Which of the following accurately describes the origins of the fatimid regime?

Asked by JusticeGrousePerson15

1. Which of the following is an accurate description of Mecca before the introduction of Islam?

a. Learned men gathered there to debate the doctrines of Zoroastrianism and Judaism.

b. The Roman and Ptolemaic empires had already influenced the city and its surrounding region.

c. Mecca was a kind of paradise, with flowing rivers, lush grasses, and bountiful fruit trees.

d. Mecca contained a revered sanctuary where polytheistic Meccans worshipped.

2. What spurred Islam's remarkably rapid territorial expansion under the "rightly guided" caliphs?

a. The caliphs declined to convert nonbelievers and tolerated diverse beliefs, which permitted Islam to adapt to many different societies.

b. The caliphs moved the capital to Baghdad, which was at a nexus of trade routes that allowed rapid military movement.

c. The caliphs promoted the Five Pillars, which required the forced conversion on Christians and Jews.

d. The caliphs linked religious uprightness with territorial expansion and empire building.

3. In what way were the Abbasid rulers similar to the Roman emperors?

a. Both increasingly relied upon diverse populations far from the imperial center to fill their armies.

b. Both effectively balanced the center and the periphery in imperial administration.

c. Both empires ultimately relied upon a single ethnicity for support.

d. Both located the center of religious devotion inside their imperial capital city.

4. Which of the following best characterizes the role and position of women in early Islamic society?

a. Women had a shifting status, as patriarchy was only starting to emerge in Arabian communities.

b. Women lost all rights to inherit or own property.

c. Women from poor families were required to wear veils and be secluded, while women from wealthy families were allowed open access to male society.

d. Women enjoyed the right to divorce freely and to take multiple husbands.

5. Which of the following characterized scholars in Baghdad?

a. They ensured that the wealth and talent from the Arabian Peninsula made their way to Iran.

b. They created paper, a new type of medium for record keeping.

c. They translated the works of Aristotle, Hippocrates, Archimedes, and Galen from Greek.

d. They symbolized the preferential treatment given to ethnic Arabs by the Abbasid regime.

6. Which of the following demonstrates the cultural influence of Muslim merchants in Africa?

a. Swahili, which became the language of trade in East Africa

b. Yoruba literature, which described the journeys of sufi missionaries in West Africa

c. Ghanaian mosques, which reflected the influence of Hagia Sophia

d. Shona epics, which praised military exploits

7. Which of the following represented the greatest challenge to creating a unified Islamic culture?

a. The Quran was translated into many local languages, such as Swahili, leaving doubts as to which translation was the most accurate.

b. Numerous prophets, each with his own group of supporters, had arisen since the death of Muhammad.

c. Strains associated with choosing the first four caliphs left a legacy of protest.

d. Islam devalued the role of merchants, thus preventing its spread along the trade routes.

8. Which of the following accurately describes the origins of the Fatimid regime?

a. The Fatimids began when a Shiite religious and military leader overthrew the Sunni ruler in Egypt.

b. The Fatimids established themselves as a Sunni regime and refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Abbasid caliphs.

c. The Fatimids began as religious purifiers, who destroyed earlier centers of learning that had attracted Islamic scholars from all over Afro-Eurasia.

d. The Fatimids brought the Egyptian population into the Shiite faith and established Egypt as the primary base for Shiism.

9. In what way did the relationship between religion and power differ for Islam and Christianity?

a. Islam and Christianity were both universalizing religions, but Islam was not linked to political power.

b. Unlike Islam, Christianity was not linked to any political power.

c. Christianity, unlike Islam, provided a set of moral and ethical rules that were applied to governance.

d. The followers of Muhammad had to create an empire to facilitate the expansion of their faith, while Christianity inherited an empire when Constantine converted.

10. Which of the following accurately demonstrates the cosmopolitan nature of Tang China?

a. Buddhism was imported into China from Japan through Korea.

b. The Inner Asian state of Annam sent tribute in the form of women and blood horses to China.

c. Buddhism and new ideas in medicine and mathematics were imported from India.

d. Chinese methods of governance reflected Abbasid influence.

11. Which of the following statements about the civil service examination under the Tang dynasty is correct?

a. It was eliminated because it allowed government officials to gain authority independently of the imperial family.

b. It allowed commoners from southern China to outperform the aristocratic families of northern China.

c. It demonstrated to the poor the futility of education since they had no chance of obtaining government office.

d. It increased the influence of Buddhism since Buddhist texts were at the heart of the curriculum.

12. What was the role of the eunuch bureaucracy in the Tang dynasty?

a. It was responsible for keeping the emperor's household fed and cleaned.

b. It mediated between the emperor and the provincial governments.

c. It was limited by military officers who refused to work with it.

d. It had very little respect because the eunuchs were not considered to be true men.

13. The economic achievements of the Tang Dynasty were enhanced by which of the following?

a. establishing large, privately owned plantations to grow cotton and silk

b. limiting trade on the Silk Road to concentrate on the local handicraft market

c. using the Grand Canal and Yangzi River to aid transportation and communication

d. focusing on the iron and silver trade with Japan

14. Which of the following demonstrates the relationship between the Silla state in Korea and the Tang Empire?

a. The Tang engaged in constant warfare with the Silla.

b. The Tang borrowed a new form of Buddhism from the Silla.

c. The Silla modeled their capital city on the Tang capital at Chang'an.

d. The Silla refused to send tribute to the Tang.

15. In what way were the Yamato rulers of Japan bolstered by adopting Buddhism as the state religion?

a. by limiting the political power of Shinto priests

b. by linking the Yamato to a universalizing religion that stretched from India to Korea

c. by allowing the Yamato an entrance into the Silk Road trade system

d. by forcing Korea to recognize the Yamato as equals

16. What was an important effect of the reforms instituted by Nakatomi no Kamatari?

a. The power of the ruler was enhanced by exalting the emperor under the mandate of heaven.

b. The clan chief embraced Buddhist ideals on the proper role of the state.

c. Shintoism was instituted as a single state religion, and other religious practices were outlawed.

d. Confucian models of government were rejected as too binding on imperial expressions of power.

17. Which of the following characterized Charlemagne's rule?

a. His empire was smaller in both population and wealth compared to regimes of the Islamic world.

b. He ruled for fewer than twenty years but managed to halt the slave trade.

c. His empire incorporated much of the old Byzantine Empire.

d. He introduced to Europe an urban-based culture that valued educated citizens over warriors.

18. What technological advantage led to the Vikings' successful conquests and trade?

a. sophisticated longships that could travel up rivers

b. superior metallurgy techniques that produced stronger and more durable weapons

c. the ingestion of medicinal herbs that eliminated pain during battle

d. the development of gunpowder technologies that they had learned from merchants along the Silk Road

19. Which of the following accurately describes the Vikings?

a. They raided land from ocean coasts but avoided following rivers inland for fear of losing their naval advantages in narrow, shallow rivers.

b. They opened a trading link between the Baltic and Kiev, creating a commercial avenue from Scandinavia to Baghdad.

c. They lost their military strength when crushed by Charlemagne at L'Anse aux Meadows.

d. They quickly abandoned their warlike ethos and adopted settled agriculture once they arrived in Europe.

20. Which of the following most accurately compares Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy?

a. The differences between Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy were based on basic tenets of faith.

b. Both Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy believed that Jesus became human to atone for humanity's sins.

c. The key differences between Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy were in heritage, customs, language, and levels of civilization.

d. Both Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy were retreating from Islam's expansion.

Answer & Explanation

Which of the following accurately describes the origins of the fatimid regime?
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Answered by CaptainPorcupine1942

<p>ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odi</p> Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet

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Step-by-step explanation

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