 (1938). 
However, neither decision analyzes what the agency did as opposed to 
what the court did, and these statements would therefore seem of 
limited value as guidance. 54 A monetary ceiling in a statute which 
specifies only purchase will apply to condemnation as well unless the 
statute provides otherwise. 10 Comp. Gen. 418 (1931); 6 Comp. Gen. 145 

[55] In that case, the government returned part of the condemned 
property to the former owner who then filed a claim for damages which 
allegedly occurred during government occupancy. 

[56] An agency might be tempted to do this, for example, if it thought 
it could get a "free ride" by having the judgment paid from the 
permanent judgment appropriation, 31 U.S.C. � 1304. This is the policy 
basis for the position that certain inverse condemnation judgments 
should be paid from agency land acquisition funds, the same as direct 
condemnations. Within the realm of direct condemnations, the Uniform 
Relocation Act does not purport to regulate whether to use a 
declaration of taking or complaint only. Kirby, 467 U.S. at 6. 

[57] In Althaus, a government representative allegedly threatened 
landowners to get them to sell cheaply. There was no recording of what 
was actually said, but the court summarized its findings at 7 Cl. Ct. 
691-92. Paraphrasing the court's language, the agent, in effect, told 
the landowners: "We are going to offer you 30 cents on the dollar and 
if you don't take it, we'll condemn the land anyway and you'll have to 
hire an expensive lawyer from the big city who'll take a third of what 
you get, plus you'll have to pay the court costs." Somehow, he forgot 
to add "... and your little dog, too!" 

[58] At the time of 56 Comp. Gen. 351, obligated balances remained 
available, in one form or another, to liquidate the obligation 
indefinitely. While the result of that case remains the same, an 
agency should agree to an extended period of time to pay out the 
balance of the purchase price only after considering the provisions of 
31 U.S.C. �� 1551-1555 (account closing statute). 

[59] A couple of early decisions--1 Comp. Gen. 735 (1922) and 21 Comp. 
Dec. 870 (1915)�-intimated that the obligation arises when the 
proceeding is actually commenced. Read in the context of later 
decisions, although not modified expressly by these decisions, these 
cases should not be construed as selecting actual commencement over 
the request for obligation purposes. 

[60] Unreasonable delay may have other consequences as well. In one 
case, an agency accepted a purchase option and, after a largely 
unexplained 2-year delay, filed a condemnation complaint with 
declaration of taking. The court threw out the option price and 
permitted the landowner to establish a current (and higher) market 
value as of the declaration of taking. But for this delay, the option 
price would have been binding. United States v. 813.96 Acres of Land, 
45 F. Supp. 535 (W.D. Ark 1942), aff'd, 140 F.2d 941 (8th Cir. 1944). 
See also United States v. 2,974.49 Acres of Land, 308 E2d 641 (4th 
Cir. 1962); United States v. 74.12 Acres of Land, 81 F.R.D. 12 (D. 
Mass. 1978). 

[61] If, as 42 U.S.C. � 4651 directs, you must try to purchase before 
you resort to condemnation, the money must be available to obligate in 
case the purchase negotiations succeed. Of course, no-year 
appropriations, or multiple year appropriations with an adequate 
period of availability, will solve the problem. 

[62] Cloverport awarded $9,000 as just compensation and over $76,000 
in fees and expenses. Foster is another example ($28,000 just 
compensation, $186,000 fees and expenses). 

[63] For additional background on this attorney's fee provision, see 
James Lockhart, Award of Costs and Attorney's Fees Under � 304 of the 
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies 
Act of 1970 (42 U.S. C.A. � 4654), 172 A.L.R. Fed. 507 (2001). 

[64] E.g., 18 Comp. Gen. 592, 593-94 (1939); 12 Comp. Dec. 304 (1905); 
10 Comp. Dec. 538 (1904); 9 Comp. Dec. 793 (1903). 

[65] 32 Comp. Gen. 118 (1952); 18 Comp. Gen. 592 (1939). 

[66] The Federal Rules of Evidence are available at [hyperlink, 
Oast visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[67] The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are available at [hyperlink, 
(last visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[68] Much of Title II was patterned after the relocation provisions of 
the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, which the URA repealed. See 23 
U.S.C. �� 501-511 (1964; Supp. V 1969). Interpretive case law arising 
during the brief life of these provisions may therefore still be 
useful. Lathan v. Volpe, 455 F.2d 1111, 1123 (9th Cir. 1971). See also 
Bourne v. Schlesinger, 426 F. Supp. 1025 (E.D. Pa. 1977); 52 Comp. 
Gen. 300 (1972). 

[69] See GAO, Changes Needed in the Relocation Act to Achieve More 
Uniform Treatment of Persons Displaced by Federal Programs, GGD-78-6 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 8, 1978); Differences in Administration of the 
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies 
Act of 1970, B-148044 (Washington, D.C.: June 7, 1973). 

[70] This is the report of the House Public Works Committee on the 
bill which became the URA. It contains much useful explanatory 
material and has been cited frequently both by GAO and by the courts. 

[71] Under the 1970 legislation, entitlement to benefits was triggered 
by actual acquisition or by a written order to vacate. The 1987 
revision changed "written order to vacate" to "written notice of 
intent to acquire." 

[72] These authorities address the issue in the context of the now 
obsolete "order to vacate" language. There is no reason why the 1987 
change to "notice of intent to acquire" should produce a different 

[73] The regulations limit this item to $2,500. 49 C.F.R. � 
24.301(g)(17). There is no comparable allowance in any amount for 
residential displacements. 49 C.F.R. � 24.301(h)(9) (expressly 
excluding expenses of searching for a replacement dwelling). 

[74] The decision also involved the question of whether 42 U.S.C. � 
4626 is subject to the monetary ceiling of 42 U.S.C. � 4623, a 
question on which there also was considerable disagreement and which 
was resolved in the 1987 amendments to the statute. See 42 U.S.C. � 
4626(a) ("The head of the displacing agency may use this section to 
exceed the maximum amounts which may be paid under [section] 4623 ... 
on a case-by-case basis for good cause as determined in accordance 
with such regulations as the head of the lead agency shall issue ..."). 

[75] The statute also excludes any annual payment or capital loan to 
the District of Columbia. 42 U.S.C. � 4601(4). 

[76] An interest in land greater than an easement is of course also 
compensable. For a case distinguishing between a leasehold interest 
(compensable) and a license (noncompensable), see Potomac Electric 
Power Co. v. Fugate, 180 S.E.2d 657 (Va. 1971). 

[77] These decisions concerned the American Telephone and Telegraph 
Company and its subsidiaries prior to the divestiture of the 1980s. 
While the decisions may no longer have direct application to "Mother 
Bell" and her family, the underlying concepts would appear to remain 
nonetheless valid. 

[78] This decision dealt with both revocable licenses and easements. 
With respect to licenses, the application of the common-law rule and 
the concomitant need for statutory authority are still valid. As to 
easements, however, the decision relied on 20 Comp. Gen. 379 (1941), 
which was effectively, although not explicitly, modified in this 
respect by 36 Comp. Gen. 23 (1956), discussed earlier in section C.4.a 
of this chapter. 

[79] Report of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Study of 
Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States, Jurisdiction Over 
Federal Areas Within the States, part I (1956), at 2. 

[80] Id. at 8-10. 

[81] There is a third method, but it is unlikely to be used with any 
frequency in the future. Congress can reserve federal jurisdiction 
over federal land within a state at the time the state is admitted to 
the Union. Fort Leavenworth, 114 U.S. at 526-27; State v. Galvan 
Cardenas, 799 P.2d 19,21 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1990); Coso, 19 Cal. Rptr. 3d 
at 674. 

[82] Examples of the operation of this principle at the state level 
include State v. Lane, 771 P.2d 1150, 1153 (Wash. 1989), and People v. 
Dowdell, 440 N.Y.S.2d 528, 529 (Onondaga Cty. Ct. 1981). 

[83] Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States, at 14, supra 
note 79. 

[84] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 255. 

[85] Some judicial definitions limit the term to exclusive 
jurisdiction. E.g., Cooper v. General Dynamics, 378 E Supp. 1258, 1261 
(N.D. Tex. 1974), rev'd on other grounds, 533 F.2d 163 (5th Cir. 
1976), cert. denied, 433 U.S. 908 (1977); Thiele v. City of Chicago, 
145 N.E.2d 637, 638 (Ill.), cert. denied, 355 U.S. 957 (1958). 
However, the Supreme Court has used the term in the broader sense. 
E.g., North Dakota v. United States, 495 U.S. 423 (1990). In addition, 
the United States may obtain federal jurisdiction over leased property 
as well as property it owns. Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within 
the States, supra note 80, at 2. 

[86] This assimilated state law is sometimes referred to as 
"federalized" state law. E.g., Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County 
v. United States, 408 F. Supp. 556, 563 (E.D. Va. 1976), appeal 
dismissed mem., 551 F.2d 305 (4th Cir. 1977). The concept has no 
application to a concurrent jurisdiction enclave. Sylvane v. Whelan, 
506 F. Supp. 1355, 1361 (E.D. N.Y. 1981). 

[87] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 290. 

[88] It would appear that the question was not especially close, as 
the district judge, referred to the case as "worthless litigation." 
Wallach v. Lieberman, 219 F. Supp. 247, 249 (S.D. N.Y. 1963). 

[89] As a bit of historical trivia, murder on federal enclaves was 
made a federal crime as early as 1790 by the Act of April 30, 1790, 
ch. IX, �� 3-4, 1 Stat. 112, 113. Punishment was death, and if that 
wasn't enough, the court could order that the body of the offender, 
presumably already executed, "be delivered to a surgeon for 
dissection." Sort of "death plus." 

[90] Other cases recognizing the distinction include Hancock v. Train, 
426 U.S. 167, 179-80 (1976); Mayo v. United States, 319 U.S. 441, 447 
(1943); Penn Dairies, Inc. v. Milk Control Commission of Pennsylvania, 
318 U.S. 261, 270 (1943). 

[91]The direct-indirect distinction is easier to state than it is to 
apply. Compare, for example, the plurality and dissenting opinions in 
North Dakota to see how two groups of four United States Supreme Court 
justices each can read the same cases very differently. 

[92] For more information, see the discussion of federalism 
presumptions in Chapter 2, section D.7.c. 

[93] Some courts reverse the analytical sequence and look first at the 
enclave issue and then invoke the Supremacy Clause if necessary. 
Either approach should get you to the same place. 

[94] The court also noted that even if a state law or regulation is 
assimilated by virtue of having been in existence at the time of an 
enclave's creation, it becomes "federal law subject to federal 
jurisdiction." Baltimore Gas, 133 F. Supp. 2d at 744 n.27. As such, 
the state does not retain jurisdiction to enforce the state law within 
the enclave. Id. 

[95] U.S. Const. art. I, � 8, cl. 17. See discussion of this clause in 
section D.1 of this chapter. 

[96] It was subsequently established that damage to private land 
caused by the wild horses and burros does not amount to a compensable 
"taking." Mountain States Legal Foundation v. Hodel, 799 E2d 1423 
(10th Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 480 U.S. 951 (1987). 

[97] As a final note, the federal government, through legislation 
under the "necessary and proper" clause of the Constitution (art. I, � 
8, cl. 18), may exercise specific types of jurisdiction over property 
which it merely leases. E.g., United States v. Burton, 888 F. 2d 682 
(10th Cir. 1989) (upholding General Services Administration's 
authority to enforce anti-handbill regulation in leased building). 

[98] See also United States v. Bedford Associates, 657 F.2d 1300, 1309 
(2nd Cir. 1981), cert. denied, 456 U.S. 914 (1982). 

[99] Pub. L. No. 92-313, 86 Stat. 216 (June 16, 1972). 

[100] See section A of this chapter for more on this high-risk 

[101] CICA does provide exceptions to the general requirement for full 
and open competition in some circumstances. See 41 U.S.C. �� 253(b), 
(c), and (g). 

[102] As a general proposition, however, unless a market survey shows 
that the incumbent lessor will be unable to meet the government's 
needs for the new lease, full and open competition requires that the 
incumbent be included. E.g., B-247910.3, June 8, 1993; B-225954, Mar. 
30, 1987. See also 48 Comp. Gen. at 725. 

[103] This is not always the case. In some states, recording, although 
required by state law, may not be necessary to protect the tenant's 
rights. See B-27717, Aug. 12, 1942. 

[104] The Antideficiency Act is discussed extensively in Chapter 6, 
section C. 

[105] Although Leiter has come to be cited as the leading case, it 
broke little new ground. The principle had already become established 
by the courts and the accounting officers. E.g., Chase v. United 
States, 155 U.S. 489 (1894); Smoot v. United States, 38 Ct. Cl. 418 
(1903); McCollum v. United States, 17 Ct. Cl. 92 (1881); 5 Comp. Gen. 
522 (1926); 5 Comp. Gen. 355 (1925); 1 Comp. Gen. 10 (1921). For more 
on Leiter, see Chapter 6, section C.2.b(4). 

[106] But see Coconut Grove Entertainment, Inc. v. United States, 46 
Fed. Cl. 249 (2000), holding that the Contract Disputes Act exemption 
did apply to a suit involving a lease where the government agency did 
not enter into the lease directly but, through a property acquisition, 
had succeeded to the landlord's interest under a pre-existing lease 
between two private parties. 

[107] One court recognized the conflict between the Forman and Powers 
lines of cases, but found it unnecessary to take sides since the 
outcome in its case was the same under both state and federal law. 
Kerin v. United States Postal Service, 116 F.3d 988, 990-91 (2nd Cir. 

[108] This form is available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.gsa.gov/Portaligsa/ep/forrnslibrary.do?formTvpe=SF] (last 
visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[109] Id. 

[110] 16 Comp. Gen. 867 (1937); 10 Comp. Gen. 31 (1930); 5 Comp. Gen. 
749 (1926); 9 Comp. Dec. 611 (1903). (Each case does not include every 

[111] GSA, General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation: 
Real Property Leasing Clauses, 57 Fed. Reg. 37889, 37892 (Aug. 21, 

[112] Before GSA was created, many of the government's real property 
functions were performed by the Federal Works Agency. See 65 Comp. 
Gen. 722, 725 (1986). The functions of this agency, as well as 
functions from other agencies, were transferred to GSA when it was 
created in 1949. See 40 U.S.C. � 303. 

[113] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 490(h), 490d, 490e. 

[114] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(d). 

[115] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 472. 

[116] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 13a. 

[117] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(1). 

[118] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 304b, 304c. 

[119] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 486, 486a. 

[120] Generally speaking, all agencies are authorized to acquire the 
types of space covered by categorical delegations. 41 C.F.R. � 102-
73.150. These types of space are listed in 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.155 and 
included greenhouses, hangars, hospitals, housing, and ranger stations. 

[121] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 606. 

[122] Section 3307 applies the prospectus requirement to three 
distinct types of undertakings that meet specified dollar thresholds: 
(1) construction, acquisition, or alteration of public buildings, (2) 
leasing, and (3) alteration of leased space. The first and third are 
discussed elsewhere in this chapter. To minimize duplication, we have 
consolidated our coverage of material which applies equally to all 
three types, including the effect of noncompliance, later in section 
F.1.c of this chapter. Apart from the prospectus requirement for most 
leases whose annual rental exceeds $1.5 million, 40 U.S.C. � 3307(f) 
generally prohibits leases for certain purposes that exceed the 
threshold. This prohibition is subject to limited exceptions under 
section 3307(f)(2). 

[123] GSA's regulations, 41 C.F.R. � 102-73.35, note that the current 
annual thresholds can be found on GSAs Web site, [hyperlink, 
http://www.gsa.gov] by searching under "prospectus thresholds" (last 
visited Mar. 25, 2008). 

[124] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 601a(a). 

[125] Any discussion of repairs and alterations must necessarily 
implicate the general rule against using appropriated funds to make 
permanent improvements to private property. That rule and its 
application to leased property are discussed later in section G of 
this chapter. The remainder of this section presupposes that, for 
whatever reason, the rule does not pose an impediment. 

[126] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(f). 

[127] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 304c. 

[128] Pub. L. No. 86-249, � 7, 73 Stat. 479, 480 (Sept. 9, 1959). 

[129] Pub. L. No. 100-678, � 3(a), 102 Stat. 4049 (Nov. 17, 1988). 

[130] See section F.1.c of this chapter for further detail. 

[131] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 34; originally enacted in the Act of March 
3, 1877, ch. 106, 19 Stat. 363, 370. 

[132] E.g., 2 Comp. Gen. 722 (1923); 2 Comp. Gen. 214 (1922); 26 Comp. 
Dec. 155 (1919); 17 Op. Att'y Gen. 87 (1881); 15 Op. Att'y Gen. 274 

[133] The decision in B-159633 was overruled in part by 54 Comp. Gen. 
1055 (1975), but the partial overruling involves a separate issue and 
has no effect on the point discussed in the text. 

[134] This case illustrates what used to be a somewhat bizarre, 
although probably intended, consequence of 40 U.S.C. � 8141. The 
statute had been construed as applicable to the District of Columbia 
government. See also 34 Comp. Gen. 593 (1955); 17 Comp. Gen. 424 
(1937); 10 Comp. Dec. 117 (1903). Therefore, prior to home rule, the 
government of the District of Columbia could not rent space in the 
District of Columbia without specific congressional authorization. 

[135] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 35. 

[136] E.g., 57 Comp. Gen. 591 (1978); 21 Comp. Gen. 906 (1942); 12 
Comp. Gen. 546 (1933); 12 Comp. Gen. 440 (1932). 

[137] E.g., 30 Comp. Gen. 122 (1950); 30 Comp. Gen. 58 (1950); 29 
Comp. Gen. 279 (1949); 20 Comp. Gen. 30 (1940). 

[138] Under Ralden, the Economy Act restrictions continue to apply 
even after section 322's repeal to the extent they were incorporated 
in preexisting lease provisions that remain in effect. Ralden, 891 
F.2d at 1578. Thus, there may still be some leases with surviving 
Economy Act restrictions. See 2160 Partners, GSBCA No. 15973, 03-2 
B.C.A. � 32,269 (2003). 

[139] S. Rep. No. 83-1084, at 2 (1954). This is the report of the 
Senate Committee on Public Works on what became the Public Buildings 
Purchase Contract Act of 1954. 

[140] See H.R. Rep. No. 87-2050, 13 (1962), quoted in Merriam v. 
Kunzig, 476 F.2d 1233, 1237 n.3 (3rd Cir. 1973), and 51 Comp. Gen. 
573, 575 (1972). This is the report of the House Committee on 
Appropriations on the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for 1963, 
Pub. L. No. 87-741, 76 Stat. 716 (Oct. 3, 1962). 

[141] S. Rep. No. 83-1084, at 2. 

[142] The act, formerly appearing at 40 U.S.C. � 356, was omitted from 
the 2002 codification of title 40 on the basis that it is now 
obsolete. See Pub. L. No. 107-217, 116 Stat. 1062, 1313, 1319 (Aug. 
21, 2002); H.R. Rep. No. 107-479, at 149 (2002). 

[143] H.R. Rep. No. 92-989, at 3 (1972) (report of the House Committee 
on Public Works). 

[144] Like former 40 U.S.C. � 356, section 602a was omitted from the 
2002 codification of title 40 on the basis that it was temporary and 
is now obsolete. See H.R. Rep. No. 107-479, at 153. 

[145] Act of July 25, 1868, ch. 233, � 3, 15 Stat. 171, 177. 

[146] The revision notes for this section state that penalties for 
such violations were reduced many years ago to avoid having to 
classify the offender as a felon. 18 U.S.C. � 435 note. Nevertheless, 
inflation being what it is, the fine for a violation of this provision 
(a "class A misdemeanor") now can be up to $100,000. 18 U.S.C. �� 
3559(a)(6), 3571(b)(5). 

[147] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 68. 

[148] Such wisdom is not the exclusive province of GAO. E.g., In re 
Amber S., 39 Cal. Rptr. 2d 672 (Cal. Ct. App. 1995) (building for 
purposes of state burglary statute is "any structure which has walls 
on all sides and is covered by a roof'). 

[149] This decision raised a similar issue, arising under provisions 
of title 10, United States Code, of whether the Defense Department was 
properly using operations and maintenance funds as opposed to 
construction funds for certain allegedly temporary construction. The 
decision and these title 10 provisions are discussed further in 
section F.1.b(1) of this chapter. 

[150] The alien case, which somewhat inexplicably does not cite 41 
U.S.C. � 12, is 13 Comp. Dec. 355 (1906). The other examples in the 
quoted passage appear to be from unpublished decisions of the 
Comptroller of the Treasury. See 6 Comp. Gen. at 621. Unfortunately, 
the actual texts of these are no longer available as a practical 

[151] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 261 before the codification of title 40. 

[152] There are also some agency-specific statutes which authorize 
construction appropriations to remain available beyond the end of the 
fiscal year. E.g., 10 U.S.C. � 2860 (military construction); 7 U.S.C. 
� 2209b (certain Department of Agriculture appropriations); 14 U.S.C. 
� 656(a) (Coast Guard). Their effect is similar to the general 
provisions discussed in the text. 

[153] See, e.g., Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Pub. L. No. 
121-161, � 603, 121 Stat. 1844, 2013 (Dec. 26, 2007) ("None of the 
funds appropriated in this Act shall remain available for obligation 
beyond the current fiscal year, nor may any be transferred to other 
appropriations, unless expressly so provided herein."). See also 
Chapter 2, section C.2.d, for a discussion of this language and its 

[154] Although there was no need for the decisions to so specify at 
the time, the appropriation acts in these two cases did not include 
the "current fiscal year" provision. 

[155] These provisions were formerly known as the "Brooks Architect-
Engineers Act" and appeared at 40 U.S.C. �� 541-544. 

[156] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 612(1). 

[157] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 609 and 614, respectively. 

[158] The Fluor court went on to hold that the A&E portion of the 
contract in that case was void for failure to comply with the statute, 
but recovery of A&E fees was allowed on a quantum meruit basis. Fluor, 
64 Fed. Cl. at 495-97. 

[159] For example, consider the Department of Veterans Affairs' 
authority to build medical facilities under 38 U.S.C. �� 8103, 8104, 
and 8106. Section 8104(a)(2) includes a provision roughly analogous to 
41 U.S.C. � 12. 

[160] The reason it is not surprising is that, as we will see later, 
the Public Buildings Act does not apply to construction on military 

[161] Examples for 2006 are the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-163, div. B, 119 Stat. 3136, 3485 
(Jan. 6, 2006) and the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs 
Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-114, title I, 119 Stat. 2372 
(Nov. 30, 2005). As these examples illustrate, the authorization and 
appropriation acts are occasionally enacted in reverse order. 

[162] Pub. L. No. 97-214, 96 Stat. 153 (July 12, 1982). The Act, which 
is frequently amended, addresses a variety of construction activities, 
although our coverage here is limited to an outline of the provisions 
governing minor military construction. 

[163] In addition, the Corps is authorized to allocate funds from its 
annual appropriations, up to specified limits, for the construction of 
small projects which have not been specifically authorized. 33 U.S.C. 
�� 426g (shore protection), 577 (rivers and harbors), 701s (flood 

[164] Public Buildings Amendments of 1972, Pub. L. No. 92-313, 86 
Stat. 216 (June 16, 1972); Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act of 
1976, Pub. L. No. 94-541, 90 Stat. 2505 (Oct. 18, 1976); Public 
Buildings Amendments of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-678, 102 Stat. 4049 
(Nov. 17, 1988). 

[165] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 612(1). 

[166] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 601. 

[167] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 602, 604. 

[168] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 609(a). 

[169] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 619(a), (b). 

[170] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 603. 

[171] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 608. 

[172] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 614. 

[173] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 606. 

[174] Section 3307 also includes approval requirements for leases and 
for alterations to leased buildings, covered elsewhere in this 
chapter. The discussion in the text, unless the context clearly 
indicates differently, applies equally to all three. 

[175] Regarding 1 Comp. Dec. 33, did someone wager we could not find a 
case on "erecting an outhouse"? You lose. 

[176] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 19. 

[177] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 283. 

[178] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 285. 

[179] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 298d. 

[180] Section 103 of the 1949 Act, formerly 40 U.S.C. � 753 (see 40 
U.S.C. � 303 note). 

[181] Some exceptions are found in the definition of "public 
building," noted under the Public Buildings Act heading earlier in 
this section. The 1950 reorganization plan includes others, several of 
which are noted in our discussion of leasing in section E of this 
chapter. Other exceptions are found in 40 U.S.C. �� 102(9) (definition 
of "property") and 113. Still others may be contained in various 
agency-specific or program-specific statutes. 

[182] GAO, for example, has "exclusive custody and control" over its 
main headquarters building in Washington, "including operation, 
maintenance, protection, alteration, repair, and assignment of space 
therein." 31 U.S.C. � 781(a). 

[183] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(h)(1). 

[184] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490. 

[185] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 603. 

[186] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(f)(6). 

[187] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(1). 

[188] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 318, 318b, and 318d. 

[190] A similar provision was formerly carried as 40 U.S.C. � 490c. 

[190] These provisions were formerly located in 40 U.S.C. � 481. 

[191] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 295. 

[192] E.g., 31 U.S.C. � 781(c)(2), authorizing GAO to contract for 
utility services for periods not to exceed 10 years "Rio the extent 
that funds are otherwise available for obligation." 

[193] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 481(a)(3). 

[194] A 1990 decision, 70 Comp. Gen. 44, held that a procurement of 
natural gas was not a contract for utility services for purposes of 
the Walsh-Healey Act, 41 U.S.C. �� 35-45. That case distinguished 45 
Comp. Gen. 59 on several grounds. 70 Comp. Gen. at 49. 

[195] It is perhaps not intuitively obvious that the term "information 
technology resources" includes telephone services, but the origin and 
evolution of 40 U.S.C. � 757 remove any doubt. See generally 70 Comp. 
Gen. 233 (1991); 69 Comp. Gen. 112 (1989). 

[196] For more on revolving funds, see Chapter 12, section C. 

[197] So renamed by the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 
1997, Pub. L. No. 104208, title VIII, � 5808, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-393 
(Sept. 30, 1996). 

[198] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 31. 

[199] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 286. 

[200] Pub. L. No. 92-313, �� 3 and 4, 86 Stat. 216, 218-19 (June 16, 
1972), 40 U.S.C. �� 592 (Federal Buildings Fund); 586(b) (payment of 
rent to GSA); and 586(c) (authority of other agencies to charge for 
space and services). 

[201] See Chapter 1 of GAO, The General Services Administration's 
Rental Rates (Standard Level User Charge) for Federal Agencies, 
GAO/LCD-78-329 (Washington, D.C.: May 25, 1978), and Chapter 3 of GAO, 
Federal Office Space: Increased Ownership Would Result in Significant 
Savings, GAO/GGD-90-11 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 22, 1989). 

[202] There is one significant difference between GSA and other rent-
charging agencies under 40 U.S.C. � 586. Section 586(b) requires GSA 
to charge rent; section 586(c) merely authorizes other agencies to do 

[203] It should be apparent that we are talking about expenditures 
which are incident to some other government program or project, as 
distinguished from grant programs where making the improvement may be 
the very purpose of the federal assistance. Since the grant programs 
are statutorily authorized, this analysis would not apply, although 
the underlying rationale would bar the expenditure but for the statute. 

[204] Public Buildings Amendments of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-678, � 7, 
102 Stat. 4049, 4052 (Nov. 17, 1988). 

[205] 47 Comp. Gen. 61 (1967); 38 Comp. Gen. 143 (1958); 35 Comp. Gen. 
715 (1956). 

[206] 18 Comp. Gen. 144 (1938); 14 Comp. Gen. 97 (1934); 10 Comp. Gen. 
149 (1930); 5 Comp. Dec. 478 (1899). 

[207] We are somewhat reluctant to admit it, but this case involved an 
expenditure of $2.67 for the purchase of a toilet seat. Despite 
overwhelming temptations, we will eschew further comment. 

[208] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(a)(8). 

[209] A factual distinction that did not affect the result is that the 
rent being paid by the government in 38 Comp. Gen. 143 was nominal, 
whereas in B-126950 it was more of a market rent. 

[210] The issue in 53 Comp. Gen. 317 was whether the expenditure was 
subject to the 25 percent limitation of section 322 of the Economy Act 
of 1932. Following B-152722, Aug. 16, 1965, GAO held that it was. As 
noted earlier in section G.1 of this chapter, this provision of the 
Economy Act was repealed in 1988. While the percentage limitation no 
longer exists, the FAA statute remains as an independent source of 

[211] See the discussion of Tennessee Valley Authority v. Hill, 437 
U.S. 153 (1978), in section C.2.h of Chapter 2. 

[212[ Pub. L. No. 81-152, 63 Stat. 377 (June 30, 1949). See further 
discussion of this legislation in section E.2.a of this chapter. 

[213] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 472(e) and (g). 

[214] These definitions do not distinguish between real property and 
personal property. See the overarching definition of "property" in 40 
U.S.C. � 102(9). Thus, the same general scheme applies to both. Some 
of the operating provisions apply only to one type or the other, 

[215] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 483. 

[216] Here and elsewhere in 41 C.F.R. part 102-75, the regulation 
refers to GSA as the "disposal agency." See 41 C.F.R. � 102-75.5. 

[217] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 483(a)(1). 

[218] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 483(a)(1). 

[219] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 484(a). 

[220] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 484(c). 

[221] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 484(e). 

[222] See also Dairyland Power Cooperative v. United States, 16 F.3d 
1197 (Fed. Cir. 1994); Badgley v. United States, 31 Fed. Cl. 508 
(1994); Meek v. United States, 26 Cl. Ct. 1357 (1992), aff'd, 6 F.3d 
788 (Fed. Cir. 1993); Hartle v. United States, 22 Cl. Ct. 843 (1991). 

[223] The legal dilemma in that case was that there is no authority to 
sell excess property to a private party, and no authority to declare 
the property surplus if another agency needs it. 

[224] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 484(k). 

[225] Formerly 40 U.S.C. �� 485, 485a. 

[226] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 485a. 

[227] Act of June 8, 1896, ch. 373, 29 Stat. 267, 268. 

[228] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 345b. 

[229] Interestingly, the current (codified) version of 40 U.S.C.� 
474(c) is 40 U.S.C. � 113(a), quoted previously, which refers to "the 
authority conferred by this subtitle" rather than the authority 
conferred by the Property Act. By virtue of the codification, the 
excess and surplus property disposition provisions as well as the 
"obsolete" property disposition provision at issue in National Law 
Center (then 40 U.S.C. � 345b, now 40 U.S.C. � 1304(a)) all are in 
subtitle I of title 40. 

[230] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(a)(13). 

[231] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 304a. 

[232] When the government does this, the rent it may charge "shall not 
exceed the fair rental value of the property to a short-term 
occupier." 42 U.S.C. � 4651(6). 

[233] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 303b. 

[234] The decision does not specify what was the "purpose useful or 
beneficial to the government," but we are sure there was one. 

[235] Formerly 40 U.S.C. � 490(a)(17). 

[236] Act of December 22, 1928, ch. 47, � 1, 45 Stat. 1069. A very few 
similar statutes are also on the books, but they have extremely 
limited application, for example, 43 U.S.C. �� 177 and 178, applicable 
only to certain lands in New Mexico. 

[237] See M.H. Schwarz, Comment, A Practitioner's Guide to the Federal 
Color of Title Act, 20 Nat. Resources J. 681 (1980). 

[End of Chapter 13] 

Chapter 14: Claims against and by the Government: 

A. Introduction: 

B. History of Claims Settlement: 

C. Claims against the Government: 

1. Overview and Sources of Claims Settlement Authority: 
a. Legislative Claims Settlement: 
(1) Congressionally sponsored bills: 
(2) Congressional reference cases: 
(3) Meritorious Claims Act: 
b. Judicial Claims Settlement: 
c. Administrative Claims Settlement: 
2. Source of Payment of Claims against the Government: 
a. Legislatively Settled Claims: 
b. Judicially Settled Claims: the Judgment Fund: 
(1) Origins and overview: 
(2) Availability and limitations: 
c. Administratively Settled Claims: 
3. Whom and What to Pay: 
a. To Whom Agencies Should Make Payment: 
b. Amounts Payable in Addition to the Principal Amount: 
(1) Interest: 
(2) Costs and attorneys fees: 
(3) Deductions: 

D. Claims by the Government: Debt Collection: 
1. Introduction: 
2. The Government's Duty and Authority to Collect Debts Owed to It: 
3. Debt Collection in a Nutshell: 
4. Common Appropriations Law Issues Associated with Debt Collection 
a. Diminishing Returns and Cost/Benefit Considerations: 
b. Disposition of Proceeds: 
(1) The general rule: 
(2) Statutory exceptions: 
(3) Refund exception: 
c. Accountable Officer Issues: 

Chapter 14 Claims against and by the Government: 

A. Introduction: 

Volume III of the second edition of Principles of Appropriations Law 
discussed the basic legal authorities and concepts dealing with claims 
asserted by and against the United States. Among other things, those 
chapters addressed: (1) the administrative settlement of monetary 
claims against the federal government; (2) the settlement and payment 
of claims against the government that found their way into the courts; 
and (3), where the shoe is on the other foot, the collection by the 
federal government of claims (also known as "debts"[Footnote 1]) owed 
to it. Since the second edition was published, Congress has amended 
many of the laws addressed in Volume DI GAO no longer has 
governmentwide jurisdiction over the administrative settlement of 
claims against the United States, and Congress transferred to the 
Treasury Department GAO's Judgment Fund and debt collection 
responsibilities. However, the exercise of these responsibilities has 
appropriations law consequences. This chapter discusses these 
responsibilities in that context.[Footnote 2] 

B. History of Claims Settlement: 

The United States, as sovereign, cannot be sued without its consent. 
[Footnote 3] Neither may the funds, property, or rights of the federal 
government be given away without its consent.[Footnote 4] The United 
States gives its consent (or, to be more precise, waives its sovereign 
immunity) only by clear and explicit legislative acts.[Footnote 5] 
Thus, claims against the United States may not be approved, whether 
judicially or administratively, and appropriated funds (or other 
resources) may not be used to satisfy claims against the United 
States, unless there is constitutional and/or statutory authority that 
both allows the claim to be pursued and makes funds (or other 
resources) available for that purpose.[Footnote 6] Similarly, absent 
statutory authority, the officers and agents of the government have no 
authority to waive (or fail to pursue) rights that have accrued to the 
United States or to modify existing contracts to the detriment of the 
United States without adequate legal consideration or a compensating 
benefit. B-276550, Dec. 15, 1997; 67 Comp. Gen. 271, 273 (1988). 

In the earliest days of the republic, Congress reserved to itself a 
very large role in the audit and settlement of claims.[Footnote 7] In 
1775, the Continental Congress established the first of a number of 
congressional committees to examine and report claims and accounts of 
and against the government for congressional approval or disapproval. 
[Footnote 8] During the war for independence, the task of settling the 
government's claims and accounts grew as the war effort dragged on. 
[Footnote 9] To help cope with the volume, Congress established 
committees and authorized them to organize administrative offices and 
staffs for support.[Footnote 10] In this way, Congress sought to "put 
some of the increasing burden of details on officials responsible to 
it [Congress] but not a part of it."[Footnote 11] The end of the war 
did not bring about an end to the need for these committees or the 
administrative offices they relied upon. As a result, the Congress of 
the Confederation continued to rely upon them and various 
reincarnations of them until the ratification of the U.S. Constitution 
in 1798.[Footnote 12] Beginning in 1781, for a time, Congress 
abolished its congressional committees and substituted in their place 
the Office of the Superintendent of Finance.[Footnote 13] Later in the 
same year, Congress replaced the other preexisting administrative 
offices with a comptroller, a treasurer, a register, auditors, and 
clerics.[Footnote 14] Three years later, in 1784, the Office of the 
Superintendent of Finance was itself abolished and the congressional 
committees were reauthorized and reconstituted in its place.[Footnote 

With the ratification of the Constitution and its establishment of the 
federal executive branch came the need to revisit how the government's 
interests were being managed. In 1789, early in its first session, the 
new United States Congress considered and enacted, piece by piece, 
James Madison's proposal[Footnote 16] to establish three departments, 
Foreign Affairs,[Footnote 17] War,[Footnote 18] and Treasury.[Footnote 
19] (During this same period, Congress also considered and enacted the 
beginnings of what would eventually become a fourth department 
(Justice) when it authorized the appointment of the first Attorney 
General[Footnote 20]) Although Congress left the balance of the 
organizational structure and other specifics of the Foreign Affairs 
and War Departments for the executive branch to work out, Congress 
enacted a much longer and more detailed statute for the Treasury 
Department. It has been observed that "at no point was suspicion of 
government more definitely written into law and practice than in the 
management of federal finance."[Footnote 21] This suspicion, grounded 
in the colonies' experience with British financial practices, gave 
birth to a deep and abiding congressional desire to maintain close 
control over the nation's money.[Footnote 22] In the Treasury 
Department act, Congress specifically addressed the structure of the 
department, creating a system of checks and balances within the agency 
by authorizing and prescribing the precise duties and relationships of 
each of six high-ranking officers within the Treasury Department. 
[Footnote 23] These officers were the "Secretary of the Treasury, to 
be deemed head of the department, a Comptroller, an Auditor, a 
Treasurer, a Register, and an Assistant to the Secretary of the 
Treasury."[Footnote 24] 

Pursuant to the act establishing the Treasury Department in 1789, 
claims and accounts were settled in the department.[Footnote 25] The 
Auditor examined them and the Comptroller approved or disapproved the 
Auditor's findings.[Footnote 26] Under the act creating the 
department, the Comptroller's duties included adjusting and preserving 
public accounts, as well as examining all accounts settled by the 
Auditor.[Footnote 27] In 1817, Congress gave settlement authority to 
the Treasury Department, providing that "all claims and demands 
whatever, by the United States or against them, and all accounts 
whatever, in which the United States are concerned, either as debtors 
or as creditors, shall be settled and adjusted in the Treasury 
Department.[Footnote 28] The Treasury Department's claim settlement 
philosophy was simple and straightforward: 

"The accounting officers have jurisdiction to settle, except where 
otherwise provided by statute, any and all claims against the 
Government, of whatever land or description that may be presented to 
them for settlement, and they have the power to allow any legal claim 
that is supported by evidence fully showing the liability of the 
Government for the amount claimed or allowed." 

21 Comp. Dec. 134, 138 (1914) (emphasis in original). Where the facts 
were disputed and required the taking of testimony and the weighing of 
conflicting evidence, the department's auditors and comptrollers 
accepted the government's version of the facts and disallowed the 
claim, or only allowed it to the extent of the government's agreement 
on the matter. Id. See also, e.g., 18 Comp. Dec. 649 (1912); 5 Comp. 
Dec. 273 (1898). Initially, the auditors and comptrollers were 
comfortable paying allowed claims from the general, lump-sum 
appropriations.[Footnote 29] Before long, however, Congress began 
specifying with particularity the uses for each appropriation, and 
claims that were allowed for which no funds were legally available had 
to wait for further appropriations. 22 Comp. Dec. 37 (1915) 
(insufficiency of appropriation to pay all of the claims allowed 
dictated that additional appropriations be sought rather than simply 
prorating payment using the funds actually available). At that time, 
where claims were disallowed by the auditors and comptrollers, the 
only means by which to appeal the disallowance was to petition 
Congress.[Footnote 30] 

By 1855, the workload generated by petitions to Congress for 
appropriations to pay claims against the government had become 
burdensome and unwieldy. See, e.g., Belt's Executrix v. United States, 
15 Ct. Cl. 92, 106 (1879) ("Claimants ... had no remedy except through 
Congress."). For this reason, Congress established the Court of Claims 
to hear all monetary claims based upon a law, a regulation, or a 
federal government contract.[Footnote 31] Initially, however, the 
Court of Claims was a "court only in name."[Footnote 32] The court 
lacked the authority to issue binding decisions,[Footnote 33] and its 
role was "purely advisory" in nature.[Footnote 34] The court's 
establishment paralleled the earlier congressional practice of 
establishing administrative offices to process claims and report them 
for congressional consideration.[Footnote 35] 

However, as the Supreme Court noted, by the end of 1861 "it was 
apparent that the limited powers conferred on the [Court of Claims] 
were insufficient to relieve Congress from the laborious necessity of 
examining the merits of private bills." Glidden Co. v. Zdanok, 370 
U.S. 530, 553 (1962). In his State of the Union message of 1861, 
President Lincoln recommended that the Court of Claims be empowered to 
issue final decisions as a true court of the United States.[Footnote 
36] In 1863, Congress accepted Lincoln's proposal and authorized the 
court to issue binding decisions. Act of March 3, 1863, ch. 92, � 5, 
12 Stat. 765, 766. Even then, however, the finality of awards issued 
by the Court of Claims was immediately drawn into question based on a 
statutory provision that, according to the Supreme Court, authorized 
the Treasury Department to review and decline to enforce Court of 
Claims decisions. Glidden, 370 U.S. at 569. Based on its 
interpretation of that provision, the Supreme Court declined to hear 
appeals from the Court of Claims. Gordon v. United States, 117 U.S. 
697 (1864). Congress then repealed the offending provision, and the 
Supreme Court agreed to hear appeals from the Claims Court. Glidden, 
370 U.S. at 554, citing Act of March 17, 1866, ch. 19, � 1, 14 Stat. 
9. During this same time, the agency heads and some of the Attorneys 
General began asserting the right to overrule the findings of the 
comptrollers. Smith, at 38. In 1868, Congress declared that the 
certified determinations of the Treasury Department's auditor and 
comptroller "shall be taken as final and conclusive upon the executive 
branch of the government." Act of March 30, 1868, ch. 36, 15 Stat. 54. 

In 1921, Congress, to establish an independent administrative claims 
settlement process, enacted the Budget and Accounting Act, creating 
GAO and transferring to it from the Treasury Department, among other 
things, the authority to administratively and conclusively settle and 
adjust all claims of and against the United States, and to superintend 
the recovery of all debts owed to the United States. Pub. L. No. 67-
13, �� 304, 305, 312, 42 Stat. 20, 24-26 (June 10, 1921). Also, GAO 
was to report to Congress and the Justice Department on requests for 
appropriations to pay judgments. Id. � 304. See, e.g., 34 Comp. Gen. 
221, 223 (1954). The transfer of these and other related authorities 
to GAO was intended to "strengthen the control of Congress over the 
expenditure of funds [by means of] a legislative agency independent of 
the administration and responsible directly to Congress.[Footnote 37] 

Over the years, GAO picked up additional authorities and 
responsibilities that were related in one fashion or another to 
settling claims. For example, in 1928, Congress enacted legislation, 
known as the Meritorious Claims Act, which charged GAO to report to 
Congress claims against the government that, in the opinion of the 
Comptroller General, could not be paid under existing law but that 
Congress, for legal or equitable reasons, should consider paying. Pub. 
L. No. 70-217, 45 Stat. 413 (Apr. 10, 1928), codified at 31 U.S.C. � 
3702(d). Also, Congress later assigned to GAO the duty to certify 
payments from the so-called "Judgment Fund," a permanent, indefinite 
appropriation for the satisfaction of judgments, awards, and 
compromise settlements against the United States, 31 U.S.C. � 
1304(a)(2) (1994), and the responsibility to prescribe, jointly with 
the Justice Department, the debt collection regulations known as the 
Federal Claims Collection Standards, 4 C.F.R. parts 101-104 (1994). 

In the 1990s, however, Congress transferred a number of these duties 
to other agencies. The Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1996, 
transferred some of these functions to the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB), including the general authority to settle claims of and 
against the United States. Pub. L. No. 104-53, � 211, 109 Stat. 514, 
535 (Nov. 19, 1995), 31 U.S.C. � 501 note. Congress authorized OMB to 
delegate the transferred functions to other agencies.[Footnote 38] 
Accordingly, OMB made the following delegations: 

* OMB delegated the settlement of federal employee claims for 
compensation and leave, and settlement of deceased employees' 
accounts, to the Office of Personnel Management, Office of General 
Counsel, Claims Adjudication Unit; 

* OMB delegated the settlement of federal employee claims for travel, 
transportation, and relocation expenses and allowances to the General 
Services Administration (GSA) Board of Contract Appeals; 

* OMB delegated the settlement of claims for military personnel pay, 
allowances, travel, transportation, retired pay, and survivor 
benefits, and final settlement of the accounts of such personnel, to 
the Department of Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals; 

* OMB delegated Judgment Fund payments and setoffs against such 
payments to the Judgment Fund Group of the Treasury Department's 
Financial Management Service; 

* OMB delegated the settlement of transportation carrier requests for 
review of GSA audit actions on their bills to the GSA Board of 
Contract Appeals; and; 

* OMB delegated the settlement of transportation carrier disputes over 
collections against them for loss and damage incurred in government 
shipments to the Department of Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals. 
[Footnote 39] 

In the following year, Congress enacted the General Accounting Office 
Act of 1996, which made conforming amendments to the United States 
Code reflecting the transfers of functions and OMB's delegations. Pub. 
L. No. 104-316, 110 Stat. 3826 (Oct. 19, 1996). This act also 
transferred from GAO to the Treasury Department the authority to 
assume the collection of debts on behalf of other agencies and the 
responsibility to prescribe (jointly with the Justice Department) the 
Federal Claims Collection Standards, now found in 31 C.F.R. parts 900-
904. Id. � 115(g). 

GAO no longer has governmentwide jurisdiction over the administrative 
settlement of claims against the United States (31 U.S.C. � 3702), no 
longer shares in supervising the collection of debts owed to the 
government (31 U.S.C. � 3711), and no longer certifies payments from 
the Judgment Fund (31 U.S.C. � 1304). GAO is still charged by law to 
administratively settle the accounts of the United States. See 31 
U.S.C. �� 3526-3530. The exercise of the claims settlement functions 
has appropriations law consequences[Footnote 40] and consequences for 
accounts settlement; that is what this chapter addresses. 

C. Claims against the Government: 

1. Overview and Sources of Claims Settlement Authority: 

The question of what is a claim was long ago answered by the Supreme 
Court in Hobbs v. McLean, 117 U.S. 567 (1886). The Court said: 

"What is a claim against the United States is well understood. It is a 
right to demand money from the United States ... which can be 
presented by the claimant to some department or officer of the United 
States for payment, or may be prosecuted in the court[s]." 

Hobbs, 117 U.S. at 575. See also Page v. United States, 49 Fed. CL 
521, 530 (2001). Any federal program that involves the disbursement of 
funds can generate claims. 

As a result, claims routinely arise in areas covered by other chapters 
of Principles. Claims against the United States originate under a 
variety of sources and circumstances. For example, Chapter 4 discusses 
legal limitations that constrict the purposes to which appropriated 
funds may be applied. A claim relevant to Chapter 4 might involve, for 
example, the application of statutory restrictions that preclude 
active duty and retired military members from receiving retired pay 
during any period that they are employed by a foreign government or 
its instrumentalities. See, e.g., 53 Comp. Gen. 753 (1974) (a retired 
U.S. Air Force colonel was barred from receiving retirement pay from 
the U.S. government because he was effectively employed by an Israeli 
company). Assistance programs, discussed in Chapters 10 and 11, often 
generate claims arising from the application of program restrictions: 
restrictions that define the eligibility of applicants for assistance, 
or perhaps the total amount of funds available to the agency for 
distribution under the program. E.g., 1 Comp. Gen. 429 (1922) (claims 
for tuition grants to Native American children enrolled in Montana 
public schools). Another example would be situations, discussed in 
Chapter 9, under which accountable officers become obligated to 
reimburse the government for unlawful expenditures of appropriated 
funds that they disbursed or certified. See, e.g., 70 Comp. Gen. 463 
(1991) (accountable officer held liable for certifying overpayments in 
a travel voucher). 

Some claims are authorized directly by the Constitution. For example, 
where construction work on government land (or land controlled by the 
government) causes the land of another person to be flooded 
permanently, the other person's land is considered "taken" and the 
government must pay "just compensation" under the Fifth Amendment of 
the U.S. Constitution. E.g., B-173971, Oct. 27, 1971. Contractual 
relationships often generate claims against the government. A contract 
is a legal instrument from which legal rights, duties, and obligations 
flow. See, e.g., Black's Law Dictionary 341 (8th ed. 2004). A federal 
agency has the inherent power to enter into contracts in the execution 
of its duties. E.g., United States v. Tingey, 30 U.S. (5 Pet.) 115, 
127-28 (1831). While many (if not most) government contract claims are 
now governed by the Contract Disputes Act, 41 U.S.C. �� 601-613, there 
is authority for the proposition that agencies have inherent 
authority, as an incident to the power to enter into contracts, to 
settle at least certain types of contract claims. See United States v. 
Corliss Steam-Engine Co., 91 U.S. 321 (1875); Brock & Blevins Co. v. 
United States, 343 F.2d 951 (Ct. Cl. 1965); Cannon Construction Co. v. 
United States, 319 F.2d 173 (Ct. Cl. 1963). 

There is a fairly large universe of claims statutes that serve a wide 
range of functions. Some establish the authority to settle certain 
types of claims in situations where that authority would not otherwise 
exist. A prime example of this is the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 
U.S.C. ch. 171. Others, the Contract Disputes Act for example, do not 
necessarily establish the right to file claims but nevertheless 
provide a statutory basis for claims and set out procedures for 
addressing claims. Some, as the two statutes cited, are 
governmentwide. Many others are agency specific. One example is 31 
U.S.C. � 3724, which authorizes the Attorney General to settle 
civilian claims that cannot be settled under the Federal Tort Claims 
Act.[Footnote 41] 

The Constitution gives Congress ultimate authority over the 
disposition of the property and resources of the United States. U.S. 
Const., art. IV, � 3, cl. 2 ("The Congress shall have Power to dispose 
of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory 
or other Property belonging to the United States."). See, e.g., Royal 
Indemnity Co. v. United States, 313 U.S. 289, 294 (1941); B-276550, 
Dec. 15, 1997. Congress has delegated some of its authority to the 
courts, some to the executive branch, and it has retained the balance 
for itself. This discussion examines claims settlement authorities as 
delegated to each of the branches and retained by Congress. 
Appropriated funds are available to pay claims against the government 
only if the government agrees to pay the claim in exercise of 
appropriate claims settlement authority. 

a. Legislative Claims Settlement: 

(1) Congressionally sponsored bills: 

Claims settlement in the federal government derives from the 
combination of congressional waivers of the sovereign immunity of the 
United States and the plenary constitutional authority of Congress 
over the funds and property of the United States.[Footnote 42] In the 
executive and judicial branches, claims settlement is generally 
limited to dispositions based on legal liability, and no court or 
agency may order or pay taxpayers' money based on a perceived moral 
obligation, unless so authorized by law.[Footnote 43] Congress, 
however, may choose to legislatively recognize claims based on moral 
obligations or any other bases, as it chooses. Glidden Co. v. Zdanok, 
370 U.S. 530, 567 (1962), citing United States v. Realty Co., 163 U.S. 
427 (1896) ("Congress may for reasons adequate to itself confer 
bounties upon persons and, by consenting to suit, convert their moral 
claim into a legal one enforceable by litigation in an undoubted 
constitutional court") (emphasis added). See also B-307681, May 2, 
2006, at 7 ("it is for Congress to decide whether to provide equitable 

The time-honored method of pursuing such claims against the United 
States has been to persuade a member of your state's congressional 
delegation to sponsor a private relief bill. The power of Congress to 
appropriate funds in this manner is beyond question. The Supreme Court 
said over a century ago: 

"Payments to individuals, not of right, or of a merely legal claim, 
but payments in the nature of a gratuity, yet having some feature of 
moral obligation to support them, have been made by the government by 
virtue of acts of Congress appropriating the public money, ever since 
its foundation. Some of the acts were based on considerations of pure 

Realty Co., 163 U.S. at 441. See also Pope v. United States, 323 U.S. 
1, 9 (1944); Merchants National Bank of Mobile v. United States, 5 CL 
Ct. 180, 209 n.32 (1984); B-156080, Sept. 10, 1965. 

In its earliest days, Congress resisted the idea of delegating (to the 
courts or administrative officers) its authority to settle claims 
against the United States. E.g., Judicial Conference of the United 
States, The United States Court of Claims: A History, pt. II, � 1 
(1978), at 5, 10-11, reprinted in 216 Ct. Cl. following XXVIII (1978). 
Periodically, over time, however, concerns over the continually 
growing number, amount, and complexity of claims and private relief 
legislation that Congress had to consider helped convince Congress 
increasingly to waive sovereign immunity and delegate congressional 
authority to resolve various types of claims against the United 
States. Id. 

For example, in proposing what is now known as the Tucker Act, 28 
U.S.C. � 1491, Representative Randolph Tucker of Virginia explained 
that he intended his bill to relieve his colleagues and himself of "a 
large mass of private claims which were encumbering our business and 
preventing our discharging our duties to the great public interests of 
this country." Id. at 39. Courts have described the "overwhelming 
purpose" of the Federal Tort Claims Act as to "relieve Congress of the 
pressure of private claims" and "enable it to devote more time to 
major public issues." United States v. Yellow Cab Co., 340 U.S. 543, 
550-51 (1951). See also Kosak v. United States, 465 U.S. 848, 867 
(1984); Costo v. United States, 248 F.3d 863, 872 n.2 (9th Cir. 2001), 
cert. denied, 534 U.S. 1078 (2002); In re 'Agent Orange" Product 
Liability Litigation, 506 E Supp. 762, 769 (E.D. N.Y. 1980). 

Nowadays, Congress has waived federal sovereign immunity for a wide 
range of suits, including those that seek traditional money damages, 
such as the waivers provided by the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 
ch. 171) and the Tucker Act (28 U.S.C. � 1491). See Department of Army 
v. Blue Fox, Inc., 525 U.S. 255, 260 (1999); Culver v. United States, 
No. 3: 06cv1865 (M.D. Pa. Oct. 17, 2007). One result of this is that 
the volume of private relief legislation has diminished dramatically. 
For example, volumes 55 and 56 of Statutes at Large list 635 private 
laws enacted by the 77th Congress in 1941 and 1942. Volumes 81 and 82 
of Statutes at Large list 362 private laws enacted by the 90th 
Congress in 1967 and 1968. By contrast, volumes 113 through 118 of 
Statutes at Large (together covering the period from 1999 through 
2004) list only 24 private laws for the 106th Congress and 6 private 
laws each for the 107th and 108th Congresses. 

While private relief legislation is often enacted in the form of a 
stand-alone private law, it occasionally takes other forms and appears 
in other kinds of laws. Sometimes it has taken the form of a simple 
direction in a public law to pay a sum of money to a named individual, 
group of individuals (named or unnamed), or some other entity. For 
example, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997 
directed the Secretary of Defense to "make a payment under this 
section to any person [or the survivors of a person] who ... was 
captured and incarcerated ... as a result of [participating] in 
operations conducted under OPLAN 34A [its predecessor, or OPLAN 35]." 
[Footnote 44] Pub. L. No. 104-201, div. A, title VI, �� 657(a), 110 
Stat. 2422, 2584-85 (Sept. 23, 1996). See Mattes v. Chairman, 
Vietnamese Commandos Compensation Commission, 173 F.3d 817 (11th Cir. 
1999) (upholding power of Congress to provide this private relief 
without judicial review). Another form of private relief is a bill 
relieving someone of indebtedness to the government. In the Omnibus 
Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996, for example, 
under the heading of "Debt Forgiveness," Congress directed that the 
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development "shall cancel the 
indebtedness" of three named hospitals relating to public facilities 
loans issued under title II of the Housing Amendments of 1955. Pub. L. 
No. 104-134, � 213, 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-28889 (Apr. 26, 1996). 
Private relief can also take the form of removing a jurisdictional bar 
or waiving some other legal defense. The latter type is discussed in 
United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980). 

(2) Congressional reference cases: 

Sometimes, Congress uses a hybrid claims settlement process, known as 
"congressional reference," to assist its consideration of private 
relief legislation. See 28 U.S.C. �� 1492, 2509. Under this process, 
either house of Congress can refer a private relief bill ("except a 
bill for a pension") to the Court of Federal Claims. 28 U.S.C. � 
2509(a). The court follows the procedures set forth in 28 U.S.C. � 
2509 and makes "findings of fact [and] conclusions sufficient to 
inform Congress whether the demand is a legal or equitable claim or a 
gratuity, and the amount, if any, legally or equitably due from the 
United States to the claimant." 28 U.S.C. � 2509(c). See Office of 
Personnel Management v. Richmond, 496 U.S. 414, 431 (1990); B-187806, 
Jan. 11, 1979 (discussing Congressional Reference Case No. 1-72, 
Arizona Insurance and Investment Co. v. United States (Oct. 29, 
1976)). The basic purpose of the congressional reference process is 
"to provide judicially determined facts to the Congress for its use in 
deciding whether or not certain private claims warrant legislative 
relief." Zadeh, v. United States, 111 F. Supp. 248, 251 (Ct. Cl. 1953). 

Essentially, a congressional reference case is conducted as a trial 
with one judge of the Court of Federal Claims serving as a "hearing 
officer" and three other judges serving as a reviewing body. 28 U.S.C. 
� 2509(a). There is a plaintiff (usually the party seeking relief) and 
a defendant (often the United States). One example of a congressional 
reference case is Land Grantors in Henderson, Union, and Webster 
Counties, Kentucky v. United States, 77 Fed. CL 686 (2007). See also 
INSLAW, Inc. v. United States, 40 Fed. Cl. 843 (1998). Congressional 
reference cases are not subject to judicial review. 28 U.S.C. � 
2509(b). Rather, the report goes back to the house of Congress that 
requested it. Id. � 2509(e). According to the Court of Federal Claims, 
nowadays, these cases are "relatively rare." Wolfchild v. United 
States, 77 Fed. CL 22, 28 (2007). 

(3) Meritorious Claims Act: 

In 1927, GAO recommended that Congress enact legislation authorizing 
GAO to report claims against the government that could not be paid 
under existing law but that Congress should consider paying for legal 
or equitable reasons. GAO, Annual Report of the Comptroller General of 
the United States for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1927 (Washington, 
D.C.: 1927), at 9-11. This legislation, known as the Meritorious 
Claims Act,[Footnote 45] is codified at 31 U.S.C. � 3702(d). Until 
1996, the responsibility for submitting these meritorious claims to 
Congress rested exclusively with GAO. However, as a result of the 
transfer and delegation of claims settlement authority discussed in 
section B of this chapter, this responsibility is now widely dispersed 
among the agencies of the federal government. Today, section 3702(d) 

"The official responsible ... for settling the claim shall report to 
Congress on a claim against the Government that is timely presented 
under this section that may not be adjusted by using an existing 
appropriation, and that the official believes Congress should consider 
for legal or equitable reasons. The report shall include 
recommendations of the official." 

The Meritorious Claims Act does not authorize agencies to pay claims. 
See 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 11 (1998). It merely authorizes the 
submission of favorable recommendations to Congress. Congress, using 
private relief bills or otherwise, will have to enact an appropriation 
to pay the claim if it agrees with the agency's recommendation. Unlike 
other private relief that is championed by a claimant and the 
claimant's representatives, private relief enacted pursuant to a 
Meritorious Claims Act recommendation is supported by the agency that 
investigated and adjudicated the claim. Presumably, this lends 
credibility to the claim and makes the congressional task easier. See 
S. Rep. No. 70-684, at 3-4 (1928); H.R. Rep. No. 70-491, at 1-4 
(1928). For a recent example of this authority in action, see Private 
Law No. 106-6, �� 1, 2, 114 Stat. 3097 (Oct. 10, 2000). This law 
directed the Treasury Secretary to pay $10,208.74 from funds in the 
Treasury not otherwise appropriated to Akal Security, Inc., for 
security guard services it rendered to the Army in 1991. Id. It also 
directed that Akal's liability to the government for $57,771.29 
previously paid to it for those same security services was "hereby 
extinguished." Id. 

The act filters claims through four conditions that Congress imposed 
on the authority to submit recommendations. First, claims must be 
"timely presented." 31 U.S.C. � 3702(d). In other words, 
notwithstanding equitable or other considerations, claims that are 
time-barred by the Barring Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3702(b), or another more 
specific statutory or regulatory limitation, may not be submitted. 14 
Comp. Gen. 324 (1934); B-208290, Sept. 7, 1982. 

Second, the act stipulates that claims must be presented to "the 
official responsible under subsection (a) for settling the claim." 31 
U.S.C. � 3702(d). This means that the act applies only to claims that 
an agency may settle pursuant to 31 U.S.C. � 3702, which, as discussed 
below, generally empowers agencies to settle claims in situations 
where there is no law that otherwise authorizes them to settle such 
claims. In 62 Comp. Gen. 280 (1983), for example, GAO held that claims 
cognizable, but denied, under the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 
ch. 171) or the Military Claims Act (10 U.S.C. � 2733) could not be 
reported to Congress under the Meritorious Claims Act. 

Third, this authority does not extend to claims that, if otherwise 
allowable, could be paid from existing appropriations. 31 U.S.C. � 
3702(d). For example, in B-155149, Oct. 21, 1964, GAO found that the 
Meritorious Claims Act was not the appropriate vehicle to address the 
claim of an accountable officer who had used personal funds to 
reimburse the government to cover a loss of public funds for which the 
officer was later found not to have been responsible. The act did not 
apply because the officer could have applied for relief (and been 
reimbursed from agency operating appropriations) under the applicable 
accountable officer relief statute. 

The fourth condition is that the claim must have legal or equitable 
merit sufficient to warrant special consideration by Congress. 31 
U.S.C. � 3702(d). When evaluating whether a claim merits 
recommendation to Congress under this authority, it is important to 
keep in mind that the act is "limited to extraordinary circumstances." 
B-259657, Aug. 15, 1995, at 3; 53 Comp. Gen. 157, 158 (1973). 
Reportable cases should be of an unusual nature that are unlikely to 
constitute a recurring problem, "since to report to the Congress a 
particular case when similar equities exist or are likely to arise 
with respect to other claimants would constitute preferential 
treatment over others in similar circumstances." 53 Comp. Gen. at 158. 
See also B-230871.4, June 19, 1996; 63 Comp. Gen. 93, 95 (1983); B-
210831, Aug. 2, 1983; B-209292, Feb. 1, 1983. Frequently recurring 
problems are better left to general remedial legislation. E.g., 17 
Comp. Gen. 720, 724 (1938). 

GAO invoked this act sparingly. Perhaps because of this, Congress 
enacted most of GAO's recommendations. Of the 53 claims GAO reported 
in 1928 through 1930, 51 were enacted; out of 31 submitted between 
1948 and 1976, 28 were enacted. These statistics are drawn from two 
studies by GAO attorneys, B-230950-0.M., Aug. 29, 1988, and B-150882-
0.M., Mar. 17, 1977. 

b. Judicial Claims Settlement: 

The authority of a federal court to settle a claim derives from a 
federal statute authorizing the court to resolve the dispute or 
granting it the power to review the administrative determination at 
issue in the case. See, e.g., Glidden Co. v. Zdanok, 370 U.S. 530 
(1962); Williams v. United States, 289 U.S. 553, 580-81 (1933). For 
example, the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution mandates the 
payment of just compensation for governmental takings of private 
property,[Footnote 46] so Congress enacted statutes designating which 
courts may hear Fifth Amendment takings claims. E.g., 28 U.S.C. �� 
1346(a)(2), 1491(a)(1). There are other federal statutes that 
authorize the courts to settle certain claims of and against the 
United States. Examples of these are provisions of the Federal Tort 
Claims Act (28 U.S.C. ch. 171) and 26 U.S.C. � 7433(a) (which allows 
taxpayers to bring lawsuits in response to unauthorized tax collection 

Judicial claims settlement also can occur under circumstances and 
pursuant to statutes that are not normally understood to contemplate 
claims settlement, and might even appear to explicitly preclude the 
consideration of monetary claims. In Bowen v. Massachusetts, 487 U.S. 
879 (1988), for example, the state of Massachusetts sued the Secretary 
of the Department of Health and Human Services (BHS) under the 
Administrative Procedures Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. � 702. Massachusetts 
believed that BHS had distributed Medicaid reimbursements to the state 
governments improperly. In court, it claimed that BHS had 
misinterpreted the Medicaid statutes and regulations and owed 
Massachusetts more Medicaid reimbursements. Bowen, 487 U.S. at 888 
n.10. One of the issues the Court had to deal with in this case was 
the language of the APA which specifically allows claims against the 
United States for "relief other than money damages." 5 U.S.C. � 702. 
As a result of this language, claimants are not normally allowed to 
pursue monetary claims under the APA. Bowen, 487 U.S. at 890-91. See 
also B-259065, Dec. 21, 1995. In this case the Supreme Court 
concluded, however, that the law does not completely foreclose 
monetary awards as an APA remedy. Bowen, 487 U.S. at 893. As the Court 
noted, neither the APA nor equity authorize courts to consider claims 
against the government for "money damages." Here, however, the Supreme 
Court distinguished between "money damages" and "money judgments." The 
latter, it held, may be allowed under the APA and under equity when 
the amount to be awarded represents "injunctive" or "specific" relief. 
Id. at 893-901. See also B-259065, Dec. 21, 1995. Massachusetts 
convinced the Court that the federal government had not properly 
implemented the Medicaid statutes and the Court agreed that an order 
should issue requiring BHS to reverse its denial of the state's claim�-
as specific relief.[Footnote 47] Bowen, 487 U.S. at 909-11. Thus, as a 
practical matter, while neither the APA nor the Medicaid statutes 
expressly authorized the court to settle monetary Medicaid claims, the 
process of APA judicial review effectively accomplished just that. 

c. Administrative Claims Settlement: 

Over 100 years ago, claims settlement was viewed as largely an 
adversarial process. The tenor of the times was captured in the 
following statement made by the Treasury Department's First 
Comptroller in 1883: "The Auditors and Comptrollers, and the 
accountants under them, constitute the safeguard of the National 
Treasury, and have to withstand the whole army of claimants and their 
increased clamor." 4 Lawrence, First Comp. Dec xix (Introduction) 
(1883) (emphasis omitted). 

Claims settlement was much simpler back then. The key claims-
authorizing statutes had not yet been enacted. The absence of 
applicable waivers of sovereign immunity meant that there was no 
authority for the agencies to allow claims against the government. 
[Footnote 48] Most potential claimants lacked access to the courts for 
the same reason.[Footnote 49] Consequently, the possibility of 
obtaining redress for claims against the government was limited. 
[Footnote 50] 

The law has undergone a sea change since then. Now, there are many 
statutes that, in varying degrees of detail, waive sovereign immunity 
and bestow authority to administratively entertain claims, as well as 
case law recognizing and fleshing out bases in the law to settle 
claims in a wide variety of contexts and forums. Here is a brief 
sampler of the many authorities available today to administratively 
settle claims against the federal government. 

Tort and tort-related claims: 

* Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. ch. 171. 

* Small Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3723. 

* Tort claims arising in foreign countries, 28 U.S.C. � 2680(k). 

* Unauthorized tax collection actions, 26 U.S.C. � 7433(a). 

* The Military Claims Act, 10 U.S.C. � 2733. 

* The Foreign Claims Act, 10 U.S.C. � 2734. 

* The International Claims Act, 10 U.S.C. �� 2734a, 2734b. 

* Military vehicular claims on government installations, 10 U.S.C. � 

* Federal Employees Compensation Act, 5 U.S.C. �� 8101-8193. 

* Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. � 

Contract and contract-related claims: 

* The Contract Disputes Act, 41 U.S.C. �� 601-613. 

* Ratification, 48 C.F.R. � 1.602-3.[Footnote 51] 

* Bid protests under the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, 31 
U.S.C. �� 3551(1), 3552; 4 C.F.R. � 21.2(a). 

* Contracts implied-in-law under quantum meruit/quantum valebant, see, 
e.g., B-271163, May 22, 1996; 40 Comp. Gen. 447, 451 (1961). 

Miscellaneous claims: 

* Unclaimed money/property, 31 U.S.C. �� 1321 and 1322. 

* Voluntary creditors rule, see, e.g., Heirs of Emerson v. Hall, 38 
U.S. (13 Pet.) 409, 412-13 (1839); 4 Comp. Dec. 409, 410 (1898); B-
278805, July 21, 1999. 

* Estoppel, see, e.g., Office of Personnel Management v. Richmond, 496 
U.S. 414 (1990); Perez v. United States, 156 F.3d 1366, 1373 (Fed. 
Cir. 1998); B-307681, May 2, 2006; 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 127 

Some of these authorities allow agencies to settle claims in 
situations where that authority would not otherwise exist. A prime 
example is the Federal Tort Claims Act. Others, such as the Contract 
Disputes Act, do not necessarily create the right to file claims but 
provide a statutory basis and establish procedures for their 
resolution. Some statutes for the resolution of claims, such as the 
two just mentioned, provide authority to most, if not all, agencies. 
Others provide authority to only one agency. For example: 

* 31 U.S.C. � 3724�In situations where the Federal Tort Claims Act 
does not apply, the Attorney General may settle claims up to $50,000 
for personal injury or property damage caused by law enforcement 
officers employed by the Department of Justice. 

* 39 U.S.C. � 2008(d)�The United States Postal Service has specific 
authority under the Postal Reorganization Act to settle its own 
claims. See B-179464, Mar. 27, 1974. 

* 12 U.S.C. � 1702�The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has 
specific statutory authority to settle claims against it based on its 
authority to sue and be sued and to determine the character and 
necessity of its expenditures. 53 Comp. Gen. 337 (1973); 27 Comp. Gen. 
429 (1948). 

Authority to settle and adjust claims under 31 U.S.C. � 3702: 

To the extent that they are not otherwise authorized by law to do so, 
31 U.S.C. � 3702 gives agencies general authority to "settle and 
adjust" claims arising from their operations. Section 3702 is derived 
from legislation dating to 1817. As originally enacted, this authority 
was not only comprehensive but exclusive, providing that "all claims 
and demands whatever, by the United States or against them, and all 
accounts whatever, in which the United States are concerned, either as 
debtors or as creditors, shall be settled and adjusted in the Treasury 
Department." Act of March 3, 1817, ch. 45, � 2, 3 Stat. 366. It was 
this statute that the Supreme Court was construing when it held that 
the term "settlement," when used in connection with public 
transactions and accounts, describes the "administrative determination 
of the amount due." Illinois Surety Co. v. United States, 240 U.S. 
214, 219 (1916). The claims settlement function remained in the 
Treasury Department until 1921, when it was transferred to GAO. As 
discussed in section B of this chapter, in 1996 the claims settlement 
function was transferred from GAO to the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB). 

The origins and history of this statute are discussed in Lambert 
Lumber Co. v. Jones Engineering & Construction Co., 47 F.2d 74 (8th 
Cir.), cert. denied, 283 U.S. 842 (1931). Before the 1996 transfer of 
the claims settlement function from GAO, the statute provided in 
relevant part: 

"Except as provided in this chapter or another law, the Comptroller 
General shall settle all claims of or against the United States 
Government." 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a) (1994). In practice, GAO's exercise 
of claims settlement authority was not nearly as sweeping as the 
language suggests. GAO's policy was to leave initial settlement of a 
claim to the agency from whose activities the claims arose. 4 C.F.R. � 
31.4 (1996). If the claimant was not satisfied with the agency's 
disposition, he or she could appeal to GAO. Id. Also, an agency could 
submit a claim to GAO for settlement if the agency was unable to 
resolve it. Id. In addition, an agency official could request an 
advance decision from GAO pursuant to 31 U.S.C. � 3529 on issues 
concerning a claim.[Footnote 52] Thus, the vast majority of claims 
arising under 31 U.S.C. � 3702 were actually settled by the agencies 
concerned. GAO claims settlement case law was developed primarily in 
response to appeals from disappointed claimants and requests for 
decisions from agency officials. 

The General Accounting Office Act of 1996 amended 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a) 
to reflect the transfer of claims settlement authority from GAO to OMB 
and OMB's initial delegations of that authority. Pub. L. No. 104-316, 
� 202(n), 110 Stat. 3826, 3843 (Oct. 19, 1996). The current version of 
section 3702(a) retains in substance the language that, except as 
otherwise provided by law, "all claims of or against the United States 
Government shall be settled" under it. Section 3702(a) goes on to 
assign settlement responsibilities as follows: 

* The Defense Department settles claims involving uniformed service 
members' pay, allowances, and benefits as well as claims by 
transportation carriers involving amounts collected from them for 
property loss or damage incident to shipments at government expense. 
31 U.S.C. � 3702(a)(1). 

* The Office of Personnel Management settles claims involving federal 
civilian employees' compensation and leave. Id. � 3702(a)(2). 

* The General Services Administration settles claims involving federal 
civilian employees' official travel, transportation, and relocation 
expenses. Id. � 3702(a)(3). 

Section 3702(a)(4) left to OMB the responsibility for settling claims 
not otherwise assigned by section 3702(a). As discussed in section B 
of this chapter, OMB has issued a general delegation of this 
responsibility to each individual agency out of whose activity a 
particular claim arises. See B-275605, Mar. 17, 1997, at 3 (referring 
to OMB's December 17, 1996, general delegation of claims settlement 
authority to executive branch agencies). On May 15, 1997, OMB 
delegated to legislative and judicial branch agencies settlement 
authority arising out of their activities.[Footnote 53] 

The reach of 31 U.S.C. � 3702 is subject to a number of conditions and 
restrictions.[Footnote 54] First, section 3702 applies "except as 
provided in this chapter or another law." 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a). Thus, a 
more specifically applicable claims settlement authority will take 
precedence over section 3702. For example, section 3702 does not apply 
to claims: 

* within the scope of the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. ch. 171), 
which makes settlement under that statute "final and conclusive" 
[Footnote 55] (e.g., B-215494, Sept. 4, 1984); 

* involving the United States Postal Service, which has specific 
authority to settle its own claims under the Postal Reorganization Act 
(B-179464, Mar. 27, 1974); 

* involving the District of Columbia government, based in part on its 
status as a separate legal entity (e.g., 1 Comp. Gen. 451 (1922); B-
168704, Jan. 16, 1970); 

* relating to government checks (see generally 31 U.S.C. �� 3327-3334; 
31 C.F.R. pt. 240); or; 

* arising from the operations of government corporations that have the 
authorities to sue and be sued and to determine the character and 
necessity of their expenditures (e.g., 53 Comp. Gen. 337 (1973); 27 
Comp. Gen. 429 (1948)). 

Second, for purposes of section 3702, a claim is limited to a monetary 
claim, that is, a claim for the payment of money. Thus, the statute 
does not permit consideration of nonmonetary claims such as specific 
performance (B-179702, Oct. 10, 1973) or issues involving title to 
land (19 Comp. Gen. 196 (B-1250, Aug. 14, 1939); B-207613, Apr. 6, 

Third, while section 3702 provides for settling claims, it provides 
only the procedural authority to settle claims administratively. 
Unlike most of the statutes noted above, section 3702 does not spell 
out any substantive criteria upon which claims against the government 
may be allowed by agencies. Cf., e.g., Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 
U.S.C. ch. 171. Consequently, agencies must be able to identify a 
sufficient, independent, substantive basis in the law in order to 
allow a claim brought under this provision. As GAO noted, the agency 
"performing this function ... is necessarily called upon to construe 
the laws and regulations which may be pertinent to an individual's 
claim against the government."[Footnote 56] 60 Comp. Gen. 132, 134 

For example, in B-193987, Feb. 29, 1980, GAO allowed an employee's 
claim for additional living quarters allowance while the employee was 
serving with the U.S. Customs Service in Hamburg, Germany. GAO noted 
that the Secretary of State had prescribed regulations governing the 
payment of quarters allowances in accordance with 5 U.S.C. � 5923 to 
qualifying individuals defined under 5 U.S.C. � 5922. GAO asserted that 
section 3702(a) "leaves to the discretion of this Office what evidence 
is required to support such claims." B-193987, at 2-3. On the other 
hand, the rule of law allowing the claim was derived not from section 
3702(a), but rather from the State Department's regulations�"it is 
these regulations which provide the controlling authority in 
establishing [this employee's] entitlement to a living quarters 
allowance in the circumstances presented." Id., at 3. 

Similarly, in 65 Comp. Gen. 177 (1986), GAO was asked to review under 
section 3702(a) a claim against a Forest Service employee. GAO 
explained that in such cases it engaged in a narrow review of agency 
actions: GAO determined whether the agency asserting a claim against 
its employee had statutory or regulatory authority to do so and then 
asked whether the agency followed that authority in the individual 
case. In keeping with this narrow review, GAO examined the Forest 
Service regulations and compared the agency's internal reports of the 
incident giving rise to the claim. GAO found that the regulations 
Forest Service cited in assessing this claim specifically contemplated 
an intentional violation of Forest Service regulations. The agency 
report stated, however, that while carrying out his official duties 
the employee had inadvertently violated the agency's rules. Therefore, 
GAO concluded, Forest Service had not adequately established under its 
own regulations a legal basis for assessing financial liability 
against the employee. GAO directed that Forest Service cease 

Finally, claims settlement under section 3702 is subject to a statute 
of limitations imposed in section 3702 itself.[Footnote 57] With 
certain exceptions, each claim must be "received by the official 
responsible under subsection [3702](a) for settling the claim or by 
the agency that conducts the activity from which the claim arises 
within 6 years after the claim accrues." 31 U.S.C. � 3702(b). This 
provision is often referred to as the "Barring Act." E.g., Hernandez 
v. Department of the Air Force, 498 F.3d 1328, 1331 (Fed. Cir. 2007); 
B-274195, Oct. 8, 1996. Unless otherwise provided by law, appropriated 
funds are not legally available to pay claims on which the applicable 
limitation has run.[Footnote 58] See 52 Comp. Gen. 420 (1973). 

The Barring Act provides the following special rules: 

* When a claim by a member of the armed forces accrues during war or 
within 5 years before war begins, the applicable limitation period is 
5 years after peace is established or the standard 6 years, whichever 
is later.[Footnote 59] 31 U.S.C. � 3702(b)(2). 

* A claim on a Treasury check is limited to 1 year after issuance of 
the check, but the 1-year limit does not apply to the underlying 
obligation for which the check was issued. 31 U.S.C. � 3702(c). 

* The Defense Department may waive the Barring Act for claims (not 
exceeding $25,000) that it is authorized to settle under section 
3702(a)(1). 31 U.S.C. � 3702(e). 

Generally speaking, absent statutory authority, agencies may not waive 
or extend the time allowed by a statute of limitations. E.g., United 
States v. Garbutt Oil Co., 302 U.S. 528, 534-35 (1938); Finn v. United 
States, 123 U.S. 227, 233 (1887); Computervision Corp. v. United 
States, 445 F.3d 1355, 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2006), cert. denied, U.S. , 127 
S. Ct. 2033 (2007). See also, e.g., B-197635, June 6, 1980; 22 Op. 
Off. Legal Counsel 127 (1998). 

The same is true of the Barring Act.[Footnote 60] E.g., 70 Comp. Gen. 
292 (1991); 62 Comp. Gen. 80, 83 (1982); B-249968, Feb. 16, 1993. 

2. Source of Payment of Claims against the Government: 

Just because a claim is approved through the claims settlement process 
does not necessarily mean that it can or will be paid. For the claim 
to be paid, appropriated funds must be available for that purpose. 
Even where a court has found a claim to be valid under the law, the 
claim may not be paid unless Congress has enacted an appropriation 
available for that purpose.[Footnote 61] In other words, if the claim 
is settled in favor of the claimant, it still must be determined 
whether (and which) funds have been appropriated and are legally 
available (considering purpose, time, and amount�see Chapters 4, 5, 
and 6) to pay it. If so, the payment process may begin. If not, the 
claim may not be paid. 

a. Legislatively Settled Claims: 

A private relief act may or may not include an appropriation. The 
test, as described in Chapter 2 for all appropriations, is whether it 
includes both a direction to pay, as opposed to a mere authorization 
to pay, and a designation of the source of funds. A direction to pay 
without designating the source of funds does not constitute an 
appropriation. 21 Comp. Dec. 867 (1915); B-26414, Jan. 7, 1944. Relief 
acts which do include appropriations may specify payment from the 
funds of a designated agency. An example is Private Law No. 97-21, 96 
Stat. 2620 (June 1, 1982), directing payment "from the applicable 
appropriations" of named agencies. More commonly, however, an act will 
direct payment by the Secretary of the Treasury "out of any money in 
the Treasury not otherwise appropriated." E.g., Priv. L. No. 108-5, � 
1(a), 118 Stat. 4030 (Dec. 3, 2004); Priv. L. No. 107-3, � 1, 116 
Stat. 3121 (Oct. 4, 2002); Priv. L. No. 107-2, � 1(a), 116 Stat. 3119 
(Oct. 1, 2002); see also 23 Comp. Dec. 167, 170 (1916). If a relief 
act directs payment by the Secretary of the Treasury "out of any money 
in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated" and does not indicate any 
more specific source of funds for payment, payment is charged to the 
permanent, indefinite account 20X1706 (Relief of Individuals and 
Others by Private and Public Laws) and is made directly by the 
Treasury Department. See B-142380, Mar. 24, 1960 (circular letter); I 
TFM Announcement No. A-2008-03 (Apr. 8, 2008), at A-69. 

The amount specified in a private relief act effectively constitutes a 
"final adjudication" and confers no authority to do anything other 
than pay it in accordance with its terms. United States v. Price, 116 
U.S. 43 (1885); United States v. Jordan, 113 U.S. 418 (1885); 22 Op. 
Att'y Gen. 295 (1899); 5 Op. Att'y Gen. 94 (1849). Except for the 
possibility of bringing the matter to the attention of Congress, it 
must be paid even if it is believed to be erroneous. United States v. 
Louisville, 169 U.S. 249 (1898); 2 Comp. Dec. 629 (1896). As the Court 
of Claims said: "The disposition of public money is in the discretion 
of Congress, and its reasons for passing an act and the consideration 
thereof can not be inquired into nor its will thwarted by any 
executive officers or by the courts." Mumford v. United States, 31 Ct. 
Cl. 210, 215 (1896). 

In Chapter 2 we discuss the principle that, except for errors in the 
amount appropriated, obvious clerical or typographical errors in a 
statute which could change the meaning or render execution impossible 
may be disregarded if the intent is clear. This principle applies 
equally to private relief acts. Thus, a relief act appropriating money 
to pay a claim of Martin and P.W. Murphy which erroneously designated 
the payees as "Martin and P.B. Murphy" could be paid to the rightful 
claimants because the context clearly established the B as a clerical 
error. 18 Op. Att'y Gen. 501 (1886). 

b. Judicially Settled Claims: the Judgment Fund: 

A judgment by a federal court, like other claims settlements, may 
result in an award against the government. Without more, however, it 
cannot be paid. The Appropriations Clause of the United States 
Constitution (art. I, � 9, cl. 7) applies with equal force to payments 
directed by a court. E.g., OPM v. Richmond, 496 U.S. 414, 424-26 

This section explores how judicial judgments (as well as some other 
awards and settlements against the United States) are paid. Because 
the Appropriations Clause must be satisfied, payment must be 
prescribed by statute. This may take the form of (1) a specific 
appropriation for a particular judgment or judgments, (2) a general 
appropriation for judgments, or (3) a legislative enactment which 
makes a preexisting appropriation available to make the payment. Until 
1956, judgments were paid only pursuant to an appropriation specific 
to a particular judgment. Since 1956, most judgments have been paid 
from the Judgment Fund, 31 U.S.C. � 1304, a permanent, indefinite 
appropriation enacted as a source of payment for judgments. 

(1) Origins and overview: 

It has long been held that, as a general rule, unless otherwise 
provided by law, agency operating appropriations are not available to 
pay judgments against the United States. E.g., 8 Comp. Dec. 261, 262 
(1901); 8 Comp. Dec. 145, 149 (1901). Originally, this rule preserved 
for Congress the opportunity to consider the court's decision and 
refuse to appropriate funds to pay any judgments with which Congress 
disagreed. On those occasions when Congress declined to appropriate 
funds, the judgment creditor was left with a judicially approved claim 
against the United States but received no payment for it. This was 
(and still is) part and parcel of the power of the purse. The courts 
adjudicate, but only Congress can appropriate. This result, however, 
has rarely happened. In Glidden Co. v. Zdanok, 370 U.S. 530, 570 
(1962), for example, the Supreme Court noted a 1933 study which found 
only 15 instances in a 70-year period in which Congress had refused to 
pay a judgment. 

Over time, the process of reviewing and effectively overruling the 
courts in this manner evolved from a luxury to a burden. As sovereign 
immunity was increasingly waived to allow more and more lawsuits 
against the government, the process (in both the executive and the 
legislative branches) of preparing, presenting to Congress, and 
processing specific appropriations to pay final judgments took an 
increasing and inordinate amount of time and resources. In the early 
1950s, GAO recommended that Congress create a permanent, indefinite 
appropriation for the payment of judgments. That recommendation was 
designed to expedite judgment payments by eliminating the need for 
specific congressional appropriations. It was also intended to save 
the government money both by eliminating the largely ministerial 
appropriations processes for paying judgments and reducing post-
judgment interest costs arising from the previous payment delays. The 
proposal was eventually enacted as section 1302 of the Supplemental 
Appropriation Act of 1957, Pub. L. No. 84-814, 70 Stat. 678, 694-95 
(July 27, 1956). Now codified at 31 U.S.C. � 1304, this provision (and 
the permanent, indefinite appropriation it created) is commonly 
referred to as the "Judgment Fund." 

In its current form, as set forth in 31 U.S.C. � 1304(a), the Judgment 
Fund constitutes an appropriation of amounts sufficient to pay "final 
judgments, awards, compromise settlements, and interest and costs 
specified in the judgments or otherwise authorized by law" when (1) 
payment is "not otherwise provided for"; (2) payment is certified by 
the Secretary of the Treasury; and (3) the judgment, award, or 
settlement is payable under the following authorities: 

* 28 U.S.C. �� 2414, 2517; 

* Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. �� 2672 (when the amount exceeds 
$2,500; less than that is paid from the concerned agency's 
appropriation), 2677; 

* Small Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3723; 

* decisions of boards of contract appeals (subject to reimbursement by 
the contracting agency from current appropriations[Footnote 62]), 41 
U.S.C. �� 612(a)-(c); 

* portions of meritorious claims that exceed the amounts payable by 
law from agency appropriations, 10 U.S.C. �� 2733 and 2734, 32 U.S.C. 
� 715, and 42 U.S.C. � 2473(c)(13); or; 

* awards arising from express or implied contracts by certain, 
specified nonappropriated fund instrumentalities subject to 
reimbursement from the activity. 

31 U.S.C. �� 1304(a)(3), 1304(c)(1). While the foregoing captures all 
of the items listed in section 1304 itself, Congress sometimes 
includes a provision in other legislation making particular items 
payable from the Judgment Fund. See, e.g., Pub. L. No. 100-202, � 623, 
101 Stat. 1329, 1329-428-29 (Dec. 22, 1987) (amending the Back Pay Act 
to authorize interest payments, in certain cases, from the Judgment 

When enacted in 1956, the Judgment Fund statute required the 
Comptroller General to certify all payments made from the fund. Pub. 
L. No. 84-14, � 1302. In 1996, Congress transferred this function to 
the Secretary of the Treasury.[Footnote 63] Pub. L. No. 104-316, � 
202(m), 110 Stat. 3826, 3843 (Oct. 19, 1996); 31 U.S.C. � 1304. See 
also 28 U.S.C. � 2414 (federal district court awards); 28 U.S.C. � 
2517(a) (Court of Federal Claims awards). GAO has explained that 
certifying Judgment Fund payments under section 1304 is essentially a 
"ministerial" function. B-259065, Dec. 21, 1995, at 6. What GAO meant 
by this is that certification under section 1304 does not involve 
reviewing the merits of the awards submitted for payment. As GAO 
learned from its own experience, the certification process does 
routinely entail making some very complicated legal determinations. 
The need for these determinations arises from the restrictions and 
limitations in the law. In other words, the legal availability of the 
Judgment Fund to pay each award depends upon whether the award 
satisfies these conditions. Some of those limitations are specified in 
section 1304(a) itself, while others derive from other specifically 
applicable statutes or from appropriations law, in general. 

While GAO no longer certifies payments from this Judgment Fund, GAO 
remains available to assist in determining which appropriations (the 
Judgment Fund or agency appropriations, if any) should be used to make 
any particular payment. As already noted, the Judgment Fund is a 
permanent, indefinite appropriation. GAO's authorities under 31 U.S.C. 
�� 3526 (to settle accounts) and 3529 (to issue decisions on matters 
involving the use of appropriations that do not specifically involve 
settling a claim) apply equally to the Judgment Fund as to any other 

(2) Availability and limitations: 

Here are some of the more common conditions imposed on the 
availability of the Judgment Fund: 

Sovereign immunity: 

The Judgment Fund is not itself a waiver of sovereign immunity. Thus, 
the legal basis for a judgment or award must be found elsewhere in the 
law. OPM v. Richmond, 496 U.S. 414, 432 (1990) (section 1304 "does not 
create an all-purpose fund for judicial disbursement.... Rather, funds 
may be paid out only on the basis of a judgment based on a substantive 
right to compensation based on the express terms of a specific 

Litigative awards primarily: 

The Judgment Fund was created and remains available primarily for 
paying court judgments and compromise settlements negotiated under 
authority of the Justice Department. Compromise settlements were 
included in Judgment Fund coverage in 1961. Pub. L. No. 87-187, 75 
Stat. 415, 416 (Aug. 30, 1961). A compromise settlement is an 
agreement reached by the parties involving mutual concessions. 38 Op. 
Att'y Gen. 94, 95-96 (1933). The Attorney General, as the government's 
chief litigator, has broad authority to compromise cases referred to 
the Justice Department for prosecution or defense. United States v. 
Hercules, Inc., 961 F.2d 796, 798 (8th Cir. 1992); Exec. Order No. 
6166, Reorganization of Executive Agencies Generally, � 5 (June 10, 
1933); 38 Op. Att'y Gen. 124 (1934); 38 Op. Att'y Gen. 98 (1934). The 
power attaches "immediately upon the receipt of a case in the 
Department of Justice." 38 Op. Att'y Gen. at 102. However, a 
compromise settlement which exceeds the authority of the official 
purporting to make it does not bind the government. White v. United 
States Department of Interior, 639 F. Supp. 82 (M.D. Pa. 1986), affd 
mem., 815 F.2d 697 Ord Cir. 1987); United States v. Irwin, 575 F. 
Supp. 405 (N.D. Tex. 1983). 

The amendment to 28 U.S.C. � 2414 provided a standard for determining 
when compromise settlements are payable from the judgment 
appropriation. It states that: 

"compromise settlements of claims referred to the Attorney General for 
defense of imminent litigation or suits against the United States, ... 
made by the Attorney General ... shall be settled and paid in a manner 
similar to judgments in like causes and appropriations or funds 
available for the payment of such judgments are hereby made available 
for the payment of such compromise settlements." 

28 U.S.C. � 2414. Thus, the rule is that a compromise settlement is 
payable from the same source that would apply to a judgment in the 
same suit. If a given action could result in a money judgment payable 
from the judgment appropriation, a compromise settlement of that 
action will be payable from the judgment appropriation. E.g., B-
212134, June 29, 1983. If the action would not result in a money 
judgment payable from the judgment appropriation, then the judgment 
appropriation will not be available for a compromise settlement. E.g., 
B-248313-0.M., Apr. 10, 1992; B-246660-0.M., Mar. 20, 1992. See also B-
182219, Oct. 23, 1974 (judgment against official in individual 
capacity). The resolution of a case by compromise settlement does not 
alter the source of funds. See 13 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 118 (1989). A 
contrary view, as Justice points out, might encourage settlements 
driven by source-of-funds considerations rather than the best 
interests of the United States. Id. at 125. 

As quoted above, section 2414 mentions referrals for the "defense of 
imminent litigation." Except for a general discussion in a 1979 
decision, 58 Comp. Gen. 667, this language has not been addressed. The 
"imminent litigation" authority is not a device to enable an agency to 
avoid paying from its own funds. The agency must be confronted with a 
genuine disagreement or impasse before referring the claim to Justice. 
Litigation is not imminent for purposes of this provision merely 
because a claimant will sue if the agency does not pay. There must be 
a legitimate dispute over either liability or amount. Absent such a 
dispute or impasse, there is nothing to refer to the Attorney General. 
See B-198352, June 22, 1981. See also 38 Op. Att'y Gen. 98, 99 (1934) 
(nothing to compromise where liability is certain; must be a "bona 
fide dispute as to either a question of fact or of law"); 38 Op. Att'y 
Gen. 94, 96 (1933), quoting 23 Op. Att'y Gen. 18, 20 (1900) (claim 
"must in some way be doubtful" to be validly compromised). The fund, 
generally, is not available to pay agencies' administrative 
settlements. See, e.g., B-257334, June 30, 1995. 

Finality required: 

The first sentence of 31 U.S.C. � 1304(a) limits the Judgment Fund to 
paying "final" awards.[Footnote 64] Finality can mean different things 
in different contexts. See McDonald v. Schweiker, 726 F.2d 311, 313 
(8th Cir. 1983). For example, finality for purposes of taking an 
appeal and finality for payment purposes are two different things. The 
true import of this distinction may not be immediately apparent. 
Obviously, it is not in the government's interest to pay judgments 
while the claimant's entitlement and the government's obligation are 
still subject to change. B-208999, Sept. 13, 1982. In fact, the 
finality requirement was designed to protect the government "against 
loss by premature payment of a judgment which might later through 
appeal be amended or reversed." B-129227, Dec. 22, 1960, at 2. As 
stated in B-129227, the term "final judgment" for payment purposes 
means "such judgments as have become conclusive by reason of loss of 
the right of appeal�by expiration of time or otherwise�or by 
determination of the appeal by the court of last resort." Id., at 3. 
See also Marathon Oil Co. v. United States, 374 F.3d 1123, 1128 
(2004), cert. denied, 544 U.S. 1031 (2005); McDonald, 726 F.2d at 313. 
Thus, a judgment against the United States is final for payment 
purposes when the appellate process is completed. Generally speaking 
and subject to the occasional exception, this can happen in one of 
three ways: determination by the court of last resort, determination 
by the parties not to seek further review, or expiration of the time 
available for filing an appeal. [Footnote 65] E.g., 73 Comp. Gen. 46 
(1993). Given the finality requirement, GAO has concluded that the 
Judgment Fund should not be used to make "intermediate," partial, or 
"good faith" payments�even upon the stipulation of the parties. E.g., 
B-164766, June 1, 1979. 

Sometimes different aspects of a case become "final" at different 
times. The decision in B-164766, for example, concerned a case pending 
before the Court of Claims concerning whether a contractor had 
realized "excess profits" under a government contract. Pursuant to its 
view of the statute governing excess profits, the court ordered the 
United States to accept a bond from the contractor. This bond was to 
take the place of money that the contractor previously paid to the 
government in that case�money that the court ordered to be refunded to 
the contractor. The Justice Department was still litigating other 
aspects of the case, and had not yet decided whether to appeal this 
interlocutory order of the court. The department asked GAO whether the 
Judgment Fund could be used to pay the refund order. GAO concluded 
that the court's refund order was readily severable from the merits of 
the underlying litigation. GAO noted, however, that the court's refund 
order was not final because the department had not yet decided whether 
to appeal it. GAO advised that after the refund order became final (in 
one of the ways noted above), the refund order could be certified for 
payment without regard to the status of the balance of the litigation. 

The important point is that any amount to be paid under section 1304 
must be a final award�not subject to change upon further appeal. See, 
e.g., Barnes v. United States, 678 F.2d 10 Ord Cir.), aff'd, 685 F.2d 
66 Ord Cir. 1982) (partial summary affirmance of undisputed portion of 
lower court's judgment may be treated as a separate final judgment 
payable under section 1304 notwithstanding the continuing appeal of 
the disputed item); Parker v. Lewis, 670 F.2d 249 (D.C. Cir. 1981) 
(summary affirmance of uncontested portion of attorney fees claim 
enables payment under section 1304 notwithstanding the pending appeal 
of the disputed balance of the award); 60 Comp. Gen. 573 (1981) 
("partial awards" made by contract appeals boards under the Contract 
Disputes Act may be paid from the Judgment Fund as they become final, 
despite the pendency of other portions of the same claim). 

Finality issues also arise with "interim" fee awards. Interim fees 
represent awards made during the course of the litigation for legal 
services rendered to date. In B-190940, Sept. 21, 1978, following the 
Supreme Court's rationale in Bradley v. Richmond School Board, 416 
U.S. 696, 721-23 (1974), GAO agreed that interim fee awards that can 
no longer be appealed are final for purposes of section 1304. See also 
McKenzie v. Kennickell, 669 F. Supp. 529 (D.D.C. 1987) (court directed 
immediate payment of interim fee award representing what the parties 
agreed was the "irreducible minimum" owed to the plaintiffs) Of 
course, where the government does not intend to appeal an interim fee 
award, as was true in these cases, the Attorney General can certify 
this fact under 28 U.S.C. � 2414. The Attorney General's certification 
creates finality sufficient for payment under section 1304. 

A different finality problem arises when a judgment becomes final but 
does not specify the dollar amount to be paid. Such a judgment, even 
though it may be final with respect to the plaintiff's right to 
recover, is not in and of itself final for Judgment Fund 
certification. The reason? The government's computation of the amount 
owed would not be binding on the plaintiff and would, itself, be 
subject to judicial review. See 58 Comp. Gen. 311 (1979). Before such 
a judgment is final, the parties must reach an agreed-upon amount 
(including any required deductions), together with written statement 
that the plaintiff will accept that amount in satisfaction of the 
judgment. Id. 

Monetary awards only: 

Essentially, section 1304 contemplates a money judgment, that is, a 
judgment directing the government "to pay final judgments, awards, 
compromise settlements, and interest and costs," as opposed to a 
judgment directing the government to perform some specific action. 31 
U.S.C. � 1304(a). Any judgment can be translated into a monetary 
amount in the sense that the cost of compliance can be calculated, but 
this does not mean that the ultimate cost is to be borne by the 
judgment appropriation. 70 Comp. Gen. 225 (1991); 13 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 118 (1989). Thus, court orders and compromise settlements to 
do the following things were not money judgments for purposes of 
section 1304: 

* reconsider benefit program eligibility, 70 Comp. Gen. 225; 

* implement a nondiscriminatory employment system, 69 Comp. Gen. 160 

* hire an equal opportunity expert, B-234793.2, June 5, 1989; and; 

* correct structural defects in a building, B-193323, Jan. 31, 1980. 

A court order directing the United States to pay the costs of 
supervising an election rerun was "more in the nature of injunctive 
relief, than a monetary award of damages" and, therefore, not payable 
from the Judgment Fund. B-279886, Apr. 28, 1998, at 10. This would be 
true even if the court were to award a specific sum equivalent to the 
actual or anticipated costs of supervising the rerun. Id. 

Money judgments have "traditionally taken the form of a lump sum, paid 
at the conclusion of the litigation." Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. v. 
Pfeifer, 462 U.S. 523, 533 (1983). The decades of the 1970s and 1980s 
saw the mushrooming of "structured settlements" in personal injury 
cases requiring long-term care wherein all or part of the award is 
placed in a reversionary trust or used to purchase an annuity. In B-
162924, Dec. 22, 1967, involving a medical malpractice suit brought 
under the Federal Tort Claims Act on behalf of a plaintiff expected to 
remain comatose for life, the proposed settlement included two parts: 
(1) a lump-sum payment covering all damages other than future care and 
treatment, and (2) another lump sum payable in trust to a court-
appointed trustee. Upon the death of the plaintiff, any remaining 
corpus and income would revert to the United States. GAO found the 
proposal legally unobjectionable, cautioning only that the amount paid 
to the trustee should represent the government's maximum obligation 
and should not exceed the cost of a reasonable fixed settlement. Of 
course, money that reverts to the United States under a structured 
settlement is credited to the appropriation from which the settlement 
was originally disbursed (usually the Judgment Fund). B-209849, Dec. 
2, 1982 (nondecision letter). 

"Not otherwise provided for:" 

Section 1304(a)(1) of title 31, United States Code, limits the 
Judgment Fund to paying awards "not otherwise provided for." Payment 
is otherwise provided for when another appropriation or fund is 
legally available to satisfy the judgment. E.g., 66 Comp. Gen. 157, 
160 (1986); 62 Comp. Gen. 12, 14 (1982). See also 22 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 141 (1998). 

Whether payment is otherwise provided for is a question of legal 
availability rather than actual funding status. In other words, if 
payment of a particular judgment is otherwise provided for as a matter 
of law, the fact that the defendant agency has insufficient funds at 
that particular time does not operate to make the Judgment Fund 
available. 66 Comp. Gen. at 160; 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 141. The 
agency's only recourse in this situation is to seek additional 
appropriations from Congress, as it would have to do in any other 
deficiency situation.[Footnote 66] For judgments legally payable from 
agency appropriations, the amount and time limitations imposed on that 
appropriation apply just as with any other expenditure from that 

There is only one proper source of funds in any given case. There is 
no election to be made. If agency funds are available, then the 
Judgment Fund is not. Conversely, if the Judgment Fund is the proper 
source, then payment of the judgment from agency funds would violate 
the purpose statute, 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), and possibly the 
Antideficiency Act. See, e.g., B-178551, Jan. 2, 1976. Some specific 
examples follow: 

Tax refunds. Tax refund judgments are payable from the permanent, 
indefinite appropriation, Refunding Internal Revenue Collections. 
[Footnote 67] 31 U.S.C. � 1324. This appropriation is also used "for 
any overpayment in respect of any internal-revenue tax." 28 U.S.C. � 
2411. Thus, judgments representing overpayments to or amounts 
improperly collected by IRS are paid from this appropriation. 
Judgments in this category may result from suits for refund under 26 
U.S.C. � 7422 or suits for wrongful levy under 26 U.S.C. � 7426. 

Land condemnation. Land condemnation judgments are generally payable 
from the funds of the acquiring agency.[Footnote 68] 66 Comp. Gen. 157 
(1986); 54 Comp. Gen. 799 (1975); 17 Comp. Gen. 664 (1938). This rule 
predates the creation of the Judgment Fund. 17 Comp. Gen. 664; 5 Comp. 
Gen. 737 (1926); A-25484, Jan. 11, 1929; A-12979, Feb. 10, 1926. Any 
agency with the authority to acquire land has the authority to acquire 
it by mutual agreement or by condemnation. 40 U.S.C. � 257. When an 
agency is unable to reach a satisfactory purchase agreement with a 
landowner, the agency may condemn the land. (This is known as the 
power of eminent domain. For further discussion of real property 
acquisition through condemnation, see Chapter 13, section B.) The 
condemnation initiates litigation to determine the price ("just 
compensation") the agency will pay to acquire the land. Condemnation 
can be accomplished only through judicial process. In this way, 
condemnation judgments are different from other judgments: 
condemnation deploys litigation as a routine tool for the exercise of 
a normal program activity. 66 Comp. Gen. at 160-61. Congress 
appropriates funds for agency land acquisitions, and these funds are 
legally available to make the purchase without regard to which process 
was used. Thus, land condemnation judgments are otherwise provided for. 

Refunds. Judgments for refunds of money previously paid to or seized 
by the federal government are payable from the account to which the 
original payment was credited. The rule, as stated in 17 Comp. Gen. 
859, 860 (1938) and repeated in 29 Comp. Gen. 78, 79 (1949), is: "When 
the amount subject to refund can be traced as having been erroneously 
credited to an appropriation account the refund claim is chargeable to 
said appropriation whether it be lapsed or current, or reimbursable or 
nonreimbursable."[Footnote 69] The order to pay a refund hinges upon 
the determination that the government improperly received or retained 
the original funds. Cf. 70 Comp. Gen. 225, 228 (1991) (refunds are 
more akin to orders of injunctive relief than money judgments). This 
disposition prevents augmentation of the appropriation that received 
the original payment. See 61 Comp. Gen. 224 (1982) (refund of right-of-
way permit fees, some of which were credited to a special fund 
appropriated for Interior and some credited as miscellaneous 
receipts); 55 Comp. Gen. 625 (1976) (fines assessed by the IRS and 
credited as internal revenue collections). See also B-259065, Dec. 21, 

Postal Service. The Postal Reorganization Act specifically provides 
that judgments against the United States arising out of activities of 
the Postal Service shall be paid by the Postal Service out of any 
funds available to it. 39 U.S.C. � 409(h). 

Government corporations. Judgments against a government corporation 
generally are paid from the corporation's funds, not the Judgment 
Fund. Generally, government corporations are set up to operate in a 
business-like manner independent of the Treasury. See Keifer & Keifer 
v. Reconstruction Finance Corp., 306 U.S. 381 (1939); Reconstruction 
Finance Corp. v. Foust Distilling Co., 204 F.2d 343 (3rd Cir. 1953). 
These corporations are free from many of the restrictions on 
appropriated funds that apply to agencies. They are usually given 
considerable latitude in determining their expenditures, and their 
statutory charters typically contain a "sue and be sued" clause. See 
Chapter 15, section B.8.c(2). It is logical that losses incurred by 
such corporations, whether by judgment or otherwise, should be treated 
as liabilities of the corporation and charged to corporate funds, not 
to the U.S. Treasury. See, e.g., Far West Federal Bank v. Director, 
Office of Thrift Supervision, 930 F.2d 883, 890 (Fed. Cir. 1991); 37 
Comp. Gen. 691, 695 (1958); 25 Comp. Gen. 685 (1946); B-164879, Dec. 
5, 1973; 39 Op. Att'y Gen. 559 (1938); 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 141 
(1998); 13 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 436 (1989). 

Congress has authorized a number of agencies to conduct commercial-
type programs. Where such a program has "sue and be sued" authority 
and is financed from a revolving or other special fund, judgments 
arising from program activities are treated as a necessary expense of 
the program and are generally payable from agency's funds. See, e.g., 
C.H. Sanders Co. v. BHAP Housing Development Fund Co., 903 F.2d 114, 
120 (2nd Cir. 1990); S.S. Silberblatt, Inc. v. East Harlem Pilot 
Block, 608 F.2d 28, 35-36 (2nd Cir. 1979), citing Federal Housing 
Administration v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242 (1940); 62 Comp. Gen. 12 (1982). 

Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs). These are entities or 
activities that do not receive appropriations.[Footnote 70] NAFIs 
raise their own operating funds through product sales, member fees, 
etc. Absent statutory provisions to the contrary, the United States 
"assumes none of the financial obligations" of a NAFI. United States 
v. Hopkins, 427 U.S. 123, 124 (1976). Thus, the general rule is that 
judgments against them are payable from the instrumentality's own 
funds. E.g., Cosme Nieves v. Deshler, 786 F.2d 445 (1st Cir.), cert. 
denied, 479 U.S. 824 (1986). See also, e.g., B-204703, Sept. 29, 1981 
(tort judgments). Cf. B-145762, May 19, 1961 (since the negligence at 
issue was imputable to the base engineer, not to an officer or 
employee of the NAFI, the tort award was payable from the Judgment 
Fund). There is one exception of sorts: Congress designated the 
Judgment Fund as the initial source of payment for judgments and 
compromise settlements arising from contracts made by the Army and Air 
Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchanges, the Marine Corps 
Exchanges, the Coast Guard Exchanges, and the Exchange Councils of the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration; however, the NAFIs must 
reimburse the Judgment Fund. 31 U.S.C. � 1304(c). 

Agencies receiving funds that are not to be construed as 
appropriations. Some agencies have received legislation directing that 
the funds they derive and use under statutory authority "shall not be 
construed to be Federal Government funds or appropriated moneys." 12 
U.S.C. � 2250(b)(2) (Farm Credit Administration); 12 U.S.C. � 244 
(Federal Reserve Board); 12 U.S.C. � 481 (Office of the Comptroller of 
the Currency). This being the case, the funds of those agencies are 
not encumbered by the traditional prohibition on the use of operating 
appropriations for judgments. As a result, their funds are legally 
available to pay litigative awards, and payment, for the purposes of 
section 1304, is otherwise provided for. B-251061.3, Sept. 29, 1993; B-
251061.2, Feb. 10, 1993. 

Garnishment. Several statutes make the wages of federal civilian and 
military personnel subject to garnishment for certain purposes. See, 
e.g., 42 U.S.C. � 659(a) (alimony and child support); 5 U.S.C. � 5520a 
(legal debts of employees generally). As a general proposition, 
garnishment orders are directed to and paid by the employing agency 
from agency funds, but, the Judgment Fund may be used in cases that 
involve liability on the part of the government for failure to comply 
with an appropriate garnishment order or legal process. 56 Comp. Gen. 
592 (1977). 

Bankruptcy. Federal bankruptcy law is complex and allows for a wide 
variety of awards against the government. The law expressly waives 
federal sovereign immunity for orders and awards under 60 specific 
sections of the United States Code. 11 U.S.C. � 106(a)(1). It does not 
identify, however, the source of payment. What it does say is that: 

"enforcement of any such order, process, or judgment against any 
governmental unit shall be consistent with appropriate nonbankruptcy 
law applicable to such governmental unit and, in the case of a money 
judgment against the United States, shall be paid as if it is a 
judgment rendered by a district court of the United States." 

11 U.S.C. � 106(a)(4). For this reason, in order to determine whether 
payment is otherwise provided for, it is necessary to compare each 
bankruptcy award with analogous judgments discussed in other contexts 
in this chapter. See B-239556-0.M., Oct. 12, 1990. For example, 
reference to this chapter's discussion of refunds and tax judgment 
should help to resolve most situations. While the federal government 
is not subject to punitive damages in a bankruptcy proceeding, 11 
U.S.C. � 106(a)(3), it may still be held in "civil contempt" and 
assessed compensatory damages including attorney fees and court costs 
if it attempts to collect debts discharged in bankruptcy. When made, 
such compensatory awards are payable from the Judgment Fund, 
notwithstanding their civil contempt status. Id. 

c. Administratively Settled Claims: 

Claims settled at the administrative level are paid in one of three 
ways: (1) from operating appropriations available to the agency whose 
activities gave rise to the claims; (2) from some existing 
appropriation or fund other than the agency's operating 
appropriations; or (3) by submitting the claim to Congress for a 
specific appropriation. As is true of most funding source 
determinations, there is no option. For any given claim, one of these 
methods will apply to the exclusion of the other two. See, e.g., 65 
Comp. Gen. 790, 793 (1986). 

Some statutes governing specific types of claims contain detailed 
provisions governing the payment of those claims. For example, under 
the Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative settlements of $2,500 or 
less are paid "by the head of the Federal agency concerned out of 
appropriations available to that agency." 28 U.S.C. � 2672. Another 
example is 16 U.S.C. � 574, which authorizes the Secretary of 
Agriculture to reimburse property owners up to $2,500 for loss or 
damage caused by the government in connection with the administration 
or protection of the national forests, "payment to be made from any 
funds appropriated for the protection, administration, and improvement 
of the national forests." This authority has been used, for example, 
to compensate landowners for damage caused by aerial spraying for pest 
control. B-117720, Dec. 23, 1953. 

A 1978 amendment to 31 U.S.C. � 1304 allows payment from the Judgment 
Fund of claims settled under section 203 of the National Aeronautics 
and Space Act of 1958, 42 U.S.C. � 2473(c)(13). This statute 
authorizes the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA) to settle claims for death, personal injury, or 
property damage resulting from the conduct of NASA's functions, if the 
claim is presented in writing within 2 years after the incident giving 
rise to the claim. Claims of $25,000 or less are paid directly by NASA 
from its own funds. Claims in excess of $25,000 are paid from the 
judgment appropriation. The NASA statute differs from the Military, 
Foreign, and National Guard Claims Acts in one important respect. 
Under the military statutes, if a claim exceeds the amount payable 
from agency funds, only the excess over that amount is paid from the 
judgment appropriation. Under the NASA statute, if the amount of a 
settled claim exceeds $25,000, the entire amount of the claims is paid 
from the judgment appropriation. 

When considering what appropriation to use to pay an administratively 
settled claim, the first place to look is the statute authorizing the 
settlement. If the statute authorizes an agency to settle claims but 
is silent with respect to payment, the necessary implication is that 
the agency will pay from its operating appropriations. For example, 
claims settled under authority of the Military Personnel and Civilian 
Employees Claims Act of 1964, 31 U.S.C. � 3721, are paid from 
operating appropriations. B-143673, Nov. 11, 1976, overruled on other 
grounds by 56 Comp. Gen. 615 (1977); B-174762, Jan. 24, 1972; B-
206856, Apr. 7, 1982 (nondecision letter). Cf. 65 Comp. Gen. 790, 792 
(1986) (while claims presented under 31 U.S.C. � 3721 are usually paid 
from the agency's operating appropriations, in this case Congress 
designated another payment source for the claim). Similarly, 
administrative settlements under the Contract Disputes Act (at the 
contracting officer level) are paid from the Judgment Fund, which the 
contracting agency must reimburse from its procurement appropriations. 
63 Comp. Gen. 308 (1984). Another example is 31 U.S.C. � 3724, which 
authorizes the Attorney General to settle claims for death, personal 
injury, or property damage caused by investigative or law enforcement 
officers of the Department of Justice acting within the scope of their 
employment, which cannot be settled under the Federal Tort Claims Act. 
Settlement authority is limited to "not more than $50,000 in any one 
case." 31 U.S.C. � 3724(a). The statute makes no mention of how the 
claims are to be paid, but the legislative history of a 1989 revision 
recognized that they are paid from the operating funds of the Justice 
Department. H.R. Rep. No. 101-46, at 3 (1989). 

For the Department of Defense and the military departments, claims 
payable from agency funds are paid from Operation and Maintenance 
(O&M) appropriations in accordance with 10 U.S.C. � 2732. While terms 
of the statute are general ("claims authorized by law to be paid"), 
its scope is clarified by its origin. Until fiscal year 1989, the 
Defense Department received a separate lump-sum appropriation entitled 
"Claims, Defense." It was available for all noncontractual claims 
payable from agency funds, including "personnel claims, tort claims, 
admiralty claims, and miscellaneous claims." Starting with fiscal year 
1989, Congress discontinued the Claims, Defense appropriation and 
instructed Defense to charge the claims to O&M appropriations. Pub. L. 
No. 100-463, � 8098, 102 Stat. 2270, 2270-35 (Oct. 1, 1988). The 
authority was made permanent in 1990. Pub. L. No. 101-510, � 1481(j), 
104 Stat. 1485, 1708 (Nov. 5, 1990), codified at 10 U.S.C. � 2732. 

When payment is to be made from agency operating appropriations, it is 
necessary to determine when the obligation occurs and hence what 
fiscal year to charge. The governing principle, stated in a number of 
earlier decisions, is that a claim against an annual appropriation is 
chargeable to the appropriation for the fiscal year in which the 
liability was incurred. E.g., 18 Comp. Gen. 363, 365 (1938). When this 
happens depends on the type of claim. 

Where the United States is not obligated to pay a claim until a final 
determination of liability has been made, the appropriation current at 
the time that determination is made is properly chargeable with the 
obligation. E.g., 65 Comp. Gen. 533, 541 (1986); 63 Comp. Gen. 308 
(1984); 38 Comp. Gen. 338, 340 (1958); B-174762, Jan. 24, 1972. This 
rule is "grounded on the theory that the court or administrative award 
'creates a new right' in the successful claimant, giving rise to new 
Government liability." 63 Comp. Gen. at 310. See also B-272984, Sept. 
26, 1996; B-255772, Aug. 22, 1995. As a general proposition, claims 
involving property damage or personal injury will fall into this 
category. E.g., 38 Comp. Gen. 338; 35 Comp. Gen. 511, 512 (1956). 
Thus, administrative awards of $2,500 or less under the Federal Tort 
Claims Act are payable from funds currently available at the time the 
claim is determined to be proper for payment. 38 Comp. Gen. 338; 35 
Comp. Gen. at 512; 27 Comp. Gen. 445 (1948); 27 Comp. Gen. 237 (1947). 
Similarly, payments under the Military Personnel and Civilian 
Employees' Claims Act of 1964 are chargeable to funds current when a 
final determination of liability is made. B-174762, Jan. 24, 1972. 

Contract claims arising from changes to an existing contract are 
chargeable to appropriations current at the time the basic contract 
was executed if the changes were authorized by and enforceable under 
the provisions of the original contract. 65 Comp. Gen. 741 (1986); 59 
Comp. Gen. 518 (1980). This type of change, commonly referred to as a 
within-scope change, is considered an "antecedent liability." 59 Comp. 
Gen. at 522. A contract claim is based on antecedent liability if the 
modification or adjustment is within the general scope of the original 
contract and is made pursuant to a provision, such as a "Changes" 
clause, in the original contract. For example, a contractor provided 
supplemental research services under a contract with the Interior 
Department without the issuance of written contract amendments. Since 
the government received the benefit of the services and ratified the 
transaction, the contractor was entitled to be paid. The work was 
within the general scope of the original contract and the government's 
liability was viewed as deriving from the "Changes" clause. Therefore, 
the contractor's claim was chargeable to funds available at the time 
the original contract was executed. B-197344, Aug. 21, 1980. A 
contract change which exceeds the general scope of the original 
contract, commonly referred to as an outside-of-scope change, like any 
new obligation, is chargeable to funds current at the time the change 
is made. 37 Comp. Gen. 861 (1958); B-207433, Sept. 16, 1983. See also 
61 Comp. Gen. 184 (1981), affd upon reconsideration, B-202222, Aug. 2, 
1983; B-224702, Aug. 5, 1987. With a contract implied-in-law (quantum 
meruit), there is no contract to which the allowance of the claim can 
relate. The payment is chargeable to the fiscal year in which the 
goods were received or the services rendered. B-210808, May 24, 1984; 
B-207557, July 11, 1983. 

Claims by federal employees for compensation and related allowances 
are chargeable to appropriations for the fiscal year in which the work 
was performed. If the claim covers more than one fiscal year, the 
payment must be prorated accordingly. If the applicable appropriation 
account is insufficient to pay the claim, the agency must seek a 
deficiency appropriation. 69 Comp. Gen. 40 (1989) (administrative 
awards of back pay); 54 Comp. Gen. 393 (1974) (claim for statutory 
salary which claimant had previously improperly waived); 47 Comp. Gen. 
308 (1967) (payment resulting from recrediting of sick leave); B-
171786, Mar. 2, 1971 (overtime). Interest under the Back Pay Act is 
chargeable to the same fiscal year or years as the back pay to which 
it relates. 69 Comp. Gen. at 43. 

The rule is the same in situations where the claimant did not perform 
any work, for example, restoration after an improper termination where 
the period of wrongful termination is deemed valid service under the 
Back Pay Act. 69 Comp. Gen. at 42; 58 Comp. Gen. 115 (1978). The 
latter case held that court-ordered agency contributions to an 
employee's retirement account must be prorated among the fiscal years 
covered. While the case involved a court order, not an administrative 
settlement, it implies that back pay under the Back Pay Act, Title VII 
of the Civil Rights Act, and the Veterans Preference Act should be 
treated similarly.[Footnote 71] 

Several types of administrative claims are payable from the permanent 
judgment appropriation established by 31 U.S.C. � 1304. The primary 
example is administrative awards in excess of $2,500 under the Federal 
Tort Claims Act. 28 U.S.C. � 2672. Monetary awards by agency boards of 
contract appeals are payable in the first instance from the judgment 
appropriation, subject to reimbursement by the contracting agency from 
current appropriations. 41 U.S.C. �� 612(b), (c). See 63 Comp. Gen. 
308 (1984). A 1978 amendment to the judgment appropriation added 
several types of claims that previously had required specific 
appropriations. Pub. L. No. 95-240, � 201, 92 Stat. 107, 116 (1978). 
Those covered elsewhere in this chapter are the Small Claims Act, 31 
U.S.C. � 3723, and amounts in excess of amounts payable from agency 
appropriations under the Military Claims Act, 10 U.S.C. � 2733, 
Foreign Claims Act, 10 U.S.C. � 2734, and National Guard Claims Act, 
32 U.S.C. � 715. Unless required by statute, such as the Contract 
Disputes Act and the Notification and Federal Employee 
Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 ("NoFEAR"),[Footnote 
72] agencies do not have to reimburse claims paid from the judgment 

There are several instances in which there is no source of funds 
available for immediate payment. If the legislation governing a 
particular type of claim requires specific appropriations, then 
payment must await congressional action. Statutes of this type 
frequently require that the agency's determination be reported to 
Congress for its consideration or certified to Congress as a "legal 
claim." Examples are: 

* 10 U.S.C. �� 4802, 7622, 9802, and 14 U.S.C. � 646: Admiralty claims 
settled by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard, respectively. 
Under these statutes, the applicable agency head may settle and pay 
admiralty claims up to a specified limit ($500,000 for the Army and 
Air Force, $15,000,000 for the Navy, and $100,000 for the Coast 
Guard). If the settlement exceeds the specified limit, the claim must 
be certified to Congress. 

* 20 U.S.C. � 975(b): Claims for losses under indemnity agreements 
authorized by the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act. Certification to 
Congress is made by the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities. 

* 31 U.S.C. � 3725: Claims for death or personal injury of a foreign 
national caused by a government employee in a foreign country in which 
the United States has privileges of extraterritoriality. Settlement 
authority is conferred upon the State Department and is limited to 
$1,500. See B-120773, Mar. 22, 1955. 

* 42 U.S.C. � 2207: Claims resulting from certain nuclear or other 
explosive detonations in the conduct of programs undertaken by the 
Department of Energy. 

* 42 U.S.C. � 2211: Claims resulting from a nuclear incident involving 
the nuclear reactor of a United States warship, excluding combat 

3. Whom and What to Pay: 

This section addresses the issues of whom to pay (including the 
consequences of paying the wrong person) and what amounts�beyond the 
principal amount owed�may be paid as a matter of appropriations law. 
The government must be assured that it is paying the right person the 
right amount, and it must obtain documentation sufficient to 
demonstrate that it legally discharged the government's obligation. 
See 24 Comp. Gen. 679, 680-81 (1945). The ultimate objective is to 
avoid placing the government in a situation where it might later find 
itself embroiled in a controversy between competing claimants�facing 
the possibility of being required to pay a second time to someone else 
and take action to recover the previous payment. See, e.g., B-199455, 
Sept. 29, 1980; B-136946, Apr. 8, 1960. 

Obviously, payment should include the principal amount properly found 
owed to the payee. Often at issue, in addition to the principal 
amount, are the payee's claims for interest, costs, and attorney fees. 
See, e.g., 63 Comp. Gen. 465 (1984); B-248420, July 30, 1992; B-
246294, Feb. 26, 1992. 

a. To Whom Agencies Should Make Payment: 

The guiding principle regarding whom to pay is the common-sense 
proposition that payment should be made to the person or entity 
entitled to receive it. Common sense in this instance is reinforced by 
31 U.S.C. � 3322(a)(2)(B), which instructs disbursing officers to draw 
public money from the Treasury "payable to persons to whom payment is 
to be made." This statutory direction is simple and straightforward, 
but complications arise in a number of circumstances, such as when the 
payee is a minor,[Footnote 73] mentally incompetent,[Footnote 74] no 
longer alive,[Footnote 75] or a corporate entity.[Footnote 76] 
Sometimes, the proper payee cannot be determined short of an adversary 
proceeding. In that event, GAO held, the proper course of action is to 
deny payment administratively and leave the competing claimants to 
their remedy in the courts. E.g., 68 Comp. Gen. 284 (1989). 

As a general proposition, agencies should deliver government checks 
directly to the payees. 16 Comp. Gen. 840 (1937). However, when there 
is some valid reason for doing so, an agency may deliver the check to 
appropriate agency employees for subsequent forwarding to the payees. 
E.g., 65 Comp. Gen. 81 (1985). 

Payment to the wrong person obviously does not discharge the 
government's obligation. If, through administrative mistake of fact or 
law or clerical error, a payment is made to a person not entitled to 
it, the government is still obligated to make payment to the proper 
claimant. E.g., 37 Comp. Gen. 131, 133 (1957) (payment of death 
gratuity to erroneously designated payee). The agency should take 
action to recover from the first payee. 31 U.S.C. �� 3727(c), 
3528(b)(2), 3711(a)(1). However, payment to the proper claimant should 
not be held up pending recovery of the erroneous payment, even though 
this may result in a duplicate payment. Illustrative cases include 66 
Comp. Gen. 617 (1987), aff'd on reconsideration, B-226540.2, Aug. 24, 
1988; 19 Comp. Gen. 104 (1939); and B-249869, Jan. 25, 1993. 

If the government cannot recover the erroneous payment from the 
erroneous payee, the certifying officer responsible for that payment 
may have to reimburse the government for the unrecovered amount. (For 
more information on the liability and relief of accountable officers 
under these circumstances, see Chapter 9). 

b. Amounts Payable in Addition to the Principal Amount: 

(1) Interest: 

Claims for interest probably have generated more controversy than any 
other aspect of the payment of claims and judgment. The law in this 
area is complex and often highly technical. As a general rule, 
interest may not be recovered against the United States unless 
expressly provided by statute or contract.[Footnote 77] Statutory 
interest provisions and some exceptions recognized by the courts, 
however, have blunted some of the potentially harsh consequences of 
the general rule. 

General no-interest rule: 

The courts have recognized and applied the general rule on numerous 
occasions. For example, in Environmental Tectonics Corp. v. United 
States, 72 Fed. Cl. 290 (2006), the court noted that the Supreme Court 
has held that the right to recover interest from the United States 
requires a waiver of sovereign immunity "separate from a general 
waiver of immunity to suit." Environmental Tectonics, 72 Fed. Cl. at 
296, quoting Library of Congress v. Shaw, 478 U.S. 310, 314 (1986). 
This does not necessarily mean that the interest waiver must be in a 
separate statute. Rather, the waiver of sovereign immunity with 
respect to interest must itself be explicit, and will not be inferred 
from a general waiver of immunity to suit. See, e.g., United States v. 
N.Y. Rayon Importing Co., 329 U.S. 654, 659 (1947) ("consent can take 
only two forms: (1) a specific provision for the payment of interest 
in a statute; [or] (2) an express stipulation for the payment of 
interest in a contract duly entered into by agents of the United 
States"); Zumerling v. Marsh, 783 F.2d 1032, 1034 (Fed. Cir. 1986), 
quoting Fidelity Construction Co. v. United States, 700 F.2d 1379, 
1383 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 464 U.S. 826 (1983) ("'express consent 
to the payment of interest must be found in either a special statute 
or an express contractual provision. The intent by Congress to permit 
the recovery of interest cannot be implied,' and must be strictly 
construed."); B-206101, May 20, 1982, at 1 (in the absence of 
statutory authority, the government must have "affirmatively and 
unambiguously contracted to pay interest"). See also Marathon Oil Co. 
v. United States, 56 Fed. Cl. 768, 770-71(2003), affd, 374 F.3d 1123 
(Fed. Cir. 2004), cert. denied, 544 U.S. 1031 (2005); Alaska Airlines, 
Inc. v. Johnson, 8 F.3d 791, 798 (Fed. Cir. 1993). 

There are two types of interest: pre-judgment (interest as part of the 
claim upon which the judgment was founded) and post-judgment (interest 
on the judgment itself). As the cases cited throughout this discussion 
make clear, the general rule applies equally to both types. Depending 
on the statute authorizing pre-judgment interest, it may run to the 
date of payment or the date of judgment. In the latter case, the pre-
judgment interest becomes part of the judgment amount to which any 
authorized post-judgment interest is applied. See, e.g., B-111945, 
Nov. 13, 1952. 

Generally speaking, absent an applicable waiver of sovereign immunity, 
courts are not authorized to award interest against the United States 
on the basis of equity or because payment has been delayed even if the 
delay can be termed unreasonable. E.g., Brazos Electric Power 
Cooperative, Inc. v. United States, 52 Fed. CL 121, 134 (2002), 
quoting N.Y. Rayon Importing, 329 U.S. at 660; Lichtman v. OPM, 835 
F.2d 1427 (Fed. Cir. 1988); B-214289, Oct. 23, 1985; B-206101, May 20, 
1982. Interest is often found disguised as something else, but the 
courts will penetrate the disguise and see it for what it is. A 
leading case in this area is United States v. Mescalero Apache Tribe, 
518 F.2d 1309 (Ct. CL 1975), cert. denied, 425 U.S. 911 (1976). As the 
Court of Claims explained: 

"[The] no-interest rule applies to any incremental damages sought to 
be assessed against the Unites States, whether it be designated 
interest, as such, or is designated by some other terminology which 
has the same effect.... 

"The character or nature of interest cannot be changed by calling it 
damages, loss, earned increment, just compensation, discount, offset, 
or penalty, or any other term because it is still interest and the no-
interest rule applies to it." 

Mescalero, 518 F.2d at 1321, 1322 (emphasis in original). See also 
England v. Contel Advanced Systems, Inc., 384 F.3d 1372, 1378-79 (Fed. 
Cir. 2004). 

In Shaw, an employee who brought a job-related racial discrimination 
action requested an award of attorney fees. The district court obliged 
and added interest, as well. The district court, however, did not use 
the term "interest." Rather, it increased the attorney fees by 30 
percent "to compensate counsel for the delay in receiving payment for 
the legal services rendered." Shaw, 478 U.S. at 313. In invalidating 
the interest award, the Supreme Court brushed aside the lower court's 
designation and looked at the substance. Citing Mescalero with 
approval, the Court added that "the force of the no-interest rule 
cannot be avoided simply by devising a new name for an old 
institution." Id. at 321. As the court observed in District of 
Columbia v. United States, 67 Fed. CL 292, 341 (2005), "no matter what 
term plaintiff uses, compensation for the belated receipt of money 
violates the no-interest rule absent an express ... waiver of 
sovereign immunity from liability for interest." Unauthorized 
interest, disguised as "liquidated damages" under the Fair Labor 
Standards Act, was disallowed in Doyle v. United States, 931 F.2d 
1546, 1550-51 (Fed. Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 1029 (1992). In 
Sterling Savings Ass'n v. United States, 80 Fed. Cl. 497, 518-19 
(2008), the court faced inflated "wounded bank damages," and in 
District of Columbia v. United States, 67 Fed. Cl. 292, 340 (2005), 
the court rejected "escalation costs for inflation." 

In the context of administrative claims, the general rule manifests 
itself in virtually every area in which monetary claims can be brought 
against the United States. Examples in which claims for interest have 
been disallowed are: 65 Comp. Gen. 598 (1986) (delayed contract 
payment to the assignee of a government contract); B-241592.3, Dec. 
13, 1991 (duties collected by the Customs Service for the Virgin 
Islands); B-236330.2, Feb. 14, 1990 (compensation for the passage of 
time between the date a claim accrued and the date it was paid); B-
206101, May 20, 1982 (late payment of Treasury bill); B-195265, Aug. 
17, 1979 (delayed reimbursement by Labor Department of benefit 
payments to employee trust); B-154102, June 16, 1974 (award under 
Military Claims Act). The interest prohibition also applies to claims 
arising in foreign countries as well as to claims arising in the 
United States. 45 Comp. Gen. 169 (1965). 

The general rule also applies to payments under private relief 
legislation. United States v. Bayard, 127 U.S. 251, 260 (1888). 
However, consistent with the rule, such legislation may provide for 
interest in situations where it would not otherwise be payable. See, 
e.g., B-182574-0.M., July 19, 1979. In B-187866, Apr. 12, 1977, GAO 
concluded that interest could be paid on a claim for which Congress 
had made a specific appropriation where the appropriation language did 
not specify interest but it was clear from the legislative history 
that the amount appropriated included interest. (The specific claim 
involved in B-187866 would now be covered by the Contract Disputes 

A statute originating in 1841 provides that amounts held in trust by 
the United States shall be invested in government obligations and 
shall bear interest at a minimum annual rate of 5 percent. 31 U.S.C. � 
9702. This statute applies only where trust funds are otherwise 
required by statute, treaty, or contract to be invested, and is not an 
independent authorization for the payment of interest. Mescalero, 518 
F.2d at 1323-31; White Mountain Apache Tribe of Arizona v. United 
States, 20 Cl. Ct. 371, 380-81 (1990); B-241592.3, Dec. 13, 1991. 

If the necessary authority for the payment of interest does not exist 
in a particular context, it follows that appropriations are not 
legally available for that purpose. Thus, in the absence of 
legislation expressly making federal agencies liable for interest and 
penalties the same as private parties, appropriations are not 
available for the payment of interest or penalties to the Internal 
Revenue Service on account of late forwarding or underpayment of 
employment taxes. B-161457, May 9, 1978. Similarly, the Internal 
Revenue Service is not liable for interest on overpayments of employer 
taxes by federal agencies. B-161457, Dec. 5, 1983. 

Judicially recognized exceptions: 

There are two nonstatutory exceptions to the general rule, both of 
which were noted in Library of Congress v. Shaw, 478 U.S. 310, 317 n.5 
(1986). The first is a taking of property or a property interest which 
entitles a claimant to just compensation under the Fifth Amendment of 
the Constitution. The second is "where the Government has cast off the 
cloak of sovereignty and assumed the status of a private commercial 
enterprise." Shaw, 478 U.S. at 317 n.5. 

Fifth Amendment takings. The courts have determined that interest is 
inherent in the concept of "just compensation" required by the Fifth 
Amendment in order to make the property owner whole.[Footnote 78] See 
Phelps v. United States, 274 U.S. 341, 344 (1927). Of course, the 
predicate to this constitutional right to interest is a cognizable 
claim to just compensation under the Fifth Amendment. The takings 
exception is a discrete concept and cannot be used to open the back 
door to otherwise unauthorized interest awards where the Fifth 
Amendment is not involved. See, e.g., United States v. Alcea Band of 
Tillamooks, 341 U.S. 48 (1951); Alaska Airlines, Inc. v. Johnson, 8 
F.3d 791, 798 (Fed. Cir. 1993). See also B-180565, May 31, 1974 (there 
must be some underlying legal obligation to which interest liability 
can attach); B-173904, Feb. 18, 1972 (rejecting claim that payment 
delay, alone, in circumstances where payment required congressional 
enactment of an appropriation, constituted a compensable Fifth 
Amendment taking). 

Commercial ventures. The "commercial venture" exception originated in 
the Supreme Court's decision in Standard Oil Co. v. United States, 267 
U.S. 76 (1925). Under World War I legislation, the United States had 
insured a private steamship against certain war risks. The steamship 
sank and the main issue in litigation was whether the insurance policy 
applied to the facts of the case. The Supreme Court found the policy 
applicable, and also awarded interest. Speaking for the Court, Justice 
Holmes said: 

"Some question was made as to the allowance of interest. When the 
United States went into the insurance business, issued policies in 
familiar form and provided that in case of disagreement it might be 
sued, it must be assumed to have accepted the ordinary incidents of 
suits in such business." 

Standard Oil, 267 U.S. at 79. See also Bituminous Casualty Corp. v. 
Lynn, 503 F.2d 636 (6th Cir. 1974), awarding interest on a recovery 
under a reinsurance contract issued by the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development (HUD). Citing Standard Oil, the court noted the 
"well defined" exception to the general rule when a federal agency 
"embarks on a business venture" with the power to sue and be sued. 
Bituminous Casualty, 503 F.2d at 643. The court stated three grounds 
for the interest award: HUD's sue-and-be-sued clause, the "self-
supporting nature" of the HUD program, and the fact that the 
transactions resembled those of private parties. Id. at 645. 

Another example is the United States Postal Service. In Loeffler v. 
Frank, 486 U.S. 549, 556 (1988) (citations and quotation marks 
omitted), the Court observed: 

"By launching the Postal Service into the commercial world, and 
including a sue-and-be-sued clause in its charter, Congress has cast 
off the Service's cloak of sovereignty and given it the status of a 
private commercial enterprise.... It follows that Congress is presumed 
to have waived any otherwise existing immunity of the Postal Service 
from interest awards." 

The Court further noted that the interest award would not be 
inconsistent with the Postal Service's enabling legislation (Postal 
Reorganization Act), would not threaten "grave interference" with the 
Service's operations, and was not contrary to anything in the 
legislative history of the Service's sue-and-be-sued authority. 
Loeffler, 486 U.S. at 556-57. 

Based on the Supreme Court's Loeffler formulation, it seems clear that 
the "commercial venture" exception to the general rule requires 
several things. First, there must be a sue-and-be-sued clause. Fender 
Peanut Corp. v. United States, 21 Cl. Ct. 95, 97 (1990). Second, a sue-
and-be-sued clause alone is not enough; the agency or program involved 
must be one that Congress has launched into the commercial world. Id. 
Finally, liability for interest must not be inconsistent with the 
relevant enabling or program legislation. Id. Applying the Loeffler 
criteria, courts have refused to invoke the "commercial venture" 
exception when a federal agency does not have a sue-and-be-sued clause 
and is engaged in primarily governmental, as opposed to commercial, 
functions. McGehee v. Panama Canal Commission, 872 F.2d 1213 (5th Cir. 
1989) (unlike the Panama Canal Company that it replaced, the 
Commission was not given sue-and-be-sued authority); Wilson v. United 
States, 756 F. Supp. 213 (D.N.J. 1991) (former Veterans 

Specific interest statutes: 

In the United States Court of Federal Claims, pre-judgment interest, 
when not otherwise provided for by law, is governed by 28 U.S.C. � 
2516(a), which essentially codifies the general rule: "Interest on a 
claim against the United States shall be allowed in a judgment of the 
United States Court of Federal Claims only under a contract or Act of 
Congress expressly providing for payment thereof." As the Supreme 
Court explained in United States v. N.Y. Rayon Importing Co., 329 U.S. 
654, 659 (1947), the statute means exactly what it says. The authority 
to award interest may not be implied, nor may it be derived from some 
expression of intent not reflected in explicit statutory or 
contractual language. Id. 

With respect to contractual waivers of the government's immunity, it 
should be remembered that the government will not be bound by the 
unauthorized acts of its officers and employees. E.g., OPM v. 
Richmond, 496 U.S. 414, 419-20 (1990). See also B-306353, Oct. 26, 
2005; B-290901, Dec. 16, 2002. Accordingly, the courts and GAO have 
disallowed monetary claims against the government based on contractual 
waivers of sovereign immunity where the persons who contracted on 
behalf of the government lacked authority to bind the government to 
pay monetary damages. See, e.g., Robbins v. United States Bureau of 
Land Management, 438 F.3d 1074, 1084 (10th Cir. 2006); B-258257, Nov. 
28, 1994. 

In numerous statutes, Congress has authorized the recovery of 
prejudgment interest against the United States. Under some of these 
statutes, interest is an entitlement; under others, it is merely 
authorized and must be affirmatively awarded. The following listing is 
by no means comprehensive but is intended to identify some important 

* Back Pay Act. Under 5 U.S.C. � 5596(b)(2), back pay "shall be 
payable with interest" calculated from the effective date of the 
withdrawal or reduction of pay to a date not more than 30 days prior 
to the date of payment. The applicable interest rate is the rate for 
tax overpayments determined under 26 U.S.C. � 6621(a)(1). Interest is 
payable from the same source as the back pay. E.g., 69 Comp. Gen. 40, 
43 (1989). Section 5596(b)(2) applies to both administrative awards 
under the Back Pay Act, which are payable from agency funds (69 Comp. 
Gen. at 42), as well as judicial awards, which are generally payable 
from the Judgment Fund (58 Comp. Gen. 311 (1979)). Sometimes a court 
will order "front pay" which is an increment above the employee's 
current pay. In 60 Comp. Gen. 375 (1981), GAO concluded that a front 
pay award is more in the nature of damages, and it should be paid from 
the Judgment Fund. 

* Wrongful tax levy. Where a court determines that a tax levy was 
improper, interest on the judgment is provided for in 26 U.S.C. � 
7426(g). If the levy was executed on money, interest runs from the 
date the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) received the money to the date 
of payment of the judgment. If the levy was executed on other property 
which has been sold, interest runs from the date of the sale to the 
date of payment of the judgment. The applicable rate of interest is, 
again, the tax overpayment rate under 26 U.S.C. � 6621(a)(1). 

* Tax refund judgments. When a taxpayer receives a judgment "for any 
overpayment in respect of any internal revenue tax," "interest shall 
be allowed" under 28 U.S.C. � 2411 from the date of the payment or 
collection of the overpayment to a date, to be determined by the IRS, 
preceding the date of the refund check by not more than 30 days. Once 
more, the applicable interest rate is the tax overpayment rate. 

* Equal Access to Justice Act. Under the Equal Access to Justice Act 
(EAJA), 28 U.S.C. � 2412(f), if the United States appeals an EAJA 
award of costs or fees and other expenses and the award is affirmed, 
in whole or in part, interest shall be paid on the amount of the award 
as affirmed. This interest is computed at the 52-week Treasury bill 
rate determined under 28 U.S.C. � 1961(a), from the date of the award 
"through the day before the date of the mandate of affirmance." See, 
e.g., Haitian Refugee Center v. Meese, 791 F.2d 1489, 1501 (11th Cir. 

* Court of International Trade. When a plaintiff obtains monetary 
relief by judgment or stipulation in an action under section 515 of 
the Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S.C. � 1515, interest "shall be allowed," 
running from the filing of the summons to the date of the payment, at 
the rate established under 26 U.S.C. � 6621. 

* Judgment offsets. Under 31 U.S.C. � 3728, the government is required 
to set off debts owed to the United States against awards payable to 
the debtor from the Judgment Fund, 31 U.S.C. � 1304. If the debtor 
agrees to the setoff, the matter ends there. If the debtor disputes 
the setoff, the government must bring a lawsuit against the debtor and 
prove the debt in court. If the government ultimately recovers less in 
that lawsuit than the amount it set off, the statute requires the 
government to repay the balance owed with 6 percent interest for the 
time it was withheld. 31 U.S.C. � 3728. 

* Contract Disputes Act. The Contract Disputes Act of 1978, 41 U.S.C. 
� 611, requires the government to pay interest on contract claims from 
the date the contracting officer receives the claim to the date of 
payment. It applies whether the claim is allowed by the contracting 
officer, a board of contract appeals, or a court. 

* Medicare Provider Reimbursements. Courts are authorized by 42 U.S.C. 
� 139500(0(2) to award interest to Medicare providers during judicial 
review of determinations by the Provider Reimbursement Review Board. 
See, e.g., Tucson Medical Center v. Sullivan, 947 F.2d 971 (D.C. Cir. 

* Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. As amended in 1991, Title VII, 42 
U.S.C. � 2000e-16(d), makes the government liable for interest to 
compensate for payment delays in the same manner as private parties. 

* Superfund. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, 
and Liability Act, as amended by the Superfund Amendments and 
Reauthorization Act of 1986, makes federal agencies liable for the 
same awards, including interest, that nongovernmental entities are 
liable for. 42 U.S.C. �� 9607, 9620. Interest under these laws is paid 
at the rate specified for investments of the Hazardous Substance 
Superfund under 26 U.S.C. � 9507(d). Similar governmental liability is 
provided for Superfund reimbursement claims. See Santa Fe Pacific 
Realty Corp. v. United States, 780 E Supp. 687, 696-97 (E.D. Cal. 
1991); B-245482-0.M., Apr. 8, 1992. 

* Suits in Admiralty Act and Public Vessels Act. A money judgment 
against the United States in a libel in personam under the Suits in 
Admiralty Act may include 4 percent interest to the date of payment, 
unless a higher rate is stipulated in the contract. 46 U.S.C. � 
30911(b). Interest may not accrue prior to the filing of the suit 
except pursuant to an express contract stipulation. 46 U.S.C. � 
30911(a). The Public Vessels Act incorporates the interest provisions 
of the Suits in Admiralty Act, except that interest may not accrue 
prior to the date of the judgment except pursuant to an express 
contract stipulation. 46 U.S.C. � 31107. 

Most of the previous discussion has centered on pre-judgment interest�
interest allowed as part of a judgment against the United States. The 
same general observations that apply to pre-judgment interest are 
equally applicable to post-judgment interest�interest that is payable 
on the judgment itself. First, payment of post-judgment interest 
requires a clear and explicit waiver of sovereign immunity, with 
interpretive ambiguities resolved against a waiver.[Footnote 79] 
Second, Congress, in fact, has statutorily waived sovereign immunity 
to permit the award of post-judgment interest against the United 
States in many situations and circumstances�enacting or amending 
legislation in specific contexts as deemed necessary or desirable. 
See, e.g., Arvin v. United States, 742 F.2d 1301, 1304 (11th Cir. 

Other waivers apply to awards made by particular courts. The authority 
for these post-judgment interest assessments arises under 28 U.S.C. � 
2516(b),[Footnote 80] 28 U.S.C. � 1961,[Footnote 81] and 31 U.S.C. � 
1304(b)(1)(B).[Footnote 82] Essentially, when read together these 
statutes allow post-judgment interest when the United States appeals 
and loses in certain situations and subject to certain procedural 
requirements.[Footnote 83] See, e.g., Marathon Oil, 374 F.3d at 1128 
("a chain of cross-references that links four distinct statutory 
provisions").[Footnote 84] See also Globe Savings Bank, F.S.B. v. 
United States, 74 Fed. Cl. 736, 74142 (2006); United States v. Wilson, 
926 F.2d 725 (8th Cir. 1991); Thompson v. Kennickell, 797 F.2d 1015 
(D.C. Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 480 U.S. 905 (1987). 

Most court judgments against the United States are paid from the 
Judgment Fund, a permanent, indefinite appropriation established by 31 
U.S.C. � 1304. See, e.g., B-279886, Apr. 28, 1998. This fact offers a 
convenient handle to begin to grasp the authority for post-judgment 
interest assessments. Section 1304 appropriates funds and specifies 
procedures for the payment of many, if not most, judgments rendered 
against the United States. Id. With respect to interest, section 
1304(a) states that "necessary amounts are appropriated to pay final 
judgments, awards, compromise settlements, and interest and costs 
specified in the judgments or otherwise authorized by law" (emphasis 
added) when certain procedural requirements have been met. Section 
1304(b) adds: 

"(1) Interest may be paid from the [Judgment Fund]: 

"(A) on a judgment of a district court, only when the judgment becomes 
final after review on appeal or petition by the United States 
Government, and then only from the date of filing of the transcript of 
the judgment with the Secretary of the Treasury through the day before 
the date of the mandate of affirmance, or; 

"(B) on a judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or 
the United States Court of Federal Claims under section 2516(b) of 
title 28, only from the date of filing of the transcript of the 
judgment with the Secretary of the Treasury through the day before the 
date of the mandate of affirmance. 

"(2) Interest payable under this subsection in a proceeding reviewed 
by the Supreme Court is not allowed after the end of the term in which 
the judgment is affirmed." 

As summarized in 73 Comp. Gen. 46, 48 (1993), before payment may be 
made from the Judgment Fund, the Secretary of the Treasury[Footnote 
85] must certify that an award satisfies four basic criteria. 31 
U.S.C. � 1304(a)(2). First, the award must be final. 31 U.S.C. � 
1304(a). Second, the award must provide monetary, rather than 
injunctive, relief. E.g., 70 Comp. Gen. 225, 228 (1991). Third, the 
award must have been made under one of the authorities specified in 31 
U.S.C. � 1304(a)(3), which include, but are not limited to, 28 U.S.C. 
� 2414 (United States District Court judgments and compromise 
settlements negotiated by the Justice Department to dispose of actual 
or imminent litigation) and 28 U.S.C. � 2517 (Court of Federal Claims 
judgments). Fourth, payment of the award must not be "otherwise 
provided for." 31 U.S.C. � 1304(a)(1). These criteria and conditions 
must be strictly complied with. See, e.g., Marathon Oil, 374 F.3d at 
1136-37; Dickerson v. United States, 280 F.3d 470, 478-79 (5th Cir. 
2002); 44 Comp. Gen. 421 (1965). 

To understand how the Judgment Fund statute applies to the payment of 
interest awards also requires an understanding of how section 1304 
fits into the larger web of federal statutes, such as 28 U.S.C. � 2516 
and 18 U.S.C. � 1961, that address the authority to allow and pay 
interest awards against the United States under specific programs and 
by specific courts. The decision in Globe, 74 Fed. Cl. at 741-42, 
concerned a lawsuit brought to recover a great deal of money that 
Globe lost beginning in 1990 due to government actions. Globe had 
recently won a favorable remand in the matter, but it feared that the 
government would appeal again from any final judgment that court might 
issue on remand. For this reason, Globe urged the court to enter a 
partial final judgment in the amount of $20,902,446. The court 
explained to Globe that, under the circumstances of the case and 
pursuant to sections 1304, 1961, and 2516, payment could not yet be 
made and interest could not be awarded because the matter was not yet 
final. Globe, 74 Fed. Cl. at 741-42. The court added, "This result 
might not be just or equitable, but it is required by law." Id. at 
742. See also Marathon Oil, 374 F.3d 1123;Wilson, 926 F.2d 725; 
Thompson, 797 F.2d 1015. 

(2) Costs and attorney fees: 

We preface this discussion by invoking once again two now familiar 
principles: Just as with the case of the award and payment of the 
underlying judgment, both a statutory waiver of sovereign immunity and 
an appropriation of funds are necessary to permit the award and 
payment of costs and attorney fees against the federal government. See 
Knight v. United States, 982 F.2d 1573 (Fed. Cir. 1993); Cassata v. 
Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp., 445 F.2d 122, 125 (7th Cir. 
1971); 23 Comp. Gen. 805 (1944). Congress, however, has enacted a host 
of statutes that do both. These statutory authorities have generated a 
great deal of litigation.[Footnote 86] This prompted one court to 
observe: "To the old adage that death and taxes share a certain 
inevitable character, federal judges may be excused for adding 
attorneys' fees cases."[Footnote 87] Kennedy v. Whitehurst, 690 F.2d 
951, 952 (D.C. Cir. 1982). While there is considerable GAO and other 
case law in this area, our modest purpose here is to briefly highlight 
some of the major statutes and their basic features, particularly from 
an appropriations law perspective. 


In 1966, Congress waived a portion of the government's sovereign 
immunity by statutorily allowing courts to assess costs against the 
government in all civil actions unless specifically prohibited. See 
Pub. L. No. 89-507, � 1, 80 Stat. 308 (July 18, 1966), codified at 28 
U.S.C. � 2412(a). These costs are "limited to reimbursing in whole or 
in part the prevailing party for the costs incurred by such party in 
the litigation." 28 U.S.C. � 2412(a)(1). Congress intended the 1966 
amendments to "put private litigants and the United States on an equal 
footing regarding cost awards." 54 Comp. Gen. 22, 23 (1974). 

Section 2412(a)(1) states that, except as otherwise specifically 
provided by statute, costs, "as enumerated in" 28 U.S.C. � 1920, "may 
be awarded to the prevailing party in any civil action brought by or 
against the United States." The cross-reference in section 2412(a)(1) 
to 28 U.S.C. � 1920 serves to identify six categories of permissible 
costs. These six categories include: 

* fees of the clerk and marshal; 

* fees of the court reporter for all or any part of the stenographic 
transcript necessarily obtained for use in the case; 

* fees and disbursements for printing and witnesses; 

* fees for exemplification and copies of papers necessarily obtained 
for use in the case; 

* docket fees under 28 U.S.C. � 1923; and; 

* compensation of court-appointed experts and interpreters, and 
salaries, fees, expenses, and costs for special interpretation 
services under 28 U.S.C. � 1828. 

28 U.S.C. � 1920. This list "now embodies Congress' considered choice 
as to the kinds of expenses that a federal court may tax as costs 
against the losing party." Crawford Fitting Co. v. J.T. Gibbons, Inc., 
482 U.S. 437, 440 (1987). See also United States Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission v. W&O, Inc., 213 F.3d 600, 620 (11th Cir. 
2000). The courts are free to construe the meaning and scope of the 
items enumerated in section 1920, and may exercise discretion in 
allowing or disallowing them, but may not assess costs beyond those 
enumerated.[Footnote 88] See, e.g., Frederick v. City of Portland, 162 
F.R.D. 139, 142 (D. Or. 1995). 

Section 2412(c)(1) provides that costs awarded under section 2412(a) 
shall be in addition to any relief provided in the judgment, and 
"shall be paid as provided in sections 2414 and 2517 of this title." 
Sections 2414 and 2517 address, among other things, the payment of 
awards against the United States rendered in the district courts, the 
Court of International Trade, and the United States Court of Federal 
Claims. 28 U.S.C. �� 2414, 2517. Thus, section 2412(c)(1) means that 
these cost awards are payable from the Judgment Fund like other 
judgments against the United States. However, the authority to award 
costs under 28 U.S.C. � 2412(a) is not limited to cases involving 
money judgments. B-165149-0.M., Sept. 23, 1968. The statute also 
applies to costs awarded on appeal, to the extent authorized by law. 
Super Food Services, Inc. v. United States, 416 F.2d 1236, 1241 (7th 
Cir. 1969). 

Attorney fees[Footnote 89]: 

In England, it is customary for the loser to pay the winner's 
attorneys fees. E.g., Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. Wilderness 
Society, 421 U.S. 240, 247 n.18 (1975). This is called the "English 
Rule." Anderson v. Griffin, 397 F.3d 515, 522 (7th Cir. 2005). The 
United States, by contrast, follows the so-called "American Rule," 
under which each side to a lawsuit bears its own legal expenses. Id. 
Here in the United States, absent a specific statutory (or 
contractual) authorization, the prevailing litigant or claimant 
ordinarily may not recover attorney's fees from the loser. E.g., 
Buckhannon Board and Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia Department of 
Health and Human Resources, 532 U.S. 598, 602 (2001); Summit Valley 
Industries, Inc. v. Local 112, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & 
Joiners of America, 456 U.S. 717, 721 (1982). In principle, of course, 
even without the American Rule, sovereign immunity shields the United 
States from attorney fee awards except where the government has waived 
its immunity. Ardestani v. Immigration & Naturalization Service, 502 
U.S. 129, 137 (1991). Today's reality is that Congress has enacted a 
vast host of fee-shifting statutes�so many that some might be tempted 
to conclude that the American Rule and this application of the 
principle of sovereign immunity had been converted to exceptions. 
There are well over 100 federal fee-shifting statutes on the books. 
Morillo-Cedron v. District Director for the United States Citizenship 
and Immigration Services, 452 E3d 1254, 1257-58 (11th Cir. 2006) 
(citing a listing of fee-shifting statutes in an appendix to the 
dissenting opinion of Justice Brennan in Marek v. Chesny, 473 U.S. 1, 
43-51 (1985)).[Footnote 90] 

Once again, our objective here is limited to presenting an overview of 
attorney fee awards, as seen from the perspective of appropriations 
law. An award of attorney's fees may be included in a judgment on the 
merits or may be made in a separate judgment or order. In a few 
instances, attorney fees are paid from the amount recovered on the 
underlying claim, and are allowable up to a specified maximum 
percentage of the recovery.[Footnote 91] Other statutes authorize 
courts (or administrative agencies) to award reasonable attorneys fees 
to the prevailing party separate from and in addition to any monetary 
recovery in the underlying judgment.[Footnote 92] In either case, like 
other money judgments against the United States, judicial awards of 
attorney fees are payable�unless otherwise provided by law�from the 
permanent, indefinite appropriation established by 31 U.S.C. � 1304 
and commonly known as the Judgment Fund. E.g., 61 Comp. Gen. 260, 261 
(1982); B-239556, Oct. 12, 1990; B-231771, Dec. 7, 1988. Similarly, 
unless otherwise provided by law, administrative awards of attorney 
fees are payable from the agency's appropriations. B-199291, June 19, 
1981. The parties may not alter the correct source of payment by 
stipulating a specific payment source in a settlement agreement. 69 
Comp. Gen. 114 (1990). 

Prior to 1980 Congress had dealt with fee shifting on a piecemeal 
basis. That changed in 1980 with the enactment of major fee-shifting 
legislation for general application to both administrative and 
judicial proceedings. That legislation is the Equal Access to Justice 
Act, referred to as "EAJA."[Footnote 93] 

EAJA provides for both administrative and judicial awards of attorney 
fees. Administrative EAJA awards are covered in 5 U.S.C. � 504. This 
section authorizes attorney fee awards and other expenses to a party 
who prevails over a federal agency in "an adversary adjudication," 
defined as "an adjudication under section 554 of [the Administrative 
Procedure Act]." 5 U.S.C. �� 504(a)(1), 504(b)(1)(C)(i). It adds, 
however, that attorney fee awards must be denied if the official 
conducting the adjudication finds that the losing agency's position 
was "substantially justified" or that "special circumstances make an 
award unjust." Id. � 504(a)(1). These awards are paid by the losing 
agency "from any funds made available to the agency by appropriation 
or otherwise." Id. � 504(d). Even if the agency ultimately prevails, 
section 504(a)(4) requires the hearing officer to award attorney fees 
against the agency: 

"If, in an adversary adjudication arising from an agency action to 
enforce a party's compliance with a statutory or regulatory 
requirement, the demand by the agency is substantially in excess of 
the decision of the adjudicative officer and is unreasonable when 
compared with such decision, under the facts and circumstances of the 
case, ... unless the party has committed a willful violation of law or 
otherwise acted in bad faith, or special circumstances make an award 
unjust. Fees and expenses awarded under this paragraph shall be paid 
only as a consequence of appropriations provided in advance." 

For judicial awards, EAJA enacted two different fee-shifting 
provisions, now codified at 28 U.S.C. � 2412(b) and (d). Section 
2412(b) authorizes fee awards to prevailing parties against the United 
State in civil actions "unless expressly prohibited by statute, ... to 
the same extent that any other party would be liable under the common 
law or under the terms of any statute which specifically provides for 
such an award." As the quoted language indicates, section 2412(b) 
covers two general situations. First, it makes the United States 
liable under fee-shifting statutes that do not by their terms apply to 
the United States. An example of a statute now applicable to the 
United States by virtue of section 2412(b) is the Age Discrimination 
in Employment Act, 29 U.S.C. � 621. See Newmark v. Principi, 283 F.3d 
172, 178 (3rd Cir. 2002). The Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act 
of 1976, 42 U.S.C. � 1988(b), is another. See Premachandra v. Mitts, 
753 F.2d 635 (8th Cir. 1985). Section 2412(b) also makes the United 
States liable for fee awards under some court rules, such as Rule 37 
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure[Footnote 94] (certain 
discovery violations). M.A. Mortenson Co. V. United States, 996 F.2d 
1177 (Fed. Cir. 1993); 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 525 (1982). However, 
the waiver of sovereign immunity does not extend to court rules that, 
unlike the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, are not reviewed and 
approved by Congress and thus lack the force and effect of a federal 
statute. Yancheng Baolong Biochemical Products Company, Ltd. v. United 
States, 406 F.3d 1377, 1382-83 (Fed. Cl. 2005) (rules of the Court of 
International Trade). 

Second, it makes the United States liable under various common-law 
exceptions to the American Rule that were previously inapplicable to 
the federal government. For example, the federal circuit courts 
recently have been vigorously discussing the extent to which section 
2412(b) applies to the common law authority to award attorney fees 
based on a party's "bad faith." See, e.g., Centex Corp. v. United 
States, 486 F.3d 1369, 1372-74 (Fed. Cir. 2007). Awards made under 
section 2412(b) are paid from the Judgment Fund unless otherwise 
provided for by law. One example of when these awards are otherwise 
provided for can be seen in 28 U.S.C. � 2412(c)(2), specifying that an 
award based on a finding of bad faith under this statutory provision 
must be paid from agency funds. See, e.g., 63 Comp. Gen. 260 (1984). 

The second EAJA provision, applicable to judicial awards is section 
2412(d). It is a "catch-all" provision that generally applies to any 
civil action brought by or against the United States except tort cases 
or cases subject to another fee-shifting statute. It parallels the 
provisions of 5 U.S.C. � 504(a), discussed above. A prevailing party 
(other than the United States) who meets specified financial 
eligibility criteria may apply to the court for a fee award under this 
subsection. Fees will be awarded unless the court finds that "the 
position of the United States was substantially justified or that 
special circumstances make an award unjust." 28 U.S.C. � 
2412(d)(1)(A). The "substantially justified" determination includes 
the underlying administrative action, as well as the government's 
position in the lawsuit. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(1)(B). Once the party 
applies for the fee application, the burden shifts to the United 
States to establish that its position was substantially justified. 
[Footnote 95] E.g., International Air Response, Inc. v. United States, 
80 Fed. Cl. 460, 463 (2008). Fees are limited to $125 per hour, but 
courts may award higher amount based on cost-of-living increases or 
other special factors. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(2)(A). An award may be 
reduced or denied if the prevailing party has "unduly and unreasonably 
protracted" the case. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(1)(C). 

As amended in 1985,[Footnote 96] EAJA provides that section 2412(d) 
awards "shall be paid by any agency over which the party prevails from 
any funds made available to the agency by appropriation or otherwise." 
28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(4). Line-item appropriations are not required for 
this purpose. E.g., Electrical District No. 1 v. Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission, 813 F.2d 1246 (D.C. Cir. 1987); 63 Comp. Gen. 
260, 263 (1984); 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 204, 209-12 (1982). 

(3) Deductions: 

If someone entitled to payment from the Judgment Fund also owes a debt 
to the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury is required by 31 
U.S.C. � 3728 to set off (withhold) that amount from the Judgment Fund 
payment. This set-off requirement has been on the books since 1875. 
Act of March 3, 1875, ch. 149, 18 Stat. 481. As the Court of Claims 
said in Labadie v. United States, 33 Ct. Cl. 476, 480 (1898): "When 
the time of payment comes the statutes give the accounting officers 
... abundant authority to set off an indebtedness due from a claimant 
to the United States against a judgment in his favor." 

It is important, in this context, however, to distinguish between 
setoff taken against awards payable from the Judgment Fund pursuant to 
section 3728 and setoff taken in other contexts or pursuant to other 
statutes or common law authority. The procedures of section 3728 apply 
only to setoff against awards payable from the Judgment Fund. Thus, 
they do not apply to the government's right of setoff prior to the 
entry of judgment on the claim against which offset is sought. E.g., 
Fitzgerald v. Staats, 578 F.2d 435, 439 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 439 
U.S. 1004 (1978). The right of setoff against an administrative claim 
is wholly independent of section 3728, and there is no requirement to 
seek the debtor's consent pursuant to section 3728 when pursuing 
setoff in that context.[Footnote 97] E.g., Project Map, Inc. v. United 
States, 486 F.2d 1375 (Ct. Cl. 1973); 14 Comp. Gen. 849 (1935). 
Likewise, section 3728 has no application to setoff taken by an 
executive agency against a judgment payable from agency funds rather 
than the Judgment Fund and provides no basis for awarding interest in 
conjunction with such an offset. Bianchi v. United States, 46 Fed. Cl. 
363 (2000). 

Section 3728 both establishes the requirement for setoff and 
prescribes the procedures to be followed. If the plaintiff consents, 
the amount of the debt is deducted from the amount paid pursuant to 31 
U.S.C. � 1304 and the debt is discharged. 31 U.S.C. � 3728(b)(1). If 
the plaintiff refuses to consent or denies the indebtedness, the 
amount must still be withheld, together with the estimated cost of 
prosecuting the debt to final judgment, 31 U.S.C. � 3728(b)(2)(A). 
Thereafter, the statute requires, the Secretary shall "have a civil 
action brought if one has not already been brought." 31 U.S.C. � 
3728(b)(2)(B). If the government loses in this action or if the amount 
recovered on the debt and costs is less than the amount withheld, the 
balance must be paid over to the plaintiff with 6 percent interest for 
the time it was withheld. 31 U.S.C. � 3728(c). 

The requirements of 31 U.S.C. � 3728 with respect to judgment 
creditors have generally been viewed as mandatory. E.g., B-259532, 
Mar. 6, 1995; 37 Op. Att'y Gen. 215, 217-18 (1933). Thus, an agreement 
purporting to consent to the entry of final judgment without regard to 
setoff is invalid. Eastern Transportation Co. v. United States, 159 
F.2d 349, 352 (2nd Cir. 1947). 

On the other hand, the award subject to setoff does not have to arise 
from a judgment in order to trigger the procedures of 31 U.S.C. � 
3728. Where the applicable statute provides for payment from the 
Judgment Fund "in a manner similar to judgments and compromises in 
like causes," or "in accordance with the procedures provided by" 
section 1304, or pursuant to some other similar language, the 
procedures of section 3728 will apply. E.g., B-135984, May 21, 1976 
(those administrative settlements under the Federal Tort Claims Act 
which are payable from the Judgment Fund because they exceed $2,500, 
as provided by 28 U.S.C. � 2672); B-210316-0.M., Sept. 16, 1983 
(awards made by boards of contract appeals under the Contract Disputes 

As discussed above, administrative back pay awards are normally paid 
from agency funds. 69 Comp. Gen. 40, 42 (1989). When an agency pays an 
employee's salary, it normally makes several deductions from the gross 
amount for such things as income tax and retirement fund 
contributions. Typical deductions include federal income tax, state 
income tax, retirement fund or social security contribution, Medicare 
tax, and Federal Employees Group Life Insurance.[Footnote 98] The 
treatment of these types of deductions may become an issue when an 
employee receives back pay from the Judgment Fund as the result of a 
lawsuit under the Back Pay Act, 5 U.S.C. � 5596, and other statutes. 
See, e.g., 58 Comp. Gen. 311 (1979). 

Where payment is made on a judgment, deductions may not be made from 
the amount owed under the judgment unless the deductions are specified 
in the judgment or in a written agreement signed by the judgment 
creditor. In B-129346, Sept. 23, 1981, for example, GAO held that is 
had no authority to unilaterally withhold taxes from back pay 
judgments against the United States unless the judgments specifically 
directed the withholdings or the parties involved agreed to the 
deduction of specified amounts. The authority to certify judgments 
under 31 U.S.C. � 1304, GAO noted, is largely ministerial, and does 
not allow certification of judgments for payment "other than in 
accordance with their terms." B-124720, B-129346, Aug. 1, 1961, at 1. 
See also 44 Comp. Gen. 729 (1965); 8 Comp. Gen. 603, 605 (1929). As a 
practical matter, however, if the parties agree to the deduction of a 
specified amount of withholding tax, their agreement may be 
implemented in making the settlement, even where the judgment itself 
is silent because the payee consented to the deduction. B-124720, B-
129346, Sept. 23, 1981. 

Some deductions, such as federal retirement and Social Security, 
require contributions by the government, as well as by the employee. 
As GAO concluded in 58 Comp. Gen. 115 (1978), if a judgment directs 
the payment of the government's share, as well as the employee's 
share, they become part of the judgment and payable from the permanent 
appropriation. If a judgment directs a particular deduction but is 
silent with respect to the government's share, the employee's share is 
payable from the permanent appropriation because it is part of the 
judgment, but the government's share is not and must be paid from the 
employing agency's funds. 58 Comp. Gen. at 118-19. 

D. Claims by the Government: Debt Collection: 

"It is 'as much the duty of the citizen to pay the Government as it is 
the duty of the Government to pay the citizen.'" 

Cherry Cotton Mills, Inc. v. United States, 327 U.S. 536, 540 (1946), 
quoting Cong. Globe, 37L1 Cong., 2nd Sess. 1674 (1862). 

1. Introduction: 

As discussed above, 31 U.S.C. � 3702 charges agencies to settle "all 
claims of or against the United States," while 31 U.S.C. � 3526(a) 
charges GAO to settle "all accounts of the United States." Naturally, 
the settlement of claims under section 3702 regularly identifies 
amounts owed to the United States. This section discusses the accounts 
settlement issues encountered by agencies when they go about 
collecting these claims of the United States. These claims are 
commonly referred to as "debts"[Footnote 99] and this process is 
commonly known as "debt collection."[Footnote 100] 

The amount of delinquent debt[Footnote 101] owed to the federal 
government is enormous. The Treasury Department has estimated that, as 
of September 30, 2006, nontax delinquent debt stood at about $91 
billion.[Footnote 102] The outstanding tax debt is even more 
staggering: As of the same date, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 
estimated delinquent tax debt at about $245 billion.[Footnote 103] 

2. The Government's Duty and Authority to Collect Debts Owed to It 
Federal debt collection is a legal duty. Article IV, section 3, clause 
2 of the Constitution, the so-called Property Clause, gives Congress 
the power to dispose of property belonging to the United States. 
[Footnote 104] Thus, the Supreme Court has stated: 

"Power to release or otherwise dispose of the rights and property of 
the United States is lodged in the Congress by the Constitution. Art. 
W, � 3, Cl. 2. Subordinate officers of the United States are without 
that power, save only as it has been conferred upon them by Act of 
Congress or is to be implied from other powers so granted." 

Royal Indemnity Co. v. United States, 313 U.S. 289, 294 (1941). For 
example, as the Court of Claims put it in Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. 
v. United States, 172 F. Supp. 268, 270 (Ct. Cl. 1959), "when a 
payment is erroneously or illegally made it is in direct violation of 
article W, section 3, clause 2, of the Constitution.... Under these 
circumstances it is not only lawful but the duty of the Government to 
sue for a refund thereof." See also Amtec Corp. v. United States, 69 
Fed. CL 79, 88 (2005), aff'd, 239 Fed. Appx. 585 (Fed. Cir. 2007). 

It follows that, without a clear statutory basis, an agency has no 
authority to forgive indebtedness or to waive recovery. E.g., B-
276550, Dec. 15, 1997; 67 Comp. Gen. 471 (1988). The courts have added 
that even the mistakes of federal employees will not estop the 
government from fulfilling its duty to collect claims of the United 
States. E.g., Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. v. United States, 526 F.2d 
1127, 1130 (Ct. Cl. 1975), cert. denied, 425 U.S. 973 (1976); Lawrence 
v. United States, 69 Fed. Cl. 550, 557, affd, 206 Fed. Appx. 993 
(2006); Amtec, 69 Fed. Cl. at 88. See also 51 Comp. Gen. 162, 165 
(1971). The duty to recover misspent federal grant funds even extends 
to grantees that innocently incur improper expenditures. B-303927, 
June 7, 2005. 

The courts have long recognized that the government, as sovereign, 
also has the inherent right to collect debts owed to it. E.g., United 
States v. Wurts, 303 U.S. 414, 415 (1938); United States v. Lahey 
Clinic Hospital, Inc., 399 F.3d 1, 15 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 546 
U.S. 815 (2005). "The only time a government agency is barred from 
exercising its right to recover overpayments is when Congress has 
clearly manifested its intention to raise a statutory barrier." Old 
Republic Insurance Co. v. Federal Crop Insurance Corp., 746 E Supp. 
767, 770 (N.D. Ill. 1990), aff'd, 947 F.2d 269 (7th Cir. 1991). See 
also O'Gilvie v. United States, 66 F.3d 1550, 1554 (10th Cir. 1995), 
aff d, 519 U.S. 79 (1996). 

Over the years, Congress, through a series of governmentwide statutes, 
has acted to affirm, regulate, and augment the government's inherent 
and common law duty and powers with respect to debt collection. 
[Footnote 105] The first of these governmentwide statutes was the 
Federal Claims Collection Act (FCCA). Pub. L. No. 89-508, 80 Stat. 308 
(July 19, 1966). See also Debt Collection Act of 1982, Pub. L. No. 97-
365, 96 Stat. 1749 (Oct. 25, 1982); the Federal Debt Recovery Act, 
Pub. L. No. 99-578, 100 Stat. 3305 (Oct. 28, 1986); Federal Debt 
Collection Procedures Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-647, title XXXVI, 
104 Stat. 4789, 4933 (Nov. 29, 1990); Debt Collection Improvement Act 
of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-134, title DI, ch. 10, � 31001, 110 Stat. 
1321, 1321-358 (Apr. 26, 1996). Governmentwide regulations, known as 
the Federal Claims Collection Standards (FCCS), are found at 31 C.F.R. 
ch. IX. Each individual agency has authority and responsibility in the 
first instance for collecting debts arising from its own programs and 
activities. 31 C.F.R. � 901.1(a) ("Federal agencies shall aggressively 
collect all debts arising out of activities of, or referred or 
transferred for collection services to, that agency. Collection 
activities shall be undertaken promptly with follow-up action taken as 
necessary."). The Departments of Treasury and Justice are responsible 
for supervising federal debt collection practices. 31 U.S.C. � 
3711(d). Prior to 1996, when Congress transferred GAO's responsibility 
for supervising federal debt collection activities to the Treasury 
Department,[Footnote 106] GAO jointly promulgated the FCCS with the 
Justice Department, and issued many decisions and opinions addressing 
federal debt collection practices.[Footnote 107] 

3. Debt Collection in a Nutshell: 

This part of the chapter focuses on how government debt collection 
efforts affect and are affected by appropriations law. A very basic 
description of how the government collects debts will provide a useful 
backdrop.[Footnote 198] 

The Federal Claims Collection Standards (FCCS) break down the 
governmentwide debt collection regime into the following components: 
administrative collection (31 C.F.R. part 901), compromise of claims 
(part 902), suspension or termination of collection (part 903), and 
referrals for litigation (part 904). 

The administrative collection actions described in FCCS, part 901, 

* issuing demand letters (31 C.F.R. � 901.2); 

* taking administrative offset (31 C.F.R. � 901.3); 

* reporting debts to consumer reporting agencies (31 C.F.R. � 901.4); 

* contracting with private collection agencies (31 C.F.R. � 901.5); 
[Footnote 109] 

* suspending federal licenses, permits, and privileges (31 C.F.R. � 

* liquidating security or collateral (31 C.F.R. � 901.7); 

* accepting collection in installments (31 C.F.R. � 901.8); and; 

* assessing interest, penalties, and administrative costs (31 C.F.R. � 

If these tactics do not result in prompt collection of the debt, 
agencies are required to refer their debts to the Treasury Department 
for further administrative collection efforts. 31 C.F.R. �� 901.1(d) & 

In the event that collection of the complete amount cannot be 
accomplished, the FCCS addresses the authority of the agencies and 
Treasury to suspend or terminate collection under certain criteria (31 
C.F.R. �� 903.2 and 903.3). The FCCS also address agency authority to 
compromise claims (31 C.F.R. part 902) or refer administratively 
uncollectible debts to Justice for litigation (31 C.F.R. part 904). As 
a final effort to obtain at least some return on uncollectible debts, 
the FCCS requires agencies to attempt to sell nontax debts without 
recourse against the government (31 C.F.R. � 903.5(b)). Once all of 
these collection avenues have been explored, the FCCS directs agencies 
to discharge (also referred to as a close out of the debt) the debts 
that remain and report that fact to the Internal Revenue Service. 31 
U.S.C. � 3711(a)(3); 31 C.F.R. �� 903.3(a), 903.5. 

4. Common Appropriations Law Issues Associated with Debt Collection 

a. Diminishing Returns and Cost/Benefit: 

Many years ago, GAO approved the establishment of thresholds for small 
claims below which initiating or continuing collection action would 
not be cost-effective. See, e.g., 65 Comp. Gen. 893, 896 (1986) 
(agencies should establish "'minimum debt amounts' and realistic 
'points of diminishing returns'"). See also 55 Comp. Gen. 1438, 1439 
(1976); 45 Comp. Gen. 553 (1966). In this context, notwithstanding the 
duty to collect claims owed to the United States, GAO concluded that, 
where the costs of collection would greatly exceed the amounts to be 
recovered, agencies should adopt plans to forgo or cease collection in 
such case. See, e.g., 65 Comp. Gen. 893; Considerations 18 Comp. Gen. 
838 (1939); B-115800, Aug. 17, 1976. 

The Federal Claims Collection Standards (FCCS) endorse this approach 
and encourage the use of cost-benefit analysis: 

"Agency collection procedures should provide for periodic comparison 
of costs incurred and amounts collected. Data on costs and 
corresponding recovery rates for debts of different types and in 
various dollar ranges should be used to compare the cost effectiveness 
of alternative collection techniques, establish guidelines with 
respect to points at which costs of further collection efforts are 
likely to exceed recoveries, assist in evaluating offers of 
compromise, and establish minimum debt amounts below which collection 
action need not be taken." 

31 C.F.R. � 901.10. In this regard, in 58 Comp. Gen. 372, 375 (1979), 
GAO held that the Interior Department could forgo collection action on 
reclamation fees paid by coal mine operators of underpayments of $1 or 
less, noting that "it may safely be presumed, without cost studies, 
that in cases of $1 or less collection action will always exceed the 
amount recoverable." GAO also waived collection of erroneous 
overpayments of compensation over a 1-year period to nearly 5,000 
National Guard technicians and small overpayments to approximately 
10,000 persons, because of the administrative burden of identifying 
the debtors and computing the amounts of the individual claims. B-
206699.1, B-206699.2, Sept. 15, 1988. 

b. Disposition of Proceeds: 

Once an agency collects a debt owed to the United States, what 
can/must it do with that money? 

(1) The general rule: 

Generally, if an agency collects a debt owed to the United States, it 
must deposit the collection in the general fund of the United States 
Treasury as "miscellaneous receipts." See, e.g., B-302366, July 12, 
2004; 64 Comp. Gen. 395, 402 (1985). This rule is nothing more than an 
application of the so-called miscellaneous receipts statute, 31 U.S.C. 
� 3302(b), discussed more fully in Chapter 6, section E.2. Section 
3302(b) provides that "an official or agent of the Government 
receiving money for the Government from any source shall deposit the 
money in the Treasury as soon as practicable without deduction for any 
charge or claim." Violation of this statute constitutes an illegal 
augmentation of the agency's appropriation. E.g., B-265734, Feb. 13, 

As explained in B-308476, Dec. 20, 2006, appropriations establish 
maximum authorized program funding levels. Absent statutory 
authorization, agencies may not operate beyond the level that can be 
paid for using the funds Congress appropriates to them. Supplementing 
appropriations with funds obtained from sources not provided by law 
would improperly augment�meaning usurp Congress's fiscal control over�
agency programs. B-308476, citing B-300248, Jan. 15, 2004. 

This rule, however, is subject to two classes of exceptions, statutory 
exceptions and the refund exception. See, e.g., B-302366, July 12, 
2004; 69 Comp. Gen. 260, 262 (1990). 

(2) Statutory exceptions: 

Statutory exceptions to the miscellaneous receipts statute are laws 
that expressly authorize an agency to credit some or all of its 
receipts to a particular fund or appropriation (instead of to the 
general fund of the Treasury), or allow it to expend those receipts 
without depositing them. See, e.g., B-241269, Feb. 28, 1991 
(discussing provisions of the Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. �� 1535, 1536, 
and the Government Employees Training Act, 5 U.S.C. � 4104). 

One such provision central to federal debt collection is 31 U.S.C. � 
3718(d). This law, part of the Federal Claims Collection Act as 
amended, states that: 

"notwithstanding section 3302(b) of this title, a contract under 
subsection (a) [private debt collectors] or (b) [private attorneys] of 
this section may provide that a fee a person charges to recover 
indebtedness owed, or to locate or recover assets of, the United 
States Government is payable from the amount recovered." 

In other words, this law allows agencies to use some of their 
collection proceeds to pay the fees of private debt collection 
contractors and lawyers retained to collect delinquent debts owed to 
the United States. 

In 64 Comp. Gen. 366 (1985), GAO considered the statutory exception in 
section 3718(d). The General Services Administration (GSA) wanted to 
conserve its appropriations by using collection proceeds on a 
contingency-fee basis to pay contractors to examine bills GSA had 
already paid, identify any overcharges or other erroneous payments 
made by the government, request repayment for those amounts, and take 
other necessary and appropriate actions to effect their collection. 64 
Comp. Gen. at 366-67. GAO found that some of the amounts recovered 
qualified as proceeds from the collection of delinquent debts and 
could be used to pay the contractors under 31 U.S.C. � 3718(d). Id. at 
370. The majority of the amounts being recovered by GSA contractors, 
however, were not delinquent and arose from "account servicing" rather 
than "debt collection." Id. at 369. Section 3718(d) does not apply to 
these amounts, and they had to be deposited in full (i.e., without 
deductions to pay the contractors) in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts. Id. at 370. 

(3) Refund exception: 

The refund exception to 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b) concerns repayments of 
amounts that were erroneously paid from appropriated funds.[Footnote 
110] E.g., B-308476, Dec. 20, 2006; 62 Comp. Gen. 70, 73 (1982). This 
exception encompasses "refunds of advances, collections for 
overpayments made, adjustments for previous amounts disbursed, or 
recoveries of erroneous disbursements from appropriation or fund 
accounts that are directly related to, and reductions of, previously 
recorded payments from the accounts." 69 Comp. Gen. 260, 262 (1990). 
Refunds represent repayments for excess payments made by the agency to 
outside sources that are to be credited to the appropriation from 
which the excess payments were made. B-305402, Jan. 3, 2006. 

For example, in B-302366, July 12, 2004, the Department of Energy 
asked whether it could retain amounts repaid to the department by one 
of its contractors. The repayment represented amounts that the 
department's contractor had overpaid for state business and occupation 
taxes plus interest on that overpayment. B-302366. GAO agreed that the 
principal portion would be considered a refund and could be credited 
to the department's appropriation as an overpayment of an expense 
under the contract. However, GAO also concluded that the department 
could not credit amounts that represented interest. Unlike the 
principal amount, the interest did not reflect the restoration of a 
previous improper payment or overpayment. Id. Instead, the purpose of 
the interest payment was to compensate for the passage of time and the 
lost earnings resulting from the state's retention of money to which 
it was not entitled. Id. Interest paid on the principal amount is an 
amount in excess of the amount originally paid. Thus, the interest did 
not qualify as a refund under the refund exception to section 3302(b). 
Without express statutory authority, crediting the interest to the 
appropriation would augment the department's appropriations and 
violate section 3302. Id. Cf. B-310725, May 20, 2008 (the National 
Science Foundation Inspector General (IG) may not credit to the IG 
appropriation amounts the agency recovered under the False Claims Act 
that represent costs incurred by the IG to investigate a False Claims 
Act claim; those amounts do not restore to the appropriation amounts 
that should not have been paid from the appropriation). 

c. Accountable Officer Issues Accountable officers and agencies both 
have a duty to collect from people who receive money from the 
government to which they were not entitled.[Footnote 111] So strong is 
the duty to collect that many of the statutes that address relief for 
accountable officers specifically condition relief upon diligent 
action to collect the debt. See, e.g., 31 U.S.C. �� 3527(b)(1)(B) 
(certain erroneous payments), 3527(c) (disbursing officers), 
3528(b)(2) (certifying officers). See also B-271017, Aug. 12, 1996. 
Some statutes even emphasize that granting relief to the accountable 
officer does not diminish this duty. E.g., 31 U.S.C. �� 3333(b), 
3343(g), 3526(c)(4), 3527(d)(2). 

At the same time, however, the recipient and the responsible 
accountable officer share an element of joint liability. See, e.g., B-
228946, Jan. 15, 1988. The agency's first obligation is to seek 
recovery from the recipient. B-212602, Apr. 5, 1984. If the agency 
cannot collect the full amount from the recipient, the accountable 
officer is liable for any remaining balance unless and to the extent 
that he or she is granted relief. Id.; 30 Comp. Gen. 298, 300 (1951). 
See also 62 Comp. Gen. 476, 478-79 (1983); 54 Comp. Gen. 112, 114 
(1974). For more on accountable officers, see Chapter 9. 

GAO is reluctant to deny relief solely on the basis of inadequate 
collection action because the failure may be attributable to the 
agency and beyond the accountable officer's control. See, e.g., B-
239154, Nov. 30, 1990. Nevertheless, GAO may deny relief for lack of 
adequate debt collection efforts when such a denial is appropriate to 
the facts and circumstances. See, e.g., B-234815, Oct. 3, 1989 
(disbursing officer did not initiate collection action despite advice 
from agency counsel). 

Chapter 14 Footnotes: 

[1] See, e.g., 31 U.S.C. � 3701(b)(1); 31 C.F.R. � 900.2(a). 

[2] Because Volume III of the second edition provides a useful history 
of case law in these areas, it will remain available on GAO's Web 
site, [hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov]. For the reasons provided 
herein, GAO will not update that volume, however, and it should not be 
viewed as a statement of current law. Also, it should not be confused 
with Volume III of the third edition, which updates Volume IV of the 
second edition; it neither updates, supersedes, nor replaces Volume 
III of the second edition. 

[3] E.g., United States v. Sherwood, 312 U.S. 584 (1941). 

[4] E.g., Bausch & Lomb Optical Company v. United States, 78 Ct. Cl. 
584, 607, cert. denied, 292 U.S. 645 (1934); B-307767, Nov. 13, 2006; 
B-276550, Dec. 15, 1997; B-159292, July 7, 1988. 

[5] E.g., B-276550, Dec. 15, 1997; 67 Comp. Gen. 271, 273 (1988). In 
Franconia Associates v. United States, 536 U.S. 129, 141 (2002), 
quoting United States v. King, 395 U.S. 1, 4 (1969), the Supreme Court 
observed, "A waiver of sovereign immunity of the United States 'cannot 
be implied but must be unequivocally expressed." See also United 
States v. Mitchell, 445 U.S. 535, 538 (1980); United States v. 
Mescalero Apache Tribe, 518 E2d 1309 (Ct. Cl. 1975); cert. denied, 425 
U.S. 911 (1976). 

[6] E.g., 17 Comp. Gen. 931 (1938). See also 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 
127 (1998). Over the years, Congress has waived much of its sovereign 
immunity by enacting a broad range of legal remedies, both judicial 
and administrative, governing claims against the federal government. 
These include, to name only a few, the Tucker Act (28 U.S.C. �� 
1346(a)(2), 1491(a)(2)), the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. �� 
1346(b), 2671-2680), the Military Claims Act (10 U.S.C. � 2733), the 
Federal Employees Compensation Act (5 U.S.C. ch. 81), Military 
Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act (31 U.S.C. � 3721), and 
the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. �� 601-613). Thus, while 
sovereign immunity is still a rule of law in the United States, it 
applies to a smaller universe than it did in the early years of the 
republic or even a century ago. 

[7] Cf, e.g., Office of Personnel Management v. Richmond, 496 U.S. 
414,430 (1990) ("Congress' early practice was to adjudicate each 
individual money claim against the United States, on the ground that 
the Appropriations Clause forbade even a delegation of individual 
adjudicatory functions where payment of funds from the Treasury was 

[8] Roger Trask, Defender of the Public Interest: The General 
Accounting Office, 1921-1966, 2-5 (1996) (hereafter Trask). 

[9] Id. at 4. 

[10] Id. at 2-3; Frederick C. Mosher, The GAO: The Quest for 
Accountability in American Government, 20 (1979) (hereafter Mosher); 
Harvey C. Mansfield, The Comptroller General: A Study in the Law and 
Practice of Financial Administration, 24-26 (1939) (hereafter 

[11] Trask, at 4. 

[12] Id. at 5; Mosher, at 21. 

[13] Mosher, at 21. 

[14] Id. 

[15] Id. 

[16] Mosher, at 23; Mansfield, at 27. 

[17] Act of July 27, 1789, ch. 17, 1 Stat. 28 (later renamed the 
Department of State). 

[18] Act of August 7, 1789, ch. 7, 1 Stat. 49 (later renamed the 
Department of Defense). 

[19] Act of September 2, 1789, ch. 12, 1 Stat. 65. 

[20] Act of September 24, 1789, ch. 20, � 35, 1 Stat. 73, 92-93. The 
Justice Department itself was not established until 1870. Act of June 
22, 1870, ch. 150, � 1, 16 Stat. 162. 

[21 Leonard D. White, The Federalists: A Study in Administrative 
History, 323 (1948). 

[22] Id. 

[23] 1 Stat. at 65-67. 

[24] 1 Stat. 65. 

[25] Id. 

[26] Mansfield, at 36. 

[27] 1 Stat. 66-67. 

[28] Act of March 3, 1817, ch. 45, � 2, 3 Stat. 366. This provision, 
as amended, is now codified in 31 U.S.C. �� 3526, 3702. 

[29] Darrell Heavenor Smith, The General Accounting Office�Its 
History, Activities, and Organization, 83 (1927). 

[30] Note, The Distinction Between Legislative and Constitutional 
Courts, 43 Yale L. J. 316, 317 (1933). 

[31] Act of February 24, 1855, ch. 122, � 1, 10 Stat. 612. See also 
Glidden Co. v. Zdanok, 370 U.S. 530, 552-53 (1962) (the Court of 
Claims "was created ... primarily to relieve the pressure on Congress 
caused by the volume of private bills"); 43 Yale L. J. at 317. 

[32] Note, The Court of Claims: Judicial Power and Congressional 
Review, 46 Harv. L. Rev. 677, 679 n.15 (1933). See Williams v. United 
States, 289 U.S. 553, 565 (1933) ("originally nothing more than an 
administrative or advisory body, [that was later] converted into a 
court, in fact as well as in name"). See also Nourse v. United States, 
2 Ct. Cl. 214 (1866), citing Ferriera v. United States, 54 U.S. [13 
How.] 40 (1851). 

[33] 10 Stat. at 614 (court's opinions become "conclusive" only if 
"confirmed by Congress"). 

[34] 46 Harv. L. Rev. at 679. See also Glidden, 370 U.S. at 552 ("As 
an innovation the court was at first regarded as an experiment, and 
some of its creators were reluctant to give it all the attributes of a 
court by making its judgments final; instead, it was authorized to 
hear claims and report its findings of fact and opinions to Congress, 
together with drafts of bills designed to carry its recommendations 
into effect."). 

[35] See text accompanying notes 7 and 8, supra. 

[36] Cong. Globe, 37th Cong., 2nd Sess. (1862), app. at 2. 

[37] Smith, at 62. See also Pub. L. No. 67-13, � 301; Mosher, at 48-51. 

[38] Pub. L. No. 104-53, � 211. A 1997 GAO memorandum to departments 
and agencies describes in detail the statutory functions transferred 
to OMB by Public Law 104-53, as well as the delegations that OMB had 
made as of that date. B-275605, Mar. 17, 1997. While claims settlement 
was transferred from GAO, GAO's account settlement authority was not 
altered. Compare Pub. L. No. 104-53, � 211, and 31 U.S.C. �� 3526, 
3529. See also B-275605; Chapter 1, section C.2. 

[39] See OMB, Determination with Respect to Transfer of Functions 
Pursuant to Public Law 104-53 (June 28, 1996), available at 
[hyperlink, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/foia/gc_June28.pdf] (last 
visited June 10, 2008); B-275605, Mar. 17, 1997. 

[40] See Smith, at 82, quoting GAO Letter of January 28, 1927 ("the 
question is not so much a settlement of claims as determination of 
availability of appropriations"). See also Harts Case, 16 Ct. Cl. 459, 
484 (1880), affd, Hart v. United States, 118 U.S. 62 (1886) ("Auditing 
and accounting are but parts of a scheme for payment."). 

[41] Under 31 U.S.C. � 3724(a), the Attorney General is authorized to 
settle claims for "personal injury, death, or damage to, or loss of, 
privately owned property, caused by an investigative or law 
enforcement officer ... employed by the Department of Justice acting 
within the scope of employment that may not be settled under [the 
Federal Tort Claims Act]." 

[42] See notes 2-4, supra, and the accompanying text. 

[43] E.g., Office of Personnel Management v. Richmond, 496 U.S. 414, 
429-31 (1990), quoting Subcommittee on Administrative Law and 
Governmental Relations of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 
Supplemental Rules of Procedure for Private Claims Bills, 101st Cong. 
2 (Comm. Print 1989): 

"As the business of the Federal Legislature has grown, Congress has 
placed the individual adjudication of claims based on the 
Constitution, statutes, or contracts, or on specific authorizations of 
suit against the Government, with the Judiciary.... But Congress has 
always reserved to itself the power to address claims ... founded not 
on any statutory authority, but upon the claim that the equities and 
circumstances of a case create a moral obligation on the part of the 
Government to extend relief to an individual." 

See also, e.g., 62 Comp. Gen. 419, 421 (1983), citing 8 Comp. Dec. 582 
(1902) ("The claims settlement jurisdiction of the 'accounting 
officers' extends only to claims based on legal liability and not to 
claims based on equity or moral obligations."); B-175670, May 25, 
1972, at 2 ("[W]e may not consider your claim on equitable grounds 
since our office is authorized only to settle claims based on 
applicable legal principles, and we may not settle a claim on the 
basis of moral or equitable obligations of the Government.") 

[44] During the Vietnam War, the United States hired commandos to 
conduct covert operations deep inside North Vietnam. Prior to this 
act, the United States had not acknowledged this fact. Mattes v. 
Chairman, Vietnamese Commandos Compensation Commission, 173 F.3d 817, 
818 n.2 (11th Cir. 1999). The National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 1997 authorized the appropriation of $20 million for his 
purpose, with individual payments ranging from $40,000 to $50,000. 
Pub. L. No. 104-201, �� 657(c) & (g). The Secretary's determinations 
under this provision were "final and conclusive," and judicial review 
was "specifically precluded." Id. � 657(j). 

[45] Pub. L. No. 70-217, 45 Stat. 413 (Apr. 10, 1928). 

[46] "Nor shall private property be taken for public use without just 
compensation." U.S. Const. amend. V. See Chapter 13, section B.5.b. 

[47] GAO, taking cognizance of Bowen, held that monetary awards made 
under the APA and other equitable authorities should be treated no 
differently than other monetary awards when being considered for 
payment from the permanent, indefinite appropriation known as the 
Judgment Fund, 31 U.S.C.� 1304. That, however, did not necessarily 
make the award payable from the Judgment Fund. Rather, GAO said, "to 
the extent that monetary awards made under equitable authorities 
otherwise satisfy the statutory criteria governing use of the Judgment 
Fund, those awards should be paid in the same manner as other monetary 
awards against the United States." B-259065, Dec. 21, 1995, at 4-5. 
See also B-279886, Apr. 28, 1998, at 10-11 (the Judgment Fund would 
not be available to pay a court order directing the government to pay 
the costs of supervising a labor union's election rerun, "even if the 
court were to award a specific sum equivalent to the actual or 
anticipated costs of supervising the rerun" because such an order 
"would appear more in the nature of injunctive relief, than a monetary 
award of damages"). 

[48] Absent an authorizing statute, an agency has no authority to 
create liability by regulation. Illinois Central Railroad Co. v. 
United States, 52 Ct. Cl. 53, 59 (1917). See also Mitzelfelt v. 
Department of Air Force, 903 F.2d 1293 (10th Cir. 1990); B-201054, 
Apr. 27, 1981. This principle follows logically and directly from the 
more fundamental principle that "[a]gents and officers of the 
Government have no authority to give away the money or property of the 
United States." Central Engineering & Construction Co. v. United, 59 
F. Supp. 553, 568 (Ct. Cl. 1945). See also B-159292-0.M., July 7, 1988 
(and cases cited), and notes 2-4, supra, and accompanying text. 

[49] Id. 

[50] Of course, claimants could petition Congress for private relief 
legislation (see section B of this chapter) and the Fifth Amendment of 
the U.S. Constitution allowed claims to be asserted against the 
government under certain circumstances (see section C.1.b of this 

[51] When a government agent purports to commit the government to a 
transaction that he or she has no actual authority to enter, the 
government is not legally obligated to honor the transaction. B-
209132, Oct. 3, 1983. An agency, however, can ratify such an agreement 
after the fact. See Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 C.F.R. � 
1.602-3. The authority to ratify unauthorized transactions and settle 
the resulting claims has long been recognized by the courts and 
accounting officers of the United States. See, e.g., United States v. 
Beebe, 180 U.S. 343 (1901); 22 Comp. Gen. 1083 (1943). To exercise 
this authority, the ratifying official, among other things, must have 
the authority to enter into the agreement (48 C.F.R. � 1.602-3(c)(2)) 
and the underlying agreement must be "otherwise proper" (48 C.F.R. � 
1.6023(c)(3)). For a discussion of this authority, see B-306353, Oct. 
26, 2005, in which GAO determined that the Architect of the Capitol 
could use appropriated funds to pay a contractor for services rendered 
pursuant to an unauthorized commitment which the Architect of the 
Capitol had subsequently ratified. 

[52] The authority to issue decisions with respect to claims is now 
vested in the head of the agency responsible for settling the claim. 
See 31 U.S.C. � 3529(b)(2)(B) (added by Pub. L. No. 104-316, � 204, 
110 Stat. 3826, 3845 (Oct. 19, 1996), discussed in section B of this 
chapter). See also B-275605, Mar. 17, 1997. Public Law 104-316 did not 
transfer, amend, or repeal GAO's authority under 31 U.S.C. � 3529 to 
issue decisions on matters involving the use of appropriations that do 
not specifically involve settling a claim, or GAO's authorities under 
31 U.S.C. �� 3527 and 3528 to grant relief to disbursing and 
certifying officers. Id. 

[53] Copies of the OMB delegation orders are available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/foia/transfer_gao_auth.html] (last 
visited June 10, 2008). 

[54] While section 3702 provides an independent administrative claims 
handling procedure, it does not provide an independent basis for 
paying claims. "Rather, in order for payment of the claim to be 
lawful, there must be independent appropriations authority to pay the 
claim." 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 11, 20 (1998). Identification of the 
proper appropriation to use in order to pay a claim is, in large part, 
a function of appropriations law. (Note the specific appropriations 
usage directed in 31 U.S.C. �� 3702(d) and (e)(2).) Payment issues are 
discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. 

[55] A statutory scheme may be regarded as exclusive even without 
explicit "final and conclusive" language. E.g., Aamodt v. United 
States, 976 E2d 691 (Fed. Cir. 1992); Carter v. Gibbs, 909 F.2d 1452 
(Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 498 U.S. 811 (1990); 71 Comp. Gen. 374 

[56] Of course, if the law does not provide an adequate basis for 
allowing a claim against the government, the agency may consider 
whether the claim should be reported to Congress pursuant to the 
Meritorious Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3702(d). See sections B and 
C.1.a(3) of this chapter. 

[57] We are tempted to say that if statutes of limitations did not 
exist, we would still be litigating Revolutionary War claims. We 
suspect, however, that without a citation, we might be accused of 
exaggerating. So, check out Lunaas v. United States, 936 F.2d 1277 
(Fed. Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 502 U.S. 1072 (1992). Lunaas involved 
just such a claim, arising from loans allegedly made to the 
Continental Congress during the winter of 1777-78, never repaid, and 
estimated to be worth as much as $140 billion with interest by the 
time of this decision. To make a long story short, the court held 
that, while there was room for debate as to precisely when the claim 
"accrued" for statute of limitations purposes, it had been time-barred 
under any theory for over a century. Lunaas, 936 E2d at 1279-80. 

[58] It is important, however, to be sure to correctly identify the 
applicable statute of limitations. See 29 Comp. Gen. 54 (1949), in 
which GAO observed that the expiration of the statute of limitations 
for bringing a lawsuit on a claim would not preclude the agency from 
administratively paying that claim so long as the time for 
administratively settling the claim had not expired and funds to pay 
it were still available at that time. 

[59] By its terms, this provision applies only to members of the armed 
forces. And members on active duty at that. 59 Comp. Gen. 463 (1980). 
See also, e.g., Department of Defense Instruction No. 1340.21, � E5.6 
(May 12, 2004). Therefore, it could not help a civilian employee of 
the Navy Department interned with the crew of the U.S.S. Pueblo in 
North Korea in 1968 who filed a claim for overtime compensation for 
his internment which was not received until after the statute of 
limitations had expired. B-194474, Oct. 24, 1979. Another statutory 
provision relevant to claims of military personnel is 50 U.S.C. App. � 
526 (formerly 50 U.S.C. App. � 525), which provides that periods of 
military service shall not be included in applying a statute of 
limitations, whether the claim or cause of action accrued prior to or 
during the service. Decisions applying this provision in various 
contexts include Conroy v. Anislcoff, 507 U.S. 511 (1993), 63 Comp. 
Gen. 70 (1983), and 41 Comp. Gen. 812 (1962). 

[60] In Irwin v. Department of Veterans Affairs, 498 U.S. 89 (1990), 
the Court held that there is a "rebuttable presumption" that a statute 
of limitations is subject to "equitable tolling" in a suit against the 
United States in the same manner as in a suit between private parties. 
Id. at 95-96. The doctrine of "equitable tolling" permits a court to 
waive a statute of limitations based on considerations of equity, such 
as where the claimant filed a defective pleading within the deadline 
or where the defendant induced the claimant to miss the filing 
deadline. Id. at 96. The Justice Department has opined quite 
emphatically that congressionally imposed limitation periods must be 
strictly followed in claims settlement and that Irwin does not affect 
this conclusion. 22 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 127 (1998). 

[61] Some rights have no remedies. Cf., e.g., Harts Case, 16 Ct. Cl. 
459, 483 (1880), affd, Hart v. United States, 118 U.S. 62 (1886). 
While rare in modem appropriations law practice, this is still true, 
occasionally. See, e.g., 63 Comp. Gen. 470 (1984) (no appropriation 
was legally available to pay a judgment against the United States). 

[62] While generally the responsible agencies are not required to 
reimburse the Judgment Fund, this is an example of a statutory 
exception, which provides that payments made by the Judgment Fund 
"shall be reimbursed to the [Judgment Fund] ... by the agency whose 
appropriations were used for the contract out of available funds or by 
obtaining additional appropriations for such purposes." 41 U.S.C. � 
612(c). Under a similar example of a statutory exception, litigative 
awards under the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination 
and Retaliation Act of 2002 (or "NoFEAR," for short), are paid 
initially from the permanent, indefinite Judgment Fund appropriation, 
and then, within a reasonable time thereafter, the federal agency 
involved must reimburse the Judgment Fund from its operating 
appropriations. Pub. L. No. 107-174, � 201(b), 116 Stat. 566, 568-69 
(May 15, 2002). As a result of this law, all awards against federal 
agencies for discrimination or whistle-blowing retaliation against 
federal employees, former federal employees, or applicants for federal 
employment (including associated attorney fee awards)�whether 
litigative or administrative�are paid from agency operating 
appropriations, which was one of the main goals Congress intended the 
law to accomplish. S. Rep. No. 107-143, at 1-3, 7-8 (2002). 

[63] Current Treasury guidance on Judgment Fund procedures, such as 
that contained in 31 C.F.R. part 256 and I TFM 6-3100, is available at 
[hyperlink, http://www.fms.treas.gov/judgefund/regulations.html] (last 
visited June 10, 2008). 

[64] Finality is also required for Judgment Fund payments made under 
28 U.S.C. �� 2414 and 2517. 

[65] "Whenever the Attorney General determines that no appeal shall be 
taken from a judgment or that no further review will be sought from a 
decision affirming the same, he shall so certify and the judgment 
shall be deemed final." 28 U.S.C. � 2414. This provision permits a 
judgment to be paid before it has become final by operation of law, 
that is, before the time limit for taking an appeal has expired. 

[66] It is possible, although remote, that there is no appropriation 
legally available to pay a particular judgment. One example, which 
apparently resulted from a legislative oversight and was later cured 
legislatively, is in 63 Comp. Gen. 470 (1984). 

[67] Tax refund judgments must be distinguished from judgments arising 
from other Internal Revenue Service (IRS) activities. E.g., B-211389, 
July 23, 1984 (damages awarded under the Tucker Act were payable from 
the Judgment Fund after IRS seized a building to recover taxes owed by 
the building occupant, but not owed by the building owner who sued IRS 
for erroneous seizure). In addition, 26 U.S.C. � 7432 (IRS negligent 
failure to release a tax lien) and 26 U.S.C. � 7433 (IRS intentional 
disregard of tax code or regulations), each contain a payment 
provision expressly directing payment under 31 U.S.C. � 1304. 

[68] These may be distinguished from "inverse condemnation" judgments, 
which the case law holds payable from the Judgment Fund. See 66 Comp. 
Gen. at 163. In addition, Congress has enacted a number of exceptions 
in connection with some legislative takings. See, e.g., 16 U.S.C. � 
79g(b) (expansion of the Redwood National Park); Pub. L. No. 100-647, 
title X, � 10002, 102 Stat. 3342, 3819 (Nov. 10, 1988) (expansion of 
the Manassas National Battlefield Park). 

[69] The decisions cited in the text both predated the current 
statutory account closing structure (see Chapter 5, section D). GAO 
has not addressed the source of payment for a refund where the 
appropriation account has closed or expired under the current account 
closing provisions. 

[70] For more information on NAFIs, see Chapter 15, section C. 

[71] One older case reached a contrary result, concluding that back 
pay resulting from restoration could be charged to current year funds 
since the administrative action directing the restoration could be 
viewed as creating the government's obligation. B-113279-0.M., Jan. 
30, 1953. However, it does not appear to have been followed. 

[72] See 41 U.S.C. � 612(c); Pub. L. No. 107-174, � 201(b), 116 Stat. 
566, 568-69 (May 15, 2002). 

[73] E.g., B-176252-0.M., Sept. 5, 1972 (pursuant to state law, 
appointment of a legal guardian may be required before payment may be 

[74] E.g., 65 Comp. Gen. 621, 624 (1986) (given the substantial 
amounts to be paid under the military survivor annuity programs, and 
the fact that payments might continue for years, the accounting 
officers of the uniformed services should insist on a court-approved 
guardianship before making payment on behalf of an incompetent 

[75] E.g., Miniafee v. United States, 17 Cl. Ct. 571, 577 (1989) 
(payment to the legal representative of the payee's estate); B-234425, 
May 30, 1989 (where payee's estate has been closed, state laws 
applicable to that situation should be followed). 

[76] E.g., B-203676, Sept. 21, 1981 (agency should close its file and 
deobligate the amount of the payment where the corporation entitled to 
payment was dissolved and potential claimants, including creditors and 
stockholders, were unknown). 

[77] See 51 Comp. Gen. 251 (1971), citing United States v. Thayer-West 
Point Hotel Co., 329 U.S. 585, 590 (1947). See also 70 Comp. Gen. 153, 
158 n.5 (1990); 65 Comp. Gen. 842, 843 (1986); B-186494, July 22, 1976. 

[78] Apart from legislative takings and physical invasions (which can 
give rise to "inverse condemnation" lawsuits), the government may use 
the "complaint only" procedure, 40 U.S.C. � 3113, under which the 
government does not acquire title until it tenders payment, and by 
invoking the Declaration of Taking Act, 40 U.S.C. � 3114-3115, in 
which event title vests in the United States the moment the 
declaration is filed. (For more on these methods of property 
acquisition, see Chapter 13, section B.5.b.) Even though the courts 
have ruled that constitutional "just compensation" inherently 
authorizes interest against the government, the Declaration of Taking 
Act specifically provides for interest. 

[79] Citing a number of precedents, the Federal Circuit summarized in 
Marathon Oil Co. v. United States, 374 E3d 1123, 1127 (Fed. Cir. 
2004), cert. denied, 544 U.S. 1031 (2005), the governing principles of 
post-judgment interest: "The no-interest rule applies to claims for 
post-judgment interest.... Well established rules of statutory 
construction frame the court's analysis of whether Congress has waived 
sovereign immunity in a statute or statutory scheme, and they tilt the 
interpretive playing field in favor of the government's immunity.... A 
waiver of sovereign immunity must be unequivocally expressed or a 
court must infer that Congress did not intend to create a waiver.... 
If a statute is susceptible to a plausible reading under which 
sovereign immunity is not waived, the statute fails to establish an 
unambiguous waiver and sovereign immunity therefore remains intact." 

[80] Under 28 U.S.C. � 2516(b): 

"Interest on a judgment against the United States affirmed by the 
Supreme Court after review on petition of the United States is paid at 
a rate equal to the weekly average 1-year constant maturity Treasury 
yield, as published by the Board of Governor of the Federal Reserve 
System, for the calendar week preceding the date of the judgment." 

[81] The terms of 28 U.S.C. � 1961(c) provide in part that: 

"(1) This section shall not apply in any judgment of any court with 
respect to any internal revenue tax case. Interest shall be allowed in 
such cases at [the rate specified under 26 U.S.C. � 6621]. 

"(2) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, 
interest shall be allowed on all final judgments against the United 
States in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 
at the rate provided in subsection (a) and as provided in subsection 

"(3) Interest shall be allowed, computed, and paid on judgments of the 
United States Court of Federal Claims only as provided in paragraph 
(1) of this subsection or in any other provision of law." 

[82] Section 1304 is quoted in the text below. 

[83] This authority applies only to the extent that the law governing 
the underlying matter does not provide otherwise. See, e.g., 28 U.S.C. 
� 1961(c)(3) (interest shall only be allowed as provided in this 
section "or in any other provision of law"). 

[84] The court's math differs from ours because it counts two 
subsections of 28 U.S.C. � 1961 as separate laws. 

[85] Effective June 30, 1996, the duty to certify payments from the 
Judgment Fund was transferred from GAO to the Treasury Department. 
Pub. L. No. 104-53, � 211, 109 Stat. 514, 535 (Nov. 19, 1995); Pub. L. 
No. 104-316, �� 202(k)-202(m), 110 Stat. 3826, 3843 (Oct. 19, 1996). 
See B-275605, Mar. 17, 1997 (circular letter announcing the transfer 
of functions, including Judgment Fund certification). 

[86] In a 1983 decision, the Supreme Court lamented that a "request 
for attorney's fees should not result in a second major litigation." 
Hensley v. Eckerhart, 461 U.S. 424, 437 (1983). 

[87] Check out the quote suggesting an analogy between attorney's fees 
and paying tribute to Genghis Khan. In re Four Star Terminals, Inc., 
42 B.R. 419, 428 n.2 (Bankr. D. Alaska 1984). 

[88] Notwithstanding this rule, if an item not included in this list 
is assessed against the United States and allowed to become final, it 
must be certified for payment from the Judgment Fund under 31 U.S.C. � 
1304, unless payment is otherwise provided for. See 41 Comp. Gen. 583 
(1962). Cf., B-259065, Dec. 21, 1995, at 6 (notwithstanding any errors 
that may have occurred, "once all rights of appeal have been exhausted 
in any particular case, or it has been decided to forego appeal, the 
court's decision becomes final, which is also to say conclusive and 
binding upon the government and the Judgment Fund process"). 

[89] Everyone loves a good lawyer joke. The following quotation is 
taken from Judge Wilkey's dissenting opinion in Copeland v. Marshall, 
641 F.2d 880, 929-30 n.53 (D.C. Cir. 1980): 

"An immediately deceased lawyer arrived at the Pearly Gates to seek 
admittance from St. Peter. The Keeper of the Keys was surprisingly 
warm in his welcome: 'We are so glad to see you, Mr. _____. We are 
particularly happy to have you here, not only because we get so few 
lawyers up here, but because you lived to the wonderful age of 165.' 
Mr. _____ was a bit doubtful and hesitant. Now, St. Peter, if there's 
one place I don't want to get in under false pretenses, it's Heaven. I 
really died at age 78.' St. Peter looked perplexed, frowned, and 
consulted the scroll in his hand. `Ah, I see where we made our mistake 
as to your age. We just added up your time sheets!" 

[90] While this is a listing of attorney fee-shifting statutes in 
general, a number of the statutes do apply to the federal government 
as a defendant. Examples are the Equal Access to Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. 
� 504, 28 U.S.C. �� 2412(b), (d); Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 
�� 552(a)(4)(E), (a)(4)(F); the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. �� 
552a(g)(2)(B), (g)(4)(B); the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 
� 552b(i); the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. � 2678; and the 
Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. � 406(b). 

[91] Examples are the Federal Tort Claims Act and the Social Security 
Act, cited in the previous footnote. 

[92] A prominent example of this would be awards under the Equal 
Access to Justice Act, cited in note 90, supra. 

[93] EAJA was first enacted in Public Law No. 96-481, title II, 94 
Stat. 2321, 2325 (Oct. 21, 1980). Portions of that law were subject to 
a 3-year "sunset" date. Those portions were amended and made permanent 
by Pub. L. No. 99-80, 99 Stat. 183 (Aug. 5, 1985). 

[94] The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are available at [hyperlink, 
(last visited June 10, 2008). 

[95] Suffice it to say that the meaning of "substantially justified" 
has been much litigated. We will not go into that case law here. See, 
e.g., Pierce v. Underwood, 487 U.S. 552 (1988). 

[96] Pub. L. No. 99-80, 99 Stat. 183 (Aug. 5, 1985). The 1985 EAJA 
amendments also added to the act's coverage what is now the Court of 
Federal Claims, 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(2)(F), and the boards of contract 
appeals, 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(2)(E). Later legislation added the Court 
of Appeals for Veterans Claims. 28 U.S.C. � 2412(d)(2)(F). 

[97] Of course, other procedural requirements may apply to setoffs 
taken in other contexts. See, e.g., 5 U.S.C. � 5514 (procedures for 
salary offset); 31 U.S.C. � 3728 (procedures for administrative 
offset). See also 64 Comp. Gen. 142 (1984) (discussing due process 
requirements under various authorities). 

[98] Other adjustments which do not involve payments may also be 
appropriate. E.g., B-213604, May 15, 1984 (restoration of annual and 
sick leave in wrongful separation case). 

[99] See Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (FCCA), as amended, 31 
U.S.C. � 3701(b)(1) ("the term 'claim' or 'debt' means any amount of 
funds or property that has been determined by an appropriate official 
of the Federal Government to be owed to the United States"). See also 
Federal Claims Collection Standards (FCCS), 31 C.F.R. � 900.2(a) (for 
purposes of federal debt collection, "the terms 'claim' and 'debt' are 
synonymous and interchangeable"). 

[100] FCCA, 31 U.S.C. � 3711(a)(1) (agencies "shall try to collect ... 
claim[s] of the United States Government for money or property"). 

[101] A "delinquent" debt refers to an amount owed that was not paid 
by its due date, whether by the date specified in the agency's written 
demand for payment or in a post-delinquency payment agreement. FCCS, 
31 C.F.R. � 900.2(b). Thus, the concept and processes of debt 
collection come into play only if and when the debtor falls behind in 
payments and thereby becomes delinquent. Department of Treasury, 
Financial Management Service, Instructional Workbook for Preparing the 
"Treasury Report on Receivables and Debt Collection Activities" (May 
2006), at 50-51, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.fms.treas.govidebt/dmrpts.html] (last visited June 10, 
2008); 64 Comp. Gen. 366, 369 (1985). 

[102] See Treasury Department, Fiscal Year 2006 Report to the 
Congress: U.S. Government Receivables and Debt Collection Activities 
of Federal Agencies (July 2007), at 28, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.fms.treas.govinews/reports/debt06.pdf] (last visited June 
10, 2008). According to this report, in fiscal year 2006, total 
receivables increased by $8.5 billion and total delinquencies 
increased by $2.9 billion. Id. at 4. 

[103] See Internal Revenue Service, Financial Statements, Supplemental 
Information�Unaudited: For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2006 
and 2005, at 27, reprinted in GAO, Fiscal Audit: IRS's Fiscal Years 
2006 and 2005 Financial Statements, GAO-06-137 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 
9, 2006), at 116. The $245 billion is made up of about $91 billion in 
assessments agreed to by the taxpayers, $57 billion in assessments not 
agreed to, and about $97 billion that IRS expects to write off. Of 
course, the debt owed to the federal government pales in comparison to 
the amount the government owes; consider, if you will, the current 
debt ceiling of $9,815 billion. 31 U.S.C. � 3101(b), as amended by 
Pub. L. No. 110-91, 121 Stat. 988 (Sept. 29, 2007). See also GAO, 
Financial Audit: Bureau of the Public Debt's Fiscal Years 2007 and 
2006 Schedules of Federal Debt, GAO-08-168 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 7, 

[104] The Property Clause states, "The Congress shall have Power to 
dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the 
Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and 
nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any 
Claims of the United States, or of any particular State." For 
discussion of the Property Clause in the context of real property, see 
Chapter 13, sections D.3, F.21, and H.1. 

[105] Congress has also enacted laws in the nature of program 
legislation and agency organic authority that address the debt 
collection activities of specific agencies and specific programs. See, 
e.g., 19 U.S.C. � 1505(c) (customs duties); 15 U.S.C. � 634(b)(2) 
(Small Business Administration); 38 U.S.C. � 3720(a)(4) (Department of 
Veterans Affairs); 42 U.S.C. �� 2651-2652 (various agencies with 
respect to third-party claims for hospital or medical care); 26 U.S.C. 
�� 6321-6326 (tax liens) and 6331 (tax levy). Where such provisions 
exist, they and their implementing regulations take precedence over 
the more general debt collection statutes. See Federal Claims 
Collection Act (FCCA), Pub. L. No. 89-508, � 4, 80 Stat. 308, 309 
(July 19, 1966) ("Nothing in this Act shall increase or diminish the 
existing authority of the head of an agency to litigate claims, or 
diminish his existing authority to settle, compromise, or close 
claims."); Federal Claims Collection Standards (FCCS), 31 C.F.R. � 
900.4. See, e.g., 62 Comp. Gen. 599 (1983); 62 Comp. Gen. 489 (1983). 

[106] General Accounting Office Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-316, � 
115(g), 110 Stat. 3826, 383435 (Oct. 19, 1996). 

[107] GAO's debt collection case law, while current only as of 1996, 
may still be of use to agencies. 

[108] For more detail, see the Federal Claims Collection Standards 
(FCCS), 31 C.F.R. ch. IX. 

[109] The Federal Claims Collection Act also gives the Justice 
Department broad authority to contract for legal services to assist in 
debt collection, including using private counsel to negotiate, 
compromise, settle, and litigate federal debt claims. 31 U.S.C. � 

[110] Repayment of an appropriation also includes reimbursements. 
Reimbursements are amounts collected by the agency for goods or 
services furnished by the agency; an agency may retain reimbursements 
only if it has statutory authority. B-305402, Jan. 3, 2006. 

[111] People who receive money from the government to which they were 
not entitled, no matter how innocently they received it, have no right 
to keep it. They must pay it back. See, e.g., B-249371, Apr. 30, 1993; 
B-198770, Nov. 13, 1980; B-127649, July 9, 1956. 

[End of Chapter 14] 

Chapter 15: Miscellaneous Topics: 

A. Boards, Committees, and Commissions: 
1. Introduction: 
2. Title 31 Funding Provisions: 
a. 1842: The First Attempt: 
b. 1909: The Tawney Amendment: 
c. 1944: The Russell Amendment: 
3. Interagency Funding: 
a. Joint Funding of Common-Interest Project: 
b. 1945: The First Interagency Funding Statute: 
c. Appropriation Act Provisions: 
4. The Federal Advisory Committee Act: 
a. Overview and Applicability: 
(1) Definition and specific exemptions: 
(2) Advisory versus operational: 
(3) Who is being advised? 
(4) "Established or utilized:" 
(5) Other factors: 
b. Creation and Funding: 
(1) Statutory committees: creation: 
(2) Statutory committees: funding: 
(3) Committees established by the executive branch: 
(4) Donations: 

B. Government Use of Corporate Entities: 
1. Introduction: 
2. The Problem of Definition: 
a. Government Corporations: 
b. Government-Sponsored Enterprises: 
c. Title 36 Patriotic, Fraternal, or Charitable Corporate Entities: 
d. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers: 
e. Summing Up: 
3. Creation: 
a. Historical Background and Purpose: 
b. Need for Statutory Authority: 
4. Management: 
a. Government Corporation Control Act: 
(1) Origin: 
(2) Definitions: 
(3) Budget provisions: 
(4) Other financial controls: 
(5) Audit: 
b. Appointment and Control of Directors: 
5. Sources of Funds and Financing: 
a. Types of Financing: Government: 
(1) Direct appropriations: 
(2) Federal borrowing: 
(3) Federal ownership of stock: 
b. Types of Financing: Private: 
(1) Sources of private financing: 
(2) Market perception of implied backing by United States: 
(3) Statutory controls: 
6. Fiscal Autonomy: 
a Account Settlement: 
b. Status of Funds Received by Corporate Entities: 
c. Application of Fiscal Laws: 
(1) "Character and necessity" provision: 
(2) "Without regard" clause: 
(3) Laws expressly applicable: 
(4) Appropriation act provisions: 
(5) Other provisions of title 31, United States Code: 
d. Program Implementation: 
(1) Commodity Credit Corporation: 
(2) Bonneville Power Administration: 
(3) Amtrak: 
7. Application of Other Laws: 
a Civil Service Laws: 
b. Procurement Laws and Regulations: 
(1) 41 U.S.C. � 5: 
(2) Federal Property and Administrative Services Act: 
(3) Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act: 
(4) Federal Acquisition Regulation: 
(5) Competition in Contracting Act: 
(6) Other statutes: 
c. General Management Laws: 
(1) Inspector General Act: 
(2) Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982: 
(3) Chief Financial Officers Act: 
(4) Government Performance and Results Act: 
(5) Government Management Reform Act of 1994: 
(6) Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996: 
(7) Improper Payments Information Act of 2002: 
d. Property Management: 
e. Freedom of Information, Privacy Acts: 
f. Printing and Binding: 
g. Criminal Code: 
8. Claims and Lawsuits: 
a. Administrative Claims: 
(1) Claims settlement authority: 
(2) Federal Tort Claims Act: 
(3) Contract Disputes Act: 
(4) Assignment of Claims Act: 
(5) Estoppel: 
(6) Prompt Payment Act: 
(7) False Claims Act: 
(8) Interagency claims: 
b. Debt Collection: 
c. Litigation in the Courts: 
(1) Sovereign immunity: 
(2) "Sue-and-be-sued" clauses: 
(3) The Tucker Act: 
(4) Liability for costs and remedies of litigation: 
(5) Sovereign immunity from state and local taxes: 
(6) Litigation authority: 
9. Termination of Government Corporations: 

C. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
1. Introduction: 
a. History of Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Organizations: 
b. Defining the Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality: 
2. Legal Status: 
a. Authority for Creation: 
b. Relationship to the United States Government: 
3. Sources of Funding: The Use of Appropriated Funds for 
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
a. Self-Supporting or Subsidized? 
b. General Rule: Appropriations Not Available for Morale, Welfare, and 
Recreation unless Authorized by Congress: 
c. The Current Trend: Use of Appropriated Funds: 
d. Other Issues in Appropriated Fund Support: 
e. Borrowing by Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 
4. Transactions with Federal Agencies: 
a. Economy Act and Intra-Agency Orders: 
b. Contracting to Sell Goods and Services to Agencies: 
c. Statutory Authority to Enter into Contracts with Federal Agencies: 
5. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Procurement: 
6. Debts Due Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
7. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Property: 
8. Management of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 
a. Regulation and Oversight: 
b. Authority to Audit Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 
(1) GAO jurisdiction: 
(2) Other auditors: 
(3) Settlement of accounts: 
(4) Bid protests: 
9. Sovereign Immunity: 
a. Immunity from State and Local Taxation: 
b. Immunity from Suit: 
c. Payment of Judgments: 
10. Status of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Employees: 
a. Applicability of Civil Service Laws: 
(1) Civil Service Reform Act of 1978: 
(2) Other employment related laws: 

D. Trust Funds: 
1. Federal Funds and Trust Funds: 
a. Federal Funds: 
b. Trust Funds: 
c. Congressional Prerogatives: 
2. The Government as Trustee: Creation of a Trust: 
a. Property of Others Controlled by the United States: 
b. Trust Funds Designated by Statute: 
c. Accepting Donated Funds: 
3. Application of Fiscal Laws: 
a. Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 1934: 
b. Available Uses of Trust Funds: 
(1) Using donated funds: 
(2) Property of others: 
(3) Statutory trust funds: 
c. Intergovernmental Claims: 
4. Concepts of Amount and Time: 
5. Duty to Invest: 
6. Liability for Loss of Trust Funds: 
7. Claims: 
a. Setoff and Levy against Trust Funds: 
b. Unclaimed Moneys: 
8. Federal Trust Funds and the Budget: 

Chapter 15: Miscellaneous Topics: 

A. Boards, Committees, and Commissions: 

1. Introduction: 

In addition to the "regular" departments and agencies that tend to 
attract the most attention, the federal government at any given time 
includes�although not in a formal, structural sense�a large number of 
miscellaneous bodies designated as boards, committees, commissions, 
and various similar names. So pervasive are these miscellaneous bodies 
that they have been informally called the "Fifth Branch of 
Government."[Footnote 1] This section will address funding aspects of 
these entities. 

It is always helpful at the outset to define your universe. In this 
instance, however, we have been unable to discover or devise a 
satisfactory definition for these miscellaneous bodies. As we will see 
later, the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) defines "advisory 
committee" for purposes of that statute, but advisory committees are 
only one type of these miscellaneous bodies, albeit the largest. The 
impossibility of crafting a useful definition becomes apparent upon 
considering the key elements of function, creation, membership, and 

* Function: Most of the bodies we are talking about are purely 
advisory. Some, however, are operational, and others have elements of 
both. Functions include, for example, such things as the investigation 
of specific incidents, claims adjudication, and the commemoration of 
historic persons or events. 

* Creation: Advisory bodies can be created by Congress, the President, 
or a department head. Bodies that are not purely advisory may or may 
not require specific legislation, depending on their exact nature and 

* Membership: The entity may consist entirely of government officers 
or employees, entirely of nongovernment parties, or some of each. 

* Duration: Some are temporary; some are indefinite; some are 
permanent. Some start out as temporary and, in effect, achieve 
immortality.[Footnote 2] 

One of the earliest instances of the use of presidential commissions�
if not purely advisory ones�occurred in 1794, when George Washington 
named a commission to investigate the Whiskey Rebellion in 
Pennsylvania.[Footnote 3] Although the explosive growth of these 
miscellaneous bodies did not occur until the twentieth century, they 
were sufficiently common in 1842 to prompt Henry Clay to observe that 
the practice had "grown into use long since in the Executive 
Department.[Footnote 4] 

No one knows exactly how many miscellaneous boards, committees, and 
commissions exist at any given time. The only statistics available are 
for advisory committees subject to FACA,[Footnote 5] certainly the 
largest single category, and for these there is a clear downward trend 
as they are a favorite target of cost-cutters. When Congress was 
considering FACA, the House Government Operations Committee reported 
that "there are at least 2,600 interagency and advisory committees and 
possibly as many as 3,200 presently existing," the uncertainty being 
that "many agencies are unable to supply a list of all their advisory 
bodies." H.R. Rep. No. 92-1017, at 2 (1972). By the end of fiscal year 
1992, there were 1,236 federal advisory committees. General Services 
Administration, Twenty-Second Annual Report of the President on 
Federal Advisory Committees (1994), at 1. On February 10, 1993, 
President Clinton issued Executive Order No. 12838, directing 
executive branch departments and agencies to terminate at least one-
third of the "advisory committees subject to FACA (and not required by 
statute) that are sponsored by the department or agency." By the end 
of fiscal year 1993, the number of advisory committees had dropped to 
1,088.[Footnote 6] GSA Report, at 1. 

2. Title 31 Funding Provisions: 

Regardless of whether one likes or dislikes the use of boards and 
committees, there are a lot of them around, they are here to stay, and 
someone has to pay their bills. If, as we have noted elsewhere, the 
central theme of federal fiscal law is the quest for balance between 
executive flexibility and legislative control, the funding of 
miscellaneous boards and committees is unquestionably a microcosm of 
this reality. 

Historically, Congress has asserted its presence in the area by 
enacting funding restrictions, now found mostly in title 31 of the 
United States Code. The key provisions are 31 U.S.C. �� 1346 and 1347. 
These provisions are an amalgam of over a century's worth of 
legislation. We set out section 1346 in full here and will refer to 
specific portions in our discussion of this area of the law. 

"� 1346. Commissions, councils, boards, and interagency and similar 
groups "(a) Except as provided in this section: 

(1) public money and appropriations are not available to pay: 

(A) the pay or expenses of a commission, council, board, or similar 
group, or a member of that group; 

(B) expenses related to the work or the results of work or action of 
that group; or 

(C) for the detail or cost of personal services of an officer or 
employee from an executive agency in connection with that group; and; 

(2) an accounting or disbursing official, absent a special 
appropriation to pay the account or charge, may not allow or pay an 
account or charge related to that group. 

"(b) Appropriations of an executive agency are available for the 
expenses of an interagency group conducting activities of interest 
common to executive agencies when the group includes a representative 
of the agency. The representatives receive no additional pay because 
of membership in the group. An officer or employee of an executive 
agency not a representative of the group may not receive additional 
pay for providing services for the group. 

"(c) Subject to section 1347 of this title, this section does not 
apply to: 

(1) commissions, councils, boards, or similar groups authorized by law; 

(2) courts-martial or courts of inquiry of the armed forces; or; 

(3) the contingent fund related to foreign relations at the disposal 
of the President." 

Section 1347, also known as the "Russell Amendment," is set out later 
in this discussion. 

a. 1842: The First Attempt: 

The earliest congressional attempt to rein in the use of boards and 
committees grew out of controversy surrounding a commission appointed 
by President Tyler to investigate certain irregularities at the New 
York customs house. The result was section 25 of the Act of August 26, 
1842, ch. 202, 5 Stat. 523, 533, which, with certain exceptions, 
prohibited the payment of "any account or charge whatever" in 
connection with "any commission or inquiry ... until special 
appropriations shall have been made by law to pay such accounts and 
charges." The prohibition is now found at 31 U.S.C. � 1346(a)(2); 
sections 1346(c)(2) and (c)(3) are the exceptions. 

Initially, this attempt was successful. The Attorney General had 
occasion to consider the statute less than 2 months after it was 
enacted. A private relief bill directed the Secretary of the Treasury 
to investigate, and estimate the damages resulting from, an incident 
involving "emigrating Creek Indians." Treasury asked whether 
appointment of an individual to perform the investigation would be 
subject to the statute. Yes, replied the Attorney General. "The words 
of the law are too comprehensive to admit of any exception, and too 
express to warrant any relaxation." 4 Op. Att'y Gen. 106 (1842). The 
following year, the Attorney General discussed the statute in this 
much-quoted passage: 

"The power of appointment results from the obligation of the executive 
department of the government 'to take care that the laws be faithfully 
executed;' an obligation imposed by the constitution, and from the 
authority of which no mere act of legislation can operate a 
dispensation. Congress may, however, indirectly limit the exercise of 
this power by refusing appropriations to sustain it, and thus paralyze 
a function which it is not competent to destroy. This would seem to be 
the purpose of the act of 26th August, 1842...." 

4 Op. Att'y Gen. 248 (1843). The Attorney General went on to point out 
that payment would require a specific appropriation. Charging a 
general appropriation would not suffice because general appropriations 
must be read as limited by existing prohibitory statutes. Id. at 249. 

The "undoing" of the 1842 restriction was furthered by a 1915 decision 
of the Comptroller of the Treasury. The Comptroller quoted the 
Attorney General's 1843 opinion and agreed that "the purpose of this 
provision was to prohibit, indirectly, the creation of commissions by 
the executive [branch] ... through its inherent power to make 
appointments." 21 Comp. Dec. 442, 443 (1915). However, the Comptroller 
continued: "I do not think it was the intent or purpose of this law to 
prohibit the use of an appropriation otherwise available, though 
general in terms, for the payment of expenses of a commission 
specifically authorized by Congress." Id. In this way, a general 
appropriation available for the expenses of a body specifically 
created by Congress became a "special appropriation" for purposes of 
the 1842 law. Id. at 443-44. 

Congress's 1842 attempt to restrict funding for boards and committees 
was further weakened by a distinction alluded to in an early GAO 
decision. This distinction, between a group of persons acting 
individually and a group acting collectively, would be invoked in all 
subsequent legislation on this subject. In the 1922 case before GAO, 
the Secretary of War had sent four men to the Canal Zone to 
investigate existing conditions at the Panama Canal. Each had his own 
area of expertise, and the governing legislation authorized the 
President to appoint or employ persons to carry out these 
responsibilities. In finding the 1842 statute inapplicable, the 
Comptroller General stated: 

"The right of the President to appoint any one of these experts to 
advise him in an individual capacity would undoubtedly be 
authorized.... If he sees fit to appoint or employ four experts to 
make a concurrent investigation and report on the various matters of 
which each is an expert in his particular field, it would not appear 
that such designation of the individuals thus selected would make them 
a 'commission [or] inquiry' in the legal sense of the term." 

Review Nos. 2249 et al., Aug. 22, 1922, at 4-5.[Footnote 7] The 1842 
enactment never purported to address the extent of the executive's 
power to create boards and committees, and even though it is still on 
the books, these administrative interpretations mean that it is no 
longer a significant funding impediment either. 

b. 1909: The Tawney Amendment: 

The next congressional attempt to control boards and committees grew 
out of President Theodore Roosevelt's creation in 1909 of a Commission 
on Fine Arts to advise on artistic aspects of certain public 
structures and monuments.[Footnote 8] The following year, Congress 
gave the Commission a permanent statutory basis in what is now 40 
U.S.C. � 9101. Before doing that, however, Congress, disturbed over 
the President's willingness to create such bodies without first 
obtaining congressional approval, enacted the Act of March 4, 1909, 
ch. 299, � 9, 35 Stat. 945, 1027, which prohibited the use of 
appropriated funds to pay any expenses in connection with any 
commission, council, board, or similar body, or any members of such a 
group, "unless the creation of the [group] shall be or shall have been 
authorized by law." This statute, sometimes referred to as the Tawney 
Amendment, is now found at 31 U.S.C. �� 1346(a)(1) (prohibition) and 
1346(c)(1) ("authorized by law" exception). 

This second congressional attempt met with weakening administrative 
interpretations even more swiftly than did the first attempt. Less 
than 2 months after it was enacted, the Attorney General concluded 
that the 1909 law did not apply to groups consisting entirely of 
government officers or employees dealing with matters relating to 
their scope of employment. 27 Op. Att'y Gen. 308 (1909) (special 
committee appointed by President Roosevelt to conduct an investigation 
of agency contracts, composed of a representative official of each 
executive agency, was not subject to the prohibition). See also 8 
Comp. Gen. 294 (1928); B-79195, Sept. 30, 1948. As the Attorney 
General stated in another opinion, it would make no sense to construe 
the statute as prohibiting an agency head "from submitting to the 
concurrent investigation and report of several employees of his 
department any question which he might submit for investigation to any 
one of them." 27 Op. Att'y Gen. 300, 307 (1909). The same 
interpretation applies to experts and consultants as long as their 
employment has been properly authorized. 37 Op. Att'y Gen. 484 (1934). 

The key question under the 1909 statute is the meaning of "authorized 
by law." In another 1909 opinion, the Attorney General adopted an 
interpretation that effectively weakened the law's requirements. 
Noting that every action an agency takes does not have to be spelled 
out in legislation, he concluded: "Congress did not intend to require 
that the creation of the commissions, etc., mentioned should be 
specifically authorized by a law of the United States, but that it 
would be sufficient if their appointment were authorized in a general 
way by law." 27 Op. Att'y Gen. 432, 437 (1909). 

The Comptroller of the Treasury followed suit. 16 Comp. Dec. 422 
(1910); 16 Comp. Dec. 278 (1909) (quoting extensively from the 
Attorney General's opinion). Somewhat inexplicably, several early GAO 
decisions took the position that specific authority was required. The 
difficulty with this divergence was that the Attorney General's 
conclusion was supported by some pretty strong legislative history. 
See 27 Op. Att'y Gen. at 437. In 22 Comp. Gen. 140 (1942), the 
Comptroller General reviewed this legislative history, repudiated his 
earlier "specific authority" decisions, and adopted the Attorney 
General's "authorized in a general way" formulation. 

To avoid rendering the statute totally meaningless, GAO developed the 
following approach: 

"There must be sufficient authority in general or specific terms for 
the creation of a commission, board, etc., such as an authorization 
for work which could be accomplished only by a commission, board, 
etc., or authorization for duties of such a nature generally 
recognized as best performed by a commission, board, etc." 

11 Comp. Gen. 495, 497 (1932). Virtually identical statements are 
found in 31 Comp. Gen. 454, 455 (1952) and B-116975, Apr. 27, 1954, at 
4.[Footnote 9] 

There needs to be something more than just the authority to perform 
the function because the "authorized by law" portion of the statute 
applies to creation of the body, not performance of the function. See, 
e.g., B-51203, Aug. 14, 1945; 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 541, 550 
(1982). The fact situation in the 1909 Attorney General opinion, 27 
Op. Att'y Gen. 432, is a good example. The War Department then, as 
does the Army Corps of Engineers now, performed a variety of civil 
works functions. Incident to one of them, Congress directed that the 
work not injure "the scenic grandeur of Niagara Falls." The Department 
pointed out that it did not have on its payroll experts in "scenic 
grandeur," and when it had received similar mandates in the past, it 
went out and contracted for the necessary expertise, often in the form 
of a committee. This was sufficiently "authorized by law" for purposes 
of the 1909 prohibition. Similarly sufficient was the situation in 40 
Comp. Gen. 478 (1961). The Interior Department had specific authority 
to consult with various private parties on certain forest matters. For 
decades, it had done this by the use of advisory bodies. In view of 
this longstanding practice, the Comptroller General found that the 
consultation statute could be viewed as furnishing the necessary 

In contrast, where an agency was authorized to conduct certain 
investigations and to employ experts and others for carrying out 
agency functions, and where the agency had in fact conducted the 
investigations for many years without an advisory body, there was no 
basis to find the body authorized by law, even in a "general way." 31 
Comp. Gen. 454 (1952). 

The "authorized in a general way" standard is also met if a department 
includes a board or commission in its budget justification materials 
and Congress enacts a lump-sum appropriation without prohibiting the 
item. B-38047, Nov. 8, 1943. See also B-116975, Apr. 27, 1954. 

However, 31 U.S.C. � 1346(a)(1) does not override 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), 
the purpose statute, discussed in Chapter 4. B-182398(1), Mar. 29, 
1976. Nor is it affected in any way by 5 U.S.C. � 5703, the 
"invitational travel" statute. 27 Comp. Gen. 630 (1948). Of course, if 
the "authorized in a general way" standard is legitimately met, there 
should be no problem under either statute. 

Applying section 1346(a)(1) to a given entity requires analysis of the 
entity's nature and functions. What it happens to be named is not the 
controlling factor. 27 Op. Att'y Gen. 406, 409 (1909); A-16348, Dec. 
8, 1926. The Justice Department has also cautioned that adding diverse 
functions could cause a board or commission to lose its "authorized in 
a general way" status. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 541, 550 (1982). 

Finally, cases under the 1909 statute continue to recognize the 
individual versus unit distinction first noted in connection with the 
1842 law. The circumstances in B-116975, Apr. 27, 1954, involved three 
people inspecting coffee for the Army. It was significant that, 
although the three conducted their inspections independently, a 
majority vote determined acceptance or rejection. Thus, the inspectors 
acted as a unit and the statute applied. The same reasoning applied to 
tea inspectors for the Navy in 6 Comp. Gen. 140 (1926).[Footnote 10] 

Setting aside subsequent developments for the moment, the combined 
effect of the 1842 and 1909 enactments-31 U.S.C. �� 1346(a) and (c)�
was that boards and committees created by executive action could be 
funded either if their creation was authorized ("in a general way"), 
or if Congress appropriated funds for that purpose. 

c. 1944: The Russell Amendment: 

Peace prevailed between the branches over the use of boards and 
committees for a few decades, but ended in 1944 when congressional 
concern over some of Franklin D. Roosevelt's creations prompted 
another piece of legislation, forming a "veritable Maginot Line of 
barriers to funding commissions."[Footnote 11] This third attempt at 
congressional control was the so-called Russell Amendment, Pub. L. No. 
78-358, � 213, 58 Stat. 361, 387 (June 27, 1944). Now codified at 31 
U.S.C. � 1347, it provides: 

"(a) An agency in existence for more than one year may not use amounts 
otherwise available for obligation to pay its expenses without a 
specific appropriation or specific authorization by law. If the 
principal duties and powers of the agency are substantially the same 
as or similar to the duties and powers of an agency established by 
executive order, the agency established later is deemed to have been 
in existence from the date the agency established by the order came 
into existence. 

"(b) Except as specifically authorized by law, another agency may not 
use amounts available for obligation to pay expenses to carry out 
duties and powers substantially the same as or similar to the 
principal duties and powers of an agency that is prohibited from using 
amounts under this section." 

The amendment's sponsor, Senator Russell, stated its purpose as 

"The purpose of the committee amendment, which is apparent from a 
reading thereof, is to retain in the Congress the power of legislating 
and creating bureaus and departments of the Government, and of giving 
to Congress the right to know what the bureaus and departments of the 
Government which have been created by Executive order, are doing. 

"Regardless of what agencies might be affected, the purpose of this 
amendment is to require them all to come to Congress for their 
appropriations after they have been in existence for more than a year." 

90 Cong. Rec. 3119 (1944), quoted in 24 Comp. Gen. 241, 243 (1944). 

The original language makes this intent a little clearer. "Agency" in 
section 1347(a) originally read "any agency or instrumentality 
including those established by Executive order," and "specific 
authorization by law" originally read specific authorization for "the 
expenditure of funds" by the body. Pub. L. No. 78-358, � 213. 

As had happened with its predecessors, administrative interpretations 
have narrowed the Russell Amendment's scope and impact. In 3 Op. Off. 
Legal Counsel 263 (1979), the Justice Department's Office of Legal 
Counsel concluded that the Russell Amendment does not apply to boards 
or committees that are purely advisory, stating the test as follows: 

"Mere advisors are not 'agencies' or 'instrumentalities' of Government 
for purposes of the Russell amendment. They do not become 'agencies' 
or 'instrumentalities' merely because they meet and advise 
collectively. They become `agencies' or 'instrumentalities' for 
Russell amendment purposes only if the officer to whom they report 
seeks to invest them with actual authority to take substantive action 
on his or the Government's behalf." 

Id. at 265. See also B-152583, Nov. 7, 1963 (finding the Russell 
Amendment not applicable to President's Committee on Equal Opportunity 
in the Armed Forces, which was purely advisory). Justice took this a 
step further a few years later, concluding that a council under the 
United States Information Agency (USIA) whose functions were both 
advisory and operational (in this case, solicitation of contributions) 
was subject to the Russell Amendment because "it would discharge 
responsibilities vested by law in the USIA and would not be purely 
advisory." 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 541, 551 (1982). The operational 
aspect does not have to amount to "substantive action"; the law 
applies if the body "acts on behalf of the government or exerts any 
governmental power." Id. 

3. Interagency Funding: 

a. Joint Funding of Common-Interest Project: 

It is necessary at the outset to distinguish between joint funding of 
a project and joint funding of a board, committee, or similar group. 
While statutes address the latter, the former is governed by the 
normal rules regarding the obligation and expenditure of appropriated 
funds. If a project will benefit more than one agency, and as long as 
it is not something one of the agencies is required to do as part of 
its mission without reimbursement, then there is nothing that 
prohibits the agencies from funding the project in proportion to their 

This point was made in an early case, A-7571, May 14, 1925. Several 
agencies, along with state and local bodies, were interested in 
development of the Colorado River and sponsored the construction and 
maintenance of three "gauging stations" along the river, under the 
supervision of the Interior Department's Geological Survey. Once it 
was determined that this was not something the Geological Survey was 
required to do anyway as part of its job�that is, that there was no 
augmentation problem�it was fairly easy to conclude that "there 
appears no legal objection to the allocation of Federal Power 
Commission funds to pay for its proper share of the expenses incident 
to the maintenance of the stations from which it derives a 
corresponding benefit." Id. at 3. See also B-111199, Aug. 20, 1952; B-
51145, Sept. 11, 1945. 

A more recent decision dealt with joint funding of mutually beneficial 
research and demonstration projects by use of interagency agreements. 
Several environmental statutes authorize or direct the Environmental 
Protection Agency to cooperate with other federal and nonfederal 
entities. These statutes were viewed as sufficient authority for 
interagency agreements, to be funded by transfers to the contracting 
agency from the other participating agencies. 52 Comp. Gen. 128 
(1972). The decision pointed out the distinction between this type of 
interagency agreement�in which the participating agencies all had an 
interest�and an Economy Act agreement, in which the performing agency 
has "no specific interest apart from the provision of a routine 
service." Id. at 133. In view of the statutory provisions involved, 
there was no need to consider what EPA could or could not have done 
without those statutes. 

In any joint funding case�-project, board or commission, interagency 
agreement, etc.�-the threshold question is purpose availability. Joint 
funding cannot be used if the source appropriation is not otherwise 
available for the object in question. B-182398, Mar. 29, 1976. In 
other words, joint or interagency funding may not be used to expand 
the availability of any of the participating appropriations. Once this 
threshold is crossed, use of a working fund as a financing device is 
permissible, but the money "must be obligated and expended in 
accordance with the statutes appropriating such funds and within the 
period of availability of the original appropriations." B-111199, Aug. 
20, 1952. 

b. 1945: The First Interagency Funding Statute: 

Earlier in this section, we described the Russell Amendment, 31 U.S.C. 
� 1347. In 1945, less than a year after the Russell Amendment, 
Congress enacted section 214 of Pub. L. No. 79-49, 59 Stat. 106, 134 
(May 3, 1945). Now codified at 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b), section 214 
authorizes interagency funding of groups engaging in activities of 
common interest. 

Section 214's legislative history indicates that it was intended as an 
amendment to the Russell Amendment. Therefore, to the extent of its 
terms, it overrides the Russell Amendment's requirement to seek 
congressional appropriations after one year. B-75669, June 16, 1948. 
Also, because it specifically makes appropriations available, it 
overrides, again to the extent of its terms, the prohibition of 31 
U.S.C. � 1346(a)(1) (the 1909 statute). 49 Comp. Gen. 305, 307 
(1969);[Footnote 12] 26 Comp. Gen. 354 (1946). 

The current version of 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b), stemming from the 1982 
recodification of title 31, makes appropriations available for 
interagency groups "conducting activities of interest common to 
executive agencies when the group includes a representative of the 
agency." The original language, which governs in a case like this, 
[Footnote 13] was "authorized activities of common interest to such 
departments and establishments and composed in whole or in part of 
representatives thereof." Pub. L. No. 79-49, � 214. It is clear from 
the original language ("in whole or in part") that the interagency 
group can include private parties in addition to the government 
representatives. 26 Comp. Gen. at 358. It also would seem that the 
current language requires the group to include at least one 
representative from every agency participating in the funding. 

The original (governing) language did not necessarily say this, and in 
fact a 1962 decision stated: 

"We do not read the language of [section 214] as making agency 
membership on an interagency board or committee a requisite to the 
availability of appropriations for meeting the expenses of such 
interagency groups. Nor have we found anything in the legislative 
history of the statute which would dictate that such membership is 
required. Thus in a proper case we would not be required to object to 
contribution by a nonmember agency toward the expenses of an 
interagency group, on the sole ground of nonmembership." 

B-150511, Dec. 28, 1962, at 2. Accordingly, the controlling factor is 
not membership, but "whether the interagency groups are 'engaged in 
authorized activities of common interest' to the contributing 
agencies." B-150511, Jan. 9, 1963, at 1. 

A device commonly used in interagency funding situations is a working 
fund. While there is nothing wrong with establishing a working fund as 
an accounting device, the Comptroller General has emphasized that this 
does not alter the availability of the amounts contributed. The funds 
advanced to a common fund by a participating agency remain available 
only for their original purposes, and only during the source 
appropriation's period of obligational availability. 28 Comp. Gen. 365 
(1948); B-150963, July 9, 1963; B-51203, Nov. 14, 1945. A working fund 
established to implement 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b) is not an Economy Act 
working fund. See 35 Comp. Gen. 201, 202 (1955). 

Following are some examples of the application of 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b): 

* The Federal Communications Commission, upon making the standard 
"necessary expense" determination, could use its appropriated funds to 
finance its share of something called the Radio Technical Commission 
for Aeronautics (RTCA), an advisory group on aeronautical radio, even 
though the RTCA had never been authorized by statute or executive 
order. Payment would have been barred under 31 U.S.C. � 1346(a), but 
was permissible under 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b). 26 Comp. Gen. 354 (1946). 

* The Defense Department could participate in funding an interagency 
group called the National Inventors Council because one of the 
Council's functions was to encourage and screen inventions which might 
be useful in national defense as well as industry. 35 Comp. Gen. 201 

* The National Service Corps Study Group was established in 1962 to 
study the feasibility of a national service program patterned after 
the Peace Corps. It consisted of the Attorney General, Secretaries of 
Agriculture, Interior, Commerce, Labor, and Health, Education and 
Welfare, plus some smaller agencies. Because the study extended into 
such fields as health, education, labor, housing, etc., it could 
fairly be regarded as being of interest to the agencies asked to 
participate in the funding. B-150963, July 9, 1963. 

* The Defense Department could contribute to the funding of the 
President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. B-148247, Mar. 
5, 1962. 

* Agencies could pay "dues" to the Federal Automatic Data Processing 
Council, as long as the Council was using the money only for the kinds 
of expenses for which the source appropriations would be available. B-
161214-0.M., Apr. 24, 1967. 

* The Federal Trade Commission could continue to pay the salary of an 
employee sent to Japan as part of an interagency trade mission. B-
54464, Dec. 14, 1945. 

c. Appropriation Act Provisions: 

Each of the title 31, United States Code, provisions discussed thus 
far in this section entered the scene in the form of a permanent 
general provision contained in an appropriation act. Appropriation 
acts also may contain other relevant provisions, which may vary from 
agency to agency or year to year. 

One such governmentwide provision is of particular importance. In the 
1960s, Congress became increasingly concerned over the proliferation 
of miscellaneous interagency bodies, created under the apparent carte 
blanche authority of 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b). At the time, the executive 
could use section 1346(b) to create an interagency body and, assuming 
compliance with the membership and common interest requirements, fund 
it indefinitely by "passing the hat." Congress once again began 
feeling left out. 

The result was legislation that effectively modified 31 U.S.C. � 
1346(b) by prohibiting the use of appropriated funds for interagency 
financing without prior and specific congressional approval for that 
type of financing. The provision first appeared in several 
appropriation acts for 1969. In 1972, the prohibition was inserted in 
the Treasury-General Government Appropriation Act and made 
governmentwide ("this or any other act"). This history is outlined in 
B-147637-0.M., Dec. 12, 1974. 

The original version applied only to interagency groups under 31 
U.S.C. � 1346(b). Eventually, Congress realized that this was narrower 
than it had intended, and dropped the specific reference to section 
1346(b), as well as changed "congressional approval" to "statutory 
approval." The provision for fiscal year 2006 states: 

"No part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall 
be available for interagency financing of boards (except Federal 
Executive Boards), commissions, councils, committees, or similar 
groups (whether or not they are interagency entities) which do not 
have a prior and specific statutory approval to receive financial 
support from more than one agency or instrumentality." 

Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the 
Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies 
Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-115, div. A, title VDT, � 
810, 119 Stat. 2396, 2497 (Nov. 30, 2005). Note that the group itself 
may or may not be an interagency group; the statute is directed solely 
at the method of funding. The exemption for Federal Executive Boards 
first appeared in 1996.[Footnote 14] 

This provision, which for ease of discussion we shall refer to as 
section 810, its designation in the statute for fiscal year 2006, does 
not apply to a government corporation statutorily authorized to 
determine the nature and character of its expenditures. B-174571, Jan. 
5, 1972 (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). Nor does it apply to 
the Comptroller of the Currency, whose funds, by statute, are not to 
be construed as appropriated funds. Id. Thus, as the cited decision 
concluded, section 810 would not inhibit contributions by either body 
to the President's Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation. 

GAO's first encounter with the language in section 810 was 49 Comp. 
Gen. 305 (1969). The Veterans Administration wanted to contract with 
an individual to serve as director of the Interagency Institutes for 
Federal Hospital Administrators, the contract cost to be shared by the 
participating agencies. To start with, because 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b) 
partially superseded 31 U.S.C. � 1346(a) with respect to certain 
interagency groups, there was no need to determine whether this 
particular group was authorized by law. This was the good news. The 
bad news was that 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b) was itself partially overridden 
by section 810. Interagency funding would require prior and specific 
legislative approval. 49 Comp. Gen. at 307. Similarly, as we have 
already noted, 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b), to the extent of certain 
interagency bodies, also partially supersedes the 1-year requirement 
of the Russell Amendment. Thus, the President could lawfully create an 
interagency Radiation Policy Council for a duration in excess of 1 
year, but interagency funding would require compliance with section 
810. B-196841-0.M., Dec. 18, 1980. Section 810 also has been applied 
to a proposal to purchase solicitation services for the Combined 
Federal Campaign from an interagency entity. 67 Comp. Gen. 254 (1988). 

The "prior and specific" approval can take different forms. One 
approach is section 829 of Public Law 109-115: "Notwithstanding 
section 1346 of title 31, United States Code, or section 810 of this 
Act, funds made available for the current fiscal year by this or any 
other Act shall be available for the interagency funding of specific 
projects, workshops, studies, and similar efforts to carry out the 
purposes of the National Science and Technology Council (authorized by 
Executive Order No. 12881), which benefit multiple Federal 
departments, agencies, or entities ..." Because the statute authorizes 
the concept but not the precise method, there would presumably be some 
discretion in this regard�for example, periodic reimbursement, 
advances to a working fund, etc. 

Another approach is illustrated by the Federal Accounting Standards 
Advisory Board (FASAB). FASAB was created administratively in 1990 as 
an advisory committee to the Comptroller General of the United States, 
the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB). FASAB recommends accounting standards and 
principles for the federal government that are issued by GAO and OMB. 
Further information is available at www.fasab.com (last visited Nov. 
28, 2007). GAO covers FASAB's expenses (e.g., executive director and 
staff salaries) with GAO's appropriation and then bills the other 
sponsors and the Congressional Budget Office, which also participates 
on the Board, equal shares of the costs. This funding method is 
expressly authorized by a proviso in the general governmentwide 
provisions of the annual Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban 
Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent 
Agencies Appropriations acts. See, e.g., Pub. L. No. 109-115, � 826. 

Perhaps the best illustration of the import and impact of the section 
810 language is the saga of the Federal Executive Boards. In 1961, 
President Kennedy created interagency groups called Federal Executive 
Boards (FEBs) to better coordinate federal activities outside of 
Washington. Their number has increased over the years.[Footnote 15] 
From the outset, the FEBs were funded from the appropriations of the 
member agencies rather than by direct appropriations. The enactment of 
the section 810 language in the 1969 appropriation acts gave the 
agencies something of a jolt because they had been supporting the FEBs 
up to that point under 31 U.S.C. � 1346(b),[Footnote 16] entirely 
legitimately, and now all of a sudden learned that they no longer had 
the authority to do so. 

GAO's first written encounter with the problem came in 1973, when 
GAO's own field managers asked why they were being asked to pay FEB 
assessments from personal funds and whether there was any way GAO 
could pick up the tab. GAO reviewed the history of the section 810 
language and concluded that there was no way around the statute: 

"We see no possible alternative in the instant case to concluding the 
language of section [810] ... prohibits the GAO and all other Federal 
agencies from using their appropriated funds to provide administrative 
support, salaries, and reimbursement or payment of a member's 
assessments for Federal Executive Board activities." 

B-147637-0.M., Dec. 12, 1974, at 6. The solution, of course, was to 
seek specific authorization from Congress. Id. 

In 1986, the Veterans Administration and the Small Business 
Administration came to the conclusion that the section 810 language 
barred interagency financing of the FEB, and sought GAO's concurrence. 
They got it. 65 Comp. Gen. 689 (1986). There was one possible�although 
probably not very feasible�way out. The decision added, "we see 
nothing to prevent a single entity with a primary interest in the 
success of the interagency venture, from picking up the entire costs." 
Id. at 692. Thus, if one agency could be said to have a "primary 
interest" in a particular Board activity, and if that agency were 
willing to pay the entire cost without hope of reimbursement, it could 
do so. The next question, expectedly, was what does primary interest 
mean? It means that "an agency must have a substantial stake in the 
outcome of the interagency endeavor and the success of the interagency 
venture must further the agency's own mission, programs or functions." 
67 Comp. Gen. 27, 29 (1987). This latter decision also reiterated that 
section 810 barred in-kind as well as cash support. Mere attendance at 
meetings or functions, however, does not constitute support. Id. 

One of the things FEBs do is give awards. Absent the requisite 
statutory approval, an agency may not pay a pro-rata share of the 
expenses of an FEB awards banquet. B-219795, Sept. 29, 1986. It can, 
however, pay or reimburse the fee charged to its own nominees, award 
recipients, and supervisors, under authority of the Incentive Awards 
Act. 70 Comp. Gen. 16 (1990). Under the Incentive Awards Act, it also 
can make awards to its own employees for services rendered to an FEB. 
B-240316, Mar. 15, 1991. Similarly, an agency may pay a reasonable 
registration fee for attendance of its employees at an FEB training 
seminar. 71 Comp. Gen. 120 (1991). 

Why this situation persisted for so many years is not clear. GAO had 
recommended as early as 1977 that the executive branch present the 
problem of FEB funding to Congress.[Footnote 17] In any event, as 
noted above, the section 810 language was amended in 1996 to exempt 
the FEBs. 

Another general provision which has been around for about 20 years is 
section 815 of the 2006 appropriations act, Pub. L. No. 109-115: 

"Notwithstanding section 1346 of title 31, United States Code, or 
section 810 of this Act, funds made available for fiscal year 1998 by 
this or any other Act shall be available for the interagency funding 
of national security and emergency preparedness telecommunications 
initiatives which benefit multiple Federal departments, agencies, or 
entities, as provided by Executive Order No. 12472 (April 3, 1984)." 

This provision first appeared as section 629 of the Treasury, Postal 
Service and General Government Appropriations Act, 1988, Pub. L. No. 
100-202, 101 Stat. 1329, 1329-431 (Dec. 22, 1987). 

If an instance of unauthorized interagency funding does occur, the 
appropriate remedy is an adjustment of accounts, that is, the 
recipient gives the donor back its money. B-182398-0.M., Sept. 3, 
1976. If the period of obligational availability has expired, the 
adjustment might not serve any useful purpose, even if the recipient 
entity has or can restore sufficient unobligated balances, because the 
donor agency could not use the money for new obligations. Id. It also 
would be inappropriate to pursue action against the certifying 
officers involved because, while there may have been a loss to a 
particular agency, there is no loss to the government, assuming the 
money was used for some authorized purpose of the recipient. Id. 

4. The Federal Advisory Committee Act: 

a. Overview and Applicability: 

As we have noted, in the world of miscellaneous boards and committees, 
advisory committees are by far the largest single group. There are 
several types: general advisory committees, scientific and technical 
advisory committees, special client�le (industry) advisory committees, 
specific task (or action) advisory committees, research committees, 
and public conferences.[Footnote 18] They are popular because they 
represent a relatively inexpensive way for the government to get 
expert advice, or at least advice from different perspectives; they 
are criticized because many tend to outlast their usefulness. 

If reining in the proliferation of advisory committees is the measure, 
the century-plus series of fiscal statutes must be said to have met 
with very limited success. In the report of a 1970 study conducted by 
the Special Studies Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government 
Operations, Subcommittee Chairman John Monagan described the 
committees in the following terms: "Sort of like satellites, I think 
of them in that way ... They go out into outer space but they keep 
circling around, you know, and no one really knows how many there are 
or what direction they are going in, or what duplication there is." 
[Footnote 19] 

In 1972, Congress made its first attempt to comprehensively regulate 
advisory committees�the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), Pub. L. 
No. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770 (Oct. 6, 1972), codified in the appendix to 
title 5 of the United States Code, sections 1-16, as amended. FACA's 
purposes are "to eliminate unnecessary committees; to govern the 
administration of those that remain; and to inform the public about 
[their] membership and ... activities."[Footnote 20] It does this by 
regulating the creation, operation, and termination of executive 
branch advisory committees. The theory, in plain English, is to start 
when you are needed and quit when you are done. The General Services 
Administration (GSA) is given the job of prescribing "administrative 
guidelines and management controls applicable to advisory committees." 
5 U.S.C. app. � 7(c). GSA's regulations are found in 41 C.F.R. part 
102-3.[Footnote 21] 

The key issue under FACA, and certainly the most hotly litigated, is 
how to determine whether or not the statute applies to a particular 
body. As discussed later, this determination has fiscal consequences. 
In addition, wholly apart from fiscal matters, a determination that 
FACA applies means that, among other things: the committee must 
prepare a detailed charter and file it with appropriate officials 
before it can meet or take any action (5 U.S.C. app. � 9(c)); its 
meetings must be open to the public (5 U.S.C. app. � 10(a)(1)); notice 
of each meeting must be published in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C. 
app. � 10(a)(2)); it must keep detailed minutes of each meeting (5 
U.S.C. app. � 10(c)); a designated officer or employee of the federal 
government must call or approve each meeting, and an officer or 
employee of the federal government must chair or attend each meeting 
(5 U.S.C. app. �� 10(e), (f)); and it must make transcripts of 
meetings available to the public at actual duplication cost (5 U.S.C. 
app. � 11(a)). Advisory committees also must "be fairly balanced in 
terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be 
performed." 5 U.S.C. app. �� 5(b)(2) and (c); 41 C.F.R. �� 102-3.30(c) 
and 102-3.60(b)(3). See also National Anti-Hunger Coalition v. 
Executive Committee of the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost 
Control, 711 F.2d 1071, 1073 n.1 (D.C. Cir. 1983). 

Courts have held that no private cause of action exists under FACA. 
This is because neither FACA's text nor its structure "evinces a 
congressional intent to confer on private litigants a right to enforce 
the statute's requirements." International Brominated Solvents Ass'n 
v. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc., 
393 E Supp. 2d 1362, 1377-78 (M.D. Ga. 2005). See also Cheney v. 
United States District Court, 542 U.S. 367, 374-75 (2004) 
(acknowledging district court's holding that FACA does not create a 
private cause of action); Natural Resources Defense Council v. 
Abraham, 223 E Supp. 2d 162, 176 (D.D.C. 2002), vacated in part on 
other grounds, 353 F.2d 40 (D.C. Cir. 2004) (courts may not imply the 
existence of a private cause of action under a statute such as FACA 
where the plain intent of that statute does not create a cause of 
action). Further, FACA does not prescribe remedies or penalties for 
violations. See B-278940, Jan. 13, 1998. Thus, assuming a plaintiff 
can establish standing and then establish some violation, it is up to 
the court, within the limits of judicial power, to devise an 
appropriate remedy that is tailored to further FACA's goals of public 
accountability and reduction of economic waste. See California 
Forestry Ass'n v. United States Forest Service, 102 F.3d 609 (D.C. 
Cir. 1996) (citing Public Citizen, 491 U.S. at 459); Akzo-Nobel, Inc. 
v. United States, No. 00-30834 (5th Cir. 2001). One court, after 
finding FACA violations, permanently enjoined the agency from using 
the advisory body's report, "the product of a tainted procedure." 
Alabama-Tombigbee Rivers Coalition v. Department of Interior, 26 F.3d 
1103, 1107 (11th Cir. 1994). Another potential form of relief is the 
declaratory judgment. E.g., National Nutritional Foods Association v. 
Califano, 603 F.2d 327, 336 (2nd Cir. 1979). The Second Circuit 
further noted in Califano that, at least as of 1979, no court had used 
a FACA violation to "invalidate a regulation adopted under otherwise 
appropriate procedures." Id. Other forms of relief might include 
orders to open future meetings to the public, produce documents, or 
comply with any of FACA's other procedural requirements, depending on 
the precise violation. As far as we are aware, no court has yet to 
suggest that it could award a judgment for money damages. 

(1) Definition and specific exemptions: 

The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended by the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act Amendments of 1997,[Footnote 22] defines 
"advisory committee" as follows: 

"The term 'advisory committee' means any committee, board, commission, 
council, conference, panel, task force, or other similar group, or any 
subcommittee or other subgroup thereof ... which is: 

(A) established by statute or reorganization plan, or; 

(B) established or utilized by the President, or; 

(C) established or utilized by one or more agencies, 

in the interest of obtaining advice or recommendations for the 
President or one or more agencies or officers of the Federal 
Government, except that such term excludes (i) any committee that is 
composed wholly of full-time, or permanent part-time, officers or 
employees of the Federal Government, and (ii) any committee that is 
created by the National Academy of Sciences or the National Academy of 
Public Administration." 

5 U.S.C. app. � 3(2). 

In assessing the scope of section 3(2), the first (and easiest) step 
is to exclude those entities FACA itself expressly exempts. Of the 
exemptions in section 3(2), the exemption for committees composed 
wholly of government officials is the most important. For the most 
part, this is relatively straightforward and easy to apply, but not 
always. One issue in Association of American Physicians & Surgeons 
(AAPS) v. Clinton, 997 F.2d 898 (D.C. Cir. 1993), was the status of 
the President's spouse. President Clinton had asked the First Lady to 
chair his Task Force on National Health Care Reform. If she could be 
regarded as a government official, FACA would not apply because 
everyone else on the task force was unquestionably a government 
official. While the court believed the question far from easy, id. at 
906, it found persuasive the suggestion that "Congress itself has 
recognized that the President's spouse acts as the functional 
equivalent of an assistant to the President." Id. at 904 (emphasis 
omitted). The First Lady could therefore be deemed a de facto officer 
of the government for FACA purposes. Id. at 905. 

Also at issue in AAPS was whether the interdepartmental working group 
established by the President (separate from the task force) for the 
purpose of gathering information and developing options on health care 
reform for the task force was an advisory committee subject to FACA. 
The working group allegedly consisted of both federal employees and 
private consultants who attended at least some working group meetings. 
Id. at 914-15. The court stated that if a consultant's involvement and 
role in an advisory committee is indistinguishable from other members, 
for example, the consultant regularly attends and fully participates 
in committee meetings as if he were a member, he is a de facto member 
of the committee and "his status as a private citizen would disqualify 
the working group from the section 3(2) exemption for meetings of full-
time government employees." Id. at 915. 

The analysis can also be complicated when there are separation of 
powers concerns. For example, in 2001, President Bush created the 
National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG) to advise and make 
recommendations to him regarding energy policy. Although the only 
officially named members of the NEPDG were the Vice President, several 
cabinet officers, and other high level federal officials, private 
sector representatives were alleged to have had extensive 
participation in NEPDG meetings and activities as well. Public 
interest groups filed suit under FACA against the NEPDG and its 
individual members, seeking access to NEPDG records. They argued, 
among other things, that the private individuals had played such a 
substantial role in the group's activities that under AAPS, they 
became de facto members. 

In response, the government filed a petition seeking to modify or 
dissolve plaintiff's discovery order, among other things, which made 
its way to the Supreme Court. The Court was sympathetic to the Vice 
President's argument that applying FACA would violate separation-of-
powers principles and interfere with the executive's constitutional 
prerogatives. According to the Court, the separation-of-powers 
considerations include giving "recognition to the paramount necessity 
of protecting the Executive Branch from vexatious litigation that 
might distract it from the energetic performance of its constitutional 
duties." Cheney v. United States District Court, 542 U.S. 367, 382 
(2004). The Supreme Court remanded the case to the D.C. Circuit Court 
of Appeals for "reexamination of ... whether [FACA] embodies the de 
facto membership doctrine." Id. at 371. 

On remand, the D.C. Circuit ruled that the private individuals were 
not de facto members and thus that the NEPDG was not subject to FACA. 
In re Cheney, 406 F.3d 723 (D.C. Cir. 2005). The court reasoned that 
"in light of the severe separation-of-powers problems in applying FACA 
on the basis that private parties participated in, or influenced, or 
were otherwise involved with a committee in the Executive Office of 
the President," strict construction of the statute is required. Id. at 
728. Accordingly, the court held that, "if the President has given no 
one other than a federal official a vote in or, if the committee acts 
by consensus, a veto over the committee's decisions," an advisory 
committee is deemed composed wholly of federal officials, and thereby 
qualifies for the section 3(2) FACA exemption. Id. Thus, under In re 
Cheney, an individual would have to have an official vote or veto to 
qualify as a de facto member. 

The exemption for committees created by the National Academy of 
Sciences or the National Academy of Public Administration was added in 
the 1997 amendment.[Footnote 23] While exempt from the section 3(2) 
definition, they are nevertheless subject to a set of procedures 
included in the 1997 legislation. 5 U.S.C. app. � 15. Section 4 of 
FACA further exempts committees whose enabling legislation 
specifically provides otherwise (this would be the case in any event); 
committees established or utilized by the Central Intelligence Agency 
or the Federal Reserve System; and certain state and local bodies. 

Exemptions, of course, may appear in other statutes. For example, 
section 204(b) of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, Pub. L. 
No. 104-4, 109 Stat. 48, 65-66 (Mar. 22, 1995), codified at 2 U.S.C. � 
1534(b), renders FACA inapplicable to meetings between federal and 
state, local, or tribal officials, if they deal solely with federal 
programs "that explicitly or inherently share intergovernmental 
responsibilities or administration." See also 41 C.F.R. � 102-3.40(g) 
(intergovernmental committees not covered). Similarly, section 3112 of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 permits an 
officer or employee of a management and operating contractor of the 
Department of Energy to be treated as an officer or employee of the 
Department for purposes of determining whether the group is an 
advisory committee within the meaning of section 3 of FACA.[Footnote 
24] Pub. L. No. 108-136, div. C, title XXXI, 117 Stat. 1392, 1743 
(Nov. 24, 2003), 42 U.S.C. � 7234 note. 

Other exemptions have been recognized administratively or derive from 
case law. For example, the Justice Department has concluded that FACA 
does not apply to a body created jointly by the United States and 
another nation. 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 321 (1979). The Justice 
Department also concluded in 1988 that the Smithsonian Institution is 
not a FACA "agency." It reasoned that because FACA incorporates the 
definition of agency under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 
U.S.C. � 551(1), and the Smithsonian does not meet the terms of the 
APR's definition, the Smithsonian and any of its advisory bodies are 
not covered by FACA. 12 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 122 (1988). The D.C. 
Circuit has since buttressed this conclusion by confirming that the 
Smithsonian is not an APA agency. 

Dong v. Smithsonian Institution, 125 F.3d 877 (D.C. Cir. 1997), cert. 
denied, 524 U.S. 922 (1998). 

If the specific exemptions do not resolve the question, there are 
several principles that are relevant in assessing applicability. They 
are, unfortunately, often difficult to apply, and we do little more 
than note them and allude to the problem areas.[Footnote 25] 

(2) Advisory versus operational: 

By its terms, the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) applies to 
committees which are purely advisory. In general, it does not apply to 
bodies that are "operational." See 5 U.S.C. app. � 9(b) ("unless 
otherwise specifically provided by statute or Presidential directive, 
advisory committees shall be utilized solely for advisory functions"); 
� 2(b)(6) ("the function of advisory committees should be advisory 
only"). With respect to these provisions, as one court has said, 
"Congress intended that federal decision makers, not their advisers or 
delegatees, execute federal policy." Consumers Union v. Department of 
Health,, Education and Welfare, 409 E Supp. 473, 477 (D.D.C. 1976), 
aff'd, 551 F.2d 466 (1977). The Justice Department has offered a 
useful test: does the body make or implement decisions itself, or does 
it offer advice to federal officials who themselves will then make the 
decisions? 5 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 283, 285 (1981). 

Illustrative cases include Sofamor Danek Group, Inc. v. Gaus, 61 F.3d 
929 (D.C. Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1112 (1996) (the Low Back 
Panel, although established by the government, was charged with 
developing guidelines for health care practitioners rather than 
providing advice to the federal government, and was therefore 
operational); Public Citizen v. Commission on the Bicentennial of the 
United States Constitution, 622 E Supp. 753 (D.D.C. 1985) 
(Bicentennial Commission primarily operational and therefore exempt); 
57 Comp. Gen. 51 (1977) (same result for National Commission on the 
Observance of International Women's Year); B-222831-0.M., May 30, 1986 
(Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation). The fact that the 
commission may be required to submit reports to the President and/or 
Congress when it has finished its work does not change the result. 
Public Citizen, 622 F. Supp. at 758. These cases, by the way (except 
for Sofamor), point to one type of body which is almost always 
operational�the commemorative or memorial commission. Their role is 
usually to plan, coordinate, and implement a particular celebration. 
Further examples of this type are the Christopher Columbus 
Quincentenary Jubilee Commission, Pub. L. No. 98-375, 98 Stat. 1257 
(Aug. 7, 1984); the Civil War Centennial Commission, Pub. L. No. 85-
305, 71 Stat. 626 (Sept. 7, 1957); and the National Capital 
Sesquicentennial Commission, Pub. L. No. 80-203, 61 Stat. 396 (July 
18, 1947). 

The more difficult situation arises when a body has both advisory and 
operational functions. FACA clearly anticipates its applicability to 
committees with some operational functions. For example, a covered 
committee's charter must specify "a description of the duties for 
which the committee is responsible, and, if such duties are not solely 
advisory, a specification of the authority for such functions." 5 
U.S.C. app. � 9(c)(F). Also, the fragment of section 9(b) of FACA 
quoted above explicitly recognizes the inclusion of nonadvisory 
functions if specifically provided by statute or Presidential 
directive. The General Services Administration (GSA) regulations 
implement these distinctions by exempting committees which are 
"established to perform primarily operational as opposed to advisory 
functions." 41 C.F.R. � 102-3.40(k). An illustrative case is Natural 
Resources Defense Council v. EPA, 806 F. Supp. 275 (D.D.C. 1992) (the 
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Governors' Forum on 
Environmental Management primarily operational because participating 
state governors acted as independent chief executives in partnership 
with EPA in implementing pertinent legislation). GSA regulation 
provides further, however, that a primarily operational committee can 
become subject to FACA "if it becomes primarily advisory in nature." 
41 C.F.R. � 102-3.40(k). 

(3) Who is being advised? 

The definition of an advisory committee in section 3(2) of the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. app. � 3(2) quoted above, 
refers to bodies established or utilized "in the interest of obtaining 
advice or recommendations for the President or one or more agencies or 
officers of the Federal Government." Section 3(3) of FACA expressly 
incorporates the Administrative Procedure Act definition of "agency," 
5 U.S.C. � 551(1), which specifically excludes Congress. See also 5 
U.S.C. app. � 2(a). Thus, assuming the absence of any other 
disqualifying factors, an advisory committee will be subject to FACA 
if it advises the President and/or an executive agency, but not if it 
advises Congress. E.g., B-135945, Mar. 29, 1973 (National Study 
Commission established by Federal Water Pollution Control Act exempt 
from FACA because it advises Congress). As that decision points out, 
language to specifically include Congress was contained in earlier 
versions of FACA but was deleted prior to enactment. Similarly, a body 
established to advise the Comptroller General, an official of the 
legislative branch, is for that reason not subject to FACA. B-130961- 
0.M., Feb. 12, 1974. 

What if an advisory body is required to report both to Congress and to 
the President and/or an executive agency? An early decision espoused 
the view that merely including Congress on the list of recipients is 
enough to invoke the exemption. B-178395, Apr. 26, 1973. However, this 
essentially "form over substance" approach has not been followed, and 
later opinions by GAO and the Justice Department stress the need to 
examine the committee's nature and essence. For example, the 
legislation establishing the National Commission for the Protection of 
Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research directed the 
commission to report to the President, the Congress, and the Secretary 
of the then Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Considering 
all relevant factors�the legislative scheme in its entirety, the 
legislative history, and the real essence of the commission's 
functions�GAO concluded that the commission was "viewed by Congress as 
a body intended primarily to provide assistance to the Secretary," and 
therefore subject to FACA. B-143181, Oct. 9, 1975. Similarly, the 
Justice Department concluded that the Native Hawaiians Study 
Commission was established primarily to advise Congress and was 
accordingly exempt from FACA, even though it was required to report as 
well to the President. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 39 (1982). 

Justice has applied the same type of approach where an advisory 
committee reports to several executive branch recipients, some of 
which are covered by FACA and some of which are exempt. See 12 Op. 
Off. Legal Counsel 11 (1988) (Presidential Task Force on Market 
Mechanisms exempt from FACA because of its relationship to the Federal 
Reserve Board, notwithstanding that it also reports to the President 
and Secretary of the Treasury). 

(4) "Established or utilized:" 

A key portion of section 3(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act's 
(FACA) definition of advisory committee is that the group be 
"established or utilized" by the President or by one or more agencies 
"in the interest of obtaining advice or recommendations for the 
President or one or more agencies." Of the two words, "established" 
tends to be the easier to apply. It generally means created directly 
by a statute, the President, or a federal agency. "Established by 
statute" requires that the statute at least directly authorize the 
creation of advisory committees, if not the specific committee in 
question; committees "which merely can be said to owe their existence 
to legislation" do not meet the standard. Lombardo v. Handler, 397 E 
Supp. 792, 796 (D.D.C. 1975), aff'd mem., 546 F.2d 1043 (D.C. Cir. 
1976), cert. denied, 431 U.S. 932 (1977). A group established by a 
government contractor is not, for FACA purposes, established by the 
government. E.g., Food Chemical News v. Young, 900 F.2d 328 (D.C. 
Cir.), cert. denied, 498 U.S. 846 (1990). 

Also, since section 3(3) of FACA defines agency by incorporating the 
Administrative Procedure Act definition, 5 U.S.C. � 551(1), FACA will 
not apply to a body, however advisory it may be, created by a 
government entity not covered by the APA definition. For example, an 
advisory body established by the United States Sentencing Commission, 
an agency in the judicial branch, was found exempt from FACA in 
Washington Legal Foundation v. United States Sentencing Commission, 17 
F.3d 1446 (D.C. Cir. 1994). The reason is that the APA definition 
excludes "the courts" and "the Congress," and the courts have broadly 
construed this as excluding basically the entire judicial and 
legislative branches. Id. at 1449. See also Aluminum Company of 
America v. National Marine Fisheries Service, 92 F.3d 902 (9th Cir. 
1996) (group formed by federal and nonfederal litigants to advise on 
compliance with court order was prompted, if by any single agency, by 
the district court and therefore exempt from FACA). 

The word "utilized" is much more difficult. Prior to 1989 at least, 
there was no universally accepted approach to its application. The 
problem is that giving "utilized" its ordinary meaning, "make use of," 
would bring in a variety of private bodies seemingly beyond the scope 
of FACA's intended reach. Some courts applied a fairly straightforward 
approach. E.g., Food Chemical News, Inc. v. Davis, 378 E Supp. 1048 
(D.D.C. 1974) (agency which solicited comments from private industry 
group incident to considering change to regulations indisputably 
utilized that group to obtain advice). Others, viewing the term 
"utilized" as ambiguous, were guided more by legislative history. 
E.g., Lombardo, 397 E Supp. at 800. 

The Supreme Court confronted the issue in Public Citizen v. United 
States Department of Justice, 491 U.S. 440 (1989). The question was 
whether FACA applied to consultations between the Justice Department 
and a standing committee of the American Bar Association regarding 
potential nominees for federal judgeships. Clearly, the standing 
committee was not established by the President or by the Justice 
Department. Equally clearly, if "utilized" were given its ordinary 
meaning, then the ABA committee was utilized by Justice. 

However, the Court realized that a literal reading of section 3(2) 
would expand FACA's coverage far beyond what Congress had in mind, and 
would also implicate constitutional concerns. In what may become the 
most quoted judicial statement since "I know it when I see it," the 
Court called the word "utilize" a "woolly verb, its contours left 
undefined by the statute itself." Public Citizen, 491 U.S. at 452. 
This being the case, the Court looked to legislative history to shear 
the wool, and found that Congress seemed concerned mostly with "groups 
organized by, or closely tied to, the Federal Government, and thus 
enjoying quasi-public status." Id. at 461. 

The Court continued: 

"The phrase 'or utilized' ... appears to have been added simply to 
clarify that FACA applies to advisory committees established by the 
Federal Government in a generous sense of that term, encompassing 
groups formed indirectly by quasi-public organizations ... 'for' 
public agencies as well as `by' such agencies themselves." 

Id. at 462. Under this approach, the ABA committee-�privately formed 
and "in receipt of no federal funds and not amenable to ... strict 
management by agency officials" (id. at 457-58)-�was clearly excluded. 

Several lower courts have suggested that Public Citizen treated 
"utilize" essentially as a form of "established." E.g., Aluminum 
Company of America, 92 F.3d at 905. While there is some truth to this 
and the distinction surely has been blurred, the fact remains that the 
statute uses the word "or" and that therefore they are two separate 
and exclusive concepts. Huron Environmental Activist League v. EPA, 
917 F. Supp. 34, 40 n.6 (D.D.C. 1996). "Established" refers to a 
government-formed body while "utilized" refers to a group formed by 
nongovernment sources but which is nevertheless sufficiently close to 
an agency as to be amenable to management or control by that agency. 
Food Chemical News, 900 F.2d at 332-33. As the D.C. Circuit phrased it 
in Sofamor Danek Group, Inc. v. Gaus, 61 F.3d 929 (D.C. Cir. 1995), 
cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1112 (1996), in light of the Public Citizen's 
interpretation of "utilize," "FACA can only apply if the committee is 
established, managed, or controlled for the purpose of obtaining 
advice or recommendations for the federal government." Sofamor, 61 
F.3d at 936. 

If one point emerges from Public Citizen and its progeny, it is that 
FACA will be difficult to apply to a body not established by the 
government. To cite a few examples, the courts have found that the 
following entities were not subject to FACA because they were not 
utilized in the Public Citizen sense: 

* Working groups created to aid in implementing a court order 
regarding the protection of an endangered species. The groups were not 
funded by the government, nor were they subject to federal management. 
Aluminum Company of America, 92 F.3d 902. 

* A group of experts established by a contractor to advise on food and 
cosmetic safety issues. Not only did the contractor, a private 
organization, not enjoy "quasi-public status," it set the group's 
agenda, scheduled its meetings, and reviewed its work. Food Chemical 
News, 900 F.2d at 333. 

* A cement industry group that met with EPA. Although EPA determined 
the schedule and made other logistical arrangements for meetings with 
the cement industry group, there was no showing that the group was 
subject to EPA's management or control or that it was "so closely tied 
to the executive branch of the government as to render it a 
functionary thereof." Huron Environmental Activist League, 917 F. 
Supp. at 40. 

* An advisory committee to the Sentencing Commission was not utilized 
by the Justice Department because, as a judicial branch entity, it was 
not, and could not be, managed or controlled by Justice. Minority 
membership on the committee (in this case, 2 Justice officials out of 
16 members) is not control. Washington Legal Foundation, 17 F.3d at 
1450-51. As noted above, all of these cases involved the 
interpretation of the term "utilized" in section 3(2) of FACA. 
However, the term is also used in section 4(b) of FACA, which 
expressly exempts from FACA requirements advisory committees that are 
"established or utilized" by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): 
"Nothing in this Act shall be construed to apply to any advisory 
committee established or utilized by�(1) the Central Intelligence 
Agency." The use of the term "utilized" in the section 4(b) sense was 
addressed in Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation v. Lago, 
Civ. A. No. 05-682(RMC) (D.D.C. Nov. 15, 2006). By Executive Order No. 
13328, Feb. 6, 2004, the President established the Commission on the 
Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of 
Mass Destruction (Commission) to investigate the intelligence 
communities' prior assessments of and current capabilities to confront 
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and submit a report on its 
findings and recommendations by March 31, 2005. The Executive Order 
also provided that the "Central Intelligence Agency and other 
components of the Intelligence Community shall utilize the Commission 
and its resulting report." Exec. Order No. 13328, � 2(d). The Center 
for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (Center)[Footnote 26] sought 
the materials used in developing the Commission's report, and in the 
process the Center brought suit complaining that the Commission had 
failed to comply with certain of FACA's requirements, such as keeping 
detailed minutes of each meeting and making records available for 
public inspection. See 5 U.S.C. app. �� 10(b), (c), and 11(a). 

In determining whether the Commission was an advisory committee under 
FACA, the court considered the cases such as Public Citizen and its 
progeny, which addressed the definition of "utilized" in the context 
of FACA section 3(2), and summarized the definitions in those 
circumstances: "[A] committee is 'established' when it is formed by a 
Government agency, and 'utilized' when it is organized by a non-
governmental entity 'but nonetheless so closely tied to an agency as 
to be amendable to strict management by agency officials.'" Center for 
Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, slip op. at 6 (citations omitted). 
The court found these definitions did not apply to the concept of 
"utilized" as used in FACA section 4(b), which should be read more 
broadly to ensure that FACA's requirements "would not interfere with 
or jeopardize the confidentiality of the workings of the CIA." Id. at 
8. The court instead read the word "utilized" in section 4(b) in light 
of its common meaning "to put to use." Id. In this case, although the 
CIA did not have any particular management role vis-a-vis the 
Commission's work, the fact that the CIA could "utilize" or, using the 
court's definition, "put to use" the Commission and its report was 
sufficient to trigger the FACA exemption in section 4(b). Id. 

(5) Other factors: 

The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) applies to a group acting as 
a group; it does not apply to individuals acting as individuals just 
because they happen to be in the same place while they are doing it. 
Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) v. Clinton, 997 
F.2d 898, 915 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (court opined that FACA does not apply 
to a "collection of individuals who do not significantly interact with 
each other"); Aluminum Company of America v. National Marine Fisheries 
Service, 92 F.3d 902, 907 (9th Cir. 1996) (quoting AAPS). The GSA 
regulations reflect this point. See 41 C.F.R. � 102-3.40 (formerly 41 
C.F.R. � 101-6.1004), discussed in B-202455, Aug. 30, 1984, and B-
202455, Mar. 21, 1985. As the Justice Department has put it: 

"FACA applies by its terms to 'advisory committees.' 'Advisory 
committee' is a term that connotes a body that deliberates together to 
provide advice. Therefore, as a matter of statutory construction, we 
believe that FACA does not apply to a group which simply acts as a 
forum to collect individual views rather than to bring a collective 
judgment to bear." 

14 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 53, 55 (1990). The requirement that a 
committee act as a committee does not mean that it must give 
"consensus advice." AAPS, 997 F.2d at 913. 

Consensus or not, the advice must relate directly to governmental 
policy issues. Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Clinton, 76 F.3d 1232, 1233 
(D.C. Cir. 1996) (Presidential legal expense trust, established to 
help defray personal legal fees, not subject to FACA); Grigsby 
Brandford & Co. v. United States, 869 E Supp. 984, 1001 (D.D.C. 1994); 
41 C.F.R. � 102-3.25 (the General Services Administration's definition 
of advisory committee). 

An important, although not in and of itself necessarily conclusive, 
factor is the degree of formality attaching to the group. An early and 
often-cited FACA case held the statute inapplicable to a group whose 
"meetings are unstructured, informal and not conducted for the purpose 
of obtaining advice on specific subjects indicated in advance." Nader 
v. Baroody, 396 E Supp. 1231, 1234-35 (D.D.C. 1975). Other cases, 
however, have applied FACA to informal meetings. E.g., National 
Nutritional Foods Ass'n v. Califano, 603 F.2d 327 (2nd Cir. 1979); 
Food Chemical News, Inc. v. Davis, 378 E Supp. 1048 (D.D.C. 1974). The 
more recent trend seems to be to follow the approach of Baroody. Thus, 
the D.C. Circuit has stated: "In order to implicate FACA, the 
President, or his subordinates, must create an advisory group that 
has, in large measure, an organized structure, a fixed membership, and 
a specific purpose." AAPS, 997 F.2d at 914, cited in Aluminum Company 
of America, 92 F.3d at 906 ("existence of a formal and structured 
group leans toward a finding of FACA applicability"). See also Huron 
Environmental Activist League v. EPA, 917 F. Supp. 34, 42 (D.D.C. 
1996); Grigsby Brandford & Co., 869 F. Supp. at 1001. 

A group's funding is also relevant but not conclusive. One of the 
factors the Supreme Court noted in holding FACA inapplicable to the 
American Bar Association's committee on federal judgeships was that it 
was "in receipt of no federal funds." Public Citizen v. Department of 
Justice, 491 U.S. 440, 457 (1989). See also Aluminum Company of 
America, 92 F.3d at 906. Thus, the absence of federal funding is a 
factor supporting a conclusion of nonapplicability. In view of all the 
other ways to fall outside the statute, the presence of federal 
funding would not appear to be particularly revealing one way or the 
other. While the mere existence of federal funding may not tell you 
very much, its precise source may. For example, in determining that a 
particular committee was designed primarily to advise Congress rather 
than the President, the Justice Department found it relevant that the 
committee was originally funded from the contingent fund of the 
Senate. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 39, 41-42 (1982). See also 13 Op. 
Off. Legal Counsel 285, 290 n.11 (1989) for a case in which no clear 
inferences could be drawn. 

The status of subcommittees or subgroups is not entirely clear. The 
FACA definition expressly includes boards, committees, etc., "or any 
subcommittee or other subgroup thereof." 5 U.S.C. app. � 3(2). One 
court has found that task forces of the President's Private Sector 
Survey on Cost Control were not subject to FACA because "they do not 
directly advise the President or any federal agency, but rather 
provide information and recommendations for consideration to the 
Committee." National Anti-Hunger Coalition v. Executive Committee, 557 
F. Supp. 524, 529 (D.D.C.), aff'd, 711 F.2d 1071 (D.C. Cir. 1983). 
Under this approach, the subgroup operates essentially as staff of the 
parent committee. GAO questioned whether this is really what Congress 
had in mind: 

"One would expect most subcommittees or subgroups to report to their 
parent committee, rather than bypassing the parent committee and 
reporting directly to a Federal official.... There is no reason to 
presume that Congress intended subcommittees or subgroups to be 
included only in those unusual circumstances where they side-step 
their parent committees." 

B-199008-0.M., June 14, 1983, at 9. 

As discussed earlier, the D.C. Circuit revisited the issue in the 1993 
case, Association of American Physicians & Surgeons v. Clinton, 997 
F.2d 898, where the court examined the status of a working group set 
up to assist the President's Task Force on National Health Care 
Reform. Although not expressly repudiating the Anti-Hunger reasoning 
in all cases, the court now pointed out that "we did not explicitly 
approve the judge's reasoning relating to the supposed staff groups." 
AAPS, 997 F.2d at 912. While the court did not have sufficient 
information to decide the issue, it hinted strongly that subgroups 
would be subject to different degrees of stringency depending on 
whether the parent group was (as in Anti-Hunger) or was not (as in 
AAPS) itself subject to FACA. 

"In contrast to the situation here, in Anti-Hunger the top levels of 
the outside advisory groups were covered by FACA.... In that scenario, 
there is less reason to focus on subordinate advisers or consultants 
who are presumably under the control of the superior groups.... But 
when the Task Force itself is considered part of the government�due to 
the government officials exemption�we must consider more closely 
FACA's relevance to the working group. For it is the working group 
that now is the point of contact between the public and the 

AAPS, 997 F.2d at 913 (emphasis in original). The court did not 
address the extent to which the distinction would be relevant, if at 
all, where the parent body is exempt from FACA for some reason other 
than the government officials' exemption. 

b. Creation and Funding: 

Funding of a federal advisory committee depends largely on how it was 
created. Creation is addressed in section 9(a) of the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act: 

"(a) No advisory committee shall be established unless such 
establishment is: 

(1) specifically authorized by statute or by the President; or; 

(2) determined as a matter of formal record by the head of the agency 
involved after consultation with the Administrator [of General 
Services] with timely notice published in the Federal Register, to be 
in the public interest in connection with the performance of duties 
imposed on that agency by law." 

5 U.S.C. app. � 9(a). As this provision indicates, and as the GSA 
regulations reflect (41 C.F.R. � 102-3.50), there are several ways to 
create an advisory committee: 

* by statute; 

* by the President, usually by executive order; 

* by the President pursuant to statutory authorization; 

* by an agency head. 

Indeed, one of the significant features of section 9(a) is its 
explicit recognition of the nonstatutory creation of advisory 
committees by the executive branch. 

(1) Statutory committees: creation: 

Congress, of course, can legislatively create committees or other 
groups, advisory and/or operational. Therefore, the discussion under 
this heading is not limited to advisory bodies. Statutes creating a 
board, commission, committee, or similar group may include the 
following elements: 

It may prescribe the group's functions and duties. Unless otherwise 
provided, this description will determine whether the group is 
"primarily operational" and thus exempt from the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (FACA). If the group's functions include holding 
hearings or taking testimony, the statute may address such topics as 
the expenses of witnesses and the treatment of subpoenas. E.g., Pub. 
L. No. 104-169, � 5(a), 110 Stat. 1482, 1484-85 (Aug. 3, 1996) 
(National Gambling Impact Study Commission). 

It may address the group's status under FACA. The statute may 
expressly provide that the group is subject to FACA. E.g., 20 U.S.C. � 
9252(e)(3) (National Institute for Literacy Advisory Board). It may 
render the group wholly exempt from FACA. E.g., Pub. L. No. 98-399, � 
5(c), 98 Stat. 1473, 1474 (Aug. 27, 1984) (Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Federal Holiday Commission). Or, it may exempt the group from certain 
portions of FACA. E.g., Pub. L. No. 93-348, � 211(a), 88 Stat. 342, 
351-52 (July 12, 1974) (stating that section 14 of FACA�termination 
and renewal�shall not be applicable to the National Advisory Council 
for the Protection of Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research). 

It may prescribe the group's membership and composition. To the extent 
the group will include or consist of private members, it will 
prescribe who is to appoint them. E.g., Pub. L. No. 86-380, � 3, 73 
Stat. 703, 704 (Sept. 24, 1959) (Advisory Commission on 
Intergovernmental Relations members shall be appointed by the 
President, the President of the Senate, or the Speaker of the House); 
Pub. L. No. 93-348, � 211(a) (members shall be appointed by the 
department head). The statute may prohibit members from holding any 
other position as an officer or employee of the United States during 
their period of service.[Footnote 27] E.g., Pub. L. No. 90-515, � 
2(b), 82 Stat. 868 (Sept. 26, 1968) (National Water Commission). 
Absent a provision of this nature, nothing prohibits a private 
individual from serving on more than one committee. Similarly, a 
government official may serve on more than one body as long as "the 
person receives only one salary, the positions are not 'incompatible' 
from the standpoint of public policy, and there is no augmentation of 
relevant appropriations." 14 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 157, 160 (1990). 
See also 8 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 200, 205-06 (1984). 

It may address the compensation of members and, if applicable, the 
hiring of staff Members may or may not be compensated for their 
services, and members serving without compensation may nevertheless be 
allowed travel expenses. An example is Pub. L. No. 98-399, � 4(d) 
(Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission). Enabling 
statutes frequently provide that members who are officers or employees 
of the government or Members of Congress may not receive compensation 
for their service as members (because of the dual compensation laws, 
primarily 5 U.S.C. � 5533), but may be allowed travel expenses. E.g., 
Pub. L. No. 91-129, � 5(a), 83 Stat. 269, 271 (Nov. 26, 1969) 
(Commission on Government Procurement). 

Payment of a per diem amount in lieu of subsistence is available only 
where authorized by statute. 20 Comp. Gen. 361, 363 (1941) (Commission 
on Fine Arts); 10 Comp. Gen. 239, 240 (1930) (George Washington 
Bicentennial Commission). For committees subject to it, FACA provides 
the necessary authority. 5 U.S.C. app. � 7(d)(1)(B). For other groups, 
the authority must be found elsewhere. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 2303(a) 
(Holocaust Memorial Council). 

In most cases, compensation is provided in one of two ways: (1) the 
"daily equivalent" of a specified grade/level of the General Schedule 
or Executive Schedule, or (2) a per diem basis, that is, a fixed 
number of dollars per day. In either case, compensation is payable 
only for days the member actually performs duties. The compensation is 
payable in full regardless of how much or how little the person works 
on any given day. 45 Comp. Gen. 131, 133 (1965) (addressing per diem 
payments); 28 Comp. Gen. 211-12 (1948) (same). (Of course, to trigger 
the entitlement at all, the "little" must exceed zero.) 

Another type of compensation provision authorizes compensation in 
accordance with 5 U.S.C. � 3109, the expert and consultant statute. 
This will limit compensation to the highest rate for a GS-15 unless a 
higher rate is expressly provided by statute. 51 Comp. Gen. 224, 226 
(1971); 43 Comp. Gen. 509 (1964); 29 Comp. Gen. 267, 268-69 (1949). 

For advisory committees under FACA, the statute imposes a compensation 
ceiling of the rate specified for level IV of the Executive Schedule. 
5 U.S.C. app. � 7(d); 5 U.S.C. �� 5315, 5376 note. However, GSA FACA 
regulations require the agency head to personally authorize any rate 
higher than GS-15. 41 C.F.R. � 102-3.130. Both the statute and 
regulations authorize the payment of travel expenses for duties 
performed away from home or regular place of business. 5 U.S.C. app. � 
7(d); 41 C.F.R. � 102-3.130. 

A common provision exempts members and/or staff from the so-called 
civil service laws. GAO has held that the phrase "civil service laws" 
refers to the statutes and regulations governing appointments, and 
does not include the provisions, now also in title 5, United States 
Code, addressing salary rates. 53 Comp. Gen. 531, 532 (1974). A more 
precise version of this language is "without regard to the provisions 
of [5 U.S.C.] governing appointments in the competitive service." Pub. 
L. No. 93-348, � 211(a). If exemption from both is desired, the modern 
language is "without regard to the provisions of [5 U.S.C.] governing 
appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to chapter 
51 and subchapter DI of chapter 53 of such title relating to 
classification and General Schedule pay rates." E.g., Pub. L. No. 108-
458, � 1061(g)(1), 116 Stat. 3638, 3687-88 (Dec. 17, 2004) (Privacy 
and Civil Liberties Oversight Board); Pub. L. No. 100-94, � 5, 101 
Stat. 700, 701 (Aug. 18, 1987) (Christopher Columbus Quincentenary 
Jubilee Commission). 

It may make some provision for support services. The committee may 
need office space, office equipment, staff, etc. Especially if the 
committee is tied in by subject matter to some existing department, 
the legislation may direct that department to provide support 
services. Such support services may or may not be reimbursable. For 
example, the Interior Department is authorized to provide services and 
support to the Holocaust Memorial Council "on a reimbursable basis." 
36 U.S.C. � 2304(d). In contrast, support services provided to the 
National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service by 
the General Services Administration or the Treasury Department are to 
be "on a nonreimbursable basis." Pub. L. No. 104-52, � 637(d)(4), 109 
Stat. 468, 511 (Nov. 19, 1995). Still another variation leaves it to 
the parties to fight it out. E.g., Pub. L. No. 93-556, � 7(b), 88 
Stat. 1788, 1792 (Dec. 27, 1974) (Commission on Federal Paperwork may 
obtain services from any government agency, "reimbursable or 
otherwise, as may be agreed" by the Commission and the agency). 

It may prescribe applicable reporting requirements. (See section 
A.4.a(3) of this chapter.) 

It may provide for the group's termination, at least for groups 
intended to have a short duration or single-project groups. A common 
provision mandates termination a specified number of days or months 
after submission of required reports. E.g., Pub. L. No. 88-606, � 
4(b), 78 Stat. 982, 983 (Sept. 19, 1964) (Public Land Law Review 
Commission shall terminate on the earlier of a fixed date or 6 months 
after submission of its report). Some entities may simply terminate on 
a fixed date, an approach suitable for memorial commissions, for 
example. E.g. Pub. L. No. 98-101, � 7, 97 Stat. 719, 722 (Sept. 29, 
1983) (Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution "shall 
terminate on December 31, 1989"). 

For groups subject to it, FACA addresses termination if the 
establishing legislation is otherwise silent. An advisory committee 
will terminate two years after its date of establishment unless its 
duration is "otherwise provided for by law." 5 U.S.C. app. � 
14(a)(2)(B). The Justice Department has concluded that the nature of a 
group's functions may exempt it from the automatic termination of 
section 14. Specifically: 

"In our view, the duration of a statutorily created advisory committee 
may be 'otherwise provided for by law' either expressly or by 
implication. Such duration is provided for by implication if the 
statute that creates or assigns functions to an advisory committee 
provides for it a specific function that is continuing in nature and 
is an integral part of the implementation of a statutory scheme." 

3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 170, 171 (1979). The requirement to make 
"periodic reports and recommendations" meets this test. Id. at 173-74. 

(2) Statutory committees: funding: 

A board or committee created by Congress is generally funded under the 
standard two-step procedure: "first the program is authorized and, 
subsequently, appropriations are made available to carry out the 
program." B-39995-0.M., Apr. 28, 1983, at 2 (referring to the Cost 
Accounting Standards Board). The Federal Advisory Committee Act 
(FACA), 5 U.S.C. app. �� 5(b)(4) and (5), contains provisions dealing 
with authorization of appropriations and the assurance that the 
advisory body will have funds available for its necessary expenses 
(although no precise mechanism is prescribed). 

The authorization of appropriations may be indefinite, that is, such 
sums "as may be necessary."[Footnote 28] Others may include a monetary 
ceiling. [Footnote 29] Still others may cover multiple year periods 
either year-by-year or in the aggregate.[Footnote 30] A variation 
provides a specific dollar authorization for the first year and "such 
sums as may be necessary" thereafter.[Footnote 31] There appear to be 
no significant consequences flowing from which form is used, nor are 
we able to generalize as to when a particular form may be regarded as 
more appropriate. 

The authorization is sometimes combined with language prohibiting 
expenditures except to the extent provided in advance in appropriation 
acts. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 2310 (Holocaust Memorial Council); Pub. L. No. 
104-169, � 9(b), 110 Stat. 1482, 1488 (Aug. 3, 1996) (National 
Gambling Impact Study Commission). Even without language of this sort, 
an appropriation would still be necessary to carry out the 

The next step is the actual appropriation. It can be an appropriation 
made directly to the entity; it can be an appropriation to an existing 
agency to be funneled to the entity; or it can be included in a lump-
sum appropriation to a department or agency related in subject matter. 
The authorization of appropriations may influence this choice. Some 
authorizing provisions, for example, expressly authorize funds to be 
directly appropriated to the board or commission while others use more 
discretionary language (funds appropriated "for the activities or the 
particular commission or simply "to carry out this act"). 

Whichever form is used, there is nothing particularly exotic about an 
appropriation for a miscellaneous board or commission. It is 
essentially no different from an appropriation for any other entity, 
and is governed by the same rules of purpose, time, and amount. The 
following paragraphs illustrate the application of some of these rules. 

A board, committee, or other such entity must use an appropriation 
only for its intended purposes. This means the purposes stated in the 
appropriation and other pertinent legislation, as amplified by the 
"necessary expense" doctrine expounded in Chapter 4, section B. E.g., 
B-211149, June 22, 1983 (because Holocaust Memorial Council had 
specific authority to solicit donations, it could pay employees or 
consultants who engage in fund-raising). 

Entertainment is not a proper expenditure unless Congress has 
authorized it. One way Congress does this is to appropriate part of a 
lump sum for "official reception and representation expenses." While 
this is the device most commonly used for larger agencies, it works 
just as well for a small board or commission. E.g., Pub. L. No. 98-
411, 98 Stat. 1545, 1568 (Aug. 30, 1984) (1985 appropriation for the 
Japan-United States Friendship Commission). Another device Congress 
has used�primarily with celebration/memorial commissions�is to include 
in the enabling statute authority to act "without regard to the laws 
and procedures applicable to Federal agencies." A commission with this 
authority can expend public funds for food and entertainment virtually 
at will. B-138969, Apr. 16, 1959 (Lincoln Sesquicentennial 
Commission); B-138925, Apr. 15, 1959 (Civil War Centennial 
Commission); B-129102, Oct. 2, 1956 (Woodrow Wilson Centennial 
Celebration Commission). 

In making expenditures from a lump-sum appropriation, an agency's 
discretion is not legally limited by restrictions expressed in 
legislative history that are not carried into the statute itself. 
E.g., 31 Comp. Gen. 412 (1952) (National Capital Sesquicentennial 
Commission could spend its appropriation on authorized activities and 
was not bound to follow instructions contained only in a committee 

Money received for the use of the government, in accordance with the 
so-called miscellaneous receipts statute, 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b), must be 
deposited in the general fund of the Treasury, subject to exceptions 
discussed in detail in Chapter 6, section E.2.a. For the most part, a 
body which is purely advisory should not be in a position to generate 
receipts. Operational bodies, on the other hand, are more likely to be 
involved in activities that generate receipts and must therefore 
contend with the miscellaneous receipts statute. 

Specific authority to credit receipts to its operating appropriation 
makes those funds available for expenditure without further 
congressional action, at least during the appropriation's period of 
obligational availability. B-90476, June 14, 1950 (charges for 
admission to exhibits, plays, and dramatic productions by the National 
Capital Sesquicentennial Commission). As noted above, language 
authorizing an agency to act without regard to the laws applicable to 
federal agencies is sufficient to remove the restriction on 
entertainment expenditures. Such language is equally sufficient to 
overcome the miscellaneous receipts statute. B-136051, Aug. 27, 1959 
(concerning the sale of publications and commemorative medals by Civil 
War Centennial Commission). If the board or commission does not have 
specific authority to charge fees, it must rely on the so-called User 
Fee Statute, 31 U.S.C. � 9701, in which case the fees are fully 
subject to the miscellaneous receipts requirement. 

In a 1936 case, the Northwest Territory Celebration Commission found 
itself in a dilemma. As part of the celebration, it wanted to print 
and sell cartographic maps of the Northwest Territory and to produce a 
"moving pageant." The states formed from the Northwest Territory, with 
whom the Commission was statutorily charged to cooperate, would each 
order, and pay for, the desired number of maps and performances. While 
the states were perfectly willing to pay their proportionate shares, 
the problem was that the Commission lacked authority to retain the 
receipts, and thus would have depleted its appropriation without 
reimbursement. The solution was to somehow furnish the goods and 
services without charge to the Commission's appropriation. The way to 
do this was for each participating state to advance its estimated 
share, which would be held in the Treasury in a trust fund account, 
from which expenditures could be made. If this approach were followed, 
it would be necessary to account for each state's funds separately so 
that any remaining unexpended balances could be refunded. A-51645, 
Nov. 6, 1936. 

In the case of a small celebration/memorial commissions, GAO 
recommended that the statute authorize payment of the appropriation to 
the commission in one lump sum, at least where the statute does not 
otherwise address the handling of the commission's finances: 

"It is the view of this office that in cases of small appropriations 
for sectional celebrations, memorials, etc., where the authorizing 
resolution does not provide for the administrative handling of 
obligations and expenditures from such appropriations by an existing 
Government agency, it is preferable that the money be appropriated for 
payment as a gift in one lump sum to an established local body without 
any further accounting to the Federal accounting officers. [This 
procedure] ... would remove the task of attempting at considerable 
cost to inform the inexperienced local person or body of persons in 
the field of the regulations, forms, and procedures required in 
accounting for public funds." 

B-8474, Feb. 19, 1940, at 2. The subject of that discussion was the 
Benjamin Harrison Memorial Commission, established by statute. Pub. L. 
No. 76-352, 53 Stat. 1274 (Aug. 9, 1939). Shortly after GAO's opinion, 
the authorized amount was appropriated "to be paid to the Commission 
for expenditure within its discretion" for authorized purposes. First 
Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1940, Pub. L. No. 76-447, 54 Stat. 82, 
83 (Apr. 6, 1940). However, it is not free money and the commission 
did have a record-keeping responsibility: "[I]t is felt desirable that 
[the commission] maintain an adequate record of such funds and of the 
expenditure thereof." A-84233, June 3, 1937, at 2 (Charles Carroll of 
Carrollton Bicentenary Commission). 

Thus far, we have been talking about the fairly straightforward 
situation where Congress creates a body, authorizes the appropriation 
of funds, and then makes the appropriation. There are variations. 
Instead of creating the commission directly, Congress can authorize or 
direct the President to create it. E.g., Pub. Res. No. 106, 74th 
Cong., ch. 556, 49 Stat. 1516 (June 15, 1936) (President authorized to 
establish Charles Carroll of Carrollton Bicentenary Commission); 
Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1985, Pub. L. No. 98-525, � 
1511, 98 Stat. 2492, 2626 (Oct. 19, 1984) (President directed to 
establish Chemical Warfare Review Commission). Congress can fund the 
body by a direct appropriation (e.g., First Deficiency Appropriation 
Act, Fiscal Year 1937, Pub. L. No. 75-4, 50 Stat. 8, 10 (Feb. 9, 1937)-
Carroll Bicentenary Commission), or it can tell the President, in 
effect, to go hunt for the money. See, e.g., 15 U.S.C. � 1022f(b) 
(describing compensation for advisory boards on national economic 
programs and policies). These statutes tend to be less detailed than 
their direct-creation siblings, the detail being filled in by the 
implementing executive order. E.g., Exec. Order No. 12502, Chemical 
Warfare Review Commission, 50 Fed. Reg. 4,195 (Jan. 28, 1985). 

Congress also, either in conjunction with a direct appropriation or 
without it, may require an existing department or agency to provide 
financial support services. For example, the law creating the Civil 
War Centennial Commission provided: "Expenditures of the Commission 
shall be paid by the National Park Service as general administrative 
agent, which shall keep complete records of such expenditures and 
shall account also for all funds received by the Commission." Pub. L. 
No. 85-305, � 6(b)(1), 71 Stat. 626, 627 (Sept. 7, 1957). Section 201 
of the ICC Termination Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 104-88, 109 Stat. 803, 
939 (Dec. 29, 1995), codified at 49 U.S.C. � 726(d)(2), authorizes the 
Secretary of Transportation or the Chairman of the Surface 
Transportation Board to "pay the reasonable and necessary expenses 
incurred by" the Railroad-Shipper Transportation Advisory Council. 
Another variation is to appropriate money to an existing agency, to be 
transferred to the board or commission when it is legally capable of 
receiving them. E.g., 2 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 366 (1977).[Footnote 32] 

Still another variation is found in the law establishing the National 
Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service: "The 
Secretary of the Treasury is authorized on a nonreimbursable basis to 
provide the Commission with administrative services, funds, 
facilities, staff, and other support services for the performance of 
the Commission's functions." Treasury, Postal Service, and General 
Government Appropriations Act, 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-52, � 637(d)(4), 
109 Stat. 468, 511 (Nov. 19, 1995) (emphasis added). Absent a direct 
appropriation, this would appear to be sufficient authority for 
Treasury to fund the Commission. However, if Congress had been making 
direct appropriations and then stopped, a provision of this sort would 
enable the supporting agency to provide various kinds of stopgap or 
perhaps even supplemental financial assistance, but would not permit 
funding of the commission's entire operations. B-39995-0.M., Apr. 28, 
1983 (Cost Accounting Standards Board). 

A provision for a designated agency to provide support services to a 
board or commission would normally imply that the board or commission 
is not authorized to obtain the services directly. 61 Comp. Gen. 69, 
75 (1981). However, in the cited case, the United States Advisory 
Commission on Public Diplomacy was able to bypass its support agency 
and contract directly for certain services because it also had 
specific authority to hire experts and consultants in accordance with 
5 U.S.C. � 3109. 

For bodies created and funded by Congress, advisory or nonadvisory, 
FACA or non-FACA, the various funding restrictions described earlier 
in this section would not apply, except for the requirement for 
specific approval of interagency funding. One could concoct a scenario 
in which the Russell Amendment, 31 U.S.C. � 1347, might come into play 
(e.g., a nonadvisory body created by statute, with no appropriations 
of its own but funded by an existing agency), but it would be rare. 

To sum up, when Congress statutorily creates a board or commission, or 
authorizes or directs the executive branch to do so, it can fund the 
entity through the traditional authorization-appropriation process 
used for larger agencies, or it can resort to techniques which are 
perhaps regarded as more suitable for certain small entities. Whether 
the body is advisory subject to FACA, advisory but not subject to 
FACA, operational, or mixed, would not appear to make any significant 
difference except that operational bodies are more likely to be funded 
by direct appropriations. Legislation establishing a FACA committee 
will almost surely make some provision for support services, possibly 
including some funding, but Congress has used this device in non-FACA 
bodies as well. 

(3) Committees established by the executive branch: 

The Justice Department has concluded that, with the possible exception 
of performing constitutional responsibilities in an emergency, the 
President lacks the power to create a new operational agency in the 
executive branch: legislation is required. 9 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 
76, 78 (1985). However, this inhibition on creating agencies does not 
exist in the case of an advisory committee. As we have seen, the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) explicitly recognizes, in 5 
U.S.C. app. �� 3(2) and 9(b), the inherent authority of the President, 
and of agency heads, to establish purely advisory bodies.[Footnote 33] 

A President creating an advisory body typically does so by issuing an 
executive order. The executive order may basically include the same 
elements that can be found in an enabling statute as outlined above. 
The executive order may establish the body, prescribe its functions, 
and address membership and composition, compensation, support 
services, and any reporting requirements. It may also address 
termination and the applicability of FACA. 

As one court has noted, "FACA provides very little guidance as to the 
manner in which advisory committees are to be funded." Metcalf v. 
National Petroleum Council, 553 F.2d 176, 180 (D.C. Cir. 1977). Be 
that as it may, the executive order must also provide for funding. 
While most of the committee's needs will be met by the agency assigned 
to provide support services, it will still need some money for such 
things as travel expenses and printing of reports. The President, 
lacking the authority to authorize or appropriate funds, must look to 
some existing source. The most common approach is to designate an 
existing agency to provide funding, subject to the availability of 
appropriations. The funding agency must be sufficiently related in 
subject matter to the advisory body so as to pass muster from the 
perspective of purpose availability. Some examples, which will also 
provide some indication of the range of advisory bodies that are 
created, follow: 

* Exec. Order No. 13398, � 6(b), 71 Fed. Reg. 20,519 (Apr. 18, 2006): 
National Mathematics Advisory Panel, funded by Department of Education. 

* Exec. Order No. 13353, � 6, 69 Fed. Reg. 53,585 (Aug. 27, 2004): 
President's Board on Safeguarding American Civil Liberties, funded by 
Department of Justice. 

* Exec. Order No. 13256, � 10(b), 67 Fed. Reg. 6,823 (Feb. 12, 2002): 
President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities, funded by Department of Education. 

* Exec. Order No. 13037, � 4(b), 62 Fed. Reg. 10,185 (Mar. 3, 1997): 
Commission to Study Capital Budgeting, funded by Treasury Department. 

* Exec. Order No. 13015, � 3(b), 61 Fed. Reg. 43,937 (Aug. 22, 1996): 
White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security, funded by 
Department of Transportation. 

* Exec. Order No. 12961, � 3(c), 60 Fed. Reg. 28,507 (May 26, 1995): 
Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, 
funded by Department of Defense. 

* Exec. Order No. 12546, � 3(c), 51 Fed. Reg. 4,475 (Feb. 3, 1986): 
Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, 
funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 

* Exec. Order No. 12367, � 3(b), 47 Fed. Reg. 26,119 (June 15, 1982): 
President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, funded by the 
National Endowment for the Arts. 

* Exec. Order No. 12345, � 4(d), 47 Fed. Reg. 5,189 (Feb. 2, 1982): 
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, funded by 
Department of Health and Human Services. (This was originally created 
by President Eisenhower in 1956, and has been renewed by successive 

* Exec. Order No. 12229, � 1-301, 45 Fed. Reg. 50,699 (July 29, 1980): 
White House Coal Advisory Council, funded by Department of Labor. 

The pertinent provisions of FACA are 5 U.S.C. app. �� 5(b)(5), 5(c), 
12, and 14. Section 5(b)(5) advises that support services and funding 
should be included in any legislation creating an advisory committee. 
Section 5(c) makes this applicable to the President or any other 
federal official creating an advisory committee.[Footnote 34] Section 
12(a) requires each agency to keep sufficient records to "fully 
disclose the disposition of any funds which may be at the disposal of 
its advisory committees and the nature and extent of their 
activities." The General Services Administration does this for 
Presidential committees. Section 12(b) directs each agency to be 
"responsible for providing support services for each advisory 
committee established by or reporting to it unless the establishing 
authority provides otherwise." Section 14 directs each advisory 
committee to terminate not later than 2 years after its creation, 
except that it can be renewed by the establishing authority for 
successive 2-year periods.[Footnote 35] Thus, FACA clearly condones 
the practice of using existing agency appropriations to fund advisory 
committees. See 63 Comp. Gen. 110, 111 (1983) (President's Commission 
on Executive Exchange funded by Office of Personnel Management's 
Salaries and Expenses appropriation); 61 Comp. Gen. 69 (1981) (United 
States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy funded by United States 
Information Agency). 

If the agency providing funding has several appropriations, as in the 
case of cabinet departments, it must select the one most closely 
related to the committee's functions, applying the principle that the 
specific prevails over the general. See B-202362, Mar. 24, 1981 
(funding for United States-Japan Economic Relations Group, provided by 
State Department, is chargeable to appropriation for "International 
Conferences and Contingencies" rather than Salaries and Expenses). 

Of course, any expenditure by the committee must be for an authorized 
purpose. E.g., 61 Comp. Gen. 69 (1981) (committee could procure 
outside legal advice on the extent of its independence). Restrictions 
in the funding agency's appropriation act applicable to all funds 
appropriated in that act must be followed. B-222758, June 25, 1986 
(Chemical Warfare Review Commission violated anti-lobbying provision 
in Defense Department appropriation act). In addition, lobbying is not 
an advisory function. Id. 

Most committees are funded in the manner described above�from the 
appropriations of a designated agency. Some are funded from one of the 
discretionary appropriations available to the President. For example, 
the so-called Warren Commission (Commission to Report Upon the 
Assassination of President John E Kennedy) was funded from the 
"Emergency Fund for the President." Exec. Order No. 11130, 28 Fed. 
Reg. 12,789 (Nov. 29, 1963). So was an earlier body, the Missouri 
Basin Survey Commission. Exec. Order No. 10318, 17 Fed. Reg. 133 (Jan. 
3, 1952). (The Emergency Fund was later redesignated "Unanticipated 

Some committees have mixed public-private funding. For example, the 
President's Commission on Executive Exchange received funding support 
from the Office of Personnel Management, and was also statutorily 
authorized to impose certain fees and to place them in a revolving 
fund in the Treasury. This made it necessary to determine whether a 
given expenditure was direct support or a general administrative 
expense. GAO concluded in one such case that a word processor and a 
postage machine were "direct support" expenses and therefore could be 
charged to the private-sector account, whereas reupholstering 
furniture and procuring commercial insurance for loaned works of art 
were administrative expenses chargeable to OPM funds. 63 Comp. Gen. at 

A final funding approach should be noted, although it is not common. 
Congress can always choose to appropriate funds for a board or 
commission created by executive action, as it did, for example, in the 
case of the National Commission on the Observance of International 
Women's Year. See B-182398, Mar. 29, 1976. 

The Justice Department has concluded that a funding agency may not 
delegate the authority to obligate funds to an advisory committee, the 
obligation of funds being a nonadvisory function. Memorandum Opinion 
for the Executive Director, National Committee on Libraries and 
Information Science, Relationship Between National Commission on 
Libraries and Information Science and Advisory Committee to White 
House Conference on Library and Information Services, OLC Opinion, 
Feb. 12, 1990. (The committee in that case was statutory, but the 
point is more general.) This led to the question of the potential 
liability of the committee chairman, as an accountable officer, for 
the unauthorized expenditure. Because, under the particular facts of 
that case, the government incurred no loss, it was not necessary to 
address this issue. B-241668, Feb. 19, 1991. 

As in the case of Presidential committees, Congress may authorize a 
particular agency to create advisory committees, either specifically 
or in general terms. E.g., 10 U.S.C. � 5024 (authorizing Secretary of 
Navy to appoint Naval Research Advisory Committee); 42 U.S.C. � 7234 
(authorizing Department of Energy to establish advisory committees). 
Alternatively, an agency head can establish an advisory committee 
without express statutory authority. The "establishing document" will 
vary with the agency's own system of internal directives. For example, 
the Attorney General has a numbered series of "Attorney General 
Orders," and used one of these to establish Law Enforcement 
Coordinating Committees. See 5 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 283 n.2 (1981). 
Whatever the precise mechanism, the establishment must be "determined 
as a matter of formal record" and published in the Federal Register. 5 
U.S.C. app. � 9(a)(2). Other procedures are found in the GSA 
regulations. The committees are fully subject to the 
termination/renewal provisions of FACA, 5 U.S.C. app. � 14. 

If Congress has the greatest latitude in funding options and the 
President has somewhat less, the individual agency has least of all. 
When an agency creates an advisory committee, it has only one way to 
fund it�from its own pocket. An Energy Policy Task Force, for example, 
was created by the Department of Energy in the 1980s under its 
statutory authority in what was then 15 U.S.C. � 776 (now in 42 U.S.C. 
� 7234). GAO found it legitimate to pay the expenses of a task force 
meeting�specifically expenses of travel and recording a transcript�
from the Secretary's salaries and expenses account. 60 Comp. Gen. 386, 
397 (1981). As with Presidential bodies, the agency with more than one 
appropriation should choose the one most closely related to the 
committee's work, and expenditures may be made only for authorized 
purposes. It may be possible in some cases to obtain private funding. 
See, e.g., Metcalf, 553 F.2d at 180 (noting that the National 
Petroleum Council, established by the Secretary of the Interior, was, 
apart from support services, "financed entirely from funds provided by 
the petroleum industry"). 

An advisory committee, presidential or agency, subject to FACA will 
generally not have to concern itself with the funding restrictions of 
31 U.S.C. � 1346 (which is set out in section A.2 of this chapter). A 
nonFACA body still must contend with them. Also, the Russell 
Amendment, 31 U.S.C. � 1347, does not apply to a FACA committee (see 
section A.2 of this chapter). In this connection, the Justice 
Department has said: 

"Whether or not one assumes that the Russell amendment was originally 
intended to apply to nonstatutory advisers or advisory groups, [FACA] 
has intervened. It has specifically authorized the creation of purely 
advisory committees; it has provided that they may have a 2-year life; 
and it has contemplated, and made provision for, the practice of using 
agency funds to support advisory committees. Accordingly, if indeed 
agency funds may otherwise be lawfully expended for such a purpose, 
there is no longer any reason, under the Russell amendment, to bar an 
expenditure of funds in support of an advisory committee merely 
because the committee has been in existence for more than 1 year." 

3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 263, 266-67 (1979). That opinion also 
supports the conclusion that the Russell Amendment does not apply to 
purely advisory bodies, FACA or non-FACA. Of the various funding 
restrictions discussed earlier, the only one that would apply to a 
FACA committee (and alike to non-FACA bodies), as long as it remains 
in effect, is the requirement for specific approval for interagency 

In addition to the general funding statutes, there may be agency-
specific laws which authorize or restrict agency activity in this 
area. For example, 22 U.S.C. � 2672 authorizes the State Department to 
fund the United States' participation in certain international 
activities. This was one of the statutes State relied on�properly, GAO 
found�to participate in funding the National Commission on the 
Observance of International Women's Year in the mid-1970s. See GAO, 
Activities of the National Commission on the Observance of 
International Women's Year, HRD-77-26 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 13, 
1977), at 5-6. Section 2672(a) includes its own 1-year restriction 
similar to the Russell Amendment. See B-202362, Mar. 24, 1981. 

(4) Donations: 

Given the ever-present pressure on Congress to hold down the costs of 
boards and committees, it is not uncommon for an enabling statute to 
authorize some level of private funding. Just as with any larger 
agency, a board or commission needs statutory authority to accept and 
use gifts or contributions. The reason, discussed in Chapter 6, 
section E.3, is that without such authority the funds would have to be 
deposited in the general fund of the Treasury. 

The statute will prescribe exactly what can be accepted. A common 
version in statutes creating boards or committees is the authority to 
"accept donations of money, property, or personal services." E.g., 
Pub. L. No. 98-375, � 7(a), 98 Stat. 1257, 1260 (Aug. 7, 1984) 
(Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission); Pub. L. No. 
85-305, � 5(a), 71 Stat. 626, 627 (Sept. 7, 1957) (Civil War 
Centennial Commission). 

The statute may go a step farther and set a monetary limit on what can 
be accepted in a given year. E.g., Pub. L. No. 98-375, as amended by 
Pub. L. No. 100-94, � 4, 101 Stat. 700, 701 (Aug. 18, 1987); Pub. L. 
No. 98-101, � 5(h)(2), 97 Stat. 719, 721 (Sept. 29, 1983) (Commission 
on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution). Both of these laws 
prescribe separate limits, one on gifts from individuals and a 
somewhat higher one on gifts from others such as corporations, 
partnerships, and foreign governments. The statute will normally not 
define who can make the contributions, but there are exceptions, such 
as: "The Commission is authorized to receive funds through grants, 
contracts, and contributions from State and local governments and 
organizations thereof, and from nonprofit organizations." Pub. L. No. 
89-733, � 6, 80 Stat. 1162 (Nov. 2, 1966). The "Commission" refers to 
the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). This 
provision was not so much a deliberate attempt to exclude individuals, 
but a desire to foster increased participation by those most directly 
affected by ACIR's work. 

It should be apparent from the above statutory references that the 
authority to accept gifts occurs most often in statutes establishing 
operational bodies, most typically celebration/memorial commissions. 
As the ACIR provision shows, however, it can also appear with entities 
that are advisory. 

The authority to accept gifts does not inherently include the 
authority to solicit them, especially since solicitation will almost 
invariably involve the use of other government funds, either for staff 
salaries and expenses or the procurement of some fund-raising 
capacity. E.g., B-211149, June 22, 1983. When Congress wants an entity 
to engage in solicitation, it specifically so provides in the gift 
acceptance provision. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 2307 (Holocaust Memorial 
Council); Pub. L. No. 98-101, � 5(h)(1) (Commission on the 
Bicentennial of the United States Constitution). In order to preclude 
questions of interpretation, it is always preferable for the statute 
to use the word "solicit" if that is desired. However, something less 
may suffice. For example, a statute which provided that nongovernment 
sources "shall be encouraged to participate to the maximum extent 
feasible ... and to make contributions" has been construed as 
authorizing solicitation. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 541, 544-46 (1982). 

In most cases, donated funds are seen merely as an authorized 
supplementation of the commission's other funding sources. In some 
cases, however, there is a clear intent that the commission be funded 
in its entirety, or as close thereto as possible, from donated funds. 
For example, the statute creating the Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal 
Holiday Commission specified that "all expenditures of the Commission 
shall be made from donated funds." Pub. L. No. 98-399, � 7, 98 Stat. 
1473, 1474 (Aug. 27, 1984). Similarly, the executive order creating 
the so-called Grace Commission directed that it be funded "to the 
extent practicable and permitted by law, by the private sector without 
cost to the Federal Government." Exec. Order No. 12369, � 3(e), 47 
Fed. Reg. 28,899 (June 30, 1982). The requirement may be limited to 
certain of the commission's functions. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 2307 
(Holocaust Memorial Council may use only donated funds to operate and 
maintain the museum). An interesting variation is the Railroad-Shipper 
Transportation Advisory Council, which is authorized to receive 
government funds and to solicit and use donations, but must "undertake 
best efforts to fund [its] activities privately" before making a 
request for federal money. Pub. L. No. 104-88, � 201(a), 109 Stat. 
803, 939 (Dec. 29, 1995), codified at 49 U.S.C. � 726(d)(4). 

Absent statutory authority to the contrary, donated funds must be 
deposited in the Treasury in a trust account, and are permanently 
appropriated for authorized uses. 31 U.S.C. � 1323(c). This means that 
they are available for expenditure without further legislation. B-
90476, June 14, 1950. The fiscal and budgetary issues associated with 
federal "trust" funds are discussed in detail later in this chapter. 
It is important here to distinguish a trust account for donated funds 
from the more traditional fiduciary trust concept. See B-274855, Jan. 
23, 1997. Funds "held in trust," as those words are commonly used to 
describe a fiduciary relationship, are held for the benefit of 
another. By comparison, placing donated funds in a "trust account" is 
largely, although not necessarily, an accounting device to distinguish 
the funds from general funds and to assure that their use will be 
limited to the purposes for which they were given. Id. 

The governing legislation may authorize a different treatment. The 
Holocaust Memorial Council provides one illustration. In response to a 
request from a congressional committee, GAO reviewed the legislative 
history of the Council's enabling statute and determined that, 
although the statute itself was silent, Congress intended a "no 
strings" treatment of donated funds. Accordingly, the Council could 
place donated funds in interest-bearing investments outside of the 
Treasury. B-211149, Dec. 12, 1985. This case was applied and followed 
a few years later with respect to the Christopher Columbus 
Quincentenary Jubilee Commission. 68 Comp. Gen. 237, 238-39 (1989). In 
the Holocaust Memorial Council decision (B-211149), GAO recommended 
that the statute be amended to explicitly recognize the apparent 
intent. It was later amended to provide that the Council's donated 
funds "are not to be regarded as appropriated funds and are not 
subject to any requirements or restrictions applicable to appropriated 
funds." See B-275959, May 5, 1998, at 4 (quoting the amendment, 36 
U.S.C. � 1407, in confirming the earlier conclusion). A similar 
amendment was not so important for the Columbus Commission because it 
was a temporary body with a specified termination date, whereas the 
Council's duration is permanent, or at least indefinite. 

Authority broad enough to permit investing donated funds outside of 
the Treasury is also broad enough to authorize operations without 
regard to the statutes and regulations governing procurement by 
federal agencies. 68 Comp. Gen. at 239; B-211149, Dec. 12, 1985, at 4. 
However, GAO declined to apply these cases to the American Battle 
Monuments Commission, a permanent entity, because it could find no 
comparable authority. B-275669.2, July 30, 1997. 

Because title under a legal gift passes to the government, the donor 
has no claim for the refund of any unexpended balances upon 
termination of the board or commission. B-274855, Jan. 23, 1997. 
Unless otherwise provided for by statute, the balances must be 
deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Id. A situation 
clearly warranting an exception is found in 36 Comp. Gen. 771 (1957). 
The Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission thought it would be a 
good idea to use private funds to award scholarships to high school 
and college students, but it lacked the authority to accept donations. 
With this proposal in mind, Congress amended the Commission's enabling 
statute to authorize the acceptance of donations. The problem was that 
the Commission would almost surely go out of existence before the 
disbursement of funds could be completed. Under these circumstances, 
GAO concurred with the Commission's proposal to transfer, prior to its 
expiration, the balance of its donated funds to a "responsible private 
organization" in order to complete the administration of the 
scholarship awards. Id. Short of extending the Commission's life for 
the sole purpose of disbursing the rest of the funds, this was the 
best way to comply with the requirement of 31 U.S.C. � 1323(c) that 
the funds be disbursed in accordance with the terms of the "trust." 

B. Government Use of Corporate Entities: 

1. Introduction: 

The federal government has created entities using a corporate device, 
in various forms and contexts, for a long time. With respect to the 
basic rationale for government corporate entities, the Supreme Court 
observed in a 1927 case: 

"An important, if not the chief, reason for employing these 
incorporated agencies was to enable them to employ commercial methods 
and to conduct their operations with a freedom supposed to be 
inconsistent with accountability to the treasury under its established 
procedure of audit and control over the financial transactions of the 
United States." 

United States ex rel. Skinner & Eddy Corp. v. McCarl, 275 U.S. 1, 8 

This points to two key features associated with the use of government-
created corporate entities, at least in theory: commercial activities 
and freedom, to a greater or lesser extent, from the laws that govern 
accountability to the Treasury of traditional government agencies. 

Twenty years after the Skinner & Eddy decision, President Truman's 
1948 Budget Message, presented views on the proper standards for using 
the corporate device. A corporate form of organization, according to 
President Truman, is appropriate for the administration of 
governmental programs that: 

* are predominantly of a business nature, 

* produce revenue and are potentially self-sustaining, 

* involve a large number of business-type transactions with the 
public, and; 

* require greater flexibility than the customary type of 
appropriations budget ordinarily permits.[Footnote 36] 

We see, again, commercial activities and autonomy from Treasury 
controls. President Truman proposed, in addition, that government-
created corporate entities be "potentially self-sustaining." Today, 
many, but not all, corporate entities operate using revolving funds. 
Although there are no clear and universally accepted standards for 
using the corporate model, it is something the government has often 
turned to when it wants to do something that, for the most part, 
resembles a business enterprise. The practice has, however, engendered 
some controversy. As a matter of fact, one commentator in the 1950s 
called the government corporation "one of the most controversial 
institutional innovations of our time."[Footnote 37] At one extreme 
are advocates of the government corporation who view it "with almost 
religious devotion" and regard it "as a desirable end in itself, 
regardless of the purpose which it serves."[Footnote 38] These 
advocates may be driven by what a more recent writer terms a "cultural 
norm" that anything the private sector does is automatically and 
inherently "better" than anything the public sector does.[Footnote 39] 
On the other end of the spectrum, one early critic went so far as to 
write that "there is no place in our constitutional government for the 
performance of governmental function by means of corporations. 
[Footnote 40] And, one more factor cannot, or at least should not, be 

"Public funds (tax dollars), after all, are not freely given in 
voluntary market exchanges for goods and services; ... At this level 
... the private and governmental sectors are fundamentally different. 
It is for this reason that the standards for governmental control and 
enforced adherence to prescribed processes and procedures are�and have 
to be�so much higher than those of the private sector."[Footnote 41] 

In 1980, the Office of Management and Budget contracted with the 
National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) to produce a report 
on existing government corporations and to make policy recommendations 
for future creation of corporations. Breaking out "enterprises" as a 
separate category, and mindful of the imprecision of definitional 
attempts, the report broadly defined "government corporation" as "a 
government entity created as a separate legal person by, or pursuant 
to, legislation," with the powers to "sue and be sued, use and reuse 
revenues, and own assets.[Footnote 42] 

The fact that "no two Federal Government corporations are completely 
alike[Footnote 43] underscores the importance of the enabling 
legislation. A statutorily created entity, whether it be an agency or 
embody some form of the corporate model, "possesses only those powers 
which are enumerated in the act of Congress creating it."[Footnote 44] 
This of course includes any other legislation specifically made 
applicable. The governing legislation determines the body's powers and 
functions, its financial arrangements, and its degree of operating 
flexibility. As one commentator has stated: "Because there is no 
general incorporation law defining government corporations, Congress 
is free to call any entity a 'corporation' and assign to this 
corporation whatever characteristics it chooses."[Footnote 45] Or, as 
the court put it in United States v. Nowak, 448 F.2d 134, 138 (7th 
Cir. 1971), cert. denied, 404 U.S. 1039 (1972): "If it chooses to make 
use of a 'corporation,' Congress is not limited by traditional notions 
of corporate powers and organization but may mold its vehicle in any 
way which appears useful to the accomplishment of the legislative 

Some of these variations can be illustrated by looking at the 
objectives, degrees of ownership and control, and the extent to which 
the corporate entity acts as an agent of the federal government for 
three corporate entities: Amtrak, the Boy Scouts of America, and the 
Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation. 

(a) Objectives. 

* Congress formed Amtrak as a private corporation to ensure 
profitability of the failing, but critical, passenger rail service. 

* Congress chartered the Boy Scouts of America to help promote the 
patriotic and community service objectives of that organization. 

* Congress created the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to insure 
workers against defaulting pension plans. 

(b) Degree of ownership and control by the federal government. 

* Congress exercises nearly complete control over Amtrak's assets and 
liabilities (and provides substantial annual funding) and its 
operations through the presidential appointment of members of its 
board of directors. 

* The federal government has no ownership in nor does it control the 
operations of the Boy Scouts of America. However, Congress by law 
established the Boy Scouts of America and the scope of its authorities. 

* Congress exercises control over the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation by appointing the board of directors and management 
officers, treating its employees like those of the federal government, 
and limiting its use of funds for administrative expenses. 

(c) Extent to which the corporate entity acts as the agent of the 
federal government. 

* Congress declared Amtrak to be a private corporation, but specified 
in law, for example, that Amtrak is an agency of the government for 
purposes of sharing information with the public (i.e., the Freedom of 
Information Act). 

* The Boy Scouts of America in no way represent or act on behalf of 
the U.S. government. 

* By law, Congress declared that the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation's liabilities are not liabilities of the U.S. government. 

As you can see, depending upon the needs or the circumstances, the 
government has been creative in its use of the corporate form. 

2. The Problem of Definition: 

As noted in the prior section, largely because each corporate entity 
is the creature of its enabling legislation, and given the different 
forms that such entities can take, it is difficult to have a general 
definition applicable to the relationships between the federal 
government and the many corporate entities. As one commentator put it: 

"Federal corporations should not be treated as if they constitute a 
single class of organizations type. Virtually all are unique 
creatures, and ... what is distinctive about them as a group is that 
each embodies its own calculated mixture of public and private 
elements and of financing and controls, and each is a result of a 
particular congressional enactment after extensive controversy over 
rival policies and interests."[Footnote 46] 

Without a single definition covering the universe of corporate bodies, 
the better approach may be to examine the common elements of 
particular kinds of entities. Therefore, in this section we will 
attempt to provide some definitional construct by the consideration of 
four types of corporate entities: government corporations; government-
sponsored enterprises (referred to as GSEs); patriotic, fraternal, or 
charitable entities designated in title 36 of the United States Code 
(commonly referred to as "federally chartered corporations"); and 
federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs). 

a. Government Corporations: 

"There is at present no universally accepted definition of what 
constitutes a government corporation, hence there are several listings 
of government corporations, each different and based upon the 
definition employed by the compiler," according to one commentator. 
[Footnote 47] GAO has also pointed out the lack of a uniform 
definition. GAO, Congress Should Consider Revising Basic Corporate 
Control Laws, GAO/PAD-83-3 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 6, 1983), at 8. 
Definitions found in the United States Code serve only limited 
purposes. For example, 5 U.S.C. � 103(1) defines the term "government 
corporation," but only for purposes of title 5 of the United States 
Code, as "a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the 
United States." However, in 5 U.S.C. � 103(2), a "government 
controlled corporation" is defined as not including a corporation 
owned by the government. Noting that government corporations are 
operationally defined in 31 U.S.C. � 9101(1) (section 201 of the 
Government Corporation Control Act, which will be addressed in detail 
in section 4.a of this chapter) as either wholly owned or mixed-
ownership government corporations, GAO has concluded that the term 
"government controlled corporation" used in title 5 refers to mixed-
ownership government corporations, such as those listed in 31 U.S.C. � 
9101(2) (but not exclusively). B-221677, July 21, 1986. Therefore, 
when considering the various laws codified in title 5, it is necessary 
to check any separate definitional provisions to determine if a 
specific chapter is applicable to both wholly owned and mixed-
ownership corporations. For example, the relocation allowance 
provisions in title 5 are covered by the definitional provisions in 5 
U.S.C. � 5721, which specifically excludes government controlled 
corporations. Thus, wholly owned corporations are subject to the 
personnel provisions of title 5 but mixed-ownership government 
corporations are not. B-221677, July 21, 1986 (Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation, as a mixed-ownership government corporation, is 
excluded from coverage under the title 5 relocation provisions). 
Further discussion of the various title 5 provisions is in section 
B.7.a of this chapter. 

Also, "executive agency" in 40 U.S.C. � 102(4)(B) expressly includes 
"a wholly owned Government corporation" although without further 
defining the latter term. Thus, wholly owned government corporations 
are subject to much of title 40 of the United States Code as well as 
the procurement provisions of 41 U.S.C. �� 251-266a. They are also 
subject to GAO's bid protest jurisdiction under 31 U.S.C. � 3551(3), 
which references the 40 U.S.C. � 102 definition of agency. See B-
295737.2, Apr. 19, 2005. While these specialized definitions apply for 
certain purposes, the chief (and only) regulatory statute with some 
general application, chapter 91 of title 31 of the United States Code 
(commonly known as the Government Corporation Control Act), discussed 
in detail below, fails to include a specific definition but merely 
lists the entities it covers as either wholly owned or mixed-ownership. 

The lack of a uniform, governmentwide statutory definition is not the 
only complication in determining the status of a corporate-type entity 
in relation to federal powers and obligations. Even when Congress has 
been quite specific in declaring that a corporation is not a federal 
instrumentality, it may still take on that status for constitutional 
purposes. This was the holding in Lebron v. National Railroad 
Passenger Corp., 513 U.S. 374, 387, 395 (1995). 

In Lebron, an artist sued the National Rail Passenger Corporation, 
better known as Amtrak, for violating his First Amendment rights by 
rejecting a billboard display. Amtrak claimed that it was not a 
federal entity for First Amendment purposes since its statutory 
charter declared that it "will not be an agency or establishment of 
the United States Government.[Footnote 48] 

The Supreme Court concluded, however, that Amtrak's reliance on this 
statutory disclaimer language was "misplaced": 

"[The statutory disclaimer] is assuredly dispositive of Amtrak's 
status as a Government entity for purposes of matters that are within 
Congress's control�for example, whether it is subject to statutes that 
impose obligations or confer powers upon Government entities ... And 
even beyond that, we think [the disclaimer] can suffice to deprive 
Amtrak of all those inherent powers and immunities of Government 
agencies that it is within the power of Congress to eliminate ... But 
it is not for Congress to make the final determination of Amtrak's 
status as a Government entity for purposes of determining the 
constitutional rights of citizens affected by its actions. If Amtrak 
is, by its very nature, what the Constitution regards as the 
Government, congressional pronouncement that it is not such can no 
more relieve it of its First Amendment restrictions than a similar 
pronouncement could exempt the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 
the Fourth Amendment. The Constitution constrains governmental action 
'by whatever instruments or in whatever modes that action may be 
taken.' Ex parte Virginia, 100 U.S. 339, 346-347, 25 L. Ed. 676 
(1880). And under whatever congressional label." 

Lebron, 513 U.S. at 392-93. The Court went on to hold that Amtrak was 
"an agency or instrumentality of the United States for the purpose of 
individual rights guaranteed against the Government by the 
Constitution," a conclusion it viewed as "in accord with public and 
judicial understanding of the nature of Government-created and 
-controlled corporations over the years." Id. at 394. In this regard, 
the Court noted that Amtrak was "established and organized under 
federal law for the very purpose of pursuing federal governmental 
objectives, under the direction and control of federal governmental 
appointees." Id. at 398.[Footnote 49] 

The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has taken the 
Lebron analysis considerably farther. In a memorandum opinion, OLC 
held that if a corporate entity would fall within the government for 
constitutional purposes, it has the same status for statutory purposes 
absent an explicit statutory provision to the contrary. In concluding 
that the National Veterans Business Development Corporation (NVBDC) 
was a government corporation within the definition of 5 U.S.C. � 
103(1), the Office of Legal Counsel stated: 

"Although the opinion in Lebron does not state that, if a corporation 
is part of the United States Government for constitutional purposes, 
it must also be considered an agency of the United States unless 
Congress (as in the case of Amtrak) expressly provides otherwise, we 
believe that when Congress has created a corporation after the 
decision in Lebron�as it has here�and, through the corporation's 
structure and purpose, has placed it within the government for 
constitutional purposes, there is a strong presumption that the 
corporation is also part of the government for purposes of title 5 [of 
the United States Code], which deals with the internal organization of 
federal government agencies."[Footnote 50] 

The opinion then observed that the statute creating the NVBDC lacked 
an Amtrak-type disclaimer and contained features suggesting that NVBDC 
was a federal instrumentality. Specifically, it was federally 
chartered, received federal appropriations, and its fiscal operations 
were subject to congressional oversight and regulation. However, 
shortly after OLC issued this opinion, Congress amended NVBDC's 
statute by adding the following language: "Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, the Corporation is a private entity and is not an 
agency, instrumentality, authority, entity, or establishment of the 
United States Government.[Footnote 51] 

Given the absence of a definitive legal definition of what constitutes 
a government corporation, we need to resort to other sources. As we 
have seen, one approach is to try to identify common attributes. One 
analyst identifies some of these attributes as "a public purpose, a 
federal government charter, some form of government supervision, and a 
public subsidy.[Footnote 52] While this is useful in establishing a 
conceptual framework, it suffers when you break it down to the working 
level. If, for example, one equates "charter" with "enabling 
legislation"�and it is beyond question that the charter of a 
government corporation is its enabling legislation�the attributes 
apply equally to any government agency. Similarly, we previously noted 
a statement from a GAO report that government corporations "are 
generally federally chartered entities created to serve a public 
function of a predominantly business nature." GAO, Government 
Corporations: Profiles of Existing Government Corporations, GAO/GGD-96-
14 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 13, 1995), at 1. This again shows the 
hazard of generalization, saved by the fortunate inclusion of the word 
"generally," since some government corporations may perform primarily 
governmental functions (e.g., the Commodity Credit Corporation, which 
stabilizes and protects farm income and prices). 

Neither is it useful to construct a classification based on the mere 
presence or absence of the word "corporation" in the entity's name. An 
old state court case, considering the application of sovereign 
immunity to a state-created corporation, put it this way: "It is not 
necessary that the thing created by the legislature should be named by 
it a corporation. Its character depends upon the powers given it, and 
not upon the name by which the legislature may call it." Gross v. 
Kentucky Board of Managers, 49 S.W. 458, 459 (Ky. Ct. App. 1899). 

Acknowledging that any classification is imperfect and open to debate 
(in fact, some corporations may fall in more than one category), we 
are concerned primarily with the following categories for purposes of 
this discussion: 

* Entities subject to the Government Corporation Control Act. We say 
"entities" because they may or may not be in actual corporate form, 
although they usually are, and their names may or may not include the 
word corporation. The Control Act subdivides covered entities into two 
groups discussed in detail later�wholly owned government corporations 
and mixed-ownership government corporations. 

* Entities created and fully or substantially funded by the United 
States Government, but not subject to the Control Act. Examples 
include the Legal Services Corporation, the Corporation for Public 
Broadcasting, and the State Justice Institute.[Footnote 53] 

* Entities created and at least partially funded by the federal 
government which are not designated as corporations but which have 
comparable powers, and are also at least partially exempt from the 
Control Act. Examples include the U.S. Postal Service, the Smithsonian 
Institution, and the Bonneville Power Administration.[Footnote 54] 
(The main difference between this group and the second group is that 
the legislation creating an entity in this group does not confer 
corporate status on it. Of course, other differences flow from that 

The above groups, taken together, comprise our working "definition" 
for purposes of this discussion. 

b. Government-Sponsored Enterprises: 

The term government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) refers to a "privately 
owned and operated federally chartered financial institution that 
facilitates the flow of investment funds to specific economic 
sectors."[Footnote 55] A conceptually similar but more detailed 
definition is found in the Congressional Budget Act, 2 U.S.C. � 
622(8). GSEs are, largely but not exclusively, those entities with 
names that "sound like those of aging singers or the latest fast-food 
sandwich"[Footnote 56]-�Fannie Mae, Farmer Mac, etc. However, the 
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) is a wholly 
owned government corporation. 31 U.S.C. � 9101(3)(G). 

Legislation creating GSEs has not used consistent terminology. The 
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac) is a "federally 
chartered instrumentality of the United States." 12 U.S.C. � 2279aa-
1(a)(1). So is the Financial Assistance Corporation. 12 U.S.C. � 
2278b. The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) is a 
"government-sponsored private corporation." 12 U.S.C. � 1716b. The 
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) is simply a "body 
corporate." 12 U.S.C. � 1452(a). 

For purposes of comparing GSEs to other forms of government-created 
corporate entities, the important points are that (1) GSEs are 
regarded as privately owned (which, in some cases and depending on how 
one frames one's definition, may be only partially true); (2) they are 
financial institutions; and (3) they are supervised but not directly 
managed by the government. Summary information on a number of GSEs may 
be found in GAO's Budget Issues: Profiles of Government-Sponsored 
Enterprises, GAO/AFMD-91-17 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 1991). For a more 
recent description, see Library of Congress, Congressional Research 
Service, Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs): An Institutional 
Overview, No. RS21663 (Dec. 20, 2005). GSEs are subject to audit by 
GAO only if specifically provided by statute. B-114828, Nov. 25, 1975, 
at 2, 4. 

While a GSE is, except as expressly provided, not subject to the laws 
governing federal agencies, it is nevertheless a creature of statute 
and exists to perform only those functions assigned to it in its 
enabling legislation. Any activity it undertakes must directly relate 
to the performance of one or more of those specified functions. 
Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc. v. Federal 
Home Loan Bank Board, 568 F.2d 478 (6th Cir. 1977) (federal home loan 
banks not authorized to sell on-line data processing services to 
member institutions); Arnold Tours, Inc. v. Camp, 472 F.2d 427 (1st 
Cir. 1972) (national bank may not operate a full-scale travel agency); 
71 Comp. Gen. 49 (1991) (Farmer Mac is authorized to guarantee the 
timely payment of principal and interest on certain mortgage-backed 
securities but is not authorized to purchase those securities). The 
GAO decision stressed that a statute's purpose clause is not an 
independent grant of authority. 71 Comp. Gen. at 52. 

c. Title 36 Patriotic, Fraternal, or Charitable Corporate Entities: 

This group consists of the 80-plus corporate entities whose charters 
comprise title 36 of the United States Code, subtitles II and III. 
[Footnote 57] Among the best-known examples are the American Red 
Cross,[Footnote 58] American Legion, and the United States Olympic 
Committee. Each entity occupies its own chapter in title 36, and each 
is designated a "body corporate and politic" or a "federally chartered 
corporation." In addition, a provision no longer in the Code used the 
term "private corporations established under Federal law."[Footnote 
59] Of course this terminology can apply equally to GSEs. The 
difference is that the title 36 corporations are not business 
corporations; they are patriotic, fraternal, or charitable 
associations. The granting of a federal charter is viewed as a mark of 
prestige. Thus, the purpose of granting a federal charter to the Girl 
Scouts was "to bestow public honor and recognition on the works of the 
organization." Girl Scouts v. Personality Posters Mfg., Co., 304 F. 
Supp. 1228, 1232 (S.D.N.Y. 1969). 

Although there is variation, the statutory charters "follow a common 
pattern."[Footnote 60] The typical charter starts by identifying the 
incorporators by name and declaring their corporate status. The 
incorporators range from a few to several dozen. See, e.g., Pub. L. 
No. 86-680, 74 Stat. 572 (Aug. 31, 1960) (Agricultural Hall of Fame). 
The statute may be creating a new organization (e.g., 36 U.S.C. � 
152301�National Music Council), it may merely be giving a federal 
charter to an organization already chartered under state law (e.g., 36 
U.S.C. � 20902�American Ex-Prisoners of War), or it may direct that a 
corporation be incorporated in a state or the District of Columbia 
(e.g., 36 U.S.C. � 20301�American Academy of Arts and Letters). The 
statute will then state the corporation's purposes and outline its 
general powers. A typical "powers" provision will include such things 
as to sue and be sued, adopt and use a corporate seal, adopt by-laws, 
hold and convey property, and enter into contracts. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 
152305 (National Music Council)[Footnote 61] 

Most have perpetual succession, a feature common to private business 
corporations. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 30502 (c) (Blue Star Mothers of 
America). A relatively few have limited duration. For example, the 
Grand Army of the Republic, chartered in 1924 but in existence long 
before, consisted of those who had served in the United States armed 
forces during the Civil War and were honorably discharged. The charter 
provided that the corporation would terminate when the last of its 
members died. Pub. L. No. 68-184, � 6, 43 Stat. 358, 360 (June 3, 
1924). This of course happened some time ago, and the charter is no 
longer carried in the United States Code. 

A common provision prohibits the corporation from issuing stock or 
paying dividends. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 22307(a) (American Symphony 
Orchestra League). Some go a step further and explicitly prohibit 
activities for pecuniary profit. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 152307(a) (National 
Music Council). Although this language is infrequent, it seems clear 
based on the stated purposes of these corporations[Footnote 62] that 
they are not designed with profit-making in mind. Several charters 
require the corporation to maintain its tax-exempt status under the 
Internal Revenue Code. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 70108(b) (Fleet Reserve 

Another common provision prohibits the corporation or its officers or 
members from engaging in political activities. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 
23106(b) (Aviation Hall of Fame). At least one variation includes a 
prohibition on attempting to influence legislation. 36 U.S.C. � 
150108(b) (National Academy of Public Administration). 

The charter will typically give the corporation the sole and exclusive 
use of its name. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 50305 (Disabled American Veterans). 
The exclusivity may extend to other symbols and emblems as well. E.g., 
36 U.S.C. � 220506(a)(2) (Olympic symbol of five interlocking rings). 

For the most part, title 36 corporations do not receive federal 
appropriations. A few do or, at least, are explicitly authorized to 
seek federal grants, reimbursements, or other kinds of "support." The 
National Film Preservation Foundation, for example, is authorized to 
receive up to $530,000 for each of the fiscal years 2005 through 2009 
from the Library of Congress, to be used only to match private 
contributions and not for administrative expenses. 36 U.S.C. � 151711. 
The National Academy of Public Administration is required to study and 
report on "any subject of government" when requested by the federal 
government, to be paid for from appropriated funds available to the 
requestor. 36 U.S.C. � 150104. See also 36 U.S.C. � 150303 (similar 
provision for National Academy of Sciences). Even in these instances, 
the federal funds are only a portion, substantial though it may be, of 
the corporation's revenue. In a few instances, federal agencies are 
authorized to provide logistical support. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 70909 
(Department of Education authorized to make available "personnel, 
services, and facilities" to the Future Farmers of America); 36 U.S.C. 
� 220107 (Defense Department authorized to make its resources 
available to United Service Organizations). 

Most of the revenue of these corporations comes from donations and, in 
some cases, membership fees. Some of the corporations are expressly 
authorized to engage in income-producing activities. E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 
220305(7) (United States Capitol Historical Society may sell 
commemorative medals and other souvenir items); 36 U.S.C. �� 40703(5), 
40732 (Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms 
Safety may charge user fees and may sell surplus rifles). 

Some title 36 charters include their own audit requirements. The 
American Red Cross, for example, must prepare an annual itemized 
report of receipts and expenditures, which is audited by the 
Department of Defense, and must reimburse the expenses Defense incurs 
in conducting these audits. 36 U.S.C. � 300110. Title 36 corporations 
whose charters do not include audit provisions are subject to the 
general requirements of 36 U.S.C. � 10101, subsection (a) of which 
requires an annual audit "in accordance with generally accepted 
auditing standards" by independent accountants. GAO does not audit 
these corporations. It does, upon request, conduct a limited "report 
audit" or "desk review," including a review of the corporation's 
financial statements, to determine whether the audit report complies 
with the financial reporting requirements of the statutory charter or 
36 U.S.C. � 10101. GAO's report of this review is very brief and, if 
no problems are found, concludes simply that "we did not identify any 
instance of noncompliance with the ... financial reporting 
requirements or 36 U.S.C. � 10101. E.g., GAO, Federally Chartered 
Corporation: Financial Statement Audit Report for the National Fallen 
Firefighters Foundation for Fiscal Years 2003 and 2002, GAO-06-691R 
(Washington, D.C.: May 12, 2006), at 1. 

The relationship of a title 36 corporation to the federal government 
cannot be summarized in a simple statement. Several charters provide 
that the corporation "may not claim congressional approval or the 
authority of the United States Government for any of its activities." 
E.g., 36 U.S.C. � 154708(d) (Non-Commissioned Officers Association of 
America). Others include an explicit disclaimer of federal financial 
liability: "The United States Government is not liable for any debts, 
defaults, acts, or omissions of the corporation. The full faith and 
credit of the Government does not extend to any obligation of the 
corporation." 36 U.S.C. � 151310 (National Fallen Firefighters 
Foundation). For another example, see 36 U.S.C. �� 151710 (National 
Film Preservation Foundation). 

Absent an explicit disclaimer provision, the question becomes whether 
the corporation can be deemed a "federal actor" or an instrumentality 
of the United States, and if so, for what purposes. The starting point 
in this analysis is the established proposition that the mere fact 
that Congress has conferred a federal charter does not make the 
corporation a government agent. San Francisco Arts & Athletics, Inc. 
v. United States Olympic Committee, 483 U.S. 522, 543-44 (1987); 
Stearns v. Veterans of Foreign Wars, 394 E Supp. 138, 141 (D.D.C. 
1975), aff'd mem., 527 F.2d 1387 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 
822 (1976). In many cases this will provide the answer if there is no, 
or at least no significant, federal involvement beyond the granting of 
the charter and the requirement to submit annual reports to Congress. 
If this does not do the job, it becomes necessary to undertake 
"further examination of the nexus between the [corporation] and the 
Government." Stearns v. Veterans of Foreign Wars, 500 F.2d 788, 790 
(D.C. Cir. 1974). Unfortunately, "there is no simple test" for doing 
this. Department of Employment v. United States, 385 U.S. 355, 358 

If the corporation with no federal involvement beyond its charter is 
one extreme, the American Red Cross is arguably the other. It has 
certainly generated the lion's share of cases. The Supreme Court has 
held that the Red Cross is an instrumentality of the United States, at 
least for purposes of immunity from state taxation of its operations. 
Department of Employment, 385 U.S. at 358-59. Among the factors the 
Court found relevant are (1) the provision for audit by the Defense 
Department, (2) presidential appointment of the principal officer and 
several governors, and (3) the receipt of "substantial material 
assistance"�not the least of which is a permanent headquarters 
building�from the federal government. Id. at 359. 

The lower courts have considered the "instrumentality" status of the 
Red Cross in a variety of contexts. For example, the Red Cross cannot 
be required to pay state or local taxes on authorized gambling 
activities (such as bingo games). United States v. City of Spokane, 
918 F.2d 84 (9th Cir. 1990), cert. denied, 501 U.S. 1250 (1991). Its 
employees share federal employees' limited immunity from personal 
liability. Barton v. American Red Cross, 829 E Supp. 1290 (M.D. Ala. 
1993), aff'd mem., 43 F.3d 678 (1161 Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 516 
U.S. 822 (1995). However, the Red Cross is not an agency of the 
government for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. � 
552. Irwin Memorial Blood Bank v. American National Red Cross, 640 
F.2d 1051 (9th Cir. 1981). Nor is it an instrumentality for purposes 
of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.[Footnote 63] Hall v. 
American National Red Cross, 86 F.3d 919 (961 Cir. 1996). Nor is it 
covered by the Federal Tort Claims Act (see section B.8.a(2) of this 

On some issues regarding the Red Cross, the courts are in 
disagreement. One is the right to trial by jury. Some courts, treating 
the Red Cross more like a private party, have held that parties in 
civil litigation against the Red Cross are entitled to a jury trial. 
E.g., Marcella v. Brandywine Hospital, 47 F.3d 618 Ord Cir. 1995); Doe 
v. American National Red Cross, 847 E Supp. 643 (W.D. Wis. 1994). 
Others, placing the Red Cross more on the instrumentality side of the 
ledger, have found jury trial unavailable. E.g., Barton v. American 
Red Cross, 826 E Supp. 412 (M.D. Ala. 1993), aff'd mem., 43 F.3d 678 
(11th Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 516 U.S. 822 (1995). Another issue is 
the award against the Red Cross of punitive damages (available against 
private litigants but not the United States). Some courts have said 
"yes" to such awards. Doe v. American National Red Cross, 845 E Supp. 
1152 (S.D. W.Va. 1994). Others have held that the Red Cross shares the 
government's immunity from punitive damage awards. Barton v. American 
Red Cross, 826 E Supp. 407 (M.D. Ala. 1993), aff'd mem., 43 F.3d 678 
(11th Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 516 U.S. 822 (1995); Doe v. American 
National Red Cross, 847 E Supp. at 648-49; Doe v. American National 
Red Cross, 837 F. Supp. 121 (E.D.N.C. 1992). 

There are relatively few cases involving title 36 corporations other 
than the Red Cross. The court in United States v. District of 
Columbia, 558 E Supp. 213 (D.D.C. 1982), vacated as moot, 709 F.2d 
1521 (D.C. Cir. 1983), followed the Red Cross precedent and found the 
U.S. Capitol Historical Society to be an instrumentality of the United 
States for purposes of tax immunity. Among the facts the court thought 
relevant were that the Society receives rent-free space in the Capitol 
to operate a visitor's center (see 2 U.S.C. � 2165), and that its 
charter expressly prohibits any of the Society's funds from inuring to 
the benefit of its members (36 U.S.C. � 220308(b)). The judgment was 
vacated on appeal because Congress passed legislation explicitly 
giving the Society tax-exempt status with respect to activities 
conducted within or on the grounds of the Capitol Building. See 36 
U.S.C. � 220307. 

In the Stearns litigation cited above, the court held that the 
Veterans of Foreign Wars was not a "government actor" for purposes of 
the antidiscrimination protections of the Fifth Amendment.[Footnote 
64] The Supreme Court reached the same conclusion (although far from 
unanimously) with respect to the United States Olympic Committee. San 
Francisco Arts & Athletics, Inc. v. United States Olympic Committee, 
483 U.S. 522 (1987). Reaffirming that the mere fact of federal 
incorporation is not enough, the Court further emphasized that "even 
extensive regulation by the government" or the existence of a federal 
subsidy may not be enough. Id. at 544. 

A charitable and benevolent corporation which operates without 
assistance or interference from the government is not a government 
agency for purposes of the dual compensation laws, even though 
government officials may be involved it its administration. 26 Comp. 
Gen. 192 (1946). Similarly, travel for the benefit of such a 
corporation is not "official travel" and hence not compensable from 
appropriated funds, unless it can be shown that the travel also 
reasonably relates to some official duty of the traveler. B-56268, 
June 20, 1946. 

Another area in which the relationship of title 36 corporations to the 
federal government arises is the applicability of the Federal Tort 
Claims Act (VIVA), which expressly applies to "corporations primarily 
acting as instrumentalities or agencies of the United States." 28 
U.S.C. � 2671. Under this standard, the Red Cross is not an agency or 
instrumentality for VIVA purposes. Rayzor v. United States, 937 F. 
Supp. 115 (D.P.R. 1996), affd mem., 121 F.3d 695 (1st Cir. 1997). Nor 
is the Civil Air Patrol, another title 36 corporation. Pearl v. United 
States, 230 F.2d 243 (10th Cir. 1956); Kiker v. Estep, 444 E Supp. 563 
(N.D. Ga. 1978). See also Nazarro v. United States, 304 E Supp. 2d 605 
(D.N.J. 2004) (Civil Air Patrol is a charitable organization entitled 
to tort immunity under New Jersey's charitable immunity statute); 
Campbell v. Civil Air Patrol, 131 E Supp. 2d 1303 (M.D. Ala. 2001) 
(Civil Air Patrol is not a "federal actor" subject to a lawsuit for 
violation of constitutional rights "under color of federal law"). 

It is no accident that the issue has been raised against these two 
corporations. Much of what they do seems like "government work" One of 
the purposes of the Red Cross is to furnish volunteer aid to sick and 
wounded members of the armed forces in time of war. 36 U.S.C. � 
300102(1). A purpose of the Civil Air Patrol is to encourage citizen 
efforts "in maintaining air supremacy," 36 U.S.0 � 40302(1)(a), a 
governmental purpose if there ever was one. Be that as it may, the 
corporation's "chameleon-like existence" or the argument that it 
amounts to a "part-time federal agency" is not enough to make the FICA 
applicable. Estep, 444 E Supp. at 565. The test is whether the 
government controls its day-to-day operations. Rayzor, 937 E Supp. at 
119, citing United States v. Orleans, 425 U.S. 807, 815 (1976). 

Still another area of controversy is the application of 28 U.S.C. � 
1349, which prohibits federal courts from taking jurisdiction of a 
suit by or against a corporation solely because "it was incorporated 
by or under an Act of Congress, unless the United States is the owner 
of more than one-half of its capital stock." The typical title 36 
corporation being a nonstock corporation, some courts have applied 
section 1349 by using a "government control" test. Thus, for example, 
the American Red Cross "functions independently and is in no way 
controlled by the Government" for purposes of 28 U.S.C. � 1349, one 
reason being that the president appoints only 8 of its 50 governors. 
C.H. v. American Red Cross, 684 E Supp. 1018, 1022 (E.D. Mo. 1987), 
followed in, e.g., Collins v. American Red Cross, 724 E Supp. 353 
(E.D. Pa 1989). In Burton v. United States Olympic Committee, 574 E 
Supp. 517, 524 (C.D. Cal. 1983), the court reached the same result for 
the United States Olympic Committee because (1) the Olympic Committee 
was the legal owner of its property, (2) any surplus funds do not 
revert to the U.S. Treasury, (3) it is self-governing and operates 
independent of federal control, and (4) it is not included in the 
Government Corporation Control Act. 

Other courts have applied the stock ownership requirement literally 
and held that section 1349 can never form the basis of federal 
jurisdiction of a nonstock corporation because the government cannot 
own half of what does not exist. E.g., Burton, 574 F. Supp. at 523; 
Stop the Olympic Prison v. United States Olympic Committee, 489 F. 
Supp. 1112, 1117 (S.D.N.Y. 1980). The Supreme Court noted the split, 
but did not resolve it in American National Red Cross v. S.G., 505 
U.S. 247, 251 and n.3 (1992). Rather, the Court held in this case that 
the sue-and-be-sued provision of the Red Cross charter was sufficient 
in itself to confer federal jurisdiction. Id. 

d. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers: 

A Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) is a 
privately owned but government-funded entity which has a long-term 
contractual relationship with one or more federal agencies to perform 
research and development and related tasks.[Footnote 65] One authority 
refers to them as "'captive corporations' which are legally private, 
but are almost entirely government financed."[Footnote 66] The Federal 
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) states: "FFRDC's are operated, managed, 
and/or administered by either a university or consortium of 
universities, other not-for-profit or nonprofit organization, or an 
industrial firm, as an autonomous organization or as an identifiable 
separate operating unit of a parent organization." 48 C.F.R. � 

The federal executive agency which manages, administers, monitors, 
funds, and is responsible for the overall use of the FFRDC, is called 
the sponsor.[Footnote 67] 48 C.F.R. � 35.017(b). The FFRDC may be 
permitted to accept work from parties other than the sponsor if and to 
the extent specified in the sponsoring agreement. 48 C.F.R. � 35.017-
1(c)(5). A sponsoring agreement may not exceed 5 years, but is 
renewable in 5-year increments. 48 C.F.R � 35.017-1(e). The FAR tells 
agencies to phase out FFRDCs which are no longer needed. 48 C.F.R � 
35.017-5. Some better known FFRDCs are the Rand Corporation and the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory, both 
sponsored by the Department of the Air Force.[Footnote 68] FFRDCs 
originated in the World War II era[Footnote 69] and have proliferated 
in subsequent decades. The 1972 report of the Commission on Government 
Procurement, although expressing concern over the potential pitfalls 
of single-agency funding,[Footnote 70] recommended that agencies 
continue to have "the option to organize and use FFRDCs to satisfy 
needs that cannot be satisfied effectively by other organizational 
resources."71 The Office of Management and Budget's Office of Federal 
Procurement Policy implemented the Commission's recommendation by 
issuing Policy Letter No. 84-1, 49 Fed. Reg. 14462, 14464 (Apr. 11, 
1984), which was in turn implemented by the subsequent inclusion of 
coverage in the FAR at 48 C.F.R. � 35.017. See 48 C.F.R. � 
35.017(a)(2) ("An FFRDC meets some special long-term research or 
development need which cannot be met as effectively by existing in-
house or contractor services."). 

There is no requirement that the creation of an FFRDC be specifically 
authorized by statute. 71 Comp. Gen. 155 (1992) (Government 
Corporation Control Act requirement for specific authority not 
applicable to FFRDCs); B-145898-0.M., June 30, 1961 (same). The 
authority to establish and sponsor FFRDCs is viewed as incident to the 
agency's authority to enter into contracts. 71 Comp. Gen. at 157. 
Although arguably unnecessary under this theory, in some cases 
Congress has specifically authorized agencies to establish FFRDCs, 
perhaps because of the amounts involved. For example, the 1991 
appropriation for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) authorized the 
IRS to spend up to $15 million to establish an FFRDC as part of its 
tax systems modernization program. Pub. L. No. 101-509, 104 Stat. 
1389, 1395 (Nov. 5, 1990). Legislation enacted in 1987 authorized the 
Secretary of Defense to establish an FFRDC to provide support to the 
Strategic Defense Initiative program. Pub. L. No. 100-180, � 227, 101 
Stat. 1019, 1057-59 (Dec. 4, 1987), 10 U.S.C. � 2431 note. 

While there is no governmentwide statutory guidance on the creation 
and use of FFRDCs, there is legislation applicable to the military 

Before obligating or expending funds to operate an FFRDC, the 
sponsoring department must report to Congress on the "purpose, 
mission, and general scope of effort" of the proposed FFRDC, and must 
observe a 60-day waiting period. 10 U.S.C. � 2367(c)(1). An FFRDC 
generally may be used only for work that is within the center's 
purpose, mission, and general scope of effort, as set forth in the 
sponsoring agreement. 10 U.S.C. � 2367(a).[Footnote 72] Defense is to 
report to designated congressional committees "the actual obligations 
and the actual man-years of effort expended at each" FFRDC for each 
fiscal year. 10 U.S.C. � 2367(d). 

The FFRDC is not an arm's length contractor. By virtue of its access 
to government data, employees, and facilities, it is said to have a 
"special relationship" with the government. 48 C.F.R. � 35.017(a)(2). 
As one might suspect, the FFRDC concept is not free from controversy. 
One commentator states: 

"The first FFRDCs were able to provide a research environment, capable 
of attracting and retaining the best scientists, which it was 
difficult to reproduce within the government structure. It is now 
claimed that establishment of FFRDCs sometimes is motivated more by 
the desire to evade government personnel and procurement regulations 
than by desire to create a research environment. It is alleged that 
some are little more than job shops for their government sponsors. 
Industry is unhappy because of what it sees as unfair competition." 
[Footnote 73] 

The "job shop" allegation stems in part from the practice of granting 
"fringe benefits" which, although reimbursed directly from 
appropriated funds, exceed those of regular government employees, 
sometimes by a very wide margin. One example is discussed in a GAO 
report whose title is very revealing: University Research: U.S. 
Reimbursement of Tuition Costs for University Employee Family Members, 
GAO/NSIAD-95-19 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 15, 1995). The Office of 
Management and Budget subsequently inserted language in OMB Circular 
No. A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, � J.10.f(2) 
(May 10, 2004), to make tuition benefits allowable only for the 
employees themselves. 

To help ameliorate industry's concerns, the FAR requires each 
sponsoring agreement to prohibit the FFRDC from competing with any non-
FFRDC for government contracts. 48 C.F.R. � 35.017-1(c)(4). This is 
not limited to the FFRDC as prime contractor. In a bid protest 
decision, for example, GAO found the regulation violated where an 
agency accepted a proposal in which an FFRDC would team with the 
awardee to perform a substantial amount of the work. B-243650.2, Nov. 
18, 1991, aff'd on reconsideration, B-243650.3, May 11, 1992. GAO 

"[The FAR] does not make a distinction between an FFRDC's role as a 
prime contractor or subcontractor. We think that the determination 
whether an FFRDC is in fact competing with a private firm in violation 
of the regulation depends not upon whether the FFRDC has submitted a 
proposal in its own name but upon the impact of its participation, 
both from a technical and a cost standpoint, upon the procurement." 

Id. at 5. 

Similarly, where the contracting agency discovered the relationship 
after it had awarded the contract, it properly terminated the contract 
for the convenience of the government. B-276240 et al., May 23, 1997. 

Even though it may be funded entirely, or nearly so, from federal 
funds, an FFRDC is regarded as a contractor and not an agency or 
instrumentality of the United States. 71 Comp. Gen. 155, 158 (1992). 
For example, in deciding a 1981 dispute over reimbursement of costs, 
the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals treated an FFRDC no 
differently than any other contractor, notwithstanding that it was 
"100 percent funded by the government." Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology, ASBCA No. 23079, 81-2 B.C.A. � 15,451 (1981) (cited in 71 
Comp. Gen. at 157 n.2). Similarly, GAO analyzed the Mitre Corporation, 
an FFRDC, as follows: 

"While the MITRE Corporation was established ... for the purpose of 
engaging in and procuring services to or for the United States 
Government or any department or agency thereof, the company may not be 
said to be in any respect an agency or instrumentality of the United 
States. The Page 15-84 GAO-08-978SP Appropriations Law�Vol. III 
Chapter 15 Miscellaneous Topics affairs of the company are in the 
hands of private persons, no element of control being vested in the 
United States; and no provision is made for distributing corporate 
assets to the United States upon dissolution of the company. Such 
interest as the United States might have in MITRE would arise solely 
under contracts entered into with the company in the same manner as 
under contracts with any other corporation." 

B-145898-0.M., June 30, 1961, at 5-6. 

The relationship of FFRDCs to the government also comes into play in 
protests against the award of subcontracts by FFRDCs. GAO will review 
a subcontract award if the subcontract is "by or for a Federal 
agency." 4 C.F.R. � 21.13(a). The protester invariably argues that the 
FFRDC's contracts are, by virtue of its status, "for the government." 
GAO will not draw a conclusion either way solely from the contractor's 
status as an FFRDC, but will examine the specific contractual 
relationship. The "by or for" standard contemplates situations in 
which the FFRDC is effectively acting as the government's agent or is 
largely a conduit between the government and the subcontractor. This 
could happen, for example, where the FFRDC is operating and/or 
managing a government facility (as opposed to simply using government-
furnished facilities), or otherwise providing large-scale management 
services. 69 Comp. Gen. 334 (1990); B-244711, Oct. 16, 1991. 

Along the same lines, the court in Valtier v. Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, 120 E Supp. 2d 887 (C.D. Cal. 2000), aff'd, 23 Fed. Appx. 
803 (9th Cir. 2001), held that the United States had no tort liability 
for alleged negligence in the California Institute of Technology's 
(Caltech) operation of the laboratory's waste disposal facilities 
because Caltech was not an "employee" of the United States under the 
Federal Tort Claims Act (VIVA), 28 U.S.C. �� 2671-2680. The court 
found that, although Caltech was subject to detailed federal 
regulations and inspections, the federal government did not control 
Caltech's day-to-day operation of the laboratory's waste disposal 
activities. Vanier, 120 E Supp. 2d at 908. The court also observed 
that, unlike the contracts governing some FFRDCs, there was nothing in 
Caltech's contract for operation of the laboratory making Caltech a 
government "employee" for purposes of the VIVA. Id. at 908-09. The 
court distinguished Caltech's contract from others that specifically 
stated that the FFRDCs were "agents" of the government for purposes of 
the activities in question. Id. at 909. 

A variation on the FFRDC theme is the so-called "GOCO"�a government-
owned, contractor-operated facility. See, for example, United States 
v. Anderson County, Tennessee, 705 F.2d 184 (6th Cir. 1983), cert. 
denied, 464 U.S. 1017 (1983), describing a GOCO used by the Department 
of Energy. Energy also funds a group of GOCO research laboratories. A 
useful report on these is GAO, Department of Energy: Uncertain 
Progress in Implementing National Laboratory Reforms, GAO/RCED-98-197 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 10, 1998). See also GAO, Department of 
Energy: Additional Opportunities Exist for Reducing Laboratory 
Contractors Support Costs, GAO-05-897 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 9, 
2005); National Laboratories: Better Performance Reporting Could Aid 
Oversight of Laboratory-Directed R&D Program, GAO-01-927 (Washington, 
D.C.: Sept. 28, 2001). 

e. Summing Up: 

"Developments in the last 20 years might make one suspect that the 
U.S. government is going quasi."[Footnote 74] 

The categories we have described make up the primary ways the 
government has used the corporate device. They are, however, by no 
means exclusive. Other agency-specific or program-specific examples 
dot the federal landscape. One is the Production Credit Association 
(PCA). PCAs are corporate financial institutions chartered by the Farm 
Credit Administration under statutory authority. 12 U.S.C. �� 2071-
2077. See also 12 C.F.R. � 614.4040. They are statutorily designated 
as instrumentalities of the United States. 12 U.S.C. � 2071(a). As 
such, they have been held immune from awards of punitive damages. 
Smith v. Russellville Production Credit Ass'n, 777 F.2d 1544 (11th 
Cir. 1985); Rohweder v. Aberdeen Production Credit Ass'n, 765 F.2d 109 
(8th Cir. 1985); Matter of Sparkman, 703 F.2d 1097 (9th Cir. 1983). 
However, they are not "primarily acting as instrumentalities of the 
United States" for purposes of the Federal Tort Claims Act. South 
Central Iowa Production Credit Ass'n v. Scanlan, 380 N.W.2d 699 (Iowa 
1986); Waldschmidt v. Iowa Lakes Production Credit Ass'n, 380 N.W.2d 
704 (Iowa 1986). Also, they are sufficiently independent of the 
federal government so as not to share the government's exemption from 
28 U.S.C. � 1341, which bars federal jurisdiction of state tax cases 
in favor of remedies under the state courts. Arkansas v. Farm Credit 
Services, 520 U.S. 821 (1997). One court analogized them to national 
banks in the Federal Reserve System. United States v. Haynes, 620 E 
Supp. 474, 477 (M.D. Tenn. 1985) (holding that they were not 
independent agencies for purposes of 18 U.S.C. � 208, the criminal 
conflict of interest statute).[Footnote 75] 

Another example is the entity addressed in Varicon International v. 
OPM, 934 E Supp. 440 (D.D.C. 1996), a corporation formed by former 
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) employees, with OPM's 
encouragement. OPM awarded it a sole-source contract to conduct 
background investigations previously conducted by the agency itself. 
The court viewed this as nothing more than "a private corporation 
which was awarded a government contract" (id. at 447), and thus not 
subject to the Government Corporation Control Act's requirement for 
statutory authority. See also 53 Comp. Gen. 86 (1973). 

Some analysts believe that an increasing portion of the government's 
business is being done outside the traditional structure. They also 
suggest that "the line between what is 'public' and what is 'private' 
has become indistinct.[Footnote 76] The literature uses terms like 
"quasi-private," "quasi-government," and "hybrid organizations."' 
Leazes calls them "twilight-zone corporations.[Footnote 78] Moe 
regards them as "relatively unaccountable units at the margin of 
government.[Footnote 79] Seidman consigns them to a "terra incognita, 
somewhere between the public and private sectors."[Footnote 80] The 
National Academy of Public Administration (itself a title 36 
corporation) has reported that "the boundary between the public and 
private sectors has been blurred so that one cannot say with assurance 
to which sector many corporations belong or to whom they are 
accountable."[Footnote 81] 

Students of public administration disagree over whether this blurring 
is good or bad.[Footnote 82] Whether it is good, bad, or somewhere in 
between, it is here, likely to remain, and must be included in any 
consideration of federal spending issues. 

3. Creation: 

To create a private business corporation, the incorporators file 
articles of incorporation with a designated office in the jurisdiction�
state or District of Columbia�in which they wish to incorporate. Each 
state, as well as the District of Columbia, has an incorporation 
statute that details these procedures and addresses other aspects of 
the corporation's existence, such as corporate powers, liability of 
officers, and issuance of stock. For example, the D.C. law is the 
District of Columbia Business Corporation Act, 29 D.C. Code �� 

There is no such thing as a federal incorporation statute. Rather, 
Congress ordinarily provides a charter for a government corporation 
[Footnote 83] by specific legislation that sets out its purposes, 
powers, structure, obligations, and sources of funding. The statute 
may also require the government corporation to incorporate in a 
particular state or the District of Columbia. The corporation may be 
specifically designated an agency or instrumentality of the United 
States government, or it may be specifically designated not to be such 
entities, which can be important when it comes to determining whether 
particular federal statutes apply to the corporation (discussed in 
detail in section B.7 of this chapter). Congress may also charter a 
government corporation by delegating the power to the executive branch 
or to another government corporation. Either way, the creation of a 
government corporation must be explicit; it cannot be implied. 

a. Historical Background and Purpose: 

While the proliferation of government corporations largely occurred 
during the twentieth century, the federal government has created or 
used government corporations since the beginning of the republic. The 
earliest examples were banking institutions. The first, predating even 
the adoption of the Constitution, occurred when the Continental 
Congress authorized the Bank of North America in 1781 and the 
Superintendent of Finance purchased approximately five-eighths of the 
capital stock in the name of the government, making the United States 
the majority owner.[Footnote 84] In 1791, Congress created and 
incorporated the (First) Bank of the United States, authorizing the 
United States to subscribe 20 percent of the corporation's stock. 
[Footnote 85] Act of February 25, 1791, ch. 10, 1 Stat. 191. Initial 
governmental participation in this and other banking enterprises 
consisted of investment in stock as opposed to management of the 

The Second Bank of the United States was incorporated by the Act of 
April 10, 1816, ch. 44, 3 Stat. 266, in which the United States would 
subscribe 20 percent of the Bank's capital stock and the President 
would appoint, by and with the consent of the Senate, 5 of the Bank's 
25 directors, the rest to be elected annually by shareholders other 
than the United States. The legality of the Second Bank was 
challenged, resulting in the landmark case of McCulloch, v. Maryland, 
17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 (1819). In that decision, the Supreme Court 
upheld the constitutionality of the Second Bank of the United States 
and the federal government's authority to create or involve itself in 
commercial enterprises. The Court held that although the Constitution 
did not specify creating corporations as one of the federal 
government's enumerated powers, the Necessary and Proper Clause of the 
Constitution (art. I, � 8, cl. 18) allowed Congress to charter and use 
a corporation for the public purpose of banking. Chief Justice 
Marshall stated: 

"The power of creating a corporation, though appertaining to 
sovereignty, is not, like the power of making war, or levying taxes, 
or of regulating commerce, a great substantive and independent power, 
which cannot be implied as incidental to other powers, or used as a 
means of executing them. It is never the end for which other powers 
are exercised, but a means by which other objects are accomplished." 

Id. at 411. 

Later in the opinion, the Chief Justice wrote what has become one of 
the most famous statements in American constitutional law: "Let the 
end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and 
all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that 
end, which are not prohibited, but consistent with the letter and 
spirit of the constitution, are constitutional." Id. at 421. 

The courts have never seriously questioned Congress's power to create 
or employ corporate entities as a means of carrying into effect the 
substantive powers granted to it by the Constitution. For example, in 
Luxton v. North, River Bridge Co., 153 U.S. 525 (1894), the Supreme 
Court held that Congress, in exercising its power to regulate 
interstate commerce, indisputably has the power to create a 
corporation to construct a bridge across navigable water between two 
states.[Footnote 86] Congress is not restricted to creating a new 
corporation, but can acquire or employ an existing private corporation 
to carry out its substantive constitutional powers. New York ex ret. 
Rogers v. Graves, 299 U.S. 401 (1937). Here, Congress acquired the 
entire capital stock of a private corporation and elected its board of 
directors to carry out constitutional powers of regulating commerce 
and providing for national defense in maintaining, operating, and 
protecting the Panama Canal. 

Congress has created or employed corporations to carry out varied 
purposes. Turning again to Chief Justice Marshall's words, "the power 
of creating a corporation is never used for its own sake, but for the 
purpose of effecting something else." McCulloch,, 17 U.S. at 411. One 
analyst has noted that "government-sponsored corporations are simply a 
means of securing governmental objectives."[Footnote 87] Some 
government corporations are charged with developing projects or 
functions not adaptable to private industry while others are 
responsible for meeting needs in the market that are unmet by private 
industry. Those purposes include governance, as well as social and 
educational programs. Government corporations have also been created, 
usually in bunches, to meet war or economic emergencies. The twentieth 
century saw three such surges: World War I, the Great Depression, and 
World War II. 

First, during World War I, government corporations were created to 
mobilize the war effort by transacting business in the same manner as 
private commercial firms. These included the War Finance Corporation, 
[Footnote 88] the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet 
Corporation,[Footnote 89] and the United States Spruce Production 
Corporation,[Footnote 90] among others. After the war, many of the 
corporations were liquidated since they were intended to be temporary 
and had fulfilled their missions to support the war effort. 

It was not long after World War I that another crisis erupted and led 
to the next surge of government corporations. The role of the federal 
government changed dramatically in response to the Great Depression, 
even more than it changed as a result of World Wars I and H. During 
the Depression, the federal government used government corporations 
extensively to stabilize the economy and encourage economic growth. 
[Footnote 91] For example, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation had 
a central role in planning and financing recovery programs by 
providing loans to banks, railroads, business enterprises, mining 
interests, public agencies, agricultural marketing organizations, and 
purchasing stock in banks, insurance companies, mortgage corporations, 
and corporations engaged in defense activities.[Footnote 92] The 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created to promote and 
preserve public confidence in banks and protect the money supply by 
insuring deposits, periodically examining insured banks, and 
regulating certain securities, mergers, consolidations, acquisitions 
and assumption transactions of the banking sector.[Footnote 93] The 
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) was created for the purpose of 
"stabilizing, supporting, and protecting farm income and prices, of 
assisting in the maintenance of balanced and adequate supplies of 
agricultural commodities ... and of facilitating the orderly 
distribution of agricultural commodities."[Footnote 94] The primary 
method the CCC uses to achieve its purpose is providing loans. The 
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) was established to encourage 
improvement in housing standards and conditions, to provide an 
adequate home financing system by insurance of housing mortgages and 
credit, and to exert a stabilizing influence on the mortgage 
market.[Footnote 95] The primary method used by FHA to fulfill its 
purpose is providing mortgage insurance. 

World War II provided the impetus for the third major surge in 
twentieth century government corporations. Over 20 government 
corporations were created to meet the wartime production needs of 
World War II. These included the War Damage Corporation[Footnote 96] 
(to provide insurance and reasonable protection against loss or damage 
to property, real or personal, resulting from enemy attack, including 
any action taken by the military, naval, or air forces of the United 
States in resisting enemy attack), the Smaller War Plants Corporation 
[Footnote 97] (to aid in mobilizing the productive facilities of small 
business in the interest of successful prosecution of the war), and 
the Defense Plant Corporation[Footnote 98] (to aid the Government in 
its national defense by financing or engaging in the construction, 
extension, and operation of plants engaged in war production). 

Of course, the end of World War II did not end the practice of 
creating and using government corporations. Since then, government 
corporations have continued to be created to address myriad economic, 
social, and other issues affecting the nation. For example, Congress 
created the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) in 
1968 to provide the means of transferring funds from the nation's 
securities markets into the residential housing mortgage market. 12 
U.S.C. �� 1716b, 1717. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation was 
created in 1974 to administer the pension plan termination insurance 
program created under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
1974 (ERISA) by encouraging the continuation and maintenance of 
voluntary private pension plans, providing uninterrupted payment of 
pension benefits to beneficiaries under plans covered by ERISA and 
maintaining premiums at the lowest level consistent with carrying out 
its obligations under ERISA. 29 U.S.C. � 1302. The Resolution Trust 
Corporation was established in 1989, in response to the savings and 
loan crisis, to manage and resolve all cases involving failed 
depository institutions insured by the Federal Savings and Loan 
Insurance Corporation before the enactment of the Financial 
Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989. 12 
U.S.C. � 1441a(b).[Footnote 99] 

At any given time, it seems, several new corporations are being 
proposed or studied. See, e.g., GAO, Government Corporations: Profiles 
of Recent Proposals, GAO/GGD-95-57FS (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 30, 
1995). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a document in 
1995 entitled Specifications for Creating Government Corporations (OMB 
Memorandum M-96-05, (Dec. 8, 1995)). This presents OMB's standards and 
approach for evaluating proposals for new corporations. The OMB paper 
incorporates many of the principles of the 1981 National Academy of 
Public Administration report noted in section B.1 of this chapter. 

Congress has categorized or designated some government corporations as 
nonprofit (e.g., Legal Services Corporation, 42 U.S.C. � 2996b(a)) 
while others are designated as for-profit. For example, the United 
States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) was created to operate as a 
business enterprise on a profitable and efficient basis by marketing 
and selling enriched uranium, and uranium enrichment and related 
services, primarily for use by electric utilities worldwide. 42 U.S.C. 
�� 2297b, 2297b-2 (1994).[Footnote 100] Another example is Amtrak, 
whose organic legislation currently specifies that it "shall be 
operated and managed as a for-profit corporation." 49 U.S.C. � 
24301(a)(2). Originally, Amtrak's statute simply declared it to be a 
"for profit corporation" (Pub. L. No. 91-518, � 301, 84 Stat. 1327, 
1330 (Oct. 30, 1970)), but the language was changed to recognize the 
realities of the situation. For a history of Amtrak's legislation vis-
a-vis corporate status, see Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger 
Corp., 513 U.S. 374, 388-89 (1995). 

b. Need for Statutory Authority: 

Prior to 1946, government corporations came into being in one of three 
ways. They were (1) specifically created by statute, (2) created by an 
executive branch department or another government corporation under 
statutory authorization or delegation, or (3) created by the executive 
branch through purely administrative action, with no specific 
statutory authorization. Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corp., 
513 U.S. 374, 388-89 (1995). The power of Congress to create 
government corporations, either directly or by delegation, had been 
settled since McCulloch v. Maryland[Footnote 101] in 1819. The issue 
of executive authority to create corporations came to a head in the 
1940s. The lines of battle were formed when the Farm Security 
Administration, which wanted to purchase land but lacked the requisite 
statutory authority, created several corporations whose officers and 
directors were Department of Agriculture employees. The Department 
then made loans to the corporations, which in turn bought the land. 
Not surprisingly, the legality of this arrangement was questioned. On 
the issue of whether the Department could create corporations without 
statutory authority, the parties split along predictable lines. The 
Comptroller General said "No." B-23881, Mar. 5, 1942. See also 21 
Comp. Gen. 892, 893 (1942). The Attorney General said "Yes." 40 Op. 
Att'y Gen. 193 (1942). See also 37 Op. Att'y Gen. 288 (1933). 

GAO's conclusion was based partially on considerations of sovereign 
immunity. The power to sue and be sued is an important power of any 
corporation. The Supreme Court had recently decided Federal Housing 
Administration v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242 (1940), and Keifer & Keifer v. 
Reconstruction Finance Corp., 306 U.S. 381 (1939), which strongly 
implied that this power could be granted only by Congress. B-23881, 
Mar. 5, 1942, at 18. It was not necessary for the Court to directly 
address the question because neither case dealt with a corporation 
created purely by executive action, but it would seem fundamental that 
an agency could not confer powers, authorities, or exemptions it did 
not have, unless of course it was operating under express statutory 
authority.[Footnote 102] 

Of course, as the sue-and-be-sued point suggests, the heart of the 
question was never the creation of corporate entities per se. Rather, 
the issue centered on the powers that could be given to them. One 
decision stated that "the Virgin Islands Co. was created without 
specific Congressional authorization and ... therefore, the corporate 
character of the company did not serve to free its funds from the 
provisions of law to which they would have been subject if 
administered by an unincorporated Government agency." 21 Comp. Gen. 
928, 930 (1942). 

After its creation, however, Congress had given the corporation 
statutory recognition. In light of this, GAO concluded that the 
corporation could, if reasonably necessary to corporate business, go 
beyond certain use limitations imposed as a matter of policy on funds 
available to other agencies, and advised that the corporation could 
use its funds to buy insurance on its property. Id. at 931. A 1934 
decision contained a stronger statement: 

"There is a clear and vital difference between a corporation created 
pursuant to statutory direction with clear statutory grant to remove 
its transactions from the safeguards surrounding appropriations and to 
avoid not only Executive direction but accountability for the public 
moneys entrusted to it, and a corporation created within the 
Government [without such specific authority].... In some instances, it 
is true, the laws creating corporations have been so broad as to 
exclude Executive control and permit escape from accountability. A 
corporation of the other class, however, created as an additional 
administrative agency, can have no such status or uncontrolled 
authority. It can exercise no wider authority than as though operating 
as an unincorporated unit in the Executive branch. By the act of 
incorporating Executive responsibility is not shifted, Executive 
control avoided, nor accountability escaped." 

A-53085, Jan. 11, 1934, at 5. 

The idea of a legislative requirement was not new. Interestingly, 
opposition to government corporations in the 1930s stemmed not so much 
from the accountability perspective as from the fact that they 
competed with the private sector. As a congressional report put it, 
"government corporations to a great degree do business in competition 
with private enterprise. They encroach upon and compete with business, 
which is under serious disadvantage [while the government corporation's 
advantages, like tax exemptions and cheap credit, make it] an 
invincible competitor."[Footnote 103] 

The idea of a legislative charter became law several years later as 
section 304(a) of the Government Corporation Control Act, Pub. L. No. 
79-248, 59 Stat. 597, 602 (Dec. 6, 1945). Now codified at 31 U.S.C. � 
9102, it provides: "An agency may establish or acquire a corporation 
to act as an agency only by or under a law of the United States 
specifically authorizing the action." 

The legislative history of the Government Corporation Control Act 
noted the existence of several government corporations created without 
legislative authority and the potential for problems arising when such 
corporations were created under state law.[Footnote 104] The House 
Report accompanying the legislation stated: 

"The committee does not consider the practices of chartering wholly 
owned Government corporations without prior authorization by the 
Congress or under State charters to be desirable. It believes that all 
such corporations should be authorized and chartered under Federal 
statute. The bill provides that in the future all corporations which 
are to be established for the purpose of acting as agencies or 
instrumentalities of the United States must be established by act of 
Congress or pursuant to an act of Congress specifically authorizing 
such action." 

H.R. Rep. No. 79-856, at 11 (1945). 

Section 9102 by its terms applies to acquisition as well as creation 
of corporations. With respect to existing nonstatutory corporations, 
the statute directed them to either seek a legislative charter or 
liquidate. Pub. L. No. 79-248, � 304(b). 

There is little case law, administrative or judicial, invoking the 
requirements of 31 U.S.C. � 9102. However, a number of cases have 
found section 9102 inapplicable. We have previously noted two of 
these: 71 Comp. Gen. 155 (1992) (federally funded research and 
development centers) and Varicon International v. OPM, 934 F. Supp. 
440 (D.D.C. 1996) (corporation formed by former government employees 
to do the same work they did when they were on the payroll). A 1975 
GAO opinion to a committee chairman also found the statute 
inapplicable to so-called "proprietaries" of the Central Intelligence 
Agency (CIA)�corporations formed by CIA largely to provide "cover" for 
CIA activities. GAO found "irreconcilable conflict" between the public 
accountability requirements of section 9102 and CIA's need to keep 
these corporations "covert." This being the case, GAO concluded that 
Ms mandate had to "prevail ... over the general requirements otherwise 
applicable to Government corporations, in the absence of any 
indication that Congress intended to curtail or control the use of 
corporations for covert purposes incident to accomplishment of [Ms] 
mission." B-179296, Dec. 10, 1975, at 3-4. A later opinion found the 
statute inapplicable to the creation of subsidiaries by a federally 
chartered private institution which had been converted from a mixed-
ownership government corporation. B-219801, Oct. 10, 1986. Had the 
institution still been a mixed-ownership government corporation, 
section 9102 would have applied. Id. 

A 1970 GAO case dealt with grants by the old Office of Economic 
Opportunity (OEO) to a nonprofit corporation established for the 
purpose of carrying out OEO programs by hopefully generating closer 
private-sector involvement. The question was whether the nonprofit was 
a legitimate grantee or merely an agent of the OEO. GAO's review 
showed that the nonprofit was wholly independent of the OEO and was 
not a disguised government corporation. Therefore, there was no 
violation of 31 U.S.C. � 9102. B-130515, Aug. 11, 1970. The analysis 
was very similar to that employed in B-145898-0.M., June 30, 1961, 
with respect to the MITRE Corporation. 

An example of what GAO regarded as a clear violation of the statute is 
found in B-278820, Feb. 10, 1998. The question was whether the Federal 
Communications Commission (FCC) was authorized to establish two not-
for-profit corporations to administer certain functions of the 
universal service program for schools, libraries, and rural health 
care providers.[Footnote 105] The FCC argued that it did not establish 
or acquire the corporations, but had directed the National Exchange 
Carrier Association, Inc. to create them. While it was true that the 
Association and not the FCC was the incorporator, an examination of 
the FCC's role showed that it was involved in approving the proposed 
articles of incorporation and bylaws, approving the chief executive 
officers of the corporations, determining the size, composition, and 
term of office of the boards of directors, as well as selecting or 
approving the directors themselves. In GAO's view, the corporations 
were created to carry out governmental functions (specifically, the 
implementation of a statutory mandate), and the Association had simply 
acted as the incorporator for the convenience of the FCC. Under these 
circumstances, although the FCC did not directly establish or acquire 
the corporations, GAO held that section 9102 applied. The identity of 
the incorporator was not the determinant of section 9102's 
applicability; the prohibition would be meaningless if agencies could 
avoid it simply by using another party to act as incorporator. Thus, 
for purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 9102, an agency may not cause, directly or 
indirectly, a corporation to be created to carry out government 
functions without specific statutory authority. 

Once GAO determined that the FCC had "established" a corporation 
within the meaning of section 9102, the next issue was whether the FCC 
had the requisite statutory authority. The FCC suggested that it was 
authorized to establish the corporations pursuant to sections 254 and 
4(i) of the Communications Act. Section 254, 47 U.S.C. � 254, assigns 
the FCC a variety of universal service program functions, such as 
defining universal service, developing specific and predictable 
support mechanisms, and providing for equitable contributions by 
service providers. However, nowhere does it authorize the creation of 
corporations. Section 4(i), 47 U.S.C. � 154(i), provides: "The 
Commission may perform any and all acts, make such rules and 
regulations, and issue such orders, not inconsistent with this chapter 
[the Communications Act], as may be necessary in the execution of its 

GAO held that this admittedly broad but nevertheless general authority 
was not sufficient to satisfy the specific requirement of section 
9102. GAO concluded that the FCC exceeded its authority and violated 
section 9102 when it directed the creation of the corporations in 
question. In reaching this conclusion, GAO noted a line of judicial 
decisions treating section 4(i), part of the FCC's 1934 organic 
legislation, as the agency's "necessary and proper" clause. None of 
them, however, stands for the proposition that the FCC may invoke 
section 4(i) to disregard specific requirements of later-enacted 
statutes. Citing Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corp., 513 U.S. 
374, 396 (1995), GAO noted that the Supreme Court had described 
section 9102 as "evidently intended to restrict the creation of all 
Government-controlled policy-implementing corporations, and not just 
some of them." B-278820, at 7. The FCC not unexpectedly disagreed. The 
two corporations in question were subsequently merged into a larger 

Another skirmish involved creation of the now-defunct Federal Asset 
Disposition Association (FADA). In a series of assignments relating to 
the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, GAO reviewed the Board's authority 
to create various entities operating under its direction. One of those 
entities was FADA, created pursuant to statutory authority to organize 
new federal savings and loan associations. Problem was, GAO reasoned 
that an entity created under that authority should bear some 
resemblance to a federal savings and loan association. FADA, on the 
contrary, exercised none of the basic functions of a savings and loan 
association. Most tellingly, it did not accept savings and it did not 
make loans. B-226708.4, Mar. 15, 1989 (Enclosure at 4). In fact, GAO 
found that the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) 
held all of FADA's stock, the Bank Board appointed its board of 
directors, and FADA's self-described sole purpose was to assist FSLIC 
in managing and disposing of assets. It was hard to escape the 
conclusion that FADA was a federal savings and loan association "only 
on paper." Id. at 3-4. Accordingly, GAO concluded that FADA was in 
fact a corporation wholly owned and controlled by the federal 
government and engaged in the performance of federal functions, and 
that its creation exceeded the Bank Board's authority.[Footnote 106] 
In addition to B-226708.4 cited above, see B-226708.3, Dec. 12, 1988, 
B-226708.2, Sept. 29, 1988, B-226708, Sept. 6, 1988, and GAO, Failed 
Thrifts: No Compelling Evidence of a Need for the Federal Asset 
Disposition Association, GAO/GGD-89-26 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 12, 

The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) addressed 31 
U.S.C. � 9102 in the Memorandum Opinion for the General Counsel, 
Office of Management and Budget, Status of National Veterans Business 
Development Corporation, OLC Opinion, Mar. 19, 2004, which held that 
the National Veterans Business Development Corporation (NVBDC) was a 
government corporation for purposes of title 5, United States Code. 
For essentially the same reasons that the opinion viewed NVBDC as a 
government corporation, it also concluded that NVBDC was an agency for 
purposes of 31 U.S.C. � 9102. NVBDC was created by the government to 
perform federal functions and received federal funding. Thus, NVBDC 
could not establish or acquire other corporations without specific 
statutory authority. 

A corporation created without legislative authority can be, in effect, 
"ratified" by subsequent legislation. An example is 21 Comp. Gen. 928 
(1942), the Virgin Islands case discussed earlier in this section. 
Although the corporation in that case had been created without 
statutory authority, subsequent legislation made it clear that 
"Congress has recognized ... the corporate existence and status." Id. 
at 930. See 17 Comp. Gen. 50 (1937) for another example. Subsequent 
legislation was also involved in the FADA case, but GAO did not regard 
it as rising to the level of congressional ratification. B-226708, 
Sept. 6, 1988. 

As noted previously, Congress may create a corporation directly or it 
may authorize another agency or government corporation to do the 
creating. This is the reason for the "by or under" language in 31 
U.S.C. � 9102. Of course this was true even prior to the Government 
Corporation Control Act. For example, the Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation (RFC), described briefly earlier, was so authorized and 
did in fact create several other government corporations.[Footnote 
107] For a more recent example, the Farm Credit System banks, which 
include the federal land banks, federal intermediate credit banks, and 
banks for cooperatives, are mixed-ownership government corporations 
listed in 31 U.S.C. � 9101(2) and are therefore governed by the 
restriction contained in 31 U.S.C. � 9102. Thus, when it became 
desirable for Farm Credit System banks to be able to organize 
subsidiary corporations to perform certain functions the banks were 
authorized to perform, Congress enacted that specific statutory 
authority.[Footnote 108] 

Where Congress authorizes or delegates the creation of a corporation 
to some existing agency, the statute necessarily implies the authority 
for the creating agency to use its funds for the expenses of 
incorporation. 21 Comp. Gen. 892 (1942). This can include subscription 
to initial capital stock where required. 37 Op. Att'y Gen. 437 (1934). 
Logically enough, incorporation expenses of a corporation whose 
creation is not statutorily authorized are improper. A-90344, Sept. 
30, 1938; A-71172, Feb. 26, 1936. 

4. Management: 

(1) Origin: 

a. Government Corporation Control Act: 

Many of the government corporations[Footnote 109] created to meet 
production needs during World War I were liquidated promptly after the 
war. As a result, before the 1930s, "there was not a pressing need for 
general procedures to govern the management of government 
corporations." GAO, Congress Should Consider Revising Basic Corporate 
Control Laws, GAO/PAD-83-3 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 6, 1983), at 3. See 
also B-103455, May 21, 1951. During the Depression and New Deal eras, 
many corporations were formed to serve various economic needs, and 
others were created to meet the production needs of World War II. 
These were not so quick to go away. By the mid-1940s, "there were 63 
wholly owned and 38 partly owned Federal corporations." GAO/PAD-83-3, 
at 3. Government corporations "had gotten out of hand, in both their 
number and their lack of accountability." Lebron v. National Railroad 
Passenger Corp., 513 U.S. 374, 389 (1995). Control procedures, such as 
they were, were developed through piecemeal administrative action that 
was not necessarily consistent and did not include all government 

The initial congressional response was a 2-year study by the Joint 
Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. Noting 
the lack of overall control, the resulting report recommended the 
prompt enactment of legislation to (1) require government corporations 
to prepare business-type budgets for inclusion in the President's 
budget submitted to Congress; (2) provide for a measure of Treasury 
control over a corporation's accounts; and (3) require GAO audits. 
[Footnote 110] This became the blueprint for what was to become the 
Government Corporation Control Act. 

The first legislative step to implement these recommendations was the 
so-called George Act, Pub. L. No. 79-4, � 5, 59 Stat. 5, 6 (Feb. 24, 
1945). This statute required GAO to audit the financial transactions 
of all government corporations annually, in accordance with the 
principles and procedures applicable to commercial corporate 
transactions and under rules prescribed by GAO. The law further 
required that each audit report "shall also show specifically every 
program, expenditure, or other financial transaction or undertaking, 
which, in the opinion of the Comptroller General, has been carried on 
or made without authority of law." Id. � 5(b). Because the statute 
used the words "all Government corporations," it applied to mixed-
ownership as well as wholly owned corporations. 25 Comp. Gen. 7 
(1945). Under section 5(c) of the George Act, the cost of the audits 
was to be borne by GAO's own appropriations, but a corporation could 
agree to pick up the audit tab. (Why it might want to do so is not 

When Congress enacted the Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA), 
Pub. L. No. 79-248, 59 Stat. 597, (Dec. 6, 1945) (now codified at 31 
U.S.C. �� 9101-9110), the audit requirements of the George Act were 
essentially incorporated into the GCCA. The new law was designed to 
provide an overall control of government corporations by making them 
more accountable to Congress for their operations while allowing them 
the flexibility and autonomy needed for their commercial activities. 
[Footnote 111] The declared congressional policy was "to bring 
Government corporations and their transactions and operations under 
annual scrutiny by the Congress and provide current financial control 
thereof."[Footnote 112] The GCCA addresses budget controls, financial 
controls, and audit controls. 

(2) Definitions: 

As noted earlier, the Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA) made 
no attempt to define the term "government corporation." Instead, it 
merely declared that there were two types of corporations subject to 
its provisions�the wholly owned government corporation and the mixed-
ownership government corporation. See 31 U.S.C. � 9101(1). The GCCA 
lists the entities covered under each type. Wholly owned government 
corporations include the Commodity Credit Corporation, Export-Import 
Bank, Federal Prison Industries, Government National Mortgage 
Association, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Pension Benefit 
Guaranty Corporation, Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, 
and the Tennessee Valley Authority, plus several others. 31 U.S.C. � 
9101(3). Examples of mixed-ownership government corporations are the 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Home Loan Banks, 
Federal Land Banks, and the Central Liquidity Facility of the National 
Credit Union Administration. 31 U.S.C. � 9101(2). 

In trying to understand the two types of GCCA corporations, the plain 
meaning of the law's language is the proper starting point, although 
in this instance it does not help very much. The House report 
accompanying the original GCCA legislation stated: "The bill 
distinguishes between wholly owned Government corporations, in which 
the Government holds all the stock or other capital interests, and 
mixed-ownership Government corporations, in which the Government has 
only a partial interest." H.R. Rep. No. 79-856, at 5 (1945). 

The 1981 report of the National Academy of Public Administration 
followed suit. Wholly owned corporations "pursue a governmental 
mission assigned in their enabling statute and are financed by 
appropriations. Their assets are owned by the government and managed 
by board members or an administrator appointed by the President or 
Secretary of a Department." On the other hand, mixed-ownership 
corporations "have a combination of governmental and private equity; 
hence their assets are owned and managed by board members selected by 
both the President and private stockholders. They are usually intended 
for transition to the private sector."[Footnote 113] 

Thus, one might conceptualize the two types as corporations owned in 
their entirety by the federal government and corporations with some 
nonfederal ownership or joint financial participation. This, however, 
is not always the case. For example, the now-defunct United States 
Railway Association was designated as a mixed-ownership government 
corporation when in fact it operated solely and exclusively under 
direct annual appropriations from Congress, the same as a typical 
federal agency.[Footnote 114] 

The only safe generalization is that a wholly owned government 
corporation is one listed in 31 U.S.C. � 9101(3) or so designated in 
its enabling legislation; a mixed-ownership government corporation is 
one listed in 31 U.S.C. � 9101(2) or so designated in its enabling 
legislation.[Footnote 115] Of course, Congress remains free to create 
corporations wholly outside the GCCA structure. Examples are the Legal 
Services Corporation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. 
Accordingly, the wholly owned/mixed-ownership classification is 
relevant only for purposes of applying the rest of the GCCA. 

The express language of the GCCA underscores this point. The lead to 
31 U.S.C. � 9101 is "in this chapter." (The original language, 59 
Stat. at 597, was "[a]s used in this Act.") Applying this limitation, 
GAO concluded in 38 Comp. Gen. 565 (1959), that the Federal National 
Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) was a wholly owned corporation for 
some purposes and a mixed-ownership corporation for others, both at 
the same time. Fannie Mae had originally been chartered as a wholly 
owned corporation. It was rechartered in 1954 as a mixed-ownership 
corporation, but kept its place on the GCCA's list of wholly owned 
corporations, apparently out of a desire to remain subject to the 
wholly owned provisions of the GCCA. (It subsequently became a 
government-sponsored enterprise.) The question in 38 Comp. Gen. 565 
was whether Fannie Mae was authorized to lease space independent of 
the General Services Administration (GSA). Wholly owned corporations 
have to utilize GSA, mixed-ownership corporations do not. GAO 
concluded that the proper approach was to look at what the corporation 
was in reality�-mixed-ownership�-especially since the GCCA 
designations do not purport to apply to other laws. 

The GCCA did not attempt to address corporations created after its 
enactment�nor could it, since one Congress cannot bind a subsequent 
Congress. There is evidence in the legislative history, however, of an 
expectation that the act would be made applicable to future 
corporations. In this connection, the report of the Senate Committee 
on Banking and Currency stated: "The committee contemplates that any 
new corporation so created or authorized hereafter will be made 
subject to the appropriate provisions of this bill by the creating or 
authorizing legislation." S. Rep. No. 79-694, at 14 (1945). 

This expectation has met with limited success. Of the 30 corporations 
created by Congress from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s, 17 were not 
made subject to the GCCA. GAO, Congress Should Consider Revising Basic 
Corporate Control Laws, GAO/PAD-83-3 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 6, 1983), 
at 5; Harold Seidman and Robert Gilmour, Politics, Position, and 
Power, 285 (1986). 

(3) Budget provisions: 

A key feature of the Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA) is the 
imposition of budgetary controls on wholly owned government 
corporations. Under 31 U.S.C. � 9103, each wholly owned government 
corporation must submit a "business-type budget" to the President each 
year. Neither the statute nor its legislative history attempts to 
define "business-type budget," but the law sets forth minimum 
requirements. These, set forth in 31 U.S.C. � 9103(b), include the 

* Estimates of the financial condition and operations of the 
corporation for the current and following fiscal years and the 
condition and results of operations in the last fiscal year. 

* Statements of financial condition, income and expense, and sources 
and use of money as well as information regarding its financial 
condition and operation. 

* Estimates of administrative expenses (similarly not defined), 
borrowing, the amount of United States Government capital that will be 
returned to the Treasury during the fiscal year, and the 
appropriations needed to restore capital impairments. 

* Provision for emergencies and contingencies. 

Apart from these minimum requirements, the President, acting through 
the Office of Management and Budget, has broad discretion to determine 
the form and content of the corporate budgets. 31 U.S.C. � 9103(a). 
[Footnote 116] The President may revise a corporation's budget 
program. 31 U.S.C. � 9103(c). The President then must include it as 
part of the budget submitted to Congress under 31 U.S.C. � 1105. Id. 
For examples of what this all looks like in real life, see Budget of 
the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2008�Appendix, at 89-90 
(Federal Crop Insurance Corporation), 98-104 (Commodity Credit 
Corporation), 690-91 (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation), and 1132-
34 (Tennessee Valley Authority).[Footnote 117] 

Congress then considers the budget programs for wholly owned 
government corporations along with the rest of the federal budget, 
which may include making appropriations as authorized by law; making 
corporate financial resources available for operating and 
administrative expenses; and providing for repaying capital and the 
payment of dividends. 31 U.S.C. � 9104. Section 9104 does not prevent 
a corporation from carrying out or financing its activities as 
authorized by some other law, nor does it affect the corporation's 
authority to make commitments without fiscal year limitation. 31 
U.S.C. � 9104(b). An example of a budget approval provision is the 
following from the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban 
Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent 
Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-115, 119 Stat. 
2396, 2421 (Nov. 30, 2005): 

"The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation is hereby 
authorized to make such expenditures, within the limits of funds and 
borrowing authority available to the Corporation, and in accord with 
law, and to make such contracts and commitments without regard to 
fiscal year limitations as provided by [31 U.S.C. � 9104], as may be 
necessary in carrying out the programs set forth in the Corporation's 
budget for the current fiscal year." 

The statute then goes on to appropriate funds to the Corporation from 
the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. Id. 

The President may include with the budget submission a recommendation 
that a wholly owned corporation be treated as an agency for fiscal 
purposes. If Congress approves, the corporation retains its corporate 
identity, but is thereafter subject to the laws governing budgets, 
appropriations, expenditures, receipts, accounting, and other fiscal 
matters in the same manner as agencies. 31 U.S.C. � 9109. 

In addition to 31 U.S.C. � 9109, sections 9103 (GCCA's budget 
provisions) and 9104 (congressional action on budgets) apply only to 
wholly owned corporations. The exclusion of mixed-ownership 
corporations was deliberate. The legislative history explains the 
rationale: "The budget provisions of the bill do not apply to the 
mixed-ownership corporations in which private stockholders have an 
interest in the net worth and in the profits or losses of the 
corporations." S. Rep. No. 79-694, at 7 (1945). See also H.R. Rep. No. 
79-856, at 7 (1945). Although subsequent changes in the nature of 
government corporations have made this premise inapplicable in many 
cases, the fact remains that the budget provisions apply only to 
wholly owned corporations. 

The only budget-related provision of the Government Corporation 
Control Act applicable to mixed-ownership corporations was relocated 
as part of the 1982 recodification of title 31 and is now found at 31 
U.S.C. � 1105(a)(24). It provides that the President's budget 
submission to the Congress may include "recommendations on the return 
of Government capital to the Treasury by a mixed-ownership corporation 
(as defined in section 9101(2) of this title) that the President 
decides are desirable." 

(4) Other financial controls: 

While the corporation control legislation was being considered, the 
Treasury Department was urging that all government funds should be 
kept in the Treasury. The statute addressed this concern in what is 
now 31 U.S.C. �� 9107(b) and (c). Subsection (b) requires that the 
accounts of all government corporations, both wholly owned and mixed-
ownership, be kept in the Treasury. However, if the Secretary of the 
Treasury approves, they may be kept in a Federal Reserve Bank or a 
bank designated as a depositary or fiscal agent of the United States. 
Treasury is authorized to waive these requirements. Such an account 
might include, for example, a corporate checking account whose checks 
would be signed by authorized corporation officials accountable 
directly to the board of directors. E.g., B-68830, Oct. 6, 1947. 

Section 9107(c) exempts the following from the requirements of section 

* A temporary account of not more than $50,000 in one bank. 

* A mixed-ownership corporation from which government capital has been 
entirely withdrawn, during the period it remains without government 

* Certain specified farm credit institutions, which are nevertheless 
required to report to Treasury annually the names of depositories in 
which their accounts are kept. 

Congress regarded these provisions as "both practical and desirable as 
a matter of fiscal policy" (S. Rep. No. 79-694, at 11 (1945)), and 
felt that they would "contribute toward a unification of the 
[government's] depositary system" (H.R. Rep. No. 79-856, at 10 (1945)). 

Three years later, in 1949, Congress added to the Government 
Corporation Control Act what is now 31 U.S.C. � 9107(a), which 
authorizes government corporations, with the Comptroller General's 
concurrence, to consolidate their cash, from whatever source, 
including appropriations, into one or more accounts for banking and 
checking purposes.[Footnote 118] Of course, the funds are to be used 
only for authorized purposes. In reviewing proposals under this 
provision, GAO's concern is to avoid the diminution of internal 
controls. E.g., B-58312, Nov. 14, 1950 (approving an unspecified 
proposal by the Tennessee Valley Authority because it would simplify 
procedures without lessening internal control). 

Unless specifically authorized by statute, a corporation maintaining 
an account in the Treasury under 31 U.S.C. � 9107(b) is not entitled 
to receive interest on those funds, directly or indirectly. B-114839-
0.M., Jan. 9, 1976. The law also includes provisions, which we will 
address later, dealing with Treasury control over the debt obligations 
of government corporations. 

(5) Audit: 

In the 1940s, any discussion of government auditing meant auditing by 
GAO. The original Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA) 
essentially incorporated the audit provisions of the George Act, which 
had been enacted less than a year earlier. Under these provisions, GAO 
was to audit annually every wholly owned government corporation and 
every mixed-ownership government corporation for any period in which 
government capital was invested in it, and report the results to 
Congress. Pub. L. No. 79-248, �� 105, 106, 202, 203, 59 Stat. 597, 599-
600 (Dec. 6, 1945). 

The audit was to be a "commercial-type audit" rather than the 
customary governmental audit. The customary governmental audit 
principally included examining and passing upon each voucher prepared 
by the agencies' clerks and each account maintained by the agencies 
and their accountable officers. The legislative history explained: 

"The Comptroller General and the Congress have recognized that the 
regular governmental type of audit may not be suitable to the 
operations of a Government corporation. In general, the purpose of the 
governmental type of audit is to determine the validity of 
expenditures under appropriations made by the Congress in the light of 
restrictions and limitations placed by the Congress generally upon 
expenditures from appropriated funds.... On the other hand, the 
commercial type of audit, as applied to a business corporation, is 
separate and distinct from the accounting system and internal 
financial controls of the corporation, and is designed to determine 
the financial condition of the corporation as of a given date and the 
results of its financial operations during the period under audit, and 
to establish whether the corporate funds have been regularly expended 
in accordance with corporate authorization." 

H.R. Rep. No. 79-856, at 7-8 (1945). For further elaboration, see 
pages 95-96 of the House report and S. Rep. No. 79-694, at 8-9 (1945). 
In 1975, the audit requirement was reduced from every year to at least 
once every 3 years.[Footnote 119] GAO's auditing of government 
corporations, first under the George Act and then under the GCCA, is 
widely credited with providing the stimulus for GAO to modernize its 
audit concepts and practices from the old "voucher auditing" system. 
[Footnote 120] 

The GCCA's audit and reporting provisions were completely overhauled 
by sections 305 and 306 of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, 
Pub. L. No. 101-576,104 Stat. 2838,2853-54, (Nov. 15, 1990), amending 
31 U.S.C. �� 9105 (audits) and 9106 (management reports). Under these 
amendments, an audit of the financial statements required under 31 
U.S.C. � 9106 is now to be conducted by the corporation's Inspector 
General or by an independent external auditor chosen by the inspector 
general. For a corporation that does not have an inspector general, 
the head of the corporation selects the independent auditor. 31 U.S.C. 
� 9105(a)(1). The audit is to be conducted "in accordance with 
applicable generally accepted government auditing standards." 31 
U.S.C. � 9105(a)(2). This means the standards set forth in GAO's so-
called "Yellow Book," Government Auditing Standards, GAO-07-162G 
(Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2007). These differ from the more commonly 
known "generally accepted auditing standards" in that the government 
auditing standards require reporting on internal controls and 
compliance with laws and regulations. GAO, Government Corporations: 
CFO Act Management Reporting Could Be Enhanced, GAO/AIMD-94-73 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 19, 1994), at 4 n.2. Audit reports are to be 
submitted to the head of the corporation and to the Senate Committee 
on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the House Committee 
on Government Reform. 31 U.S.C. � 9105(a)(3). 

The revised 31 U.S.C. � 9106 requires each government corporation to 
submit a management report each fiscal year to Congress, with copies 
to the President, the Director of OMB and the Comptroller General. The 
management report must include statements of financial position, 
operations, cash flows, a reconciliation to the corporation's budget 
report where applicable, a statement on internal accounting and 
administrative control systems, the report regarding the audit of the 
corporation's financial statements, and any other comments and 
information necessary to inform Congress about the operations and 
financial condition of the corporation. The Office of Management and 
Budget issues instructions to government corporations on the 
submission of annual management reports. OMB Cir. No. A-136, Financial 
Reporting Requirements, �� 1.5-1.6 (June 29, 2007). 

Nothing in 31 U.S.C. � 9105 specifies the timing of the audits, but, 
as noted, section 9106 requires the annual management report to 
include the report of the audit conducted under section 9105. Thus, 
audit frequency returned to annual, and in this sense the 1990 
legislation can be said to have strengthened the audit requirement. 
See GAO/AIMD-94-73, at 3. Sections 9105 and 9106 do not distinguish 
between wholly owned and mixed-ownership corporations. 

While the 1990 revision of 31 U.S.C. � 9105 shifted primary 
responsibility for auditing government corporations from GAO to the 
inspectors general, GAO continues to have a role. GAO (1) may review 
any audit conducted under section 9105(a)(1), reporting its results to 
Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, and the head of the 
corporation, and (2) may conduct its own financial statement audit at 
the discretion of the Comptroller General or at the request of a 
congressional committee. 31 U.S.C. � 9105(a)(4). 

The original GCCA generally prohibited government corporations from 
using their funds to pay for private audits. Pub. L. No. 79-248, � 
301(d). This was intended to prevent duplication of efforts during the 
time that the law required GAO to conduct the audits. B-205488-0.M., 
Jan. 19, 1982. Since the statute now explicitly permits the use of 
external auditors, this prohibition was dropped. However, the concern 
over duplication is reflected in 31 U.S.C. �� 9105(a)(4) and (c). 
Section 9105(a)(4) provides that an audit by GAO under that subsection 
will be in lieu of the otherwise required inspector general audit. 

Section 9105(c) recognizes that other laws include specific audit 
requirements for GAO to carry out. It provides that Comptroller 
General audits made under section 9105 are "in lieu or any audit of a 
government corporation's financial transactions that is required by 
another law. Id. Reconciling GCCA audits with other statutory audits 
is largely an exercise in common sense. For example, where other 
legislation requires GAO to conduct annual audits of a corporation's 
financial statements, the audits serve the purposes of section 9105 as 
well, obviating the need for the inspector general audit. B-239201.3, 
July 25, 1991 (finding that an audit of the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation conducted by GAO under the requirements of 12 U.S.C. � 
1827(d) would satisfy the audit requirements of 31 U.S.C. � 9105). An 
enabling act provision authorizing or directing GAO to audit the 
"operations" of a corporation gives GAO broad discretion over how to 
conduct that audit. While such a requirement can be satisfied by a 
financial audit, it can also extend to a full program audit. B-200951-
0.M., Dec. 24, 1980, as clarified by B-200951-0.M., May 11, 1981. 

A GAO audit under the GCCA is financed initially from GAO's own 
appropriations, but its "full cost ... as determined by the 
Comptroller General" must be reimbursed by the corporation.[Footnote 
121] 31 U.S.C. � 9105(a)(5). The purpose of the reimbursement 
requirement is to prevent government corporations from receiving a 
hidden subsidy from the taxpayers. B-207203-0.M., June 4, 1982. "Full 
cost," GAO has determined, includes both direct costs (employee 
salaries and travel expenses, for example) and indirect costs, 
including overhead. Id. See also B-96792, Aug. 10, 1950 (GAO billed 
Federal Prison Industries for every last penny in its administrative 
expense allocation). Section 9105(a)(5) further requires that the 
reimbursements be deposited as miscellaneous receipts. However, this 
requirement was superseded by the following proviso attached to GAO's 
appropriation in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1995, Pub. 
L. No. 103-283, 108 Stat. 1423, 1440 (July 22, 1994): 

"Notwithstanding 31 U.S.C. 9105 hereafter amounts reimbursed to the 
Comptroller General pursuant to that section shall be deposited to the 
appropriation of the [GAO] then available and remain available until 
expended, and not more than $6,000,000 of such funds shall be 
available for use in fiscal year 1995." 

This language provides permanent authority for GAO to credit the 
reimbursements to its then-current appropriation, to remain available 
until expended. Congress can then, as it did in Public Law 103-283, 
appropriate a specific sum from the "no-year" account for use during 
the current fiscal year. 

The original GCCA authorized GAO's audit reports to include 
essentially the items now included by the corporations in their 
management reports, plus several other things, such as any impairments 
of capital, any recommendations for the return of government capital, 
and any transactions or expenditures believed to be illegal. Pub. L. 
No. 79-248, �� 106 and 203. That reporting requirement displaced GAO's 
authority to disallow corporate expenditures. 37 Comp. Gen. 666, 668-
69 (1958); B-58302, Apr. 29, 1947. The current reporting language, 
codified at 31 U.S.C. � 9105(a)(4)(B), is more general, providing that 
GAO shall report "the results of the review and make any 
recommendation [it] considers appropriate." This language certainly is 
broad enough to include the elements that the original GCCA specified. 

When GAO makes an audit recommendation to the head of an agency, the 
agency head must, within specified time limits, submit a written 
report on the action taken on the recommendation to certain 
congressional committees. 31 U.S.C. � 720(b). For purposes of this 
requirement, "agency" includes wholly owned but not mixed-ownership 
government corporations. 31 U.S.C. � 720(a); B-114831-0.M., July 28, 
1975 (requirement for compliance report not applicable to Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation). 

b. Appointment and Control of Directors: 

A government corporation's management, like its other key features, is 
determined by its enabling legislation. For the great majority of 
corporations, this means a board of directors. However, there is no 
statutory model for government corporations, nor is there any legal 
requirement for a board of directors. 

The need for a board of directors has been questioned from the 
managerial perspective, as well. For example, one commentator wrote: 

"Even the use of the term 'corporation' is unfortunate because it 
tends to encourage improper borrowing of concepts from the private 
sector. For instance, there is no particular reason for government 
corporations to have boards of directors, yet this feature is found in 
most proposals for new corporations apparently because corporations in 
the private sector have boards of directors."[Footnote 122] 

Another commentator agreed, quoting a Brookings Institution report to 
the effect that "there appears to be nothing inherent in the corporate 
form of organization to require a board instead of a single 
administrator."[Footnote 123] Be that as it may, if a government 
corporation does have a board of directors it should, of course, be a 
good one. According to Marshall Dimock, an early observer of 
government corporations, "an effective board of directors is the key 
to program success."[Footnote 124] 

The federal government's involvement in the selection or appointment 
of directors has evolved along with the development of government 
corporations. As we have seen, the United States' initial 
participation in the creation of government corporations involved 
chartering of the entity and ownership of stock. However, with the 
creation of the Second Bank of the United States in 1816, the 
President was authorized to appoint, by and with the consent of the 
Senate, 5 of the Bank's 25 directors. The rest were to be elected 
annually by shareholders other than the United States. During the 
nineteenth century, the federal government "continued to charter 
private corporations ... but only once participated in such a venture 
itself," that being the Union Pacific Railroad. Lebron v. National 
Railroad Passenger Corp., 513 U.S. 374, 387 (1995). The Union Pacific 
Railroad was chartered in 1862 with the President appointing two of 
its directors. Act of July 1, 1862, ch. 120, � 1, 12 Stat. 489. 

The twentieth century saw considerable variation in the managerial 
structure of corporations, mostly within a framework of increased 
government involvement. In 1902, as part of the statute providing for 
construction of the Panama Canal, Congress authorized the President to 
purchase all stock and property of the Panama Railroad Company, making 
the government the sole shareholder. Pub. L. No. 57-183, 32 Stat. 481 
(June 28, 1902). The Secretary of War, as holder of the stock, 
appointed all of the company's directors. According to Lebron, 513 
U.S. at 387, this was the first instance in which the government 
appointed a majority of directors. 

The most common management system, at least with respect to 
corporations subject to the GCCA, is a board of directors appointed 
entirely by the President. The typical statutory provision will (1) 
vest the corporation's management and control in the board of 
directors, (2) prescribe the number of directors and how they are to 
be appointed, (3) specify what will constitute a quorum, (4) set forth 
the powers and duties of the directors, and (5) address their 
compensation. E.g., 22 U.S.C. � 2193(b) (Overseas Private Investment 
Corporation). In addition, the statute may (1) specify the number of 
directors to come from various sources (government, industry, etc.), 
or prescribe other qualifications, (2) designate certain government 
officials to serve ex officio, and (3) address the board's political 
composition. Additional examples of government corporations all of 
whose directors are appointed by the President are the African 
Development Foundation,[Footnote 125] Commodity Credit Corporation, 
Export-Import Bank, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.[Footnote 126] 
In at least one instance, certain directors are appointed by a 
department head. See 7 U.S.C. � 1505(a) (Federal Crop Insurance 
Corporation's private sector directors appointed by Secretary of 
Agriculture). The Tennessee Valley Authority legislation includes an 
interesting qualification: directors must "affirm support for the 
objectives and missions of the Corporation." 16 U.S.C. � 831a(b)(5). 

When Congress wants the federal government to participate more 
actively in the management of a government corporation and to ensure 
that the government's views and interests are represented, the 
enabling statute designates specified officials to serve as directors 
ex officio. These are usually heads of departments or agencies with a 
logical subject-matter relationship to the corporation. For example, 
two of the five directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
are the Comptroller of the Currency and the Director of the Office of 
Thrift Supervision. 12 U.S.C. � 1812. See also 7 U.S.C. � 1505(a) 
(certain Agriculture Department officials are ex officio directors of 
the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation). Sometimes Congress also takes 
the next step and makes all of the directors government officials. 
E.g., 29 U.S.C. � 1302(d) (directors of the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation are the Secretaries of Labor, Treasury, and Commerce). 

Cabinet members serving ex officio may delegate their functions as 
directors even if the enabling statute does not expressly authorize 
it. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 257 (1982). This follows from the nature 
of ex officio service. Such appointments are made "based not on 
individual personal attributes, but on the contribution Congress 
believed each one's agency could make to the [corporation's] 
operations." Id. at 260. 

Another way the government can exert management influence or control 
is to designate a corporation as an entity within a particular 
department or agency and under the control of the head of that 
department or agency. For example: 

* the Commodity Credit Corporation is "an agency and instrumentality 
of the United States, within the Department of Agriculture" (15 U.S.C. 
� 714); 

* the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation is "subject to the 
direction and supervision of the Secretary of Transportation" (33 
U.S.C. � 981); 

* the Overseas Private Investment Corporation is "an agency of the 
United States under the policy guidance of the Secretary of State" (22 
U.S.C. � 2191); 

* Federal Prison Industries, Inc. is in the Department of Justice 
(Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1939, � 3(a), 53 Stat. 1431, noted at 5 U.S.C. 
app. I.). 

The enabling legislation will also provide for officers of the 
corporation. In many instances, the officers are appointed by the 
President. E.g., 22 U.S.C. � 2193 (Overseas Private Investment 
Corporation). In other instances, the board of directors appoints the 
officers. E.g., 16 U.S.C. � 831b (Tennessee Valley Authority). Whether 
the board of directors or the "chief executive officer" is the "head" 
of the corporation depends on the statutory powers Oven to each. If 
the enabling legislation vests management and control in the board of 
directors, the head of that corporation, unless the statute provides 
differently, is the board of directors acting as a body. 25 Comp. Gen. 
467 (1945). An example of a different statutory model is the 
Corporation for National and Community Service. It has a board of 
directors, 42 U.S.C. � 12651a, but the law specifies that the 
Corporation "shall be headed by ... [a] Chief Executive Officer ... 
appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the 
Senate." 42 U.S.C. � 12651c. A few government corporations (e.g., 
Amtrak and the Legal Services Corporation) are subject to the 
Inspector General Act, discussed in section B.7.c(1) of this chapter, 
which assigns certain duties to the head of the entity. For purposes 
of the act, the Office and Management and Budget annually identifies 
the heads of these entities and publishes them in the Federal 
Register. See, e.g., OMB, Revised 2006 List of Designated Federal 
Entities and Federal Entities, 71 Fed. Reg. 39690 (July 13, 2006). 

A board of directors can delegate power to an executive committee, but 
this has been construed to apply to ordinary and routine matters, not 
radical departures from corporate policy. B-58302-0.M., Sept. 14, 
1949. This device cannot be used, however, to avoid a statutory quorum 
requirement. See B-197710-0.M., Jan. 14, 1983. In that case, a 
government corporation had only two directors out of five, and the 
statute designated a majority of the board as a quorum. Under the 
circumstances, GAO thought it unlikely that a court would support 
treating those two directors as an executive committee. The answer 
would have been different if the statute permitted a majority of board 
members currently in office to constitute a quorum. Id. 

As noted earlier, while most government corporations have boards of 
directors, a few do not. One commentator identified three which, at 
the time he wrote, did not have boards of directors�the Government 
National Mortgage Association, Resolution Trust Corporation (since 
terminated), and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. 
[Footnote 127] Another such corporation that was later created is the 
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, which is not 
subject to GCCA. 12 U.S.C. � 4703(f). Its management consists of a 
presidentially appointed administrator and an advisory board. 12 
U.S.C. � 4703.[Footnote 128] 

The appointment of most or all of a board of directors by federal 
officials is most appropriate for corporations owned or controlled by 
the United States. As you move farther away from federal ownership or 
control, the government's managerial involvement usually diminishes as 
well. For example, in the typical government-sponsored enterprise, the 
government will appoint some directors to make sure its voice will be 
heard, but the majority is appointed by nongovernment sources. Thus, 
the President appoints 5 out of 18 of Fannie Mae's directors (12 
U.S.C. � 1723(b)), 5 out of 18 for Freddie Mac (12 U.S.C. � 
1452(a)(2)(A)), and 5 out of 15 for Farmer Mac (12 U.S.C. � 2279aa-

One would expect a minimal federal managerial role in a federally 
chartered corporation expressly designated as not an agency or 
instrumentality of the United States. However, this is not always the 
case. Both the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Legal 
Services Corporation are chartered as nonprofit corporations and are 
not to be regarded as agencies or establishments of the United States. 
See, respectively, 47 U.S.C. � 396(b), 42 U.S.C. �� 2996b and 
2996d(e)(1). Neither is subject to the GCCA. Nevertheless, perhaps 
because both are federally funded as well as federally created and 
perform essentially public service rather than commercial functions, 
their entire boards of directors are appointed by the President and 
subject to Senate confirmation. 47 U.S.C. � 396(c); 42 U.S.C. � 2996c. 

5. Sources of Funds and Financing: 

There is no single model for the funding structure of a government 
corporation.[Footnote 129] The corporate form alone does not dictate 
any particular type of funding. Just as with the corporation's 
organization and powers, its funding structure varies according to its 
purpose and activities as reflected in the enabling legislation. As 
one court has noted, "Congress is not limited by traditional notions 
of corporate powers and organization" and it "need not capitalize 
corporate instrumentalities of the United States in any rigidly 
prescribed manner."[Footnote 130] United States v. Nowak, 448 F.2d 
134, 138 (7111Cir. 1971), cert. denied, 404 U.S. 1039 (1972). In fact, 
Congress has funded government corporations using a variety of sources 
and methods: direct appropriations of funds, federal borrowing, 
authorizing user fees or other charges for services provided to the 
public, federal ownership of stock, private investment or financing 
(e.g., sale of debt securities) with actual or implied backing by the 
United States, or some combination of these methods. 

a. Types of Financing: 

(1) Direct appropriations: 

Government One funding option is the direct appropriation of funds 
from the general fund of the Treasury, the same method used for most 
federal agencies. In its 1995 study, GAO found that, out of 24 
corporations then listed in the Government Corporation Control Act 
(GCCA), 15 had received federal appropriations in fiscal year 1994. 
GAO, Government Corporations: Profiles of Existing Government 
Corporations, GAO/GGD-96-14 (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 13, 1995), at 21-
22. As a general proposition, wholly owned corporations were more 
likely to receive direct appropriations than mixed-ownership 
corporations. However, some mixed-ownership corporations received 
appropriations while some wholly owned corporations did not. In 
addition, several corporate entities not subject to the GCCA received 
appropriations. Id. 

Direct appropriations may provide all or part of a corporation's 
funding. Examples of government-created corporations substantially 
funded by congressional appropriations are the Corporation for 
National and Community Service and the Legal Services Corporation. 
[Footnote 131] Fully funded corporations tend to be those with 
noncommercial functions. There is no nexus between full funding status 
and inclusion in the GCCA. For example, the Corporation for National 
and Community Service is subject to the GCCA, while Legal Services is 
not. An example of partial funding by direct appropriations is the 
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). Largely because the CCC 
administers a variety of relatively high-risk programs, the typical 
year produces nonrecoverable losses which are funded from a "net 
realized losses" appropriation.[Footnote 132] Congress may provide 
appropriations for certain start-up costs, with the expectation that 
private financing will then take over. An example is discussed in 69 
Comp. Gen. 289 (1990) (Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 
could amortize construction consultants' fees as a cost of 
construction because they were not the kind of start-up costs for 
which Congress had provided appropriations). 

Congress can structure a corporation's appropriation however it 
wishes. For example, the appropriation cited above for the Legal 
Services Corporation is relatively brief and consists of five major 
line items.[Footnote 133] By contrast, the appropriation for the 
Corporation for National and Community Service takes up several pages 
of the appropriation act and contains numerous line items and other 
specifications.[Footnote 134] 

Most corporate appropriations are definite in amount; some are not. 
For example, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation's (FCIC) 2006 
appropriation to the FCIC Fund was "such sums as may be necessary, to 
remain available until expended," that is, an indefinite, no-year 
appropriation.[Footnote 135] The CCC is authorized to receive its "net 
realized losses" appropriation on a "current, indefinite" basis. 15 
U.S.C. � 713a-11. This is merely an authorization, however, and 
Congress remains free to structure the appropriation some other way. 
67 Comp. Gen. 332 (1988). The CCC's 2006 appropriation was "for the 
current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary," but subject to a 
monetary ceiling.[Footnote 136] Since the CCC receives a direct 
appropriation for net losses, it is logical that net gains, should 
they ever occur, would be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts, and this is what the law requires. 15 U.S.C. � 713a-12. Cf. 
Knowles v. War Damage Corp., 171 F.2d 15, 19-20 (D.C. Cir. 1948), 
cert. denied, 336 U.S. 914 (1949) (not "invalid" for a statute to 
require a government corporation to pay its surplus funds into the 

(2) Federal borrowing: 

Another method of funding for government corporations is borrowing 
authority, also known as public debt financing. This means the 
authority to borrow money from the Treasury and to issue obligations 
to the Treasury to evidence the indebtedness. This authority must be 
conferred by statute. Examples include 29 U.S.C. � 1305(c) (Pension 
Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)), 15 U.S.C. � 713a-4 (Commodity 
Credit Corporation), and 7 U.S.C. � 947 (Rural Telephone Bank). The 
PBGC provision is fairly typical: 

"The [PBGC] is authorized to issue to the Secretary of the Treasury 
notes or other obligations in an aggregate amount of not to exceed 
$100,000,000, in such forms and denominations, bearing such 
maturities, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be 
prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Such notes or other 
obligations shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secretary 
of the Treasury .... The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and 
directed to purchase any notes or other obligations issued by the 
[PBGC] under this subsection ...." 

29 U.S.C. � 1305(c). Some borrowing provisions, like the PBGC statute, 
have a fixed dollar ceiling. Others have a variable ceiling, like 7 
U.S.C. � 947(a) (amount borrowed by Rural Telephone Bank which is 
outstanding at any one time "shall not exceed twenty times the paid-in 
capital and retained earnings" of the Bank). In determining the amount 
of unused borrowing authority, a corporation may exclude interest on 
outstanding obligations already held by the Treasury. B-89366-0.M., 
Sept. 9, 1964. If a contrary congressional intent can be established, 
however, the answer will be different. See B-125007, B-127378, July 
20, 1956. 

Treasury may be required to purchase the obligations, as in the PBGC 
provision quoted above, or may have discretion in the matter as is the 
case for the Commodity Credit Corporation and the Rural Telephone Bank 
(15 U.S.C. � 713a-4, 7 U.S.C. � 947(b), respectively). Congress may 
specify the time period within which the borrowing authority must be 
used. If it does not, the authority remains available until used or 
repealed. See Nowak, 448 F.2d at 138 n.4. 

In lieu of direct borrowing from the Treasury, a corporation's 
borrowing may go through an intermediary, the Federal Financing Bank 
(FFB). The FFB was created in 1973 to coordinate federal and federally 
assisted borrowings in order to reduce their costs. 12 U.S.C. � 2281. 
The FFB is itself a corporate entity under the general direction and 
supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, and an instrumentality 
of the United States. 12 U.S.C. � 2283. While not listed in the GCCA, 
the FFB is subject to the GCCA's budget and audit provisions for 
wholly owned government corporations. 12 U.S.C. � 2293. For present 
purposes, two provisions of the act creating the FFB are relevant. 
Under 12 U.S.C. � 2285(a), "any Federal agency which is authorized to 
issue, sell, or guarantee any obligation is authorized to issue or 
sell such obligations directly to the [FFB]." "Federal agency" 
includes "a corporation or other entity established by the Congress 
which is owned in whole or in part by the United States." 12 U.S.C. � 
2282(1). Thus, at least certain corporations with statutory borrowing 
authority can issue their obligations directly to the FFB, which can 
then issue its own securities either in the private market or, more 
likely, to the Treasury. 12 U.S.C. � 2288. For information on the 
background of the FFB, see GAO, Federal Financing Bank: The Government 
Incurred a Cost of $2 Billion on Loan Prepayments, GAO/AFMD-89-59 
(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 22, 1989); The Federal Financing Bank, No. 
121084 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 5, 1983) (GAO testimony before the 
Senate Subcommittee on Federal Credit Programs). 

In 14 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 20 (1990), the Justice Department's 
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) tackled the question of how to determine 
which corporations could avail themselves of the FFB. A detailed 
analysis led the OLC to conclude that Congress intended to include 
corporations "that receive substantial funding from the government, 
that are subject to significant federal control, and that issue 
obligations guaranteed by the federal government." Id. at 26. This 
being the case, corporations "that are wholly privately funded, that 
have a significant measure of independence in their management, and 
that issue obligations not backed by the full faith and credit" of the 
United States are excluded. Id. OLC recognized that a given 
corporation may not have all of the principal characteristics of 
either the included or excluded corporations, or may have a mix. The 
approach in such a case is to determine "whether the corporation's 
principal characteristics render it most analogous to those 
corporations that were intended to be covered by the [law creating the 
FFB] or to those that were not." Id. at 26 n.14. Applying this 
analysis, OLC concluded that the former Resolution Trust Corporation 
was a federal agency for purposes of 12 U.S.C. � 2282(1), and could 
therefore issue promissory notes directly to the FFB. 

In two opinions to Members of Congress, GAO reviewed the financing 
arrangements for building construction at the government-owned Federal 
Triangle site in the District of Columbia. The former Pennsylvania 
Avenue Development Corporation, a wholly owned government corporation, 
was responsible for the planning, development, and construction 
oversight of the project. The original plan was to obtain private 
financing for the construction. It was later decided, however, that 
financing through the FFB would save the government interest costs. 
The project's trustee obtained the financing through a promissory note 
issued to the FFB, and secured by the trustee's assignment to the FFB 
of the trustee's rights to receive statutorily required rental 
payments from the General Services Administration. GAO concluded that 
the FFB was an appropriate source of financing because the Federal 
Triangle building�designated the Ronald Reagan Federal Building�was 
fundamentally a project being constructed by the federal government. 
Several factors supported this conclusion. The federal government, by 
statute, bore the full risks of developing and owning the project; the 
land on which the project was being built belonged to the United 
States; and the government carried the principal rights and 
obligations associated with ownership of the project, including the 
project's design and specifications for construction. The Pennsylvania 
Avenue Development Corporation most likely would have met the Justice 
Department's eligibility criteria, except that there was no need to 
apply that test because, under the Federal Triangle legislation, the 
promissory note issued for financing purposes was in effect an 
obligation of GSA rather than the Corporation. B-248647, Dec. 28, 
1992; B-248647.2, Apr. 24, 1995. 

As the 1995 opinion pointed out, a corporation (or agency, for that 
matter) with statutory borrowing authority does not need further 
specific authority to use the FFB. The provisions of the law creating 
the FFB noted above supply the necessary authority. B-248647.2, Apr. 
24, 1995. 

(3) Federal ownership of stock: 

The federal government has also funded government corporations by 
subscribing to part or all of a corporation's capital stock. As we saw 
in our historical summary above, the government's early involvement in 
government corporations consisted of purchasing stock in the name of 
the United States. In the case of the Panama Railroad Company, the 
government acquired the entire capital stock of a private corporation, 
elected its board of directors, and used it to carry out commerce and 
defense functions in the Panama Canal. See New York ex rel. Rogers v. 
Graves, 299 U.S. 401 (1937). 

Of the modern (post-Government Corporation Control Act) government 
corporations, some issue stock, many do not. A government corporation 
issues stock if it is authorized to do so in its enabling legislation. 
The statute will specify the amount of stock that may be issued and 
who may or must subscribe to it. For example, the federal government 
owns 100 percent of the capital stock of the Commodity Credit 
Corporation (15 U.S.C. � 714e), the Export-Import Bank (12 U.S.C. � 
635b), and the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (7 U.S.C. � 
1504(a)). The Rural Telephone Bank is authorized to issue three 
classes of stock, one owned by the government, one by loan recipients, 
and one by specified classes of purchasers. 7 U.S.C. � 946. 

b. Types of Financing: Private: 

(1) Sources of private financing: 

Private financing can take one of three forms: fees and charges, stock 
ownership, and borrowing. For the most part, authority to assess fees 
and charges will be spelled out in the pertinent legislation. The 
kinds of receipts vary with the type of program being administered. 
The Tennessee Valley Authority receives income from the sale of 
electric power (including sales to government agencies, 44 Comp. Gen. 
683 (1965)). The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation collects 
premiums from sponsors of covered pension plans. 29 U.S.C. � 1306. The 
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation for many years received 
its income from tolls (33 U.S.C. � 988; 35 Comp. Gen. 267 (1955)), but 
Congress suspended this authority with respect to commercial vessels 
in 1994 (33 U.S.C. � 988a), and began funding the Corporation from the 
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. See 33 U.S.C. � 2238; 26 U.S.C. � 9505. 
Before its termination on October 1, 2004, the Panama Canal 
Commission's revolving fund received toll receipts and was authorized 
to retain interest generated by amounts deposited in financial 
institutions outside the Treasury. 22 U.S.C. � 3712(c). 

If there is no express authority, it may nevertheless be possible for 
a corporation to assess fees under 31 U.S.C. � 9701, the so-called 
"user charge statute," covered in detail in Chapter 12, section D. 
Section 9701 by its terms applies to wholly owned, but not mixed-
ownership, government corporations. The limitation to wholly owned 
corporations is because they are the closest to regular government 
agencies. This does not mean that other types of government-created 
corporations may not charge fees, merely that they must find the 
authority elsewhere. 

A government-created corporation designated as private may also find 
itself on the other end of the transaction�having to pay government 
agencies for services rendered to it. For example, the Communications 
Satellite Act authorized certain services to be provided to Comsat on 
a reimbursable basis, but did not further address how the charges were 
to be determined. Absent anything to the contrary in the law or its 
legislative history, GAO found it legitimate to determine the charges 
in accordance with the standards under 31 U.S.C. � 9701. B-168707-
0.M., May 11, 1970. 

Of course, statutory authorizations to charge fees have their 
limitations. The Export-Import Bank, for example, is authorized to 
charge fees for conferences, seminars, and publications. 12 U.S.C. � 
635(a)(1). Then, similar to authority given to the executive branch 
generally, the statute authorizes the Bank to accept voluntary 
contributions for travel and subsistence expenses incurred by its 
officers or employees. Such amounts received are credited to the fund 
which initially paid for such activities and are to be offset against 
the expenses of the Bank for such activities. Id. However, GAO found 
that this statute did not go so far as to authorize the Bank to 
require its customers to pay its travel and subsistence expenses. B-
272254, Mar. 5, 1997. The decision reasoned that the statute was not 
intended to sanction what would clearly amount to an augmentation of 
the Bank's appropriations. 

The second form of private financing is private subscription to stock. 
Naturally, one would not expect to find this in the case of a wholly 
owned government corporation, but it is a theoretical option for 
Congress to consider for mixed-ownership corporations and it is 
commonly found in government-sponsored enterprises (GSE). Statutory 
provisions for GSEs may prescribe classes of common stock, voting and 
nonvoting stock, preferred stock, and may address institutional versus 
general subscription. Examples are 12 U.S.C. � 1453 (Freddie Mac); 12 
U.S.C. � 2124 (banks for cooperatives); and 12 U.S.C. � 2279aa-4 
(Farmer Mac). The Justice Department has concluded that, as long as no 
statute prohibits it, a corporation can use preferred stock as a 
dividend to its shareholders of common stock. 9 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 
19 (1985). (This case involved Freddie Mac, whose legislation later 
changed, but the point is still good.) 

The third type of private financing is borrowing�the issuance of 
promissory notes, bonds, or other debt obligations to the public. An 
example is 7 U.S.C. � 947, which authorizes the Rural Telephone Bank 
to borrow from the public as well as from the Treasury. The Commodity 
Credit Corporation has comparable authority in 15 U.S.C. � 713a-4. 

The obligations may be expressly guaranteed by the United States. 
Commodity Credit Corporation obligations, for example, "shall be fully 
and unconditionally guaranteed both as to interest and principal by 
the United States." Id. A question given much attention has been the 
extent to which obligations of government corporations are backed by 
the "full faith and credit" of the United States in the absence of 
express statutory provision to that effect. Attorney General opinions 
addressing whether a bond or other obligation is a valid obligation of 
the United States, even in the absence of full faith and credit 
language, are set forth and discussed in more detail in Chapter 11, 
section D.1. It is sufficient here to note that two of the Attorney 
General's opinions concerned government corporations-42 Op. Att'y Gen. 
21 (1961) (Development Loan Fund) and 42 Op. Att'y Gen. 327 (1966) 
(Export-Import Bank). In both cases the Attorney General concluded 
that Congress's choice of the corporate form did not alter the status 
of its obligations. Thus, if the underlying statutory provisions are 
sufficient to authorize the creation of obligations of the United 
States, it is immaterial that this authority is vested in a corporate 
entity. GAO adopted the Attorney General's position in 68 Comp. Gen. 
14 (1988) (promissory notes and assistance guarantees issued by the 
now-defunct Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation were 
obligations of the United States). 

Congress can include express disclaimer language in the statute, which 
will then of course control. E.g., 12 U.S.C. � 1721(b) (Ginnie Mae's 
obligations "are not guaranteed by the United States and do not 
constitute a debt or obligation of the United States or of any agency 
or instrumentality thereof' other than Ginnie Mae). If, however, the 
test for an obligation of the United States (as set out in the 
Attorney General's opinions) is met, disclaimer language found only in 
legislative history is not enough. 68 Comp. Gen. at 18-19. 

As with borrowing from the Treasury, borrowing from the public can 
also be handled through the Federal Financing Bank. Indeed, individual 
agency offerings to the public were the main focus of the law creating 
the Federal Financing Bank. See, in this regard, 12 U.S.C. � 2281. See 
also H.R. Rep. No. 93-299, at 2 (1973). 

(2) Market perception of implied backing by United States: 

"As one wag puts it: With GSEs, you privatize the profits and 
socialize the risk."[Footnote 137] 

The preceding discussion outlines when a government corporation's 
obligations may be backed by the full faith and credit of the United 
States. Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), introduced in section 
B.2.b of this chapter, are generally regarded as one step further 
removed from "government status" and, therefore, further removed from 
government backing, at least official backing. Of course, Congress is 
free to provide federal backing whenever it wishes. E.g., 12 U.S.C. � 
2278b-6(d)(4)(A) (if Financial Assistance Corporation is unable to pay 
principal or interest on its obligations, Treasury is required to pay 
and try to recover from the defaulting bank). More often than not in 
the case of GSEs, however, Congress has enacted express disclaimers. 
For example, 12 U.S.C. � 4503 disclaims any federal guarantee of the 
obligations or liability of the Federal National Mortgage Association 
(Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie 
Mac), and the Federal Home Loan Banks, and any implication that they 
are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. (The 
Home Loan Banks are mixed-ownership government corporations; the other 
two are GSEs.) 

Even in the presence of a statutory disclaimer, many commentators who 
have examined GSEs emphasized the existence of a market perception of 
implied backing by the United States because, presumably, the GSE will 
not be allowed to fail. As one commentator stated, very simply, "the 
Federal Government implicitly guarantees the value of GSE obligations 
and mortgage-backed securities."[Footnote 138] This implied guarantee 
has been called the "single most distinguishing characteristic" 
[Footnote 139] of GSEs and their "most valuable perk."[Footnote 140] 
Another writer suggests that in the event of GSE failure, the 
government would have "no real alternative but to deliver on the 
implicit guarantee" in order to avoid disruption in the credit 
markets.[Footnote 141] 

The perception of an implied guarantee arises because GSEs are 
regarded as instrumentalities of the United States, and their 
obligations have many of the characteristics of Treasury 
obligations.[Footnote 142] As another commentator has pointed out, 
some of the most prominent private credit-rating agencies "have rated 
enterprise securities based on the strength of this implied government 
guarantee, in spite of the knowledge that no actual guarantee exists." 
[Footnote 143] 

This market perception of a federal guarantee confers significant 
economic benefits on GSEs. Primarily, it enables them to borrow money 
at rates much lower than private corporate obligations, and almost as 
low as the rates Treasury itself pays on its borrowings.[Footnote 144] 

GAO has issued detailed reports on the government's exposure to risks 
stemming from its use of GSEs. See GAO, Government-Sponsored 
Enterprises: The Government's Exposure to Risks, GAO/GGD-90-97 
(Washington, D.C.: Aug. 15, 1990); Government-Sponsored Enterprises: A 
Framework for Limiting the Government's Exposure to Risks, GAO/GGD91-
90 (Washington, D.C.: May 22, 1991). In 1992, Congress enacted the 
Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act, 
[Footnote 145] 12 U.S.C. �� 4501-4641, to provide a measure of federal 
supervision and regulation over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The law 
established an Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) 
whose job it is to see that Fannie and Freddie are adequately 
capitalized and operating safely. 12 U.S.C. �� 4502(6), 4511, 4513(a). 

Nevertheless, the risks associated with the GSEs have become more 
severe in recent years as both their financial exposure and questions 
about their management have increased dramatically. The combined 
obligations of five GSEs was $4.4 trillion as of September 30, 2003. 
[Footnote 146] See GAO, Government-Sponsored Enterprises: A Framework 
for Strengthening GSE Governance and Management, GAO-04-269T 
(Washington, D.C.: Feb. 10, 2004), at 1. The GSEs also pose risks to 
the stability of the United States financial system. Because the 
financial markets expect that the United States will be unwilling to 
permit GSE obligations to fail, the volume of GSE obligations, 
potentially, may have consequences for the federal taxpayer. See GAO-
04-269T, at 5-6. Unfortunately, there are serious concerns over the 
management of the GSEs and federal oversight of their operations. By 
way of summary, GAO's 2004 testimony observed in this regard: 

"To ensure that the GSEs operate in a safe and sound manner, it is 
essential that effective governance, reasonable transparency, and 
effective oversight systems are established and maintained. In 
particular, the GSEs should lead by example in the area of corporate 
governance; GSE regulators must be strong, independent, and have 
necessary expertise; and GSE mission definitions and benefit measures 
need to be established. However, our work found that GSE corporate 
governance does not always reflect best practices ... Furthermore, the 
regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is fragmented and serious 
questions exist as to the capacity of GSE regulators to fulfill their 

Id. at 2. Among other remedial measures, GAO recommended that Congress 
establish a single federal regulator for the housing GSEs and equip it 
with the necessary authorities to carry out its mission. 

GAO is far from alone in identifying problems with the GSEs. One 
commentator described Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as "huge, fast-
growing, highly leveraged, lightly regulated, and susceptible to 
failure." Richard Scott Carnell, Handling the Failure of a Government-
Sponsored Enterprise, 80 Wash. L. Rev. 565, 567 (2005). Another said: 

"GSEs are completely excluded from the presidential budget and the 
congressional budget resolution; they simply are not reported in 
either the on-budget or the off-budget figures. Although GSEs were 
originally designed to serve a public purpose, they can easily be used 
as a budget accounting gimmick to reduce the size of apparent 

Cheryl D. Block, Congress and Accounting Scandals: Is the Pot Calling 
the Kettle Black?, 82 Neb. L. Rev. 365, 438-39 (2003) (footnotes 

In May 2006, Fannie Mae agreed to pay a $400 million penalty to settle 
charges brought against it by the Securities and Exchange Commission 
relating to misstatements in its financial statements from at least 
1998 through 2004 that gave its shareholders and the public the false 
impression of stable and predictable earnings. In announcing the 
settlement, the Commission observed: 

"In its settlement with the Commission, the company agreed, without 
admitting or denying the allegations, to the entry of a final judgment 
that permanently enjoins the company from violations of the anti-
fraud, reporting, books and records and internal controls provisions 
of the federal securities laws. The root cause of the accounting fraud 
described in the Commission's Complaint, was a corporate culture that 
placed significant emphasis on stable earnings growth and avoidance of 
income statement volatility, and insufficient emphasis on ensuring 
compliance with applicable accounting regulations and federal 
securities laws. The company's misconduct took various forms. For 
example: At the end of 1998, senior management manipulated the 
company's earnings in order to obtain bonuses they otherwise would not 
have received."[Footnote 147] 

(3) Statutory controls: 

In addition to the budget, audit, and accounting controls previously 
described, the Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA), 31 U.S.C. � 
9108, addresses the debt obligations of all government corporations, 
wholly owned and mixed-ownership, covered by the act (see discussion 
of GCCA in section B.4.a of this chapter). Under section 9108(a), a 
GCCA government corporation may not issue or offer obligations to the 
public unless the Secretary of the Treasury has prescribed the form, 
denomination, maturity, and interest rate of the obligations and the 
conditions to which they will be subject; the manner and times of 
their issuance; and the price for which they will be sold. 

Under section 9108(b), a GCCA government corporation must get the 
Secretary of the Treasury's approval (or waiver) before buying or 
selling either a direct obligation of the United States or an 
obligation whose principal, interest, or both is guaranteed by the 
United States, if the obligations aggregate over $100,000. 

Section 9108(c) authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to delegate 
functions under sections 9108(a) and (b) to any officer or employee of 
any federal agency. 

Section 9108(d) contains the exemptions. The approval requirements of 
sections 9108(a) and (b) do not apply to certain named mixed-ownership 
government corporations, nor to any mixed-ownership corporation when 
the corporation has no government capital. 

Finally, a provision added to the GCCA in 1986 directs the Secretary 
of the Treasury to issue standards for depositary institutions 
concerning the safeguarding and use of GSE securities that they hold 
for their customers. 31 U.S.C. � 9110. 

6. Fiscal Autonomy: 

a. Account Settlement: 

GAO's "account settlement" authority refers to the first portion of 31 
U.S.C. � 3526(a)�"The Comptroller General shall settle all accounts of 
the United States Government." During the pre-World War II period and 
for a while thereafter, this meant that all accounts had to be 
physically transmitted to GAO, where GAO auditors scrutinized them, 
line by line, "disallowing" or "taking an exception to" expenditures 
found to be illegal. Subsequently, GAO's application of this authority 
underwent major evolution. Now, agencies retain their own accounts, 
keeping them available for audit,[Footnote 148] and an account is 
regarded as "settled" by operation of law after 3 years except for 
unresolved items. See 31 U.S.C. � 3526(c). Nevertheless account 
settlement remains relevant in determining such things as (1) the 
kinds of audit GAO is authorized to perform, (2) who may request a 
legal decision from GAO, and (3) the application of the accountable 
officer relief statutes. See 31 U.S.C. �� 3523, 3526, 3527, 3528, 3529. 

During the decades preceding enactment of the Government Corporation 
Control Act, 31 U.S.C. �� 9101-9110, the relationship of GAO to 
government corporations was a major battlefield. The corporations 
argued that they should be exempt from GAO's account settlement 
authority; GAO argued the opposite.[Footnote 149] In 1927, the Supreme 
Court decided the case of United States ex rel. Skinner & Eddy Corp. 
v. McCall, 275 U.S. 1 (1927). A contractor sought a writ of mandamus 
to compel GAO to consider its claim against the United States Shipping 
Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. The Supreme Court affirmed the 
determination of the lower court that the claim was not within GAO's 
claims settlement jurisdiction,[Footnote 150] which was separate from 
GAO's account settlement authority. The executive branch cited this 
case to support a blanket proposition that GAO's account settlement 
authority did not extend to government-owned corporations. E.g., 40 
Op. Att'y Gen. 84 (1941). While this was certainly an arguable 
position, GAO's initial reaction was to distinguish Skinner & Eddy, 
pointing out that the Court had not directly ruled on the question of 
GAO's account settlement authority over government corporations. B-
29072, Nov. 16, 1943. GAO tried to reconcile the conflicting views, 
holding that accountable officers still had to render their accounts, 
but that GAO, in performing its settlement audit, would recognize the 
corporations' exemption from various laws. B-24827, May 22, 1942. 

Two developments have largely resolved the issue. First was the 
enactment of the Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA), which 
mandated a commercial-type audit�as opposed to the traditional 
governmental audit�and told GAO to include in its audit reports 
anything it believed to be illegal (see discussion of GCCA in section 
B.4.a of this chapter). 31 U.S.C. � 9105. Although some decisions 
reflect ambivalence,[Footnote 151] GAO tended to view the GCCA 
requirements as supplanting its account settlement authority with 
respect to the corporations. E.g., B-150556, May 29, 1968 (Commodity 
Credit Corporation); B-146820, June 2, 1967 (Commodity Credit 
Corporation); B-152534-0.M., Dec. 4, 1963 (Panama Canal Company); B-
58302, Apr. 29, 1947 (former Reconstruction Finance Corporation). 

The second development was the refinement of certain charter 
provisions and a trend toward standardization. Congress has authorized 
most post-Government Corporation Control Act corporations to determine 
the character and necessity of their expenditures. For example, the 
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation provision states: 

"The Corporation shall determine the character and necessity for its 
expenditures ... and the manner in which they shall be incurred, 
allowed, and paid, without regard to the provisions of any other laws 
governing the expenditure of public funds and such determinations 
shall be final and conclusive upon all other officers of the 

7 U.S.C. � 1506(i). 

There are variations in language. GAO views the "character and 
necessity" provision as precluding its account settlement authority. 
E.g., B-226708.3, Dec. 12, 1988 (then Federal Savings and Loan 
Insurance Corporation); B-200103, Mar. 5, 1981 (Commodity Credit 
Corporation); B-34706, Dec. 5, 1947 (government corporations in 
general). Some decisions also mention other corporate powers like the 
power to sue and be sued or to conclusively settle claims, but the 
"character and necessity" power is the crucial element. 

The first step in the analysis is to examine a corporation's 
particular legislation. If Congress has addressed the matter one way 
or the other, there is no need to go further. Congress is always free 
to make a particular corporation subject to GAO's account settlement. 
E.g., B-123943-0.M., July 1, 1955. An example is Federal Prison 
Industries, whose legislation provides: "Accounts of all receipts and 
disbursements of the corporation shall be rendered to the Government 
Accountability Office for settlement and adjustment, as required by 
the Comptroller General." 18 U.S.C. � 4126(d). See B-98983-0.M., Dec. 
18, 1950. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has an interesting 
structure. The TVA is expressly made subject to the account settlement 
laws, but a determination of necessity by the TVA Board of Directors 
will override a GAO finding to the contrary. 16 U.S.C. � 831h(b). See, 
e.g., B-209585, Jan. 26, 1983; B-114850-0.M., Sept. 21, 1977. 

If a corporation's enabling legislation does not address account 
settlement, then, for the two reasons noted above, GAO will conclude 
that the authority does not exist. Most of the cases cited in the 
preceding paragraphs have involved wholly owned corporations.[Footnote 
152] However, the same is true for mixed-ownership corporations like 
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (B-210496, Feb. 1, 1983), 
and for corporations created and funded by the government but 
designated as "private," like the Legal Services Corporation (B-
241591, Mar. 1, 1991; B-203901, July 9, 1982; B-204886, Oct. 21, 
1981). [Footnote 153] 

If the account settlement laws do not apply to a particular 
corporation, neither do the laws providing for the relief of 
accountable officers. In such a case, any accountability of officers 
or employees of the corporation is up to the corporation itself to 
determine; accountability would be to the corporation, not the United 
States.[Footnote 154] B-88578-0.M., Aug. 21, 1951. See also B-83360-
0.M., Apr. 8, 1949 (Certifying Officers' Act, ch. 641, 55 Stat. 875 
(Dec. 29, 1941), not applicable to Federal Crop Insurance Corporation). 

Page 15-136 GAO-08-978SP Appropriations Law�Vol. III Chapter 15 
Miscellaneous Topics 

b. Status of Funds Received by Corporate Entities: 

If money received by a government agency must be deposited in the 
Treasury and an appropriation is needed to get it back out, logic 
would seem to dictate that statutory authority for an agency to retain 
specified receipts and to spend them for specified purposes is a 
permanent or continuing appropriation of those receipts. GAO has 
consistently applied this principle to a variety of revolving funds, 
user fee accounts, proceeds from sales of goods or services, etc. This 
principle is explored in more detail, with case citations, in Chapter 
2, section B.1. Further support is found in the title 31, United 
States Code, definition of "appropriations," which is not limited to 
direct appropriations from the general fund of the Treasury but 
includes "other authority making amounts available for obligation or 
expenditure." 31 U.S.C. �� 701(2)(C), 1101(2)(C). 

Viewing the principle in the abstract, that is, setting aside for the 
moment the question of the consequences of the status determination, 
there is no reason the principle should not apply to government 
corporations as well as unincorporated agencies. Thus, GAO has applied 
the principle and found that there was a statute which authorized the 
deposits of receipts in a specific fund, and made the fund available 
for carrying out specific purposes without needing further 
congressional action, which constituted a permanent or continuing 
appropriation, in the following situations: 

* Tolls assessed and collected by the Saint Lawrence Seaway 
Development Corporation. B-193573, Jan. 8, 1979, modified and affd, B-
193573, Dec. 19, 1979, restated in B-217578, Oct. 16, 1986. (The 
Corporation stopped being funded from tolls in the mid-1990s.) 

* The Prison Industries Fund operated by Federal Prison Industries, 
Inc. (FPI), the receipts of which consist primarily of proceeds from 
the sale of FPI products and services. 60 Comp. Gen. 323 (1981); B-
230304, Mar. 18, 1988.[Footnote 155] 

* Revolving funds of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation in its 
capacity as insurer of private pension plans. B-223146, Oct. 7, 1986; 
B-217281-0.M., Mar. 27, 1985; GAO, Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation: Statutory Limitation on Administrative Expenses Does Not 
Provide Meaningful Control, GAO-03-301 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 28, 
2003), at app. II. Compare B-307849, Mar. 1, 2007 (since PBGC did not 
have authority to retain reimbursements for financial analysis 
services, amounts received must be deposited into the general fund of 
the Treasury). 

* Power program funds (revenue and bonds) of the Tennessee Valley 
Authority. 64 Comp. Gen. 756, 761-62 (1985). 

* Bonneville Power Administration Fund, a revolving fund consisting of 
all receipts of the Bonneville Power Administration, proceeds from the 
sale of its bonds, and appropriations Congress may make (16 U.S.C. � 
838i). 67 Comp. Gen. 8, 10 (1987). 

* Capitalization obtained from the United States Treasury under 
borrowing authority. B-223857, Feb. 27, 1987 (Commodity Credit 
Corporation); B-193573, Dec. 19, 1979 (Saint Lawrence Seaway 
Development Corporation). 

* Filing fees collected under 28 U.S.C. � 1931 collected and retained 
for the operation and maintenance of the courts of the United States. 
73 Comp. Gen. 321 (1994). 

It makes no difference whether the statutory language authorizing 
retention and use is found in an appropriation act or in other 
legislation. B-193573, Dec. 19, 1979. The fact that the fund has 
repaid its initial capitalization to the Treasury and has become self-
supporting is also immaterial. 60 Comp. Gen. 323, 326 (1981). 

These cases have one important thing in common�they all involve wholly 
owned government corporations (plus Bonneville, the functional 
equivalent of one). This should not seem strange because, considering 
the various types of government-created corporations (wholly owned, 
mixed-ownership, GSEs, so-called "private," etc.), the wholly owned 
government corporation is closest to an agency. 

This being the case, application of the principle to a mixed-ownership 
government corporation, although possible in theory and perhaps even 
desirable in some instances, would seem less appropriate. Thus, 
assessments levied on insured banks by the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation (FDIC) and used to pay the FDIC's operating expenses are 
not regarded as "appropriated funds." 23 Comp. Gen. 83 (1943); B-
20892, Dec. 11, 1941; B-214157-0.M., Apr. 2, 1984, at 8-9. See also A-
91137, Apr. 11, 1938 (FDIC's assessment-derived funds, while not an 
appropriation, are the equivalent of an appropriation for purposes of 
availability for necessary expenses). (None of these cases use the 
term "mixed-ownership" corporation because they all predate the 
explicit legislative recognition of that term in the Government 
Corporation Control Act.) 

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) illustrates a 
situation in which funds in the hands of a wholly owned corporation 
are not regarded as appropriated funds. The PBGC has two very 
different functions: it insures certain private pension plans, and it 
is authorized to serve as trustee for terminated plans. In B-217281-
0.M., Mar. 27, 1985, the issue was whether the PBGC had to follow the 
federal procurement regulations in obtaining investment manager 
services for (1) excess capital in its revolving funds and (2) assets 
of terminated plans in its hands as trustee. As noted above, when the 
PBGC is acting in its capacity as pension plan insurer, its revolving 
funds are treated as appropriated funds. Accordingly, the procurement 
regulations applied to PBGC when procuring services for the revolving 
funds. However, when serving in its trustee capacity, the PBGC is 
treated as a private fiduciary and its powers include collecting 
amounts due the plan, paying plan benefits, liquidating plan assets, 
and recapturing prior payments. 29 U.S.C. � 1342(d)(1)(B).[Footnote 
156] The funds of terminated plans PBGC administers are trust funds, 
privately created and privately funded, and are not appropriated 
funds. Therefore, the PBGC is not bound by the federal procurement 
regulations when procuring services for its trust funds. Similarly, 
when using trust funds in its trustee capacity, the PBGC could modify 
existing contracts and could enter into a contingent-fee arrangement 
with outside counsel for litigation, without regard to the laws 
governing the expenditure of appropriated funds. B-223146, Oct. 7, 
1986; GAO-03-301, at app. II. In the case of an unincorporated agency, 
the question of whether certain funds are appropriated funds has very 
significant consequences. Appropriated funds, unlike nonappropriated 
or private funds held by agencies for the benefit of others, "are 
subject to the various restrictions and limitations on the uses of 
appropriated moneys." 35 Comp. Gen. 615, 618 (1956). In the case of a 
government corporation, the result is still to subject the corporation 
to certain laws governing appropriated funds (or to determine the 
scope of exemptions for "nonappropriated funds"), but, as discussed 
next, the range of applicable laws is much narrower and varies 
depending on the precise terms of a given corporation's governing 

c. Application of Fiscal Laws: 

As we have seen, fiscal autonomy is one of the key features of 
government corporations, and, in some cases, the primary impetus for 
their creation. "Government corporations," GAO conceded long ago, "are 
conceived not for the purpose of limiting the Government prerogative 
... but of accelerating and enlarging it and of making it more 
flexible." B-37981, June 1, 1944, at 52. The earliest battles, 
centering on the effect of corporate status per se, were 
inconclusive.[Footnote 157] Changes in the law since that time now 
provide a framework 

(1) "Character and necessity" provision: 

GAO has often stated that the funds of "regular" agencies, including 
the various forms of authority to retain and use receipts, are, absent 
statutory provision to the contrary, "subject to the statutory 
controls and restrictions applicable to appropriated funds." E.g., 63 
Comp. Gen. 285, 287 (1984). In the corporate context, however, this 
statement is too broad and must be qualified. B-193573, Dec. 19, 1979, 
restated, B-217578, Oct. 16, 1986. The reason, and perhaps the most 
significant element in the fiscal autonomy of a government 
corporation, is what we will call the "character and necessity" 
provision appearing in many, if not most, legislative charters. The 
provision seems to have originated in the 1930s and there are several 
variations. An example of the simplest form is 15 U.S.C. � 714b(j), 
which provides that the Commodity Credit Corporation "shall determine 
the character of and the necessity for its obligations and 
expenditures and the manner in which they shall be incurred, allowed, 
and paid." A variation is 33 U.S.C. � 984(a)(9), providing that the 
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation "shall determine the 
character of and the necessity for its obligations and expenditures, 
and the manner in which they shall be incurred, allowed, and paid, 
subject to provisions of law specifically applicable to Government 
corporations." There is no material difference between these versions. 

As we discussed throughout Chapter 4, the so-called purpose statute, 
31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), prohibits the use of appropriations for other 
than their intended purpose, although purposes are stated in 
appropriations acts with varying degrees of specificity, leaving room 
for administrative discretion. When you add "character and necessity" 
authority to the discretion already inherent under 31 U.S.C. � 
1301(a), the result is that a government corporation has much more 
spending discretion than agencies do. In addition, it has the power to 
make its own final and conclusive decisions. However, it is still 
subject to the overall limitation that its discretion be exercised 
"within the limitations and for the purposes of the statutes providing 
[its] funds and prescribing [its] activities." 14 Comp. Gen. 698, 700 
(1935). In this sense, the concept of purpose�using the standards of 
corporate autonomy�along with the public policy concerns noted 
earlier, may be said to define the outer limits of a corporation's 
discretion. There is a further discussion of this with specific 
corporate case studies in the section on program implementation in 
section B.6.d of this chapter. 

Another thing a "character and necessity" provision does is it permits 
the corporation to avoid various rules established in case law that 
result from application of the "necessary expense" rule to an agency's 
appropriation. See Chapter 4, section C.5. The one that comes 
immediately to mind is entertainment. A corporation empowered to 
determine the character and necessity of its expenditures can spend 
its money on the range of items discussed in Chapter 4, section C.5, 
subject of course to any applicable statutory restrictions. B-127549, 
May 18, 1956; B-35062, July 28, 1943. Accordingly, a corporation 
operating with appropriated funds but without the "character and 
necessity" provision, is subject to the same entertainment rules 
agencies are. B-270199, Aug. 6, 1996. (The decision does not mention 
the lack of "character and necessity" authority, but that was in fact 
the case and indeed the essential prerequisite to applying the 
rules.)[Footnote 158] 

A corporation statutorily designated as "private," even though 
government-created and government-financed, does not need the 
"character and necessity" language, and may spend money on 
entertainment unless statutorily restricted. B-131935, July 16, 1975 
(Corporation for Public Broadcasting). Congress subsequently amended 
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's enabling legislation to 
prohibit the use of appropriated funds for the entertainment of 
federal, state, or local officials. 47 U.S.C. � 396(k)(2)(A). 

Another category of expenditures legally unobjectionable under 
"character and necessity" authority are items discussed in Chapter 4, 
section C.13. Examples are: 

* Physical examinations for certain employees of the Saint Lawrence 
Seaway Development Corporation. 41 Comp. Gen. 531 (1962). 

* Expenses necessary to qualify an employee to do his or her job. B-
2835, Apr. 18, 1939 (qualification as notary). 

* Payment of travel expenses for chairman's spouse; installing storm 
windows and door and window locks on chairman's house; paying for his 
membership in a private tennis club. GAO, FOD-77-14 (Washington, D.C.: 
Nov. 29, 1977) (untitled letter report). 

Hazard insurance on various types of property is another type of 
expenditure that is permissible under a corporations "character and 
necessity" provision but is generally not available to agencies (see 
Chapter 4, section 10). 16 Comp. Gen. 453 (1936) (Federal Housing 
Administrator can insure property acquired in exchange for 
debentures); B-200103, Mar. 5, 1981 (Commodity Credit Corporation 
(CCC) can pay for hazard insurance on CCC-owned and stored 
commodities). See also B-290162, Oct. 22, 2002; B-287209, June 3, 
2002; 55 Comp. Gen. 1321 (1976); 11 Comp. Gen. 59 (1931). This applies 
as well to creating a reserve for fire, theft, and similar losses. B-
123709-0.M., June 29, 1955. 

Another major consequence of "character and necessity" authority is to 
permit the corporation to avoid general statutory restrictions (as 
opposed to restrictions specifically applicable to government 
corporations). As GAO put it in B-34706, Dec. 5, 1947, at 3: 

"Where [character and necessity] language appears in the act 
chartering the corporation, there can be no question but that Congress 
has determined that the Congressional or statutory rules otherwise 
directing how the public monies shall be spent are not of their own 
force to apply to the corporation, but rather that the corporation 
shall determine for itself what methods, procedures, etc. should be 

One example of a general statutory provision that corporations with 
"character and necessity" language need not follow is 44 U.S.C. � 501, 
requiring the Government Printing Office to do all printing and 
binding for the government. (This provision is discussed in more 
detail in section B.7.f of this chapter.) Two additional examples, 
noted in B-193573, Dec. 19, 1979, are 5 U.S.C. � 3107 (prohibiting use 
of appropriated funds to pay publicity experts) and 31 U.S.C. � 1345 
[Footnote 159] (prohibiting use of appropriated funds to pay lodging 
or feeding of nongovernment persons at meetings or conventions). See 
also B-7067, July 10, 1940; B-3163, Apr. 24, 1939 (both decisions 
examined now-obsolete portions of predecessor of 5 U.S.C. � 3106 
restricting hiring of attorneys). 

A formulation GAO has often used is that a wholly owned government 
corporation with the power to determine the character and necessity of 
its expenditures is subject to (1) its own charter (i.e., enabling 
legislation); (2) the Government Corporation Control Act, if and to 
the extent applicable; (3) applicable restrictions contained in annual 
appropriation acts; and (4) statutes expressly applicable to wholly 
owned corporations. E.g., B-58305-0.M., Apr. 10, 1951 (Federal 
Intermediate Credit Banks, subsequently converted to mixed-ownership 
but listed as wholly owned in the original Government Corporation 
Control Act); B-58305-0.M., Mar. 8, 1951 (then Production Credit 
Corporation); B-58306(2)-0.M., Nov. 14, 1950 (Commodity Credit 
Corporation); B-58318-0.M., Oct. 27, 1950 (Export-Import Bank); B-
90250-0.M., Mar. 28, 1950 (corporate functions of Federal Housing 
Administration).[Footnote 160] Similar statements appear in a number 
of more recent decisions. E.g., B-289219, Oct. 29, 2002; B-217578, 
Oct. 16, 1986. 

A mixed-ownership corporation is subject to its own statutory charter, 
the Government Corporation Control Act, if and to the extent 
applicable, and applicable provisions in appropriation act. In 
addition, it is subject to laws enacted after its enabling statute 
that are specifically applicable to mixed-ownership corporations. See 
B-58300-0.M., Nov. 30, 1950 (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
(FDIC)). Some earlier mixed-ownership corporations included the 
"character and necessity" authority or its functional equivalent in 
their enabling legislation. E.g., 12 U.S.C. � 1820(a) (FDIC "shall 
determine and prescribe the manner in which its obligations shall be 
incurred and its expenses allowed and paid"). Later legislation may 
not have such language. E.g., Pub. L. No. 93-236, title II, 87 Stat. 
985, 990 (Jan. 2, 1974) (the now-defunct U.S. Railway Association). 
For a mixed-ownership corporation, at least one not receiving a direct 
appropriation, this specific language is probably not necessary. Our 
review of cases involving the FDIC indicates that its autonomy is 
abetted by the "character and necessity" clause, but that it would 
most likely have the same degree of autonomy without it, by virtue of 
its mixed-ownership status and the source of its funding. For example, 
the FDIC is not required to follow the obligation recording statute, 
31 U.S.C. � 1501 (B-121541, Dec. 30, 1954); the statutory restrictions 
on the purchase of motor vehicles and aircraft, 31 U.S.C. � 1343 (B-
94685-0.M., May 8, 1950); or the statutory provision restricting the 
funding of interagency groups, 31 U.S.C. � 1346 (B-174571, Jan. 5, 

(2) "Without regard" clause: 

In addition to the various minor linguistic variations, there is one 
major variety of the "character and necessity" clause, illustrated by 
the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation statute quoted above in section 
6.a of this chapter. It confers the "character and necessity" power, 
"without regard to the provisions of any other laws governing the 
expenditure of public funds." 7 U.S.C. � 1506(i). Clearly, as a matter 
of basic statutory construction (or reading the English language), 
this version confers more than the basic "character and necessity" 
clause that does not include the "without regard" language. For 
example, in B-94115, Nov. 15, 1950, GAO reviewed the "without regard" 
clause of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC). GAO determined 
that the clause permitted the RFC to avoid laws existing on May 25, 
1948, the date of the clause's enactment, even laws expressly 
applicable to government corporations. However, the broad latitude of 
the "without regard" clause had been modified by the enactment after 
1948 of legislation expressly applicable to government corporations. 
Id. Several months earlier, the Comptroller General had told GAO's 
auditors essentially the same thing with respect to the corporate 
functions of the Federal Housing Administration. B-90250-0.M., Mar. 
28, 1950. The "without regard" language, then, gives the corporation, 
in addition to everything it gets under the basic "character and 
necessity" clause, the further ability to avoid laws expressly 
applicable to government corporations (but not, of course, 
specifically applicable to the particular corporation), provided the 
laws are on the books at the time the "without regard" language was 
enacted.[Footnote 161] 

While a government corporation with a "character and necessity" 
provision which includes the "without regard" clause has considerable 
discretion, the discretion is not unlimited. It is "a legal discretion 
to be exercised within the limitations and for the purposes of the 
statutes providing the funds and prescribing the activities of the 
[corporation]." 14 Comp. Gen. 698, 700 (1935). Nor does the "without 
regard" clause place the corporation "beyond all law or accountability 
with respect to its expenditures." 14 Comp. Gen. 755, 758 (1935). GAO 
has not attempted to draw the outer limits of this discretion, other 
than to suggest a broad "public policy" limitation. The practice GAO 
found illegal in 14 Comp. Gen. 755 was permitting attorneys employed 
by a government corporation to represent, on a fee basis, private 
parties in their dealings with the corporation. "The permitting of 
employees to practice before the public agency by which employed would 
seem so improper and so out of line with sound public policy as to 
suggest no need for a prohibiting statute." Id. at 758. 

The corporation's discretion must be exercised in accordance with the 
corporation's established decision-making machinery and procedures. 
Rubber-stamping an expenditure already made�merely because it was made�
"does not constitute the exercise of discretion ... but a condoning of 
what has already been done." 14 Comp. Gen. 698, 700. See also 18 Comp. 
Gen. 479 (1938); B-56550, Mar. 28, 1946. This does not mean that the 
decision-making machinery must be invoked for each individual 
transaction. In some cases, the exercise of discretion on a 
categorical basis is legitimate, as long as it is done under the 
established procedures and documented. E.g., A-98289, A-60495, Jan. 
18, 1939 (corporation's board issued the requisite formal board 
resolution stating that the requirement to have printing done at 
Government Printing Office is not applicable to the corporation). 

(3) Laws expressly applicable: 

It is clear at this point that it is important to know what laws are 
expressly applicable to government corporations. GAO prepared a list 
many years ago which is still useful (B-34706, B-56550-0.M., Nov. 9, 
1949), but amendments, recodifications, and inter-title transfers, 
etc., over the years have in many cases separated the substantive and 
definitional provisions. Consider, for example, the Administrative 
Expenses Act of 1946, ch. 744, 60 Stat. 806 (Aug. 2, 1946). After the 
first 17 sections set out substantive provisions, section 18 provided 
the following definitions: "The word `department' as used in this Act 
shall be construed to include wholly owned Government corporations.... 
The word 'appropriation' shall be construed as including funds made 
available by legislation under ... the Government Corporation Control 
Act." Id. 

Thus, any of the first 17 provisions containing the word "department" 
or the word "appropriation" is expressly applicable to wholly owned 
government corporations. E.g., 27 Comp. Gen. 757, 758 (1948) 
(Tennessee Valley Authority may avail itself of authority in section 1 
of Administrative Expenses Act, now found in 5 U.S.C. � 5724, to pay 
travel expenses incident to permanent change of station). The 
provisions of the Administrative Expenses Act ended up in various 
locations in the United States Code. Some of the provisions that found 
their way into title 5 of the United States Code have retained the 
appropriate definitional language. E.g., 5 U.S.C. �� 3109 (employment 
of experts and consultants), 7903 (purchase of special clothing or 
protective equipment). As we noted in section B.2.a of this chapter, 
sometimes it is necessary to look beyond the provision itself. For 
example, for purposes of title 5, the term "executive agency" includes 
government corporations (5 U.S.C. � 105), which in turn means 
corporations "owned or controlled by the government of the United 
States" (5 U.S.0 � 103(1)). Under 5 U.S.C. � 103(2), the term 
"government controlled corporation" does not include "a corporation 
owned by the government of the United States," and, as we noted in 
section B.2.a. of this chapter, refers to mixed-ownership government 
corporations such as those listed in 31 U.S.C. � 9101(2). 

The travel expense authority of 5 U.S.C. � 5724 requires this kind of 
analysis. Section 5724(a) of title 5 of the United States Code refers 
to "agency." Section 5701(1) of title 5 defines agency as including 
"executive agency" (which includes wholly owned corporations) but not 
"government controlled corporation." See 5 U.S.C. � 5701 note. 
Applying 5 U.S.C. � 103 again, section 5724 is applicable to wholly 
owned government corporations but not mixed-ownership corporations. 

Some of the provisions of the Administrative Expenses Act are now in 
title 31 of the United States Code. For example, section 11 amended 
the first sentence of the advance payment statute to read, "No advance 
of public money shall be made in any case unless authorized by the 
appropriation concerned or other law." See 31 U.S.C. � 3324. The 1982 
recodification of title 31 was not intended to make substantive 
changes. Therefore, applying the definitions contained in section 18, 
the advance payment statute applies to wholly owned corporations. GAO 
applied the identical reasoning to conclude that statutory 
restrictions on home-to-work transportation, 31 U.S.C. � 1344 (whose 
source is section 16 of the Administrative Expenses Act) apply 
expressly to wholly owned government corporations. B-210555.11, Apr. 
1, 1986. However, that home-to-work statute was completely overhauled 
later in 1986. The revised statute expressly applies to government 
corporations and government controlled corporations as defined in 5 
U.S.C. � 103 (31 U.S.C. �� 1344(h)(2)(D) and (E)) and specifically 
includes mixed-ownership corporations subject to the Government 
Corporation Control Act in 31 U.S.C. �� 9101-9110 (31 U.S.C. � 
1344(h)(2)(F)), thus covering all the terminology. 

Still another provision of the Administrative Expenses Act, section 9, 
amended the statutory requirement for advertising proposals for 
purchases and contracts for supplies and services now found in 41 
U.S.C. � 5. That provision specifically applies only to the 
administrative transactions of wholly owned corporations. 

A similar situation occurs in the apportionment requirement of 31 
U.S.C. � 1512. The apportionment provisions were substantially 
overhauled in 1950. The revision included language making these 
provisions applicable to "any corporation wholly or partly owned by 
the United States which is an instrumentality of the United States" 
(Act of September 6, 1950, ch. 896, � 1211, 64 Stat. 595, 766). The 
1982 recodification of title 31, United States Code, dropped this 
definitional language. The former Federal Savings and Loan Insurance 
Corporation, chartered in the 1930s, argued that its nonadministrative 
funds should not be subject to apportionment because it was empowered 
to determine the character and necessity of its expenditures without 
regard to any other provision of law governing the expenditure of 
public funds. Upon a detailed analysis, the Justice Department's 
Office of Legal Counsel concluded that the "specifically crafted, 
later-enacted" apportionment law applied to all of the corporation's 
funds, administrative and nonadministrative. 7 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 
22, 26 (1983). GAO had reached the same conclusion in 43 Comp. Gen. 
759 (1964). (Apparently, the FSLIC never tried to argue in either case 
that its "without regard" power should affect the applicability of the 
later-enacted apportionment provisions to its administrative funds.) A 
statutory exception is 12 U.S.C. � 1817(d) (funds of Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation, however derived, not subject to apportionment). 

(4) Appropriation act provisions: 

Another source of expressly applicable laws is appropriation acts. 
Worthy of note is section 808 of the Transportation, Treasury, Housing 
and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and 
Independent Agencies Appropriation Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-115, 
title VIII, � 808, 119 Stat. 2396, 2497 (Oct. 30, 2005) (emphasis 

"Funds made available by this or any other Act for administrative 
expenses in the current fiscal year of the corporations and agencies 
subject to [the Government Corporation Control Act] shall be 
available, in addition to objects for which such funds are otherwise 
available, for rent in the District of Columbia; services in 
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3109; and the objects specified under this 
head, all the provisions of which shall be applicable to the 
expenditure of such funds unless otherwise specified in the Act by 
which they are made available ..." 

The ancestor of this provision first appeared in the very first 
Government Corporation Appropriation Act, 1947 (Act of July 20, 1946, 
ch. 589, � 301, 60 Stat. 586, 595), enacted a short 6 months after the 
Government Corporation Control Act. Since 1972, this provision has 
appeared in the Treasury-General Government appropriation acts, now 
the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the 
Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies 
appropriation acts, in the title containing the governmentwide general 
provisions, so "this head" refers to that title (e.g., title VIII in 
Public Law 109-115). Therefore, there may be other laws expressly 
applicable to government corporations, by virtue of the italicized 
language above, in the pertinent title each year. Although this 
provision has been around since 1946, GAO does not appear to have 
addressed the italicized language in any decision or opinion. 

There is no governmentwide definition of "administrative expenses." 
Generally, the term refers to overhead-type expenses, like certain 
salaries, office supplies and equipment, payroll taxes, and telephone 
and other utility expenses. Leonard v. S.G. Frantz Co., 49 N.Y.S.2d 
329, 332-33 (N.Y. App. Div. 1944). In contrast, nonadministrative or 
program expenses are things such as loan guarantee or subsidy 
payments. GAO has suggested that a fixed definition in other than the 
most general terms would probably be impossible because the status of 
a given expense depends on the particular program, the governing 
legislation, and congressional intent, and what may be an 
administrative expense under one program or law may not be under 
another. B-24341, Mar. 12, 1942. Program statutes or regulations may 
include their own definitions, which of course would control. E.g., 12 
U.S.C. � 1702 (National Housing Act). Congress may also address the 
issue in appropriation acts by providing that specific items of 
expense shall or shall not be considered administrative expenses for 
purposes of a statutory limit. E.g., Pub. L. No. 105-78, 111 Stat. 
1467, 1472 (Nov. 13, 1997) (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation); 
Pub. L. No. 105-118, 111 Stat. 2386, 2387 (Nov. 26, 1997) (Export-
Import Bank). 

Another form of language Congress has used is a restriction applicable 
to "any appropriation contained in this or any other Act, or of the 
funds available for expenditure by any corporation or agency." 
[Footnote 162] This language has been held to embrace both wholly 
owned corporations (B-114823, Dec. 23, 1974, Export-Import Bank) and 
mixed-ownership corporations (B-164497(5), Mar. 10, 1977, U.S. Railway 

(5) Other provisions of title 31, United States Code: 

The post-recodification title 31 defines "agency" to mean "a 
department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States 
Government." 31 U.S.C. � 101. The codification note following 31 
U.S.C. � 1511 makes it clear that "instrumentality" is intended to 
include those government corporations which are instrumentalities of 
the United States. This applies to all of title 31 unless another more 
specific provision intervenes, which it does on several occasions. For 
example, GAO's authority to prescribe accounting principles and 
standards (31 U.S.C. � 3511) does not apply to government 
corporations. B-207435, July 7, 1982. This is because, for purposes of 
the chapter in which section 3511 appears, the definition of 
"executive agency" specifically excludes corporations or other 
entities subject to the Government Corporation Control Act. 31 U.S.C. 
� 3501. Similarly, 31 U.S.C. �� 717 (program evaluations) and 720 
(agency reports on GAO recommendations) include their own definitions 
under which they apply to wholly owned, but not mixed-ownership, 
government corporations. 

The Antideficiency Act's prohibition against overobligation and 
overspending, 31 U.S.C. � 1341, has been applied to wholly owned 
corporations with "character and necessity" authority (see section 
B.6.c(1) of this chapter) because the funds used by the corporations 
to finance their operations were appropriated funds subject to the 
restrictions imposed by the Antideficiency Act. B-223857, Feb. 27, 
1987 (Commodity Credit Corporation); B-135075-0.M., Feb. 14, 1975 
(Inter-American Foundation). In B-223857, GAO found also that the 
Commodity Credit Corporation violated the voluntary services 
prohibition, 31 U.S.C. � 1342, by directing contractors to continue 
performance after its borrowing authority had been depleted. A 
government-created corporation statutorily designated as private or 
not an agency or instrumentality of the United States is not subject 
to the Antideficiency Act. B-308037, Sept. 14, 2006 (Legal Services 
Corporation). Congress, of course, could choose to subject such a 
corporation to the Antideficiency Act by amending its enabling statute 
or imposing restrictions specifically when it appropriates funds to 
the corporation. For an example of a restriction in an annual 
appropriations act subjecting specific appropriations received by 
private entities to the restrictions of the Antideficiency Act, see 
Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 
1998, Pub. L. No. 105-66, 111 Stat. 1425, 1435 (Oct. 27, 1997) ("any 
obligation or commitment by [Amtrak] for the purchase of capital 
improvements with fund appropriated herein which is prohibited by this 
Act shall be deemed a violation of 31 U.S.C. � 1341"). 

The statute which prescribes the standards for recording obligations, 
31 U.S.C. � 1501, also applies to government corporations which are 
agencies or instrumentalities of the United States. E.g., 34 Comp. 
Gen. 825 (1954) (GAO's initial guidance on implementing the then 
recording statute); B-123943-0.M., July 1, 1955 (Institute of Inter-
American Affairs) See also United States v. American Renaissance 
Lines, Inc., 494 F.2d 1059 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 419 U.S. 1020 
(1974) (Commodity Credit Corporation), and 37 Comp. Gen. 691 (1958) 
(Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation), in which the court 
and GAO, respectively, treated the statute as applicable without 
directly addressing the issue. The original enactment of 31 U.S.C. � 
1501 was section 1311 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act for 1955 
(Pub. L. No. 83-663, ch. 935, 68 Stat. 800, 830 (Aug. 26, 1954)). 

The Economy Act, Act of June 30, 1932, � 601, 47 Stat. 417, as 
amended, applies to "independent establishments of the Government," 
which would include wholly owned government corporations and entities 
chartered as "instrumentalities of the government." See 31 U.S.C. � 
1535 note; B-116194, Oct. 5, 1953 (since the Panama Canal Company was 
created as an instrumentality of the government, it is an independent 
establishment within the meaning of that term in the Economy Act); B-
39199, Jan. 19, 1944 (Rubber Development Corporation, as a wholly 
owned subsidiary of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which in 
turn is owned by the United States, is an independent establishment 
under the Economy Act). The corporation can be the requisitioning 
agency (13 Comp. Gen. 138 (1933); B-27842, Aug. 13, 1942), or the 
performing agency (B-116194, Oct. 5, 1953; B-39199, Jan. 19, 1944; A-
46332, Jan. 9, 1933). If a corporation has specific charter authority 
to provide goods or services to other government establishments, the 
specific authority will displace the Economy Act. E.g., 44 Comp. Gen. 
683 (1965) (sale of electric power by Tennessee Valley Authority to 
other government agencies). 

The so-called "Stale Check Act," Pub. L. No. 80-171, ch. 222, 61 Stat. 
308 (July 11, 1947), codified at 31 U.S.C. � 3328, prescribes 
requirements for handling Treasury checks. The original language 
applied expressly to checks "drawn by wholly owned and mixed-ownership 
Government corporations," except for "transactions regarding the 
administration of banking and currency laws." Pub. L. No. 80-171, � 1. 
The 1982 recodification dropped the definitional language as 
"surplus." See 31 U.S.C. � 3328 note. Nevertheless, in view of the 
original language, the statute still applies to both wholly owned and 
mixed-ownership government corporations. Id.; see also B-70248, Nov. 
6, 1947; B-100893-0.M., Mar. 27, 1951. The statute also has been held 
applicable to a government corporation with "character and necessity" 
power including the "without regard" clause (see sections B.6.c(1) and 
(2) of this chapter for a discussion of these clauses). B-70248, Sept. 
1, 1950. 

The decision in B-70248, Sept. 1, 1950, involved the Reconstruction 
Finance Corporation, which received its "without regard" authority in 
1948, a year after enactment of the Stale Check Act. At first glance, 
therefore, this would appear to contradict our earlier discussion in 
section B.6.c(2) that a "without regard" clause permits the 
corporation to avoid expressly applicable laws already in existence. 
The answer is that it depends on what kind of law you're talking about 
and whose discretion or responsibility is at issue. The decision 

"Where the Corporation has decided a payment should be made, and 
issued a check drawn on the Treasurer of the United States, it appears 
that the discretion of the Corporation has then been exercised.... The 
obligation after issuance of the checks ... appears clearly to be a 
Treasury obligation, not one of the Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation. As such, it does not appear to be one over which the 
Corporation's determination is final and conclusive, but one over 
which the Treasury Department ... under the 'Stale Check Act' [has] 

B-70248, Sept. 1, 1950, at 5. 

Another provision with relevance to government corporations is 31 
U.S.C. � 3301(a)(1), which directs the Secretary of the Treasury to 
"receive and keep public money." This provision, as reinforced by the 
Government Corporation Control Act (31 U.S.C. �� 9107(b) and (c)), 
applies to the appropriated funds of a government corporation (both 
wholly owned and mixed-ownership) unless waived pursuant to section 
9107(c). Thus, a government corporation is not entitled, solely by 
virtue of its corporate status, to have its appropriation paid over 
directly to it "up front" in a lump sum. Rather, like any other 
agency, the money stays in the Treasury until needed for a valid 
purpose. 21 Comp. Gen. 489 (1941). Congress can, of course, provide 
differently. An example is the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 
whose appropriations "shall be disbursed by the Secretary of the 
Treasury on a fiscal year basis." 47 U.S.C. � 396(k)(2)(B). 

A final provision we will note is 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b), the 
miscellaneous receipts statute. If "character and necessity" authority 
is one major leg upon which the fiscal autonomy of a government 
corporation rests, user fee or revolving fund-type financing is the 
second. If a government corporation is realistically expected to 
perform business-type functions with any efficiency, the requirement 
to deposit all receipts in the Treasury and await congressional 
appropriations would be a serious impediment, especially for federally 
chartered but private, nonprofit entities like the State Justice 
Institute, which by statute is not to be considered a department, 
agency, or instrumentality of the government. B-307317, Sept. 13, 
2006. Therefore, money received by the State Justice Institute would 
not be money received "for the government," so the miscellaneous 
receipts statute does not apply. Id. However, other types of 
government corporate entities, which act as agents of the government 
would need statutory authority to overcome 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b); 
corporate status alone is not enough. B-300218, Mar. 17, 2003; 52 
Comp. Gen. 54, 55 (1972); 5 Comp. Gen. 1004 (1926). For most 
corporations, the solution is the charter authority to retain and 
reuse receipts, the exact type of receipts varying with the particular 
corporation. These are called "public enterprise revolving funds" and 
effectively displace 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b).[Footnote 163] Revolving 
funds are covered in Chapter 12, section C, and we will not repeat 
that discussion here, except to emphasize that the legislation 
creating the fund determines what can go into it and what it can be 
used for. For example, the statute for the Overseas Private Investment 
Corporation (OPIC), 22 U.S.C. � 2196, uses very broad language�"all 
revenues and income... from whatever source derived." See 52 Comp. 
Gen. 54 (1972) (interest earned by OPIC on foreign currencies held in 
designated depositaries pending their sale for dollars may be retained 
and used). 

Along similar lines, a provision in a 1945 appropriation act limited 
expenditures for long-distance telephone calls to 90 percent of the 
agency's budget estimate for that purpose. The resulting savings were 
to be deposited as miscellaneous receipts. GAO interpreted the 
provision as contemplating "the return of such funds to the source 
from which made available," and advised the Commodity Credit 
Corporation that it could retain its savings and did not have to 
deposit them in the general fund of the Treasury. 24 Comp. Gen. 514, 
517 (1945). 

d. Program Implementation: 

Thus far, our discussion of fiscal autonomy has focused on the ability 
of a government corporation to avoid laws applicable to the rest of 
the government. There is another dimension, however. The discretion of 
a government corporation also helps determine the scope of the 
corporation's program activities, wholly apart from questions of 
compliance with specific laws. 

It would seem hardly open to question that the very common-sense 
statute, 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), which prohibits the use of 
appropriations for other than their intended purposes, applies to the 
"appropriated funds"�-as we have described that term earlier�-of a 
government corporation. The analytical approach to purpose 
availability is essentially the same for a corporation as for 
agencies. The expenditure must bear a logical relationship to 
furthering some authorized function or activity, and must not be 
otherwise prohibited or otherwise expressly provided for. For example, 
it is within the discretion of Federal Prison Industries, Inc., (FPI) 
to engage in the business of manufacturing envelopes for sale to the 
rest of the government. B-240914, Aug. 14, 1991. While FPI is 
generally supposed to seek out more labor-intensive activities, this 
is not an absolute legal requirement, and the corporation could 
properly determine that envelope manufacturing would further its 
objectives. Similarly, the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development 
Corporation could use its funds for minor work on the Canadian side of 
the border if closely related and ancillary to its primary works on 
the United States side. 34 Comp. Gen. 309 (1954). 

While the corporations cited in the preceding paragraph are wholly 
owned, the principle applies equally to funds appropriated to a mixed-
ownership corporation. For example, the National Credit Union 
Administration could not avoid restrictions on paying relocation 
expenses to one of its officials by transferring the charge to the 
accounts of the Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) where the official 
was clearly an employee of, and whose salary was paid entirely by, the 
Administration and not the CLF. 63 Comp. Gen. 31, 36-37 (1983). 

As we noted in section B.6.c(1) of this chapter, when you add 
"character and necessity" authority to the discretion already inherent 
under 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), the result is that a government corporation 
has much more spending discretion than other agencies, although it is 
still subject to the overall limitation that its discretion be 
exercised "within the limitations and for the purposes of the statutes 
providing [its] funds and prescribing [its] activities." 14 Comp. Gen. 
698, 700 (1935). 

An illustration of how all this can work is B-48184, Mar. 14, 1945. 
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) had acquired title to a 
rental housing development under its mortgage insurance program. The 
FHA could retain and operate the development or could, within its 
discretion, sell it. A major drawback was that, except for a "low 
grade combination grocery store and beer parlor," there were no 
shopping facilities in the development or nearby area. After 
unsuccessfully trying to interest private capital, the FHA proposed 
using its own funds to provide a shopping center consisting of a food 
store, drug store, barber shop, beauty shop, shoe repair shop, 
laundry, gasoline station, and a management office. FHA thought that 
the shopping center would help significantly to make the development 
livable during the period of FHA operation, and would enhance its 
value if and when the FHA decided to sell it. The FHA had statutory 
authority to "deal with, complete, rent, renovate, modernize ... or 
sell" the property, and to determine the necessity of its 
expenditures. Id. at 4. In light of this authority and the FHA's 
justification, GAO concurred with the proposal, notwithstanding the 
lack of statutory authority for new construction. 

A sampling of cases involving three additional entities�the Commodity 
Credit Corporation, the Bonneville Power Administration, and Amtrak�
further illustrates the role of corporate discretion, and its 
limitations, in program implementation. 

(1) Commodity Credit Corporation: 

Created in 1933, the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) operates a 
variety of price support programs for agricultural commodities 
(including such things as direct subsidy payments and loans) and 
export programs designed to develop foreign markets for American 
agricultural products. It is a wholly owned government corporation and 
"an agency and instrumentality of the United States, within the 
Department of Agriculture." 15 U.S.C. � 714. It is unusual in that it 
has no employees. It is managed by a presidentially appointed board of 
directors (15 U.S.C. � 714g), but its day-to-day operations are 
carried out by Department of Agriculture employees who, in effect, 
wear two hats. It has the authority to determine the character and 
necessity of its expenditures. 15 U.S.C. � 714b(j). 

In a 1982 case, the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel 
reviewed two programs that CCC had created to promote agricultural 
exports by guaranteeing exporters or their financing institutions 
against certain risks. There was no explicit statutory authority for 
the programs, but CCC is authorized to "use its general powers" to 
"export or cause to be exported, or aid in the development of foreign 
markets for, agricultural commodities." 15 U.S.C. � 714c(f). One of 
those general powers is the "character and necessity" power discussed 
in section B.6.c(1) of this chapter. Since the programs were 
unquestionably designed to promote exports, they had adequate 
statutory authority. 6 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 233 (1982). The 
following year, GAO reviewed payments made under these programs to 
United States banks which had financed exports to the then Polish 
People's Republic. While the CCC had not strictly complied with its 
own regulations, the deviations were essentially on matters of 
procedure, which the CCC could waive. Therefore, GAO found nothing 
objectionable. B-208610, Sept. 1, 1983. 

In B-213761, July 27, 1984, GAO considered aspects of the CCC's 
tobacco price support program. Specifically, there were differences 
between the procedures Treasury used in charging interest and 
crediting repayments against loans to the CCC and the procedures the 
CCC used in charging interest and crediting repayments on loans it 
made to tobacco producers. The impact was to increase the amount of 
the CCC's net losses, for which appropriations are made annually. 
While GAO felt that the CCC should change its procedures to more 
closely align with Treasury's procedures, and had made this 
recommendation on more than one occasion, the CCC was under no legal 
requirement to do so. The terms and conditions of its loans were 
within its discretion. 

Much of the detail in CCC's programs comes from its regulations. See 
generally 7 C.F.R. subtitle B, ch. XIV. The extent to which it may 
deviate with impunity from the terms of its regulations suggests 
another test of the range of the corporation's discretion. A 1965 case 
involved price support payments to tobacco producers under regulations 
which made the payments available only for sales within the annual 
normal marketing season. A temporary funding shortage forced 
suspension of payments. The question was whether, once the funds 
became available, the CCC could make payments to producers for sales 
occurring shortly after the normal marketing season. If legal 
liability to those producers could be established, the answer of 
course would be yes. GAO did not think it could, but found the matter 
sufficiently doubtful, especially in light of prior practice, and 
therefore advised the CCC that the payments would be unobjectionable. 
44 Comp. Gen. 735 (1965). As noted above, the CCC, like any other 
government agency, can deviate from procedural regulations, at least 
as long as the action does not prejudice other parties. Its discretion 
does not extend, however, to retroactively waiving substantive 
regulations without statutory authority. 53 Comp. Gen. 364 (1973); B-
208610, Sept. 1, 1983. 

Cases involving the price support program for milk and milk products 
illustrate a situation in which corporate discretion must be 
subordinated to the terms of the program statute. The pertinent law 
provided that price support "shall be provided through loans on, or 
purchases of, milk and the products of milk and butterfat." 
Agricultural Act of 1949, Pub. L. No. 81439, title II, � 201(c), 63 
Stat. 1051, 1053 (Oct. 31, 1949), currently amended and codified at 7 
U.S.C. � 1446(c). Some within Agriculture wanted to make direct price 
support payments, relying on CCC's broad general powers. Both the 
Department's Solicitor and the Attorney General agreed that under 
existing law the CCC is limited to loans on, and purchases of, dairy 
products "in supporting the price of milk and butterfat to producers." 
See 41 Op. Att'y Gen. 183, 187 (1954). The CCC's general powers 
"cannot reasonably be deemed to enlarge the specific powers granted in 
[the price support statute]." Id. at 186. Agriculture then proposed to 
purchase the products at one price and sell them back to the same 
parties at a lower price, without the products ever moving. GAO 
determined that this was not a bona fide purchase and that the 
payments were therefore unauthorized. B-124910, Aug. 15, 1955. Upon 
GAO's determination of unauthorized payments, Justice proceeded to 
initiate recovery of the amounts improperly paid. This determination 
has been upheld by at least three courts of appeals, which agreed that 
the payments were illegal and could be recovered.[Footnote 164] See 
also B-211462-0.M., Oct. 31, 1983 (statutory payment limitation 
applies to in-kind payments as well as cash, CCC's broad discretion 

In 1961, CCC made another proposal, strikingly similar on the surface. 
The CCC would accept grain in satisfaction of loans it had made to the 
producer, and then sell the grain�which never moved�back to the same 
producer at current support rates. This case was different, however. 
The resale back to the producer was under an emergency assistance 
program, separate and distinct from the program under which the loans 
had been made. There was no lack of genuineness to the transaction, 
and selling back to the same producer made sense because it would save 
money for all concerned by eliminating moving and handling charges. 
Accordingly, GAO found this proposal to be within the CCC's authority 
and discretion. 40 Comp. Gen. 571 (1961). 

An illustration of an expenditure expressly "otherwise provided for" 
is B-142011, June 19, 1969, very similar in principle to 63 Comp. Gen. 
31 (1983), the Central Liquidity Facility decision summarized earlier 
in section B.6.d of this chapter. Some had suggested that the 
Agriculture Department could avoid a limitation in its salaries and 
expenses appropriation by having certain salaries paid from CCC funds. 
Agriculture felt this would be improper. GAO agreed: 

"We see no significant distinction between using an otherwise 
available general appropriation for a particular object, when there is 
a specific appropriation for such object, and using corporate funds 
for a purpose for which a specific appropriation has been made, in 
order to avoid a limitation pertaining to the specific appropriation." 

B-142011, June 19, 1969, at 12. 

A case in which the expenditure bore no relationship to a legitimate 
corporate purpose is B-129650, May 11, 1977. A practice had developed 
of using the CCC revolving fund to purchase foreign currencies to be 
used for congressional travel expenses, beyond the limited authority 
then found in 22 U.S.C. � 1754(b) (1975). Finding no authority for 
this practice, the decision stated, at page 3: 

"While included among the general powers of the CCC is the authority 
to determine the character and necessity of its expenditures ... the 
broad administrative discretion thereby conferred must be exercised in 
conformity with the congressional purpose of the CCC ... and in 
accordance with the specific powers granted to the CCC [by 
statute].... Nothing in these provisions ... suggest[s] a 
congressional intent to allow conversions of dollar funds to foreign 
currencies for use for congressional travel."[Footnote 165] 

(2) Bonneville Power Administration: 

The Bonneville Power Administration is one of the four Department of 
Energy regional power marketing administrations, which were 
established to "sell and transmit the power generated at various 
federal hydroelectric plants."[Footnote 166] Created in 1937, 
Bonneville markets and transmits electric power in the Pacific 
Northwest.[Footnote 167] It is not a government corporation but "an 
office in the Department of [Energy] ... under the jurisdiction and 
control of the Secretary of [Energy]." 16 U.S.C. � 832a(a).[Footnote 
168] Nevertheless, its statutory powers are comparable to those of a 
wholly owned government corporation. It is financed through a 
revolving fund,[Footnote 169] 16 U.S.C. � 838i, and has the following 
general powers: 

"Subject only to the provisions of this Act, the Administrator is 
authorized to enter into such contracts, agreements, and arrangements, 
including the amendment, modification, adjustment, or cancellation 
thereof and the compromise or final settlement of any claim arising 
thereunder, and to make such expenditures, upon such terms and 
conditions and in such manner as he may deem necessary." 

"The administrator may make such expenditures for offices, vehicles, 
furnishings, equipment, supplies, and books; for attendance at 
meetings; and for such other facilities and services as he may find 
necessary for the proper administration of this Act." 

16 U.S.C. �� 832a(f), 832h(b) (respectively). 

Although not a corporation, Bonneville is subject to the Government 
Corporation Control Act provisions for wholly owned corporations. 16 
U.S.C. � 838i(c). Thus, Bonneville has essentially the same range of 
spending discretion as a wholly owned corporation. It is also subject 
to the same overall purpose limitation which, in addition to 31 U.S.C. 
� 1301(a) (the purpose statute), is spelled out in 16 U.S.C. � 838i(c) 
("Moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated shall be used only for 
the purposes for which appropriated"). 

Before the enactment of 16 U.S.C. � 832a(f), Bonneville's spending 
discretion was not materially different from that of other government 
agencies. E.g., B-49169, May 5, 1945 (appropriations unavailable for 
entertainment). However, the enactment of that provision in October 
1945 made a material change: 

"The legislative history of [16 U.S.C. � 832a(f)] indicates that its 
purpose was to free the Administration from the requirements and 
restrictions ordinarily applicable to the conduct of Government 
business and to enable the Administrator to conduct the business of 
the project with a freedom similar to that which has been conferred on 
public corporations carrying on similar or comparable activities." 

B-105397, Sept. 21, 1951, at 3. 

Naturally, anything Bonneville could do before the amendment was 
unaffected. An example would be 20 Comp. Gen. 566 (1941) (Bonneville's 
appropriations available for photographic identification cards for its 
employees). Other examples, validated under 16 U.S.C. � 832h(b), which 
predated � 832a(f), are 18 Comp. Gen. 843 (1939) (purchase of motion 
picture equipment to record key aspects of construction program), and 
B-25800, May 20, 1942 (expenses of attendance at meetings). 

The latitude given Bonneville has enabled it to structure its dealings 
to reflect the nature of the business in which it is involved, the 
characteristics of the geographical region in which it operates, and 
changing circumstances. In a 1962 case, for example, Bonneville 
proposed an agreement with the Washington Public Power Supply System 
(WPPSS) under which WPPSS would furnish to Bonneville electric power 
purchased from the Atomic Energy Commission's Hanford reactor, and 
Bonneville would provide "firm power" (i.e., not subject to 
interruptions) in exchange. The agreement would terminate if the 
reactor were discontinued prior to commencement of commercial 
operations, in which event Bonneville would reimburse WPPSS for 
certain expenses incurred up to that point. As long as the Atomic 
Energy Commission's participation received congressional approval, GAO 
found no problem with Bonneville's authority to enter into the 
agreement. B-149016, B-149083, July 6, 1962.[Footnote 170] 

In 46 Comp. Gen. 349 (1966), Bonneville was acquiring high-powered 
circuit breakers, and decided to spread the risk among several 
manufacturers to minimize risk of major power failure until the 
circuit breakers had been in service for sufficient time to assure 
that they were free from defects. Bonneville's discretion permitted it 
to do this, and to exclude from the solicitation two firms from which 
it had already purchased circuit breakers. 

Bonneville is required to give "preference and priority to public 
bodies and cooperatives" in disposing of electric energy generated at 
a Bonneville project. 16 U.S.C. � 832c(a). It is also authorized to 
sell electric power "either for resale or direct consumption, to 
public bodies and cooperatives and to private agencies and persons," 
as well as to other federal agencies. 16 U.S.C. � 832d(a). While 
Bonneville is thus authorized to sell directly to private consumers, 
it is not legally required to do so, and is therefore under no 
obligation to sell power to every applicant. B-158903, July 6, 1966. 

A concept frequently arising in the Bonneville cases is the concept of 
"net billing." This is, in oversimplified terms, a system under which 
Bonneville, in billing its customers, liquidates certain of its 
payment obligations by reducing the bill by the amount the customer 
has paid either to Bonneville under some separate arrangement or to 
some other party under a variety of complex arrangements. GAO approved 
the concept as within Bonneville's authority in B-170878, Oct. 21, 
1970. (Congress had already recognized the concept in legislation.) A 
few years later, it became apparent that, in the particular situation 
addressed in B-170878, net billing would be inadequate to sustain the 
purchase of sufficient power. Bonneville then proposed to purchase 
power for its preference customers under what it called a "trust-
agency" agreement. While finding this authorized as well, GAO stressed 
the purpose limitation on Bonneville's discretion: "While 16 U.S.C. � 
832a(f) is intended to confer broad administrative discretion on the 
Administrator, that discretion must always be exercised in furtherance 
of the purposes, and subject to the provisions, of the [program 
legislation]." B-137458, Sept. 13, 1974, at 5. 

The financing mechanism of net billing agreements has been judicially 
approved, as well. In City of Springfield v. Washington Public Power 
Supply System, 564 E Supp. 90, 95 (D. Ore. 1983), the court described 
one system as follows. 

"The net billing agreements are contracts between the United States, 
acting through BPA, WPPSS, and the Northwest utilities. Under these 
contracts, utilities buy power from BPA. Instead of paying BPA, 
however, utilities pay WPPSS, which uses the money to retire bonds.... 
Thus BPA 'net-bills' for power and those bills are paid to WPPSS as 
third party beneficiary of the BPA-utility contracts and in 
satisfaction of WPPSS' rights under the net billing agreements." 

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals modified the district court's 
decision in certain respects, but affirmed its holding that these were 
essentially contracts for the purchase of electricity and thus within 
Bonneville's authority. City of Springfield v. Washington Public Power 
Supply System, 752 F.2d 1423 (9th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 474 U.S. 
1055 (1986). One factor both courts noted was that Bonneville had 
assumed "dry-hole risk," that is, Bonneville would pay even if the 
generating plants were never completed or never produced saleable 
power, thus insulating public bodies from having to resort to future 
taxation. City of Springfield, 564 E Supp. at 93, 95; 752 F.2d at 1429. 

The extent to which Bonneville's range of discretion permits it to 
tailor arrangements to fit specific program needs is illustrated in B-
210929, Aug. 2, 1983. As construction of one of the WPPSS plants 
approached completion, WPPSS found itself unable to obtain further 
bond financing. Bonneville proposed, and GAO concurred, to pay, by 
direct disbursement or net billing, to complete construction of the 
WPPSS project. The argument against direct payment was that Bonneville 
had not presented this as an option when seeking congressional 
approval. However, GAO found that direct payment would not be 
inconsistent with congressional approval of the net billing approach 
since direct payment funds would be derived at least ultimately from 
rate adjustments, and the end result�costs borne by Bonneville's 
ratepayers rather than taxpayers�would be the same. It would amount 
simply to "[doing] directly what Congress otherwise authorized it to 
do indirectly." Id. at 16. 

Still another area in which Bonneville's discretion has been upheld is 
the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie, a system of high-
voltage transmission lines partially owned by Bonneville and designed 
to permit the regions to help each other during times of heavy demand. 
Bonneville is required to first give itself preference and then to 
make excess capacity available to others. 16 U.S.C. � 837e. The courts 
have upheld Bonneville's policies for the allocation of excess 
Intertie capacity as within its discretion, as long as done in a fair 
and nondiscriminatory manner (16 U.S.C. � 838d). California Energy 
Resources Conservation and Development Commission v. Bonneville Power 
Administration, 831 F.2d 1467 (9th Cir. 1987); Department of Water and 
Power of Los Angeles v. Bonneville Power Administration, 759 F.2d 684 
(9th Cir. 1985). 

Rate-making decisions under 16 U.S.C. � 839e have also been accorded 
deference by the courts, as long as the rates are supported by sound 
business practices. See, e.g., Public Power Council, Inc. v. 
Bonneville Power Administration, 442 F.3d 1204, 1209 (9th Cir. 2006); 
California Energy Commission v. Bonneville Power Administration, 909 
F.2d 1298, 1306 (9th Cir. 1990). 

Finally, Bonneville has the discretionary authority to engage in 
certain energy conservation programs. B-114858, July 10, 1979; 3 Op. 
Off. Legal Counsel 419 (1979). The question was whether energy 
conservation is consistent with Bonneville's statutory mandate to 
encourage widespread use of federally generated power. In other words, 
is its main job to push the stuff, or save it? Bonneville's argument, 
successful as it turned out, was that it viewed conservation as an 
investment in increased production rather than a demand reduction 
device. Once again, the GAO opinion stressed that Bonneville's 
discretion, broad though it may be, "must always be exercised in 
furtherance of the purposes, and subject to the provisions, of BPA's 
enabling legislation." B-114858, July 10, 1979, at 4. 

(3) Amtrak: 

Amtrak was created by the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970, Pub. L. 
No. 91-518, title III, � 301, 84 Stat. 1327, 1330 (Oct. 30, 1970). 
[Footnote 171] Its purpose is to provide modern and efficient 
intercity and commuter rail passenger transportation. 49 U.S.C. � 
24101(b). Amtrak was the federal government's response to declining 
railroad passenger ridership resulting in the railroad companies 
losing money on a service they were legally required to provide. 
Congress created Amtrak to ensure a minimum level of intercity 
passenger rail service for the public while relieving the railroad 
companies of this financial burden so that they could focus on the 
more profitable freight services. See Library of Congress, 
Congressional Research Service, Amtrak Profitability: An Analysis of 
Congressional Expectations at Amtrak's Creation, No. RL 31473 (June 
26, 2002), at 1-3. Congressional and administration leaders in 1970 
predicted that Amtrak would ultimately be profitable as a result of 
reductions in money-losing routes and federal investment that would 
yield faster, safer rail travel, neither of which have occurred. Id. 
at 7. See also B-277814, Oct. 20, 1997. The current status of Amtrak 
and passenger rail travel is addressed in GAO, Intercity Passenger 
Rail: National Policy and Strategies Needed to Maximize Public 
Benefits from Federal Expenditures, GAO-07-15 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 
13, 2006). 

Although federally created and receiving substantial federal financial 
assistance, Amtrak is to be "operated and managed as a for-profit 
corporation," and is "not a department, agency, or instrumentality of 
the United States Government, and shall not be subject to title 31 [of 
the United States Code]." 49 U.S.C. �� 24301(a)(2) and (3).[Footnote 
172] It was originally designated a mixed-ownership government 
corporation,[Footnote 173] but this was dropped in 1997.[Footnote 174] 
It is also classed as a railroad carrier for purposes of certain 
portions of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. � 24301(a)(1)), and 
is thus subject to the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation 
Board, successor to the Interstate Commerce Commission, to that 
limited extent.[Footnote 175] GAO is authorized to conduct 
"performance audits of [Amtrak's] activities and transactions." 49 
U.S.C. � 24315(e); B-175155-0.M., Oct. 21, 1981. 

The congressional objective is eventual profitability and elimination 
or at least minimization of federal subsidies. See 49 U.S.C. � 
24101(d), as amended by Public Law 105-134, � 201, mandating that 
Amtrak operate without federal operating grants by fiscal year 2004. 
Section 301 of Public Law 105-134, codified at 49 U.S.C. � 24104(a), 
authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Treasury 
declining amounts ranging from $1.14 billion in fiscal year 1998 to 
$0.96 billion in fiscal year 2002 to support Amtrak. Nevertheless, 
federal financial assistance has always been necessary. Despite the 
goals set out in the 1997 act, fiscal year 2004 has come and gone, and 
Amtrak still cannot operate without federal subsidies. In fact, GAO 
reported that between 1971 and 2005, Amtrak received cumulative 
subsidies of $29 billion. See GAO, Amtrak Management: Systemic 
Problems Require Actions to Improve Efficiency, Effectiveness, and 
Accountability, GAO-06-145 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 4, 2005), at 2. 

This federal financial assistance takes the form of appropriations 
made to the Secretary of Transportation for the purpose of making 
grants to Amtrak. For example, in the Department of Transportation 
appropriations act for 2006, $495 million was made available until 
expended for Amtrak operational subsidy grants. Pub. L. No. 109-115, 
119 Stat. 2396, 2413-15 (Nov. 30, 2005). Congress also appropriated 
$780 million for capital and debt service grants and $40 million for 
efficiency incentive grants, both amounts also to be available until 
expended, for a total of $1.315 billion in appropriations for fiscal 
year 2006. Id.[Footnote 176] Amtrak makes its funding requests to the 
Secretary of Transportation, who in turn includes them as part of 
Transportation's portion of the President's budget. B-175155, Sept. 
26, 1978 (requirement in 31 U.S.C. � 1105(a)(5) for 5-year projection 
not applicable to Amtrak's funding requests to Secretary). As with the 
fiscal year 2006 appropriation, the funds are made available until 
expended, and may include separate amounts for operating losses and 
capital improvements. 

The statutory payout schedule "has virtually assured" that Amtrak will 
receive more money that it immediately needs for current expenses. B-
175155(2), Apr. 22, 1975, at 4. Congress did not restrict the use of 
these funds but "expects Amtrak to utilize them in accordance with its 
best business judgment." Id. Thus, a line of Comptroller General 
decisions held that Amtrak could use its grant funds for such things 
as advances on capital equipment (B-175155(2), Apr. 22, 1975); 
investment to the extent funds are not currently needed (B-175155, 
June 11, 1975); payment of operating expenses while funds from other 
sources are temporarily invested (id.); retirement of long-term debt 
obligations under a since-repealed provision for the Secretary of 
Transportation to guarantee loans to Amtrak (B-175155(2), July 26, 
1976); and installing fire fighting equipment in railroad tunnels in 
New York City to comply with a safety order of the New York City Fire 
Department (B-175155, May 22, 1978). When investing excess funds, 
Amtrak may retain the interest earned notwithstanding their 
designation as grant funds. B-175155, June 11, 1975. 

In surveying decisions and opinions relating to Amtrak, the details 
are of secondary importance because virtually every provision of 
Amtrak's legislation has changed, sometimes repeatedly. The cases are 
intended to illustrate the operational and spending freedom of a 
noninstrumentality corporation in principle. The Supreme Court has 
said that Amtrak's noninstrumentality disclaimer "is assuredly 
dispositive of Amtrak's status ... for purposes of matters that are 
within Congress' control." Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger 
Corp., 513 U.S. 374, 392 (1995). Thus, the answer to the typical 
question of whether this or that law applicable to government entities 
applies to Amtrak is "no." E.g., National Railroad Passenger Corp. v. 
Commonwealth, of Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, No. Civ. A. 
86-5357 (E.D. Pa. Sept. 15, 1997) (Amtrak does not share the 
government's Eleventh Amendment rights in relation to jurisdiction to 
suit in state courts); Hill International, Inc. v. National Railroad 
Passenger Corp., 957 E Supp. 548 (D.N.J. 1996) (Amtrak is not subject 
to federal procurement regulations); Sentner v. Amtrak, 540 E Supp. 
557 (D.N.J. 1982) (Amtrak does not share the government's immunity 
from awards of punitive damages). See also B-277814, Oct. 20, 1997 
(U.S. government is not liable for Amtrak's debts in the event of an 
Amtrak bankruptcy); B-252085, Jan. 26, 1993, and B-215893, Oct. 29, 
1984 (GAO does not have jurisdiction to hear a protest of an Amtrak 
procurement award); B-206638-0.M., Apr. 1, 1982 (Amtrak not required 
to follow the Federal Acquisition Regulations or the mandatory 
provisions of the Federal Supply Schedule). 

Of course, since we are talking about matters within Congress's 
control, Congress does have a certain freedom in defining the 
applicability of laws. For example, Amtrak is not subject to the 
Antideficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. � 1341. See B-175155, July 26, 1976. 
Yet, as noted above, Amtrak's 1998 appropriation included a proviso 
that "the incurrence of any obligation or commitment by the 
Corporation for the purchase of capital improvements with funds 
appropriated herein which is prohibited by this Act shall be deemed a 
violation of 31 U.S.C. 1341." Pub. L. No. 105-66. However, this 
Antideficiency Act proviso expired at the end of fiscal year 1998, and 
Congress did not include the proviso in the Amtrak appropriation for 
any subsequent fiscal year, such as fiscal year 2006. See Pub. L. No. 
109-115. The point is that making the Antideficiency Act applicable, 
even to the limited extent in Public Law 105-66, required legislation 
specifically applicable to Amtrak. 

Another group of GAO cases deals with compensation issues. The 1970 
legislation creating Amtrak placed no limit on the compensation of the 
corporation's officers. A 1972 amendment limited compensation to level 
1 of the Executive Schedule.[Footnote 177] A question arose as to 
whether the value of fringe benefits had to be counted in applying the 
ceiling. Amtrak wanted to provide fringe benefits normal in the rail 
industry. These included group life insurance, travel accident 
insurance, long-term disability benefits, hospital surgical and major 
medical coverage, noncontributory retirement benefits, and free 
transportation for employees and their dependents on Amtrak trains. 
Noting that the ceiling was the same as that for cabinet members, who 
receive fringe benefits in addition to their statutory compensation, 
and finding nothing to indicate a contrary intent for Amtrak officers, 
GAO concluded that the fringe benefits need not be considered 
compensation for purposes of the ceiling. B-175155, Jan. 7, 1974. The 
limitation was changed in 1988[Footnote 178] to prohibit rates of 
compensation greater than "the general level of pay for officers of 
rail carriers with comparable responsibility." 49 U.S.C. � 24303(b). 
While the ceiling is now more amorphous than the fixed-dollar ceiling 
of 1974, the principle of B-175155, Jan. 7, 1974, should remain valid, 
unless practices in the private rail industry change so as to include 
fringe benefits as part of compensation. 

Amtrak was also offering its officers separation agreements, under 
which they would receive an additional payment of up to a year's 
salary upon termination of their services. If somehow the payments 
could be regarded as payments for post-termination services, they 
would be permissible. If, however, they were nothing more than a form 
of deferred compensation to avoid the statutory limitation, they would 
violate the statute. B-175155, May 1, 1974; B-175155, Jan. 7, 1974. 
Amtrak developed an agreement under which the officer agreed to 
perform whatever services might be necessary, for a period of 6 
months, to accomplish an orderly transition of responsibilities to his 
or her successor, and to complete unfinished assignments. This was 
sufficient to avoid the "deferred compensation" objection and 
therefore did not violate the limitation. B-175155, Oct. 3, 1974; B-
175155, Sept. 5, 1974. 

Another source of Amtrak's powers is the District of Columbia Business 
Corporation Act, which applies to Amtrak to the extent consistent with 
the Rail Passenger Service Act. 49 U.S.C. � 24301(e). Thus, Amtrak can 
sell real property (B-175155, June 14, 1978),[Footnote 179] and it can 
make loans provided they serve a corporate purpose (B-207880-0.M., 
Nov. 5, 1982), because both actions are authorized under the District 
of Columbia law. 

7. Application of Other Laws: 

As discussed in the previous sections, a government corporation's 
[Footnote 180] autonomy, while conferring considerable spending 
discretion, does not remove it from the coverage of various laws of 
the United States. We set forth here several other laws governing the 
operations of federal agencies. As one would expect, wholly owned 
corporations are subject to more of the laws than mixed-ownership 
corporations, which are in turn subject to more than the so-called 
noninstrumentality corporations. A summary chart, including some laws 
not covered here, may be found in GAO, Government Corporations: 
Profiles of Existing Government Corporations, GAO/GGD-96-14 
(Washington, D.C.: Dec. 13, 1995), app. III. See also Library of 
Congress, Congressional Research Service, Federal Government 
Corporations: An Overview, No. RL30365 (Mar. 15, 2005), at app. 1; 
Thomas H. Stanton and Ronald C. Moe, "Government Corporations and 
Government-Sponsored Enterprises," in Lester M. Salaman, The Tools of 
Government: A Guide to the New Governance, 80, 92 table 3-1 (2002). 

a. Civil Service Laws: 

We use the term "civil service laws" to mean the body of laws in title 
5 of the United States Code governing the appointment, classification, 
pay, allowances, and other benefits of federal officers and employees. 
The applicability of title 5, or portions thereof, to a government 
corporation depends on (1) the definitions in title 5, and (2) the 
corporation's own charter.[Footnote 181] Title 5 includes a few 
general definitions and a great many specific ones. As discussed in 
section B.2.a of this chapter, section 105 of title 5 defines 
"executive agency" to include government corporations. "Government 
corporation" is defined as "a corporation owned or controlled by the 
Government of the United States." 5 U.S.C. � 103(1). "Government 
controlled corporation" does not include a corporation owned by the 
government of the United States. 5 U.S.C. � 103(2). In addition, 5 
U.S.C. � 2105(a) defines "employee" as someone appointed in the civil 
service by, as pertinent here, the President, "an individual who is an 
employee under this section" (which would include wholly owned 
corporations), or "the head of a Government controlled corporation." 
GAO has interpreted the term "government controlled corporation" in 
these definitions to mean a mixed-ownership government corporation. B-
221677, July 21, 1986. 

Thus, unless it specifically provides otherwise, a provision in title 
5 that applies to an executive agency, a government corporation, or an 
employee applies to wholly owned and mixed-ownership government 
corporations. E.g., 5 U.S.C. � 2301(a) (merit system principles apply 
to "an Executive agency"); 5 U.S.C. �� 8701(a)(1) and 8901(1)(A) 
(provisions for group life and group health insurance, respectively, 
apply to an employee as defined in � 2105). 

Some provisions of title 5 do specifically provide otherwise. A 
provision applicable to an "executive agency" but not a "government 
controlled corporation" applies to wholly owned, but not mixed-
ownership, government corporations. A good example is what is perhaps 
the heart of the civil service system, the provisions governing 
classification (5 U.S.C. �� 5101-5115) and General Schedule pay rates 
(5 U.S.C. �� 5331-5338). The classification provisions apply to 
executive agencies (5 U.S.C. � 5102(a)(1)(A)), but specifically do not 
apply to government controlled corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 5102(a)(1)(i). 
The General Schedule pay provisions adopt the definition of section 
5102. 5 U.S.C. � 5331(a). Thus, unless specified otherwise, the 
classification and pay provisions apply to wholly owned, but not mixed-
ownership, corporations. An illustrative case containing important 
discussion is Dockery v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 64 M.S.P.R. 
458, 460-62 (1994) (FDIC, as a mixed-ownership corporation, held not 
subject to the classification provisions). 

The following inventory does not purport to be complete: 

* Whistleblower Protection Act�excludes both wholly owned and mixed-
ownership government corporations, except with respect to improper 
personnel actions resulting from disclosure of information the 
employee reasonably believes evidences a violation of law, gross 
mismanagement, gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or 
substantial danger to public health or safety, with certain 
qualifications. 5 U.S.C. �� 2302(a)(2)(C), (b)(8). 

* Experts and consultants�applies to wholly owned, but not mixed-
ownership, government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 3109(a) (incorporating 
the definition for agency included in 5 U.S.C. � 5721(1), which 
includes an executive agency but specifically excludes a government 
controlled corporation). 

* Senior Executive Service�not applicable to either wholly owned or 
mixed-ownership government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 3132(a)(1). 

* Government Employees Training Act�applies to a "Government 
corporation subject to chapter 91 of title 31," that is, both wholly 
owned and mixed-ownership corporations subject to the Government 
Corporation Control Act (see section B.4.a of this chapter). 5 U.S.C. 
� 4101(1)(C). 

* Performance appraisal system�not applicable to either wholly owned 
or mixed-ownership government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 4301(1)(i). 
E.g., B-233528, Dec. 14, 1988 (Overseas Private Investment Corporation 
not required to submit its performance appraisal system for review by 
Office of Personnel Management). 

* Government Employees Incentive Awards Act�applies to both wholly 
owned and mixed-ownership corporations (5 U.S.C. �� 4501(1)(A), 
(2)(A)), except it specifically excludes the Tennessee Valley 
Authority and the Central Bank for Cooperatives (5 U.S.C. �� 
4501(1)(i), (ii)). 

* Dual compensation laws�apply to both wholly owned and mixed-
ownership government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 5531(2). E.g., B-238303, 
B-236399, May 29, 1991 (retired military officer employed by Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation).[Footnote 182] However, they do not 
apply to corporations statutorily designated as not agencies or 
instrumentalities of the United States. B-170582, July 15, 1976. For a 
corporation subject to the dual compensation laws, using a personal 
services contract rather than employment in order to avoid the 
statutory restrictions is improper. B-222334, June 2,1986.[Footnote 

* Severance pay�applies to both wholly owned and mixed-ownership 
government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 5595(a)(1)(A). E.g., B-114839- 
0.M., Aug. 11,1978 (former Panama Canal Company). The statute 
expressly excludes employees, other than members of the Senior 
Executive Service (SES), paid at or in excess of Executive Schedule 
levels. 5 U.S.C. � 5595(a)(2)(i). Since the SES does not extend to 
government corporations, the president of a government corporation who 
is compensated at an Executive Schedule level is not entitled to 
severance pay. B-215273, June 28,1984. 

* Back Pay Act�applies to both wholly owned and mixed-ownership 
government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 5596(a)(1). E.g., Payne v. Panama 
Canal Co., 607 F.2d 155 (5th Cir. 1979) (former Panama Canal Company 
subject to Back Pay Act notwithstanding its power to sue and be sued 
in its own name). 

* Travel and transportation�The travel and transportation provisions 
in 5 U.S.C. �� 5701-5739 apply to wholly owned, but not mixed-
ownership, corporations. 5 U.S.C. �� 5701(1)(A), (i) and 5721(1). 
E.g., B-214811-0.M., July 25,1984 (Saint Lawrence Seaway Development 
Corporation, a wholly owned corporation, should not reimburse travel 
expenses of official's spouse unless spouse was providing some sort of 
direct service to government). The Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation, as a mixed-ownership corporation, is not subject to the 
provisions governing service agreements in return for payment of 
relocation expenses. However, work for the FDIC qualifies as 
"government service" for purposes of fulfilling the agreement. B-
221677, July 21,1986. 

* Uniform allowance�applies to wholly owned government corporations 
but not mixed-ownership government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 5901(a). 

* Annual and sick leave�applies to both wholly owned and mixed-
ownership government corporations. 5 U.S.C. � 6301(2)(A). 

* Federal Employees Compensation Act�FECA's definition of employee 
includes "an officer or employee of an instrumentality wholly owned by 
the United States." 5 U.S.C. � 8101(1)(A). FECA, where it applies, is 
the employee's exclusive remedy just as it is for employees of 
agencies. Posey v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 93 F.2d 726 (5th Cir. 
1937) (TVA); Pinto v. Vessel "Santa Isabel," 492 E Supp. 689 (D.C.Z. 
1980) (former Panama Canal Company). 

* Retirement�Both the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the 
Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) apply to employees as 
defined in 5 U.S.C. � 2105, and therefore apply to both wholly owned 
and mixed-ownership government corporations. 5 U.S.C. �� 8331(1)(A) 
(CSRS), 8401(11)(A) (FERS). 

A law related in subject matter to title 5 of the United States Code 
is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 29 U.S.C. �� 201-219, which 
provides, among other things, for overtime compensation for 
nonexempted employees for time worked in excess of 40 hours in a week 
29 U.S.C. � 207(a)(1). The FLSA adopts the definition of executive 
agency of 5 U.S.C. � 105, and therefore includes both wholly owned and 
mixed-ownership government corporations. 29 U.S.C. � 203(e)(2)(A)(ii). 
E.g., 54 Comp. Gen. 617 (1975) (FLSA applicable to former Panama Canal 
Company). Another relevant statute is Title VII of the Civil Rights 
Act of 1964. Its employment discrimination provisions apply to 
"executive agencies as defined in section 105 of title 5, United 
States Code (including employees and applicants for employment who are 
paid from nonappropriated funds)." 42 U.S.C. � 2000e-16(a). 

The general and specific title 5 definitions determine the 
applicability of various provisions to government corporations only in 
the absence of more specific direction in the legislative charter. 
Government corporations are commonly empowered to "appoint and fix the 
compensation of such officers, attorneys, employees, and agents as may 
be required." E.g., 29 U.S.C. � 1302(b)(6) (Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation). This alone, while affording some discretion, does little 
more than authorize appointment and compensation within the civil 
service structure. A variation specifically makes the authority 
subject to the civil service laws. E.g., 33 U.S.C. � 984(a)(7) (Saint 
Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation). The comparable provision for 
the Inter-American Foundation limits the total number of employees. 22 
U.S.C. � 290f(e)(5). An example of seemingly broader language is 
section 723 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 
1996, Pub. L. No. 104-127, 110 Stat. 888, 1115-18 (Apr. 4, 1996), 
providing that officers or employees of the now-defunct Alternative 
Agricultural Research and Commercialization Corporation "shall be 
subject to all laws of the United States relating to governmental 
employment."[Footnote 184] 

An important variation authorizes appointment and compensation 
"without regard" to the civil service laws applicable to officers and 
employees of the government. E.g., 16 U.S.C. � 831b (Tennessee Valley 
Authority (TVA)); 7 U.S.C. � 943(d) (Rural Telephone Bank). The 
"without regard" authority is not an all or nothing proposition. The 
corporation, in its discretion, may appoint some employees in 
accordance with the civil service laws and invoke the exemption for 
others. 37 Op. Att'y Gen. 7 (1932). Of course, the discretion should 
be reasoned and not arbitrary. Some charters exempt only a portion of 
the corporation's employees from the civil service laws. E.g., 22 
U.S.C. � 2193(d) (Overseas Private Investment Corporation may hire, 
pay, and fire up to 20 of its employees without regard to civil 
service laws). A corporation possessing the "without regard" authority 
is, to the extent of its coverage, not required to follow, for 
example, the dual compensation laws (19 Comp. Gen. 926 (1940); B-9113, 
Apr. 30, 1940),[Footnote 185] or the laws governing annual and sick 
leave (A-49652, June 28, 1933). It is free to set up its own parallel 
system. See, e.g., Tennessee Valley Authority v. Kinzer, 142 F.2d 833 
(6th Cir. 1944), discussing TV/Vs retirement system. As the Attorney 
General has pointed out, the inclusion of the "without regard" clause 
in some charters evidences the congressional understanding that the 
employees would otherwise be subject to the civil service system, else 
there would be no need to exempt them. 39 Op. Att'y Gen. 238, 241 
(1939). (For more on "without regard" clauses, see section B.6.c(2) of 
this chapter.) 

One thing GAO has been reluctant to sanction is the making of 
deductions from an employee's salary for payment to private 
organizations, and has advised that statutory authority should be 
obtained before making deductions for union dues (B-105819, Dec. 19, 
1951) or a union pension and welfare fund (32 Comp. Gen. 572 (1953)). 
Both decisions suggest, however, that the corporation could use its 
power to fix compensation to include these items in the amount of 
compensation actually paid to the employee, who would then make the 
contributions, subject to any statutory limits on total compensation 
payable. See also B-82293, Jan. 3, 1949 (similar holding with respect 
to life and health insurance premiums prior to the enactment of the 
general legislation now in title 5 of the United States Code). 
Presumably, had the authority to fix compensation in these cases 
included the "without regard" clause, there would have been no 
objection to making the deductions. 

The "without regard" authority may itself have qualifications which 
may extend beneficial provisions and/or impose restrictions. For 
example, 16 U.S.C. � 831b includes two qualifications for TVA 
employees: they are covered by the Federal Employees Compensation Act, 
and their salaries may not exceed that of board members. In GAO's 
view, the authority to fix compensation, even with the "without regard 
language," is not sufficient to overcome explicit salary restrictions 
in TVA's charter, and GAO has found unauthorized payments variously 
called retention payments, management staffing incentive payments, 
merit incentive supplemental retirement income payments, etc., 
although TVA itself has the last word, at least at the administrative 
level. B-222334, June 2, 1986; B-205284, Nov. 16, 1981. 

In addition to charter exemptions, other specific exemptions are 
scattered throughout title 5. For example, the Government Employees 
Incentive Awards Act does not apply to TVA or the Central Bank for 
Cooperatives, 5 U.S.C. � 4501(1)(i), (ii); the severance pay statute 
does not apply to TVA, 5 U.S.C. � 5595(a)(2)(vii); and the annual and 
sick leave laws and the group health insurance provisions do not apply 
to corporations supervised by the Farm Credit Administration "if 
private interests elect or appoint a member of the board of 
directors," 5 U.S.C. �� 6301(2)(vii), 8901(1)(i). The exemption for 
the farm credit corporations is repeated in 5 U.S.C. � 6308(a), which 
authorizes the transfer of annual and sick leave balances when an 
employee transfers to a position under a different leave system 
without break in service. The exemption was repeated to permit those 
corporations to make lump-sum payments for leave rather than 
transferring the balances. See B-124592, Dec. 1, 1955. 

If a corporation is designated as not an agency or instrumentality of 
the United States, its employees are not employees of the United 
States. Hrubec v. National Railroad Passenger Corp., 49 F.3d 1269, 
1270 (7th Cir. 1995) (Amtrak). Accordingly, title 5 of the United 
States Code would not apply. However, Congress may incorporate 
restrictions in the corporate charter. For example, employees of the 
Legal Services Corporation are not considered employees of the United 
States but are subject to title 5 provisions relating to retirement, 
life insurance, health insurance, and work injuries. 42 U.S.C. �� 
2996d(e), (f). Officers and employees of the Corporation for Public 
Broadcasting are similarly not officers or employees of the United 
States, but their annual rate of pay may not exceed the "rate of basic 
pay in effect from time to time for level I of the Executive 
Schedule." 47 U.S.C. � 396(e)(1). 

b. Procurement Laws and Regulations: 

In contrast to the civil service laws, the applicability of 
procurement laws and regulations to government corporations is fairly 
simple: By statute, they apply, for the most part, to wholly owned 
government corporations, but not to mixed-ownership corporations and 
certainly not to noninstrumentalities. 

(1) 41 U.S.C. � 5: 

Perhaps the oldest general procurement law still on the books, 41 
U.S.C. � 5�the old Revised Statutes � 3709�requires that, unless 
otherwise provided and with several stated exceptions, "purchases and 
contracts for supplies or services for the Government may be made or 
entered into only after advertising a sufficient time previously for 
proposals." As noted in our earlier discussion of the applicability of 
fiscal laws in section B.6.c of this chapter, this statute was revised 
as part of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, Pub. L. No. 79-
600, � 9, 60 Stat. 806, 809 (Aug. 2, 1946). It applies to the 
administrative expenses of wholly owned government corporations. 41 
U.S.C. �� 5 (last sentence), 5a. It does not apply to any transactions 
of mixed-ownership corporations. E.g., B-138105-0.M., Mar. 4, 1959 
(Federal National Mortgage Association). 

GAO has not attempted to define "administrative expenses" for this 
statute. Rather, GAO has followed a case-by-case approach. For 
example, "the procurement of grain storage structures [by the 
Commodity Credit Corporation] obviously is not an administrative 
expense" for purposes of the advertising statute. B-119791, Oct. 22, 
1954, at 2. Nor is the construction and equipping of a substation by 
the former Panama Canal Company. B-122655, Apr. 7, 1955. Nor is the 
purchase of a generating set for supplying electric power. B-114990, 
Aug. 19, 1953. See generally GAO, Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation's Statutory Limitation on Administrative Expenses Does Not 
Provide Meaningful Control, GAO-03-301 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 28, 
2003); Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Congressional Guidance 
Needed on Administrative Expenses, GAO/HRD-90-5 (Washington, D.C.: 
Jan. 22, 1990). 

(2) Federal Property and Administrative Services Act: 

The primary statute governing the procurement of goods and services by 
the civilian agencies of the federal government is title III of the 
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (the Property 
Act), Pub. L. No. 81-152, �� 301-310, 63 Stat. 377, 393-97 (June 30, 
1949), as amended, codified at 41 U.S.C. �� 251-266a. Sections 3(a) 
and (b) of the original Property Act defined "federal agency" to 
include "executive agency," which in turn includes "any wholly owned 
Government corporation." Therefore, the procurement provisions of the 
Property Act, as amended, apply to wholly owned government 
corporations (but not mixed-ownership corporations) unless exempt 
under 40 U.S.C. � 113 or comparable statutory authority.[Footnote 186] 

The Property Act applies to the procurement of property and services, 
but not to every type of contractual arrangement an agency or 
corporation may enter into. For example, the Overseas Private 
Investment Corporation is authorized to enter into arrangements with 
the private insurance industry for risk sharing under its foreign 
investment insurance program. 22 U.S.C. � 2194(f). GAO reviewed one 
such pooling proposal and found that it was not the procurement of 
goods or services, but was more in the nature of a cooperative 
agreement. Therefore, it was not subject to the procurement laws and 
regulations. B-173240, June 16, 1975. 

The statute also addresses the relationship of the Property Act 
procurement provisions to 41 U.S.C. � 5. Basically, 41 U.S.C. � 5 does 
not apply to procurements under the Property Act. An agency or wholly 
owned corporation which is exempt from the Property Act provisions 
remains subject to 41 U.S.C. � 5 unless it has specific authority to 
contract without regard to 41 U.S.C. � 5. An entity with such 
authority must still follow the Property Act provisions for other than 
sealed-bid procedures unless exempt from that too. 41 U.S.C. �� 
252(a)(2), 260. 

(3) Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act: 

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, Pub. L. No. 93-400, 88 
Stat. 796 (Aug. 30, 1974), established the Office of Federal 
Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget to "provide 
overall direction of Government-wide procurement policies, 
regulations, procedures, and forms for executive agencies." 41 U.S.C. 
� 404(a). This Act defines executive agency to include "a wholly owned 
Government corporation fully subject to the provisions of [the 
Government Corporation Control Act]." 41 U.S.C. � 403(1)(D). Thus, 
wholly owned government corporations must comply with governmentwide 
procurement polices and procedures. 

(4) Federal Acquisition Regulation: 

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), found in title 48 of the 
Code of Federal Regulations, is the governmentwide body of procurement 
regulations which implement the Property Act and the Office of Federal 
Procurement Policy Act. The FAR defines the term "federal agency" as 
including an executive agency, and the term "executive agency" as 
including any wholly owned government corporation listed in the 
Government Corporation Control Act. 48 C.F.R. � 2.101. 

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, as a wholly owned 
corporation, is subject to the FAR for purposes of its administrative 
activities, but not when serving as trustee for terminated pension 
plans. Of course, as with any exemption, the corporation can, in its 
discretion, elect to follow the established procedures. B-217281-0.M., 
Mar. 27, 1985 (procurement of investment manager services in its 
trustee capacity). 

The procurement statutes and the FAR have no application to 
corporations which are designated as not agencies or instrumentalities 
of the United States, even though they may be federally created and 
funded. B-223852, Sept. 9, 1986 (Legal Services Corporation); GAO, 
Analysis of Amtrak's Acquisition of Office Copying Equipment, GAO/CED-
82-111 (Washington, D.C.: July 12, 1982). 

(5) Competition in Contracting Act: 

The Competition in Contracting Act (CICA), title VII of the massive 
Deficit Reduction Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 98-369, thy. B, title VII, 
98 Stat. 494, 1175 (July 18, 1984), made a number of revisions in 
procurement-related provisions. As relevant here, section 2741 of CICA 
gave a statutory basis to GAO's bid protest function (31 U.S.C. �� 
3551-3556). Prior to CICA, GAO's bid protest authority was not 
explicit but was derived from its account settlement authority. E.g., 
Wheelabrator Corp. v. Chafee, 455 F.2d 1306, 1313-14 (D.C. Cir. 1971). 
CICA divorced the bid protest function from account settlement. CICA 
applies to procurements by a "federal agency," which it defines by 
reference to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act 
(Property Act), 40 U.S.C. � 102(5). In other words, it expressly 
includes wholly owned government corporations. E.g., B-295737, B-
295737.2, Apr. 19, 2005 (under CICA GAO has jurisdiction over bid 
protests involving procurements by wholly owned corporations such as 
the Federal Prison Industries). 

Since CICA hinges on the definition of federal agency, account 
settlement authority is irrelevant, and GAO has CICA jurisdiction over 
corporations exempt under the pre-CICA system. 64 Comp. Gen. 756 
(1985) (Tennessee Valley Authority). As with the pre-CICA system, the 
jurisdiction does not extend to mixed-ownership corporations. E.g., B-
252085, Jan. 26, 1993 (Amtrak); B-220302, Sept. 24, 1985 (Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation). 

Also not dispositive is the applicability or nonapplicability of the 
Property Act and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The 
Bonneville Power Administration, for example, is not subject to the 
Property Act's procurement provisions or to the FAR. See 16 U.S.C. � 
832a(f); 40 U.S.C. � 113(e)(18). Nevertheless, it meets the CICA 
definition of federal agency, and is therefore subject to GAO's bid 
protest jurisdiction. 68 Comp. Gen. 447 (1989); 67 Comp. Gen. 8 
(1987). Naturally, as was done in the two cited cases, GAO will apply 
Bonneville's own regulations rather than the FAR in evaluating the 

(6) Other statutes: 

The laws listed above are the ones we regard as most important to the 
procurement function in terms of the breadth of procurement 
activities. There are, however, several other procurement-related 
statutes, some of which address their applicability to government 
corporations. For example, the Walsh-Healey Act (which mandates wage 
and labor standards for supply or equipment contracts over $10,000) 
applies to contracts made by "any corporation all the stock of which 
is beneficially owned by the United States." 41 U.S.C. � 35. Others do 
not expressly define their applicability as, for example, the 
Competition in Contracting Act and the Property Act do. One example is 
the Brooks Architect-Engineers Act, 40 U.S.C. �� 1101-1104, which 
establishes procedures for the acquisition of architectural and 
engineering services. It uses, but does not define, the term "agency." 
40 U.S.C. � 1102(1). In an internal memorandum, B-215818- 0.M., Aug. 
10, 1984, GAO considered whether this act applies to the Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation, and concluded that it does not, 
consistent with the clear congressional pattern of excluding mixed-
ownership corporations from the coverage of procurement laws. 

Another example is the Service Contract Act of 1965, 41 U.S.C. � 351, 
which prescribes minimum standards for wages and working conditions 
under contracts "the principal purpose of which is to furnish services 
in the United States through the use of service employees." 41 U.S.C. 
� 351(a). Like the Brooks Architect-Engineers Act, it does not define 
its own applicability. It has been held applicable to Federal Reserve 
banks. 2 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 211 (1978), approved and followed in 
Brink's, Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 466 
F. Supp. 116 (D.D.C. 1979). It has also been held applicable to a 
contract between a personnel referral firm and a federally funded 
research and development center, even though it would not apply to the 
contract between the center and its sponsoring agency because the 
latter would not meet the "principal purpose" qualification quoted 
above. Menlo Service Corp. v. United States, 765 F.2d 805 (9th Cir. 

c. General Management Laws: 

We have included under this caption the series of laws, enacted during 
the last quarter of the twentieth century, designed to enhance the 
management, general and financial, of government entities in the broad 

(1) Inspector General Act: 

The Inspector General Act of 1978 (Pub. L. No. 95-452, 92 Stat. 1101 
(Oct. 12, 1978)), as amended, is found in the appendix to title 5 of 
the United States Code. Its purpose is to create independent and 
objective units to conduct audits and investigations of the agency's 
programs and operations. 5 U.S.C. app. � 2. 

This Act divides the federal government into three categories�
establishments, designated federal entities, and other federal 
entities. The Act defines "establishment" by listing the agencies and 
instrumentalities covered, starting with the cabinet departments. 5 
U.S.C. app. � 11(2). The listing includes a few government 
corporations, such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the 
Corporation for National and Community Service, and the Tennessee 
Valley Authority. Id. Each establishment is required to have an Office 
of Inspector General, the head of which is appointed by the President 
with the advice and consent of the Senate. 5 U.S.C. app. �� 2, 3(a). 

"Designated federal entity" is similarly defined by listing the 
entities covered, and includes several more government corporations 
and several noninstrumentalities�Amtrak,[Footnote 187] the Corporation 
for Public Broadcasting, the Legal Services Corporation, and the 
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. 5 U.S.C. app. � 8G(a)(2). It 
also includes the Farm Credit Administration and the National Credit 
Union Administration, which are not themselves government corporations 
but which supervise government corporations. A designated federal 
entity must have an Office of Inspector General, whose head is 
appointed by the head of the entity. 5 U.S.C. app. � 8G(b), (c). 

The term "federal entity" includes government corporations as defined 
in 5 U.S.C. � 103, which means both wholly owned and mixed-ownership, 
except for corporations already listed as either establishments or 
designated federal entities, or which are part of an entity in either 
of those groups. 5 U.S.C. app. � 8G(a)(1). A federal entity is not 
statutorily required to have an Office of Inspector General, but must 
report annually on its internal audit structure to the Office of 
Management and Budget and to the Congress. 5 U.S.C. app. � 8G(h)(2). 
The corporations selected for "designated federal entity" status are 
those receiving over $100 million annually in federal funds. See H.R. 
Rep. No. 100-771, at 2 (1988). 

(2) Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982: 

The Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA), Pub. L. 
No. 97-255, 96 Stat. 814 (Sept. 8, 1982),[Footnote 188] sets out a 
framework for establishing and evaluating internal controls. Section 2 
requires each executive agency to develop, in accordance with 
standards prescribed by the Comptroller General,[Footnote 189] a 
system of internal accounting and administrative controls, and to 
report each year, under Office of Management and Budget 
guidelines,[Footnote 190] on the extent of its compliance. The 
applicable definitional section is 31 U.S.C. � 3501, which excludes "a 
corporation, agency, or instrumentality subject to [the Government 
Corporation Control Act (GCCA), 31 U.S.C. �� 9101-9110]." Therefore, 
section 2 of finFIA by its own force has no application to government 
corporations listed in the GCCA, 31 U.S.C. � 9101. However, because 
GCCA corporations were specifically excluded from the definition of 
"executive agency" by 31 U.S.C. � 3501, other non-GCCA corporate 
entities specifically designated as "agencies or instrumentalities" 
may be subject to finFIA, since the general title 31 definition of 
"executive agency" in 31 U.S.C. � 102 includes agencies and 
instrumentalities in the executive branch of the government. 

Also, the annual management report, added to the Government 
Corporation Control Act by the Chief Financial Officers Act (see 
below), requires the inclusion of "a statement on internal accounting 
and administrative control systems by the head of the management of 
the corporation, consistent with the requirements for agency 
statements on internal accounting and administrative control systems 
under the amendments made by the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity 
Act of 1982." 31 U.S.C. � 9106(a)(2)(E). Accordingly, while finFIA 
does not apply to GCCA corporations by its own terms, the GCCA 
contains a parallel requirement. 

(3) Chief Financial Officers Act: 

The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (CFO Act), Pub. L. No. 101-
576, 104 Stat. 2838 (Nov. 15, 1990), which enacted, among other 
things, provisions in 31 U.S.C. �� 901-903, as amended, requires the 
establishment of Chief Financial Officers in specified agencies, but 
includes no government corporations. 31 U.S.C. � 901. However, other 
statutes do require some government corporations to establish Chief 
Financial Officers. For example, the Corporation for National and 
Community Service has a presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed 
Chief Financial Officer. 42 U.S.C. � 12651e(c). The Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation has an internally appointed Chief Financial 
Officer. 12 U.S.C. � 1821(a)(6)(E)(vi). 

The CFO Act did, however, revise the audit and management reporting 
provisions of the Government Corporation Control Act, as summarized in 
our coverage of that act in section B.4.a of this chapter. Section 301 
of the CFO Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3512(a), requires the Office of Management 
and Budget to include information about government corporations in the 
financial management status reports and governmentwide 5-year 
financial management plans it must prepare for the Congress. 

(4) Government Performance and Results Act: 

The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), Pub. L. No. 
103-62, 107 Stat. 285 (Aug. 3, 1993), is designed to improve 
efficiency and effectiveness in the federal government by requiring 
agencies to set performance goals and to measure results against those 
goals. Section 3 of GPRA, 5 U.S.C. � 306, requires each agency to 
submit to Congress, and requires the Office of Management and Budget 
to update periodically, a strategic plan, which must include a mission 
statement and the agency's goals and objectives for at least a 5-year 
period. Section 4 of GPRA, 31 U.S.C. �� 1115 and 1116, requires 
agencies to prepare annual performance plans and program performance 
reports. GPRNs definition of agency is "an Executive agency defined 
under [5 U.S.C. �1 105," with several exceptions not relevant here. 5 
U.S.C. � 306(f); 31 U.S.C. � 1115(g)(1). Therefore, GPRA applies to 
both wholly owned and mixed-ownership government corporations. 

(5) Government Management Reform Act of 1994: 

The Government Management Reform Act of 1994 requires Treasury to 
prepare annual consolidated financial statements "covering all 
accounts and associated activities of the executive branch of the 
United States Government." Pub. L. No. 103-356, � 405(c), 108 Stat. 
3410, 3416 (Oct. 13, 1994), 31 U.S.C. � 331(e)(1). GAO is required to 
audit these consolidated statements. 31 U.S.C. � 331(e)(2). Since the 
statements are to cover the entire executive branch, they include 
those government corporations that are in the executive branch. See 
U.S. Department of Treasury, 2005 Financial Report of the U.S. 
Government, Appendix: Significant Government Entities Included and 
Excluded from the Financial Statements (December 2005), at 133-34. 
[Footnote 191] In fact, the Office of Management and Budget and 
Treasury direct certain government corporations to submit special 
audit financial information to Treasury for consolidation. OMB Cir. 
No. A-136, Financial Reporting Requirements, � I.3 (June 29, 2007); I 
TFM 2-4700. 

(6) Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996: 

This law requires agencies to comply with federal accounting 
standards, financial management system requirements, and the United 
States Government Standard General Ledger. Pub. L. No. 104-208, thy. 
A, � 101(f) [title VDT, � 803(a)], 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-390-92 (Sept. 
30, 1996). It does not apply to government corporations because it 
defines agency by incorporating the definition in 31 U.S.C. � 901(b), 
which does not include any government corporations. Pub. L. No. 104-
208, � 806(1). 

(7) Improper Payments Information Act of 2002: 

This statute requires agencies to identify programs or activities that 
are susceptible to significant improper payments, annually estimate 
the amount of improper payments, and report those estimates and 
actions taken to reduce improper payments for highly-susceptible 
programs. Pub. L. No. 107-300, 116 Stat. 2350 (Nov. 26, 2002), 31 
U.S.C. � 3321 note. The act uses the broad definition of executive 
agency in 31 U.S.C. � 102, which includes instrumentalities in the 
executive branch, meaning that both wholly owned and mixed-ownership 
government corporations designated as executive branch 
instrumentalities are covered. Pub. L. No. 107-300, � 2(d)(1). 

d. Property Management: 

The primary law governing the use and disposal of property is the 
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. The 
pertinent definitions are found in 40 U.S.C. �� 102(4) and (5), under 
which the term "federal agency" includes executive agency, and 
"executive agency" includes any wholly owned government corporation. 
Naturally, there are exceptions. For example, 40 U.S.C. � 113(c) 
exempts both wholly owned and mixed-ownership government corporations 
subject to the Government Corporation Control Act (31 U.S.C. �� 9101-
9110) from the provisions relating to GAO approval of property 
accounting systems (40 U.S.C. � 121(b)) and GAO audit of property 
accounts (40 U.S.C. � 506(c)). The Tennessee Valley Authority is 
partially exempt by virtue of 40 U.S.C. � 113(e)(11). The rule is, 
therefore, that absent an applicable exemption, provisions of the 
Property Act applicable to federal agencies or executive agencies 
apply to wholly owned government corporations. 

Section 501 of 40 U.S.C. gives the General Services Administration a 
variety of responsibilities with respect to the procurement and 
storage of personal property, including public utility services. This 
applies to wholly owned corporations by virtue of 40 U.S.C. � 102. The 
law further directs GSA to provide these services upon request to 
mixed-ownership corporations as well. 40 U.S.C. � 502(a)(2). This 
would include such services as the use of federal supply schedules. 

The disposition of excess property is covered in 40 U.S.C. �� 521-529. 
Reimbursement of fair value is required in the case of a transfer from 
one agency to another when either the transferring agency or the 
receiving agency is a corporation under the Government Corporation 
Control Act. 40 U.S.C. � 522(b). The purpose of this provision is to 
"maintain the integrity of the corporate accounts; that is, to prevent 
the impairment of the capital assets of a corporation disposing of 
excess property or the unjust enrichment of a corporation receiving 
such excess property." B-119819, Dec. 1,1954, at 2. 

Transfer may be made without reimbursement in situations where it 
would not impair a corporation's capital structure�uncommon in the 
case of a government corporation, but possible nevertheless. Id.; B-
129149, Sept. 28, 1956. 

Section 543 of title 40, United States Code, addresses surplus 
property and is also applicable to wholly owned corporations. Under 
this provision, the disposing agency may "execute documents to 
transfer title or other interest in the property and may take other 
action it considers necessary or proper to dispose of the property." 
This includes transfers of title to real property from a wholly owned 
corporation to the United States, as and to the extent required by 
regulation. 41 Op. Att'y Gen. 15 (1949) (dealing with similar language 
in a predecessor statute). 

Proceeds from the sale of surplus property, as well as reimbursements 
from the transfer of excess property, are governed by 40 U.S.C. �� 571-
574, which generally direct their deposit as miscellaneous receipts. 
40 U.S.C. � 571. However, an exception specified in 40 U.S.C. � 574(a) 
provides that where the property transferred or disposed of was 
acquired by the use of funds either not appropriated from the general 
fund of the Treasury, or appropriated from the general fund but by law 
reimbursable from assessment, tax, or other revenue or receipts, then 
the net proceeds of the disposition or transfer shall be credited to 
the reimbursable fund or paid to the agency that determined the 
property to be excess. 

GSA leasing authority is found in 40 U.S.C. � 581(d). It, too, applies 
to wholly owned corporations by virtue of 40 U.S.C. � 102. As with 
personal property services, GSA may extend its buildings services 
(operation, maintenance, protection) to a mixed-ownership corporation 
upon request. 40 U.S.C. � 582(a). An odd situation occurred in 38 
Comp. Gen. 565 (1959). The Federal National Mortgage Association 
(Fannie Mae) started out in life as a wholly owned government 
corporation, was rechartered as a mixed-ownership government 
corporation, and is now a government-sponsored enterprise. In 1959, it 
was a mixed-ownership corporation, but Congress had chosen to retain 
it in the Government Corporation Control Act as a wholly owned 
corporation. The question was whether Fannie Mae was required to do 
its leasing through GSA. The continued listing as a wholly owned 
corporation, the decision reasoned, was only for purposes of the 
Control Act. Absent some other definition, the "actual organic 
structure of the corporation" should determine its status. 38 Comp. 
Gen. at 567. Therefore, for purposes of leasing authority, Fannie Mae 
was a mixed-ownership corporation and thus not required to lease 
office space through GSA. See also B-161531, June 29, 1967. 

Another pertinent statute is the Public Buildings Act.[Footnote 192] 
It applies to wholly owned corporations and to several specified mixed-
ownership corporations, one of which is the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation (FDIC). 40 U.S.C. � 3301(a)(3)(E). Thus, an office 
building proposed to be constructed by the FDIC would be a "public 
building" and therefore subject to the Public Buildings Act, except 
for the prospectus approval requirement. B-143167-0.M., Sept. 27, 1960. 

The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition 
Policies Act of 1970,[Footnote 193] which authorizes relocation 
assistance to individuals affected by federal projects, also applies 
to wholly owned government corporations. 42 U.S.C. � 4601(1). 

e. Freedom of Information, Privacy Acts: 

The Administrative Procedure Act defines agency to mean "each 
authority of the Government of the United States, whether or not it is 
within or subject to review by another agency," with a list of 
exceptions not relevant to this discussion. 5 U.S.C. � 551(1). The 
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that "'agency' as defined 
in section 551(1) of this title includes any ... Government 
corporation [or] Government controlled corporation," which includes 
both wholly owned and mixed-ownership government corporations. 5 
U.S.C. � 552(0(1). The Privacy Act provides that "the term 'agency' 
means agency as defined in section 552([f]) of this title." 5 U.S.C. � 
552a(a)(1). Thus, the extent to which FOIA and the Privacy Act apply 
to government corporations should be the same since they use the same 

Given the plain statutory language, the traditional types of 
government corporations�wholly owned and mixed-ownership�do not appear 
to have presented problems. E.g., Dean v. Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corp., 389 F. Supp. 2d 780 (E.D. Ky. 2005) (FOIA and Privacy Act held 
applicable in suit against the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation); 
Stephens v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 754 F. Supp. 579 (E.D. Tenn. 
1990) (Privacy Act suit against the Tennessee Valley Authority with no 
suggestion of concern over applicability); Jones v. United States 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 654 F. Supp. 130, 131 (D.D.C. 1987) 
(FOIA applies to the Tennessee Valley Authority). If these traditional 
government corporations are at the "clearly covered" extreme, at the 
other, "clearly not covered" extreme, are private corporations which 
receive federal financial assistance, even with a slight amount of 
federal supervision. Irwin Memorial Blood Bank v. American National 
Red Cross, 640 F.2d 1051 (9th Cir. 1981) (holding FOIA inapplicable to 
the Red Cross); Forsham v. Harris, 445 U.S. 169 (1980) (holding FOIA 
inapplicable to a private grantee). 

The difficult cases occupy the gray area between these poles. The case 
of Rocap v. Indiek, 539 F.2d 174 (D.C. Cir. 1976), found FOIA 
applicable to the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie 
Mac), a government-sponsored enterprise. The court listed the factors 
it found relevant, acknowledging that none of them alone would be 

"It is federally chartered, its Board of Directors is Presidentially 
appointed, it is subject to close governmental supervision and control 
over its business transactions, and to federal audit and reporting 
requirements. In addition, the Corporation is expressly designated an 
'agency,' and its employees are officers and employees of the United 
States, for a number of purposes." 

Id. at 180. 

Taken together, these "federal characteristics dictate the conclusion 
that it is the kind of federally created and controlled entity" that 
Congress intended to include under the term government-controlled 
corporation. Id. at 181.[Footnote 194] 

Amtrak is subject to FOIA by virtue of 49 U.S.C. � 24301(e), which 
makes FOIA applicable for any year in which Amtrak receives a federal 
subsidy. However, it is not a government-controlled corporation for 
purposes of the Privacy Act. United States v. Jackson, 381 F.3d 984 
(10th Cir. 2004), cert. denied, 544 U.S. 963 (2005); Ehm v. National 
Railroad Passenger Corporation, 732 F.2d 1250 (5th Cir.), cert. 
denied, 469 U.S. 982 (1984). The issue had become somewhat clouded by 
some legislative history that could be used to support applicability, 
as GAO had done in 57 Comp. Gen. 773 (1978). The Ehm court reviewed 
the legislative history, found it inconclusive, and found Amtrak 
closer to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which was 
indisputably intended to be excluded. Ehm, 732 F.2d at 1253-55. 

A related statute is the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. � 
552b, which requires, among other things, that every meeting of an 
agency be announced in advance and open to the public, unless 
otherwise excepted. It defines agency as an agency (1) within the 
FOIA/Privacy Act definition, which explicitly includes both wholly 
owned and mixed-ownership government corporations, and which is (2) 
"headed by a collegial body composed of two or more individual 
members, a majority of whom are appointed to such position by the 
President." 5 U.S.C. � 552b(a)(1). A corporation's board of directors 
is a "collegial body." 63 Comp. Gen. 98,99 (1983); 57 Comp. Gen. at 
775. While Ehm supersedes these cases insofar as they deal with 
Amtrak, the general points remain valid, and many government 
corporations are subject to the Sunshine Act. 

Of course, as it did with Amtrak, Congress can exclude or include 
government corporations under these laws. 1 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 
126, 131-32 (1977). 

Another information-related statute is the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1980 (which replaced the Federal Reports Act of 1942), 44 U.S.C. �� 
35013520, which gives the Office of Management and Budget certain 
oversight and regulatory responsibilities with respect to the 
collection of information from the public. The statute's definition of 
agency is essentially the same as that of FOIA and the Privacy Act in 
that it expressly includes both wholly owned and mixed-ownership 
government corporations. 44 U.S.C. � 3502(1). 

In 2002, Congress passed the E-Government Act to enhance access to 
government information, to promote electronic government services, and 
to increase federal information security. Pub. L. No. 107-347, 116 
Stat. 2899 (Dec. 17, 2002). The majority of the statute's provisions 
employ the definition of agency in the Paperwork Reduction Act and 
thus apply to both wholly owned and mixed-ownership government 
corporations. Pub. L. No. 107-347, �� 201, 301. Title II of Public Law 
107-347 ensures the acceptance by agencies, government corporations, 
and government controlled corporations of electronic signatures and 
requires the development of standards for agency Web sites. Title III 
of Public Law 107-347, titled the Federal Information Security 
Management Act, sets security standards for agencies' information 
systems, which also apply to both wholly owned and mixed-ownership 
government corporations. 

f. Printing and Binding: 

Subject to a few exceptions, all printing and binding for "every 
executive department, independent office and establishment of the 
Government, shall be done at the Government Printing Office." 44 
U.S.C. � 501. Title 44 does not further define the applicability of 
this provision. Although the cases must be approached with some 
caution, the rule developed in the cases presented below is that a 
government corporation empowered to determine the character and 
necessity of its expenditures is not required to comply with 44 U.S.C. 
� 501. 

The earliest decision appears to be A-49652, June 28, 1933, in which 
GAO advised that the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) was not 
required to have its printing done at the Government Printing Office. 
Yet in 14 Comp. Gen. 695 (1935), GAO held that the Federal Savings and 
Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) was subject to the requirement. The 
difference was that the Home Owners' Loan Corporation had the 
statutory "character and necessity" power, whereas the FSLIC did not. 
FSLIC was given that power shortly thereafter, and GAO then confirmed 
that it, too, was now exempt. A-60495, Oct. 4, 1938. The two 
corporations subsequently adopted resolutions to serve as their 
determination of nonapplicability, and GAO concurred. A-98289, Jan. 
18, 1939 (HOLC); A-98289, A-60495, Jan. 18, 1939 (FSLIC). See also 18 
Comp. Gen. 479 (1938); 14 Comp. Gen. 698 (1935). GAO has applied the 
same result to other government corporations and similar entities. 
E.g., B-209585, Jan. 26, 1983 (Tennessee Valley Authority); B-114829, 
July 8, 1975 (U.S. Postal Service). A corporation not subject to 44 
U.S.C. � 501 may still elect to follow it. A-49217, June 5, 1933. 

By coincidence, all of the government corporations GAO had considered 
possessed the variety of "character and necessity" authority which 
included the "without regard to other provisions of law" clause. See 
sections B.6.c(1) and (2) of this chapter. A 1986 decision, 65 Comp. 
Gen. 226, misinterpreted this coincidence and treated the "without 
regard" clause, rather than the basic "character and necessity" 
provision, as the basis for the exemption. While the actual holding of 
65 Comp. Gen. 226 is correct�that a corporation not possessing the 
"character and necessity" power must follow 44 U.S.C. � 501�the 
discussion of the "without regard" clause is not. This is because 44 
U.S.C. � 501 is a general statute; it does not expressly apply to 
government corporations. Therefore, as discussed in section B.6.c of 
this chapter, a "character and necessity" provision is sufficient to 
permit its avoidance, without the need for the additional "without 
regard" clause. 

As further evidence, in 1949, the Institute of Inter-American Affairs 
responded to a budget cut by firing all of its auditors. An angered 
Congress threatened to respond by repealing its "character and 
necessity" power. See B-24827, Mar. 24, 1949. As part of this process, 
GAO was asked to study which laws would be affected by such a repeal. 
The resulting statement listed the printing statute as one of the laws 
that had not previously applied but would in the event of repeal. See 
GAO, General Accounting Office Statement Concerning Effect of 
"Determine and Prescribe" Language on Conduct of Business by the 
Institute of Inter-American Affairs, June 22, 1949, 334 MS 1805A. 
[Footnote 195] 

g. Criminal Code: 

Regardless of a corporation's autonomy, it is within the power of 
Congress to provide that a crime against a government corporation is a 
crime against the United States. The Supreme Court has said: 

"The United States can protect its property by criminal laws, and its 
constitutional power would not be affected if it saw fit to create a 
corporation of its own for purposes of the Government, under laws 
emanating directly or indirectly from itself, and turned the property 
over to its creature. The creator would not be subordinated to its own 

United States v. Walter, 263 U.S. 15, 17 (1923). 

Congress has implemented this power through several provisions of the 
Criminal Code in title 18 of the United States Code. The definition of 
agency includes "any corporation in which the United States has a 
proprietary interest, unless the context shows that such term was 
intended to be used in a more limited sense." 18 U.S.C. � 6. 

Some statutes in which this definition can come into play are 18 
U.S.C. �� 286 (conspiracy to defraud the United States or agency 
thereof through a false claim); 287 (presenting a false claim to the 
United States or agency thereof); and 371 (conspiracy to defraud the 
United States or agency thereof "in any manner or for any purpose"). 
An illustrative case is United States v. Samuel Dunkel & Co., 184 F.2d 
894 (2nd Cir. 1950), cert. denied, 340 U.S. 930 (1951), holding that 
fraud upon the former Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation was the 
same as fraud upon the United States for purposes of 18 U.S.C. � 371. 
This was an easy case since the corporation in question was 
statutorily designated as an agency of the United States. Id. at 898. 
In view of the language of 18 U.S.C. � 6, however, that designation 
would not appear to be necessary. See Walter, 263 U.S. at 18. 

The "proprietary interest" language of 18 U.S.C. � 6 replaced language 
in prior laws referring to "any corporation in which the United States 
is a stockholder." See 18 U.S.C. �� 286, 287 (Revision Notes). No 
minimum proprietary interest is specified to trigger applicability. 
Thus, the statute would apply to a corporation in which the 
proprietary interest is slight, the only qualification being that it 
must be an instrumentality of the government. Walter, 263 U.S. at 18. 
This ensures that the statute is restricted to its intended purpose, 
government corporations, and eliminates situations in which the United 
States might, for example, acquire an interest in a private 
corporation through some sort of forfeiture. 

Proprietary interest also includes nonstock government corporations. 
The Revision Note to 18 U.S.C. � 6 makes clear that this phrase "is 
intended to include those governmental corporations in which stock is 
not actually issued." A case applying this concept is Acron 
Investments, Inc. v. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, 
363 F.2d 236, 239-40 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 385 U.S. 970 (1966), 
dealing with the identical proprietary interest language in 28 U.S.C. 
� 451 which was intended to parallel 18 U.S.C. � 6. Another is 
Government National Mortgage Association v. Terry, 608 F.2d 614 (5th 
Cir. 1979), applying Acron to Ginnie Mae. 

8. Claims and Lawsuits: 

a. Administrative Claims : 

(1) Claims settlement authority: 

The structure of administrative claims settlement in the federal 
government consists of (1) a series of statutes, one example being the 
Federal Tort Claims Act, authorizing the final and conclusive 
settlement of claims either with or without judicial review, and (2) a 
general claims settlement statute, 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a), which picks up 
claims not covered by any of the specific statutes. 

Government corporations[Footnote 196] generally have their own claims 
settlement authority by virtue of specific charter provisions, and are 
therefore not subject to 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a). The most direct approach 
is illustrated by 15 U.S.C. � 714b(k), which provides that the 
Commodity Credit Corporation may "make final and conclusive settlement 
and adjustment of any claims by or against the Corporation or the 
accounts of its fiscal officers." 

While often cited in conjunction with a "sue-and-be-sued" clause (see 
section B.8.c(2) of this chapter) or a "character and necessity" 
clause (see section B.6.c(1) of this chapter), this provision is 
sufficient to permit the corporation to administratively settle its 
own claims. Government corporations with this type of authority 
include the Tennessee Valley Authority,[Footnote 197] and the 
Bonneville Power Administration.[Footnote 198] 

GAO also has held that the power to sue and be sued, combined with the 
power to determine the character and necessity of expenditures, even 
without the explicit claims settlement power, is still sufficient to 
remove the corporation from the scope of 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a). B-
179464, Mar. 27, 1974; B-109766, Jan. 20, 1959 (both dealing with the 
former Panama Canal Company). The Federal Housing Administration has 
similar authority, from which it derives its claims settlement 
authority. 12 U.S.C. � 1702; 53 Comp. Gen. 337 (1973); 27 Comp. Gen. 
429, 432 (1948); B-156202, Mar. 9, 1965. 

(2) Federal Tort Claims Act: 

Prior to the Federal Tort Claims Act (FICA), 28 U.S.C. �� 1346(b), 
2671-2680, it was somewhat unclear whether government corporations 
were subject to common-law tort suits. By 1939, the answer became 
settled in the affirmative. Keifer & Keifer v. Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation, 306 U.S. 381 (1939); Prato v. Home Owners' Loan 
Corporation, 106 F.2d 128 (1st Cir. 1939). See also 25 Comp. Gen. 685 
(1946). When the FICA was enacted in 1946 to remove much of the 
government's tort immunity, it included most, if not all, of the then-
existing government corporations in the waiver. The Act defines 
federal agency as including "corporations primarily acting as 
instrumentalities or agencies of the United States." 28 U.S.C. � 2671. 
Far from establishing a black-letter rule, however, the definition 
raises as many questions as it answers. 

At a minimum, the definition should pick up wholly owned government 
corporations. The following have been found subject to the Act: 

* The former Inland Waterways Corporation. Wickman v. Inland Waterways 
Corporation, 78 F. Supp. 284 (D. Minn. 1948). This appears to be the 
earliest published decision on the applicability of the VIVA to a 
government corporation. 

* The former Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Federal 
Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. v. Quinn, 419 F.2d 1014 (7th Cir. 
1969); Kohlbeck v. Kis, 651 E Supp. 1233 (D. Mont. 1987); Colony First 
Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n v. Federal Savings & Loan Insurance 
Corp., 643 F. Supp. 410 (C.D. Cal. 1986). 

* Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. Handley v. Tecon 
Corp., 172 E Supp. 565 (N.D.N.Y. 1959). 

* Federal Housing Administration. Edelman v. Federal Housing 
Administration, 382 F.2d 594 (2nd Cir. 1967). 

* Federal Prison Industries (FPI). See United States v. Demko, 385 
U.S. 149 (1966). The Court in that case held that a prisoner injured 
while working for FPI could not sue under the VIVA because the 
compensation remedy provided under 18 U.S.C. � 4126 was his exclusive 
remedy. If the VIVA did not apply to FPI, there would have been no 
need to tackle the exclusivity question. 

Our research has disclosed no case in which the VIVA was found 
inapplicable to a wholly owned government corporation on the basis of 
the section 2671 definition. 

Turning to mixed-ownership corporations, the situation is less 
uniform. One court has held a Federal Home Loan Bank is not a federal 
agency for VIVA purposes. Rheams v. Bankston, Wright & Greenhill, 756 
E Supp. 1004 (WD. Tex. 1991). Another court reached the opposite 
result for the former Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), influenced 
largely by the fact that "the RTC is an organization similar to, and 
in fact replaces the FSLIC," which, as noted above, was an agency 
under the VIVA. Park Club, Inc. v. Resolution Trust [Corporation], 742 
E Supp. 395, 398 (S.D. Tex. 1990), aff'd in part and rev'd in part on 
other grounds, 967 F.2d 1053 (5th Cir. 1992). 

A sampling of cases involving the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation (FDIC), another mixed-ownership corporation, indicates 
some of the consequences of the FICA's applicability. Numerous cases 
have held that the FDIC is a federal agency for VIVA purposes. E.g., 
Davis v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 369 E Supp. 277 (D. Colo. 
1974). This is true regardless of whether the FDIC is acting in its 
receiver capacity or its corporate capacity. Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corp. v. Hartford Insurance Co., 877 F.2d 590 (7th Cir. 1989), cert. 
denied, 493 U.S. 1056 (1990); Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. 
diStefano, 839 E Supp. 110, 121 (D.R.I. 1993). One important 
consequence is that if the tort is subject to one of the exemptions 
listed in 28 U.S.C. � 2680, recovery is precluded just as if the 
agency involved were not a corporation, and the corporation's "sue and 
be sued" power (see section B.8.c(2) of this chapter) cannot be used 
to get in through the back door. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. 
Citizens Bank & Trust Co., 592 F.2d 364 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 444 
U.S. 829 (1979) (misrepresentation); Safeway Portland Employees' 
Federal Credit Union v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 506 F.2d 1213 
(9th Cir. 1974) (misrepresentation and deceit); Mill Creek Group, Inc. 
v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 136 E Supp. 2d 36 (D.Conn. 2001) 
(misrepresentation, fraud, and breach of fiduciary duty); Freeling v. 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 221 E Supp. 955 (W.D. Okla. 1962), 
aff'd, 326 F.2d 971 (10th Cir. 1963) (slander). One possible way 
around this is a valid recoupment claim, whereby a defendant can 
reduce a plaintiff's monetary recovery because of a counterclaim 
arising out of the same transaction. diStefano, 839 E Supp. at 123. 
Another important consequence of applicability is the requirement to 
attempt administrative resolution before going to court. E.g., Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Cheng, 787 E Supp. 625, 631 (N.D. Tex. 

If the seemingly uniform application in the case of wholly owned 
corporations begins to break down with respect to mixed-ownership 
corporations, it breaks down even further for the government-sponsored 
enterprise (GSE). For example, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage 
Corporation (Freddie Mac) has been held not a federal agency under the 
FICA. Mendrala v. Crown Mortgage Co., 955 F.2d 1132 (7th Cir. 1992). 

The original definitional language, quoted in Wickman, 78 E Supp. at 
285 (emphasis added) "corporations whose primary function is to act 
as, and while acting as, instrumentalities or agencies of the United 
States," suggests an interesting twist.[Footnote 199] At least in 
theory, it seems possible for a government corporation or GSE to be 
subject to the FICA with respect to its primary function, but not 
subject while performing some ancillary or incidental function. 

As to the remaining types of government corporations, applicability of 
the FICA would seem quite remote. In our definitional discussion in 
section B.2.c of this chapter we noted cases refusing to apply the 
VIVA to the American Red Cross and to the Civil Air Patrol. And, the 
VIVA does not apply to Amtrak. Sentner v. Amtrak, 540 F. Supp. 557, 
561 (D.N.J. 1982). 

For most government corporations, applicability of the FICA is 
determined under the definitional language of 28 U.S.C. � 2671. In a 
few instances, inclusion or exclusion is the subject of other specific 
legislation. For example, the Commodity Credit Corporation is subject 
to the FICA by virtue of express language in 15 U.S.C. � 714b(c), 
although it is not clear why the CCC would not qualify under the 
definitional language in any event. The FICA itself provides a few 
exemptions. Under 28 U.S.C. � 2680(n), the law does not apply to 
claims "arising from the activities of a Federal land bank, a Federal 
intermediate credit bank, or a bank for cooperatives." 

Another significant exemption is 28 U.S.C. � 2680(1): the VIVA does 
not apply to "any claim arising from the activities of the Tennessee 
Valley Authority." From this, it is clear that the FICA cannot form 
the basis of a claim or suit against the Tennessee Valley Authority 
(TVA). E.g., Robinson v. United States, 422 F. Supp. 121 (M.D. Tenn. 
1976); Latch v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 312 F. Supp. 1069 (N.D. 
Miss. 1970). However, TVA still can be sued in tort under its "sue and 
be sued" clause. Courts have held that, subject to public policy 
limitations, it is "subject to common law liability and may be sued 
and held liable as may be a private individual." Brewer v. Sheco 
Construction Co., 327 F. Supp. 1017, 1019 (W.D. Ky. 1971). See Smith 
v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 436 F. Supp. 151, 153-54 (E.D. Tenn. 
1977) (following Brewer). Well, maybe not exactly like a private 
individual because TVA is an agency or instrumentality of the United 
States and the Fifth Circuit has held that it cannot be held liable 
for punitive damages without statutory authority. Painter v. Tennessee 
Valley Authority, 476 F.2d 943 (5th Cir. 1973). 

(3) Contract Disputes Act: 

The Contract Disputes Act (CDA), 41 U.S.C. �� 601-613, applies to each 
executive agency, which includes a wholly owned government corporation 
as defined by 31 U.S.C. � 9101(3). 41 U.S.C. � 601(2). See APA, Inc. 
v. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., 562 E Supp. 884 (WD. La. 
1983) (CDA applied to former FSLIC because it was listed as a wholly 
owned government corporation). However, the Federal Circuit has ruled 
that the Contract Disputes Act does not apply to the Federal Prison 
Industries (FPI) because the CDA requires judgments rendered against 
the United States to be paid out of appropriated funds, and FPI is a 
nonappropriated fund instrumentality. Core Concepts of Florida, Inc. 
v. United States, 327 F.3d 1331, 1338 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 540 
U.S. 1046 (2003). 

As is often the case, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has its own 
specific provisions. TVA contracts "for the sale of fertilizer or 
electric power or related to the conduct or operation of the electric 
power system" are excluded from the CDA. 41 U.S.C. � 602(b). Other TVA 
contracts are covered only if they include a disputes clause mandating 
administrative resolution. 41 U.S.C. �602(b). The TVA is authorized to 
establish its own board of contract appeals, and has its own direct 
payment authority. 41 U.S.C. �� 607(a)(2), 612(d). 

(4) Assignment of Claims Act: 

The Assignment of Claims Act (31 U.S.C. � 3727, 41 U.S.C. � 15) does 
not explicitly define its applicability. Therefore, absent some 
charter provision resolving the issue, applicability has been 
determined through case law. 

The first wave of cases involved the U.S. Emergency Fleet Corporation, 
which seems to have spent as much time litigating as shipping cargo. 
The Comptroller of the Treasury ruled in 1919 that the statute should 
apply whenever payment is to be made from appropriated funds, and 
therefore it was not necessary to determine whether claims against the 
Corporation were claims against the United States. 25 Comp. Dec. 701, 
703 (1919). The courts disagreed, however, and held that the Fleet 
Corporation, because of its distinct corporate entity, was not subject 
to the Act. Rhodes v. United States, 8 E Supp. 124 (E.D.N.Y. 1934); 
Charles Nelson Co. v. United States, 11 F.2d 906 (W.D. Wash. 1926); 
Providence Engineering Corp. v. Downey Shipbuilding Corp., 3 F.2d 154 
(E.D.N.Y. 1924). 

What was distinct about the Fleet Corporation, although not spelled 
out in the cases cited, was that the Shipping Board, which had 
organized the Fleet Corporation under statutory authority, was 
authorized to sell Fleet Corporation stock to the public as long as 
the Shipping Board remained majority stockholder. See Pub. L. No. 64-
260, � 11, 39 Stat. 728, 731 (Sept. 7, 1916). The Corporation had been 
organized "so that private parties could share stock ownership with 
the United States." Rainwater v. United States, 356 U.S. 590, 593 
(1958). While this may never have actually happened,[Footnote 200] the 
Corporation was nevertheless legally designed to be more of a mixed-
ownership corporation. Accordingly, the Rainwater Court noted in 
another context that enactments dealing with corporations like the 
Fleet Corporation were "of little value" in assessing "wholly owned 
and closely controlled" government corporations. Id. at 593-94. (A 
cynic might say that is equally true for case law.) 

Later cases involving wholly owned corporations tend to regard the 
Assignment of Claims Act as applicable. The court in Federal Insurance 
Co. v. Hardy, 222 F. Supp. 68 (E.D. Mo. 1963), found it applicable to 
the Federal Housing Administration. Other cases have applied the 
Assignment of Claims Act to the Tennessee Valley Authority (Sigmon 
Fuel Co. v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 709 F.2d 440 (6th Cir. 1983)), 
and the Export-Import Bank (Balfour Maclaine International, Ltd. v. 
Hanson, 876 F. Supp. 52, 57 (S.D.N.Y. 1995)). See also In re Sunberg, 
35 B.R. 777 (Bankr. S.D. Iowa 1983), aff'd, 729 F.2d 561 (8th Cir. 
1984) (Commodity Credit Corporation). 

It is also possible for a government corporation or government-
sponsored enterprise which qualifies as a "financing institution" to 
be the assignee of the proceeds of a contract between the contractor 
and some other government agency. For example, in In re Peoria 
Consolidated Manufacturers, Inc., 286 F.2d 642 (7th Cir. 1961), the 
court noted that the plaintiff manufacturing company had obtained a 
loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and, as security 
assigned, to the corporation money due under a contract with the Army. 
Id. at 644. 

(5) Estoppel: 

The classic case on estoppel against the government, Federal Crop 
Insurance Corp. v. Merrill, 332 U.S. 380 (1947), involved a wholly 
owned government corporation. The Corporation had denied a claim based 
on the eligibility criteria in its regulations. The Supreme Court 
upheld the denial, notwithstanding that the farmer had been misled 
into believing that his crop would be covered. Speaking through 
Justice Frankfurter, the Court explained: 

"We assume that recovery could be had against a private insurance 
company. But the Corporation is not a private insurance company.... 
The Government may carry on its operations through conventional 
executive agencies or through corporate forms especially created for 
defined ends.... Whatever the form in which the Government functions, 
anyone entering into an arrangement with the Government takes the risk 
of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the 
Government stays within the bounds of his authority." 

Id. at 383-84. 

The D.C. Circuit has held Freddie Mac�the Federal Home Loan Mortgage 
Corporation�to be a federal entity for purposes of a promissory 
estoppel claim. McCauley v. Thygerson, 732 F.2d 978 (D.C. Cir. 1984). 
(This was the preprivatization version of Freddie Mac dealt with in 
Rocap v. Indiek, 539 F.2d 174 (D.C. Cir. 1976), discussed in section 
B.7.e of this chapter in connection with the Freedom of Information 

(6) Prompt Payment Act: 

The Prompt Payment Act, 31 U.S.C. �� 3901-3907, requires the payment 
of an interest penalty when an agency makes late payment for the 
acquisition of property or services from a business concern. The 
definition of agency in 31 U.S.C. � 3901(a)(1) adopts the definition 
of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. � 551(1), which is broad 
enough to include government corporations but does not explicitly 
apply to them. GAO has regarded this language as clearly applying, for 
example, to the Commodity Credit Corporation. B-223857, Feb. 27, 1987. 
Subsection (b) of 31 U.S.C. � 3901 states that the Act applies to the 
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), but that "regulations prescribed 
under this chapter do not apply" to the TVA, which is authorized to 
prescribe its own implementing regulations. 

Congress amended the Act in 1988 to make it applicable to certain 
assistance payments to farmers by the Commodity Credit Corporation 
(CCC) which are not payments for the acquisition of goods or services. 
Pub. L. No. 100-496, � 3, 102 Stat. 2455, 2456 (Oct. 17, 1988), 
codified at 31 U.S.C. � 3902(h). Under 31 U.S.C. � 3907, a claim for 
an interest penalty may be brought under the Contract Disputes Act 
but, since that act has its own interest provision, Prompt Payment Act 
interest is limited to 1 year. However, by virtue of 31 U.S.C. � 
3902(h)(4), section 3907 does not apply to payments owed by the CCC 
for agricultural commodity pricing and disaster assistance programs. 
Therefore, the 1-year limitation on interest payments does not apply 
to those payments. Doane v. Espy, 873 E Supp. 1277 (WD. Wis. 1995). As 
with any other statute, and subject, of course, to constitutional 
restrictions, Congress can expand or restrict the scope or 
applicability of 31 U.S.C. � 3902(h). See Huntsman Farms, Inc. v. 
Espy, 928 F. Supp. 1451 (E.D. Ark. 1996), aff d, 105 F.3d 662 (8th 
Cir. 1997), for one example. 

(7) False Claims Act: 

The False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. �� 3729-3733, imposes liability for 
presenting a false claim to, or conspiring to defraud, "the 
Government." 31 U.S.C. � 3729(a). The question in the present context 
is whether defrauding a government corporation is the same as 
defrauding "the Government" for False Claims Act purposes. With 
respect to wholly owned corporations at least, the answer appears to 
be �yes.�[Footnote 201] 

One line of cases involves the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). The 
Supreme Court has held that a claim against the CCC is a claim against 
the government under the False Claims Act. Rainwater v. United States, 
356 U.S. 590 (1958). See also United States v. McNinch, 356 U.S. 595 
(1958); United States v. Brown, 274 F.2d 107 (4th Cir. 1960). As the 
Rainwater Court put it: "In brief, Commodity is simply an 
administrative device established by Congress for the purpose of 
carrying out federal farm programs with public funds.... In our 
judgment Commodity is a part of `the Government of the United States' 
for purposes of the False Claims Act." Rainwater, 356 U.S. at 592. 
Another line of cases says essentially the same thing with respect to 
the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). McNinelt, 356 U.S. at 598; 
United States v. Veneziale, 268 F.2d 504 (3rd Cir. 1959); United 
States v. Globe Remodeling Co., 196 F. Supp. 652 (D. Vt. 1960). 
However, the McNinch, Court held that a lending institution's 
application for credit insurance from the FHA is not a claim under the 
False Claims Act, because an application for credit insurance is not 
usually understood as a claim against the government. McNinch, 356 
U.S. at 598. 

Other wholly owned corporations which have been regarded as part of 
"the Government" under the False Claims Act include the Federal Crop 
Insurance Corporation (Kelsoe v. Federal Crop Insurance Corp., 724 F. 
Supp. 448 (E.D. Tex. 1988)), and the former Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation (United States v. Borin, 209 F.2d 145 (5th Cir.), cert. 
denied, 348 U.S. 821 (1954)). Whether there might be any basis for 
distinguishing these corporations from any other wholly owned 
corporation does not appear to have been addressed. 

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation�a mixed-ownership government 
corporation�has also been treated as part of the government under the 
False Claims Act. United States ex rel. Prawer & Co. v. Verrill & 
Dana, 946 F. Supp. 87 (D. Maine 1996), reconsideration denied, 962 F. 
Supp. 206 (D. Maine 1997). This case involved the so-called "reverse 
claim" provision of the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. � 3729(a)(7), 
imposing liability for knowingly making or using a false record or 
statement "to conceal, avoid, or decrease an obligation to pay or 
transmit money or property to the Government." 

In a 2004 decision, the D.C. Circuit held that Amtrak is not part of 
the government for purposes of the False Claims Act. United States ex 
rel. Totten v. Bombardier Corp., 380 F.3d 488 (D.C. Cir. 2004), cert. 
denied, 544 U.S. 1032 (2005). The court concluded that Congress had 
clearly specified that Amtrak is not an agency of the government, and 
that the False Claims Act requires presentment of a claim to a federal 
employee, which Amtrak employees are not. 

When a government corporation recovers damages under the False Claims 
Act, it is entitled to retain those funds that represent reimbursement 
for actual losses and for investigative costs. However, double and 
treble damages recovered under the Act must be deposited into the 
Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. B-281064, Feb. 14, 2000 
(disposition of damages recovered by the Tennessee Valley Authority 
under the False Claims Act). 

(8) Interagency claims: 

The conventional wisdom has traditionally been that an agency of the 
federal government may not sue the United States or another agency 
because the same person may not be on both ends of the same lawsuit. 
E.g., Defense Supplies Corporation v. United States Lines Co., 148 
F.2d 311 (2nd Cir.), cert. denied, 326 U.S. 746 (1945). Based in part 
on this reasoning, GAO had held that an agency's appropriations were 
not available to pay a claim for damage to the property of a 
government corporation. 25 Comp. Gen. 49 (1945). This was a 
straightforward application of the so-called "interdepartmental waiver 
doctrine," which prohibits a federal agency or instrumentality from 
paying for the use or repair of real property controlled by another 
federal agency or instrumentality unless authorized by statute. See 
Chapter 6, section E.2.c. This doctrine is based on the concept that 
the property of instrumentalities of the government is not the 
property of separate entities but rather of the government as a single 
entity. 71 Comp. Gen. 1 (1991), and cases cited. However, this theory 
of the government as a single entity, while still true for the most 
part, is not an absolute. See, e.g., United States v. Interstate 
Commerce Commission, 337 U.S. 426 (1949) (suit by the United States to 
review a decision by the Interstate Commerce Commission); Tennessee 
Valley Authority v. EPA, 278 F.3d 1184 (11th Cir. 2003), opinion 
withdrawn in part, 336 F.3d 1236 (11th Cir. 2003), cert. denied, 541 
U. 5.1030 (2004) (dispute between the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 
and EPA over the meaning of the Clean Air Act); Dean v. Herrington, 
668 E Supp. 646 (E.D. Tenn. 1987) (suit by TVA against the Department 
of Energy over two long-term power contracts). 

Other decisions have recognized the availability of an agency's 
appropriations to pay damage claims to at least certain government 
corporations and corporate-like entities. For example, the Bonneville 
Power Administration could charge the National Weather Service for 
damage resulting from its use of Bonneville property. 71 Comp. Gen. 1 
(1991). Under Bonneville's financing structure, the burden otherwise 
would have fallen on Bonneville's customers through rate increases 
caused by unrelated activities. Id. at 3-4. The Bonneville decision 
was followed and applied in B-253613, Dec. 3, 1993, holding that the 
Federal Highway Administration could pay TVA for damage its 
construction caused to TVA's electrical transmission towers because 
the burden would otherwise have fallen on TVA's customers. 

The reverse situation�-payment by a government corporation to another 
agency or government corporation�-occurred in 26 Comp. Gen. 235 
(1946). GAO concluded that the corporation could pay the claim as long 
as its funds were available for the payment of damages incurred in the 
course of its operations. In the cited case, the funds of the former 
Inland Waterways Corporation were available to operate the business of 
a common carrier by water, and therefore available to pay any lawful 
claims arising from that activity. The claimant in the 1946 case 
happened to be another government corporation. Either way, the fact 
that the agency or corporation suffering the damage may not have a 
legally enforceable claim does not prevent administrative settlement. 
Of course, the charter power to make final and conclusive claim 
settlements provides this authority too. 

b. Debt Collection: 

The United States has inherent authority to recover amounts owed to it 
and does not need any special statutory authority to do so. United 
States v. Wurts, 303 U.S. 414, 416 (1938). There is no apparent reason 
this should not apply equally to government corporations. See Bechtel 
v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 624 F. Supp. 590 (D.D.C. 
1984), aff'd, 781 F.2d 906 (D.C. Cir. 1986). 

The typical claims settlement charter provision of government 
corporations applies to debt claims as well as payment claims. For 
example, 15 U.S.C. � 714b(k) authorizes the Commodity Credit 
Corporation to "make final and conclusive settlement and adjustment of 
any claims by or against the Corporation." Just as with payment 
claims, this authority removes the corporation from the coverage of 31 
U.S.C. � 3702(a), the general claims settlement statute. Since most 
debt collection became statutory during the last third of the 
twentieth century, this has less significance than it does in the 
payment context. 

Much of the governmentwide debt collection legislation applies 
expressly to government corporations. The first governmentwide 
statute, the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, defined "agency" 
as including "government corporations," which in turn includes both 
wholly owned and mixed-ownership government corporations. Pub. L. No. 
89-508, � 2(a), 80 Stat. 308 (July 19, 1966). The provisions which 
originated in the 1966 Act are the duty to pursue collection action 
and the compromise, suspension, and termination authorities, all of 
which are now found in 31 U.S.C. � 3711. The Debt Collection Act of 
1982 (Pub. L. No. 97-365, 96 Stat. 1749 (Oct. 25, 1982)) did not 
include its own definition, but many of its provisions were cast as 
amendments to the Federal Claims Collection Act, such as sections 10 
(31 U.S.C. � 3716, administrative offset), 11 (31 U.S.C. � 3717, 
interest), and 13 (31 U.S.C. � 3718, contracts for collection 
services). Thus, these became subject to the 1966 definition. 

The 1982 recodification of title 31 of the United States Code dropped 
the definition as unnecessary. While this made no substantive change, 
it then required several steps of statutory construction to figure out 
which provisions applied to government corporations. In 1996, as part 
of the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, the express reference 
to government corporations was restored. 31 U.S.C. � 3701(a)(4), as 
amended by Pub. L. No. 104-134, � 31001(c)(2), 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-
359 (Apr. 26, 1996). Thus, for example, the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation is subject to 31 U.S.C. � 3718 and may contract for 
collection services to collect delinquent debts, but not for audit 
services to identify the debts. B-276628, Aug. 19, 1998. 

One authority a government corporation has which a regular agency does 
not (by virtue of either its specific claims settlement power or its 
sue-and-be-sued power in conjunction with other charter powers) is the 
authority to waive indebtedness independent of the waiver statutes 
applicable to the rest of the government. B-194628, July 3, 1979 
(Government National Mortgage Association); B-190806, Apr. 13, 1978 
(Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation). The power to waive includes 
the power to rescind a previously granted waiver if found to have been 
obtained under a material mistake of fact, error of law, fraud, or 
misrepresentation. B-272467.2, Aug. 28, 1998 (Export-Import Bank). 

In the majority of cases in which the fact that a government 
corporation is involved is relevant, the issue is whether a debt owed 
to the corporation is the same as a debt owed to the United States. 
The largest group of cases involves 31 U.S.C. � 3713, which gives 
priority to government claims under certain circumstances, and the 
earliest of these dealt with the Emergency Fleet Corporation. The 
courts held that debts owed to the Fleet Corporation were not entitled 
to the statutory priority. Sloan Shipyards Corp. v. United States 
Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp., 258 U.S. 549 (1922);[Footnote 
202] United States v. Wood, 290 F. 109 (2nd Cir.), aff'd mem., 263 
U.S. 680 (1923); West Virginia Rail Co. v. Jewett Bigelow & Brooks 
Co., 26 F.2d 503 (E.D. Ky. 1928). 

As we have seen in section B.8.a(4) of this chapter, Fleet Corporation 
cases must be applied with great caution, but this is one instance in 
which the courts have generally reached the same result. Debts to the 
following corporations have been held not to constitute debts to the 
United States for purposes of the priority statute: Government 
National Mortgage Association or "Ginnie Mae" (United States v. 
Blumenfeld, 128 B.R. 918 (E.D. Penn. 1991)); Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation (Lapadula & Villani, Inc. v. United States, 563 E Supp. 
782 (S.D.N.Y. 1983)); and the former Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation (RFC) (Reconstruction Finance Corporation v. Brady, 150 
S.W.2d 357 (Tex. Civ. App. 1941)). Two cases giving priority to RFC 
debts are In re Peoria Consolidated Manufacturers, Inc., 286 F.2d 642 
(6th Cir. 1961), and In re Tennessee Central Railway, 463 F.2d 73 (6th 
Cir.), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 893 (1972). Peoria involved a loan 
program given to the RFC under the Defense Production Act of 1950, the 
funds for which "were obtained from the Treasury of the United States 
and did not involve the capital or assets of RFC." Peoria, 286 F.2d at 
645. The Tennessee litigation occurred long after the RFC had been 
liquidated and its assets transferred to various government agencies. 
See RFC Liquidation Act, Pub. L. No. 83-163, 67 Stat. 230 (July 30, 

Since the fact of corporate identity seems to be the key factor in 
these cases, the courts have reached a different result with respect 
to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which has corporate 
powers but is not organized as a corporation. Debts owed to the FHA 
are debts owed to the United States under 31 U.S.C. � 3713. Korman v. 
Federal Housing Administrator, 113 F.2d 743 (D.C. Cir. 1940). Also, 
Congress can extend the government's priority to any government 
corporation by expressly so providing in the charter, as it has done, 
for example, for the Commodity Credit Corporation, which "shall have 
all the rights, privileges, and immunities of the United States with 
respect to the right to priority of payment with respect to debts due 
from insolvent, deceased, or bankrupt debtors." 15 U.S.C. � 714b(e). 
See Engleman v. Commodity Credit Corp., 107 E Supp. 930 (S.D. Cal. 
1952) (recognizing the priority but finding the statute inapplicable 
where the government acquired its claim after an assignment for the 
benefit of creditors). 

In the area of offset, GAO and the courts have mostly recognized the 
concept of the government as a single entity ("unitary government") 
and treated debts to government corporations as debts to the United 
States. Applying the common-law offset inherent under the general 
settlement authority of 31 U.S.C. � 3702(a), GAO took the position 
that a refund of certain taxes was subject to offset to collect a debt 
owed to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. B-35182, Aug. 16, 
1943. The debtor sued, the government filed a counterclaim, and the 
Supreme Court effectively upheld the offset. Cherry Cotton Mills, Inc. 
v. United States, 327 U.S. 536 (1946). The Court said: 

"Every reason that could have prompted Congress to authorize the 
Government to plead counterclaims for debts owed to any of its other 
agencies applies with equal force to debts owed to the R.F.C.... That 
the Congress chose to call it a corporation does not alter its 
characteristics so as to make it something other than what it actually 
is, an agency selected by Government to accomplish purely governmental 

Id. at 539. 

While the Court was ruling, strictly speaking, on the propriety of the 
counterclaim and not the propriety of the administrative action, the 
rationale clearly fits. See also B-35182, Nov. 30, 1945. While there 
now exists a comprehensive statutory provision for administrative 
offset, 31 U.S.C. � 3716, which applies to government corporations 
under 31 U.S.C. � 3701(a)(4), the common-law principles remain 
relevant in cases in which section 3716 does not apply. See McBride 
Cotton & Cattle Corp. v. Veneman, 296 F. Supp. 2d 1125 (D.Ariz. 2003) 
(the Commodity Credit Corporation has administrative offset authority 
outside of 31 U.S.C. � 3716 by virtue of its statutory authority to 
settle and adjust claims and to determine its obligations and 
expenditures). Just like an agency, a government corporation cannot 
use 31 U.S.C. � 3716 unless it has issued implementing regulations. In 
re Art Metal U.S.A., Inc., 109 B.R. 74, 81 (Bankr. D.N.J. 1989). 

The unitary government concept also applies for the most part in 
setoffs under the Bankruptcy Code. E.g., In re Turner, 84 F.3d 1294 
(10th Cir. 1996). The bankruptcy law regarding setoff, 11 U.S.C. � 
553, preserves any common-law offset arising before commencement of 
the bankruptcy case. 11 U.S.C. � 553(a). For purposes of this 
provision, most government corporations are part of the unitary 
government. This had also been the case under prior versions of the 
Bankruptcy Code. Luther v. United States, 225 F.2d 495, 498 (10th Cir. 
1954); B-120801, July 7, 1955. There is an exception, however, for 
"certain federal agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation [which] are viewed as separate governmental units when 
they act in their private receivership capacity." Doe v. United 
States, 58 F.3d 494, 498 (9th Cir. 1995); In re Lopes, 211 B.R. 443, 
447 n.3 (D.R.I. 1997). Another exception which fits this formulation 
is the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation when serving as trustee 
for terminated plans. The fact that the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation is a wholly owned government corporation had no impact on 
the court's decision. In re Art Metal U.S.A., Inc., 109 B.R. at 78. 

In one early case predating Cherry Cotton Mills, GAO applied the 
precedents under the priority statute in determining which debts can 
be collected by offset against judgments under 31 U.S.C. � 3728. A-
97085, June 13, 1942 (a debt owed to the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation was not a debt owed to the United States for judgment 
offset purposes). While the result might still be the same for the 
corporation under the "private capacity" exception, the analysis 
probably should start by applying the offset cases rather than the 
priority cases. 

c. Litigation in the Courts: 

(1) Sovereign immunity: 

We begin with the well-recognized principle that sovereign immunity 
protects the federal government and its agencies from suit. E.g., 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Meyer, 510 U.S. 471, 475 (1994). Of 
course, the United States may waive that immunity by consenting to be 
sued. Id. The Supreme Court in Meyer described sovereign immunity as 
being jurisdictional in nature�"the terms of [the United States'] 
consent to be sued in any court define that court's jurisdiction to 
entertain the suit." Id. at 475, quoting United States v. Sherwood, 
312 U.S. 584, 586 (1941). Since government corporations are not always 
considered to "be" the United States, we cannot rely solely upon the 
general theories of sovereign immunity to determine the status of 
government corporations. 

(2) "Sue-and-be-sued" clauses: 

Most government corporation charters provide the power to sue and be 
sued; that is, sue and be sued in the name of the corporation rather 
than the United States. The simplest charter provision empowers the 
corporation to "sue and be sued in its corporate name." E.g., 16 
U.S.C. � 831c(b) (Tennessee Valley Authority); 7 U.S.C. � 942 (Rural 
Telephone Bank). See also B-281064, Feb. 14, 2000 (discussing the 
Tennessee Valley Authority's power to sue and be sued). A variation 
includes one or two additional elements, such as 29 U.S.C. � 
1302(b)(1), which authorizes the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 
(PBGC) to "sue and be sued, complain and defend, in its corporate name 
and through its own counsel, in any court, State or Federal." See also 
B-289219, Oct. 29, 2002 (describing PBGC's authority to sue and be 
sued in its own name). Another version adds a whole paragraph of 
instructions on such things as jurisdiction, venue, and the time 
limitations in which suit may be filed. E.g., 7 U.S.C. � 1506(d) 
(Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC)); 15 U.S.C. � 714b(c) 
(Commodity Credit Corporation). See, e.g., Texas Peanut Farmers v. 
United States, 409 F.3d 1370 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (discussing proper venue 
for suit against FCIC under 7 U.S.C. � 1506(d)). 

Whether a government corporation without a sue-and-be-sued clause also 
has sovereign immunity is open to some debate. In Keifer & Keifer v. 
Reconstruction Finance Corp., 306 U.S. 381, 389 (1939), the Supreme 
Court said that the mere fact that corporations are created by 
Congress and act as agencies of the United States "would not confer on 
such corporations legal immunity even if the conventional to-sue-and-
be-sued clause were omitted." Other courts seized upon this 
proposition and proclaimed that a government corporation does not 
share the government's sovereign immunity unless Congress expressly 
grants it. E.g., Reconstruction Finance Corp. v. Langham, 208 F.2d 556 
(6th Cir. 1953); United States v. Edgerton & Sons, 178 F.2d 763 (2nd 
Cir. 1949). Taken to its logical conclusion, this position would 
render the sue-and-be-sued clause surplusage�the situation would be 
the same with or without it. In Keifer, however, the Court was dealing 
with legislation which authorized the Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation to create certain regional corporations, and found that 
Congress contemplated that the powers of the parent corporation would 
flow through to its progeny. Many government corporations have come 
and gone in the decades since the Keifer decision, virtually all 
possessing the sue-and-be-sued power. It would seem that the omission 
of that power from a new statutory charter could not be summarily 
dismissed. Be that as it may, the question would likely turn on 
congressional intent (Federal Land Bank v. Priddy, 295 U.S. 229, 231 
(1935)) and may well remain academic if Congress continues to 
routinely include the sue-and-be-sued clause. 

Regardless of the arguable consequences of silence in a legislative 
charter, the important starting principle is that Congress has the 
power to control the matter by including appropriate language, one way 
or the other, in the charter. Keifer, 306 U.S. at 389; Priddy, 295 
U.S. at 231-32. As the Supreme Court put it in Federal Housing 
Administration v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242, 244 (1940), "there can be no 
doubt that Congress has full power to endow [a government corporation] 
with the government's immunity from suit or to determine the extent to 
which it may be subjected to the judicial process." 

A very similar statement is found in Prickly, 295 U.S. at 231: 
"Immunity from suit is ... given up when the language of the organic 
statute specifically waives it." See also Dollar v. Land, 154 F.2d 
307, 312 (D.C. Cir. 1946), affd, 330 U.S. 731 (1947). The most common 
legislative device for waiving sovereign immunity is the sue-and-be-
sued clause. When Congress passes enabling legislation allowing a 
federal entity to be sued under a sue-and-be-sued clause, that waiver 
of sovereign immunity "should be given a liberal�that is to say, 
expansive�construction." United States Postal Service v. Flamingo 
Industries, Ltd., 540 U.S. 736, 741 (2004). The Supreme Court 
emphasized that sue-and-be-sued clauses could only be limited by 
implication in certain circumstances where there has been a: 

"`clear showing that certain types of suits are not consistent with 
the statutory or constitutional scheme, that an implied restriction of 
the general authority is necessary to avoid grave interference with 
the performance of a governmental function, or that for other reasons 
it was plainly the purpose of Congress to use the 'sue and be sued' 
clause in a narrow sense.'" 

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Meyer, 510 U.S. 471, 480 (1994), 
quoting Burr, 309 U.S. at 245. 

The fact that a government corporation can sue or be sued does not 
mean that it can be hauled into court for any perceived wrong. The 
Supreme Court pointed out in Meyer that the sovereign immunity waiver 
is only the first step in a two-step process: "The first inquiry is 
whether there has been a waiver of sovereign immunity. If there has 
been such a waiver, as in this case, the second inquiry comes into 
play�that is, whether the source of substantive law upon which the 
claimant relies provides an avenue for relief." Meyer, 510 U.S. at 484. 

The Meyer Court held that the sue-and-be-sued clause of the former 
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation waived its immunity 
with respect to a constitutional tort claim, but that there was no 
legal basis�and the Court emphatically refused to create one�for 
asserting a constitutional tort claim against the corporation itself. 
In the Meyer case, the source of the substantive law upon which the 
suit relied did not provide an avenue for relief. Id. at 483-86. Thus, 
a sue-and-be-sued clause does not furnish the legal basis for 
"liability if the substantive law in question is not intended to reach 
the federal entity." Flamingo Industries, 540 U.S. at 744. See also 
Young v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 763 E Supp. 485 (D. Colo. 
1991); Atchley v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 69 E Supp. 952 (N.D. 
Ala. 1947); Grant v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 49 E Supp. 564 (E.D. 
Tenn. 1942). The Atchley court put it this way: 

"A distinction must be recognized between the procedural question of 
whether a government corporation is subject to suit and the 
substantive question of whether a given set of facts establishes its 
liability as a matter of substantive law. The sue-and-be-sued clause 
in the TVA Act does nothing but remove the procedural bar to suit 
against an agency of the Federal Government. It does not engender 
liability in a case where liability would not otherwise exist." 

Atchley, 69 F. Supp. at 954. 

Some conflict has arisen regarding the source of payments for 
potential judgments and the effect, if any, on jurisdiction. The 
source of that conflict can be found in the Burr case. In Burr, the 
Supreme Court held that garnishment was available to litigants against 
the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), but stated that this did not 
mean "that any funds or property of the United States [could] be held 
responsible for this judgment." Burr, 309 U.S. at 250. The Supreme 
Court pointed out that claims against private corporations are 
normally only collectible against corporate assets and that the same 
was true for the FHA. The National Housing Act directed that claims 
against the FHA involved in this case "shall be paid out of funds made 
available by this Act." Id. at 250, quoting Pub. L. No. 73-479, �1, 48 
Stat. 1246 (June 27, 1934). Thus, the Supreme Court concluded that 
only funds which were actually in the possession of FHA, "severed from 
Treasury funds and Treasury control, are subject to execution." Burr, 
309 U.S. at 250. On the other hand, FHA funds deposited with the 
Treasury were not subject to execution because there had been no 
consent to reach them and allowing execution "would be to allow 
proceedings against the United States where it had not waived its 
immunity." Id. Recognizing that this restriction on execution deprived 
it of utility, the Supreme Court emphasized that this was an inherent 
limitation on the statutory scheme and remedies provided by Congress. 
Id. at 251. 

Federal courts have differed in interpreting the Burr holding. Some 
courts have held that, in order to establish the government's waiver 
of sovereign immunity, the party suing a government corporation with a 
sue-and-be-sued clause must show that a judgment against the 
government corporation would come from funds in its possession and 
control. Johnson v. Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, 710 F.2d 
1130, 1138 (5th Cir. 1983); S.S. Silberblatt, Inc. v. East Harlem 
Pilot Block, 608 F.2d 28, 36 (2nd Cir. 1979); Marcus Garvey Square, 
Inc. v. Winston Burnett Construction Co., 595 F.2d 1126, 1131 (9th 
Cir. 1979); Rawlins v. M&T Mortgage Corp., No. 05 Civ. 2572(RCC) 
(S.D.N.Y. Sept. 1, 2005); Thomas v. Pierce, 662 E Supp. 519, 526 (D. 
Kan. 1987). See also Oklahoma Mortgage Co. v. Government National 
Mortgage Association, 831 F. Supp. 821, 823 (W.D. Okla. 1993) (the 
Government National Mortgage Association has no funds in its 
possession and control separate from Treasury funds, and statute 
precludes recovery from its assets, so claims against it were, in 
reality, claims against the United States barred by sovereign 

Other courts reason that even if funds are in the possession and 
control of the federal entity, the action must be brought against the 
United States if the funds originated from the public treasury. 
Housing Products Co. v. Flint Housing Commission, No. 99-1551 (6th 
Cir. Nov. 7, 2000) (per curiam); Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing 
Authority v. Pierce, 706 F.2d 471 (4th Cir. 1983). These courts note 
that funds appropriated to a federal entity "do not cease to be public 
funds after they are appropriated." Pierce, 706 F.2d at 473-74. At 
least one court has criticized this approach on the basis that if 
funds appropriated to federal entities cannot be used to satisfy 
judgments acquired by the waiver of immunity provided by a sue-or-be-
sued clause, it would "render such clauses ineffectual." C.D. Barnes 
Associates, Inc. v. Grand Haven Hideaway Ltd., 406 E Supp. 2d 801, 818 
(W.D. Mich. 2005). 

Some courts have rejected both these approaches, reasoning that those 
cases misinterpret Burr. Auction Co. of America v. Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corp., 132 F.3d 746 (D.C. Cir. 1997). In deciding 
jurisdictional issues involving the FDIC, the Auction court criticized 
the distinction between suits against agencies and those against the 
United States because "this test was designed to distinguish suits 
against private individuals from ones against the sovereign," and 
"federal agencies or instrumentalities performing federal functions 
always fall on the 'sovereign' side of [the] fault line; that is why 
they possess immunity that requires waiver." Id. at 752. The Auction 
court stated that although the source of funds for recovery may become 
an issue, "it is not jurisdictional and does not bear on whether a 
suit against the FDIC as Receiver is a suit against the United 
States." Id. at 752-53. 

Other courts have held that when sovereign immunity is waived by a sue-
and-be sued clause, the court does not need to analyze whether there 
are funds within the government corporation's control for 
jurisdictional purposes. C.H. Sanders Co.v. BHAP Housing Development 
Fund, 903 F.2d 114, 120 (2nd Cir. 1990);[Footnote 203] Jackson Square 
Ass'n v. Department of Housing & Urban Development, 797 F. Supp. 242, 
245-46 (W.D.N.Y. 1992). Upon consideration of the government's 
petition for rehearing in the C.H. Sanders case, the Second Circuit 
addressed the concern that the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development (HUD) was obliged to satisfy any judgment that might be 
rendered out of Treasury funds. C.H. Sanders Co. v. BHAP Housing 
Development Fund, 910 F.2d 33 (2nd Cir. 1990) (denying petition for 
rehearing). The Second Circuit held that HUD would be obliged to 
satisfy any judgment only out of non-Treasury funds that are available 
to it and would have no payment obligation if no such funds were 
available. Id. 

Another court distinguished Burr on the basis that jurisdiction was 
derived from another source, such as the Tucker Act, which does not 
limit the source of judgment, instead of FHA's sue and be sued clause. 
National State Bank of Newark v. United States, 357 F.2d 704, 711 (Ct. 
Cl. 1966). 

Finally, the court in Far West Federal Bank v. Office of Thrift 
Supervision, 930 F.2d 883, 890 (Fed. Cir. 1991), recognized the split, 
but avoided choosing one or the other because the court was able to 
identify funds in control of the government corporation from which any 
judgments would be paid. In Far West, the government argued that any 
judgment would be paid from Treasury funds and not funds in control of 
the government corporation and such a claim could only be asserted in 
the Claims Court under the Tucker Act. Id. at 890. The government's 
argument was based upon a "Treasury backup" provision stating that the 
Secretary of Treasury will fund amounts as may be necessary for fund 
purposes. Id. However, the court held that the liabilities of the fund 
were to be paid from the fund, the fund was to be administered by the 
government corporation and the Treasury backup provision simply 
implemented congressional intent that the fund have sufficient 
resources to carry out its obligations. Id. at 88990. Thus, the court 
concluded that the Treasury backup provision did not bar recovery 
under the sue-and-be-sued clause or impose exclusive Tucker Act 
jurisdiction. Id. at 890. 

Notwithstanding the differences discussed above, generally, judgments 
against a government corporation are paid by the government 
corporation rather than from the Judgment Fund.[Footnote 204] 
Judgments against government corporations are "otherwise provided 
for," so when judgments are obtained against government corporations 
they can pay them, like private corporations, from those corporate 
assets. Both GAO and the Attorney General recognize this rule. See, 
e.g., 62 Comp. Gen. 12 (1982); B-236414, Feb. 22, 1991; 22 Op. Off. 
Legal Counsel 141 (1998); 13 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 362 (1989). 

(3) The Tucker Act: 

Sue-and-be-sued clauses are not the only waivers of sovereign immunity 
for government corporations. The Tucker Act waives sovereign immunity 
of the United States and sets out jurisdictional parameters for 
certain monetary claims against the United States, including those 
founded upon the Constitution, any act of Congress, any regulation of 
an executive department, or any express or implied contract with the 
United States. 28 U.S.C. � 1491(a)(1). Under the Tucker Act, the 
United States Court of Federal Claims has exclusive jurisdiction for 
civil suits of more than $10,000 and concurrent jurisdiction with 
federal district courts for civil suits not exceeding $10,000. 28 
U.S.C. �� 1346(a)(2) and 1491(a)(1). The Tucker Act provides 
jurisdiction for suits against the United States "whenever 'a federal 
instrumentality acts within its statutory authority to carry out [the 
government's] purposes' as long as no other specific statutory 
provision bars jurisdiction." Auction Co. of America v. Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corp., 141 F.3d 1198, 1199 (1998) (Auction II), 
quoting Butz Engineering Corp. v. United States, 499 F.2d 619, 622 
(Ct. Cl. 1974). Several mixed-ownership government corporations, such 
as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver, the 
Office of Thrift Supervision, and the Resolution Trust Corporation 
have been held to be federal instrumentalities for Tucker Act 
purposes. Auction II, 141 F.3d at 1199; Auction Co. of America v. 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 132 F.3d 746, 750 (D.C. Cir. 1997) 
(Auction I). See, e.g., Slattery v. United States, 35 Fed. CL 180 
(1996); Seuss v. United States, 33 Fed. CL 89 (1995). 

A wholly owned government corporation is clearly a federal 
instrumentality for Tucker Act purposes where it can be demonstrated 
"that it is an agency selected by the Government to accomplish purely 
governmental purposes ... and that it is doing work of the 
Government." Breitbeck v. United States, 500 F.2d 556, 558 (1974) 
(Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation). See also Oklahoma 
Mortgage Co. v. Government National Mortgage Association, 831 F. Supp. 
821 (1993) (company's claim was an action founded upon a contract, 
against the United States, seeking relief in excess of $10,000 which 
was within the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Claims 
Court). Even where wholly owned government corporations carry out 
commercial activities that can be characterized as private, if their 
purpose is to further the policy interests of the government, they are 
considered to be federal instrumentalities for Tucker Act purposes. 
Optiperu, S.A., v. Overseas Private Investment Corp., 640 F. Supp. 
420, 424 (D.D.C. 1986). The Optiperu court reviewed the legislative 
history of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and 
found several instances where Congress set out OPIC's governmental 
policy objectives while carrying out transactions that would otherwise 
normally be characterized as private, such as issuing and guaranteeing 
loans and insurance. Id. at 424-25. The court noted that under 22 
U.S.C. � 2191 OPIC is "an agency of the United States under the policy 
guidance of the Secretary of State." Optiperu, 640 F. Supp. at 424. 
The court also pointed out that OPIC was listed as a wholly owned 
government corporation in the Government Corporation Control Act, 31 
U.S.C. � 9101(3)(H), and noted the various provisions dealing with 
OPIC's budget submissions, appropriations, financial audits and 
account requirements with the government. Optiperu, 640 F. Supp. at 
424 n.2. Finally, the court found that even if OPIC had to pay any 
judgments out of its funds rather than the Treasury, this did not 
eliminate its status as a federal instrumentality. Id. at 425-26. 
Rather, the United States would be jointly or severally liable for any 
money damages obtained against OPIC. Id. at 426. 

The various waivers of sovereign immunity and jurisdictional authority 
may provide plaintiffs with several choices of forum. For example, in 
Auction I, 132 F.3d at 753, the court pointed out that plaintiffs 
suing the FDIC in contract could sue in the Court of Federal Claims 
for Tucker Act suits of more than $10,000, in the Court of Federal 
Claims or federal district court for Tucker Act claims of less than 
$10,000, or in any court of law or equity under the FDIC sue-or-be-
sued clause. 

(4) Liability for costs and remedies of litigation: 

Once government corporations sue, or are sued, they can expect to be 
subject to at least some of the typical costs of litigation. Courts 
have analyzed the sue-and-be-sued clauses of government corporations 
in order to determine which costs can be assessed against government 
corporations. In Federal Housing Administration v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242 
(1940), for example, the Supreme Court held that the Federal Housing 
Administration (FHA) was subject to all civil process incident to the 
commencement or continuance of legal proceedings which included the 
garnishment of the wages of an FHA employee sought in that case. 
[Footnote 205] The Supreme Court noted that garnishment is a well-
known remedy available to litigants and "[t]o say that Congress did 
not intend to include such civil process in the words 'sue and be 
sued' would in general deprive suits of some of their efficacy." Id. 
at 246. The Court pointed out two examples of government agencies with 
sue-and-be-sued clauses with specific prohibitions against attachment 
and garnishment, which added weight to the Court's conclusion that 
Congress ordinarily intended that such civil process apply or it would 
have specifically prohibited them. Id. at 247 n.10. 

The Supreme Court considered whether the Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation (RFC), as the unsuccessful litigant, could be held liable 
for costs incident to litigation. Reconstruction Finance Corp. v. 
Menihan Corp., 312 U.S. 81 (1941). The Supreme Court noted that 
although the RFC acted as a governmental agency "its transactions are 
akin to those of private enterprises" and Congress provided it with 
the power to sue and be sued. Id. at 83. The Supreme Court held that 
sue-and-be-sued clauses "normally include the natural and appropriate 
incidents of legal proceedings" and that the "payment of costs by the 
unsuccessful litigant, awarded by the court in the proper exercise of 
the authority it possesses in similar cases, is manifestly such an 
incident." Id. at 85. Although this statement was very broad, its 
application has been somewhat limited. 

Generally, interest cannot be recovered in a suit against the United 
States unless there is an express waiver of sovereign immunity from an 
award of interest. Library of Congress v. Shaw, 478 U.S. 310, 311 
(1986);[Footnote 206] see also B-243029, Mar. 25, 1991. Where a 
government corporation does not act like a private corporation, but 
acts as an agent for the government and there is no statue or 
authority for paying interest, interest cannot be imposed upon the 
United States directly or indirectly through the agent government 
corporation. Riverview Packing Co. v. Reconstruction Finance Corp., 
207 F.2d 361, 370 (3rd Cir. 1953). 

However, interest can and has been recovered against government 
corporations under certain circumstances. A "commercial venture" 
exception to the no-interest rule has developed. Generally this 
exception recognizes that where an agency of the United States is 
involved in an essentially commercial and for-profit venture, its sue-
and-be-sued clause waives sovereign immunity and may allow liability 
for pre- or post-judgment interest. Standard Oil Co. v. United States, 
267 U.S. 76, 79 (1925); R&R Farm Enterprises, Inc. v. Federal Crop 
Insurance Corp., 788 F.2d 1148 (5th Cir. 1986). If the party seeking 
payment of interest is a recipient of government benefits arising out 
of the agency's noncommercial ventures, courts have refused to award 
interest because the payment would be in excess of what Congress or 
the agency has authorized by law or regulation. R&R Farm Enterprises, 
788 F.2d at 1153. The waiver of sovereign immunity does not create a 
new liability upon the government for the payment of interest. See 
McGehee v. Panama Canal Commission, 872 F.2d 1213 (5th Cir.), 
rehearing denied, 880 F.2d 413 (5th Cir. 1989); Fender Peanut Corp. v. 
United States, 21 Cl. Ct. 95 (1990). 

In cases where the government corporation is not engaged in a 
commercial enterprise, but is acting as a governmental, regulatory 
entity, it is not subject to prejudgment interest awards even where it 
has a sue-and-be-sued clause. For example, where the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is acting as a regulatory agency 
protecting the banking system, it is not subject to prejudgment 
interest awards. Far West Federal Bank v. Office of Thrift 
Supervision, 119 F.3d 1358, 1366-67 (9th Cir. 1994); Spawn v. Western 
Bank-Westheimer, 989 F.2d 830, 833-38 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 
510 U.S. 1109 (1994); Gilbert v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 950 
F. Supp. 1194, 1199-1200 (D.D.C. 1997). 

The award of prejudgment interest may also be imposed against 
government corporations under the analysis recognized by the Supreme 
Court in Loeffler v. Frank, 486 U.S. 549, 556 (1988). Under Title VII 
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Congress waived sovereign immunity 
for actions against federal agencies, but not for interest awards. 
Shaw, 478 U.S. at 323. In Loeffler, the Supreme Court identified two 
factors which waived any existing immunity of the Postal Service.
[Footnote 207] First, the Supreme Court recognized that Congress had 
designed the Postal Service to be run like a business by "launching" 
it into the commercial world. Loeffler, 486 U.S. at 556. Second, 
Congress included a sue-and-be-sued clause in the Postal Service's 
charter. Id. However, since Congress did not expressly limit the 
waiver of sovereign immunity effected by the Postal Service's sue-and-
be-sued clause, interest could be recovered against the Postal Service 
in Title VII cases even though it could not be recovered against other 
agencies. The Supreme Court concluded that "Congress is presumed to 
have waived any otherwise existing immunity of the Postal Service from 
interest awards" which could be recovered from the Postal Service "to 
the extent that interest is recoverable against a private party as a 
normal incident of suit." Id. at 556-57. 

Finally, like federal agencies, government corporations may not be 
sued for punitive damages unless expressly authorized by Congress. 
Springer v. Bryant, 897 F.2d 1085, 1089 (11th Cir. 1990). The Equal 
Access to Justice Act (EAJA) also authorizes fee awards against the 
United States, in various administrative and judicial actions which 
were not previously authorized. Pub. L. No. 96-481, 94 Stat. 2321, 
2325-30 (Oct. 21, 1980), amended by Pub. L. No. 99-80, 99 Stat. 183-87 
(Aug. 5, 1985). See also 63 Comp. Gen. 260, 261 (1984). Prior to the 
EAJA's implementation, the award of attorney's fees against the 
government was barred and a sue-and-be-sued clause that did not 
directly or expressly authorize an award of fees was not sufficient to 
override that bar. 

Resolution Trust Corp. v. Miramon, 935 F. Supp. 838, 842 (E.D. La. 
1996), citing Knights of the Ku Klux Klan v. East Baton Rouge Parish 
School Board, 679 F.2d 64, 66 (5th Cir. 1982). 

The EAJA addressed judicial fee awards by extensively revising 28 
U.S.C. � 2412. Section 2412 applies to the United States or "any 
agency and any official of the United States acting in his or her 
official capacity." 28 U.S.C. � 2412(c)(2). The EAJA has been applied 
to both mixed-ownership and wholly owned government corporations, 
although without addressing the issue of the EAJA's application to 
them. See, e.g., Resolution Trust Corp. v. Eason, 17 F.3d 1126 (8th 
Cir. 1994); Miramon, 935 E Supp. 838; Olenhouse v. Commodity Credit 
Corp., 922 E Supp. 489 (D. Kan. 1996). 

As is true with other federal agencies, the EAJA operates as a limited 
waiver of a government corporation's sovereign immunity by permitting 
courts to award reasonable attorney's fees to prevailing parties under 
common law or the terms of a statute, but the waiver must be strictly 
construed in favor of the government. Eason, 17 F.3d at 1134. In that 
case, the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) sued officers of a failed 
savings and loan association alleging negligence and breach of 
fiduciary duty. Id. at 1128. The officers successfully defended 
against the action and attempted to recover attorney's fees from RTC 
relying on a regulation that authorized indemnification for expenses 
incurred in defending charges arising out of their official conduct. 
Id. at 1135. However, that regulation only applied during the "life" 
of the savings and loan. By the time RTC brought the action, the 
entity had failed and RTC was not acting in the capacity of the 
savings and loan. Id. Thus, the regulation did not apply and the 
officers could not recover attorney's fees. Id. at 1136. 

The EAJA is specific in the items that may be awarded in a judgment 
against the United States for costs, fees and expenses, but does not 
authorize general compensatory damages for embarrassment or loss of 
reputation. Miramon, 935 E Supp. at 843-44. Neither does a "naked" sue-
and-be-sued clause, that is, one which does not directly or expressly 
authorize an award of fees. Id. at 843. 

Finally, the terms "common law" and "statute" as used in the EAJA's 
authorization of fees refers to federal common law or a federal 
statute, not state law. Eason, 17 F.3d at 1134 n.6; Miramon, 935 E 
Supp. at 846. 

(5) Sovereign immunity from state and local taxes: 

The oft-quoted principle that the federal government and its 
activities[Footnote 208] are immune from taxation by state and local 
governments was recognized by the Supreme Court in a case involving a 
government corporation. McCulloch, v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 
(1819).[Footnote 209] The application of this principle to government 
corporations has varied since McCulloch,, but the main debate has 
centered on whether one should assume that an entity has such immunity 
due to its status as a corporation carrying out governmental purposes, 
or whether Congress must expressly grant such immunity by statute. 

McCulloch, involved the Second Bank of the United States, which was 
chartered by Congress, had 20 percent of its capital stock subscribed 
to by the United States, and several of its directors appointed by the 
President. The Second Bank of the United States established a branch 
in Maryland. The state of Maryland imposed a tax on all banks or 
branches of banks in the state which were not chartered by the 
Maryland state legislature. The Supreme Court held that the Supremacy 
clause of the Constitution prevents a state from exercising any power, 
by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner 
control the operations of the federal government or its constitutional 
means of carrying out its powers. Id. at 436. The Supreme Court 
emphasized that the bank's purpose was to carry out a governmental 
function, and concluded that any effort to tax the bank directly 
affected the government. The Supreme Court put it this way: "But this 
is a tax on the operations of the bank, and is, consequently, a tax on 
the operation of an instrument employed by the government of the Union 
to carry its powers into execution. Such a tax must be 
unconstitutional." Id. at 436-37. 

Although the act creating the Bank did not expressly prohibit the 
states from taxing it, the Supreme Court in McCulloch, did not address 
that issue. Five years later, the Supreme Court took up this issue in 
Osborn v. The Bank of the United States, 22 U.S. (9 Wheat.) 738 
(1824). In Osborn, the Supreme Court held that although Congress did 
not expressly prohibit taxing the Bank, immunity was implied as a 
consequence of Congress's power to create and protect the Bank. Id. at 

In later cases, the Supreme Court addressed Congress's power to exempt 
government corporations from state taxation without relying upon the 
"implied" immunity of the McCulloch, and Osborn cases. Federal Land 
Bank v. Crosland, 261 U.S. 374 (1923); Smith v. Kansas City Title & 
Trust Co., 255 U.S. 180 (1921). In those cases, Congress created 
government corporations�federal land banks�and specifically exempted 
their bonds and mortgages from state and local taxation. The Supreme 
Court held that Congress not only had the power to create the 
corporations, but to protect their operations by exempting them from 
taxation. Crosland, 261 U.S. at 377; Smith, 255 U.S. at 211-12. A few 
months after it decided Crosland, the Supreme Court returned to the 
McCulloch analysis in a case involving state taxation of another 
government corporation, the Spruce Production Corporation. Clallam 
County v. United States, 263 U.S. 341 (1923). In the words of the 
Supreme Court: 

"It is true that no specific words forbid the tax, but the prohibition 
established by McCulloch v. Maryland, ... was established on the 
ground that the power to tax assumed by the State was in its nature 
'repugnant to the constitutional laws of the Union' and therefore was 
one that under the Constitution the State could not use.... The 
immunity is derived from the Constitution in the same sense and upon 
the same principle that it would be if expressed in so many words." 

Id. at 344, quoting McCulloch, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) at 425, 426, 430. 

A statement by the Clallam court provides a clue as to what appears to 
be the distinction between these approaches. The Supreme Court noted 
that, unlike "the case of a corporation having its own purposes, as 
well as those of the United States and interested in profit on its own 
account," the Spruce Production Corporation was incorporated only for 
the convenience of the United States to carry out its ends. Clallam, 
263 U.S. at 345. Although not addressed in either the Smith or 
Crosland cases, the federal land banks were mixed-ownership government 
corporations with private (read profit), as well as government 
purposes. See also Federal Land Bank v. Priddy, 295 U.S. 229, 234-35 
(1935) (noting that Congress provided a specific grant of immunity 
from taxation to a corporation having its own as well as government 

Subsequent decisions by the Supreme Court continued this analysis. For 
example, recognizing that Congress may grant immunity from state and 
local taxation to a federal instrumentality or government corporation 
in Pittman v. Home Owners' Loan Corp., 308 U.S. 21 (1939), the Supreme 
Court explained that "Congress has not only the power to create a 
corporation to facilitate the performance of governmental functions, 
but has the power to protect the operations thus validly authorized." 
Id. at 32-33.[Footnote 210] The Supreme Court held that the creation 
of the corporation "was a constitutional exercise of the congressional 
power and that the activities of the Corporation through which the 
national government lawfully acts must be regarded as governmental 
functions and as entitled to whatever immunity attaches to those 
functions when performed by the government itself through its 
departments." Id. at 32. See also Federal Lank Bank v. Bismark Lumber 
Co., 314 U.S. 95, 99 (1941) (statutory exemption from taxation for 
federal land banks includes sales taxes). 

As seen in the cases discussed above, Congress has specifically 
prescribed the scope of immunity for many government corporations by 
wholly or partially exempting them from state and local taxation. 
[Footnote 211] In other instances, Congress expressly waived immunity 
from taxation of any real property belonging to a government 
corporation. For example, under the provisions of the statute 
establishing the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), Congress 
waived the immunity of real property of the RFC and its subsidiary 
corporations.[Footnote 212] Board of County Commissioners v. United 
States, 123 Ct. CL 304 (1952). However, the RFC's authority to pay 
taxes was contingent upon the corporation's holding legal title and 
having full control and dominion over the property. 32 Comp. Gen. 164 
(1952). Once the RFC declared property to be surplus and transferred 
the title to the United States, the property was held by and for the 
use of the United States. Thus, the "cloak of immunity descended upon 
the property" so that no tax liability for state and local taxes could 
be imposed and agencies could not use appropriated funds to pay such 
taxes. Board of County Commissioners, 123 Ct. Cl. at 324 (property 
transferred to the Bureau of Mines). See also 36 Comp. Gen. 713 (1957) 
(property transferred to the General Services Administration); 34 
Comp. Gen. 319 (1955) (same). 

(6) Litigation authority: 

Once a government corporation decides to sue, or is sued, it must 
determine whether it must be represented in litigation by the Justice 
Department, or whether it can use or hire its own attorneys. The 
Justice Department has extremely broad authority with respect to 
litigation involving the federal government. "Except as otherwise 
authorized by law, the conduct of litigation in which the United 
States, an agency, or officer thereof is a party, or is interested" is 
reserved to the Justice Department. 28 U.S.C. � 516. Further, "the 
Attorney General shall supervise all litigation to which the United 
States, an agency, or officer thereof is a party." Id. � 519. The term 
"agency" is defined for purposes of title 28 of the United States Code 
as including "any corporation in which the United States has a 
proprietary interest." Id. � 451. Therefore, absent some form of 
exemption, 28 U.S.C. �� 516 and 519 apply to wholly owned and at least 
some mixed-ownership government corporations. In some cases, the 
authority is reinforced by charter language. For example, 7 U.S.C. � 
943(e) expressly makes the Rural Telephone Bank subject to the 
Attorney General's litigation authority. 

The Justice Department has expressed the position that exemptions from 
the Attorney General's litigation authority should be clear and 
specific. See Department of Justice, Civil Division, Compendium of 
Departments and Agencies With Authority Either by Statute or Agreement 
to Represent Themselves in Civil Litigation (October 1982), at 9-10 
(hereafter, Civil Litigation Compendium). The Department does not 
regard a simple sue-and-be-sued clause as enough. Id. at 11. An 
example of explicit authority is the Pension Benefit Guaranty 
Corporation statute, which provides that the Corporation may complain 
or defend a lawsuit "through its own counsel." 29 U.S.C. � 1302(b)(1). 
Even where a corporation has independent litigating authority, Justice 
believes the corporation should invoke that authority only in 
programmatic litigation. In nonprogrammatic litigation which is of 
governmentwide import, like suits under the Freedom of Information Act 
or Federal Tort Claims Act, Justice urges the corporations to avail 
themselves of Department representation. Civil Litigation Compendium, 
at 18-19. The Department's litigating authority does not apply to 
noninstrumentality corporations. Id. at 22 n.13. 

The Civil Litigation Compendium recognizes that Justice has acquiesced 
in self-representation by two corporations, the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 
which possess only the simple version of the sue-and-be-sued clause. 
Id. at 26-27. The courts have held Justice to that acquiescence and 
have upheld self-representation authority for FDIC and TVA. Tennessee 
Valley Authority v. EPA, 278 F.3d 1184,1191-93 (11th Cir. 2002), 
withdrawn in part on other grounds, 376 F.2d 1236 (11th Cir. 2003), 
cert. denied, 541 U.S. 1030 (2004); Cooper v. Tennessee Valley 
Authority, 723 F.2d 1560 (Fed. Cir. 1983); Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corp. v. Irwin, 727 E Supp. 1073 (N.D. Tex. 1989), affd on other 
grounds, 916 F.2d 1051 (5th Cir. 1990); Algernon Blair Industrial 
Contractors, Inc. v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 540 E Supp. 551 (M.D. 
Ala. 1982). 

Exemptions may be partial as well as complete. For example, the Export-
Import Bank may represent itself "in all legal and arbitral 
proceedings outside the United States." 12 U.S.C. � 635(a)(1). Under 
this provision, Justice has advised that it is required to conduct the 
Bank's litigation inside the United States, and in addition may 
represent the Bank in stateside arbitration proceedings. 3 Op. Off. 
Legal Counsel 226 (1979). 

One consequence of self-representation is that the corporation must 
pick up the responsibility of paying the actual representation costs 
and the various expenses of preparing and presenting the case which 
would otherwise be borne by the Justice Department's litigation 
budget. 38 Comp. Gen. 343 (1958) (requiring the Federal Housing 
Administration to bear the costs of auctioneer fees and advertising 
costs incident to foreclosure proceedings); B-9850, May 23,1940 
(requiring the Home Owners' Loan Corporation to bear the costs of 
attorney fees, cost of printing an appellate brief, and other 
miscellaneous expenses); B-3163, Apr. 24, 1939 (requiring the Federal 
Housing Administration to bear the cost of legal services necessary 
for foreclosing a defaulted mortgage or regaining possession of 

9. Termination of Government Corporations: 

Unlike a private corporation, a government corporation cannot 
terminate its existence on its own authority.[Footnote 213] The power 
to terminate a government corporation flows from the power to create 
one, a power clearly held by Congress. Congress may terminate a 
government corporation for any of a number of reasons. For example, 
many government corporations were created to address short-term or 
temporary issues or crises. Logically, once the issue or crisis is 
resolved, the need for the government corporation is eliminated and it 
can be terminated. For example, many corporations created to meet the 
wartime needs of World Wars I and II, and the social and economic 
crises of the Great Depression, were dissolved once those crises had 

Congress terminated all government corporations in order to bring them 
under its control upon the enactment of the Government Corporation 
Control Act (GCCA). GCCA required all government corporations then 
existing to institute dissolution or liquidation proceedings on or 
before June 30, 1948, subject to reincorporation by act of Congress 
for such purposes, powers and duties as might be authorized by law. 
Pub. L. No. 79-248, � 304(b), 59 Stat. 597, 602 (Dec. 6, 1945). See 
Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corp., 513 U.S. 374, 390 (1995). 

Sometimes Congress provides itself with a built-in opportunity to 
determine whether it wants to continue a program carried out by a 
government corporation. Congress may provide a termination date in the 
enabling legislation or charter of some government corporations that 
must be reauthorized if Congress wants them to continue in existence. 
In other situations, Congress may impose a deadline for a government 
corporation to fulfill its goals. For example, Congress directed the 
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), created to manage and resolve 
failed savings institutions and recover funds by managing and selling 
the institutions' assets, to terminate no later than December 31, 
1995. 12 U.S.C. � 1441a(m). 

RTC did terminate by that date, having substantially completed its 
mission. GAO, Financial Audit: Resolution Trust Corporation's 1995 
Financial Statements, GAO/AIMD-96-123 (Washington, D.C.: July 2, 
1996), at 8-9. 

Congress may take actions short of termination by converting a 
government corporation into a private institution. For example, 
Congress converted the National Consumer Cooperative Bank from a mixed-
ownership government corporation to a federally chartered, private 
banking institution. Pub. L. No. 97-35, title DI, subtitle C, �� 390-
396, 95 Stat. 357, 433-41 (Aug. 13, 1981). See B-219801, Oct. 10, 
1986. Other government corporations are created with the goal of 
privatization. For example, Congress directed the United States 
Enrichment Corporation (USEC) to operate as a for-profit government 
corporation and work towards privatization.[Footnote 214] In 1996, 
Congress enacted legislation to privatize the USEC.[Footnote 215] 

Congress may also terminate a government corporation due to its 
dissatisfaction with the corporation's purpose and management. For 
example, Congress abolished the Synthetic Fuels Corporation in 1985 by 
rescinding its funding and giving it 120 days to wind up its affairs. 
[Footnote 216] Pub. L. No. 99-190, 99 Stat. 1185, 1249-50 (Dec. 19, 
1985). The Federal Asset Disposition Association met a similar fate. 
In the face of mounting criticism regarding its method of creation, 
its purpose, and management, Congress dissolved it as part of the 
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, 
Pub. L. No. 101-73, � 501(a), 103 Stat. 183, 383 (Aug. 9, 1989). 
[Footnote 217] 

In other cases, Congress has changed its view and gone back and forth 
on the form of a government corporation. For example, Congress 
replaced the Panama Canal Company, a government corporation, with the 
Panama Canal Commission, an appropriated fund agency, because it 
wanted to maintain greater oversight of the Canal during the remaining 
years of U.S. control. Pub. L. No. 96-70, �� 1101, 1302, 93 Stat. 452, 
456, 477 (Sept. 27, 1979). See B-280951, Dec. 3, 1998. Subsequently, 
Congress granted the Commission greater autonomy and converted it into 
a revolving-fund agency. Pub. L. No. 100-203, title V, subtitle E, pt. 
2, � 5422(a), 101 Stat. 1330, 1330-271 (Dec. 22, 1987); B-280951, at 
6. Finally, Congress expanded the Commission's business-like powers to 
its final status as a wholly owned government corporation,[Footnote 
218] when the canal was transferred from U.S. control, "as an 
autonomous entity that [could] compete as a commercial enterprise in 
international transportation markets." B-280951, at 8. 

C. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 

"Their birth is funded by the Government. The seed money for their 
creation came from the Government. They are managed by Government 
people who are paid Government salaries. They usually occupy 
Government facilities, perhaps on some cost-reimbursable arrangement, 
but on Government real estate, using Government facilities. They 
perform essentially a morale-building function for Government 
personnel, which the Government would otherwise have to appropriate 
funds for if it weren't having it done in this manner. There is a very 
close identity between them and the Government people with whom they 
are working every day. They are providing service to Government people 
engaged in a Government mission. As I say, this is just off the top of 
my head." 

Testimony of Louis Spector, Commissioner of the Court of Claims, on 
nonappropriated fund instrumentalities.[Footnote 219] 

1. Introduction: 

The term nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) has a variety of 
meanings based on the particular context. In a report in 1977, GAO 
noted that there is no official definition or commonly understood 
opinion of what is or is not a nonappropriated fund activity.[Footnote 
220] At the outset, then, it is useful to be cognizant of the danger 
of relying merely on a NAFI label to determine what laws apply to an 
entity, its relationship with the United States government, how the 
entity was created, its source of funding, or what authorities it can 
exercise. These issues can only be addressed in the context of a 
particular entity. We start our discussion with the "oldest" of these 
NAFIs�morale, welfare, and recreation organizations attached to the 

a. History of Military Morale, and Welfare, and Recreation 

The need to provide services and items to fulfill the morale, welfare, 
recreational needs of officers and employees of armed forces 
originated long before the establishment of the United States 
government and far from our shores. Persons providing such support 
have existed since the times of the Roman Legions. "Caesar alludes to 
the itinerant merchants who followed the legions, selling items not 
considered necessaries by quartermasters."[Footnote 221] From the time 
of the Roman Legions to the European armies and navies of the 
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,[Footnote 222] these men, known 
as sutlers,[Footnote 223] followed armies and met ships in port in 
order to supply the soldiers and sailors with provisions and 
contraband.[Footnote 224] Due to the monopolistic prices charged by 
sutlers, sailors organized their own ship cooperatives called "slop 
chests."[Footnote 225] 

The United States government, at times, has directly provided items 
and services to meet the morale, welfare, and recreational needs of 
its officers and employees of the armed forces while, at other times, 
it has relied upon private sources, albeit under governmental control, 
to provide such goods and services. Beginning with the American 
Articles of War of 1775, sutlers, itinerant or camp-following 
merchants, were authorized to sell to the troops items not provided by 
the government such as "victuals, liquors, or other necessaries of 
life' for the use of soldiers.[Footnote 227] The American Articles of 
War of 1775 also regulated the sutlers' conduct, hours, and quality of 
items sold.[Footnote 228] For example, although sutlers were not a 
component part of the Army, they were subject to the orders and 
regulations of the Continental Army.[Footnote 229] Sutlers were not 
permitted to sell liquor, victuals, or provide entertainment after 
nine at night, before the beating of the reveille's, or during Sunday 
religious services.[Footnote 230] Commanding officers' duties included 
monitoring sutlers to ensure that they supplied soldiers with good and 
wholesome provisions at a reasonable price.[Footnote 231] The Articles 
also prohibited commanding officers from charging exorbitant prices 
for houses or stalls let out to sutlers or charging any duty upon 
sales or having any financial interest in sales.[Footnote 232] The 
Articles further established a fund for fines collected from soldiers 
and officers for behaving indecently or irreverently during religious 
services.[Footnote 233] The fund benefited sick soldiers of the troop 
or company to which the offenders belonged.[Footnote 234] This is the 
first record we have of a United States government nonappropriated 
fund instrumentality (NAFI).[Footnote 235] 

Sutlers were permitted to sell to the soldiers on credit and the 
paymaster could deduct the amount from the soldier's pay and pay the 
sutler directly.[Footnote 236] In 1847, Congress abolished sutlers' 
rights to have such a lien on a soldier's pay. Act of March 3, 1847, 
ch. 61, � 11, 9 Stat. 184, 185. Congress reinstated and abolished the 
sutlers' right to have a lien on a soldier's pay several times 
throughout the next decades.[Footnote 237] In 1862, Congress enacted a 
bill which provided for the appointment of sutlers in the Volunteer 
Service, set out their duties, and authorized sutlers to have a lien 
on part of a soldier's pay. Act of March 19, 1862, ch. 47, 12 Stat. 
371. This act established guidelines for the activities and service of 
sutlers to the Army and their regulation by the War Department. The 
commanding officer of each brigade was required to have the 
commissioned officers of each regiment in the brigade select a sutler 
for their regiment, who would be the sole sutler for that regiment. 
Id., 12 Stat. 372. The act listed specific articles that sutlers could 
sell to soldiers including food, toiletries, reading materials, 
tobacco, stationery, and other items which in the judgment of the 
inspectors general were for the good of the service. Id., 12 Stat. 
371. However, the sale of liquor was prohibited. Id. 

The sutlers paid fees based upon the average number of soldiers in a 
unit for the privilege of doing business in that unit. Fines were 
imposed on sutlers for violation of regulations. All fees and fines 
were deposited into the "post fund" administered by a group of 
officers, known as the "Council of Administration," along with the 
post commander. Kovar, at 97. The post fund aided indigent widows or 
children of deceased soldiers or disabled soldiers discharged without 
pensions, bought books and periodicals for the post library, and 
supported the post school and band. Id. In 1835, company funds, 
subject to the control of the post commander, were authorized by Army 
regulations to derive income from rental of billiard tables, the sale 
of grease from the company mess, and savings from the economical use 
of food. Noone, at 363. 

The sutler system was subject to many abuses; soldiers were cheated 
and charged usurious interest and military officials and the merchants 
were involved in fraud and corruption. GAO, Appropriated Fund Support 
for Nonappropriated Fund and Related Activities in the Department of 
Defense, FPCD-77-58 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 31, 1977), at 4. In 1866, 
Congress responded to these abuses by abolishing the office of sutler 
effective July 1, 1867. Act of July 28, 1866, ch. 298, � 25, 14 Stat. 
328, 336; see FPCD-77-58, at 4. With the abolishment of sutlers, 
Congress required the subsistence department of the Army to sell 
articles, designated by the inspectors general, at cost. 14 Stat. at 
336. In 1867, Congress authorized the Commanding General of the Army 
to permit the establishment of trading posts on certain military 
posts. Resolution No. 33 of March 30, 1867, 15 Stat. 29. Where the 
commissary department was prepared to supply stores to soldiers, 
traders were not permitted to remain at such posts or sell any goods 
kept by the commissary department. Id. 

In 1870, Congress repealed Resolution No. 33 and enacted legislation 
authorizing the establishment of post traders in certain locations to 
be under the protection and control of the military as camp followers 
and subject to the War Department's regulations.[Footnote 238] Act of 
July 15, 1870, ch. 294, � 22, 16 Stat. 315, 319-20. The War Department 
established general policies regulating the post traders which were 
carried out by a council of administration for the post. Kovar, at 100 
n.28. Unlike the sutlers before them, the post traders did not have 
the right to a lien on a soldier's pay. Id. 

The Secretary of War did not appoint a post trader at all military 
posts. Kovar, at 101. At posts where there were no post traders, the 
Secretary authorized commanders to establish canteens to supply troops 
with articles for their entertainment and comfort at moderate prices. 
Id., citing General Order No. 10, 1889. The following year, in 1890, 
the Secretary authorized all posts to establish canteens. Post 
commanders could make government buildings available to house canteens 
and its activities. An officer "in charge of canteen" managed the 
canteen assisted by a "canteen council" and its profits were 
distributed among the participating companies. Id., citing General 
Order No. 51, May 18, 1890. A canteen was established either on credit 
or from funds of the companies benefiting from the canteen. To promote 
and expand canteens, the War Department prohibited company fund 
activities from selling any item sold by the canteen. Id., citing 
Circular No. 1, Adjutant General's Office, Feb. 9, 1891. Canteens were 
authorized to use profits to purchase sporting equipment and any items 
that would contribute to the "rational enjoyment and contentment of 
the soldiers." Id., citing Circular No. 7, Adjutant General's Office, 
June 10, 1890. 

Canteens evolved into the post exchanges which performed essentially 
the same functions. Kovar, at 102; Noone, at 365. By 1893, the post 
exchange had taken over the services provided by the post trader and 
Congress prohibited the Secretary of War from making further 
appointments of post traders or from filling vacancies. Act of January 
28, 1893, ch. 51, 27 Stat. 426. In 1895, the War Department 
established post exchanges at all military posts. Kovar, at 102, 
citing General Order Number 46, July 25, 1895. The post exchanges were 
to provide a reading and recreation room, a store, a restaurant, and 
other facilities to supply at reasonable prices, articles (not 
supplied by the government) for rational recreation and amusement. Id. 
Post exchanges were authorized to use government buildings and were 
managed by an "officer in charge" and a council who reported to the 
post commander. Id. 

Although the Army regulated post exchanges and provided direct support 
through free government space and the use of military officers to 
manage their operations, the post exchanges were not considered to be 
an agency or instrumentality of the United States. Noone, at 365. The 
Judge Advocate General of the Army described the legal status of the 
post exchange in an 1893 opinion: 

"Now the Post Exchange is not a United States institution or branch of 
the United States military establishment, but a trading store 
permitted to be kept at a military post for the convenience of the 
soldiers. It is set up and stocked, not by means of an appropriation 
of public moneys, but by means of the funds of companies, etc.; the 
officers ordering the purchases ... [are] responsible for the payment, 
not the Government." 

Noone, at 365, citing 61 JAG Record Book, 1882-1895, 479 (1893). 

Congress limited the aid that the Army could provide to the post 
exchanges in the Army's Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1893 as 

"And provided further, That hereafter no money appropriated for the 
support of the Army shall be expended for post gardens or exchanges, 
but this proviso shall not be construed to prohibit the use by post 
exchanges of public buildings or public transportation when, in the 
opinion of the Quartermaster-General, not required for other purposes." 

Act of July 16, 1892, ch. 195, 27 Stat. 174, 178 (emphasis in 
original).[Footnote 239] 

The post exchange and post and company funds continued to carry out 
morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) functions until after World War 
I. Kovar, at 102. After World War I, the War Department created and 
expanded organizations and functions to provide services such as 
motion pictures and library facilities, recreation centers and 
programs, child care centers, restaurants and other services for both 
service members and their family members. Castlen, at 9; Kovar, at 102-
03. The War Department established a Morale Branch in 1941 to provide 
MWR services. Castlen, at 9. During World War II, the post exchanges 
were reorganized into a central organization known as the Army 
Exchange Service (currently in operation and now known as the Army and 
Air Force Exchange Service or AAFES) within the Morale Branch of the 
War Department. Id. 

b. Defining the Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality : 

"I am worried about the definition of `nonappropriated funds.' Every 
time I think of one, you give me another one; then I think of another 

Rep. Wiggins, House of Representatives (1969).[Footnote 240] 

In 1975, Congress authorized GAO to audit the operations and accounts 
of nonappropriated fund activities authorized or operated by the head 
of an executive agency to sell goods or services to U.S. government 
personnel and their dependents.[Footnote 241] In a 1977 report, GAO 
listed those activities, a brief description of each one, their 
assets, and gross revenues. GAO, Magnitude of Nonappropriated Fund and 
Related Activities in the Executive Branch, FPCD-77-28 (Washington, 
D.C.: Apr. 25, 1977). The report noted that some agencies maintained 
that their programs were not nonappropriated fund activities, but 
rather, private associations not officially a part of the government. 
"Varying interpretations are understandable," the report stated, 
"since there is no official definition or commonly understood opinion 
of what is or is not a nonappropriated fund activity." Id. at i. GAO 
cited an earlier Office of Management and Budget (OMB) study which 
found that the lack of a governmentwide definition of NAFIs caused 
confusion and precluded a reliable review of all nonappropriated fund 
instrumentalities (NAFIs). Id., citing OMB, Study of Procurement 
Payable for Nonappropriated Funds (Aug. 1975). 

As noted in the 1977 GAO report, defining the terms "nonappropriated 
funds," "nonappropriated fund instrumentalities" (NAFIs), or 
"nonappropriated fund activities" poses challenges. Contributing to 
the confusion is that the terms have been used interchangeably and 
without necessarily recognizing the differences between appropriated 
and nonappropriated funds. The term "appropriated funds" refers to 
funds provided in a regular annual appropriation act or a law enacting 
a permanent, indefinite appropriation.[Footnote 242] Both types of 
legislation authorize the obligation and expenditure of funds and 
designate the funds to be used. 63 Comp. Gen. 331, 335 (1984). See 
also GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-
05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 21. Permanent, indefinite 
appropriations include gift acceptance and use authority, revolving 
funds, working capital funds, and franchise funds. Nonappropriated 
funds would include funds that are not derived from an annual 
appropriation act or a law enacting a permanent, indefinite 
appropriation. As such, these funds are generally not subject to the 
same fiscal controls as appropriations. 

In a broad sense, there are two types of NAFIs: morale, welfare, and 
recreational (MWR) entities (armed forces NAFIs with an historical 
basis) and all other NAFIs. While the armed forces NAFIs have common 
historical roots, there often is not much commonality among non-armed 
forces NAFIs. Historically, the armed forces NAFIs were organized to 
meet MWR needs of military and their dependents.[Footnote 243] DOD 
describes the importance of MWR programs as follows: 

"MWR programs are vital to mission accomplishment and form an integral 
part of the non-pay compensation system. These programs provide a 
sense of community among patrons and provide support services commonly 
furnished by other employers, or other State and local governments to 
their employees and citizens. MWR programs encourage positive 
individual values, and aid in the recruitment and retention of 
personnel. They provide for the physical, cultural, and social needs 
and general well-being of Service members and their families, 
providing community support systems that make [DOD] bases temporary 
hometowns for a mobile military population." 

DOD Instruction 1015.10, Programs for Military Morale, Welfare, and 
Recreation (MWR), � 4.2 (Nov. 3, 1995). See also 58 Comp. Gen. 94, 98 
(1958) (noting that DOD "NAFIs exist to help foster the morale and 
welfare of military personnel and their dependents"). 

DOD defines NAFIs as: 

"Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI). A [DOD] organizational 
and fiscal entity that is supported, in whole or in part by 
[nonappropriated funds]. It acts in its own name to provide or assist 
the Secretaries of the Military Departments in providing programs for 
[DOD] personnel. It is not incorporated under the law of any State or 
the District of Columbia, but has the legal status of an 
instrumentality of the United States." 

Department of Defense Instruction 1015.15, Procedures for 
Establishment, Management, and Control of Nonappropriated Fund 
Instrumentalities and Financial Management of Supporting Resources, 
end. 2, � E2.1.12 (May 25, 2005). In discussing a suit brought by an 
employee of a military officers' club (a DOD NAFI), one court, using 
the phrase "nonappropriated fund activity" instead of NAFIs, said: 

"A non-appropriated fund activity is one to which the government has 
initially provided funds to permit it to begin operation. The 
governmental loan is repaid out of the profits earned by the activity. 
Thus, the activity is created by the government with governmental 
funds for governmental personnel, and is administered by governmental 
employees for the use and benefit of the United States." 

Bowen v. Culotta, 294 E Supp. 183, 185 (E.D. Va. 1968). 

Although NAFIs are considered United States government 
instrumentalities, NAFIs are not federal agencies or government 
corporations. They also are not typical private or commercial 
enterprises. Like DOD, GAO has noted that a NAFI mainly operates with 
funds generated from its own activities: 

"NAFIs encompass a wide range of activities and resist a general 
definition. They share common characteristics in that they are 
associated with governmental entities and, to some extent, are 
controlled by and operated for the benefit of those Governmental 
entities. However, the essence of a NAFI is that it is operated with 
the proceeds of its activities, rather than with appropriated funds." 

64 Comp. Gen. 110, 110-11 (1984). See also B-289605.2, July 5, 2002. 

GAO has identified several characteristics of MWR NAFIs: 

* The activity is established under the authority or sanction of a 
government agency with or without an initial advance of government 

* The activity is created and run by government officers or employees. 

* The activity is operated for the benefit of government officers or 
employees and/or their dependents. 

* The operations of the activity are financed by the proceeds 

B-167710-0.M., May 6, 1976, at 4. Although many NAFIs demonstrate 
these characteristics, GAO noted that they are not absolute and should 
be applied on a case-by-case basis. Id. 

Other government entities funded with permanent, indefinite 
appropriations also may operate with the proceeds from their 
activities, including revolving funds and working capital funds, but 
those entities are not NAFIs unless Congress has established them as 
NAFIs. Unlike activities funded with permanent, indefinite 
appropriations, the common thread among armed forces NAFIs is that 
while they operate from the proceeds of their activities, the funds 
they collect are used for the collective benefit of the members of the 
armed forces, government officers or employees, and their dependents 
who generate them. 

Congress has created some government entities and designated that they 
operate as nonappropriated fund instrumentalities or with 
nonappropriated funds. See, e.g., 7 U.S.C. � 2279b (Graduate School of 
Department of Agriculture); 12 U.S.C. � 244 (Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve); see also B-217578, Oct. 16, 1986. These entities do 
not serve MWR needs of government employees. Unlike the armed forces 
NAFIs already discussed, these entities are statutory creations and 
any fiscal limitations are defined by their organic statutes. Armed 
forces NAFIs fulfilling MWR purposes have an historical basis and were 
not created by statute, although Congress, in some cases, has approved 
of or authorized such NAFI operations. See, e.g., 10 U.S.C. � 2488. 

Further complicating the discussion of NAFIs is the use of the term 
NAFI by some federal courts. The Federal Circuit and the Court of 
Federal Claims have used the term in cases discussing their 
jurisdiction. See, e.g., AINS, Inc. v. United States, 365 F.3d 1333, 
1343 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (holding that the court had no jurisdiction to 
hear case against U.S. Mint because it was a NAFI). See also O'Quin v. 
United States, 72 Fed. Cl. 20, 23-24 (2006); McCafferty v. United 
States, 61 Fed. Cl. 615, 616 (2004). The Federal Circuit's definition 
of a NAFI for purposes of its jurisdiction has resulted in classifying 
entities that operate with permanent, indefinite appropriations as 
NAFIs. See AINS, 365 F.3d 1333; Core Concepts of Florida, Inc. v. 
United States, 327 F.3d 1331 (Fed. Cir. 2003). See also Furash & Co. 
v. United States, 252 F.3d 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (holding that the 
court had no jurisdiction to hear claims against the Federal Housing 
Finance Board because it was a NAFI).[Footnote 244] 

Although a permanent, indefinite appropriation is not reenacted each 
year in the annual appropriations process, it is an appropriation 
nonetheless. Consequently, GAO does not view revolving funds 
(permanent, indefinite appropriations) as NAFIs. GAO does not 
question, nor has it the authority to question, a court's 
determination of its own subject matter jurisdiction. The Federal 
Circuit recognizes that the weight of its authorities is limited in 
scope to its jurisdiction determination: "The authorities cited by the 
GAO to support [its position on what constitutes an appropriation], 
however, are not applicable to the [court's] non-appropriated funds 
doctrine in the same sense that they are applicable to federal 
appropriations law." Core Concepts, 327 F.3d at 1338. 

2. Legal Status: 

a. Authority for Creation: 

As noted above, for the most part armed forces nonappropriated fund 
instrumentalities (NAFIs) are rooted in history and regulated by the 
military departments to assist in meeting the moral, welfare, and 
recreation (MWR) needs of their personnel. Some of these NAFIs later 
received statutory recognition. See, e.g., 10 U.S.C. � 2488 (Secretary 
of Defense may authorize a NAFI to operate a military exchange and 
commissary store on a military base). See also B-167710-0.M., May 6, 
1976 (noting that military departments established NAFIs under the 
departments' general regulatory authority). The fact that NAFIs 
originated from historical practice and later received congressional 
recognition does not affect their status. Indeed, with regard to 
military post exchanges, the Supreme Court stated: "That the 
establishment and control of post exchanges have been in accordance 
with regulations rather than specific statutory directions does not 
alter their status, for authorized War Department regulations have the 
force of law." Standard Oil Co. v. Johnson, 316 U.S. 481, 484 (1942). 

b. Relationship to the United States Government: 

"It would not be an exaggeration to call their legal status bizarre. 
They are operations of the federal government, yet they are not." 
[Footnote 245] 

Despite their peculiarities, nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
(NAFIs) are now recognized as being federal instrumentalities, albeit 
"a special breed of federal instrumentality, which cannot be fully 
analogized to the typical federal agency supported by federal funds." 
Cosme Nieves v. Deshler, 786 F.2d 445, 448 (1st Cir. 1986), cert. 
denied, 479 U.S. 824 (1986). 

In Standard Oil Co. v. Johnson, 316 U.S. 481 (1942), the State of 
California attempted to levy a tax upon military post exchanges. The 
California Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax Act imposed a license tax on 
the privilege of distributing motor vehicle fuel. By its terms, the 
tax was inapplicable to fuel sold to the United States government. 
California insisted that Standard Oil levy the tax on sales it made to 
the U.S. Army Post Exchanges in California. In the suit to recover 
payment, Standard Oil (with the United States as amicus curiae) 
claimed the sales to the Post Exchanges were exempt under the Act. 
Standard Oil also argued that if the Act were construed to require 
payment on such sales, it would impose an unconstitutional burden upon 
instrumentalities or agencies of the United States. The California 
courts found for the state on both issues. Standard Oil, 316 U.S. at 
482. The decision was appealed, however. 

Upon appeal to the Supreme Court, the Court looked first to the legal 
status of the post exchange, examining the relationship between the 
United States and the post exchanges as demonstrated through the 
creation, regulation, and practices of the activity. Id. at 484. The 
Court recognized several factors: The post exchanges were established 
pursuant to regulations of the Secretary of War under authority 
granted by Congress originally in the Act of July 15, 1870, 16 Stat. 
315, 319, and Act of March 1, 1875, 18 Stat. 337. Id. The commanding 
officer of an army post had virtually total authority to establish and 
manage the exchange. The supervisory councils for the exchanges 
consisted of the commanding officers of the post units and they served 
in that capacity without any compensation other than their regular 
pay. Id. The purpose of the post exchanges was to provide a convenient 
source of low priced goods for soldiers. Id. at 484-85. The government 
did not assume any of the financial obligations of the post exchanges, 
but government officers were responsible for the funds obtained. 
Profits were used only for the welfare, pleasure, and comfort of the 
troops. Id. at 485. 

"From all this, we conclude that post exchanges as now operated are 
arms of the government deemed by it essential for the performance of 
governmental functions. They are integral parts of the War Department, 
share in fulfilling the duties entrusted to it, and partake of 
whatever immunities it may have under the Constitution and federal 

Id. Accordingly, the Supreme Court concluded, the state could not tax 
the fuel sold to the post exchanges. Id. 

Lower federal courts have applied the Standard Oil analysis to 
determine whether NAFIs are immune from suit involving contract 
matters. In Nimro v. Davis, 204 F.2d 734 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 
346 U.S. 901 (1953), Nimro brought suit against the board members of a 
Naval Gun Factory Lunchroom Committee for "services rendered and 
expenses incurred." Nimro, 204 F.2d at 734. The board, composed of 
naval officers and civilian employees, argued that it was an 
instrumentality of the Navy Department, and therefore was immune from 
suit to the same extent as the department itself. To counter this 
defense, Nimro maintained that he was suing the members of the board 
in their representative capacity as custodians of a private fund, not 
as government employees. Id. at 735. 

Noting the several factors considered in Standard Oil, the court held 
that the Naval Gun Factory Lunchroom Committee, a NAFI, was a United 
States government instrumentality because it was made up of the 
department's own personnel, acting officially under authority and 
direction of the Secretary in accordance with his instructions, to 
carry out a purpose declared by him to be an integral part of the 
department. Id. at 736. The court found the individuals comprising the 
Lunchroom Committee's board to be acting for and on behalf of the 
United States, and not in any private capacity. As such, the suit 
comprised an action against the United States that could not be 
maintained without its consent.[Footnote 246] Id. at 736. 

In Automatic Retailers of America, Inc. v. Ruppert, 269 F. Supp. 588 
(S.D. Iowa 1967), Automatic Retailers sued members of the Employees 
Welfare Committee of the Des Moines Post Office Employees Association 
to enforce a contract for vending machine services. Automatic 
Retailers, 269 F. Supp. at 590. One employee member moved to dismiss 
the case, arguing that the suit was in essence against the Employee 
Welfare Committee, an instrumentality of the United States that was 
immune from suit. 

Applying the elements set forth in the Standard Oil decision, the 
court held that the Employee Welfare Committee constituted an integral 
part of the Postal Service and was an instrumentality of the United 
States for purposes of suit. Automatic Retailers, 269 F. Supp. at 591. 
The court further determined that, although Automatic Retailers had 
named committee members in their individual capacity, the suit sought 
to compel the Employees Welfare Committee, and thus the United States, 
to act. Since the United States had not consented to suit, the court 
dismissed the case. Id. at 592. See also Employees Welfare Commission 
v. Daws, 599 F.2d 1375, 1378-79 (5th Cir. 1979). The court found that 
the committee was established pursuant to regulatory authority, the 
Postal Service appointed employees to carry out the contractual and 
managerial duties of the committee, the Postal Service regulated and 
controlled vending stands and machines, and the primary objective of 
the committee was to further the interests of the Postal Service. 
Automatic Retailers, 269 F. Supp. at 591. 

However, there are also times when the action of a NAFI or its 
employees will not be attributable to the government. There was a time 
when, under contract with base exchanges, telegraph offices were 
routinely operated on military bases by NAFI employees. In 50 Comp. 
Gen. 76 (1970), the Nellis Air Force Base Exchange operated a 
telegraph office on the base under contract with Western Union. The 
contract between the exchange and Western Union stipulated that the 
exchange acted as the agent for Western Union. 50 Comp. Gen. at 77. 
Prospective government contract bidders telegraphed their bids within 
the required time frame for bid acceptance, but the bids were 
nevertheless delivered late to the contracting office by the telegraph 
office run by the base exchange. Under Army regulations, late bids are 
accepted if the delay is due to the government's mishandling of the 
bid but precludes consideration of late bids delayed by the telegraph 
company's error. Id. GAO held that where the base exchange acts as the 
agent for the telegraph company, as the contract stipulated in this 
case, the activity was not an instrumentality of the government and 
the exchange's actions were not attributable to the government. 
Accordingly, the bid here was deemed late due to mishandling by a 
telegraphy company's error and not considered in the procurement 
process. Id. at 80. See also B-186794, Nov. 11, 1976. 

3. Sources of Funding: The Use of Appropriated Funds for 
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 

"Although for some purposes nonappropriated fund activities are 
considered instrumentalities of the Government, they are generally 
self-supporting and do not receive appropriated funds from the 

B-215398, Oct. 30, 1984. 

a. Self-Supporting or Subsidized? 

As the name suggests, a nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) is 
"operated with the proceeds of its activities, rather than with 
appropriated funds." 64 Comp. Gen. 110, 111 (1984). That sounds simple 
enough, but the reality is not so simple. Part of the reason for this 
is that some people think the government should fund morale, welfare, 
and recreation (MWR) using appropriated funds, while others find that 
suggestion outrageous. Some argue for direct government support for 
the MWR services provided by NAFIs because there is a legitimate 
business need to provide MWR support for members of the armed forces. 
Others, like private retailers in competition with NAFIs, argue that 
recreational expenses should be paid for by the government through 
traditional procurement from the private sector, not by making NAFIs 
compete with the private sector. Still others argue that the taxpayers 
should not pay for any employee recreational expenses, advocating that 
NAFIs should be self-supporting and their profits used for MWR 
expenses. The tension between these factions has led to a complicated 
mix of appropriated and nonappropriated funding for NAFIs. 

b. General Rule: Appropriations Not Available for Morale, Welfare, and 
Recreation unless Authorized by Congress: 

The general rule, established in early decisions, is that expenses 
associated with employee morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) cannot 
be paid from appropriated funds unless specifically authorized by law. 
See 27 Comp. Gen. 679 (1948) (Navy appropriations not available to 
hire full-time or part-time employees for recreational programs for 
civilian employees of Navy); 18 Comp. Gen. 147 (1938) (river and 
harbor appropriation not available to provide recreational activities 
for workers). The rationale for the rule was that those types of 
expenditures would only have an indirect bearing on the purposes for 
which the appropriations were made. 27 Comp. Gen. at 681. 

In addition, several laws specifically prohibited the use of 
appropriated funds for certain MWR expenses. As early as 1892, 
Congress passed legislation prohibiting the use of appropriated funds 
of the various armed forces for the exchanges; that legislation 
authorized the exchanges to use military buildings and transportation 
when not being used by the military. Act of July 16, 1892, ch. 195, 27 
Stat. 174, 178, codified at 10 U.S.C. �� 4779, 9779 (Army and Air 
Force, respectively). Congress has also specifically authorized the 
use of certain appropriated funds for MWR expenses. See 10 U.S.C. � 
2241(a)(1) (authorizing the use of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) 
appropriations for MWR).[Footnote 247] At the same time, however, 
Congress expressly prohibited the Department of Defense (DOD) from 
using appropriated funds for equipping, operating, or maintaining golf 
courses at DOD facilities or installations. Pub. L. No. 130-160, div. 
A, title DI, � 312, 107 Stat. 1547, 1618 (Nov. 30, 1993), codified at 
10 U.S.C. � 2491a(a).[Footnote 248] In 1998, GAO interpreted this 
prohibition as precluding the use of appropriated funds to install or 
maintain pipelines for watering an Army golf course. B-277905, Mar. 
17, 1998.[Footnote 249] DOD argued that other laws permitted DOD to 
participate in water conservation projects and federal agency 
cooperative efforts to resolve water resource issues in concert with 
conservation of endangered species. GAO concluded that those laws did 
not override the prohibition of section 2491a. Id. 

In a 1949 report on nonappropriated funds, GAO reported on the 
improper use of appropriated funds to support activities such as 
restaurants, stores, golf courses, and theaters, and recommended 
changes in accounting, billing, reimbursements, and legislation. GAO 
reported that there was a "widespread and growing practice ... of 
withholding from the Treasury and diverting to unauthorized purposes 
substantial sums of money coming into the hands of persons in the 
service of the United States in connection with the performance of 
their official duties." B-45101, Aug. 10, 1949, at 1. GAO had several 
concerns: (1) whether these activities were authorized to withhold 
revenues, donations, and contributions arising from such activities; 
(2) the unreimbursed or "free" use of public property and funds in 
connection with revenue producing activities; and (3) GAO's lack of 
specific authority to audit NAFIs. Id. at 5-7. While not questioning 
the validity of NAFI purposes to meet MWR needs, GAO questioned 
whether Congress had by law authorized these types of expenditures and 
whether they should not be self-supporting. Id. at 7-8. 

The rule appears to be simple�-an agency may not use appropriated 
funds to support MWR needs or nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
providing those needs unless specifically authorized by law. However, 
like many things in law and life, it is not, in fact, that simple. 

c. The Current Trend: Use of Appropriated Funds: 

We have used the necessary expense doctrine to address whether 
appropriations are legally available for certain morale, welfare, and 
recreation (MWR) expenses of some agencies without nonappropriated 
fund instrumentalities (NAFIs). The cases have increasingly recognized 
that, given isolated or remote working conditions, certain items or 
services contribute directly to an agency's mission by enhancing 
employee morale and productivity. For example, in cases where 
employees are located at a remote site where MWR items and equipment 
would not otherwise be available and such expenses would be necessary 
for recruitment and retention of personnel, GAO has held that 
appropriated funds may be used to pay for MWR expenditures. See, e.g., 
54 Comp. Gen. 1075 (1975) (purchase of television set for crew on 
Environmental Protection Agency ship gathering and evaluating water 
samples on multiday cruises); B-144237, Nov. 7, 1960 (transportation 
of musical instruments, sports, and recreational equipment to isolated 
Weather Bureau installations in the Arctic); B-61076, Feb. 25, 1947 
(purchase of ping pong paddles and balls by Corps of Engineers to 
equip recreation room on a seagoing dredge justified by policy in War 
Department regulations and necessary expense for the recruitment and 
retention of employees). 

The military's use of appropriated funds for MWR expenses has differed 
from civilian agencies because, in the context of the necessary 
expense rule, it is easier for the military to justify MWR expenses 
due to the nature of its mission, the remoteness of many of its 
locations, and hardships imposed on military members and families. 

In 1954, GAO considered whether the Department of the Air Force could 
use appropriated funds to pay for travel relating to the business of 
the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). B-120139-0.M., Aug. 
16, 1954. Since expenses for travel involving public business could be 
paid from appropriated funds, GAO analyzed whether travel involving 
AAFES business qualified as public business. The Comptroller General 
noted that AAFES is a government instrumentality under the executive 
control of officers of the services, who receive pay and allowances 
from appropriated funds while assigned to the exchanges. Thus, travel 
involving command supervision of exchanges is public business and the 
use of appropriated funds is reasonable. Command supervision may 
include travel for the purposes of inspecting, auditing, or 
investigating exchange activities, attending exchange conferences, 
coordinating exchange matters, or attending exchange schools and may 
be paid from appropriated funds as travel in connection with public 
business. The Department of the Air Force, however, could not use 
appropriations to pay for AAFES's operational expenses. Travel for the 
purpose of purchasing exchange supplies for resale related more to 
operational expense and not to command supervision and could not be 
considered as travel on public business. Id. 

A few years later, GAO considered whether the Department of the Army 
could use appropriated funds to pay for travel by a member of the Army 
in order to participate in a field artillery basketball tournament as 
a nonparticipating coach. B-133763, Nov. 13, 1957. At issue was 
whether the travel was for public business. Army regulations provided 
that nonappropriated funds could be used to pay the expenses of 
military members participating in sports program activities. However, 
nonappropriated funds could not be used to pay expenses of official 
travel of military personnel when performing command supervision of 
the Army sports programs. Applicable travel regulations provided that 
travel conducted for public business (defined as relating to 
activities or functions of the service to which the traveler was 
attached) could be paid with appropriated funds. So, was the 
nonparticipating coach engaged in official government business or not? 
GAO held that while a tournament was recognized as part of athletic or 
recreational programs of the Army, it did not appear to be an activity 
or function of a field artillery battalion and would not constitute 
public business under the regulations. GAO advised the requestor to 
seek reimbursement from nonappropriated funds. Id. 

In 1962, the Comptroller General was asked whether it was proper for 
the Air Force to use appropriated funds to pay for the modification, 
alteration, or repair of buildings or facilities used by a post 
exchange. B-147516-0.M., Jan. 24, 1962. Both the Secretary of 
Defense's authority and Air Force regulations supported the use of 
appropriations to maintain MWR programs. Id., citing DOD Directive 
1330.2 (Aug. 31, 1956), and Air Force Regulation 170-4A (July 1, 
1958). GAO noted that Congress had authorized exchanges' use of public 
buildings and in the past had authorized the use of appropriated funds 
for construction, equipment and maintenance of buildings for exchange 
activities. B-147516-0.M., at 3. While current appropriations did not 
include specific authorization for such expenses, GAO deferred to the 
interpretation of the military departments that when Operation and 
Maintenance appropriations were available for repair and maintenance 
of facilities generally, reference to "facilities" would include those 
used for MWR activities. For these reasons, the Air Force could use 
appropriated funds to pay for the repair and alteration of NAFI 
facilities. Id. 

In other cases, GAO addressed whether military departments could use 
appropriated funds for leasing and other property services on behalf 
of NAFIs. In B-154547-0.M., Oct. 20, 1964, GAO was asked whether the 
Department of Defense (DOD) could use appropriated funds to lease 
hotel facilities for a NAFI. The business of the NAFI was to provide 
quarters for transient and retired military personnel and their 
families. GAO answered, "yes," albeit with some hesitation. DOD cited 
its authority to conduct all affairs for the department, including 
welfare activities, in addition to the availability of Operation and 
Maintenance (O&M) appropriation for welfare and morale. GAO originally 
said "not good enough," noting that DOD had no specific authority to 
lease a building for a NAFI. Unless DOD could provide another 
interpretation of its authority to lease facilities for NAFIs, GAO 
would conclude that DOD could not do so. Id. Subsequently, GAO altered 
course, because DOD was authorized to lease buildings for military 
purposes and MWR use could reasonably be construed to constitute a 
military purpose. B-154547-0.M., July 7, 1965. 

In 1975, GAO analyzed whether the Air Force could acquire land solely 
for recreational purposes.[Footnote 250] GAO looked to the Air Force's 
authority to conduct welfare functions and the availability of DOD O&M 
appropriations for welfare and recreation in conjunction with the 
availability of appropriations to acquire land by lease or purchase. 
Deferring to DOD's discretion in interpreting the extent of its 
authority and responsibilities, GAO agreed that sponsoring 
recreational and social activities could be considered activities with 
a military purpose and the Air Force could acquire land interests for 
such activities. 

In 1977, GAO reported on NAFIs in DOD and concluded that, while NAFIs 
operated mainly with self-generated revenue, DOD was providing some 
appropriated fund support, including funding transportation which 
should have been funded by the NAFIs, for example, for transportation 
of merchandise for resale by NAFIs. GAO, Unauthorized and Questionable 
Use of Appropriated Funds to Pay Transportation Costs of Non-
Appropriated Fund Activities, LCD-76-233 (Washington, D.C.: June 3, 
1977). While GAO noted that annual DOD appropriation acts had 
generally provided funds for welfare and recreation, Congress had not 
specifically provided funds for transportation of merchandise for 
resale through NAFIs. Id. at 1. Thus, the use of appropriated funds 
for transportation of exchange goods was only permitted when the goods 
were carried on conveyances that are owned, leased, or chartered by 
the government, where the government was already obligated to pay for 
the space whether used or not. Id. GAO recommended that the Secretary 
of Defense: (1) direct the NAFIs to reimburse the paying appropriation 
for excess transportation costs; (2) institute procedures for properly 
charging NAFIs for transportation services; and (3) recover costs for 
improper appropriated fund support provided to NAFIs. Id. at ii-iii. 

GAO also reported that the government spent over $600 million each 
year to subsidize DOD NAFIs. GAO, Appropriated Fund Support for 
Nonappropriated Fund and Related Activities in the Department of 
Defense, FPCD-77-58 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 31, 1977). GAO reported 
that appropriated fund support was understated because of the failure 
to include certain costs, such as personnel costs, indirect costs, and 
other unrecognized costs. Id. at 19-25. In testimony on the findings 
of this report, GAO stated that the three major concerns with 
appropriated fund support were: (1) the use of military personnel to 
perform nonmilitary duties in NAFI activities; (2) the lack of a 
system for accurately reporting appropriated fund support; and (3) the 
lack of specific guidelines for providing appropriated fund support. 
GAO, Appropriated Fund Support for Nonappropriated Fund and Related 
Activities of the Department of Defense: Testimony before the House 
Committee on Armed Services, Investigations Subcommittee (Washington, 
D.C.: Sept. 27, 1977). 

d. Other Issues in Appropriated Fund Support: 

Questions arise as to whether an agency may reimburse a 
nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) with appropriated funds 
for goods or services that the NAFI provides. In B-192859, Apr. 17, 
1979, the Comptroller General considered whether the Army could 
reimburse a NAFI, a consolidated post housing fund that provided maid 
and custodian services, mowing and watering services, maintenance of 
roads, snow removal, and general policing services for common use 
areas in post housing. Although the Army was responsible for providing 
those services, it did not. The NAFI decided to provide the services 
and pay for them by charging the housing residents. Later, the NAFI 
decided to bill the Army for those services and seek reimbursements 
from the Army for the residents. GAO concluded that the NAFI could be 
reimbursed for those services for which the Army was responsible. The 
decision noted that obtaining services from a NAFI is tantamount to 
obtaining them from a nongovernmental source and that regular purchase 
orders should be used. In B-192859, the documents prepared and actions 
taken by the Army and the NAFI did not create a binding contract and 
no binding obligation on the government was created. Accordingly, any 
voucher to pay the NAFI for goods and services could not be repaid. 
However, for those services for which the Army was responsible and had 
received a benefit, the NAFI could be reimbursed on a quantum meruit 
basis. For those services that were not the responsibility of the 
Army, the NAFI could not be reimbursed with appropriated funds. For 
further discussion regarding contracting with a NAFI for goods and 
services see section C.4.b. of this chapter. 

A related issue affecting NAFIs is the proper disposal or deposit of 
receipts from the sale of NAFI property or resulting from NAFI 
operations. In B-156167, July 18, 1967, the Navy asked whether the 
proceeds from a contemplated sale of the Naval Academy dairy farm 
could be credited to the Midshipmen's Store Fund. GAO noted that, by 
statute, federal agencies are required to deposit all proceeds from 
the disposition of excess property in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts. Exceptions to this statute include property acquired with 
nonappropriated funds or appropriated funds that by law are 
reimbursable. The funds used to purchase the dairy farm were derived 
from the Midshipmen's Store Fund, a NAFI, or from an advance of 
appropriated funds that were by law reimbursable at the time of the 
advance. Consequently, any realized gain from the sale of the dairy 
farm could be credited to the Midshipmen's Store Fund. Id. 

A different result is obtained when the proceeds of a transaction 
derive not from NAFI operations, but from official business of the 
government. The miscellaneous receipts statute (as discussed in 
Chapter 6, section E.2) requires government officials receiving money 
for the use of the United States to deposit the money in the Treasury. 
31 U.S.C. � 3302(b). In Reeve Aleutian Airways, Inc. v. Rice, 789 E 
Supp. 417 (D.D.C. 1992), the Air Force awarded a contract to a 
commercial air carrier to provide passenger and cargo service to a 
remote base in the Aleutian Islands. Id. at 419-20. Fares purchased 
directly or reimbursed by the government for its personnel, 
dependents, and contractor employees would provide the carrier's 
revenue. Id. at 421. In return for landing rights and ground support 
the contractor would pay a "concession fee" (i.e., a rebate) for 
deposit to the base morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) fund, a 
NAFI. The court found that the fees for the use of property of the 
United States were "public monies" and there was no authority in this 
case to divert those funds to an MWR fund. Id. Accordingly, the 
miscellaneous receipts statute required that such fees be deposited in 
the Treasury. Id. 

In Scheduled Airlines Traffic Offices, Inc. (SATO) v. Department of 
Defense, 87 F.3d 1356 (D.C. Cir. 1996) (SATO), the Defense 
Construction Supply Center, a DOD agency, awarded a commercial travel 
office contract requiring the contractor to offer both official 
(government business) and unofficial (personal travel for government 
employees and dependents) travel services. The contractor was required 
to pay the government concession fees on both official and unofficial 
travel. Concession fees for official travel were deposited to the 
Treasury and fees for unofficial travel were deposited to the local 
MWR fund, a NAFI. SATO, 87 F.3d at 1357-58. The travel agency, SATO, 
had bid unsuccessfully on similar contracts in the past, losing the 
bid to a company that agreed to pay larger concession fees for 
unofficial travel. Through informal channels, it learned that the 
agency made its award determinations "largely to maximize payments to 
the local Morale Funds." Id. at 1358. SATO filed suit seeking 
declaratory and injunctive relief to prohibit the award of the 
contract. Id. Among other things, SATO claimed that the miscellaneous 
receipts statute did not permit the deposit of the concession fees 
into MWR funds, but compelled their deposit into the Treasury. Id. The 
government argued that this contract was different from the one in 
Reeve Aleutian: The concession fees were derived solely from 
unofficial travel paid for by private funds and were not government 
funds. Id. at 1362. 

The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit concluded 
that the fees were government funds. Id. at 1362-63. The travel agents 
paid them in consideration for government resources, such as the right 
to occupy agency space, utilize government services associated with 
the space, and serve as an exclusive on-site travel agent. Id. at 
1362. Since the miscellaneous receipts statute requires the deposit 
into Treasury of "money for the government from any source," the 
government's argument about the private source of funds was rejected. 
Id. (emphasis in original). The SATO court noted that the concession 
fees were derived from procurements administered by a government 
agency in which the Morale Fund played no role. Id. at 1363. The court 
observed that "not only does the travel scheme at issue here divert to 
Morale Funds revenues that should be deposited in the Treasury, but it 
also creates incentives for government officials to reduce even those 
funds that are deposited in the Treasury." Id. Depositing the fees 
into MWR funds violated the miscellaneous receipts statute. Id. The 
decision left open the question of whether unofficial travel 
concession fees could be retained by an MWR fund if a NAFI administers 
the contract. 

e. Borrowing by Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 

GAO has determined that some nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
(NAFIs) have the authority to borrow funds from commercial sources. In 
B-148581-0.M., Dec. 18, 1970, GAO found that no federal law 
specifically prohibited the Army and Air Force Exchange Services 
(AAFES) (a military post exchange NAFI) from borrowing funds. GAO 
observed that the general laws governing borrowing by the United 
States, the use of appropriated funds and other financial transactions 
of the government have not been applied to NAFIs. Moreover, the United 
States is not a party to nor is it legally bound or obligated by the 
financial transactions of NAFIs, notwithstanding their status as 
federal instrumentalities immune from state taxation. GAO had 
previously noted that an Army regulation authorizes the borrowing of 
funds by post restaurants. 9 Comp. Gen. 411 (1930). Then current DOD 
regulations granted AAFES implied authority to borrow funds from 
private sources and such authority was considered a normal practice 
for a business operation like AAFES. B-148581-0.M., Dec. 18, 1970. 
However, GAO emphasized that such loans could not be on the credit of 
the United States. 

4. Transactions with Federal Agencies: 

Since they are so closely involved with the federal government, it is 
not surprising that nonappropriated fund instrumentalities and the 
agencies they are associated with want to enter into transactions for 
the provision of goods and services. This section addresses these 
practices and the legal authority for such transactions. 

a. Economy Act and IntraAgency Orders: 

As a general matter, the federal government is one entity (or 
"person") for legal purposes. So, when agencies wish to obtain items 
or services from one another, they do not enter into contracts per se�
a person cannot contract with himself. See Chapter 12, section B.1. 
One source of authority for agencies to obtain services from one 
another is by entering into reimbursable interagency agreements under 
the Economy Act. 31 U.S.C. � 1535. However, although nonappropriated 
fund instrumentalities (NAFIs) are instrumentalities of the United 
States government, the Economy Act does not apply to NAFIs. 58 Comp. 
Gen. 94 (1978) (Army and NAFIs could not enter into intra-agency 
orders for services provided to Army). 

The Comptroller General explained the rationale for this result in 58 
Comp. Gen. 94 which involved the Army's use of intra-Army orders for 
obtaining goods and services from NAFIs. GAO emphasized that the 
Economy Act authority involves the transfer of moneys from one 
appropriation account to another for services provided. In the case of 
a NAFI, by definition, the transfer would not involve an appropriation 
account. (While an instrumentality of the government, NAFIs are not 
federal agencies and do not have appropriated fund accounts.) 
Recognizing their connection to the government, the Comptroller 
General noted that "they differ significantly from other Governmental 
activities, particularly with respect to budgetary and appropriation 
requirements." Id. at 97. It was those differences, rather than their 
status as government instrumentalities, which the Comptroller General 
found controlling. 58 Comp. Gen. at 97. The Comptroller General 
further noted that Congress has no direct control, through 
appropriations, over the accounts of the NAFI (and neither did GAO, 
through its account settlement authority). Thus, obtaining goods and 
services from a NAFI is "tantamount to obtaining them from non-
Governmental, commercial sources." Id. at 98. 

Similarly, when considering the use of interagency agreements between 
federal agencies and the Graduate School of the Department of 
Agriculture, the Comptroller General again determined that the Economy 
Act did not apply to this statutorily created NAFI. 64 Comp. Gen. 110, 
113 (1984) (decision concluded that the Government Employees Training 
Act, 5 U.S.C. � 4104, also did not constitute authority for agreements 
between federal agencies and NAFIs for the same reasons).

b. Contracting to Sell Goods and Services to Agencies: 

Noting that nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs) exist 
primarily to help foster the morale, welfare, and recreation needs of 
government officers and employees, the Comptroller General, at times, 
has questioned whether it is appropriate for federal agencies to 
procure goods and services from the NAFI for the benefit of the 
federal agency. 58 Comp. Gen. 94, 98 (1978). Despite this observation, 
GAO has recognized circumstances in which it may be appropriate for 
agencies to procure goods and services from NAFIs through the 
competitive procurement process and sole sourcing procurements. 

With regard to participation in the competitive procurement process, 
the Comptroller General has stated that obtaining services from a NAFI 
is "tantamount to obtaining services from nongovernment commercial 
sources" and, therefore, NAFIs may compete to provide goods or 
services to agencies in the competitive procurement process. 68 Comp. 
Gen. 62, 66 (1988) (Department of Agriculture Graduate School may 
compete in competitive procurement for operation and maintenance of a 
federal agency's training laboratory); 64 Comp. Gen. 110, 111-12 
(1984) (Department of Agriculture Graduate School may be an 
appropriate recipient of sole source or competitive contract for 
training of federal employees); B-215580, Dec. 31, 1984 (Army could 
not purchase child care services from a NAFI via intra-agency order, 
but could use a regular purchase order). The Comptroller General has 
also stated that "a NAFI may compete in, and be awarded a contract 
under a competitive procurement unless otherwise precluded by its 
charter from doing so." 64 Comp. Gen. at 112. See also B-289605.2, 
July 5, 2002; B-274795, Jan. 6, 1997. 

Sole-sourcing is another matter. There may be circumstances where an 
agency's contract with a NAFI for goods or services might be proper, 
such as where it is impracticable for an agency to obtain goods or 
services from sources other than NAFIs, or where only a NAFI could 
provide the urgently required goods or services. 58 Comp. Gen. at 98. 
In such cases, a sole source contract would be proper with appropriate 
justifications. Id. See also B-235742, Apr. 24, 1990 (proposed sole-
source award to a NAFI for lunchroom monitoring services at Department 
of Defense dependent schools was proper). Whether a NAFI should 
provide goods or services will depend upon the factual circumstances. 
In 58 Comp. Gen. 94 (1978), it was improper for a NAFI to provide 
mattresses to the Army, but GAO did not have enough information on the 
record to determine whether the provision of janitorial and dry-
cleaning services was also inappropriate. 58 Comp. Gen. at 99. In 
circumstances where it is impracticable for an agency to obtain goods 
or services from sources other than NAFIs, or where only a NAFI could 
provide the urgently required goods or services, sole-source contracts 
may be proper. Id. at 98. 

In another case, the Army wanted to purchase "health and comfort kits" 
(shampoo, razors, chewing gum, and shoe polish) for soldiers in Korea 
from the Army and Air Force Exchange Service on a sole-source basis. B-
190650, Sept. 2, 1980. GAO noted that the Army had not alleged that 
other sources were not capable of furnishing the items (nor could it 
make that statement since other sources were currently providing the 
items) and held that the fact that a NAFI is able to perform a 
contract with greater ease or at less cost than any other concern does 
not justify a noncompetitive procurement. Id. See also 58 Comp. Gen. 
at 98-99 (noting that, where circumstances require services or goods 
to be supplied by a NAFI because of exigent circumstances or 
practicality, appropriate sole source justifications should be 
prepared); B-235742, Apr. 24, 1990 (finding that use of sole-source 
justification papers prepared by the Army for contract with a NAFI for 
lunch room monitoring services was proper). 

Where NAFIs provided services to federal agencies under inter- or 
intraagency orders later found to be improper, GAO has allowed the 
activities to be reimbursed on a quantum meruit or quantum valebant 
basis, if ratified by an authorized contracting official. 58 Comp. 
Gen. 94, 100 (1978); B-199533, Aug. 25, 1980; B-192859, Apr. 17, 1979. 

c. Statutory Authority to Enter into Contracts with Federal Agencies: 

Congress provided statutory authority for certain nonappropriated fund 
instrumentalities (NAFIs) to enter into contracts and agreements with 
other federal agencies or instrumentalities. 

As part of the 1997 National Defense Authorization Act, Congress 
authorized agencies and instrumentalities of the Department of Defense 
that support operation of the exchange system, or a morale, welfare, 
and recreation (MWR) system to enter into contracts or other 
agreements with other federal agencies or instrumentalities. That 
statute specifically provides: 

"An agency or instrumentality of the Department of Defense that 
supports the operation of the exchange system, or the operation of a 
morale, welfare, and recreation system, of the Department of Defense 
may enter into a contract or other agreement with another element of 
the Department of Defense or with another Federal department, agency, 
or instrumentality to provide or obtain goods and services beneficial 
to the efficient management and operation of the exchange system or 
that morale, welfare, and recreation system." 

Pub. L. No. 104-201, div. A, title Ill, � 341(a)(1), 110 Stat. 2422, 
2488 (Sept. 23, 1996), codified at 10 U.S.C. � 2492. 

The House Committee on National Security noted that exchanges and the 
MWR programs need to become more efficient, and determined that this 
could be achieved by permitting contracting between those activities 
and federal agencies. H.R. Rep. No. 104-563, at 278 (1996). 

5. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Procurement: 

Obviously, the armed forces nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
(NAFIs) have to procure goods and services for morale, welfare, and 
recreation programs. This section addresses the applicable procurement 
policies and procedures. It is important not to just categorize an 
entity as a NAFI and then think it obvious what laws apply to the 
entity. For example, Federal Prison Industries, Inc (FPI) has been 
described by the Federal Circuit as a NAFI for purposes of its 
jurisdiction, but FPI was created by statute as a wholly owned 
government corporation. As such, FPI is subject to the Competition in 
Contracting Act. B-295737, B-295737.2, Apr. 19, 2005. 

41 U.S.C. � 5�This law specifies that, subject to other authority or 
stated exceptions, "purchases and contracts for supplies or services 
for the government may be made or entered into only after advertising 
a sufficient time previously for proposals." 41 U.S.C. � 5. NAFI 
contracts are made for the benefit of government officers or employees 
in their individual personal capacity, not in their official capacity. 
There is no case law, however, addressing whether 41 U.S.C. � 5 
applies to NAFI contracting. 

Competition in Contracting Act�The Competition in Contracting Act of 
1984 (CICA)[Footnote 251] made several changes to procurement 
provisions, including GAO's bid protest authority (which we will 
discuss in section C.8.b(4) of this chapter). Its applicability 
depends on the definition of "federal agency" found in the Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, ch. 288, 63 Stat. 
377, 378 (June 30, 1949), codified at 40 U.S.C. � 102. Federal agency 
includes an executive branch agency. 40 U.S.C. � 102(5). An executive 
branch agency includes any executive department or independent 
establishment, including wholly owned government corporations. 40 
U.S.C. � 102(4). However, it does not include NAFIs which, although 
recognized as government instrumentalities associated with and 
supervised by government entities, operate without appropriated funds 
and are not federal agencies. B-270109, Feb. 6, 1996; B-228895, Dec. 
29, 1987. 

Armed Services Procurement Act of 1947[Footnote 252]�Although many 
NAFIs are related to the Department of Defense (DOD), the Armed 
Services Procurement Act and armed services and defense acquisition 
regulations do not apply to NAFIs because they operate with 
nonappropriated funds. 10 U.S.C. � 2303(a) (chapter applies to 
procurements for which payments are to be made from appropriated 
funds). See also Ellsworth, Bottling Company v. United States, 408 E 
Supp. 280, 285 (WD. Okla. 1975); 58 Comp. Gen. 94, 98 (1978). 

The armed forces have some regulations applicable to armed forces NAFI 
procurements with nonappropriated funds. See, e.g., Army Regulation 
215-1, Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs and 
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities, ch. 5 (Oct. 24, 2006); Army 
Regulation 215-4, Nonappropriated Fund Contracting (Mar. 11, 2005). 
However, there are circumstances in which appropriated funds are used 
for armed forces NAFI purchases. See, e.g., Army Regulation 215-1, ch. 
5. In those cases, defense acquisition regulations will apply. 

Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949�NAFIs are not 
federal agencies for purposes of the Federal Property and 
Administrative Services Act of 1949 (Property Act). See B-270109, Feb. 
6, 1996. Also, the provisions of the Property Act would not apply to 
armed forces NAFIs since section 302 of the Act excludes DOD 
instrumentalities from the provisions of title DI of that Act. 41 
U.S.C. � 252(a). See 66 Comp. Gen. 231, 235 (1987). See also 
Ellsworth, Bottling Co., 408 E Supp. at 28384. (Army and Air Force 
Exchange Service is not subject to the FPASA as it is part of the 
Departments of Army and Air Force). 

Federal Acquisition Regulation�The Federal Acquisition Regulation 
(FAR), the governmentwide regulation which implements the Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act, applies to federal agencies 
and acquisitions with appropriated funds. This would not include NAFI 
procurements with nonappropriated funds. 48 C.F.R. � 2.101(b). 
However, there are circumstances in which appropriated funds are used 
for NAFI purchases. See, e.g., Army Regulation 215-1, ch. 5. If 
appropriated funds are used for a NAFI purchase, FAR and agency 
regulations would apply to the procurement. See id.; Army Regulation 

6. Debts Due Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 

Despite their close association with the government, debts owed 
nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs) are not debts owed the 
United States. Until 1966, this had a profound impact on the debt 
collection tools available to nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
(NAFIs). In Kenny v. United States, 62 Ct. CL 328 (1926), an Army 
officer was assigned to serve as superintendent of a post exchange. A 
post exchange civilian employee lost post exchange receipts in the 
amount of $2,557.60. The superintendent was ultimately held 
responsible for payment of the amount not recovered and the amount was 
withheld from his pay. The court held that the receipts of a post 
exchange were not the property of the United States, the 
superintendent was not in arrears to the United States, and therefore, 
the loss could not be deducted from his statutory pay as an Army 
officer. Id. 

Similarly, in 43 Comp. Gen. 431 (1963), GAO held that a debt owed to 
the Officer's Mess, a NAFI, could not be set off against an enlisted 
member's final pay because it did not constitute a debt to the United 
States. The result was the same in B-170400, Sept. 21, 1970, aff'd, B-
170400, Feb. 2, 1971, where GAO held that a debt owed by a former 
employee of the Defense Supply Agency to the Officer's Mess and Post 
Restaurant, a NAFI, could not be set off against his final 
compensation or the amount to his credit in the Civil Service 
Retirement Fund. 

Various federal laws, including the Federal Claims Collection Act of 
1966,[Footnote 253] as amended by the Debt Collection Act of 
1982[Footnote 254] and the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 
[Footnote 255] provide federal entities, including "instrumentalities" 
of the government, with methods to collect their debts, such as salary 
offset and administrative offset of monies otherwise payable to 
debtors. 31 U.S.C. � 3701(a)(4) (includes instrumentality in the 
definition of executive, judicial, or legislative agency). The Debt 
Collection Improvement Act of 1996 amended the terms "claim" or "debt" 
to include "expenditures of nonappropriated funds." 31 U.S.C. � 
3701(b)(1)(B). Also, Congress authorized the Department of Defense to 
collect debts owed by service members to its instrumentalities, 
including NAFIs, by deducting that amount from the member's pay in 
monthly installments. 37 U.S.C. � 1007(c). 

Courts have held that for purposes of setoff under the Bankruptcy 
Code, where a debtor to a NAFI is owed a refund from the Internal 
Revenue Service (IRS), the refund may be set off against a debt owed 
to the NAFI. In re Hanssen, 203 B.R. 149 (Bankr. E.D. Ark. 1996). 

7. Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Property: 

While a nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) is not a federal 
agency and in many cases is not supported by appropriated funds, its 
property is under government control. 40 Comp. Gen. 587 (1961). This 
case involved the commercial aircraft purchased by "military aero 
clubs" or "flying clubs," NAFIs which provide flying instruction, 
practice, and recreation for active duty and retired military 
personnel, Department of Defense civilian personnel, their families, 
and other personnel designated by the Department of Defense. GAO held 
that the aero club, as a NAFI, owned and used equipment in its 
capacity as a government enterprise and may own and use property and 
equipment only in that capacity. Id. at 589. Thus, GAO concluded that 
commercial aircraft purchased by the aero club were to be regarded as 
government conveyances under government travel regulations and 
government travelers could be reimbursed for the expenses of their 
operation in the circumstances specified by those regulations. Id. at 

In other cases involving property, the courts have held that NAFI 
property is property of the United States for purposes of a statute 
prohibiting theft of anything of value from the United States or any 
department or agency thereof. See United States v. Sanders, 793 F.2d 
107 (5th Cir. 1986) (merchandise from the Army and Air Force Exchange 
Service is a "thing of value from the United States" under 18 U.S.C. � 
641). See also United States v. Towns, 842 F.2d 740 (4th Cir.), cert. 
denied, 487 U.S. 1240 (1988) (the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, 
as an instrumentality of the United States, is an agency or department 
of the United States for purposes of 18 U.S.C. � 641 and theft of its 
property causes property loss to the United States). 

8. Management of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities: 

a. Regulation and Oversight: 

For armed forces nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs), the 
Department of Defense (DOD) provides for their operations and carries 
out its oversight by regulation.[Footnote 256] DOD's regulations cover 
everything from the creation of NAFIs, their purpose, funding, 
contracting, employment, audits, financial management, property 
management, to their dissolution. 

Congress has also approved regulations of DOD's NAFIs, requiring 
specific departments and agencies to regulate such entities, and 
imposed specific requirements by statute. For example, in 1821 
Congress approved the General Regulations for the Army which contained 
specific regulations regarding sutlers, the predecessors of Army MWR 
activities. Act of March 2, 1821, ch. 13, � 14, 3 Stat. 615, 616. 
Under 10 U.S.C. � 2783, the Secretary of Defense is required to 
establish regulations for DOD's NAFIs governing the purposes for which 
nonappropriated funds may be expended and the financial management of 
such funds to prevent, waste, loss, or unauthorized use. Section 2783 
also establishes penalties for violations of the financial management 
regulations for civilian employees of DOD and members of the armed 
forces. Under 10 U.S.C. � 136(b), Congress established the position of 
the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness who is to 
perform duties which include exchanges, commissaries, and NAFIs. 

b. Authority to Audit Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 

(1) GAO jurisdiction: 

In 1975, Congress gave GAO the authority to audit the operations and 
accounts of nonappropriated fund activities authorized or operated by 
the head of an executive agency to sell goods or services to government 
personnel and their dependents.[Footnote 257] Several questions came 
up regarding what types of activities were covered under this 
authority. B-167710-0.M., May 6, 1976. GAO explained that the scope of 
the audit authority was not intended to apply to every nonappropriated 
fund activity since "the primary responsibility should rest with the 
operating agencies concerned." Id. at 1. GAO pointed out that the 
statute listed the military and National Aeronautics and Safety 
Administration exchanges and similar entities as examples of the types 
of activities to be audited under this authority.[Footnote 258] Id. 
Since GAO could not identify a workable definition of a 
nonappropriated fund activity, it relied on the case law and statutes 
dealing with nonappropriated fund operations to identify the 
applicable elements used for determining whether a particular activity 
should be audited.[Footnote 259] 

The Comptroller General may audit the accounting systems and internal 
controls of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs) as well as 
internal or independent audits or reviews of those funds. 31 U.S.C. � 
3525(a)(1)-(3). To carry out this authority, records and property of 
NAFIs are to be made available to the Comptroller General. 31 U.S.C. � 
3525(c). The Comptroller General is authorized to audit NAFIs which 
receive income from vending machines on federal property and has 
access to any records necessary to conduct such audits. 20 U.S.C. � 

(2) Other auditors: 

GAO has concluded that the Secretary of Defense was authorized by 
statute and regulations to require Department of Defense (DOD) 
internal auditors to audit DOD nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
(NAFIs). B-148581.14-0.M., Aug. 17, 1976. Military audit agencies or 
certified public accountants may audit military department NAFIs in 
accordance with DOD regulations and instructions. DOD Instruction 
7600.6, Audit of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Related 
Activities (Jan. 16, 2004); Army Regulation 215-1, Military Morale, 
Welfare, and Recreation Programs and Nonappropriated Fund 
Instrumentalities, ch. 18 (Oct. 24, 2006). 

(3) Settlement of accounts: 

Under 31 U.S.C. � 3526 the Comptroller General adjusts and settles the 
accounts of the United States government and certifies balances in the 
accounts of accountable officers. Under the accounts settlement 
authority, the Comptroller General can take exception to an improper 
transaction, and hold the certifying or disbursing officer personally 
liable for the amount of money erroneously or improperly expended. 62 
Comp. Gen. 40, 41 (1982). GAO can exercise its account settlement 
authority over government agencies, departments, or independent 
establishments. While 31 U.S.C. � 3525 provides GAO with audit 
authority over nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs), it does 
not include accounts settlement authority over NAFIs. B-187004, Aug. 
12, 1976; B-183034, Apr. 18, 1975. 

(4) Bid protests: 

Prior to the enactment of the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA), 
[Footnote 260] GAO's accounts settlement authority was the basis for 
its bid protest jurisdiction. B-218441, Aug. 8, 1985. Stated slightly 
differently, GAO viewed its authority to consider protests of contract 
awards as an extension of its authority to settle appropriated funds 
accounts of the government. B-185084, Nov. 28, 1975. The fact that an 
agency labeled funds as nonappropriated was not determinative of 
whether GAO would exercise jurisdiction over a bid protest. For 
example, in B-188770, Feb. 24, 1978, GAO reviewed the protest of a 
procurement for the design and construction of a commissary which was 
to be paid from a trust revolving fund account in which commissary 
surcharges were deposited. Originally, GAO dismissed the protest 
because the agency asserted that these funds were nonappropriated. B-
188770, Apr. 14, 1977. Upon reconsideration, GAO determined that the 
commissary surcharge funds were appropriated funds because Congress 
had authorized the collection of the surcharge and its use for 
commissary construction. 57 Comp. Gen. 311 (1978). GAO noted that this 
was consistent with its prior analysis that statutes authorizing the 
collection and credit of fees to a particular fund and making the fund 
available for specified expenditures constituted appropriations of 
funds.[Footnote 261] Id. at 313. Since these were, in fact, 
appropriated funds, GAO did have accounts settlement authority for the 
funds and bid protest jurisdiction over the protest.[Footnote 262] Id. 
at 315. 

Since the enactment of CICA, GAO's jurisdiction over bid protests is 
no longer defined by its accounts settlement authority; rather, CICA 
established GAO bid protest jurisdiction over procurements by federal 
agencies as defined in the Federal Property and Administrative 
Services Act of 1949 (Property Act), Act of June 30, 1949, ch. 288, 63 
Stat. 377, codified at 40 U.S.C. � 472. The definition of federal 
agency includes an executive branch agency.[Footnote 263] 40 U.S.C. � 
102(5). The definition of an executive branch agency includes any 
executive department or independent establishment in the executive 
branch of the government and wholly owned government corporations. 40 
U.S.C. � 102(4). However, it does not include nonappropriated fund 
instrumentalities (NAFIs) which, although recognized as government 
instrumentalities associated with and supervised by government 
entities, operate without appropriated funds and are not, in that 
sense, federal agencies. B-270109, Feb. 6, 1996. See also 4 C.F.R. � 

This does not mean that GAO will never consider a protest involving a 
procurement by a NAFI. GAO will review a NAFI procurement where the 
protester asserts that the NAFI is acting as a conduit for the federal 
agency in order for the agency to circumvent applicable procurement 
statutes and regulations. B-270109, Feb. 6, 1996. For example, in B-
256560, July 5, 1994, GAO considered a protest concerning a 
procurement by an employees' association, which was a NAFI. The 
protester, a private-sector contractor, alleged that the Bureau of 
Prisons (BOP) was improperly diverting to the NAFI requirements for 
the procurement of vending machines used in its employee and visitor 
lounge areas in order to avoid applying procurement statutes and 
regulations, specifically, CICA's mandate for full and open 
competition. GAO determined that the vending machines in question were 
not part of BOP's requirements, and did not represent BOP's needs or 
objectives, and, therefore, BOP could not be said to be diverting a 
requirement to the employees' association. GAO concluded that the 
procurement was a legitimate NAFI procurement, properly intended to 
serve the needs of the employees' association and its members. 

Further, the fact that an agency will receive some incidental benefit 
from a NAFI procurement does not convert it into an agency 
requirement. In B-256560, the protester argued that BOP was going to 
receive benefits from the vending machines being procured by the NAFI 
and, as such, the agency's appropriations would be improperly 
augmented. Notwithstanding the fact that the inmates may have had some 
limited access to buy items from the visitor lounge vending machines 
during prison visiting hours, the record showed, and GAO concluded, 
that these machines were not necessary to serve BOP's mission of 
inmate care. In other words, the vending machines in the visitor 
lounge primarily existed for the benefit of the employees' association 
and its members, and inmate use and benefit was only incidental. 
Access by the inmates did not convert the machines into an agency need 
or benefit. 

GAO will make its own determination regarding its jurisdiction over a 
bid protest under CICA. In B-295737, B-295737.2, Apr. 19, 2005, 
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI), citing Core Concepts of 
Florida, Inc. v. United States, 327 F.3d 1331 (Fed. Cir. 2003), argued 
that GAO lacked jurisdiction to hear a protest of an FPI solicitation 
for shirt fabric because FPI is a NAFI. GAO disagreed with the court's 
characterization of FPI as a NAFI. FPI by statute is a wholly owned 
government corporation. See 31 U.S.C. � 9101(3)(E) (includes FPI in a 
list of wholly owned government corporations). Noting that the 
Property Act clearly included wholly owned government corporations in 
its definition of a federal agency, 40 U.S.C. � 102(4), a definition 
which, as previously noted, was adopted in CICA, GAO concluded that it 
has jurisdiction under CICA to hear protests arising out of 
procurements by wholly owned government corporations, such as FPI. 

9. Sovereign Immunity: 

As instrumentalities of the United States government, nonappropriated 
fund instrumentalities are subject to and entitled to various duties 
and privileges of the United States government. One of these is the 
principle of sovereign immunity: The United States, as sovereign, 
cannot be sued without its consent. 

a. Immunity from State and Local Taxation: 

Under the doctrine of sovereign immunity, the federal government of 
the United States is immune from taxation by state and local 
governments, a principle recognized by the Supreme Court in McCulloch 
v. Maryland, 17 U.S.(4 Wheat.) 316 (1819). This constitutional 
immunity extends to federal instrumentalities, including 
nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs). Standard Oil v. 
Johnson, 316 U.S. 481, 485 (1942). This immunity prohibits a state 
taxing authority from imposing a markup on the purchases of NAFIs. 
United States v. State Tax Commission of Mississippi, 421 U.S. 599, 
604-05 (1975). This is so even where that markup is not collected 
directly from the NAFI, but is collected by suppliers. Id. at 608-09. 

The United States may consent to state taxation of its 
instrumentalities. For example, Congress permits collection of state 
taxes on gasoline and other fuels sold through post exchanges and 
other retail sales agencies of the federal government on military 
installations when such fuels are not for the exclusive use of the 
United States. 4 U.S.C. � 104. Congress also permitted states to levy 
taxes within federal areas to the same extent as though the area were 
not a federal area, with certain exceptions not relevant here.
[Footnote 264] U.S.C. �� 105-107. 

b. Immunity from Suit: 

In 1970, Congress amended the Tucker Act to waive immunity for claims 
arising from some armed forces and National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA) nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs) 
contracts. Pub. L. No. 91-350, 84 Stat. 449 (July 23, 1970), codified 
at 28 U.S.C. � 1491(a). Prior to 1970, the courts had consistently 
held that neither the NAFI, nor the agency supervising the NAFI, could 
be sued. E.g., Jaeger v. United States, 394 F.2d 944 (D.C. Cir. 1968); 
Kyer v. United States, 369 F.2d 714 (Ct. Cl. 1966); Keetz v. United 
States, 168 Ct. Cl. 205 (1964); Pulaski Cab Co. v. United States, 157 
F. Supp. 955 (Ct. Cl. 1958); Borden v. United States, 116 F. Supp. 873 
(Ct. Cl. 1953). The most famous of these decisions, the Borden case, 
involved a chief accountant employed by the American Army Exchange 
Service. He brought suit against the United States to recover salary 
withheld to recoup the loss of money stolen from a safe at the post 
exchange. Mr. Borden had contracted with the American Army Exchange 
Service to serve as a senior accountant. His contract stipulated that 
the employer could withhold salary for claims against him on account 
of fraud, breach of contract, or negligence. Army regulations 
regarding NAFIs stated that: "Exchange contracts are solely the 
obligation of the exchange. They are not government contracts and the 
distinction between exchange contracts and government contracts will 
be observed and clearly indicated at all times." Borden, 116 F. Supp. 
at 877. 

The Court of Claims held that, under the Standard Oil decision, 
[Footnote 265] Mr. Borden could not sue the Exchange Service because 
it was part of the government and the government had not consented to 
a suit against the Exchange Service. Id. In addition, Mr. Borden was 
precluded from suing the government because Exchange contracts were 
not contracts of the United States and the United States was not 
liable on such contracts. Id. 

The dilemma for Mr. Borden was not lost on the Court of Claims. The 
court put its concerns this way: 

"The Army officers are given complete supervision of these Post 
Exchanges. They handle the money. They have control of the funds. The 
funds are used to make the Army more effective. In other words the 
officers run the show. The Exchanges are established and maintained 
for the benefit of Army personnel. That is their major, in fact their 
sole purpose. Even the civilian employees are subject to the Articles 
of War. For the Army to contend and to provide by regulation that it 
is not liable since it did not act in its official capacity would be 
like a man charged with extramarital activity pleading that whatever 
he may have done was done in his individual capacity and not in his 
capacity as a husband. 

"We think it is proper that this situation should be called to the 
attention of the Congress. It seems fair that either the Post 
Exchanges or the Government should be subject to suit and liable for 
any breach of contract that had been duly signed by the Army Exchange 

Borden, 116 E Supp. at 877-78. 

Some nonmilitary NAFIs have benefited from this same paradox. For 
example, several courts have held that Post Office employee welfare 
committees constitute integral parts of the Postal Service and were 
instrumentalities of the United States immune from suit without the 
United States' consent. Employees Welfare Committee v. Daws, 599 F.2d 
1375 (5th Cir. 1979); Automatic Retailers v. Ruppert, 269 E Supp. 588 
(S.D. Ia. 1967). 

In response to these decisions, Congress, amended the Tucker Act (28 
U.S.C. � 1491) in 1970 to waive sovereign immunity for claims arising 
from some armed forces and NASA NAFI contracts. The amendment to the 
Tucker Act provided that express or implied contracts with these 
specified NAFIs are considered express or implied contracts with the 
United States. Pub. L. No. 91-350, codified at 28 U.S.C. � 1491(a). 
Section 1491(a) now reads as follows: 

"The United States Court of Federal Claims shall have jurisdiction to 
render judgment upon any claim against the United States founded 
either upon the Constitution or any Act of Congress or any regulation 
of an executive department, or upon any express or implied contract 
with the United States, or for liquidated or unliquidated damages in 
cases not sounding in tort. For the purpose of this paragraph, an 
express or implied contract with the Army and Air Force Exchange 
Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine Corps Exchanges, Coast Guard 
Exchanges, or Exchange Councils of the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration shall be considered an express or implied contract with 
the United States." 

The purpose of the amendment was to afford contractors a federal forum 
in which to sue the specified NAFIs by "doing away with the 
inequitable `loophole' in the Tucker Act." United States v. Hopkins, 
427 U.S. 123, 126 (1976) (holding that an employment contract may 
qualify as an expressed or implied contract of the United States for 
purposes of Tucker Act jurisdiction). See also H.R. Rep. No. 91-933, 
at 2 (1970). That waiver of sovereign immunity only applied to the 
NAFIs specifically designated in the amendment to the Tucker Act. See 
Sodexho Marriott Management, Inc. v. United States, 61 Fed. Cl. 229, 
232-33 (2004) (MWR activity at Marine Corps installation); Research 
Triangle Institute v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, 962 E Supp. 61 (M.D.N.C. 1997) (Board of Governors of the 
Federal Reserve System); McDonald's Corp. v. United States, 926 F.2d 
1126, 1132-33 (Fed. Cir. 1991) (Navy Resale and Service Support 
Office). See also Wolverine Supply, Inc. v. United States, 17 Cl. Ct. 
190 (1989) (applying the same standard for determining immunity from 
suit under the Tucker Act to suits under the Contract Disputes Act, 41 
U.S.C. �� 601-613). 

According to the Federal Circuit, as originally proposed, the 
amendment would have applied to all NAFIs. Denkler v. United States, 
782 F.2d 1003, 1007 (Fed. Cir. 1986), citing H.R. Rep. No. 91-933, at 
6-7. It was changed to cover the armed forces and NASA NAFIs named in 
the amendment because some government agencies protested that certain 
activities that operated incidentally to them, like bowling leagues or 
baseball teams, should not be covered by the amendment. Id. The court 
said that Congress decided to include only those activities which it 
believed would have sufficient assets to pay costs resulting from the 
expanded jurisdiction. Id. Subsequently, the Court of Claims and the 
Federal Circuit have addressed their jurisdiction under the Tucker Act 
amended on a number of occasions. For additional discussion see 
section C.1.b of this chapter and subsequent case law. 

c. Payment of Judgments: 

If a party overcomes the jurisdictional barriers to suing a 
nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) and prevails in the 
action, who pays the judgment? One of the most commonly cited 
principles regarding NAFIs is that the United States "assumes none of 
the financial obligations" of NAFIs. Standard Oil Co. v. Johnson, 316 
U.S. 481, 485 (1942). The same is true of judgments against NAFIs. 

NAFIs generally pay tort judgments entered against them from their own 
funds. They may not use appropriated funds and have no access to the 
permanent, indefinite appropriation known as the Judgment Fund, 31 
U.S.C. � 1304. See B-204703, Sept. 29, 1981. See also Mignogna v. Sair 
Aviation, Inc., 937 F.2d 37, 42-43 (2nd Cir. 1991). 

When a judgment arises out of an express or implied contract made by 
the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchanges, the 
Marine Corps Exchanges, the Coast Guard Exchanges, or the Exchange 
Councils of NASA, the Judgment Fund pays the judgment. 31 U.S.C. � 
1304(c)(1). The Exchange making the contract is required to reimburse 
the Fund for the amount paid. 31 U.S.C. � 1304(c)(2). 

10. Status of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Employees: 

a. Applicability of Civil Service Laws: 

Employees of armed forces nonappropriated fund instrumentalities 
(NAFIs) are neither employees of federal agencies nor employees of the 
United States government. Pub. L. No. 82-397, ch. 444, � 1, 66 Stat. 
138 (June 19, 1952).[Footnote 266] Public Law 82-397 provides that 
armed forces NAFI employees "shall not be held and considered as 
employees of the United States for the purpose of any laws 
administered by the Civil Service Commission." Id. Rather, they are 
employees of the instrumentality. United States v. Hopkins, 427 U.S. 
123, 127 (1976). Congress never intended that armed forces NAFI 
employees receive the same level of protection as other federal 
employees. McAuliffe v. Rice, 966 F.2d 979, 980 (5th Cir. 1992). See 
also B-289605.2, July 5, 2002 (Armed forces NAFI employees are not 
covered by civil service laws). Congress enacted Public Law 82-397 in 
response to the Department of Defense's desire for flexibility by 
exempting armed forces NAFI employees from civil service type 
protections. See McAuliffe, 966 F.2d at 980. Where Congress has made 
NAFI employees subject to laws applicable to other federal employees, 
it has done so by expressly including them within the coverage of 
specific statutes. See Perez v. Army and Air Force Exchange Service, 
680 F.2d 779, 787 (D.C. Cir. 1982). 

a. Applicability of Civil Service Laws: 

Armed forces nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) employees are 
generally not deemed to be employees of the United States except as 
specifically provided by statute. 5 U.S.C. � 2105(c). Section 2105(c) 

"An employee paid from nonappropriated funds of the Army and Air Force 
Exchange Service, Army and Air Force Motion Picture Service, Navy 
Ship's Stores Ashore, Navy exchanges, Marine Corps exchanges, Coast 
Guard exchanges, and other instrumentalities of the United States 
under the jurisdiction of the armed forces conducted for the comfort, 
pleasure, contentment, and mental and physical improvement of 
personnel of the armed forces is deemed not an employee for the 
purpose of: 

"(1) laws administered by the Office of Personnel Management, except: 

(A) section 7204; 

(B) as otherwise specifically provided in this title; 

(C) the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; 

(D) for the purpose of entering into an interchange agreement to 
provide for the noncompetitive movement of employees between such 
instrumentalities and the competitive service; or; 

(E) subchapter V of chapter 63, which shall be applied so as to 
construe references to benefit programs to refer to applicable 
programs for employees paid from nonappropriated funds; or; 

"(2) subchapter I of chapter 81, chapter 84 (except to the extent 
specifically provided therein), and section 7902 of this title." 

The final sentence of 5 U.S.C. � 2105(c) states that it does not 
affect the status of the specified NAFIs as federal instrumentalities. 

(1) Civil Service Reform Act of 1978: 

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978[Footnote 267] and the Supreme 
Court in United States v. Fausto, 484 U.S. 439 (1988), streamlined and 
simplified the remedies available to federal employees for adverse 
employment actions. McAuliffe v. Rice, 966 F.2d 979, 981 (5th Cir. 
1992). The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 created a comprehensive 
framework providing substantive and procedural rights and remedies for 
federal employees for performance actions, removals, or other adverse 
actions.[Footnote 268] In Fausto, the Supreme Court held that the 
Civil Service Reform Act was the exclusive substantive and procedural 
framework for federal employee actions, and precluded judicial review 
of an employee's action under other laws. To conclude otherwise, said 
the Court, would allow such claims to undermine the goals of unitary 
decision making and consistency intended by the Act. Fausto, 484 U.S. 
at 449-51. Thus, the Supreme Court held that the Civil Service Reform 
Act precluded an employee who otherwise did not qualify for review 
under the Act from bringing a claim under the Back Pay Act. Id. at 454-

Congress deliberately exempted armed forces nonappropriated fund 
instrumentality (NAFI) employees from federal civil service rules. 
This enabled the armed forces to carry out the missions of NAFIs with 
the maximum possible personnel flexibility. McAuliffe, 966 F.2d at 
981. With a few exceptions, armed forces NAFI employees are not 
covered by laws which apply to employees within the general federal 
service, including the Civil Service Reform Act. McAuliffe, 966 F.2d 
at 980-81; Perez v. Army & Air Force Exchange Service, 680 F.2d 
779,785-87 (1982). See 5 U.S.C. � 2105(c). Thus, the remedies 
available to NAFI employees are established by regulation of the 
agency administering the NAFI. See McAuliffe, 966 F.2d at 981; 
Castella v. Long, 701 F. Supp. 578 (N.D. Tex. 1988). Accordingly, NAFI 
employees are not entitled to appeal adverse actions to the Merit 
Systems Protection Board. Perez, 680 F.2d at 787; Taylor v. Department 
of the Navy, 1 M.S.P.R. 591 (1980). In the McAuliffe case, a former 
civilian employee of an Air Force NAFI sought review of the decision 
to terminate her employment under the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 
U.S.C. � 701-706. The court held that the exclusivity of the Civil 
Service Reform Act precluded judicial review under the Administrative 
Procedure Act.[Footnote 269] McAuliffe, 966 F.2d at 981. 

Since they are not covered by the Civil Service Reform Act, armed 
forces NAFI employees have attempted to challenge actions taken 
against them through other statutory and constitutional rights. These 
include invoking Tucker Act jurisdiction, 28 U.S.C. � 1491, for 
certain NAFI contracts, and seeking damages for constitutional 
deprivations by a government official, as established in Bivens v. Six 
Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 

As we previously discussed, the Tucker Act waives sovereign immunity 
for claims arising from contracts of certain post exchanges described 
in 28 U.S.C. � 1491(a). The Supreme Court has recognized that Tucker 
Act jurisdiction may be premised on an employment contract, as well as 
on one for goods or other services. Army & Air Force Exchange Service 
(AAFES) v. Sheehan, 456 U.S. 728,735 (1982). Relying on this theory, 
Army and Air Force Exchange Service employees sued their employers 
alleging that they were employed by contract. Id. at 735; Moore v. 
United States, 21 Cl. Ct. 537 (1990); Orona v. United States, 4 Cl. 
Ct. 81 (1983). However, the courts found that the specific employees 
in those cases, in fact, were not serving under employment contracts 
but had been appointed to their positions. Sheehan, 456 U.S. at 736-
38. Consequently, the courts lacked jurisdiction over their claims. 
Id. at 741; Moore, 21 Cl. Ct. at 539-40; Orona, 4 Cl. Ct. at 84. Where 
an employee holds his employment through appointment, claims for 
entitlements to pay and allowances derive from applicable statutes and 
regulations not from a claimed contract of employment. B-280764, May 
4,2000 (citing AAFES, 456 U.S. at 735). 

Feeling confused? This next case is not going to make you feel a whole 
lot better. In Castella v. Long, 701 E Supp. 578 (N.D. Tex.), affd, 
862 F.2d 872 (5th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 936 (1989), a 
former Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) employee sued for 
damages after he was fired for making false claims for travel expense 
reimbursements. Id. at 580-81. The court recognized that AAFES 
employees were not federal employees with rights under the Civil 
Service System. Instead, AAFES employees fall under the Army and Air 
Force regulations. Id. at 581. Based on sovereign immunity, the court 
dismissed those claims which sought relief from the NAFI, the 
government, and the individuals who acted in their official capacities 
to fire the claimant. Id. at 582. The court then dismissed those 
claims against the individuals acting in their personal capacities, 
[Footnote 270] based on Bush, v. Lucas, 462 U.S. 367 (1983). See 
Castella, 701 F. Supp. at 583-84. 

Bush, held that Bivens-type constitutional damage claims could not be 
brought for alleged constitutional violations associated with a 
claimant's employment in the federal government. The reason for this 
was that Congress had established "an elaborate remedial system" which 
was intended to address employment-related claims by federal 
employees. Bivens-type actions would unduly disrupt that statutory 
scheme. Bush, 462 U.S. at 388. 

The Castella court realized that Bush, involved federal employees 
subject to the Civil Service System, not armed forces NAFI employees. 
Castella, 701 F. Supp. at 583. (As we noted earlier, Congress 
intentionally exempted armed forces NAFI employees from that system.) 
Nevertheless, it noted that some other courts (including its own 
circuit court) had applied (or endorsed applying) Bush, to armed 
forces NAFI employee claims. The courts rationalized their position 
with the explanation that while the Army and Air Force regulations 
were not approved by Congress, they were, nevertheless, "an elaborate 
remedial system" that should not be augmented by Bivens-style 
constitutional claims. Castella, 701 F. Supp. at 584. 

Strange as it may seem, by treating NAFI employees the same as federal 
employees under Bush,, the courts may actually have reinforced the 
congressional intention that armed forces NAFI employees be treated 
differently than federal employees, since absent a Bivens-type claim, 
the NAFI employees are left more to the regulatory mercy of the 
agencies than are federal employees under the statutory civil service 

The Castella court also held that the NAFI employee could not use the 
Privacy Act challenging the correctness of the records that supported 
the decision to remove him, to attack the removal decision. Castella, 
701 F. Supp. 585. The court explained that the purpose of the Privacy 
Act was to allow for the correction of factual or historical errors. 
It was not intended to permit a plaintiff to reopen consideration of 
unfavorable federal agency decisions. The court found that the 
plaintiff was really alleging only a wrongful personnel decision. Id. 
at 584-85. 

(2) Other employment related laws: 

The following list of laws typically associated with federal 
employment discusses their applicability to armed forces 
nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs). 

Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989[Footnote 271]�Employees of armed 
forces NAFIs are not protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act 
because they are excluded from the definition of employee for purposes 
of title 5, United States Code. Clark v. Merit Protection Systems 
Board, 361 F.3d 647, 650-52 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (adopting the analysis of 
Clark v. Army & Air Force Exchange Service, 57 M.S.P.R. 43, 46 
(1993)). However, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. � 1587, armed forces NAFI 
employees are protected from reprisal for whistleblowing under 
procedures adopted by the Secretary of Defense. 

Classification and Pay Rates and Systems�As stated in 5 U.S.C. � 
2105(c), armed forces NAFI employees are federal employees for 
purposes of: 5 U.S.C. � 7204, which prohibits discrimination because 
of race, color, creed, sex, or marital status against individuals in 
the classification of employees, administration of pay rates and 
systems of employees; appointments to positions above GS-15 under 5 
U.S.C. � 3324; and the systematic agency review of operations under 5 
U.S.C. � 305. 

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938�NAFI employees under the jurisdiction 
of the armed forces fall within the coverage of the Fair Labor 
Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). 29 U.S.C. � 203(e)(2)(A)(iv). Unlike 
federal employees in the competitive or excepted service, armed forces 
NAFI employees are under another personnel system pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
� 2105(c). Since such employees are not covered by the laws which 
apply to federal employees, procedural protections for removals or 
other adverse actions affecting those employees are established by 
regulation of the agency supervising the armed forces NAFI. American 
Federation of Government Employees, Local 1799 and Department of Army, 
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, 22 FLRA 574, 576 (1986). An FLSA 
claim may be brought against an armed forces NAFI, to the extent of 
nonappropriated funds, since the government has waived immunity with 
regard to wage claims under the FLSA. El-Sheikh, v. United States, 177 
F.3d 1321, 1323-24 (Fed. Cir. 1999); Cosme Nieves v. Deshler, 786 F.2d 
445, 450 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 824 (1986) (an FLSA claim 
does not come within the limited exceptions of the Tucker Act); 
Morales v. Senior Petty Officers' Mess, 366 E Supp. 1305 (D.P.R. 1973). 

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993[Footnote 272] Armed forces NAFI 
employees are federal employees for purposes of Title II of the Family 
and Medical Leave Act of 1993. 5 U.S.C. � 2105(c)(1)(E). Title II of 
the Family Medical Leave Act grants federal employees, including armed 
forces NAFI employees, rights to leave from work in enumerated 
circumstances, but no private right of action to enforce the leave 
rights. Mann v. Haigh, 120 F.3d 34, 37 (4th Cir. 1997). In the Mann 
decision, since the plaintiff was not a federal employee covered by 
the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, and he was not entitled to a 
judicial review under the Administrative Procedure Act, his right to 
appeal his termination was limited to procedural safeguards provided 
by the NAFI. Id. at 37-38. 

Civil Service Retirement Act{footnote 273]�The Civil Service 
Retirement Act entitles certain government employees to deferred 
retirement annuities. Typically, in order to be eligible for a 
retirement annuity under the Civil Service Retirement Act, an 
individual must complete at least 5 years of "creditable" civilian 
service and must complete at least 1 year of "covered" civilian 
service in the final 2 years of employment. 5 U.S.C. �� 8333(a), (b); 
Dupo v. OPM, 69 F.3d 1125, 1128 (Fed. Cir. 1995). Although most 
service in the federal government is creditable, service with an armed 
forces NAFI is not, as a general rule, creditable service for purposes 
of the Civil Service Retirement Act. Armed forces NAFI employees are 
excluded from the definition of an employee for purposes of laws 
administered by the Office of Personnel Management which includes the 
Civil Service Retirement Act. 5 U.S.C. � 2105(c). See also Dupo, 69 
F.3d at 1128. However, Congress has provided that in limited 
circumstances, service with an armed forces NAFI may be creditable for 
purposes of the Civil Service Retirement Act. The Nonappropriated Fund 
Instrumentalities Employees' Retirement Credit Act of 1986, Pub. L. 
No. 99-638, 100 Stat. 3535 (Nov. 10, 1986), codified at 5 U.S.C. � 
8332(b)(16), provides that the following service is creditable: 

"Service performed by any individual as an employee described in 
section 2105(c) of this title after June 18, 1952, and before January 
1, 1966, if (A) such service involved conducting an arts and crafts, 
drama, music, library, service club, youth activities, sports or 
recreation program (including any outdoor recreation program) for 
personnel of the armed forces, and (B) such individual is an employee 
subject to this subchapter on the day before the date of the enactment 
of The Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Employees' Retirement 
Credit Act of 1986." 

Therefore, armed forces NAFI employees are entitled to civil service 
retirement credit for that service only if they meet the following 
criteria: (1) the service to be credited was performed for an armed 
forces NAFI between June 18, 1952, and January 1, 1966; (2) the 
service performed during that period involved conducting certain 
activities as listed in 5 U.S.C. � 8332(b)(16); and (3) the individual 
was an employee subject to the Civil Service Retirement Act on 
November 9, 1986. Dupo, 69 F.3d at 1128. In the Dupo case, the Federal 
Circuit found that Mr. Dupo was employed by a Navy Exchange for the 
time periods required for creditable service. Id. at 1128-29. However, 
he had not conducted the activities listed in section 8332(b)(16). The 
Dupo court held that for purposes of section 8332(b)(16), "conducting" 
means "to lead from a position of command" or "to direct the 
performance or and employees who were administrative or support 
workers, such as Mr. Dupo, generally did not satisfy this requirement. 
Id. at 1129. Furthermore, Mr. Dupo had been separated from service 
prior to November 9, 1986 and did not meet the third requirement. Id. 
Thus, he was not entitled to a civil service retirement annuity. 

Relocation Expenses�Sections 5724 and 5724a of title 5, United States 
Code, authorize an agency to pay transferred employees travel and 
transportation expenses, various allowances, and relocation expenses. 
However, these expenses are allowable only for "an individual employed 
in or under an agency." 5 U.S.C. � 5721(2). Thus, an individual is 
entitled to these expenses if the agency from which he transfers and 
the agency to which he transfers are within this coverage. NAFIs are 
not considered federal agencies for the purpose of receipt and 
disbursement of funds, including payments to their employees. B-
215398, Oct. 30, 1984. Employees of a NAFI are not employed by an 
agency within the meaning of section 5721(1) and are not entitled to 
relocation expenses under sections 5724 and 5724a when they transfer 
to a federal agency. In 1996, however, Congress authorized the 
Department of Defense to pay for travel, transportation, and 
relocation expenses for employees of the department and Coast Guard 
NAFIs to the same extent authorized for transferred employees. 
[Footnote 274] Pub. L. No. 104-201, div. A, title XVI, � 1605(a)(1), 
110 Stat. 2422, 2736 (Sept. 23, 1996), codified at 5 U.S.C. � 5736. 

Dual Compensation Laws�The dual compensation laws were intended to 
preclude "double dipping"�in other words, to protect the taxpayer from 
paying the same individual two salaries. One way this has been 
manifested is in a provision which dictated that the retired pay of a 
regular retired officer be reduced if he held a position with the 
United States government or if his retired pay together with his 
civilian pay exceeded level V of the Executive Schedule. 5 U.S.C. �� 
5531, 5532, 5533.[Footnote 275] In this context, "position" is defined 

"a civilian office or position (including a temporary, part-time, or 
intermittent position), appointive or elective, in the legislative, 
executive, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States 
(including a Government corporation and a nonappropriated fund 
instrumentality under the jurisdiction of the armed forces) or in the 
government of the District of Columbia." 

5 U.S.C. � 5531(2) (emphasis added). 

Thus, for example, the retired pay of regular retired officers of the 
armed forces who are employed with armed forces NAFIs is subject to 
reduction in order to avert dual compensation. 

There are NAFIs outside the Department of Defense that employ retired 
officers of the armed forces, and the courts have considered the 
applicability of the dual compensation laws to them. In Denkler v. 
United States, 782 F.2d 1003 (Fed. Cir. 1986), the Federal Circuit 
considered whether the phrase "including ... a nonappropriated fund 
instrumentality under the jurisdiction of the armed forces" was 
intended to include other NAFIs such as the Federal Reserve Board, a 
statutorily designated NAFI. The Federal Circuit concluded that 
although there did not appear to be a reason for Congress to limit the 
purpose of the dual compensation laws, Congress had limited the 
provision to retired military officers employed by NAFIs of the armed 
forces and the court would not legislate in its stead. Id. at 1008. 
Thus, in the Denkler case, the salary of employees of Federal Reserve 
Board was not subject to pay reduction under dual compensation 
principles. Id. 

GAO followed the Denkler decision in 67 Comp. Gen. 436 (1988) in a 
case involving three retired military officers who were employed by 
the Federal Reserve System (FRS), holding that the FRS was a NAFI not 
under the jurisdiction of the armed forces and therefore not subject 
to the dual compensation pay reduction. Id. at 440. In that decision, 
GAO also analyzed the laws governing the Office of Civilian 
Radioactive Waste Management, an organization within the Department of 
Energy, to determine whether this entity was a NAFI. Because its funds 
came from user fees which were deposited in the Treasury for use in 
paying the Office's expenses, GAO concluded that it was not a NAFI. 
Id. at 441. Thus, the Denkler decision was not applicable, and 
employees of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management were 
subject to the dual compensation provisions. Id. See also B-236979, 
Apr. 19, 1990 (since the Panama Canal Commission collects funds, 
deposits them into a revolving fund in the Treasury, and withdraws 
from the fund pursuant to appropriation acts, the Commission is not a 
NAFI and its employees are subject to dual compensation reductions). 

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Age Discrimination in Employment 
Act�Employees and applicants for employment in the military 
departments and executive agencies as defined by title 5 of the United 
States Code are entitled to maintain actions under Title VII of the 
Civil Rights Act. 42 U.S.C. � 2000e-16(a). The Act defines executive 
agency employees to include "employees and applicants for employment 
who are paid from nonappropriated funds." Id.; see B-234746-0.M., Mar. 
10, 1989. Such persons also are entitled to maintain actions under the 
Age Discrimination in Employment Act. 29 U.S.C. � 633a. The proper 
defendant to be sued under these statutes is the head of the 
department, agency, or unit, which in the case of the Army and Air 
Force Exchange Service (AAFES) is the Secretary of Defense or the 
Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of the Army jointly. 
Honeycutt v. Long, 861 F.2d 1346, 1349 (5th Cir. 1988) (AAFES is not 
an executive department, agency, or unit; it is an instrumentality of 
the United States operating under the Department of Defense). 

Employment for Purposes of Immigration Laws�Under the Immigration and 
Nationality Act, an employee of the United States, upon the completion 
of 15 years of service, is eligible for classification as a special 
immigrant entitled to special consideration with his application for 
admission to the United States. 8 U.S.C. � 1101(a)(27). Public Law 82-
397, 66 Stat. 138 (June 19, 1952), now codified at 5 U.S.C. � 2105, 
includes employees of armed services NAFIs in the definition of United 
States employee. The Office of Legal Counsel has concluded that armed 
forces NAFI employees are to be considered employees of the United 
States for the purposes of applying 8 U.S.C. � 1101(a)(27). 1 Op. Off. 
Legal Counsel 258 (1977). The Office of Legal Counsel determined that 
as a general rule, armed forces NAFI employees should be regarded as 
employees of the United States unless a federal statute provides 
otherwise. Id. In the case of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the 
Office of Legal Counsel concluded that neither the language or history 
of the Act suggested that employee of the United States was intended 
to have a restricted meaning. Further, since Congress's primary 
intention was to facilitate the immigration of persons serving the 
government abroad and NAFI employees were not excluded, they were 
eligible for classification as special immigrants under the Act. There 
is no GAO case law addressing the application of immigration laws to 
NAFI employees. 

Criminal Statutes�Some NAFI employees, when charged with bribery under 
a federal statute, have offered as a defense that they are not federal 
employees. See Harlow v. United States, 301 F.2d 361 (5th Cir.), cert. 
denied, 371 U.S. 814, reh'g denied, 371 U.S. 906 (1962). Mr. Harlow 
and his co-conspirators were employed by the European Exchange System, 
which was established to operate various facilities, including 
military Post Exchanges. They were responsible for contracting for the 
Exchanges. They established various Swiss bank accounts, solicited 
bribes from vendors seeking to do business with the Exchanges, and 
deposited the bribes into those accounts. In appealing their 
convictions for corruption, the defendants argued that, as NAFI 
employees, they were not federal employees and could not be charged 
under a federal statute making it a crime for any employee or person 
acting for or on behalf of the United States to solicit or receive 
bribes. Although the court agreed that they were not federal 
employees, it declined to dismiss those charges because the defendants 
could be included under the term "person acting for or on behalf of 
the United States." The court reasoned that NAFIs are 
instrumentalities of the United States government and the employees, 
acting on behalf of the Exchanges in making contracting decisions, 
were acting on behalf of the United States. Id. at 370-71. 

Tort Claims�The Federal Tort Claims Act (VIVA), 28 U.S.C. �� 1346(b), 
2671-2680, waived most of the government's sovereign immunity from 
torts. While the VIVA does not specifically refer to NAFIs, courts in 
certain instances have interpreted the FICA's coverage to include some 
NAFIs that the courts consider to be federal instrumentalities. See, 
e.g., Brucker v. United States, 338 F.2d 427, 430 (9th Cir. 1964) 
(military flying club); United States v. Hainline, 315 F.2d 153, 156 
(10th Cir.), cert. denied, 375 U.S. 895 (1963) (military flying club); 
United States v. Holcombe, 277 F.2d 143, 144 (4th Cir. 1960) (Naval 
Officers' Mess). However, an equestrian club on an Army base was not 
covered under the VIVA. Scott v. United States, 226 F. Supp. 864 (M.D. 
Ga. 1963), aff'd, 337 F.2d 471 (5th Cir. 1964), cert. denied, 380 U.S. 
933 (1965). The court concluded that the club differed from other 
activities such as post exchanges because the club was not an integral 
part of the Army and not subject to the requisite degree of control 
and supervision by the Army. Id. at 868-69. 

Injuries to military service members when they are involved in NAFI 
activities, such as social or flying clubs, are considered to be in 
connection with their military service, which bars recovery under the 
FICA. Pringle v. United States, 44 E Supp. 2d 1168 (D. Kan. 1999), 
aff'd, 208 F.3d 1220 (10th Cir. 2000); Eckles v. United States, 471 E 
Supp. 108, 110-11 (M.D. Pa. 1979) (and cases cited therein). 

The federal courts have found that injuries to employees of armed 
forces NAFIs arising in the course of employment are covered under the 
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. ch. 18; 
see 5 U.S.C. �� 8171, 8173), and not the Federal Employees 
Compensation Act (5 U.S.C. � 8101) or the FICA. Traywick v. Juhola, 
922 F.2d 786 (11th Cir. 1991); Vilanova v. United States, 851 F.2d 1 
(1st Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 1016 (1989); Calder v. Crall, 
726 F.2d 598 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 857 (1984). 

D. Trust Funds: 

On June 27, 1829, an English chemist and mineralogist, James Smithson, 
died in Genoa, Italy. In 1835, in Pisa, Italy, James Smithson's nephew 
died without heirs. Smithson's will had stipulated that, if his nephew 
died without heirs, his estate should go, in trust, "to the United 
States of America, to found at Washington, under the name of the 
Smithsonian Institution, an Establishment for the increase and 
diffusion of knowledge." 

The President expressed doubts about the legality of accepting the 
gift and sought statutory authority to do so. In Congress, the 
decision to accept Mr. Smithson's gift was not open and shut. Senator 
John C. Calhoun led a determined minority that opposed accepting the 
gift. Senator Calhoun argued that the gift abridged states' rights and 
was beneath the dignity of the government to accept. Federalism and 
dignity aside, money was then, and still is, a useful commodity. 
Accordingly, by Act of July 1, 1836, ch. 252, 5 Stat. 64, Congress 
authorized the acceptance of the Smithson bequest. Shortly thereafter, 
President Andrew Jackson appointed Mr. Richard Rush to pursue the 
claim of the United States in the Court of Chancery of England. Two 
years later, the Chancery Court awarded Smithson's estate to the 
United States. 

Mr. Rush sold Mr. Smithson's properties, converting the proceeds into 
gold sovereigns. On July 17, 1838, he sailed for home, taking with him 
11 boxes containing 104,960 sovereigns, 8 shillings, and 7 pence, as 
well as Mr. Smithson's mineral collection, library, scientific notes, 
and personal effects. Arriving in New York after a 6-week voyage, Mr. 
Rush transferred the gold coins to the Treasury to be melted down. 

Eight years passed before the Congress resolved what should be done 
with Smithson's bequest. Suggestions included a national university, a 
public library, common schools, and an astronomical observatory. 
Congress settled the matter by Act of August 10, 1846, ch. 178, 9 
Stat. 102, creating the Smithsonian Institution and leaving it up to 
the new Institution's Board of Regents to decide on the specific 
activities to undertake for the faithful execution of the Smithson 
trust. Congress directed that the principal of the Smithson bequest, 
"being the sum of $541,379.63," be lent to the United States Treasury 
and invested in public debt securities. 20 U.S.C. � 54. Congress 
provided an appropriation of the interest from the securities for the 
perpetual maintenance and support of the Smithsonian Institution. Id. 

The legislative history surrounding acceptance of the Smithson Bequest 
and the founding of the Smithsonian Institution suggests that this may 
well have been one of the earliest instances of the United States 
accepting the role and responsibilities of "trustee" for private 
funds.[Footnote 276] Today the United States has many different "trust 

As a general proposition, the United States holds funds or property 
"in trust" in three different situations. Like the Smithson bequest, 
the federal government may hold funds in trust that are donated to 
(and accepted by) the United States.[Footnote 277] Second, the United 
States may have a trust obligation with respect to property of others 
that it controls and manages. Third, the United States holds dedicated 
receipts appropriated to statutorily designated trust funds. In this 
last form of "trust funds" the funds are owned by the federal 
government and are not "trusts" in the common, legal sense of the 
word; rather, they are accounting mechanisms within the context of the 
federal budget. 

These days, it is clear that the federal government may hold funds "in 
trust" for any number of reasons and for any number of groups. Equally 
clear is that further generalizations are fraught with danger. In 
particular, care needs to be exercised with respect to the scope of 
the government's legal obligations to trust beneficiaries. 

Usually, the creation, terms, and conditions of a trust depend solely 
upon the statute creating or authorizing the trust. However, from a 
fiscal law perspective, there can be other factors in the equation. 
The source of the funds held in trust is one of those factors. As the 
discussion below shows, sometimes the source of the funds determines 
whether the United States has a trust obligation with respect to the 
funds it holds. It can also be significant where statutory 
restrictions on the use of appropriated funds are at issue. 

Another factor is the "common law." The decisions of the accounting 
officers of the government, as well as those of the courts, frequently 
refer to or use common law trust concepts to analyze or resolve issues 
concerning property of others that the government holds or possesses. 
In this way, common law trust concepts inform the decision makers' 
judgment as they give meaning to the governing statutes. However, 
sometimes it is the common law alone which creates and controls the 
government's obligations with respect to property it holds "in trust." 
See, e.g., United States v. Mitchell, 463 U.S. 206, 225 (1983); White 
Mountain Apache Tribe v. United States, 249 F.3d 1364, 1377-79 (Fed. 
Cir. 2001). As the court observed in Cobell v. Norton, 240 F.3d 1081, 
1101 (D.C. Cir. 2001), "the general 'contours' of the government's 
obligations may be defined by statute, but the interstices must be 
filled in through reference to general trust law." That is, once a 
statutory obligation is identified, courts may look to the common law 
trust principles to particularize that obligation. Cobell v. Norton, 
392 F.3d 461, 473 (D.C. Cir. 2004).[Footnote 278] 

One further word of caution: As suggested earlier, there is no one 
model of a federal trust fund. In certain situations the federal 
government may act and may have the legal obligation to act as a 
fiduciary with respect to funds or property it holds for the benefit 
of specified groups or individuals. In dollar terms, the amounts held 
in these "true" trusts are relatively minor. There are, however, a 
relatively small number of statutorily designated "trust fund" 
accounts. While these accounts are designated trust funds for 
bookkeeping and accounting purposes, they are not trusts in the sense 
that Congress may not redefine eligibility of beneficiaries, alter 
benefit amounts, or redirect receipts to other programs or purposes. 
Cf. OMB Cir. No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the 
Budget, � 20.12(d) (July 2, 2007). It is these statutorily designated 
trust accounts that contain the overwhelming amount of federal trust 
fund dollars. The use of the term "trust" in connection with these 
funds, however, implies greater rights in the "beneficiaries" and 
obligations in the "trustee," vis-a-vis the trust corpus, than the law 
actually recognizes. 

1. Federal Funds and Trust Funds: 

The federal government holds funds in over 1,000 accounts. GAO, 
Compendium of Budget Accounts: Fiscal Year 2001, GAO/AIMD-00-143 
(Washington, D.C.: Apr. 2000). At the highest level of generality, 
these accounts are divided into two[Footnote 279] major groups: 
federal funds and trust funds. OMB Cir. No. A-11, Preparation, 
Submission, and Execution of the Budget, � 20.12(b) (July 2, 2007). 
Within each of these two groups there are several types of accounts. 

a. Federal Funds: 

Federal funds include general fund expenditure and receipt accounts, 
special fund expenditure and receipt accounts, and intragovernmental, 
management, and public enterprise revolving fund accounts. OMB Cir. 
No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget, � 
20.12(c) (July 2, 2007). Of these accounts only the general fund 
receipt accounts are typically used to account for collections that 
are not earmarked by law for a specific purpose. See, e.g., GAO, 
Federal Trust and Other Earmarked Funds: Answers to Frequently Asked 
Questions, GAO-01-199SP (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2001), at 9-10. 

Public enterprise revolving funds and special funds are financed by 
earmarked receipts. A public enterprise revolving fund is credited 
with receipts generated by a cycle of businesslike operations with the 
public "in which the agency charges for the sale of products or 
services and uses the proceeds to finance its spending." GAO, A 
Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-05-734SP 
(Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 4. The Postal Fund is an example of 
such a fund. 39 U.S.C. � 2003. Its receipts come primarily from mail 
and service revenues and are available, through a permanent, 
indefinite appropriation, for authorized activities and functions of 
the Postal Service without further appropriation action. 39 U.S.C. � 

Special fund accounts are established to record receipts collected 
from a specific source and earmarked by law for a specific purpose or 
program. OMB Cir. No. A-11, �� 20.3, 20.12. As a general proposition, 
special funds operate like statutorily designated trust fund accounts 
with little substantive difference other than that the authorizing 
legislation does not designate them as trust funds.[Footnote 280] GAO-
01-199SP, at 10. The Nuclear Waste Fund, 42 U.S.C. � 10222(c), is an 
example. It receives mainly two kinds of receipts: fees collected from 
civilian nuclear power operators and interest income from investments 
in United States securities. 42 U.S.C. �� 10222(a), (e). The amounts 
in this fund are only available for radioactive waste disposal 
activities including the development, construction, and operation of 
authorized facilities for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste. 42 
U.S.C. � 10222(d). 

b. Trust Funds: 

The trust fund group is comprised of trust fund expenditure accounts, 
trust fund receipt accounts, and trust revolving fund accounts. 
[Footnote 281] OMB Cir. No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and 
Execution of the Budget, � 20.12(b) (July 2, 2007). The distinguishing 
characteristic of these accounts is that they represent accounts, 
designated by law as trust funds, for receipts earmarked for specific 
purposes and sometimes, but not always, for the expenditure of these 
receipts. Id. Trust fund expenditure accounts record appropriated 
amounts of trust fund receipts used to finance specific purposes or 
programs under a trust agreement or statute. Trust fund receipt 
accounts capture collections generated by the terms of the trust 
agreement or statute. 1 TFM 2-1520. These include nonrevolving 
accounts finance programs such as the Social Security and Medicare 
programs.[Footnote 282] The other type of trust account, trust 
revolving fund accounts, cover the permanent appropriation and 
expenditure of collections used to carry out a cycle of businesslike 
operations in accordance with a statute that designates the fund as a 
trust fund. One example is the Commissary Funds, Federal Prisons, 31 
U.S.C. � 1321(a)(22), which uses profits earned on sales of goods and 
articles not regularly provided to inmates by the federal prisons for 
recreational and general welfare items. This category also includes a 
number of small trusts created to account for the expenditure of funds 
in accordance with a trust agreement where the government may act as a 
fiduciary. See 31 U.S.C. �� 1321(b), 1323(c). 

Over the last 50 years, trust fund receipts have grown both as a share 
of total federal receipts and as a share of Gross Domestic Product 
(GDP). Today, annual trust fund receipts make up about half of all 
federal receipts and about 10 percent of GDP. GAO-01-199SP, at 31. In 
fiscal year 1999, GAO identified 130 federal trust funds. Id. at 12. 

c. Congressional Prerogatives: 

Generally accepted governmental definitions do not constrain Congress 
in its designation of an account as a trust fund or special fund 
account.[Footnote 283] Congress may and does approach the matter on a 
case-by-case basis. As a result, it is possible to find trust funds 
that share features of special funds and vice versa. For example, 
Congress designated the Environmental Protection Agency's Hazardous 
Substance Superfund as a trust fund, 26 U.S.C. � 9507, while it 
established the Department of Energy's similar Nuclear Waste Fund as a 
special fund on the books of the Treasury. 42 U.S.C. � 10222(c). 

2. The Government as Trustee: Creation of a Trust: 

In governmental parlance, the term "trust funds" covers a lot of 
territory. Of course, it is applied in the classical sense to 
nongovernmental funds entrusted to the government. But it is also 
applied to certain governmental funds held by the government that have 
been designated as trust funds by statute. In addition, it is applied 
to funds that are donated to the government for specified purposes. 
Each of these uses of the term is discussed below. 

a. Property of Others Controlled by the United States: 

At common law, a trust is "a fiduciary relationship with respect to 
property." Under it, the person holding title to the property has 
"equitable duties" to manage the property for the benefit of another 
person. This fiduciary relationship arises as a result of an expressed 
intention to create it. Restatement (Third) of Trusts, � 2 (2003). 
Clearly, the United States can act as a trustee. E.g., Memorandum for 
the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, Fiduciary Obligations 
Regarding Bureau of Prisons Commissary Fund, OLC Opinion, May 22, 
1995, citing 2 Scott & Fratcher, The Law of Trusts � 95 (4th ed. 1987) 
("as sovereign, the United States has the capacity to act as a common 
law trustee"). Equally clear is that the terms on which the United 
States agrees to act as trustee vary widely. Thus, the initial 
questions are when does a trust arise and what are the conditions 
under which the government, as trustee, operates. The discussion that 
follows examines these issues. 

Two Supreme Court decisions involving claimed breaches by the United 
States of trust obligations owed to Quinault Reservation Indian 
allottees address when an actionable trust may arise. In United States 
v. Mitchell, 445 U.S. 535, reh'g denied, 446 U.S. 992 (1980) (Mitchell 
l), Indian allottees sued the United States for damages for 
mismanagement of forest resources. The Indian allottees argued that 
the General Allotment Act imposed on the United States a fiduciary 
obligation to manage the forest resources for their benefit.[Footnote 
284] The Indian allottees claimed that the breach of the fiduciary 
obligation created by the General Allotment Act entitled them to money 
damages for a breach of trust. The General Allotment Act required the 
United States to "hold the land ... in trust for the sole use and 
benefit" of the allottees. Mitchell I, 445 U.S. at 541 (quoting the 
General Allotment Act, codified as amended at 25 U.S.C. � 348). The 
Supreme Court rejected the Indian allottee's argument, reasoning that 
Congress used the trust language of the General Allotment Act for the 
limited purpose of preventing alienation of allotted lands and 
immunizing the lands from state taxation. The act created only a 
"limited trust relationship" for those purposes, and did not 
"unambiguously provide that the United States has undertaken full 
fiduciary responsibilities as to the management of allotted lands." 
Id. at 542. Absent such responsibilities, the United States was not 
answerable for damages. Id. "Any right of the [allottees] to recover 
money damages for Government mismanagement of timber resources must be 
found in some source other than the [General Allotment Act]." Id. at 

Fortunately for the Indian allottees, another source of authority was 
available to support their claim, and Mitchell I was not the last word 
on the matter. In United States v. Mitchell, 463 U.S. 206 (1983) 
(Mitchell II), the Supreme Court found that a trust duty did arise 
under several other statutes and regulations which, unlike the General 
Allotment Act, did expressly authorize or direct the Secretary of 
Interior to manage forests on Indian lands. Id. at 224. The Court 
explained that "a fiduciary relationship necessarily arises when the 
Government assumes such elaborate control over forests and property 
belonging to Indians. All of the necessary elements of a common-law 
trust are present: a trustee (the United States), a beneficiary (the 
Indian Allottees), and a trust corpus (Indian timber, lands, and 
funds)." Id. at 225. 

Quoting from the Court of Claims decision in Navajo Tribe of Indians 
v. United States, 224 Ct. CL 171, 183 (1980), the Supreme Court 
emphasized that "where the Federal Government takes on or has control 
or supervision over tribal monies or properties, the fiduciary 
relationship normally exists." Mitchell II, 463 U.S. at 225. This 
remains true even if "nothing is said expressly in the authorizing or 
underlying statute ... about a trust fund, or a trust or fiduciary 
connection." Id. Of course, where Congress has provided otherwise with 
respect to such moneys or property, those directions will control. Id. 
In other words, to recover for a breach of trust, the beneficiaries 
must be able to establish a trust responsibility that mandates 
monetary relief by statute, treaty, or the government's assumption of 
management and control over the funds or assets. 

Ten years after Mitchell II, the Supreme Court decided two companion 
cases brought by Indian tribes alleging breach of trust obligations by 
the United States. In White Mountain Apache Tribe, 537 U.S. 465, the 
Tribe sought compensation from the United States for breach of a 
fiduciary duty to maintain land and improvements at Fort Apache 
Military Reservation in Arizona held in trust for the Tribe but 
occupied by the federal government. Dating to 1870, Fort Apache was 
established on territory that later became the Tribe's reservation. In 
1923 and again in 1960 Congress provided by statute that the fort 
would be "held by the United States in trust for the White Mountain 
Apache Tribe, subject to the right of the Secretary of the Interior to 
use any part of the land and improvements for administrative or school 
purposes for as long as they are needed for that purpose." Pub. L. No. 
86-392, 74 Stat. 8 (Mar. 18, 1960). Exercising that right, the 
Department of the Interior had allowed the historic buildings to fall 
into such disrepair that some were condemned and others demolished. 
Citing the terms of the 1960 statute, the Tribe brought suit against 
the United States in the Court of Federal Claims for money damages to 
restore the properties. 

Affirming Mitchell I and II, the Supreme Court ruled for the White 
Mountain Apache Tribe, finding that the federal government had 
breached its duty as trustee to preserve the trust corpus. Like the 
statutes at issue in Mitchell II, the court found: 

"The 1960 Act goes beyond a bare trust and permits a fair inference 
that the Government is subject to duties as a trustee and liable in 
damages for breach.... The statute [invests] the United States with 
discretionary authority to make direct use of portions of the trust 
corpus ... An obligation to preserve the property improvements was 
incumbent on the United States as trustee. This is so because 
elementary trust law, after all, confirms the commonsense assumption 
that a fiduciary actually administering trust property may not allow 
it to fall into ruin on his watch. 'One of the fundamental common-law 
duties of a trustee is to preserve and maintain trust assets.'" 

Id. at 474-75 (citations omitted). 

In the companion case to White Mountain Apache Tribe, the Supreme 
Court found that the Indian Mineral Leasing Act of 1938 (IMLA), 25 
U.S.C. � 396a, does not assign managerial control to the Secretary of 
Interior over coal leasing on Navajo land and, as in Mitchell I, 
imposing fiduciary duties on the government would be out of line with 
one of IMLNs principal purposes. United States v. Navajo Nation, 537 
U.S. 488,508 (2003). IMLA requires Secretarial approval before coal 
mining leases negotiated between Tribes and third parties become 
effective. Id. at 507. IMLA also authorizes the Secretary generally to 
promulgate regulations governing mining operations, 25 U.S.C. � 396d. 
Id. The Navajo Nation sought money damages from the United States, 
alleging a breach of trust in connection with the Secretary of 
Interior's approval of a coal lease amendment negotiated by the Tribe 
and a third party. Unlike the elaborate provisions at issue in 
Mitchell II, the Court found the IMLA and its regulations, like the 
Allotment Act in Mitchell I, do not give the federal government full 
responsibility to manage Indian resources for the benefit of the 
Indians. Nor does IMLA establish even a limited trust relationship. 
Rather, IMLA aims to enhance tribal self-determination by giving 
Tribes, not the government, the lead role in negotiating mining leases 
on tribal lands with third parties. Navajo Nation, 537 U.S. at 507-08. 

Consistent with Mitchell II, one court recently observed: "The federal 
government has substantial trust responsibilities toward Native 
Americans. This is undeniable." Cobell v. Norton, 240 F.3d 1081 (D.C. 
Cir. 2001). 

In fact, the Supreme Court has recognized a general trust relationship 
with Indian tribes since 1831.[Footnote 285] United States v. White 
Mountain Apache Tribe, 537 U.S. 465, 476 (2003), citing Cherokee 
Nation v. Georgia, 30 U.S. (5 Pet.) 1, 17 (1831) (characterizing the 
relationship between Indian tribes and the United States as "a ward to 
his guardian"). In recent years, Indian claimants have sought to 
compel the government to properly account for the funds it holds for 
them. For its part, the government has had to acknowledge that it does 
not know how many accounts it is responsible for, is uncertain of the 
balances in them, and lacks the records necessary to determine that 
information.[Footnote 286] See, e.g., GAO, Financial Management: BIA's 
Tribal Trust Fund Account Reconciliation Results, GAO/AIMD-96-63 
(Washington, D.C.: May 3, 1996). See generally GAO, Indian Issues: 
BLM's Program for Issuing Individual Indian Allotments on Public Lands 
Is No Longer Viable, GAO-07-23R (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 20, 2006). 

The claimants in Cobell brought a class action for injunctive relief 
and damages in response to the government's alleged mismanagement of 
individual Indian trust accounts. Cobell v. Babbitt, 30 F. Supp. 2d 24 
(D.D.C. 1998). (The district court bifurcated the proceedings and 
placed the reconciliation of the accounts and the claims for damages 
on hold pending completion of the court's investigation regarding the 
claims of inadequate accounting.) Finding that the government had 
breached its fiduciary duties, the trial court remanded the matter to 
the government with orders to promptly discharge its fiduciary duties 
in accord with the court's delineation of them. The court also 
retained jurisdiction over the matter and directed the government to 
file quarterly reports. Cobell v. Babbitt, 91 F. Supp. 2d 1, 56-57 
(D.D.C. 1999). See also Cobell, 240 F.3d at 1092-94 (discussing the 
procedural history of the Cobell litigation). The government appealed. 
Citing Mitchell II, the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of 
Columbia agreed that the government owes common law fiduciary 
obligations to the Indians. Id. at 1098. The court noted that those 
obligations have been reaffirmed in a number of statutory provisions 
which specify how those duties are to be carried out. Id. at 1100-02. 
Those obligations include, the circuit court held, a "duty to account" 
which can be compelled by the courts if unreasonably delayed or 
withheld. Id. at 110204. The circuit court agreed it had been delayed, 
and affirmed and remanded the matter to the district court. Id. at 

Following years of appeals and some reversals of high profile contempt 
citations against cabinet secretaries, the District of Columbia 
circuit, in reassigning the case to a different federal district court 
judge below, expressed its frustration that "five years later, no 
remedy is in sight, the case continues to consume vast amounts of 
judicial resources, and growing hostility between the parties 
distracts from the serious issues in the case." Cobell v. Kempthorne, 
455 F.3d 317, 335 (D.C. Cir. 2006), cert. denied, _____ U.S. _____, 
127 S. Ct. 1876 (2007). On April 20, 2007, the district court ordered 
a hearing on the government's accounting project to determine, among 
other things, whether the government has cured the breaches of its 
fiduciary duty. Cobell v. Kempthorne, Civ. A. No. 96-1285 (JR) (D.D.C. 
Apr. 20, 2007). While the Cobell litigation continues, a similar 
Indian trust case brought by over 4,000 individuals is winding its way 
through the court of federal claims. See Wolfchild v. United States, 
72 Fed. Cl. 511 (2006).[Footnote 287] 

In Fors v. United States, 14 Cl. Ct. 709 (1988), the Claims Court 
rejected claimant's argument that the Marine Corps had a fiduciary 
duty to invest[Footnote 288] the accumulated back pay of a deceased 
Marine Corps pilot either as a result of the Missing Persons Act or 
the common law. The court pointed out that essential to the holding in 
Mitchell II was the Supreme Court's finding that the statutes and 
regulations at issue established fiduciary obligations of the United 
States in the management of Indian resources.[Footnote 289] For the 
period at issue in Fors, there was no statutory or regulatory basis to 
charge the government with the fiduciary duties of a common law 
trustee. Id. at 718-19. To the contrary, the applicable statutes and 
regulations limited the Marine Corps authority to pay interest only 
until 90 days after a determination of death. Id. 

Likewise, in Franklin Savings Corp. v. United States, 56 Fed. CL 720 
(2003), the Claims Court rejected the argument of a failed savings and 
loans institution that the government's seizure of the savings and 
loans under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and 
Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA), 12 U.S.C. � 1464(d)(2)(F), imposed 
Mitchell II-type fiduciary duties on the government. Unlike the timber 
management statutes at issue in Mitchell II, the claims court found 
that FIRREA, the banking statute relied on by the failed savings and 
loans, did not provide a substantive source of law which imposes 
fiduciary duties on the government. Id. at 752. "Nothing in FIRREA 
demonstrates congressional intent to create a fiduciary duty whereby 
government must assure profits when seizing [a savings and loans].... 
Imposing an enforceable trust relationship on the government in this 
case is simply antithetical to the regulatory purpose and 
congressional intent of FIRREA and the banking statutes in general." 
Id. at 753. 

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) "personal funds of patients" 
trust fund (discussed in Chapter 9, section B.3.c) contains moneys of 
patients who, as a matter of convenience, deposit money with VA for 
safekeeping and use during their stay at VA hospitals. See 38 U.S.C. � 
5504. The money is patient money, not government money, and the 
Comptroller General has treated such funds as held in trust by the 
United States. 68 Comp. Gen. 600 (1989). 

The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has applied a Mitchell II analysis 
with respect to moneys contained in inmates' Prisoners' Trust Fund 
accounts. Memorandum for the Assistant Attorney General, Civil 
Division, Fiduciary Obligations Regarding Bureau of Prisons Commissary 
Fund, OLC Opinion, May 22, 1995. In the 1930s, the Department of 
Justice established Prisoners' Trust Funds at each federal prison for 
inmates to deposit money earned or sent to them while in prison. 
Inmates could use amounts in their accounts to purchase articles from 
prison commissaries. In the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 
1934, ch. 756, 48 Stat. 1224 (June 26, 1934), Congress classified the 
Prisoners' Trust Fund (and the related Commissary Fund discussed 
below) as a "trust fund." See 31 U.S.C. �� 1321(a)(21), (a)(22). 

OLC found three reasons to conclude that 31 U.S.C. � 1321 and the 
rules set forth in the Justice Department circular establishing the 
funds impose fiduciary obligations on the Bureau of Prisons with 
respect to amounts held in the Prisoners' Trust Funds. First, the 
money in the Prisoners' Trust Fund account is the inmate's property 
even though the Bureau of Prisons has assumed control over the 
property. Second, the circular establishing the funds requires the 
Bureau of the Prisons to act in the best interest of the prisoners in 
managing their funds, and third, the Bureau has always viewed its 
relationship to the Prisoners' Trust Funds as a fiduciary one. 
[Footnote 290] 

The Thrift Savings Fund established by the Federal Employees' 
Retirement System Act of 1986, 5 U.S.C. �� 8401-8479, is also a trust 
in the classic sense of the term. The act provides federal employees a 
capital accumulation plan similar to those found in the private 
sector. Employees and the employing agencies contribute to the Thrift 
Savings Fund. Earnings on investments supplement amounts contributed 
to the fund. 5 U.S.C. �� 8432(a), (c), and 8437(b). All sums 
contributed to the Thrift Savings Fund by or on behalf of an employee 
as well as earnings on those contributions are held in trust for the 
employee. 5 U.S.C. � 8437(g). The Thrift Savings Fund is managed in 
accordance with the investment policies established by the Federal 
Retirement Thrift Investment Board. 5 U.S.C. � 8472. The members of 
the Board are specifically designated fiduciaries. 

5 U.S.C. �� 8477(a), (b). Any fiduciary who breaches the 
responsibilities, duties, and obligations set out in the authorizing 
statute is personally liable to the Thrift Savings Fund for any losses 
and profits realized as a result of a breach of trust.[Footnote 291] 5 
U.S.C. � 8477(e). 

Claimants have sought to use trust concepts to recoup funds in the 
Treasury. In Stitzel-Weller Distillery v. Wickard, 118 F.2d 19 (D.C. 
Cir. 1941), distillers sought to recover contributions paid into the 
Treasury pursuant to marketing agreements authorized by the 
Agricultural Adjustment Act. Previously, in United States v. Butler, 
297 U.S. 1 (1936), the Supreme Court had declared related provisions 
of the act unconstitutional. Then, given the constitutional defects of 
the authorizing legislation, the Comptroller General concluded that 
the moneys could no longer be applied to the agreed upon purposes and 
had to be deposited into the general fund of the Treasury. 15 Comp. 
Gen. 681 (1936). In response, the distillers claimed that their 
contributions were impressed with a trust by virtue of section 20 of 
the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 1934. That act recognized 
the existence of trust funds "analogous" to those specified in it and 
provided a permanent appropriation for payment of amounts held in such 
trust accounts. 31 U.S.C. � 1321(b). The claimants also argued that 
the contributions should be returned to them based on the general 
equitable doctrine that upon the failure of a trust, the trustee must 
return the trust corpus to the creator of the trust, in this case, the 
contributors. The court in Stitzel-Weller rejected the notion that the 
marketing agreement either explicitly or by analogy to other funds 
classified as trusts by the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 
1934, created a trust for the benefit of the contributors. Since there 
was no trust, there was no appropriation nor other authority to return 
the funds from the Treasury to the contributing distilleries. Stitzel-
Weller, 118 F.2d at 21-23 (citing 15 Comp. Gen. 681). 

Similarly, in United States v. $57,480.05 United States Currency and 
Other Coins, 722 F.2d 1457 (9th Cir. 1984), a claimant sought recovery 
of $57,480.05 forfeited and paid into the Treasury. In dismissing the 
case for lack of jurisdiction over the res, the court pointed out that 
a judgment for the claimant "would require an impermissible payment of 
public funds not appropriated by Congress." Id. at 1459. The court 
rejected the claimant's suggested solution of "enforcing a 
constructive trust on the government," noting that such a trust "would 
violate sovereign immunity in the absence of statutes or regulations 
clearly establishing fiduciary obligations." Id. 

The two preceding cases involved unsuccessful attempts to recover 
funds in the Treasury by impressing them with an implicit common law 
trust. However, other cases have held the government liable for funds 
received in trust for others. For example, as discussed in Chapter 6, 
section E.2.h, and Chapter 9, section B.3.c, the government receives 
moneys to reimburse injured or overcharged consumers or residents that 
the government holds in trust to disburse to the injured parties. 
Emery v. United States, 186 F.2d 900 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 341 
U.S. 925 (1951); 60 Comp. Gen. 15 (1980). Since these moneys are not 
received for the use of the United States, they are not for deposit in 
the Treasury of the United States, nor is an appropriation needed for 
the Treasurer to disburse such funds. Cf. Varney v. United States, 147 
F.2d 238 (6th Cir.), cert. denied, 325 U.S. 882, reh'g denied, 326 
U.S. 805 (1945) (moneys received by War Food Administrator were "trust 
funds" retained and disbursed by market agents appointed by 
Administrator without deposit into the Treasury of the United States). 

Simply because a government official has custody of nongovernment 
funds does not mean that they are held in a trust capacity. In B-
164419-0.M., May 20, 1969, GAO distinguished between funds of a 
foreign government held by the United States incident to a cooperative 
agreement (trust funds), and funds of a private contractor held by a 
government official for safekeeping as a favor to the contractor. The 
latter situation was a mere bailment for the benefit of the 
contractor. Although the United States may have an obligation to 
exercise ordinary care with respect to bailed funds in its custody 
[Footnote 292] (55 Comp. Gen. 356 (1975); 23 Comp. Gen. 907 (1944)), 
the government official with custody of the funds is not an 
accountable officer with respect to those funds. See also GAO, White 
House: Travel Office Operations, GAO/GGD-94-132 (Washington, D.C.: May 
2, 1994), at 85 (government would be "morally or legally" liable for 
loss of funds collected by White House staff from press corps members 
to pay for press corps members' travel expenses as they accompany the 
President on trips; therefore, those funds shall be deposited in a 
Treasury account for safekeeping). 

b. Trust Funds Designated by Statute: 

Earmarking alone does not create a trust fund since earmarked receipts 
can finance other types of accounts such as special funds. For 
example, Congress created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund 
to compensate victims of vaccine-related injury or death. 26 U.S.C. � 
9510. The Fund is financed by a tax on certain vaccines. Id. On the 
other hand, the North Pacific Fishery Observer Fund covers the cost of 
observers stationed on fishing vessels to collect information for fish 
management and conservation. Congress finances the program by 
assessing fees on fishing vessels and fish processors. 16 U.S.C. � 
1862(d). Since Congress did not by statute designate the Observer Fund 
as a trust fund, Treasury classified it as a special fund. 

The fact that money is held in a trust account does not necessarily 
create fiduciary obligations where they do not otherwise exist. See B-
274855, Jan. 23, 1997. Most federal trust funds are trust funds simply 
because Congress says so, or, euphemistically, because the law 
designates them as such. Typically, the enabling legislation will 
earmark receipts or other money generated by a program for deposit in 
a fund designated by the program legislation as a trust fund. See the 
Trust Fund Code, 26 U.S.C. �� 9500-9510, for a listing of trust funds. 
These trust funds serve as accounting devices to distinguish the funds 
earmarked for deposit to the trust funds from general funds. The scope 
of the trustee's duties with respect to a trust fund will necessarily 
depend on the substantive law creating those duties. See, e.g., United 
States v. Mitchell, 463 U.S. 206, 224 (1983) (Mitchell II) (statutes 
and regulations "establish a fiduciary relationship and define the 
contours of the United States' fiduciary responsibilities.") 

The fact that Congress has designated a fund which finances a social 
service, public works, or revenue sharing program as a trust fund does 
not mean that the administering agency has a full range of fiduciary 
obligations. A leading case on this matter (not involving Indian lands 
or property) is National Ass'n of Counties v. Baker, 842 F.2d 369 
(D.C. Cir. 1988), rev'g, 669 F. Supp. 518 (D.D.C. 1987), cert. denied, 
488 U.S. 1005 (1989). In that case a number of local governments sued 
the Secretary of the Treasury seeking an order requiring the Treasury 
to release $180 million of Revenue Sharing Trust Fund moneys 
sequestered pursuant to Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, Pub. L. No. 99-177, 99 
Stat. 1037 (Dec. 12, 1985). The district court issued an order 
requiring the Secretary to disburse the funds, and the Secretary 

The Secretary argued that the district court lacked subject matter 
jurisdiction because the local governments were in effect asserting a 
money damage claim that only may be brought in the Claims Court. 
National Ass'n of Counties, 842 F.2d at 372. To sustain this argument 
the Secretary had to establish that substantive law mandated 
compensation for damages. The Secretary argued that because the 
Revenue Sharing Act created a trust fund with the Secretary as 
trustee, the statute was similar to the statutes found by the Supreme 
Court in Mitchell II to create a fiduciary duty in the United States, 
the breach of which mandated compensation. 

The court of appeals rejected the Secretary's reliance on Mitchell II. 
The court concluded instead that the Revenue Sharing Act created only 
a limited trust relationship similar to the General Allotment Act 
trust in United States v. Mitchell, 445 U.S. 535, reh'g denied, 446 
U.S. 992 (1980) (Mitchell l). National Ass'n of Counties, 842 F.2d at 
375. Congress created the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for budgetary 
reasons, not to subject the Secretary to actions for mismanagement of 
the trust. Id. at 376. "Indeed, there is no indication in the Revenue 
Sharing Act or its legislative history that the Secretary owes any 
common law fiduciary obligations to Trust Fund recipients." Id. The 
Court rejected an implied right of action in favor of trust recipients 
based on a generalized common law trust theory because the substantive 
statute at issue did not make the United States expressly liable for 
mismanagement of the trust. 

Applying the analysis used in Mitchell I and II and in National Ass'n 
of Counties, the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has construed the 
Bureau of Prison's obligations for the Commissary Trust Fund, 
classified as a trust fund under 31 U.S.C. � 1321, to not include 
common law fiduciary duties. Memorandum for the Assistant Attorney 
General, Civil Division, Fiduciary Obligations Regarding Bureau of 
Prisons Commissary Fund, May 22, 1995. OLC discerned no indication in 
the legislative history of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 
1934, the source statute for 31 U.S.C. � 1321, that Congress intended 
to subject the United States to suit for breach of fiduciary 
obligations in the management of the Commissary Fund. Unlike the 
Prisoners' Trust Fund accounts discussed earlier in this part, the 
moneys in the Commissary Fund were not the personal funds of the 
inmates, but resulted from a continuous cycle of business operations. 
The Bureau of Prisons retained the authority to decide whether and how 
much of any profits were to be disbursed through the welfare fund for 
the benefit of the inmate population. See Washington v. Reno, 35 F.3d 
1093 (6th Cir. 1994) (district court did not abuse discretion in 
preliminarily enjoining Bureau of Prisons from alleged 
misappropriation of Commissary funds for purchase of telephone system 
to support prison security). 

c. Accepting Donated Funds: 

As noted earlier in this publication, a number of departments and 
agencies have specific statutory authority to accept gifts. See 
Chapter 6, section E.3.a. The level of detail addressed by these 
statutory authorities varies. Compare, e.g., 22 U.S.C. � 2697 
(acceptance of unconditional and conditional gifts by the Secretary of 
State) with 31 U.S.C. � 3113 (acceptance of gifts to reduce the public 
debt). Section 19 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 1934, 
31 U.S.C. � 1323(c), provides general guidance concerning accounting 
for gifts and donations. Pursuant to this statute, donations or gifts 
are treated as trust funds and must be deposited in the Treasury as 
such. Like the statutory trust funds catalogued at 31 U.S.C. � 1321(a) 
and the analogous trust funds established pursuant to 31 U.S.C. � 
1321(b), Congress has provided a permanent appropriation for donated 
funds. 31 U.S.C. � 1323(c) ("Donations ... shall be deposited in the 
Treasury as trust funds and are appropriated for disbursement under 
the terms of the trusts."). 

Before a government officer may accept a donation that would require 
the management of a trust, the officer must have the authority to bind 
the government to act as a trustee, with the attendant 
responsibilities and cost.[Footnote 293] This was the issue in 11 
Comp. Gen. 355 (1932). The Secretary of the Navy asked whether he was 
authorized to accept a bequest to the United States Naval Hospital in 
Brooklyn, New York, to be invested in a memorial fund. The proceeds of 
the trust were to be used for the maintenance and comfort of sailors 
in that hospital. The Comptroller General concluded that the 
President's gift acceptance authority was limited to hospitals for 
merchant seamen, not naval hospitals. Observing that if the 
testamentary gift was accepted, the United States would "become, in 
effect, a trustee for charitable uses," the Comptroller General ruled 
"that such an obligation could not legally be assumed by an officer on 
behalf of the United States without express statutory authority 
therefor." Id. at 356. To drive home the point, the Comptroller 
General further noted that without such authority, there would be no 
basis to use any appropriations to cover the necessary expenses of 
administering such a trust fund. Id. 

A similar issue was touched on in 27 Comp. Gen. 641 (1948). In that 
decision, the issue was whether the Department of State created a 
trust fund for the education of Persian students in the United States 
as part of a settlement of claims of the United States against the 
Persian government. The answer to that question seems to have been 
that the President acting through the State Department had the 
authority to agree to the creation of trust. However, the decision 
ultimately turned not on the scope of the President's authority, but 
on "precisely what the terms of the agreement were." Id. at 645. The 
Comptroller General concluded that the agreement reached did not 
include the use of the funds for the benefit of the Persian students. 
Accordingly, the Secretary could not later, without additional 
consideration, modify the agreement to create a trust obligation on 
the part of the United States. Id. at 646. 

3. Application of Fiscal Laws: 

a. Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 1934: 

Prior to 1934, government officials held a number of trust fund 
accounts outside the Treasury. The Comptroller General had directed 
the deposit of the funds to the accounts of Treasury officials in 
order to ensure that a proper accounting and audit was made of all 
disbursements. The Comptroller General permitted the withdrawal of 
trust funds, after deposit in the Treasury, without an express 
appropriation from Congress. Congress objected to the Comptroller 
General's approval of withdrawals of trust fund moneys without an 
appropriation as a violation of the constitutional prohibition that 
"no moneys shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of an 
appropriation made by law." H.R. Rep. No. 73-1414, at 12 (1934). 
Ironically the solution was to provide a permanent appropriation for 
trust funds as part of legislation designed to repeal permanent 
appropriations in general. Id. Accordingly, in section 20 of the 
Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 1934, ch. 756, 48 Stat. 1233 
(June 26, 1934), codified at 31 U.S.C. � 1321(a), Congress listed all 
funds of a trust nature that Congress wanted to maintain on the books 
of the government and provided a permanent appropriation for these 
funds. See also S. Rep. No. 73-1195, at 1-3 (1934); H.R. Conf. Rep. 
No. 73-2039, at 6-9 (1934). See 16 Comp. Gen. 147 (1936) for a 
comprehensive discussion of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act. 

Section 20 of this act also provides prospective guidance. Any amounts 
received by the United States as trustee which are analogous to the 
funds listed in subsection (a) are for deposit in a trust account of 
the Treasury. Amounts "accruing to these funds" are permanently 
appropriated for expenditure in accordance with the terms of the 
trust. 31 U.S.C. � 1321(b). See also 31 U.S.C. � 1323(c). 

b. Available Uses of Trust Funds: 

(1) Using donated funds: 

Funds held in trust are available only for trust purposes. Where an 
agency is authorized to accept a donation of funds for specified 
purposes, the funds may only be used for purposes necessary to carry 
out the trust. 17 Comp. Gen. 732 (1938). For the accepting agency to 
do otherwise would be a clear breach of the terms of the agreement 
governing the gift. See 47 Comp. Gen. 314 (1967). (Of course, an 
agency's authority to agree to any particular use of donated funds is 
limited by the terms of its statutory authority to accept donations. 
11 Comp. Gen. 355 (1932).) 

Appropriated funds are subject to many use restrictions. See generally 
Chapter 6. Depending on the terms of the donation, some of those 
restrictions may not apply to donations accepted by authorized 
officers of the United States. In several cases GAO has held that: 

"where the Congress authorizes Federal officers to accept private 
gifts or bequests for a specific purpose, ... authority must of 
necessity be reposed in the custodians of the trust fund to make 
expenditures for administration in such a manner as to carry out the 
purposes of the trust ... without reference to general regulatory and 
prohibitory statutes applicable to public funds." 

16 Comp. Gen. 650, 655 (1937). See 36 Comp. Gen. 771 (1957); B-195492, 
Mar. 18, 1980; B-170938, Oct. 30, 1972; B-131278, Sept. 9, 1957; B-
135255-0.M., Mar. 21, 1958. In 23 Comp. Gen. 726 (1944), the 
Comptroller General was asked what the National Park Trust Fund Board 
could do with the principal of gifts received in trust for the benefit 
of the National Park Service where the donor had not prescribed a 
particular purpose for the gift. The Board's statutory authority was 
silent on this point. See Pub. L. No. 74-201, � 2, 49 Stat. 477 (July 
10, 1935), codified at 16 U.S.C. �� 19e-19m. The statute did direct 
the Secretary of Treasury to invest donations for the account of the 
Board consistent with the laws applicable to a trust company in the 
District of Columbia and to credit the income from such investments to 
the National Park Trust Fund. Since the Board's statute did not 
authorize use of the principal of a gift, the Board could not invade 
the principal. However, to give "some effect to the action of the 
respective donors" in making a gift, the Board could use investment 
income for the presumed purpose of the gift�the general benefit of the 
National Park Service, its activities, or its services. 

Another decision, B-274855, Jan. 23, 1997, discussed the range of 
permissible uses of donated funds available to the now defunct United 
States Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). 
Congress created ACIR to give continuing attention to 
intergovernmental problems.[Footnote 294] To finance its activities, 
Congress authorized ACIR to solicit and receive contributions from, 
among others, state governments. In 1995, 

Congress terminated ACIR effective September 30, 1996.[Footnote 295] 
Two months prior to termination, Congress directed the National 
Gambling Impact Study Commission to contract with ACIR for research 
and authorized ACIR to continue in existence solely to perform the 
contract.[Footnote 296] 

The question was whether prior unconditional state contributions were 
available to cover ACIR's salaries and expenses until the National 
Gambling Commission awarded ACIR a contract. The states contributed 
funds to support ACIR's authorized activities. The Comptroller General 
viewed the funds as unrestricted gifts. As unrestricted gifts, they 
were available for ACIR activities authorized by Congress at the time 
of obligation and expenditure regardless of the activities 
contemplated by ACIR and the states at the time the gifts were made. 
The Comptroller General further concluded that after ACIR completed 
its authorized study, any unused contributions were for deposit in the 
Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Cf. 15 Comp. Gen. 681 (1936) 
(moneys received that could no longer be applied to agreed upon 
purposes due to constitutional defects of authorizing legislation are 
for deposit as miscellaneous receipts). 

Like direct appropriations, moneys donated in trust are available for 
expenses reasonably related to the purpose of the trust. That is the 
message of 23 Comp. Gen. 726 and B-274855, Jan. 23, 1997. In 55 Comp. 
Gen. 1059 (1976), for example, GAO held that the Forest Service could 
not transfer funds donated to establish and operate a research 
facility to a private foundation to invest and use for a purpose other 
than establishing and operating a research facility. 

GAO also has considered whether donated funds could be used for 
expenses that the Comptroller General traditionally has viewed as 
personal. In 47 Comp. Gen. 314 (1967), GAO concluded that the purchase 
of seasonal greeting cards remained unallowable regardless of the fact 
that the Interior Department would pay for the cards from a trust fund 
for donations to the National Park Service. Donated funds, as a 
general matter, are no more available for personal expenditures than 
appropriated funds, unless, of course, the personal expense would 
serve the purpose of the donation and would otherwise fall within the 
agency's gift acceptance authority. 

In B-195492, Mar. 18, 1980, Senator Proxmire questioned Interior's use 
of amounts held in its Cooperating Association Fund. The Secretary of 
the Interior maintains this discretionary fund under authority of 16 
U.S.C. � 6, which permits the Department of Interior to accept lands, 
rights-of-way, buildings or other property, and money which may be 
donated "for the purposes of the national park and monument system." 
Interior was using these funds for contest entry fees, receptions for 
very important guests, gifts, and refreshments. While GAO reiterated 
that donated funds are not available for personal expenses, GAO noted 
that the strictures on the use of donated funds do not necessarily 
mirror those applicable to the use of appropriated funds. With respect 
to the "`entertainment,' 'gifts,' and other so called 'personal' 
items," GAO pointed out that the restrictions on the use of general 
agency appropriations for these purposes derived not from the idea 
that these could never be "official" expenses but that "such purposes 
are so subject to abuse as to require specific Congressional 
authorization before general agency appropriations may be so used." 
Since those expenses are not prohibited, where agencies can justify 
the use of donated funds as incident to the terms of the donation for 
what would otherwise be viewed as an improper personal use of general 
agency appropriations, we would not object. On the other hand, GAO 
noted that the availability of donated funds for travel and 
subsistence expenses is subject to the same rules as govern the use of 
appropriated funds because of statutory language that precluded the 
use of "funds appropriated for any purpose" for travel expenses of the 
kind at issue there. 

(2) Property of others: 

General use restrictions have less applicability to the property of 
others being held in trust. In B-33020, Apr. 1, 1943, GAO did not 
object to use of Osage Indian Trust Funds to cover the cost of 
telegrams sent to members of Congress concerning pending legislation 
affecting the tribe that would have been prohibited by legislation 
concerning the use of appropriated funds to influence Congress. GAO 
did not object to these expenditures since Congress had appropriated 
the funds to be used for the benefit of the tribe and authorized the 
tribe to organize for its common welfare and to negotiate with 
federal, state, and local governments. 

A slightly different twist on these concepts occurred in 20 Comp. Gen. 
581 (1941). In that decision, the Library of Congress Trust Board 
held, as trustee, legal title to some improved real estate that the 
Federal Works Administrator wanted to lease. Standing in the way of 
the transaction was the longstanding rule of the accounting officers 
of the government that, absent statutory authority, the payment of 
rent by one agency to another for premises under the control of 
another is unauthorized. Since the United States did not in its own 
right hold legal title to, or have the beneficial right to the use of, 
the property, there was no objection to the payment of rent to the 
Library of Congress Trust Board in its capacity as trustee. 

Similarly, the authority of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 
(PBGC), when acting as a trustee for terminated pension plans, is not 
constrained by laws applicable to contracting by federal agencies or 
the expenditure of public funds. B-223146, Oct. 7, 1986. One issue 
addressed by the decision was PBGC's authority to modify the fee 
provision of an existing contract with outside litigation counsel to 
include a contingent fee arrangement. Since PBGC was authorized by law 
to serve as a trustee for terminated pension plans, possessing all the 
rights and duties to act as a private trustee similarly situated, GAO 
could find no legal or public policy considerations which precluded 
PBGC's modifications of its contracts with outside counsel. (We can 
assume that we would have held otherwise if public funds were at 
issue. See Chapter 6, section C). Also, since any recoveries resulting 
from the litigation accrued to the terminated pension plan, the use by 
PBGC (in its capacity as trustee) of a portion of the recoveries to 
pay its contingent fee obligation would not violate the deposit 
requirements of the miscellaneous receipts statute. 

(3) Statutory trust funds: 

Like donated funds held in trust, where Congress designates a trust 
account to receive dedicated tax receipts, the corpus of the trust is 
only available for trust purposes. The rationale for this axiom 
differs from cases where the government holds donated funds accepted 
in trust. As noted earlier, in the latter case, the limitation on the 
use of funds derives in the first instance from the agreement with the 
donor. While an agency's statutory authority to accept a gift is 
relevant in prescribing the range of uses to which an agency may 
agree, it is the donor's action in making a restricted gift, that is, 
one for designated purposes, that controls the particular use. 
[Footnote 297] 

Where the corpus of the trust account consists of dedicated tax 
receipts, the rationale for the rule is a function of Congress's 
constitutional prerogative to allocate resources for the general 
welfare. In other words, the limitation on the use of the funds for 
other than trust purposes derives from the terms of the statute 
creating the trust account and 31 U.S.C. � 1301(a), limiting the use 
of appropriated funds only to purposes for which appropriated. One 
consequence of this distinction concerning the source of the 
limitation on use manifests itself when Congress decides to modify the 
authorized uses of the trust funds. In the case of trust funds 
designed to serve as accounting mechanisms for dedicated tax receipts, 
Congress as the creator of the trust can change or modify the 
permissible uses of the trust funds. Cf. 36 Comp. Gen. 712 (1957). For 
an example of Congress changing the uses of a statutory trust fund 
filled with tax revenues, see the legislative history recounted in B-
281779, Feb. 12, 1999. 

As the prior discussion suggests, when resolving issues involving the 
application of statutory restrictions to this type of trust fund the 
Comptroller General will treat them more like a direct appropriation. 
In B-191761, Sept. 22, 1978, an agency of the Department of 
Agriculture wanted to dip into a user fee trust fund to provide a 
uniform allowance to its employees. Section 5901 of title 5, United 
States Code, requires that before an agency may use appropriated funds 
for uniforms, it must have specific statutory authority to do so. GAO 
resolved the issue on the basis of authority in Agriculture's 
appropriation act, which provided that "funds available to the 
Department" may be used for employee uniforms. Arguably, if donated 
funds were involved, the Department would have had a greater ability 
to use the funds for trust purposes unfettered by general regulatory 
statutes applicable to appropriated funds. 

The essential point is that, if viewed like any other appropriation, 
amounts in a trust fund account may only be used for the purposes for 
which they were appropriated. As suggested above, depending on the 
source of funds, this may translate to mean no more than the 
authorized purposes of the trust. 

c. Intergovernmental Claims: 

Another consequence of the distinction is seen in decisions involving 
intergovernmental claims. As a general proposition, a federal agency 
or establishment that damages public property, real or personal, under 
the control of another federal agency or establishment may not pay a 
claim for that damage. Put another way, federal agencies may not 
assert damage claims against one another. E.g., 60 Comp. Gen. 710, 714 

Claims involving property or funds held by the government in a trust 
capacity are an exception to this rule. In 41 Comp. Gen. 235 (1961), 
GAO found that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) could present a 
claim against the Air Force for damage to the San Carlos Irrigation 
Project caused by the crash of a Civil Air Patrol plane. Although the 
San Carlos Irrigation Project was an instrumentality of the United 
States, the project benefited the Pima Indians and was funded from 
moneys held in trust by the government for the Pima. The question was 
whether the BIA claim against the Air Force for damage to the project 
would constitute a claim by one government agency against another. The 
decision held that it would not. As BIA was acting in a trust capacity 
on behalf of the Pima, if the general rule were applied, the expense 
of repairing the damage would be borne not by the government but by 
the Pima. Thus, the claim was not that of one agency against another. 

Applying similar reasoning, the Comptroller General found Navy 
appropriations available to pay a claim for damage to property of the 
Ryukyu Electric Power Corporation. B-159559, Aug. 12, 1968. The 
corporation, while an instrumentality of the United States Civil 
Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, was not an instrumentality of 
the United States government. Further, while funds available to the 
Civil Administration were government funds, they were in the nature of 
a trust account held for the sole benefit of the Ryukyu people. 
Another case applying the trust reasoning is B-35478, July 24, 1943 
(since timberland was held in trust for counties, Bonneville Power 
Administration should pay for timber destroyed). 

The trust exception of cases like 41 Comp. Gen. 235 and B-159559, Aug. 
12, 1968, has its limits and does not apply where the trust fund is 
more in the nature of an accounting or bookkeeping device. An 
illustrative case is 65 Comp. Gen. 464 (1986). A Navy plane had 
crashed into and destroyed a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 
instrument landing system. 

Although the FAA used funds from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund to 
repair its facility, the Comptroller General viewed this trust fund as 
little more than an earmarked appropriation, not involving the same 
kind of trust relationship as in the San Carlos and Ryukyu cases. 
Accordingly, the general rule controlled, and Navy appropriations were 
not available to reimburse the FAA. 

4. Concepts of Amount and Time: 

Concepts of amount and time which are so important to general 
appropriations law (see Chapters 5 and 6) also come into play with 
trust funds. With respect to "amount," this would include concerns 
that trust funds are being used to augment regular appropriations. In 
B-107662, Apr. 23, 1952, GAO reviewed a Commerce procedure for 
charging trust funds with the cost of employees assigned full time to 
activities funded by regular appropriations, but assigned 
intermittently for short periods to activities financed by trust 
funds. GAO had no objection to the Commerce procedure, but cautioned 
that the proper records needed to be kept to ensure that trust funds 
did not augment general fund appropriations. See also B-138841, Sept. 
18, 1959 (payment of regular weather bureau employees from Department 
of Commerce trust fund for intermittent services performed on trust 
fund projects). 

As with other types of accounts, errors can and do occur that effect 
the amount properly credited to trust fund balances. When they do, the 
obvious solution is to correct them. GAO generally recognizes that an 
act of Congress is not necessary to correct clerical or administrative 
errors when dealing with the nontrust fund accounts of the government. 
41 Comp. Gen. 16, 19 (1961). Where the evidence of an error is 
unreliable or inconclusive, the Comptroller General has objected to 
administrative adjustment of account balances. B-2369400, Oct. 17, 
1989. This is particularly true where (as in the immediately preceding 
decision) the adjustment would result in additional budget authority 
being available to an agency. 

In B-275490, Dec. 5, 1996, GAO concluded that Treasury could credit to 
the Highway Trust Fund $1.59 billion mistakenly not credited to that 
account. Each month, Treasury transferred from the general fund of the 
Treasury amounts appropriated to the Trust Fund based on Treasury 
estimates of the specified excise taxes for the month. The Treasury 
then adjusted the amounts originally credited to the fund to the 
extent the estimates differed from actual receipts. Due to a change in 
reporting format and a resulting transcription error, Treasury 
substantially understated the adjustments to the income credited to 
the trust fund. The Department of Transportation and Treasury 
discovered the error when the year-end statement was prepared. GAO 
agreed with Treasury that, as trustee of the Fund, Treasury should 
adjust the fiscal year 1994 and 1995 Trust Fund income statements to 
credit the Fund with the excise taxes originally not included in the 
Highway Trust Fund income statements just as if Treasury had credited 
such amounts upon receipt of the reports from the IRS. The Comptroller 
General made the following observation: 

"Apart from whatever responsibilities the Secretary may have to 
accurately state the accounts of the United States, the Secretary in 
his capacity as trustee of the [Highway Trust] Fund has the duty to 
accurately account for the amounts in the Fund consistent with the 
terms of the appropriation made thereto and the applicable 
administrative procedures adopted to effectuate his statutory 

Id. See also 67 Comp. Gen. 342 (1988) (Bureau of Indian Affairs has 
duty to make prompt corrective payments to trust account beneficiary 
before collecting from an erroneous payee; to avoid overdraft of an 
Individual Trust Account, BIA could use funds from its Operation of 
Indian Programs appropriations to correct the erroneous payment from 
the Individual Trust Account); 65 Comp. Gen. 533 (1986) (funds 
returned to Individual Indian Money Account, which were earlier 
improperly recovered, should be repaid from appropriations currently 
available for the activity involved); 41 Comp. Gen. 16 (1961) 
(incorrect allocation of federal highway funds to states was an act in 
excess of statutory authority and consequently must be corrected 
through appropriate adjustments). In addition see the discussion of 
restoration in Chapter 9, section H.2. 

The Comptroller General has recognized that the miscellaneous receipts 
statute does not apply to trust funds. 60 Comp. Gen. 15, 26 (1980); 27 
Comp. Gen. 641 (1948). See discussion in Chapter 6, section E.2.h. The 
miscellaneous receipts statute directs that all moneys received for 
the use of the United States must be deposited in the general fund of 
the Treasury. 31 U.S.C. � 3302(b). The very terms of the statute call 
into question its application to moneys the government receives in 
trust. As a practical matter, in most instances, it is clear when the 
United States has received funds for its use. Occasionally a question 
does arise whether the funds are for credit to the general fund of the 
Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt or to a trust account. In 25 Comp. 
Gen. 637 (1946), GAO concluded that payments made in conjunction with 
making movies in national parks were payments made in consideration of 
the privilege to film in the park and, hence, were properly accounted 
for as miscellaneous receipts, not donations to the National Park 
Trust Fund. On the other hand, in B-195492, Mar. 18, 1980, GAO found 
no elements of an exchange and accordingly held that payments by 
nonprofit associations operating in national parks of one-half of 1 
percent of their gross sales were properly treated as contributions to 
the Cooperating Associations Trust Fund, not as miscellaneous receipts. 

In 60 Comp. Gen. 15 (1980) the Comptroller General expanded on the 
concept of "received in trust." The Department of Energy had received 
$25 million under the terms of a consent order settling disputes 
between Energy and the Getty Oil Company concerning compliance with 
oil price and allocation regulations. The order provided that Getty 
would deposit $25 million into a bank escrow account. The order did 
not specify how the money was to be distributed. Energy announced that 
the money would be distributed to state governments in proportion to 
the oil company's sales in that state and directed that the states use 
the money to defray the heating oil costs of low-income persons. GAO 
found that, to the extent the money would be returned as restitution 
to victims of Getty's alleged violation of oil and price allocation 
regulations, Energy was acting as a trustee and the funds need not be 
deposited to the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. However, to the 
extent that Energy sought to distribute funds to a class of 
individuals other than to those overcharged, those funds were not held 
in trust and must be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous 
receipts. (This opinion was the first of several to address this 
matter. See 63 Comp. Gen. 189 (1984); 62 Comp. Gen. 379 (1983); B-
210176, Oct. 4, 1984; B-200170, Apr. 1, 1981.) 

For other cases treating amounts received as trust funds exempt from 
the miscellaneous receipts statute, see 51 Comp. Gen. 506 (1972) 
(National Zoo receipts are for deposit to the credit of the 
Smithsonian Institution, not as miscellaneous receipts, even though 
activities in question were supported mostly by appropriated funds 
because the Zoo operates under a trust charter); B-192035, Aug. 25, 
1978 (income derived from local currency trust fund operations not for 
deposit as miscellaneous receipts since Agency for International 
Development is merely a trustee of host country funds); B-166059, July 
10, 1969 (recovery for damage to property purchased with trust funds 
credited to trust fund account); B-4906, Oct. 11, 1951 (recoveries for 
lost or damaged property financed from Federal Old-Age and Survivors 
Insurance Trust Fund are creditable to the trust fund). 

One decision applying "time" concepts to a statutory trust fund 
reached a predictable result. In B-171277, Apr. 2, 1971, amounts in 
the trust fund, which consisted of fees received from commercial 
testing labs for testing agricultural products, were available until 
expended. The "available until expended" language made the trust fund 
a no-year appropriation and thus available for multiyear contracts. So 
long as the fund contained amounts sufficient to cover all obligations 
under the contract, there would be no Antideficiency Act concerns. See 
Chapter 5 for a general discussion of no-year funds and multiyear 

5. Duty to Invest: 

Under the common law, it is the trustee's duty to make the trust 
corpus productive. Restatement (Third) of Trusts, � 181 (1992). 
Obviously the issue is of more than passing importance to the trust 
beneficiaries. For amounts held in trust by the United States, the 
trustee's duty to make the trust corpus productive, and the trustee's 
corresponding liability to the beneficiary for failure to do so, are 
limited by the concept of sovereign immunity. As a general rule, the 
United States is not liable for interest unless it has consented to 
the payment of interest. Library of Congress v. Shaw, 478 U.S. 310, 
314-17 (1986); United States v. Alcea Band of Tillamooks, 341 U.S. 48, 
49 (1951). The Supreme Court has insisted that any such consent be 
express and clear, stating that "there can be no consent by 
implication or by use of ambiguous language. Nor can an intent on the 
part of the framers of a statute ... to permit the recovery of 
interest suffice where the intent is not translated into affirmative 
statutory... terms." United States v. N.Y. Rayon Importing Co., 329 
U.S. 654, 659 (1947). See B-272979, Aug. 23, 1996. See also 65 Comp. 
Gen. 533, 539-40 (1986) (no difference whether interest is 
characterized as "damages, loss, earned increment, just compensation, 
discount, offset, penalty or any other term"); B-241592.3, Dec. 13, 
1991 (no authority to pay interest on funds held by Customs on behalf 
of the Virgin Islands, absent an agreement or statute). 

Various arguments have been made that 31 U.S.C. � 9702 provides the 
requisite authority to pay interest on trust funds. Section 9702 
provides that "except as required by a treaty of the United States, 
amounts held in trust by the United States Government (including 
annual interest earned on the amounts)�(1) shall be invested in 
Government obligations; and (2) shall earn interest at an annual rate 
of at least 5 percent." This statute was intended to end the practice 
of investing United States trust funds in state obligations. Despite 
its seemingly straightforward language, this statute applies only 
where a statute, treaty, or contract requires trust funds to be 
invested. It is not an independent authorization for the payment of 
interest. B-241592.3, Dec. 13, 1991. 

A comprehensive discussion of 31 U.S.C. � 9702 is contained in United 
States v. Mescalero Apache Tribe, 518 F.2d 1309, 1324 (Ct. Cl. 1975), 
cert. denied, 425 U.S. 911 (1976) and the cases cited therein. In 
Mescalero, the Court of Claims explained the purpose of the Act of 
September 11, 1841, ch. 25, � 2, 5 Stat. 465, now codified at 31 
U.S.C. � 9702. Congress wanted to prohibit the investment of United 
States trust funds, otherwise required by treaty or statute to be 
invested, in state bonds and to require instead their investment in 
safer United States securities. The court held that the 1841 act did 
not require the payment by the United States of interest on any fund 
that was not expressly required to be invested by a contract, treaty, 
or a statute. The lesson of Mescalero and subsequent cases is that one 
must examine the statute or other legal source for the fund to 
determine whether any requirement to invest the trust fund exists. 
Alcea Band of Tillamooks, 341 U.S. 48 (interest on amount of 
compensation awarded for taking of original Indian title by United 
States in 1855 not allowed where jurisdictional act contained no 
provision authorizing award of interest); B-226801-0.M., May 4, 1988 
(section 9702 did not require the Veteran's Administration to invest 
the Post-Vietnam Era Veterans Education Account, listed as a trust 
fund at 31 U.S.C. � 1321(a)(82)). 

An example of a specific requirement for investment and the payment of 
interest is found at 25 U.S.C. � 161a. It requires that all funds held 
in trust by the United States to the credit of Indian tribes or 
individual Indians be invested by the Secretary of the Treasury, with 
interest at rates determined by the Secretary of the Treasury. GAO has 
considered the payment of interest on government held Indian funds 
numerous times. E.g., 52 Comp. Gen. 248 (1972); 8 Comp. Gen. 625 
(1929); B-272979, Aug. 23, 1996; B-243029, Mar. 25, 1991; B-108439, 
Dec. 28, 1973; B-126459, Feb. 20, 1956. The obligation to invest under 
section 161a does not arise prior to the date that Congress has 
specified for deposit of funds to the trust. B-108439, Apr. 13, 1978. 

In 2001, the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel held that 
section 604(c) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1999, Pub. L. 
No. 106-53, 113 Stat. 269, 389-90 (Aug. 17, 1999), required the 
Treasury to invest the trust fund for two South Dakota Indian tribes 
in "available obligations" bearing the highest rate of interest, even 
when those obligations do not have the highest yields. Memorandum 
Opinion for the General Counsel, Department of the Treasury, 
Investment of Federal Trust Funds for Cheyenne River and Lower Brule 
Sioux, OLC Opinion, Jan. 19, 2001. Recognizing that this statute is 
unique among federal trust funds, this opinion supports the general 
rule that the extent of a trustee's duties and powers is determined by 
the trust instrument and the specific rules of the applicable law. See 
also Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy's Reservation v. United States, 
73 Fed. Cl. 154 (2006). 

6. Liability for Loss of Trust Funds: 

Where the government acts in the capacity of a trustee with respect to 
a fund it holds, the government must see to the proper application of 
the trust funds like a private trustee. Julia A. L. Burnell v. United 
States, 44 Ct. Cl. 535 (1909). In the cited case, the Treasury paid 
the wrong party through a mistake of law. The Claims Court held that 
the government remained responsible to the rightful owner of the 
securities. Id. 

The decisions of the Comptroller General are to the same effect. For 
example, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) holds "personal funds 
of patients" for safekeeping and use during their stay at VA 
hospitals. The government is accountable to the patients for these 
funds like a private trustee would be.[Footnote 298] 68 Comp. Gen. 
600, 603 (1989). Accordingly, where an erroneous payment is made, the 
government is chargeable with any loss resulting from the breach of 
trust. In this case, VA was advised to make the trust fund whole by 
charging the deficiency to the VA's operating appropriation as a 
necessary expense of administering the trust. Id. To the same effect 
is 67 Comp. Gen. 342 (1988) (use of Bureau of Indian Affairs operating 
appropriation to adjust deficiency in Bureau trust fund). See also B-
288284.2, Mar. 7, 2003. 

The liability of an accountable officer for loss of funds in a trust 
account is no different than any other loss of government funds. 
Although the funds are not strictly speaking public funds, they are 
nevertheless funds for which the government is accountable. The 
absence of a beneficial interest in the funds does not alter the 
liability equation; by accepting custody of them, the United States 
assumes a trust responsibility for their care and safekeeping. B-
200108, B-198558, Jan. 23, 1981. If a trustee commits a breach of 
trust, the trustee is chargeable with any loss resulting from that 
breach. B-248715, Jan. 13, 1993. See generally United States v. 
Mitchell, 463 U.S. 206, 226 (1983); White Mountain Apache Tribe v. 
United States, 249 F.3d 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2001), aff'd, 537 U.S. 465 
(2003). See also Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of Flathead 
Reservation, Montana v. United States, 175 Ct. Cl. 451, 455-56 (1966) 
(misuse of trust funds is a breach of trust, not Fifth Amendment 
taking). The responsibility of the accountable officer has been 
described as follows: "the same relationship between an accountable 
officer and the United States is required with respect to trust funds 
of a private character obtained and held for some particular purpose 
sanctioned by law as is required with respect to public funds." 6 
Comp. Gen. 515, 517 (1927) (funds in retirement account of embezzling 
employee used to satisfy loss of private trust funds). See also Osborn 
v. United States, 91 U.S. 474 (1876) (court can summarily compel 
restitution of funds improperly withdrawn from registry account by 
former officers). The rules that apply for the relief of an 
accountable officer for the loss of appropriated funds also apply for 
the relief of an accountable officer for the loss of trust funds. B-
288163, June 4, 2002. See Chapter 9, section B.3.c. 

Other situations involving accountability for funds held in trust or 
trust-like circumstances include: 

* VA patient funds: 68 Comp. Gen. 600 (1989); B-226911, Oct. 19, 1987; 
B-221447, Apr. 2, 1986; B-215477, Nov. 5, 1984; B-208888, Sept. 28, 

* Erroneous payment to Individual Indian Money Account: 65 Comp. Gen. 
533 (1986). 

* Registry accounts of courts of the United States: B-288163, June 4, 
2002; 64 Comp. Gen. 535 (1985); 63 Comp. Gen. 489, 490 n.1 (1984); B-
200108, B-198558, Jan. 23, 1981. 

* United States Naval Academy laundry fund: 17 Comp. Gen. 786 (1938). 

* Prisoners' money held in Brig Officer's Safekeeping Fund: B-248715, 
Jan. 13, 1993. 

* Mutilated and worn currency sent by private bank to Treasury for 
redemption: B-239955, June 18, 1991. 

* Overseas Consular Service Trust Fund holding private funds to pay 
for funeral expenses: B-238955, Apr. 3, 1991. 

* Foreign currencies accepted in connection with accommodation 
exchanges: B-190205, Nov. 14, 1977. 

7. Claims: 

a. Setoff and Levy against Trust Funds: 

In 38 Comp. Gen. 23 (1958), GAO held that a delinquent taxpayer's 
postal savings deposits are property subject to Internal Revenue 
Service (IRS) levy and the fact that the postmaster held the deposits 
as a trust fund does not protect them from IRS levy. Similarly, in B-
165138, Mar. 12, 1969, we advised the Bureau of Prisons that 
prisoners' funds it held as "trust funds" under 31 U.S.C. � 1321, are 
property subject to tax lien and levy under sections 6321 and 6331, 
respectively, of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (IRC). The literal 
language of section 6334(c) of the IRC compelled this result. That 
section provides that no property rights would be exempt from levy 
unless specifically exempted in section 6334(a). See also 63 Comp. 
Gen. 498 (1984) (honoring a levy against a judgment award did not give 
rise to a breach of trust); 34 Comp. Gen. 152 (1954) (government may 
take setoff against funds held by it in trust to recoup a debt owed to 
the government as sovereign). 

Contrast the preceding decisions (involving the collection of taxes 
from trust funds held by the government) with 48 Comp. Gen. 249 (1968) 
(reversing B-72968, Apr. 21, 1948), where the Comptroller General held 
that the Bureau of Prisons could not set off prisoners' trust funds to 
satisfy claims of the United States arising from an inmate's 
destruction of government property. In reversing his earlier decision, 
the Comptroller General pointed out that he had not known at the time 
of his 1948 decision that the terms of the trust expressly required 
the prisoner's consent prior to a withdrawal of funds. Accordingly, 
given the new information, the Comptroller General held that absent a 
change in the terms of the trust agreement, the Bureau could not use 
prisoner trust funds to satisfy a writ of execution issued pursuant to 
a court judgment against the inmate. Id. Cf. 65 Comp. Gen. 533 (1986) 
(United States will absorb the loss for moneys erroneously paid from 
an Individual Indian Money account and forego collection from the 
erroneous payee�another Indian�in light of the moral obligations of 
the United States in dealing with the Indians). 

b. Unclaimed Moneys: 

At the end of each fiscal year, money which has been in any of the 
trust accounts identified in or established pursuant to 31 U.S.C. � 
1321 for more than a year and which represents money belonging to 
individuals whose location is unknown is transferred to a Treasury 
trust fund receipt account entitled "Unclaimed Moneys of Individuals 
Whose Whereabouts are Unknown." 31 U.S.C. � 1322(a). Section 
1322(b)(1) establishes a permanent, indefinite appropriation to pay 
claims from the Unclaimed Moneys account. Instructions to implement 31 
U.S.C. � 1322 are contained in the Treasury Financial Manual, 1 TFM. 6-

Under 31 U.S.C. � 3702(b), a claim against the government ordinarily 
cannot be considered unless the claim is received within 6 years of 
the date it accrues. The Comptroller General has held, however, that 
the 6-year statute of limitations in 31 U.S.C. � 3702(b) does not bar 
claims to recover moneys held in trust. See B-201669, Nov. 26, 1985 
and decisions cited therein. Since the trustee holds property for the 
beneficiary's benefit, unless there is a breach of some duty owed by 
the trustee to a beneficiary, such as a repudiation of the trust, 
there is no claim or cause of action that would trigger the running of 
the statute. Id. See Bogert, Trusts & Trustees, 951 (2nd ed. rev. 
1995). In keeping with the general rule, GAO has deemed the statute 
inapplicable to claims of beneficiaries payable from money held in 
trust. See 70 Comp. Gen. 612 (1991); 66 Comp. Gen. 40 (1986); 55 Comp. 
Gen. 1234 (1976); B-201669, Nov. 26, 1985. See also B-155963, Mar. 19, 
1965 (special deposit account for the proceeds of withheld foreign 
checks); B-139963, July 6, 1959 (soldiers' deposit savings accounts); 
B-103575, Aug. 27, 1951 (unclaimed moneys of individuals whose 
whereabouts are unknown). 

The agency that received and transferred the funds to the Treasury 
handles any claims relating to those funds. If a claim is determined 
to be valid, the agency may certify a payment voucher to Treasury. If 
the money was transferred to the trust account, payment is made 
directly from that account. See GAO, Unclaimed Money: Proposals for 
Transferring Unclaimed Funds to States, GAO/AFMD-89-44 (Washington, 
D.C.: May 9, 1989), at 10. 

8. Federal Trust Funds and the Budget: 

As suggested earlier, certain federal trust funds (those with the 
largest amount of federal trust fund dollars) are bookkeeping devices 
to capture receipts earmarked for certain programs or 
purposes.[Footnote 299] They do not hold cash separate from the 
Treasury�all moneys received by the Treasury are commingled and used 
to pay government obligations as they come due. In effect, Treasury 
borrows the earmarked receipts in exchange for interest-bearing, 
nonmarketable Treasury securities. As a result, a trust fund balance 
reflects federal debt, that is, debt held by a government account. 
[Footnote 300] To the extent that the receipts credited to a trust 
fund (i.e., fees, employee contributions, tax receipts, and interest 
earned on Treasury securities) exceed expenditures charged to the 
fund, the trust fund balance grows. The converse, of course, is also 
true�to the extent that expenditures exceed receipts, the balance 

The Social Security trust funds are the largest federal trust funds 
both in terms of annual spending and account balance. They are also 
the largest single item in the federal budget. See GAO, Fiscal 
Stewardship: A Critical Challenge Facing Our Nation, GAO-07-362SP 
(Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2007), at 6. See also GAO, Social Security 
Reform: Answers to Key Questions, GAO-05-193SP (Washington, D.C.: May 
2005); Social Security Financing: Implications of Government Stock 
Investing for the Trust Fund, the Federal Budget, and the Economy, 
GAO/AIMD/HEHS-98-74 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 22, 1998), at 29. See also 
Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Social Security's 
Treatment Under the Federal Budget: A Summary, No. 95-206 (Mar. 20, 
2002). Congress created the Social Security program in 1935 in 
response to the economic deprivations of the Depression. Originally 
created as a benefit system for retired workers, over time, Congress 
has expanded Social Security to insure disabled workers and the 
families of retired, disabled, and deceased workers. GAO, Social 
Security: Different Approaches for Addressing Program Solvency, 
GAO/HEHS-98-33 (Washington, D.C.: July 22, 1998), at 4. 

Social Security consists of two separate trust funds, the Federal Old-
Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, which covers retirement and 
survivor benefits, and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, 
which provides benefits to disabled workers and their families. 
[Footnote 301] Congress has provided a permanent indefinite 
appropriation from the general fund of the Treasury to the Social 
Security trust funds of an amount determined by applying the 
applicable employment tax rate to wages reported to the Secretary of 
Treasury or his delegate. 42 U.S.C. � 401(a)(3). As a check on the 
amount credited to these trust funds, the Commissioner of Social 
Security is to certify the amount of wages (or self- employment 
income) reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Id. See B-
261522, Sept. 29, 1995 (Social Security Administration may use wage 
data collected by IRS in certifying to Treasury the amount of wages 
reported by employers and the amount of funds appropriated to the 
Social Security trust funds). 

A Board of Trustees holds the Social Security trust funds. 42 U.S.C. � 
401(c). The Board of Trustees is composed of the Secretary of the 
Treasury as Managing Trustee, the Commissioner of Social Security, the 
Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, all ex 
officio, and two members of the public nominated by the President and 
confirmed by the Senate. Id. In addition to holding the fund, it is 
the duty of the Board of Trustees to report to the Congress on the 
operation and status of the Funds and to review and recommend 
improvements in the administrative procedures and policies followed in 
managing the Funds. Id. A "person serving on the Board of Trustees" 
does not have a fiduciary duty vis-a-vis the trust funds and "shall 
not be personally liable for actions taken [as a member of the Board 
of Trustees] with respect to the Trust Funds." Id. 

There are a number of large trust funds that finance public works, 
notably transportation, programs. A prominent example is the Federal 
Aid Highway Program which distributes billions of dollars of federal 
funding annually to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 
Puerto Rico for highway construction, repair, and related activities. 
To finance the highway program, Congress established the Highway Trust 
Fund account in the Treasury, 26 U.S.C. � 9503(a), designating the 
Secretary of Treasury as trustee, 26 U.S.C. � 9602(a).[Footnote 302] 
Congress has provided the fund with a permanent, indefinite 
appropriation of amounts received in the Treasury from certain 
gasoline, diesel fuel, and other excise taxes paid by highway users. 
26 U.S.C. � 9503(b). In fiscal year 1997, these earmarked revenues 
brought in $23.9 billion to the fund.[Footnote 303] In 2006, the 
amount was $38.5 billion.[Footnote 304] The Secretary of the Treasury 
is responsible for holding the Highway Trust Fund, reporting annually 
to Congress on the financial condition and operation of the fund, and 
investing any amounts in the fund not needed to meet current needs in 
interest-bearing Treasury securities. 26 U.S.C. � 9602. See B-275490, 
Dec. 5, 1996 (Treasury, as trustee, could credit Highway Trust Fund 
income statements with $1.59 billion in excise taxes mistakenly not 
credited to the Fund as the result of accounting and reporting 
errors).[Footnote 305] 

Chapter 98 of title 26, United State Code, contains a number of other 
trust funds established to finance social insurance, public works or 
environmental programs. For example, the Black Lung Disability Trust 
Fund finances the payment of benefits to eligible miners under the 
Black Lung Benefits Act. 26 U.S.C. � 9501. Another social insurance 
fund is the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, 26 U.S.C. � 9510. 
In addition to the Highway Trust Fund, other public works trust funds 
include the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, 26 U.S.C. � 9502, the 
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, 26 U.S.C. � 9505, and the Inland 
Waterways Trust Fund, 26 U.S.C. � 9506. Examples of trust funds 
designed to finance environmental remediation programs are the 
Hazardous Substance Superfund, 26 U.S.C. � 9507, and the Leaking 
Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund, 26 U.S.C. � 9508. 

There has been an ongoing debate over whether the trust funds, 
particularly Social Security and the large infrastructure trust funds 
such as the Federal Highway Trust Fund and the Airport and Airways 
Development Trust Fund should be included in the budget. In other 
words, whether they should be "off budget," which are "those budgetary 
accounts (either federal or trust funds) designated by law as excluded 
from budget totals." GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal 
Budget Process, GAO-05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 72. 
[Footnote 306] Since fiscal year 1969 the President has submitted a 
unified budget that covers both trust and nontrust fund activities. 
The unified budget merges trust and nontrust outlays and receipts into 
a consolidated budget surplus or deficit. As a result, the growing 
positive trust fund balances, particularly in the Social Security 
trust funds, "[mask] the basic imbalance in the government's financial 
affairs." GAO, The Budget Treatment of Trust Funds, GAO/T-AFMD-90-3 
(Washington, D.C.: Oct. 18, 1989), at 5. In other words, the trust 
fund surpluses disguise the severity of the deficit (or the amount of 
surplus) on the nontrust fund side of the government's ledgers. 

Related to the on- or off-budget issue are allegations of misuse of 
the major trust funds such as the Highway and the Airport and Airway 
trust funds. Proponents of this view charge that, while the trust 
funds have a steady dedicated stream of tax receipts, budgeting 
actions have restricted fund outlays to create trust fund surpluses 
for budgetary reasons, namely, to lower the deficit. GAO, Budget 
Issues: Trust Funds and their Relationship to the Federal Budget, 
GAO/AFMD 88-55 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 30, 1988), at 4. This 
practice, proponents argue, breaks the implied agreement underlying 
the original enactment of the "trust fund"-�full use of dedicated tax 
receipts for the trust fund program. Opponents of off-budget 
designations argue that changing the label or category does not make 
an activity less federal, does not change total federal revenues or 
spending, and contributes to a more confusing picture of the federal 
government's total taxes and spending. This simply highlights the 
tension that Congress faces between the collection and expenditure of 
earmarked revenues, whether trust funds or special funds, and the 
tradeoffs Congress must make with respect to spending priorities in 
general. GAO, Budget Issues: Trust Funds in the Budget, GAO/T-AIMD-99-
110 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 9, 1999), at 1. 

A number of different approaches have been offered. One proposed 
approach is to take the fund "off budget." See, e.g., H.R. 798, 106th 
Cong., � 7 (1999) (a bill to provide funding and off-budget treatment 
for the protection and enhancement of natural and cultural resources); 
H.R. 4, 105th Cong., � 2 (1997) (a bill proposing to provide off-
budget treatment for the Highway, Airport and Airway, Inland Waterways 
and Harbor Maintenance Trust Funds). GAO has suggested that Congress 
could address the matter in the context of the unified budget by 
separately displaying trust funds, federal funds, and government 
sponsored enterprises in the budget. GAO/T-AFMD-90-3. In the 
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, Pub. L. No. 105-178, 
112 Stat. 107 (June 9, 1998) (TEA-21), Congress took yet a different 
approach with respect to the highway and mass transit programs. In TEA-
21 Congress established outlay caps that apply separately to the 
highway and mass transit programs for fiscal years 1999 through 2003. 
In addition to carving out outlay caps for these programs separate 
from the dollar caps applicable to discretionary spending in general, 
Congress also specified annual guaranteed minimum spending levels 
tied, in the case of highways, to Highway Trust Fund receipts. For a 
discussion of the implications of this approach, see GAO, Cap 
Structure and Guaranteed Funding, GAO/TAIMD-99-210 (Washington, D.C.: 
July 21, 1999). 

In addition to transparency of trust fund balances through the budget 
process, another issue that has arisen is whether and to what extent 
the long-term actuarial costs of the largest social insurance trust 
funds (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) should be reported on 
the balance sheet of the consolidated financial statements of the 
United States government as liability of the government. See FASAB, 
Preliminary Views�Accounting for Social Insurance, Revised (Oct. 23, 
2006), available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.fasab.gov/pdffiles/social_insurance92006.pdf] (last visited 
Nov. 28, 2007). While these trust funds presently show a surplus 
(thus, the investment of excess receipts in Treasury securities), the 
long-term cost of these programs is expected to reach nearly $40 
trillion�over and above the anticipated future tax receipts. See GAO-
07-362SP; GAO, The Nation's Long-Term Fiscal Outlook: September 2006 
Update, GAO-06-1077R (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2006). As of fiscal year 
2006, the consolidated financial statements included a Statement of 
Social Insurance that reports the long-term actuarial costs of these 
programs, but the balance sheet reports as a liability only the 
amounts that are "due and payable" at fiscal year end under the 
programs. See FASAB, Preliminary Views, supra. 

Chapter 15 Footnotes: 

[1] E.g., House Committee on Government Operations, The Role and 
Effectiveness of Federal Advisory Committees, H.R. Rep. No. 91-1731, 
at 4-5 (1970). The independent regulatory agencies�which also tend to 
be called "commissions"�comprise the so-called Fourth Branch. Id. 

[2] We are not talking about the so-called independent regulatory 
agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal 
Communications Commission, Surface Transportation Board, etc., which, 
notwithstanding their designation as commissions or boards, are 
permanent federal agencies, and are funded as such. 

[3] E.g., David Flitner Jr., The Politics of Presidential Commissions, 
7 (1986). 

[4] Cong. Globe, 27th Cong., 2nd I Sess. 231 (1842), quoted in Jay S. 
Bybee, Advising the President: Separation of Powers and the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act, 104 Yale L.J. 51, 61 (1994). 

[5] The General Services Administration maintains data for advisory 
committees in a "Governmentwide shared Internet-based system ..." 41 
C.F.R. � 102-3.100(b)(4). 

[6] Although the number was to drop still further, GAO found that the 
costs and number of members per committee had increased. GAO, Federal 
Advisory Committee Act: Overview of Advisory Committees Since 1993, 
GAO/T-GGD-98-24 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 5, 1997). The number of such 
committees fell to approximately 950 in fiscal year 2003. GAO, Federal 
Advisory Committees: Additional Guidance Could Help Agencies Better 
Ensure Independence and Balance, GAO-04-328 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 
16, 2004), at 10. 

[7] The 1922 decision failed to address 4 Op. Att'y Gen. 106, which 
found the statute applicable to the appointment of a single 
individual, but the point would appear moot in view of the authority 
to hire experts and consultants now found in 5 U.S.C. � 3109. 

[8] Jay S. Bybee, Advising the President: Separation of Powers and the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act, 104 Yale L.J. 51, 63-65 (1994). 

[9] Another decision stated the principle with a minor change in 
language: "[The 1909 law] does not necessarily require that 
commissions, councils, boards, and other such bodies be specifically 
established by statute.... General or specific authority to perform 
functions or duties is sufficient to allow payment of the expenses of 
boards, commissions, etc., if such duties or functions can be 
performed only by such a group or if it is generally accepted that 
such duties can be performed best by such a group." 40 Comp. Gen. 478, 
479 (1961) (citations omitted). 

[10] 6 Comp. Gen. 140 is one of the "specific authority" cases and to 
that extent has been modified by 22 Comp. Gen. 140. This, however, has 
no bearing on the point noted in the text. 

[11] Thomas R. Wolanin, Presidential Advisory Commissions�Truman to 
Nixon, 66 (1975). 

[12] The decision in 49 Comp. Gen. 305 was erroneously overruled in 
part by 54 Comp. Gen. 1055 (1975), and was reinstated by 56 Comp. Gen. 
572 (1977). 

[13] See, e.g., Fourco Glass Co. v. Transmirra Products Corp., 353 
U.S. 222, 227 (1957). 

[14] Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997, Pub. L. No. 104-
208, � 613, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-356 (Sept. 30, 1996). 

[15] GAO, Standardized Federal Regions�Little Effect on Agency 
Management of Personnel, FPCD-77-39 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 17, 1977), 
at 2. 

[16] This fact may help suggest why Congress wanted to reinsert itself 
in the process. 

[17] FPCD-77-39, at 24. 

[18] David S. Brown, The Management of Advisory Committees: An 
Assignment for the '70's, 32 Pub. Ad. Rev. 334, 335 (1972); Richard 0. 
Levine, Comment, The Federal Advisory Committee Act, 10 Harv. J. on 
Legis. 217, 217-18 (1973). 

[19] House Committee on Government Operations, The Role and 
Effectiveness of Federal Advisory Committees, H.R. Rep. No. 91-1731, 
at 2 (1970) (quoting a statement made in committee hearings). 

[20] Michael H. Cardozo, The Federal Advisory Committee Act in 
Operation, 33 Admin. L. Rev. 1, 10 (1981). The quoted passage is 
distilled from 5 U.S.C. app. � 2 (Findings and purpose). With respect 
to the objective of eliminating useless committees, see Carpenter v. 
Morton, 424 F. Supp. 603 (D. Nev. 1976); GAO, Better Evaluations 
Needed to Weed Out Useless Federal Advisory Committees, GGD-76-104 
(Washington, D.C.: Apr. 7, 1977). 

[21] The Supreme Court has said that the GSA regulations merit 
"diminished deference" because they were not issued contemporaneous 
with the statute and because 5 U.S.C. app. � 7(c), the statutory 
authority pursuant to which the GSA regulations were promulgated, does 
not impose liability for violation of the GSA regulations nor has 
Congress otherwise declared that such regulations shall have the force 
of law. Public Citizen v. Department of Justice, 491 U.S. 440, 463-65 
n.12 (1989). The D.C. Circuit accords them no deference because FACA 
is "applicable to all agencies." Association of American Physicians & 
Surgeons, Inc. v. Clinton, 997 F.2d 898, 913 (D.C. Cir. 1993). See 
also Collins v. National Transportation Safety Board, 351 F.3d 1246 
(D.C. Cir. 2003) (noting that for generic statutes like FACA, their 
broad applicability undermines any basis for deference and courts, 
therefore, must review interpretive questions de novo). 

[22] Pub. L. No. 105-153, � 2(a), 111 Stat. 2689 (Dec. 17, 1997). 

[23] The original version of section 3(2), until the 1997 amendment, 
exempted the Commission on Government Procurement and the Advisory 
Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). The Procurement 
Commission finished its job in 1973. The ACIR was terminated in 1995, 
but extended the following year for the sole and limited purpose of 
performing a contract with the National Gambling Impact Study 
Commission. Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government 
Appropriations Act, 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-52, title IV, 109 Stat. 468, 
480 (Nov. 19, 1995) (termination); Pub. L. No. 104-328, 110 Stat. 4004 
(Oct. 19, 1996) (extension). 

[24] This provision was enacted following the district court's 
decision in Natural Resources Defense Council v. Abraham, 223 F. Supp. 
2d 162 (D.D.C. 2002). The court held that FACA applied to a committee 
that consisted of federal employees and employees of contractors who 
managed and operated Department of Energy-owned laboratories, where 
the contractors were providing advice on a project that lay outside of 
their specific contract. Id. at 192. As a result of the enactment of 
the statute, the district court order pertaining to the FACA violation 
was set aside in Natural Resources Defense Council v. Department of 
Energy, 353 F.3d 40 (D.C. Cir. 2004). 

[25] Good references are Stephen P. Croley, Practical Guidance on the 
Applicability of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 10 Admin. L.J. 
111 (1996); Stephen P. Croley and William F. Funk, The Federal 
Advisory Committee Act and Good Government, 14 Yale J. on Reg. 451 

[26] The Center is a private, nonprofit policy organization that seeks 
the reduction and eventual elimination of all weapons of mass 
destruction as a significant tool of U.S. national security policy. 
More information is available at the Center's Web site, [hyperlink, 
http://www.armscontrolcenter.org] (last visited Nov. 28, 2007). 

[27] See 50 Comp. Gen. 736 (1971) (holding that membership on an 
advisory council was a position as an officer or employee of the 
United States for purposes of such a provision). For similar holdings 
in other contexts, see 24 Comp. Gen. 498, 500 (1945); 16 Comp. Gen. 
495, 497 (1936); 23 Comp. Dec. 372, 374 (1917); 3 Op. Off. Legal 
Counsel 321, 322-23 (1979). 

[28] Examples are the Glass Ceiling Commission, Pub. L. No. 102-166, � 
209, 105 Stat. 1071, 1087 (Nov. 21, 1991); the Commission on 
Government Procurement, Pub. L. No. 91-129, � 9, 83 Stat. 269, 272 
(Nov. 2, 1969), and the Commission on Organization of the Executive 
Branch of the Government (the so-called Second Hoover Commission), 
Pub. L. No. 83-108, � 8, 67 Stat. 142, 144 (July 10, 1953). 

[29] E.g., Civil War Centennial Commission, Pub. L. No. 85-305, � 9, 
71 Stat. 626, 628 (Sept. 7, 1957). 

[30] E.g., Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission, Pub. 
L. No. 98-375, � 11(a), 98 Stat. 1257, 1262 (Aug. 7, 1984) (year-by-
year); Commission on Merchant Marine and Defense, Pub. L. No. 98-525, 
� 1536(i), 98 Stat. 2492, 2635 (Oct. 19, 1984) (aggregate). 

[31] Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution, Pub. L. No. 
98-101, � 8, 97 Stat. 719, 723 (Sept. 29, 1983). 

[32] Although not germane to the result or to the point made in the 
text, the �appropriation� cited in the Office of Legal Counsel opinion 
was merely an authorization. 

[33] Cf., e.g., Association of American Physicians & Surgeons v. 
Clinton, 997 F.2d 898, 908 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (court refuses to apply 
FACA in a way that would interfere with "the President's capacity to 
solicit direct advice on any subject related to his duties from a 
group of private citizens, separate from or together with his closest 
governmental associates"). 

[34] National Anti-Hunger Coalition v. Executive Committee of the 
President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, 711 F.2d 1071, 1073 
& n.1 (D.C. Cir. 1983); Metcalf, 553 F.2d at 179 n.35. 

[35] A FACA committee can be terminated by its establishing authority 
or by operation of law. The General Services Administration cannot 
abolish another agency's committee or refuse to recharter it. 5 U.S.C. 
app. � 7; B-127685-0.M., Apr. 5, 1976. (To our knowledge, GSA has 
never tried to do so; the GAO memorandum refers to the Office of 
Management and Budget, whose FACA functions were later transferred to 

[36] Budget Message of the President, H.R. Doc. No. 80-19, at M61 
(1948), cited in, e.g., Ronald C. Moe, Congressional Research Service, 
Managing the Public's Business: Federal Government Corporations, S. 
Prt. No. 104-18, at 7-8 (1995) (Moe 1995). 

[37] Harold Seidman, The Theory of the Autonomous Government 
Corporation: A Critical Appraisal, 12 Pub. Admin. Rev. 89, 90 (1952) 
(Seidman 1952). 

[38] Id. 

[39] Francis J. Leazes, Jr., Accountability and the Business State: 
The Structure of Federal Corporation, 4 (1987) (Leazes). 

[40] O.R. McGuire, Government by Corporations, 14 Va. L. Rev. 182, 186 

[41] Ronald C. Moe and Robert S. Gilmour, Rediscovering Principles of 
Public Administration: The Neglected Foundation of Public Law, 55 Pub. 
Admin. Rev. 135, 143 (1995). 

[42] National Academy of Public Administration, I Report on Government 
Corporations 21 (1981) (NAPA 1981). For a more recent publication 
along these general lines, see Library of Congress, Congressional 
Research Service, Federal Government Corporations: An Overview, No. 
RL30365 (Mar. 23, 2006). This report notes that while the number of 
federal corporations "is in moderate flux" (id. at 2), the corporate 
model seems to hold ever-enhanced appeal to federal policymakers. 

[43] Moe 1995, at 47. 

[44] Seidman 1952, at 93. 

[45] Ronald C. Moe, Administering Public Functions at the Margin of 
Government: The Case of Federal Corporations, CRS No. 83-236GOV, 33 

[46] Francis J. Leazes, Jr., Accountability and the Business State: 
The Structure of Federal Corporation, 7 (1987). 

[47] Ronald C. Moe, Congressional Research Service, Managing the 
Public's Business: Federal Government Corporations, S. Prt. No. 104-18 
(1995), at xii. For similar comments, see John T. Tierney, Government 
Corporations and Managing the Public's Business, 99 Pol. Sci. Q. 73, 
76 n.6 (1984), and Ronald C. Moe, Congressional Research Service, 
Administering Public Functions at the Margin of Government: The Case 
of Federal Corporations, No. 83-236GOV (1983), at 5. 

[48] Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970, Pub. L. No. 91-518, � 301, 84 
Stat. 1327, 1330 (Oct. 30, 1970). The current version of this 
language, codified at 49 U.S.C. � 24301(a)(3), provides that Amtrak 
"is not a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States 
Government, and shall not be subject to title 31 [of the United States 
Code]." Over the years, Congress has continued to put distance between 
Amtrak and federal control for statutory purposes. For example, while 
Amtrak was originally designated a mixed-ownership government 
corporation, that designation was later dropped. For a discussion of 
the evolution of the statutory provisions affecting Amtrak, see United 
States v. Bombardier Corp., 286 E3d 542, 545 (D.C. Cir. 2002); see 
also United States v. Bombardier Corp., 380 F.3d 488, 491-92 (D.C. 
Cir. 2004), cert. denied, 544 U.S. 1032 (2005). 

[49] The Supreme Court remanded the case for consideration of the 
First Amendment claims. On remand, the district court held that Amtrak 
had exercised its right to reject proposed advertising in good faith, 
given the artist/advertiser's deception in concealing the political 
nature of the billboard display. Lebrun v. National Railroad Passenger 
Corp., 981 F. Supp. 279 (S.D.N.Y. 1997). 

[50] Memorandum Opinion for the General Counsel, Office of Management 
and Budget, Status of National Veterans Business Development 
Corporation, OLC Opinion, Mar. 19, 2004. 

[51] 15 U.S.C. � 657c(a). Congress drove its point home, perhaps 
unintentionally, since it actually added the quoted language twice in 
the same appropriation act. Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005, 
Pub. L. No. 108-447, div. B, title VI, � 636 and div. K, title I, � 
146, 118 Stat. 2809, 2922, 3455 (Dec. 8, 2004). 

[52] Francis J. Leazes, Jr., Accountability and the Business State: 
The Structure of Federal Corporations, 18 (1987). Leazes also adopts 
the definitional approach of the Government Corporation Control Act by 
specifically identifying, by name, the entities he includes under his 
government corporation aegis. Id. at 9-10. 

[53] The Corporation for Public Broadcasting has strenuously objected 
to being included under any "government corporation" umbrella. See 
National Academy of Public Administration, I Report on Government 
Corporations app. 3 (1981). We include it under our umbrella listing 
because (1) it was statutorily created as a corporation and (2) it 
receives and spends federal money. See generally GAO, 
Telecommunications: Issues Related to Federal Funding for Public 
Television by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, GAO-04-284 
(Washington, D.C.: Apr. 30, 2004). For information about the Legal 
Services Corporation and the State Justice Institute, see B-308037, 
Sept. 14, 2006, and B-307317, Sept. 13, 2006, respectively. 

[54] The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is a true hybrid. It is 
not a government corporation although it has many of the powers of one 
and operates from a revolving fund. The office of the Administrator of 
BPA is an office in the Department of Energy and is under the 
jurisdiction and control of the Secretary of the department, although 
BPA is subject to many but not all of the provisions of the Government 
Corporation Control Act. See 16 U.S.C. �� 832a(a), 838i(c) and (d). 
Also, the Administration's contracting activities are governed by its 
own unique statutory and regulatory requirements. See B-291642.2, July 
16, 2003, at n.l. Our discussion does not further address the 
Smithsonian, which the Supreme Court has called "the oldest surviving 
government corporation." Keifer & Keifer v. Reconstruction Finance 
Corp., 306 U.S. 381, 391 (1939). 

[55] GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO-
05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 59. 

[56] Lori Nitschke, Private Enterprise With Official Advantages, 56 
Cong. Q. Wkly. 1578 (1998). 

[57] All but one of these entities can be found in subtitle II, which 
consists of 36 U.S.C. �� 10101 through 240112. Subtitle III, 36 U.S.C. 
�� 300101-300111, is devoted entirely to the Red Cross. 

[58] While commonly known as the American Red Cross, or more simply as 
the Red Cross, this organization's proper name is really "The American 
National Red Cross." 36 U.S.C. � 300101(b). 

[59] 36 U.S.C. � 1101 (1994). Title 36 was recodified in 1998 by Pub. 
L. No. 105-225, 112 Stat. 1253 (Aug. 12, 1998). The former section 
1101 was omitted as unnecessary. In addition, the American Red Cross 
was given its own subtitle, as indicated in note 58. 

[60] Wesley A. Sturges, The Legal Status of the Red Cross, 56 Mich. L. 
Rev. 1, 23 (1957). 

[61] Our choice of examples is intended to convey some idea of the 
types and range of organizations title 36 encompasses. By the way, in 
case you find our citation to 36 U.S.C. � 152305 for the National 
Music Council (as well as those for the other organizations in this 
discussion) a bit odd, rest assured that it is correct. The section 
numbers in title 36 of the United States Code go rather higher than 
seems normal for the Code�up to section 300111 at the writing of this 
chapter, to be precise. 

[62] E.g., 36 U.S.C. �� 20302 (American Academy of Arts and Letters�
furthering the interests of literature and the fine arts); 20903 
(American Ex-prisoners of War�encouraging fraternity, fostering 
patriotism, maintaining historical records); 21302 (American 
Historical Association�promoting historical studies collecting and 
preserving historical manuscripts); 21003 (American GI Forum of the 
United States�educational, patriotic, civic, historical, and research 

[63] 42 U.S.C. �� 2000bb-2000bb-4. This act was held to be 
unconstitutional as applied to state and local governments. See City 
of Boerne v. Flores, 521 U.S. 507 (1987). 

[64] The Stearns litigation originated with a district court decision, 
Stearns v. Veterans of Foreign Wars, 353 F. Supp. 473 (D.D.C. 1972), 
which dismissed the suit on the ground that the Veterans of Foreign 
Wars' federal charter alone did not constitute governmental action. 
The D.C. Circuit reversed this decision in Stearns v. Veterans of 
Foreign Wars, 500 E2d 788 (D.C. Cir. 1974), suggesting that while the 
charter alone probably was not sufficient, there might be other 
factors to establish enough governmental action to support the suit. 
On remand, the district court found in Stearns v. Veterans of Foreign 
Wars, 394 F. Supp. 138 (D.D.C. 1975), that additional factors were not 
sufficient in this regard. That decision was summarily affirmed on 
appeal. Stearns v. Veterans of Foreign Wars, 527 F.2d 1387 (D.C. 
Cir.), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 822 (1976). 

[65] See 71 Comp. Gen. 155 (1992). Apart from this overview treatment, 
our discussion does not further address these entities. 

[66] Harold Seidman, Government Corporations in the United States, 22 
Optimum 40, 43 (1991) (Seidman 1991). 

[67] Under 48 C.F.R. � 35.017(b), it is possible for an FFRDC to have 
multiple federal agency sponsorship. The regulation calls for a lead 
agency to be designated as primary sponsor. 

[68] The National Science Foundation provides a list of FFRDCs as of 
February 2005 on its Web site at [hyperlink, 
http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf05306] (last visited Nov. 28, 2007). 

[69] 2 Report of the Commission on Government Procurement 17 (1972). 

[70] Id. at 18. 

[71] Id. at 64 (app. E., Recommendation No. 5). 

[72] This limitation does not apply to an FFRDC that performs applied 
scientific research under laboratory conditions. 10 U.S.C. � 2367(b). 

[73] Seidman 1991, at 43-44. For further discussion of the competition 
aspects, see GAO, Competition: Issues on Establishing and Using 
Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, GAO/NSIAD-88-22 
(Washington, D.C.: Mar. 7, 1988). 

[74] Harold Seidman, The Quasi World of the Federal Government, 6 
Brookings Rev. 23 (1988) (Seidman 1988). 

[75] For cases reaching similar results with respect to other 
corporations under an earlier version of the statute, see United 
States v. Chemical Foundation, Inc., 272 U.S. 1 (1926), and 16 Comp. 
Gen. 613 (1936). 

[76] Ronald C. Moe and Thomas H. Stanton, Government-Sponsored 
Enterprises as Federal Instrumentalities: Reconciling Private 
Management with Public Accountability, 49 Pub. Admin. Rev. 321 (1989); 
Lloyd D. Musolf and Harold Seidman, The Blurred Boundaries of Public 
Administration, 40 Pub. Admin. Rev. 124, 125 (1980). Adding those 
purely private entities whose doors would close in a matter of weeks 
if the federal money stopped flowing further emphasizes the point. 

[77] See Musolf and Seidman, at 124. 

[78] Francis J. Leazes, Jr., Accountability and the Business State: 
The Structure of Federal Corporations, 36 (1987). 

[79] Ronald C. Moe, Administering Public Functions at the Margin of 
Government: The Case of Federal Corporations, 3 (1983). 

[80] Seidman 1988, at 25. 

[81] National Academy of Public Administration, I Report on Government 
Corporations 4 (1981). If this passage is evocative of Moe and 
Seidman, it may be because both were members of the panel which 
conducted the NAPA study. Id. at app. 1. 

[82] See, e.g., Benjamin A. Templin, Comment on Neil H. Buchanan's 
Social Security and Government Deficits: When Should We Worry?, 92 
Cornell L. Rev. 291, 295-96 (2007); Richard Scott Carnell, Handling 
the Failure of a Government-Sponsored Enterprise, 80 Washington L. 
Rev. 565 (2005); Donna M. Nagy, Playing Peekaboo with Constitutional 
Law: The PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) and Its 
Public/Private Status, 80 Notre Dame L. Rev. 975 (2005); Seidman 1988, 
at 23-24. For an examination of the hybrid nature of Amtrak, see 
Arnold Adams, The National Railroad Passenger Corporation [Amtrak] A 
Modern Hybrid Corporation Neither Private Nor Public, 31 Bus. Law. 601 

[83] For ease of discussion in this section, we will use the term 
"government corporation" to refer generically to the various corporate 
devices discussed in section B.2 of this chapter unless a more 
specific term is warranted. 

[84] John McDiarmid, Government Corporations and Federal Funds, 21 

[85] A capsule history starting with the 1791 act may be found in 
Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 513 U.S. 374, 386-
91 (1995). 

[86] Other cases upholding the constitutionality of various government 
corporations include Smith v. Kansas City Title & Trust Co., 255 U.S. 
180 (1921) (federal land banks); Doherty v. United States, 94 F.2d 495 
(8th Cir.), cert. denied, 303 U.S. 658 (1938) (Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation); Weir v. United States, 92 F.2d 634 (7th Cir.), 
cert. denied, 302 U.S. 761 (1937) (same); Langer v. United States, 76 
F.2d 817 (8th Cir. 1935) (Reconstruction Finance Corporation). 

[87] Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr., Back to the Briarpatch: An Argument 
in Favor of Constitutional Meta Analysis in State Action 
Determinations, 94 Mich. L. Rev. 302, 312 (1995). 

[88] The War Finance Corporation was organized under Pub. L. No. 65-
121, 40 Stat. 506 (Apr. 5, 1918), to provide financial assistance to 
industries important to the successful prosecution of the war. 

[89] The Emergency Fleet Corporation was organized on April 16, 1917 
to purchase, construct, and operate merchant vessels under the 
authority of the original Shipping Board Act, Pub. L. No. 64-260, � 
11, 39 Stat. 728, 731 (Sept. 7, 1916). See John McDiarmid, Government 
Corporations and Federal Funds, 21, 24-25 (1938). 

[90] Public Law No. 65-193, 40 Stat. 845, 888 (July 9, 1918), 
authorized the War Department's Director of Aircraft Production to 
form corporations to aid the government's production of aircraft and 
related equipment. Under this authority, the United States Spruce 
Production Corporation was created on August 20, 1918, to make 
available aircraft lumber for war use. 

[91] Francis J. Leazes, Jr., Accountability and the Business State: 
The Structure of Federal Corporations, 21 (1987). 

[92] Pub. L. No. 72-2, 47 Stat. 5 (Jan. 22, 1932). See also Pub. L. 
No. 76-664, � 6, 54 Stat. 572, 574 (June 25, 1940). 

[93] Banking Act of 1933, Pub. L. No. 73-66, � 8, 48 Stat. 162, 168 
(June 16, 1933), superseded by Federal Deposit Insurance Act, Pub. L. 
No. 81-797, 64 Stat. 873 (Sept. 21, 1950), codified as amended at 12 
U.S.C. �� 1811-1831z. 

[94] 15 U.S.C. � 714. The Commodity Credit Corporation was given a 
statutory charter in 1948 by Public Law No. 80-806, 62 Stat. 1070 
(June 29, 1948). 

[95] National Housing Act, Pub. L. No. 73-479, � 1, 48 Stat. 1246 
(June 27, 1934). Its provisions now appear primarily at 12 U.S.C. �� 
1707-1715z-22a. The Federal Housing Administration is now part of the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some interesting 
statutory phrasing provides that " 'wholly owned Government 
corporation' means ... the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 
when carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Housing 
Administration Fund." 31 U.S.C. � 9101(3)(M). 

[96] The War Damage Corporation was actually created by the 
Reconstruction Finance Corporation under statutory authority. See 15 
U.S.C. � 606b (1946). 

[97] The Smaller War Plants Corporation was created by Public Law No. 
77-603, � 4, 56 Stat. 351, 353 (June 11, 1942). 

[98] The Defense Plant Corporation was created by the Reconstruction 
Finance Corporation on August 22, 1940, under the same statutory 
authority as the War Damage Corporation. See GAO, Reference Manual of 
Government Corporations, S. Doc. No. 79-86, at 32 (1945). 

[99] The Resolution Trust Corporation has terminated and its remaining 
responsibilities were transferred to the Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation. See 12 U.S.C. � 1441a(m). 

[100] Congress enacted legislation in 1996 to "privatize" USEC. See 
USEC Privatization Act, enacted as part of the massive Omnibus 
Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 
104-134, title III, ch. 1, subch. A, 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-335 (Apr. 
26, 1996). For background, see B-307137, July 12, 2006; B-286661, Jan. 
19, 2001; GAO, U.S. Enrichment Corporation Privatization: USEC's 
Delays in Providing Data Hinder DOE's Oversight of the Uranium 
Decontamination Agreement, GAO-06-723 (Washington, D.C.: June 16, 
2006); Uranium Enrichment: Observations on the Privatization of the 
United States Enrichment Corporation, GAO/T-RCED-95-116 (Washington, 
D.C.: Feb. 24, 1995). The "omnibus" act is itself a fascinating 
document. Its publication in Statutes at Large begins with a footnote 
stating that the act's "original hand enrollment as signed by the 
President... is printed without corrections. Footnotes indicate 
missing or illegible text in the original." 

[101] 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 (1819). See the discussion in section 
B.3.a of this chapter. 

[102] The Attorney General's opinion did not address this point, but 
did remind GAO that GAO had at least implicitly condoned the practice 
by issuing decisions concerning nonstatutory corporations�without 
questioning the legality of their creation. 40 Op. Att'y Gen. at 201. 

[103] Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal 
Expenditures, Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures�
Government Corporations, S. Doc. No. 78-227, at 25 (1944). 

[104] S. Rep. No. 79-694, at 13 (1945). 

[105] The statutory mandate for this program is section 254(h) of the 
Communications Act of 1934, as added by the Telecommunications Act of 
1996, 47 U.S.C. � 254(h). The two not-for-profit corporations at issue 
were the Schools and Libraries Corporation and the Rural Health Care 

[106] FADA was dissolved under the provisions of the Financial 
Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA). 
Pub. L. No. 101-73, 103 Stat. 183 (Aug. 9, 1989). FIRREA also 
abolished both the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the FSLIC. Id. � 
401. Thus, all of the principal entities discussed in the GAO 
materials cited in the text are gone. The case remains useful, 
however, to illustrate the proposition that a goose does not become a 
swan merely because someone calls it one. For more on the FADA saga, 
see Ronald C. Moe, Managing the Public's Business: Federal Government 
Corporations, S. Prt. No. 104-18, at 22-26 (1995); and Harold Seidman, 
The Quasi World of the Federal Government, 6 Brookings Rev. 23, 26 

[107] Section 5d of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as 
amended by Pub. L. No. 76-664, � 5, 54 Stat. 572, 573 (June 25, 1940). 
The RFC seized the opportunity "with gusto." Lebron, 513 U.S. at 389. 
Some of the government corporations the RFC created are the Defense 
Plant Corporation, Defense Supplies Corporation, Rubber Reserve 
Company, Metals Reserve Company, War Damage Corporation, United States 
Commercial Company, Petroleum Reserves Corporation, and the Rubber 
Development Corporation. See S. Doc. No. 78-227, at 10-14. 

[108] 12 U.S.C. �� 2211 and 2212; H.R. Rep. No. 96-1287, at 23, 42 
(1980) (accompanying report of House Agriculture Committee). 

[109] For ease of discussion in this section, we will use the term 
"government corporation" to refer generically to the various corporate 
devices discussed in section B.2 of this chapter unless a more 
specific term is warranted. 

[110] Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal 
Expenditures, Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures�
Government Corporations, S. Doc. No. 78-227, at 30 (1944). 

[111] H.R. Rep. No. 79-856, at 3 (1945). An unimpressed Dr. Seidman 
has called the law the "government corporation de-control act." Harold 
Seidman, Government Corporations in the United States, 22 Optimum 40, 
41 (1991). 

[112] Pub. L. No. 79-248 � 2. 

[113] National Academy of Public Administration, I Report on 
Government Corporations, 21 (1981). An example of such a transition is 
discussed in B-219801, Oct. 10, 1986 (National Consumer Cooperative 

[114] GAO, Is the Administrative Flexibility Originally Provided to 
the U.S. Railway Association Still Needed?, CED-78-19 (Washington, 
D.C.: Feb. 22, 1978), at 2. The U.S. Railway Association was created 
by Pub. L. No. 93-236, title II, 87 Stat. 985, 988 (Jan. 2, 1974). The 
mixed-ownership designation was in section 202(g). A typical 
appropriation was Pub. L. No. 94-134, 89 Stat. 695, 709 (Nov. 24, 
1975). The association was abolished in 1987. See 45 U.S.C. � 1341(a). 

[115] See also GAO, A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget 
Process, GAO-05-734SP (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 2005), at 67, 101. 

[116] The source provision is more explicit on this point. See Pub. L. 
No. 79-248, � 102, 59 Stat. 597, 598 (Dec. 6, 1945) ("the budget 
program shall be a business-type budget, or plan of operations"). 

[117] This budget material is available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.omb.gov/budget/fy2008/appendix.html] (last visited Nov. 28, 

[118] Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1950, Pub. L. No. 81-266, 
� 309, 63 Stat. 631, 662 (Aug. 24, 1949). 

[119] General Accounting Office Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-604, � 
601, 88 Stat. 1959, 1962 (Jan. 2, 1975). 

[120] See Frederick C. Mosher, The GAO: The Quest for Accountability 
in American Government, 105-08 (1979); Ellsworth H. Morse, Jr., The 
Government Corporation Control Legislation of 1945, 10 GAO Rev. 11 
(No. 4, 1975). 

[121] Mandatory reimbursement originated with language in GAO's 
appropriation in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act for 1945, Pub. 
L. No. 79-40, 59 Stat. 77, 81 (Apr. 25, 1945), enacted just 2 months 
after the George Act. 

[122] Ronald C. Moe, Congressional Research Service, Administering 
Public Functions at the Margin of Government: The Case of Federal 
Corporations, No. 83-236GOV (Dec. 1, 1983), at 3-4. 

[123] Harold Seidman, The Theory of the Autonomous Government 
Corporation: A Critical Appraisal, 12 Pub. Admin. Rev. 89, 92 (1952). 

[124] Marshall E. Dimock, Government Corporations; A Focus of Policy 
and Administration (Part I), 43 Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 899, 915 (1949). 

[125] The African Development Foundation is not listed in the GCCA, 
but its enabling legislation makes it subject to the act's provisions 
for wholly owned corporations. See 22 U.S.C. � 290h-6. 

[126] Our source for these examples is GAO, Government Corporations: 
Profiles of Existing Government Corporations, GAO/GGD-96-14 
(Washington, D.C.: Dec. 13, 1995). The information for each 
corporation includes a "management structure" summary and a citation 
to the corporation's enabling legislation. 

[127] Ronald C. Moe, Managing the Public's Business: Federal 
Government Corporations, S. Prt. No. 104-18, at 58 (1995). 

[128] For several years in the mid-1990s, this provision was 
overridden by an appropriation act proviso which made the Secretary of 
the Treasury the Administrator and placed the Fund in the Treasury 
Department. E.g., Pub. L. No. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-294 (Apr. 
26, 1996) (fiscal year 1996). The proviso was dropped in fiscal year 
1997. See Pub. L. No. 104-204, 110 Stat. 2874, 2907 (Sept. 26, 1996). 

[129] For ease of discussion in this section, we will use the term 
"government corporation" to refer generically to the various corporate 
devices discussed in section B.2 of this chapter unless a more 
specific term is warranted. 

[130] "Capitalize" in this context means simply "to furnish with 
capital, to provide capital for the [corporation's] operation." B-
24827, Apr. 3, 1942, at 11. 

[131] See, respectively, the Departments of Labor, Health and Human 
Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 
2006, Pub. L. No. 109-149, 119 Stat. 2833, 2871-73 (Dec. 30, 2005) 
("For expenses necessary for the Corporation for National and 
Community Service to carry out the provisions of the Domestic 
Volunteer Service Act of 1973, as amended, $316,212,000 ..."), and the 
Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriations 
Act, 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-108, 119 Stat, 2290, 2330-31 (Nov. 22, 
2005) ("For payment to the Legal Services Corporation to carry out the 
purposes of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974, $330,803,000 

[132] E.g., Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug 
Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Pub. L. 
No. 109-97, 119 Stat. 2120, 2133 (Nov. 10, 2005). 

[133] Pub. L. No. 109-108. 

[134] Pub. L. No. 109-149. 

[135] Pub. L. No. 109-97. 

[136] Pub. L. No. 109-97. 

[137] Ronald C. Moe, The "Reinventing Government" Exercise: 
Misinterpreting the Problem, Misjudging the Consequences, 54 Public 
Administration Review 111, 113 (1994). 

[138] Ronald C. Moe, Managing the Public's Business: Federal 
Government Corporations, S. Prt. No. 104-18, at 38 (1995) (Moe 1995). 

[139] Ronald C. Moe and Thomas H. Stanton, Government-Sponsored 
Enterprises as Federal Instrumentalities: Reconciling Private 
Management with Public Accountability, 49 Pub. Admin. Rev. 321, 322 
(1989); Ronald C. Moe, Liabilities of the Quasi Government, 20 
Government Executive 47, 49 (1988). Moe and Stanton, at 321, go so far 
as to include the implicit guarantee as an element of the definition 
of a GSE. See also Moe 1995, at 38. 

[140] Lori Nitschke, Private Enterprise With Official Advantages, 56 
Cong. Q. Wkly. 1578, 1580 (1998). 

[141] A. Michael Froomkin, Reinventing the Government Corporation, 
1995 U. Ill. L. Rev. 543, 580 (1995). 

[142] The common characteristics are listed in Thomas H. Stanton, 
Federal Supervision of Safety and Soundness of Government-Sponsored 
Enterprises, 5 Admin. L.J. 395, 404-05 (1991). 

[143] Carrie Stradley Lavargna, Government-Sponsored Enterprises Are 
Too Big to Fail': Balancing Public and Private Interests, 44 Hastings 
L.J. 991, 1011 (1993). 

[144] See, e,g., GAO, Budget Issues: Profiles of Government-Sponsored 
Enterprises, GAO/AFMD-91-17 (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 1991), at 7; 
Lavargna, at 1010-11; Thomas H. Stanton, Federal Supervision of Safety 
and Soundness of Government-Sponsored Enterprises, 5 Admin. L.J. 395, 
404 (1991). 

[145] Pub. L. No. 102-550, title XIII, 106 Stat. 3672, 3941 (Oct. 28, 

[146] The five GSEs examined in the cited GAO testimony were Fannie 
Mae, Freddie Mac, Farmer Mac, the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks), 
and the Farm Credit System (FCS). 

[147] Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC and OFHEO Announce 
Resolution of Investigation and Special Examination of Fannie Mae: 
Fannie Mae Agrees to Pay $400 Million Penalty, Press Release No. 2006-
80 (May 23, 2006), available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.sec.gov/news/press.shtml (last visited Nov. 28, 2007). See 
also OFHEO, Report to Congress 2007 (Mar. 30, 2007), available at 
(last visited Nov. 28, 2007) (annual examination of Fannie Mae and 
Freddie Mac revealed inadequacies in the areas of accounting systems, 
internal controls, risk management, human resources, and corporate 

[148] GAO advised government corporations to this effect in 27 Comp. 
Gen. 429 (1948). 

[149] Many of the squabbles are recorded in John McDiarmid, Government 
Corporations and Federal Funds (1938). 

[150] This claims settlement authority is discussed in detail in 
Chapter 14, section B. 

[151] The ambivalence of the accounting officers did not start with 
GAO. For example, in 24 Comp. Dec. 118 (1917), the Comptroller of the 
Treasury held that the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet 
Corporation was not required to account to the Treasury for the use of 
its funds, yet held in later decisions that the corporation had 
violated laws governing the purchase of typewriters (27 Comp. Dec. 140 
(1920)) and prohibiting advance payments (27 Comp. Dec. 311 (1920)). 

[152] For example, under 31 U.S.C. � 9101(3)(M), the Secretary of the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is considered to be 
acting as a wholly owned government corporation when carrying out 
duties and powers related to the Federal Housing Administration Fund. 
For a discussion of GAO's limited authority with respect to this HUD 
program, see B-182653, Jan. 16, 1975; B-181961, B-182280, Nov. 26, 
1974; B-99262-0.M., Jan. 11, 1951. 

[153] Several of the cases cited in this paragraph are bid protest 
decisions. Prior to the 1984 enactment of the Competition in 
Contracting Act, account settlement authority was the basis for GAO 
bid protest jurisdiction. 

[154] GAO did not always feel this way. Earlier decisions purporting 
to grant or deny relief to certifying officers of the Federal Crop 
Insurance Corporation, such as B-44435, Oct. 5, 1944 (or for that 
matter any government corporation with the "character and necessity" 
authority), have been effectively superseded and should be disregarded 
to that extent. 

[155] No less a supporter of corporate autonomy than John McDiarmid 
has referred to the Prison Industries Fund as a "permanent 
appropriation." See John M. McDiarmid, Government Corporations and 
Federal Funds, 55 (1938). On the other hand, the U.S. Court of Appeals 
for the Federal Circuit, discussing 60 Comp. Gen. 323, declined to 
adopt GAO's characterization of the Prison Industries Fund as an 
appropriation for the purpose of determining whether jurisdiction 
exists under the Tucker Act. Core Concepts of Florida, Inc. v. United 
States, 327 F.3d 1331, 1337-38 (Fed. Cir. 2003). See the discussion of 
these decisions in section B.1 of Chapter 2. 

[156] An illustrative case of the Corporation's activities under this 
authority is Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. v. Carter & Tillery 
Enterprises, 133 E3d 1183 (9th Cir. 1998). 

[157] My attention has never been drawn to an act of Congress 
specifying that the laws of the land do not apply to Government 
corporations merely because they are Government corporations." B-
34706, Dec. 5, 1947, at 4 (letter from Comptroller General to 
committee chairman). 

[158] As is probably obvious from the case law applying "character and 
necessity" provisions, a "character and necessity" provision limits 
the Comptroller General's role in settling the accounts of the 
corporate entity. See, e.g., 64 Comp. Gen. 124 (1984); B-209585, Jan. 
26, 1983; B-200103, Mar. 5, 1981. 

[159] A 1935 decision, 14 Comp. Gen. 638, seemed to say the opposite 
with respect to this statute, but it apparently overlooked the 
significance of the "character and necessity" power, although it was 
mentioned in the request for decision, and for that reason and to that 
extent should be disregarded. 

[160] These examples are from a series of internal GAO memoranda dated 
shortly after enactment of the Government Corporation Control Act, 
when GAO was refining its conduct of corporate audits. 

[161] We are aware of the seemingly inconsistent discussion in 65 
Comp. Gen. 226 (1986). While that case was correctly decided, some of 
the discussion appears to misinterpret earlier decisions. The matter 
is covered in more detail in section B.7.f of this chapter. 

[162] See, e.g., Pub. L. No. 96-74, title VI, � 607(a), 93 Stat. 559, 
575 (Sept. 29, 1979). 

[163] For the distinctions between government corporation revolving 
funds and those of agencies, see Ronald C. Moe, Managing the Public's 
Business: Federal Government Corporations, S. Prt. No. 104-18, at 62 

[164] Kraft Foods Co. v. Commodity Credit Corporation, 266 E2d 254 
(7th Cir.), cert. denied, 361 U.S. 832 (1959); Land O'Lakes 
Creameries, Inc. v. Commodity Credit Corporation, 265 F.2d 163 (8th 
Cir. 1959); Swift & Co. v. United States, 257 E2d 787 (4th Cir.), 
cert. denied, 358 U.S. 837 (1958). 

[165] The statute was subsequently amended to give Treasury a 
permanent indefinite appropriation to purchase the necessary 
currencies. International Security Assistance Act of 1978, Pub. L. No. 
95-384, � 22, 92 Stat. 730, 742 (Sept. 26, 1978); see also B-129650, 
Mar. 27, 1979. 

[166] See B-303180, July 26, 2004, for a detailed background 
description of power marketing administrations. See also GAO, Power 
Marketing Administrations: Their Ratesetting Practices Compared with 
Those of Nonfederal Utilities, GAO/AIMD-00-114 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 
30, 2000), at 6-8. 

[167] Bonneville Project Act of 1937, Pub. L. No. 75-329, 50 Stat. 731 
(Aug. 20, 1937), codified at 16 U.S.C. �� 832-832m. As summarized in 
one opinion, Bonneville's main purposes as set forth in 16 U.S.C. � 
832a are "to operate and maintain the Federal electric power 
transmission system in the Pacific Northwest and to market the 
electric power generated by the Federal generating plants in that 
area." 3 Op. Off. Legal Counsel 419 (1979). See also 16 U.S.C. � 832a. 

[168] Bonneville Power Administration was transferred from the 
Department of the Interior to the Department of Energy in 1977 when 
the Department of Energy was created. See Pub. L. No. 95-91, title 
III, � 302(a), 91 Stat. 565, 578 (Aug. 4, 1977), codified at 42 U.S.C. 
� 7152(a)(1)(c). See also B-303180, July 26, 2004. 

[169] As discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, section E.2.g, a 
revolving fund is generally a statutorily created fund in which 
receipts are credited to the fund and are then available for fund 
purposes without the need for further appropriation. However, BPAs 
revolving fund is "subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by 
any applicable appropriation act effective during such period as may 
elapse between [the funds] transfer and the approval by the Congress 
of the first subsequent annual budget program of the [BPA] 
Administrator." 16 U.S.C. � 838i(a). 

[170] For more information on the relationship between Bonneville and 
WPPSS, see GAO, GAO Products on Bonneville Power Administration, RCED-
93-133R (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 31, 1993), at enclosure VII; The 
Bonneville Power Administration's Oversight Activities Related to 
Washington Public Power Supply System, No. 123637 (Washington, D.C.: 
Mar. 12, 1984) (testimony); Bonneville Power Administration and Rural 
Electrification Administration Actions and Activities Affecting 
Utility Participation in Washington Public Power Supply System Plants 
4 and 5, GAO/EMD-82-105 (Washington, D.C.: July 30, 1982). 

[171] Much of Amtrak's legislation was transferred from title 45 of 
the United States Code to title 49 as part of a 1994 recodification. 
While 45 U.S.C. � 1104(1) still defines Amtrak as the National 
Railroad Passenger Corporation, the recodified provisions in title 49 
have dropped that designation and use only "Amtrak." See the 
codifier's note to 49 U.S.C. � 24101. 

[172] The version in effect immediately prior to the 1994 
recodification said that Amtrak will not be "an agency, 
instrumentality, authority, or entity, or establishment" of the United 
States. 45 U.S.C. � 541 (1988). The Amtrak Reform and Accountability 
Act of 1997 amended 49 U.S.C. � 24301(a)(3) to specify that Amtrak 
"shall not be subject to title 31." Pub. L. No. 105-134, � 415(d)(1), 
111 Stat. 2570, 2590 (Dec. 2, 1997). That same year, however, the 
annual appropriation act provided that "any obligation or commitment 
by [Amtrak] for the purchase of capital improvements with funds 
appropriated herein which is prohibited by this Act shall be deemed a 
violation of 31 U.S.C. � 1341," the Antideficiency Act. Department of 
Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988, Pub. L. 
No. 105-66, 111 Stat. 1425, 1435 (Oct. 27, 1997). 

[173] Pub. L. No. 91-518, � 804. 

[174] Pub. L. No. 105-134, � 415(d)(2), which amended 31 U.S.C. � 9101 
to delete Amtrak from the list of agencies statutorily defined as 
mixed-ownership government corporations for purposes of title 31 of 
the United States Code. 

[175] Section 24301(a)(1) was amended by Pub. L. No. 105-134, � 401, 
to clarify Amtrak's relationship to the Interstate Commerce Act. See 
H.R. Rep. No. 105-251, at 36 (1997). 

[176] These are the amounts before an across-the-board rescission that 
was enacted as part of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 
2006, Pub. L. No 109-148, � 3801, 119 Stat. 2680, 2791-92 (Dec. 30, 

[177] Pub. L. No. 92-316, � 1(a), 86 Stat. 227 (June 22, 1972). 

[178] Pub. L. No. 100-342, � 18(c), 102 Stat. 624, 636 (June 22, 1988). 

[179] Sometimes, dealing with GAO case law can be a complicated, 
confusing, and even daunting task. For one thing, in the past GAO 
sometimes reused "B" file designations for similar subjects�counting 
on "subnumbers" like (2) and dates to distinguish between different 
cases. This made proofing this manual difficult and careful reading of 
it critical. For example, in the preceding textual discussion of 
Amtrak, how many different GAO items with the B-file designation "B-
175155" can you find? (Hint: There are 11.) 

[180] For ease of discussion in this section, we will use the term 
"government corporation" to refer generically to the various corporate 
devices discussed in section B.2 of this chapter unless a more 
specific term is warranted. 

[181] GAO observed in 1943 that "there can not be stated any broad 
generality that persons employed by the Government's corporations are 
or are not employees of the United States for all purposes." B-37559, 
Nov. 5, 1943, at 3, quoted in 23 Comp. Gen. 815, 816 (1944). A 
commentator wrote in 1995 that approximately one half of the 
government corporations were subject to the civil service laws and 
that the exemptions, "both partial and complete," were "numerous and 
complex." That statement has retained its veracity. Ronald C. Moe, 
Managing the Public's Business: Federal Government Corporations, S. 
Prt. No. 104-18, at 56 (1995). 

[182] Under an earlier version of the statute without the explicit 
definition, the Court of Claims had held that the United States 
Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation was a private corporation 
and not part of the government for purposes of the dual compensation 
laws. Dalton v. United States, 71 Ct. Cl. 421 (1931). Apart from the 
statutory changes, the case can be disregarded, even though not 
directly overruled, because it was one of the rare instances in which 
Congress refused to appropriate funds to pay the judgment. See First 
Deficiency Act, 1932, Pub. L. No. 72-5, title II, � 3, 47 Stat. 15, 28 
(Feb. 2, 1932); 23 Comp. Gen. 815, 817 (1944). 

[183] As noted earlier, a government corporation empowered to 
determine the character and necessity of its expenditures, as was the 
Tennessee Valley Authority in this case, is not required to follow the 
government's policy on personal service contracts. Intimations to the 
contrary notwithstanding, the contract in B-222334 was objectionable, 
not because it was a personal services contract per se, but because it 
was used to circumvent the statutory restriction on compensation. 

[184] The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, Pub. L. No. 
107-171, � 6201(a), 116 Stat. 134, 418 (May 13, 2002), repealed the 
authorization for the Alternative Agricultural Research and 
Commercialization Corporation, but we include this for illustrative 

[185] Earlier decisions to the contrary, such as 14 Comp. Gen. 527 
(1935) and 14 Comp. Gen. 822 (1935), must be regarded as implicitly 
overruled by the decisions cited in the text. Why this was not done 
explicitly is not clear. 

[186] The Property Act addresses property management as well as 
procurement. The property management portions are located in title 40 
of the United States Code, along with the definitions, now found in 40 
U.S.C. �� 102(4) and (5). Placing the operative provisions in more 
than one title of the United States Code does not change the 
application of the statutory definitions. 

[187] Amtrak will be dropped from the statutory coverage when it is 
able to operate for a fiscal year without federal subsidy. Pub. L. No. 
105-134, � 409, 111 Stat. 2570, 2586 (Dec. 2, 1997). 

[188] Actually, the FMFIA was repealed by Public Law 97-452, � 4b, 96 
Stat. 2467, 2480 (Jan. 12, 1983), but its operative provisions were 
codified at 31 U.S.C. �� 3512(c) and (d). 

[189] The Comptroller General's standards are commonly referred to as 
the "Green Book." GAO, Standards for Internal Control in the Federal 
Government, GAO/AIMD-00-21.3.1 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 1999). 

[190] OMB Cir. No. A-123, Management's Responsibility for Internal 
Control (Dec. 21, 2004). 

[191] In fact, the Office of 191 This report is available at 
[hyperlink, http://www.gao.gov/financial/fy2005financialreport.html] 
(last visited Nov. 28, 2007). 

[192] Pub. L. No. 86-249, 73 Stat. 479 (Sept. 9, 1959). 

[193] Pub. L. No. 91-646, 84 Stat. 1894 (Jan. 2, 1971). 

[194] Legislation in 1989 largely privatized Freddie Mac and severed 
most of its federal ties. We cite Rocap merely to illustrate the kinds 
of factors that influenced the court. The holding is no longer 
directly applicable. See American Bankers Mortgage Corp. v. Federal 
Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 75 E3d 1401, 1408 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 
519 U.S. 812 (1996). 

[195] For an explanation of this citation format, see Chapter 1, 
section E.2.d, n.78. 

[196] For ease of discussion in this section, we will use the term 
"government corporation" to refer generically to the various corporate 
devices discussed in section B.2 of this chapter unless a more 
specific term is warranted. 

[197] 16 U.S.C. � 831h(b); B-124078, June 7, 1955. Naturally, the GAO 
decisions and opinions we cite involve claims submitted to GAO during 
the 75-year span that GAO possessed the general claims settlement 
authority. While GAO is no longer directly involved in the process, 
the principles themselves remain sound. For details of the transfer of 
the general claims settlement authority, see B-275605, Mar. 17, 1997, 
and Chapter 14, section B. 

[198] U.S.C. � 832a(f); B-129395, Jan. 22, 1957; B-132855-0.M., Oct. 
1, 1957. 

[199] The linguistic change resulting from the 1948 recodification of 
title 28 presumably works no substantive change. 

[200] As of at least 1927, the Shipping Board still held all of the 
stock. See United States ex rel. Skinner & Eddy Corp. v. McCarl, 275 
U.S. 1, 5 (1927). 

[201] There are cases where qui tam plaintiffs attempted to file False 
Claims Act actions against government corporations, but the courts 
rejected such claims. For example, the D.C. Circuit rejected a qui tam 
action alleging that the Federal Prison Industries (FPI) was filing 
false claims against the United States, because the claim was barred 
by FPI's sovereign immunity. Galvan v. Federal Prison Industries, 
Inc., 199 F.3d 461 (D.C. Cir. 1999). See also Wood ex rel. United 
States v. American Institute in Taiwan, 286 F.3d 526 (D.C. Cir. 2002). 

[202] The summary treatment in Sloan, 258 U.S. at 570, did not cite 
the priority statute but the lower court opinion, which Sloan 
affirmed, did. See In re Eastern Shore Shipbuilding Corp., 274 F. 893 
(2nd Cir. 1921), aff'd, 258 U.S. 549 (1922). 

[203] We note that the sue-or-be-sued clause at issue in C.H. Sanders 
has been amended since the case was decided. See 12 U.S.C. � 1701q. 
Although the clause has been superseded (see United American Inc. v. 
N.B.C.-U.S.A. Housing Inc. Twenty Seven, 400 F. Supp. 2d 59, 6365 
(D.C. Cir. 2005)), the proposition for which the case is cited (i.e., 
waiver of sovereign immunity by a sue-or-be-sued clause) has not been 

[204] Under section 1304 of title 31, United States Code, a permanent 
appropriation, commonly know as the Judgment Fund, was created to pay 
judgments against the United States when, among other things, "the 
payment is not otherwise provided for." If an appropriation or fund 
under the control of the agency involved in the litigation is legally 
available to satisfy a particular judgment, then the judgment 
appropriation may not be used. See, e.g., 62 Comp. Gen. 12 (1982); B-
236414, Feb. 22, 1991; B-211389, July 23, 1984. 

[205] Compare 26 Comp. Gen. 907 (1947) (finding that a sue-and-be-sued 
clause did not authorize collection of an FHA employee's federal tax 
indebtedness); 19 Comp. Gen. 798 (1940) (finding that a sue-and-be-
sued clause did not authorize the FHA to purchase insurance to cover 
potential tort liability). 

[206] The Civil Rights Act has been amended to allow interest on 
judgments against the United States since Shaw was decided. See Pub. 
L. No. 102-166, � 114, 105 Stat. 1071, 1079 (Nov. 21, 1991). While the 
statutory provision at issue in the case has been superseded (see 
Landgraf v. U.S.I. Film Products, 511 U.S. 244, 251 (1994)), the 
proposition for which the case is cited (i.e., the need for an express 
waiver of immunity from an interest award) has not been overturned. 

[207] The U.S. Postal Service is an independent establishment of the 
executive branch. 39 U.S.C. � 201. However, it shares many 
characteristics of government corporations including commercial or 
business-type operations and a sue-and-be-sued clause. 39 U.S.C. � 401. 

[208] A federal instrumentality is also immune from state and local 
taxation if it is "so assimilated by the Government as to become one 
of its constituent parts." United States v. Township of Muskegon, 355 
U.S. 484, 486 (1958) (here state taxation was not unconstitutional as 
applied to a corporation which was permitted to use government 
property in the performance of government contracts because the 
government had no control over the activities of the corporation or 
any other interest which would make the corporation part of the 
government). The Supreme Court has added that tax immunity for a 
federal instrumentality is appropriate when the agency or 
instrumentality is "so closely connected to the Government that the 
two cannot be realistically viewed as separate entities, at least 
insofar as the activity being taxed is concerned." United States v. 
New Mexico, 455 U.S. 720, 735 (1982). 

[209] The United States' immunity from state and local taxation is 
discussed in Chapter 4, section C.15. 

[210] The Pittman case involved the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, a 
wholly owned and controlled government corporation, upon whose 
mortgages the state of Maryland imposed a tax. The act establishing 
the Home Owners' Loan Corporation provided that it, its franchises, 
capital, reserves, surplus, loans and income shall be exempt from all 
state and municipal taxes. 

[211] Other examples include, but are not limited to, 7 U.S.C. � 1511 
(Federal Crop Insurance Corporation); 22 U.S.C. � 2199(j) (Overseas 
Private Investment Corporation); 33 U.S.C. � 986 (Saint Lawrence 
Seaway Development Corporation); 29 U.S.C. � 1302(g) (Pension Benefit 
Guarantee Corporation). 

[212] Act of January 22, 1932, � 10, 47 Stat. 10, as amended by Act of 
June 10, 1941, � 3, 55 Stat. 248. 

[213] See Ronald C. Moe, Managing the Public Business: Federal 
Government Corporations, S. Prt. No. 104-18, at 29 (1995) (Moe 1995). 

[214] Energy Policy Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102-486, title IX, � 901, 
106 Stat. 2776, 2937-38 (Oct. 24, 1992), repealed by United States 
Enrichment Corporation Privatization Act, Pub. L. No. 104-134, title 
III, � 3116(a)(1), 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-349 (Apr. 26, 1996). 

[215] Pub. L. No. 104-134, �� 3101-3117. 

[216] For a more detailed discussion on this, see Moe 1995, at 19-22. 

[217] For a more detailed discussion on this, see Moe 1995, at pages 

[218] Pub. L. No. 104-106, div. C, title )00CV, � 3522(a), 110 Stat. 
186, 638 (Feb. 10, 1996), codified at 22 U.S.C. � 3611. 

[219] Jurisdiction of U.S. Courts, Nonappropriated Fund Activities: 
Hearings on S. 980 Before Subcommittee No. 4 of the House Committee on 
the Judiciary, 91st Cong., Pt Sess. 9 (1969), quoted in McDonald's 
Corp. v. United States, 926 F.2d 1126, 1129-30 (Fed. Cir. 1991). 

[220] GAO, Magnitude of Nonappropriated Fund and Related Activities in 
the Executive Branch, FPCD-77-28 (Washington, D.C: Apr. 25, 1977). 

[221] Michael Francis Noone, Legal Problems of Non-Appropriated Funds, 
Mil. L. Rev. Bicentennial Issue, 357, 361 (1975). This article was 
originally published as appendix 1 of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 
Hearings on S. 3163, Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial 
Machinery, 90th Cong. 2nd Sess. 201, 203-08 (1968). We will cite to 
pages in Noone's Military Law Review article. 

[222] Stephen Castlen, Let the Good Times Role: Morale, Welfare, and 
Recreation Operations, Army Lawyer 3, 6 (1996). 

[223] The term "sutler" means a small vendor, derived from the word 
"soltelen" which means to befoul or perform mean duties. Noone, at 361. 

[224] Id. 

[225] Id. 

[226] Winthrop's Military Law and Precedents, American Articles of War 
of 1775, Article LXVI, 953, 958 (2nd ed., 1920 reprint) (Winthrop). 

[227] Paul J. Rover, Legal Aspects of Nonappropriated Fund Activities, 
1 Mil. L. Rev. 95, 96 (1958). 

[228] Winthrop, Art. XXXII, LXIV, LXV, and LXVI, at 956, 958. 

[229] Id., Art. XXXII, at 956. 

[230] Id., Art. LXIV, at 958. 

[231] Id., Art. LXV, at 958. 

[232] Id., Art LXVI, at 958. 

[233] Id., Art. II, at 953. 

[234] Id. 

[235] Castlen, at 6. 

[236] Id. at 6. 

[237] E.g., Act of June 12, 1858, ch. 156, � 5, 11 Stat. 332, 336 
(repealed the legislation depriving sutlers of the right to have a 
lien on a soldier's pay); Act of December 24, 1861, ch. 4, � 3, 12 
Stat. 331 (abolished the sutlers right to have a lien on a soldier's 

[238] This act authorized the establishment of post traders at certain 
posts on the frontier not in the vicinity of any city or town when, in 
the Secretary of War's judgment, such posts were necessary to 
accommodate emigrants, freighters, and other citizens. In 1876, 
Congress authorized the Secretary of War to appoint post traders at 
all military posts regardless of location. Act of July 24, 1876, 19 
Stat. 100. 

[239] This law is now codified at 10 U.S.C. � 4779(b). 

[240] Nonappropriated Fund Activities: Hearings on S. 980 Before 
Subcommittee No. 4 of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 91' Cong., 
Pt Sess. 18-19 (1969), quoted in McDonald's Corp. v. United States, 
926 F.2d 1126, 1130 (Fed. Cir. 1991) (statement made in discussion of 
amending the Tucker Act, 28 U.S.C. � 1491, to waive sovereign immunity 
for all nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, not only those 
administered by the Department of Defense). 

[241] Pub. L. No. 93-604, � 301, 88 Stat. 1959, 1961-62 (Jan. 2, 
1975), codified at 31 U.S.C. � 3525. 

[242] There has been some controversy over what constitutes a 
continuing permanent, indefinite appropriation, a discussion of which 
is contained in Chapter 2, section B.1. 

[243] Serving the MWR needs of the armed forces members and their 
families with goods and merchandise purchased through NAFIs is not 
limitless. NAFIs provide items and services for personal consumption, 
not for business, profit-making motives. See generally Covill v. 
United States, 959 E2d 58, 59 (6th Cir. 1992) (noting that a Coast 
Guard warrant officer received a punitive letter of reprimand because 
he purchased merchandise from an armed forces NAFI purportedly for 
personal use, but instead used the merchandise in his restaurant where 
he sold it at retail to the general public). 

[244] For a further discussion of these decisions, see Chapter 2, 
section B.1. 

[245] Michael Francis Noone, Legal Problems of Non-Appropriated Funds, 
Mil. L. Rev. Bicentennial Issue, 357, 359 (1975). 

[246] In 1970, Congress waived sovereign immunity for contract claims 
arising against some NAFIs, including NAFIs closely affiliated with 
the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine Corps 
Exchanges, Coast Guard Exchanges, and Exchange Councils of the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Pub. L. No. 91-350, 84 
Stat. 449 (July 23, 1970), codified at 28 U.S.C. � 1491. See also 
McDonald's Corp. v. United States, 926 F.2d 1126, 1132-33 (Fed. Cir. 

[247] Congress also has appropriated advances for the establishment of 
nonappropriated fund instrumentalities (NAFIs) which were to be repaid 
to the Treasury. See B-156167, July 18, 1967 (advanced appropriations 
to Midshipmen's Store Fund, a NAFI, to acquire a dairy farm). In some 
cases, Congress later repealed the requirement that a NAFI repay the 
Treasury the sums advanced. Id. 

[248] Section 2491a(b) exempts from this prohibition golf courses at 
installations outside the United States or at remote and isolated 
locations as designated by the Secretary of Defense. 

[249] B-277905 refers to 10 U.S.C. � 2246(a) as the statutory 
prohibition. In 2004, section 2246 was renumbered to be section 2491a. 
Pub. L. No. 108-375, div. A, title VI, � 651(d), 118 Stat. 1811, 1972 
(Oct. 28, 2004). 

[250] Unnumbered case dated February 21, 1975, found in GAO Manuscript 
Volume 642, part B, appendix 10. 

[251] Pub. L. No. 98-369, div. B, title VII, 98 Stat. 494, 1175 (July 
18, 1984), codified in scattered sections of titles 10, 31, and 41, 
United States Code. 

[252] Pub. L. No. 80-413, 62 Stat. 21 (Feb. 19, 1948), codified at 10 
U.S.C. �� 2202, 2301-2314, 2381, 2383. 

[253] Pub. L. No. 89-508, 80 Stat. 308 (July 19, 1966), codified at 31 
U.S.C. �� 3701-3733. 

[254] Pub. L. No. 97-365, 96 Stat. 1749 (Oct. 25, 1982). 

[255] Pub. L. No. 104-134, � 31001, 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-358 (Apr. 26, 

[256] See, e.g., Department of Defense Instruction 1015.08, DoD 
Civilian Employee Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities (MWR) and 
Supporting Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFI) (Dec. 3, 
2005); Department of Defense Directive 1015.2, Military Morale, 
Welfare, and Recreation, June 14, 1995; Department of Defense 
Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, vol. 13, Nonappropriated 
Funds Policy and Procedures (Aug. 1994); Army Regulation 215-1, 
Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs and Nonappropriated 
Fund Instrumentalities, (Oct. 24, 2006); Army Regulation 215-4, 
Nonappropriated Fund Contracting (Mar. 11, 2005). 

[257] The General Accounting Office Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-604, � 
301, 88 Stat. 1959, 1961 (Jan. 2, 1975), codified at 31 U.S.C. � 3525. 

[258] In the recodification of this provision in Pub. L. No. 97-258, 
96 Stat. 963 (Sept. 13, 1982), the words "military or other ... such 
as the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Navy Exchanges, Marine 
Corps Exchanges, Coast Guard Exchanges, Exchange Councils of the 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, commissaries, clubs, 
and theaters" were omitted as surplus. See 31 U.S.C. � 3525, Revision 

[259] These elements include whether: (1) the activity was established 
under the authority or sanction of a government agency with or without 
an initial advance of government funds; (2) the activity is created 
and run by government officers or employees and/or their dependents; 
(3) the activity is operated for the benefit of government officers or 
employees and/or their dependents; and (4) the operations of the 
activity are financed by the proceeds therefrom rather than by 
appropriations. B-167710-0.M., May 6, 1976. 

[260] Pub. L. No. 98-369, div. B, title VII, 98 Stat. 494, 1175 (July 
18, 1984). GAO's bid protest responsibilities under CICA are codified 
at 31 U.S.C. �� 3551-3556. 

[261] Legally these funds were offsetting collections, a permanent, 
indefinite appropriation. See the discussion of various types of 
budget authority in Chapter 2, section A.2. 

[262] In B-188770, GAO expressly overruled prior bid protest decisions 
to the extent that these prior decisions held that commissary funds 
were nonappropriated and that GAO would not consider protests 
involving procurements financed with such funds. 

[263] The Property Act defines a federal agency as an executive agency 
or an establishment in the legislative or judicial branch of the 
government (except the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the 
Architect of the Capitol, including any activities under the 
Architect's direction). 40 U.S.C. � 102(5). This definition of a 
federal agency is adopted in CICA at 31 U.S.C. � 3551(3), and appears 
in GAO's bid protest regulations at 4 C.F.R. � 21.0(c). 

[264] This also had the effect of removing any immunity previously 
enjoyed by private concessionaires located on military installations 
since they are not instrumentalities of the United States. Stephen 
Castlen, Let the Good Times Role: Morale, Welfare, and Recreation 
Operations, Army Lawyer 3, 11 n.69 (1996). 

[265] Standard Oil v. Johnson, 316 U.S. 481 (1942). 

[266] Public Law 82-397 is codified at 5 U.S.C. � 2105(c) and 
incorporated within the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. 

[267] Pub. L. No. 95-454, 92 Stat. 1111 (Oct. 13, 1978). 

[268] For a detailed discussion of the Civil Service Reform Act, see 
Fausto, 484 U.S. at 443-47. 

[269] But compare Helsabeck v. United States, 821 E Supp. 404 
(E.D.N.C. 1993), in which the district court held that the Civil 
Service Reform Act did not preclude judicial review of a claim for 
nonmonetary damages against the government by an employee for the 
Cherry Point Marine Air Station food service for procedures used to 
discharge him. While the court permitted the plaintiff to amend his 
complaint with respect to nonmonetary claims, it did not specify what 
the nature of the review would be. There is no subsequent history of 
the case to determine what, if anything, the plaintiff did as a 
result, so we are unable to infer what effect this would have on NAFI 
employee rights. 

[270] In the Bivens case, the Supreme Court held that an individual 
citizen was entitled to sue for damages for alleged constitutional 
deprivations by a government official. Bivens, 403 U.S. at 396-97. The 
Bivens remedy, it should be noted, runs against the offending official 
in his private capacity, not against the government. 

[271] Pub. L. No. 101-12, 103 Stat. 16 (Apr. 10, 1989), codified at 5 
U.S.C. �� 1201-1222. 

[272] Pub. L. No. 103-3, 107 Stat. 6 (Feb. 5, 1993), codified at 28 
U.S.C. �� 2601-2654. 273 Pub. L. No. 95-454, 92 Stat. 1111 (Oct. 13, 
1978), codified as amended in scattered sections of title 5, United 
States Code. 

[274] The General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals 
concluded that an employee transferring from an armed forces NAFI to a 
civilian agency was entitled to relocation expenses under the 1996 
law. See In the Matter of Emma Jane Medina, GSBCA No. 16,136, 04-1 
B.C.A. � 32,423 (2003); In the Matter of Kenneth A. Hack, GSBCA No. 
15,758, 02-2 B.C.A. � 31,926 (2002). 

[275] Section 5532 was repealed, effective October 1, 1999. Pub. L. 
No. 106-65, div. A, title VI, � 656(a)(1), 113 Stat. 512, 664 (Oct. 5, 
1999). We mention this provision nevertheless because the cases which 
apply it also apply other dual compensation provisions. Both those 
cases and the other dual compensation statutory provisions remain 

[276] See National Intelligence"; Smithson Legacy, May 2, 1836, 
available at [hyperlink, http://www.sil.si.edu/Exhibitions/Smithson-to-
Smithsonian/natinte3.html] (last visited Nov. 28, 2007) (congressional 
debates focused on whether sovereign governments can accept funds in 

[277] These privately owned trust funds are not included in budget 
totals and are referred to as deposit funds. See generally Analytical 
Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 
2008 (Feb. 5, 2007), at 342, 359, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2008] (last visited Nov. 28, 

[278] That same court, however, cautioned the district court below 
against abstracting common law trust duties from any federal statutory 
basis or simply copying a list of common law trust duties from the 
Restatement of Trusts and imposing them on federal trustees. Cobell, 
392 E3d at 471. 

[279] Compare 1 TFM 2-1520, which breaks down the accounts into three 
classifications: general funds, trust funds, and special funds. 

[280] The fact that other general authority would provide for the 
moneys in the fund to be accounted for and disbursed as trust funds 
does not affect their classification where Congress has specifically 
provided for deposit of the funds in a special deposit account. 16 
Comp. Gen. 940 (1937). 

[281] See GAO, Federal Trust and Other Earmarked Funds, GAO-01-199SP 
(Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2001), for a discussion of the composition of 
trusts and other earmarked funds, including their treatment in the 
federal budget process. 

[282] The Social Security and Medicare programs are each funded out of 
two trust funds�Social Security from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors 
Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Trust Fund, and 
Medicare from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the 
Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund. 42 U.S.C. �� 
401(h), 1395i, 1395t. 

[283] "When I use a word ... it means just what I choose it to mean�-
neither more nor less." Spoken by Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll, 
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass 213 
(1871) (reprinted Holt Rinehart, and Winston, 1961). 

[284] Under the General Allotment Act, the federal government had 
allotted all of the Reservation's land in trust to individual Indians, 
or "allottees." 

[285] Congress's power under the Indian Commerce Clause, U.S. Const. 
art. I, � 8, cl. 3, however, is not limited by this general trust 
relationship with Indians. Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior 
Chippewa Indians v. United States, 367 F.3d 650, 665-67 (7th Cir. 
2004), cert. denied, 543 U.S. 1051 (2005). In that case, the court 
rejected the Tribe's argument that a gubernatorial concurrence 
provision in the Indian Gaming Regulations Act, 25 U.S.C. � 
2719(b)(1)(A), violated the federal government's trust responsibility 
to Indians and rejected the Tribes argument that all Indian 
legislation enacted pursuant to the Indian Commerce Clause, which 
confers "plenary power to legislate in the field of Indian affairs" to 
Congress, must be rationally related to furthering that trust 
relationship. Id. 

[286] Beginning in fiscal year 2000 the federal budget no longer 
included funds that are owned by Indian tribes but are held and 
managed in a fiduciary capacity by the government on behalf of the 
tribes. These Indian tribal funds were included in the budget totals 
beginning with the adoption of the unified budget in 1969 through 
fiscal year 1999 under the generic title "tribal trust funds." See 
GAO, Federal Trust and Other Earmarked Funds: Answers to Frequently 
Asked Questions, GAO-01-199SP (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 2001), at 8. 

[287] For more information on the Indian trust litigation, see Ross 0. 
Swimmer, Separating Fact from Fiction: The Department of the Interior 
and the Cobell Litigation, 33-SPG Hum. Rts. 7 (2006); Jamin B. Raskin, 
Professor Richard J. Pierce's Reign of Error in the Administrative Law 
Review, 57 Admin. L. Rev. 229 (2005). 

[288] For more on a trustee's "duty to invest," see section D.5 of 
this chapter. 

[289] See also Hohri v. United States, 782 F.2d 227, 243-44 (D.C. Cir. 
1986), vacated and remanded on jurisdictional grounds, 482 U.S. 64 
(1987) (neither narrow regulatory obligations or alleged contractual 
commitments impose fiduciary obligations on the United States with 
respect to Japanese-American internees during World War II); Han v. 
United States, 45 E3d 333 (9th Cir. 1995) (United States has no 
general fiduciary obligation to bring suit against the State of Hawaii 
for alleged breach of trust obligations owed by the state to native 

[290] There can be no doubt that the government has fiduciary 
obligations with respect to the Prisoners' Trust Fund and VA Patient 
Funds mentioned above. Yet, we wonder: Do those funds really 
constitute "trusts" or are they "bailments"? Cf. B-153479, Apr. 15, 
1964 (funds in the Prisoners' Trust Fund at issue regarded as held in 
bailment not trust). As OLC observed, fiduciary relationship can arise 
in many different contexts. This is important because, as OLC also 
observed quoting Restatement (Second) of Trusts � 2, comment b, 
(1959), at 7, "the duties of a trustee are more intensive than the 
duties of some other fiduciaries." May 22, 1995, OLC Opinion, at n.5. 
For one thing, no one has held�so far�that the government has a duty 
to invest those funds and make them productive. See section D.5 of 
this chapter. 

[291] Given the nature of these accounts, GAO recommended removal of 
the fund from the federal budget. B-227344, May 29, 1987. And, it was 
done. See Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States 
Government for Fiscal Year 2001 (Feb. 2000), at 377. Beginning in 
fiscal year 2000, the federal budget also excludes funds owned by 
Indian tribes but held in trust by the government. As the notes to the 
federal budget explains, "the transactions of these funds are not 
transactions of the Government itself." Id. The Budget notes refer to 
these (and the Thrift Savings Fund moneys) as "deposit Funds." Id. 

[292] A bailment is a "species" of trust. 8 C.J.S. Bailments � 1 
(2005). A bailment arises when the owner delivers personal property to 
another for some particular purpose upon an express or implied 
contract to redeliver the property when the purpose of the bailment 
has been fulfilled. 53 Comp. Gen. 607, 609 (1974). Unlike a trust 
where title to the trust corpus passes to the trustee, in a bailment, 
title to the bailed property does not transfer. 8 C.J.S. Bailments � 
32. The level of care required of a bailee depends on whether the 
bailment is for the benefit of the bailee, the bailor, or for their 
mutual benefit. Id. � 58. Though not treated as fiduciaries for all 
purposes, bailees have long been included within "the more general 
class of fiduciaries" since they hold a thing in trust for another. 
E.g., In re Holman, 42 B.R. 848, 851 (1984). See also United States v. 
Kehoe, 365 E Supp. 920, 922 (S.D. Tex. 1973) ("It was this failure of 
the common law to provide any criminal remedy for these breaches of 
trust ... on the part of ... bailees, trustees, and other persons 
occupying fiduciary positions that led to the enactment of the present 
Penal Code provision dealing with embezzlement.") quoting 21 Tex. Jur. 
2d, Embezzlement and Conversion � 2, at 579-80 (1961) (emphasis added). 

[293] Cf. 4 First Comp. Dec. 457, 458 (1883), citing United States v. 
Morris, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 246, 303 (1825) ("The Government cannot, 
without its authorized express consent, be forced to occupy the 
position of a trustee."). 

[294] Pub. L. No. 86-380, 73 Stat. 703 (Sept. 24, 1959). 

[295] Pub. L. No. 104-52, 109 Stat. 468, 480 (Nov. 19, 1995). 

[296] Pub. L. No. 104-169, 110 Stat. 1482, 1487 (Aug. 3, 1996). 

[297] An argument has been made that funds held in trust and expended 
pursuant to the permanent appropriation of moneys "accruing to these 
trust funds" contained in the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of 
1934, 31 U.S.C. � 1321(b), are appropriated funds subject to the laws 
governing the obligation and expenditure of any other appropriated 
funds. See Soboleski v. Commissioner, 88 T.C. 1024, 1034 (1987), affd, 
842 F.2d 1292 (4th Cir. 1988). 

[298] Cf. B-153479, Apr. 15, 1964 (prisoners' trust funds). 

[299] In B-274855, Jan. 23, 1997, for example, GAO noted that: 
"Donations are accounted for as trust funds and must be deposited in 
the Treasury as such under 31 U.S.C. � 1323(c), to be disbursed in 
accordance with the terms of the trust and the scope of the agency's 
statutory authority. Although contributions to [the Advisory 
Commission on Intergovernmental Relations] have been maintained 
separately from direct appropriations and held in a 'trust fund 
account' to carry out authorized purposes, they are not `held in 
trust' as those words are commonly used to describe a fiduciary 
relationship to keep money for the benefit of another." 

[300] Debt held by the government, about $8.5 trillion at the 
beginning of fiscal year 2007, primarily reflects debt owned by 
federal trust funds, such as the Social Security trust funds. GAO, 
Bureau of the Public Debt's Fiscal Years 2006 and 2005 Schedule of 
Federal Debt, GAO-07-127 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 7, 2006), at 3-4. 

[301] See generally GAO-05-193SP; GAO, Disability Insurance: SSA 
Should Strengthen Its Efforts to Detect and Prevent Overpayments, GAO-
04-929 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 10, 2004); Social Security Reform: 
Analysis of a Trust Fund Exhaustion Scenario, GAO-03907 (Washington, 
D.C.: July 29, 2003). 

[302] The Highway Trust Fund actually contains two accounts. The 
oldest and most well-known of the two accounts is the highway account. 
The other, more recent account is the Mass Transit Account, 26 U.S.C. 
� 9503(e). 

[303] Department of Transportation, Highway Trust Fund Primer (Nov. 
1998), at 1, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/aap/PRIMER98.PDF] (last visited Nov. 28, 2007). 

[304] Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2006, 
Appendix (Feb. 7, 2005), at 807, available at [hyperlink, 
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2006] (last visited Nov. 28, 

[305] For more information on the history and operation of the Highway 
Trust Fund, see GAO, Highway Trust Fund: Overview of Highway Trust 
Fund Estimates, GAO-06-572T (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 4, 2006); Federal-
Aid Highways: Trends, Effect on State Spending, and Options for Future 
Program Design, GAO-04-802 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 31, 2004); Highway 
Financing: Factors Affecting Highway Trust Fund Revenues, GAO-02-667T 
(Washington, D.C.: May 9, 2002); and Highway Trust Fund: Overview of 
Highway Trust Fund Financing, GAO-02-435T (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 11, 
2002). See also Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service 
(CRS), The Federal Excise Tax on Gasoline and the Highway Trust Fund: 
A Short History, No. RL30304 (Apr. 4, 2006). 

[306] A better sense of what it means to be "off budget" can be 
gleaned from the statutory provision prescribing the budgetary 
treatment of the Postal Service Fund. 39 U.S.C. � 2009a. Section 2009a 
directs that the receipts and disbursements of the Postal Service Fund 
shall be excluded from the budget totals, exempt from any statutory 
budget limitations, and exempt from sequestration orders under the 
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. For 
additional discussion, see the CRS reports Social Security and the 
Federal Budget: What Does Social Security's Being "Off Budget" Mean?, 
No. 98-422 (Aug. 29, 2001) and Appropriations for FY 2000: Department 
of Transportation and Related Agencies, No. RL30208 (Feb. 4, 2000). 

[End of Chapter 15] 		

What is discretionary authority?

discretionary authority An agency's ability to decide whether or not to take certain courses of action when implementing existing laws.

Which of the following possible actions illustrates a way Congress interacts with the bureaucracy to address?

Which of the following possible actions illustrates a way Congress interacts with the bureaucracy to address the problem shown in the infographic? Congress could have members of the Department of Transportation testify before a committee to discuss the issue and potential solutions.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between Congress and executive agencies?

Which of the following is true of the relationship between Congress and executive agencies? BECAUSE THE AGENCIES have bureaucratic expertise, Congress delegates "rule-making authority" to them.

What advantages does the bureaucracy have over the executive branch?

Bureaucrats have one primary advantage over the President in the policy-making process: They usually have a continuity of service in the Executive branch that the President doesn't have.