Which of the following are true statements about a program of research check all that apply

1. Match the types of research designs (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right


Descriptive research designs —- They use questionnaires to gather information that can be

converted into knowledge about people, objects, or issues.

Predictive research designs —- They use questionnaires to gather a wider range of information

that can be used in forecasting changes in attitudes and behaviors and also in testing hypotheses.

2. Identify the true statements about designing questionnaires. (Check all that apply.)

Multiple select question.

The principles of designing questionnaires remain essentially the same regardless of advances in

communication systems. XXXX

The steps researchers follow in designing questionnaires differ radically depending on whether

they are developed online or offline.

Good questionnaires, or well-designed questionnaires, allow researchers to gather information

that is not only reliable but also valid. XXXX

The methodology of asking and recording questions has remained independent of the

development of software and advances in communication systems.

3. Match the types of tests conducted before the main study (in the left column) with their

definitions (in the right column).

A pilot study —- It is a small-scale version of the intended main research study, including all the

subcomponents that make up the main study, including the data collection and analysis from

about 50 to 100 participants that are representative of the main study's target population.

A pretest —- It is a descriptive research activity representing a small-scale investigation of 5 to

30 subjects that are representative of the main study’s defined target population but focus on a

specific subcomponent of the main study.

4.In the context of questionnaire design, arrangethe steps that researchers should complete

before implementing a survey in the order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.)

5. Unlike unstructured question formats, structured question formats _____.

Multiple choice question.

Why is this page out of focus?

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Why is this page out of focus?

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Why is this page out of focus?

This is a Premium document. Become Premium to read the whole document.

Which of the following is true of the image of management as a controlling function?

It manifests a "top-down" hierarchical view of managing.

It focuses on enhancing both individual and organizational capabilities.

It is encourages employee involvement in the decision-making process.

It reflects a "bottom-up" hierarchical view of managing.

Identify the assumptions that form the basis of employee involvement in change. (Check all that


Multiple select question.

If a change is made utilizing the inputs from employees, they tend to show more commitment in

making it a success.

Those who are closest to the action tend to be more knowledgeable about how things can be


Those who have years of experience as change agents have a better understanding of how

problems can be solved.


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