Which of the following contributed to changing European views of Asians and Africans in the nineteenth century?

In what ways did colonial rule transform the societies that it encompassed?

Colonial rule further integrated Asian and African economies into a global network of exchange; colonial rule conveyed to the colonies some elements of Europe's modernizing process; colonial rule brought new transportation infrastructure to the colonies.

In what ways did the industrial revolution shape the character of the nineteenth century european imperialism?

Success and productivity of the European Industrial revolution lead to the need for raw materials, markets and generated great wealth throughout the world. This changed the patterns of economic and social life. The ineed for raw material and markets caused european to reachout throughout the rest of the world to meet their needs. European Nationalism was the single greatest factor that lead to imperialism.

What contributed to changing European views of Asians and Africans in the nineteenth century?

Europeans developed a secular (non religious) arrogance that fused with or in some cases replaced their notions of religious superiority. Labels like "noble savage". "heathen" and "John Chinamen" expressed the degree of which europeans looked down on cultures of Asia and Africa.

In what different ways was colonial rule established in various parts of Africa and Asia?

The passage to colonial status occurred various ways, in India conquest grew out of the early interaction with European trading firms. For most of Africa, mainland Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands came later out of competition for resources and markets. Ultimately the European understanding of gaining colonial rule can be summed up in the following statement "whatever happens we have got the Maxim gun [an automatic machine gun] and they have not."

Why might subject people choose to cooperate with the colonial regime? What might prompt them to violent rebellion or resistance?

Subject peoples might choose to cooperate for a number of reasons, including the employment, status, and security that they found in European-led armed forces.

What was distinctive about European colonial empires of the nineteen century?

Prominance of race as a distinguishing factor to determine the ruler and ruled. Penetration of the colonial states into the societies that they governed. Finally the europeans had a strong habit/need to classify and count their subject people. This classification and counting included gender and race. They contradicted thier own values and preferred ruler societies for colonialized areas they controlled.

How did the policies of colonial states change the economic lives of their subjects?

forced labor had the greates impacton cultures in the colonized areas of the world. Some of the forced labor was based upon an amount of service to the state, others included an additional percentage of land that was cultivated. Ultimately colonialization was an exploitation of resources and that included people.

How did cash-crop agriculture tranform the lives of colonized people?

Environmental destruction in the Mekong Delta due to rice production, exploitation of former slaves, enormous migration to meet labor shortages each had its impact as a result. Additionally this lead to tensions between the sexes, classes and cultures.

What kinds of wage labor were available in the colonies? Why might make people take part in migrant work?

Colonialization lead to mass migration to accommodate workforce demands in areas where there was a labor shortage. This migration created new categories like "squaters".
famine, disease, and regional conflict lead to migration.

How were the lives of African women altered by colonial economies?

Men of the communities were largely used for the cash crops. So, women were responsible for maintaining the subsistance farming and family, this lead to increased focus on their family structure while men largerly were not present.

Did colonial rule bring "economic progress" in its wake?

Economic progress occurred on a couple areas global participation, modernization of infrastructure, and a break through to modern industrialization that would not have occurred at the same pace.

In what different ways did the colonial experience reshape the economic lobes of African and Asian societies?

It restored the lives of societies as many were given new opportunities to make money, but these opportunities were usually found working under horrible conditions. Also, the cash crops allowed for economic growth and a better live.

What impact did western education have on colonial societies?

For an important minority, the acquisition of a Western education generated a new identity, providing access to better-paying jobs and escape from some of the most onerous obligations of living under European control, such as forced labor.

What were the attractions of Christianity within some colonial societies?

Military defeat shook confidence in the old gods and local practices, fostering openness to new sources of supernatural power that could operate in the wider world now impinging on their societies.

How and why did Hinduism emerge as a distinct religious tradition during the colonial era in India?

Only during the colonial era did leading intellectuals and reformers in India begin to define their region's endlessly varied beliefs, practices, sects, rituals, and schools of philosophy as a more distinct, unified, and separate religion that is now known as Hinduism.

In what way were "race" and "tribe" new identities in colonial Africa?

Before the colonial period, African peoples had long recognized differences among themselves based on language, kinship, clan, village, or state, but these were seldom sharp or clearly defined.

How did European expansion in the nineteenth century differ from that of the early modern era?

Unlike the early modern period, in the nineteenth century European expansion brought with it a new culture of modernity—its scientific rationalism and technological achievements, its belief in a better future, and its ideas of nationalism, socialism, feminism, and individualism.

In what way did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of nineteenth century European imperialism?

In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of nineteenth-century European imperialism? The enormous productivity of industrial technology and Europe's growing affluence created the need for extensive raw materials and agricultural products found in other parts of the world.

What were the causes of the massive peasant rebellions in the 19th century China?

What accounts for the massive peasant rebellions of 19th century China? Having a huge population boom with agriculture unable to keep up. Also, unemployment, impoverishment, misery, and starvation. The bureaucracy did not grow to keep up with the population so it could not handle important problems effectively.

Which of the following was a factor in creating China's internal crisis in the 19th century?

Which of the following was a factor in creating China's internal crisis in the nineteenth century? China's population grew more quickly than its agricultural production, leading to pressure on land and peasant unrest, without an outlet in the form of industrial production.


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