Which of the following is true of campaign finance regulation in Texas Quizlet

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Terms in this set (40)

Which of the following accurately describes the development of political parties in Texas?

Democratic Party support has dominated election results for most of the state's history.

Which of the following most accurately describes patronage?

rewards from elected officials for campaign supporters

Which of the following is not a function of political parties?

to build cohesion between the state party and the directives of the national party

Which of the following is not part of the state party organization?

precinct chairs

State political parties fulfill which of the following functions?

nomination of presidential candidate

The theoretical view that each party should hold firmly to a clear and consistent set of policies refers to:

the responsible party model.

Which of the following characteristics does not describe the "chronic minority?"

a group that is very motivated for active engagement in politics

A temporary party organization _______; a permanent party organization _______.

is where ordinary party members meet; is where party officials meet

Political party planks are:

the individual issue positions of the party platform.

By the year _________, Democrats were unable to effectively challenge Republicans for any statewide office.


Which of the following is not a consequence of weak parties?

Fundraising for campaigns is managed primarily by party leaders.

Which of the following best describes a grassroots organization?

a group in which decision making resides with average citizens

What would make a runoff primary necessary?

no candidate in the primary election receiving a majority

Which two party officers do primary voters elect?

the precinct chair and county chair

Which of the following accurately describes the "Texas Two-Step?"

Texas Democrats allocate presidential nominating delegates both by election and caucus.

At national conventions today,

the presidential campaign organization tends to dominate.

Which is held on the same day as the party primary?

the precinct party convention

Which parties may choose to use conventions to nominate candidates rather than primary elections?

parties that won less than 20 percent in the last gubernatorial election

Following the election of 2010, Republicans held which of the following elected offices in Texas?

all of the above

Which of the following is true about party competition in Texas?

Two-party competition for U.S. congressional seats is common.

Organized interests:

benefit by the vacuum left by a lack of party competition in Texas.

Economic interest groups in Texas include:

professional groups such as the Texas State Teachers Association.

The phenomena of legislators and members of the executive branch moving easily from government office to lucrative positions with lobbying firms is called:

the revolving door.

The idea that a greater number of organized interests means wider participation and a healthier democracy is called:

the pluralist perspective.

The idea that a greater number of narrow interests makes it difficult to formulate public policy that will serve the broader public interest is called:


Which of the following is not a factor that plays into the decision to join an interest group?

the ability to be elected as a precinct chair for that interest group

Which of the following describes public interest groups?

organizations that pursue noneconomic policies on behalf of the general populace

Which of the following describes trade associations?

organizations of similar businesses working together to advance shared goals

Which of the following describes labor unions?

organizations that represent the interests of working people seeking better pay and better working conditions

_________ is the method used by organized interests to try to shape public policy by influencing those elected or appointed to office, often through face-to-face meetings.


_________ is when a group takes its case to court, filing a lawsuit because it believes the rights of its members have been violated.


How does the part-time nature of Texas government create greater opportunity for the influence of organized interests than in states with full-time government?

Legislators rely upon interests for the information they provide.

Organized interests can best overcome the free-rider problem to join by providing:

selective incentives that only group members can enjoy.

A benefit for joining a group that is merely the good feelings one enjoys from voicing his or her support for a worthy cause is a(n) ____________ benefit.


Texas's Office of State-Federal Relations would be an example of which type of organized interest?


Contributing funds to candidates through a political action committee (PAC) is an example of organized interest:


Organized interests represent constituents in all but which of the following ways?

Organized interests focus most centrally on equal representation across geographical areas.

Why are state and federal laws limiting organized interest contributions to campaigns quite limited in their effectiveness in keeping interest group money out of elections?

Groups can spend unlimited amounts of money if there is no coordination with a candidate.

Which of the following is a defining feature of an astroturf movement?

It is propelled primarily by political elites.

Which of the following is true about Texas law on lobbyists and political contributions to legislators?

Contributions are prohibited during the legislative session.

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Which of the following statements is true regarding campaign finance laws in Texas quizlet?

Which statement about laws regulating campaign finance in Texas is true? There are no limits on the amount of money and individual can contribute to most candidates.

Which of the following is not true of Texas campaign finance regulations for state offices quizlet?

Which of the following is not true of Texas campaign finance regulations for state offices? There are no disclosure requirements by candidates.

Which of the following is a regulation that affects Texas PACs quizlet?

Which of the following is a regulation that affects Texas PACs? -PACs must create complete reports identifying every donor who contributed at least $50 to the campaign. -PACs are required to designate a campaign treasurer.

Which of the following statements is true of general elections in Texas quizlet?

Which of the following statements about primary elections in Texas is true? Texas has open primaries, meaning that voters are not required to declare a party affiliation; however, voters may only vote in one party's primary during a single primary period.


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