Which medication administration activity can be delegated to nursing assistive personnel

1.1.ID: 18668356952

The nurse has obtained the patient's oral medications from the automated dispensing

system. What should the nurse do with the medication prior to going to the patient's room?

A. Place the packaged tablets or capsules into the medication cup. Correct

The nurse should place packaged tablets or capsules directly into medication

cup without removing wrapper. All tablets or capsules that the patient will receive

should be placed in one medicine cup, except for those requiring

preadministration assessments. Individual unit-dose packages should not be

opened until at the patient’s bedside and all three checks for accuracy have been

made. There is no indication the patient has difficulty swallowing, requiring the

medications to be crushed.

B. Open the individual packages and place the medications into one

medication cup.

C. Open the individual medication packages and place each into separate

medication cups.

D. Place medications between two cups and use a pill-crushing

device. Incorrect

Awarded 0.0 points out of 1.0 possible points.

2.2.ID: 18668356962

The nurse is reviewing medication administration through a feeding tube with the caregiver.

Which of the following statements indicates further instruction is needed?

A. "To verify gastric placement, the pH of aspirated gastric contents should 4 or


B. "After crushing all medications, I will mix them together with 30 mL of tepid

water." Correct

Prior to medication administration through a feeding tube, placement should be

verified. A gastric pH of less than 5 is a good indicator that tip of tube is correctly

placed in stomach. Each crushed tablet should be dissolved in separate cup of

30 mL warm water. Administering medications separately allows for accurate

identification of medication if dose is spilled. In addition, some medications may

be incompatible, and giving medication separately followed by a flush solution

decreases the risk for drug incompatibilities. Following the last dose of

medication with a 30 to 60 mL flush maintains patency of feeding tube and

ensures passage of medications into stomach. Clamping the tube if not being

used prevents air from entering stomach. Keeping the head elevated for 1 hour

after medication administration reduces risk of aspiration.

C. "Following the last dose of medication, I will flush the feeding tube with 30 to

60 mL of sterile water because he is immunocompromised."

D. "After medication administration, I will clamp the feeding tube and have him

sit up for 1 hour."

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