Which of the following is true of the predictive validity of intelligence tests

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1. ‘Importance’ of intelligence can be judged according to which of the following?

  1. The perception of its existence
  2. The use of ‘intelligence’
  3. Its function in achieving social outcome that is valued by the society
  4. All of the above


d. All of the above

2. Which of the following is NOT a situation for which intelligence test is useful?

  1. Assess weaknesses of a student in school
  2. Help psychologists design rehabilitation programmes for neuropsychological patients
  3. Find out the amount of future earning of a person
  4. Help school psychologists plan an educational intervention programme for students who struggle


c. Find out the amount of future earning of a person

3. When examining criterion validity of IQ, which of the following is important?

  1. The time of day when IQ was measured
  2. The IQ test that was used
  3. The psychologist who administer the test
  4. Determining the direction of causality


d. Determining the direction of causality

4. Which of the following is least predicted by intelligence?

  1. Academic success
  2. Physical height
  3. Occupational status
  4. Family income


b. Physical height

5. In educational setting, it has been found that …

  1. as grade level increases, intelligence becomes more important
  2. intelligence is negatively correlated with diligence
  3. high intelligence level leads to higher academic achievement
  4. IQ is only relevant when non-verbal tests are used


a. as grade level increases, intelligence becomes more important

6. In a study of high school students, intelligence explained …

  1. as much variance in their academic achievement as their personality
  2. less variance in their academic achievement than emotional intelligence
  3. more variance in their academic achievement than either their personality or emotional intelligence
  4. close to zero variance in their academic achievement


c. more variance in their academic achievement than either their personality or emotional intelligence

7. Intelligence can predict academic success …

  1. up until undergraduate degree qualification
  2. beyond undergraduate degree qualification
  3. in primary school only
  4. in high school only


b. beyond undergraduate degree qualification

8. Which of the following can be predicted by intelligence?

  1. Job level attained
  2. Job-related training performance
  3. Actual job performance
  4. All of the above


d. All of the above

9. In non-Western countries, and excluding Australia and Japan, there is a vacuum of evidence for IQ predicting job performance. What does this suggest?

  1. Non-Western countries do not measure job performance
  2. IQ is an idea of the Western world
  3. Researchers do not study non-Western countries
  4. Job performance can only be measured through career advancement


b. IQ is an idea of the Western world

10. In terms of occupational types, high IQ scores are often found …

  1. among persons with physical jobs such as labourers
  2. equally across all job types
  3. among persons whose jobs requiring abstract thinking skills
  4. among army recruits


c. among persons whose jobs requiring abstract thinking skills

11. A possible reason for why intelligence is predictive of job performance is that…

  1. intelligence relates to the ability to handle complex information and learn
  2. intelligence provide the person with a sense of confidence
  3. intelligent individuals get along well with their supervisor who rates them favourably
  4. all of the above


a. intelligence relates to the ability to handle complex information and learn

12. Which of the following statement is true of a study of US military personnel reported by Gottfredson (1997)?

  1. There were many more high cognitive ability scorers who have trouble completing their military training compared to low scorers
  2. There were as many high cognitive ability scorers as low scorers who have trouble completing their military training
  3. Most of the high cognitive ability scorers completed their military training compared to the low scorers
  4. Most high cognitive ability scorers completed their military training without complaining


c. Most of the high cognitive ability scorers completed their military training compared to the low scorers

13. The reason for why IQ would be related to income is …

  1. high intelligence leads the individual to seek further postgraduate training which in turn leads to highly valued and higher paid job.
  2. knowledge equals to money
  3. highly intelligent people are more likely to make themselves appear successful
  4. employers are more likely to employ highly respected people


a. high intelligence leads the individual to seek further postgraduate training which in turn leads to highly valued and higher paid job.

14. Which of the following are explanations offered for why childhood IQs are negatively correlated with the risk of adult coronary heart disease?

  1. Disease prevention mechanism is in operation such that higher intelligence is associated with healthier lifestyle
  2. Disease management mechanism is in operation such that intelligent individuals can self-administer medication better
  3. Intelligence leads individuals to avoid unhealthy environment and hazardous jobs which may damage health
  4. All of the above


d. All of the above

15. Whilst cross-sectional studies may hint that obesity leads to low IQ, longitudinal studies where childhood IQ was measured before health indicators were measured later in adulthood showed that …

  1. obesity risks are not real
  2. higher IQ increases the risk of obesity
  3. lower IQ increases the risk of obesity
  4. IQ and obesity are not related


c. lower IQ increases the risk of obesity

What does the validity of an intelligence test mean?

A valid intelligence test should be able to accurately measure the construct of intelligence rather than other characteristics, such as memory or education level. Essentially, construct validity looks at whether a test covers the full range of behaviors that make up the construct being measured.

What is the reliability of an intelligence test quizlet?

The reliability of a test is its ability to yield consistent results time after time. Test validity is its ability to measure what it is supposed to measure. a measurement based on whether an intelligent assessment gives highly similar scores every time it is used.

Is an example of a test that has predictive validity?

To assess predictive validity, researchers examine how the results of a test predict future performance. For example, SAT scores are considered predictive of student retention: students with higher SAT scores are more likely to return for their sophomore year.

What does evidence reveal about environmental influences on intelligence?

Where environments vary widely, environmental differences are more predictive of intelligence scores. Adoption enhances the intelligence scores of mistreated or neglected children. Intelligence scores of “virtual twins” (same-age, unrelated siblings adopted as infants and raised together) correlate +.


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