Which of the following is a group of closely related products within a product mix?

If you’re a business owner, you know that having a product line is essential to your success.

The question is: what is a product line?

I can answer this question for you.

I created this guide to discuss everything you need to know about product lines. I will also walk you through creating and maximizing your product line.

Let’s begin.

  • Product Line Definition
  • Product Line Management
  • Product Line Vs. Product Mix
  • How Product Lines Work
  • The Benefits of Having Product Lines
  • How Do You Create a Product Line?
  • Product Line Examples
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • The Bottom Line

Product Line Definition

A product line refers to a group of related products marketed under a single brand to different consumers.

It can be as simple as various existing products a company offers to appeal to a targeted demographic.

For example, a local moving company might offer small and large van services, packing supplies, and storage units. These products and services are related. They would be part of the same product line since they cater to the same customer base.

Customers prefer established brands, so companies often add to their existing product lines. A company’s product mix is its product portfolio.

However, product lines can also be complex and include multiple variations of each core product.

For example, a local moving company could also offer specialized commercial relocation services catering to large businesses and government organizations. In this case, each service would belong to a separate product line within the overall product portfolio of the same company.

Ultimately, the product line aims to maximize a company’s profitability. Having a product line allows a company to provide its customer base high-quality product range that matches their individual needs and preferences.

Product Line Management

Staying on top of the latest trends in the industry is essential when managing product lines.

Successful product line management requires the following:

  • Extensive research
  • Constant communication with other stakeholders in the company
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Competitor analysis
  • Anticipating customer needs

A product line manager supervises the process by regularly tracking market data and conducting customer surveys and focus group discussions.

These tasks give a product manager valuable insights into how customers perceive their products and how they can improve upon the products.

Product line managers must also track internal changes such as logo redesigns, packaging overhauls, and brand name changes.

Successful product line management is striking a balance between what customers want and what competitors offer. Simultaneously, product line managers must stay on top of emerging trends in their particular industry.

Many companies struggle to choose between developing a product line versus a product mix.

Focusing on a product line means manufacturing a series of related products that share features and functions.

This approach can benefit businesses in industries that rely on innovation, like the tech industry. It allows companies to explore new market trends and develop innovative products that appeal to more customers.

For example, a food brand can create a product line extension by adding relevant products and developing more product lines. The company can introduce a product that is somewhat different from its existing lines.

This strategy creates a product line that can serve as an umbrella for all the products under it. It enables companies to widen their reach and target new customers.

Meanwhile, it would be a different product line if the same company decided to branch out and start on product assortment.

Under a product mix, the product would not be under the same brand. It would expand the company’s current offerings or product mix.

Product mixes vary by company. Some companies have a considerable number of product lines with several products per line, while others have limited product lines.

Focusing on a product mix involves offering a range of unique products designed to meet specific needs or preferences.

This approach suits businesses in highly competitive markets. It gives them the flexibility to respond quickly to changing consumer demands and stay ahead of the competition.

Both the product line and the product mix have strengths and weaknesses. They are ideal choices under different circumstances. The best option for your business depends on your goals.

How Product Lines Work

Product lines are essential to any business. They enable enterprises to extend their reach and market their products to a broader audience, which is always a good marketing strategy.

Some larger companies have multiple product lines marketed under various brand names. This strategy makes each product unique and lets companies efficiently target different consumers for each brand.

Every business has a different approach to product line creation and management. However, some common elements define a successful product line.

Each product category or brand a company markets should have clear ties to the other products in the same line (the parent brand). A clear relationship between items helps build trust and recognition with potential consumers, making it easier for them to engage with multiple products from the same brand.

Companies should also design each element of their product lines specifically to target additional consumers and niche markets.

Companies that focus on customer needs ensure their products resonate with their target audience and help them build loyalty.

The operating principle of product lines is that consumers respond more favorably to familiar brands. These consumers are more likely to buy new products from the same brand based on their previous positive experiences.

A solid product line strategy is vital to maintaining brand growth and longevity in today’s competitive marketplace, regardless of your brand’s existing success.

The Benefits of Having Product Lines

The creation of product lines is critical to any successful business strategy. A well-developed product line can help drive sales and bring in new customers. It also fosters brand recognition and credibility.

Many factors go into creating a successful product line, including choosing the right product mix, ensuring each product has different benefits, and having clear brand messaging and marketing plans.

It’s also best to consider how products work together to create strong synergy and provide customers with much better value.

Focus on these elements; your business can create successful product lines that help grow your bottom line.

How Do You Create a Product Line?

To create a successful product line, focus on unprofitable products that match the needs and preferences of your target demographic.

Identify which group of related products don’t sell well. Then, think about how you can reposition or redesign them to make them more appealing to your target market.

Furthermore, look for new product opportunities and innovations that might appeal to your audience. Doing so can help you improve existing product lines and boost their profitability.

Product Line Examples

A product line has a parent brand consisting of related products. They may have the same substance, purpose, consumer category, or channel.

Here are product line examples from reputable companies.

Nike Inc.

Nike’s product lines include sports apparel shoes, sweatshirts, sports bras, hoodies, socks, and underwear.


Amul offers a lot of closely related yet distinct product lines. The brand’s products include milk, flavored milk, chocolate, butter, curd, and yogurt.


Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage company, with over 8500 brands and over 30,000 products. Popular Nestlé product lines include Nescafe, Milo, Purina, and Kit Kat.


Coca-Cola is still one of the most popular beverage brands, even after more than 100 years in the market. The global brand remains relevant because they consistently add a new drink under the same brand name. Some drinks are closely related to the original Coca-Cola drink, while others are entirely different beverages.


Like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo also has several famous product lines in the market.

PepsiCo is a multinational company offering hundreds of products in more than 200 countries. The company’s products appeal to all age groups, but PepsiCo maintains a focus on the younger demographic.

PepsiCo’s most famous products include Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Aquafina, and Brisk.

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is a well-known global technology brand.

The company offers products in different categories, such s MS Office, Power Bi, Xbox, and the Windows Operating System.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the Main Types of Product Lines?

There are several different types of product lines companies offer to their customers. The most common type is the flagship line, which includes the brand’s most popular and highest-quality products.

Many companies also create several sub product lines. These tend to be more specialized or niche and target customer groups with specific needs or interests.

Some companies also offer seasonal lines that include products designed for use during particular times, such as holidays or summer vacations.

What is Product Line Pricing?

Product line pricing is a strategy where a company sets different prices for multiple products within the same product line.

Businesses often use this strategy when selling related—but slightly different—items. For example, a company that sells laptops, desktops, and other computer peripherals might utilize product line pricing.

Setting different price points for each product in a line enables businesses to maximize profits while remaining competitive in the market.

What is Product-Line Filling?

Product-line filling or line-filling means increasing the scope and number of similar products available within a particular product line.

Companies perform product-line filling to appeal to a broader range of consumer needs and preferences.

Businesses make line-filling decisions by offering additional products unrelated to the main product. Doing so allows companies to reach new customers and gain a competitive advantage.

There are many ways to enhance a product line, including adding other types of products, expanding existing offerings, and creating entirely new lines.

The Bottom Line

A product line can be a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes.

Understand the basics of creating and managing a product line, and you can formulate a profitable strategy for your unique business.

Start small and focus on quality over quantity.

As your business grows, you can add more products to your line. However, it’s also vital to maintain a streamlined product line that customers find easy to understand.

What is a group of closely related product items?

Product Line: A group of closely related products manufactured or sold by a business. Product Item: A specific model, brand, or size of a product within a product line.

Which of the following refers to a group of closely related product items quizlet?

Correct. A group of closely related product items is called a product line.

In what way are the products in a product line closely related?

According to Philip Kotler, a product line can be defined as “a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, and sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through these same types of outlets, fall within given price range.”

Which statement best describes a group of product items that are closely related?

A product line is a group of closely related products.


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