Which of the following measures the frequency that someone who clicks on an ad makes a purchase?

Someone who reads, consumes, and observes activity in one social medium and then broadcasts it in another medium.

-An example is someone who sees an interesting feature in a SM presence and sends a link to that feature to his or her friends.

Resources that are invested with the expectation of future gain.

-this traditional definition refers to investments into resources such as factories, machines, manufacturing equipment, and the like.

Groups of people related by a common interest.

In social media systems, data about relationships.

-On Facebook, for example, the relationships to your friends are connection data. The fact that you've liked particular organizations is also connection data.

Connection data differentness SMIS from Web site applications.
Only social networking applications store and process connection data.

Measures the frequency that someone who clicks on an ad makes a purchase, "likes" a site, or takes some other action desired by the advertiser.

The dynamic social media process of employing users to participate in product design or redesign.

-eBay often solicits customers to provide feedback on their eBay experience.

share a common belief and form their hive around that belief. They seek conformity and want to convince others of the wisdom of their belief.

Defenders of belief communities facilitate activities like sales and marketing. They are not effective for activities that involve innovation or problem solving. Such groups can form strong bonds and allegiance to an organization.

-In social media, a community that shares a common strongly held belief; such groups seek conformity and want to convince others of the wisdom of their belief.

The application of social media to facilitate the cooperative work of people inside organizations.

Enterprise 2.0 can be used in operations and manufacturing to enable us to share knowledge and problem-solving techniques.

is content structure that has emerged from the processing of many user tags.

-A structure of content that emerges from the activity and processing of many users.

In social media, a group of people related by a common interest.

The investment in human knowledge and skills with the expectation of future gain.

-by taking this class, you are investing in your own human capital. you're investing your money and time to obtain knowledge that you hope will differentiate you from other workers and ultimately give you a wage premium in the workforce.

Hyper-social Organization

An organization that uses social media to transform its interactions with customers, employees, and partners into mutually satisfying relationships with them and their communities

Users trained to perform social media (SM) engagement and management tasks.

-are personnel trained to perform SM engagement tasks.

The combining of output from two or more Web sites into a single user experience.

occur when the output from two or more Web sites is combined into a single user experience.

A browser-based mapping system provided by Google that enables users to mash up their content with content provided by others as well as with maps provided by Google.

Google's My Maps is an excellent mashup example.

Revenue model in which advertisers display ads to potential customers for free and pay only when the customer clicks.

advertisers display ads to potential customers for free and pay only when the customer clicks.

In social media, a process for transitioning organizational messaging from a structured to a dynamic process.

In social media, a community that shares to learn something, solve a problem, or make something happen.

-share a common desire to learn something, solve a problem, or make something happen.

They can be useful in a customer service activity, as long as they don't conclude that the best way to solve a product problem is to use another company's product, something they might do because such groups seldom form a strong bond to an organization.

Acronym developed by Andrew McAfee that summarizes key characteristics of Enterprise 2.0: search, links, author, tagged, extensions, signaled.

The investment in social relations with expectation of future returns in the marketplace.

-When you attend a business function for the purpose of meeting people and reinforcing relationships, you are investing in your social capital. Similarly, when you join LinkedIn or contribute to Facebook, you are (or can be) investing in your social capital.

CRM that includes social networking elements and gives the customer much more power and control in the customer/vendor relationship.

is a dynamic, SM-based CRM process.

The use of information technology to support the sharing of content among networks of users.

Social Media Application Providers

Companies that operate social media sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google are all social media application providers.

Social Media Information System (SMIS)

An information system that supports the sharing of content among networks of users.

A statement that delineates employees' rights and responsibilities when generating social media content.

Companies and other organizations that choose to support a presence on one or more social media sites.

Strength of a Relationship

In social media, the likelihood that a person or other organization in a relationship will do something that will benefit the organization.

is the likelihood that the entity (person or other organization) in the relationship will do something that benefits the organization.

In social media, groups of people related by a common interest.

The concept that the more people use a site, the more value it has, and the more people will visit. Furthermore, the more value a site has, the more existing users will return.

meant the more people used a site, the more value it had, and the more people would visit.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Content on an organization's social media presence that is contributed by nonemployee users.

UGC is the essence of SM relationships.

Value of social network that is determined by the number of relationships in a social network, by the strength of those relationships, and by the resources controlled by those related.

An inducement that causes someone to share an ad, link, file, picture, movie, or other resource with friends and associates over the Internet.

is some inducement, sick as a prize or other reward

Web-delivered services and content that are paid for by advertising.

In social media systems, data and responses to data that are contributed by users and SM sponsors.

According to Henk Flap, the ________ is determined by the number of relationships in a social network, by the strength of those relationships, and by the resources controlled by those related.

The first step that a hyper-social organization should take to manage the risk of employee communication is to develop and publicize a(n) ________ policy.

According to Gossieaux and Moran, which of the following activities are seekers of the truth most likely to facilitate?

Social networking procedures are more informal for SM sponsors than they are for social networking users.

True or False

A characteristic of Web 2.0 is that the value of a site increases with an increase in users and use.

True or False

A ________ is an information system that supports the sharing of content among networks of users.

social media information system (SMIS)

________ is the use of information technology to support the sharing of content among networks of users.

Social media sponsors are the companies that operate SM sites.

True or False

Which of the following is an SM application provider?

Which of the following components of McAfee's Enterprise 2.0 Model involves the creation of enterprise content via blogs, wikis, discussion groups, presentations, etc.?

A person who sees an interesting feature in an SM presence and sends a link to that feature to friends is an active lurker.

True or False

Which of the following observations regarding the value of social capital is true?

Social capital depreciates and such depreciation can be ameliorated by adding something of value to interactions.

A(n) ________ is an inducement that is awarded to social media users for passing communications along through different tiers of communities in social media.

________ is the application of social media to facilitate the cooperative work of people inside organizations.

According to Gossieaux and Moran's model of the hyper-social organization, channels transmit knowledge, whereas networks transmit data.

Which of the following is true of Web 2.0?

Most ads on social media generate revenue only when customers click on them.

Google's ________ is an excellent mashup example.

According to McAfee, pushing enterprise content to users based on subscriptions and alerts is a characteristic of the ________ component of Enterprise 2.0.

Which of the following revenue models is most likely followed by companies providing Web 2.0 services?

Only social networking sites present user and responder content, but both Web sites and social networking applications store and process connection data.

True or False

A student invests money and time in a business administration course. In this example, the student invests in ________.

Web 2.0 encourages companies to provide software ________.

The primary risk of peer-to-peer support is loss of control.

True or False

Human capital is the investment in social relations with the expectation of returns in the marketplace.

True or False

________ are the companies that operate SM sites.

A social media policy used by hyper-social organizations is a statement that ________.

delineates employees' rights and responsibilities

In McAfee's SLATES Enterprise 2.0 model, "A" stands for ________.

Which of the following revenue models is most likely followed by companies providing Web 2.0 services?

Are measurements used to track performance?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) refer to a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge a company's overall long-term performance. KPIs specifically help determine a company's strategic, financial, and operational achievements, especially compared to those of other businesses within the same sector.

Which refers to the matter on a social media site that is contributed by users?

User-generated content (UGC) is any content—text, videos, images, reviews, etc. —created by people, rather than brands. Claire Beveridge January 13, 2022.

Which of the following is a group of people who form because of mutual interests?

Fraternity – A group of people brought together because of mutual interests.

Is a location service that allows applications to know when a user has crossed a specific location and then triggers an automated action?

Geofencing is a service that triggers an action when a device enters a set location.