Which of the following best characterizes problems faced by early river valley civilizations?

Which of the following best describes the Eastern Woodland peoples, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, before European colonization?
Hunter-gatherers who had no knowledge of settled agriculture
Pastoralists who herded large numbers of domesticated animals
Maritime people who primarily relied on fishing
Agriculturalists who supplemented their diet with hunting and gathering

Option (D) is correct. Native American groups living in North America east of the Mississippi generally lived in small settlements dispersed throughout the region. Tribes, such as the Algonquin and Iroquois, hunted game while also growing crops such as squash and legumes.

Which of the following was the primary source of agricultural labor in the British colonies in North America during the early years of colonization until the 1660s? Slaves imported from Africa Indentured servants from Great Britain Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine Indians who were enslaved by the colonists

Indentured servants from Great Britain Option (B) is correct. During the seventeenth century, the vast majority (as much as 80% in Virginia) of immigrants to the colonies came as indentured servants, and they continued to be an important source of labor in New England and the Middle Atlantic states long after.

During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, those who protested against the leadership of the colony were chiefly grandees (elite planters) who wanted to shift the tax burden to poorer farmers slaveholders who sought harsh penalties for fugitive slaves Native Americans who revolted against being displaced from their lands small farmers who wanted to settle on Native American lands

Option (D) is correct. Small farmers, as the population of the colony grew, sought cheaper land westward, away from the Atlantic Coast, that Native Americans still occupied. The leaders of the colony, chiefly elite planters, were less interested in cheaper land than in preventing war with the Native Americans, and so the two groups fought. The rebellion by the poorer colonists was crushed, but the leadership of the colony in the end decided that it was safer to unify all British settlers against the Native Americans than to split the settlers in an attempt to purchase peace with Indians, which was likely to fail anyway

Which of the following caused Spanish, British, and French forces to fight wars in North America prior to the American Revolution? Select all that apply. Disputes about controlling territory in the colonies Religious and cultural differences among colonists of different nationalities Competition for mineral resources, particularly gold and silver International tensions caused by competing alliances among the three nations

Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. Disputes about territory were a common source of minor skirmishes as well as wars, such as the French and Indian War of 1754–1763. Underlying such disputes were often religious and cultural differences and international tensions in Europe.

Which of the following accusations did colonists make against King George III and the British Parliament in the Declaration of Independence? Violating the law of eminent domain by seizing private property for use by the government Embezzling tax money for the personal use of the Crown Frustrating the working of representative government and the law in the colonies

Option (C) is correct. Among the injustices named in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists accused King George III and the British Parliament of dissolving houses of representatives in the colonies and of failing to apply existing British law to the colonies Waging an illegal war against the French in Canada and mistreating Native Americans

Which of the following distinguishes the colonization of New France in the eighteenth century from that of New England? French colonists were more likely to create permanent settlements and to engage in warfare with Native American tribes. French colonists were more likely to pursue trade in furs with Native Americans and to intermarry with them. French colonists held the territories they inhabited more securely over time and built more long-lasting settlements. French colonists provided greater flows of raw materials and profit to the royal French government than did New England to the British royal government.

Option (B) is correct. The French fur trade was a larger component of economic activity in New France than in New England, and the French, especially fur traders, were more likely to intermarry with Native Americans than colonists in New England.

Which of the following was an immediate cause of the sale of the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803? The French feared that the United States would ally with the Spanish to invade the territory. The British threatened to invade France if they did not reduce the size of their empire. The French could no longer afford the territory after the loss of its sugar colonies in the Caribbean. The Spanish preferred the United States as an immediate neighbor in North America to the French.

Option (C) is correct. After the Haitian Revolution began in 1791, France unsuccessfully attempted to re-enslave the Caribbean colony. With the loss of its sugarcane plantations, the unofficial resale of Louisiana by the Spanish, and an impending war with Britain, the French saw little use for the land and sold the entire territory to the United States for 15 million dollars.

Tenement housing in the United States was a response to which of the following developments in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? The rapid growth of suburbs Industrialization and urbanization Legislation limiting immigration Declining urban populations

Option (B) is correct. With the increasing industrialization of the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many people flocked to urban areas for work. Because of the relatively high price of land and limited space in cities, apartment-style buildings became increasingly prevalent. Dumbbell apartments with little light or circulation of air were known to be unhealthy places to live and are the architectural style most associated with the word “tenement” today. Progressive reformers promoted healthier living conditions via the installation of courtyards in new buildings that were also referred to as tenements at the time.

Between circa 1820 and 1840, the growing economy of the United States relied primarily on which of the following for transportation of goods between regions? The extensive system of roads that had been installed by the British before the American Revolution A new system of roads and railroads built by the federal government of the United States Privately built roads and railroads as well as water transport, including canals The postal service that had been established under the Articles of Confederation

Option (C) is correct. With the exception of the National Road, begun in 1811, most roads in the United States were privately built, as were all railroads. Canals, particularly the Erie Canal, became increasingly important during the period, although water transport had been the primary method for moving goods since the beginning of British settlement.

The postal service that had been established under the Articles of Confederation Which of the following issues caused both the Whig and Democratic Parties to split internally in the 1850s along sectional lines? The legalization of labor unions The extension of slavery to newly acquired territories The cost of acquiring the Louisiana Territory The incorporation of Canadian provinces into the federal system of the United States

Option (B) is correct. On the eve of the Civil War, the main national parties, both the Whig Party and the Democratic Party, were split over the issue of whether to extend slavery into the newly acquired territories of the United States. The split was between slave and free states, roughly between the North and the South.

Which of the following strategies did the Union attempt as it sought to defeat the South during the American Civil War? Select all that apply. Blockading all major Southern ports to disrupt commerce, especially in cotton, the proceeds of which could be used to fund the purchase of military supplies Capturing and controlling the Mississippi River in an effort to cut the South in half and damage Southern efforts to keep troops resupplied Campaigning to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond and destroy the secessionist government of the South Plotting to assassinate Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Vice President Alexander H. Stephens, leading to chaos in the Confederate government

Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. One of Abraham Lincoln's first steps in pursuit of war against the Confederacy was to blockade ports to deny the government of Jefferson Davis the ability to raise money for the military through the sale of cotton. A second important strategy, part of what was known as the Anaconda plan, was a march through the Mississippi River valley to sever the Confederacy in two. Finally, throughout the war, both the Confederacy and the Union tried to capture their opponent's capitals, which were a mere 90 miles apart, an endeavor at which both sides nearly succeeded more than once.

Former slaves who could not afford to buy land during Reconstruction often turned to which of the following? Factory work Sharecropping Railroad building Clerical work

Option (B) is correct. Sharecropping (tenant farming) was the primary way former slaves supported themselves after the Civil War in the South. The Northern wartime promise of the redistribution of Southern lands to former slaves, made by, among others, General William T. Sherman during his march on Atlanta, was rescinded quickly. During Reconstruction and after, most former slaves resumed work as sharecroppers on plantations that continued to be owned by White people.

Which of the following initiatives was a Progressive Era response to the threat of environmental degradation? The establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency The creation of the national park system The development of air quality legislation The banning of synthetic pesticides

Option (B) is correct. The national park system, initiated with the founding of Yellowstone in 1872, was greatly expanded under President Theodore Roosevelt, for whom conservation was an important political goal.

In the late nineteenth century, economic development in the southern United States was largely characterized by a continued reliance on agriculture and related enterprises the rise of service-sector fields such as tourism and retail sales a focus on finance and international trade rapid industrialization, with former slaves as the primary workforce

Option (A) is correct. Despite the efforts of some to create a New South based on industrialization and urbanization following Reconstruction, the southern United States remained heavily agricultural and rural well into the twentieth century. The majority of southern state economies were based on the production of cash crops such as cotton and tobacco, and many former slaves and poor White people were caught up in the cycle of debt created by sharecropping and tenant farming.

Which of the following supported the unequal treatment of African Americans in the United States throughout the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century? A.Jim Crow laws B.Radical Reconstruction C.Black Codes D.Republicanism

Option (A) is correct. Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted to mandate racial segregation in public facilities. Jim Crow laws were common throughout the southern United States, specifically those states of the former Confederacy, from 1876 to the 1950s.

Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were all advocates for the claim that A.women should be encouraged to consume alcohol in public B.women should be granted the same voting rights as men C.women should be allowed to enlist in the armed services D.women should receive equal pay for the same work done by men

Option (B) is correct. Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were all advocates of women's suffrage in the nineteenth century. Each woman was actively engaged in multiple social reform movements, including abolitionism and temperance, but they were most associated with establishing equal rights for women, including the right to vote.

Which of the following most directly allowed early factories in the United States to appear outside the mill towns of New England? Interchangeable parts Steam power Limited liability Slave labor

Option (B) is correct. The innovation of the steam engine and the use of coal as a source of energy allowed for the expansion of manufacturing beyond the mill towns of New England and reduced the dependency on water-powered machinery.

The main goal of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to provide public work relief to young men during the Great Depression economic recovery assistance for farmers affected by the Dust Bowl financial assistance to United States citizens above the age of 65 opportunities for civilians on the home front to help the European war effort

Option (A) is correct. The Civilian Conservation Corps was created during the Great Depression in 1933 as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. The program was designed to provide relief to unemployed young men and their families by offering jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources on state and federal government lands.

Immigrants who settled in large cities in the United States between 1890 and 1914 primarily came from which of the following regions? Southern and eastern Europe Central and South America Northern and western Europe South and East Asia

Option (A) is correct. Unlike the previous waves of German, Irish, or Chinese immigration to cities in the United States during the nineteenth century, the groups arriving from the period 1890 to 1914 were primarily from nations such as Italy, Poland, and Russia

Which of the following describes an effect of the First World War on civil liberties in the United States before 1920? Women were granted the right to vote and the opportunity to serve in military combat roles. Prohibition was abolished as returning troops demanded the right to buy alcohol. Immigration laws were changed to allow admission of large numbers of refugees from war-torn Europe. Laws on espionage and sedition were expanded to target anti-American language and behavior.

The correct option is (D). The Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 both affected civil liberties in the United States during the First World War. The Sedition Act of 1918 criminalized language viewed as disloyal or overly critical of the United States government. As a result, many citizens were arrested for their behavior, including members of communist and socialist groups.

The enactment of the New Deal programs in the 1930s could best be characterized as reflecting a popular belief that free-market policies were sufficient to restore economic prosperity in the United States the Interstate Commerce Act was ineffective and should be repealed the federal government should provide assistance to people in times of economic distress Keynesian economic principles were immediately effective in times of economic depression

Option (C) is correct. The New Deal provided federal assistance to those in need and was popular largely because of the very high rates of unemployment during the Depression.

The post-Second World War United States foreign policy that called for supporting European countries against communist invasions or communist revolutions was the Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine

Option (A) is correct. Set forth by President Harry S. Truman in 1947, the Truman Doctrine stated that the United States would provide economic and military support to Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling into the Soviet sphere of influence. This policy marked one of the earliest attempts at containing communist expansion throughout Europe and the world.

The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961 and the invasion of Panama in 1989 are examples of attempts by the United States to eliminate unfriendly governments in the Western Hemisphere cultivate peaceful relations with Latin American nations combat the production and distribution of illegal narcotics force countries to enter the North American Free Trade Agreement

Option (A) is correct. The 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba and the 1989 invasion of Panama are two examples of United States military action in Latin America intended to topple totalitarian regimes. The United States sought to end the revolutionary leftist government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, and depose General Manuel Noriega, who had declared a state of war between the United States and Panama.

“You may well ask: ‘Why direct action? Why sit ins, marches and so forth? Isn’t negotiation a better path?’ You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.” Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (1963) Question:Of the following, which is a strategy reflected in the passage above that the Civil Rights movement used to obtain racial equality? Repudiation of the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950s Violent confrontation to destroy patterns of segregation in the South Peaceful civil disobedience to obtain social change Alliance with foreign critics of the United States' record of racial discrimination

Option (C) is correct. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” expressed to a group of White ministers who had issued a statement opposing King's strategy of nonviolent provocation his philosophy of achieving civil rights gains through peaceful but confrontational measures.

The elections of Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter as president in the 1960s and 1970s provide evidence for the growing electoral power of Sun Belt states the domination of American politics by the Democratic Party the preference of voters for lower taxes and smaller government the unwillingness of voters to elect former members of Congress to the presidency

Option (A) is correct. Lyndon Johnson was the first president from a state in the Sun Belt since Zachary Taylor (Dwight D. Eisenhower, though born in Texas, grew up in Kansas). The political influence of the Sun Belt has increased significantly since the 1960s as immigration and migration have boosted the population of Sun Belt states both absolutely and relative to the Northeast and Midwest. A number of factors have contributed to the rise of the Sun Belt, including the invention of air conditioning, the demand for labor (often non-union), and a growing preference of retirees and baby boomers to live in a warmer climate.

In the decade after the end of the Cold War, United States foreign policy was most strongly characterized by which of the following? A general retreat from world affairs and a renewed concern for the Western Hemisphere A focus on expanding economic prosperity through globalization and free trade An effort to prevent the reemergence of fascism by postponing the reunification of Germany The modernization of the country's nuclear weapons stockpiles to deter foreign terrorist organizations

Option (B) is correct. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States was able to shift some of the energy and focus that had been devoted to the Cold War standoff to more productive economic goals. United States leaders believed that globalization offered the clearest path to both national and international prosperity, and pursued policies to break down trade barriers and open new markets to American businesses.

Which of the following most likely led to the shift in human societies from hunting and gathering to agriculture beginning circa 8,000 B.C.E. ? Development of metallurgy Larger-capacity braincases Climate change Spread of language

Option (C) is correct. The end of the last ice age occurred around 10,000 B.C.E., and the increasing warmth spurred a shift from hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture over time.

Which of the following regions was the first to develop settled agriculture? Middle East North America West Africa Western Europe

Option (A) is correct. Settled agriculture and animal domestication first developed in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley circa 8,000 B.C.E

Which of the following was a direct result of the Neolithic Revolution? The establishment of long-distance trade networks The growth of agricultural communities The use of cave paintings The development of metal tools and weapons

Option (B) is correct. The Neolithic Revolution was characterized by the development of settled agriculture and animal domestication.

Which of the following was most significant in allowing river valley civilizations to flourish? Agricultural production from relatively enriched soils Religious traditions that provided regional stability Protection from warring groups provided by hills and mountains Use of waterways for long-distance trade with other civilizations

Option (A) is correct. Rivers provided a relatively consistent water supply and facilitated the development of irrigation, and silt from flooding replenished the soil.

Which of the following significantly contributed to the decline of both the Western Roman Empire and the Han dynasty? Climate change The spread of epidemic disease The collapse of major trade networks Nomadic invasions and internal unrest

Option (D) is correct. Continual wars along the northern border with the Xiongnu, a group of nomadic peoples inhabiting the northwest frontier of ancient China, from the third century B.C.E. forward, eventually weakened the Han dynasty and contributed to its collapse in the third century C.E. In the case of the Roman Empire, invasions by various Germanic peoples (Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals) and the Huns from the fourth century C.E. onward led to the collapse of the western half of the empire in the late fifth century C.E. In both cases, internal divisions and/or revolts exacerbated the external threat.

Which of the following best characterizes the political structures of the Greek city-states of Sparta and Athens in the classical period (circa 510 B.C.E. to 323 B.C.E.) ? Sparta granted citizenship to women, banished slavery, and developed an early form of democracy; Athens granted women citizenship but kept the majority of its population as slaves and lacked institutions for citizen participation in government. Sparta was a military encampment that required citizens to serve as soldiers most of their lives; Athens was a limited democracy in which citizens participated in government, including the military, but performed other work too. Both Sparta and Athens were peaceful democracies that had wide participation in the polis (city-state) by all men who were property owners. Both Sparta and Athens were military dictatorships that lacked political structures through which citizens could participate in running the state or making decisions about waging war.

Option (B) is correct. In order to pacify the Helots (slaves) who performed most agricultural work, Sparta converted its citizenry into a standing army, for which service began in boyhood. Athens, by contrast, was a more open society with active participation of citizens — albeit only a small percentage of all inhabitants — in an assembly and a richer civic life.

Which of the following resulted from the Bantu migrations in sub-Saharan Africa from circa 500 B.C.E. to 1000 C.E.? The northward spread of Indo-European languages and culture The northward spread of gold mining to Nubia and North Africa The southward spread of agricultural cultivation and the domestication of animals The southward spread of nomadic settlement patterns and hunting and gathering

Option (C) is correct. The Bantu migrations spread new techniques of farming, and probably iron smelting, and contributed to the development of denser settlements in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as to a distinctive regional culture.

Confucianism developed as a system of thought in China primarily in response to social and economic dislocation brought about by rapid urbanization and industrialization the introduction of European ideas and Christian missionary activity that challenged Chinese traditions the instability and political crises brought about by frequent regional conflict during the Warring States period the cultural shock caused by military reversals in the wake of nomadic invasions by the Xiongnu

Option (C) is correct. Although Confucius died just before the Warring States period (475–221 B.C.E.), his followers Mencius and Xunzi spread his philosophy as a way to understand how a ruler could govern wisely and benevolently. The period was known not only for its conflict, but also for the fertility of its cultural advances. Thus, Confucianism helped establish the governmental institutions and cultural assumptions about leadership that were to guide China for the next two millennia.

Which of the following led to Islam becoming the dominant religion in Indonesia from circa 1600 C.E. to the present? Indonesia's importance as a key province of the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates The conquest of Indonesia by Shiite Muslims from Sri Lanka in the sixteenth century Indonesians' trade with Arab and Persian merchants across the Indian Ocean Indonesia's importance as a colony in India's trade empire in the fourteenth century

Option (C) is correct. Muslim traders encountered Indonesia via the Indian Ocean maritime system as early as the eleventh century C.E., but significant evidence of the presence of Muslims does not appear until the thirteenth century. As trade expanded and more Muslim merchants came to Indonesia, local rulers began to adopt Islam, so that by the end of the sixteenth century, Islam was the religion of the majority.

Which of the following was an effect of the Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan and his successors during the thirteenth century? The Pope's renunciation of crusades against Muslims The rapid growth of literacy throughout Eurasia The suppression of Hinduism on the Indian subcontinent The revival of trade along the Silk Road

Option (D) is correct. During the thirteenth century, the Mongol Empire provided protection over much of the Silk Road. This allowed for increased trade and cultural exchange.

Which of the following best describes the political organization of Maya civilization circa 300–700 C.E.? A large empire with a centralized bureaucracy A collection of independent city-states An early instance of democracy, with voting for property-holding men A feudal state dominated by local warlords

Option (B) is correct. During the fourth through eighth centuries C.E., Maya civilization was composed of a series of independent city-states, under which the most powerful cities ruled over smaller, dependent cities.

Which of the following contributed to the spread of Islam into East Africa before 1450 C.E.? East African scholars studying in Saudi Arabia Military invasions by Islamic caliphates Missionaries sent into sub-Saharan Africa from Egypt Cultural diffusion along Indian Ocean trade routes

Option (D) is correct. Islam was introduced to East Africa primarily by contacts facilitated by commerce between African and Middle Eastern trading cities.

Which of the following statements best describes the environmental consequences of the Columbian Exchange? A wave of epidemic diseases from the Americas sharply diminished European and Asian populations. Domesticated animals from the Americas became key to Europe's meat supply. Native American populations were decimated by diseases spread through contact with Europeans. Tobacco was transplanted to large central African plantations

Option (C) is correct. The exchange of animals, plants, humans, culture, pathogens, and ideas between American and Afro-Eurasian civilizations is often referred to as the Columbian Exchange. The transfer of pathogens specifically affected Native American populations, as diseases such as smallpox reduced their numbers by what historians argue to have been 80 to 95%.

Which of the following is a similarity between Christianity in western Europe and Islam in the Middle East before 1000 C.E.? Both were strongly influenced by Judaism. Both spread primarily by missionaries along trade routes. Both encouraged the spread of literacy. Both were led by one individual with supreme religious authority.

Option (A) is correct. Christianity was founded by members of the Jewish community in the Roman province of Judea, while Muslims recognized the founder of Islam as the last prophet in a line going back to the Jewish patriarch, Abraham.

"Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with." Question:The thought of which of the following Renaissance thinkers is expressed by the passage above? Francesco Petrarch Niccolò Machiavelli Dante Alighieri Leonardo da Vinci

Option (B) is correct. The quoted passage is from Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince, a Renaissance instruction manual for elites, which concerns the choices that political figures are required to make to preserve peace and stability. In his writing, Machiavelli notes the difference between public and private morality, or the difference between a political figure's reputation and his or her willingness to act immorally to achieve certain goals.

Which of the following did Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia have in common as monarchs? Both rulers attempted to isolate their countries and resist outside influence. Both rulers distrusted the people of the noble class and forced them to live in close proximity to their royal courts. Both rulers held a great interest in maritime technology and visited Dutch and English shipyards to learn their secrets. Both rulers were enlightened despots who attempted to rule through the loyalty of their subjects.

Option (B) is correct. At the height of his power, Louis XIV moved the location of his royal court to Versailles, France, a location relatively remote from the city of Paris. Here, the king was able to keep close watch on the nobility and aristocracy by rewarding those who attended his court and waited on him constantly. Peter the Great introduced sweeping reforms in Russia with the intent of modernizing and westernizing the country The czar prohibited his courtiers from wearing long beards (a tradition in Russia for centuries) and forced them to wear western-style clothing. His Table of Ranks, a method by which nobles worked their way up from the landlord class to the military class, was set in place to encourage aristocrats to serve him as administrators or military professionals.

Which of the following best describes a major effect of plantation agriculture in the Americas during the period 1500 to 1700? Asian indentured servants immigrated to the Caribbean. European convict laborers were sent to work in North America. Africans involuntarily migrated to South America. Indigenous peoples in North America were often enslaved.

Option (C) is correct. The growth of sugar plantations in Brazil from 1500 to 1700 created a large demand for labor that was met by mass migration of enslaved Africans.

Which of the following was an important effect of the Protestant Reformation in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? Decreased power of the Catholic Church in Spain and Portugal Increased literacy in predominately Protestant states Improved relations between the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches Decreased military threat from the Ottoman Empire in Central Europe

Option (B) is correct. The centrality of reading the Bible to Protestant theology, the translation of the Bible into the vernacular language, and the use of the printing press for mass production of books all contributed to an increase in literacy rates in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Which of the following were important causes of the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905? Select all that apply. The intervention of the United States on the part of its ally, Japan The inadequacy of the Trans-Siberian Railroad as a military supply line for Russia The continuing expansion of British control over the Japanese economy The more advanced industrialization of Japan compared to that of Russia

Options (B) and (D) are correct. The Trans-Siberian Railroad consisted of a single track that only allowed train travel in one direction. This, combined with the distance of the war front from Russian industries and most of the Russian army, made the railroad insufficient for resupplying Russian troops. The rapid industrialization of Japan during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries contributed to the advantage in military technology over Russia during the war.

Which of the following statements regarding the circumstances of Canada, Australia, and South Africa within the British Empire during the nineteenth century is most true? All three regions endured protracted and bitter wars between settlers and native peoples. All three regions contained a large proportion of European settlers and had considerable autonomy. All three regions were wrested from other European states by Great Britain in colonial wars. All three regions served as centers of manufacturing and industrial production for British markets.

Option (B) is correct. These regions were largely settled by people of European descent. Although they were territories under the British Empire, Canada, Australia, and South Africa all operated under relative sovereignty with representative governments and locally elected parliaments in the nineteenth century. This was partially due to their long distance from Great Britain and their inhabitants’ preference for representative government.

Which of the following effects of the Industrial Revolution most likely influenced Karl Marx's development of the Communist Manifesto? Decreasing economic opportunities for agricultural workers The widening socioeconomic gap between factory owners and factory workers The increasing role of women in the workforce Growing levels of pollution in urban areas

Option (B) is correct. The development of the Communist Manifesto was largely influenced by Marx's observations of the poor working conditions of factory workers and the growing wealth and influence of factory owners.

Why did the European revolutions of 1848 fail in the years immediately following the uprisings? Military repression and the splitting of labor and the middle class by elites restored authoritarian regimes. Disagreement among the revolutionaries about the goals of socialism and nationalism split the revolutionaries into warring factions. European leaders acted quickly to preserve their power and pacify their people by implementing reforms such as universal suffrage. The movement toward national unification of city-states into nations was largely complete by 1849.

Option (A) is correct. The violent rebellions of 1848 were crushed by the existing governments in Europe, which initiated reforms that enfranchised middle-class males.

Which of the following countries has had a woman president or prime minister? Select all that apply. India Israel Mexico Great Britain

Options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. India, Israel, and Great Britain have all had women in the top leadership position in government. They were, respectively, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, and Margaret Thatch

The rapid economic growth of Japan in the 1970s and 1980s and, slightly later, of the group of countries that were known as the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan) was largely a result of centrally planned economies on the model of the People's Republic of China and North Korea government-backed industrialization, high tariffs on imported goods, and export of manufactured goods the provision of raw materials to the United States and Europe and the resulting importation of finished goods from them cultivation of direct foreign investment by the United States and encouragement of consumer spending over saving

Option (B) is correct. After the Second World War, and partly because it was restrained from military spending, the Japanese government invested heavily in the development of industry. Until a dramatic recession in the 1990s, the Japanese also deployed an export-led trade policy that generated huge trade surpluses and stoked its economy. The Asian Tigers, observing this success, strove to imitate the Japanese economic model with similar results (rapid growth followed by sustained recession).

Which of the following was the most important contributing factor to the outbreak of the Iranian Revolution in 1979? The desire to create a Westernized, secular state on the model of Turkey The desire to restore Islamic fundamentalist theology as a political force The desire to liberate Iran from the political and economic control of the Soviet Union The desire to nationalize oil fields to economically support a military regime

Option (B) is correct. Demonstrations against the United States-supported Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi began in 1977 and the revolution took place in 1979. Under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran became an Islamic republic with a government intent on eliminating secularism.

Which of the following was an effect of the collapse of centralized communist governments on Eastern Europe in 1989? Rapid development of technology industries Ethnic conflict as a result of deep historical tensions Successive waves of invasion by armies of the USSR Establishment of neofascist military dictatorships

Option (B) is correct. In 1989, Eastern Europe transitioned out of Soviet domination. This process led to a violent civil war in Yugoslavia, which had been constructed as a multiethnic state after the First World War. Conflicts also broke out as people that were not ethnically Russian attempted to establish independent states, such as in Chechnya.

An election in which voters are not required to be members of a political party to vote for party candidates is known as an open primary a closed primary a blanket primary a top-two primary

Option (A) is correct. In an open primary, voters can choose on election day in which political party primary they want to participate. Closed primaries require voters to declare themselves in advance of election day (often 30 days) while in blanket primaries voters may choose a candidate for each office without regard to party. A top-two primary is a system whereby all candidates appear on the primary ballot, all registered voters can participate, and the top two advance to the general election

Which of the following was an argument made by the Anti-Federalists against the ratification of the Constitution? The Constitution did not provide a clear separation of powers. The Constitution failed to protect individual rights. The Constitution failed to give enough power to the national government. The Constitution did not allow the states to be a part of the amendment process.

Option (B) is correct. The Anti-Federalists believed that the original Constitution should not be ratified because its text did not include specific individual political rights.

Which of the following is a function of standing committees? They resolve discrepancies between bills that have been passed by both houses of Congress. They are formed on a temporary basis to investigate a pressing issue. They allow members of Congress to gain expertise in specific policy areas. They provide an opportunity for the minority party to gain leadership positions. Term

Option (C) is correct. Standing committees are permanent committees that focus on a specific policy area, thus allowing members to gain expertise

Which of the following powers does the Constitution grant to the president? Declaring war Levying taxes Making appointments Submitting a budget to Congress

Option (C) is correct. The Constitution grants the president the power to make appointments.

Which of the following philosophers argued that the protection of private property is a central function of governments? Plato Machiavelli John Locke Thomas Paine

Option (C) is correct. John Locke famously argued that rights to property are natural rights which governments should protect

Which of the following terms describes the process by which bureaucrats interpret the meaning of laws and decide how they should be implemented? Lawmaking Rulemaking Adjudication Lobbying

Option (B) is correct. Bureaucrats in federal agencies interpret and implement laws through the rulemaking process.

Which of the following is the best example of an application of the full faith and credit clause? The state of California charges tourists a fee to use state parks. The state of Connecticut recognizes marriage licenses from all other states. The state of Virginia does not charge churches for property or sales tax. The state of Texas must get congressional approval to do business with Mexico.

Option (B) is correct. In Article IV, Section I of the United States Constitution, the full faith and credit clause establishes that states have to respect the “public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.”

Which of the following is a widely shared belief in political culture in the United States? Participating in elections is an important civic duty. Direct action, such as civil disobedience, is more important than voting. Economic equality is as important as political equality. Majority preferences should be given more weight than minority rights.

Option (A) is correct. Voting is considered one of the most important forms of political participation in the United States.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty focusing on the issue of climate change world poverty nuclear proliferation drug trafficking

Option (A) is correct. Countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol agree to lower their greenhouse gas emissions.

Which of the following are most common in states that use proportional representation electoral systems? Coalition governments Single-party governments Hybrid regimes Authoritarian regimes

Option (A) is correct. In a proportional representation voting system, each party gets the percentage of seats equal to the percentage of votes it receives in the election. This makes it more likely for smaller parties to win seats partly because people will be more likely to vote for smaller parties, which would not have much of a chance of winning in a majoritarian voting system, such as single-member district plurality. Proportional representation may or may not be found in the other three systems

If a state’s population increases, its representation in Congress is most likely to change in which of the following ways? The size of Congress will be increased to account for the population increase. The state will gain representation in both the House and the Senate. The state will gain representation in the Senate only. The state will gain representation in the House only.

Option (D) is correct. In the House, representation is based on population, meaning that if a state has an increase in population, it will most likely gain representation in the House.

The framers of the Constitution argued that judicial independence would be best protected by the nomination power of the president life tenure with good behavior the confirmation power of the Senate traditions and norms in the legal profession

Option (B) is correct. The framers believed that justices serving with life tenure would be insulated from undue political pressures.

Media coverage of elections that primarily focuses on which candidates are ahead and behind in the polls is referred to as yellow journalism horse race journalism muckraking watchdog journalism

Option (B) is correct. During election campaigns, news media coverage tends to focus on how candidates are polling in a phenomenon referred to as horse race journalism.

Which of the following best summarizes Thomas Hobbes’ argument in favor of a strong central government? Legitimate monarchs are right to expect obedience and loyalty from their subjects. Anarchy can only be avoided by entering into a social contract enforced by a sovereign. The preservation of traditional morality requires a powerful government. The prosperity of a country requires a state that can effectively regulate the economy.

Option (B) is correct. In Leviathan, Hobbes argued that human beings can only leave the state of nature by entering into a social contract and ceding their natural rights to a powerful sovereign.

Which of the following is a difference between the Senate and the House of Representatives? The Senate has many more committees than the House does. The Senate uses a system of seniority, but the House does not. The Senate is governed by fewer formal rules than the House is. The Senate is more receptive to legislative proposals from the president than the House is.

Option (C) is correct. The Senate is governed by fewer formal rules than the House is.

Voter turnout is typically highest in which of the following elections? Off-year congressional elections Presidential general elections Presidential primary elections Local elections

Option (B) is correct. Voter turnout is highest in general presidential elections.

Interest groups regularly engage in which of the following activities? Select all that apply. Filing amicus curiae briefs Nominating candidates for office Donating to electoral campaigns Conducting scientific public opinion polls

Options (A) and (C) are correct. Interest groups regularly file amicus curiae briefs and donate to electoral campaigns. They do not nominate candidates for office nor typically conduct scientific polls themselves.

Which of the following best describes a system in which powers are distributed between the national and subnational governments? Federalism Separation of powers Checks and balances Limited government

Option (A) is correct. Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between central and regional governments.

Selective incorporation is the process by which the president selects judicial nominees for federal court the bureaucracy decides how a policy should be implemented certain Bill of Rights protections have been applied at the state level amendments have been incorporated into the Constitution

Option (C) is correct. Selective incorporation is the process by which certain protections of the Bill of Rights have been applied at the state level

Political polarization is best described as a process in which party coalitions in the electorate shift such that groups supporting each party change individuals’ political preferences increasingly resemble those of the political parties they are affiliated with citizens increasingly identify as independent and do not affiliate with a major political party Democratic and Republican legislators are able to achieve compromise and pass legislation together

Option (B) is correct. Popular political polarization occurs when voters are more starkly and clearly divided along partisan lines

Which of the following best characterizes the Supreme Court’s ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut? Prayer in schools is a violation of the First Amendment. The Court may exercise judicial review to invalidate legislation. Married couples have certain privacy rights that legislatures may not violate. Evidence obtained in unconstitutional search and seizures is inadmissible in court

Option (C) is correct. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Court ruled that married couples have privacy rights that legislatures may not violate. This case was a foundational case for the right to privacy.

The Federalist papers were written in support of popular protests against the Stamp Act the signing of the Declaration of Independence the drafting of the Articles of Confederation the ratification of the Constitution

Option (D) is correct. The Federalist papers were written in support of efforts to get the new Constitution ratified by the states.

Which of the following is an example of pork-barrel politics? Accepting federal funds for political campaigns Passing state legislation that helps only one political party Directing federal funds to a representative’s district through legislation Approving state subsidies to farmers for agricultural use Term

Option (C) is correct. The definition of pork barrel is directing federal funds to a representative’s district through legislation.

Question:The drawing above most closely illustrates which of the following? Federalism Separation of powers Nationalism Checks and balances

Option (C) is correct. The definition of pork barrel is directing federal funds to a representative’s district through legislation.

In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court relied on which of the following constitutional provisions to find that public school segregation is unconstitutional? The commerce clause The supremacy clause The equal protection clause The necessary and proper clause

Option (C) is correct. In Brown, a unanimous Court held that state laws establishing schools segregated by race were in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Which of the following examples best shows the spatial economic practice of agglomeration? The main population center in a fruit-growing region has a juice manufacturing facility. A rubber tire factory and windshield producer locate near an automobile assembly plant. A popular fast food chain locates their restaurants at roughly equidistant places throughout a metropolitan area. A region that specializes in dairy products trades with a region that specializes in grain production.

Option (B) is correct. Agglomeration occurs when similar firms or businesses within the same industry locate in close proximity to each other. Agglomerating businesses tend to benefit from this clustering pattern by sharing a skilled workforce, utilizing local resources, and/or engaging in a manufacturing supply chain.

Which of the following is the best example of a nation-state? Russia Japan Spain The United States

Option (B) is correct. A nation-state is a country of citizens who share a common culture and ethnic origin and who together compose a state. The nation-state does not exist fully in reality because most national populations are diverse, to a degree. In western Europe Iceland is closest to this ideal type. Japan, because it has set limits on immigration, is the closest to the type in Asia

Which of the following projections, commonly found on classroom maps of the world and in the image above, accurately depicts the size of the continents but is not true to direction? Mercator Robinson Polar Conic

Option (B) is correct. The Robinson projection is designed to minimize distortion of the continents on world maps in terms of their relative size, especially near the polar regions.

A mental map would most likely be used to determine the optimal number of alternative energy sources in a given municipality the current number of public libraries in a region the most interesting route to school from home the site with the best transportation infrastructure for a new industrial park

Option (C) is correct. A mental map consists of memory constructs intervening between geographic settings and human action. Mental maps incorporate not only physical location, but also social and economic understanding of the geography in question. Since a mental map reflects a person's perception, residents of a neighborhood, for example, would have a different mental map of the dense network of streets than those who pass through the neighborhood but live elsewhere.

Which of the following has been a primary cause of soil depletion in deforested rain forest environments? The overuse of harmful pesticides The introduction of cash-crop agriculture Contamination by industrial waste The use of chemical fertilizers

Option (B) is correct. This question tests your knowledge of the effects of human activity on rain forest environments. The primary cause of soil depletion after deforestation has been cattle ranching and the raising of cash crops that are not suitable for the soil. The crops deplete the soil’s fertility after a year or two. Therefore, (B) is correct.

The process in the hydrologic cycle in which water molecules escape the surface of the Earth and enter the atmosphere is called precipitation condensation evaporation surface runoff

Option (C) is correct. Evaporation is the dispersion of water vapor into the atmosphere via solar radiation of exposed surfaces containing water. By contrast, precipitation (A), which takes various forms including rain and snow, returns water to the Earth, and surface runoff (D) is water that is not absorbed by the Earth during precipitation. Condensation (B) is the transition of water from a vapor back to a liquid. In the atmosphere, it leads to the formation of clouds and, sometimes, precipitation.

Which of the following can be concluded about most early civilizations from the map above? They tended to form in the east and spread west. They tended to form where irrigation would be unnecessary or easily accomplished. They tended to form adjacent to other civilizations with which they could trade. They tended to form in areas with tropical climates.

This question asks you to use a map of early civilizations to make a generalization. The map shows that most early civilizations were located in river valleys or along coasts. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Which of the following potential hazards has seen coordinated international efforts to prevent further damage to the environment? Earthquakes Tropical storms Ozone depletion Seasonal flooding

Option (C) is correct. Ozone depletion, caused by chlorofluorocarbons, is expected to taper off over time, largely because of international agreements beginning with the Montreal Protocol of 1987 that limited the use and production of ozone-depleting chemicals.

Which of the following forms of agriculture would traditionally be practiced in a tropical climate? Pastoral farming Aquaponic agriculture Mixed livestock and crop farming Slash-and-burn agriculture

Option (D) is correct. The slash-and-burn farming technique is prevalent in tropical climates and is practiced in patches of forest that are cleared for agriculture by cutting and burning the undergrowth. The plots are used for a relatively short time before being abandoned in favor of freshly cleared areas.

What causes weather patterns to move from west to east across the United States? Trade winds Jet stream Mountain ranges Gulf Stream

Option (B) is correct. The jet stream is a high-velocity wind in the lower levels of the atmosphere that attains speeds of more than 250 miles per hour as it moves in a westerly direction, carrying weather patterns with it.

Which of the following most likely accounts for acid precipitation occurring far from its point of origin, as indicated by the map? Prevailing wind Groundwater runoff Temperature fluctuation Depletion of the ozone layer

Option (A) is correct. Acid precipitation contains pollutants released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels. As these contaminants become airborne, prevailing winds can carry them hundreds of miles, thus depositing them great distances from where they originated.

The massive depletion of the Aral Sea, which has shrunk significantly from the fourth largest lake in the world, is most likely due to which of the following? Use of the water from the feeder rivers for irrigation Occurrence of persistent drought in Kazakhstan Effects of global warming Increased dependence on groundwater mining

Option (A) is correct. The Aral Sea contains freshwater that flows in from its tributary rivers. The river water has been diverted in great quantity by farmers hoping to grow cotton in the regions surrounding the Aral Sea. As a result, the sea has shrunk, exposing the seabed at an increasing rate.

Singapore has become one of the outstanding centers of manufacturing, finance, and trade along the Pacific Rim. This is due in part to which of the following geographic advantages? Relative location Absolute location Topography Mineral resources

Option (A) is correct. Singapore's rapid economic growth is primarily due to its location near the rapidly growing economies of Southeast Asia and its position on the Malacca Strait, a major trade route connecting East Asia with South Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. In geographic terms, both of these features are aspects of Singapore's relative location

According to the map above, the distance between Nome and Barrow, Alaska, is approximately how many miles? 150 300 500 650

Option (C) is correct. The distance from Nome to Barrow is greater than the maximum distance represented by the scale on the map. To answer the question, it is necessary to measure the scale with a ruler or use the edge of a piece of paper to replicate the scale and then apply it to the map so that the entire distance can be measured. The closest approximation to the distance is 500 miles.

An equatorial rain forest is associated with which of the following climatic conditions? Cold, dry winters and warm, moist summers Hot and wet conditions year-round Mild winters and hot, sultry summers Cold, snowy winters and hot, dry summers

Option (B) is correct. Climate regions tend to be classified into categories in relation to their proximity to the equator or the polar areas. Equatorial rain forests or low latitude climates receive the direct rays of the Sun year-round, making temperatures high, and they experience large amounts of rainfall and humidity.

Which of the following describes an application of the Global Positioning System (GPS) ? Gathering atmospheric information from a satellite to forecast the weather Employing a tool to automatically maintain a minimum distance from the vehicle ahead Measuring angular distances of stars with a hand-held device for sea navigation Using a voice-activated device and a visual display to access driving directions

Option (D) is correct. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system that allows users to employ a device to access driving directions. None of the other options describes an application of the GPS.

A population’s rate of natural increase is determined by which of the following? The difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate The sum of the native population and the total number of immigrants in the population over a decade The difference between the total number of births and the annual rate of infant mortality The difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants over a set period of time

Option (A) is correct. The rate of natural increase is determined by subtracting the crude death rate (the number of deaths per year per thousand people) from the crude birth rate (the number of births per year per thousand people). None of the other options contains the correct formula for determining the rate of natural increase, which must take into account both the number of births and the number of deaths.

In contrast to developed countries, developing countries are generally characterized by a higher proportion of high school graduates in their population lower population growth rates a higher proportion of their population working in agriculture lower emigration rates

on (C) is correct. Developing countries, which have real per capita income that is low relative to that in developed countries, tend to have a higher proportion of their workforce employed in agriculture. Populations in developing countries are less educated, on average, than those in developed countries, so (A) is not a correct answer. Population growth rates of developing countries tend to be higher than those of developed countries, so (B) is not a correct answer. More people tend to emigrate from developing countries than from developed countries, so (D) is not a correct answer.

Which of the following uses curriculum design to promote an adolescent's motivation to read? Aligning content and skills to state standards Offering students a choice of supplemental reading materials Offering cross-age and peer-tutoring programs Monitoring student growth through frequent formative assessments

Option (B) is correct. Empowering students to make decisions about topics and selections of materials fosters greater student ownership and responsibility for engagement, which positively affects motivation.

Unemployment that occurs as a result of a mismatch between currently available workers and required job skills is frictional unemployment structural unemployment cyclical unemployment seasonal unemployment

Option (B) is correct. Structural unemployment happens when there is a mismatch between jobs and skills.

Which of the following changes indicates long-run economic growth? An increase in consumption spending An increase in the price level An increase in long-run aggregate supply An increase in wages in response to an inflationary gap

Option (C) is correct. An increase in the long-run aggregate supply represents an increase in capacity, which indicates economic growth

Which of the following increases labor productivity? An increase in the labor force participation rate An increase in the skills of workers An increase in employment An increase in immigration

Option (B) is correct. An increase in skills will increase production per worker, which is an increase in productivity

Government spending on research and development, education, and infrastructure is most likely designed to promote economic growth control inflation reduce the budget deficit reduce the trade deficit

Option (A) is correct. Growth theory identifies factors such as education as being integral to a country’s economic growth. (B) and (D) would explicitly require expansionary fiscal and/or monetary policies, while (C) would be achieved with contractionary fiscal policy.

Which of the following is true of the market basket of goods and services used to calculate the consumer price index? The market basket changes every year as prices of goods and services change. The market basket remains fixed to measure the change in the prices of the same goods. The market basket changes every year as real gross domestic product changes. The market basket gets smaller over time as population grows

Option (B) is correct. The consumer price index holds the market basket constant so that only changes in price are measured.

If a country imposes a tariff on imports, which of the following will occur? The loss in consumer surplus will exceed the gain in producer surplus. The loss in producer surplus will exceed the gain in consumer surplus. The gain in consumer surplus will exceed the loss in producer surplus. The gain in producer surplus will exceed the loss in consumer surplus.

Option (A) is correct. The loss in consumer surplus will exceed the gain in producer surplus.

An increase in the aggregate price level results in inflation disinflation deflation economic growth

Option (A) is correct. Inflation is defined as an increase in an economy’s aggregate price level.

When the economy is in a recession, the Federal Reserve might implement an expansionary monetary policy in an effort to increase aggregate demand, which will cause interest rates to decline government spending to increase real gross domestic product and the price level to increase real gross domestic product to increase and the price level to decrease

Option (C) is correct. An increase in aggregate demand will increase both real GDP and the price level.

Assume Country X can produce either 100 computers or 20 cars. The opportunity cost of producing a car in Country X is 1/5 of a computer 5 computers 1/5 of a car 5 cars

Option (B) is correct. The opportunity cost of producing a car is 5 computers (100/20).

An increase in the expected rate of inflation will result in which of the following? A lower nominal interest rate A higher nominal interest rate A higher real interest rate A lower actual inflation rate

Option (B) is correct. The nominal interest rate equals the sum of the real interest rate and the expected inflation rate, so if the expected inflation rate increases so does the nominal interest rate.

Two neighboring towns of Skyville and Grandview hire basic manufacturing workers in a perfectly competitive labor market. If the demand for basic manufacturing labor in the town of Grandview increased, the wages in Grandview would fall, and the demand for labor in Skyville would decrease fall, and the supply of labor in Skyville would increase rise, and the demand for labor in Skyville would increase rise, and the supply of labor in Skyville would decrease

Option (D) is correct. (D) states that the increase in demand causes an increase in wages in Grandview, as well as a decrease in the supply of workers in Skyville as workers in Skyville will respond to the higher wages in Grandview.

Clothing manufacturers discover that the availability of a mineral necessary to produce red dyes is going to be very limited due to flooding in the area where it is normally mined. Which of the following will most likely occur? Consumers will demand more red clothing because it is scarce. Producers will increase the supply of red clothing due to higher prices. Higher production costs will cause a decrease in the supply of red clothing produced. The amount of red clothing demanded will not change because it depends on preferences.

Option (C) is correct. The supply of a good is affected by the cost of production. The supply of red dyes decreases and the price of red dyes increases. The increase in the price of red dyes increases the cost of producing red clothing, causing the supply of red clothing to decrease.

Number of Workers Total Output 0 0 1 6 2 11 3 15 4 18 Question:Assume that a perfectly competitive firm uses labor as the only variable input. The firm's per hour input-output schedule is given in the table above. If the firm's labor cost is $20 per worker per hour and the firm sells its output for $5 per unit, how many workers should the firm hire to maximize profit? 1 2 3 4

Option (C) is correct. The firm equates the value of the marginal product of labor with the wage rate. The profit-maximizing number of workers occurs when the value of the marginal product of the last worker hired is equal to the wage rate. ($5 x 4) = $20 holds with the third worker.

Which of the following is a reward to entrepreneurs for assuming risk? Wages Dividends Profits Stock appreciation

Option (C) is correct. While an entrepreneur could earn any of these, profit is the correct answer because it is the reward to entrepreneurs for assuming the risk.

Assume that fish and chicken are substitutes. If chicken farms experience a significant increase in the price of chicken feeds, which of the following will most likely occur? The supply curve in the fish market will shift to the right. The demand curve in the fish market will shift to the right. The demand curve in the chicken market will shift to the left. The supply curve in the chicken market will shift to the right.

Option (B) is correct. An increase in the cost of chicken feed shifts the supply curve in the chicken market to the left, causing an increase in the price of chicken. Since chicken and fish are substitutes, the demand for fish increases, and the demand curve will shift to the right.

Economics is defined as a social science that deals with the study of how society chooses to use its scarce resources to satisfy competing needs entrepreneurs create and manage a business organization free markets limit government intervention in the economy teamwork and collective actions lead to an efficient use of resources

Option (A) is correct. Economics deals with the allocation of scarce resources among competing ends to satisfy society's unlimited wants.

The patent for a popular blood-thinning drug expires this year, and a number of pharmaceutical companies have decided to produce generic versions of the drug. As a result, the price of the drug will increase due to a decrease in the supply decrease due to an increase in the supply decrease due to a decrease in the demand increase due to an increase in the demand

Option (B) is correct. An increase in the number of producers increases the supply of the drug and, therefore, the price will fall.

The knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for a person to perform a specific task is known as a renewable resource an appreciating resource professionalism human capital

Option (D) is correct. Human capital, by definition, refers to the knowledge, skills, and experience acquired by workers. Human capital is produced through education and training

Which of the following is crucial to children becoming socialized? Participation in sports and extracurricular activities Proper medical treatment early in life Well-educated parents Regular social interaction with adults

Option (D) is correct. For children to become socialized, contact with adults who teach them the norms, values, and cultural expectations of their respective communities is critical.

According to Karl Marx, the modern social structure is a product of anomie bureaucracy capitalism Rationality

Option (C) is correct. Marx believed that class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie was the main feature of modern social structure and that capitalism was the source of the struggle.

Which of the following best describes the movement of a concept, innovation, or discovery from its area of origin to new areas? Culture hearth Cultural diffusion Culture complex Cultural realm

Option (B) is correct. This question tests your knowledge of the means by which discoveries, innovations, and other achievements of individual cultures are transmitted to neighboring societies. The process of spreading those ideas to other locations and societies is an example of cultural diffusion.

Max Weber argued that individuals band together based on such factors as race, ethnicity, religion, occupation, and gender to form status groups meritocracies clans egalitarian societies

Option (A) is correct. The German sociologist Max Weber believed that people come together to achieve aims based on cultural identities or interests. The existence of these status groups normally leads to the creation of a hierarchical order in the form of social stratification.

A mother and her 2-year-old daughter are in an examination room at the pediatrician’s office. The child is happily playing with toys on the floor. When the doctor enters, the child quickly drops her toys and moves to her mother’s side. The daughter is displaying behavior typical of secure attachment insecure attachment theory of mind separation anxiety

Option (A) is correct. The behavior described demonstrates the child using the mother as a safe base which indicates secure attachment.

Which of the following is the most common psychological disorder in the United States? Major depressive disorder Schizophrenia Paranoid personality disorder Dissociative identity disorder

Option (A) is correct. This question asks you to recognize an important issue in psychological adjustment in the United States. While there are a number of different types of psychological disorders, the most common of the four choices listed is depression, which, according to a recent survey, occurs in approximately five percent of the population of the United States.

According to psychologists, the most important developmental task during adolescence is motor-skill formation suppressing emotions identity formation maintaining secure attachments

Option (C) is correct. This question asks you to recognize and understand a significant aspect of an important stage of human psychological development. One of the most serious challenges for an individual passing through adolescence is the development of a coherent, realistic sense of self. This sense of self must be integrated with accepted societal standards in order for the individual to function productively in society. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

The relationship between prejudice and discrimination is best characterized by which of the following? Stereotype and generalization Faith and values Morality and law Attitude and action

Option (D) is correct. This question asks you to recognize two important concepts concerning social justice and the relationship between them. Prejudice is a bias or hostility toward members of a certain group; discrimination is the carrying out of that belief through deeds. Thus, prejudice is an attitude and discrimination is an action. The correct answer, therefore, is (D)

Which of the following is a major social institution? Religion Community Entertainment Technology

Option (A) is correct. This question asks you to recognize an important general social concept, the social institution. Social institutions are established organizations of positive significance to a society. They are usually dedicated to education, public service, or culture and preserve or propagate customs, practices, or relationships important to the community or society. Only (A), religion, meets these requirements.

After a college football team lost a key game against an arch rival, a crowd of fans ran onto the field, screaming and throwing things. The people in the crowd were otherwise law-abiding citizens. Their behavior can be explained by the principle of social loafing deindividuation group polarization Scapegoating

Option (B) is correct. Deindividuation occurs when people tend to lose some of their self-awareness and self-restraint when in groups.

Communities of Hasidic Jews living in New York City and Mennonites living in rural Ohio are examples of utopias subcultures reactionary groups dominant societies

Option (B) is correct. This question asks you to bring your knowledge of anthropology to a particular situation and apply important terms defining human cultural structure. A subculture is a group differentiated by ethnic, religious, or social factors that exhibits characteristic patterns of behavior that functionally unify the group and are sufficient to distinguish it from the surrounding culture or society. Both Hasidic Jews in New York City and Mennonites in rural Ohio are relatively small religious groups with distinctive social and cultural behaviors.

According to B. F. Skinner’s theories, which of the following should be used to increase the frequency of a behavior? Latent learning Positive reinforcement Punishment Classical conditioning

Option (B) is correct. This question asks you to recognize a major characteristic of the theory of an important psychologist. B. F. Skinner viewed human behavior in terms of physiological responses to the environment. He pioneered the study of operant conditioning, in which behavior is either rewarded or punished. Skinner found that rewarding a behavior, which he called positive reinforcement, led to an increase in the frequency of the behavior.

“Normally, there is nothing of which we are more certain than the feeling of our self, of our own ego. This ego appears to us as something autonomous and unitary, marked off distinctly from everything else. That such an appearance is deceptive, and that on the contrary the ego is continued inwards, without any sharp delimitation, into an unconscious mental entity which we designate as the id and for which it serves as a kind of façade—this was a discovery first made by psychoanalytic research, which should still have much more to tell us about the relation of the ego to the id.” The ideas expressed in the excerpt are most closely associated with which of the following thinkers? Abraham Maslow Jean Piaget Ivan Pavlov Sigmund Freud

Option (D) is correct. This question asks you to recognize the terminology and references in a quotation and assign them to a famous psychological theorist. Sigmund Freud believed that the human mind was composed of functional elements known as the ego, the id, and the superego. The id is composed of primitive desires for pleasure; the superego is composed of the internalization of social moral commands; and the ego is the conscious mediator between an individual and reality.

Which of the following best explains the establishment of government in early civilizations?

Which statement best describes the main reason behind the establishment of governments in early river valley civilizations? People formed governments as a way to solve problems for the mutual benefit of a city or village.

Which of the following is considered to be the main feature of civilization?

The rise of cities is considered the main feature of civilization. The world's first civilizations developed independently in a number of river valley around the world.

Which of the following best describes the basis of the ruler's authority in Zhou China?

Which of the following best describes the basis of the ruler's authority in Zhou China? wise and principled guardian of his people.

Which of the following best explains why specialized workers developed after agriculture?

Which of the following best explains why specialized workers developed after agriculture? The entire population no longer needed to work to produce food.


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