Which of the following basic life processes is/are represented by the digestion of a meal?

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter-6 Important Questions with Answers - Free PDF Download

Class 10 examination is the most crucial and significant exam in a student’s life. The marks secured in Class 10th Board exams are an essential attribute that decides their future study course. It is during this year in school that a student chooses his/her career. Losing marks is not an option for a student in 10th Board exams. Science is one of the most important subjects of Class 10 CBSE exam. In this subject, the students learn about various activities that occur in our surroundings. It also teaches the students about human beings, plants and animals. Science can be pretty tough for the students to understand. A brief comprehension of the chapters and important questions and answers can help you get a complete knowledge of the subject. Vedantu brings you the Important Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6, which are compressed in a PDF format. The students can refer to these questions during the preparation of exams. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT)and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for the better solutions, they can download Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 - Life Processes 2022-23

1. How many chapters are there in CBSE Class 10 science book?

Ans: There are a total of 7 units in CBSE Class 10 science solutions book. Below is the list of units: 

Unit 1: Chemical Substances - Nature and Behaviour

  • Chemical reactions

  • Acids, bases and salts

  • Metals and non-metals

  • Carbon and compounds

  • Periodic classification of elements

Unit 2: World of Living

  • Life processes

  • Control and coordination in animals and plants

  • How do organisms reproduce

  • Control and coordination in animals

  • Reproduction

  • Heredity and evolution

Unit 3: Natural Phenomenon

  • Light

  • Refraction of light 

  • Reflection of light

  • The functioning of the human eye

Unit 4: Effects of Current

  • Effects of current

  • Magnetic effects of current

Unit 5: Natural Resources

  • Sources of Energy

  • Our environment

  • management of natural resources

Unit 6: How things work

Unit 7: Moving Things, People and Idea 

2. Give a brief description of evolution.

Ans:  Evolution:

In this part of Class 10 Science Chapter 9, you will not only learn about the evolution of humans but also the evolution of animals and birds. 

  1. Homologous and Analogous organs are the ones which are used in the evolutionary relationships of animals. 

  2. There are various stages of evolution. You shall read about the artificial selection, in which one particular species will evolve into various species. 

  3. Phylogeny is considered for the evolutionary relationship of biological species. 

  4. Humans from primates evolution is still a big mystery and here, you will learn some more details about it. 

Here, you will also understand what is somatic variation and Gametic variation and they occur in somatic cells and germ cells of the body. You will also read about the importance of variations and what are the causes of variations.

3. Explain about magnetic field and field lines.

Ans: Here, the topic discusses field and field lines where magnetics play a major role. Attraction or repulsion of objects can be seen in magnetic fields. Nickel, Iron and Cobalt are the best examples of magnetic fields. You will also read about: 

  1. North and south poles

  2. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract

  3. Bar magnet

  4. Magnetic field

  5. Magnetic field lines

  6. Iron filings test around a bar magnet

  7. No two magnetic field lines intersect

  8. The relative strength of magnetic field inferred from magnetic field lines

  9. Magnetic field lines form a closed-loop.

Here, the concept also educates you on the concentric circles which are used to represent at every point over a conductor. This will be explained to you with various experiments such as Oersted’s experiment, electromagnetism and electromagnet, magnetic field due to a straight current-carrying conductor, right-hand thumb rule, magnetic field due to current through a circular loop and magnetic field due to current in a solenoid.

4. Benefits of NCERT solutions with Vedantu?

Ans: These solutions are drafted by our Science experts with utmost care to make you’re learning more fun and interactive. You can score well if you have secured 100% confidence to answer any question asked from this chapter. They made sure that CBSE and NCERT guidelines are strictly followed while drafting these solutions.

Our NCERT solutions will help you in developing a strong conceptual foundation with all the important concepts in a very simple language. Solutions provided to the questions are crisp and concise with 100% accuracy in the exercises. They have been designed in such a way that through which you can expand your knowledge base, improve your learning skills and it clears all your doubts instantly.

5. What are the important topics in life processes according to Chapter 6 of Class 10 Science

Ans:Chapter 6 of Class 10 Science will help students to understand the different life processes. In this chapter, students will study the type of nutrition in different organisms. They will also study the concept of photosynthesis in detail. They will even study the process of digestion in human beings in detail and will learn about the different organs of the digestive system and how different organs help in the digestion of food. The process of excretion and how waste products are excreted out of the body is also a part of life processes. 

6. Why are life processes important?

Ans:Life processes are important for healthy living. Life processes such as respiration, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion are vital for all living organisms. The processes may differ from one organism to another. Students of Class 10 science will learn about the different life processes in Chapter 6. It is an interesting chapter and an essential one if the student wants to pursue a career in Biology. 

7. If there is less air in the trachea, its walls do not collapse. Give a reason.

Ans: The trachea is a tube through which we breathe in air and give out carbon dioxide. The trachea is made up of small rings arranged in the form of C. The rings are muscular and made of connective tissue. Thus, the rings present in the trachea help prevent it from collapsing when there is no air in it. The muscular rings expand when air enters into it and contracts when air moves out of our lungs. For Important Questions of Chapter 6 of Class 10 Science, visit Vedantu website or mobile app and download the PDF free of cost.

8. What is the process of digestion and where does the complete digestion of various components of food take place?

Ans: Digestion of food takes place in different organs. In the mouth, the process starts by chewing food. Then it passes to the stomach for further digestion. The small intestine is the part where complete digestion of food takes place. Different juices and enzymes present in the different parts of the digestive system help in the complete digestion of the food. The digestion starts in the mouth and breaks into small molecules that are digested quickly in the stomach and other parts of the digestive system.

9. Explain how urine is produced?

Ans: Urine is the waste product excreted out of the body. Urine is produced in the kidneys. It consists of harmful substances. Therefore, it is necessary to pass out the waste products in the form of urine. Kidneys filter the blood and important substances such as glucose, amino acids, and salts are reabsorbed. Excess amounts of water present in the blood and other waste substances are converted into the urine and it is excreted out through the urinary system.

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What basic life processes are represented by the digestion of a meal?

Digestion of food is a form of catabolism, in which the food is broken down into small molecules that the body can absorb and use for energy, growth, and repair. Digestion occurs when food is moved through the digestive system. It begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine.

Which of the following are basic life processes?

The basic processes of life include organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movements, and reproduction. In humans, who represent the most complex form of life, there are additional requirements such as growth, differentiation, respiration, digestion, and excretion. All of these processes are interrelated.


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