Which of the following is an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand?


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Which of the following is an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand?

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forecasting the attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas w/in the organization where there will be labor shortages or surpluses
trend analysis constructing and applying statistical models that predict labor demand for the next yr, given relatively objective statistics from the previous year
leading indicators objective measures that accurately predict future labor demand
transitional matrix a chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in a future period
core competency a set of knowledge and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers
downsizing the planned elimination of large numbers of personnel w/the goal of enhancing the organization's competitiveness
outsourcing contracting w/another organization to perform a broad set of services
workforce utilization review a comparison of the proportion of employees in protected groups w/the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market
recruiting any activity carried on by the organization w/the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees
employee at will employment principle that if there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, the employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause
due-process policies policies that formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal the employer's decision to terminate that employee
job posting the process of communicating information about a job vacancy on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, on corporate intranets, and anywhere else the org. communicates w/employees
direct applicants ppl who apply for a vacancy w/o prompting from the organization
referrals ppl who apply for a vacancy b/c someone in the org. prompted them to do so
nepotism the practice of hiring relatives
yield ratio a ratio that expresses the percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of recruitment and selection process to the next
realistic job preview background info. about a job's positive and negative qualities
personal selection the process through which organizations make decisions about who will or will not be allowed to join the organization
reliability the extent to which a measurement is free from random error
validity the extent to which performance on a measure (such as a test score) is related to what the measure is designed to assess (such as job performance)
criterion-related validity a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation btwn test scores and job performance scores
instructional design a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs
learning management system (LSM) a computer application that automate the administration, development, and delivery of training programs
needs assessments the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees' tasks to determine what kinds of training, if any, are necessary
organization analysis a process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the organization
person analysis a process of determining individuals' needs and readiness for training
task analysis the process of identifying and analyzing tasks to be trained for
readiness for training a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training
on-the-job training (OJT) training methods in which a person w/job experience and skills guides trainees in practicing job skills at the workplace
apprenticeship a work-study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of the on-the-job training and classroom training
internship on-the-job learning sponsored by an educational institution as a component of an academic program
simulation a training method that represents a real-life situation, with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job
avatars computer depictions of trainees, which the trainees manipulate in an online role-play
virtual reality a computer-based technology that provides an interactive, three dimensional learning experience
experimental programs training programs in which participants learn concepts and apply them by simulating behaviors involved and analyzing the activity, connecting it w/real-life situations
adventure learning a teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging, structured outdoor activities
cross-training team training in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that they're prepared to step in and take another member's place
coordination training team training that teaches the team how to share information and make decisions to obtain the best team performance
team leader training training in the skills necessary for effectively leading the organization's teams
action learning training in which teams get an actual problem, work on solving it and commit to an action plan, and are accountable for carrying it out
readability the difficulty level of written materials
transfer of training on-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training
orientation training designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn about their organization, and establish work relationships
diversity training training designed to change employee attitudes about diversity and/or develop skills needed to work with a diverse workforce
performance management the process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to organization's goals
simple ranking method of measurement that requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the lowest performer
forced-distribution method method of performance that assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories
paired-comparison method method of performance measurement that compares each employee w/each other employee to establish rankings
graphic rating scale method of performance measurement that lists traits and provides a rating scale for each trait; the employer uses the scale to indicate the extent to which an employee displays each trait
mixed-standard scales method of performance measurement that uses several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait
critical-incident method method of performance measurement based on managers' records of specific examples of the employee acting in ways that are either effective or ineffective
behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) method of performance measurement that rates behavior in terms of a scale showing specific statements of behavior that describe different levels of performance
behavioral observation scale (BOS) a variation of a BARS which uses all behaviors necessary for effective performance to rate performance at a task
organizational behavior modification (OBM) a plan for managing the behavior of employees through a formal system of feedback and reinforcement
management by objectives (MBO) a system in which ppl at each level of the org. set goals in a process that flows from top to bottom, so employees at all levels are contributing to the organization's overall goals; goals become standards for evaluating each employee's performance
360-degree performance appraisal performance measurement that combines info. from the employee's managers, peers, subordinates, self, and customers
calibration meeting meeting at which managers discuss employee performance ratings and provide evidence supporting their ratings w/the goal of eliminating the influence of rating errors

What is an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand?

Leading indicators are objective measures that accurately predict labor demand. A transitional matrix is a chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in a future period.

Which of the following is an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand multiple choice question?

A leading indicator is: an objective measure that accurately predicts future labor demand.

What strategy is often used by companies when there is a labor surplus?

Layoffs: Layoff means the discharge of employees from the organization. It can be both temporary and permanent. It is a widely used tactic to address the problem of labour surplus.

What is the primary goal of forecasting?

Thus, the primary goal of forecasting is to identify the full range of possibilities, not a limited set of illusory certainties. Whether a specific forecast actually turns out to be accurate is only part of the picture—even a broken clock is right twice a day.