Which is true statement regarding fluid balance in older adult patient quizlet?

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What percentage of an adult's body weight consists of water?

50% to 60%

When administering intravenous (IV) fluids, the nurse ensures that the IV fluids are infusing as ordered to prevent dehydration in an adult. When could dehydration become lethal?

If the patient loses 20% of body fluid

The nurse uses a diagram to show that fluids in the interstitial and intravascular compartments are combined. What do they combine to form?

Extracellular compartment

The nurse encourages a patient who has been vomiting to drink fluids because the body fluid lost daily must match the amount of fluid taken in to maintain homeostasis. What is the recommended daily amount of fluid for an adult?

2500 mL

The nurse must keep an accurate intake and output record to assess kidney efficiency. In order for the kidneys to remove waste, what is the least amount of hourly urine output the kidneys must produce to remove waste?

30 mL

The nurse weighs a patient at the same time of day with the same scale and same clothing. What is this a simple and accurate method of determining?

Water balance

When a patient takes substances into the body, the substances first enter the extracellular compartment. What must the substances enter to carry out their function?

Intracellular compartment

Example of insensible losses include those from?

perspiration and expiration

Which of the following are causes of increase risk of dehydration in an older adult? Select all that apply

1. Decreased in mobility and diminished sense of thirst

2. Increase in salt intake due to changes in taste buds

3. The aging kidney is less able to concentrate urine, so more fluid is lost

4. Incontinent older adults sometimes restrict fluid intake to reduce frequency of urination

answer: 1,2,3,4
1. Decreased in mobility and diminished sense of thirst

2. Increase in salt intake due to changes in taste buds

3. The aging kidney is less able to concentrate urine, so more fluid is lost

4. Incontinent older adults sometimes restrict fluid intake to reduce frequency of urination

Which among the following are signs and symptoms of dehydration? Select all that apply

1. thirst

2. dry mucous membrane

3. increase heart rate, decrease BP

4. poor skin turgor, flat neck veins

all of the above
1. thirst

2. dry mucous membrane

3. increase heart rate, decrease BP

4. poor skin turgor, flat neck veins

Extracellular fluid compartment contains any fluid outside the cells which include? Select all that apply

1. large amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen

2. glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

3. electrolytes

4. bicarbonate

All of the above
1. large amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen

2. glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

3. electrolytes

4. bicarbonate

Measure and record all fluid intake which include: Select all that apply

1. oral fluids

2. gastric tube feedings

3. parenteral fluids

4. vomit

1. oral fluids

2. gastric tube feedings

3. parenteral fluids

Measure and record all output which include: Select all that apply

1. urine from Foley drainage system

2. Nasogastric suction, diarrhea stools

3. surgical wound receptacles, chest tube drainage

4. emesis, ileostomy

answer: all of the above
1. urine from Foley drainage system

2. Nasogastric suction, diarrhea stools

3. surgical wound receptacles, chest tube drainage

4. emesis, ileostomy

Which of the following statements are TRUE of dehydration in older adults? Select all that apply

1.Decrease fluid intake increases the likelihood of constipation

2. Dehydration increases the risk of hypotension (low BP)

3.Mild disorientation maybe the first indication of dehydration

4.Physiologic changes in the skin and mucous membranes decrease their reliability as indicators of dehydration.

answer: 1,2,3,4
1.Decrease fluid intake increases the likelihood of constipation

2. Dehydration increases the risk of hypotension (low BP)

3.Mild disorientation maybe the first indication of dehydration

4.Physiologic changes in the skin and mucous membranes decrease their reliability as indicators of dehydration.

The nurse explains to a patient that the drug Lasix reduces edema by drawing water from the interstitial space into the intravascular space. What is this process called?


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Why are the elderly more at risk of fluid balance?

The elderly have a reduced capacity to excrete a water load, which means they are predisposed to water overload and hyponatremia. Furthermore, various neuroendocrine changes in the elderly affect fluid and electrolyte homeostasis.

What impacts fluid balance in the body quizlet?

Diet, exercise, alcohol consumption affect fluid balance.

How does the body maintain fluid balance quizlet?

To maintain water balance, intake from liquids, foods and metabolism must equal losses from the kidneys, skin, lungs, and GI tract. Whenever the body experiences low blood volume, low blood pressure, or highly concentrated body fluids, the actions of ADH, renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone restore homeostasis.

Which of the following is most important in proper fluid balance?

Sodium plays a critical role in helping your cells maintain the right balance of fluid. It's also used to help cells absorb nutrients. It's the most abundant electrolyte ion found in the body.