Which of the following developments in the period 1450 to 1750 would a historian

Questions 1-4 refer to the following information.

"At least one of the [world's] societies would have to somehow enormously increase its productivity [in order to achieve global hegemony]. That quantum jump would have to be made before the various scientific, technological, agricultural, and industrial revolutions on which our post-quantum-leap world rests. It could only be accomplished by exploiting the ecosystems, mineral resources, and human assets of whole continents outside the lands of the society making the jump. Western Europe did just that by means of its brutality and guns and, more important, by geographical and ecological luck."

Copyright © 2015 Cambridge University Press.

Alfred Crosby, historian, Ecological Imperialism, 2004

1. Crosby's argument in the passage is most likely a response to which of the following developments of the period 1450–1750 C.E.?

A. The development of direct trade links between Western Europe and India

B. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution

C. The colonization of North and South America by Western Europeans

D. The increasing development of seafaring technologies

2. Which of the following would best support the author's assertion regarding the "quantum jump" that would help Western Europe achieve global hegemony between 1450 and 1750 C.E.?

A. The colonization of the interior of Africa

B. The conquest of the Aztec Empire

C. The reformation of Catholic Christianity

D. The isolationism of Tokugawa Japan

3. Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following contributed LEAST to Western European global hegemony between 1450 and 1750 C.E.?

A. The exchange of food sources between the Americas and Europe

B. Refinement of gunpowder technologies

C. The development and application of steam-powered technologies

D. The implementation of joint-stock companies

4. The "quantum jump" mentioned in the passage most directly contributed to which of the following developments in the period 1450–1750 C.E.?

A. A breakdown in trade routes through the collapse of the established state structure

B. An increase in the population of the world through more plentiful supplies of food

C. The spread of Chinese and Indian belief systems across the world

D. An increase in social unrest

Questions 5-9 refer to the following information.

"Thereupon it was declared by the above-mentioned representatives of the aforesaid King and Queen of Castile, Leon, Aragon, Sicily, Granada, etc., and of the aforesaid King of Portugal and the Algarves, etc.:

[I.] That, whereas a certain controversy exists between the said lords, their constituents, as to what lands, of all those discovered in the ocean sea up to the present day, the date of this treaty, pertain to each one of the said parts respectively; therefore, for the sake of peace and concord, and for the preservation of the relationship and love of the said King of Portugal for the said King and Queen of Castile, Aragon, etc., it being the pleasure of their Highnesses, they, their said representatives, acting in their name and by virtue of their powers herein described, covenanted and agreed that a boundary or straight line be determined and drawn north and south, from pole to pole, on the said ocean sea, from the Arctic to the Antarctic pole. This boundary or line shall be drawn straight, as aforesaid, at a distance of three hundred and seventy leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands, being calculated by degrees, or by any other manner as may be considered the best and readiest, provided the distance shall be no greater than abovesaid. And all lands, both islands and mainlands, found and discovered already, or to be found and discovered hereafter, by the said King of Portugal and by his vessels on this side of the said line and bound determined as above, toward the east, in either north or south latitude, on the eastern side of the said bound provided the said bound is not crossed, shall belong to, and remain in the possession of, and pertain forever to, the said King of Portugal and his successors. And all other lands, both islands and mainlands, found or to be found hereafter, discovered or to be discovered hereafter, which have been discovered or shall be discovered by the said King and Queen of Castile, Aragon, etc., and by their vessels, on the western side of the said bound, determined as above, after having passed the said bound toward the west, in either its north or south latitude, shall belong to, and remain in the possession of, and pertain forever to, the said King and Queen of Castile, Leon, etc., and to their successors."

Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494

5. Which of the following historical developments provides the best context for the treaty above?

A. European maritime exploration

B. European engagement in the African slave trade

C. The Scientific Revolution

D. The Protestant Reformation

6. Which of the following inferences best explains the reason the King of Portugal insisted on Portuguese control of territory east of the demarcation line?

A. Portuguese explorers were convinced that the route to the New World was easier traveled by going east.

B. The Portuguese desired to continue the crusades against the Mamelukes who controlled the Holy Land.

C. The Portuguese desired control of the wealthy lands of Mexico.

D. The Portuguese knew of a route to India via the Cape of Good Hope in the south of Africa.

7. Which of the following inferences best explains the reason the King and Queen of Castile and Aragon insisted on Spanish control of territory west of the demarcation line?

A. The Spanish desired to convert the Barbary states to Catholicism.

B. The Spanish believed Portugal did not know about their discovery of the New World.

C. The Spanish wanted to preserve the independence of Native states in the New World as a buffer against Portuguese expansion.

D. The Spanish thought India would be harder to conquer than the New World.

8. The treaty above provides evidence for which of the following historical developments?

A. Monarchs were involved in and interested in voyages of discovery.

B. Joint-stock companies sponsored colonization efforts in the western and eastern hemispheres.

C. Trade of guns and slaves between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa.

D. The Scientific Revolution and the discovery of heliocentricity.

9. Which of the following technologies most directly caused the treaty above to be signed?

A. Gunpowder weapons

B. The compass

C. Steel

D. Germ Theory

which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 is best understood as a response to the trends shown in the table? The creation of larger state bureaucracies.

Which of the following was a major change in global patterns of religious beliefs and practices?

Which of the following was a major change in global patterns of religious beliefs and practices in the period 1450-1750 C.E.? The emergence of syncretic religions led to an increase in polytheism.

Which of the following explains the relationship between coerced labor and the transmission of goods?

What explains the relationship between coerced labor and the transmission of goods described in the excerpt above? Goods introduced to or refined in the Americas required a large coerced labor forced.

Which of the following aspects of the international situation in the early sixteenth century Southwest Asia is most relevant to understanding Sultan Selim's letter?

Which of the following aspects of the international situation in early sixteenth-century southwest Asia is most relevant to understanding Sultan Selim's letter? The Ottoman and Safavid empires fought numerous wars for control over Iraq, Syria, and other regions of the Middle East.