Which of the following individuals would most benefit from consuming a sports beverage Quizlet

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding phosphorus? A) Phosphorus from animal sources is more readily absorbed than the phosphorus from plant. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding phosphorus? On average, Americans do not consume enough phosphorus in their diets.Which of the following statements if FALSE regarding phosphorus? A. On average, Americans do not consume enough phosphorus in their diets B. Phosphorus is a. Phosphorus from animal sources is more readily absorbed than the phosphorus from plant sources. Phosphorus is a component of ATP.A) Phosphorus from animal sources is more readily absorbed than the phosphorus from plant sources. B) Humans absorb about 50% of the phosphorus from plant.

which of the following individuals will benefit the most from consuming a sports beverage?

Which of the following individuals will benefit the most from consuming a sports beverage? Athlete who exercises intensely for more than one hour.These Key. Recommendations are the most important in terms of their implications for improving public health.4 To get the full benefit, individuals should. Solution for Which of the following individuals will benefit the MOST from consuming a sports beverage? A. Elderly person who is taking a diuretic B.with advanced training in sports nutrition is the professional most. Physical activity is beneficial to everyone’s health, regardless of.Most sports drinks provide a readily absorbable form of carbohydrates, important to exercising muscles, since carbohydrates are the primary fuel for exercise.

which of the following is false concerning calcium quizlet

Which of the following is FALSE concerning calcium? Ninety-nine percent of calcium is found in the blood and soft tissue.Which of the following is FALSE concerning calcium? 99% of calcium is found in the blood and soft tissue.Which of the following is FALSE concerning calcium?. Which of the following nutrients increases the absorption rate of calcium. Vitamin D.12) Which of the following is FALSE concerning calcium?. C) When blood calcium falls, osteoclasts will liberate calcium from the skeleton.Which of the following is FALSE concerning calcium? A) Ninety-nine percent of calcium is found in the blood and soft tissue. B) Calcium is a major mineral.

which of the following statements about free radicals is false

This reaction is a substitution reaction, involving chlorine free radicals, and this reaction can be initiated with either sunlight or heat.A Phaniendra · 2015 · Cytowane przez 1972 — These non radical species are not free radicals but can easily lead to free radical reactions in living organisms [18]. Table 1. List of ROS and RNS produced. Our body has no mechanism to combat free radicals. Exposure to pollution increases free radical production. Many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, are. Which of the following statements about free radicals is true? A) Free radicals are. ) Exposure to pollution decreases free radical production.Transcribed image text: Which of the following statements about free radicals is incorrect? They are a by-product of oxygen-consuming redox reactions.

which of the following is a diuretic

Examples of diuretics · chlorothiazide [(Diuril) (oral or sodium injection)] · chlorthalidone (Hygroton) · indapamide (Lozol) · hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril). Also known as “water pills,” these drugs rid the body of extra water and lower blood pressure. Diuretics are a class of medications commonly. Commonly known as “water pills,” these drugs help your kidneys get rid of extra water and salt from your body through your urine. Because you. The release of which of the following nutrients from extracellular fluid stimulates muscle contraction? calcium. Which of the following is a diuretic?These include mannitol, sucrose, and urea. Other diuretics (e.g., acetazolamide) work by blocking the reabsorption of sodium bicarbonate by the.

Sports drinks are advertised to replenish glucose, fluids, and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) lost during strenuous exercise as well as to enhance endurance. [1] Some brands also contain B vitamins associated with increased energy (not to be confused with energy drinks, which are a different product entirely). Sports drinks contain carbohydrate in the form of sugar (e.g., glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose) or contain no sugar and are flavored instead with low-calorie sweeteners. The specific amount of sugar and electrolytes in sports drinks is intended to allow for quick hydration and absorption.

This type of nutrient depletion generally occurs only with high-intensity exercise that lasts an hour or more. For the non-athlete, a sports beverage is just another sugary drink.

Sports Drinks and Health

Research has shown benefit of sports drinks in adult athletes (though not conclusive as some studies show no benefit), but research in children is lacking. [2] Children sweat at highly variable rates, so it is more difficult to establish an amount of exercise time that the drinks may be useful. [1] However, with monitoring by coaches or parents, providing these drinks to children and adolescents who are exercising vigorously for more than 60 minutes may help to prevent dehydration. For children who are engaged in routine or play-based physical activity, these drinks are usually unnecessary. [1]

Estimates show that sports drinks comprise about 26% of total sugar-sweetened beverage intake in adolescents. [2] Sports drinks contain less sugar than soda and energy drinks, but still contain simple sugars. For example, a nutritional comparison shows that a 12-ounce cola drink contains about 39 grams of sugar, compared with 21 grams of sugar in a popular sports drinks. Drinking too many of these, especially when not performing vigorous exercise, can increase the risk of overweight/obesity and other health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and gout. There is also a risk of dental caries.

  • A study following more than 4,100 females and 3,400 males for 7 years as part of the Growing Up Today Study II found that the more frequently sports beverages were consumed, the greater the association with an increased body mass index leading to overweight/obesity, especially in boys. [2] The authors cited endorsements of the drinks by sports celebrities as a strong influencer in young male athletes. The drinks may also be perceived as healthy because they are allowed to be sold in schools and sporting events, so may be consumed in excess.

Bottom Line

Water that is calorie-free and accessible without cost to most people is the beverage of choice taken with and between meals. A sports drink may be used by people engaging in exercise of vigorous intensity for more than one hour, especially if sweating heavily. Perhaps of greater importance in athletes of any age, but especially youth, is to encourage a balanced diet, snacks as needed, and adequate water that will best enhance physical and mental performance. Pediatricians should discuss the use of sports drinks with their young patients and parents to ensure that all are aware of the health risks, and if used, are monitored carefully. [3]


Sugary Drinks
Energy Drinks


  1. Pound CM, Blair B; Canadian Paediatric Society, Nutrition and Gastroenterology Committee, Ottawa, Ontario. Energy and sports drinks in children and adolescents. Paediatr Child Health. 2017 Oct;22(7):406-410.
  2. Field AE, Sonneville KR, Falbe J, Flint A, Haines J, Rosner B, et al. Association of sports drinks with weight gain among adolescents and young adults. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md). 2014;22(10):2238–2243.
  3. Schneider MB, Benjamin HJ. Sports drinks and energy drinks for children and adolescents: Are they appropriate? Pediatrics. 2011;127(6):1182–9.

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