Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Recommended textbook solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

1,967 solutions

Grew up in northern Alberta, Canada; went to college at the University of British Columbia
Did graduate work in clinical psychology at the University of Iowa because it was known for research on learning processes
After obtaining his Ph.D. at Iowa in 1952, went to Stanford University, where he has spent his entire career
Work on familial causes of aggression identified the central role of modeling
Adolescent Aggression (Bandura & Walters, 1959) and Social Learning and Personality Development (Bandura & Walters, 1963) laid the foundations for the social-cognitive perspective on personality
1969, Principles of Behavior Modification, reformulated behavior therapy by directing therapists' attention to the thinking processes of their clients
During the past quarter century, has devoted attention to thinking processes involving personal goals, self-evaluation, and beliefs about one's own capabilities for performance (1977, 1997)
Central interest is in the ways in which these thinking processes give people the capacity for personal agency
Addresses societal factors, such as social and economic conditions, that influence people's beliefs about their ability to influence events
Most significant effort to formulate his comprehensive theory is Social Foundations of Thought and Action (Bandura, 1986)
Has received numerous awards for distinguished scientific achievement
Was elected president of the American Psychological Association (APA)
Received APA's Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award
Received William James Award from the Association for Psychological Science for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology
In 2016, was the first figure in the history of personality to receive the US National Medal of Science

Recommended textbook solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?


6th EditionSpencer A. Rathus

380 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

Recommended textbook solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development

10th EditionJohn Santrock

401 solutions

Which individual differences factor is generally regarded as the most powerful predictor of job performance quizlet?

Essentials of Abnormal Psychology

8th EditionDavid Barlow, Stefan Hofmann, V Durand

433 solutions

Which factor has the most powerful influence over job performance?

It seems that the most powerful influence over our job performance is our general mental ability, or cognitive abilities. Our reasoning abilities, verbal and numerical skills, analytical skills, and overall intelligence level seems to be important across most situations.

Which of the following is the best predictor of job performance?

The best predictors for good job performance are volunteering, putting in extra effort, cooperating, following rules and procedures, and endorsing organizational goals.

Which of the following is the best predictor of job performance quizlet?

Cognitive ability appears to be the best predictor of task performance across all job situations.

What are the major predictors of job performance quizlet?

The Big Five are conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness, and openness to experience. Of the Big Five, conscientiousness and emotional stability are the most valid predictors of future success and performance.