Which of the following business processes would you find in the marketing and sales division?

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journal article

Marketing, Business Processes, and Shareholder Value: An Organizationally Embedded View of Marketing Activities and the Discipline of Marketing

Journal of Marketing

Vol. 63, Fundamental Issues and Directions for Marketing (1999)

, pp. 168-179 (12 pages)

Published By: Sage Publications, Inc.



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The authors develop a framework for understanding the integration of marketing with business processes and shareholder value. The framework redefines marketing phenomena as embedded in three core business processes that generate value for customers-product development management, supply chain management, and customer relationship management-which in turn creates shareholder value. Such a conceptualization of marketing has the potential to introduce dramatic shifts in the scope, content, and influence of marketing in the organization. The authors highlight the implications of an organizationally embedded view of marketing for the future of marketing theory and practice.

Journal Information

The Journal of Marketing (JM) develops and disseminates knowledge about real-world marketing questions relevant to scholars, educators, managers, consumers, policy makers and other societal stakeholders. It is the premier outlet for substantive research in marketing. Since its founding in 1936, JM has played a significant role in shaping the content and boundaries of the marketing discipline?

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Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 900 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. A growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence. Principal offices are located in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC and Melbourne. www.sagepublishing.com

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Which of the following business processes would you find in the marketing and sales division?


A business process is usually defined as an activity or a set of actions performed by the organization in order to achieve its objectives and goals promptly. The business process should have a purpose in order to result in favorable outcomes. CRM is a technology that helps streamline the entire business processes and the workflow of the organization in order to provide desired results. Processes are the core of any business today. The productivity and growth of the business depends upon how well you manage the entire business processes.


There are usually three types of business processes

Which of the following business processes would you find in the marketing and sales division?

1. Operating

The operating processes are the main functions of any business. These processes include some of the fundamental values, vision and mission statement of the business. These are also referred to as primary business functions. These functions are vital as it might generate the maximum revenue for the company. You need to keep improvising on these functions which is essential for the consistent growth of your business.

2. Managing

The managing functions of the business include planning, organizing, controlling the business processes in an effective manner. These functions are usually goal oriented and have a purpose. This major includes motivating the employees and the teams to achieve their targets and meet their deadlines. The processes are important for the growth of the business. These functions usually include managing the day to day tasks, teaching employees to finish tasks effectively and launching of a new product or a service comes under this category.


The processes are not directly linked to a delivery of a service or a product. These functions help create a conducive environment for the primary business processes to work in an effective and efficient way. Many different departments within the business such as human resource management, accounting department, sales and marketing department support the main functions of the business.

How CRM helps simplify the sales and marketing processes?

CRM is more than a technology in today’s business world. A CRM system needs to be implemented successfully as the data present in the CRM system will pave the way for effectively handling and managing the sales and marketing business processes.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is vital for the success of building strong associations and relationships between the company and its customers. You need a CRM system in place in order to devise strategies, improvise practices and expedite the growth of your business in an impeccable manner.

1.CRM in sales and Marketing

CRM in sales assists the company in the sales processes starting from Prospecting, preparation, approach, presentation, handling objections, closing the deal and follow up. CRM needs to take care of end to end sales processes, which helps the sales team to achieve their sales targets and improve their sales numbers.

CRM in marketing helps the company to achieve the marketing objectives in an effective way. CRM helps in segmenting the customers based on the data available in the system, creating the target audience, sending personalized bulk email campaigns to the customers and converting those prospects into customers. You need a CRM system in order to automate the marketing processes which will save time and effort. You can increase the marketing revenue by a significant percentage with the help of the CRM system.

2.Automate the business processes with Apptivo CRM

The Apptivo CRM helps you automate the business processes that are repetitive and time consuming. Hence the organization can save time and maximize productivity in a significant way. You can handle and manage the entire process of running a business from sending welcome mail to reaching every customer through regular follow ups and also assign scores to the leads. With apptivo automation, you can remove the inefficiencies in your business processes.

3.Leverage sales with CRM

CRM is a complete framework that helps the businesses with dealing with customers, following up the hottest prospects, purchase ratio, bounce rate and so on. CRM provides the right tools that assist the company in order to increase the revenue and achieve the sales goals. A good sales CRM helps you track the entire sales pipeline stages in order to identify a prospect into winning the deal. Notice the prospects who are likely to buy and start communicating with them. Apptivo lets you split the sales cycle into stages and helps you prioritize the prospects at every step.

4. How does Apptivo CRM work?

Apptivo CRM is divided into many modules which helps in overall development of the business functions. It allows the companies to follow up with their clients through multiple channels such as messages, calls, emails and online forms. The apptivo software manages the entire sales and marketing activities which makes it easy for the teams. From generating leads to opportunity management, the software will help in forecasting, following up and closing more deals efficiently. Also, apptivo provides superior customer support that helps in managing the entire customer related issues and queries with no delay. You can also monitor the customer dealings with the help of the system. Automating repetitive tasks and workflows by setting up triggers will save time and effort for the majority of the teams. You can keep track of everything that is happening, also generate reports, gather insights from the analytics will help you in sound decision making.

Benefits of Customer Relationship management (CRM) and Business Process Management (BPM)

Today it is quite important to unify the CRM with BPM in order to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. BPM is a methodology that helps in enhancing the business processes and activities in order to achieve the organizational goals and objectives in an effective manner.

BPM is a method which involves a multitude of steps such as demonstrating, mechanization, execution, controlling, estimation and streamlining the entire business activities. You can adjust and adapt to the ever changing business practices with the help of BPM.

The main objective of BPM is to modify and adjust the hierarchical components which helps to improve the operational efficiency. The clients can have access to the data and facts which will help in speeding up the work processes.

Overall BPM provides tools for efficient maintenance and tracking, simple data sharing within the organization, versatile and portable access, and drives co-ordinated effort among the company and customers.


CRM is an excellent software that helps companies irrespective of their type and size. The firms that utilize CRM can extend and build their capabilities which will help in the overall development. CRM simplifies the entire business process and streamlines the operations in an efficient way that helps the firm to achieve their productivity and maximize their revenue.

Which of the following is an example of functional business process in an organization?

The correct answer to the given question is option C) Creating a new product. The business process of creating a new product is a cross-functional process as the product development team usually seeks inputs from other verticals such as marketing department and finance department.

What is a business process and what role does it play in an organization?

A business process is a collection of linked tasks that find their end in the delivery of a service or product to a client. A business process has also been defined as a set of activities and tasks that, once completed, will accomplish an organizational goal.

What are the four major categories of information systems that support business processes common to most organizations?

The Main 4 Types of Information Systems Used In Organisations.
Low level workers – Transaction Processing Systems..
Middle Managers – Management Information Systems..
Senior Managers – Decision Support Systems..
Executives – Executive Information Systems..

Which of the following types of system would you use to manage relationships with your customers?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers.