Which of the following correctly describes the facts in Shaw v Reno 1993 quizlet?

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Presidents tend to assert their power and if Congress does not claim its duty to check and balance the executive, then the balance tilts heavily toward the executive branch. For example, the congressional resolution authorizing the United States to respond to the al-Qaeda attacks against the United States in 2001 was applied far beyond the initial campaign in Afghanistan. It was interpreted by George W. Bush's administration as justifying findings that the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners of war did not apply in the war on terrorism; that harsh interrogation tactics were permissible . . . ; and that the use of intercepts of telephone conversations between American citizens and people abroad was condoned. . . . When, after the Supreme Court ruled in 2006 . . . that the Bush administration was in fact violating the Geneva Conventions, . . . Congress was compelled to pass new laws on detainee treatment. Bush signed the law but then added a separate 'signing statement.' . . . President Bush declared that he would implement the law 'in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President to supervise the unitary executive branch and as Commander in Chief . . . [in order to protect] the American people from further terrorist attacks.'"

Sean Kay, America's Search for Security: The Triumph of Idealism and the Return of Realism, 2014

According to the passage, an attempt by Congress to place limitations on presidential power through legislation led to which of the following?

A) A signing statement by the president that declared that the legislation would not limit presidential power

B) A Supreme Court decision that ruled in favor of the power of Congress to check the president

C) A declaration of war against al-Qaeda as a result of the September 11 attacks

D) An impeachment proceeding against the president for abuse of power and violation of a treaty

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Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

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Presidents tend to assert their power and if Congress does not claim its duty to check and balance the executive, then the balance tilts heavily toward the executive branch. For example, the congressional resolution authorizing the United States to respond to the al-Qaeda attacks against the United States in 2001 was applied far beyond the initial campaign in Afghanistan. It was interpreted by George W. Bush's administration as justifying findings that the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners of war did not apply in the war on terrorism; that harsh interrogation tactics were permissible . . . ; and that the use of intercepts of telephone conversations between American citizens and people abroad was condoned. . . . When, after the Supreme Court ruled in 2006 . . . that the Bush administration was in fact violating the Geneva Conventions, . . . Congress was compelled to pass new laws on detainee treatment. Bush signed the law but then added a separate 'signing statement.' . . . President Bush declared that he would implement the law 'in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President to supervise the unitary executive branch and as Commander in Chief . . . [in order to protect] the American people from further terrorist attacks.'"

Sean Kay, America's Search for Security: The Triumph of Idealism and the Return of Realism, 2014

Which of the following is likely to occur as a result when Congress refuses to act as a check on the power of the president, according to the main idea of the passage?
The Supreme Court will intervene to check the power of the president.
The American people will vote in new members of Congress during the next election.
The president will be able to push the limits of constitutional authority.
Treaties, such as the Geneva Convention, will be treated as executive agreements.

Which of the following describes the ruling in Shaw v Reno 1993 quizlet?

The court ruled in a 5-4 decision that redistricting based on race must be held to a standard of strict scrutiny under the equal protection clause.

What was the significance of Shaw v Reno quizlet?

Shaw v. Reno is an important decision because it represents a conservative shift on the Court. What was argued? In 1991, a group of white voters in North Carolina challenged the state's new congressional district map, which had two "majority-minority" districts.

What process is being disputed in both Baker v Carr and Shaw v Reno?

Baker v. Carr (1962) decided in a 6-2 majority that legislative redistributing was a justiciable issue, not a political one. The Shaw v. Reno (1964) case built on Baker and went on to enunciate the "one person, one vote" principle.

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Which is an example of a president using the bully pulpit? Presidents making a televised speech to gain public support for a policy initiative.


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