Which of the following managers roles involves communicating on behalf of the organization

What are the three types of Management Skills?

- Technical Skills - Conceptual and Decision Skills - Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Conceptual and Decision Skills

Involves the ability to identify and resolve problems for the benefit of the organization and everyone concerned

The ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Influence the managers ability to work well with people. Often called "people skills"

What are the Three Types of Managers?

- Top-Level Managers - Middle-Level Managers - Front-Line Managers

Senior executives respinsible for the overall management and effectiveness of the organization. Often referred to as "strategic managers"   -focus on long-term issues   -emphasize the survival, growth and overall effectiveness of the organization

Responsible for translating the general goals and plans developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and activities. Also known as "tactical managers"   -be an administrative controller who bridges the gap between higher and lower levels   -take corporate objectives and break them into business unit targets   -puts together separate business unit plans from the units below them for higher-level     corporate review

Lower level managers who supervise the operations to the organization. Also known as "operational managers"   -these managers often have titles such as supervisors or sales managers

What are the types of Managerial Roles?

- Interpersonal Roles - Informational Roles - Decisional Roles

Leader - staffing, training and motivating people Liaison - maintaining a network of outside contacts who provide information and favors Figureheads - Perform symbolic duties (ceremonies and serving other social and legal demands)

- Monitor - seeking and retrieving information to develop a thorough understanding of the organization and its environment; serving as the "nerve center" for communication - Disseminator - transmitting information from source to source - Spokesperson - speaking on behalf of the organization about plans, policies, actions, and results

- Entrepreneur - searching for new business opportunities and initiating new projects to create change - Disturbance Handler - taking corrective action during crisis or other conflicts - Resource Allocator - providing finding and other rescued to units or people - Negotiator - engaging in negotiations with parties outside the organization as well as inside

What are the four functions of Management?

- Planning - Leading - Organizing - Controlling

The process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals

Achieve organizational goals

achieve goals with minimal waste of resources, that is, to make the best possible use of money, time, materials, and people

specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals   -analyzing current situations   -anticipating the future   -determining objectives   -deciding in what trpes of activities the company will enagae in   -choosing corporate and business strategies   -determining the resources needed to achieve the organizations goals

The monetary amount associated with how well a job, task, good or service meets user's needs

Assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals   -attracting people to the organization   -specifying job responsibilities   -grouping jobs into work units   -marshaling and allocating resources   -creating conditions so that people and things work together to achieve maximum success

Stimulating people to be high performers   -motivating and communicating with employees, individually and in groups   -involoves close day-to-day contact with people, helping to guide and inspire them toward achieving team and organizational goals   -takes place in teams, departments and divisions, as well as tops of large organizations

Monitors performance and implements necessary changes   -managers make sure the organization's resources are being used as panned and the organization is meeting its goals for quality and safety

"EQ", the skills of understanding yourself, managing yourself, and dealing effectively with others

Goodwill stemming from your social relationships and it can be mobilized on your behalf 

the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organizations intellectual resources   -is about finding, unlocking, sharing, and all together capitalizing on the most precious resources of an organization       -(example: in hospitals, important knowledge includes patients histories, doctors orders, billing information...etc.)

What are the Five Managing for Competitive Advantages?

- Innovation - Quality - Service - Speed - Cost Competitiveness

The introduction of new goods and services

The excellence of your product   -can be measures in terms of product performance, customer service, reliability, conformance to standards, durability, and aesthetics

The speed and dependability with which an organization delivers what customers want

Fast and timely execution, response and delivery of results

Keeping costs low to achieve profits and be able to offer prices that are attractive to customers

What are the roles of manager in an Organisation?

A manager has to perform functions like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. All these functions are essential for running an organization smoothly and achieving enterprise objectives. Planning is required for setting goals and establishing strategies for coordinating activities.

What are the 5 roles of a manager?

At the most fundamental level, management is a discipline that consists of a set of five general functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. These five functions are part of a body of practices and theories on how to be a successful manager.

What is the most important role of a manager?

One main role of a manager is creating a plan to meet company goals and objectives. This involves allocating employee resources and delegating responsibilities, as well as setting realistic timelines and standards for completion.

In which of these roles managers are constantly scanning the environment for information?

As monitors, managers are constantly scanning the environment for information, talking with liaison contacts and subordinates, and receiving unsolicited information, much of it as a result of their network of personal contacts.