Which information concerning a goal indicates a nurse has a good understanding of its purpose quizlet?

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1 Open-mindedness, continual inquiry, and perseverance.

3 Recognition of an issue, analysis of related information, and formation of conclusions.

4 Imagination and exploration of alternatives, consideration of ethical principles, and informed decision making.

Critical thinking is a continuous process characterized by open-mindedness, continual inquiry, and perseverance. It may help the nurse to be open to new ideas and incorporate modifications. Critical thinking involves recognizing that an issue exists, analyzing information about the issue, evaluating information, and making conclusions. It is a step-by-step process to come to a logical solution for a client health problem. A critical thinker considers what is important in each clinical situation, imagines and explores alternatives, considers ethical principles, and makes informed decisions about the care of clients. Critical thinking does not depend on only the diagnostic reports and analysis.
Text Reference - p. 193

The nurse cared for a 14-year-old with renal failure who died near the end of the work shift. The health care team tried for 45 minutes to resuscitate the child with no success. The family was devastated by the loss, and, when the nurse tried to talk with them, the mother said, "You can't make me feel better; you don't know what it's like to lose a child." Which of the following examples of journal entries might best help the nurse reflect and think about this clinical experience? Select all that apply.

1 Data entry of time of day, who was present, and condition of the child

2 Description of the efforts to restore the child's blood pressure, what was used, and questions about the child's response

3 The meaning the experience had for the nurse with respect to her understanding of dealing with a client's death

4 A description of what the nurse said to the mother, the mother's response, and how the nurse might approach the situation differently in the future

5 The history of the child's illness


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