Which group constituted the backbone of the American labor force throughout the 19th century?

In the late 19th century about 80% of the population of the population was working class. In order to be considered middle class, you had to have at least one servant. Most servants were female. (Male servants were much more expensive because men were paid much higher wages).

What late-nineteenth-century development led to a growing class-consciousness in the United States? The growing gap between the rich and the poor.

Social Darwinism was the product of late nineteenth-century economic and political expansion. The social Darwinists’ reliance on natural laws allowed social, political, and scientific leaders to dismiss those who sought to redistribute wealth and power by claiming that reformers were violating the natural hierarchy.

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

The Brooklyn Bridge made New York City the most important commercial metropolis in the United States. … The bridge solved the problem of the lack of housing on the narrow island of Manhattan as people are now able to live in their homes in Brooklyn and commute safely and quickly to their jobs in New York City.

John Roebling faced numerous problems that prevented other engineers from building a crossway connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan. The first challenge was the width of the river and it’s unique feature of being salty and constantly exposed to tidal conditions and turbulence.

Brooklyn Bridge, suspension bridge spanning the East River from Brooklyn to Manhattan in New York City. A brilliant feat of 19th-century engineering, the Brooklyn Bridge was the first bridge to use steel for cable wire, and during its construction explosives were used inside a pneumatic caisson for the first time.

How did the process of mechanization affect industrialists employment and hiring practices in the late 19th century?

railroad expansion and low steamship fares brought many immigrants to America. … How did the process of mechanization affect U.S. industrialists hiring and employment practices in the late nineteenth century? a. It allowed industrialists to replace skilled laborers with lower-paid, unskilled immigrant laborers.

What do labor unions do quizlet?

The main purpose of labor unions is to give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining.

Which of the following describes economic survival of the 19th century American working class family?

Which of the following describes the economic survival of the nineteenth-century American working-class family? A family’s survival depended on the employment of every family member. … Samuel Gompers, the founder of the American Federation of Labor, fought for higher pay and better working conditions for skilled labor.

How did the inventions of the late nineteenth century change everyday American life?

there were two technological innovations that profoundly changed daily life in the 19th century: steam power and electricity. The railroad helped expand the U.S.. The telegraph, the telephone, and the typewriter brought people together that were far away. You just studied 26 terms!

What was one reason for the expansion of machine politics in the late nineteenth century?

What was one reason for the expansion of machine politics in the late 19th century? the rapid influx of immigrants made it difficult for local governments to provide basic services.

What inventions were made during the Gilded Age?

Innovations during the Gilded Age. The following inventions pushed Industrialization to great heights during the Gilded Age: the telephone, light bulb, and the Kodak camera are just a few of main ones. Others include the first record player, motor, motion picture, phonograph, and cigarette roller.

Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality at various times over the past century and a half.

What was the outcome of the great railroad strike of 1877 quizlet?

What was the outcome of the great railroad strike of 1877? Railroad workers walked off the job in other states and seriously disrupted commerce in the East and Midwest. The strikes were ended within a few weeks, but not before major incidents of vandalism and violence.

How did the great strike of 1877 aid or harm workers?

In Martinsburg, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other cities, workers burned down and destroyed both physical facilities and the rolling stock of the railroads—engines and railroad cars. Local populations feared that workers were rising in revolution such as the Paris Commune of 1871.

What was the Chicago school of the late nineteenth century?

Chicago School, group of architects and engineers who, in the late 19th century, developed the skyscraper. They included Daniel Burnham, William Le Baron Jenney, John Root, and the firm of Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan.

Why is the Chicago school important?

Conceived in 1892, the Chicago School first rose to international prominence as the epicenter of advanced sociological thought between 1915 and 1935, when their work would be the first major bodies of research to specialize in urban sociology.

Why did the Chicago school emerge?

The Chicago school emerged at a time when the city was experiencing rapid social changes owing to a rapid increase in population as a result of great migration. These massive social changes caused problems regarding; housing, poverty and strain on institutions.

Where did Chicago school started?

The Chicago School began its first classes at temporary quarters located at the YMCA Building located on 30 West Chicago Avenue. The school moved to the Fine Arts Building on Michigan Avenue in 1980.

12. Nineteenth-Century Cities

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what development led to the emergence of the modern skyscraper in the 1890s?
describe the settlement pattern of a typical american city
what developments affected human health and life expectancy?
during the 1880s, the knights of labor advocated for
education in the 1900s in america
education during the gilded age quizlet
education in the 1900s compared to now
which reason best explains why american cities grew in the late 1800s

See more articles in category: FAQ

Which group was the backbone of the American labor force throughout the nineteenth century?

Throughout the nineteenth century, as American capitalism built its industrial base, the factory system drew its labor force from the peasant and village cultures of Europe. The huge wave of immigrants who entered this country in the 1800s became the backbone of developing mass production.

Which of the following describes the economic survival of the 19th century American working class family?

Which of the following describes the economic survival of the nineteenth-century American working-class family? A family's survival depended on the employment of every family member.

What was the Chicago school of the late nineteenth century?

Chicago School, group of architects and engineers who, in the late 19th century, developed the skyscraper. They included Daniel Burnham, William Le Baron Jenney, John Root, and the firm of Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan.

Which group or groups took part in the February 1892?

The Populist party. The Populist, or People's, party was officially organized in St. Louis in February 1892 and held its first nominating convention in Omaha in July. Dominated by farmers, the party also reached out to labor and reform‐minded groups and reflected this broader constituency in its platform.


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